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21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals.

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Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan
Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)00:58:30 No.308738989 ▶
>>308739481 >>308741197 >>308741381 >>308741694 >>308741860 >>308745523
>>308745592 >>308746491 >>308747158 >>308748084 >>308748367 >>308750483
>>308752809 >>308752932 >>308752975 >>308753766 >>308757758 >>308759054
>>308759959 >>308760869 >>308763884 >>308763967 >>308764002 >>308764230
>>308764416 >>308765337 >>308765908 >>308766052 >>308766343 >>308768588
>>308768773 >>308769721 >>308770713

Every single flag helped us elect Trump. America has 400 gorillion
people. Spain only has 50. So if we can use our energy to promote
Queen Isabel, we should be 8x more effective.

We need Spaniard generals to

1) show us what spanish sites to meme on, what hashtags and groups
to be in
2) create and share spanish memes

That's it. We have to make Queen Isabel popular by ourselves. Jews are going to shut her down. We need to
spin up accounts and make sure everyone in Spain sees our queens picture everyday.

We. Can. Win. 1/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: hnv1xQgO ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:03:02 No.308739481 ▶ >>308739794 >>308750883 >>308768801
File: Heytherebuddy.jpg (53 KB, 800x588)

>>308738989 (OP)
read carefuly anon, you are probably okay and your intentions are fine, but you didn't lurk
enough and your posts comes out as forced and retarded.

>> Anonymous (ID: qw7chb3Y ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:04:45 No.308739684 ▶ >>308740127 >>308748350 >>308753967

File: Madrid_Neonazis.jpg (68 KB, 640x400)

Isabel is my future wife you pathetic american incel ! Leave her alone or imma beat
your ass.
She is mine !!!!

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:05:39 No.308739794 ▶ >>308740196 >>308749333 >>308763976

We have to take back white countries one at a time. Meds are subhuman, but it's time to set aside our
differences. And yes, it's time to simp too. Fuck it

>> Anonymous (ID: Dud8Ps/s ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:08:16 No.308740127 ▶

She is the anti-AOC
So perfect

>> Anonymous (ID: hnv1xQgO ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:08:48 No.308740196 ▶ >>308740532 >>308752349 >>308754076

File: Batty post.jpg (52 KB, 782x788)

>meds are subhuman
Good luck being an idiot anon with whoever you guys are. Also I don't think you know
what simping means, Isabel is not asking for money, she doesn't seem to be grifting
from this, at least not that I know.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:11:30 No.308740532 ▶ >>308740877 >>308749157

It's called bantz. You sure I'm the newfags?

It's not just money. It's when you give attention and time to a whore. Yeah, you're the new fag not me.

You joining the cause of what?

>> Anonymous (ID: hnv1xQgO ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:14:22 No.308740877 ▶ >>308741059

File: Senzu(you).png (93 KB, 332x184)

>Yeah, you're the new fag not me.
I already gave you some bumps and (you)s and you are not very good at persuading
people, so this is all I can do for you anon.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:15:52 No.308741059 ▶ 2/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Appreciated. I'm phonefagging now, that's part of the issue

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:16:55 No.308741197 ▶ >>308741666 >>308741942 >>308745061

>>308747763 >>308747984 >>308752198 >>308755468 >>308755919
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>>308738989 (OP)
If you truly want to help, I advise all Americans to sit this one out. Do NOT shill Isabel in
the US. Everything in the US is under the radar of the jew. If you start promoting her it
won't be long until the American MSN starts churning out millions of articles
denouncing her, her movement, her ideology, her friends and family. US media is a
weapon of mass disruption. Let this thing grow in Europe before your zogbots all get
ordered to shut her down.

If you truly want to help, make no mention of her and instead undermine our mutual enemy: globohomo
elites. Keep documenting chimpouts and redpilling Europeans with your violent protests. Keep testing
people on their negro fatigue and keep simply pointing out the hypocrisy of the MSN, like those articles that
say the opposite of what they previously published. Exposure for the jew and the media moguls. Expose the
nature of the negro and the insanity of SJWism and liberals. Keep Spanish politics far away from your
mouths until they have grown.

>> Anonymous (ID: QFn7Tc+W ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:18:36 No.308741381 ▶

>>308738989 (OP)
I love diversity. It's beautiful that the new Hilter is a female POC.

>> Anonymous (ID: oQOfhBel ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:21:08 No.308741666 ▶ >>308742349 >>308743015

Gonna have to agree with this. Every respectable modern movement that has gained momentum in Europe
has been a surprise to burger and, as if it appeared out of nowhere. Normies have to look them up to even
know they exist.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8dmEJh/C ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:21:22 No.308741694 ▶ >>308742695 >>308750508

>>308738989 (OP)
If you can find an invitation, Forocoches is like 4chan but a year older.

The largest Spanish board.

>> Anonymous (ID: nt+iO1NI ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:23:04 No.308741860 ▶ >>308754210

>>308738989 (OP)
Can we not blow our loads over a cum dumpster the moment she starts reciting memes irl? It's embarassing

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:23:43 No.308741942 ▶ >>308744015

>In the US
Ronaldo, the entire point is to spread spanish memes in spanish in places online where spaniards are.

The worst thing jews could do is claim "election interference" but there is no election there now anyway.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:27:01 No.308742349 ▶ >>308744015

You and ronaldo can't read. I'm not talking about doing anything in English. Myself and other english
speakers would like to join the effort. Basically offering free labor to support fascism. Need a few spaniards
as generals to instruct us. 3/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:29:40 No.308742695 ▶ >>308743170 >>308744163

Isn't twitter and facebook still more popular than forums?

Coche= car
The site looks like craigslist, im assuming you're trolling.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:32:25 No.308743015 ▶ >>308744664 >>308765215 >>308765384

About 75% of the factories of the Western MSN propaganda are located in the US, it's the source of all the
worst movements like BLM, LGBTQP, consumerism, sexualization of minors, oversexualization of products,
atheism, video game censorship, cancel culture, feminazism, thug culture, jews as a protected class,
neoconservatives, war on terror and needless invasion of the ME resulting in millions of refugees,
wrongthink AND doublethink, thoughtcrimes and overprotective governments who will gun you down if you
move to a cabin in the woods.

In the US, you must unironically play the game like a jew:
If you want to protect something, you keep quiet about it, you hide, you deny - just like the elites and their
twisted habits.
If you want to attack something, you expose it, you doxx it, you tape it, you rile up people about it.
In the US, you must outjew the jew to win.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8dmEJh/C ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:33:42 No.308743170 ▶ >>308744163 >>308744292

It's literally 4chan but older. But it is now full of shills as well

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:40:53 No.308744015 ▶ >>308745107 >>308745958

The problem is that in your country, all communication is heavily monitored, especially if it is directed at
international audiences and especially if you're trying to support the literal enemy of the people who rule
over you. Not only that, Spanish is a gendered language, which Anglos have notorious difficulties with, as
well as a huge cultural barrier. We have a rough understanding of US culture because you shove it down the
throat of the entire western world, but we are aware the opposite isn't true. You don't understand the
nuances of European thought or politics. The cobblestones in our ancient streets are soaked with the blood
of thousands of people across thousands of years. There are peoples who despise their neighbour due to
conflicts during the wars. Right now it is too early to promote the Spanish qt, they don't even have a
thousand members willing to show their face. We need more time to convert more normies. The pandemic is
actually helping creating distrust over the powers that be. Common normies talk about breaching laws and
hanging corrupt politicians. The day of the rope is slowly materialising because last year the NWO lost
control of the narrative.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:42:13 No.308744163 ▶

Memeing in a Spanish chan is probably your best bet if you are good with translations

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:43:16 No.308744292 ▶ >>308745268


#178 in Spain. Plus the invite issue. Twitter/Facebook still seem like better options, assuming you guys use
it like most people do 4/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:46:20 No.308744664 ▶ >>308746322

So many words for "optics!!!!" Isabel is cute and young and passionate. That's all the optics we need.

Naming the jew is always the best idea. They recoil in fear when noticed.

>> Anonymous (ID: Woinx9EO ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:49:38 No.308745061 ▶

makes sense

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:50:04 No.308745107 ▶ >>308746322

>Gendered language
It's not that hard man. Besides we wouldn't be writing blog posts. Just pasta some new meme "you will
never be a woman" in spanish and a gif/jpg.

Yeah that's why they had a good showing at the memorial this year. People are mad. Now is the time to
make big moves

>Too early to promote

She already risked her freedom. Why are you being a pussy? If someone on your team rushes the enemy
foolhardy, you go in and support, right or wrong, it's what you're supposed to do

>> Anonymous (ID: xVvjk6V9 ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:51:07 No.308745237 ▶

Bump, get to work boys

>> Anonymous (ID: 8dmEJh/C ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:51:26 No.308745268 ▶ >>308745408 >>308745958

You don't get it. Most people in this forum don't even know about what happened. If they get a massive
redpill about this, they're gonna share it everywhere they can. Demographics in this website are very
diverse, nation-wide speaking. I've met many people from this website IRL and identified them because of
subtle memes or speaking manners, so they are everywhere in Spain.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:52:34 No.308745408 ▶

So how does a gringo get an invite?

>> Anonymous (ID: BmgxAq23 ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:53:29 No.308745523 ▶

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>>308738989 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: WLL+jrH1 ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:54:10 No.308745592 ▶

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>>308738989 (OP)
only jidf approved generals work since they use their army
payed for with us taxes 5/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:57:24 No.308745958 ▶ >>308746681 >>308746897

This isn't about talking to Spaniard normie about the holohoax! This isn't about any serious political shit!

We show how the entire main stream media and government is mistreating ba cute little girl. Basically the
same shit they try and do with greta thunberg.

Just post cute memes of her, or something in spanish highlighting media and government hypocrisy and

>> Anonymous (ID: g9z6gN/z ) 02/19/21(Fri)01:58:59 No.308746134 ▶ >>308754210 >>308765726

Everybody with problems in their lives has a boogieman to blame i guess.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:00:30 No.308746322 ▶ >>308746897

>That's all the optics we need.
Yeah but not if it invokes the ire of a thousand jew journalists.

There isn't much I can do right now to support her directly, what I can do is shut down anti Isabel criticism in
my social groups by pointing out her character as presented in her interview: she's neither violent nor a
hypocrite, she's passionate and honest. All I have to do when they accuse her of naming the jew as being
bonkers, is to say she clearly is referring to the globalist elites and uses the term jew because it is expected
from her audience at that encounter - this will lower the normie guard and have them focus on her interview
replies which have pretty much perfect optics. Slowly we can bring down anti fascist sentiment by presenting
it as a rational sustainable and desirable alternative to the globalist chaos

>> Anonymous (ID: 3qgCaVCB ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:02:04 No.308746491 ▶ >>308747277 >>308747431

>>308738989 (OP)

If you anons make her go viral, do you understand what will happen? Other women will copy her, want to be
like her. And now that the Jew owned media and Jew owned advertising turned on white women, young
white women will begin to embrace this young lady's ideas AND looks.

>> Anonymous (ID: xVvjk6V9 ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:03:35 No.308746665 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:03:47 No.308746681 ▶ >>308747842

>We show how the entire main stream media and government is mistreating ba cute little girl.
The thing is they aren't. The media in Europe is almost totally silent except in Spain and even there most
people likely don't care about a blue division memorial. Maybe it's in such an infant stage, nothing you do
will have a negative impact so I say go ahead. As long as she isn't portrayed on American MSN, it'll be fine.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:05:37 No.308746897 ▶ >>308747909 >>308747951 6/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Pussy sells ideas. Laura Towler is an ironic 10/10 in bongland, but activism in the UK grew a lot thanks to

>Not much I can do except friendly debate

>>308745958 like i said here. For this operation to work effectively, it's not about ideas. It's about celebrity.
Just have to keep her in the spotlight as much as possible.

The more famous this girl becomes, the more people that will show their face and name the jew. Simple as
that. Isabel put herself out there, time for keyboard warriors to do something.

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:07:56 No.308747158 ▶ >>308747547 >>308747951 >>308754210

>>308738989 (OP)
>simping this hard

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:08:56 No.308747277 ▶

Yes. Everyone will embrace naming the jew. Never forget the jew most fears being noticed and being
counted (census data).

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:10:16 No.308747431 ▶ >>308747951 >>308748280 >>308757261

Yes and no. You need to make her go viral in Europe so that girls will emulate her and further inspire more
young men. If you make her go viral in the US, the media will crucify her. For God's sake, the ADL considers
everything to be antisemitic and all mainstream news outlets are under the thumb of AIPAC and jewish
media moguls. Yes, we should be paying attention to her in the presence of other girls so that they will:
1. Feel jealous
2. Copycat to gain attention
3. Be criticized by politically correct society
4. Double down on their rebellion like all girls do
5. Be mistreated by globohomo
6. Become redpilled and unironically join tradition
This will in turn raise the demand for traditional males and lower the credibility of the lazy and degenerate.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:11:14 No.308747547 ▶ >>308747724

I'm simping for fascism. God works in mysterious ways. If Hitler 2.0 is a mestiza in Spain, cool with me. This
world is so clownish we should be grateful that Hitler 2.0 isn't a tranny nigger.

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:12:55 No.308747724 ▶ >>308747799

>super israel please
gtfo kike

>> Anonymous (ID: NQ4OsYf+ ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:13:16 No.308747763 ▶

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>> Anonymous (ID: xVvjk6V9 ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:13:32 No.308747799 ▶ >>308748110 7/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
What? Learn English chang.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:13:57 No.308747842 ▶ >>308749489

Why are you scared of the media jew so much anyway? They are always going to attack and try to shut it

The only way we can defeat that is grassroot popularity. And the more she's mentioned online and in
memes, eventually they can't ignore her anymore. And once they go full pitbull on our 18 year old cutie, they
will look like scumbags.

Either way we win.

>> Anonymous (ID: Uyj5zGd8 ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:14:30 No.308747909 ▶

File: 1613157016416.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1302)

>Laura Towler is an ironic 10/10 in bongland
dont diss /ourlass/

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:14:51 No.308747951 ▶ >>308748359

>Pussy sells ideas
No doubt, we can use female desire for attention to multiply the effect as in >>308747431

Using a young woman as NatSoc propaganda is the exact opposite of simping, it actually led to a massive
fucking army last century. Germany emphasised tradition and aesthetics in women which appeals to men.
Any man would fight a thousand times harder for a qt trad waifu than some blown out entitled roastie

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:15:04 No.308747984 ▶

>Let this thing grow in Europe
>Europe the vacuum

>> Anonymous (ID: 17gmBe9w ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:16:04 No.308748084 ▶ >>308763416

>>308738989 (OP)
Oh shut the fuck up with the JEWISH ASTROTURF

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:16:16 No.308748110 ▶

Sorry, forgot comma
>super israel, please

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:17:41 No.308748280 ▶ >>308749659

>Go viral in the usa
God damnit ronaldo. I made this clear multiple times. This operation is to be executed IN SPANISH and TO
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
It cannot backfire. The worst kikes can do is say there is a russian conspiracy to meddle or something

>> Anonymous (ID: 17gmBe9w ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:18:17 No.308748350 ▶ >>308748791 >>308752333 >>308754210

>>308758256 >>308768736

Quite literally being astroturfed, BY JEWS, as a new bogeyman Hitler. This is so obvious and pathetic,
because this time, the target is simps and betacucks.

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:18:23 No.308748359 ▶ >>308749351 >>308749780

>Any man would fight a thousand times harder for a qt trad waifu
No, just simps. Men know what to fight for already.

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:18:28 No.308748367 ▶ >>308748683 >>308748791 >>308749989

>>308754210 >>308763416 >>308769551

>>308738989 (OP)
This shit literally makes me seethe. Kikes are feeling the right wing is heavily on the rise so they move in to
take over the right by producing this swarthy kike as some sort of a "leader". Now kikes are creating these
faggot threads everyday about this shitty nigger whore as if she's some kind of a queen.

Kikes are obviously trying to appeal to sexually frustrated teens, who have been wanting a "based" female
figure in their lives, so the kikes give them the contradictory figure which appears to say the correct things
but looks like a fucking kike and a spic, and basically a nigger. So now the right wing teen will be tempted to
drop their ideal of a "traditional white woman" and start accepting this as some kind of a norm.

I say fuck this shit boy. Don't fall for kike tricks. With kike owned media, this shit wouldn't even happen. Plus
in a commie run Spain, which is basically a libshit paradize with a largest faggot population in the world, with
the largest shitskinned population in the world among all European countries, it's impossible to even imagine
that anything truly fascist or nationalist would be possible there.

It's all a faggot subversion. They are giving you an obvious kike. It's fucking ridiculous. Spics are literally
niggers. This isn't some nationalist fascist movement. This is a faggot leftist subversion. How can any nigger
be a fascist or a nationalist? Spic is a creature without any nation or unity whatsoever. It's a roaming piece of
shit that would fuck a dog if it promises him some profits. They are greedy dumb fucks who never
accomplished anything but killing some total niggers in South America. Besides that they couldn't even
handle swarthy North Africans when they invaded them and raped them completely.

How in the fuck's name this shit gets any traction? Fucking stop this shit you dumb fucking faggots.

>> Anonymous (ID: DPQi6aRW ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:21:03 No.308748676 ▶

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>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:21:07 No.308748683 ▶

It's so obvious. The only way to defeat them is shiksas. Only jewish mothers can raise a jew.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:21:52 No.308748791 ▶ >>308749932

I haven't seen this much kike shilling since 2016. In the 2020 election you didn't bother shilling much since
you knew you were going to cheat. 9/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan


>> Anonymous (ID: R4dKrG3u ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:25:17 No.308749157 ▶ >>308754210

File: worse.png (1.36 MB, 1200x1144)

>It's called bantz. You sure I'm the newfags?
Ugh shills everywhere.

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:26:49 No.308749333 ▶ >>308750396 >>308750824 >>308758505

>>308762847 >>308765389

>We have to take back white countries
Spain is not a white country you faggot retard. Are you fucking blind? Is Mexico a white country you faggot
idiot? Is Latin America white?? You faggot retards are cucking out to some kike bullshit. They aren't even
remotely white. They are literally shitskins and rapebabies. Nothing else. Also they are all traitors and
literally have been infiltrated by sephardic kikes. All their "elites" are sephardic kikes. You wouldn't find
anyone in their government who isn't a fucking kike. Converts, but whatever. Still kikes. South America is
exactly the same shit. The kikes are trying to larp as right-wingers just so they would have a place to run in
case of Racial War, since it is obvious the Racial War has already started and kikes urgently need to create
safe heavens for themselves. So that's why they have been pushing "right-wing" in shitskinned countries like
Brazil and now it's Spain.. for fuck's sake they wouldn't know what right wing is even if it was fucking them in
the mouth. A shitskin can't be right-wing by default. A shitskin is a result of racemixing which is essentially a
leftist ideology. It's like saying a nigger can be white. It's like that larp of being "honorary white". Nobody but
true Europeans can be right-wingers. If you don't have true European features then you can't be a right-
winger by default and you can't be on fascist or nationalist side by default.

-blue\grey eyes
-blond\dirty blond hair
-light skin
Anyone who doesn't have such features isn't fucking white you dumb faggots. Stop mixing nigger into our
ranks. The kikes and the left has been mixing shit into our ranks for years. This shit has to stop

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:27:00 No.308749351 ▶ >>308749485 >>308750106

This is not simping. This is a plan to promote facism. She's ourgirl.

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:28:07 No.308749485 ▶ >>308750482

Oh, you think Hitler was your guy too, huh?

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:28:09 No.308749489 ▶ >>308750482 >>308750824

>Why are you scared of the media jew so much anyway?
Because they have succeeded in destroying relationships, families, education, entertainment, wages and
the corporate ladder in all Western nations as well as having succeed in striking at the hearts and minds of
the young leading them to lean on alcohol, drugs, degenerate sexual behaviour, medication for depression,
sugar, easily digestible media and an addiction to the narrative. Why do I fear the media jew? Because it is
the body of the many headed hydra that is the NWO - its legs are usury and tribal conflict, its body is the
media which branches out to the many heads that seek to devour you: addiction, depression, isolation,
distrust, despair. They sap your energy with demoralising campaigns, porn, divisive rhetoric between
genders, races, social classes, nationalities, censorship, laws that do not apply to the rich. Wherever there is 10/48
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conflict and misery, a jew is shilling shekels out of goyim. Wherever there is no sense of unification and
pride, the jew sows division and maneuvers to conquer.
The worst of all? The jew exploits your weaknesses because he isn't strong by himself. He always salts your
wounds. If you cut off one head of the hydra, two more will pop. If you attack the body it will topple, allowing
us to cut off its fucking legs (end usury and debt economy and establish strong cohesive communities)

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:29:30 No.308749659 ▶

Buddy, I know you know it, but that other anon could have missed the point

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:30:29 No.308749780 ▶ >>308750707

>Men know what to fight for already
Yes. Exactly my point.

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:31:40 No.308749932 ▶ >>308750798 >>308754015 >>308769543

Explain why are you rooting for a literal spic shitskin? Would you say that AOC is also white? Are you
fucking insane? You calling me a kike?? You fucking kike who is shitting out 18 posts in 60 post thread.. 25%
of posts are yours you faggot nigger and you calling me "shilling". You dirty faggots have always been trying
to shit up our ranks with your shitskinned faggots like that faggot gypsycrusader is another one. Literally a
fucking clown shitskin spic from JewYork who claims to be "white" while looking like a spic kike or some shit.
And this bitch looks like a sephardic kike mixed with some shitskinned nigger. She looks more shitskinned
then a mexican for fuck's sake you faggot kike.
And of course a kike screams
at anyone who points to truth.
Are you saying she isn't a fucking nigger? Lol..
You are a dilusional kike who's trying to push this shit onto teenagers

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:32:08 No.308749989 ▶ >>308750911

How fucking terrified are you of the world finally uniting against your vile kikery?

>> Anonymous (ID: XyxBzOMd ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:32:59 No.308750079 ▶ >>308751103 >>308751337

what's her political party anyway? redpill me on their economic policies and such

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:33:09 No.308750106 ▶ >>308750375 >>308751644

of course she is shlomo lol

>> Anonymous (ID: XyxBzOMd ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:35:34 No.308750375 ▶ >>308751039 >>308758010

File: 1613457449688.jpg (52 KB, 863x720)

you glowniggers never learn don't you?
copying our words won't help you

>> Anonymous (ID: dZDy8saF ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:35:44 No.308750396 ▶ 11/48
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Stfu kike

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:36:27 No.308750482 ▶ >>308751064

Sounds like a fun challenge. The only way to win is NAME THEM. Can't address a problem without talking
about what it is.

Hitler is my great uncle.

>> Anonymous (ID: UjupMXYw ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:36:27 No.308750483 ▶ >>308751342

>>308738989 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: ZFFK7hgJ ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:36:42 No.308750508 ▶

imagine needing an invitation to shitpost with a bunch of retards

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:38:29 No.308750707 ▶ >>308751644

>Recruiting simps
Why not win?

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:39:16 No.308750798 ▶ >>308751605

I would join team AOC is she named the jew with complete disgust and contempt like ourgirl.

Begone jew jew jew. Do the opposite of beetle juice, disappear.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:39:28 No.308750824 ▶ >>308751529

Kek the jew devolves into divisive rhetoric to try and prevent organisation from the goyim, as I described
Truly remarkable that we have become immunized against your dirty tricks. If you really didn't care about
any of this, you'd move to another thread. Yet here you are, using a memeflag and writing long paragraphs
about a subject you claim not to be interested in. Anons are inside your head. We are more efficient than
your liberal arts degree masters. You suck at propaganda and rely on bombarding normies with huge
quantities of it, but when confronted with reason, they listen to us rather than you.
Expose yourself, jew, or go back to the shadows. If you are sinless, you will not worry.

>> Anonymous (ID: p3r2qQKn ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:40:06 No.308750883 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:40:15 No.308750911 ▶ >>308752166 >>308769364

>shitskin screeching
how can a shitskin unite against kikery if IT IS kikery? are you some kind of a retard or a shill?? joao look in
the mirror you nigger faggot. you look like a piece of shit. your whole government and every rich person in
portugal is in 99 cases out of 100 is a kike. you are probably a kike as well. how are you fighting kikes??
what world is uniting against kikes?
in any WHITE country if you as much as try to rally for the white race you would be arrested and thrown in 12/48
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prison you faggot nigger. the only places which are trying to (((unite))) are the nigger shitholes.. and who
exactly are you uniting against??

you are uniting against the white people you literal degenerate spic.
you are all either psychopathic shitskins on turbo cope still thinking you are somehow white or simply kike
shills who are trying to unite shitskins against white.
you unironically saying here that i'm some kind of a kike. lol.
i support white race with all my heart and what all kikes to be gassed and that includes you joao. you NEED
TO DIE you dirty spic abomination
what you don't understand or don't want to understand is that YOU were created by kikes as the tool to
destroy the white race. you are the turk roach. you were created to invade white countries and turn them into
next mexico
portugal used to be white in 15th century until kikes brought in niggers and portugues started mixing. now
you are all mutts or right-out niggers.

in other words you are trying way too hard you dumb fuck. stop larping as if you are white you literal baboon
faggot. go kill yourself and help save the white race if you care for it even a little bit you fucking degenerate

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:41:27 No.308751039 ▶ >>308752166

every literal shitskin is supporting this.
you can't make this shit up
i'm pretty sure that everyone under US flag who support this shit is a 100% spic or some kind of shitskin as

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:41:39 No.308751064 ▶

>Hitler is my pawnbroker
Yes, and he's still got your shit that you hoped to get back.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:42:00 No.308751103 ▶ >>308751270

She's a fascist. Called jews the greatest enemy. Didn't apologize. Instantly banned from twitter. Ourgirl
needs help.

Don't worry about policy. She's an 18 year old girl. She's our greta thunberg. We just have to keep her

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:43:29 No.308751270 ▶ >>308752373

She thinks you're really great too, anon. You just know it.

>> Anonymous (ID: UJKH2lqY ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:44:05 No.308751337 ▶ >>308751616 >>308752373

Falangismo. Pretty based, a bit too catholic for my taste

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:44:07 No.308751342 ▶

What would a peru nigger know about spain? And why a shitty . info site. I'm not about to click that shit

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:45:44 No.308751529 ▶ >>308751720

Ronaldo you are incredibly based fren. 13/48
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>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:46:26 No.308751605 ▶ >>308752166

>I would join team AOC is she named the jew
lol as i said you are a fucking shitskinned retard. AOC named the kike a couple of times which doesn't mean
shit for white people at all you literally idiotic dumb faggot. this is the thing with you spic shitskins.. you are
as retarded as children. you would literally follow anyone with a candy bar in their hand. it's ironic how easily
manipulated you retards are. why weren't you screaming your ass off for that white woman who named the
kikes.. in the US house of reps.. what's her name lol.. i don't remember all of you screaming
lol you fucking nigger faggot.
there were quite a lot of white girls who were supporting the white cause and you never gave them ANY
the only support for any female on the right side that i can remember was given to Lauren Southern which
only bleached her hair to look white but in reality was exposed as a dark haired kike from Sweden or some

it's like everytime.. you only support some shitskins. you never support actual white people because you are
fucking degenerates. go fucking kill yourself you faggot piece of shit

>> Anonymous (ID: XyxBzOMd ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:46:33 No.308751616 ▶ >>308752738

>too catholic
so actual catholics, that's pretty based

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:46:47 No.308751644 ▶ >>308751849

You win an information war with propaganda. If you don't understand how valuable a young woman with
great optics is for the movement, I don't know what to tell you.
Look at the jew in >>308750106
He is absolutely seething. He's trying to pass off as an anon by writing kike and shlomo, thinking that
/pol/tards recognise each other by useage of words. He does not understand. He wasn't instructed for this.
His handlers didn't teach him how exactly we communicate, which is fucking hilarious because the top jews
use the same method. He is now becoming scared at the idea of goyim outjewing the jew. He is buttflustered
because he blew his cover immediately. He is thinking whether it was the memeflag? But no. He's clueless.
Seething in rage.

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:47:26 No.308751720 ▶

keep circle jerking with other shitskins you 30% of the posts are yours in a thread shilling faggot nigger

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:48:39 No.308751849 ▶

>Look at the jew
how am i a kike? for saying that you are a shitskin rape baby who supports another shitskin who is larping
right wing? lol
>cope in all fields

>> Anonymous (ID: pwk9gycd ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:48:50 No.308751869 ▶ >>308752605 >>308753035

I like this girl. She should be supported and we should all rally.
but maybe start taking some things a bit more serious guys.

>> Anonymous (ID: j7Uuz1H5 ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:50:17 No.308752050 ▶ >>308752479 >>308754210 >>308763661

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>spics will save the white race

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:51:22 No.308752166 ▶ >>308753074

>shitskin screeching
>autistic wall of screeching
Is this how you perceive anons talk like? You're not even a real jew, as jews are often cunning. You are a
student of kikery. Perhaps a leftypol or a jidf recruit.

Please anon, slow down. I can't handle so much fucking salt, Ill get high tension. Also, you type like a fag
and your shit's all retarded.

>> Anonymous (ID: ZXSYjT50 ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:51:38 No.308752198 ▶ >>308752307 >>308752743 >>308754210

Sorry bruh but a mixed race woman is not the savior of europe. I know you have a crush on her but come on

>> Anonymous (ID: NQ4OsYf+ ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:52:26 No.308752307 ▶ >>308752747

Der amerimutt

>> Anonymous (ID: uQARqUfI ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:52:41 No.308752333 ▶

>a new bogeyman
>a cute 18 year old girl
lol keep trying to find a narrative that fits

>> Anonymous (ID: cpGNqcft ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:52:45 No.308752349 ▶

And what fucking flag is this? Looks like Thailand, probably some other shit hole. Subhumans don’t get any
say, subhuman.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:52:57 No.308752373 ▶ >>308753338 >>308753625

Please educate us more spain bro.

Only coomers are simping. I see this girl as a way to defeat the jew. I don't mean that in a cold hearted way.
Obviously I would hate to see kikes torture and defame her. But she made the choice. The only way she
doesn't suffer at this point is to keep fighting and have strong community support. We can either support an
open fascist or not.

>> Anonymous (ID: 2nz3B2Q+ ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:53:50 No.308752479 ▶ >>308752871 >>308753092

Well. The white race isn't doing shit. Whats your excuse? 15/48
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>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:54:50 No.308752605 ▶ >>308753338

File: come on now.jpg (34 KB, 512x320)

>White Nationalist gets jailed for hosting a site where
he writes articles
>no bongs calling out for Rallies in support of Simon
>not even one thread
>some shitskin spic is larping as if she's gonna gas the kikes
>reeeeeeee i love her lets fucking make her the queen of all white people
>every day 10 threads of screeching
kike seriously?? who are you trying to shit?

>> Anonymous (ID: DPQi6aRW ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:56:01 No.308752738 ▶ >>308753147


>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:56:07 No.308752743 ▶ >>308752822 >>308753035

A crush? No thanks I refuse to date or be conquered by Spanish. She's not a saviour of the white race or of
anything. She's a young female Spanish fascist and I recommend you guys read her interview to understand
why she is based. The speech naming the jew is /pol/bait. Her actual political beliefs and the optics her party
has constructed around her are the sweetstuff. She isn't some girl. She is a weaponized mouthpiece for

>> Anonymous (ID: ZXSYjT50 ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:56:11 No.308752747 ▶ >>308753237 >>308753338 >>308754210

Her parents are peruvian immigrants. And please. She does not look at all like a real spanish woman

>> Anonymous (ID: HkrJ1eZe ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:56:38 No.308752809 ▶ >>308753831 >>308754210 >>308763416

>>308738989 (OP)
just stop with this woman
its like ben shapiro's sister all over again, except this time she's not a jew, rather a shitskin

>> Anonymous (ID: ZXSYjT50 ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:56:43 No.308752822 ▶ >>308753831

She's a mixed race peruvian immigrant

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:57:06 No.308752871 ▶ >>308753454

>The white race isn't doing shit
according to who faggot?? (((you)))
if white race isn't doing shit, why is there so many laws prohibiting whites from doing anything at all?? even
organizing in a group is illegal.. huh?? a white guy as much as says "nigger\kike" is done financially. career
destroyed. literally. ruined.

would such measures be needed if whites weren't doing anything you faggot kike? answer please you
fucking rat.

>> Anonymous (ID: WefCny+c ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:57:35 No.308752932 ▶ 16/48
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>>308738989 (OP)
Why are all Spanish ladies so hot?

>> Anonymous (ID: qmfhBjnh ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:57:59 No.308752975 ▶ >>308754210 >>308754826

>>308738989 (OP)
Glowing hot controlled opposition literal honey pot leader.

Need a leaderless movement to fight globalization.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:58:32 No.308753035 ▶ >>308753187

Not clicking that nigga

Ronaldo actually gets it.
Regarding the jew sperg in this thread, it's hilarious. It's not a bot. It's a jew shitting his pants typing at warp
speed. Fucking glorious

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:58:56 No.308753074 ▶ >>308754826

>no arguments to defend his screeching
>keeps calling me a kike
faggot please. you are fucking retarded and your whole argument is
pathetic shitskinned kike go fucking fuck yourself you degenerate piece of shit. you have zero arguments
and all you do is ad hominem screech and return with
>no you no you no you

>> Anonymous (ID: j7Uuz1H5 ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:59:04 No.308753092 ▶

File: 4279b49c9b0a0cd4c3882f373(...).jpg (115 KB, 992x992)

>white hispanics were the real whites all

>> Anonymous (ID: XyxBzOMd ) 02/19/21(Fri)02:59:32 No.308753147 ▶

because today's church can't be called catholic at all, the pope is cucked beyond belief and we are and
embarrassment to our past. if they are anything like true catholics then that-s great

>> Anonymous (ID: ZXSYjT50 ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:00:01 No.308753187 ▶ >>308754210

Cope more fag. All the simps are freaking out now that they know their goddessis a dirty mestizo

>> Anonymous (ID: j7Uuz1H5 ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:00:21 No.308753237 ▶ >>308753459 >>308753667

Literally every Spaniard looks like that you fucking retard. Where the fuck does this meme idea that Spain is
blond and every dark eyed bean from latinoland is just an aztec? The dark eyed, olive skinned beans are the
white ones, the poop-colored, downie-looking ones are the aztecs. 17/48
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>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:01:11 No.308753338 ▶ >>308754934

>I see this girl as a way to defeat the jew. I don't mean that in a cold hearted way. Obviously I would hate to see
kikes torture and defame her. But she made the choice.
This, she's an antijew landmine.

If you don't like the thread, why are you compelled to stay? And the only people simping for her are in other
threads, this one has actual discussion.

She is more Spanish (patriotic) and more of a woman than most Spanish women.

>> Anonymous (ID: 2nz3B2Q+ ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:02:07 No.308753454 ▶

According to fucking reality you loser. Zero resistance from anyone INCLUDING YOU.
>muh guns
>muh 1A

Meanwhile the left is consuming all and sending dissenters off to re-education camps. Take your meds and
go back to sleep zogbot. You have and never will do Anything.

>> Anonymous (ID: ZXSYjT50 ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:02:10 No.308753459 ▶

What part about peruvian do you not get? She is mixed race.

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:03:38 No.308753625 ▶ >>308754790

The only way to defeat the jew is with Jesus. To turn down a path of persecution is to play the jew's game,
and make them the victim they claim they are. I'm not surprised they're using a teenager.

>> Anonymous (ID: XyxBzOMd ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:03:54 No.308753667 ▶

it's like some americans don't know about spain's past with all the different groups that were part of it like
romans, visigoths, celts, iberians, and the muslims in the south were spaniards traded with them kek

>> Anonymous (ID: UfBiIYXk ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:04:39 No.308753766 ▶

>>308738989 (OP)
This brown girl? No political solutions.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:05:07 No.308753831 ▶ >>308754061 >>308754100

Did ben shapiros sister ever do or say anything or was it just coomers obsessed over her boobs?

Who the fuck cares? We don't want to write her an origin story, we simply see her fine optics as a way to
normalise traditionalism and fascism while simultaneously hurting the international jew. It doesn't matter who
she is, what matters is our plan.

>> Anonymous (ID: Koy+kC5m ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:06:04 No.308753967 ▶

Where has this semen demon been all my life. Wait is this the cute little princess girl all grown up? 18/48
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>> Anonymous (ID: r/gxSqkq ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:06:31 No.308754015 ▶ >>308755200

listen, you filthy kike, the people are waking up, i dont give a fuck if its some guatemalan shitskin or some congo
nigger, the one thing that will bring world peace is to get together against you, the jew. so when you try your
divisive tactic calling some spanish shitskin bitch out even tho shes calling out the jew.... it reflects on you...
being a kike.

>> Anonymous (ID: HkrJ1eZe ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:06:54 No.308754061 ▶

she followed some traditional values like being a house wife and the rest was just coomers(i am myself
guility and won't let myself make the same mistake with this plant)

>> Anonymous (ID: bpaXBD4w ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:07:01 No.308754076 ▶

Why are toothpaste flags such divide and conquer cucks

>> Anonymous (ID: ZXSYjT50 ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:07:15 No.308754100 ▶ >>308755200 >>308755726

If other mixed race people see her message it might make them feel welcome. You can't have fascism
without racism.

>> Anonymous (ID: ms4GpLS4 ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:08:09 No.308754197 ▶ >>308754563 >>308763351

Is she Spaniard or is she Peruvian Castiza? I keep hearing that she's one or the other, can someone give a
source or sources? I keep getting confused on this.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:08:14 No.308754210 ▶ >>308754568 >>308754757 >>308755636


this feels like... 2016 again. I got a special tingle

>> Anonymous (ID: ZXSYjT50 ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:11:08 No.308754563 ▶ >>308755805 >>308763351

This is cope. Call her what she is. A shit skin. Her parents are immigrants from peru

>> Anonymous (ID: HkrJ1eZe ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:11:10 No.308754568 ▶ >>308755729

i feel as if this is just ben shapiro's sister all over again
filthy coomers

>> Anonymous (ID: ZFFK7hgJ ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:11:45 No.308754640 ▶ >>308755118 19/48
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>all these newfags taking the Peruvian bait
Antifa already doxxed her whole family. She's a Spaniard with Moor DNA on her dad's side. Her dad was a
mayor with a hard anti-immigration stance

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:12:39 No.308754757 ▶

>simping for a nazi
>calling others leftists

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:12:54 No.308754790 ▶ >>308755773

No, kike. No one is hurting a hair or shekel from the jew.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:13:10 No.308754826 ▶ >>308755032 >>308755584 >>308756318

>honey pot
While this may be possible, she can still be used to normalise fascism in young women. It does not matter
who pulls her strings if you convince the audience you own the theatre.

>Need a leaderless movement to fight globalization.

She is not a leader, she's like a poster child. A mouthpiece. Stop acting like she's the one leading her party,
she's obviously eye candy but has good mastery of discourse. Check her written interview. Super based

Mate I actually have presented arguments, unlike you. And unlike you, other people have read my posts and
determined that you're just an angry shill who can only call names and is unable to reason. I tell you again -
get it through your skull this time - if you were not a jew or a shill you would have disengaged a long time
ago. Yet here you are. And here you will continue to be, refreshing the page long after I have gone to sleep
soundly. You will lie here in impotent rage with the knowledge that nothing you say or do will return your
credibility. Learn to talk like a human and not sperg like an autist. Get gud, son

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:14:00 No.308754934 ▶ >>308755534 >>308763770

if you read my comments which i assume you have but simply couldn't return with an argument, I said that
shitskins can't be fascist or nationalists by defition you stupid spic shitshead nigger. you are a product of
leftist kikery and nothing but that.
it's not possible for a shitskin to stand up for any right-wing ideals as it isn't possible for a nigger to be some
kind of a European nationalist.
can you comprehend with our little rat brain that you are an invasive species living on foreign soil?? you
aren't portuguese you stupid fuck. you replaced true WHITE portuguese in like 16th century when your
"ancestors" were brought in from Africa and South America and mixed with local population creating a mutt
abominable shitskin demographics that eventually lost IQ to a point where portugal couldn't even keep their
colonies due to lack of IQ necessary to retain high level of management and long term planning.

since 18th century portugal was on a steady decline after one crisis to the next.. experiencing natural
disasters, unable to even deal with that shit properly, while constantly getting invaded by North Africans and
South Americans.. you arrived in 20th century completely mongrelized not even resembling anything what
ORIGINAL portugues looked like
and now.. you stupid monkeys larp as if there is some fascist ideologies running in spic faggot lands like
spain or portugal or italy or greece
do you even understand how retarded you sound to an actual WHITE person you literal brainfucked spic
shit? go fucking fuck goats. that's all you're good for or better yet go kill as many spics and kikes as possible
and then kill yourself in the end you worthless piece of shit
you are A RESULT of racial betrayal of someone who fucked a nigger along your bloodlines 20/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
the sad part of the story is that it only takes 4 generations to completely make a blond out of a mutt but your
still have black hair and shit eyes you dumb faggot nigger

>> Anonymous (ID: ZXSYjT50 ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:14:51 No.308755032 ▶ >>308756115 >>308769018

>trust the plan
Having a brown girl being the mouth piece of fascism just doesn't work. Sorry

>> Anonymous (ID: ZFFK7hgJ ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:15:29 No.308755107 ▶ >>308756115

you're typing too much and trying too hard. this isn't how you troll, no one is reading your shit faggot.

>> Anonymous (ID: UfBiIYXk ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:15:34 No.308755118 ▶

>hard anti-immigration stance
Lol I think that ship fucking sailed eh? I hope she becomes Hitlerina and does...whatever it is the Spanish
are hoping she'll do but goddamn people will never stop falling for it.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:16:17 No.308755200 ▶ >>308755332

Based fren

>Purity spiraling
That was cool 5 years ago. We don't have that luxury anymore. Grow the fuck up.

>> Anonymous (ID: ZXSYjT50 ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:17:38 No.308755332 ▶ >>308756318 >>308763858

The whit race deserves to have high standards. You might be fine with inviting in mongrels but i am not

>> Anonymous (ID: EJw5wrJH ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:18:37 No.308755468 ▶ >>308756385

jewish media will maintain silence over anything and anyone that mentions "jews" or "israel" regardless of
the context, they will never bring attention upon themselves.
have you not been paying attention?

>> Anonymous (ID: UfBiIYXk ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:19:13 No.308755534 ▶

tbq this senpai

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:19:35 No.308755584 ▶ >>308763011

>Mate I actually have presented arguments, unlike you
lol faggot please. besides ad hominem childish nigger-tier
>no you
>no you
you haven't said shit.
all you have said is that this (((girl))) is some kind of weaponized bullshit for fascism, which is the most
retarded nigger faggot shit i have ever heard from a nigger. she's an obvious psy-op just like gypsycrusader.
a larping spic nigger shitskin who's trying to subvert the right-wing and make it shitskin.

you remind me of a mongolian nazi party fan. like literally bellow nigger-tier IQ larping bullshit that bases all
their arguments on 21/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>look look this shit looks cool and funny and it just based because well uhm hmm hurr durr well i'm like a
fascist don't mind my shitskin tho like i don't like kikes so that makes me like a fascists.. so what that half of
my ralatives are former kike convert sephardis and i look like a fucking kike myself but since i'm not officially
a kike so i can like larp as a fucking fascist coz like who's gonna punish me..

you are a pathetic piece of retarded shit who wouldn't be able to form an argument if your life depended on
it. you are genetically unable to do it.
>inb4 no you

>> Anonymous (ID: R4dKrG3u ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:20:00 No.308755636 ▶ >>308757019

Fuckign typical polemic slave, imagine thinking Right and Left matters when they continually erode on
traditions and notions of a stratified society. No nation has been enslaved by the fear of slavery other than
the US you dumb fuck.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:20:47 No.308755726 ▶ >>308756115 >>308756285 >>308757037

>it might make them feel welcome.
Dude, the point is not to join her. What, you fantasize some great NatSoc leader will rise and take all fascists
under his wing? Who cares who follows her movement? The entire point of this is to improve fascist optics
worldwide by indoctrinating the young using female gullibility and male hormones. How dense are you
people? How can you be fans of NatSoc Germany and still not understand how propaganda works?

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:20:48 No.308755729 ▶

Did abby name the jew or masturbate herself to death? No. Are you genuinely slow or what?

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:21:08 No.308755773 ▶

Correct. No one is. More ears fall deaf to their cries every day. But this little lady is here to save the day,
don't you worry Chaim!

>> Anonymous (ID: ms4GpLS4 ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:21:23 No.308755805 ▶

File: 0b3.png (84 KB, 233x261)

Well, I don't know, I keep hearing she's Castiza, I keep hearing she's Peruvian, I keep
hearing she's Spaniard, which one is it damn it?

>> Anonymous (ID: IfnC6LCh ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:22:22 No.308755919 ▶ >>308757231

don't worry, sargoy will come and destroy whatever movement this leads to.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:23:58 No.308756115 ▶

Read>>308755726, you're not getting the point

He likely forgot to dilate 22/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: ZXSYjT50 ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:25:12 No.308756285 ▶ >>308757261

Women are not leaders. They are followers. I don't want my ideology being pushed by a woman and a
brown one at that. You are just asking for all manner of degenerates by doing that. Women are not political
leaders. They never have been and never will be

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:25:32 No.308756318 ▶ >>308756421

Ronaldo, you do honor to your flag. Lots of nice posts fren.

>I don't want to live with mongrels
Then don't move to spain? This is about taking back white countries, one at a time. Once one domino falls,
the jew will be gone from all white countries.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:26:10 No.308756385 ▶

Whilst they themselves avoid the words directly, they most certainly do lampoon everyone they can with

>> Anonymous (ID: ZXSYjT50 ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:26:25 No.308756421 ▶ >>308757628

Once you purge the jew you must then purge all mixed race people. Which includes this girl

>> Anonymous (ID: QFn7Tc+W ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:29:44 No.308756817 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:31:13 No.308757019 ▶ >>308757562 >>308758009 >>308764033

Left and right is obviously a false jewish dichotomy. I write extensively on the jq and have quite a high power
This is a propaganda operation. It's not about dropping red pills, talking to normies about the holohoax.

This shit is very simple. NAME THE JEW. Support people that name the jew. And an attractive young
woman can help spread this behavior. NAME THE JEW.

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:31:23 No.308757037 ▶ >>308757699

>calls people dude
>hey i swear i support right wings dude bro
>i am fan bro of natsoc i swear
>dude like just trust me
>just follow the trends why are you even arguing it's all cool dude bro
>just chill i'm like completely down with the program like wtf dude
you are a faggot who is still not returning with any arguments to refute what i've said and you aren't going to
sleep either as you've promised you shithead nigger rape baby faggot

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:33:08 No.308757231 ▶

Sargon of akkad. Akkadians were kikes. I can't believe people took that fat retard seriously, ever. 23/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:33:23 No.308757261 ▶ >>308757525 >>308757680

No one is asking for her to lead other than you. You should check your reading comprehension. I will try one
last time: you can co-opt this girls optics regardless or her race or party or country of origin to forcibly redpill
young women in your own country using the method in the middle of this post >>308747431
She's not leading anything. She's a very useful person for normalising fascism and/or damaging the NWO

>> Anonymous (ID: VPxWsQXX ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:35:38 No.308757525 ▶

lol mentally ill.

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:35:56 No.308757562 ▶

File: pajama-boy_50333034_orig_.jpg (214 KB, 1252x1252)

>I write extensively on the jq and have quite a high power level.
i bet 10 out 10 this spic is still taking his english courses.. who the fuck
speaks like that ahaha..
>quite a high
ahahaha ffs.. who are these faggots throwing at us?? is this shit even

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:36:28 No.308757628 ▶ >>308758565

>Purge all race mixed people
I disagree. And even if I did agree, this is a gentile operation planning thread. Glowies, lefties, kikes are
watching heavy, afraid we might act collectively. Have a bit of sense you nigger.

>> Anonymous (ID: VPxWsQXX ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:36:50 No.308757680 ▶

I've read his posts, he is thick as shit and very emotional. Don't bother with this low iq pussy, portubro.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:36:59 No.308757699 ▶ >>308758634

>calls people dude
Oh, did I accidentally trigger your tranny feelings? You realise I can't misgender you by calling you dude
since that's what you were born as. You will never be a woman. You'll likely also never be white.

>> Anonymous (ID: dVKMY+w/ ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:37:25 No.308757758 ▶

>>308738989 (OP)
the Spanish Princesses are cute Dutch girls and shall be ... unmolested
Isabel can be Prime Minister or Chancellor

>> Anonymous (ID: ZFFK7hgJ ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:39:35 No.308758009 ▶ >>308758136 >>308758518 >>308758826

imagine if zoomers started playing the Name the Jew Challenge

>> Anonymous (ID: X3VO3Njf ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:39:35 No.308758010 ▶

File: uigoug.jpg (89 KB, 863x720)

here my friend 24/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
freshly made
use them on the shills

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:40:37 No.308758136 ▶

Evil genius. That's the type of thing that would be possible when you have 18 year old cutie fash chicks on
your team.

>> Anonymous (ID: MmU1kE3R ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:41:45 No.308758256 ▶

Jews don't Astro-turf people that name.
And dia8, jew.

>> Anonymous (ID: MmU1kE3R ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:43:40 No.308758505 ▶ >>308758788

> Spics are the same as Spanish people
Dumb kike, Lol.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:43:49 No.308758518 ▶

Seriously though, teenagers are the future. We have to effectively sell a counter-counter culture. The same
reason boomers rebelled just for lolz. What could be more rebellious than saying nigger or jew? You don't
even have to be racist in order to say nigger or jew, it's just a word bro, relax. Desensitization is key.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:44:09 No.308758565 ▶ >>308759094 >>308759578

I personally am fine with having my own slice of heaven, these idiots sound like they want to take over the
planet and genocide whomever they dont like instead of simply creating a nation that naturally attracts
likeminded folk and shoos away whoever would be uncomfortable there. I have absolutely no problem with
this chick, the seething jew and the other nonce are obsessing over her race when they are most likely
quadroons themselves. They fail to see the value of her optics.

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:44:39 No.308758634 ▶ >>308759534

more ad hominem subhuman monkey shit from you faggot. still waiting for you to actually try and reply to
any of my posts you faggot degenerate spic who continues to dodge all of the arguments i made.
from what i see in your answers to other posters you repeat the same faggot shit you said in your first post
not even able to support your claim with anything but repeating your faggot idiotic shit over and over again.
sheeit i wish i could just fucking kill you.. you genetic waste who's shitting up this board with retarded
bullshit. it's shitskins like you who have shitted up our world and no you shit out your baseless idiotic bullshit
as if it means anything but you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about you fucking subhuman
piece of shit. and you do unironically call people DUDE.. you fucking infantile imbecile

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:45:46 No.308758788 ▶

>commie faggot
>defending spics 25/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>calls white people dumb kikes for calling spics spics
imagine my surprise

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:46:06 No.308758826 ▶ >>308759917

Great idea, actually. PewDiePie, Minecraft and other stuff has already laid the groundwork for this, kids say
nigger just to be edgy and their SJW handlers melt in anger

>> Anoninus (ID: IW1/25mb ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:48:04 No.308759054 ▶

File: il_fullxfull.916404330_7tkj.jpg (348 KB, 1120x1500)

>>308738989 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:48:25 No.308759094 ▶ >>308760462 >>308760845

Yeah, most of us get it though. Just some grugs and kikes in here.
This is the best site we have to go on, based on the few spaniards that chimed in. Need an invite though.

Right now is a bad time for euros. What do you think about an ourgirl general? on hours favorable to the

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:50:31 No.308759310 ▶ >>308759917

Watching kikes like you freak the fuck out made my day.

>> Anonymous (ID: KRws3iPM ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:51:29 No.308759433 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:52:23 No.308759534 ▶ >>308761060

You do realise I haven't read more than the first phrase of your last 15 or so posts, right? That I reply to you
because I already know I'm under your skin and you can't help yourself from replying with a barrage of
insults because you're an emotional teenager and I get kicks out of the tears you're dropping all over your

>> Anonymous (ID: ZFFK7hgJ ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:52:38 No.308759578 ▶ >>308759871 >>308760904

The shills are trying to frame her as a White Nationalist then arguing she's not white, when in fact she's a
Spanish National Socialist. Being part Moor is normal in Spain. The Moor DNA that was left there is also not
the same DNA that the Muslims share in the Middle East now either

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:55:27 No.308759871 ▶ 26/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>White nationalist

NAME THE JEW. This is the first step.

>> Anonymous (ID: r1CyrWvP ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:55:50 No.308759917 ▶

these two spics are the obvious discord kike faggots who organized to bump this faggot thread.

they keep repeating one and the same ad hominem bullshit answer in each of their comment
to anyone who disagrees:
>ree kike shill
>sheeeit you don't know what you're talking about
>i'm high level right wing literally hitler here
to anyone who agrees:
>dude bro hey dude wow this is really based
>like for sure this spic shit is our queen yaaas
>hey just ignore all these nazis.. i mean kikes.. who want to kill all the shitskins.. they are like not cool at all.
the world is for everyone bro dude woow

>> Anonymous (ID: XJC6MHHK ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:56:13 No.308759959 ▶ >>308760162 >>308767339 >>308767509

File: Lit Meets Girl.jpg (1022 KB, 756x9800)

>>308738989 (OP)

Dammit guys, can't you just love her from afar? Haven't you learned what happens??

> pic fucking related, leave this girl alone, she's awesome without you guys fucking it up

>> Anonymous (ID: ZFFK7hgJ ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:57:59 No.308760162 ▶

Isabel is the Anti-Katie though

>> Anonymous (ID: Z8Zwlg/q ) 02/19/21(Fri)03:58:12 No.308760187 ▶ >>308761321

Spaniards are dying out. Lowest birthrate in the world. Pathetic and sad

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:00:38 No.308760462 ▶ >>308760845

>What do you think about an ourgirl general?
Honestly it might not be a great idea. She barely spoke and it generated several threads, each with dozens
of shills. It's best to just make an occasional one when the mood strikes you, as people interested will flock
to it. Alternatively, make it an optics general and use the girl as just an example of an operation. Drawing too
much focus will result in multiple threads with coomers and shills.

>on hours favorable to the peninsula

No, in here the hours don't matter much because you can recruit manpower from the whole world. But if you
do promote her in Spanish boards, then yeah, the hours are important. Spanish anons are the best support
you can get. Hispanic Americans maybe because they know the language.

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:01:53 No.308760605 ▶ >>308761221 27/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
This may be the kike's last chance to villainize you, don't miss out! They can't keep operating in the shadows
much longer, so hurry, and become the justification for all their evil! Don't wait, become a straw man today!

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:03:48 No.308760845 ▶

>ourgirl general
Yeah, putting the cart before the horse a bit. She has to remain active for that to happen. Mainly I just
wanted to coordinate and get some info from spain bros.

Best advice was (almost) a dead end. I doubt pajeets sell foro invites on fivrr.
>>308759094. Here's the site name

>> Anonymous (ID: B7doVvkn ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:03:58 No.308760869 ▶ >>308761323 >>308762584 >>308763416

>>308738989 (OP)
>simping for a woman and calling for a personal army because she parrots common sense
What do we do to solve the Simpish Question, lads?

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:04:20 No.308760904 ▶ >>308761556

Yes she is a Spanish NatSoc. It does not matter if she is or isn't white (wth does white even include at this
point), what matters is they oppose (((them))) and she can be used to desensitise kids and convert young
women into naming the jews and causing them to react, possibly overplaying their hand and allowing us to
cut it off

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:05:50 No.308761060 ▶ >>308770742

>hurr durr this is a discussion thread
>doesn't have an answer for any arguments
>reads only shit that he likes
>hurr durr didn't read your shit coz mah hurt feelings
lol faggot keep coping you pathetic subhuman shitskin nigger rape baby. better go fucking kill yourself as
well. you would really help out our fascist white nationalist cause by removing your nigger ass from the gene

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:07:12 No.308761221 ▶ >>308761443 >>308761591 >>308762922

File: 1613656159141.png (409 KB, 630x1053)

They already have it. We are white. That's all the justification they need to do evil. In fact, just
not being a jew is all the justification they need

Whereas, if you name them, they cannot hide their power. They have to own it or give it up.

>> Anonymous (ID: ZFFK7hgJ ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:08:02 No.308761321 ▶

I'm pretty sure South Korea is lower

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:08:03 No.308761323 ▶ >>308761520

Personal armies are when an anon tries to get everyone here to shit on someone who personally grieved
him. Wanting to promote a person to spread fascism, even if just for giggles, is hardly a personal army

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:09:04 No.308761443 ▶ >>308762922 28/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
How could people like that ever gain sympathy?

>> Anonymous (ID: B7doVvkn ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:09:47 No.308761520 ▶ >>308761914 >>308761982

No, personal army is when OP tries to get the rest to do his bidding. Just because usually it's for harm
doesn't mean always, newfag.
Why don't you start a gofundme for her too?

>> Anonymous (ID: ms4GpLS4 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:10:08 No.308761556 ▶

White is native European or European descent. At least, that's what it always was, or should be.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:10:26 No.308761591 ▶

Recently they have been starting to own it a bit, they might have already accrued too much power. But yeah,
I am content Spain has a few uncucked parties, not all is lost.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8EF4J2Ez ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:13:20 No.308761914 ▶ >>308762157

Yeah spamming a country with the face of someone naming the jew is totally not in line with what we've
always done

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:13:58 No.308761982 ▶ >>308762157 >>308762421 >>308762532

It's not about shekels you stupid rape baby. It's about memes. It's also not simping. It's promoting fascism.

Now do you know of any good Spaniard sites or spanish fash twitter groups to help build accounts,
something. Do you want to be useful or no?

Mexican spanish is probably too fucked up to make a good meme for the Spaniard demographic, but your
effort would be appreciated. Given how lazy spics are you can just type out the idea and the meme will be
put together by the army.

>> Anonymous (ID: B7doVvkn ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:15:41 No.308762157 ▶ >>308762926

Yeah, moving the goalpost because you realized that what you said was not factual is exactly what retards
tend to do.

Hey mr chicano, hope you realize that the Spaniards butcher the grammar and syntax of the Spanish
language constantly and everyone else mocks them for their gay lisp. Colombians are the ones that speak
Spanish the best.

>> Anonymous (ID: ms4GpLS4 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:18:05 No.308762421 ▶

>Mexican spanish is probably too fucked up
You should listen to either Puerto Rican Spanish or Caribbean Spanish, that one is even more fucked up.

>> Anonymous (ID: ZFFK7hgJ ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:19:09 No.308762532 ▶

>Mexican spanish is probably too fucked up to make a good meme for the Spaniard demographic
kek it really is amazing how disgusting muttspeak is compared to real Castilian 29/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: owBV//+p ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:19:14 No.308762545 ▶ >>308762926

Forocoches also has an instagram with >200k followers. No invite required.

Tag them constantly. They'll even repost stuff in English if it's funny.

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:19:40 No.308762584 ▶ >>308762752 >>308764344 >>308767734


remove all spics obvious. nobody is more of a simp then spic. it has been proven statistically. spics are the
simplords of the world. nobody does more cucked shit then spics. they would literally eat shit to get some
pussy. spic lands are basically run by pussy. spics literally walk with women holding hands together all the
time like she's his mommy.
and they always say shit like "me amor" lol. i hear it all the time. a spic can't help himself but simp. all that
"romantic spic shit" is the result of mutting up the genes. a spic feels like a degenerate by default and thinks
that attention from women is an absolution of some kind releasing him from eternal guilt of being a
subhuman reject who was created as a result of racial treachery of his ancestors.

basically spics were the result of kikes race mixing south euros with niggers, thus creating la creatura with
inherited inferiority complex, which causes such a creature to treat a woman like some kind of goddess for
descending to his level and ascepting his degeneracy by allowing him access to her pussy AGAINST all odd
the nature dictates.

a spic would always lose to a white guy.. just like a nigger. that's why spics simp for women the most
because they feel as if they have a chance with women, while niggers simp for women less since they know
they have no chance with women but to rape them directly or get rich and then just buy pussy

but spics actually try their best to get pussy by simping. by doing women all sort of favors, eating pussy, ass,
taking care of all her wants etc etc.. that's why women know that a spic is THE BEST LOVER because for a
spic there is no shame in being humiliated by a woman. you are faggots for women. women see you as
faggots who they can have as their personal lapdogs or fucktoys.

this is what kikes have created out of you. simply a fuck toy who would do anything to be validated by a
mere whore. ponder on this with your tiny brain

>> Anonymous (ID: HTGYKyht ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:20:18 No.308762653 ▶ >>308762742 >>308763149

La Falange Española de la JONS (falangist political party) accepts donations, this is their bank number:

ES79 2085 9466 3503 3046 0455

>> Anonymous (ID: HTGYKyht ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:21:13 No.308762742 ▶ >>308763149

Also instead of donating directly you can also visit their shop at

>> Anonymous (ID: B7doVvkn ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:21:21 No.308762752 ▶ >>308763273

Woah man, those are a lot of words to just say that you don't have the sexual stamina of a latino lmao
No wonder you're getting demographically replaced. Tough luck, chap!

>> Anonymous (ID: CtcwH/X3 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:22:23 No.308762847 ▶

Terrified and totally does not get it


>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:23:09 No.308762922 ▶ >>308763149 30/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Answer the fucking question>>308761443

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:23:11 No.308762926 ▶ >>308763135

Good man, thanks.

Good for nothing lazy spic. Can't contribute, just Tecate and siesta

>> Anonymous (ID: ZduZ9oBc ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:24:01 No.308763011 ▶ >>308763396


You're really milking (((it))), aren't you?

>> Anonymous (ID: zX0uDhkt ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:24:35 No.308763074 ▶ >>308763372

File: theweakshouldfearthestrong.jpg (675 KB, 1024x698)

Dumping my edits to keep it alive

>> Anonymous (ID: B7doVvkn ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:25:05 No.308763135 ▶ >>308763666

Figures that the beta man who thinks satisfying a woman sexually is demeaning would only know Mexican
pissdrinks like Tecate.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:25:19 No.308763149 ▶ >>308763808 >>308763960

I heard a rumour some of those people backed away from her. Need more info before giving away a shekel.

Grifters and traitors will get the 1st bullet

Clarify your question and i will

>> Anonymous (ID: zX0uDhkt ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:25:21 No.308763155 ▶

File: queenisabel.png (939 KB, 1136x944)

>> Anonymous (ID: zX0uDhkt ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:25:57 No.308763212 ▶ 31/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
File: mommy4.png (1.34 MB, 2262x1704)

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:26:33 No.308763273 ▶ >>308767734 >>308770742

>being a simp spic cucklord
>yo ese i have stamina homes
>i'm allowed access to pussy because i eat ass and do whatever she tells me to
>mah mamacita ohh ohhh the smell of pussy makes me obey all commands i swear to god it's stamina
your cope is acceptable.

>> Anonymous (ID: zX0uDhkt ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:26:44 No.308763288 ▶

File: mommy12.jpg (253 KB, 1076x1344)

>> Anonymous (ID: CtcwH/X3 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:27:22 No.308763351 ▶

It doesn't matter, the color of the words coming from her mouth are clear.

This poster is a racist jew

>> Anonymous (ID: zX0uDhkt ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:27:26 No.308763356 ▶

File: mommy11.png (1.74 MB, 1278x1590)

And here come a few if you faggots wanna play

around with them

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:27:33 No.308763372 ▶

I'm phone fagging right now. But solid meme. A still from the Gina video doing the sleeper hold would be
meme better i think, with a chabad fedora kike as the dude.

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:27:47 No.308763396 ▶ >>308763750 >>308767734 >>308770742

im not milking anything. i'm just talking to a shitskin how it's supposed to be done.

>> Anonymous (ID: 6/7H1x2s ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:27:57 No.308763416 ▶ >>308763796 32/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>>308748367 (((memeflag)))
Notice how all of her detractors are unable to comment without variously touting veiled respect for the jew or
open disdain for their own people.
>inb4 spanish aren't wh*te

>> Anonymous (ID: zX0uDhkt ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:27:59 No.308763420 ▶

File: isabel2.png (760 KB, 750x1023)

>> Anonymous (ID: zX0uDhkt ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:28:35 No.308763490 ▶

File: mommy2.png (55 KB, 165x284)

>> Anonymous (ID: zX0uDhkt ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:29:10 No.308763556 ▶

File: spain2.png (167 KB, 320x363)

>> Anonymous (ID: X3VO3Njf ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:30:28 No.308763661 ▶ >>308764068 >>308764209

File: Evolución de los reinos p(...).jpg (183 KB, 1000x884)

why you shills are so afraid of her?

>spics will save the white race

pic related
we had already done it before

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:30:29 No.308763666 ▶

Mexicans and indios in general can't handle liquor. So you drink weak beer. Stop lying to yourself hombre.
And stop being a lazy spic for once. Maybe give some Intel on spanish spaces to meme.

Or forocoche invite schemes

>> Anonymous (ID: ZduZ9oBc ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:31:21 No.308763750 ▶ >>308763910 33/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
get back in the oven

>> Anonymous (ID: CtcwH/X3 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:31:37 No.308763770 ▶ >>308765179 >>308766049

>I said that shitskins can't be fascist or nationalists by defition you stupid spic shitshead nigger.

Says who, racist?

>you are a product of leftist kikery and nothing but that.


>it's not possible for a shitskin to stand up for any right-wing ideals as it isn't possible for a nigger to be some
kind of a European nationalist.

There were north African Nazis, I've seen pictures.

You have completely missed the point and I feel embarrassed for you. please stop posting.

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:31:53 No.308763796 ▶ >>308764594 >>308765562 >>308766438

>>308767734 >>308770742

>spanish aren't wh*te
and you must be the faggot who thinks they are aren't you? lol.
>veiled respect for the jew
is not calling it a kike you limey paki mutt. everything else is your homosexual projections

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:31:55 No.308763808 ▶ >>308763960

>That's all the justification they need to do evil. In fact, just not being a jew is all the justification they need

>How could people like that ever gain sympathy?

I know, it's a real tough one, but OP has provided a perfect example of you need a hint.

>> Anonymous (ID: CtcwH/X3 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:32:21 No.308763858 ▶

you are probably not even white, shill

>> Anonymous (ID: cl9RhtKO ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:32:32 No.308763884 ▶

File: FuckNazis2.png (55 KB, 1363x467)

>>308738989 (OP)
lol nazi larpers are literally the same level of faggot as tranny. pic related. Do
something or cut your faggot tranny dick off.

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:32:47 No.308763910 ▶ >>308767734 >>308770742

>reee not supporting what i like
>u r a kike
cope accepted faggot. ree more

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:33:21 No.308763960 ▶ >>308764877 34/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Or your own example is fine, since you are the faggot.

>> Anonymous (ID: cl9RhtKO ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:33:26 No.308763967 ▶

File: WhiteBoogeyman.gif (151 KB, 1100x755)

>>308738989 (OP)
Jews love you faggot White Boogeymen. You just make empty threats, don't put the
Jews in harms way, then the Jews capitalize on your empty threats by using them as
the justification for Jewish tyranny.

>> Anonymous (ID: A8205/Tw ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:33:29 No.308763976 ▶

File: 1588896258963.png (1.38 MB, 4329x2532)

European "Meds" are superior to snowniggers but both are superior to all other races
and both are extremely geneticallyc related.

>> Anonymous (ID: FrJiLHZO ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:33:48 No.308764002 ▶ >>308764411

>>308738989 (OP)
Dude did she say this??? I thought she just bounced around a little and raised her hand. Wtf did this bitch

>> Anonymous (ID: CtcwH/X3 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:34:04 No.308764033 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: cl9RhtKO ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:34:24 No.308764068 ▶

File: JamTomorrowLowRes.png (504 KB, 1174x1662)


>> Anonymous (ID: zX0uDhkt ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:34:43 No.308764098 ▶

File: mommy13.png (379 KB, 679x443)

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:35:55 No.308764209 ▶

Based muslim invader slayers. Defenders of europe. 50 year(or longer?); fascist regime.

We want to help, need generals

>> Anonymous (ID: o8QQCRSe ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:36:04 No.308764230 ▶ >>308765995

>>308738989 (OP)
Are you guys taking retired American Military Officers? I retired as an O-5 but would love a promotion and a 35/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: CtcwH/X3 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:37:09 No.308764344 ▶ >>308765995 >>308766457

>a spic would always lose to a white guy.. just like a nigger.

If kikes are saying this, they are fuckin SCARED!

I support this, if for no other reason than to see our oppressors squirm.

>> Anonymous (ID: ZFFK7hgJ ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:37:54 No.308764411 ▶

she unequivocally named the Jew which made several newspapers interview her where she doubled down
and named the Jew hard as fuck again and said she expected to go to prison for naming the Jew

>> Anonymous (ID: 3VK4RDmF ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:37:53 No.308764416 ▶

File: americans getting uppity.jpg (3.25 MB, 2160x2313)

>>308738989 (OP)
fuck off glowie

>> Anonymous (ID: ms4GpLS4 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:39:32 No.308764594 ▶

>Spaniards aren't White
Another divide and conquer shill, what's with you idiots saying that a certain part of Europe is not White? All
of Europe is White, as long as you're Native European or you're descendant of Native European, you're
White, end of story.

>> Anonymous (ID: eanUhF8D ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:40:47 No.308764733 ▶ >>308765944

meds are the only based europeans

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:42:00 No.308764877 ▶ >>308769382 >>308769632

Your ID has been posting cringe. You don't like Isabel. Why?

>How could jews gain sympathy

By naming them? Yeah man you're right. Let's just confuse the goyim with substitute words like globalists,
elites, reptiles. Because if we dare call a jew a jew, normies will be sad.

I know your line of argumentation, and it's very jewish.

>You can't name jews goyim, if you do the other goyim won't like you
Go fall off a holocoaster.

>> Anonymous (ID: zX0uDhkt ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:42:38 No.308764946 ▶

File: mommy15.gif (1.24 MB, 1024x1024) 36/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:44:38 No.308765179 ▶ >>308765435 >>308767734 >>308770742

>Says who
says the genetic make up of a human. you can't be a fascist if you're a result of a leftist policy that rejects
fascism by definition. internationalism can't be fascist. fascist is the unification of homogenous people, not of
all people regardless of their race. unification of all people fundamentally is communism.

fascism is unification of one race, thus shitskins can't be fascists by definition. one race implies only
European race since others are simply subhumans and can't even be considered a true race, they are sub-
species, sub-races, degenerates essentially. if shitskins would even be used in a fascist system then only as
some kind of auxiliary marginal group to do the dirty work, not to participate in any kind of political activities
or anything that would be on any level higher then cleaning sewers and taking the trash out. i wouldn't even
allow them to clean the buildings or even live anywhere near us.

you are some kind of dumb fuck who's larping along kike propaganda as if all people are equal, while
shitskins aren't even people. a mule isn't considered a horse. it's a mule. neither a donkey nor a horse. it's a
of course theoretically chinks or niggers may try to larp as fascists but it would only look like a cargo cult
since fascism essentially was developed to unite Europeans and it simply wouldn't work for chinks who can't
unite by their genetic definition, they simply lack the independence to CHOOSE unity. they simply flock to
hive automatically and serve the "queen bee". the same with niggers, they don't have intellectual capacity to
even comprehend WHY would they even need to unite, thus never being able to unite or agree on anything.
have you seen how niggers can't agree on anything whatsoever?

as you see.. i'm correct.

>> Anonymous (ID: CtcwH/X3 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:44:58 No.308765210 ▶

Tribute video

>> Anonymous (ID: 6qIbSMK8 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:45:00 No.308765215 ▶

File: 1611075344802.jpg (30 KB, 702x1024)

this Portuguese anon gets it
pic somewhat related

>> Anonymous (ID: RoLYb4q7 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:46:03 No.308765337 ▶

File: joe-rogan-roman.png (1.14 MB, 1067x693)

>>308738989 (OP)
Joe Rogan approves

>> Anonymous (ID: eanUhF8D ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:46:32 No.308765384 ▶ 37/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
china will overtake the us soon anyways and it wont matter. AND THATS A GOOD THING

>> Anonymous (ID: N9w0q5rx ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:46:34 No.308765389 ▶

I can see your glowing nose from miles away faggot.

>> Anonymous (ID: CtcwH/X3 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:46:54 No.308765435 ▶ >>308766929

What you are talking about is racism, not fascism.

True Fascists will never hate another race more than they love their own people.

>> Anonymous (ID: WMqwH7Ha ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:47:38 No.308765515 ▶

Lol shes awesome, i hope the fed glow niggers dont fuck with her too much and she has a solid group
around to protect her

A pretty young lady is exactly what they fear because they know other women will listen to her.

>> Anonymous (ID: ZduZ9oBc ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:48:01 No.308765562 ▶ >>308766304

If spanish aren't white, then why are they so heckin pale and valid?

>> Anonymous (ID: zX0uDhkt ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:48:31 No.308765622 ▶

File: mommy0.gif (3.14 MB, 498x273)

>> Anonymous (ID: Uo2ZdBJ6 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:49:29 No.308765726 ▶

File: 1613440929396.jpg (97 KB, 697x1024)


Well maybe if more countries remove their foreign kike

problem we'll find out.

They seem to be the commonality

>> Anonymous (ID: 5MLMqTcg ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:51:16 No.308765908 ▶

>>308738989 (OP)
>Inquisition mk2.
Count me in.

>> Anonymous (ID: Uo2ZdBJ6 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:51:40 No.308765944 ▶

File: 1613229424173.jpg (78 KB, 743x583)


Check'd 38/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:52:12 No.308765995 ▶

Generals have to be Spaniards. Still would be honored to serve with you.

Yeah that jew is freaking out hard. I could feel it.

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:52:41 No.308766049 ▶ >>308766951 >>308767734 >>308770742

>north African Nazis, I've seen pictures.
there are Mongolian fascists so what? there are cosplaying tranny faggots so what?? larping doesn't make
one whoever he larps as. if you put on an elven make up wouldn't make you an elf you retard.

there are nigger NS unironically parroting everything we say. but it looks comical, surreal and we all know it
isn't going anywhere. a nigger does this only because liberal system allows him to act in such a way.
during the Reich even though there are photos oh niggers wearing German uniform, it doesn't mean they
were officers in the SS or participating in actual political life of the Reich.
so Germans allowed some niggers to wear German uniform.. big fucking deal. it was done in good spirits.
niggers aren't that bad when they are under control and serving our needs.
but nowhere at any point has any nigger been a NS or whatever else. a nigger doesn't even understand
what it is. A nigger doesn't have a nation or a mind to attach himself to. A nigger is simply a well developed
animal, an upgraded monkey. The same with all shitskins.. chinks.. kikes.. whoever. They are nothing but
reflexive creatures who don't even know who they are unless someone defines their essence for them.

Kikes don't know who they are unless they are defined by some animosity towards them. Without it they
simply become mindless shitskins without purpose. Chinks don't know who they are unless the leader of
hive mind tells them what their purpose is. Niggers don't know anything.
Only Europeans know their purpose without being defined by external sources. We are simply born and start
to invent devices to make our lives easier. That's all. We define the life we live. We invent things.

>> Anonymous (ID: 3Jve/w5W ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:52:44 No.308766052 ▶ >>308766495

File: E4491249-8809-4086-8B3A-8(...).jpg (139 KB, 965x523)

>>308738989 (OP)
A pretty Jewess.

>> Anonymous (ID: ms4GpLS4 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:54:52 No.308766304 ▶

Divide and conquer shills, or they're Kikes, or, they're both.

>> Anonymous (ID: ek9tU58r ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:55:17 No.308766343 ▶

>>308738989 (OP)
She is a fucking Z1on1st plant, get that in your fucking skull, they hate "true" jews like orthodoxes, their only
dream is to see the spiritual / religious ones disappear, as they are allways protesting against what they are
doing and hate them more than gentiles.

You didn't get what they have been doing in WW 2, you still don't get what they are doing in this WW 3.

Take your vaxxtermination shot.

>> Anonymous (ID: X3VO3Njf ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:56:16 No.308766438 ▶

File: 1613690428886.jpg (295 KB, 785x731)

show your real flag moshe 39/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:56:25 No.308766457 ▶ >>308766920 >>308767734 >>308770742

another spic coping as if he's white lol.
faggot look at yourself in the mirror you simp faggot degenerate. you are a couple of shades lighter then a
nigger. you're worse then a nigger. that's why niggers hate you, since you faggots act as if you aren't nigger
while you're completely niggers. the only difference between spics and niggers is that niggers don't simp for
hoes, they pimp and rape them, while spic would eat shit out of women's ass for pussy rights.

>> Anonymous (ID: Uo2ZdBJ6 ) 02/19/21(Fri)04:56:49 No.308766495 ▶

File: 1612580896231.jpg (92 KB, 850x400)


An honest jew only comes around once a


>> Anonymous (ID: Uo2ZdBJ6 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:01:05 No.308766920 ▶ >>308767050

File: 181019-irving-franco-hero(...).jpg (1.28 MB, 2560x1440)


Post nose, rabbi.

Divide and conquer won't work anymore. No more

brother wars.

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:01:12 No.308766929 ▶ >>308767348 >>308767734 >>308768079

>>308768478 >>308770742

>True Fascists will never hate another race
i'm not taking about hating anyone you dumb fuck. fascism is about unity of homogenous people, not about
internationalism you illiterate dumb cunt who can't read english.
"racism" is a word that was literally created by kikes to REBRAND fascism withing leftist paradigm you idiotic
spic who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about
go do white race a favor and kill yourself you fucking kike slave pet faggot
also hating is something completely different then what i'm displaying here.. i'm simply despising the

>> Anonymous (ID: CtcwH/X3 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:01:27 No.308766951 ▶ >>308767148

You are racist. The level of vitriol coming from your post is giving your true intentions away. It's only a couple
of threads on a lazy thur. evening and you are losing your mind. Do you think that does not give away who
you really are memeflag?

National Socialists are not who you see in the movies. They are not real racists, that is what their enemies
want you to believe.

stay scared, it's entertaining.

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:02:15 No.308767050 ▶ >>308767734 >>308768806 >>308770742 40/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
another spic coping. you're not white faggot. go back to Africa nigger. you're an invader to Europe and the
US you shitskinned parasite.

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:03:04 No.308767148 ▶ >>308767734 >>308768659 >>308770742

>You are racist.
a term created by kikes to define a fascist. you stupid fuck didn't even read my post. you autoposting spic
bot faggot

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:04:33 No.308767316 ▶


FOROCOCHE instagram! Don't need an invite. Maybe we can figure that out how to get invites to the main
forocoche site.

All the Spaniards in the thread suggested that site, forocoche.

IF YOU DON'T HAVE SPANISH TEXT IN YOUR MEME try and remember optics, but still have fun.

>> Anonymous (ID: ZdHC/d1d ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:04:46 No.308767339 ▶

Fuckin /lit/

>> Anonymous (ID: Fu5NZlzV ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:04:51 No.308767348 ▶ >>308768092 >>308768233


If in fascism you can't hate other races because the Nazis are obsessed with the Jews just because they
have a little bigger nose?
we jews are white

>> Anonymous (ID: Ihily0S4 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:06:18 No.308767509 ▶

That pic /lit/ seems full of morons. I would beat them like a drunken sadistic father and try to explain them
about my common decency is great.

>> Anonymous (ID: Uo2ZdBJ6 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:07:08 No.308767590 ▶

File: 1612061757340.png (85 KB, 500x416)

Casual nazism is the way forward.

Purity spiraling results in you getting killed by someone because they think they're
whiter than you.

When the jews are removed from the equation, then every sub-clade of European can
form their own ethnostate. It makes no sense for the sons of Europe to bicker and feud
when there are kikes trying to genocide all of us.

>> Anonymous (ID: X3VO3Njf ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:08:38 No.308767734 ▶ >>308768335

File: uigoug2222.jpg (89 KB, 863x720)

>>308766049 41/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: CtcwH/X3 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:12:05 No.308768079 ▶ >>308768393

your posts are full of hatred

>fascism is about unity of homogeneous people

What defines a people after their physical attributes? The most important factor? Their culture.

Hate all the "shitskins" you want, you are not one of us. No National Socialist will ever hate another race
more than they love their own.

I love Isabel.

>> Anonymous (ID: Uo2ZdBJ6 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:12:14 No.308768092 ▶

File: 1611354507657.jpg (119 KB, 744x851)

>we jews are white

Jews have done more damage to whites people than any group in history, and they did it
all while claiming to be white.

Also they have distinct genetic disorders unique to jews. They are semites, heavily inbred
arabs with only superficial similarities to Europeans.

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:13:49 No.308768233 ▶ >>308770742

kike you aren't white even one bit. if you're then you're not a kike. larping as a kike while being white is racial
treachery and you get the rope for that as well faggot. kikes are shitskins just like all the other shitskins. and
nobody hates you. you just don't belong among us and if removing you from our society would mean killing
you off completely then it's not because of some hate but simply due to neccessity. if you are such dumb
fucks who don't understand that we don't need you living among us, then you'll end up dead you stupid
shitskined motherfucker lol

rats also don't get it when they get exterminated.. but they keep coming back.
you are the rat kike. deal with it. be content when we kill you. accept it. this is what defines you anyway.

>> Anonymous (ID: wbh+Uwtl ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:14:33 No.308768310 ▶ >>308768495 >>308768806 >>308769239

>>308769640 >>308769667
File: 1596526825598.png (487 KB, 448x448)

I see that you nazi shits are getting desperate

thanks for confirming that communism will win in the end

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:14:54 No.308768335 ▶ >>308768684 >>308770742

fuck off spic kike. go gas yourself. spics aren't white and you will never be white. NEVER. well only if you 4th 42/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
generation bleech yourself with white blood which isn't likely to happen since nobody wants to have
shitskinned babies.. at least no one sane.

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:15:26 No.308768393 ▶ >>308770742

stupid faggot keeps repeating the same shit over and over

>> Anonymous (ID: cqluBwWL ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:16:26 No.308768478 ▶ >>308769210

You can despise them later. Kikes are a global enemy. Without them you literally remove all infighting
between whites. Think long term

>> Anonymous (ID: R4dKrG3u ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:16:38 No.308768495 ▶

File: watchadoinrabbi.webm (2.15 MB, 640x360)

>communism will win in the end

>> Anonymous (ID: jYuXe5YP ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:17:36 No.308768588 ▶

>>308738989 (OP)
as a former colony of spain. i will support this movement. Viva Espana!

>> Anonymous (ID: CtcwH/X3 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:18:20 No.308768659 ▶ >>308768813 >>308769863

I am white. I have blue eyes. I'm no where near as scared as you are either.

>> Anonymous (ID: v+qo07eK ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:18:35 No.308768684 ▶ >>308768902

Stfu dude. No one asked for your input in this thread. Tbh I’m pretty sure you’re a paid shill being used to
sow division in whatever way possible. Go dilate faggot.

>> Anonymous (ID: sBQZzhCd ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:19:06 No.308768736 ▶

take your meds old man

>> Anonymous (ID: YaAkXApd ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:19:25 No.308768773 ▶

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>>308738989 (OP)
Not yout personnel army, kid.

>> Anonymous (ID: i1uXAYQW ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:19:40 No.308768801 ▶

There is a WE, and she spoke out against the Jew. Are you accusing him of "shilling" someone that is anti-
Jew? How dare he!

>> Anonymous (ID: Uo2ZdBJ6 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:19:40 No.308768806 ▶ >>308769034 43/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
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>> Anonymous (ID: wbh+Uwtl ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:19:47 No.308768813 ▶ >>308769034

kek you're a mutt in denial

>> Anonymous (ID: CtcwH/X3 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:20:25 No.308768902 ▶

remain calm and respond with the truth.

>> Anonymous (ID: f3x9Ts+U ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:21:40 No.308769018 ▶

Females are always needed to be mouthpiece of a real organization, they in the early stages pulled in youth
for the real natsocs in the 30s.

>> Anonymous (ID: CtcwH/X3 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:21:54 No.308769034 ▶ >>308769403

please see >>308768806

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:23:39 No.308769210 ▶ >>308770742

>You can despise them later. Kikes are a global enemy
kikes and shitskins are the same exact shit with the only difference that kikes are at the top of shitskins
social order. that's all. you're trying to imply one can fight the kike without fighting his minions which is
ultimately the most retarded shit anyone could have ever said in their entire fucking life. it's like saying fight
the gun not the bullets, just dodge the bullets, because it's the gun who's shooting them. you are another
coping dumb fuck. probably some spic

this is a spic coping thread. anyone who defends shitskins is a shitskins or a commie faggot. no other
choices. a commie faggot is essentially an insane idiot who's been either brainwashed or just degenerate
racially so chooses commie shit to cope with his degenerate self.

either way.. there is no way other then fighting all shitskins all together. it's not like shitskins were going to
somehow help us fight the kikes. they serve kikes in every way possible. they cover for kikes. they shill for
kikes. they invade our lands and gladly replace us anywhere they can. then they larp as whites.. which is
cringe as fuck

>> Anonymous (ID: zX0uDhkt ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:23:50 No.308769228 ▶

File: mummy.gif (2.6 MB, 308x221)

>> Anonymous (ID: ZKZRVJ/X ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:23:57 No.308769239 ▶ 44/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>chilean commie
you are an abomination to your people

>> Anonymous (ID: ngN4Y2xI ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:25:09 No.308769364 ▶ >>308770079

Stop larping retard and go out your basement and enjoy the degenerate diversity running around your
community erasing your retarded ideology. Enjoy reality are worthless to the true natsoc
movement. KYS.

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:25:20 No.308769382 ▶ >>308769741

Naming jews in a big show like this only brings in people dumb enough to lynch the local rabbi. But you
knew that, didn't you?

>> Anonymous (ID: wbh+Uwtl ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:25:36 No.308769403 ▶ >>308769987

mutt cope

>> Anonymous (ID: 6eFkZJZu ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:26:57 No.308769543 ▶ >>308770164

>you must stay divided
>not really white

The Jew, it is always the Jew

>> Anonymous (ID: i1uXAYQW ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:27:03 No.308769551 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:27:48 No.308769632 ▶

All you have to do is point out real problems and the jew will name himself.

>> Anonymous (ID: Uo2ZdBJ6 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:27:53 No.308769640 ▶

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>trusting a corrupt government, occupied entirely by tribalist kikes, to act

benevolently toward goyim

You've got looney tunes in your head if you actually think this.

>> Anonymous (ID: ms4GpLS4 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:28:07 No.308769667 ▶

File: Happy Merchant Speaking.png (117 KB, 1212x712)

>I see that you nazi shits are getting

>thanks for confirming that communism will win in the end 45/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: jYuXe5YP ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:28:40 No.308769721 ▶

>>308738989 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:28:50 No.308769741 ▶ >>308769861 >>308770427

>Lynch the local Rabbi
Lololol lololol, you're a scared jew. Confirmed.

Look, kike, no one wants to hurt you, we don't even want your fake money or your gold. JUST LEAVE.

>> Anonymous (ID: DJ+4STyI ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:30:01 No.308769861 ▶ >>308770417

How many rabbis have you lynched, sir?

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:30:01 No.308769863 ▶ >>308770742

are you using google translate you faggot spic?? you aren't properly using the word "scared" you fucking
spic shitskin idiot. go sniff ass you dumb fuck

>> Anonymous (ID: Uo2ZdBJ6 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:31:29 No.308769987 ▶

File: 1608611601021.gif (2.57 MB, 477x464)


Nobody's buying SCHLOMO

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:32:29 No.308770079 ▶ >>308770742

have a (you) goatfucker. now fuck off

>> Anonymous (ID: QX6bz/2O ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:33:23 No.308770164 ▶ >>308770723 >>308770742

wtf is this shit.. goatfuckers in this thread. is this some kind of spic attempt at VPN lol.

>> Anonymous (ID: zX0uDhkt ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:33:58 No.308770233 ▶

File: mommyandfranco.jpg (1.02 MB, 2048x1536)

>> Anonymous (ID: owyN1u23 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:34:09 No.308770248 ▶ >>308770468

seems like a zogbot shill to lure out neo nazis cause of muh vagina. her speech said the jew is to blame for
our problems didnt really elaborate. they love that kind of anti semitism. also her nazi salute was an open
palm up to the sky like that other uncoordinated zogbot tard kike enoch. Its supposed to be with your palm
down fingers pointing forward. shes clearly mongrelized which was hitler was trying to avoid 46/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: 7sU9fHAE ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:35:43 No.308770417 ▶

No jew has been lynched since leo frank. And he got what he deserved.

>> Anonymous (ID: Uo2ZdBJ6 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:35:52 No.308770427 ▶

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Jews are parasites. Telling a jew to leave it's host is a death sentence as far as they're

It's also a good way to identify kikes. Suggesting jews and whites should live separately
always illicits aggression and panic from the jew.

>> Anonymous (ID: CtcwH/X3 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:36:13 No.308770468 ▶ >>308770749 >>308770793

seeing all the shills in tears over how people are reacting to her is hilarious tho

>> Anonymous (ID: Im2EQs3O ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:38:25 No.308770713 ▶

>>308738989 (OP)
Why would we help spics?

>> Anonymous (ID: ngN4Y2xI ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:38:29 No.308770723 ▶

Nope just pointing out the basement inbred larper that is you.

>> Anonymous (ID: pVN/eFrG ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:38:48 No.308770742 ▶

File: tarrant.jpg (11 KB, 281x300)

Dude, shut the fuck up and go outside. Larping here benefits no one and makes you look like a retard. All
you're doing is talking yourself up and dividing people before they can even organize a meaningful action.
The enemy is JEWS. Not mutts or hispanics. Anyone who fights them is someone worth working with.

Now if you're as white as you claim, care to post your flag and hand/skin?

>> Anonymous (ID: owyN1u23 ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:38:55 No.308770749 ▶ 47/48
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Spain Bros. We need generals. Hear my plan - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
yeah shes clearly waking people up saying the jew is to blame for everything, without going into any detail.
she doesnt like jews cause she looks in the mirror and sees a mutt every day

>> Anonymous (ID: wbh+Uwtl ) 02/19/21(Fri)05:39:21 No.308770793 ▶

yeah I'm in tears, not at all laughing my ass off at the desperation of armchair fascists

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