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Respon Pertumbuhan Tinggi Tanaman Zea Mays Terhadap Pemberian

Dolomit pada Media Tanah Gambut

Ramses Lumban Toruan, Astika Sari Halawa, Indah Aida Fatihah, Feni Armandani, Sakinah
Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP
Universitas Riau Pekanbaru 28293


The aim of this study was to know high growth response of zea mays plant
against dolomite giving on peat soil media.The experiment was arranged in a completely
randomized design (CDR) with 3 treatments and repeated 3 times.The first factor was 0
gram dolomite/polybag with repeated 3 times,the second factor was 5 gram
dolomite/polybag with repeated 3 times and the third factor was 10 gram
dolomite/polybag with repeated 3 times. The peat soil was taken from rimbo panjang,
riau. The result showed that dolomite has a significant effect on the growth of plant
height on peat soil.


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