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File: 331b081df52ce5c99c592aa50(...).jpg (39 KB, 400x380)

Time travel Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)20:41:31 No.28400422 ▶
>>28400779 >>28400787 >>28400801 >>28401214 >>28401912 >>28402069
>>28402276 >>28404502 >>28404588 >>28405793

interested in going back, say 2000-2004, where to start? a quantum

leap even into my younger self may be optimal. I'm prepared for the

>> Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)21:16:46 No.28400779 ▶

>>28400422 (OP)

>> Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)21:18:11 No.28400787 ▶ >>28400820

>>28400422 (OP)
only way to do that is to force the entire universe to jump
back to the 4d cross-section you were in around that
timeframe. good luck with that

>> Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)21:18:44 No.28400793 ▶

>Hey anon, I reckon you know a lot about cyberspace...

>> Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)21:19:41 No.28400801 ▶

>>28400422 (OP)

>> Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)21:21:18 No.28400820 ▶ 1/4
5/3/2021 /x/ - Time travel - Paranormal - 4chan
to add: you have to figure out which way the universe would move if you were to achieve this, then
imagine it hard enough so that it actually does so

>> Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)22:16:17 No.28401214 ▶

>>28400422 (OP)
art bell
mad man marcum

>> Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)23:58:26 No.28401912 ▶ >>28402234 >>28404660 >>28406767 >>28407790

>>28400422 (OP)
There was an anon here who claimed to have done this a while ago. He used the gateway process.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)00:18:51 No.28402069 ▶ >>28404650

>>28400422 (OP)
>make a protector figure inside your head (like a tulpa)
>take ridiculous amounts of pure amphetamine that should kill you
>stay up for five days and ask your protector to help you with the predicament you put yourself in
>quantum leap and just land wherever you want to

Wouldn't recommend I didn't go back in time I just cheated certain death.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)00:44:22 No.28402234 ▶ >>28407951


>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)00:47:20 No.28402245 ▶

Via the fifth dimension.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)00:53:25 No.28402276 ▶

>>28400422 (OP)
There was a book in Powers General called "The Yoga of Time Travel" and this Japanese urban legend
called the Black God Game or something to that effect.
No idea how effective either is but that's all I've got.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)00:53:37 No.28402279 ▶ >>28404261

File: 1619671423838.png (122 KB, 696x226)

>implying I'd let some retard abuse the ability of time travel because he's too lazy to
apply himself or put effort in anything
quit living in the past, faggot

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)02:14:26 No.28402709 ▶ >>28407216


>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)06:53:06 No.28404261 ▶ >>28404514 >>28405507

If I told you a sob story would it change your mind? (Not OP)

>> Time Police 05/03/21(Mon)07:28:38 No.28404502 ▶ 2/4
5/3/2021 /x/ - Time travel - Paranormal - 4chan

>>28400422 (OP)
No , you caused this by time travel already and made it worse for only yourself
> I'm prepared for the consequences
Apparently not

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)07:30:37 No.28404514 ▶ >>28404631

God does not fall for sob stories - OP is not allowed to escape his bum smacks

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)07:41:11 No.28404588 ▶

File: 9e80f2da-af5f-432f-a349-7(...).png (239 KB, 780x438)

>>28400422 (OP)
I know the true secret behind Jon Titor design. The keys are mercury,
gyroscopes, gold, electricity

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)07:45:47 No.28404631 ▶

Good thing I'm not OP, eh?

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)07:49:38 No.28404650 ▶

you overdosed my man

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)07:50:38 No.28404660 ▶ >>28407951

Dude plz link to the thread archive?

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)10:02:22 No.28405507 ▶ >>28406251

NO. Go fuck yourself. After that go off yourself.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)10:35:15 No.28405793 ▶

>>28400422 (OP)
The beginning of time and kill the first potential glowfaggot before they are born.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)11:28:16 No.28406251 ▶

Your mother fuck a lemon?

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)12:28:37 No.28406767 ▶ >>28407160 >>28407951


>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)13:15:15 No.28407160 ▶

He came off like a larper (as much as anybody on this board does) but he claimed to go back to the point
of his birth using Gateway - Hemisync. But he didn't retain memories at all, so... what's the value in that? 3/4
5/3/2021 /x/ - Time travel - Paranormal - 4chan
>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)13:20:53 No.28407216 ▶

That's what I'm talking about!

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)13:30:01 No.28407297 ▶

That's some Steins Gate shit but if it worked you could live indefinitely.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)14:28:40 No.28407790 ▶ >>28407951

he used the what??

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)14:30:32 No.28407803 ▶ >>28409032

I spent my teenage years fapping to femdom p0rn and being a crigy weeb;can I go back into my teen
body, and start doing pushups and swimming everyday so im chadlite by the time im 15?

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)14:47:38 No.28407951 ▶


>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:16:50 No.28408291 ▶

is there any reason this cant be used to travel to the future?

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:51:27 No.28408602 ▶

up down left right and time

but what about in and out

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)16:41:10 No.28409032 ▶

Body building will stunt your growth so I don't recommend it until you've reached a satisfactory height.

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