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21/2/2021 /pol/ - Is National Socialism on the rise?

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Anonymous (ID: m/ggFVCv ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:19:30
No.309034776 ▶ >>309035142 >>309035344 >>309035428 >>309035476
>>309036103 >>309036761 >>309037636 >>309037714 >>309037942 >>309038218
>>309038624 >>309038957 >>309040004 >>309040168 >>309041556 >>309041583
>>309041697 >>309043747 >>309043760 >>309045404 >>309045476 >>309045501
>>309045507 >>309045591 >>309046423 >>309046879 >>309046950 >>309047333
>>309047743 >>309048069 >>309048707 >>309050549 >>309051885 >>309052000
>>309052362 >>309052907 >>309056854 >>309056885 >>309057851 >>309059201
>>309059345 >>309059542 >>309059779 >>309060085 >>309063176

Is National Socialism on the rise?

>> Anonymous (ID: l4taSrD4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:20:31 No.309034901 ▶ >>309035051 >>309035107 >>309035172

>>309035334 >>309037527 >>309038076 >>309038798 >>309045892 >>309046192 >>309047049 >>309047287 >>309049024 >>309050012
>>309050979 >>309052604 >>309055002 >>309055776 >>309056584 >>309059215 >>309059404 >>309061613 >>309065319

No, and it will never come again.

>> Anonymous (ID: TSodI0Ok ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:21:51 No.309035051 ▶ >>309050332

Except for israel, right? Fuck off kike 1/29
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Is National Socialism on the rise? - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: /WpvtHJ0 ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:22:28 No.309035107 ▶ >>309045543

Most of your good stock left or died off. Congrats.

>> Anonymous (ID: T7ENkQIA ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:22:40 No.309035142 ▶ >>309038339

File: 1612755437127.jpg (357 KB, 1080x1389)

>>309034776 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: AVVW2j4F ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:22:55 No.309035172 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: 6PLB5tjX ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:24:14 No.309035334 ▶ >>309038762 >>309040883

Shut the fuck up Mohammed. And if youre not a fucking mutt youre a traitor.

>> Anonymous (ID: Dos42DOv ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:24:20 No.309035344 ▶ >>309038339 >>309042532 >>309044209

File: 4D40F6B7-4E94-4825-8EEF-0(...).jpg (192 KB, 1024x870)

>>309034776 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: bzySpfKc ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:24:58 No.309035428 ▶ >>309038339 >>309044850 >>309045908

File: 1613686143314.jpg (206 KB, 1080x1080)

>>309034776 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: G9ksdJUk ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:25:29 No.309035476 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
No but coomers dicks are

>> Anonymous (ID: thVNjqXJ ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:30:57 No.309036103 ▶ >>309038339

>>309034776 (OP)
yes.... and that's a good thing, here's how...

>> Anonymous (ID: k3P6IVhZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:36:57 No.309036761 ▶ >>309038339 2/29
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>>309034776 (OP)
You havent even begun to see it.

>> VPNigger (ID: IPmmZ1FW ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:42:35 No.309037396 ▶ >>309038029 >>309040219 >>309044624

File: 1605654080666.jpg (24 KB, 450x299)

The absolute state of nu-/pol/ right now

>Inb4 kike
To spare you from another embarrassment, stop simping for her just like how you
used to do on Lauren Southern

>> VPNigger (ID: IPmmZ1FW ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:43:47 No.309037527 ▶ >>309038029

File: 571px-Turngason.png (411 KB, 571x599)


It will and this time the jews will be put in the oven for

>> Anonymous (ID: raJD3X41 ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:44:38 No.309037636 ▶ >>309038339

>>309034776 (OP)
bros this is my type why tf do I want these kind of women

>> Anonymous (ID: raJD3X41 ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:45:13 No.309037714 ▶ >>309043495

>>309034776 (OP)
who tf is this?

>> Anonymous (ID: y2ScOqNS ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:47:22 No.309037942 ▶ >>309038339

>>309034776 (OP)
Yes! I love her!


>> Anonymous (ID: W00j2MfP ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:48:07 No.309038029 ▶ >>309038697

you're not fitting in
you're in every single one of these threads trying to shill against her
just look at this >>308729781 → >>308769106 →

>>inb4 kike

>> Anonymous (ID: y2ScOqNS ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:48:32 No.309038076 ▶

File: 1613864995132.jpg (107 KB, 708x1024)

hello :) 3/29
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Is National Socialism on the rise? - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: 9WPzyEXC ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:49:47 No.309038218 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
the only thing i know is that since Trump fucked off, /pol/ has become a better board by 30%. Isabel will
lead the /pol/ ressurection

>> Anonymous (ID: sYqXCdqc ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:50:04 No.309038254 ▶


>> VPNigger (ID: IPmmZ1FW ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:50:40 No.309038339 ▶ >>309038835 >>309040174 >>309040389

File: 1607589302814.jpg (84 KB, 904x864)


>women should led the NatSocs!

Hitler would have send you faggots straight to Aushwitz

>> Anonymous (ID: Dr0XdduA ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:53:11 No.309038624 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
>National Socialism on the rise
No it's just reactionary daydreaming

>> VPNigger (ID: IPmmZ1FW ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:53:43 No.309038697 ▶ >>309038852


I'm just trying to improve the quality of this board after Qtards/Migatards left and so the simps like you
must fuck off now

>> Anonymous (ID: OGa9/nnF ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:54:13 No.309038762 ▶ >>309040883 >>309047477

Dont shit your period out hans, its not our fault you belong in one of the most cucked wage slave
countries on earth.
Get your fucking shit together you absolute retards.

>> Anonymous (ID: cvsWlQcd ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:54:30 No.309038798 ▶

But im a member of kek and national croakalism is coming back.

>> Anonymous (ID: thVNjqXJ ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:54:51 No.309038835 ▶ 4/29
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no one is saying she should lead anything, she's just extremely good propaganda for us, specially
between zoomers.

>> Anonymous (ID: W00j2MfP ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:55:02 No.309038852 ▶ >>309039190

shut up kike
Want to improve the quality of the board? Be the example. Want to have big buff macho males calling out
the jew instead of women? Be the example.
Oh what's that you won't do it? Then shut the fuck up and stop whining like a little pussy.

>> Anonymous (ID: 3cgL+O16 ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:55:55 No.309038957 ▶

File: Washington Israel.jpg (67 KB, 750x763)

>>309034776 (OP)
So it seems.
>People on social jew media are connecting the dots.
>BLM faggotry
More and more will wake up. Waiting on jews to fully throw gays and white women
under the bus. Then some economic collapse and fun times begin.

>> VPNigger (ID: IPmmZ1FW ) 02/21/21(Sun)01:58:02 No.309039190 ▶ >>309039830

I will if I was on a western country right now.

>> Anonymous (ID: W00j2MfP ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:03:29 No.309039830 ▶ >>309040564 >>309044877

No you won't. Not a SINGLE one of the whining pussies in these threads has organized a rally to show
the "simps" how it's done.
Because you're a bigger female than she is. You will never do anything. You are the same kind of person
who goes into kami/gypsy's threads and pulls all the different shit about them to discredit them. Fine, ok,
let's believe you for a second - show us how it's done. Be the 6'5 completely straight blue-eyed blond-
haired 100kg OHP-ing Germanic alpha male who will destroy his entire career prospect just to say the
word "jew" publicly at a random rally.

But you won't because you're a kike who's here to decelerate and D&C anti-zog dissent.

>> Anonymous (ID: JAnlTNM5 ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:04:59 No.309040004 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: 3pHTjmYM ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:06:16 No.309040168 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
No, but something is

>> Anonymous (ID: T7ENkQIA ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:06:18 No.309040174 ▶

it's Auschwitz you rice bean nigger

>> Anonymous (ID: 38EJIGyd ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:06:36 No.309040211 ▶

yes 5/29
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Is National Socialism on the rise? - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: CTAiRWws ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:06:39 No.309040219 ▶

Lauren Southern never named the jew.

>> Anonymous (ID: k3P6IVhZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:08:04 No.309040389 ▶ >>309045677

Irrelevant pussy. What matters is normalizing this, groups and networks forming, and ideas floating
around I to other European countries.

No issue with a woman leading this at all. She has millions of men behind her.

>> VPNigger (ID: IPmmZ1FW ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:09:41 No.309040564 ▶ >>309040952

How about you? Will you do it? I guess not

>> Anonymous (ID: C/4kJfE9 ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:12:38 No.309040883 ▶

There is no way of saving Western civilization if we allow dive and conquer Talmud Tactics to take hold
even here, we are all fucked, we are all, we are all in deep shit and pretending that it makes a fucking
different that one Western country has x % more non-natives above the replacement rate when time
moves in only one direction is fucking stupid. the US, Germany, the UK...all of us have reasons to mock
each other but it does little to nothing to advance nationalism. Our greatest enemies are not each other
and you are no less of a cuck for calling Charles Muhammed , Hanz Abdul or Bob Tyrone.

>> Anonymous (ID: W00j2MfP ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:13:13 No.309040952 ▶ >>309041765 >>309046780

I'm not the one whining and imposing standards on the movement. I'm very happy that Isabel did what
she did. She led by an example, that she could cancel her entire future career at the age of 18 and not
care one bit for the sake of her ideology.
I'll take the fact that a girl was the first to do this in these recent times, that all men were asleep while she
was out there naming them, and use it as a motivation to improve. I'll definitely not try to bring her down
for having such massive balls and actually sacrificing her social status for the salvation of Europe,
regardless of how little her message may matter in the grand scheme of things.

>> Anonymous (ID: OgAfdgTy ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:17:36 No.309041446 ▶

Yes but not enough organically.

Glowniggers are going to make it rise if they have to do it all themselves.

Nigger Biden has already guaranteed that muh nazis are the biggest threat to USA. They arent going to
allow there to be nothing.
They will make it happen.

>> Anonymous (ID: qg23DloG ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:18:38 No.309041556 ▶ >>309042237 >>309045997 >>309048109

File: 1613866265673.webm (2.85 MB, 1228x336)

>>309034776 (OP)
what a cutie

>> Anonymous (ID: /mQb3Oq5 ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:18:53 No.309041583 ▶ 6/29
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>>309034776 (OP)
post webm of her speech

>> Jew gasser 1488 (ID: q7Pulil9 ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:19:48 No.309041697 ▶

File: 84505386-38AB-42AC-A2E3-F(...).png (1 MB, 609x960)

>>309034776 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: aLDS41nt ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:19:55 No.309041703 ▶

File: 82C0A85DD24B4728865F9792E(...).jpg (61 KB, 720x693)

Absolutely. It's the only sane reaction to what the

left is doing/has done.

>> VPNigger (ID: IPmmZ1FW ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:20:22 No.309041765 ▶ >>309042074


Holy shit. The Jews really emasculated all of men of the west if all it takes for them to rise up against the
jew menace is a woman taking the risk instead of men.

>> Anonymous (ID: W00j2MfP ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:22:43 No.309042074 ▶ >>309042827

Don't just repeat yourself now. Go and lead by example.
Go. Form a rally and name the kike. Show us how the superior masculine males do it. You seem very
invested into this topic judging by your post history in the past days revolving entirely around her, so you
should be very motivated to prove me wrong, right? Well go on then, live up to the purity spiral you're

>> Anonymous (ID: DvUzIVDr ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:24:07 No.309042237 ▶ >>309046355

>You just know.

>> Anonymous (ID: Dr0XdduA ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:26:44 No.309042532 ▶

File: Giovanni-Gentile.jpg (31 KB, 293x304)


>> VPNigger (ID: IPmmZ1FW ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:29:33 No.309042827 ▶ >>309043178 7/29
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Are you a fed by any chance?

>> Anonymous (ID: xzUdFaQu ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:31:23 No.309043032 ▶

File: 1613722745538.jpg (45 KB, 750x471)

She is most definitely a Qt.

Good job Isabel!

>> Anonymous (ID: W00j2MfP ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:32:53 No.309043178 ▶ >>309044496 >>309044704

>has absolutely nothing to say but projection
And this would've been the precise post you were going to use if Isabel was a male and the simp vector of
attack did not exist.
>Is he glowing by any chance?
>why are you goys falling for the obvious glownigger

The whining will literally never stop. There will always be something to whine about. That's the point in the
first place, to maintain the barrage and to cultivate an opposition through an endless purity spiral.

>> Sage (ID: trZJoYcf ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:34:19 No.309043323 ▶ >>309043538

who has the interview with english captions?

>> Anonymous (ID: 1xYJYTN5 ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:36:04 No.309043495 ▶

18 year old girl who can repeat common sentiments amongst people on this board. Everyone is simping
hard for her because I guess she said Jew but I wouldn't know because she only speaks Spanish.

>> Anonymous (ID: xzUdFaQu ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:36:24 No.309043538 ▶ >>309044006

I have this off the top of my head, if this interests you at all.

>> Anonymous (ID: DU04R95Y ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:38:10 No.309043747 ▶ >>309045130 >>309045723 >>309046292

>>309047487 >>309048793 >>309059663
File: isabel dog.webm (2.87 MB, 1576x886)

>>309034776 (OP)

she's so perfect

named the jew

kind to dogs
catholic virgin

What more can we ask for?

>> Anonymous (ID: Z1ro/hjq ) 02/21/21(Sun)02:38:22 No.309043760 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
For fucks sake everyone’s always jumping on the things I do 10 years later 8/29
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T. Bought bitcoin in 2013

>> Sage 02/21/21(Sun)02:40:28 No.309044006 ▶ >>309044329

No im looking for the interview she did today not some kike sperging about her being a neo nazi on twitter.
God I hate kikes.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:42:10 No.309044209 ▶

bump for falangism material

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:43:12 No.309044329 ▶

I too would like to see this.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:44:43 No.309044480 ▶

It is inevitable my friend

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:44:51 No.309044496 ▶ >>309044704 >>309044748

File: Soldat OK.jpg (45 KB, 600x720)

Based anon crusading against the infighting puristfags (most likely tranny shills). The
last thing the Right needs right now is handicapping itself into scattered pieces and
becoming the inept, factional mess that the Left is known for.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:46:01 No.309044624 ▶

lol, Lauren was a decaffeinated neocon, Isabel is literally a NatSoc, self proclaimed, named the jew and
also pretty well read in the most essential topics, she's more based than you obviously and you are here
acting like a poltard, therefore she's definitely /ourgirl/ without any doubt at all.

>> VPNigger 02/21/21(Sun)02:46:53 No.309044704 ▶ >>309045180

File: wink.jpg (227 KB, 820x873)

>tranny shills

You will join us soon

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:47:20 No.309044748 ▶

They're in every single Isabel thread. Instead of being happy that national socialism is becoming
mainstream to the extent that a zoomer 18 year old girl is more /pol/ than /pol/ itself, they enter into a 9/29
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shock of negativity and lash out against Isabel, her supporters, and the rest of the thread and /pol/. They
sign their posts with "I hate what this shit board has turned into".

If this doesn't prove their true allegiance then I don't know what will.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:48:16 No.309044850 ▶

whats her name

>> SAGE 02/21/21(Sun)02:48:37 No.309044877 ▶ >>309045180

File: simpcard.jpg (17 KB, 280x180)

>Don't you dare insult muh

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:51:03 No.309045130 ▶ >>309045470


Who is going to tell him

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:51:32 No.309045180 ▶ >>309045553 >>309045852

Lead by example.
A true alpha male would not whine in the threads, he'd take the reins right away and become the leader
he was supposed to be.
Go and form a rally. You contest that you're bigger men than the "simps" here showing support for a girl
that destroyed her future for the sake of her ideology and then doubled down and refused to back down.
Prove it then, be the purity spiral you impose on others.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:53:42 No.309045404 ▶

File: 8869FEF4-9A24-4F83-9DA8-F(...).gif (1003 KB, 404x347)

>>309034776 (OP)
>tfw no fascist Spanish gf

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:54:14 No.309045470 ▶ >>309045669 >>309046004 >>309046087 >>309048252

>>309048334 >>309048793


Shes an 18 year old ultra catholic who clearly doens't fall for jewish tricks - she's a virgin, no question
about it, don't assume all women are like e-thots or the whore you met on tinder

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:54:16 No.309045476 ▶

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>>309034776 (OP)
What's her name? What did 10/29
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she do?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:54:29 No.309045501 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
yessir, but mainly because they're almost alone in fighting the fucked-up establishment we got
everywhere in the west. Probably wouldn't be on the rise so much if they had decent, strong, non-larping

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:54:32 No.309045507 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
I sure hope so

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:54:55 No.309045543 ▶ >>309049503

You don't have good stock.

>> SAGE 02/21/21(Sun)02:55:00 No.309045553 ▶ >>309045778

File: feministfantasyvsreality.jpg (83 KB, 472x762)

Well no shit, I'm outnumbered by simps. You are responsible for this mess. Without simping,
feminism dies. Without feminism, kikes can't pull 90% of their tricks.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:55:21 No.309045591 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
I'd honestly be surprised if weren't. If I had my way, I'd require placards to be hung in all the schools, at
every street corner, and in every public room, on which would be printed nothing but Schopenhauer's
description of the jews: "Great masters of the lie." There is no better description, and it applies without
exception to every jew equally, whether high or low, stock exchange tycoon or rabbi, baptized or

And the innocents are taken in again and again by this blatant swindle. It is understandable that they
become surly with the jews, but only after the latter have shamelessly abused their naive good nature and
plundered them to the skin with their usury and fraud. And that has been the case everywhere: in the old
Roman Empire, in Egypt, in Asia, later in England, Italy, France, Poland, Holland, Germany, and even, as
Sombart writes, "in the Iberian peninsula, where the Jews have experienced so many blessings!"

And the game they're playing today, they have been at for thousands of years.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:56:02 No.309045646 ▶ >>309046051

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21/2/2021 /pol/ - Is National Socialism on the rise? - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> SAGE 02/21/21(Sun)02:56:14 No.309045669 ▶ >>309045966 >>309046004

File: kek.jpg (39 KB, 750x710)

>she's a virgin, no question about it

>> YHVH loves you 02/21/21(Sun)02:56:17 No.309045677 ▶

>What matters is normalizing this, groups and networks forming, and ideas floating around I to other
European countries
None of that is going to happen.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:56:46 No.309045723 ▶

File: doubt.png (105 KB, 476x357)


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:56:50 No.309045733 ▶

Yes and it was always inevitable. The jew always chips away at civilizations slowly because they don't
have the numbers or fighting abilities to conquer by force. This long drawn out process inevitably gives
the host nation time to wake up and realize what the jew is doing, and quickly do what is necessary.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:57:07 No.309045778 ▶ >>309047001

Ah right, more whining with zero solutions and an adamant refusal to go out and do it himself.
Because you're not a natsoc, you're a kike trying to decelerate what made you kvetch. Your only input to
these threads is to downvote and whine.

>> VPNigger 02/21/21(Sun)02:57:59 No.309045852 ▶


Ok, ok. You got me. I'm just playing the devil's advocate on this situation; don't know about the others for
they are the real shills . Besides, I can name the jew here in this tropical shithole without persecution, ya
know but it won't matter if I did because the idea of jewish subversion of west in here is foreign and most
brown monkeys don't care

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:58:20 No.309045892 ▶ 12/29
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great post for your social credit

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:58:29 No.309045908 ▶


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:58:55 No.309045966 ▶ >>309046231 >>309046667 >>309047001


you really must have only known some trashy women, literally the only thing that ever successfuly
controls women is hardcore religion and in this case it will likely have been enough, i've known a fair few
women like her from souther europe who remained virgins until marriage

don't let the jew totally rot your brain, not every woman is a whore

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:59:14 No.309045997 ▶

>not wearing panties

anons, I cant....

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:59:20 No.309046004 ▶


I think he meant she banged a guy named Vergil. Easy to confuse the two.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)02:59:54 No.309046051 ▶

Super Mario meets Che Guevara.

>> VPNigger 02/21/21(Sun)03:00:09 No.309046087 ▶ >>309046284

File: 1604501741820.png (208 KB, 327x316)


Don't delude yourself on that one,


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:01:04 No.309046192 ▶

File: 1613741587390.png (112 KB, 217x224)

Yes, it will.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:01:21 No.309046218 ▶ >>309047305 >>309050258 13/29
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File: 1601379397901.png (650 KB, 744x418)

Bruh I've been translating comments on that interview and literally everyone is
admiring her knowledge and thanking her for the redpills. This shit would not fly here. [Embed]

>> VPNigger 02/21/21(Sun)03:01:26 No.309046231 ▶ >>309046309


>not every woman is a whore

You're in for a big disappointment

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:02:00 No.309046284 ▶ >>309046667 >>309046728


Given she constantly refers to her catholic background i will assume she's a virgin, she's still a teenager
and i think will be the absolute type who takes things to heart

put it this way i've known other girls from spain and italy who weren't even half as devout as her and they
remained virgins so i think isabel will be too

the jews work to demoralise us but they often don't succeed with every girl

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:02:07 No.309046292 ▶

she smokes, she isnt a virgin anon.

>> YHVH loves you 02/21/21(Sun)03:02:20 No.309046309 ▶ >>309046728

Turbo virgin.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:02:45 No.309046355 ▶

File: degenerateleaf.gif (155 KB, 1280x640)

Of course this is the first
thing a leaf thinks of.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:03:20 No.309046404 ▶

Nazis? From 1930s Germany? Get real, there aren't any. They all ended up as Soviet cannon fodder or
got new identities and jobs for nasa and you were brainwashed into worshipping them as "American"
heroes. I know weevlos on IRC and he says all the "nazis" are middle schoolers who think hitler memes
are funny, and some faggots who beat off or fuck each other in SS gear. It's a louche faggot kink by night
while they cry about "nazis" in their rallies by day and they're the only ones who are secretly into it. The
rest are feds who investigate all of this and are too embarrassed to admit this is what's really behind the
so called "nazi" movement. Queers and thirteen year olds. Weev says that one real popular "alt right"
dude. Spencer, is a fed, and takes the salami up his shit hole too. I believe weev. You're literally retarded
for being an unironic nazi, get off this board

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:03:30 No.309046423 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
I imagine her in stiletto standing on my throat. I love her. 14/29
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>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:05:45 No.309046667 ▶


So what if she's catholic? It's not like her jewish god doesn't forgive anyone who says sorry

>> VPNigger 02/21/21(Sun)03:06:21 No.309046728 ▶ >>309047152 >>309047190

Yeah they still exist in Med countries if they are from the rural parts but you have still bluepilled viewpoint
on women in general, fren.
>t. incel

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:06:47 No.309046780 ▶

This is literally how the left eventually won here. Pushing their agenda and not caring if it ruine their life.
It's a legit tactic and it's how you win wars.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:07:40 No.309046879 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
fuck that guy at the end, he is trying to insult her telling her she is somewhat dark, "morenita", when she is
talking about each race being on their own as it should be. Fucking shill trying to bioycot the interview, is
almost as if he was sent at the end by (((them))).

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:08:13 No.309046950 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
dude at the end keeps pipulin her wtf.

>> SAGE 02/21/21(Sun)03:08:45 No.309047001 ▶

The patriarchy is non-negotiable cuck.
All women lie about everything all the time. Why wouldn't they lie about losing their virginity?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:09:14 No.309047049 ▶


>> YHVH loves you 02/21/21(Sun)03:10:19 No.309047152 ▶ >>309047734

You ever think there's a reason women avoid you?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:10:42 No.309047190 ▶ >>309047339 >>309047734


Honestly I hold women in contempt and want them stripped of the right to vote

But I have known a few good women, it nearly always comes down to religion with them women aren't by
nature driven by abstract ideas and logic but if religion is forced on to them it kind of gives them that side
of things 15/29
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Some women are pretty intelligent and have their ehads screwed on and realise if they want lfielong
marriage and lvoe they shouldn't sleep around

my honest guess is isabel is pretty hardcore catholic, she has very reason to fall for jew tricks yet hasn't
done, if she was 28 and "reforming" after a decade of "dating" then i would agree with everyone here
claling her a whore... but at her age and with her intensity i think she must be essntially a catholic fascist
and therefore pretty redpilled about men and women - i hope so anyway, not like we are going to get a
definitive answer on here

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:10:51 No.309047211 ▶

Every day since she made that speech I’ve been dreaming about having a Catholic med wignat waif, how
does one acquire one brehs

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:11:37 No.309047287 ▶

fuck off merkel

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:11:45 No.309047305 ▶ >>309047664 >>309047862

I heard her interview. She appars to be a lurker here, she talked about the Kalergi plan and the protocols,

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:11:57 No.309047333 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)

>> YHVH loves you 02/21/21(Sun)03:12:00 No.309047339 ▶ >>309047580

File: 1582937704517.png (2.02 MB, 1040x1080)

>Honestly I hold women in contempt and want them
stripped of the right to vote
Try looking in the mirror champ. Hold yourself in contempt
for a change.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:13:20 No.309047477 ▶

>Get your fucking shit together you absolute retards.
That could be said for every country in the world.
Your country ignores migrant rape gangs.
My country ignores voter fraud and illegal alien rapes
Hans' country literally has to pay reparations to jews for a made up event.
I'm assuming your here to divide. Our peoples should be uniting against the end of the world. Because
honestly, that is what we are headed towards. Chinese and Muslims ruling the planet, including our
homelands and we wont even exist in 100 years.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:13:26 No.309047487 ▶

Anon... only conservative women have 1/9 chances of being a virgin. Even nazi or fashy woman are not
entirely trad 16/29
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>> SAGE 02/21/21(Sun)03:13:59 No.309047546 ▶
You simp, you lose.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:14:18 No.309047580 ▶ >>309048293


Alas, history suggests you're wrong and i'm right - women shouldn't be allowed to vote

isabel would be elected by men, she will struggle to win over roasties who have been brainwashed by the

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:14:52 No.309047643 ▶ >>309047816

As long as I have a face, Isabel has a place to sit. Viva La Isabel.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:15:05 No.309047664 ▶ >>309048041

kalergi is common knowledge in belgium. I see it mentioned in far right parties social media comments
constantly. No idea about spain

>> VPNigger 02/21/21(Sun)03:15:44 No.309047734 ▶ >>309047921 >>309048293

File: howtotamewomen1.jpg (1.86 MB, 1210x6307)


If you don't have an attention span of a zoomer then read pic rel.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:15:50 No.309047743 ▶ >>309066274

File: mosley01.jpg (50 KB, 640x344)

>>309034776 (OP)
We can but hope

>> SAGE 02/21/21(Sun)03:16:40 No.309047816 ▶

File: microwavedbrain.jpg (145 KB, 1078x826)

>I'm a retarded femdom freak
larping as a crusader.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:16:57 No.309047857 ▶

Never ever again

we must not forget

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:16:59 No.309047862 ▶ >>309048152 >>309048381 17/29
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there is nothing novel on pol

almost every "novel" point you've found here has been a staple of "far-right" thought in Europe for

>> VPNigger 02/21/21(Sun)03:17:36 No.309047921 ▶

File: howtotamewomen2.jpg (1.83 MB, 1210x6291)


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:18:43 No.309048041 ▶ >>309052336

The level she has is not common at all here.
According to her she started reading about fascism out of curiosity. She says that mainly cause everyone
told her it was bad, media and teachers. She luked ut. And I'm guesaing that from there she got in contact
with falangists and the rest is history.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:18:55 No.309048058 ▶ >>309048236

File: 1604733850444.jpg (55 KB, 529x599)

unless she's 2d isn't that right you little

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:19:01 No.309048069 ▶

File: simp card.jpg (49 KB, 1080x687)

>>309034776 (OP)
stop with the roastie thot
posting. WTF

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:19:22 No.309048109 ▶

Lol she takes the knot. Based fascist.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:19:26 No.309048115 ▶ >>309057465

File: Screenshot_20210219-21002(...).jpg (440 KB, 1080x1083)

W-would she fuck a mischling? 18/29
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>> VPNigger 02/21/21(Sun)03:19:52 No.309048152 ▶

hello newfag

>> VPNigger 02/21/21(Sun)03:20:42 No.309048236 ▶

You're a nation of homosexuals

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:20:51 No.309048252 ▶

I want to believe.

>> YHVH loves you 02/21/21(Sun)03:21:11 No.309048293 ▶

File: 1608296528971.png (380 KB, 637x741)

>isabel would be elected by men
Really? Go somewhere online besides /pol/ and ask the men there if they
would vote for this girl.
>please read my PUA caveman garbage

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:21:22 No.309048316 ▶

it's decolonized socialism this time.

nationalism is whiteness.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:21:31 No.309048334 ▶

File: Screenshot_20210220-21211(...).jpg (383 KB, 1080x613)

If She smokes, she pokes.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:22:03 No.309048381 ▶

I meant, for an 18 year old woman. 18 year old women are almost always vapid whores.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:23:22 No.309048532 ▶ >>309048940 >>309056828

The dog fucking aside
>she smokes
The absolute state of NatSoc lmao

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:24:55 No.309048707 ▶ >>309049435

File: 1602124603307.gif (2.73 MB, 245x196)

>>309034776 (OP)
>deleting obviously political threads
jannies are seething 19/29
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>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:25:44 No.309048793 ▶

>has a dog
Pick one

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:27:01 No.309048940 ▶ >>309051514 >>309051849

imagine not smoking and thinking your testosterone levels are okay.

lol let me fuck your boy pussy you dumb faggot

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:27:41 No.309049004 ▶ >>309049158 >>309049306

Shame that she smokes and drinks, you would think she would be wise enough to atleast do it in private,
she also looks a bit Japanese, maybe its her mannerisms

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:27:54 No.309049024 ▶

File: 1603757832451.jpg (52 KB, 500x740)

t. the tranny spamming humor threads with
CHUD faggotry

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:29:14 No.309049158 ▶

Maybe it's not considered a big deal in Spain?

>> VPNigger 02/21/21(Sun)03:30:36 No.309049306 ▶ >>309049611

>a bit Japanese

Shes peruvian, mutt

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:31:45 No.309049435 ▶ >>309049889

File: crack hamster.jpg (86 KB, 993x1072)

This is a /b/ tier thread. either you take this to pornhub or /b/. this is off topic. porn is off
topic unless we are discussing who makes the porn. 20/29
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>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:32:20 No.309049503 ▶

We have the part that left, memeflaggot.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:33:20 No.309049611 ▶

that makes sense, I wonder if shes aware of the Argentinian girl who offd herself in class years ago?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:35:38 No.309049867 ▶

File: SimplySouthern clothing.png (1.97 MB, 1020x1393)

No but it has to look like it is for increased legislation and more

security funding.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:35:50 No.309049889 ▶

File: 1602998544749.gif (868 KB, 200x180)

>hurr durr you don’t need nudity or any sort of sexual act to be porn
What are you an evangelical or something? Besides you should’ve been able to
figure out I was talking about the threads re: OP picture
Be less retard

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:36:53 No.309050012 ▶ >>309052431 >>309056444

This. That bitch had less than 100 people at her speech.

>> Sage 02/21/21(Sun)03:38:54 No.309050258 ▶

Thank you for the interview. I just wish it had English captions.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:39:33 No.309050332 ▶


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:41:30 No.309050549 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
How would we know without statistical data? 21/29
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>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:45:29 No.309050979 ▶

Don't be so sure, achmed

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:50:47 No.309051514 ▶

File: 699.png (12 KB, 427x400)

It's over big guy

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:53:46 No.309051849 ▶

File: reddit menace report all (...).jpg (71 KB, 550x705)

>r3dd1t spacing
checks out.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:54:06 No.309051885 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
Not that I’m aware of. Hopefully it crawls back under a rock and disappears.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:55:18 No.309052000 ▶ >>309052053 >>309065095

>>309034776 (OP)
Ok, I'm from Spain, I'll explain to you why what she has done is not dangerous at all in my country:

1. All the jews were EXPELLED out from Spain in the 16th century due to the killing of kids for their blood
rituals. It's even documented: they were caught up in the middle of the crimes, judged and condemned for
it. The rest were forced to either convert or took ships to AMERICA. The vast majority choose leaving.
This is the reason why you guys have them there in so high numbers.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:55:55 No.309052053 ▶ >>309052106 >>309052509 >>309065095

2. Almost every politician in Spain is ANTISEMITIC. Specially the left wing. I think only VOX is pro-jew.
This party is center-right and it is hated by my whole country BECAUSE THEY ARE PERCEIVED AS
PRO-ISRAEL. PODEMOS, the communist extreme left party, directly attacks and insults Israel all the
time, comparing them to Hitler because of what they have done to the Palestinians. Also Falange, which
is the extreme right party, has this demonstration on the streets literally every year, for decades. The only
different thing this year was Isabel's speech. Her father works on the Spanish media, so I suppose the
media coverage was his doing.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:56:28 No.309052106 ▶ >>309052843 >>309065095

3. The very few jewish civilians who were in Spain in these past years flew to Israel because they were
scared of the muslim immigrants. It seems they went to live directly into the Jewish neighbourhoods. This
is not America, Europe isn't multicultural and we don't mix. Immigrants live in their own neighbourhoods
and have no interaction with locals. The only exception is LatinAmericans in Spain. They interact with the
locals in Spain because we share language, religion and part of the culture, even if we are Iberians and 22/29
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they are Native Americans.

4. Because of point 2, nobody cares when the 3 or 4 jews remaining in Spain antisemitism. Literally
nobody cares. Both the left and the right hates them.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:58:51 No.309052336 ▶

What are the chances she read /pol/? Some memes like "best korea" sound very /pol/ like

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:59:08 No.309052362 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
Quit shilling this fraud

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)03:59:48 No.309052431 ▶ >>309052519


We just have to spread the message

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:00:39 No.309052509 ▶ >>309053187

I thought her father doesn't speak to her anymore?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:00:45 No.309052519 ▶

File: IMG_20210221_035826.jpg (295 KB, 1080x971)

Forgot pic

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:01:35 No.309052604 ▶


>> Sage 02/21/21(Sun)04:04:01 No.309052843 ▶ >>309054410

Well if thats the case if you could somehow purge all the left wingers, and communists from the
government Spain would be a based place to live.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:04:37 No.309052907 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
not so much national socialism as the population being sick of the jews and their bullshit and wanting to
kick them out, then being called nazis by the jews and their indoctrinated golems.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:07:29 No.309053187 ▶ >>309065840

I really doubt that's true. It seems that she is on her father's house in that interview. Maybe they had an
argument because she went too famous and that's all. 23/29
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Believe me, Spain hates the jews. It doesn't matter left wing or right wing. Every Spaniard person who is
put against the wall will choose defending the Palestinians above Jews any day.

The ones who pretend to are for the Jews are doing that: pretending.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:08:55 No.309053327 ▶

File: juden.webm (2.59 MB, 640x360)

SAGE all Jewish threads

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:14:00 No.309053819 ▶ >>309057605


Fuck off.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:20:01 No.309054410 ▶ >>309054993


Basically, yes. It's you guys the ones who really need to do those kind of demonstrations and speeches in

Spaniards problems are our politicians: high class bastards, who are the descendants of the land lords of
the Middle Ages, have absolute power and they use it to tax the citizens too much so they can live like
kings withouth working.

Search for the case of El Rubius youtuber. Shit is crazy here with insanely high taxes. Both left and right
wing do this, though. Our political system needs an urgent reform from the roots.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:25:42 No.309054993 ▶ >>309058920

Juan, can you tell me the state of your women? are they feminist, liberal, communist retards like our
zoomer girls?

i would even expect some race mixing with some north Africans Maghreb and morcans at this point.

i know you guys are catholic but you are also poor and the destination for every mutt coming from Latin

strangely, despite being moorish rape babies the northern areas are white af

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:25:45 No.309055002 ▶

ohne zwiebel scharf bitte

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:33:17 No.309055776 ▶

Hello rabbi. Quiet day at work today eh? not enough penis blood?

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:39:56 No.309056444 ▶

Joe Biden is US President and he couldnt get 100 people to one of his speeches if he gave free pizza and
blowjobs. 24/29
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>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:40:58 No.309056537 ▶ >>309059905

File: da judio.png (275 KB, 423x417)

something is certainly rising

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:41:21 No.309056584 ▶

Your days are numbered subhuman

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:43:39 No.309056828 ▶

read purity spiral

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:43:50 No.309056854 ▶

File: 87837BD6-43CA-46DB-88F0-5(...).png (628 KB, 600x522)

>>309034776 (OP)
Fascists are starting to win actual elected seats... a noticeable amount so yeah...
I’m thinking we’re back

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:44:12 No.309056885 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
That happens all the time in Spain. It's nothing new, it's just that this time it got some international

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:49:52 No.309057465 ▶

File: terryd.jpg (7 KB, 225x225)

im a mischling too. i feel
you buddy :(

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:51:10 No.309057605 ▶

*cracks whip*
Get back to the wagie cagie number #37184748436 I'm revoking your onions ration for three days.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)04:53:36 No.309057851 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
Jizzabel 25/29
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>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)05:04:25 No.309058920 ▶ >>309058971


>are they feminist, liberal, communist retards like our zoomer girls?

There are retarded SJW here, but half of he country laughs at them, even other feminists. Actually, half of
the country laughs at the left itself. They are seen as ridiculous try hards who want to be "cool American

>i would even expect some race mixing with some north Africans Maghreb and morcans at this point.

The left wing loves to pretend they are American SJW, but these women prefer to be lesbians rather than
mixing with a non-white man. If they can't get a Spaniard, they try European white immigrants. If they
can't get these either, they go lesbian.

I had classmates telling me they could never even go out with a non-white man, that they consider non-
white men extremely repulsive or non-human.

Non-white immigrants are basically by themselves in poor neighbourhoods and their destiny is more likely
to become gays and fuck each other in the ass until they die or go to other country. It does seems they
don't want to mix either.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)05:04:58 No.309058971 ▶

>i know you guys are catholic but you are also poor and the destination for every mutt coming from Latin

Latin Americans are our friends. They speak our language and are also catholics. They respect the law
and work hard. But it's very rare that they breed with Spaniards. They stick together.

The few Latin American women I know who are alone here search for rich European immigrants who live
in Spain, like Germans or Brittish. If they can't get one here, they go to those countries to try their luck

>strangely, despite being moorish rape babies the northern areas are white af

That's because we aren't "moorish rape babies". Arabs were expelled from Spain like 800 years ago.
Every single one of them. Just like the jews. If you visit the medieval big cities, you'll see the division
between races in different neighbourhoods written on the walls. They had no contact outside of their own
communities. Also they only lived in the biggest cities and the actual Spaniards lived in small cities or the
countryside. So, when Arabs and Jews were expelled, only Iberians remained. Spaniards look white af
because we are white af. Our DNA pool is no different than those from other center European countries,
R1b. Go and search for it.

This is funny as hell, because the same thing is happening in the XXI century: immigrants lock
themselves only in neighbourhoods of the biggests cities in total isolation from the locals. If you never go
inside those marginal neighbourhoods, you won't see a single one of them.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)05:05:49 No.309059041 ▶

No, and it will explode, because it cannot be contained.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)05:07:20 No.309059201 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
The whites are falling back into formation. They see the hordes arriving.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)05:07:25 No.309059215 ▶ 26/29
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Come on germ, do not behave like a goy

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)05:08:44 No.309059345 ▶

File: 1612171261323.jpg (687 KB, 3414x1796)

>>309034776 (OP)
Yes. Once reparations pass and the
economy tanks, it's over.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)05:09:16 No.309059404 ▶


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)05:10:42 No.309059542 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
There is absolutely nothing wrong or evil about being racist. Free your mind.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)05:11:52 No.309059663 ▶

File: 1612664933279.jpg (138 KB, 463x453)

>catholic virgin
>A hispanic woman over
the age of 13

>> Trader Joe Bro 02/21/21(Sun)05:12:05 No.309059690 ▶

So the New Hitler is a hot 18 year old chain smoking nazi Spanish virgin girl? I like it

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)05:12:58 No.309059779 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
Why is she so perfect? Every time a kike on /pol/ says she's not white it makes me love her more.

>> Trader Joe Bro 02/21/21(Sun)05:14:13 No.309059905 ▶

My wifi froze here haha

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)05:15:48 No.309060085 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)
I'd say yes I've noticed outside of 4chan that National-Socialism and other such influences are having a
popular rise of opinion out of the average general public.

Our people are becoming more ethnocentric and racially aware as the years go on as we experience
these ongoing developments of ethnocide within our respective countries.
However we know that this slow development of awareness wouldn't be enough to rely on as quickly as
we are being replaced; We mustn't rely on the dumb masses to slowly make the realisation that we need
to make a change, OP.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)05:31:35 No.309061613 ▶ 27/29
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Is National Socialism on the rise? - Politically Incorrect - 4chan


>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)05:34:25 No.309061892 ▶

she seems like a cool gal

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)05:47:50 No.309063176 ▶

>>309034776 (OP)

La risa del imperio


The rise of the empire

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)06:06:17 No.309065095 ▶

>Parties antimemetic.
Choose one.
You sound like the standard cuckservative here. Is that you? Fegueguico?
All that you said is bullshit for normies, everione knows that here every party do his part in the agenda,
but problably you dont want to catch on this.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)06:07:04 No.309065160 ▶

She is humble, she lights her cigarettes with a candle.

Just saying.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)06:08:47 No.309065319 ▶

this is correct. I literally don't even need to scroll. naitonalism and socialism are both primitive. This is
2021 motherfuckers, get out of your historicism.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)06:14:10 No.309065840 ▶ >>309066402 >>309066717

She is with her boyfriend and her doggo living,
Spanish people dont h8 anyone, only sons of bitches that kill in cold blood defenseless people, You are
tryng to make spaniards look bad.
We are peoples of peace, but we are noble as fuck and we dont like sons of whores doing their thing.

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)06:18:46 No.309066274 ▶

yooooo lets goooooo

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)06:20:07 No.309066402 ▶

Ok Mohammed

>> Anonymous 02/21/21(Sun)06:23:16 No.309066717 ▶ 28/29
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Is National Socialism on the rise? - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

every single spic i have ever seen was a greedy kike-tier liar and a total shithead retard with an IQ of a
motherfucking nigger. literally the most toxic people i have ever met. you aren't different from kikes. you
are kikes just like every shitskin in the world. the kike is the shitskins. the shitskins is a kike. you might not
share the official kike religion but it isn't necessary because you all are kikes by blood. greedy, dumb,
liars, jealous, proud, stinky and last but not the least complete simps for your dumb whorish females who
are willing to suck any cock that comes around. there is literally nothing easier then fucking a spic female.
it will automatically jump on anyone's dick. nevertheless spics still simp for their whores like there is no
tomorrow. nasty fucking race of cockroaches. the most treacherous and despicable faggots on earth. no
wonder everyone fucking hates your ass in Europe.

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