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Hello, my name is Gift Matshidiso Bulunga. I was born on the 17th of February
1998 and I grew up at Mpumalanga in a small township called Naas. I am a
student of the class of 2017 at Tshwane University of Technology. I went to a
public school called Zamokuhle combined school. I completed my matric 2015 at
Mjokwane secondary school. I passed with a bachelors degree. My home
language is Siswati and I was raised by a single parent which is my mom. Life was
not easy by that time but I never went to bed with an empty stomach because of
my mother. I study very hard in order to change the situation at home. When I
first came to the University of Tshwane, I didnt know what I wanted to study. I
developed a passion in teaching because I have a good skill in communication. I
am doing Technical subjects. My major subjects are Mathematics, Engineering
Graphics and Design and Mechanical technology. With everything I learn, I am
able to apply my skills and knowledge on and off campus.

I am a Christian I love God, peace and harmony. I dont like to fight, steal even to
hate. I Respect one another. I love music, dancing and reading books. I was doing
drummajorite as my sport at primary and high school. I was good in aerobics
thats why I chose to be a drummies while I was at school. I was a leader and I
won a trophy. My role model is my mother because she is a strong woman and
she taught me everything. I am me, I am free and I love being me!
Below are some of my hobby, interests and people I love.

Through the course of our lives,we bide our time doing paricular tasks that may
either help us to earn our living or build the staircases to our futures and careers.
However, amidst these compulsary tasks, most of us also enjoy doing. Such
activies are called HOBBIES

Hobbies are activities which help us escape the daily grind of life and work and
give us pleasure and peace of mind. We are not being ordered to perform certain
jobs which we may not be fond of, hobbies help to inculcste an appreciation for
work rather than driving us away from it.

My hobby is gardening. The joy of witnessing blooming flowers and leaves fills my
heart with a sense of achievement and realizing the fact that the work of my own
hands is bearing fruit definitely gives me pleasure.

Gardening also helps to keep me fit, strong and healthy for working away in my
garden results in the beneficial kind of exercise that is good for both mind and
body. I inherited the love for from my mother and now with her help and interest.
My personal interest is travelling. When I was younger travelling quickly became
one of my interests simply because I enjoyed it so much. I have travelled almost
all over the world and seen variety of different culture.

I am also interested in reading books and writing poems. I cant go a day without
studying. I know if I work very hard I will succeed.

The first person I love is my mother because she carried me for 9 months. She
knows me better than I know myself. She is my first priority. My mother is my
greatest teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is as sweet as a
flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.
The other person I love is my grandmother, my grandmother of 90 years is my
love her face has changed ofcourse. Now she is an old ancient girl, I love her eith
the whole of my heart. I remember my grannys prayers and they have always
followed me. They have clung to me all my life.

Another person whom I love is my former teacher mr Klue. He was my number

one teacher. Iam happy that he was my teacher. I enjoyed eeach lesson he
taught, he inspired me to dream, to work and to reach. With his kindness he got
my attention.

Lastly I love my friends they are the pillar of my strengths. They are always right
by my side in good and bad times. I enjoyed working with them as a team since
from primary till secondary.

Friends from Zamokuhle combined school. Friends from Mjokwane seconary school.
I have chose teaching as my proffession because I love working with children and I
have a good communication skill. I have passion in this career.

During teaching practise I observed many things from teachers and learners.
Some students are disrepectful and some doesnt sit still , but as i student teacher
I learned that I must not assume that learners who cant sit still dont wanna
learn. There were lot of late comers and some learners do not do homework they
stay and look at u whilst you are bussy doing corrections

1. Engaging personality and teaching style
2. Clear objectives for lesson
3. Effective discipline skills
4. Good classroom management skills
5. Good communication skills
6. Subject knowledge
7. Passion for children and teaching

1. Determine my needs
2. Strengthen my technology skills.
3. Improve my classroom management
4. Get more politically active
5. Get organized
6. Brush up my pedagogy
I am constantly reflecting on my practice and looking for ways to
other major strength is my experience. I am also good in communicating.

My weakness is that not all about technology. Iam also not good in fighting and
stealing. I am also weak when it comes to lie.

I was a leader at zamokuhle combined school, I bet the other school leaders and i
was awarded a trophy of being the best leader in large group.
My achivements from school

My grade 7 results national senior certificate

I did my community project at Tshwane University of Technology, where I was
helping res manangers to irrigate and plant at the garden.

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