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Updated 2016-10-19

* added Polyhedron magazine (TSR imprint only, issues #1-141)

* updated Oriental Adventures (1E).pdf in \D&D_Collection (added: missing last page
of the book!)
* updated D&D - The Dragon's Den Box (Basic).pdf in \D&D_Collection (added: 72
character & monster stand-ups!)
* updated D&D - The Dragon's Den Box (Basic) in \D&D_Collection (update: slightly
better counters/tokens)
* moved contents of \MORE_TSR to root (and deleted \MORE_TSR)

Updated 2016-10-17

* added more Forgotten Realms novels to \FICTION

* updated/added more Ravenloft novels to \FICTION
* Moved MAGAZINES out of \MORE TSR
* added Dungeon Magazine #1-77 to \MAGAZINES\

Updated 2016-10-14

* Added new "Fiction" folder for novels and comic books (only those printed with
TSR imprint, 1984-1999)
* Added Forgotten Realms novels
* Added Dragonlance novels
* Added Greyhawk novels
* Added Mystara novels
* Added Birthright novels
* Added Planescape novel
* Added Ravenloft novels
* Added Spelljammer novels
* Added misc TSR novels
* added Star*Drive novels
* Added Spelljammer comic books
* Added Dragonlance comic books
* added Dungeons & Dragons Classics TPBs
* moved Labyrinth of Madness comic from /MISC to FICTION/COMICS

Updated 2016-10-09

Uploaded Dragon Magazine (TSR run only, issues 1 - 266)

Updated 2016-10-09

Added some more product lines published by TSR
Reminder: there hasn't been much work done cleaning up these books, so they may be
extremely poor quality or incomplete.

Uploaded Star Frontiers

Uploaded Top Secret (and Top Secret SI)
Uploaded Magazines\Ares
Uploaded Magazines\Imagine
Uploaded Magazines\Strategic Review

Moved Endless Quest 1 - Dungeon of Dread.pdf from MISC to MORE TSR\GAMEBOOKS

Updated 2016-10-07

Added some more product lines published by TSR
Reminder: there hasn't been much work done cleaning up these books, so they may be
extremely poor quality or incomplete.

Uploaded Don't Give Up the Ship

Uploaded Gamebooks
Uploaded Gamma World
Uploaded Gangbusters
Uploaded Indiana Jones
Uploaded Marvel Super Heroes

Updated 2016-10-05

Dungeons & Dragons

Chainmail 3rd Ed (2nd Printing) (OD&D).pdf
(fixed font issue)
FOR10 - Warriors and Priests of The Realms (2E).pdf
(add comment re: p.88 is missing)

Added new "MORE TSR" folder for other non-D&D TSR products.
Currently there hasn't been much work done cleaning up these books, so they may be
extremely poor quality or incomplete.

Uploaded Alternity Rules

Uploaded Alternity/Dark Matter
Uploaded Alternity/Gamma World
Uploaded Alternity/Star Craft
Uploaded Alternity/Star Drive
Uploaded Amazing Engine
Uploaded Boot Hill

Moved the Board Games from \MISC to \MORE TSR

Moved the Conan RPG from \MISC to \MORE TSR
Moved the CD-ROMs from \MISC to \MORE TSR


Files uploaded

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