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Blood Chemistry Result

(July 25, 2010)

Tests Result Unit Reference Value Indication

WBC 11.4 10*3/ul (5.0- 10.0) It is beyond the
normal range.
Increase in the WBC
count may indicate
RBC 4.96 10*6/ul (4.2-5.4) Within the normal
Hemoglobin 12.9 g/dl (12.0-16.0) Within the normal
Hematocrit 36.4 % (37.0-47.0) It is quiet low. Low
Hct may suggests an
MCV 73.4 fL (82.0-98.0) Low MCV may
indicate microcytic
MCH 26.0 pg (27.0-31.0) Low MCH may
indicate microcytic
MCHC 35.0 g/dL (31.5-35.0) It is below the
normal range.

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RDW-CV 12.8 % (12.0-17.0) Within the Normal
PDW 8.0 fL (9.0-16.0)
MPV 7.6 fL (8.0-12.0)

Differential Count

Tests Result Unit Reference Value Indication

Lymphocyte 9.4 % (17.4-48.2) Low lymphocyte means that the
patient is susceptible to
Neutrophil 83.9 % (43.4-76.2) It is beyond the normal range
thus, it may indicate a high level
of stress that is placed on the
body. The stress can due to
many factors such as
nervousness, exercise, or
seizures (involuntary muscle
movements due to
overexcitement of nerve cells in
the brain). Another cause is a
sudden infection from bacteria.
Damage or inflammation of
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tissues can also lead to a high
neutrophil count.
Monocyte 6.6 % (4.5-10.5) It is within the normal range and
thus, it promotes protection
against infection.
Eosinophils 0.1 % (1.0 – 3.0) Low levels of this may indicate
decrease protection against
susceptibility of infecetion.
Basophils 0.0 % (0.0-2.0) Within the normal range.
Bands/ Stabs - % (1.0-2.0)
Platelet 273 10^3/dL (150-400) Within the normal range thus, th
clotting factors is good.

Other Laboratory Results

(July 27, 2010)

What is being tested Actual Value Unit Normal Values Indication

BUN 7.4 mg/dL (4.6 – 23.4) Within the normal range
which means that kidneys
are excreting properly waste

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K+ 2.50 meq/L (3.5 – 5.0) Low levels of serum
potassium levels indicate
hypokalmia, thus the cardiac
functioning may be altered.
Na+ 115.11 meq/L (135 – 145) Low levels of sodium may
alter the muscle functioning
as well as the cardiac

Other Laboratory Results

(July 28, 2010)

What is being tested Actual Value Unit Normal Values Indication

Glucose 82.0 mg/dL (59.9 – 110.1) Within the normal range.
K+ 2.3 meq/L (3.5 – 5.0) Low levels of serum
potassium levels indicate
hypokalmia, thus the cardiac
functioning may be altered.
Na+ 115.5 meq/L (135 – 145) Low levels of sodium may
alter the muscle functioning
as well as the cardiac

Other Laboratory Results

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(July 29, 2010)

What is being tested Actual Value Unit Normal Values Indication

BUN 14.0 mg/dL (4.6 – 23.4) Within the normal range
which means that kidneys
are excreting properly waste
K+ 5.0 meq/L (3.5 – 5.0) Within the normal range
thus, it promotes proper
cardiac functioning.
Na+ 128.7 meq/L (135 – 145) Low levels may alter muscle
activity that may lead spastic

Other Laboratory Results

(July 30, 2010)

What is being tested Actual Value Unit Normal Values Indication

BUN 25.5 mg/dL (4.6 – 23.4) Increase in BUN level may
indicate that their urine
retention which also retain
waste products within the.
Presence of bacteria may be
K+ 5.0 meq/L (3.5 – 5.0) Within the normal range
thus, it promotes proper

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cardiac functioning.
Na+ 134.19 meq/L (135 – 145) It is quiet low thus, in the
least way, it may alter
muscle activities.
Creatinine 2.94 mg/dL (0.60 – 1.20) Same way that in the
increase of Bun suggest
retention of urine. High lvels
of creatinine also influence
the retention of such waste
products which are
composed by ammonia and
the like. This test is more
accurate than the Bun
because increase in Bun
level may brought by protein
Glucose 79.3 mg/dL (59.9 – 110.1) Within the normal range
thus, it promotes proper
tissue perfusion.


(July 25, 2010)

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Urine color: light yellow may suggest hematuria which is abnormal and should be treated as
soon as possible.
Urine appearance: clear

pH: 5.0

Urine Specific Gravity: 1.005

Epithelial Cells: Few

Pus Cells(WBC): 3 – 5

RBC: 2 – 3

Chemical Properties:

Proteins: Trace

Glucose: (-)

Impression: The color of the urine as well as its appearance and pH

may suggest no problems but it shows that its low urine specific
cavity may suggest Aldosteronism (very rare), Excessive fluid intake,
Diabetes insipidus - central, Diabetes insipidus - nephrogenic, Renal
failure, Renal tubular necrosis or Severe kidney infection
(pyelonephritis). Normally, urine should be not contained with foreign
contents thus, composition of epithelial cells, pus cells may indicate
the presence of infection. Furthermore, presence of RBC in the urine

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