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30/6/2021 /x/ - Playing piano can send me into a trace state - Paranormal - 4chan

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File: keys.jpg (18 KB, 474x314)

Playing piano can send me into a trace state Anonymous
06/30/21(Wed)05:13:59 No.29079542 ▶ >>29079615 >>29079678 >>29079701
>>29079734 >>29079814 >>29079882 >>29081518

This doesn't happen playing guitar though.

I'm not even that good on piano but it affects my mind.

Any ideas as to why this is?

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)05:16:47 No.29079563 ▶

>>29079611 >>29079919

wrong board but the piano is the best instrument

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)05:26:32 No.29079611 ▶ >>29079623 >>29079630 >>29079882


>wrong board

I sometimes get visions while in this trance state, so it is kind of paranormal.

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)05:26:52 No.29079615 ▶ >>29079643

>>29079542 (OP)

It's the quality of the sound and resonance and how you are able to tune in your own mind with it.

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)05:27:55 No.29079623 ▶ >>29079650


It's not paranormal, it's called hypnagogic imagery.

>> 1/4
30/6/2021 /x/ - Playing piano can send me into a trace state - Paranormal - 4chan

Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)05:29:00 No.29079630 ▶


i'm glad you are human

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)05:31:21 No.29079643 ▶


interesting I haven't consciously tried this but I wonder if different keys would produce different effects.

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)05:33:29 No.29079650 ▶


that is mans rationalising

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)05:38:38 No.29079678 ▶ >>29079694

>>29079542 (OP)

i feel you. has a similar effect on me. easy to get into, as well. made me understand music theory on
such a fundamental, but monumental level

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)05:41:19 No.29079694 ▶


>made me understand music theory on such a fundamental, but monumental level

So much better than other instruments for theory.

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)05:42:16 No.29079701 ▶ >>29079812 >>29080953

>>29079542 (OP)

I also get a odd feeling whenever I listen to piano music, I used to never listen to classic music before,
but once I tried, I can feel when and which note it's going to be next. Once I had a vision of me, in a
previous life, playing a piano.

Not in a good financial state rn but will buy a piano whenever I manage to save up for it

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)05:47:47 No.29079734 ▶

>>29079542 (OP)

Try a clean channel with a little bit of reverb and delay (on guitar) or a nice acoustic resonator guitar, with
nylon strings.

That'll make it sound nice.

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)06:00:47 No.29079812 ▶


Buy a keyboard with weighted keys?

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)06:00:53 No.29079814 ▶

>>29079542 (OP)

Pianos are more fun

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)06:02:20 No.29079820 ▶ >>29081489

Guitar is more fun if you're really pissed off though.

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)06:10:27 No.29079859 ▶

Op here my latest vision was of a black bird flying through open doors. its so fricking weird to experience

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30/6/2021 /x/ - Playing piano can send me into a trace state - Paranormal - 4chan

Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)06:15:25 No.29079882 ▶

>>29079542 (OP)


Kundalini energy. Watch this and learn [Remove]

Kundalini Yoga: Awakening the Shakti Within

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)06:20:50 No.29079919 ▶


It can do the most, all the other instruments are more specialized and are more expressive within their
own lane IMO.

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)08:57:26 No.29080953 ▶


> I can feel when and which note it's going to be next.

Of course, music is not random. There are patterns and you are subconsciously recognizing them.
Composers take advantage of this by playing with your expectations, it really isn't much different from,
say, reading a book and seeing ahead in terms of where the story is going.

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)10:23:10 No.29081489 ▶


Naw. You're just inculcated to expect and associate electronic strumming when considering the emotion. [Embed]

>> Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)10:27:04 No.29081518 ▶

>>29079542 (OP)

Toxic whiteness.

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