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21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead!

>she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 9637DD6B-3A53-42B1-A22C-8(...).png (650 KB, 744x418)

Anonymous (ID: uXxdI0RR ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:10:43 No.309010448
▶ >>309010739 >>309010892 >>309010955 >>309011900 >>309014131 >>309014446
>>309015755 >>309016023 >>309016105 >>309016218 >>309016670 >>309016736
>>309016860 >>309017619 >>309018120 >>309018465 >>309018516 >>309018533
>>309020830 >>309021166 >>309021249 >>309021472 >>309021989 >>309022398
>>309022625 >>309022939 >>309024030 >>309024234 >>309024362 >>309024401
>>309026090 >>309027875 >>309028608 >>309028847 >>309029763 >>309029895
>>309030458 >>309031067 >>309031170 >>309031247 >>309031390 >>309031997
>>309032931 >>309033734 >>309033790 >>309034328 >>309034398 >>309034475
>>309034544 >>309034919 >>309035077 >>309035584 >>309035841 >>309036947

>you're a simp!
>women can't lead!
>she smokes and drinks!
>shes a roastie!

Blah, blah, blah...

Don't you kikes get it? She named you. It's over.

>> Anonymous (ID: u2K6QVtf ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:12:54 No.309010739 ▶ >>309034777

>>309010448 (OP)
Do it again franco 1/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: PuKVtG+/ ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:13:23 No.309010794 ▶ >>309014223 >>309016449 >>309018782 >>30902174
>>309025644 >>309027459 >>309030532 >>309031580 >>309033468 >>309033646 >>309034775 >>309036947

typical day for an fbi agent

>wake up at 3am
>time to start 36 hour shift
>arrive at my desk
>begin to log morning protocol bs for the day
>finish my morning beverage; an elixir made from several rare herbs and vitamins that promotes mindfulness,
fast reflexes, and lightning fast thinking
>head down to sub basement 33
>suit up into the latex suit
>get into my pod
>seal the door
>get the go ahead to strap on my hair clips
>they read my brain waves and sync me to this reality
>chimer bings
>4 seconds to sequence
>my pod begins to fill with fluid
>3 seconds to sequence
>its liquid dmt thats bioavailable and can absorb through skin
>2 seconds to sequence
>the buzzing starts, i breath in
>1 second to sequence
>im not going to leave this pod for 12 hours
>i will now commune with the machine elves
>i will now shitpost on /pol/
>i will now shitpost on /pol/ with my mind

>> Anonymous (ID: HrqeJGOq ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:14:05 No.309010892 ▶ >>309016193 >>309030060 >>309030999

>>309010448 (OP)
you're an underage simp who doesn't know shit about politics. why don't you 'yaaaaaaaaas queen'
somewhere else you disgusting mutt

>> Anonymous (ID: +ri6sFit ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:14:30 No.309010955 ▶ >>309016900 >>309030999

>>309010448 (OP)
>she named the jew
so did thousands of others. even marx named the jew. did it change anything?

>> Anonymous (ID: niobICMj ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:17:03 No.309011290 ▶ >>309024388

women are weathervanes. appreciate them accordingly.

>> Anonymous (ID: ag3kWSCh ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:21:40 No.309011900 ▶ >>309035520

File: Gaddafi.jpg (35 KB, 636x331)

>>309010448 (OP)
Yes she is as she is and not as you suggest to imagine . Princess have to piss too.

Fagot you get distracted from what she is saying ? whats the message?

OP sorry I forgot mutts have no brain, sorry ...

Typical faggot 'I have no idea what is all about because I was gazing at her boobs' ... 2/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

I care about spark of ideas that may catch a fire and you worry from which monkey mouth those ideas
sounds? You are Faggot or smarter then kid with right to vote?

>> Anonymous (ID: vYsFz5CY ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:28:18 No.309012730 ▶ >>309013364 >>309013409 >>309028694


I don't care that she named the kike, I care that she's manufactured and astroturfed to this board and no one
here (except me) is high IQ to see what's going on.
Oh well, enjoy Lauren Southern 2.0.
Simps will never learn.

>> Anonymous (ID: g+A17vUZ ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:28:43 No.309012790 ▶

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:32:59 No.309013364 ▶

File: B2GrBMMCEAAafaS.png (94 KB, 1025x840)

Proofs high IQ
Those who say They have high IQ
invariably are mid wits

>> Anonymous (ID: LMT3uJxL ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:33:19 No.309013409 ▶ >>309013546

Astroturfing is inorganic, she's had maybe 3 to 4 threads active at one time since it happened, as retards are
losing it over her.
Shes not Lauren Southern, Lauren Southern did not name the jew.
El Judio will pay in blood.

>> Anonymous (ID: vYsFz5CY ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:34:31 No.309013546 ▶ >>309013831

>Lauren Southern did not name the jew
Exactly, hence why I said 2.0. IOW, there's a slight shift to the right but in the bigger picture it won't matter.

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:36:31 No.309013831 ▶ >>309024791

File: 123_1_26.jpg (156 KB, 819x1024)

So no proofs eh mid wit?
Fashy España mami makes good memes

>> Anonymous (ID: GeWXszRP ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:38:48 No.309014131 ▶ >>309017999 >>309018452 >>309019189

>>309030890 >>309031006

>>309010448 (OP)
People have become so Jewed they are shocked at the sight of a person smoking.

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:39:31 No.309014223 ▶

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21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: cjGX33FM ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:41:06 No.309014446 ▶ >>309014857 >>309030999

File: EkDjKjhWsAEBAg8.jpg (224 KB, 1920x1441)

>>309010448 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:44:19 No.309014857 ▶ >>309015638 >>309034896

File: 243.png (62 KB, 899x547)

She has asked for money?

>> Anonymous (ID: vYsFz5CY ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:50:14 No.309015638 ▶ >>309015805 >>309015943 >>309016194


Your grammar is enough to signal to me that you are brown.

>> Anonymous (ID: J/3pP2Sd ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:51:07 No.309015755 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:51:25 No.309015805 ▶ >>309026219

File: 1612932122692.jpg (21 KB, 388x525)

So still no proofs eh nigger?
What ever you want to tell your self.

>> Anonymous (ID: 0MEV4grp ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:51:48 No.309015860 ▶ >>309016102

Is he Jewish? Show me the Jewfax.

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:52:29 No.309015943 ▶

File: 1613800611561.jpg (184 KB, 816x1024)

Also you fucking newfag.
>le grammer
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: cBBQngCI ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:52:58 No.309016023 ▶ >>309016309 >>309016484 >>309019959

File: mfw-.png (104 KB, 338x490)

>>309010448 (OP)
wow a shitskin shiteyed dumb cunt named the jew, how will they ever recover?
>the absolute state of nu-pol

>> Anonymous (ID: LtGlVOd9 ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:53:29 No.309016102 ▶

>>309015860 just redirects to wiki early life sections scro

>> Anonymous (ID: S3Pf1DIN ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:53:31 No.309016105 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
How will they ever recover?

>> Anonymous (ID: miWeEHhE ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:53:32 No.309016108 ▶

She named the jew. The slumlord. The usurer. The exploiter. The sower of discord. The lover of shekels.
The subverter of whiteness.

>> Anonymous (ID: /aFpg7FJ ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:54:04 No.309016193 ▶ >>309024551

Sorry jew, you're tactics aren't working

>> Anonymous (ID: LtGlVOd9 ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:54:04 No.309016194 ▶

>hurr proofs
hello oldylocks

>> Anonymous (ID: /XEkcuhR ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:54:16 No.309016218 ▶ >>309034834

File: 1613851219049.jpg (459 KB, 1012x588)

>>309010448 (OP)

Simping for Isabel is NOT simping.

She is our sister in the struggle.

The kikes are coming for her and we must STAND STRONG.

21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: /XEkcuhR ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:54:56 No.309016309 ▶ >>309016906

Unmask yeself

>> Anonymous (ID: +Mb0avb5 ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:55:46 No.309016440 ▶ >>309016556

>mfw she called the kikes during the whole stream

>> Anonymous (ID: zdOlvABT ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:55:51 No.309016449 ▶

try harder

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:56:05 No.309016484 ▶ >>309016906

File: 1612058517671.png (371 KB, 660x495)

>disavow cuz skin and eye!
Standard shill line check
ITS /POL/ You fucking kike
The struggle against the kike menace is international

>> Anonymous (ID: +Mb0avb5 ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:56:36 No.309016556 ▶

File: IMG_20200314_102125.jpg (26 KB, 960x480)

lol, forgot pic

>> Anonymous (ID: oLoON4I+ ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:56:47 No.309016582 ▶ >>309017110 >>309017922


>> Anonymous (ID: rAPTbt6Z ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:57:26 No.309016670 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
I love her

>> Anonymous (ID: 8uCb5/Ua ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:57:58 No.309016736 ▶ >>309016995 >>309017904 >>309018804


>>309010448 (OP)
Ill bet $10000 she will get BLACKED withing 3 years

>> Anonymous (ID: NSbPKCqM ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:58:44 No.309016839 ▶ >>309031305

File: 4e22782c9a965edbe2b64de23(...).png (120 KB, 300x300)

It's not normal for 30 year old men to simp this hard for a girl you'll never meet. It has
nothing to do with politics; this grotesque display of loneliness underscores a serious
issue with the psyche of a large segment of /pol/. Most of you are using politics as
escapism from your own broken lives. Want to fix the world? Fix yourself first.

>she named the jew!

Find a real girl and redpill her.

>> Anonymous (ID: J/uxEl5h ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:58:52 No.309016860 ▶ 6/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>>309010448 (OP)


>> Anonymous (ID: eovlzevf ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:59:09 No.309016900 ▶ >>309018717

>so did thousands of others
except you. isabela named the jew. not you. she did. fuck off kike

>> Anonymous (ID: cBBQngCI ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:59:12 No.309016906 ▶ >>309017836 >>309030826 >>309034915

File: 1611617676230.png (1.66 MB, 1000x1288)

Adolf would be laughing at the state you fools, a woman shitskin goblina and you
simp for it....

No it's /pol/ you dumb nu-pol onions nigger

>> Anonymous (ID: 6EzD0AkC ) 02/20/21(Sat)22:59:49 No.309016995 ▶ >>309021436

Within 1. These women always go straight for the first black dude to come their way.

>> Anonymous (ID: LrV3JhT6 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:00:21 No.309017065 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:00:39 No.309017110 ▶ >>309035318

File: 1613718283958m.jpg (162 KB, 1004x1024)

Some young fashy castiza mami that made a speech in public in Spain naming the Jew,
and eloquently spoke about her Spanish national socialist views in a subsequent
The thing that interests me is that the level of anti-shilling is off the charts.
The activity is on par with election days when ever she is posted.
Not really enough to go on her and there are legitimately some concerns that she could
be not what she appears, but there is simply no evidence to the contrary that she is not
We shall see soon.
Till then I just like the memes and fucking up the seething kikes

>> Anonymous (ID: lSxzpEne ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:00:47 No.309017135 ▶ >>309017822

File: 161336283191.jpg (86 KB, 487x460)

built for

>> Anonymous (ID: CEClgGFf ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:01:22 No.309017223 ▶ >>309018897 >>309028393 >>309029444

>>309030249 >>309035514
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21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: 7P+MZ4gW ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:01:29 No.309017243 ▶ >>309018445 >>309026650 >>309026815

File: Screenshot_2021-02-20 DIR(...).png (395 KB, 520x291)

would you kiss her, anon?

>> Anonymous (ID: adR9BAb7 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:04:25 No.309017619 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
dios mio
el horror arabe

>> Anonymous (ID: QjDTV/W4 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:05:50 No.309017822 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:05:58 No.309017836 ▶

File: 123_1_19.jpg (471 KB, 1080x2220)

Ermahgawd! You captialized it while obviously doing so to make a
Kys faggot.
>hitler would have...
Like a kike like you would know what Uncle A would think
Show flag faggot.
Show me where she asked for money faggot?
Where are your proofs? Or do you not know what the words you write mean?
Oh wait.
Its just pilpul
Mfw I see you

>> Anonymous (ID: MHX+Q/4M ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:06:34 No.309017904 ▶

Maori’s Law

>> Anonymous (ID: +Mb0avb5 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:06:41 No.309017922 ▶

tu mera madre, pinche narizon

>> Anonymous (ID: +dki6QKn ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:07:10 No.309017999 ▶ >>309018242 >>309018452 >>309034076


I don't really care but it's kind of gross to smoke 6 cigarettes in your house in the span of 30 minutes

>> Anonymous (ID: 4R1dho4n ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:08:01 No.309018120 ▶ >>309018347 8/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
File: 1584664413699.jpg (252 KB, 785x1000)

>>309010448 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: rwRBMOui ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:08:36 No.309018202 ▶ >>309018621

Never seen shills so mad. LMAO

>> Anonymous (ID: +ri6sFit ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:08:55 No.309018242 ▶ >>309018334 >>309018452

checked and imagine the smell

>> Anonymous (ID: +dki6QKn ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:09:42 No.309018334 ▶

She's going to hit the wall in 2 years at that rate

>> Anonymous (ID: w8j7C7NK ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:09:49 No.309018347 ▶

File: 1603993428643.png (122 KB, 390x336)


>> Anonymous (ID: +dki6QKn ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:10:39 No.309018445 ▶

would be like kissing an ashtray

>> Anonymous (ID: MHX+Q/4M ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:10:41 No.309018452 ▶ >>309019189 >>309036401

Women shouldn’t smoke. And if they do, it should only be socially outside or in a bar

>> Anonymous (ID: 05tYHCn7 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:10:49 No.309018465 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
>pol is 1 person! and he's got the ultimate say in EVERYTHING here!!

shut the FUCK up faggot

>> Anonymous (ID: ZFRbYIsa ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:11:10 No.309018516 ▶

File: 1435170998531.jpg (39 KB, 528x492)

>>309010448 (OP)
Genuinely can't believe that just a few days ago Europe was done but then one person
entered the scene and now no one can really say that Evropa is not saved.

Powerful. 9/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: w8j7C7NK ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:11:15 No.309018533 ▶

File: 1613747889830.png (282 KB, 800x600)

>>309010448 (OP)
>don't you jews get it? she named you
she's just an ant in a world of many.

>> Anonymous (ID: +Mb0avb5 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:11:52 No.309018621 ▶

this, kikes are anally destroyed lmao

>> Anonymous (ID: HkCsMi79 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:12:35 No.309018701 ▶

File: Isabel-Medina-Peralta-en-(...).jpg (50 KB, 640x640)

>> Anonymous (ID: +ri6sFit ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:12:43 No.309018717 ▶

show flag moshe your nose is showing
>isabela named the jew
>she did
>you didn't name the jew!!!1!1!
how do you know I didn't? :^)

>> Anonymous (ID: oIrpe8yl ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:13:21 No.309018782 ▶ >>309033462

File: Florida Man vs Bruce.png (257 KB, 800x600)

>fed post in multiple dimensions
>still get called a glow nigger by an autist with home-cooked DMT from some Mexican
root as he jerks off to big titted hyper serpents.

>> Anonymous (ID: /aFpg7FJ ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:13:29 No.309018804 ▶

Geez you people really can't go a minute without thinking about black dicks. Get ahold of yourselves, though
you're likely just another kike.

>> Anonymous (ID: f/ikVxMN ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:14:10 No.309018891 ▶ 10/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Stinky puss

>> Anonymous (ID: 63oVpc2v ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:14:12 No.309018897 ▶ >>309024530 >>309032746

>>309017223 (You)
what ideology is this?

>> Anonymous (ID: w8j7C7NK ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:15:01 No.309019003 ▶

File: 1611982978032.jpg (47 KB, 400x286)

wonder why all these simp threads are

made by americans
this continent hoards all kinds of ailments

>> Anonymous (ID: BPHcykv/ ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:16:38 No.309019189 ▶ >>309031143 >>309036401

What the fuck are you talking about? It was Jewish propaganda that allowed smoking to ever exist.
>Women shouldn’t smoke
No one should, its a terrible disgusting habit.
>if they do, it should only be socially outside or in a bar
No, that's even worse. If these scum are going to exist they should only smoke in their filthy houses away
from us normal people

>> Anonymous (ID: w8j7C7NK ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:17:18 No.309019273 ▶ >>309019645 >>309019729

File: 1592310564607.png (17 KB, 547x626)

always remember that the amerimutt is either:

>a bbc fetishist, a simp or a thot poster
then imagine how good this website would be if they were

>> Anonymous (ID: FPRjKUmY ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:17:34 No.309019308 ▶

youre getting shit for this but youre right

>> Anonymous (ID: +Mb0avb5 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:18:53 No.309019485 ▶ >>309019683 >>309019867 >>309019933

File: 1613683718990.jpg (21 KB, 240x498)

>/pol/ hates the kikes

>/pol/ makes constant threads about new ideas to redpill normies on the kikes
>suddenly, a popular girl names the kikes
>then for some reason /pol/ of all places have a lot of (((users))) using meme flags hating
on that girl
hmm... really makes you think

>> Anonymous (ID: w8j7C7NK ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:20:05 No.309019645 ▶

File: 1582628172541.jpg (69 KB, 583x640)

also remember that amerimutts are responsible for 99.9% of thot posting
on /fit/ and on /pol/
and don't forget the twitter screenshots posting. 11/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: J/3pP2Sd ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:20:26 No.309019683 ▶

File: 1613750328445.png (162 KB, 177x412)

oh you

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:20:51 No.309019729 ▶ >>309020251

File: 1613591548451.jpg (163 KB, 625x604)

>says the memeflag
Show flag faggot before you talk

>> Anonymous (ID: w8j7C7NK ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:22:02 No.309019867 ▶ >>309020037 >>309020225 >>309024476


1- /pol/ was never obsessed with jews, only when americans invaded this place it became
2- no one likes simps, regardless of whether you hate jews or not

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:22:34 No.309019933 ▶ >>309020382

File: 123_1_27.jpg (72 KB, 1024x577)

Yep and a castiza at that. Making the kikes extra angry

>> Anonymous (ID: mqtMqKBb ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:22:44 No.309019959 ▶ >>309030700

>Uses Goebbels
Goebbels thought the war in Spain was the opening gambit against the Jew. Early SS volunteers fought and
died in Spain assisting Franco.
I mean, if you were National Socialist you would know all of this, right?
You wouldn't use pro-national socialist imagery then twist the ideology to suit the purpose of spreading fear,
uncertainty and doubt, would you? Because if that was true that would mean you are a Jew working like a
termite inside a house to weaken the foundation of the race and of the nation.

No matter what anyone says, she named the Jew, which is more than most here have ever done publically
knowing you are going to jail for doing it.

>> Anonymous (ID: +Mb0avb5 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:23:18 No.309020037 ▶ 12/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>pol/ was never obsessed with jews
yep, lets forget all those gas the kikes race war now memes

>> Anonymous (ID: qm7lwxLd ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:23:49 No.309020220 ▶

File: 1603446540275.png (244 KB, 530x291)

I just wanna cuddle her while she rambles

about the kikes bros

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:23:51 No.309020225 ▶ >>309023797

File: 123_1_5.jpg (24 KB, 718x500)

>pol/ was never obsessed with Jews
Absolutely kys you lying faggot kike

>> Anonymous (ID: w8j7C7NK ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:24:06 No.309020251 ▶ >>309020593

>says the memeflag
yes and?
it's all true.
you're a poison and you should be put down

>> Anonymous (ID: Ko3IKSIy ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:24:17 No.309020278 ▶


Yall are retarded

Master system

>> Anonymous (ID: adR9BAb7 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:25:07 No.309020382 ▶ >>309020592 >>309020645 >>309020932


an Arab is the new face of the white power movement? lmfao
the state of whitefags

>> Anonymous (ID: mqtMqKBb ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:26:47 No.309020592 ▶

Portuguese rape baby calling Spaniards Arabs, the absolute state of shilling. Next time just bring up Moors,
not Arabs, dipshit

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:26:48 No.309020593 ▶ >>309021691

File: 1612981864825.png (514 KB, 800x450)

>Y-y-yeah a-a-and?
You are a lying kike thats and show flag
>its all true
Nothing you say bears even a semblance to reality
>u're a poison and you should be put down
Projecting extra hard today huh kike?
What a sad response

>> Anonymous (ID: +Mb0avb5 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:27:06 No.309020645 ▶ >>309020950 13/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
File: IMG_20200828_224752.jpg (14 KB, 598x333)

>white power movement
el peruANO

>> Anonymous (ID: 7g9uNCHU ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:28:21 No.309020830 ▶ >>309021029 >>309030999 >>309032111

>>309010448 (OP)
if she were a man you would be saying none of these things, and that is the point.

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:29:03 No.309020932 ▶ >>309021044

File: 1613794749120.jpg (102 KB, 1023x1024)

>an arab
Proofs she is Arab
Oh Thats right you Dont have any.
>white power movement
Holy Fuck the absolute state of shills. She is an Spanish national socialist and has no
connection whatsoever to American criminal prison gangs.
Mfw reading this bullshit

>> Anonymous (ID: adR9BAb7 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:29:13 No.309020950 ▶ >>309021216

ay hijole
el friolero nazi

>> Anonymous (ID: +Mb0avb5 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:29:51 No.309021029 ▶ >>309021247

>if he was a man you wouldnt be saying that you want to kiss him and cuddle with him
well of course, we are not faggots, faggot

>> Anonymous (ID: adR9BAb7 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:29:57 No.309021044 ▶ >>309021414 >>309032343

>Proofs she is Arab

>> Anonymous (ID: gkIDW27x ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:30:59 No.309021166 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
based thread.

>> Anonymous (ID: +Mb0avb5 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:31:22 No.309021216 ▶

nazis?! on my /pol/?!

>> Anonymous (ID: 7g9uNCHU ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:31:38 No.309021247 ▶

85 iq

>> Anonymous (ID: 8gBzgODq ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:31:40 No.309021249 ▶ 14/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>>309010448 (OP)


>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:32:58 No.309021414 ▶

File: 1612654773213.gif (3.04 MB, 600x338)

Okay that made smirk. You cheeky bastard

>> Anonymous (ID: GsRX8W55 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:33:04 No.309021436 ▶

File: _erd7JI3fQg.jpg (129 KB, 500x750)

You wish muh dik little boy. Racism = Any White person that is even vaguely pursues pro-
White activity. Conservatism = old fashioned libshitism of eternal losers catering to the wishes
of vaguely conservative Blacks, Jews, Mestizos and cat women instead of their White of good
character voter base who have no one else to turn to.

Fuck you, you're no position to dictate to the Aryan trying to regain freedom of their own
destiny who built your crummy world around you, you know take for granted through innate selfish and less
honourable behaviour.

>> Anonymous (ID: iDXD/A4z ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:33:20 No.309021472 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
It is true that women can't lead, but if it redpills people so be it.

>> Anonymous (ID: 1jAktEOF ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:33:53 No.309021547 ▶ >>309021982

Where's the translation???? Do I need to learn Spanish?

>> Anonymous (ID: w8j7C7NK ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:34:56 No.309021691 ▶ >>309022222

File: 1528676087442.png (53 KB, 1528x1184)

>muh flag
go to hell

>> Anonymous (ID: UoRfdjVI ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:35:24 No.309021747 ▶

my sides what the fuck did you do to it

>> Anonymous (ID: +Mb0avb5 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:37:25 No.309021982 ▶

some anon said that he was about to translate it, so maybe later tonight or tomorrow

>TL;DR version
>commie shit is a kike trickery, all of our problems can be tracked down to the jews, left right? those are for
faggots Im third reich

>> YHVH loves you (ID: mupfJiA+ ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:37:27 No.309021989 ▶ >>309022383 >>309022908 >>309030999
File: 1590159373141.gif (2.95 MB, 480x270) 15/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>>309010448 (OP)
This is like a nightmare I can't wake up from. When will you losers stop making
threads on this girl?

>> Anonymous (ID: 5vv9kY9d ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:38:42 No.309022157 ▶ >>309024363 >>309029817 >>309036237

You guys should really get married and have kids, so you don´t have to simp for every woman. Seriously.
Every woman that somehow resonate with your political beliefs makes you ignore all the red flags? Perhaps
mankind can´t escape simping.

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:39:15 No.309022222 ▶ >>309022743 >>309024190 >>309028404

File: (You).png (178 KB, 326x409)

You first Nigger.
Show flag kike
Ans please. I am white as can be so your mutt meme makes me laugh.
however I found a pic of you

>> Anonymous (ID: yWrcRDoj ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:40:02 No.309022312 ▶ >>309023020 >>309035183

File: aa.png (86 KB, 359x218)

>> Anonymous (ID: J/3pP2Sd ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:40:37 No.309022383 ▶

File: 1613857530596.png (149 KB, 396x294)

>This is like a nightmare I can't wake up
better get used to it jew

>> Anonymous (ID: iaI3aH5X ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:40:45 No.309022398 ▶ >>309022923 >>309023118 >>309026358

>>309028626 >>309028880 >>309030999
File: 154332481.png (177 KB, 1000x1000)

>>309010448 (OP)
no matter what political opinion a woman has, I mean any, from extreme left to extreme
right or just the perfect identical opinion as me, I will never take them seriously, they
cant into politics, they just repeat, there no thought process behind their beliefs
fuck you retards for whorshipping a woman that happens to have same political
opinions as you

>> Anonymous (ID: rBVh8z1a ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:42:18 No.309022625 ▶ >>309022991 >>309030999

>>309010448 (OP)
She's Jewish, you know that right?

>> Anonymous (ID: UoRfdjVI ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:43:15 No.309022743 ▶ >>309024969

File: 135135135.jpg (68 KB, 1024x536) 16/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
nice digits fren

>> Anonymous (ID: 3v/hmGq/ ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:44:31 No.309022908 ▶

shut up tomoko ur just jelly shes more popular

>> Anonymous (ID: +ri6sFit ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:44:35 No.309022923 ▶ >>309023118 >>309023149

women can't into politics and simps will simp because she has a hole they need to fill.
>remember nofap? well forget that I need to print out and coom into my trafwifu pillow while spamming all

>> Anonymous (ID: 4CFNzhai ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:44:43 No.309022939 ▶ >>309024969

>>309010448 (OP)
she's peruvian

>> Anonymous (ID: M+w8iFD7 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:45:03 No.309022991 ▶

its about personality and their confirmation bias. these foolish gentile children will never learn.

>> Anonymous (ID: qm7lwxLd ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:45:13 No.309023020 ▶

File: mommy0.gif (3.14 MB, 498x273)


kek trannies and kikes are absolutely


>> Anonymous (ID: 5vv9kY9d ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:46:04 No.309023118 ▶


true red pill

>> Anonymous (ID: UoRfdjVI ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:46:19 No.309023149 ▶ >>309024480

at this point we're all fucked and you play picky on who name the jew fuck off seriously whoever it is is better
than no fucking one how hard is it to understand?

>> Anonymous (ID: O5Hw07+x ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:51:08 No.309023797 ▶ >>309024969

It's so funny to me that tourists come here trying to claim what pol is like

>> Anonymous (ID: /DxU6t5Y ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:53:05 No.309024030 ▶ >>309024251

>>309010448 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: MHX+Q/4M ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:54:28 No.309024190 ▶ >>309024969 17/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
File: 5A272B38-B6EF-4D8A-84EE-9(...).gif (1.4 MB, 270x262)

Memeflags utterly BTFO

>> Anonymous (ID: hp8RPACd ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:54:52 No.309024234 ▶ >>309027110

>>309010448 (OP)
I’ve been learning about the Jews recently. They have their fingers in every vice in America. I really hate
them for the degenerate behaviors they push through every outlet and constant negro apologists telling us
how great niggers are like we haven’t met them.

I’m a younger Latino, and if you white boys don’t get rid of them, I think I can convince my people to do it.

Either way, we need a Jew free Americas, where Jews can’t hold any more governmental power. From
Canada to Tierra del Fuego, each man and woman deserve to be free from Jewish money and influence. To
chart our individual nation’s destinies.

Join me.
A Jew Free Americas 2026

>> Anonymous (ID: iaI3aH5X ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:54:59 No.309024251 ▶ >>309024328 >>309032894

el Judío

>> Anonymous (ID: /DxU6t5Y ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:55:38 No.309024328 ▶ >>309024535

What's that chicks name? I want to coom

>> Anonymous (ID: AKALSVF7 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:55:58 No.309024362 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
i don't want to burst your bubble but naming them it's not instant winning. they've been named for centuries
here in europe. i get that your a burger and it's really novel to you. it's a good start though.

>> Anonymous (ID: GsRX8W55 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:55:58 No.309024363 ▶ >>309033063

File: 6-UH6nSBHLY.jpg (92 KB, 500x713)

I would rather be alone in life than a thirsty simp. Some pathetic guy begging some girl to fuck
him, so cringely that the girl senses, much like a dog, the desperation in his voice or actions
leading to an immediate turn off. Women like someone who stands be his convictions takes
charge and fights for his passions, fights for what he believes not some flip flopper who will
cater to all her needs to get in her pants. Change his beliefs in an instant just for muh dik.
Women are not dumb they weed out the simp like an animal does.

>> Anonymous (ID: XmDFS5aV ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:56:09 No.309024388 ▶

File: cheers.jpg (80 KB, 1024x1024)

smartest man in this thread 18/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: aWzM1c9r ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:56:19 No.309024401 ▶ >>309024662 >>309032614

>>309010448 (OP)
God I wish I was from Spain. Not even for her, the culture is just amazing. Been there once. I'd give anything
to live there.

>> Anonymous (ID: hp8RPACd ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:56:56 No.309024476 ▶

Show flag Hebe.
We’re onto you.

>> Anonymous (ID: +ri6sFit ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:56:59 No.309024480 ▶

File: 1613809456618.jpg (80 KB, 1243x650)

how about actually doing something other than wanking to some random tradwifu?
retards can't even oppose covid restrictions but "naming the jew" will surely fix the
problems. have you done anything to stop the destruction of our society? no? well
newsflash "naming the jew" for 5000 people when 4000 of them are circlejerking /pol/aks won't help.

>> Anonymous (ID: AKALSVF7 ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:57:23 No.309024530 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: MHX+Q/4M ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:57:25 No.309024535 ▶

Isabel M. Peralta

>> Anonymous (ID: R658fy4s ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:57:31 No.309024551 ▶ >>309028697

Nobody outside of /pol/ even knows who this whore is.

>> Anonymous (ID: X+EK1t0s ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:58:23 No.309024662 ▶ >>309025726

> Leaf wants to live in a cucked socialist country close to Africa.


>> Anonymous (ID: R658fy4s ) 02/20/21(Sat)23:59:20 No.309024791 ▶ >>309027309

This is so cringe. /pol/ is a joke.

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:00:48 No.309024969 ▶

File: 1613843013968.jpg (142 KB, 749x973) 19/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
I keep hearing this. Proofs?
Right? Unfuckingbelivable the chutzpah of those faggots
It is why I love the absolute asshurt of the shills in these threads. Thanks for the cool new check .gif anon

>> Anonymous (ID: /qhtzHOt ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:00:49 No.309024970 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: aMfsYZGg ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:06:29 No.309025644 ▶

File: 1612801593893.jpg (33 KB, 719x666)


>> Anonymous (ID: aWzM1c9r ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:07:05 No.309025726 ▶

You have no idea how good you have it Spaniard. You at least have culture, identity, and history. Your food is
also the best in the world.

>> Anonymous (ID: BVGGgqLl ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:10:07 No.309026090 ▶ >>309026767 >>309030067 >>309030999


>>309010448 (OP)
All e-celebs who show up out of nowhere and grow in popularity at a sudden rate are controlled opposition.
Ive watched it happen a dozen times now. Cue 8 months from now when she pivots to the center and gets a
corporate show or does something to discredit right wing ideology. Along the way she will soak up money
and any time they need to discrete a better voice in the movement they'll have her engage with that figure to
"prove their extremist ties"

>> Anonymous (ID: aMfsYZGg ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:11:07 No.309026219 ▶

I used to be an active member of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints. active for at least 8 years. I
can recall only one black family ever attending my ward and they basically disappeared after a couple of
months. Perhaps I should go back...

>> Anonymous (ID: /qhtzHOt ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:11:32 No.309026276 ▶ >>309031217 >>309034211

File: gosh.png (1.6 MB, 950x1190)

She's back on twitter 20/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: GU6xe6jQ ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:12:08 No.309026358 ▶ >>309026969

>they just repeat, there no thought process behind their beliefs
so? she named the jew
if that what it takes to for others to follow that and do the same i dont care. i dont care how she came to that
idea, if she repeated, or what.
also most of the politician just repeate others ideas cause thats what benefit them the most at certain that

>> Anonymous (ID: bYE73EjY ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:14:35 No.309026650 ▶

Yes, my fetish is going crazy, I love smokey mouths..

>> Anonymous (ID: MHX+Q/4M ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:15:30 No.309026767 ▶ >>309027515 >>309027642

>Along the way she will soak up money
She hasn’t even asked for a single penny yet. If she does start asking for money then my position might
change but right now I support her 100%

>> Anonymous (ID: 3R1n9vQ4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:15:49 No.309026802 ▶ >>309027279

File: 1613862235227.png (2.72 MB, 1744x1136)

>> Anonymous (ID: PxI7jI7e ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:15:57 No.309026815 ▶

that’s a man

>> Anonymous (ID: iaI3aH5X ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:17:11 No.309026969 ▶

so you praise her even though you know she has no thought process?

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:18:24 No.309027110 ▶

File: 1612462021999.gif (493 KB, 500x282)

The struggle against the jew is international
beaner bro. I say welcome

>> Anonymous (ID: fJvF+g/l ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:20:05 No.309027279 ▶ >>309027595 >>309035430 >>309036401

>smoking in the house 21/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

that's literally degenerate filth tier shit.

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:20:19 No.309027309 ▶ >>309028799

File: 1612724603331.gif (773 KB, 333x358)

Yeah okay
Nah Thats your reflection

>> Anonymous (ID: ZL8PqHLw ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:21:45 No.309027459 ▶

File: 1309040521102.png (71 KB, 800x1200)


>> Anonymous (ID: aWzM1c9r ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:22:12 No.309027515 ▶ >>309027819 >>309029820 >>309035503

How does she support herself? Does anyone know?

>> Anonymous (ID: nTOppbOM ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:22:52 No.309027595 ▶

nah it's true freedumbs

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:23:17 No.309027642 ▶ >>309028299

Exactly this. Thia right here BTFO out of the shills.
When she asks for money for anything other than bail she is a grifter. Till then. We shall see and enjoy the
butthurt of the shills

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:24:53 No.309027819 ▶ >>309029820 >>309032979

Excellent question from the leaf. Weird.
Any anons know the amswer?
I know she is a student, but that is all

>> Anonymous (ID: jEl4NiwQ ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:25:20 No.309027875 ▶ >>309028457

>>309010448 (OP)
kikes will play the long game and make sure her life is broken down

>> Anonymous (ID: qm7lwxLd ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:28:48 No.309028299 ▶ >>309031983 >>309033098 >>309034288

File: Screenshot_20210220-182536.png (342 KB, 720x1440)


"Isabel's friends have decided to open this page in order to help our comrade financially. Isabel
will now have to face fines, harassment and contempt. Therefore, we ask that if you can, you 22/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
contribute what you can and support the comrade.

All the money will go entirely to her."

Seems like her friends opened up a gofundme for legal fees when shes inevitably charged. She
didnt set it up herself though, based. Too bad theres a 100% chance its getting shut down.

>> Anonymous (ID: paE7az6g ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:29:33 No.309028393 ▶ >>309035040

>>309017223 (You)
so what was that thing at the back the dog was trying to get?

>> Anonymous (ID: mqtMqKBb ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:29:37 No.309028404 ▶

File: nukeisrael.png (554 KB, 873x492)

Jews haven't been this BTFO since Adolph
crossed into Poland

>> Anonymous (ID: MHX+Q/4M ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:29:59 No.309028457 ▶

They can’t do that to a woman because there will always be a man to provide for her

>> Anonymous (ID: dWvL8wKj ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:31:10 No.309028608 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
I hope she becomes presidente and expels the jew from spain

>> Anonymous (ID: paE7az6g ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:31:19 No.309028626 ▶

are you retarded? have you watched the interview even you fucking incel shitskin?
she literally provides foundations for every single thing she stated
how many original thoughts have you come up with?

>> Anonymous (ID: 6RaPaKfo ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:31:50 No.309028694 ▶

big bong iq

>> Anonymous (ID: qP2RjO/i ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:31:52 No.309028697 ▶

Actually our media here and in spain sperged out. Amerimutts are genetically unable to be antisemetic. It's
in your fiber, your bones.

>> Anonymous (ID: SqIcnHWb ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:32:00 No.309028720 ▶ >>309028803 >>309029253 >>309033505

>>309034603 >>309034850 >>309034935 >>309036401

Based south american alcoholic tattooed chain-smoking roastie is the new leader of the right

>> Anonymous (ID: R658fy4s ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:32:38 No.309028799 ▶ >>309032352 >>309033701

Go back to jerking off to a teenage attention whore because she figured out how to get attention from a
isolated group of retards online. 23/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: aWzM1c9r ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:32:41 No.309028803 ▶

based. she's just like me.

>> Anonymous (ID: SKcCh3d8 ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:33:06 No.309028847 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)

>Spanish mutt female doing more for the white race than pol in decades

>> Anonymous (ID: qP2RjO/i ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:33:22 No.309028880 ▶ >>309031027

Yes anon, but she named the jew, hence we give her the voice and the benefit of the memes.

>> Anonymous (ID: jlwSB7mR ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:35:47 No.309029186 ▶

I've translated the first 10 mins if anyone wants to help work on it.
David: Do you repent of anything that you said that day? In that dialogue?
Isabel: No.
D: Would you like to qualify anything?
I: Repent? No I absolutely don’t repent. I didn't know it would have these repercussions but if I had know I
would have done exactly the same. Yes its true that that phrase of my dialogue, a dialogue of 15 minutes,
has been reduced to a viral moment that is very controversial which if you take out of context doesn’t make
a lot of sense. I appear..well.
I say the Jew is responsible because I’m talking about what the Blue Division fought against. Communism,
like many know is Jewish invention…..

>> Anonymous (ID: 6RaPaKfo ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:36:19 No.309029253 ▶

File: passmeasmokefritz.jpg (136 KB, 1200x1200)

smoking has always been and always will
be based

>> Anonymous (ID: Kj+UkPMG ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:37:52 No.309029444 ▶ >>309030050 >>309030061 >>309030102

>>309030955 >>309031201 >>309032664
File: isabel.webm (2.87 MB, 1576x886)

>>309017223 (You)
Based pupper

>> Anonymous (ID: BccjGwpa ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:40:41 No.309029763 ▶ >>309030085 >>309030356 >>309034146

File: 1613848301827.jpg (204 KB, 1280x720)

>>309010448 (OP)
Threadly reminder that all (((fellow incels))) upset at this nazi Spanish qt are Vanessa
simps mad their ugly roastie, kike worshipping queen is getting replaced by a far more
attractive woman that actually names Jews and doesn't support the matriarchy.

>> Anonymous (ID: hmn+VgCC ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:41:13 No.309029817 ▶

I am holding my blue eyed son while shit posting.
Still like fashy mami 24/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: qwJ6juj9 ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:41:14 No.309029820 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: SztM9wfW ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:41:33 No.309029854 ▶ >>309032923

File: 1609563270773.jpg (114 KB, 852x937)

checked and kekd. trannys btfo jews btfo riggers btfo

>> Anonymous (ID: cKG122qK ) 02/21/21(Sun)00:41:56 No.309029895 ▶

File: Goebbels name the Jew.jpg (353 KB, 1475x1030)

>>309010448 (OP)

I've never seen so much disinfo and shilling against a person as (((they))) have flooded
this board with to try to stop us supporting isabel.

They know the power that a photogenic woman can have - look at AOC even though
she is hitting the wall and has a sub-90 IQ she still pushes an agenda. And Isabel is intelligent and brave
and most importantly named the Jew.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:43:14 No.309030050 ▶

File: clinton hitler trust dog.png (799 KB, 1259x1022)


wow thank you great capture i missed that scene

she's literally perfect, beautiful, intelligent, kind to

dogs and named the jew

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:43:20 No.309030060 ▶ >>309030632

Just because women on average haven’t evolved into this career path does not mean that there can’t be
exceptions to the rule. Or is this such a massive concept that it would crush your feeble mind?

Also no one said anything about politics anyway, you are literally seething at a meme.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:43:20 No.309030061 ▶

daaaaamn she's hot

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:43:23 No.309030067 ▶

she's not an e-seleb though. she's literally a chick that had a speech at a neonazi rally. i'm not sure though
cause spaniards are autistic with english subtitles. i bet no mutt here understands a word she says. which is
kinda funny.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:43:34 No.309030085 ▶ 25/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
She's a fat roasty toasty.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:43:43 No.309030102 ▶

aye chiuahua

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:44:56 No.309030249 ▶

>>309017223 (You)
look at this brapcannon

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:45:46 No.309030356 ▶

why would a girl from Spain would ever support the matriarchy? all med societies are matriarchal by default

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:46:28 No.309030458 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
Literally who

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:47:04 No.309030532 ▶ >>309030745


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:47:42 No.309030632 ▶ >>309030911


Thing is I understand the suspicion, especially given all the (((feminism))) we have seen used to attack the
west. To basically say "no" to women in politics is sound. But from time to time, and it is very rare, you do
find a woman who is based and Isabel appears to be just that.

I would largely concur with everything Schopnhauer said about women and yet even he admitted that on
rare occassionas you will find a woman who can raise herself above the men.

The true litmus tests for such women is: do they ask for special consideration? do they demand quotas? do
they start appointing token women? If the woman takes a hardline against feminism then she can probably
be trusted. Comapre Margaret Thatcher with Hilary Clinton to see the difference.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:48:20 No.309030700 ▶

Yes, really the only reason why anyone is “simping” for her is the clear seethe that it causes in a lot on this
board. It’s pure schizophrenia, you can name the Jew publicly and be a Kike, and if you do not then you are
also a Kike. It’s almost as if most are so demoralized that everything is perceived as a negative because
defeat is already a determined outcome.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:48:34 No.309030726 ▶

File: isabel1.png (3.01 MB, 1800x1340) 26/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:48:45 No.309030745 ▶

yes colgate

spread it in all shill threads

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:49:24 No.309030826 ▶


What a nice meme :)

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:49:55 No.309030890 ▶

9/10 times it's an American bitching about it. This country is full of pussies who hate cigarettes.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:50:04 No.309030911 ▶ >>309034511

dude. honest question, do you know any of the positions this chick holds? maybe you know spanish and
ccan tell me some. i tried to find a vid on her on youtube but they're all in Spanish.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:50:19 No.309030955 ▶


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:50:43 No.309030999 ▶ >>309035170

File: 1613845955710.jpg (93 KB, 823x1024)

These are all kikes false-flagging as incels, and it's absolutely not working. Kikes don't like it when attractive
women use their pussy power to kill out kikes and defend the patriarchy. Kikes would instead prefer women
use their pussy power to promote matriarchal, feminist cancer.

You will never be incels, kikes. The worship of this nazi thot qt will continue and simps and coomers will be
turned against you.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:50:43 No.309031001 ▶

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:50:47 No.309031006 ▶

only burgers bring that up though

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:50:57 No.309031027 ▶ 27/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
im ok with the meems

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:51:17 No.309031067 ▶

File: Isabel Medina Peralta 3.webm (135 KB, 354x480)

>>309010448 (OP)

Need to be her footslave.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:52:04 No.309031143 ▶

>If these scum are going to exist they should only smoke in their filthy houses away from us normal people
Lol you sound like a fucking democrat

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:52:19 No.309031170 ▶ >>309031665 >>309033688

>>309010448 (OP)
>gentile names the kikes
>immediately life ruined
>nobody talks about him
>nowhere to be found
are there any signs of this happening to this thot??

>a kike names the kikes

>praised in alternative media
>(((everyone))) talks about it like it's the edgiest news of the day
>wooow a true leader is born
>so brave
>everyone talks about it for a month
>everyone who supported the based kike gets on cia list
>get their lives ruined later
are there any signs of THIS

examples of gentiles who named the kikes and life got ruined:
>simon sheppard
>david irving
>old lady from germany who denied holocaust
>dick spenser(lol even though he looks like a glowie)
too many to name but do you actually know any names you dumb fucks??
no you don't

examples of kikes who named the kikes and were praised

>milo ianopolis(or whatever the fuck his name is)
>that old kike reporter from the white house pool who named the kikes like when she was 80 and was about
to retire
>some kike actress.. was it portman or scarlet johansson
>now this peralta(not even a crypto kike last name but a PURE kike last name listen in kike last names list)
there aren't too many but anytime they appear it's always a Hollywood tier show

Now ask yourself a question

Would such a rally happen if it was some actual European person was naming the kikes?
The answer is kind of obvious. Anyone who is actually European and names the kikes ends up in jail.
Unironically. Or even dead.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:52:33 No.309031201 ▶ 28/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Me on the left trying not to laugh

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:52:40 No.309031217 ▶ >>309031573 >>309034807

File: More kvetching.png (409 KB, 630x1053)



Though I imagien the JEws will ahve it removed very quickly

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:52:53 No.309031247 ▶ >>309031629 >>309033323 >>309034736

>>309010448 (OP)
Right wing paypigs are literally foaming at the mouth waiting for a way to donate their hard earned money to
her for saying something they write on the internet 20 times a day.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:53:23 No.309031305 ▶

>suggesting the average /pol/tard can perform the neurosurgery required to redpill a normie, westernized
female. I've been trying to redpill my wife for 14 years now. She leans right on most issues, but mention the
word "jew" and her brain shuts down.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:54:07 No.309031390 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
Women aren’t the enemy.
Blacks aren’t the enemy.
Muslims aren’t the enemy.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:54:29 No.309031444 ▶ >>309031843 >>309031915 >>309031925 >>309034160 >>309034884

File: EutLjg9XUAIVJVV.jpg (72 KB, 738x531)

Lol Isabel is getting popular

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:55:26 No.309031573 ▶

>Fuck Nazis
No, Fuck kikes

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:55:30 No.309031580 ▶ >>309032840

Are you also and EVA pilot by any chance?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:55:51 No.309031629 ▶ >>309031823 >>309035048

Better they paypal a thot that names kikes than a thot that upholds matriarchal cancer and feminism. If this
girl gets more exposure and attention and praise then it'll inspire other attractive women to name kikes for
the same attention. I'd much rather women farming (you)s from simps by shitting on kikes rather than 29/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
supporting them.

The only people upset at this are unironically kikes.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:56:08 No.309031665 ▶ >>309031732

Gentile literally criticized the German anti-Jewish Republic of Salo regime. What are you even talking about
nigger? He was killed by commie partisans during WWII, not forgotten, he was literally killed, but not for
naming the Jews. You are just making shit up.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:56:40 No.309031732 ▶


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:57:17 No.309031823 ▶ >>309032106

This. Idk why people on /pol/ can't comprehend that the majority of men are simps and they're going to go
where hot women are.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:57:26 No.309031843 ▶

Queen Isabel.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:58:04 No.309031915 ▶


Heartwarmign to see

Her last twitter account exploded overnight hitting 10,000 followers before the Jews had it taken down

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:58:08 No.309031925 ▶ >>309032430

File: 1613745175723.jpg (146 KB, 1280x529)


Checked and based

A 5ft tall 90lb Spanish teenage girl is what sets the 4th Reich into motion. What a time to be alive.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:58:37 No.309031983 ▶

I even said if she asks for money for anything BUT LEGAL FEES she is a grifter. This is excellent news.
>Too bad theres a 100% chance its getting shut down.
If it is shut down it will cement that she ia legit

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:58:45 No.309031997 ▶ >>309032147 >>309032454 >>309032789 >>309035109 >>309035318

File: snotty cuntslut.jpg (95 KB, 500x968)

>>309010448 (OP)
you guys are easy to impress
she's the first one to suck a kikey dick if it means more fame and money

roasties get the rope too 30/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:59:41 No.309032106 ▶

It's not actually people that frequent /pol/ but false flagging kikes that are scared that an attractive young
woman is using sex appeal against them. If this catches on more qt zoomer girls will jump to naming kikes
as the hip edgy thing to do to get attention. This nazi thot qt is dabbing on kikes and turning the simps and
coomers against them.


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:59:42 No.309032111 ▶ >>309032282

File: THE JEWS.jpg (31 KB, 489x469)


The absolute STATE of left-wing shills.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:59:44 No.309032116 ▶

In the final Shoah the synagogue of satan will be stripped of everything they cherish and banished to a plot
of land so they can feed off each other. Christ will return. Repent.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)00:59:56 No.309032147 ▶ >>309034722


yeah some roasties are bad but that's not isabel - isabel is a catholic virgin

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:01:05 No.309032282 ▶ >>309035328 >>309035646

File: judio.webm (2.2 MB, 1280x692)


That look on her face, taht was the moment she named the Jew - she looks almost
disgusted at having to utter the word "judio"

That moment a legend was born

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:01:34 No.309032343 ▶ >>309034903

File: Take the Methpill.jpg (95 KB, 853x1024)

She's Peruvian-Spanish. kek 31/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:01:38 No.309032352 ▶ >>309032517
File: 1612905372372.gif (26 KB, 200x267)

>go back to jerking off to a teenage attention whore
Promoting Degenerate activity
>because she figured out how to get attention from a isolated group
of retards online
Complete bullshit easily disprovable lies afterwards to discredit
Yep. This is a kike shill
Whats next? I am a virgin incel simp?
Kys kike

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:01:38 No.309032354 ▶

Just enjoy fren, don't take it too seriously, ironic simping is ok and if she turns out to be legit great if note
c'est la vie

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:02:12 No.309032430 ▶

File: isabel red eyes.jpg (147 KB, 820x1024)


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:02:27 No.309032454 ▶

This is what I mean, these kikes are trying way too hard to sound like incels. It doesn't work because no
sane Lauren Southern tradwife type would jump to naming Jews right off the bat. They always find a way to
dance around the Jew question. Isabel went from 0-100 and hasn't backed down. That's why these false-
flag attacks will continue to fail.

She named the Jew outright without hesitation.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:02:55 No.309032517 ▶ >>309032645 >>309034540 >>309035547

I think it’s more likely that the seethelets are virgin incels desu, women live rent free in their heads.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:03:39 No.309032614 ▶

I hope youre fucking joking

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:03:52 No.309032645 ▶ >>309033030

They're not incels, and I appreciate incels and consider them good men that God can utilize. These are
kikes trying way too hard to fit in because they're terrified an attractive woman is using sex appeal against

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:04:00 No.309032664 ▶

File: 1613246696104.jpg (105 KB, 500x648) 32/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Checked for based hound interrupting hottie
mcfashy España mami
One cannot be a national socialist without caring for
our animal bros.
Banning vivisection and kosher/halal slaughter is a

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:04:45 No.309032746 ▶

An ideology worth dying for.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:05:07 No.309032789 ▶

File: 1534736336539.png (870 KB, 984x1144)


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:05:30 No.309032840 ▶ >>309033278

no, but i wish i was, because getting paid $65k to shitpost plus having perks that come with that title seem
pretty dope and i'd sign up in a heartbeat to do some jodorowsky style shitposting sagas that would make Q
look like a five year old acting like a power ranger.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:05:55 No.309032894 ▶ >>309034709

File: THE JEWS.png (326 KB, 504x439)

>tfw el judio

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:06:06 No.309032923 ▶

File: 1611893300480.jpg (317 KB, 453x640)

Thanks for the cool new 40k rare khaos pepe
mexibro. Trade you

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:06:09 No.309032931 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
/pol/'s new flavor of the month?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:06:31 No.309032979 ▶ >>309035318

A student? This chicks not a politician or anything, just some neo nazi mexician chick who hates jews? Why 33/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
are people talking about her? Who is this bitch? Wtf /pol/

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:06:56 No.309033030 ▶ >>309033398

Largely yes, but I’m certain that many of the people who engage in self indulgent nationalist rhetoric against
women are in that contingent. We need women, why the fuck should we rail against them, it’s a dead end

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:07:16 No.309033063 ▶

File: mfw someone mentions the (...).png (128 KB, 402x334)

>Women are not dumb they
weed out the simp
>I would rather be alone in
life than a thirsty simp


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:07:33 No.309033098 ▶

Yeah. Her "friends". Totally wasn't her setting it up, that would be impossible

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:08:48 No.309033278 ▶

Do you happen to know if there any shitposting jobs in my country?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:09:11 No.309033323 ▶

Okay. Why don't you run for office instead then?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:09:43 No.309033398 ▶

Well, we need Ezer Kenegdo/Warriors by our side women who will uphold the patriarchy, yes. However,
incels are completely justified to go after any woman that identifies as a feminist. Such women are cancer
and the greatest ally to kikes. That man-faced roastie whore Vanessa that's been getting attention for being
a TERF is an enemy that every incel should rebuke.

NEVER simp for a femnist for ANY reason, even if she's against trannies. Between a tranny and a feminist
I'll ALWAYS side with a tranny because it's at least a man that respects the patriarchy, even if he's mentally
insane. That, and he puts feminists in their place.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:10:13 No.309033462 ▶

Man, why do we all see the toddy snake

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:10:16 No.309033468 ▶


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:10:31 No.309033505 ▶

File: Minister of Higher Educat(...).jpg (38 KB, 967x749) 34/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

I'm loving all this kikeseethe and trannyseethe and homoseethe over this girl and the
fact that we literally all love her. I speak for every single entity on /pol/, we all love her
and simp so hard for her.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:11:39 No.309033646 ▶

Amazing kek

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:11:55 No.309033688 ▶

The madrid prosecutors office have opened a case against her and she is noe facing legal repercussions for
her actions.
She also has been diswoned and thrown out of her house by her parents for her beliefs, so she has faced
both legal and social backlash.
Ie she looks legit.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:11:59 No.309033701 ▶ >>309035318

File: Huwhite Supreme Doubt.jpg (30 KB, 250x250)

>attention from a isolated group of retards online

This is what the homosexual is mad about. He wants

it. Instead, she gets it.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:12:13 No.309033734 ▶ >>309034032 >>309034296 >>309034331 >>309034866 >>309035109

File: nazis-puruanos.jpg (57 KB, 472x291)

>>309010448 (OP)
>Oh noooo the 17 year old snot nosed peruvian bitch name the jew, how will they ever

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:12:40 No.309033790 ▶

File: b tards in a nutshell spa(...).png (89 KB, 310x308)

>>309010448 (OP)
literally who? fuck off /b/!

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:13:15 No.309034032 ▶ >>309034120

Yeah I dont understand whats happening

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:13:39 No.309034076 ▶ >>309034835

4 cigs, 90 minutes 35/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:14:01 No.309034120 ▶ >>309034605

i think mostly people find her hot.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:14:15 No.309034146 ▶

>the D&C kike tries another tactic


Just kidding, you're actually irrelevant.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:14:24 No.309034160 ▶

File: 1611558214006.jpg (49 KB, 720x960)

Another 444 in this thread?! Checked
and fucking based!

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:14:48 No.309034211 ▶

You spilled something on your phone idiot. And you know that you don't have to take a picture of your
phone? You can send the picture from your phone to your computer by email.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:15:27 No.309034288 ▶ >>309036190

what legal fees? has she been charged with anything lol?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:15:30 No.309034296 ▶ >>309034870

File: 1613845576522.gif (2.97 MB, 290x280)

Nobody cares jew

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:15:43 No.309034328 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
Yet bitching about qt’s gets the most posts. Bunch of Simps.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:15:44 No.309034331 ▶ >>309034870

Lol cope harder kike. I can't believe how mad you are

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:15:45 No.309034335 ▶

File: isabel.jpg (228 KB, 922x1089) 36/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
For 1 thread posted by Isabel fans, there are 10 threads posted by shills
reminding us that she's

>a roastie
>a jew
>a mutt

She really got the kikes seething by naming them. Goebbels was right.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:16:19 No.309034398 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
Ill fall begin a women who is born to lead. Women leader is European history are legendary only In
Democracy do the suck

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:16:26 No.309034413 ▶ >>309036406

File: 1613761997943.jpg (135 KB, 1079x1081)

Continue the worship to trigger these false-flagging kikes even more! The simping and
cooming shall continue, and there's NOTHING you kikes can do about it! You fuckers
never cry this hard whenever that ugly man-faced feminist bitch Vanessa has her
threads. But all of a sudden a young qt thot goes 1488 and directly names the kikes
without hesitation and suddenly women shouldn't actually name the Jew?

You will never be incels, kikes. You're going to see more of this girl and suffer through
more threads about her and seethe as simps flood the board with her images. Keep

I'll happily throw my full support behind ANY woman that names the Jew and isn't a feminist.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:16:59 No.309034475 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
>women can’t lead!
This is true, simp. If she was based she’d be bearing her white husband’s children.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:17:18 No.309034511 ▶

>he's concern-trolling so hard he might have a stroke

Settle down buddy.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:17:36 No.309034540 ▶ >>309036505

File: 1612180610019m.jpg (83 KB, 1024x888)

That.... Is actually much more sad.
Y u do this?!

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:17:38 No.309034544 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:18:07 No.309034603 ▶ 37/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
shes not south american, stop spreading this myth jew

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:18:08 No.309034605 ▶ >>309034952 >>309035109 >>309035143

Jesus /pol/ get over it. The boards have been shit since trump left. We need some crazy shit to happen.
Whens that dam supposed to burst again?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:18:56 No.309034709 ▶ >>309036781

File: 1611022397013.gif (1.34 MB, 800x533)

Fucking Kek at the file name leaf

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:19:05 No.309034722 ▶ >>309036424 >>309036998

lol dude you didn't even knew she existed yesterday and now ''that's not isabel'' lol. i want t believe is only
gulible burgers but i'm really starting to wonder.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:19:12 No.309034736 ▶

I'm going to donate so much to her man, we're going to reward her so much for saying shit about kikes that it
will encourage more to do so, it'll be a huge edgy trend now watch.

>it is so.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:19:30 No.309034775 ▶ >>309035772

you forgot the part where you ram a dildo all the way up your asshole and sing the barney theme song.
t. former FBI agent

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:19:31 No.309034777 ▶

File: 52E3296B-99E4-42E6-A755-8(...).jpg (296 KB, 1010x537)


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:19:46 No.309034807 ▶

playing the victim as always...

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:20:00 No.309034834 ▶ >>309035133

she is due in court because jews pressured their DA to file charges for her speech at the commemorative
act. She faces jail time. And here she is, repeating and drilling down.
More balls than most.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:20:00 No.309034835 ▶

that's a lot but i think they were slims. 38/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:20:09 No.309034850 ▶

File: tori stop being a jew.jpg (35 KB, 750x923)


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:20:17 No.309034866 ▶ >>309035250

The real interesting thing isn’t the girl, it’s the way the Jews have reacted to the girl. The way basically all
videos were immediately scrubbed from the internet and Bitchite censoring them wherever they had to. It
just proves her point and it’s plain for all to see.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:20:19 No.309034870 ▶ >>309035315

File: 1611274636662.jpg (301 KB, 1024x819)

You cared enough to reply. Keep
simping for a dumb whore.
>N-no you y-you are m-mad
Lol, sure schlomo

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:20:25 No.309034884 ▶

File: Just as Nature Intended.jpg (142 KB, 960x720)


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:20:30 No.309034896 ▶ >>309036078

its a meme not a dick, dont take it personally

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:20:32 No.309034903 ▶ >>309035329


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:20:41 No.309034915 ▶

How's the weather in israel?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:20:43 No.309034919 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
This is so far one of the most decent women I've seen in fucking forever. She is redpilled and strongly
believes in what she is saying and actually put herself out there. So of course you'll attack her for it, as OP
said she named the Jews.

>> 39/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:20:48 No.309034935 ▶

I bet she also has a micro-penis and one testicle.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:20:56 No.309034952 ▶ >>309035487

i prefer her from trump desu. yes the simps are annoying but at least she's really right-wing and not some
kike lover.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:21:41 No.309035040 ▶

I think he smelled a jew

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:21:49 No.309035048 ▶ >>309035292

File: MY PRECIOUS FLUIDS.png (155 KB, 560x311)





>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:22:06 No.309035077 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
All hail the new Queen of Incels. Of course: a barely legal spic mutt.
Let's see if this one will work fellow /pol/acks. Or is this another Lauren Southern?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:22:28 No.309035109 ▶ >>309035250 >>309035448 >>309035918

I didn't know there were so much Jews on this board.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:22:37 No.309035133 ▶

damn. this changes things. although she doesn't seem like she's hurtin for money.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:22:40 No.309035143 ▶

shit take desu

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:22:53 No.309035170 ▶

What phenotype is this? Spanish?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:23:05 No.309035183 ▶

File: 1542636118608.jpg (52 KB, 1024x575)

>kikes and trannies on 40/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:23:30 No.309035250 ▶ >>309035489

File: main-qimg-fab2f2378ae45ce(...).jpg (61 KB, 602x389)

>it’s plain for all to see.
No it ain't apart from discussion here all NPCs are for ruining "fascists" lives and that
include prison and even violence against "nazis".
I and most people know how that works, normalfags will memory whole her once she
goes to jail.
>Says the JIDF memeflag

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:23:50 No.309035292 ▶

Simps hold alot of power because they are part of the patriarchy and enable feminists in the first place. The
worst nightmare of kikes is their army of simps turning against them because qt thots use their sex appeal to
enthrall the simps to 1488.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:24:05 No.309035315 ▶ >>309035720

Not simping for her. Also not thinking that an 18 year old thot will lead anything big but for now it is good that
she exists.
You however are completely uselss.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:24:07 No.309035318 ▶ >>309036221

File: 1612462143374.jpg (120 KB, 333x331)

Did you not read through the thread?
Here read this for a synopsis
Thats not her you lying kike.
Mfw reading this burn

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:24:10 No.309035328 ▶

File: 1999.gif (71 KB, 960x640)

Agreed, that was the moment she let the
crown rest on her head.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:24:11 No.309035329 ▶

Two different words to say mexican

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:25:00 No.309035430 ▶

21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:25:15 No.309035448 ▶

any americans criticizing her who don't speak spanish are idiots. I listened to her interview and shes actually
smart for her age. That is the problem her age.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:25:17 No.309035453 ▶

Fuck off she's 100% Spanish. You know what your midget women look like, including their hair and eyes.
This woman is nothing like a peruvian mountain midget. And then we haven't even discussed her Castillian

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:25:34 No.309035487 ▶ >>309035936

But she's not even a politician. Shes just some student. Who cares?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:25:35 No.309035489 ▶ >>309035720

File: drumpf.png (178 KB, 434x386)

>Reverse psychology

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:25:45 No.309035503 ▶

Probably rich parents

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:25:51 No.309035514 ▶

File: da judio1.png (186 KB, 423x416)

>>309017223 (You)

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:25:57 No.309035520 ▶

Thank you for your insight, Mr. Chang. How's the weather up in Canada?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:26:05 No.309035547 ▶

>more likely that the seethelets are virgin incels desu, women live rent free in their heads

It's a confederacy of permavirgin incels, jealous trannies, jealous homofaggots, and kikeshills, and they're all
seething over 9000.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:26:15 No.309035564 ▶

and they think it was over with trump, he was just the beginning 42/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:26:25 No.309035584 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)
>women cant lead
oh come on now

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:27:00 No.309035646 ▶

you can say a lot of things about zoomers but they have a swag that is really charming on them

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:27:36 No.309035720 ▶ >>309035846

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>You however are completely uselss.
Oh no mommy the /pol/cuck called me useless you're
such a faggot maine.
>says the faggot JIDF while making his 5th BBC
whyteboi thread of the day

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:28:04 No.309035772 ▶

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>you forgot the part where you ram a dildo all the way up your asshole and sing
the barney theme song.
>t. former FBI agent
Oh my. Former prey tell why you didn't stay a glownigger for dem sweet gov gibs?
Just to repugnant working for ZOG?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:28:37 No.309035841 ▶ >>309036115 >>309036688

>>309010448 (OP)
her defending nazis is cringe. Nazis should not be the standard for anything listening defend the nazi era is
where you fascists get defeated. The argument will always be about you against the jews.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:28:40 No.309035846 ▶ >>309036125

How is it like being publicly named ?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:29:22 No.309035918 ▶

Im interested in seeing greece go to war with Turkey or china rigging the election or them admiting biden is
fucking insane or texas freezing over. Why the fuck do I give a shit what some mexican teenager says about
jews. We all hate the jews, her words hold knownweight if she has no political influence

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:29:30 No.309035936 ▶

and AOC was just a bartender 2 years ago. things move fast these days. although i predict kikes will go on
the warpath with her.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:30:42 No.309036078 ▶ 43/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
No I am serious. If she starts trying to grift I will absolutely disavow. That's why I want proofs.
As it stands I called if she was legit she would have a third party have donations for legal fees and that is
exactly what another anon pointed out is happening
All evidence so far seems legit.
Including quadrupling down in this recent interview

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:31:03 No.309036115 ▶ >>309036533

i don't think she was refering to Nazis. i think she was talking about the right-wing side of the Spanish civil

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:31:07 No.309036125 ▶ >>309037090

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You tell me Moshe. I'm sure you haven't read any book about the jews written by actually
influential and intellectuals so I guess the thot is good enough for you.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:31:44 No.309036190 ▶ >>309036364

She's being charged with Thoughtcrime isn't she?

It's illegal to publicly share your opinion on jews apparently.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:32:00 No.309036221 ▶

I did and this is the information I've gathered. Who gives a shit about some random fucking teenager that a
bunch of neo nazi incels think is hot. I want the king of germany to name the jew not some school aged e

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:32:06 No.309036237 ▶

Where is your sense of joy? Our enemies are the ones that can't enjoy anything, not us. This is just a young
woman speaking out -while due in court because of jew pressure on a DA for her speech, which carries
actual jail time- and repeating, nay doubling down on everything on camera, and with a smile.
She's here to give us hope and a bit of a morale boost and to make us think about what life would be like if
we would all speak out freely. She's not to lead us. Take the moment, and enjoy it!

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:32:17 No.309036254 ▶

File: 30e.jpg (18 KB, 252x293)

Isabel is my queen, and there's nothing you incels, virgins, simps, fags, trannies and
kikes can do about it.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:33:20 No.309036364 ▶ 44/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
a chech anon said she was. it doesn't surprise me. she's young, cute and calls out the jewish influence on
the continent. you bet your ass they're going on the warpath with her.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:33:40 No.309036401 ▶

File: 1610143344023.jpg (229 KB, 1024x956)

>7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He
that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

>8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

>9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the
eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

>10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are
those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

>11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

You can tell all the kikes seething and pretending to be incels are really kikes because of how remarkably
self-righteous they are and the type of arguments they use. Whenever Jesus talked about not judging
people or not casting the first stone, remember that He was dealing with a society of kikes who get off on
shaming each other while being full of shit themselves.

This is the type of shit Jesus had to deal with constantly. This young woman is getting the same vile hate
that Jesus did because He too challenged the kikes. Laugh at the kikes impotent rage and continue
supporting this based woman of God.

Saints have never been perfect, but they obeyed the will of God. She's naming the Jews and that's literally
all that matters.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:33:42 No.309036406 ▶

File: 1613523553598.jpg (60 KB, 748x1024)

I'm ascending to new higher levels of simpening just to annoy the fags/troons/kikes/incels
and trigger them constantly. /pol/ will become their hurtbox.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:33:51 No.309036424 ▶

>lol dude you didn't even knew she existed yesterday and now ''that's not isabel'' lol. i want t believe is only
gulible burgers but i'm really starting to wonder.

Regardless the worthless roastie in that pic is another woman, not isabel

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:34:03 No.309036451 ▶

you have lived too long under jew oppression. It's not like that in this case. I understand fully why you would
think that and you're right in most all cases, but this is not that. She is not some youtuber, she is a member
of a Falangist party, with very strict rules. 45/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:34:33 No.309036505 ▶

Just be confident and handsome and have sex, anon. Okay?

Alright. Good.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:34:47 No.309036533 ▶ >>309036783 >>309037043

I watched the interview. Half the interview she made terrific points and impressed me with her age. But at
the end when asks what is the model fascist society she said nazi germany then she defended nazi
germany for like 10 minutes. Germany and Spain are two different countries and nazism is the most retarded
version of fascism. If anything seem sketchy and /pol pandering it was this.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:36:16 No.309036688 ▶ >>309036972

The German NSDAP sent money, arms, men and machinary to aid Franco and the falangalist in their victory
against the Bolsheviks. Her appearance where she named the jew was thr annual celebration of the blue
division, Spanish volunteers that helped invade the kike slave empire of the Soviets as revenge for their
support of the murderous Spanish Bolsheviks.
You literally dont know what the Fuck you are talking about

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:37:05 No.309036781 ▶

That little head tilt while curling her tongue with her mouth open when she said it, my god. That was when I
died and was reborn as Simp Simpson, Simp First Class.

I love her, and am very handsome. I will never go on a date with the fags/troons/incels of /pol/ ever again. I
love her, and we all love her, and fags and trans and incels are getting ignored.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:37:06 No.309036783 ▶ >>309037117

That was just her age showing, her edginess.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:38:43 No.309036947 ▶

>>309010448 (OP)

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:38:52 No.309036972 ▶

lol you probably don't even what you are talking about asshole. I know spanish.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:38:59 No.309036995 ▶

Joder that was quick. Nice. Not as nice as that Meine Ehre Heißt Treue flag though, holy based and SS

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:39:02 No.309036998 ▶

Yesterday is the past, Isabel is the future. Trannies and homosexuals and incels and the jewish people are
also the past and have been cancelled. 46/47
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >you're a simp! >women can't lead! >she smokes and - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:39:26 No.309037043 ▶

oh i thought you were talking about her speech. lol i know Spain and germany are two different countries, i live
in Europe. why is the German Reich the most retarded version of fascism?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:39:47 No.309037090 ▶

File: worried.jpg (16 KB, 201x251)

>Projecting that much
Why are you so afraid ? I'm not the one being named Shlomo, you seem so
upset. What's wrong ?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)01:40:00 No.309037117 ▶

Nazism to me is like Star Wars. It is used by the left to make you guys look stupid.

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