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22/2/2021 /pol/ - /sns/ - Spanish National Socialism General - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

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File: Isabel Medina Peralta.gif (3.17 MB, 308x400)

/sns/ - Spanish National Socialism General Anonymous (ID: mzpcAEUX )
02/21/21(Sun)20:57:46 No.309145685 ▶ >>309145871 >>309145983 >>309146156
>>309146264 >>309146796 >>309147185 >>309147520 >>309148337 >>309148526 >>309148636
>>309148654 >>309149137 >>309149526 >>309149877 >>309150324 >>309151073 >>309152251
>>309153059 >>309153335 >>309160170 >>309161844 >>309164174 >>309164644 >>309164990
>>309166084 >>309167015

Interview from yesterday (pending English translation) [Embed]

Speeches [Embed]

Isabel on a Falangist podcast a month ago [Embed]

sus-polemicas-palabras-sobre-los-judios-Jamas-capitularemos-Por-Javier-Navascues.html 1/38
22/2/2021 /pol/ - /sns/ - Spanish National Socialism General - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>Spanish National Socialist
>Named the Jew during a Blue Division memorial.
>Is 18. Started embracing fascism at 13. Very well read.
>Immediate kvetching and legal persecution by international jewry.
>Twitter went from 4k to 10k. Taken down in less than 24 hours.
>Facing possibility of prison. Accepts it proudly for her ideals. Would write a book while in prison.

>> Anonymous (ID: Y6TgHRv+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:59:38 No.309145871 ▶ >>309146003 >>309147128

>>309145685 (OP)
> Spanish National Socialism General
>its just the same whore general, the whole pasta is about her

>> SAGE (ID: Mc87GRS1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:00:31 No.309145983 ▶ >>309157608

File: simpcard.jpg (17 KB, 280x180)

>>309145685 (OP)
Stop simping for this bitch.

>> Anonymous (ID: GeYhWsax ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:00:39 No.309146003 ▶ >>309146156

I hope she sees this bro.

>> Anonymous (ID: 3d7X0Asi ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:01:00 No.309146046 ▶ >>309147450 >>309147783 >>309149575

>>309153335 >>309159616
File: 215325.jpg (22 KB, 400x400)


>> Anonymous (ID: D7rYv3jj ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:01:52 No.309146156 ▶ >>309165485

>>309145685 (OP)
Gringos ruin everything.
We cannot have anything good.
No sane human being would enter this hellscape willingly

>> Anonymous (ID: zGhG+9rl ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:02:48 No.309146264 ▶

File: 13.gif (3.98 MB, 396x353)

>>309145685 (OP)
well i'm not spanish but good luck.

>> Anonymous (ID: oA3q3Z7D ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:02:57 No.309146291 ▶ >>309146418 >>309146559 >>309146849

>>309148117 2/38
22/2/2021 /pol/ - /sns/ - Spanish National Socialism General - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
File: isabel red eyes.jpg (147 KB, 820x1024)

>hot jew
>she drinks
>she smokes
>dog inside
>women arent leaders
>x isnt white

Im keeping an updated list of the kikes talking points against her so anons know what to ignore. Let me
know if I missed any.

>> SAGE (ID: Mc87GRS1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:03:58 No.309146418 ▶

File: simp_card.jpg (18 KB, 300x200)


>> Anonymous (ID: p5Ic9hYE ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:04:49 No.309146535 ▶ >>309146800 >>309146849 >>309146935

File: F55C13D6-8335-4366-A153-1(...).jpg (28 KB, 1007x636)

I’m also waiting for a version with subtitles, but in the course of an hour and a half
interview, this young woman:
1) said communism was a Jewish invention
2) mentioned “109 countries” and said “jews have been expelled from all countries they
enter; it’s history as old as the sun”
3) discussed Kalergi Plan, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and says that the Talmud calls goyim
4) said Hitler wanted peace, but was provoked into war by Churchill and his Jewish advisors
5) called out “Jewish media”
6) said she’d rather not talk about “the so-called Holocaust” (kek)
7) called out Soros
8) mentioned owning a first edition of Mein Kampf
9) talked about reading Evola
10) in response to the interviewer saying he is afraid his channel will be taken down, she said “that proves
my point”
scared, and why the endless JIDF shilling continuing at a record-breaking pace.
Ask yourself: if Hitler were a young man today, what would anons say?
Obviously, a bunch of memeflaggots would be posting:
>he’s not aryan!
>he likes dogs? Absolutely haram
>b-b-but bankers are the good guys!
>he’s totally a Jew!
>speak English, kraut
>bet he’s a drug addict! oy vey
>surname indicates he’s not a REAL German
>chuck sneed!
>race way didn’t start yesterday so he must be a shill.psd
>our movement can’t be led by someone under 6’7”
>simp harder fag 3/38
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>nothing will ever happen.
We have a great potential voice for the future here — someone who’s not afraid to name the Jew, and who’s
also young, beautiful, and female. She has the ability to make people listen, which we’ve been missing for a
long time.
Ignore memeflags and Israeli VPNers.

>> Anonymous (ID: H8IWc8XM ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:05:05 No.309146559 ▶

just add simp to your filters and you won't see any of it

>> Anonymous (ID: DG8Zzo85 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:07:01 No.309146796 ▶ >>309146956 >>309147242 >>309148197

>>309154449 >>309158152

>>309145685 (OP)
are you gonna simp for every literal who female who says the word "jew"?

Pol has became so fucking cringe over the years

She is 18 years old, she is of no importance or credibility, she has no more credibility than the teenage
losers who already lurk this board. She is a nobody. Fuck off.

>> SAGE (ID: Mc87GRS1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:07:04 No.309146800 ▶

>and who’s also female.
That's the problem cuck.

>> Anonymous (ID: D7rYv3jj ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:07:31 No.309146849 ▶ >>309147208 >>309151001

Why would you care, you aren't even Hispanic.

>> Anonymous (ID: oA3q3Z7D ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:08:10 No.309146935 ▶

File: mommy0.gif (3.14 MB, 498x273)


How is it even possible to be this based?

>> Anonymous (ID: D58x5Iws ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:08:27 No.309146956 ▶ >>309147070 >>309147612

>are you gonna signal boost everyone who is anti-Semitic??!

>> SAGE (ID: Mc87GRS1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:09:24 No.309147070 ▶ >>309147297 >>309152439

Except all you do is simp.

>> Anonymous (ID: IiX1VmMl ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:09:35 No.309147102 ▶ >>309147388 >>309158229 >>309164848

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>> Anonymous (ID: ELYrZ90R ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:09:50 No.309147128 ▶

If the discourse focuses on actual natsoc principles rather than /our cutie/ simping, I don't mind that much.
That said, we know which way this is going.

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:10:15 No.309147185 ▶ >>309147875 >>309150155

File: fascism natsoc differences.png (376 KB, 602x614)

>>309145685 (OP)
>claims she is fascist
>now she apparantly is natsoc
>so in conclusion she has no idea what either ideology is, and shes grouping them
together like a typical lying leftwing faggot
see, this is why you ban all women from political movements. shes 18. shes probably
voted once. kys retard

>> Anonymous (ID: p5Ic9hYE ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:10:24 No.309147208 ▶ >>309148731

Because I believe that a revival of nationalism and fascism is beneficial to the western world in general, and
if a star is rising in Spain, I’m not going to ignore it just because I don’t live there.

>> Anonymous (ID: D5rHWjaN ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:10:38 No.309147242 ▶ >>309147388

Nigger at least try to change your verbal approach so we can't so easily see you're the same shill from last

>> Anonymous (ID: D58x5Iws ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:10:58 No.309147297 ▶ >>309147499 >>309147896

File: 1581619726153.gif (23 KB, 112x112)

>all you do is spread anti-Jewish propaganda!

>> Anonymous (ID: oA3q3Z7D ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:11:47 No.309147388 ▶ >>309147621


kek this one had a confederate flag in the last thread

>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:12:26 No.309147450 ▶

22/2/2021 /pol/ - /sns/ - Spanish National Socialism General - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> SAGE (ID: Mc87GRS1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:12:47 No.309147499 ▶ >>309147981
File: feministfantasyvsreality.jpg (83 KB, 472x762)

All you do is simping, simp.

>> Anonymous (ID: P4uHtomS ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:12:59 No.309147520 ▶ >>309149856

File: 1613858482222.png (275 KB, 423x417)

>>309145685 (OP)
Based op

>> Anonymous (ID: DG8Zzo85 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:13:48 No.309147612 ▶ >>309148030 >>309148238 >>309158152

Women don't have real convictions like men do, they will either go with the flow or be contrarian for attention
because she's "not like the other girls!".

You are a fool for trusting a woman to have real beliefs, especially a woman this young.

>> Anonymous (ID: D5rHWjaN ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:13:52 No.309147621 ▶

They're so pathetic.

>> Anonymous (ID: RHWhwuym ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:14:59 No.309147756 ▶

She's so hot

>> Anonymous (ID: cj2JVPjz ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:15:08 No.309147783 ▶

i'm going to learn Spanish just for this chick

>> Anonymous (ID: GeYhWsax ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:15:51 No.309147875 ▶ >>309148260

She said actually stated that there is a difference betweeen the two, as stated in that pic.
Don't shoot yourself in the foot. Too easy to compare and contrast.
Piss-poor attempt. Try harder.

>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:15:59 No.309147896 ▶

Stop replying to bots

>> Anonymous (ID: 3yxkjgqY ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:16:13 No.309147924 ▶ 6/38
22/2/2021 /pol/ - /sns/ - Spanish National Socialism General - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Even if anons manage to add subtitles, it would be good to have small clips of this interview. Normies aren't
going to watch a one hour and a half interview.

>> Anonymous (ID: LDhcGF/B ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:16:22 No.309147941 ▶ >>309148304 >>309149500 >>309150072

I fucking died when I saw this one.

You niggers are creative as hell, I will give you that.

>> Anonymous (ID: oA3q3Z7D ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:16:28 No.309147962 ▶

Who is going to step up to the plate and be the hero /pol/ needs? Whoever adds subtitles to the interview is
entitled to one trillion (You)s

>> Anonymous (ID: vxrvMxFL ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:16:36 No.309147981 ▶ >>309148881 >>309154996

Did you know how cool this girl is??

she is in a violent street gang

smokes inside
drinks inside
keeps dogos inside and is friends of animals
probably going to jail doesnt give a fuck
says crazy shit to her gang high on cocaine
is a qt

prove me wrong on how this person isnt cool?

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:17:00 No.309148030 ▶ >>309148311

>You are a fool for trusting a woman to have real beliefs, especially a woman this young.
shes 18. shes basically a child, mentally. and i mean that politically. how many books has she read? when
did she suddenly decide this was the choice for her? i doubt she even owns any books at all. someone ask
her for her book collection and what she recommends reading

>> Anonymous (ID: goJL8jwk ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:17:45 No.309148117 ▶ >>309158152

I don't care how "based and redpilled" a woman is, I would never follow her.

>> Anonymous (ID: 34Zsb5GT ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:18:20 No.309148197 ▶ >>309148993

>Pol has became so fucking cringe over the years
t. just came here from Discord
You will never be a woman.

>> Anonymous (ID: D58x5Iws ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:18:39 No.309148238 ▶

>trusting a woman to have real beliefs,
Imagine giving a shit about that and not just promoting propaganda

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:18:50 No.309148260 ▶ >>309148437 >>309148745

>She said actually stated that there is a difference betweeen the two,
when? where? shes a 18 year old child. she would not have even finished year 1 reading list for degree level 7/38
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political education. i wouldnt even listen to a 30 year old womans political opinions. not one adult can explain
why anyone should give a shit about a instawhore trying to cash in for attention. show me her book case and
il give a shit...

>> Anonymous (ID: LVsK4afw ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:19:14 No.309148304 ▶

I was half expecting

>> Anonymous (ID: GeYhWsax ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:19:21 No.309148311 ▶ >>309148644

>She no ready book!
She mentions some books she has read in interview.
You're dogshit at what you do. Not worth the money.

>> Anonymous (ID: adWnNxbK ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:19:32 No.309148337 ▶ >>309148604

>>309145685 (OP)
>Spanish National Socialism
you're retarded, stupid american
you can't even distinguish fascism and natsoc

>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:20:14 No.309148425 ▶ >>309148673 >>309148731 >>309148766

>>309149215 [Embed]

Can some spanish frens translate? Not the whole thing but some key points of it if you can.

>> Anonymous (ID: TKmGwm6P ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:20:22 No.309148437 ▶ >>309148709

>show me her book case and il give a shit...
show us yours

>> Anonymous (ID: pwbCYAqO ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:21:08 No.309148526 ▶ >>309148630 >>309148668 >>309148806

>>309148833 >>309148938 >>309154660 >>309156689

>>309145685 (OP)
Why do you keep doing this? She's a disgusting goblina who's being hated even by the falangists she claims
to be a part of. Grow the fuck up, nationalism is the most damaging meme history has ever seen, which
concluded with two devastating wars and hundreds of millions dead.

>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:21:41 No.309148604 ▶ >>309148882 >>309149486

She describes herself has a natsoc and fascist you fucking muffin.

>> Anonymous (ID: D58x5Iws ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:21:59 No.309148630 ▶ >>309149476 >>309157028

>nationalism is the most damaging meme history has ever seen
nigga u gay

>> Anonymous (ID: Lo5zd2pz ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:22:03 No.309148636 ▶ 8/38
22/2/2021 /pol/ - /sns/ - Spanish National Socialism General - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>>309145685 (OP)
Sexy Hitler chick. Spain rocks.

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:22:08 No.309148644 ▶ >>309148790 >>309149000

im asking. tell me the answers
>wahhhhhh some person on the internet wants to know what books she read. because he didnt give a shit
about what some dumb 18 year old bitch says beyond her first shot in the limelight he must be a paid shill
grow up you fucking loser. tell me, what fucking books?

>> Anonymous (ID: qPb+Xf09 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:22:11 No.309148654 ▶ >>309148933

>>309145685 (OP)
Just call her Falangist

>> Anonymous (ID: P4uHtomS ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:22:20 No.309148668 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: p5Ic9hYE ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:22:23 No.309148673 ▶ >>309148763 >>309149125 >>309150453

File: F068856C-FF3A-451C-9742-3(...).jpg (1.7 MB, 1056x2335)

Here’s a summary from a Spainanon fren

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:22:44 No.309148709 ▶ >>309148800 >>309149343

File: DSC_0115.jpg (706 KB, 1914x1080)

here you go faggot

>> Anonymous (ID: D7rYv3jj ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:22:53 No.309148731 ▶ >>309148992 >>309149125 >>309149132

I like your thinking, but perhaps you are not aware to the fact that the biggest threat to nationalism and
fascism worldwide is the United States of America. And you shitposting about her on /pol/ out all of the
fucking places on the internet puts her in the radar of the automated shills plaguing this place whom could
potentially make her a target diminishing her efforts on the cultural war by canceling her or worse.
Please stop.
I'm willing to translate it if you faggots stop making threads about her.

>> Anonymous (ID: GeYhWsax ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:23:04 No.309148745 ▶ >>309148914

In the interview when she mentions the differences between fascism/Ns/falange.
> i wouldn't even listen..
Don't give a fuck about what you listen to since you're so full of shit and a obvious lair.
Try harder for fucks sake, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> Anonymous (ID: p5Ic9hYE ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:23:13 No.309148763 ▶ >>309148845 >>309149125 >>309150010

File: 3D0713BE-7F2E-4C12-839B-D(...).jpg (2.01 MB, 1242x2247) 9/38
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>> Anonymous (ID: pwbCYAqO ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:23:18 No.309148766 ▶ >>309149125

Jumped straight in to minute 11 and she's straight up talking about how banks work, and blaming the jews.
She sounds like a fuckin idiot.

>> Anonymous (ID: D58x5Iws ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:23:35 No.309148790 ▶

She read all the books and her dad works at nintendo
Also Leon Degrelle came to me in a dream and said you were a gay nerd who needed to go outside

>> Anonymous (ID: mcyXhOFX ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:23:40 No.309148800 ▶

>check out the books i havent read

>> Anonymous (ID: 5am65OPS ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:23:43 No.309148806 ▶ >>309148880

File: 1595852938338.gif (2.68 MB, 335x230)

>nationalism is the most damaging meme history

>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:24:00 No.309148833 ▶

>n-nationalism is bad
opinion discarded, goy. Fucking rookie jidf recuit.

>> Anonymous (ID: p5Ic9hYE ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:24:04 No.309148845 ▶ >>309150119 >>309166064

File: 94A42FA5-DDAA-40CE-A719-4(...).jpg (1.69 MB, 1022x2320)


>> Anonymous (ID: pwbCYAqO ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:24:21 No.309148880 ▶

Yeah, it was a meme pushed by the same jews you hate. Those who orchestrated those wars, you fuckin
genius. 10/38
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>> Anonymous (ID: Lo5zd2pz ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:24:21 No.309148881 ▶

It can't be done mate. She's perfect.

>> Anonymous (ID: qPb+Xf09 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:24:21 No.309148882 ▶ >>309149486

She's actually a national syndicalist but yeah, fascist and natsoc in general terms

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:24:41 No.309148914 ▶

tell me, what fucking books does she mention? you pathetic little queer

>> Anonymous (ID: H8IWc8XM ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:24:51 No.309148933 ▶ >>309149044 >>309149426 >>309152401

The Falangists are in the process of disavowing her. The radio show she was on has severed ties with her
because muh Holohoax: [Embed]

>> Anonymous (ID: 58lShmlZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:24:52 No.309148935 ▶

File: 70899000-914F-42C3-A498-F(...).jpg (20 KB, 500x304)

>Donna Quixote
I don’t speak Spanish

>> Anonymous (ID: p5Ic9hYE ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:24:56 No.309148938 ▶

File: 28B37B7C-632A-430A-A138-E(...).jpg (57 KB, 584x960)

Oy vey!

>> Anonymous (ID: D58x5Iws ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:25:22 No.309148992 ▶ >>309149697

>you shitposting about her on /pol/ out all of the fucking places on the internet puts her in the radar of the
automated shills plaguing this place whom could potentially make her a target diminishing her efforts on the
cultural war by canceling her or worse.
Retarded and cucked mentality

>> Anonymous (ID: ELYrZ90R ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:25:23 No.309148993 ▶

He's right, though.

>> Anonymous (ID: GeYhWsax ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:25:25 No.309149000 ▶ >>309149118 >>309149261

fuck of and watch the interview you clown.
If you're calling me a loser why would you trust my answer. Again, you are embarrassingly stupid. 11/38
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>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:25:54 No.309149044 ▶ >>309149904

her little middle easter face lel

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:26:33 No.309149118 ▶ >>309149444

post it faggot. no matter how much you simp for her, it wont change a thing. make sure to donate to her

>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:26:38 No.309149125 ▶ >>309149718

Thanks fren.
>naming the jew
Good to know why you're so scared, that proxy isn't very convincing.

>> Anonymous (ID: p5Ic9hYE ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:26:40 No.309149132 ▶ >>309149272

I think your point is fair; America is damaging to the world in many ways. As an American, I’m doing my best
to end for a return to civic nationalism and an end to international adventurism, but I do see and respect your

>> Anonymous (ID: CsmhWv5k ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:26:42 No.309149137 ▶ >>309149396 >>309158152

>>309145685 (OP)
Omg are you serious?
I can’t believe how much simping is going on here.
Truly everyday we go father from the light

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:27:18 No.309149215 ▶ >>309149391 >>309149697 >>309149788

>>309149857 >>309149945 >>309166064

She identifies as a natsoc, literally. She says democracy is sold. She considers race mixing is anti-national.
She names the jew continuously, but she specifies, those jews who really do have the power, she names the
rockefellers, some others I've never heard of, soros. She says Karl marx was a kazharian jew. She stands
for nationalism and social justice, she doesn't associate herself neither with the left (she basically says that
they're not doing anything for social justice) nor with the right (who she said are sold and scaming patriots
with good faith, she doesn't like vox). She also says she likes the right wing more cause they act in good
faith. But she makes it clear that neither the right or the left are viable solutions. She is national sindicalist
too, she continuously insists on social justice. SHe says franco was shit and the civil war should have been
avoided. THat's what comes to mind right now, so if anything just ask.
Also she mentions antifa/anarchists have common points with natsocs, as both ntagonize a system they
deem corrupt and rotten but at the end of the day if they both defeated it they'd have to fight eachother to
take the power. SHe also says modern feminism is anti nationalism and makes the woman fight the man and
no longer be a mom or have a functional family.

Anything just ask.

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:27:39 No.309149261 ▶

if you are not gonna use this board to provide info to other anons and lurkers, and expect them to dedicate 12/38
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time over a 2 sentence answer you can provide without wasting their time, you are the kike shill here.
ffucking kill yourself and leave the board faggot

>> Anonymous (ID: D58x5Iws ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:27:47 No.309149272 ▶ >>309149720

File: 44F14C2650F4494D888C7C9FD(...).jpg (82 KB, 860x960)

>civic nationalism

>> Anonymous (ID: P4uHtomS ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:28:10 No.309149313 ▶

File: 1613850953262.png (244 KB, 530x291)

>increases the word simp 1000x in a matter

of days
kneel shills you've already lost

>> Anonymous (ID: TLcaS11Q ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:28:23 No.309149343 ▶

>atlas and English books

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:28:43 No.309149391 ▶ >>309150034

what about monarchy? whast she say about that?

>> Anonymous (ID: p5Ic9hYE ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:28:44 No.309149396 ▶

File: 8ECBC446-7CE8-4FA0-A0B5-B(...).jpg (23 KB, 480x267)

>oy vey moishe; shut it down!

>> Anonymous (ID: qPb+Xf09 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:28:54 No.309149426 ▶

Well, not good for her.
These Falangists aren't very brave (It's not Easy but they shouldn't leave her alone)

>> Anonymous (ID: GeYhWsax ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:29:04 No.309149444 ▶ >>309149754

>teeeell meee booooks!
lol you are literal mental-illness tier
She mentions the first book in the first 5 mins of the interview. In fact she mentions the author's name. Very
well known. If you were interested you would watch the interview.
But you're not here for that.

>> Anonymous (ID: pwbCYAqO ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:29:20 No.309149476 ▶ >>309149611 >>309149875

Started with the first war that could be called a world war. The napoleonic wars, and ended in ww2. All
Nationalism has brought has been war and retardation. Germany didn't even need to start WW1, they were 13/38
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pretty well on their way to surpass the UK economically, but they had to start that retarded war, because of
course, they were the most manliest faggots in europe

>> Anonymous (ID: adWnNxbK ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:29:24 No.309149486 ▶ >>309158925

>national syndicalist
as all the other spanish fashos
she seems to me like a classical spanish fascist, espana una grande and fundamentalist christianity, right?

>> Anonymous (ID: oA3q3Z7D ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:29:33 No.309149500 ▶


keked and saved

>> Anonymous (ID: vcWkDbIr ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:29:46 No.309149526 ▶

>>309145685 (OP)
wft a spainish nazi whats next a black pope

>> Anonymous (ID: 3d7X0Asi ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:30:08 No.309149575 ▶

File: yt.png (82 KB, 796x378)


>> Anonymous (ID: D58x5Iws ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:30:28 No.309149611 ▶ >>309149809

>i'm gay and really like cum
Uh ok but I didn't really ask

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:30:28 No.309149612 ▶ >>309150520

all the 1 post by this ids lel. gas yourselves kikes

>> Anonymous (ID: D7rYv3jj ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:31:12 No.309149697 ▶ >>309150093

Yours? Of course.
A great deal of Spanish speaking NatSocs and fascists have managed to survive in mainstream media by
avoiding you Anglos and the faggotery that follows you around.
Manolo maricon, imagina mi sorpresa.

>> Anonymous (ID: pwbCYAqO ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:31:20 No.309149718 ▶ >>309149916

>muh banks bad
The modern financial system is why you're a fat fuck that can be in his mom's basement larping about being
a natsoc. If you don't understand this you're either underage or a retard.

>> Anonymous (ID: kFJkjnpZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:31:21 No.309149720 ▶


They can't hide from us in Israel, we will fucking murder them from the sky. 14/38
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>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:31:37 No.309149754 ▶ >>309150155

im not watching her fucking video. just tell me

>> Anonymous (ID: cUROlpxh ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:31:39 No.309149763 ▶ >>309149985

bitch is shilling for the separation of catalonia and somehow shes based? lmao shes more cancerous than
the JIDF "you're not white" shills.
holy fuck you people are pathetic coomer simps

>> Anonymous (ID: TLcaS11Q ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:31:51 No.309149788 ▶

I don’t care to listen to women, but she does sound based. I won’t be keeping up much, but I do wish her
luck in naming the jew and awakening a portion of the population. Hopefully she can awaken some cucks
and women.

>> Anonymous (ID: pwbCYAqO ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:31:58 No.309149809 ▶ >>309150110

are all natsocs kids? because it really looks like it

>> Anonymous (ID: 2NnpQFnj ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:32:18 No.309149856 ▶

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>> Anonymous (ID: WhDH2UJA ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:32:20 No.309149857 ▶

>incoherent opinions of an 18 year old girl

>> Anonymous (ID: D5rHWjaN ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:32:24 No.309149875 ▶ >>309151295


Are you even trying? Quit making a fool out of yourself.

>> Anonymous (ID: YdSEJEQg ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:32:24 No.309149877 ▶

>>309145685 (OP)
that's cringe tbqhsimpalam

>> Anonymous (ID: p5Ic9hYE ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:32:34 No.309149904 ▶ >>309150116 >>309151300

File: 9A46E709-084C-4EA9-B518-F(...).jpg (154 KB, 1024x1024)

>t. abdul achmed has entered the chat 15/38
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>> Anonymous (ID: P4uHtomS ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:32:39 No.309149916 ▶ >>309150408

>hates nationalism
>simps for banks
not surprised.jpg

>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:32:50 No.309149945 ▶ >>309150286 >>309150839

>SHe says franco was shit
What? Why?

>> Anonymous (ID: vxrvMxFL ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:33:10 No.309149985 ▶

Obviously you are not white, and you will never be white

>> Anonymous (ID: adWnNxbK ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:33:22 No.309150010 ▶ >>309155784

>she talks about "best korea"
does she lurk this board?

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:33:32 No.309150034 ▶ >>309150901

I don't remember she mentioning it, vague references to Isabel La Catolica, but she says that was long
behind. I guess she views Spanish Monarchy when they were powerful in good light. She says spaniards
are warriors historically. And that Spain reached heights historically but loste it all too easily.

>> Anonymous (ID: 2NnpQFnj ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:33:50 No.309150072 ▶ >>309151749

Get that nigger trash off my Isabel

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:34:04 No.309150093 ▶ >>309150870

tu padre maricon, come mierda

>> Anonymous (ID: D58x5Iws ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:34:09 No.309150110 ▶ >>309150506

>are young people all nazis who don't mindlessly repeat shallow heeb lies and refuse to eat cum?
I hope so

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:34:13 No.309150116 ▶ >>309150425

do you know one person in real life who gives a fuck about what women think about politics, or even listens
to them? the adults on this board are laughing at you all.
must be nice being a nigger

>> Anonymous (ID: adWnNxbK ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:34:14 No.309150119 ▶

>both a leader and popular support
based 16/38
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>> Anonymous (ID: GeYhWsax ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:34:32 No.309150155 ▶ >>309150426 >>309150620

So why you say did you say this in >>309147185

>>claims she is fascist

>>now she apparantly is natsoc
>>so in conclusion she has no idea what either ideology is, and shes grouping them together like a typical
lying leftwing faggot
>see, this is why you ban all women from political movements. shes 18. shes probably voted once. kys

Sounds like you already know what she said.

But now you are saying you haven't watched the video.

Retard much?

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:35:32 No.309150286 ▶ >>309158202

I guess cause she doesn't see the civil war in good light. SHe does say sarcastically about the civil war
"seeing what we got out of it"

>> Anonymous (ID: MrVAo8gP ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:35:52 No.309150324 ▶ >>309150541

>>309145685 (OP)
>Spanish National Socialism General
no thanks
>this stupid cunt
no thanks

It's all trash and it's bad for you

>> Anonymous (ID: pwbCYAqO ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:36:29 No.309150408 ▶

Try to get a house being a poorfag without a loan you fuckin retard. I'm not saying the financial system is
perfect, but what's the alternative to distribute wealth?
It's like "muh capitalism bad", well what's the fuckin alternative genius? Communism?

>> Anonymous (ID: p5Ic9hYE ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:36:38 No.309150425 ▶ >>309150826

I think only sandniggers like you refuse to listen to women speak when they have something worth listening
to (it’s probably because you’d rather fuck boys and goats)

>> Anonymous (ID: vxrvMxFL ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:36:38 No.309150426 ▶ >>309150706

I havent watched her videos and you can easily infer both those things.

>> Anonymous (ID: adWnNxbK ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:36:50 No.309150453 ▶ >>309150713 >>309150758

oh now I get it JONS ista
isn't that the same as saying falangist?

>> Anonymous (ID: pwbCYAqO ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:37:18 No.309150506 ▶ 17/38
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No, they repeat the trends in their circles, which is another set of lies. Pick the one you like most, retard

>> Anonymous (ID: P4uHtomS ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:37:26 No.309150520 ▶

If i keep turning my phone on and of a take a new memeflag I’m sure they won’t notice!

>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:37:34 No.309150541 ▶

You entered a thread just to say you didn't like it, and you expect us to care?

>> Anonymous (ID: W4z4YVz2 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:38:10 No.309150613 ▶ >>309151000

>giving this spic degenerate white attention

The Jews have already won

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:38:15 No.309150620 ▶ >>309150873 >>309150979

i saw the first video, the first day it was spammed here. my first thoughts
>dumb ethot/instawhore desperately seeking attention on the new rising political stance
>instantly ignored her after her claiming to be a fascist (exactly what she said) now suddenly she explains
more and shes suddenly not a fascist but natsoc?
>confirmed 100% why i constantly ignore all female politicians, aswell as females who discuss politics
and here you are. refusing to provide any info and forcing me to waste my time watching some instawhores
video to get a tiny bit of information you could just answer. if you are not going to be useful on this board and
just spam shit to anyone who has a different opinion to you, whilst trying ot safeguard this information like
everyone should go waste their time, go be a retard elsewhere. all thats happened is im convinced both on
here and 16 chan, its unorganic because any criticism got instantly banned there. not buying it, this is kike

>> Anonymous (ID: GeYhWsax ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:38:53 No.309150706 ▶ >>309150979

>I know what she said!
>I don't know what she said!
Pick one.

>> Anonymous (ID: YdSEJEQg ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:38:56 No.309150713 ▶

they were the more revolutionary part of the flange, opposed to Primo de Rivera, the one that wouldn't have
gotten anywhere imo.

>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:39:21 No.309150758 ▶

I'm pretty sure yeah

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:39:57 No.309150826 ▶

im white. go be a nigger elsewhere. women are solely responsible for the dismantling of all western
nations.they are the ones who run the government departments, staff 80% of the system and have the most
time to spam shit to affect people so they get social points and look great. sorry, you are a child. as are all
these little kikes and etards spamming this shit non stop. unorganic

>> Anonymous (ID: MRAI3I5J ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:40:03 No.309150839 ▶ >>309151192 18/38
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She didn't say that. She said he was better than the leftists, but in the end he betrayed the Falange and the
fascist/national syndicalist principles of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera and Ramiro Ledesma Ramos.

>> Anonymous (ID: D7rYv3jj ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:40:14 No.309150870 ▶ >>309153660

¿Si no eres maricón entonces porque shilleas esta mujer aquí de todos los putos sitios de internet? ¿A caso
quieres que sus esfuerzos sean en vano?
¿Sabes la cantidad de judios, trannies y glowies que nos están mirando en este momento?
No me sorprendería que arruinarla fuera tu intención, después de todo estamos hablando de un español.

>> Anonymous (ID: GeYhWsax ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:40:14 No.309150873 ▶

>if you are not going to be useful on this board and just spam shit to anyone who has a different opinion to

>> Anonymous (ID: pwbCYAqO ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:40:30 No.309150901 ▶ >>309151078

Yeah because the fuckin retards built an economical system based on endless ransacking of the americas.
Guess what happens when they ran out of gold to steal.

Nationalists are generally cringe, but a spanish nationalist is extra cringe, with cum on top.

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:41:12 No.309150979 ▶ >>309151236

see >>309150620

>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:41:23 No.309151000 ▶

She names the jew and yet "The Jews" have already won? Nice try merchant.

>> Anonymous (ID: Hyx6JKLH ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:41:23 No.309151001 ▶

Of course he is, he's american.

>> Anonymous (ID: u9T8KjHg ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:41:54 No.309151073 ▶

File: 1530292884403.jpg (82 KB, 747x600)

>>309145685 (OP)
She is based for a 18yo girl
But the amount of cringe and thirsty simps roaming /pol/ is just sad
Are you going to kiss the dirt under the shoes of every "based and
redpilled" woman you see?
I swear this places is starting to look like twitch.

>> Anonymous (ID: D5rHWjaN ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:41:56 No.309151078 ▶

And here you are to slurp all that cum clean.

>> Anonymous (ID: NijYqbCq ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:41:57 No.309151079 ▶ >>309151164 >>309156951

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>> Anonymous (ID: D7rYv3jj ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:42:39 No.309151164 ▶ >>309151289 >>309151426

Go back to discord, tranny

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:42:46 No.309151181 ▶ >>309151401 >>309151515 >>309151669


137 posts in this thread. only one person genuinely answered any question. this is the state of /pol/.
>if you want ot know the answers about this bitch, go give clicks and plays to jewish media outlets
>im not telling you
the absolute state

>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:42:53 No.309151192 ▶ >>309152289

I don't think it was franco's fault, wasn't the guy he appointed before his death the one to do the betraying?

>> Anonymous (ID: GeYhWsax ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:43:15 No.309151236 ▶ >>309151632

that was just pilpul cringe.

>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:43:41 No.309151289 ▶

File: 1611926373316.gif (13 KB, 250x194)

And yet here you are, bumping our thread

>> Anonymous (ID: pwbCYAqO ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:43:44 No.309151295 ▶ >>309151856

Do you even know history, retard? WW1 was basically engineered by both the austrohungarian and german
chiefs of staff. Germany wanted to curb Russian growth before it was too late, whilst Austria-Hungary was
autistic about conquering serbia and expanding southwards.
The killing of the archduke was just an excuse.
Keep eating up mainstream history lessons like it was gosspel you fuckin retard.

>> Anonymous (ID: Hyx6JKLH ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:43:48 No.309151300 ▶

This imagine must have been posted for nigh on half a decade at least. At some point you'd think something
would happen/materialize.

>> Anonymous (ID: D7rYv3jj ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:44:33 No.309151401 ▶

You shouldn't care in the first place, the state of spanish speaking countries is none of your concern

>> Anonymous (ID: NijYqbCq ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:44:50 No.309151426 ▶ 20/38
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>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:45:37 No.309151515 ▶ >>309151705

Are referring to the guy who translated the video? There's already interviews you can read and webms that
have been posted if you don't want to use JewTube.

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:46:35 No.309151632 ▶ >>309151791

i dont give a shit what you say. you are a kike. a gatekeeping little kike ahhaha. everyone regular here will
see. i wont come to another one of these threads as no info is actually provided, just advertising for media
companies. thats you, right now. pay for a advert you fucking losers. plenty of regular losers will just hide
these threads too. its just a echo chamber of anyone bringing up concerns gets no info and mindless replies.
enjoy it. top job guys. imagine forcing other users to go to media companies to get info you could just



>> Anonymous (ID: P4uHtomS ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:46:50 No.309151669 ▶ >>309151963

File: 1613850950096.png (1.5 MB, 1464x824)

Here now you don't have an excuse

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:47:07 No.309151705 ▶ >>309151896

i dont care anymore. enjoy the circle jerk losers

>> Anonymous (ID: qPb+Xf09 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:47:28 No.309151749 ▶

It's not yours unless you are a Paco...are you?

>> Anonymous (ID: GeYhWsax ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:47:55 No.309151791 ▶ >>309167837

lol wipe my bum you clown

>> Anonymous (ID: D5rHWjaN ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:48:30 No.309151856 ▶ >>309151901 >>309151963

Does it hurt to be as retarded as you are? And when did i even mention the Gavrilo Princip incident? If 21/38
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you're going to shill at least try to be more professional about it. What a disgrace.

>> Anonymous (ID: P4uHtomS ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:48:48 No.309151896 ▶

>i dont care
he says making 14 posts and i'm sure those won't be your last

>> Anonymous (ID: pwbCYAqO ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:48:53 No.309151901 ▶

>not an argument

>> Anonymous (ID: D7rYv3jj ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:49:21 No.309151963 ▶ >>309152186

fuck you
fuck you too

>> Anonymous (ID: YdSEJEQg ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:50:25 No.309152110 ▶ >>309158717

is iberismo still a thing anywhere in the peninsula?

>> Anonymous (ID: qPb+Xf09 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:50:48 No.309152158 ▶

Maybe Is your fault for taking /pol/ seriously

>> Anonymous (ID: D5rHWjaN ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:51:01 No.309152186 ▶ >>309152303

Now say that without crying.

>> Anonymous (ID: Ops1rwSk ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:51:31 No.309152251 ▶ >>309152626

>>309145685 (OP)
No te la vas a cojer hermano

>> Anonymous (ID: MRAI3I5J ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:51:55 No.309152289 ▶

Franco and Jose Antonio hated eachother. Franco was a monarchist who did not like the socialist/syndicalist
nature of the Falange Española de las JONS which was a merger of two groups: the Falange Española
(founded by Jose Antonio) and the Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista (founded by Ramiro Ledesma
Ramos). They probably agreed on most social issues, such as the importance of hierarchy, but the JONS
side of the party did not value Catholicism very much which irked Franco. Economically, Franco was
basically fine with capitalism and his regime allowed masonry to enter the country. After Jose Antonio's
martyrdom, Franco and the nationalists deified him as as a heroic figure, and yet did not really follow his
principles which probably sullies him in the eyes of Isabel Peralta and other Falangists.

>> Anonymous (ID: D7rYv3jj ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:52:02 No.309152303 ▶ >>309152568 >>309152663

Good luck with your shilling, tranny.

>> Anonymous (ID: 34Zsb5GT ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:52:47 No.309152401 ▶ >>309152661 >>309155080 22/38
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She's much more of a Falangist than those cowardly cucks then.

>> Anonymous (ID: h7dAB587 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:53:06 No.309152439 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: D5rHWjaN ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:54:05 No.309152568 ▶ >>309153303

>I'm n-not the shill y-you are!

Sneed's Feed and Seed

>> Anonymous (ID: pwbCYAqO ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:54:36 No.309152626 ▶

kek, amen. Fuckin simps

>> Anonymous (ID: qPb+Xf09 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:54:49 No.309152661 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:54:50 No.309152663 ▶ >>309153303

Nice projection

>> Anonymous (ID: P4uHtomS ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:56:00 No.309152827 ▶ >>309165284

File: shillwordoftheday.png (2 KB, 403x73)

>> Anonymous (ID: bvbClW6r ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:57:40 No.309153059 ▶

>>309145685 (OP)
>tfw she will never step on your balls with stilettos pumps until you COOM HARD.

>> Anonymous (ID: D7rYv3jj ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:59:44 No.309153303 ▶ >>309153903

You are literally exposing her to the glowies that roam around this place. You are literally working against
her. Stop.
Go eat a burger you fucking mutt.

>> Anonymous (ID: 3nh6Xq2h ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:59:53 No.309153333 ▶ >>309154165 >>309154636 >>309154738

She’s not even hot, stop hating Jews for no reason and grow up

>> Anonymous (ID: bvbClW6r ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:59:55 No.309153335 ▶ >>309153570 >>309153663 >>309167541

File: anarchist.png (38 KB, 280x176)

>>309145685 (OP)
She literally uses the red anarchism flag on her YT channel. Maybe /pol/ is not was it 23/38
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used to be a decade ago and most people here are either underage or deeply

>> Anonymous (ID: 5baMHG2A ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:01:55 No.309153570 ▶ >>309158028

Ukranian flag. Blood and soil.

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:02:35 No.309153660 ▶ >>309153869 >>309154040

te arde el culo? me alegro

>> Anonymous (ID: e5Hm6bty ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:02:38 No.309153663 ▶ >>309158028

You dont know or what, those are the colours of Falange.
Retarded Gabacho.

>> Anonymous (ID: D7rYv3jj ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:04:20 No.309153869 ▶

Infraser, por gente como usted es que Europa no tiene salvación, suicidese.

>> Anonymous (ID: RTMeJG4B ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:04:38 No.309153903 ▶ >>309154034

>ColombiANO tranny calling anyone a mutt
Half of your country is trannies and the entirety of it is mutts.

>> Anonymous (ID: D7rYv3jj ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:05:43 No.309154034 ▶ >>309154364

Half of your country is grease and the entirety is jewish

>> Anonymous (ID: e5Hm6bty ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:05:48 No.309154040 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: +yG9mYGV ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:06:56 No.309154165 ▶

File: s-l1600.jpg (171 KB, 1600x1600)

nice quads but for the people that hate jews should contuine till proof
otherwise, fuck zionists

>> Anonymous (ID: YdSEJEQg ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:08:44 No.309154364 ▶

kek btfo

>> Anonymous (ID: g2G6jykJ ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:09:23 No.309154449 ▶ 24/38
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Eat shit and die

>> Anonymous (ID: P4uHtomS ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:10:52 No.309154636 ▶

ameriboomer moment

>> Anonymous (ID: g2G6jykJ ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:11:04 No.309154660 ▶ >>309155339

Me cago en tus muertos

>> Anonymous (ID: 34Zsb5GT ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:11:53 No.309154738 ▶

Jews are the reason people hate Jews

>> Anonymous (ID: bvbClW6r ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:14:05 No.309154996 ▶ >>309155992

This is called "psychopathy". She will be killed or jailed, and whites will be punished even harder because of
this bitch. And since when should we listen to a teen girl? Should we listen to Greta now?

>> Anonymous (ID: 61vmiGTP ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:14:45 No.309155080 ▶

not really

>> Anonymous (ID: e5Hm6bty ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:17:04 No.309155339 ▶

We are going to make it.
This time the shit is too "berg"

>> Anonymous (ID: d9tCvT1S ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:18:57 No.309155552 ▶

Pig tribute your Goddess

>> Anonymous (ID: bvbClW6r ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:20:51 No.309155784 ▶ >>309156199

Probably. She takes this board way too seriously.

>> Anonymous (ID: 6qjQ7hmY ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:22:32 No.309155992 ▶

>whites will be punished even harder
Oh, so you're saying more of our brothers are going to be waking up? Nice! Carrot and stick only works if
you actually give the carrot.

>> Anonymous (ID: P4uHtomS ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:24:29 No.309156199 ▶ >>309156740 >>309156743

she doesn’t speak English and this board is mainly conservatives mutt politics. 25/38
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>> Anonymous (ID: d9tCvT1S ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:26:48 No.309156482 ▶
File: paco.jpg (122 KB, 1280x720)

>> Anonymous (ID: SWfmsHK6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:28:34 No.309156689 ▶

How much did the vpn/proxy cost you rabbi?

>> Anonymous (ID: YdSEJEQg ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:29:02 No.309156740 ▶ >>309157337

she certainly understands it, otherwise she just larped about the translation of mein kampf

>> Anonymous (ID: Q1nov2Oe ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:29:06 No.309156743 ▶ >>309157337

doesnt she?? she should learn, could help so much is she made interviews in english

>> Anonymous (ID: 5am65OPS ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:30:41 No.309156951 ▶ >>309157964

File: 1591107382978.png (650 KB, 744x418)


>> Anonymous (ID: bvbClW6r ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:31:19 No.309157028 ▶ >>309157337 >>309157619 >>309158227

He's right. None of the past great civilizations and countries where "nationalist". Heck, even the concept of a
"country" is a modern invention! Communism, socialism, fascism, national socialism, capitalism, democracy
(without educated and wise voters), "left/right wing", social democracy, all those bullshits are the very reason
our civilization and race are dying.
>muh Jews
Grow up. You're responsible for your education, your choices, and so on. Some of the most powerful Jews
are smart enough to take advantage of our situation, that's it.

>> Anonymous (ID: P4uHtomS ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:33:44 No.309157337 ▶ >>309157792 >>309157943

There’s spanish translations of that thanks to degrelle
If she could she’d shown by now is my line of thinking
>country" is a modern invention!
Trying a little too hars here shlomo take your own advice

>> Anonymous (ID: avfrzPws ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:35:31 No.309157608 ▶

(((Memeflag))) shill

>> Anonymous (ID: P4uHtomS ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:35:38 No.309157619 ▶

>You're responsible for your education 26/38
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No your state is though also fail unless you go to a nice private jewish school in harlem ofcourse:^)

>> Anonymous (ID: Q1nov2Oe ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:37:10 No.309157792 ▶

>she’d shown by now
i am not aware of any time where she could have spoken english, to my knowlegde any english media has
reach out to her

>> Anonymous (ID: YdSEJEQg ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:38:21 No.309157943 ▶

didn't she say it in the interview to the other dude that came on later?

>> Anonymous (ID: DHsFVx2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:38:31 No.309157964 ▶ >>309165191

she looks like an nigger/albanian/arab/indian mix
disgusting that noble idea of fascism came to that creature....a goblina

>> Anonymous (ID: bvbClW6r ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:39:01 No.309158028 ▶ >>309158871

>they took the bait

>> Anonymous (ID: 8BBnTjzR ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:39:28 No.309158078 ▶

File: 1612333007859.png (341 KB, 361x362)



>> Anonymous (ID: 5am65OPS ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:40:03 No.309158152 ▶ >>309158348 >>309158519 >>309158799

>>309159214 >>309159410 >>309159479 >>309159540
File: 1594009020106.jpg (60 KB, 334x1765)

You retards kept shilling that demented orange MIGA boomer for 5 years. I'm going to shill Isabel for half
a decade.
and have sex.

>> Anonymous (ID: c4jqChav ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:40:03 No.309158153 ▶ >>309158554 >>309158573 >>309160978

File: 1579405865697.jpg (123 KB, 778x644)

Belgian bro idk if you got shoah'd by the jannies for making the general, but I
did. 3 days off for me :) 27/38
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>> Anonymous (ID: SWfmsHK6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:40:33 No.309158202 ▶ >>309159004 >>309165753

Just by this single post I can tell that you are just recycling what other Spaniard anons said in previous
threads, enough to seem credible and pose as one of us though a proxy , holyshit this is advanced forum
sliding , how is the weather in Israel shlomoh?

>> Anonymous (ID: 34Zsb5GT ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:40:45 No.309158227 ▶

Then you should be happy to find out that Isabel and people who think like her are for Pan-Europeanism in
the sense that we don't want any more brother wars between our countries. It should be obvious but since
you're a shill you don't care and keep trying to find excuses to talk shit

>> Anonymous (ID: 6q4S0cCs ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:40:45 No.309158229 ▶

White in America

>> Anonymous (ID: 8BBnTjzR ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:41:37 No.309158348 ▶

File: 1608049132391.png (324 KB, 764x492)

Absolutely based

>> Anonymous (ID: 34Zsb5GT ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:43:03 No.309158519 ▶

File: 1610133622423.png (409 KB, 1144x888)

Kek, this.

>> Anonymous (ID: P4uHtomS ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:43:20 No.309158554 ▶

F, no he just pruned my thread, looks like op need a decent tittle

>> Anonymous (ID: 5am65OPS ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:43:29 No.309158573 ▶

Jannies are faggots. Just rename it to spanish politics like this OP did. I never made an Isabel thread, it
seems like my belgian fren has been had

>> Anonymous (ID: GSZ7oOrb ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:44:33 No.309158717 ▶

Very small
virtually no Portuguese supports it
don't know about Spain 28/38
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>> Anonymous (ID: oA3q3Z7D ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:45:10 No.309158799 ▶ >>309159410

File: 1613827356129.jpg (363 KB, 1063x1920)




>> Anonymous (ID: Jd0v2GrZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:45:47 No.309158871 ▶

File: download.jpg (9 KB, 165x305)


>> Anonymous (ID: sIU+MBm4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:46:10 No.309158925 ▶

File: francisco-franco.jpg (53 KB, 630x630)

>as all the other spanish fashos
are you braindead?
Caudillo Franco was NOT a socialist/syndicalist.
He used Falange to further expand his power and got rid afterwards from
those shitty socialists.

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:46:44 No.309159004 ▶ >>309165562 >>309165753

lmfao, I've literally listened to the whole vid

>> Anonymous (ID: +zyx8GHx ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:46:46 No.309159009 ▶ >>309160812

File: E8BD828C-FA52-43DC-9F70-8(...).jpg (57 KB, 403x604)

It’s not about simping (simping is bad mmmkay?). It’s about having symbol, it’s about knowing
that ppl from every corner of world have same views on jewish problem as you do.
And btw, Hitler was guided by Vril society, and Vril’s inner circle was consisted by goddess
from Aldebaran

>> Anonymous (ID: GSZ7oOrb ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:48:19 No.309159214 ▶

File: basedDepartement.png (892 KB, 820x993)


>> Anonymous (ID: NijYqbCq ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:50:04 No.309159410 ▶ 29/38
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File: 9992E62A-F18A-4FAC-AD55-3(...).jpg (65 KB, 647x1024)


>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:50:20 No.309159446 ▶

2bh the most interesting fact about her is that she claims that she came to these conclussions researching
by herself, I personally love her interest in social justice 2bh

>> Anonymous (ID: iyrrDTnv ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:50:35 No.309159479 ▶

why not both?

>> Anonymous (ID: 2d893/BU ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:51:05 No.309159540 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: d9tCvT1S ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:51:42 No.309159616 ▶ >>309159807 >>309161462 >>309161655



This photoshop work is mine

>> Anonymous (ID: zg+jDiF4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:53:12 No.309159797 ▶ >>309159929 >>309159962 >>309160018

>>309161657 >>309162629

I work with American Antifa and I'm proud to say we're the ones that really blew the lid on this and pressured
the Spanish gov. to really look into this girl and the people funding her little fascist "marches"

Also, to Spanish Antifa: maybe after this you will start to take us seriously.

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:53:17 No.309159807 ▶

way to make her look irish 2bh

>> Anonymous (ID: P4uHtomS ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:54:22 No.309159929 ▶

Trust the plan Spanish antifa two more weeks.

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:54:37 No.309159962 ▶

what do you think about jews owning pretty much every power sphere, do you like that, are they antifascist
enough for you?

>> Anonymous (ID: oA3q3Z7D ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:55:06 No.309160018 ▶ 30/38
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>i literally can not stop sucking tranny cocks

The post. No one cares.

>> Anonymous (ID: MgR1iWZG ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:56:16 No.309160170 ▶

>>309145685 (OP)
cuando el maestro te llama y tu sabes la respuesta

>> Anonymous (ID: hCgnHfAy ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:01:38 No.309160812 ▶

It's not even about having a symbol.

Having women in the movement attracts more women and, more importantly, normalizes views among

>> Anonymous (ID: H8IWc8XM ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:02:53 No.309160978 ▶

if you got banned that's not jannies that's mods

>> Anonymous (ID: SWfmsHK6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:06:40 No.309161462 ▶

I already referenced this on the other thread ( >>309143834 → ) , have you shared this image in any other
place other than 4chan ?

>> Anonymous (ID: 5am65OPS ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:08:10 No.309161655 ▶

Yeah I think I saw that shop here before I saw it on her twitter

>> Anonymous (ID: ybvEEjH1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:08:10 No.309161657 ▶

File: Laughs microscopically.jpg (37 KB, 564x468)

>Also, to Spanish Antifa: maybe after this you will start to take us seriously.
You cannot possibly be this pathetic in real life; this cannot be anything but a
low-quality bait post.

>> Anonymous (ID: izE+Nior ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:09:38 No.309161844 ▶

>>309145685 (OP)
you dont have to invent shit burguer, dont rename it, its national sindicalism, and is not ethnic.

>> Anonymous (ID: VmRmkb74 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:16:11 No.309162629 ▶

>I’m a footsoldier of the neoliberal establishment


>> Anonymous (ID: ybvEEjH1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:22:09 No.309163327 ▶ >>309163527 >>309163703

Does anyone have the pic from a some other thread saved where she does that thing with her mouth exactly
when she says ''el judío'' (the jew)...? 31/38
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>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:23:48 No.309163527 ▶ >>309166821

it is very autistic and cool momment 2bh

>> Anonymous (ID: oA3q3Z7D ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:25:17 No.309163703 ▶ >>309164113 >>309166821

File: THE JEWS.jpg (31 KB, 489x469)


>> Anonymous (ID: ybvEEjH1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:28:57 No.309164113 ▶ >>309166506

Yessss, thank you very much anon.

>> Anonymous (ID: Q1Hb2lrE ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:29:28 No.309164174 ▶ >>309164230

>>309145685 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: zC4oet2a ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:29:59 No.309164230 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: VmRmkb74 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:30:53 No.309164333 ▶


>> Chad Manlet (ID: E46Rgn3i ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:33:30 No.309164644 ▶

File: 1613857530596.png (149 KB, 396x294)

>>309145685 (OP)
based. bump. kikes continue to kvetch

>> Chad Manlet (ID: E46Rgn3i ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:35:13 No.309164848 ▶

File: 156776543.png (336 KB, 662x612)

tfw your name is tommy

>> Anonymous (ID: CAK72WRH ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:36:22 No.309164990 ▶

>>309145685 (OP)
Isabel will never be a women. Look at the video, there is a dick in "her" pants. 32/38
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>> Anonymous (ID: bvSON6lI ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:36:48 No.309165050 ▶ >>309165697
Here’s her go fund me if anyone wants to help her out

>> Anonymous (ID: u9T8KjHg ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:38:03 No.309165191 ▶

File: 57254b58c36188ac278b45df.jpg (149 KB, 790x444)

lol shut up, you serbs are as swarthy or even more that
any southern europeans

>> Anonymous (ID: kJ6P/YBk ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:38:35 No.309165254 ▶

How's the translation coming along?

>> Anonymous (ID: ELYrZ90R ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:38:47 No.309165284 ▶

>wahhh why do people keep calling us simps
>the preponderance of the word proves that they're shills
>definitely not that we're all simping hard and it's faggoty as fuck

>> Anonymous (ID: Dq6kWWzy ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:40:17 No.309165485 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: SWfmsHK6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:40:47 No.309165562 ▶ >>309165753 >>309165909

File: 20210221_233506.jpg (3.26 MB, 4128x3096)

Do the same as I did , proxy faggot tranny , reference this post and
timestamp yours

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:41:57 No.309165697 ▶ >>309165844

>2 hours later
>still no direct answer
>Here’s her go fund me if anyone wants to help her out
hahahaha like clockwork

>> Anonymous (ID: bvSON6lI ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:42:24 No.309165753 ▶ >>309166064

Did she say anything interesting and how many views did it have?

>> Anonymous (ID: bvSON6lI ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:43:10 No.309165844 ▶ >>309167013

>>2 hours later
>>still no direct answer

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:43:44 No.309165909 ▶ 33/38
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you got me dude, I'm literally mossad, but the reptilian department of antifa,
calmate putilla

>> Anonymous (ID: bvSON6lI ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:44:14 No.309165971 ▶

Based, what thread did you originally post it on anon

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:45:02 No.309166064 ▶ >>309166674

my take:
and someonelse's

>> Anonymous (ID: szkAjOpR ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:45:12 No.309166084 ▶

>>309145685 (OP)
She's so CUTE! I want be her bf

>> Anonymous (ID: BZd/Pieu ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:47:15 No.309166330 ▶ >>309166461 >>309166470 >>309166665

File: 1587882259731.jpg (48 KB, 960x639)

I dont know if anyone mentioned it

But she's going live for ANOTHER interview!
Look at her twitter

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:48:26 No.309166461 ▶

c'mon anon, gib links

>> Anonymous (ID: 5am65OPS ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:48:30 No.309166470 ▶ >>309166665

File: 1588083895653.jpg (34 KB, 640x513)

TC7Y2vqA& [Embed]
TC7Y2vqA& [Embed]
TC7Y2vqA& [Embed]
I'm ready

>> Anonymous (ID: uMmVnGRa ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:48:52 No.309166506 ▶ >>309166821

File: Isabel.jpg (16 KB, 250x238)


>> Anonymous (ID: oA3q3Z7D ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:50:16 No.309166665 ▶ >>309166959 34/38
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Bros we havent even translated the first interview and shes already doing another?


>> Anonymous (ID: bvSON6lI ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:50:21 No.309166674 ▶ >>309166853 >>309167148

Sounds pretty based, was it only in the podcast she mentioned feminism? Didn’t see any mention of it in the

>> Anonymous (ID: 1/HtB03+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:50:23 No.309166683 ▶ >>309166972



>> Anonymous (ID: ybvEEjH1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:51:30 No.309166821 ▶ >>309167010

File: El judío fashwave.jpg (85 KB, 489x459)


>le hivemind

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:51:40 No.309166853 ▶

I haven't seen the whole speech, but she definitely mentioned it in the interview

>> Anonymous (ID: cUROlpxh ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:51:42 No.309166858 ▶

>pol falls for another jewish psyop because they are a bunch of thristy simp coomers
you people really deserve to get enslaved by jews

>> Anonymous (ID: 5am65OPS ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:52:36 No.309166959 ▶

It takes time anon. I once translated a 10min vid and it took me 4 hours. Translating is 1 thing, syncing it is

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:52:41 No.309166972 ▶

Spanish Civil War II incoming

>> Anonymous (ID: uMmVnGRa ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:53:02 No.309167010 ▶

El obvio es obvio.
Es el estilo que lo presentas.

>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:53:04 No.309167013 ▶ >>309167837

oh, i wanted to know what books she claimed ot have read. some (((britflag))) wouldnt say, just kept
spamming "watch the jewish media video". i came back 2 hours later and the only development has been 35/38
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>donate to her
LEL. this is a spanish natsoc general? LEL

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sL7Tcsc ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:53:04 No.309167015 ▶

>>309145685 (OP)
Bros I don't speak Spanish but I am an Hispanophile especially when it comes to politics. Donoso Cortes
was an absolute unit

>> Anonymous (ID: ybvEEjH1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:54:15 No.309167148 ▶ >>309167344

In an interview with some dude named David Santos. No translation from the superior language which is
Spanish to any of the lesser tongues available yet though, anon.

>> Anonymous (ID: d9tCvT1S ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:55:29 No.309167305 ▶

File: zapatos.jpg (255 KB, 1280x720)

you can get your Goddess heels

>> Anonymous (ID: 1/HtB03+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:55:33 No.309167315 ▶

File: 1584630711701.jpg (87 KB, 886x862)



>> Anonymous (ID: bvSON6lI ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:55:51 No.309167344 ▶

F, wish I didn’t forget all Spanish I had learnt I knew the language pretty well a few years ago

>> Anonymous (ID: /i9mLYjM ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:56:10 No.309167373 ▶

Spain was always the secret beating heart of European culture and civilisation. I can only say that its based
to see a beautiful flower of hope Rise there.

>> Anonymous (ID: O/dSkNHI ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:56:38 No.309167430 ▶

Reminder this girl is a psyop

>> Anonymous (ID: 6v1MFmGn ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:57:29 No.309167541 ▶

File: 1606265877671.png (22 KB, 1280x853)

maybe stop being a retard

>> Anonymous (ID: WtoZNCwH ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:58:31 No.309167651 ▶ >>309168073

She's not a nazi nor a toy of this phrenetic world of transient fame.

May God protect her for any harm. I'll pray for her. 36/38
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>> Anonymous (ID: GeYhWsax ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:59:58 No.309167837 ▶ >>309168299

read >>309151791

>> Anonymous (ID: SWfmsHK6 ) 02/22/21(Mon)00:00:27 No.309167900 ▶

File: 1600267323513.png (218 KB, 800x747)

Tfw a qt falangist loli sparks the fire that brings back fascism and Spanish
empire to lead the world

>> Anonymous (ID: 6v1MFmGn ) 02/22/21(Mon)00:00:55 No.309167948 ▶ >>309168140

File: 1596897706236.jpg (104 KB, 809x1024)

I only came into this thread to see the kikes seething.

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/22/21(Mon)00:01:56 No.309168073 ▶

>She's not a nazi
she is though, literal nat soc

>> Anonymous (ID: P3sF9OwX ) 02/22/21(Mon)00:02:33 No.309168140 ▶

File: 1604706366327.gif (2.34 MB, 270x270)


>> Anonymous (ID: AX6SYU2z ) 02/22/21(Mon)00:03:46 No.309168299 ▶

File: 1612322999511.gif (672 KB, 447x335)

you have to be 18 to post here. still no answer. 298 worthless
replies and counting.

>> Anonymous (ID: oDtVhwL0 ) 02/22/21(Mon)00:03:53 No.309168314 ▶

Says she's having camera problems. They're trying to fix it.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8Fgs9haz ) 02/22/21(Mon)00:04:43 No.309168418 ▶ 37/38
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Here's another (You). Red + black does not always mean "CNT" or "antifa", Pierre.

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