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21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 1613647302671.png (244 KB, 530x291)

Anonymous (ID: 5OT8iHoo ) 02/21/21(Sun)15:49:04 No.309110079

>>309110155 >>309110235 >>309110349 >>309110533 >>309111539 >>309111795
>>309112056 >>309112316 >>309112398 >>309112439 >>309112459 >>309112666
>>309112678 >>309112852 >>309112864 >>309112879 >>309113344 >>309113357
>>309113417 >>309113775 >>309114084 >>309114310 >>309114495 >>309114525
>>309114710 >>309114796 >>309114804 >>309114833 >>309114895 >>309114943
>>309114955 >>309114963 >>309115021 >>309115058 >>309115109 >>309115136
>>309115164 >>309115261 >>309115329 >>309115364 >>309115487 >>309115538
>>309115622 >>309115656 >>309115723 >>309115745 >>309115757 >>309115775
>>309115873 >>309116063 >>309116286 >>309116329 >>309116703 >>309116741
>>309116903 >>309116920 >>309116933 >>309116996 >>309117145 >>309117368 >>309117523 >>309117694 >>309117839 >>309117897 >>309117974
>>309118069 >>309118095 >>309118148 >>309118218 >>309118290 >>309118373 >>309118443 >>309118547 >>309118592 >>309118621 >>309118722
>>309118757 >>309118828 >>309118830 >>309118848 >>309118901 >>309118916 >>309119210 >>309119354 >>309119503 >>309119564
>>309120181 >>309120214 >>309120224 >>309121274 >>309122051 >>309122270 >>309122463 >>309122872 >>309122926 >>309123123
>>309123272 >>309124179 >>309124380 >>309124477 >>309124495 >>309125544 >>309125601 >>309126415 >>309126889 >>309126897
>>309127496 >>309129426 >>309129434 >>309129777 >>309130133 >>309131278 >>309132242 >>309132368

>she chain smokes

>she drinks
>dresses like a whore
>has a dog indoors
>is actually anti-King
>has a Sephardic Jewish surname

A literal posh goblina sounds very based just because she said /pol/-tier ideas. No. The redflags are right in front
of you gullible retards and yet you still praise her like shes the next Jesus. Don't let this become Lauren Southern 1/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>but she didn't name the jew

She's 18 and is doing it for attention. Later, she will regret what she done and will ask for forgiveness.
Remember the nazi twin girls?

Also notice most /pol/tards who back this fraud is an Amerimutt?

>> Anonymous (ID: mJ7A1Z7y ) 02/21/21(Sun)15:49:48 No.309110155 ▶ >>309110386 >>309110877 >>309113170


>>309110079 (OP)
I would still have her as my gf

>> Anonymous (ID: u3BfkmPy ) 02/21/21(Sun)15:50:34 No.309110235 ▶ >>309110990 >>309116006

File: Eq4_BkvXYAEBnCa.jpg (135 KB, 1440x960)

>>309110079 (OP)
nicole is superior

>> Anonymous (ID: eTLLfC6/ ) 02/21/21(Sun)15:51:18 No.309110328 ▶ >>309110418 >>309116366

She looks older

>> Anonymous (ID: V4t0i+2I ) 02/21/21(Sun)15:51:29 No.309110349 ▶ >>309110877 >>309118341

>>309110079 (OP)
>Also notice most /pol/tards who back this fraud is an Amerimutt?
Completely the opposite.

Look mein nigger this girl has had the fucking balls to name them infront of a hundred people with cameras
and she even doubled down saying she doesn't care about jail so stfu because he has more balls than you.
The time is over for juden and she is a warning for the times to come.

>> Anonymous (ID: mamiLG6c ) 02/21/21(Sun)15:51:54 No.309110386 ▶

We know

>> Anonymous (ID: 5OT8iHoo ) 02/21/21(Sun)15:52:08 No.309110418 ▶


Being a degenerate ages you fast, fren. Thats what she is

>> Anonymous (ID: TdI7jR2U ) 02/21/21(Sun)15:53:14 No.309110533 ▶ >>309110877

File: 1613849243849.png (645 KB, 722x525)

>>309110079 (OP)
Kill yourself.

>> Anonymous (ID: 5OT8iHoo ) 02/21/21(Sun)15:56:25 No.309110877 ▶ >>309111859 >>309112015 >>309112171

>>309110533 2/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

Fuck off from my board, simps

>a girl being edgy should lead
Looks like Spanish men are emasculated to the core then

>> Anonymous (ID: 6LAddZdB ) 02/21/21(Sun)15:57:32 No.309110990 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: wJ4JwFej ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:02:31 No.309111539 ▶ >>309112981

File: hqdefault (1).jpg (9 KB, 480x360)

>>309110079 (OP)
She is definitely Sephardic. One of her Pirate ancestors raped my Cherokee great
great great grandmother and put their disgusting fallen angel DNA into my bloodline.

>> Anonymous (ID: ZoZ/p54S ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:04:57 No.309111795 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
>She's 18 and is doing it for attention.
The average poster here is too young to understand. Teenage hormones are converted into 20 threads per
day with 300 posts each.

>> Anonymous (ID: 1/doW+Uf ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:05:32 No.309111859 ▶ >>309112181

>a girl being edgy should lead
Where does Spanishbro imply that she should be leading anything? She's simply naming the jew

>> Anonymous (ID: 431/H1GA ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:06:42 No.309111981 ▶ >>309122518

>has a Sephardic Jewish surname

Final redpill: Only Jews have political agency, even if it to fight other Jews

>> Anonymous (ID: TdI7jR2U ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:07:00 No.309112015 ▶

>>a girl being edgy should lead
You really are obsessed with that strawman aren't you, homo man?

>> Anonymous (ID: d78ZJedL ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:07:29 No.309112056 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Why did you swap from a Hungarian VPN to a Phillipino one? Post nose.

>> Anonymous (ID: 6l0SXUfY ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:08:32 No.309112152 ▶

Stop simping for this Jewish Moor rape baby.

>> Anonymous (ID: visVU+gI ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:08:40 No.309112171 ▶ >>309122169

>hello fellow anons: the post

>> 3/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

Anonymous (ID: wJ4JwFej ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:08:44 No.309112181 ▶ >>309114322

Anon believe me, she's a crypto sephardic jew puppet. Probably some in fighting going on between the
tribes. Not all Jews necessarily work together. There are different factions trying to outjew each other as

>> Anonymous (ID: cMgWUgZZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:09:23 No.309112255 ▶ >>309112861

>noooooo its not an actual resistance, shes not actually on our side
>stay in your homes being paranoid and suspicious of anyone that speaks out against Jews publicly, thats
how we stay safe

>> Anonymous (ID: uYth9c5N ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:10:02 No.309112316 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Go fuck another 12 year old you fucking pedo nigger

>> Anonymous (ID: tekFNI+a ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:10:59 No.309112398 ▶ >>309112861 >>309118221

>>309110079 (OP)
>she chain smokes
>she drinks
>dresses like a whore
>has a dog indoors
>is actually anti-King
>has a Sephardic Jewish surname

Yet she is a million times more attractive and desirable than any Flip will ever be. Really makes you think...

>> Anonymous (ID: gNEYyyRT ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:11:20 No.309112439 ▶ >>309116513

>>309110079 (OP)
Don't support public figures then.
Even if she captiulates, the work is done. Same with Lauren's movie Farmlands.
The message is good, and we should encourage others who stick their neck out for European people. If we
don't support these people, we will get nowhere.
I'm sick of faggots like you shooting every messenger we have. They're on our side, and you want to bicker,
and bitch out. You're not even the one doing anything.

>> Anonymous (ID: 4iJADnhN ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:11:32 No.309112459 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
National Simpism will save Western Civilization.

>> Anonymous (ID: 4JPW9Cpd ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:13:48 No.309112666 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
It's been 3 days now, at least that i'm aware of, that you've made the same thread over and over again.

01011001 01101111 01110101 00100111 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110110
01100101 01110010 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101000 01110101
01101101 01100001 01101110 00101110

>> Anonymous (ID: 6oVT6zXj ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:13:57 No.309112678 ▶

File: 06.03 LA Times Confront Naui.jpg (245 KB, 1600x900)

>>309110079 (OP)
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: oQilhzDI ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:15:39 No.309112852 ▶ >>309114869 >>309117556 >>309119122

>>309110079 (OP)
>has a dog indoors
Was confused that this was a complaint until I realized OP is subchinaman. Yea so in the west dogs are
companions and not lunch
>the more you know...

>> Anonymous (ID: ItA1NZE/ ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:15:45 No.309112861 ▶ >>309116487


The coomersimps came out of the woodwork to defend their jewish princess. They don't even question her
background or why she's doing this so suddenly.

>> Anonymous (ID: m280ovpu ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:15:46 No.309112864 ▶ >>309126547

File: 1606024899609.png (125 KB, 275x296)

>>309110079 (OP)
Cannot stop the signal at this point. Europe is going to wake up and destroy the world
again. If your an outsider in Europe its time to go back while you still can. Stay the fuck
out of the Americas though we have enough problems with the faggots here already.

>> Anonymous (ID: npc4J5Wx ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:15:55 No.309112879 ▶ >>309113344 >>309115058 >>309119417

File: EOy1HgFW4AE0eCu.jpg (268 KB, 1209x1266)

>>309110079 (OP)
>7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that
is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

>8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

>9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by
one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the
woman standing in the midst.

>10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are
those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

>11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

You can tell all the kikes seething and pretending to be incels are really kikes because of how remarkably
self-righteous they are and the type of arguments they use. Whenever Jesus talked about not judging
people or not casting the first stone, remember that He was dealing with a society of kikes who get off on
shaming each other while being full of shit themselves.

This is the type of shit Jesus had to deal with constantly. This young woman is getting the same vile hate
that Jesus did because He too challenged the kikes. Laugh at the kikes impotent rage and continue
supporting this based woman of God.

Saints have never been perfect, but they obeyed the will of God. She's naming the Jews and that's literally
all that matters.

>> Anonymous (ID: magHSvIj ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:16:58 No.309112981 ▶ >>309126077

Naw. Sephardic jews have longer faces. Her face is wide versus long. Every Sephardic Jew I’ve seen had a
borderline horsey face. 5/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: BDvfWsJY ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:18:51 No.309113170 ▶

me to

>> Anonymous (ID: iAS1nWeM ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:20:11 No.309113319 ▶


/pol/ simps are getting pathetic
sure sure tell that to yourself retard it's all you know apparently

>> Anonymous (ID: npc4J5Wx ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:20:21 No.309113344 ▶ >>309116880 >>309117115

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>>309110079 (OP)
Also, so what if this thot is doing it for the attention? Lauren Southern tradwife grifter
types would NEVER outright name the Jew but would dance around it. If this zoomer
thot is so desperate for attention that she jumps from 0-100 to name the Jews for
attention then how is that a bad thing? If she succeeds then it'll inspire other young
attractive girls to name Jews for attention as well.

Why wouldn't we want women using their sex appeal to attack kikes rather than matriarchal, clown world
degeneracy? Again, these self-righteous kikes are false-flagging as incels. Don't fall for it and keep laughing
at them and supporting this brave young woman.

>> Anonymous (ID: NoajRWK2 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:20:28 No.309113357 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
ask me how I know you arent on our side

>> Anonymous (ID: vw1DEAxe ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:21:01 No.309113417 ▶ >>309129374

File: BaaPIlNCUAASOQj.jpg (16 KB, 297x350)

>>309110079 (OP)
You will never ever have the balls to name the jew to a

>> Anonymous (ID: qDJk/M/+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:22:41 No.309113584 ▶ >>309113898 >>309114394

Because you’re a simp and a cuck and wouldn’t mind if she fucked Chad in front of you. You’re part of
problem. Kill yourself today please.

>> Anonymous (ID: wpPjrJF7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:24:42 No.309113775 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
jews like yourself get holocausted every 100 years or so, like clockwork. how long ago was the last
holocaust? time is not your friend

>> Anonymous (ID: wpPjrJF7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:26:01 No.309113898 ▶

kike hands wrote this 6/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: GvLnwDGz ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:27:50 No.309114084 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
>has a Sephardic Jewish surname
Lol no she doesn't. Why is /pol/ so retarded?

>> Anonymous (ID: cz9N9N1d ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:28:22 No.309114138 ▶ >>309114973 >>309115136

File: 1613688758267.png (247 KB, 540x676)

You faggots know she frequents this board right

>> Anonymous (ID: j2NDQWkI ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:30:03 No.309114310 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
You gay

>> Anonymous (ID: n6Lhnlj6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:30:08 No.309114322 ▶

>Anon please believe me.

>> Anonymous (ID: NoajRWK2 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:30:56 No.309114394 ▶

File: 1613336589376.jpg (138 KB, 792x844)

you know 95+% of this board can spot who you
are immediately, tight?

>> Anonymous (ID: qBk8c7BP ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:31:57 No.309114495 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
>accuses others of being mutts

>> Anonymous (ID: DI1LD7XN ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:32:16 No.309114525 ▶ >>309114633 >>309114700 >>309116126

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>>309110079 (OP)
I want to make my ancestors proud and slay her with my scimitar.

>> Anonymous (ID: QymzWfKH ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:32:22 No.309114531 ▶ >>309115589

okay ive ignored these threads for days but now im really curious, can i get a qrd on who this whore is and
why she's had hourly threads about her for a week? 7/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: NoajRWK2 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:33:27 No.309114633 ▶ >>309117383
File: 1611695923669.png (30 KB, 710x577)

your ancestors would be ashamed that you didnt go
after el judio first

>> Anonymous (ID: n6Lhnlj6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:34:19 No.309114700 ▶ >>309115074

File: images (7).jpg (13 KB, 223x226)


>> Anonymous (ID: qBk8c7BP ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:34:27 No.309114710 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Also how the fuck is Peralta Sheppardic Jew?

>> Anonymous (ID: 5dfiBGuN ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:34:39 No.309114726 ▶

Shes built for bbc

>> Anonymous (ID: n6Lhnlj6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:35:06 No.309114775 ▶

File: divsion azul 3 (3).jpg (22 KB, 236x334)

>> Anonymous (ID: iVzO/0td ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:35:22 No.309114796 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
the smoking was a no for me. although idk what your issue is with having an animal indoors?

>> Anonymous (ID: Syx1B1Im ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:35:29 No.309114804 ▶

File: 1581986350518.gif (1.13 MB, 300x242)

>>309110079 (OP)
>some perv who moved to the Philippines to rape kids expects me to take his
character assassination seriously

>> Anonymous (ID: UgoRGfNv ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:35:41 No.309114833 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
She's obviously a degenerate fuck up. The only concern though is how can we maximize on what she has
started? Also how can we replace her, if needed, once we've used her to get momentum going on a real
movement. 8/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: ZanSao+x ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:36:01 No.309114869 ▶

Yeah hitler kept his dogs indoors too omg degenerate hitler

>> Anonymous (ID: KAtgjmzU ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:36:22 No.309114895 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
How goes the phillipino kid fucking, Shlomo?

>> Anonymous (ID: ygBXh+dV ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:36:49 No.309114943 ▶

File: Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-198(...).jpg (33 KB, 553x800)

>>309110079 (OP)
Hitler trusted some jews too. Thats good enough for me. Cry more about the inevitable
holocaust shillbaby

>> Anonymous (ID: eHga4SEj ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:36:58 No.309114955 ▶ >>309115390 >>309116728

>>309110079 (OP)
Color me surprised, poltards are actually simps. I thought you guys are redpilled about women.

>> Anonymous (ID: wTjzhflh ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:37:01 No.309114963 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
I just enjoy incel seethe. You forgot the most important thing, she is a woman so her opinion is of course
immediately discarded.
She a cute tho

>> Anonymous (ID: iAS1nWeM ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:37:10 No.309114973 ▶ >>309115083 >>309118648 >>309123242

why do you think the entire /pol/ has been simping for her past days? they want internet points and their
queen to notice them because she named the jew.

all it took to destroy the alt right was to employ a vagina who says "fuck the jews".
one pussy and the mighty /sig/ nofap nazis fall to their knees and kiss the feet of some mestizo
absolutely pathetic
this is why we fail
this is why fascism is unobtainable
because it is full of teens who need their balls emptied
ironic isn't it?

>> Anonymous (ID: Jud8fGCg ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:37:37 No.309115021 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
I would never trust a women
Especially not one with a jew nose and nothing but epic muh /pol/ redpills at the age of 18 coming from
literally nowhere
Women should be in the kitchen, thats where a good women should be

>> Anonymous (ID: npc4J5Wx ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:37:57 No.309115058 ▶

File: 1610143344023.jpg (229 KB, 1024x956)

>>309110079 (OP)
>>309112879 9/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Finally, to all the kikes larping as Incels, where is this same rage at literally ANY other
roastie whore that's posted on /pol/? Better yet, why aren't you faggots shitting on
posters who post lewd images of women? Why isn't there more anti-porn threads on
/pol/? There shouldn't be a single lewd image and yet it's almost all I see here. This is
very much a "cast the first stone" situation, why are you hypocritical kikes singling out
the one girl actually naming Jews and ignore all the other Godless roastie clown world

If you watch porn at all and are crying about this girl you're especially a hypocrite that
needs to be silent. I'm such a puritan that I don't watch porn and don't fap more than once a week at most.
I'm a virgin who's planning to wait until marriage for sex. I don't smoke or drink. I think people who engage in
sex outside of marriage are just as degenerate as faggots, and I promise I'm far more pure and a man of
God than a single one of you self-righteous kikes pointing fingers at this brave young woman who names

Like Jesus, I'm calling you kikes out. Your words will fall upon deaf ears, because Jesus sees you for your
bullshit and will protect this young girl just like he protected that adulteress against a bunch of self-righteous,
hypocritical kikes. Your time is coming, kikes.

Repent to Jesus or into the like fire you shall go.

>> Anonymous (ID: DI1LD7XN ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:38:08 No.309115074 ▶ >>309115436

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>> Anonymous (ID: ygBXh+dV ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:38:13 No.309115083 ▶ >>309115623

you unironically need to take your pills

>> Anonymous (ID: FzyEgaKb ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:38:26 No.309115109 ▶ >>309117556

File: 98143527.jpg (19 KB, 500x449)

>>309110079 (OP)
>>has a dog indoors

>> Anonymous (ID: 5o3EnW8K ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:38:37 No.309115136 ▶ >>309115614 >>309115711

>>309110079 (OP)
>Also notice most /pol/tards who back this fraud is an Amerimutt?
she had her stupid interview threads up and everyone was asking for the english translation, most
Americans are too fucking stupid to know more than 1 language, half of the DACA's can't even speak
spanish well

she's probably the one posting her picture everywhere to recruit naziboi simps for her fourth reich, she's
gonna be real dissapointed when she finds out that they're a bunch of sad incel losers instead of the chad
nazi soldiers she's imagining

>> Anonymous (ID: VLaHG5j6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:38:57 No.309115164 ▶ >>309131244

>>309110079 (OP)
She’s a teenybopper, brain not fully developed. 10/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: iZcoEsZf ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:39:54 No.309115261 ▶ >>309115387 >>309115606 >>309115694

>>309110079 (OP)
The Jew in our midst
She's Joan of Ark and you sit in your room doing nothing
Not even simping
You should respect your allies and be grateful for any help you can get
If she's really your ally, sheister

>> Anonymous (ID: 24NWuxsh ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:40:25 No.309115329 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
She's a woman and we're giving her positive attention for right-think.
It's literally a means in itself.

>> Anonymous (ID: +aq20soN ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:40:41 No.309115364 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Fuck off shill.
Your nose is showing.
You will never have a real chin.

>> Anonymous (ID: LwxBsvZx ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:40:53 No.309115387 ▶ >>309115751

You know shes half jewish right?

>> Anonymous (ID: RyvK8i9F ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:40:56 No.309115390 ▶

Stop making your sexuality a political position. Women should be using their sex appeal to counter
degeneracy, you raging homo.

>> Anonymous (ID: n6Lhnlj6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:41:21 No.309115436 ▶ >>309115600

No,any spanish taking a DNA test shows 100% south european. It's due to Inquisition. We didn't only fired
your kind,but Inquisition later killed the conversos. As a result,we have spanish faces and you,moorish
faces. Deal with it mudslime

>> Anonymous (ID: SyTIP/ZK ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:41:47 No.309115487 ▶ >>309115685 >>309115835 >>309118814

File: 1613586648301.jpg (218 KB, 819x1024)

>>309110079 (OP)
Her parents are peruvian immigrants. She isn't even white. She wears a pound of make up
to hide her indios features

>> Anonymous (ID: eoHjJSZp ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:42:14 No.309115538 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
The state of men in 2021. Will simp for any roastie that's "based" the bar is so low for women

>> Anonymous (ID: KAtgjmzU ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:42:48 No.309115589 ▶ 11/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
She keeps naming the jew
says she knows it will get her arrested but shes going to keep doing it anyway
kike shills are absolutely assblasted over this, shill mode fully engaged

>> Anonymous (ID: DI1LD7XN ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:42:54 No.309115600 ▶ >>309115938

File: 1611931172606m.jpg (104 KB, 1004x1024)

Sure thing

>> Anonymous (ID: SyTIP/ZK ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:42:57 No.309115606 ▶

Sorry but joan of arc isn't a mestizo whore

>> Anonymous (ID: ygBXh+dV ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:43:02 No.309115614 ▶

File: 1610995022429.jpg (468 KB, 1024x1016)

some of us are chads; she wont be disappointed.
and who are these sad incel losers up against? frail little jewbabies. i
think its going to be ok.

>> Anonymous (ID: H0TV9o/1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:43:05 No.309115622 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
I don't care, she is on our side that's the matters

>> Anonymous (ID: iAS1nWeM ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:43:05 No.309115623 ▶ >>309115709 >>309115866

I took enough redpills to know exactly what will happen. in month's time /pol/ will abandon her and move to
another vagina. how many based women there were in the past decade? what happened to them?

>> Anonymous (ID: AkEQ6O7J ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:43:26 No.309115656 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
It's very telling how much she scares you kikes.

>> Anonymous (ID: n6Lhnlj6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:43:45 No.309115685 ▶ >>309115791 >>309115860 >>309118814

She has a spanish father,and due to her bravery,is honorary spanish. Most of people mixed, like 99%, hates

>> Anonymous (ID: Jud8fGCg ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:43:48 No.309115694 ▶ >>309117270

you dont even know who Joan of Ark is
I tell you she wasnt some ethot mixedrace nigger larping for attention 12/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: H0TV9o/1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:43:59 No.309115709 ▶ >>309117297

how many woman named the jew?

Admit, she is special.

>> Anonymous (ID: GvLnwDGz ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:44:00 No.309115711 ▶

>she's probably the one posting her picture everywhere to recruit naziboi simps for her fourth reich, she's
gonna be real dissapointed when she finds out that they're a bunch of sad incel losers instead of the chad
nazi soldiers she's imagining
You sound like a tranny

>> Anonymous (ID: H6Dn5g2p ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:44:06 No.309115723 ▶ >>309116673 >>309116876 >>309118263


>>309110079 (OP)
>this person doing what I wish I could do doesn't meet my insanely high standards of purity so I must
downplay them instead of offering support
No wonder /pol/ fags don't get anything done.
>n-no we get things done
Like hell you do. You call everyone glowies or nigger when they actually attempt to get you out of your
>w-well what have YOU done
The last time I was called a glowie was days before the capitol raid.
Mhm. Yup. And yet, something was actually organized.
>well y-you didn't accomplish anything!
Oh, maybe because you were still in you basement being a gatekeeping faggot since I don't meet your
insanely high moral purity standards. Gee... this seems to happen alot.

>> Anonymous (ID: 6WidRlGV ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:44:19 No.309115745 ▶ >>309117556

>>309110079 (OP)
>has a dog indoors
Who gives a fuck? this is why your country is dogshit.

>> Anonymous (ID: NoajRWK2 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:44:23 No.309115751 ▶

File: 1612249756877.jpg (38 KB, 680x544)

>she named the jew publicly, and praises fascism, but guys I just
dont like her ya know
>we should go back to having no young hot girls getting lots of
publicity for going natsoc
>you can trust me guys, im one of you

>> Anonymous (ID: JI5DRL11 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:44:28 No.309115757 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
>>she chain smokes
>>she drinks
>>dresses like a whore
>>has a dog indoors
>>is actually anti-King
>>has a Sephardic Jewish surname
and I don't give a single shit.

>> Anonymous (ID: RLows97w ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:44:39 No.309115775 ▶ 13/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>>309110079 (OP)
Pol incels never learn, they hop on the hottest event fully investing into it and being hung out to dry. Hunter
Biden was all the rage and in the end they are left with his dick ingrained in their mind. How much more so
when someone attractive is involved. This will be another case of I told you so

>> Anonymous (ID: LwxBsvZx ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:44:48 No.309115791 ▶ >>309115932 >>309116264

Shes half jewish you muppet

>> Anonymous (ID: ygBXh+dV ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:45:09 No.309115835 ▶ >>309115936 >>309115953 >>309116191

File: 1612096666189.jpg (140 KB, 503x666)

>implying calling out the jew has anything to do with skin color.
shills are literally about to explode
all we care is that she calls you out by your disgusting name, jew.

>> Anonymous (ID: SyTIP/ZK ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:45:23 No.309115860 ▶ >>309116046 >>309118814

Both her parents are peruvian immigrants. A brown girl is not going to save your country. Non white
immigration and race mixing is the problem. Not the solution

>> Anonymous (ID: DI1LD7XN ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:45:27 No.309115866 ▶

There are no based women, zero. Zilch, nada.

>> Anonymous (ID: uZsvYoQ4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:45:30 No.309115873 ▶ >>309121547

File: 1517788939853.jpg (159 KB, 935x952)

>>309110079 (OP)
These threads make it too obvious

>> Anonymous (ID: GvLnwDGz ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:46:02 No.309115932 ▶ >>309116138

>Shes half jewish you muppet
Prove it

>> Anonymous (ID: Jud8fGCg ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:46:06 No.309115936 ▶ >>309116237

ofcourse you dont care about skincolor you mixed race mutt nigger

>> Anonymous (ID: n6Lhnlj6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:46:06 No.309115938 ▶ >>309116132

Why do you think it's simple to tell who is a spanish and who a moorish? It's like telling who is a chink or who
a darkie.
Deal with it,sandnigger 14/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: SyTIP/ZK ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:46:16 No.309115953 ▶

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a jew
Dat cope

>> Anonymous (ID: QVt6vRIu ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:46:49 No.309116006 ▶ >>309116158


>> Anonymous (ID: n6Lhnlj6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:47:14 No.309116046 ▶ >>309116229 >>309116438

File: unnamed (6).jpg (59 KB, 900x900)

Her father is spanish. People 100% peruvian are like pic retarded

>> Anonymous (ID: /XSTO4SP ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:47:24 No.309116063 ▶ >>309116199 >>309117556

File: 1591801420554.jpg (55 KB, 640x640)

>>309110079 (OP)
>has a dog indoors

whats wrong with this? only niggers hate animals

>> Anonymous (ID: A5Ml7rFx ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:48:04 No.309116126 ▶

Back to your desert, monkey.

>> Anonymous (ID: SyTIP/ZK ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:48:10 No.309116132 ▶ >>309120104

It's extremely obvious by looking at her that something is off. She does not have the face of a spanish girl.
Spaniards are white european. She looks like your typical mestiza whore. Trust me. The us has plenty of
these goblins

>> Anonymous (ID: LwxBsvZx ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:48:14 No.309116138 ▶ >>309116523

Anyone who is that obssesed with the jews is obviously jewish

>> Anonymous (ID: eoHjJSZp ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:48:22 No.309116153 ▶

They should install a live cam on 4chan so polcels can simp for le based women

>> Anonymous (ID: NoajRWK2 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:48:24 No.309116158 ▶

test 15/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: 431/H1GA ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:48:48 No.309116191 ▶ >>309116349 >>309116463 >>309119209

But you admit she is Jewish right? She looks like a Jew, she talks like a Jew, I her name is Jewish. Even Hitler
has a suspicious amount of Sephardi ancestry. A better question, why do goyim have no spine? Why is the
biggest enemy of Jews other Jews?

>> Anonymous (ID: 4JPW9Cpd ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:48:54 No.309116199 ▶

I guess you just answered your question friend.

>> Anonymous (ID: SyTIP/ZK ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:49:12 No.309116229 ▶ >>309116378

Being born in spain does not make you spanish. There is no magic dirt. His indios ancestry makes him

>> Anonymous (ID: ygBXh+dV ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:49:16 No.309116237 ▶ >>309116289

ok thanks for the (you) from the "ethno-state" of Hungary lmao

>> Anonymous (ID: n6Lhnlj6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:49:32 No.309116264 ▶ >>309116498

Do you have family here and are afraid because of her? All migrants you are on fire

>> Anonymous (ID: 0B5/F1OT ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:49:45 No.309116286 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)

fuck off porn nigger

>> Anonymous (ID: Jud8fGCg ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:49:47 No.309116289 ▶ >>309116978

post your skincolor miquel

>> Anonymous (ID: udFsxHx9 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:50:08 No.309116329 ▶ >>309116760

>>309110079 (OP)
I can take all of it except the smoking indoors. Just gross. It was common here 30 years ago, but now you at
least go to your balcony or outside.

>> Anonymous (ID: SyTIP/ZK ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:50:22 No.309116349 ▶

99.9% of people shilling for her don't know spanish. They can't understand the context of what she says at
all. She is actually really soft on the jq

>> Anonymous (ID: JXx1V7u1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:50:32 No.309116366 ▶ >>309116668

it's the clown makeup, i thought the same thing. just another attention whore, and of course /pol/ falls for the
bait in no time flat

>> 16/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

Anonymous (ID: n6Lhnlj6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:50:43 No.309116378 ▶

I allready have answered you. That's why i said honorary spanish.
Tell me how do i know you are jewish or a migrant

>> Anonymous (ID: MYVInIb6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:51:22 No.309116438 ▶

File: 6b5310aad1d5634675758452e(...).jpg (40 KB, 362x504)

that's a mexican, andean genes are different.

>> Anonymous (ID: ygBXh+dV ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:51:35 No.309116463 ▶

i dont admit anything about her being jewish as i dont know. but i do know hitler wasn't trying to kill every jew
and like you suggested "has a suspicious amount of sephardi ancestry"
the enemy of our enemy is our ally.

>> Anonymous (ID: J4bvl33G ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:51:49 No.309116487 ▶ >>309119506

I will admit that I’m thinking with my dick but Spain has a complicated history with fascism having not been
an axis power and peacefully transitioning to democracy after Franco. It would be retarded and spergy for
me to go out and publically pledge allegiance to European fascism. But if I were to defend John A.
Macdonald? Founder of leafland but white nationalist by today’s standards? Controversial and risky, yes, but
not retarded.

>> Anonymous (ID: LwxBsvZx ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:51:55 No.309116498 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: huQZYqie ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:52:01 No.309116513 ▶

This. Fucking maximalists are killing the right

>> Anonymous (ID: GvLnwDGz ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:52:05 No.309116523 ▶ >>309116635

>Anyone who is that obssesed with the jews is obviously jewish
I asked for proof, not your schizo ramblings. Post proof that she's half Jewish.

>> Anonymous (ID: oBhcfAeC ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:53:07 No.309116633 ▶

A dog indoor !? Ahahah you are clearly a fag living in a tiny appartment. Just for you , murder should be

>> Anonymous (ID: LwxBsvZx ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:53:09 No.309116635 ▶ >>309116736

The proof is right there in the pudding my friend.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8/mSl4Ru ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:53:13 No.309116642 ▶ >>309117412 17/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
File: PerroBasado.webm (2.87 MB, 1576x886)

How based is her doggo?

>> Anonymous (ID: GvLnwDGz ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:53:30 No.309116668 ▶ >>309116841

>just another attention whore
>"omg a woman is an attention whore! it's so craaaaazy"

>> Anonymous (ID: qDJk/M/+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:53:32 No.309116673 ▶

This board is huge fucking waste of time. It’s worse than the sensationalist magazines you see at the
grocery checkout.

>> Anonymous (ID: EVt6URwv ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:53:54 No.309116703 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: Fql21ucv ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:54:06 No.309116728 ▶


poopoo shit in the streets

>> Anonymous (ID: GvLnwDGz ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:54:10 No.309116736 ▶

No, it's not. We'll be waiting for you to post your evidence that she's half Jewish.

>> Anonymous (ID: tdwqHOzW ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:54:12 No.309116741 ▶ >>309116988

>>309110079 (OP)
The more you desperately try to turn people against her, the more pathetic you look. It's so obvious that you
are a kike shill. We are not falling for your divide and conquer. Your obsession with this girl is bizarre. You
are as transparent as a window.

>> Anonymous (ID: LwxBsvZx ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:54:26 No.309116760 ▶ >>309116885

When did you become such a pussy? smoking indoors is alpha

>> Anonymous (ID: JXx1V7u1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:55:11 No.309116841 ▶ >>309116962

yes, thank you for reiterating my point

>> Anonymous (ID: GvLnwDGz ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:55:32 No.309116876 ▶

This. /pol/ is embarrassing. When I went overseas to meet up with a Greek friend who is part of Golden
Dawn, I didn't even tell him and his friends about this shithole. It's a blight on real nationalism. The people
here act like underage kids.

>> Anonymous (ID: rfiV3kX1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:55:34 No.309116880 ▶ >>309117468 18/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Giving women authority over men goes against the core of fascism/traditionalism. I got nothing against her
though, but using women to bring down a matriarchal system ain't gonna work

>> Anonymous (ID: udFsxHx9 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:55:37 No.309116885 ▶ >>309116971

It's not. It's gross and low-class.

>> Anonymous (ID: GsR3vDoJ ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:55:41 No.309116903 ▶

File: 8952D122-C5C8-489C-BD38-0(...).jpg (1.66 MB, 1242x2159)

>>309110079 (OP)
Ever listening to a woman.

>> Anonymous (ID: EVt6URwv ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:55:57 No.309116920 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Oy vei... she smokes goyim.. uh.. she is whore.. she is not based. STOP CONGREGATING.. DONT

>> Anonymous (ID: tS5kPvZG ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:56:06 No.309116933 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
surnames are really the gayest and most transparent d&c there is since everyone knows wherever jews go
they adopt local names to blend in.

>> Anonymous (ID: GvLnwDGz ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:56:20 No.309116962 ▶ >>309117111

>my point
Any other genius takes from you? Next you're gonna tell us that water is wet.

>> Anonymous (ID: LwxBsvZx ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:56:24 No.309116971 ▶

Spotted the incel from a mile away

>> Anonymous (ID: ygBXh+dV ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:56:26 No.309116978 ▶

File: 148016670_199927231021568(...).jpg (251 KB, 1539x2048)


>> Anonymous (ID: hk04rjTJ ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:56:31 No.309116988 ▶

You're the type of american retard to be devastated when your idol suddenly switches to the other side of
the frontline. 19/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: QDzd+KDb ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:56:36 No.309116996 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
too late she's already our gurl

>> Anonymous (ID: 6oVT6zXj ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:57:15 No.309117056 ▶

>Race mix to pwn the Jews

>> Anonymous (ID: JXx1V7u1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:57:53 No.309117111 ▶ >>309117284

and yet there's constantly several threads about her, seems that hundreds of people are missing it. but then
again we're not amongst top minds here now are we?

>> Anonymous (ID: SG3tIBGb ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:57:57 No.309117115 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: bJPHwDbi ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:58:14 No.309117145 ▶

File: 155120520520524745625.jpg (244 KB, 820x930)

>>309110079 (OP)
>Jews absolutely seething an attractive, marketable to mainstream face is bringing
Fascism into the conversation.
You can't stop what's coming Kikes.

>> Anonymous (ID: 9RQbWlQV ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:58:34 No.309117185 ▶

>Fucking American mutts trying to lecture people on who is Spanish or European

Seriously, for one fucking day try not to confirm the sterotype you burger niggers

>> Anonymous (ID: iZcoEsZf ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:59:26 No.309117270 ▶

File: 4enyxj~2.jpg (35 KB, 500x384)

What fucking hovel is that flag even from?
Do you know what the definition of larping is? I'm pretty sure someone who's giving
speeches to people in the real world is not larp.

>> Anonymous (ID: GvLnwDGz ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:59:36 No.309117284 ▶ >>309117948

>and yet there's constantly several threads about her
So? I don't care what this girl's motivations are unless it's malicious in nature. I'd rather women do this for
attention than opening a fucking OnlyFans.

>> Anonymous (ID: Xx/Mmt/I ) 02/21/21(Sun)16:59:41 No.309117297 ▶

Truth. The more we can get away from the tatted up meth head excon image of counter-semitism, the better.
She definitely isn't that. 20/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: AoZpmcPw ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:00:24 No.309117368 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
I love her. And nothing wrong with having character you dog eating gook.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8dAiuCUg ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:00:34 No.309117383 ▶

His ancestors took help from local shekelstiens of spain when conquering it.

>> Anonymous (ID: 9RQbWlQV ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:00:48 No.309117412 ▶

>chuggin a bear
>Smoking a fag
>Has a noble wolf as a pet

I can just picture this woman riding with the Einzatzgruppen into babi yar driving an opel Blitz like this

>> Anonymous (ID: npc4J5Wx ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:01:20 No.309117468 ▶ >>309118100

File: d7471d7eeb755c37d9a8e653c(...).jpg (165 KB, 768x1024)

The term that God uses for woman in Genesis, help meet, is actually a mistranslation of the
term used in Hebrew. The term used in Hebrew is Ezer Kenegdo. Ezer has originally two
meanings in Hebrew, depending on the pronunciation: to rescue/to save and to be strong. In
the Bible each use of the word Ezer consistently is in relation to military.

Kenegdo itself means "to be opposite to him" or "corresponding to him". Essentially, what
God was actually calling women to be to men is warriors by our side. Eve failed to do this,
and women continue to fail to do this, and society has suffered horribly for it.

However, a woman that uses her power and voice to shit on Jews, isn't a feminist, and doesn't cuck out, is
fulfilling God's role for women, which is a loyal warrior by man's side. Jews seek to destroy the patriarchy
replace it with the matriarchy. Jewish society itself is very matriarchal in nature. All the awful systems Jews
push are matriarchal. The Patriarchy is what God called for in Genesis due to Eve failing her role as a

>16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring
forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. Genesis 3

Jews and Feminists are directly rebelling against God in this manner. Here's an excerpt from the NT that
backs up the OT.

>11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

>12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

>13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

>14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 1 Timothy

This woman is obeying God by calling out Jews while also not being a Feminist herself, who are the greatest
ally to Jews. She's a Valkyrie that guides men into battle and aides the Patriarchy. Such women deserve to
be listened to and respected; they know their place.

>> Anonymous (ID: N90BkTma ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:01:44 No.309117523 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
My wife is hotter but I would still assfuck this delicious Spanish tanned European with delight 21/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: cGmU/Yg3 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:02:07 No.309117556 ▶ >>309117864 >>309117908 >>309118027 >>30911859
>>309119466 >>309130026

Dog indoors is a replacement for children. You millenials were psyoped by :>
Dog is loyal hunting companion and security guard but you keep outside, not in bed with you

>> Anonymous (ID: xy2Hk72Y ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:02:14 No.309117569 ▶

A woman is actually for once taking a stand for traditionalist, nationalist, fascist populist values going so far
as to even name the jew, repeatedly and in public, and you guys are bitching about it.

>> Anonymous (ID: Do69TZyK ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:03:23 No.309117694 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)

>she has a micro-penis

>she has a single testicle
>she is addicted to meth
>she is transsexual
>she is constantly farting
>she has an issue with bad breath

>> Anonymous (ID: Z6YABR5c ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:04:48 No.309117839 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Of course, they love shallow posing and gimmicks.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8ye/T4T1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:04:51 No.309117847 ▶ >>309117907

Women love attention more than anything, if they see a fascist qt3.14 getting so much attention for being
fascist, then women become fascist for attention, which in turn makes the simps fascist. This is how you
program the npcs

>> Anonymous (ID: cGmU/Yg3 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:05:02 No.309117864 ▶ >>309118394 >>309119688

File: +_ef0677da0652b99dc156379(...).jpg (33 KB, 253x326)


>> Anonymous (ID: uAbe+OK7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:05:29 No.309117897 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
whatever at least someone is getting out there and saying what needs to be said

>> Anonymous (ID: 9RQbWlQV ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:05:33 No.309117907 ▶ >>309118154

you will never be a woman

>> Anonymous (ID: LwxBsvZx ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:05:33 No.309117908 ▶ 22/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Imagine not being friends with mans best friend, i can already tell that you are not white

>> Anonymous (ID: tdwqHOzW ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:05:57 No.309117948 ▶

File: hqdefault.jpg (17 KB, 480x360)

What's really telling is that more than half the threads I've seen about Isabel in the last
few days have been threads like this trying to denounce her. At the same time that
these jews tell us to stop talking about her, they themselves can't help bringing her up
several times a day. They say "she'll be irrelevant in a month" in the same breath that
they desperately try to turn us against her. If that were true, they wouldn't need to do
anything but wait. Really makes you think.

>> Anonymous (ID: GvLnwDGz ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:06:07 No.309117964 ▶ >>309118447

Questions to shills complaining that she's just doing this for attention:
1. Why do you care? If you truly understand women, of course she is doing it for attention, but why is it bad
in this context? It's better than doing porn.
2. Isn't politics all about getting attention and spreading your message? How do you expect to succeed if you
shy away from attention?

>> Anonymous (ID: GzxA4K/A ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:06:14 No.309117974 ▶ >>309118149 >>309118348

>>309110079 (OP)

Explain who is this and why should I care ?

>> Anonymous (ID: Sx9NkwDI ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:06:40 No.309118027 ▶

File: 17382E34-22C9-41C3-AB51-5(...).jpg (36 KB, 800x533)

My mother had a half dozen children and is not keeping her pic
related outside, fren.

>> Anonymous (ID: AJsxaOtG ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:07:01 No.309118066 ▶ >>309118636

>/cag/ - character assassination general #579 - The goyim know edition

>> Anonymous (ID: 9P89dwmM ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:07:03 No.309118069 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
>Remember the nazi twin girls?
you mean prussian blue? it's just a phase, man. they'll be based again someday. i remember when i started
high school, making teachers foam at the mouth by drawing swastikas everywhere just lost it's zang when i
became a teenager, but as i've gotten older, over time the holocaust being the preposterous fairytale i've
always understood it to be, quickly lost it's appeal as a source of amusment as the gravity of the slight set in.
trust they know deep down there is no other solution for humanity than the total eradication of all jewish life.
ultimately, anyone with any capacity for deductive reasoning will meet this conclusion

>> Anonymous (ID: hFV76WhO ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:07:16 No.309118095 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Nothing wrong with having dogs in the house. Can't help your name, but you can determine how you act.

>> Anonymous (ID: rfiV3kX1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:07:18 No.309118100 ▶ >>309118384

Valkyries aren't in the bible you heathen clown and this girl is not married and by any man's side 23/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: fPbAOPBy ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:07:50 No.309118148 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
The classic: "everyone is a Jew."

>> Anonymous (ID: Do69TZyK ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:07:50 No.309118149 ▶

Based Spanish fascist girl named EL JUDIO during a public march

Since then, shills have been on 24/7 duty here trying to counter signal

>> Anonymous (ID: 8ye/T4T1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:07:52 No.309118154 ▶


>> Cav Scout (ID: 63uOSgWd ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:08:27 No.309118218 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
>>she chain smokes
>>she drinks
>>dresses like a whore
>>has a dog indoors
>>is actually anti-King
>>has a Sephardic Jewish surname

I think I'm in Love!

>> Anonymous (ID: sUXOO0G/ ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:08:29 No.309118221 ▶

Why do flips all have disgusting moles on their faces? Wtf

>> Anonymous (ID: PelZ8cnr ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:08:56 No.309118263 ▶

File: 1605387142489.jpg (14 KB, 300x300)

This. But it’s ok because the shill squatters on /pol/ are getting mercilessly btfo on the
Isabel issue. You love to see it

>> Anonymous (ID: spx69SFN ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:09:09 No.309118290 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Jewish claws tapped the keyboard to create this post

>> Anonymous (ID: 5w1I033g ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:09:46 No.309118341 ▶ >>309119345

File: 1600911732817.jpg (35 KB, 379x281)


kikes fucking HATE being vaguely named, but what she did was no fooling around, she
directly called them for their crimes
they must be SO fucking mad right now that makes me grin as I write this 24/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: 9P89dwmM ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:09:50 No.309118348 ▶

some 18 yearold spanish mamacita who really, really hates her some jews, or as she would call them "el yudio"

>> Anonymous (ID: yhp5fCe3 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:10:01 No.309118373 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
>>has a dog indoors
Take your dumbass elsewhere shithead

>> Anonymous (ID: npc4J5Wx ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:10:07 No.309118384 ▶ >>309118780

File: 9k=.jpg (10 KB, 168x300)

I'm using a Valkyrie because it drives the image I'm pushing which is a loyal, powerful warrior
woman. She's supporting the patriarchy by naming the Jew and not being a feminist. Thus, she's
on the side of man.

>> Anonymous (ID: N90BkTma ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:10:13 No.309118394 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: xOdWsXBS ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:10:45 No.309118443 ▶

File: 0ec.jpg (12 KB, 200x228)

>>309110079 (OP)
Nobody cares for this bitch,and yes,that includes you and your shitty
slide threads too,OP.

>> Anonymous (ID: GvLnwDGz ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:10:47 No.309118447 ▶

I'll be waiting for answers to these questions.

>> Anonymous (ID: Pvs2D/bH ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:11:43 No.309118547 ▶ >>309120112

File: 78665B7F-8F98-441A-9A68-6(...).jpg (29 KB, 357x480)

>>309110079 (OP)

Have you ever been to Spain faggot?

Everyone smokes and drinks it’s quite based indeed

>> Anonymous (ID: OZoPaLYf ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:12:18 No.309118592 ▶

File: 1611716052446.jpg (54 KB, 764x645)

>>309110079 (OP)
>dog indoors
chink detected 25/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
I have 3 kids and keep my dog indoors at

>> Anonymous (ID: 0aOHjaLI ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:12:33 No.309118621 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
I don’t acknowledge or recognise the political opinions of women. I only see a woman doing what they do
best - seeking attention with their looks and sex appeal.

Anyone who follows this woman is a soulless simp.

>> Anonymous (ID: Ug4HdvtF ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:12:43 No.309118636 ▶

It's all so tiresome.

>> Anonymous (ID: AA6ynLfr ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:12:47 No.309118648 ▶ >>309119358

File: cybertrash man.png (200 KB, 426x443)

looks like spreading the word about kikes has sent you shills into a frenzy, has you all
acting like incels, means it's working

>> Anonymous (ID: Do69TZyK ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:13:22 No.309118711 ▶

File: shlo.jpg (27 KB, 759x264)

Imagine being such a subversive piece of shit that your best way to discredit someone
is to call them what you are

>> Anonymous (ID: 6+KOr6ff ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:13:30 No.309118722 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
She named the jew which is more than Trump or any other faggot here has done
I don't care about anything else, naming the jew is all that matters, and she did it well enough that she's
getting a lot of attention, and that's all that matters
Attack the argument, not the person

>> Anonymous (ID: Qb5mvVR8 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:13:50 No.309118757 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Absolutely seething.

>> Anonymous (ID: rfiV3kX1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:14:08 No.309118780 ▶ >>309118896 >>309119417

Use whatever porn you want. Just stop pretending to speak for the St Peter and St Paul because you want
to simp for some girl

>> Anonymous (ID: it067mjR ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:14:30 No.309118814 ▶

>>309115685 26/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
It is a lie that she has Peruvian blood. She has stated in the interview that she is 100% Spanish and even
considers her race to be superior to others (she didn't mention to which ones though) but it's evident that
she is 100% Spanish and the ones claiming she's not are mossad agents

>> Anonymous (ID: wwC0vzNF ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:14:39 No.309118828 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
>has a dog indoors
You just know she fuck her dog

>> Anonymous (ID: vPbPEAx1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:14:40 No.309118830 ▶ >>309119083 >>309119191

>>309110079 (OP)
1. Bring Pol ideas into the mainstream.
2. Move the overton window in order to include national socialist ideas.
3.Increase in numbers.
4.Become the counter culture.
5.National socialist sympatizing politicians start to appear everywhere.
6.Win elections.
7.Take back your country.
She is a start, drop her if she renounces but for the time being she is taking us to the right path.

>> Anonymous (ID: fh+/5lLp ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:14:49 No.309118848 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
>Remember the nazi twin girls?

I need a fap.

>> Anonymous (ID: LwxBsvZx ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:15:24 No.309118896 ▶

Isabel isnt just "some girl" fucko

>> Anonymous (ID: wwC0vzNF ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:15:27 No.309118901 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
>She's 18 and is doing it for attention. Later, she will regret what she done and will ask for forgiveness.
Remember the nazi twin girls?
I thought she's at least 29
lol wtf hahahahaha

>> Anonymous (ID: s+AAZf+6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:15:36 No.309118916 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
>The redflags are right in front of you gullible retards and yet you still praise her like shes the next Jesus.
welcome to /pol/

>> Anonymous (ID: yyjHdo1F ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:17:07 No.309119083 ▶

this guy gets it

its not about whether she has chances or not

its about constant, unrelenting, unabashed pumping of hardcore far right /pol/-tier ideas into mainstream
consciousness non stop, 24/7. 27/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: mIWATVH5 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:17:26 No.309119122 ▶

OHHHH it's a nip poster, I was confused by the dog inside thing as well. Well if you live in gookland and the
only dogs you know are of are wild pack dogs who attack people on sight I guess it would be bad to invite
them inside.

>> Anonymous (ID: 5w1I033g ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:18:01 No.309119191 ▶

this, only retarded kike shills belive that we want her to rule over us or something
she is just a poster girl, a spark to ignite the natsoc, what we need is politicians to start following her ideas
and then everything will fall in place

>> Anonymous (ID: taoJoBCM ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:18:13 No.309119209 ▶ >>309119666 >>309120318

She says she does not mean all jews but don't who hold power. She explicitly mentions the role of jews in
communist and promoting immigration. She claims jews are overrepresented in the media, academia,
finance, etc. and that many non-jews act jewish and are bad too.

>> Anonymous (ID: HTko751g ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:18:13 No.309119210 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
How many threads will you do on she ? Looks like you falled in love.

>> Anonymous (ID: AA6ynLfr ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:19:28 No.309119345 ▶ >>309119510 >>309120109

Look at this thread, kikes are grasping for anything, going as far as larping as the thing they hate just to
make some kind of pushback.

>> Anonymous (ID: it067mjR ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:19:35 No.309119354 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: iAS1nWeM ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:19:36 No.309119358 ▶ >>309119478

>everyone is a jewish shill

wake me up when the wallstreet goes up in flames

>> Anonymous (ID: npc4J5Wx ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:20:18 No.309119417 ▶

File: valkyrie_wings.jpg (465 KB, 750x1050)

I speak on behalf of Jesus, and so should you. Don't ever refer to any of the Saints over
Jesus, for it's man-worship and heresy. You have the nerve to call me a heathen while
disrespecting Jesus in such a profound and blasphemous way. And like I said, any woman
that fulfills God's original purpose for woman, which is a loyal warrior by the side of man,
deserves all the respect.

As Jesus told the self-righteous hypocritical kikes, >>309112879

let He who is without sin cast the first stone. This girl is doing the work of God by naming and shaming the
Jews. 28/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: mIWATVH5 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:20:42 No.309119466 ▶

>Dog indoors is a replacement for children.
You do realize pretty much every type of dog alive would be dead if I put them outside in the cold right now
right? They have a doggy door so they can avoid freezing to death.

>> Anonymous (ID: AA6ynLfr ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:20:47 No.309119478 ▶ >>309119778

File: 1613903551400.png (249 KB, 622x622)

see what I mean

>> Anonymous (ID: JasOY+JU ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:21:01 No.309119503 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Don't care, just enjoying the spectacle and waiting for the noodz and porn vids. Wanna get as much bang for
the buck as possible with this pre-wall piece of hot fascist ass.

>> Anonymous (ID: taoJoBCM ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:21:02 No.309119506 ▶

Franco wanted a peaceful transition. He knew that otherwise Spain would have a wildcard revolution like in
Portugal, where we almost went full commie (southern Portugal actually did) and were on the brink of civil

>> Anonymous (ID: Do69TZyK ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:21:05 No.309119510 ▶

>going as far as larping as the thing they hate

They larp as nazis to call the people they hate jews. It's quite something.

>> Anonymous (ID: gNUZCJbC ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:21:40 No.309119564 ▶ >>309119685

File: BBC FERTILIZING WHITE WOMB (1).webm (1.23 MB, 900x506)

>>309110079 (OP)
I knew a girl just like this in college, was racist as fuck, didn't stop her from getting this
BBC though, she used to say things like, "put your nigger dick in me" I guess BBC is
like forbidden fruit to these racist girls, that's why they love it so much.

>> Anonymous (ID: taoJoBCM ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:22:39 No.309119666 ▶

those who hold power*

>> Anonymous (ID: mJ7A1Z7y ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:22:48 No.309119685 ▶ >>309120251

jewish hands typed this

>> Anonymous (ID: mIWATVH5 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:22:49 No.309119688 ▶ 29/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>this pic of one person I've saved and based my world view on is the basis for my hatred of dogs!
How desperately do you want to not be alone anon? Your glow with angsty incel rage.

>> Anonymous (ID: iAS1nWeM ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:23:37 No.309119778 ▶

File: 1613206427984.jpg (139 KB, 1024x788)

no I don't see what you mean, I don't speak

>> Anonymous (ID: 5dzt74lr ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:25:58 No.309120032 ▶ >>309120183 >>309123696

File: 1613851219049.jpg (459 KB, 1012x588)

>Goyim trust me she is really an Inca, a direct descendant of the great Atahualpa,
please stop supporting her
Imagine being this btfo'd by a teenage girl.

>> Anonymous (ID: RA5E7zXI ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:26:34 No.309120104 ▶

File: D--VrbmXoAInE6X.jpg (78 KB, 800x1200)

she 100% is the classic long face spanish look. Looks good on guys, makes women look
masculine. i can tell a Spanish or Portugese girl across the street even if she has blonde hair

>> Anonymous (ID: 5w1I033g ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:26:37 No.309120109 ▶

they are doing such a sloppy job it makes me laugh everytime I see their posts
>/pol/ (((users))) are suddenly against the idea of some girl publicly calling out the jews
hahahah yeah, I dont buy it
git gud at shilling you disgusting kikes, your time is over

>> Anonymous (ID: S6+/lwAx ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:26:38 No.309120112 ▶ >>309123904

>Getting lung cancer and destroying your liver is based

>> Anonymous (ID: mZxZ+gOP ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:27:14 No.309120181 ▶

File: bad things.gif (1.6 MB, 499x324)

>>309110079 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: LwxBsvZx ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:27:15 No.309120183 ▶ >>309123334

is she drinking a vb?

>> Anonymous (ID: +ZrusGUb ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:27:31 No.309120214 ▶

File: 1574100392683.png (191 KB, 600x774) 30/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>>309110079 (OP)
OP is a jew
they fear this girl because she is dropping
redpills like candy

>> Anonymous (ID: Hsbz2hJK ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:27:37 No.309120224 ▶

File: jews.gif (2.97 MB, 290x280)

>>309110079 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: AA6ynLfr ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:27:51 No.309120251 ▶

knee jerk reaction from kikes and their golems

>> Anonymous (ID: WwJ1Pz8Q ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:28:26 No.309120318 ▶

she stunning and smart I am biologicaly Jewish my self she is right the sins of capitalism and Marxism are
fudenmentaly our fault

>> Anonymous (ID: E4p4OT4n ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:36:52 No.309121274 ▶ >>309121575

>>309110079 (OP)
Anyone falling for psyops like this are obvoius newfags.

They will eventually learn, and become wise to the ethot menace like the rest of us.

>> Anonymous (ID: Sx9NkwDI ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:38:21 No.309121433 ▶ >>309121773

File: 509EED90-156F-4DAF-9F18-2(...).jpg (127 KB, 361x550)

>maybe because you were still in you basement
Or maybe because ZOG’s COINTELPRO cosplay street theater like Charlottesville and the
Capitol Assault of the Selfie Takers are the very definition of glowie ops, and not things
legitimate revolutionaries would touch with a 10-mile pole.

Nor do legitimate revolutionaries vote for or rally behind the ENEMY, as for example the

As to some Spanish girl naming the Jew, if that’s what all this is about, good for her. But she’s not going to
overthrow and replace the illegitimate Zionist-occupied U.S. government—that job is for U.S. citizens, who
know how to do such things. Clearly, not you.

>> Anonymous (ID: JI5DRL11 ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:39:24 No.309121547 ▶

someone with photoshoop skills should edit this pic and use her face

>> Anonymous (ID: 9P89dwmM ) 02/21/21(Sun)17:39:38 No.309121575 ▶ 31/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
are you retarded? serious question. how's she gonna be outwardly fascist and land a job as an e-thot? she'll
get her payment platform pulled if she tries now

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:41:29 No.309121773 ▶ >>309124825

so the Nazis were "Zog cointepro" because the Beerhall Putsch failed and a bunch of them, including Hitler,
went to jail?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:43:10 No.309121985 ▶ >>309124118 >>309124374

File: bbcmeme.png (242 KB, 642x2676)

Or should I call you Chang?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:43:48 No.309122051 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Shills mad lol

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:44:54 No.309122169 ▶

>simping for pussy

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:45:56 No.309122270 ▶ >>309122600 >>309123013

>>309110079 (OP)
what's her name, haven't been on here for a while?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:47:43 No.309122463 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Motherfucker my German Shepherd is a house dog. Why the fuck wouldn't he be? He's Security!!!

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:48:16 No.309122518 ▶

Jews fighting Jews?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:48:45 No.309122576 ▶ >>309123429

File: SmartSelect_20210214-1856(...).jpg (435 KB, 1078x1079)

Stem FVD of kanker op!

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:48:59 No.309122600 ▶ >>309122935

File: 1613709116567.png (1.75 MB, 1278x1590) 32/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>what's her name

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:51:12 No.309122872 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
>she will regret
nah, she won't
but you're right about her being the "right-wing" aoc.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:51:37 No.309122926 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
what is your problem with having a dog indoors ?? i dont get it

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:51:41 No.309122935 ▶

File: nice!.gif (3.04 MB, 444x250)


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:52:15 No.309123013 ▶ >>309123359

Isabel Medina Peralta

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:53:01 No.309123123 ▶ >>309124375

>>309110079 (OP)
Anyone that smokes isn’t red pilled

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:53:54 No.309123242 ▶

Im on day 12 of nofap and I don't feel attracted to this girl after seeing her without the make up. It sound to
me more like you think being a contrarian makes you lool smart. She is calling out the Jewish origins of
communism and that is what intetests me, Im starting to think people like you are just shills frankly. IF she
says or does something, IF smth about her past gets exposed to make her seem like a possible plant then
that is when-not before- we should levy criticism on those points if they materialize. You are just being
irrational and that your stupidity gets replies angers me. To be fair you got me too, but just know that this
literal spic goblina is doing more to fight the globalists-even if she is s Trojan horse-than you ever will. By all
means though, feel free to make baseless assertions. It exposes just how triggered Haifa Hebrews get when
they are named.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:54:09 No.309123272 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
>fingers in mouth.
Yeah, she’s nasty. I like it.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:54:32 No.309123334 ▶

File: cerveza-mahou-clasica-pac(...).jpg (107 KB, 806x1000)

>>309120183 33/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:54:42 No.309123359 ▶ >>309123578

Lets hear that Instagram page bois

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:55:21 No.309123429 ▶ >>309123905 >>309124217

of pvv, hopelijk is er verder geen fraude

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:56:33 No.309123578 ▶ >>309124054 >>309124163

Can't find it anymore. Used to be Isabelmperalta I believe. Has it been deleted by (((them)))?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:56:38 No.309123588 ▶

Does she fuck her dog? Asking for my friend Moshe.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:57:30 No.309123696 ▶

Of it were Isabel and Greta in a cat fight, Thunberg would be folded in 30 seconds and then shit stomped by
the Hindians.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:59:14 No.309123904 ▶

If it means less time spent around snobbish fags like your then good, smoke up.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)17:59:14 No.309123905 ▶ >>309125163

File: Screenshot_20201114-16205(...).jpg (584 KB, 720x1480)

Ben jij de gebaseerde kutmarokkaan van deze
eerdere post?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:00:34 No.309124054 ▶

File: kike media.jfif.jpg (60 KB, 656x558)

yes, a kike got her banned, and the media is busy proving her right with similar articles,
as if they got the same memo 34/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:01:06 No.309124118 ▶

lol rekt. that's what they get for not being where they ought to be; dancing around a fire, waving a stick with crap
tied to it next to a mudhut and a well that couples as a toilet

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:01:27 No.309124163 ▶

It found it. She’s links a secondary account, in her words, in case “they” close it


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:01:33 No.309124179 ▶ >>309124479

File: not-my-hija.jpg (42 KB, 613x901)

>>309110079 (OP)
doesn't matter, jerked-off anyway. she will
always be my king.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:01:52 No.309124217 ▶ >>309125163

Fraude gaat hoe dan ook gebeuren, als de verkiezingen überhaupt doorgaan. NOS is al maanden hierop
aan het conditioneren. Als het allemaal fout gaat mag ik dan mee naar Marokko?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:03:16 No.309124374 ▶

that's pretty good, reminds me of that old meme with the guy walking by and then making a thread on /b/ to

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:03:16 No.309124375 ▶

smoking makes the left absolutely seethe. it can’t be all bad.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:03:18 No.309124380 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:04:00 No.309124477 ▶ >>309124547 >>309125179 >>309127544

>>309110079 (OP)
Varg doesnt consider her white

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:04:01 No.309124479 ▶

Naziism didn’t work because ugly old men were leading it. Should have found a newly of age hottie instead
to be the face.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:04:09 No.309124495 ▶ 35/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>>309110079 (OP)

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:04:34 No.309124547 ▶

Varg spoke on her?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:07:01 No.309124825 ▶ >>309128540

File: A0AC93D4-E9C6-4380-87D2-8(...).jpg (163 KB, 599x775)

Sounds like a failed revolution. Hitler, who the fuck was he, some failed revolutionary and
failed politician who should have stuck to architecture. Who incidentally delivered the world
to the Jews on a silver platter. I don’t follow failures or politicians. I don’t need to know how
to fail or maintain the status quo—to do the wrong thing, or do nothing; anybody can do
those things. I look at what successful revolutionaries did. Samuel Adams, Vladimir Lenin,
Mao Zedong, etc. My nation needs regime change that lasts for more than 12 years, half of
which is spent at war with half the world.

And you are complete fucking laughingstock if you suggest a single person who showed up at the Capitol
this past Jan. 6 was in any way, shape, or form comparable to any of those men, even your Beer Hall Putsch
mustache man.

It is impossible to have a “stolen” election in a one-party (Zionist) oligarchy.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:08:08 No.309124956 ▶ >>309125643


People need to start SAGEING these threads

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:09:55 No.309125163 ▶ >>309127201

Nope, ben iemand anders, wel Turks. Ik spreek gewoon vanuit een gevoel van rechtvaardigheid, die Rutte
zit niks anders te doen dan de boel te belazeren samen met GroenLinks die landjepik wil spelen op de
boeren. Als een verstandig persoon vind ik dat ze corona misbruiken om de bevolking te fokken. Enige
uitweg is FvD of PVV, als ik hierna terug moet naar mijn eigen land dan is dat zo, maar het zou
onrechtvaardig zijn om het land verder te verkloten om minderheden te steunen terwijl de overgrote deel van
de bevolking er last van heeft. Toch zeg ik eerlijk dat ik niemand meer haat dan degenen die door hun
emoties en angst hunzelf laten manipuleren, die moeten gewoon weg.

Het is precies zoals in de jaren 1920, teveel homo's, inefficiënte staat, teveel communisten. Iedereen weet
wat er gebeurde in 1930, we zullen zien...

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:10:04 No.309125179 ▶

that's fine, but he's even more of a nobody than her

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:13:04 No.309125544 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
>has a dog indoors
>is actually anti-King

How are those traits issues?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:13:34 No.309125601 ▶ 36/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>>309110079 (OP)
And I would cum in her in a heartbeat

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:13:54 No.309125643 ▶


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:17:23 No.309126077 ▶ >>309128804

AOC, for example

>> Covid19 nigger 02/21/21(Sun)18:19:58 No.309126415 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
This op is stuck in the past. As so many are. Understand hooman, we have rover on mars, we are moving
on with it without you. Stop thinking like a fucking chud.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:20:12 No.309126450 ▶ >>309127867 >>309128804

File: superman.jpg (11 KB, 255x255)

>urgh, i hate women, /pol/! women are the worst! i hate those roasties!
<degenerate jewish roastie appears
My sides. Can't you guys see that you acting like niggers? A genuine white man
would not act like that.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:21:03 No.309126547 ▶

Based prophet of doom. (You're not wrong)

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:24:04 No.309126889 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
you won't back off, wouldn't you?
no one cares, fuckhead

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:24:08 No.309126897 ▶

File: zonk.jpg (11 KB, 261x193)

>>309110079 (OP)
good lord i wanna smooch her
on the back of the knee

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:26:43 No.309127201 ▶

File: SmartSelect_20210216-1655(...).jpg (281 KB, 1073x1266)

Van wat ik hier lees heb je helemaal niks te vrezen mocht één van de twee
eerdergenoemde partijen de grootste worden. Ligt het aan mij trouwens of zijn best wel
veel immigranten FVD pilled? Waar ligt dat aan? Het is niet alsof het volledige
Nederlandse media apparaat ze de afgelopen 5 jaar niet hebben afgeschilderd als
fascisten. Zien ze daar doorheen?
Lobi trouwens Ottomaanbro, we gaan hier sterker uitkomen. 37/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:29:14 No.309127496 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Simps btfoed

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:29:35 No.309127544 ▶


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:32:12 No.309127867 ▶

File: 3B966ECC-2196-4D02-9296-A(...).jpg (112 KB, 500x493)

The Classics are raycis and otherwise unpackably problematic, hence their wisdom
was never imparted to Millennials and Zoom Zooms in their Participation Trophy Mutual
Admiration Clubs (formerly known as schools).

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:37:47 No.309128540 ▶

File: Download (4).jpg (55 KB, 474x316)

Ahh yes, the guy who fought AGAINST the kikes delivered the world to (((them))), not
the guys who fought FOR (((them))).

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:39:53 No.309128804 ▶

She's 18 and is doing it for attention.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:44:12 No.309129374 ▶

Jesus was a Jew.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:44:37 No.309129426 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:44:40 No.309129434 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
She smokes Marijuana too

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:47:25 No.309129777 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Sure thing kike. Fuck off

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:49:27 No.309130026 ▶

Colored hands typed this. 38/40
21/2/2021 /pol/ - >she chain smokes >she drinks >dresses like a whor - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:50:19 No.309130133 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Wait, what the fuck is wrong with having a dog indoors? What did I miss?
>inb4 being this new
Just explain faggots

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)18:59:55 No.309131244 ▶

Kill yourself boomer

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)19:00:13 No.309131278 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Why is she so perfect?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)19:02:16 No.309131528 ▶

File: franco_20275317_20191010124228.jpg (61 KB, 675x400)

Spain will lead the fascist

revolution this time.

We know how to do things


Embrace the med bvll and the med goddess.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)19:07:53 No.309132242 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)19:08:45 No.309132368 ▶

>>309110079 (OP)
Her surname isn’t Jewish.

> Aragonese, Catalan, and Spanish: habitational name from any of the places in Aragon, Catalonia, and
Navarre called Peralta, from Latin petra alta 'high rock'. This name is also established in Italy.

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