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4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan

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File: 1489755523760.png (245 KB, 1465x1209)

Compare yourself to your fatherAnonymous
04/17/17(Mon)13:26:55No.36336687 >>36336794 >>36336889
>>36336998 >>36337123 >>36337135 >>36337281 >>36337335 >>36337735
>>36337775 >>36338147 >>36338149 >>36338181 >>36338207 >>36338290
>>36338300 >>36339002 >>36339694 >>36339716 >>36339833 >>36341623
>>36341826 >>36342109 >>36342741 >>36342777 >>36343010 >>36343526
>>36343699 >>36343709 >>36344569 >>36344671

>built his own fortune
>travelled all around the world. At my age he had already been
abroad several times
>dresses in suits almost every day
>really intelligent but uneducated . He droppe high school when
he was 17
>at the age of 20 he was the drummer of a rock band and founded the first football team of our town all while
>everyone knows and respects him around here

>never left this town without my parents
>dress like a hobo
>intelligent but lazy
>at the age of 20 I haven't accomplished shit
>I'm the black sheep of the family for everyone

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)13:34:50No.36336791 >>36336888

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If he couldn't raise you in a way that made you comfortable with yourself than he isn't
very successful then.

The way you talk about him sounds like he bullshits about his life and puts you down
to feel better about himself.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)13:35:19No.36336794

>>36336687 (OP)
>worked a decent job 1/31
4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan

>lost his childhood friend when young adult (suicide)

>started boozing
>lost his job
>got another education
>ended up in a dead end job
>drank his health down the drain
>got divorced on by psychotic mom
>still drinks to this day

>after divorce stuck with mom
>mom was so psychotic she basically was on perma period mode about everything
>dropped out of high school
>become alcoholic
>experimented with drugs
>2 gf's in 28 yrs, one cheated and another dumped me
>NEET ever since i dropped out (some slave work from welfare of
fice but thats it)
>got psychosis from mind altering drugs for 9 years

"just play the cards you're dealt brah"

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)13:43:32No.36336888

He never bragged and probably he and my mother made me live a too comfortable life. Most of the stuf
I know about him comes from others

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)13:43:33No.36336889

File: Bored Pepe.jpg (15 KB, 400x387)

>>36336687 (OP)
>Grew up youngest in family
>Went to christian college and met my mom
>Got married and had kids
>Got job working for christian organization, didn't really relate
much to his college major

>Grew up youngest in family, but with only older sisters.
>In college so far.

That's about it. He's probably slightly more sociable than me, but not by that much.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)13:52:30No.36336998

>>36336687 (OP)
>Crack dealer
>Lived with his mom most of his adult life because he didn't make enough selling drugs
>5 years in prison
>his hobbies are drinking and getting high
>Lies about everything
>First kid at 15

>live with mom
>interviewed for a job that pays 180k two weeks ago but didn't get it
>Trying to go bac to college
>Virgib at 23 and turning 24 in two months

How did the son of a degenerate end up a hapless robot?

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)13:52:47No.36337002

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4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan
>raised by a single mom
that had low income jobs
>studied in public school
>studied in public college
>had a job since young
>works from monday to friday
>likes going out in weekends, loves the beach.
>is a successful man

>raised on a catholic middle-class home
>studied in private school
>studied in private college
>hate leaving the house
>failed to get a job by myself
>have extreme self-loathing and insecurities
>i'm a piece of shit with no ambitions on life

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)13:58:23No.36337072

Old man:
>dont know
>travelled around the country with friends when he was younger
>got married at 35
>IT guy and also truck driver and also speed dealer
>hung around with bikers
>emotionally and physically abusive (then again so is my mother)

>almost a lawyer
>no friends
>no career prospects
>strong desire for discipline and authority
>actively work against having romantic or friendship relationships
>hate children
>hate women
>hate men
>deplore violence but have extremely violent urges
>still lives at home in spite of making okay money while studying
>planning to kill myself by july 2019

I guess i turned out okay

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:00:22No.36337097 >>36337981 >>36339831

File: 1489277131656.png (131 KB, 658x400)

>Farmer boy
>Grown up in a village
>Since 5 he worked in the land and as mason
>He never went to school, learn how to wright
and read by his own
>Grown a strong sense of responsibility and determination
>Shitty parents made him stronger and independent
>Build his own house
>Build his own furniture
>Learn how to fish and hunt
>Had many local girlfriends

>Useless boy
>Grown up in a small town (village by the time became a small town)
>Never worked one day of his life (22)
>Went to school and still a retarded
>Good parents, but ended up with a shitty personality
>Can't assemble one simple chair without making a mess 3/31
4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan

>Does not know how to cook or hunt

>22 kissless virgin

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:02:23No.36337123

>>36336687 (OP)
Father: Fuckboy
Me: The realest nigga alive

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:03:12No.36337134

>farmer from three generations back
>owns hundreds of acres
>nice house in a good rural location
>stereotypical "gentleman farmer"
>at the age of 20 he was on the ground in Vietnam
>owns part of the town

>short as fuck
>easily intimidated
>at the age of 28 I haven't accomplished shit
>no one even talks about me

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:03:17No.36337135

>>36336687 (OP)
Alcoholic friendless socially anxious NEET who denies he ever gets socially anxious and uses excuses
to retain his social isolation

Me: Basically the same except I admit to my weaknesses and am addicted to weed instead of booze.

I never had a chance. I hate my father with a passion. He's everything I hate about myself. I hate my
mother for choosing his beta provider genes. She should have cheated on him with a Chad.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:07:58No.36337186 >>36341522

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we're both essentially the same person, except I'm uglier and stupider and have
my mother's anxiety and empathy.

he grew up poorer and made my life better and i intend to do the same to my
children. he wasn't the perfect father but i intend to learn from his mistakes and
show my kids more affection, teach them skills that they'll need as adults, and
instill discipline in them.

we have different interest and don't always see eye to eye but I love my dad. he's a niceeasonable
r guy
we can't be mad at each other even when we disagree. I'll have that man's back until the day that i die

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:12:34No.36337248

>grew up in abusive, poor household
>lucked into college, then proceeded to get straight As and scholarships
>has worked practically all around the country
>family went from dirt poor to middle class thanks to him
>works as a CEO now
>hobbies include hunting, metalworking and having af fairs
>basically a middle-aged Chad

>21, uglier and shorter than him
>virgin, unfit, no accomplishments to speak of 4/31
4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan

>college student, mostly failing at it

>never had a job that he didn't get me
>never enjoyed any of the jobs he did
>used to like programming, find it unpleasant now
, have no other skills
>would rather spend time on the internet than outside

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:12:59No.36337251

>huge ugly nose
>ears that protrude more than will smiths
>bald as long as I've been alive
>bug eyes
>low iq and works slightly above minimum wage at Ikea.
>is always angry and depressed because he's ugly and was bullied in high school. Is too dumb to not be
>no noteworthy achievements that I know of but he married a beautiful women after she rode the cock
> look like my dad, so I'm ugly.
>can't socialize with people because I have a blatantly ugly face like my father
, yet am not tall enough to
be physically imposing and make people feel intimidated.
> bullied mercilessly throughout high school, would have drove most people to suicide, but I'm not really
bothered by it.
> yet I don't have any friends.
>father hates me for not being sociable yet he set me up for failure.
> I do well in school. Have skipped a grade and am on deans list in college. Could do better.
> he doesn't really care because im not a popular sports jock.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:16:14No.36337281

>>36336687 (OP)
Biological father:
>Cooked and sold meth
>Made cash by smuggling rich Indians and Arabs over the border (communism) via the snowy
>Made money by theft. One time stole 100kg of dynamite from a mine. Kept it in a cabinet and laughed
at my pregnant mother saying it can all blow up just from cell phone signal
>"Borrowed" parked cars from the street to get to disco in other city
, left the cars there
>Been in high speed chases with the cops, always lost them
>Had connections with the "guy with black Beamer who makes people dissapear"

All that by the time he was 23. Shit went down and he spent the next 19 years in hiding from police and
Eating bread and salt the whole time. But guess What?

>learned how to make 3d models and sold them online

>Got offer from Bohemia Interactive (OFP
, ARMA) to join their team in Brdy HQ

>Didn't even start high school
>NEET since 15
>at 17 moved in with 22 yo ex gf
>let her provide while fucking around on pc for 4 years
>22, became psychotic, hospitalized in psych ward against my will
>Broke up with ex while inside
>Released, had to move in on mother's couch
>23 now, no money, no skills, no room, no bed, no pc, no privacy
>By the end of the month going back to nut house to avoid being homeless

Just before I got hospitalized i wrote an ebook on how to stop hating yourself. 5 star review
, guy in his
50s said I saved his life and that he is thanking me with tears in his eyes.
Sells 1-2 copies per month.

So yeah. That's the ONE (1) thing I did. Sometimes I wonder what I could achieve if I didn't just fuck
about for the past 8 years. 5/31
4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan
>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:21:00No.36337335

>>36336687 (OP)
>Barely saw his father and had no role model
>Hated authority
>Grew up in a tough environment
>Alpha af
>Left winger
>Stupid because he was never interested in learning until he was in his mid 30s
>Had a kid at 18

>Barely saw my father and i have no role model
>Likes authority
>Grew up in a tough environment
>somewhat alpha because of genes
>Right winger
>Started studying from a young age
>Can't get a gf at the age of 19

Daddy is the typical chad still love the geezer

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:21:14No.36337339

File: 3a23a23ceaba5c057448b2860(...).png(424 KB, 492x409)

>came from rich family that turned
>not dumb and but used to be lazy
>somewhat outcast in his youth
>atleast good at sports
>got nothing done first years of his
life then became lawyer
>mom was only woman he didn't pay for sex

>come from middle class family
>people think I'm smart but dumb and lazy
>complete outcast
>couldn't catch a ball if my life depended on it
>never get anything done

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:24:00No.36337365


>ex army now works serious crime


>smokes weed and washes dishes

we still get on surprisingly well

>> Anonacher 04/17/17(Mon)14:24:28No.36337371

How the fuck am I gonna compare my self to my dad we literally do the same shit.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:26:27No.36337395

both my Dad and I spent our youths as fuckups blowing in the wind, the only legit thing about us being
the money we've made. also we got "good genes" (besides our manletism). 6/31
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my dad also met my mom when he was my age (20) but I'm not jealous because she fucked at least one
guy before him and also idk if I can even "like" a girl anymore myself

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:29:52No.36337435


>6 feet
>played semi-professional soccer
>STEM grad
>married at 24
>many friends
>own business by 27
>two kids by 31


>humanities degree
>dead-end data entry job
>no friends
>no gf ever

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:33:57No.36337491

>worked in a shitty job where he had to travel a lot
>did college to become a teacher/professor but then decide it wasn't what he wanted
>got a job in a public institution
>met mom
>was beta as fuck and mom had to start their relationship
>played the sax and guitar

>worked in a shitty job where he had to travel a lot
>did college to become a teacher/professor but then decide it wasn't what he wanted
>got a job in a public institution
>met my gf
>was beta as fuck but decided to say FUCK IT and talk to her
>play the sax and guitar

I'm like a less beta version of dad. Also /fit/. And manlet.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:38:36No.36337554

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>was chad
>spent his youth causing trouble around town
with his brothers
>dropped out of school early
>rode motorcycles, smoked and drank whiskey
>buff but not ripped like a gym fag, just raw strength
>wore a glorious thick mustache
>met mom after she already had her first kid (my sister)
>got my mom pregnant with me and my brother
>worked hard as a construction worker to support us
>had to give up his hard rock life to be a family man
>died of cancer at 52

>weak physique
>next to no friends 7/31
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>can't grow beard

>spent most of my youth in front of a screen
>smarter than avarage and pretty charismatic
>share his taste in music
>never gonna pick up smoking since he told me not to
>finished school because he told me to
>try to live more since he hated people who spent all their lives indoors
>change my life to try and be more like him

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:39:08No.36337558

>Raised by a single mom because his father died pretty early
>Grew up poor
>Ended up dropping out out of school to help support the family
>Is a production manager at a plant
>Confident, outgoing, generous, and an all around nice person
>Definitely a hard worker and for a 45 year old, he can probably run circles around me
>Intimidating, yet very approachable

>Spitting image of him
>Just looks, I'm about 5'9 and he's 6 feet
>Going to school for accounting
>He was there to be the role model in my life, yet I still turned out dif
ferent personality wise for some
>I'm less outgoing than him
>People tend to walk all over me and take advantage of me

Although I am independent, he constantly calls me to make sure I'm okay. We've had issues where my
mother's side of the family keeps hogging us for hand-outs, and he absolutely despises it because he
sees them as lazy. He's a great person, but Iwish I was more like him.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:41:32No.36337595

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>he had a bad

relationship with his

>I have a bad

relationship with my

You just can't win

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:46:58No.36337666

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My Dad
>manic depressive
>rough childhood
>dad left when he was young and died when he was 16
>drug addict in his youth
>chad though
>lost his virginity at 16
>cucked my mums boyfriend at the time

>suffer with depression
>don't drink
>dad kinda fucked up my childhood
>26 y/o virgin
>never held down a job 8/31
4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan

>can't drive

His life has pretty much been a mess, yet I still think he considers me a disappointment

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:48:14No.36337686

>Born in 3rd world shithole
>Never attended highschool, no academic accomplishments
>Almost no social life, ran away from home multiple times
>Couldn't find a woman on his own so he had one arranged
>Managed to immigrate to my country through my uncle
>Managed to get a stable job bought a house, a car, and had kids
>Dark skin, lazy eye

>Born in an industrialized country
>Finished highschool with mostly As, and got on the honour roll
>Studying engineering at uni
>Almost no social life, bullied relentelessly at school. aTlk to a total of two people at uni
>Had multiple chances at a relationship, fucked up all of them
>I look more like my mother. So light skin, no lazy eye

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:49:33No.36337694

>Grew up dirt poor in a Virginia Mountain town
>Family of 8
>Barely scraping by but does well in school
>Gets a job to pay for college, all As
>Gets a full ride to an Ivy leauge for grad school
>Grafuates and meets mom
>Moves to NJ to work
>Moves to MN to get better work, 400k a year
>Still there

>Grew up in family of 7 with no trouble
>Can't socalize but really smart, love to read nonfiction
>Get first patent at 16
>Lots of science fair awards
>First job at 17
>Get into college I want
>All As

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:52:32No.36337735

>>36336687 (OP)
I am taller than my father. I still have handlets conpared to his hands though.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:55:42No.36337775

>>36336687 (OP)
>His father was a dickhead and he was raised in a terrible family
, a very large poverty stricken family
>Complete alpha chad that fucked everything that moved
>Huge temper problems would often beat my mother and try to get at me
>When my mother finally 'threw' him out he went of
f jetsetting around the world with one of his girls
>Vacationed to lots of hotspots etc etc
>Eventually ran out of money and came back
>Pretends nothing happened and my mother is a complete cuck, despite being absent until I was 16

Me 9/31
4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan

>Complete loser thats never accomplished anything

>Mum would always blame me for things, shout at me, I had a habbit of saying "sorry , sorry" repeatedly
under my breath
>Constantly reminding me I'm just like my father and I'll fuck off when I find another woman
>She provided for me but would constantly rage at me, I couldn't even take a deep breath without
>Would literally sit next to my bed to 'help' me get to sleep, staring at me, I would close ymeyes shut
tightly, cross my fingers and try to force myself to sleep
>Could literally hear her heavy breathing and eyes on me
>Complete control freak that never let me get an ounce of inpdendance until I was 18
>I'm a complete sperg/loser
>Unpopular one of the family
>Jobless NEET/hiki that lives with my grandmother

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)14:56:16No.36337780

>oldest child
>grew up farmboy
>father grew up during the Great Depression/Dust Bowl and taught him the harsh ways of the world at a
young age
>track and field legend of his high school
>made average grades
>first gen to go to college
>left his small farm town for good
>self made business man
>lots of friends
>slayed in college
>used "free tutoring" gimmick to pick up women
>now the father of 3 with a stable marriage and well of
f source of income

>oldest child
>grew up in upper middle class suburbs
>father taught me the importance of hard work and put responsibility on me at a young age
>private catholic education
>Tri-sport athlete with 10 varsity letters but not as good as dad
>honor roll student in HS
>small group of loyal friends
>ok with picking up women but struggle with relationships
>use Dad's same "free tutoring" gimmick to pick up women
>now a first year STEM major on scholarship

It's really my brothers that fall far from the tree

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:03:58No.36337901 >>36337945

File: 1492394141576.png (59 KB, 658x662)

>Socially retarded
>Fat faggot
>Loser who browses shitty boards on the internet like this to wallow in self pity

>Potentially some guy who fucked my roastie teenage mother and had a siezure after nutting
>Still not sure if that's the one but it would explain the epilepsy

Were any of your mother's whore Staceys in their youth?

I still have a lot of love and respect for her but goddamn the other guy she thought my dad was was a
heroin dealer who regularly shot up in the car next to her

The only other 'father figure' in my youth was manipulative as hell, verbally abused my mother
, my sister,
and I, spent all the money my mom gave him for college on weed and threatened suicide when she tried
to leave him.

He is now an aspiring transgender battle rapper whose only job was delivering pizzas. 10/31
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Can anyone top that?

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:07:19No.36337945 >>36338124

How do you love and respect your whore mom?

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:08:23No.36337955

>Never knew his father, born to drug addict teenage mother
>Supported his mother the moment he turned 13
>Worked every single day after school as a fry cook until midnight
>Star football player in his high school
>Joined the Marine Corps, fought in Gulf War
>Married his high school sweetheart, got job as cop, built comfortable life for his children

>Work as barista
>Get sent home from military school after suicide attempt

God I hate myself

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:09:46No.36337981 >>36338355 >>36339800

You simply didnt took responsibility for your fe.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:21:06No.36338120

File: 334536_10150935257385001_(...).jpg(46 KB, 1024x768)

>middle child
>had trouble making friends
>been to jail 3 times for sticking up for ppl pretending to
be his friends
>did shit at school and always told me to be better
>actually a pretty decent artist (ceramics)
>basement full of his works
>didn't sell any or host exhibitions (despite the offers) for some autistic reasons
>married when 18
>had me when 19
>almost never around, was always working
>tried to raise me well and instil some masculine values
>currently in jail again

>only child
>effeminate edgelord
>virginal autistic manlet
>writing a book, but can't seem to focus on it
>fear of failure prevents me from doing anything
>actually really good at school (despite barely trying)
>ppl expect great things (lawyer, doctor, politician, rich etc.)
>have zero drive to do any of the above
>going to visit father tomorrow and don't know how to face him

pic related is one of my father's works

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:21:14No.36338124

Her mother was a huge piece of shit who fucked her 16 y/o peer who she rejected. 11/31
4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan

This guy ended up beating her and treating her like shit, screaming at her in front of baby me etc.

Her mom used to lock her out of the house and call her in as a runaway to have her arrested.

She tried to leave one day and her mom tried to kidnap me and raise me as her own while her underage
boyfriend beat the shit out of my mother.

She and I were homeless living from friend to friend until she finally got a job at Geico and worked her
way up the corporate ladder enough that one day she had brunch with W arren Buffett. Coming from a
ghetto city and nothing she started to buy a nice house in the suburbs.

then identity theft fucked up her mortgage, transgender rap legend came out on Dr .Phil, and given that
we live in Texas our reputation was fucked and I would be getting into fights daily about this until high

We moved to 3 different elementary schools, 3 middle schools and 2 high schools after that.

Basically she was dealt a shit hand and made the best of it. She's in school to be a teacher nowz,
working 5 jobs to take care of my sister and I.

I respect the hell out of her work ethic and resilience.

also I'm 18 in high school still if that helps the context

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:22:41No.36338147

>>36336687 (OP)

>extremely abusive parents
>Highschool bully
>Highschool rugby team star
>Dropped out before finishing high school
>Traveled all around Europe and America working odd jobs and commit small time crimes
to survive
>eventually returned to England and got a permanent job as a powerplant maintenance man
>found my mom at a nightclub
>Started investing his saved up money from his traveling years into properties
>had his first child at 24 (me)
>became semi rich, could afford to send me to a private school
>second child born at 28
>for some reason became really depressed and stayed in his room smoking weed 24/7
>mom found to be cheating soon after
>dad broke up with mom
>mom sold all of his properties
>sank even deeper into depression
>lost his job and became a NEET who worked odd jobs on the side when he needed to extra cash
>became a saturday and sunday football team manager

I'm 19 now, he's kinda depressed still but he's getting a lot better

>neglectant parents
>shut in
>terrible dexterity
>suicidal and angsty
>dad hates me
>mom loves me
>antisocial (aggressive and violent) but not cool enough to be a bully
>viewed as being a school shooter type
>had a few close friends who've mostly gone into the army now
>somehow got highest grades in the year but I went to a shit school so it wasn't much of an achievement
>started exercising and eating well
>went to best sixth form in county
>still shutin but but much better at talking to people now
, have most friends I've ever had
>become debate team captain
>get okay grades (A*AB) fuck you computing, I hate coursework
>not viewed as being school shooter anymore, but joked of as being future serial killer
>go to okay uni to study maths 12/31
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>first year basically the same as sixth form, work is pretty easy most people think I'm just slightly strange
>graduated from being a KHHV a few months back, found a loving bf

I get on better with my dad now than my mom

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:22:47No.36338149

File: Untitled.png (27 KB, 274x307)

>>36336687 (OP)
>tfw this is literally my dad except he was 16 when he dropped out,
and was the guitarist.
>tfw he's a successful artist while I sit here on 4chan

Pic kinda related, his sig.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:24:33No.36338181

>>36336687 (OP)

>got a degree after studying hard
>got cucked by my mother for 15 years straight with a lover without doing anything about it
>working like a slave

>very good at school, but shit at sport
>fucked up sexuality
>no friends

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:25:15No.36338190 >>36338476 >>36338531

>grew up in a poor household
>worked at a young age
>lost his oldest brother to cancer when he was 8
>lost his youngest brother to the same cancer when I was a year or two old
>his side of my family has lots of problems to this day
>fortunately he doesn't seem to have ingerited the cancer and seems less fected
ef by the mental illness
>also theres some addicts on his side of the family, he's firmly anti-drug
>did alright monitarily on his own for a while
>has a pretty rare motorcycle model
>he got a boat when I was 3 or 4
>had a nice small comfy house
>my sister was born under a month before my 4th birthday
>never really had successful relationships
>my mom split from him when I was 5
>he almost married someone after that but she graduated college and then it didn't pan out, IDK what
>when I was 10 he started dating an abusive bitch
>they married when I was 12
>they had a son together
>my dad allowed this bitch to drive me and my sister away for a while
>the only reason he stayed with her was because his other son
>she cucked him after 5 years of mairrage
>she's the type of roastie to get married for 5 years and then divorce
>the direct catalyst for the end of the mairrage was my dad refusing her order to not visit us that
>My dad lived with friends for a little while
>He moved into the lower half of a house one town away from where both me/my mom and his abusive
ex lived
>everything was going to shit at my mom's house due to the guy she was with getting more abusive
towards me and my sister 13/31
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>end up moving in with my dad September 2016, mere months after he split with the bitch
>he now works extreme hours to support both myself, him, and pay shekels the government forces him
to pay to my mom (not much) but lots more to his abusive ex
>I still love him and he loves me

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:26:13No.36338207 >>36339246

>>36336687 (OP)
>intelligent but lazy
Kek why do robots assume claim this?

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:26:40No.36338211

>highly successful resource salesman who has created an empire within his industry
>has been highly successful in every previous job
>chad incarnate
>hundreds of friends and acquaintances

>autistic shutin NEET at the age of 27
>severe psychological and emotional issues
>cannot into basic socializing

wew lad

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:26:45No.36338214

I'm alive, so we're nothing alike.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:29:15No.36338250

fat fuck
drunk half the time
left family for our maid
told lies to me and my brother about our mother
likely wanted in uk for not paying taxes

opposite to that cunt
he only bonded with me so letting him go was hard

i remember marking a calendar 2 see him again and managed 2 accidentally drop the pencil into my
hand and never got the pencil led out so i blame him for that

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:31:10No.36338290 >>36338340

>>36336687 (OP)
>intelligent but lazy

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:31:25No.36338300 >>36338702

File: 1428284335478.jpg (360 KB, 1264x1460)

>>36336687 (OP)
>at my age was riding motorbikes and did odd
>started going mental, attempting suicide
>meets my mother in a ward
>work odd jobs again
>has me 14/31
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>living NEET 20 years, gardening, nothing much else

>been depressed since eleven
>planning suicide
>either intelligent or stupid, don't even know anymore
>have done some good, but nothing compared to my peers
>have always been the odd one out in every situation I've been in

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:33:58No.36338340

t. tryhard brainlet

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:34:06No.36338342

>studied hard to get out of the province
>arguably the most successful offspring of his family
>sustaining us and his old family
>about to hit 50 and will be forced to retire
>would fucking continue working if it was possible
>is trying to stay as fit as possible by playing tennis every morning
>sort of knowledgeable in all the necessary stuf f that a male is supposed to know like electrical repair
car repair, carpentry, etc

>31 years old
>still living with parents
>failed college multiple times
>no work experience at all
>never had a girlfriend since forever
>at the age of 21, dad had to force me to come with him to a karaoke where he hired a couple of girls to
hang out with us (also where i got my first and only kiss)
>incredibly out of shape
>only knows about computer stuff, and even then my knowledge is incredibly minuscule sa I constantly
keep forgetting about stuff
I wouldnt be surprised if I died before my dad

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:35:02No.36338355 >>36340406

You are a huge retard

T.Not him

We are not asked to come into this world, nothing should be expected of us

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:43:17No.36338476 >>36338531 >>36338533 >>36343032

>Oldest sibling
>Grew up in a bit of a fucked dynamic
>things were mostly fine until I was 5
>in that year I was diagnosed as a sperg
>also my parents split
>lived with my mom
>saw dad on weekends
>life was alright for a while
>but things declined
>severe anxiety in 4th grade
>still anxious to this day
>6th grade (when I was 12) can be categorized as the worst schoolyear of my life, followed by 10th
>Diagnosed with major depression in 10th grade 15/31
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>also had horrid acne until like halfway through senior year
>still have acne relapses to this day
>was suicidal af
>friends saved my life
>most times people couoldn't tell I'm depressed
>my behavior in HS was often a bit... eccentric to say the least
>I didn't have any fucks to give
>I got super stressed senior year
>got poor grades in classes I was traditionally good at
>I wasn't getting any work done
>I just found myself either with my head down or of f reading irrelivent shit, usually history stuff
>graduated HS just barely after managing to put myself together enough
>home life at my mom's was in rapid decline
>due to the stress in HS I had no plans for after so I became a neet
>move in with my dad last september
>still a neet
>my parents and family are all dissapointed in me
>idk what to do but I filled out paperwork to see if I'm eligible for autismbux (MA, USA)
>oh yeah I'm also asthsmatic and can't run
>my dad was physically fit at my age
>I had a failed LDR last year that hurt me emotionally on top of the declining home life
>enter a bew LDR last month
>some of my friends strongly disapprove of her
>they saved me from some bad girl-related situations but they're mostly being closed-minded fucks
>one of my "friends" pulls a cunt move and posts my full name on this site
>at least I have a hot ldr gf who doesn't seem to want to use me for an ulterior motive, since she knows
I'm an autistic neet with no income, but that's another story . She seems to be the only good prospect in
life rn.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:46:29No.36338531

also we're both manlets at the same height (5'7)
except he's kinda fat while I'm skele mode

I have a bunch of stomach issues and whatnot that can make life really painful sometimes. I just wanna
be happy god damnit.

I've accepted I'm probably not gonna be too successful at life

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:46:38No.36338533 >>36338598


The fuck is that?

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:50:33No.36338598

long distance relationship

ie the only type I've ever had or tried for

also I ment new not bew WEW

I've still never kissed a girl desu

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:56:43No.36338702 >>36339114

Dude how did he afford to be a NEET for 20 years (have a wife AND a kid)?

Where did they live and get money?

Reply blox 16/31
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>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)15:59:47No.36338759

>complete alcy fuckup by age 12, constantly in trouble
>shipped off to the marines to avoid jailtime by 18/19
>got back even more fucked up, alcy and druggy than before
>proceeds to meet my mom, make her life hell, insert me into her belly , fuck, traditional upbringing
demands he marries her
>can't hold a job, fucks everything up, beats her, beats me, beats the dog, too drunk to give a shit about
>dies at 59 just last year and the ME can't even tell us why with any certainty

>complete and utter fucking shutin social recluse ENTIRE life(yes, even as a little boy)
>get screamed at for not going outside or having friends, get bullied and beaten at school, get beaten
and bullied at home
>at best i'm ignored, at worst i'm getting my shit kicked in
>be reclusive weird kid all through school
>barely graduate
>start work right out of HS, work hard so I can make something of myself, trying to get my shit on track
>circumstances at job force me to quit because hostile environment and medical issues
>NEET for almost 12 years



>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)16:13:54No.36339002

>>36336687 (OP)
>at the age of 20 I haven't accomplished shit

You're not even out of college yet anon.

>intelligent but lazy

This will be your downfall however.

Everything else you mentioned is irrelevant.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)16:19:11 No.36339114 >>36339449

Mum is Schizophrenic, he is her "carer" and looks after her
. He also gets disability for a leg condition, but
he can somehow do everything normally ...

Basically, they're on autism bux. I grew up poor in shit clothes and he bought himself and my Mum
whatever they wanted.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)16:25:44No.36339246

It's to try to convince themselves they are smart and could be anything but choose not to. Instead of
admitting they are not that smart.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)16:32:07No.36339386

File: pepe in bed.jpg (150 KB, 797x957)

>dumbass with no empathy
>depressed alcoholic who managed to snag a nice looking girl, have me and then
cheat on her all before 30
>made her do everything because he was so lazy
, my mom was the breadwinner, he
had no job for a while as for as i know
>owes tens of thousands of child support
>smartbutlazyxd 17/31
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>pretty depressed, too young to be an alcholic yet but that may change in 2 years :^)
>no gf

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)16:34:15No.36339426




>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)16:35:26No.36339449 >>36346154

That's smart, I like your folks anon, my kind of people. They dodged the slave bullet AND managed to
procreate, raise their offspring. Win on all fronts.

Can you tell me where they live/d though? The low life motel or something?
When you get on disability bux here you can't even pay rent in tiny apartment, although your folks did
have triple income.

Double disability and "carer" bux. Like I said, smart and ingenious.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)16:42:44No.36339590

>typical jock in high school
>not really smart so works labor jobs
>hates parents and moves away
>married my bitch mom and stuck in shitty marriage because they got pregnant with me
>is currently in manager position so makes comfortable living for him and my bitch mom
>simple guy very happy doesn't drink or anything
>pretty emo and gay in high school but had friends
>started drinking hard at 16
>stuck in dead end but job
>live with my gf but not sure if I love her anymore
>drink to cover up more depression
>hate my wagecuck existence that the normies raised me to crave

Guess we're pretty similar except my dad is mostly content with his circumstances and doesn't regret

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)16:49:06No.36339694

>>36336687 (OP)
>born in bumfuck nowhere village
>worked his ass off doing mostly manual labor
>took forever to finish a meh tier uni
>moved to a nice little town with mom and had me and sister , had a job
>drafted for war
>got hit by a grenade on his last day
>living on military pension ever since, overall a great guy

>spoiled momma's son
>1 year away from master's EE degree at 22
>most academically accomplished member in broader family
>shut-in autismo without friends

life is good 18/31
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>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)16:50:32No.36339716

>>36336687 (OP)

>not dead

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)16:55:36No.36339800

You know the worst part?
We both know that, he tried to help me, teached me how to fish and hunt, tried to make man
a out of me,
failed, he spent the last decade of his life knowing i was a failure.
The only thing i learned with him was fishing

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)16:57:11 No.36339831

File: wogo.jpg (18 KB, 248x189)

>Went to school and
still a retarded

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)16:57:15No.36339833

File: 14971429_191347281319136_(...).jpg(37 KB, 657x527)

>>36336687 (OP)
>beta but still got laid in high school
>mediocre in pretty much everything
>smoked weed but now smokes tobacco, drinks
>generic officer worker
>redditor, weeb
>never shot a gun before 2013
>liberal ex-hippie, big berniebro
>extremely boring middle class life

>less beta than my dad but still a virgin
>work arguably too hard
>only smoked anything twice, only drink during parties and the like
>working towards becoming a marine officer
>"4channer", weeb
>bought my first gun when I was 14
>trump supporter
>student still so ???

I more or less tried to be as unlike him as possible because he always seemed so unhappy
. Can't say
I'm much happier really but I guess I set myself apart kinda...

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)17:01:39No.36339902

File: 1482835619928.png (236 KB, 586x476)

>Advanced degree in chemical engineering 19/31
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>Married far out of his league when he was still poor

>Started his own consultancy and became a self-made millionaire with
international licensees and govt contracts
>Had three sons
>Achieved his lifelong dream of getting a green card and moving to America (he
was born in South Africa)
>died of a heart attack before 60

>Advanced degree in foreign policy
>Mid-level govt research analyst
>no gf
>no sons
>not a millionaire
>probably also die of a heart attack

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)17:20:48No.36340251

>got bad touched as a kid
>worked shitty job he hated his entire life
>told me he regrets having me
>potentially gonna suicide

>got bad touched as a kid
>never had a job
>probably gonna suicide

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)17:28:08No.36340406

Sure, but dont complain then.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)17:45:47No.36340726

>born in 1950's with all that comes with that- random strangers kicking your ass as a child, no
regulations, etc.
>2 siblings, older sister and brother, tormented the shit outta him
>US govt. geologist father so raised for several formative years in Pakistan
>father killed self while still 10 or 12
>widow mother worked ass off, never remarried
>become a real fat fuck
>read comics and Natl. Lampoon all day
>collect snakes, so many snakes you need to breed your own rats
>get tired of being a big fat basement dwelling weirdo
>become degenerate hippie
>jerk off around America
>return home to basement
>get job as mechanic
>fuck jailbait
>marry jailbait
>move into house with jailbait
>have 3 kids
>brother kills self
>get vasectomy
>be functional alcoholic
>collect music
>be a real fucking weirdo
>explode into fits of rage at random
>have autism
>born in 90's so spent childhood having adults kissing my ass and telling me that I could shit gold
>turns out I actually suck dick and am borderline retarded 20/31
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>neurotic from 6 foot autist going in rage-filled rampages, shaking my ass, yelling in my face, trapping
me in my room so I'd piss myself, glassing my jaw etc.
>look like pictures of my dad from when he was fat
>trapped in university, keep being too stupidto graduate
>have my grandfather and uncle's genetic predisposition to blowing my brains out
>explode into fits of rage at random
>have autism

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)17:52:58No.36340858

>chad dad has a beta/robot son

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)17:53:17No.36340869

File: pepe disses his own fly girl.jpg(10 KB, 236x255)

>worked for the peace corp and worked in Africa
>has travelled all around the world
>big, strong, goes to the gym 5 times a week
>owns his own company, local company
>it is a DIY shop
>it is massively successful somehow
>prices aren't even good, people just come to talk to him
>makes my mother cum when they fuck every night
>even my sister masturbates to the sounds

>ugly, acne, obese
>never left my home town
>weak as fuck, somehow have boney arms despite being so fat
>worked as a pizza delivery guy for the last 6 years
>only got the job because my dad gave the manager a discount on some drills
>I am so fat that I accidentally broke the scooter I use for work
>dad repaired it free of charge to the company otherwise I would have been fired
>always makes fun of me
>orders pizza to his shop
>makes sure lots of customers around when I show up
>takes the pizza, makes me open it, and hits it with a hammer so the pizza sauce splashes my face
>everyone laughs because I am his loser son

I've tried ruining his business before by leaving pictures of amazon sales in every letterbox in town, to
show his prices are shit. whenhe found out he beat the fucking shit out of me.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:17:00No.36341330

Ill do all the things he did up to my age, ninteen

My pa
>born rich as fuck
>played with shiny 60's toys
>surfed all day and didnt care about social life
>got all A's
>super model mom would hook him up with hot chicks all the time
>went to college and surfed, moved with long term GF

>born middle class AF
>parents divorce and mom basicly becomes gold digger
>now rich AF
>buy dumb game shit
>have no social life and crie but its ok because i can play video games all day
>barely passed evrey single grade
>going to some shit college none of my peers have ever heard of

Its a rough start boyo 21/31
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>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:26:26No.36341522

i don't know why, but i really liked your post.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:30:03No.36341595 >>36341673

File: muijajutut.jpg (51 KB, 677x658)

>fought in the winter war
>fucked up russians
>hard working honest man
>he earned a good amount of money
through forestry
>he owns a large amount of land that i
will be getting some day

>dumb, slow witted
>ADHD and Aspergers
>socially awkward, nothing too bad, but i'm of
>poor education, dropped out

Just fuck my shit up senpai

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:31:10No.36341623

>>36336687 (OP)
>born in Laos
>never knew his own father
>mother died when he was 10
>raised by shitty asshole uncle
>refugee, spent most of his 17-21 years in a camp in Thailand
>came to America when he was my age with very little
>never went to college, even his HS equivalent was questionable
>never made much but worked very hard to support our family
>right wing to a fault
>probably never had a gf or sex besides my mom and she's implied that she basically settled for him
>probably even more autistic than I am

>KV with few friends
>sheltered, had a physically comfortable lower middle class upbringing
>moderately right-wing
>last year of college, want to become a police of
>most of my 'troubles' boil down to >tfw no gf

I'll probably surpass him career wise at least but given all the relative opportunity I've had compared to
him I'd have to a complete NEET failure not to.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:34:04No.36341673 >>36341705


>dad fought in winter war

Are you 60 years old?

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:35:55No.36341705 >>36341783

Just 41 anon. 22/31
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>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:41:14No.36341783 >>36341803


Your dad was either very young during the war, or he was really old when you were born.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:42:06No.36341803

Probably why i have ADHD desu.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:42:48No.36341812

my dad is bipolar which made my mom divorce him, and is trapped in a shitty 60+ hr/week car salesman
career and still isnt making good money
he's really funny though.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:43:35No.36341826 >>36341851

>>36336687 (OP)
>confident and motivated
>extremely intelligent (top of his university
, often the smartest guy in the room)
>travelled all around the world for work
>manipulative and abusive
>beat me and my mother
>fled the country after the divorce to avoid paying child support
>lives with another family in some pristine mountainous countryside last I heard

>shy, no confidence
>average intelligence
>not a single violent bone in my body
>still live with PSTD mother
>have no goals or aspirations
>failing community college classes
>no job and can't drive

We're both shit, irredeemable people for difference reasons, but he at least had the potential to be

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:44:57No.36341851

Whelp, meant PTSD

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:47:53No.36341911

>wrote book
>abused as kid
>has loving wife and kid
>fat, works out

>smart af
>play vidya
>have severe depression
>complete social outcast 23/31
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>goes on 4chan
>replies to threads like these to vent

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)18:57:49No.36342109

File: 1492295472824.png (101 KB, 346x382)

>>36336687 (OP)
>parents were divorced and mainly lived with his mom
>mom was abusive and she kicked him out at 17
>former drug dealer
>worked with Boston
>was in the Navy
>has a degree in computer programming
>fucked women from all over the country
>made money as well from creating custom PCs for people
>donated quite a bit of his money to helping out his hometown
>black & Irish
>dad abused me when I was a kid, but apologized for it when i was older
>NEET(though not for long)
>joining Nat Guard as a weekend warrior
>enrolling into community college as well for a degree in computer programming
>KH Virgin
>have basic skills with developing Vidya
>anime pro

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)19:28:11 No.36342741

File: dragmearound.jpg (124 KB, 847x563)

>>36336687 (OP)
>paranoid schizophrenic
>unemployed for decade
>goes outside 1-2 times a month
>spends all of his time watching youtube videos
>lacks social awareness and talks for hours without any response from other people jumping from topic
to topic without letting others get a single word in, impossible to have a conversation about anything as
he twists it into preaching his politics/religion, i.e, "hi dad" and he'll reply with 5,000 words detailing all of
his thoughts about absolutely everything
>believes in the most far fetched conspiracy theories, i.e everyone in hollywood came from transgender
test tubes and space is a hoax
>used to be a huge normie

>autistic dumdum
>middle school drop out
>agoraphobic, have no choice but to go outside a few times a year , can't talk to people or be in public,
have trouble even being in cars during daytime
>never did anything and have no clue how to do anything, parents argued my entire childhood, dad
smothered me and enabled my shut in tendencies, mother hated me but i was a quiet kid that shut
himself off in his room like a hikikomori
>parents divorced when i was a kid mom cheated and i left to live with my dad after getting out of the
loony bin for trying to kill myself and suffered memory loss
>spend all except a few mins of each day laying down in bed on the computer for 10 years
>older brother/sisters haven't talked to me or dad and are good friends/normies with each other , mom
emails me on the rare occasion but i don't own a phone or social media
>was in gifted class, did well academically before i dropped out, couldn't adjust to the social aspect and
people bullied me until i had a mental breakdown and got kicked out and parents didn't care anymore at
that point and treated me like an unwanted dog so i never went back to school and nobody cared 24/31
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>musician although i lost the ability to feel pleasure but it can come back briefly
>oh yeah, bipolar

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)19:29:47No.36342777

>>36336687 (OP)
>intelligent but lazy


>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)19:30:04No.36342782

>successful (somewhat)
>owns a restaurant
>obsessed with money

>was popular cheerleader in highschool
>currently just fat friendless sperg

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)19:41:38No.36343010

>>36336687 (OP)
>found the best woman, being around my age
>got accepted to the same university i want to go with way harder entrance examination
>died ~30 being rich and an alcoholic

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)19:42:49No.36343032 >>36343479

Lol I'm also from mass I feel like I know who you are, was this ldr through discord?

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)19:43:47No.36343043

>fairly responsible
>had two BA degrees when he was my age
>married shortly afterward
>only time he's traveled overseas was for his honeymoon
>looking forward to retirement and moving back home to New England after decades in the Midwest
>opinionated but avoids most political discussion and arguments

>not quite as responsible
>am 23 and am still at least a year away from finishing my first BSc
>been single for a year and no end in sight
>have traveled to 30 countries since I was 19, dad doesn't get why I want to go outside America
>wouldn't mind living in New England desu
>have a freelance writing contract which requires me to discuss politics and law often, so I enjoy

I'm probably less traditional and more of a risk-taker than my dad.

He's a good guy, though, so I can't complain.Always used to take me hunting and camping and fishing
when I was younger, so he did a great job instilling a respect for the outdoors in me.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)19:46:09No.36343084

>handsome entrepreneur from Seattle 25/31
4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan

>married a beautiful virgin and had 3 kids

>wasted Arabs in Desert Storm like a badass
>smart but humble

>college student
>want to be entrepreneur
>khhv but i dont care
>not a huge disappointment, but i feel like i can do better

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)19:54:06No.36343240

when my dad was 23 he had taken a leave from his state university to work in a warehouse to keep
paying for school

i am 23 and live off a stipend from my ivy league graduate school

my dad probably wonders what's up with the no gf thing but i think he generally believes me to be pretty
successful in my own right, which is not really true but i'm not gonna tell him he's wrong

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)20:05:02No.36343479

>The goyim know


>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)20:07:36No.36343526

>>36336687 (OP)
>started poor
>well respected
>solid wealth
>80s kid
>normie conservative
>very smart

>started wealthy (enough)
>antisocial khv robot
>hate life
>fail college
>not likeable

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)20:09:28No.36343563 >>36345871

>Becomes a master at anything he picks up seriously
>Started his business at 16
>Became a teacher at 19
>Then joined special forces
>Now,after all these years, he's now a rich ,respected and feared man everyone knows
>Dumb but works hard
>Connections in damn near all corners of this country
>Loves me and brother to bits, would buy us anything without a second thought regardless of the price
>Is a discipline freak and religious
>Once was watching me play CS and asled to play it
>My rank was shit, I don't play onlone games anyways, much less FPS games
> A week later he had under 100 rank in it
>Then stopped playing, said it gets boring real fast and is a time sink, and he shoots real guns at work
> Says he doesn't minds me being a NEET as long as I help around the house, and says he knows I'm
not gonna be a NEET anyways 26/31
4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan

>Anger issues and paranoid mess at home whenever I meet him, a perfect man in public

>Intelligent but lazy originally
>Mensa level IQ
>Dropped out of the top medical college of my country where getting in is considered a huge feat
because I realised I didn't like that crap tier rotefest
>never had a gf nor felt any attraction to 3D females ever
>Unusually high sex drive and not enough 2D porn of my tastes for it
>After wasting an year in med college,dropped out and joined a no name college for CS
>Finished final year, waiting for result
>Anger issues that would make my dad's anger look like a joke ,but only when I'm alone
>Loner jester with 2 friends in public
>Would've graduated college at 19 if not for that wasted year in med school
>Never went to a party, and loud noises make me throw up unironically
>regret not studying more and become perfect
>was on ADHD medication before I stopped taking it because i think they were making me dumber
>Life is harder to live now
>Sad that I was born too soon to clone myself using my X chromosomes only and create a female
version of myself who would then later bear a child of mine

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)20:13:54No.36343629 >>36343934

>Very antisocial and social at the same time,he knows people from all around the world and can go to
almost any western city and have a place to sleep. But he also never says hi to his coworkers and
doesn't do smalltalk
>5'7" manlet 176 lbs, skinnyfat
>LP and casette hoarder, probably knows more about music than all of /mu/ combined
>Watches TV shows and listens to music all day
>no gf, hasn't gotten laid in like 4 years

>Soldier, doing guard duty
>6'0" 165lbs, kinda fit
>Video game hoarder. 680 steam games
>Social guy that hangs out with friends as much as possible
>have gf, a 5'11 godess

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)20:15:30No.36343658

>did tons of drugs
>dropped out of highschool
>criminal who has caught
>went from part time job to part time job due to criminal record
>eventually became a NEET
>fairly smart but wasted it on petty crime
>good with girls
>straight edge
>finished highschool
>never been in any real trouble
>never had a job
>went straight to NEET life
>dumb as fuck

I avoided crime and drugs, but still ended up an even bigger failure. At least he got laid often and can
hold a conversation. I feel worse than people who have successful dads, they actually have an excuse.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)20:17:10No.36343699

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>>36336687 (OP)
>father is a closet 27/31
4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan


>i might be too

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)20:17:31No.36343709

>>36336687 (OP)
>had 9 kids with 3 different women
>bit retarded
>works some manual labour job
>not fat
>no kids and not much sexual activity
>fairly intelligent
>used to do a lot of drugs

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)20:26:02No.36343898

my dad
>graduated from top 10 schools in country
>famous enough some of you know him, probably more then 1 third of /lit/ and /pol/ do
>socially awkward, but in an intriguing patrician way
>sense of humor

>barely got into subpar school after dad spend all my life saying he hoped I'd go to his school
>only place I find solace is on anonymous internet forums where noone knows who i am
>socially awkward to the point where its impossible to have a conversation with me
>funny, can never raise my voice enough for(most) people to know that

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)20:27:50No.36343930 >>36343950

File: image.jpg (11 KB, 125x101)

I remember a thing about him, he drowned when I was


>native, lived like one.
>became first politician of his town. (MLA)
>attractive, could play guitar and sing.
>apparently assaulted a cab driver, good t charged.
>I think he had a drinking problem
>had deep roots in his native culture. Could live of
f the land.

> not as attractive
> white mom makes bed south, lived a white life. Little contact with dads side.
> don't feel native cause I haven't lived like one.
> can't learn easy, want to learn music theorybut too stupid.
> I'm not chad like dad.
I can't think of anymore

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)20:28:11 No.36343934 28/31
4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan
>gf is almost as tall as you
isn't that intimidating?

I'm 6'0 too and my gf is 5'4 so I have no idea what that'd be like

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)20:29:19No.36343950

I don't remember *

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)20:29:54No.36343964

File: 1491798399545.gif (1019 KB, 450x360)

>immigrated to us illegally as a child
>moved to my hometown
>worked at a diner and met my mom
>alcoholic gambler getting thrown out by
mother in the next week

>first in family to go to college
>stateschool but i'm poor as fuck so I'm happy
>weak as fuck tolerance to alcohol
>love weed

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)20:37:04No.36344103



what now, paternal cucks

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)20:44:25No.36344253

>mechanic with his own business
>makes decent money now. he used to be a financial disaster.
>has no friends and he's terrible in social situations that don't involve work
>narcissist that doesn't care about anyone other than himself
>materialist collector that buys useless crap that he never uses. he's basically a hoarder
>has the 'everyone around me is a fucking idiot' mentality
>disorganized mess of a person

>live at home. he works all the time so he's barely here anyway
>don't buy useless crap, don't want useless crap.
>kind of a narcissist but nowhere near his level
>no friends and terrible in social situations as well

i'm like him in some ways, complete opposite in others. i will never understand his obsession with buying
useless shit and hoarding.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)21:00:55No.36344569

File: IMG_2214.jpg (23 KB, 205x246)

>>36336687 (OP)
>grew up with an alcoholic/drug addict mother
, his dad had to basically
raise 3 kids on his own 29/31
4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan

>started working at a young age and became financially independent early

>socially successful, was a chad in his younger days
>has held the same government job for 20+ years with a decent salary and
>smart, knows alot about home/auto repair and can fix almost anything by
>alpha; stern and intimidating when he needs to be but typically pretty calm
and assured
>6'2, in decent shape for being 54, and has a decent head of hair
>never had a job
>socially inept
>5'11 skinny-fat weakling
>no life skills at all
>depressed and avoidant
>going nowhere in life
I am so ashamed when i speak to him, he must feel awful for producing such a total failure

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)21:02:05No.36344601

>youngest son among his family
>neglected by my grandma
>work his ass off since 12
>become boss during his late 20's
>be 65 still a boss
>Have 4/5 sons, rip brother

>youngest son among the family
>pampered as fucked
>play vidya all day
>last semester
>got to find job soon or else I'll be neet
>can't disgrace the asian families

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)21:05:43No.36344671

>>36336687 (OP)
>middle-eastern immigrant
>lived off of his father's wealth in a huge mansion-like building, receiving cars and lots of omney to travel
the world
>dresses in fake leather jackets he got conned to buy by an "italian" salesman at the airport
>impulsive, childish and uneducated
>didnt leave country because of war like most of his people, but because he wanted to live like an 80s
american with alcohol, big boobs and pop music
>no one takes him seriously and treats him like a clown, he is oblivious to the fact and think they respect

>never left country
>dress in a hand-me-down fake italian leather jacket from dad
>not particulary intelligent, very lazy
>been working here and there and dropped out of college
>me and dad are both black sheep but he has a charming personality and clownish antics to make up
for it with. i have no personality

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)21:40:18No.36345428

>fuckhuge motherfucker 30/31
4/17/2017 /r9k/ - Compare yourself to your father - ROBOT9001 - 4chan

>raised by two parents who were poor as dirt

>always got into fights
>ate trash to survive
>mother was a drunk
>highschool dropout
>works nonstop to support his 3 remaining children at home, 6 total

>tall and naturally muscular but not huge
>raised by two parents who were a little less than poor
>got into constant trouble
>ate everything all the time
>mother and father always work, abusive bipolar aunt watches me
>college dropout
>homeless for a year
>works 47 hour weeks to support himself

too similar

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)21:58:44No.36345871

Nigga that shits incest

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)22:11:40 No.36346154

Sorry I was busy.
>live in the UK
>upper-middle class area
>2 bedroom house, massive garden, amazing location

It's smart, but they didn't make good parents.

>> Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)22:20:06No.36346340

My dad use to pick on me for being a jobless sperg. w T o years ago he got fired from his job and hasn't
had one since. Meanwhile, I got a comfy part time job as well as autismbucks.
There is nothing that feels greater than turning the whole "I work so hard to put a roof over your head"
speech on your old man and making him cry .

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