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5/3/2021 /x/ - Why are there no good UFO videos?

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File: iP9om0dX_400x400.png (235 KB, 400x400)

Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)11:30:48 No.28406269 ▶ >>28406427
>>28406733 >>28408244 >>28408258 >>28408443 >>28408630 >>28409036

Why are there no good UFO videos?

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)11:32:47 No.28406289 ▶

if there were good videos in the first place there would

be no kind of FO being U

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)11:53:03 No.28406427 ▶ >>28406453

File: TR-3b.webm (1.13 MB, 640x360)

>>28406269 (OP)

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)11:55:33 No.28406453 ▶ >>28406472 >>28408280

Now post a source

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)11:55:51 No.28406458 ▶ >>28406468

File: 1580771314389.webm (2.66 MB, 640x360)

>> 1/7
5/3/2021 /x/ - Why are there no good UFO videos? - Paranormal - 4chan

Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)11:56:58 No.28406468 ▶

Pretty interesting natural phenomena.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)11:57:04 No.28406472 ▶ >>28406505

File: Nasa Fake.webm (2.9 MB, 1280x720)


>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)11:58:07 No.28406483 ▶ >>28406660

File: ganymede.png (114 KB, 1336x568)

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)11:59:13 No.28406498 ▶ >>28406628 >>28406660

File: ganymede4.png (108 KB, 1179x541)

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)11:59:52 No.28406505 ▶ >>28406541

So no source because it's fake and gay. Just like your fake and gay video you just posted again.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)12:00:56 No.28406514 ▶ >>28408501 >>28408552

File: 1559517348743.webm (927 KB, 420x360)
iuiSAmTA&ab_channel=LiveGravity [Embed]

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)12:03:39 No.28406541 ▶ >>28406599

File: 1566447709497.jpg (47 KB, 768x1024)

yup. It's all fake and gay.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)12:05:26 No.28406555 ▶

File: 1611382226183.webm (722 KB, 480x360) 2/7
5/3/2021 /x/ - Why are there no good UFO videos? - Paranormal - 4chan

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)12:07:46 No.28406577 ▶ >>28406603

File: weather UFO.jpg (87 KB, 1048x632)

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)12:09:45 No.28406593 ▶

File: 1617816733171.gif (2.39 MB, 600x220)

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)12:10:43 No.28406599 ▶ >>28406611

You will never be smart enough to be a rocket scientist.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)12:10:51 No.28406603 ▶ >>28406710 >>28408540

File: 1617584257509.webm (1.41 MB, 1910x960)


>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)12:11:53 No.28406611 ▶ >>28406626

File: 1619909338797.webm (332 KB, 1280x720)

The highlight of you life is
shitposting on /x/?

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)12:13:46 No.28406626 ▶

You will never be smart enough to be an engineer.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)12:14:08 No.28406628 ▶

What was the outcome?

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)12:17:23 No.28406660 ▶

This only confirms /x/ is the shittest board. Even the pony faggots are better

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)12:22:07 No.28406710 ▶ >>28408039 >>28408305 >>28408540

is this real?

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)12:24:45 No.28406733 ▶

>>28406269 (OP)
because ufos are alternate dimension objects similar to dirt in your eyes 3/7
5/3/2021 /x/ - Why are there no good UFO videos? - Paranormal - 4chan
>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)14:53:55 No.28408039 ▶

Yes, it was all over the national news for a while. Are you retarded or something?

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:12:07 No.28408244 ▶ >>28408270 >>28408315

File: 4cadd2707f8b9a737ad00000.jpg (13 KB, 356x292)

>>28406269 (OP)
Why are you so godamn stupid anon?

>> Nobody 05/03/21(Mon)15:13:59 No.28408258 ▶

>>28406269 (OP)
Because a good ufo videos becomes an airplane or balloon or whatever

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:15:10 No.28408270 ▶ >>28408375

proven haux

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:15:51 No.28408280 ▶

That's the one that somebody yesterday was claiming was from a "fake UFO" contest? Did anybody ever
back up that claim?

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:18:18 No.28408305 ▶

It is. There is a weather Doppler Radar site in the center of the weird circle. It glitched out, and that

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:19:19 No.28408315 ▶


>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:22:14 No.28408340 ▶ >>28408365

File: ufo grab the worst camera.jpg (295 KB, 700x815)

Guys, I think a lot of you missed what OP was asking. He didn't ask for lots of examples
of what he is talking about, he asked why is this all we got, in an era when everybody
has a decent camera in their pocket?

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:25:10 No.28408364 ▶ >>28408409

UFOs are 100% fake that's why, what you see in the sky is just simply tech that you're not aware of and
yes they will try to pull a fake alien invasion and that's why it is important to show the general public that
the serpents are already here, not in the sky, not on the light in the sky known as the moon but here
already, here as in on earth and I will challenge anyone to prove me wrong. 4/7
5/3/2021 /x/ - Why are there no good UFO videos? - Paranormal - 4chan

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:25:13 No.28408365 ▶

File: 1616558559532.jpg (54 KB, 590x350)


>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:26:33 No.28408375 ▶

post debunk links then pussy.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:30:17 No.28408409 ▶ >>28408460

We don't have any technology like UFOs or we'd be using it.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:34:21 No.28408443 ▶ >>28408657

>>28406269 (OP)
>Why are there no good UFO videos?
Go outside with your cellphone right now and record a plane flying by, look at the pics or video you made.
It will look like crap. Cellphones made to snap selfies in the bathroom mirror.

inB4: I carry a high speed zoom capable professional grade movie camera around with me all the time

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:36:02 No.28408460 ▶ >>28408530

You don't know what technology is available but I'm certain what is available dwarfs what you see as
UFOs in the sky.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:39:13 No.28408485 ▶

File: ufo.png (79 KB, 575x575)

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:40:42 No.28408501 ▶

this actually looks like cgi

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:43:52 No.28408530 ▶ >>28408601 >>28409024

>You don't know what technology is available
We do, or at least we can speculate.
Nobody has invented a new physics. We still fly planes by rapidly expanding gasses and using
aerodynamic forces to create lift. This is still the forefront of engineering. Most of the current research is
about improving materials and mechanisms to make all of this more efficient. UFOs are typically reported
as having no exhaust, heat signatures, and movement that implies they don't need air to fly. To believe 5/7
5/3/2021 /x/ - Why are there no good UFO videos? - Paranormal - 4chan
what you believe, you have to assume that somebody can magically hidden a whole new physics
paradigm and that we train the best engineers in outdated concepts.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:44:40 No.28408540 ▶

File: 1599426969539.png (1.06 MB, 747x734)


>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:45:57 No.28408552 ▶

clearly fake as fuck

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:51:26 No.28408601 ▶ >>28408640 >>28408649

Are you aware that all commercial and miltary grade aircraft can be controlled from ground level? What do
you know about sonic booms? What is the science behind it? Can you tell me about the nitrogen gas
located in the joints? If what I'm saying is correct then all militaries worldwide work together hand in hand
by sharing flight data and location which means if my theory is correct on UFOs then they all work
together on that too just like they did with bs-19.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:54:36 No.28408630 ▶

>>28406269 (OP)
Several reasons.

>Phone cameras don’t have HD zoom

>The electric magnetic field that surrounds the ship and enables anti gravity obscured the vision from the
ground making them appear as glowing orbs from far away
>They don’t fly low enough
>People are not usually looking for them

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:55:38 No.28408640 ▶

File: Download.jpg (8 KB, 341x148)

>then all militaries worldwide work
together hand in hand

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:56:29 No.28408649 ▶ >>28408711

Dude you're retarded

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)15:57:23 No.28408657 ▶

That's largely true. But it leaves us with crap pictures that don't prove anything, whether or not there is
anything there to prove. "True believers" hurt their cause by embracing clumsy fakes and shouting hat yet
another unfocused blob that could be anything is definitive proof of something. The first job af anybody
interested in UFOs is to throw out the shitty non-evidence as fast as possible. It's not just government
disinfo that confuses folks, it's the intentional and unintentional disinfo that UFO enthusiasts insist is
important evidence that fucks up the field. 6/7
5/3/2021 /x/ - Why are there no good UFO videos? - Paranormal - 4chan

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)16:04:05 No.28408711 ▶ >>28408735

So that's the best you've got? You would think that if I make a statement like that then I am somewhat
aware of what I'm talking about and I'll defend my stance against anyone on that, bring your number 1 so-
called expert on the topic in to try and debunk what I just stated.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)16:05:51 No.28408735 ▶ >>28408798

I'm not going to argue with a guy who thinks all the worlds militaries are working together. You're either a
retard or detached from reality. Got better things to do.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)16:11:46 No.28408798 ▶

Go and find someone who is involved in the airforce, bring them here and let's put my theory to the test
then instead of calling me retarded.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)16:39:46 No.28409024 ▶

>To believe what you believe, you have to assume that somebody can magically hidden a whole new
physics paradigm and that we train the best engineers in outdated concepts.
They are, look up Gary McKinnon the hacker who broke into a bunch of government computer systems
and says he saw partial pictures of US operated space ships and a crew manifest before he was forcefully
logged off by someone operating the terminal he had remoted into. The US government still wants his ass
for that and its been stuck in UK courts for almost 20 years. I know youll call me a gay larper or something
but I had a buddy that was a mechanic in the air force that talked about how back in Iraq they would force
everyone off the runway for a certain kind of aircraft (he got to work on U-2's and couldnt even see it). He
talked about how everyone on the airfield nicknamed it the flying Dorito because it was triangle shaped
and had no means of obvious propulsion. The last flying Dorito was a flying wing design and was
supposed to have been shitcanned in the 60's. That experience turned him into a full blown conspiracy
nut and I wouldnt be surprised if he browsed this shithole. My boss was an artilleryman and likes to keep
up with military news. He saw an article a few years back about a new artillery shell that would listen for
engine noises or the sounds of tracks reverberating through ground. He would laugh and talk about how
he was firing those shells at tanks 20 years ago during the ground war. Those 2 stories really convinced
me that the government hides advanced tech. These 2 men were just grunts, imagine what kind of tech
their superiors know about.

>> Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)16:41:31 No.28409036 ▶

>>28406269 (OP)
because you have to be part of the club to see the good ones

ya ain't

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