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This is a bit of a stretch for some of these

kanji, but I think you can group all the
family kanji together with body parts and
tools (like ). All of these kanji basically : ibu
involve humans in some way. For
example, you can include (onna, Kun yomi : haha, mo
woman) and (otoko, man) because they On yomi : bo
are only used with humans. There are

actually different, much more complicated
kanji used for the sex of plants and
: anak-anak, 11pm-1am

: orang
Kun yomi : ko,-ko, ne
On yomi : shi, su, tsu

Kun yomi : hito, -ri, -to
On yomi : jin, nin
: teman

: wanita
Kun yomi : tomo
On yomi : yuu

Kun yomi : onna, me
On yomi : jo, nyo, nyoo
: nama

: laki-laki

Kun yomi : otoko, o

Kun yomi : na
On yomi : myou, mei
: mata
Kun yomi : me, ma
On yomi : moku, boku
On yomi : dan, nan

: ayah

Kun yomi : mimi
: telinga, mendengar

Kun yomi : chichi

On yomi : ji
On yomi : fu
: kaki

Kun yomi : ashi, tariru, TARU, TASU

On yomi : soku

: kata, bahasa

Kun yomi : kataru, katarau, katari

On yomi : go

Kun yomi : moto

: buku

On yomi : hon

: mobil, kendaraan

Kun yomi : kuruma

On yomi : shaa

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