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Comprising a Directory of the General Con-

ference, Union and Local Conferences, Mission
Fields, Educational Institutions, Publishing
Houses, Periodicals, and Medical Institutions.

CLAUDE CUNARD, Statistical Secretary
of the General Conference


General Conference and Departments 5

Divisions :

North America 23

Australasian 73

Central European 85

China 94

Far Eastern 111

Inter-American 126
Northern European 144
South American 154
Southern African 170
Southern Asia 194

Southern European 210

Union Territories Not Attached to Divisions 228

Union of Socialist Soviet Republics 237


Educational 238

Food Companies 294

Medical 296

Dispensaries and Treatment Rooms 313

Publishing Houses 316

Periodicals Issued 328

Statistical Tables 343

Countries Where Work Is Established 354

Languages in Which Publications Are Issued 359

Constitution and By-Laws 361

Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists 367

Workers Directory 370

Necrology 472

Institutional Workers Index 474

A directory of the conferences, mission fields, and institutions connected with
the Seventh-day Adventist denomination is given in the following pages. Adminis-
trative and workers' lists have been furnished by the organizations concerned. In
cases where current reports were not received, previous official and personnel rolls
have been retained or adjusted to the best information available. Below appears
data summarized largely from the 1947 Statistical Report, the one laet issued at
this date.
The number of churches and the church membership in each of the conferences
in North America are those reported at the close of the third quarter, 1948. In fields
outside of North America the church and membership statistics at the close of 1947
have been used except in instances where the organizations themselves have
reported later figures. Populations of conferences in North America are based on
the 1940 census reports; and population figures for other fields have been fur-
nished largely from the different Division or Union offices.
Following the classification order of workers in the General Conference
Working Policy, those persons who carry missionary credentials are placed im-
mediately following the ordained minister groups in the conference and mission
sections of the Yearbook. The Workers Directory lists the names and addresses
of ordained and licensed ministers and workers holding missionary credentials and
Bible instructors credentials. A separate list of principal workers employed in
educational, publishing and medical institutions is also given.
The Seventh-day Adventist denomination was organized May 21, 1863, with
a constituency of 125 churches and 3,500 members. The work was largely con-
fined to North America until the year 1874, when the first missionary, Elder J. N.
Andrews, was sent to Switzerland. Gradually other countries were entered. In 1886
a minister went to Russia, the first non-Protestant country in which this work was
started. The schooner "Pitcairn" was launched in San Francisco Bay on July
28, 1890, and was soon prepared to carry groups of missionaries to various Pacific
islands. In 1894 Seventh-day Adventist workers first entered a heathen land, opening
a mission in Matabeleland, South Africa. South America was entered the same year,
and Japan in .1896.
Although publishing and the distribution of literature had been a major factor
in the development of the Advent cause from its beginning, the first regular pub-
lishing house was incorporated in 1861 at Battle Creek, Mich., under the name of
the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association. The Advent Review and Sabbath
Herald was first published in 1850 at Paris, Maine; the Youth's Instructor at
Rochester, N.Y., in 1852; and the Signs of the Times at Oakland, Calif., in 1874.
In 1866 the Health Reform Institute, later the Battle Creek Sanitarium, was
established. The first denominational school was opened in 1872. Tract and mis-
sionary society work was organized on a state-wide basis in 1870, and state Sabbath
school associations in 1877. The name, "Seventh-day Adventists," was chosen in
1860, and in 1903 the denominational headquarters were moved from Battle Creek,
Mich., to Washington, D.C.
Since 1902 to the close of 1947, 5,944 missionaries have been sent out for mission
service in various lands comprising all of the larger countries of the world and
Many of the islands of the sea. Thirty-five thousand two hundred thirty-five evan-
gelistic and institutional workers were using almost 700 languages and modes of
speech in their gospel service.-
The membership of the 9,554 Seventh-day Adventist churches throughout the
world in 1947 was 628,594. There were 71 union conferences and missions, 136
local conferences, 205 regularly organized mission fields, and 545 institutions. Of
the 35,235 laborers, 13,518 were in North America, and 21,717 in other countries.
The funds in tithes and offerings contributed in 1947 by Seventh-day Adventists
were the largest ever raised by the denomination during any one year. The amount
of $38,978,496.56 was a per capita contribution of $62.02 for every member in file
world field. In North America alone the per capita giving in tithes and offerings
was $126.95. In addition to the above, $740,213.13 was given in North America in
1947 for mission rehabilitation and famine relief.
The Statistical Report showed that there were 49 Seventh-day Adventist pub-
lishing houses and branches, whose book and periodical retail sales in 1947 were
$11,477,499.76. These publishing houses employed 1,641 workers in producing this
literature, and 3;129 more were engaged in its distribution. Seventh-day Adventist
literature has been printed in 190 languages, and there were 282 periodicals issued.

The enrollment in the 15,107 Sabbath schools was 765,952, and the annual
Sabbath school contributions were $4,290,178.33. Sanitariums, hospitals, and treat-
ment rooms, to the number of 177 engaged in the care of the sick, with 7,229
physicians, nurses .and other attendants, who treated 1,409,353 out-patients and
132,593 in-patients during 1947.
There were 3,474 elementary schools, and 290 secondary and.advanced schools
with 8,444 teachers employed, and an enrollment of 170,295 pupils. At the close
of the 1946-47 school year 1,111 students entered some branch of denominational
The property value of all organizations and institutions connected with the
Seventh-day Adventist denomination, including churches, at the beginning of 1947
was $138,440,570.51.
The total amount of funds in tithes and offerings contributed since the organi-
zation of the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference in 1863 to the close of
1947 was $491,036,933.50. Literature sales for the same period were registered as

Review of 1948
The record of the past year reveals many significant and interesting items:
General and North America: The General Conference President spoke May 2
in Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C., on "The Meaning of the Present World
Situation."For the first time in ten years the Autumn Council met in Denver,
Colorado, with representatives from all divisions present, except Soviet Russia.
The new Temperance journal Listen was launched, the first issue dated July-
September, published by the Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View,
California.Riverside Sanitarium and Hospital, Nashville, Tennessee, was opened
June 1, and will serve the growing needs of the colored constituency.Seven
union-wide Youth's Congresses were conducted by the Missionary Volunteer Depart-
ment in North America.A Radio Department was organized in the General
Conference by Autumn Council action.
Africa: In the Southern African Division there are 110,000 Sabbathkeepers
(55,000 baptized members and as many more in Bible classes). During the year 992
evangelistic efforts were held; 165,000 have taken the Voice of Prophecy course.
Asia: The first senior college students graduated from Spicer Missionary College
near Poona, Inaia, received diplomas in February.Youngberg Memorial Hospital
was opened in Singapore.In spite of unsettled conditions in China more than
fifty evangelistic efforts opened in China on April 4, resulting in hundreds of
baptisms. China was torn by civil war. Missionary families were removed from
Mukden, Peiping, Tsingtao, Nanking, and Hankow, most of whom were relocated
in South China.
Australia: The Australasian Inter-Union Conference, made up of two union
conferences and two union missions, was established. Leaders of the Inter-Union
were appointed at the Autumn Council.A new mission was opened in the moun-
tains of New Guinea.
Europe: The Central European Division was reorganized on a provisional basis.,
at the Autumn Council.Skodsborg Sanitarium, Denmark, celebrated its fiftieth
anniversary.A new training school was opened in Zeist, Holland.Marienhohe
Missionary Seminary, Darmstadt, Germany, again opened its doors after successful
negotiations with authorities for re-occupation of the property.Members of the
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary staff in Washington, D.C., held a
special extension school in Britain.Youth's Congresses were held in Europe; one
in the British Union and one for the Austrian-Swiss youth.Certain African
fields were reassigned: Ethiopian Union Mission to Northern Europe; and the
major portion of the French areas of West Africa to Southern Europe.
Latin America: The River Plate Junior College, Argentina, celebrated its
fiftieth anniversary in September.On July 20, the Rio Clinic and Rest Home
moved to its new and permanent home, the Rio de Janeiro Sanitarium and Hospital,
built on a mountain overlooking the harbor.Extended series of Youth's- Congresses
were .held throughout Latin-America, eleven in Inter-America; ten in South
Directory of the Seventh-day
Adventist Denomination

Organized May 21, 1863

Territory: The following-named sec- H. H. Cobban, J. F. Cummins, E. J.

tional areas of the General Conference Johanson.
world field: North America, Austra- General Field Secretaries: M. L. An-
lasia, Central Europe, China, Far dreasen, H. M. Blunden, L. H. Chris-
East, Inter-America, Northern Eur- tian, Frederick Griggs, W. K. Ising,
ope, South America, Southern Africa, M. E. Kern, Meade MacGuire, W. E.
Southern Asia, Southern Europe, Un- Read, R. Ruhling, J. J. Strahle.
attached Union territories (Baltic,
British, Middle East, West Africa), Statistical Secretary: Claude Conard.
Union of Socialist Republics. Auditor: W. E. Phillips; Associates,
H. W. Barrows, H. P. Bloum, F.
Cable Address: Adventist, Washington. Brennwald.
(A B C Code, fifth edition.) Where
the above cable address cannot be Secretaries of Departments
used, please address as follows, "Gen- American Temperance Society: W. A.
eral Conference, Washington, D. C.," Scharffenberg.
or "Adventist Headquarters, Wash-
ington, D., C." Educational: E. E. Cossentine; Asso-
ciates, G. M. Mathews, L. R. Rasmus-
Telegraphic Address: General Confer- sen, K. J. Reynolds.
ence, Washington, D. C. (NOT Ta- Home-Foreign Bureau: L. Halswick ;
koma Park.) Associate, E. J. Lorntz.
Express and Freight Address: General Home Missionary: T. L. Oswald; As-
Conference, Takoma Park, D. C. (Not sociates, Henry F. Brown, W. A. But-
Washington.) Consign freight via ler, J. E. Edwards.
Baltimore & Ohio Railway. Medical: T. R. Flaiz ; Associates, D.
Postal Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Lois Burnett, J. W. McFarland, G. A.
ington 12, District of Columbia, Roberts.
U. S. A. Ministerial Association: Chairman, J. L.
Telephone: GEorgia 0800. McElhany; Secretary, L. E. Froom ;
Associates, R. A. Anderson, M. K.
Eckenroth, Louise C. Kleuser, G. E.
Executive Officers Vandeman.
President: J. L. McElhany. North American Colored: G. E. Peters.
Vice-Presidents: V. T. Armstrong, W. Publishing: W. P. Elliott; Associates,
R. Beach, W. H. Branson, C. W. Bo- E. E. Franklin, G. A. Huse, D. A.
zarth, L. K. Dickson, R. R. Figuhr, E. McAdams.
F. Hackman, A. L. Ham, G. A. Lind- Radio: Paul Wickman.
say, A. Minck, Jay J. Nethery, W. B. Religious Liberty: H. H. Votaw; Asso-
Ochs, A. V. Olson, N. C. Wilson. ciates, C. S. Longacre, F. H. Yost.
Secretary: E. D. Dick. Sabbath School: J. A. Stevens ; Asso-
Associate Secretaries: W. P. Bradley, ciates, E. B. Hare, H. W. Lowe, L. L.
A. W. Cormack, N. W. Dunn, H. T. Moffitt.
Elliott, J. I. Robison, E. E. Roenfelt. Seventh-day Adventist Theological Sem-
Treasurer: W. E. Nelson. inary: D. E. Rebok.
Young People's Missionary Volunteer:
Undertreasurer: W. H. Williams. Eldine W. Dunbar; Associates, T. E.
Assistant Treasurers: Roger Altman, Lucas, L. A. Skinner.

General Conference Committee Members
General Vice-Presidents: L. K. Dickson, North America
Jay J. Nethery, W. B. Ochs, A. V. Vice-President:
Olson. Union Conference Presidents:
Secretary: E. D. Dick. Atlantic: M. L. Rice.
Associate Secretaries: W. P. Bradley, Canadian: H. L. Rudy.
A. W. Cormack, N. W. Dunn, H. T. Central: M. V. Campbell.
Elliott, J. I. Robison, E. E. Roenfelt. Columbia: D. A. Ochs.
Lake: L. E. Lenheim.
Treasurer: W. E. Nelson. Northern: Jere D. Smith.
Undertreasurer: W. H. Williams. North Pacific: C. A. Scriven.
Pacific: C. L. Bauer.
Assistant Treasurers: Roger Altman, Southern: V. G. Anderson.
H. H. Cobban, J. F. Cummins, E. J. Southwestern: J. W. Turner.
Ex-Presidents of General Conference: (Inter-Union Conference)
W. A. Spicer, C. IL Watson.
President: N: C. Wilson.
General Field Secretaries: M. L. An- Secretary: F. A. Mote.
dreasen, H. M. Blunden, L. H. Chris- Treasurer: W. L. Pascoe.
tian, Frederick Griggs, W. K. Ising,
M. E. Kern, Meade MacGuire. W. E. Field Secretary: W. G. Turner.
Read, R. Ruhling, J. J. Strahle. Departmental Secretaries:
Statistical Secretary: Claude Conard. Educational and Y.P.M.V2.- A. W.
Auditor: W. E. Phillips ; Associates, Home Missionary and Sabbath School:
H. W. Barrows, H. P. )3Ioum, F. George Butler.
Brennwald. Medical: T. A. Sherwin.
Publishing: H. G. Moulds.
Secretaries of General Departments Religious Liberty: R. E. Hare.
American Temperance Society: W. A. Union Presidents:
Scharffenberg. Central Pacific: G. Branster.
Educational: E. E. Cossentine; Asso- Coral Sea: H. White.
ciates, G. M. Mathews, L. R. Rasmus- Trans-Commonwealth: W. T. Hooper.
sen, K. J. Reynolds. Trans-Tasman: W. E. Battye.
Home Foreign Bureau: L. Halswick ; Central European
Associate, E. J. Lorntz. (Provisional Organization)
Home Missionary: T. L. Oswald; As- President: Adolf Minck.
sociates, Henry F. Brown, W. A. But- Secretary: Otto Schildhauer.
ler, J. S. Edwards. Treasurer: Max Voigt.
Medical: T. R. Flaiz ; Associates, D. Field Secretary: A. Mueller.
Lois Burnett, J. W. McFarland, G. A. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational: W. Mueller.
Ministerial Association: Secretary, L. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
E. Froom : Associates, R. A. Ander- Y.P.M.V.: M. Busch.
son, M. K. Eckenroth, Louise C. Publishing:
Kleuser, G. E. Vandeman., Medical: L. E. Conradi.
North American Colored: G. E. Peters. Union Presidents:
Publishing: W. P. Elliott: Associates, East German: M. Budnick.
E. E. Franklin, George A. Huse, D. A. South German: G. Seng.
McAdams. West German: C. A. Motzer.
Radio: Paul Wickman. China
Religious Liberty: H. H. Votaw ; Asso- President: W. H. Branson.
ciates, C. S. Longacre, F. H. Yost. Secretary: N. F. Brewer.
Sabbath School: J. A. Stevens; Asso- Treasurer: R. H. Adair.
ciates, E. B. Hare, H. W. Lowe, L. Departmental Secretaries:
L. Moffitt. Educational: P. E. Quimby.
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Sem- Home Missionary: G. T. Appel.
inary: D. E. Rebok, Medical: Herbert Liu.
Publishing: E. L. Longway.
Young People's Missionary Volunteer: Sabbath School: Chen Ming.
Eldine W. Dunbar; Associates, T. E. Y.P.M.V.: James Wang (on leave) ;
Lucas, L. A. Skinner, r. E. Quimby (acting),

Union Presidents: Polish: J. Kulak.

Central China: M. C. Warren. West Nordic: P. G. Nelson.
East China: C. B. Miller.
North China: E. H. James. South American
Northeast China: ; Assistant, President: R. R. Figuhr.
Wang Ging Yang. Secretary-Treasurer: 0. A. Blake.
Northwest China: F. Y. Wang.
South China: C. H. Davis. Departmental Secretaries:
West China: Goh Giao Oh. Educational and Young People's Mis-
Far Eastern sionary Volunteer: L. M. Stump.
Home Missionary: Santiago Schmidt.
President: V. T. Armstrong. Publishing: W. A. Bergherm.
Secretary: C. P. Sorensen. Sabbath School: Santiago Schmidt.
Treasurer: P. L. Williams.
Field Secretary: R. S. Watts. Union Presidents:
Departmental Secretaries: Austral: Alfredo Aeschlimann.
East Brazil: R. A. Wilcox.
Educational: W. 0. Baldwin. Inca: E. N. Lugenbeal.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School: North Brazil: L. B. Halliwell.
F. A. Pratt. South Brazil: Rodolpho Belz.
Publishing: G. A. Campbell.
Young People's Missionary Volunteer: Southern African
C. P. Sorensen.
President: C. W. Bozarth.
Union Presidents: Secretary: F. G. Clifford.
Indonesia: K. Tilstra. Treasurer: E. A. Moon.
Japan: F. R. Millard. Field Secretary: Milton Robison.
Korean: E. Bahr.
Malayan: J. M. Nerness. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational: E. W. Tarr.
Inter-American Home Missionary and Young People's
Missionary Volunteer: J. M. Hnaty-
President: E. F. Hackman. shyn.
Secretary: W. E. Murray. Medical: C. Paul Bringle.
Treasurer: L. F. Bohner. Publishing: W. A. Higgins.
Departmental Secretaries: Sabbath School and Religious Liberty:
A. W. Staples.
Educational and Young People's Mis-
sionary Volunteer: A. H. Roth. Union Presidents:
Home Missionary: Wesley Amundsen.
Medical: Angola: P. Stevenson.
Publishing: J. C. Culpepper. Congo: J. R. Campbell.
Religious Liberty: L. H. Lindbeck. East Africa: H. M. Sparrow.
Sabbath School: Wesley Amundsen. South Africa: E. D. Hanson.
Southeast Africa: S. G. Maxwell.
Union Presidents: Zambesi: W. R. Vail.
Antillian: I{. B. Lundquist.
British West Indies. Southern Asia
Caribbean: R. H. Pierson.
Central American: J. L. Brown. President: A. L. Ham.
Colombia-Venezuela: G. C. Nickle. Secretary-Treasurer: A. F. Tarr.
Mexican: H. J. Westphal. Field Secretary: E. D. Thomas.
Northern European Departmental Secretaries:
(Provisional Organization) Educational: C. A. Schutt.
President: G. A. Lindsay. Young People's Missionary Volunteer:
Secretary-Treasurer: Alf Karlman.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School:
Home Missionary: Axel Varmer. E. D. Thomas.
Medical: A. Andersen. Medical:
Publishing: C. A. Edwards. Publishing: A. J. Johanson.
Religious Liberty: 0. J. Olsen. Religious Liberty: L. G. Mookerjee.
Young People's Missionary Volunteer
and Sabbath School: AIf Lohne. Union Presidents:
Union Presidents: Burma: M. 0. Manley.
Northeast India: 0. A. Skau.
East Nordic: A. Y. Rintala. Northwest India: R. L. Kimble.
Ethiopian: N. B. Nielsen. South India: 0. 0. Mattison.
Netherland: F. J. Voorthuts, Western India: F. E. Spiess,

Southern European Portuguese: A. D. Gomes.

Rumanian: D. Florea.
President: W. R. Beach.
Secretary: Marius Fridlin. Swiss: A. Meyer.
Treasurer: Robert Gerber. Union of Socialist Soviet Republics
Field Secretaries: F. Charpiot, Albert
Meyer. No reports have been received regard-
Departmental Secretaries: ing officers.
Educational and Sabbath School: Otto Unattached Unions
Schuberth. Baltic Union Conference.
Home Missionary: H. Struve. British Union Conference: E. B. Budge.
Medical: H. Muller. Middle East Union Mission: E. L. Bran-
Publishing: G. C. Cross. son.
Religious Liberty: J. Nussbaum. West African Union Mission: William
Young People's Missionary Volunteer: McClements.
J. J. Aitken.
Union Presidents: Elective Members
Austrian: L. Schneebauer. E. E. Andross, G. W. Bowers, H. G.
Czechoslovakian: J. Doubraysky. Childs, J. R. Ferren, G. T. Harding,
Franco-Belgian: J. C. Guenin. C. B. Haynes, J. J. Ireland, G. Eric
Hungarian: L. Michnay. Jones, H. C. Kephart, W. E. Mac-
Indian Ocean: Henri Pichot. pherson, H. A. Morrison, F. D. Nichol,
Italian: Luigi Beer. F. L. Peterson, F: H. Robbins. J. J.
Jugoslavian: Strahle, E. A. Sutherland, M. C.
North African: Paul Girard. Taft, W. H. Teesdale, F. M. Wilcox.

The Departments of the General Conference named below, while doing
work, some of them prior to the time the General Conference was organ-
ized, and some at a much later date, were organized under the terms of
the General Conference Constitution at the dates mentioned in each case.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Southern African: E. W. Tarr, Grove

Organized 1902 Ave., Claremont, Cape Province,
South Africa.
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Southern Asia: C. A. Schutt, Box 15,
ington 12, D. C. Poona 1, India.
Officers Southern European: Otto Schuberth.
Secretary: E. E. Cossentine. Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland.
Associate Secretaries: G. M. Mathews, Advisory Committee
L. R. Rasmussen, K. J. Reynolds.
Union Secretaries'
Assistant Secretary for. Parent and
Home Education: Mrs. Arabella Atlantic: R. A. Nesmith, South Lanca-
Moore. ster, Mass,
Canadian: G. Eric Jones, Box 396,
Division Secretaries Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.
Australasian: A. W. Peterson, 148 Fox Central: G. R. Fattic, 4547 Calvert
Valley Road, Wahroonga, New South Street, Lincoln 6, Neb.
Wales, Australia. Columbia: J. M. Howell, 900 Carroll
Central European: W. Mueller, Nik- Ave., Takoma Park 12, D.C.
lasstr. 19, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany. Lake: W. A. Nelson, Box C, Berrien
China: P. E. Quimby, 626 Ningkuo Road, Springs, Mich.
Shanghai 19, China. Northern: E. A. Robertson, 501 Forest
Far Eastern: W. 0. Baldwin, P.O. Box Ave., Minneapolis 4, Minn.
226, Singapore, Colony. of Singapore. North Pacific:.J. T. Porter, 1544 S. E.
Inter-American: A. H. Roth, Box 228, Hawthorne Blvd., Portland 14, Ore.
Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida. Pacific: A. C. Nelson, Box 146, Glen-
Northern European: G. A. Lindsay, dale, Calif.
Bergstigen 25, Stocksund, Sweden. Southern: H. S. Hanson, Box 449,
South American: L. M. Stump, Virrey Decatur, Ga.
del Pino 3801, Suc. 27. R. 4, Buenos Southwestern: W. A. Howe, 2829 W.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Cantey St., Fort Worth 4, Texas.

College PresidentsNorth America son, C. L. Smith (Term expiring

G. T. Anderson, Arlington, Calif. 1950) G. W. Bowers, W. C. Hannah,
G. W. Bowers, College Place, Wash. W. E. Macpherson ; (Term expiring
P. W. Christian, Angwin, Calif. 1951) J. T. Porter, D. Lois Burnett.
George T. Harding, 312 North Boyle
Ave., Los Angeles 33, Calif.
L. N. Holm, South Lancaster, Mass. HOME FOREIGN BUREAU
A. W. Johnson, Berrien Springs, Mich.
F. L. Peterson, Huntsville, Ala. Organized 1933
D. E. Rebok, Takoma Park, Washing- Office: General Conference, Takoma
ton 12, D. C. Park, Washington 12, D. C.
W. H. Shephard, Takoma Park, Wash- Secretary: L. Halswick.
ington 12, D.C.
W. H. Teesdale, Takoma Park, Wash- Associate Secretary: E. J. Lorntz.
ington 12, D. C. Home Foreign Bureau Committee: L.
R. W. Woods, College View Station. Halswick, Chairman W. A. Butler,
Lincoln 6, Neb. H. T. Elliott, E. J. Lorntz, W. E.
K. A. Wright, Collegedale, Tenn. Nelson, W. B. Ochs, R. Ruhling, W.
Junior College Presidents H. Williams.
North America
E. E. Bietz, College Heights, Alberta, HOME' MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT
J. V. Peters, Keene, Texas. Organized 1918
C. L. Smith, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
Foreign School Directors ington 12, D. C.
(Colleges and Junior Colleges) Officers
B. G. Butherus, Mandeville, Jamaica; Secretary: T. L. Oswald.
British West Indies. Associate Secretaries: Henry F. Brown,
Walton J. Brown, Puiggari, F.N.G.U., W. A. Butler, J. E. Edwards.
Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer- Assistant Secretaries: Mrs. Cora F.
ica. Thurber, Grace Fields.
Dario Garcia, Brazil College, Caixa
Postal 258-A, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Division Secretaries
America. Australasian: George Butler, 148 Fox
T. S. Geraty, Chiaotoutseng, Kiangsu, Valley Road, Wahroonga, N.S.W.,
China. Australia.
W. W. Konzack, Showa-machi, Kimitsu- Central European: M. Busch, Niklasstr.
gun, Chiba-ken. Japan. 19, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany.
W. C. Mackett, Mussoorie, U. P., India. China: G. J. Appel, 526 Ningkuo Road,
W. R. A. Madgwick, Bracknell, Berks., Shanghai 19, China.
England. Far Eastern: F. A. Pratt, Box 226,
W. E. McClure, P. 0. Box 22, Somerset Singapore, Colony of Singapore.
West, C. P., South Africa. Inter-American: Wesley Amundsen,
W. G. C. Murdoch, Cooranbong, N. S. Box 228, Coconut Grove, Miami, Fla.
W.. Australia. Northern European: Axel Varmer,
A. N. Nelson, Box 1772, Manila, Bergstigen 25, Stocksund, Sweden.
Philippines. South American: Santiago Schmidt,
C. A. Schutt, Spicer College, Aundh Virrey del Pino 3801, Suc. 27. R. 4,
Road, Kirkee, Poona, India. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Alfred Vaucher, Collonges-sous-Saleve, America.
Haute-Savoie, France. Southern African:. J. M. Hnatyshyn,
Other Members Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South
W. C. Hannah, New Market, Va.
E. F. Heim, Lodi, Calif. Southern Asia: E. D. Thomas, Box 15,
A. J. Olson, Auburn, Wash. Poona 1, India.
J. R. Shull, Mount Vernon, Ohio. Southern European: H. Struve, Hohe-
weg 17, Berne, Switzerland.
The following to be addressed at Ta-
koma Park, D. C.: Advisory Committee
D. Lois Burnett, Claude Conard, E.
D. Dick, L. E. Froom, C. S. Longacre, (All Home Missionary Secretaries of
Eldine W. Dunbar. organized Union Conferences and Un-
ion Missions are members ex-officio.).
Board of Regents
Secretary and Associate Secretaries of Other Members
the Department of Education and the (All of whom may be addressed at
following elected members: (Term ex- Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.)
piring 1949) W, A. Howe, A. W. John- Roger Altman, E. W. Dunbar, W. P,

Elliott, L. K. Dickson, F. D. Nichol, D. H. Kress, 405 Niblick Ave., Orlando,

W. B. Ochs, G. E. Peters, J. I. Robi- Fla.
son, J. L. Shuler, J. D. Snider, J. A. The President and Deans of the College
Stevens, W. H. Williams. of Medical Evangelists.
The medical director, business man-
ager, and director of nurses in de-
nominationally recognized medical in-
Editors of denominational health jour-
Organized 1902 nals.
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Medical Advisory Board
ington 12, D. C. Secretary and associate secretaries of
Officers the Medical Department, medical sec-
retaries of overseas divisions and the
Secretary: T. R. Flaiz. following elected members: (Term
Associate Secretary for Nursing Educa- expiring 1949) E. E. Cossentine, W.
tion: D. Lois Burnett. E. Macpherson, E. L. Place; (Term
Associate Secretary for Health Educa- expiring 1950) A. D. Butterfield,
tion: Metta Hudson, Edward Rippey ; (Term
Associate Secretary for Medical Exten- expiring 1951) George T. Harding,
sion: G. A. Roberts, 312 N., Boyle C. E. Parrish, H. M. Walton ; (Term
Ave., Los Angeles, California. expiring 1952) A. C. Larson, Fred
Division Secretaries Norwood, Ethel Walder.
Australasian: T. A. Sherwin, Wah-
roonga, New South Wales, Australia. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION
Central European: L. E. Conradi, Kran-
kenhaus Waldfriede, Fischerhutten- Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
strasse 99/109, Berlin-Zehlendorf, ington 12, D. C.
Germany. Official Organ: The Ministry (48-page
China: Herbert Liu, 526 Ningkuo Road, monthly).
Shanghai,' China.
Far Eastern: Ralph Waddell, 56 Mait- Officers
richitr Road, Bangkok, Siam. Secretary: LeRoy E. Froom.
Inter-American: , Box 228, Coco-
nut Grove, Miami, Fla., U.S.A. Associate Secretaries: R. A. Anderson,
Northern European: A. Andersen, Sani- M. K. Eckenroth, Louise C. Kleuser,
tarium, Skodsborg, Denmark. G. E. Vandeman.
South American.
Southern African: C. Paul Bringle, Division Association Secretaries
Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Australasian: J. B. Conley, 148 Fox
Africa. Valley Road, Wahroonga, N. S. W.,
Southern Asia: -. Australia.
Southern European: H. Muller, Hohe-
weg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Central European: Adolf Minck, Nik-
lasstr. 19, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Ger-
Departmental Committee
China: C. I. Meng, Milton Lee, 526
Sectional Counselors Ningkuo Road, Shanghai 19, China.
Medical Education: W. E. Macpherson, Far Eastern: Ralph Watts, Box 226,
312 N. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Singapore, Colony of Singapore; E. M.
Institutions in Western United States: Adams, Philippine Union.
II. W. Vollmer, 'Box 146, Glendale, Inter-American: W. E. Murray, Box
Calif. 228, Coconut Grove, Miami, Fla., U.
Institutions in Eastern United States: S. A.
R. A. Hare, Washington Sanitarium, Northern European: Axel Varmer,
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Bergstigen 25, Stocksund, Sweden.
(All union conference medical secreta- South American: Walter Schubert,
ries are members ex-officio, and should Virrey del Pino 3801, Sue. 27. R. 4,
be addressed at the union offices.) Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Other Members
Southern African: A. W. Staples, Grove
Claude Conard, E. E. Cossentine, L. K. Avenue, Claremont, Cape, South
Dickson, E. W. Dunbar, H. T. Elliott, Africa.
W. P. Elliott, L. E. Froom, J. L.
McElhany, F. D. Nichol, W. B. Ochs, Southern Asia: A. E. Rawson, Box 15,
T. L. Oswald, all of whom may Poona 1, India.
be addressed at Takoma Park, Wash- Southern European: Albert Meyer,
ington 12, D. C, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland,

Detached Fields: G. D. King, Great NORTH, AMERICAN COLORED

Hritain ; E. L. Branson, Middle East; DEPARTMENT
W. McClements, West Africa. Organized 1909
Advisory Committee Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
Chairman: J. L. McElhany. ington 12, D. C.
Secretary: L. E. Froom. Officer
Officer Consultation Group: A. W. Cor- Secretary: G. E. Peters.
mack, L. K. Dickson, H. T. Elliott,
W. B. Ochs, A. V. Olson. Advisory Committee
General Conference Staff Members: W.
General Advisory Group B. Ochs, G. E. Peters.
(In addition to the General and Division Union Conference Presidents:
Association Secretaries and Division
Presidents.) M. L. Rice, Atlantic.
M. V. Campbell, Central.
General Conference Officers: W. P. D. A. Ochs, Columbia.
Bradley, A. W. Cormack, L. K. Dick- L. E. Lenheim, Lake.
son, E. J. Johanson, W. B. Ochs, C. A. Scriven, North Pacific.
A. V. Olson, E. E. Roenfelt, W. IL C. L. Bauer, Pacific.
Williams. V. G. Anderson, Southern.
General Members: G. K. Abbott, C. B. J. W. Turner, Southwestern. .
Haynes, M. E. Kern, Holger Lindsjo, Local Conference Presidents:
W. E. Read, D. E. Rebok, J. J. Short,
J. L. Shuler, A. L. White. J. H. Wagner, Allegheny.
Ministerial Association: R. A. Ander- J. G. Dasent, Lake Region.
L. H. Bland, Northeastern.
son, Melvin K. Eckenroth, Louise C. H. D. Singleton, South Atlantic.
Kleuser, Mrs. Mabel H. Towery, H. R. Murphy, South Central.
George E. Vandeman.
Departmental Members: W. A. Butler, Local Mission Presidents:
E. E. Cossentine, E. W. Dunbar, W. F. L. Bland, Central States.
P. Elliott, J. R. Ferren, T. R. Flaiz, W. W. Fordham, Southwestern.
H. W. Lowe, Wayne McFarland, G. E. Union Conference Secretary for the
Peters, H. H. Votaw, Paul Wickman. Colored Department:
North American Members at Large: Owen A. Troy, Pacific.
Union Presidents: C. L. Bauer, M. L. Message Magazine:
Rice, H. L. Rudy, J. W. Turner. Editor, L. B. Reynolds.
Local Presidents: H. J. Capman, Oakwood College:
Theodore Carcich, H. J. Detwiler, F. L. Peterson, President.
N. R. Dower, L. C. Evans, W. A. Nel- L. E. Ford, Business Manager.
son, R. H. Nightingale, D. H. Spill-
man, D. E. Venden. Riverside Sanitarium:
Evangelists and Pastors: A. L. Bietz, J. Mark Cox, Medical Director.
R. L. Boothby, F. W. Detamore, W. A.
Fagal, A. C. Fearing, W. W. Fordharn,
George Freeman, J. W. Osborn, C. A. PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT
Reeves, H. M. S. Richards, Leon
Robbins, L. B. Schick, J. L. Tucker, Organized 1902
R. M. Whitsett. Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
Educators and Teachers: E. C. Banks, ington 12, D. C.
T. G. Bunch, L. H. Hartin, V. E.
Hendershot, Edward Heppenstall, P. Officers
C. Heubach, G. Erie Jones, E. R. Secretary: W. P. Elliott.
Thiele, A. J. Wearner. Associate Secretaries: E. E. Franklin.
G. A. Huse, D. A. McAdams.
Gospel Musicians: G. W. Greer, H. B.
Hannam, L. R. Mansell, Lon Metcalf, Division Secretaries
H. A. Miller, H. G. Rutherford, E. R.
Walde. Australasian: H. G. Moulds, 148 Fox
Editors: D. A. Delafield, A. S. Max- Valley Road, . Wahroonga, N.S.W.,
well F. D. Nichol, R. L. Odom, L. B.
Reynolds, M. R. Thurber. Central European:
Bible Instructors: Mrs. Ellen Curran, China: E. L. Longway ; Associate, H.
Mrs. Ena Ferguson, Jody Ketterman, H. Tan, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang-
Mary Saxton, Mrs. Thelma Smith, hai 19, China.
Mrs. E. Van Nockay Porter, Mary E. Far Eastern: G. A. Campbell, Box 226,
Walsh, Mrs. Marguerite Williamson. Singapore, Colony of Singapore.

Inter-American: J. C. Culpepper, Box RADIO DEPARTMENT *

228, Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida,
U. S. A. Organized 1948
Northern European: C. A. Edwards, Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
Bergstigen 25, Stocksund, Sweden. ington 12, D.C.
South American: W. A. Bergherm, Vir- Officer
rey del Pino 3801, Suc. 27. R. 4,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Secretary: Paul Wickman.
Southern African: W. A. Higgins, Grove Division Secretaries
Ave., Claremont, Cape Province,
South Africa. Australasian: L. C. Naden, 148 Fox
Valley Road, Wahroonga, N.S.W.,
Southern Asia: A. J. Johanson, Box 15, Australia.
Poona 1, India. Central European: , Niklasstr.
Southern European: C. G. Cross, Ho- 19, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany.
heweg 17, Berne, Switzerland.
China: David Lin, 526 Ningkuo Road,
Advisory Committee Shanghai 19, China.
Ex-officio Members Far Eastern: , Box 226, Singapore,
Colony of Singapore.
Union Publishing Department Secreta- Inter-American: Lylon Lindbeck, Box
ries. 228, Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida,
Publishing House Managers (see list in U. S. A.
directories of Publishing Houses in
later pages). Northern European: Axel Varmer,
Managers of Book and Periodical De- Bergstigen 25, Stocksund, Sweden.
partments and Branches. South American: R. R. Figuhr, Virrey
Superintendents and Treasurers of pub- del Pino 3801, Suc. 27, R. 4, Buenos
lishing houses. Aires, Argentina, South America.
'Other Members Southern African: , Grove Ave.,
Claremont, Cape Province, South
H. T. Elliott, J. L. McElhany, F. D. Africa.
Nichol, W. B. Ochs, T. L. Oswald,
M. R. Thurber, W. H. Williams, all of Southern Asia: , Box 15, Poona 1,
whom may be addressed at Takoma India.
Park, 'Washington 12, D.C. Southern European: M. Fridlin, Hohe-
V. T. Armstrong, Box 226, Singapore, weg 17, Berne, Switzerland.
Colony of Singapore.
W. R. Beach, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Advisory Committee
Switzerland. W. P. Bradley, A. W. Cormack, J. R.
C. W. Bozarth, Grove Avenue, Clare- Ferren, W. B. Ochs, A. V. Olson, T.
mont, Cape Province, South Africa. L. Oswald, G. E. Vandeman, W. H.
W. H. Branson, 526 Ningkuo Road, Williams.
Shanghai 19, China. * At the Autumn Council in 1948 the
R. It. Figuhr,Virrey del Pino 3801, Suc. radio work was reorganized. The Inter-
27. R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina, national and North American Radio
South America. Commissions were dissolved, and the
E. F. Hackman, Box 228, Coconut Grove, Radio Department was organized to op-
Miami, Fla., U. S. A. erate in common with other depart-
A. L. Ham, Box 15, Poona 1, India. ments. A change in the General Con-
Stanley C. Harris,' Box 29, Nashville 2, fJrence Constitution to include the
Tenn. Radio Department secretaries and di-
vision secretaries in the. membership of
G. A. Lindsay, Bergstigen 25, Stock- the General Conference Committee is
sund, Sweden. being referred to the next Session of
A. S. Maxwell, Pacific Press Publishing the General Conference.
Association, Mountain View, Calif.
A. Minck, Niklasstr. 19, Berlin-Zehlen-
M. L. Neff, Pacific Press Publishing
Association, Mountain View, Calif. Organized 1902
E. B. Rudge, Stanborough Park, Wat- Office Address: Takoma Park, (Wash-
ford, Herts., England. ington 12, D. C.
Leo F. Thiel, Southern Publishing Asso-
ciation, Box 29, Nashville 2, Ten- Officers
nessee. Secretary: H. H. Votaw.
N. C. Wilson, 1'48 Fox Valley Road, Associate Secretaries: C. S. Longacre,
Wahroonga, N.S.W., Australia, Frank H. Yost.

Division Secretaries Division Secretaries '

Australasian: R. E. Hare, 148 Fox Australasian: George Butler, 148 Fox
Valley Road, Wahroonga, Valley Road, Wahroonga, N.S.W.,
Australia. Australia.
China: James D. Wang, 526 Ningkuo Central European: M. Busch, Niklasstr.,
Road, Shanghai 19, China. 19, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany.
Far Eastern: V. T. Armstrong, Box 226, China: Chen Ming; Assistant, Bessie
Singapore, Colony of Singapore. Mount, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai
19, China.
Inter-American: L. H. Lindbeck, Box
228, Coconut Grove, Miami, Fla., Far Eastern: F. A. Pratt, Box 226,
U.S.A. Singapore, Colony of Singapore.
North American: W. B. Ochs, Takoma Inter-American: Wesley Amundsen,
Park, Washington 12, D. C. Box 228, Coconut Grove, Miami,
Florida, U. S. A.
Northern European: O. J. Olsen, Berg-
stigen 25, Stocksund, Sweden. Northern European: Alf Lohne, Berg-
stigen 25, Stocksund, Sweden.
South American: R. R. Figuhr, Virrey
der Pino 3801, Suc. 27. R. 4., Buenos South American: Santiago Schmidt,
Aires, Argentina, South America. Virrey del Pino 3801, Suc. 27. R. 4,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Southern African: A. W. Staples, Grove America.
Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa.
Southern African: A. W. Staples, Grove
Southern Asia: A. F. Tarr, Box 15, Ave., Claremont, Cape Province,
Poona 1, India. South Africa.
Southern European: J. Nussbaum, 49 Southern Asia: E. D. Thomas, Box 16,
Avenue de la Grande Armee, Paris, Poona 1, India.
16e. France.
Southern European: Otto Schuberth,
Advisory Committee Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland.
The Religious Liberty secretaries of the Advisory Committee
Union Conferences and Union Mis-
sions are members ex-officio. H. H. Cobban, Eldine W. Dunbar, W. P.
Elliott, E. B. Hare, Louise Kleuser,
Other Members H. W. Lowe, G. M. Mathews, L. L.
Moffitt, T. L. Oswald, E. E. Roenfelt,
H. M. Blunden, W. A. Butler, E. E. J. A. Stevens, and Union Conference
Cossentine, E. D. Dick, L. K. Dickson, Sabbath School Secretaries in the
N. W. Dunn, W. P. Elliott, L. E. North American Division.
Froom, W. H. Hackett, C. B. Haynes,
M. E. Kern, Frederick Lee, J. L. Sabbath School Lesson Committee
McElhany, H. A. Morrison, W. E. Resident Members: T. E. Bowen, E. B.
Nelson, F. D. Nichol, L. R. Rasmus- Hare, B. P. Hoffman, H. W. Lowe,
sen, D. E. Rebok, all of whom may be R. E. Loasby, L. L. Moffitt, Louise
addressed at Takoma Park, Washing- Meyer, D. E. Robinson, J. I. Robison,
ton 12, D.C. W. H. Teesdale, M. R. Thurber, H.
R. L. Benton, 1544 S.E. Hawthorne M. Tippett, Margaret Weir, S. A.
Blvd., Portland 14, Oregon ; Stanley Wellman, F. H. Yost.
C. Harris, Box 59, Nashville 1, Tenn. ;
G. E. Hutches, Box 900, Lansing 4, Non-Resident Members: Wesley Amund-
Mich.; V. J. Johns, Box 124, La sen, I. F. Blue, E. M. Cadwallader, L.
Sierra Station, Arlington, Calif. ; L. Caviness, F. B. Jensen, T. C.
Alvin W. Johnson, College Station, Lawson, Andrew Nelson, A. H. Rpl-
Berrien Springs, Mich. ; A. S. Max- koetter, Santiago Schmidt, Otto Schu-
well, Mountain View, Calif. ; Dallas berth, A. W. Staples.
Youngs, Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario,
SABBATH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT International Temperance Association
Organized 1902 Headquarters: Takoma Park, Washing-
ton 12, D.C.
Office Address: Takoma Park. Wash- Officers:
ington 12, D. C.
President, J. L. McElhany.
Officers Vice-President, A. V. Olson.
Secretary: J. A. Stevens. Secretary, W. A. Scharffenberg.
Associate Secretaries: E. B. Hare, H. W. Associate Secretaries, C. S. Longacre,
Lowe. L. L. Moffitt. J. A. Buck waiter.
Assistant Secretary: Louise Meyer. Treasurer, W. E. Nelson.
Office Secretary: Margaret Weir. Assistant Treasurer, H. H. Cobban.

Board of Governors: Southern Union: It. H. Wentland.

The members of the Executive Com- Southwestern: R. G. Campbell.
mittee of the General Conference, Canadian Temperance Society
and the presidents and executive sec- Headquarters: P.O. Box 396, Oshawa,
retaries of the Temperance Societies Ontario, Canada.
that have been accepted into the mem-
bership of the International Temper- Officers:
ance Association. President, H. L. Rudy.
Executive Council: Executive Secretary, H. D. Henriksen.
It. A. Anderson, Eldine W. Dunbar, Treasurer, H. A. Shepard.
N. W. Dunn, W. P. Elliott, J. R.
Ferren, T. R. Flaiz, C. B. Haynes, Board of Governors: The members of
Jay J. Nethery, F. D. Nichol, L. L. the Executive Committee of the Cana-
Moffitt, T. L. Oswald, L. R. Ras- dian Union Conference.
mussen, D. E. Rebok, J. I. Robison,
Australasian Inter-Union: H. E. Hare. Organized 1907: made a Department by
Inter-American Division: Wesley Am- General Conference Constitution 1909
undsen. Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
South American Division: W. A. ington 12, D. C.
Southern African Division: C. Paul Officers
Southern Asia Division: L. G. Mook- Secretary: Eldine W. Dunbar.
erjee. Associate Secretaries: Theodore E. Lu-
Southern European Division: F. cas, Laurence A. Skinner.
Charpiot. Office Secretary: Mrs. Marjorie W.
American Temperance Society Division Secretaries
Headquarters: Takoma Park, Washing- Australasian: Alfred W. Peterson,
ton 12, D. C. 148 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga,
N.S.W., Australia.
'Officers: Central European: M. Busch, Niklasstr.
President, J. L. McElhany. 19, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany.
Vice-President and Executive Secre- China: P. E. Quimby, 526 Ningkuo
tary, W. A. Scharffenberg. Road, Shanghai 19, China.
Associate Secretaries, C. S. Longacre, Far Eastern: C. P. Sorensen, Box 226,
J. A. Buckwalter. Singapore, Colony of Singapore.
Research Secretary, Mrs. Grace C. Inter-American: A. H. Roth, Box 228,
Howard. Coconut Grove, Miami, Fla., U.S.A.
Treasurer, W. E. Nelson. Northern European: Alf Lohne, Berg-
Assistant Treasurer, H. H. Cobban. stigen 25, Stocksund, Sweden.
South American: L. M. Stump, Virrey
Board of Governors: The members of del Pino 3801, Sue. 27. R. 4, Buenos
the Executive Committee of the Gen- Aires, Argentina, South America.
eral Conference, residing in the Southern African: J. M. Hnatyahyn,
United States. Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Prov-
ince, South Africa.
Executive Council: Southern Asia: , Box 15,, Poona
J. L. McElhany, W. A. Scharffen- 1, India.
berg, R. A. Anderson, H. M. Blunden, Southern European: J. J. Aitken, Hohe-
W. P. Bradley, Henry F. Brown, weg 17, Berne, Switzerland.
H. H. Cobban, E. W. Dunbar, W. P.
Elliott, J. R. Ferren, T. R. Flaiz, Advisory Committee
C. S. Longacre, T. E. Lucas, J. L. All union conference and union mission
McConaughey, F. D. Nichol, A. V. Missionary Volunteer secretaries. (Ad-
Olson, G. E. Peters, L. R. Rasmussen, dress at their respective offices.)
F. H. Yost.
Other Members
Regional Secretaries: (All of whom may be addressed at
Atlantic Union: R. A. Nesmith, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.,
Central Union: D. E. Reiner, unless another address is given.)
Columbia Union: J. C. Holland. The General Conference officers, H.
Lake Union: D. W. Hunter. M. Blunden, D. Lois Burnett, W. A.
Northern Union : Butler, Lora E. Clement, E. E.
North Pacific Union: C. S. Joyce. Cossentine, E. W. Everest (Mountain
Pacific Union: F. G. Ashbaugh. View, Calif.), L. E. Froom, C. B.

Haynes, M. E. Kern, Meade MacGuire Canadian: G. Eric Jones,' Box 396,

(Sonora, Calif.), J. Wayne McFar- Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Tele-
land, C. L. Paddock (Box 59, Na:h- phone, 3293W.
ville 1, Tenn.), G. E. Peters, L. R.
Rasmussen, J. D. Snider, A. W. Central: Colorado, Kansas, Missouri,
Spalding (Madison College, Tenn.), Nebraska and Wyoming: G. R.
J. A. Stevens, H. H. Votaw, Paul Fattic, 4547 Calvert St., Lincoln 6,
Wickman. Nebr. Telephone, 4-2182.
Columbia: Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
BUREAU OF PRESS RELATIONS Delaware, Ohio, Virginia, West
Virginia, Maryland, and District
Established 1912 of Columbia: 0. S. Hershberger,
900 Carroll Avenue, Takoma Park
Secretary: J. R. Ferren, Takoma Park, 12, Md. Telephone, SLigo 3163.
Washington 12. D. C.
Division Secretaries Lake: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and
Wisconsin: H. K. Halladay, Box
Australian: W. G. Turner, 148 Fox C, Berrien Springs, Mich. Tele-
Valley Road, Wahroonga, N.S.W., phone, 4321.
Far Eastern: E. L. Becker, Box 226, Northern: Iowa, Minnesota, North
Singapore, Colony of Singapore. Dakota and South Dakota: J. M.
Jackson, 501 Forest Ave. Minne-
Inter-American: L. H. Lindbedk, Box apolis, Minn. Telephone Kenwood
228, Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida. 2992.
Northern Europe: Alf Lohne, Berg-
stigen 25, Stocksund, Sweden. North Pacific: Idaho, Montana, Ore-
Southern African: F. G. Clifford, Grove gon, Washington, and Alaska:
Ave., Claremont, Cape Providence, G. W. Chambers, 1544 S.E. Haw-
South Africa. thorne Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg.
Telephone, VE4121.
Southern Asia: A. E. Rawson, Box 16,
Poona 1, India. Pacific: Arizona, California, Nevada,
Southern European: M. Fridlin, Ho- Utah', and Hawaii: F. G. Ash-
heweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. baugh, Box 146, Glendale, Calif.
West African Union: William Mc- Telephones, Chapman 5-1047, Citrus
Clements, Box 1016, Accra, Gold 1-5174.
Coast, West Africa.
Southern: Alabama, Florida, Georgia,
Advisory Committee Kentucky, Mississippi, North Caro-
lina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
L. K. Dickson, Chairman ; E. D. H. E. Schneider, Box 449, Decatur,
Dick, W. P. Elliott, J. R. Ferren, Ga. Telephone, Dearborn 7748.
F. D. Nichol, W. B. Ochs, H. H.
Votaw. Southwestern: Arkansas, Louisiana,
New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas:
, Box 128, Keene, Texas.
Telephone, Cleburne 9061 F21.
RELATIONS Regional Representatives for Local Con-
ference Territories:
Organized 1945
Allegheny: W. R. Robinson.
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Chesapeake: A. B. Butler.
ington 12. D. C. East Pennsylvania: R. E. Spangle.
Greater New York: L. E. Esteb.
Officers Indiana: H. E. McClure.
Executive Secretary: Carlyle B. Haynes. Michigan: S. M. McCormick.
Montana: V. A. LaGrone.
Executive Committee: Carlyle B. New Jersey: K. H. Wood.
Haynes, H. H. Votaw, M. E. Kern, New York: V. A. LaGrone.
H. T. Elliott, H. A. Morrison. Northeastern: J. J. North.
Regional Representatives for Union Northern New England: S. B. Olney.
Conference Territories: Ohio: George Liscombe.
Potomac: W. H. Jones.
Atlantic: Maine, 'New Hampshire, Southern New England: Carl P. An-
Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode derson.
Island, Connecticut, and New York: Upper Columbia: C. Lester Bond.
G. R. Nash, South Lancaster, Mdse. West Pennslyvania: C. B. Green.
Telephone, Clinton 682. West Virginia: F. C. Webster.

DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASE AND Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-

SUPPLY OF THE ington 12, D. C:
Organized 1920 President, J. L. McElhany.
Secretary, H. H. Cobban.
Mail Address: 6840 Eastern Avenue, Treasurer, W. E. Nelson.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Undertreasurer, W. H. Williams.
Washington Delivery Address: 107 Car-
roll St., N.W., Takoma Park, Wash- Board of Trustees: H. H. Cobban,
ington 12, D.C. Claude Conard, J. F. Cummins, E. D.
Cable Address: "SDAPUR," Washing- Dick, H. T. Elliott, J. L. McElhany,
ton. W. E. Nelson, W. H. Williams.
Telegraphic Address: Dept. of Purchase
and Supply, WUX, Washington, D.C.
Telephone: GEorgia 0800. TION OF SEVENTH-DAY
Committee: W. H. Williams, Chairman; ADVENTISTS
W. E. Nelson, Treasurer Frank B.
Knight, Secretary ; Roger Altman, H. Incorporated 1904
H. Cobban, J. F. Cummins, E. J. Legal Title: "General Conference Cor-
Johanson. poration of Seventh-day Adventists."
Washington, Headquarters:
Constituency: The General Conference
Frank B. Knight, General Purchas- delegates.
ing Agent.
John. E. Moorhead, Assistant Pur- Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
chasing Agent and Missionary Vol- ington 12, D. C.
unteer Supplies.
San Francisco Branch: Officers:
W. H. Raley, Western Branch Pur- President, J. L. McElhany.
chasing Agent, Room 310, 703 Mar- Secretary, H. H. Cobban.
ket Street, San Francisco, Calif. Treasurer, W. E. Nelson.
Telephone, EXbrook 2-0677. Undertreasurer, W. H. Williams.
Board of Trustees: H. H. Cobban,
Claude Conard, J. F. Cummins, E. D.
ELLEN G. WHITE PUBLICATIONS Dick, H. T. Elliott, J. L. McElhany,
An organization formed in harmony W. E. Nelson, W. H. Williams.
with the trust created in the will of
the late Ellen G. White, to act as her
agent in the custody of her writings,
and in the promotion of their continued NORTH AMERICAN CONFERENCE
publication in all lands. CORPORATION OF SEVENTH-
Office Address: General Conference, DAY ADVENTISTS
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Incorporated 1913
President, M. E. Kern. Legal Title: "North American Confer- ,
ence Corporation of Seventh-day Ad-
Secretary, A. L. White. ventists."
Board of Trustees: The five trustees ap-
pointed by Ellen G. White, or their Constituency: The General Conference
successors: M. E. Kern, F. M. Wilcox, delegates from the United States and
J. L. McElhany, W. P. Elliott, A. L. Canada.
White, J. I. Robison, Alternate.
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
ington 12, D. C.
DAY ADVENTISTS President, J. L. McElhany.
Secretary, H. H. Cobban.
Incorporated 1916 Treasurer, W. E. Nelson.
Legal Title: "General Conference As- Undertreasurer, W. H. Williams.
sociation of the Seventh-day Advent-
ists." Board of Trustees: H. H. Cobban,
Claude Conard, E. D. Dick, H. T.
Constituency: The General Conference Elliott, J. L. McElhany, W. E. Nel-
delegates. son, W. H. Williams.


GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEV- The Association of Seventh-day

ENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS IN- Adventist Self-Supporting Institutions
Officers of the ASsociation:
and President, E. A. Sutherland.
/ PANY OF. TAKOMA PARK, MD. - Secretary-Treasurer, J. Wayne Mc-
6840 Eastern Ave., Takoma Park, Members of the Executive Committee:
Washington 12, D. C. L. E. Coolidge, W. D. Frazee, G. T.
Harding, A. A. Jasperson, W. E.
Organized 1936 Malin, J. Wayne McFarland, F. D.
Nichol, W. B. Ochs, T. W. Steen,
Board of Directors: E. A. Sutherland.
President, J. L. McElhany.
Vice-President and Treasurer, W. E.
Secretary, W. A. Benjamin. ' SERVICE COMMISSION
Undertreasurer, W. H. Williams.
Organized 1940
Members: (Term expiring 1949) J. F. Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
Cummins, C. H. Kelly, J. H. Nies, ington 12, D. C.
(Term expiring 1950) W. A. Ben-
jamin, H. H. Cobban, W. P. Elliott, Officers:
W. H. Williams, (Term expiring Chairman, W. B. Ochs.
1951) E. D. Dick, H. T. Elliott, J. L. General Secretary, Carlyle B. Haynes.
McElhany, W. E. Nelson.
Members: F. G. Ashbaugh, J. F. Cum-
mins, E. N. Dick, Eldine W. Dunbar,
E. E. Cossentine, H. T. Elliott, 0. S.
Hershberger, Carlyle B. Haynes,
NORTH AMERICAN COMMISSION C. S. Longacre, H. A. Morrison, W. B.
ON RURAL LIVING Ochs, T. L. Oswald, H. H. Votaw, T.
It. Flaiz.
Organized 1947 Executive Council: W. B. Ochs, Chair-
man ; H. H. Votaw, Vice-Chairman ;
Office Address: Takoma Park, Washing- C. B. Haynes, Secretary; C. S. Long-
ton 12, D.C. acre, E. E. Cossentine, Eldine W.
Dunbar, T. R. Flaiz.
Regional Secretaries for Army Camps
Chairman, W. B. Ochs. located in the United States:
Secretary, E. A. Sutherland. Atlantic Union, R. A. Nesmith.
Assistant Secretary, C. B. Haynes. Central Union, G. R. Fattic.
Members: E. E. Cossentine, L. K. Dick- Columbia Union, 0. S. Hershberger.
son, H. T. Elliott, T. R. Flaiz, C. B. Lake Union, D. W. Hunter.
Haynes, J. Wayne McFarland, W. B. Northern Union, E. A. Robertson.
Ochs, T. L. Oswald, G. A. Roberts, North Pacific Union, G. W. Cham-
E. A. Sutherland, A. L. White, W. H. bers.
Pacific Union, F. G. Ashbaugh.
Williams. Southern Union, L. M. Nelson.
Southwestern Union, W. A. Howe.
Secretaries in North America
Union Conferences:
Atlantic, M. L. Rice.
Canadian, H. L. Rudy. Superintendent of Transportation: W.
Central, M. V. Campbell. E. Nelson, Takoma Park, Washing-
Columbia, J. C. Holland. ton 12, D.C. (Also general agent for
Lake, L. E. Lenheim. trans-Atlantic steamship lines.) As-
Northern, J. D. Smith. sociate, Roger Altman ; Assistant,
North Pacific, G. W. Chambers. W. H. Williams.
Pacific, H. W. Vollmer. General Transportation Agent: Chicago,
Southern, H. F. Hanson. Ill.; G. C. Hoskin, 105 West Adams
Southwestern, J. C. Kozel. St., Chicago 3, Ill. (Telephone,,Ran-
dolph 2899 ; Residence telephone, La
Local Conferences: Grange 32.)
Illinois, C. R. French. Eastern Transportation Agent: J. W.
Montana, Andrew Roedel. Cole, 355 West 52d St., New York

City 19, N.Y. (TelephonesOffice: Officers: W. B. Ochs, Chairman; C. L.

Circle 6-1417; Residence: Haver- Bauer, Vice-Chairman; W. E. Atkin,
meyer 4-2346.) Cable Address: "Ad- Secretary ; I. E. Gillis, Treasurer.
ventists New York." Consign all
freight shipments clearly marked as Manager and Department Heads:
follows: (Name of Owner or Con- Manager, W. E. Atkin.
signee) 355 West 52d St., New Treasurer, I. E. Gillis.
York City 19, N.Y. For: (Name of Radio Program Director and Speaker,
owner or consignee.) Final Destination H. M. S. Richards.
overseas. Send all Bs/L direct to the Associate Speaker, E. R. Walde.
above address: Small packages should Publicity Director, D. V. Pond.
be mailed or sent by American Ex- Director of Bible Schools, W. E. Atkin.
press direct overseas, if possible, un- Director of Spanish Bible School,
less they are to be taken by passen- Braulio F. Perez.
gers. If sent to New York, packages
should be addressed to the name of Periodical:
the ultimate consignee, 356 West 52d The Voice of Prophecy News, monthly
St., New York City 19, N.Y. 8-page newspaper, free to contribut-
Western Transportation Agent and Gen- ors; editor, B. Glanzer; associates,
eral Agent for Transpacific Steam- Florence Hanson, D. V. Pond, E. R.
ship Lines: W. H. Raley, Room 310, Walde.
Central Tower Building, 703 Market Legal Organization:
St., San Francisco 3, Calif.; Tele-
phone EXbrook 20677 ; Cable Address : Incorporated under title of "The
"Adventists," San Francisco. Voice of Prophecy."
London Transportation Agent: C. H. At the Autumn Council in 1948 the
Anscombe ; Assistant, C. Wilson ; 41 broadcasting enterprise of The Voice
Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, of Prophecy in North America was as-
England. Cable address: "Adventist, signed to be operated by The Voice of
London." Telegrams, "Adventist, Prophecy General Board.
Phone, London." Telephone, Edgware
7758. If the office representative can-
not be located at the London Term-
inus, please telephone Edgware 7758 VOICE OF PROPHECY
for instructions. CORPORATION
The treasurers of division fields out- Incorporated 1942
side of North America and of union
conferences in North America are Legal Title: "The Voice of Prophecy."
transportation agents for their respec-
tive territories. Postal Address: 6840 Eastern Avenue,
N.W., Takoma Park, Washington 12,
Board of Trustees: W. B. Ochs, Chair-
Established 1942 man ; H. T. Elliott, Vice-Chairman ;
Office Address: 805-811 East Broadway, Paul Wickman, Secretary; W. H. Wil-
Glendale 5, Calif. liams, Treasurer ; W. E. Atkin, C. L.
Bauer, H. M. Blunden, M. L. Rice,
Telephones: Chapman 5-2349; Citrus H. M. S. Richards.
Postal Address: Box 1511, Glendale 5,
Calif. (business mail) ; Box 55, Los PERSONS HOLDING CREDENTIALS
Angeles 53, Calif. (radio mail). FROM THE GENERAL CON-
General Board: W. B. Ochs, Chairman; FERENCE
V. G. Anderson, W. E. Atkin, C. L. 'Ordained Ministers
Bauer, M. V. Campbell, E. D. Dick,
H. T. Elliott, I. E. Gillis, L. E. Len- Altman, Roger, Takoma Park, Wash-
heim, W. E. Nelson, D. A. Ochs, T. L. ington 12, D. C.
Oswald, M. L. Rice, H. M. S. Richards, Anderson, R. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
H. L. Rudy, C. A. Scriven, Jere D. ington 12, D. C.
Smith, C. L. Torrey, Owen Troy, J. W. Anderson, W. H., Box 431, Claremont,
Turner, E. R. Walde, Paul Wickman, N.C.
W. H. Williams. Andreasen, M. L., Takoma Park, Wash-
Operating Board: C. L. Bauer, Chair- ington 12, D. C.
man ; W. E. Atkin, M. V. Campbell, Andross, E. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
I. E. Gillis, D. V. Pond, H. M. S. ington 12, D. C.
Richards, C. A. Scriven, C. L. Torrey, Armstrong, V. T., Box 226, Singapore,
E. R. Walde. Colony of Singapore.

Beach, W. R., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Hansen, L. A., 127 E. Winter Park,
Switzerland. Orlando, Fla.
Bergherm, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash- Hare, Eric B., Takoma Park, Washing-
ington 12, D. C. ton 12, D. C.
Blunden, H. M., Takoma Park, Wash- Haynes, C. B., Takoma Park, Washing-
ington 12, D. C. ton 12, D. C.
Bowen, T. E., 18 Sycamore Ave.,Takoma Hoffman, B. P., 201 Garland Ave.,
Park 12, D.C. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Bowers, G. W., Walla Walla College, Ising, W. K., Takoma Park, Washing-
College Place, Wash. ton 12, D. C.
Bozarth, C. W., Grove Ave., Claremont, Johanson, E. J., Takoma Park, Wash-
Cape Province, South Africa. ington 12, D. C.
Bradley, W. P., Takoma Park, Wash- Jones, G. Eric, Box 396, Oshawa, On-
ington 12, D. C. tario, Canada.
Branson, E. L., P.O. Box 1011, Beirut, Kaplan, S.. Box 29, Brookfield, Ill.
Lebanon. Kephart, H. C., Southern Publishing
Branson, W. H., 626 Ningkuo Road, Assn., Box 59, Nashville, Tenn.
Shanghai, China. Kern, M. E., Takoma Park, Washing-
Brown, Henry F., Takoma Park, Wash- ton 12, D. C.
ington 12, D. C. Kress, D. H., 405 Niblick Ave., Orlando,
-Buckwalter, J. A., Takoma Park, Fla.
Washington 12, D.C. Loasby, R. E., 913 Hadden Drive,
Butler, W. A. Takoma Park, Washing- Takorna Park, Washington 12, D. C.
ton 12, D. C. Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park, Wash-
Calkins, Glenn, 951 W. Palm Ave., ington 12, D. C.
Redlands, Calif. Lorntz, E. J., Takoma Park, Washing-
Campbell, M. N., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. ton 12, D. C.
Christian, L. H., Takoma Park, Wash- Lowe, H. W., Takoma Park, Washing-
ington 12, D. C. ton 12, D. C.
Cormack, A. W., Takoma Park, Wash- Lucas, T. E., Takoma Park, Washing-
ington 12, D. C. ton 12, D. C.
Cossentine, E. E., Takoma Park, Wash- MacGuire, Meade, Box 581, Sonora,
ington 12, D. C. Calif.
Cossentine, R. M., 34 Sycainore Ave., Macpherson, W. E., 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Los Angeles 33, Calif.
Counsell, I. V., Takoma Park, Wash- Mathews, G. M., Takoma Park, Wash-
ington 12, D. C. ington 12, D.C.
Dick, E. D., Takoma Park, Washing- McAdams, D. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
ton 12, D. C. ington 12, D. C.
Dickson, L. K. Takoma Park, Washing- McClements, William, Box 1016, Accra,
ton 12, D. CI Gold Coast, West Africa.
Dunbar, Eldine W., Takoma Park, McElhany, J. L., Takoma Park, Wash-
Washington 12, D. C. ington 12, D. C.
Dunn, N. W., Takoma Park, Washing- Minck Adolf, Niklasstr. 19, Berlin-
ton 12, D.C. Zehlendorf, Germany.
Eastman, W. W., 1381 Olivine Ave., Moffitt, L. L., Takoma Park, Washing-
Mentone, Calif. ton 12, D. C.
Eckenroth, M. K.,Takoma Park, Wash- Morrison, H. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
ington 12, D. . ington 12. D. C.
Edwards, J. E., Takoma Park, Wash- Nelson, W. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
ington 12, D. C. ington 12, D. C.
Elliott, H. T. Takoma Park, Washing- Nethery, Jay J., Takoma Park, Wash-
ton 12, D. C. ington 12, D. C.
Elliott, W. P., Takoma Park, Washing- Nichol, F. D., Takoma Park, Washing-
ton 12, D. C. ton 12, D. C.
Figuhr, R. R., Virrey del Pino 3801, Ochs, W. B., Takoma Park, Washing-
Suc. 27. R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argen- ton 12, D. C.
tina, South America. Olsen, M. E., Takoma Park, Washing-
Flaiz, T. R., Takoma Park, Washing- ton 12, D. C.
ton 12, D. C. Olson, A. V., Takoma Park, Wash-
Franklin, E. E., Takoma Park, Wash- ington 12, D. C.
ington 12, D. C. Oswald, T. L., Takoma Park, Washing-
Froom, L. E., TakOma Park, Washing- ton 12, D.C.
ton 12, D. C. Peters, G. E., 1839 California St., N.W.,
Griggs, Frederick, 312 N. Boyle Ave.. Washington, D. C.
Los Angeles, Calif. Peterson, F. L., Oakwood College,
Hackman, E. F., Box 228, Coconut Grove, Huntsville, Ala.
Miami, Fla. Raley, W. C., 703 Market St., San Fran-
Halswick, L., Takoma Park, Washing- cisco 3, Calif.
ton 12, D. C. Rasmussen, L. R., Takoma Park, Wash-
Ham, A. L., Box 15, Poona 1, India. ington 12, D. C.

Read, W. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Credentialed Missionaries

ton 12, D. C.
Rebok, D. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Anscombe, C. H., 41 Hazel Gardens,
ton 12, D. C. Edgware, Middlesex, England.
Reynolds, K. J. Takoma Park, Washing- Arason, S., Takoma Park, Washington
ton 12, D. C. 12, D. C.
Richards, H. M. J., Box 1511, Glendale, Benjamin, W. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
Calif. ington 12, D. C.
Richards, H. M. S., Box 1511, Glendale. Bloum, H. P., Takoma Park, Wash-
Calif.. ington 12, D. C.
Roberts, G. A., White Memorial Hos- Burnett, D. Lois, Takoma Park, Wash-
pital, Boyle and Michigan Ayes., Los ington 12, D. C.
Angeles, Calif. Childs, H. G., Pacific Press Publishing
Robinson Asa T., 4037 Mt. Veeder Rd., Assoc., Mountain View, Calif.
Napa, Calif.
' Christie, E. C., Takoma Park, Washing-
Robinson, D. E., Takoma Park, Wash- ton 12, D.C.
ington 12, D. C. Conard, Claude, Takoma Park, Wash-
Robison, J. I., Takoma Park, Washing- ington 12, D. C.
ton 12, D. C. Dixon, H. R., Takoma Park, Washing-
Roenfelt, E. E., Takoma Park, Wash- ton 12, D. C.
ington 12, D. C. Evans, M. Eugene, Takoma Park, Wash:
Ruble, W. A., c /o Glendale Sanitarium, ington 12, D. C.
Glendale, Calif. Fields, Grace, Takoma Park, Washing-
Ruhling, R., Takoma Park, Washing- ton 12, D.C.
ton 12, D. C. Fleisher, Stella, Takoma Park, Wash-
Scharffenberg, W. A., Takoma Park,
Washington 12, D. C. ington 12, D. C.
Schuberth, H. F., Hunibach-Thun, Ginther, Rosamond, Box 427, Gladstone,
Switzerland. Oregon.
Shaw, Horace J., Takoma Park, Wash- Gregg, Lizzie M., 1920 Pennsylvania
ington 12, D. C. Ave., Los Angeles 33, Calif.
Shaw, J. L., Loma Linda, Calif. Harrison, I. H., Takoma Park, Wash-
Shuler, J. L., Takoma Park, Washing- ington 12, D.C.
ington 12, D.C. Howard, Mrs. Grace, Takoma Park,
Skinner, L. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Washington 12, D.C.
ington 12, D. C. Ireland, J. J., Takoma Park, Washing-
Spicer, W. A. Takoma Park, Washing- ton 12, D. C.
ton 12, D. C. Knight, Frank B., Takoma Park, Wash-
Stevens, J. A., Takoma Park, Washing- ington 12, D. C.
ton 12, D. C.
Strahle, J. J., White Memorial Hos- Mace, Mrs. Grace D., Takoma Park,
pital, Boyle and Michigan Ayes., Los Washington 12, D. C.
Angeles, Calif. Marsh, Mrs. Marjorie W., Takoma Park,
Sutherland, E. A. Takoma Park, Wash- Washington 12, D. C.
ington 12, D. C. McNeill, S. E., Talcoma Park, Wash-
Teesdale, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash- ington 12, .D. C.
ington 12, D. C. Meyer, Louise, Takoma Park, Washing-
Vandernan, G. E., Takoma Park, Wash- ton 12, D. C.
ington 12, D. C. Moore, Mrs. Arabella, Takoma Park,
Votaw, II. H., Takoma Park, Wash- Washington 12, D.C.
ington 12, D. C. Peck, Sarah, Angwin, Calif.
Watson, C. H., 148 Fox Valley Road,
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Porter, Mabel, 355 W. 52d St., New
Wellman, S. A., Takoma Park, 'Wash- York, N.Y.
ington 12, D. C. Raley, W. H., 703 Market St., San Fran-
Wenigec, Charles E., Theological Semin- cisco 3, Calif.
ary, Takoma Park 12, D.C. Schmidt, Ana, 41 Hazel Gardens,
Westphal, J. W., Weslaco, Texas. Edgware, Middlesex, England.
White, Arthur L., Takoma Park, Wash- Taft, M. C., Takoma Park, Washing-
ington 12, D.C. ton 12, D. C.
Wickman, Paul, Takoma Park, Wash- Thompson, Mrs. G. B., Takoma Park,
ington 12, D. C. Washington 12, D. C.
Wilcox, F. M., 1929 E. Glenoaks Blvd., Thurber, Mrs. Cora F., Takoma Park,
Glendale, Calif. Washington 12, D. C.
Wilson, N. C., 148 Fox Valley Road, Towery, Mrs. Mabel, Takoma Park,
Wahroonga, N.S.W., Australia. Washington 12, D. C.
Wood, L. H., Theological Seminary, Weir, Margaret, Takoma Park, Wash-
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. ington 12, D. C.
Yost, F. H., Takoma Park, Washing- Zeidler, Elizabeth, Takoma Park, Wash-
ton 12, D. C. ington 12, D. C.

Licensed Ministers Jensen, Helen M. Jones, Jane Kerr,

Pauline Klady, Mary Ann Klesa, Alice
Barrows, H. W., Takoma Park, Wash- Koger, Mrs. Georgene Krenrich,
ington 12, D. C. James C. Lanning, Mrs. ,Phyllis Lan-
Brennwald, F., Takoma Park, Wash- ning, Eleanor Libby, Eva M. Lin-
ington 12, D. C. scott, Laura Mae Lynd.
Cobban, H. H., Takoma Park, Wash- Frances Maiden, LaVerne M. May-
ington 12, D. C. nard, Aline G. Mangum, Ena Manuel,
Cole, J. W., 355 W. 52d St., New York, Myrtle McGee, Genevieve Melendy,
N.Y. Helen Miller, Mrs. Elsie Minesinger,
Cummins, J. F., Takoma Park, Wash- Mrs. Jessie Moffitt, John Moorhead,
ington 12, D. C. Mrs. Mable Mulholland, Mrs. Lois
Ferren, J. R., Takoma Park, Washing- Mullinax, Mary Neufeld, Dorothy
ton 12, D. C. Ninaj, Frances Nowlin, Vivienne M.
Harding, G. T., 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los Nye, Marion Nyman, Mary Ogle,
Angeles, Calif. Hazel Olson, Russell Osborn, Margie
Huse, G. A., Takoma Park, Washing- Osborne, Mary D. Patterson, Mary
ton 12, D. C. Paul, A. C. Rawson, Mrs. Mary
Lindsjo, Holger, Theological Seminary, Rawson, Mrs. Mary Sachs Reinhard,
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Ella Mae Robertson, Mrs. David Rose,
Mazlum, Abraham, La Sierra Station, Mrs. Vivian Ross, Frances Sampson,
Arlington, Calif. Lelia Sanders, Lydia Schander, Mrs.
McFarland, J. Wayne, Takoma Park, W. A. Sharffenberg, Mrs. Alice
Washington 12, D.C. Shobe, Mrs. Mary Scott, Hazel Sha-
Phillips, W. E., Takoma Park, Wash- del, Elaine Shull, Verna Slate, Helen
ington 12, D. C. Smith, Louise Surface, Peggy Stevens.
Rentfro, C. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Walter Tate, Mrs. Walter Tate,
ington 12, D. C. Evelyn R. Taylor, Katherine Thomas,
Rose, David G., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Minnie Truitt, Mintie Truitt, Mrs.
Switzerland. Gertrude von Tenspolde, Naomi Var-
Walther, Daniel, Theological Seminary, tenuk, Mrs. Irene Walters, Thelma
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Wellman, Evelyn Wells, Kenneth Wet-
Williams, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash- more, Mrs. Lena Wetmore, Ora Wil-
ington 12, D. C. liams, Ruth Williams.
Licensed Missionaries Theological Seminary and Home Study
General Conference Office Staff: Institute:
Mrs. S. Arason, Elsie Argent, Mrs. Mrs. Elsie Ford Barr, Christine Baus,
Norma Ashlin, Mrs. Vera D. Baker, Mrs. Dorothy Beltz, Mrs. Iva A.
Mrs. Evaryl Beavon, Erna Borm, Brando, Mrs. Irma Fae Doering,
George T. Bourne, Marie Brizzee, Jacqueline Fischer, Carolyn Gaither,
Hazel R. Broome, Mrs. J. A. Buck- Betty Rojas Gray, Mrs..Olive Jor-
Walter, Helen Carpenter, Mrs. Ralph gensen, Ruby Koger, Mrs. Anita
E. Case, Irene Caslow, Louise Cas- Kohler, Mrs. G. M. Mathews, Mar-
low, Mrs. Jean Channel, Audra Beth garet Nettleton, Evelyn Perdue, Mrs.
Ching, Mrs. Perrie Cobb, Mrs. Har- Evelyn Ruch, Edith Seek, Lucile
riett Cooney, T. Rose Curtis, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hollis Terry, Theodora
Richard M. Dickerson, Gladys E. Wirak, Mrs. F. H. Yost.
Dunn, Grace Evans.
Mrs. Alice Fagerstrom, Katie Far- Transportation Offices:
ney, Mrs. Esther L. Fenn, J. P. Mrs. J. W. ' Cole, Antonio Correa,
Finch, Arthur F. Folger, Mrs. Clyde Nicholas Fabion, Esther Juarros, Carl
D. Frame, Mrs. Daniel Froelich, Mrs. Peterson.
Louis Halswick, Clara Mae Hardin,
Mildred Hill, Mildred Hover, Mrs. Credentialed Bible Instructor -
Villa Houghton, Emma Howell. Mrs. Kleuser, Louise C., Takoma Park, Wash-
Nell Hunter, Marjorie Isner, Sigurd -ington 12, D.C.
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* Union Conference
Oawaii to Local Conference
Educational Institution
+ Medical Institution
Publishing House
Territory: United States, Canada, Population: 144,699,277.
Alaska, Bermuda Islands and Ha-
waiian Islands, all of which com- Churches: 2,782.
prise the Atlantic, Canadian, Central, Members: 233,489.
Columbia, Lake, Northern, North
Pacific, Pacific, Southern, and South- Vice President for North America:
western Union Conferences.


Organized 1901

Territory: The States of Connecticut, C. A. Haysmer, Mrs. Rochelle P. Kil-

Maine, New Hampshire, New York, gore, R. F. Linthwaite, R. G. Manuel,
Rhode Island, and Vermont, the Com- L. W. Melendy, C. E. Nelson, E. E.
monwealth of Massachusetts, and the Olsen, H. L. Pearson, Rowena Pur-
Bermuda Islands, comprising the don, H. E. Rice, J. A. Roberts, L. T.
Conferences of Greater New York, Thurber, David Toppenberg, Blooma
New York, Northeastern, Northern Woodard.
New England, Southern New England Honorary: Eva Daggett, Sophia Gooss,
and the Bermuda Mission. Matilda Helvio, Elizabeth Kehrein, W.
Population: 21,947,246 ; churches, 214 ; M. Vehorn, Emma Wells.
members, 16,965.
Licensed Ministers:
Office Address: South Lancaster, Mass.
(Telephone, Clinton 682.) K. C. Beem, A. E. Brendel, J. L.
Clark, S. L. Clark, T. DeLuca, W. L.
Officers : King; G. B. Smith, H. W. Taylor,
President, M. L. Rice. A. W. Werline.
Secretary-Treasurer, T. R. Gardner. Licensed Missionaries:
Auditor, K. C. Beem.
Mrs. Frances Allen, Mrs. Grace Ba-
Executive Committee: M. L. Rice, con, A. L. Bailey, Dorothy Bartlett,
D. A. Bailey, K. C. Beem, R. R. Bietz, Mabel Bartlett, Betty Beach, Lucy
L. H. Bland, S. L. Clark, L. C. Evans, Beale, Walter Beyeler, Annie Blake-
T. R. Gardner, L. N. Holm, R. W.- ney, Doris Bohrer, Alexander Boyd,
Moore, G. R. Nash, R. A. Nesmith, A. N. Brandon, Mrs. W. E. Brooke,
J. J. Reiswig, H. E. Rice, J. A. Mrs. Rosabelle Buck, Frank Burgess,
Toop. Paul Burgess, Mary Philmon Byers.
Departmental Secretaries: Mary Camara, Mrs. Ruby Cann, Ar-
Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Temper- thur Carpenter, Mrs. Arthur Carpen-
ance, R. A. Nesmith. ter, Paul Casler, J. R. Chambers,
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Arthur Chase, Horst E. Clasing, Clif-
Council on Industrial Relations Rep- ton Cluff, James Coffen, Ruth Cold-
resentative, G. R. Nash. well, Harold Decker, Mrs. Ruth Dei-
Medical, ninger, Laura M. Drown, George
Publishing, S. L. Clark. Edwards, Mrs. Marguerite Edwards,
Religious Liberty and Radio, M. L. Mrs. Everett Frink, Iva S. Furnival.
Rice. Stephen Gascay, Mrs. Mabel Gas-
Transportation Agent, T. R. Gardner. cay, Arthur Gebow, James Girard,
Mrs. Mabel Girard, Burgess Good-
Ordained Ministers: brad, Annie Grant, Mrs. Avis Grant,
A. G. Emmer, T. R. Gardner, W. B. Mrs. Jean C. Graves, Charlotte Grei-
Higgins, L. N. Holm, C. E. Kellogg, ner, Robert Griffin, Thelma Hale,
G. H. Minchin, G. R. Nash, R. A. Mrs. Elinor Hallifax, Robert Halli-
Nesmith, Edward Ney, M. L. Rice, fax, Irving Hamilton, Albert Hamra,
G. E. Shankel, C. 0. Smith. Clifford Hamstra, Bonnie-Jeanne Han-
Honorary: W. R. Andrews, F. W. nah, Elizabeth Hartwell, Mrs. W. B.
Cummings, H. F. Kirk, J. F. Knips- Higgins. Lorraine Hillier, Frank
child, Sr., W. W. Rice, A. E. Sander- Howe, Winfred Howe, H. F. Howes,
son, Joseph Schnetzler, C. L. Taylor, Mrs. Myrtle Huntington, Mrs. Rita
E. W. Thurber, V. C. Townsend, D. G. Husted, George C. Hyde, Pauline Jen-
Turk. kins, W. D. Jemson, Alfred Johnson,
Anna Johnson, Mrs. Jean Wagner
Credentialed Missionaries: Jordan, Mildred Judkins, Katherine
Henry Andren, P. S. Chen, C. H. Dye, Kessell, Mrs. W. L. King, Florence
Mrs.. Mattie Edgerton, Paul Ford, Kinnear, Helen Kinnear, Amelia Kin-

ner, Pauline Kinner, Madeleine Departmental Secretary:

Clark Kirby, Sadie Kivi, Mrs. Vir- Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
ginia Kloss, Mrs. Helen C. Knee- Y.P.M.V., J. A. Toop.
land, Mrs. Bernice Knight, Daniel
Koval. Ordained Minister: J. A. Toop.
Mrs. Bertha Ladeau, Gerald Ladeau,
Mrs. Louise Laughton, Mrs. Vyvyan Licensed Minister: R. W. Pratt.
Lowe, Katharine MacAskill, Mrs. Bes-
sie Manuel, Florence Manuel, Mildred Licensed Missionary: Mrs. Gladys L.
Markussen, Clinton Marshall, Archie Toop.
Mason, Mary McConaughey, Marie Church School Teacher: Adrian F. Si-
Michalik, Mrs. Cora Mitchell, Su- mons.
sanne Mitoma, H. E. Mitzefelt, Shir-
ley Moore, Richard Myers, Amos Nel-
son, Mrs. C. E. Nelson, Charles Nyee,
Milon Packard, Rayda Papendiek, FERENCE
Gladys Passebois, Alfred Pearson,
Bessie Peck, Ethel Peck, Mrs. Maude Organized 1902
Ploof, Emelie J. Pratt, Mrs. Gladys
Quittmeyer, Marion Rennard, Mrs. Territory: The city of New York; and
Sam Renzi, Mrs. Charlotte Rhicard, the following counties in the State of
Keith Rhodes, Ross Irl Rick, Richard New York: Westchester, Rockland,
Ritland, Mrs. Richard Ritland, Allen Putnam, Orange, Dutchess, Ulster,
Robinson, Mrs. George Robinson, Sullivan, Delaware, Greene, Columbia,
Glenda Rolfe, Mrs. Barbara Roy, Nassau, and Suffolk.
Harold V. Ruggles, Gladys Ruppen- Population: 8,851,583 ; churches, 29 ;
thal, Mrs. Myrna Russell, Manchester members, 3,096.
Fred Sanderson, Milton Scofield, Office Address: 108-11 69th Road, For-
Mrs. Inez Scofield, E. E. Scott, est Hills, New York. (Telephone,
Virginia-Gene Shankel, Mrs. Win Os- BOulevard 8-8110.)
born Shankel, Maybelle Sharp, Aman-
da Sloan, C. Roy Smith, Mrs. C. Officers:
Roy Smith, Louise M. Smith, C. J. President, L. C. Evans.
Stokes, David Stone, Emily Stout, Secretary-Treasurer, J. E. Osterblom.
Dorothy Studley, Mrs. Lillie Suther- Executive Committee: L. C. Evans,
land, Mrs. Lloyd Svennevig, Rose L. E. Esteb, G. R. Freeman, W. A.
Swanson, Mrs. 11. W. Taylor, Isa- Fagal, L. 0. Larson, E. S. Oliver,
bella Z. Taylor, Mrs. Leona Turpel, J. E. Osterblom, R. Benz, F. W,
Mrs. Mildred Turpel, Grant Tuttle, Thorp.
Barbara Tyler, B. H. Van Horne,
LeRoy Wagner, Mrs. LeRoy Wagner, Departmental Secretaries:
A. Walker, Mrs. A. Walker, Joan Book and Bible House, G. M. Harris.
Walker, Beatrice Ware, W. W. Web- Educational and Y.P.M.V., W. E.
ster, Sidney Williams, Dorothy Burns.
Wright, Mrs. Annie Yelland, Mrs. Home Missionary, Sabbath School and
Ellen York. Religious Liberty, L. E. Esteb.
Legal Association: "The Atlantic Union Temperance, W. E. -Burns.
Conference Association of Seventh-
day Adventists." Ordained Ministers:
W. E. Burns, F. K. Erlecke, L. E.
Esteb, L. C. Evans, G. R. Freeman,
BERMUDA MISSION W. A.. Fagal, David Gulbrandson,
Jay M.' Hoffman, Reese Jenkins,
Organized 1900 as The Seventh-day Branes Kanachky, Robert Kerr, Ed-
Adventist Church of Bermuda ward Magi, M. A. Maloney, D. A.
Mozar, G. E. Nord, R. W. Prince,
Territory: Bermuda Islands. H. R. Rolfe, F. W. Thorp, J. A.
Wasenmiller, C. Wilhelm, Andrew
Postal Address: Box 370, Hamilton, Yakush.
Bermuda. (Telephone, 1220.) Credentialed Missionary: G. M. Harris.
Population: 30,814: churches, 3 ; mem-
bers, 261. Licensed Ministers:
Abraham M. Potlin, E. Crosby, Paul
Officers: Freiwirth, G. H. Gibson, A. R. Law-
President, J. A. Toop. son, J. E. Osterblom, Anthony Pit-
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs, Gladys L. rone, Sidney Rittenhouse, Jr., R. N.
Toop. Ruf.

Licensed Missionaries: iel E. Klam, V. A. La Grone, A. D.

Altragracia Alvarez, Charlene Baker, Livengood, Olaf F. Locke, Carlyle A.
Hazel Brent, Lillian Broome, Merilyn Nelson, Jacob J. Reiswig, Walton W.
Chace, Mrs. D. Colon, Mrs. F. Daxen- Smith, Orville D. Wright.
bichler, W. Helene Drinhaus, Elvia Credentialed Missionary: E. L. Van
L. Ewart, Esther M. Freed, Mrs. E. Sanford.
O'Hara, Evelyn Russell, Mrs. E.
Schwab, Edith Schisler. Licensed Ministers:
Frank R. Aldridge, V. L. Bartlett,
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Keith Burke, Lawrence H. Cox,
Mrs. Anna Brandon, Mrs. Ena Fer- Clark Dilts, .R. E. Francis, Gerald
guson, Elsa Hagberg, Mary Laudi- H. Greene, Laurence F. Myers, War-
eina, August Meyer, Mrs. E. Olive ren T. Skilton.
Myers, Mrs. D. A. Mozar.
Licensed Missionaries:
Church School Teachers: Marion Kruger, Phyllis Margerum,
Shirley Barnell, Ruth A. Ekdahl, Mrs. Ethel Randall, Gladys Schnell, Cor-
Helga Esteb, Mrs. June Gorman, Mrs. nelia Walker.
A. R. Lawson, Mary Anna Mead, Mrs.
Doris Shaw, Mrs. Mary Silva, Mrs. Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Hilda Tessier, Mrs. Mary B. Thomp- Mary Lou Durning, Mabel Vreeland.
son, Mrs. Marie Ulloth.
Legal Assn.: "The New York Confer-
Legal Association: "Greater New York ence Association of Seventh-day Ad-
Corporation of Seventh-day Advent- ventists."
ists" ; President, L. C. Evans ; Secre-
tary-Treasurer, J. E. Osterblom.
NEW YORK CONFERENCE Organized January 1, 1945
Organized 1862 ; reorganized with West- Territory: The colored constituency of
ern New York, 1906, and Eastern the States of Connecticut, Maine, New
New York, 1914 ; reunited 1922. Hampshire, New York, Rhode Islatid
Territory: That portion of the State of and Vermont, and the Commonwealth
New York north and west of the line of Massachusetts.
formed by the northern boundaries Population: 672,730; churches, 20 ; mem-
of Delaware, Greene, and Columbia bers, 2,782.
Office Address: 560 West 150th Street,
Population: 4,056,338 ; churches, 55 ; New York, N. Y. (Telephone, AUdu-
members, 3,531. bon 3-0995-6.)
Office Address: 528 Oak Street, Syra- Officers:
cuse 3, N. Y. (Telephone, 9-6911.) President, L. H. Bland.
Officers: . Secretary-Treasurer, L. 0. Irons.
President, J. J. Reiswig. Executive Committee: L. H. Bland,
Secretary-Treasurer, F. R. Aldridge. L. 0. Irons, A. W. Clarke, T. L.
Davis, S. J. Hooper, A. E. Webb,
Executive Committee: J. J. Reiswig, Thaddeus W. Wilson.
F. R. Aldridge, A. S. Anderson, V. L.
Bartlett, L. L. Grand Pre', R. P. Departmental Secretaries:
Jenkins, 0. D. Wright. Book and Bible House, Moses Mayne.
Departmental Secretaries: Educational, Temperance, and Y.P.
M.V., J. E. Roache.
Book and Bible House, Edward Van Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Sanford. Industrial Relations,J. J. North.
Educational and Y.P.M.V.. Harry W. Publishing, C. M. Willis; Assistants,
Bass. Mrs. Mabel L. Barber, Mary Morri-
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, son, Samuel James.
V. A. LaGrone. Religious Liberty, L. H. Bland.
Publishing, Clark Dilts.
Radio and Religious Liberty, J. J. Ordained Ministers:
Reiswig. L. H. Bland, T. L. Davis, H. W. Kib-
ble, Edgar A. Lockett, J. J. North,
Ordained Ministers: A. E. Webb Thaddeus W. Wilson,
August S. Anderson, Victor A. Ander- F. E. Roy Jeffries.
son, Leonard S. Barnes, Harry W.
Bass, J. Frederick Bohner, H. N. Credentialed Missionaries:
Bresee, L. L. Grand Pre', Benjamin Mary Morrison, N. 0. Phipps, Mrs.
F. Hartman, Bertram M. Heald, Pan- Mabel L. Barber,

Licensed Ministers: Licensed Ministers:

George Earle, John S. Greene, Jr., L. D. Dryer, Carl E. Groom, W.
L. 0. Irons, S. 0. James, Jona- Richard Lesher, Nassry Mizher, Paul
than E. Roache, Raynes Leo Soaries, I. Nosworthy, Lawrence E. Smart,
C. M. Willis, Russell T. Wilson. Alva E. Randall.
Licensed Bible Instructors: Licensed Missionaries:
Margaret Coleman, Bernice Crymes, Mrs. Mabel K. Dryer, Mrs. Bernice
Edna Rice, Elizabeth Simmons, Zilda M. Kimball, Mrs. Verna C. Moore,
C. Forde, Helen I. Horton, Cord A. Mrs. Geneva R. Randall.
Jefferson, Rosa Lee Jones.
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Christine
Church School Teachers: F. Dyer.
Edith Diggs, Sue Ella Fisher, Mrs.
Cecilia R. Foster, Jessie Mary God- Church School Teachers:
ley, Julia Goss, Virginia Greene, Frances Arnott, Mrs. Julia Bickford,
Gloria Norman, Eliza M. Ray, Christine Dyer, Mrs. Allegro Fleming,
George Smallwood, Mrs. Gloria Tho- Mrs. Viola Garven, Mrs. Violet Hall,
mas, Mrs. Beatryce Williams, Dorothy Mrs. Doris Lamont, Edmund Peter-
Young. son, Arlene Priest, Eleanor Priest,
Allan Sawyer, Leon Strickland, Mrs.,
NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND Martha Sumner, Mrs. Doris Thistle,
CONFERENCE Miriam Verrill, Mrs. Myrtle Weeks.
Reorganized 1926, combining the Maine Legal Association: Maine Conference
Conference, which was organized in Association of Seventh-day Advent-
1867, and the Northern New Eng- ists; President, Roscoe W. Moore;
land Conference, organized in 1909. Treasurer and Clerk, Paul I. Nos-
worthy ; D. K. Bettie, Floyd Hilliard,
Territory: States of Maine, New Hamp- Lewis R. Langworthy, Eugene Le-
shire, and Vermont. Burn, Erwin W. Thurber.
Population: 1,695,879; churches, 50; Northern New England Conference
members, 2,449. of Seventh-day Adventists, Inc. ; Presi-
dent, Roscoe W. Moore; Treasurer
Office: 426 Forest Avenue, Portland, and Clerk, Paul I. Nos-worthy ; D. K.
Maine. (Telephone, 4-3611.) Bettie, Floyd Hilliard, Lewis R. Lang-
Postal Address: Box 1340, Portland 2, worthy, Erwin W. Thurber.
President, Roscoe W. Moore. (Tele- CONFERENCE
phone, 3-6521.)
Secretary-Treasurer, P. I. Nosworthy. Reorganized 1926, combining the Mas-
(Telephone, 4-7972.) sachusetts Conference, organized in
Executive Committee: Roscoe W. 1870, and the Southern New England
Moore, D. K. Bettie, Floyd Hilliard, Conference, organized in 1903.
Lewis R. Langworthy, Eugene Le- Territory: Commonwealth of Massachu-
Burn, Paul I. Nosworthy, Erwin W. setts, and States of Connecticut and
Thurber. Rhode Island.
Departmental Secretaries:
Population: 6,639,902: churches, 67
Book and Bible House, Paul I. Nos- members, 4,846.
worthy; Associate, Alva E. Randall.
Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Temper- Office Address: South Lancaster, Mass.
ance, Lawrence E. Smart. (Telephone, Clinton 255.)
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Officers:
Industrial Relations, Stephen B.
Olney. President, R. R. Bietz. (Telephone,
Publishing, L. D. Dryer. Clinton 508.)
Religious Liberty: Maine, Roscoe W. Secretary-Treasurer, L. E. Aldrich.
Moore; New Hampshire, Alvin W. (Telephone, Clinton 516.)
Perrine; Vermont, Erwin W. Thur- Executive Committee: R. R. Bietz, L.
ber. E. Aldrich, T. G. Bunch, W. B.
Ordained Ministers: Johnson, J. Branson Chrispens, A. F.
J. Paul Grove; Floyd Hilliard, P. T. Neubieser, H. E. Rice, L. A. Sens-
Jackson, Lewis R. Langworthy, Rich- man, W. W. Stoehr.
ard A. Mitchell, Roscoe W. Moore,
Stephen B. Olney, Alvin W. Perrine, Departmental Secretaries:
Carrol E. Perry, Edmund M. Peter- Book and Bible House, 0. A. Braman.
son, Arthur J. Purdey, David I, Shaw, Educational and Y,P,M.V, W, J,
J. Wyland Wood, Iackett,

Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Licensed Bible Instructor: Mrs. Bernice
Carl P. Anderson. Knight.
Publishing, R. A. Van Arsdell; As-
sistant, C. P. Lampson. Church School Teachers:
Religious Liberty: Connecticut, Bea- Mrs. J. R. Adams, Mrs. Emma B.
man Senecal ; Massachusetts, R. R. Avery, Lucille Borges, Mrs Helen
Bietz ; Rhode Island, W. E. Priebe. Butterfield, Mrs. S. L. Clark, Earl
Temperance, George P. Stone. Cowan, Mrs. Josephine Crandall,
Margaret Drown, Mrs. Elmore Han-
Ordained Ministers: son, Ruth Hirt, Edith Hunt, Mrs. Effie
Carl P. Anderson, Neal W. Becker, Jennings, Helen Knutson, Rita Meyer,
R. R. Bietz, Harold J. Brendel, T. G. Joyce Mohlmann, Maryellen Mooers,
Bunch, J. Melvin Clemons, J. Bran-. Mrs. Annie Bell Patterson, Mrs. J. A.
son Chrispens, Harold E. Fagal, H. P. Roberts, Marguerite Ross, Nina
Gram, H. E. Greene, W. J. Hackett, Schmidt, Frances Smith, Mrs. Mildred
P. G. Herwick, Melvin G. Johnson, Swanson, Mrs. Marguerite Tarbell.
W. B. Johnson, 0. J. Nerlund, C. M. Legal Assn.: "The Southern New Eng-
Pike, W. E. Priebe, S. N. Ritten-
house, Beaman Senecal, W. W. Stoehr. land Conference Association of Sev-
enth-day Adventists."
Honorary: I. M. Martin.
Credentialed Missionaries:
Orvis A. Braman, Thelma Flanagan, INSTITUTIONS IN THE ATLANTIC
C. P. Lampson, Harold Maddox. UNION CONFERENCE
Licensed Ministers: Educational:
L. E. Aldrich, Joseph Barnes, Earl S. Atlantic Union College, South Lan-
Chace, Jr., James Costa, Lewis W. caster, Mass.
Curtis, Joseph Damazo, Richard J. Brookside Academy, East Taunton,
Hammond, Edwin C. Harkins, Rich- Mass.
ard Jackson, Samuel Lombard, Greater Boston Academy, 416 New-
Howard F. Maxson, Jr., R. D. Mc- bury St., Boston 15, Mass.
Gann, Jr., Donal Sandstrom, Merle
Tillotson, Roger A. Van Arsdell. Greater New York Academy, 41-32
Fifty-eighth St., Woodside, L. I.,
Licensed Missionaries: N. Y.
Doris Carpenter, Leonard Gaspee, Northeastern Academy, 806 Jennings
May E. Hurlbutt, Carolyn Johnson, Street, Bronx, N.Y.
Linnea Johnson, Florence M. Kidder,
Emma Kirk, Kenneth Spaulding, Edith South Lancaster Academy, South
Warrell. Lancaster, Mass.
Union Springs Academy, Union
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Springs, N. Y.
Mrs. Frances Bishop, Mrs. Olivia M.
Cooke, Faith Munroe, Mrs. Bernice Medical:
S. Redmond, Nita Robbins, Helen New England Sanitarium and Hos-
Weston. pital, Melrose, Mass.


Organized 1932

Territory: The Dominion of Canada, Officers:

the Dominion of Newfoundland President, H. L. Rudy.
which includes Labrador, and all is- Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, H.
lands surrounding the main island ; A. Shepard.
also the French possessions of Mique-
lon and St. Pierre, comprising the Executive Committee: H. L. Rudy,
Conferences of Alberta, British Co- E. E. Bietz, C. M. Crawford, H. P.
lumbia, Manitoba-Saskatchewan, Mar- Evens, R. E. Finney, Jr., H. D. Hen-
itime, Ontario-Quebec, and the New- riksen, G. Eric Jones, P. M. Lewis,
foundland and St. Laurent Missions. A. E. Millner, R. W. Numbers, E. H.
Oswald, W. H. Roberts, H. A. Shep-
Population: 12,486,638; churches, 139 ; ard, C. L. Smith, C. C. Weis, S. G.
members, 10,645. White, Dallas Youngs.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 396, Osh- Departmental Secretaries:
awa, Ontario, Canada. (Telephone, Educational and Y.P.M,V., G, Eric
3283W.) Jones,

Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Office Address: 9848-106th St., Edmon-
H. D. Henriksen. ton, Alberta, Canada. (Telephone,
Medical, W. H. Roberts. 22069.)
Public Relations, G. Eric Jones.
Publishing, P. M. Lewis. Officers:
Transportation Agent, H. L. Rudy. President, E. H. Oswald.
Ordained Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, L. H. Davies,
G. S. Balharrie, H. M. Bedwell, E. E. Executive Committee: E. H. Oswald,
Bietz, J. I. Crawford, H. P. Evens, R. Carlill, L. H. Davies, John Mc-
H. D. Henriksen, G. Erie Jones, Kibbon, William Ritz, R. C. Sharman,
Andre Lecoultre, P. M. Lewis, D. F. George Soloniuk.
Newfeld, H. L.- Rudy, C. L. Smith, Departmental Secretaries:
Dallas Youngs.
Book and Bible House, L. H. Davies.
Honorary: J. J. Gillatt. Edudational, and Y.P.M.V., R. M.
Credentialed Missionaries: Gardner.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Margaret Beach, P. G. Biy, Ruth Lowell L. Bock.
Brock, C. H. Casey, L. M. Cowan, Publishing, R. Carlill.
Louise Dedeker, Verda Deer, A. K. Radio, L. L. Bock.
Elvedahl, Ethel R. Howard, A. Mac- Religious Liberty, E. H. Oswald.
Intyre, Florence Moline, Verna Moser,
E. Monteith, Jeanne Revert, W. H. Ordained Ministers:
Roberts, Ruth E. Stickle, Gus Strei- Ainsley Blair, L. H. Davies, R. M.
fling, N. C. Taylor, William Tetz, Gardner, G. D. Hagstotz, R. A. Hub-
N. J. Wagar, Mrs. Alexander Yaka- ley, Fred E. Johnson, M. L. Long, B.
venko. H. Oswald, R. C. Sharman, George
Honorary: Charlotte Erdman, Mabel Soloniuk, C. C. Voth, P. G. Yako-
McDougall, R. E. Robinson. venko.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
C. M. Crawford, T. J. Gibson, T. C. E. I. Anderson, Lowell L. Block, R.
Murdoch, H. A. Shepard, W. A. Carlill, A. Farrow, Harold E. Reimche,
Showers, James Wilson, Jr. G. Schwartz.
Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Alex Aab, M. J. Abrams, Mrs. Agnes Lillian. Johnson, Anne Spenst, Mar-
Anderson, Frederic Bacon-Shone, tha Westphal, Agnes Woodgate.
Jean Bailey, Mrs. C. Biesenthal, Thom-
as Bishop, Mrs. M. Bothe, Roy Bow-
Church School Teachers:
ett, L. D. Brock, Mrs. C. H. Casey, Mrs. Frederick Bacon Shone, Mrs. Wil-
Harold Coffin, Mrs. Harold Coffin, lis Clark, Mrs. R. M. Gardner, Peggy
Margaret Cox, Ellen Dunn, Leslie Imes, Mildred Konschuh, Caroline
Dunn, Mrs. A. K. Elvedahl, Gladys Melnechuk, Selma Schafer, Elizabeth
Fenton, Mrs. H. D. Henriksen, Spenst.
Esther E. Hobden, Leonard Lether- Legal Assn.: "Alberta Conference Asso
dale, Louise Lehman, H. W. Loft- ciation of Seventh-day Adventists."
house, Robert Mehling, Mrs. L. Miller, Trustees : E.. H. Oswald, R. Carlill,
Philip Miller, Elbert Neilson, Mrs. L. H..Davies, John McKibbon, William
Etta M. Piggott, R. J. Radcliffe, Ritz, R. C. Sharman, George Soloniuk.
Wanda Radford, R. M. Russell, Joyce
M. Salt, E. C. Scott, Henrietta Spen-
cer, Adele Stickle, Victor Stoodley,
Legal Associations: "Eastern Canadian Organized 1902
Union Conference Corporation of
Seventh-day Adventists," and "The Territory: British Columbia, Canada.
Western Canadian Union Corporation Population: 1,440,000 churches, 27 ;
of Seventh-day Adventists." members, 2,654.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Vancouver,
Organized 1906 Office Address: 284 W. 13th Ave., Van-
couver, British Columbia, Canada.
Territory: The Province of Alberta; a (Telephone, Fairmont 0383.)
Portion of British Columbia known as
the Peace River Block. Officers:
Population: 796,169 ; churches, 29 ; mem- President, R. E. Finney, Jr.
bers, 2,453. Secretary-Treasurer, J, O. Neithercut.

Executive Committee: R. E. Finney, Office Address: 1202-3rd Avenue North,

Jr., F. 0. Blake, H. J. Campbell, N. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
R. Johnson, J. C. Neithercut, George (Telephone, 22561.)
Reiswig, R. D. Steinke.
Departmental Secretaries: President, S. G. White.
Book and Bible House, J. C. Neither- Secretary-Treasurer, B. H. - Stickle.
cut. Executive Committee: S. G. White, L.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., F. W. Bie- Astleford, Harvey Deer, Leslie Eaton,
ber. Nicholas Ilchuk, W. C. Rick, B. H.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Stickle.
R. D. Steinke.
Publishing, Cecil A. Williams. Departmental Secretaries:
Religious Liberty, R. E. Finney, Jr. Book and Bible House, B. H. Stickle.
Ordained Ministers: Educational, B. H. Stickle.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
F. W. Bieber, N. Bodrug, H. J. Camp- Y.P.M.V., W. C. Rick.
bell, R. E. Finney, Jr., N. R. Johnson, Publishing, It. C. Spangler.
P. A. Rick, R. D. Steinke, A. G. Religious Liberty, S. G. White.
Streifling, J. Elmer Whelpley.
Honorary: F. T. Balmer. Ordained Ministers:
Credentialed Missionaries: L. Astleford, Nicholas Ilchuk, R. E.
Metcalfe, C. M. Monks, E. Nachreiner,
T. S. Bowett, Alice Campbell. D. D. Neufeld, W. C. Rick, C. G.
Licensed Ministers: Samograd, W. B. Streifling, S. G.
Harold Dawes, Melvin Erickson, Gor-
don T. Hewlett, J. C. Neithercut, El- Credentialed Missionaries:
mer Rasmussen, William Soloniuk, R. C. Spangler, B. H. Stickle.
D. E. Tinkler.
Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries: B. J. Kuhn, R. W. Link, L. Rasmus-
Almeda Gustaysen, Olof T. Moline, sen, W. W. Rogers.
James W. Proctor, Audrey Taylor,
Cecil A. Williams, Frances G. Wood. Licensed Missionaries:
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Evelyn Bowles, Christina Elmhirst
Brucks, Ethel Peterson, Hilda Stevens,
Vivian Cook, Mrs. D. E. Tinkler. John Wirsz.
Church School Teachers: Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Agnes Anderson, Mrs. L. 0. Astle- Sigridur Johnson, Mary Lebedoff,
ford, Harry Baerg, Mrs. C. Bozak, Emily McKendry.
Mrs. B. Duncan, Mr. E. A. Edstrom,
Harold Friesen, Edward Gabel, George Church School Teachers:
Graham, Harriet Gustaysen, Mae Kin- R. S. Buhler, Anne Corban, Anna-
ney, Alma Lehmann, Mrs. Jessie marie Feyerabend, Percy Paul.
Locke, Judy Lomon, Virginia Mele-
schenko, Violet Ross, Grace Somner, Legal Associations: "Saskatchewan Con-
Mrs. D. E. Stickle, Mrs. Bertha War- ference Assn. of Seventh-day Advent-
ner, Violet Welke, Frank White, ists," 1202-3rd Avenue North, Saska-
Emil Tetz, Marion Brown, Palmer toon, Saskatchewan ; President, S. G.
Robson. White; Secretary-Treasurer, B. H.
Stickle. "The Manitoba Conference of
Legal Association: "British Columbia Seventh-day Adventists," 355 Young
Association of Seventh-day Advent- St., Winnipeg, Manitoba; President,
ists." President, R. E. Finney, Jr., S. G. White; Secretary-Treasurer,
Secretary-Treasurer, J. C. Neithercut. B. H. Stickle.


CONFERENCE Organized 1902
Reorganized 1932; combining Manitoba Territory: The Provinces of New
organized 1903, and Saskatchewan Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince
Conference organized 1907. Edward Island, with the Gaspe Penin-
Territory: The Provinces of Saskatche-
wan and Manitoba and that portion Population: 1,181,000 ; churches, 12 ;
of Ontario lying west of the 89th members, 859.
meridian. Office Address: Rooms 15-16, Subway
Population: 1,765,423 ; churches, 33 ; Block, Moncton, New Brunswick,
members, 1,984. Canada.

Postal Address: Box 126, Moncton, by the Governor in Council, and the
New Brunswick, Canada. personnel is as follows: C. C. Weis,
Chairman ; D. C. McFeters, Secretary ;
Officers: R. Butler, G. Clarke, R. Gillard, John
President, R. W. Numbers. C. Hussey, J. Janes, C. Trenchard, S.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. W., Bothe. Webber.
Executive Committee: R. W. Num- Ordained Minister: C. C. Weis.
bers, J. W. Bothe, F. Coolen, R. W. Credentialed Missionaries:
Farris, M. R. Hoehn, G. M. MacLean.
J. A. Garland, D. C. McFeters.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House and Sabbath Licensed Minister: Clarence H. Coert-
School, J. W. Bothe. zen.
Educational and Y.P.M.V. Licensed Missionaries:
Home Missionary, R. W. Numbers.
' Sophie Boone, Mrs. Clarence H. Goert-
Publishing, Carl Wessman. zen, Mrs. D. McConnachie.
Religious Liberty, R. W. Numbers.
Ordained Ministers: Church School Teachers:
J. W. Bothe, Ira D. Follett, G. M. Myrtle Boone, Edna Badcock, Alma
MacLean, R. W. Numbers. Butler, J. A. Garland, Mrs. Hazel
Janes, Marjorie Manuel, Frederick
Credentialed Missionary: Carl Wess- Thomas.
Richard A. Alden, R. A. Matthews, Reorganized 1932 ; combining Ontario
G. S. Remick. Conference organized 1899, and Que-
Licensed Missionaries: bec Conference organized 1889.
Muriel M. Findell, E. J. Heisler. Territory: The Province of Ontario
Church School Teachers: lying east of the 89th meridian, and
Carolyn McDowell, Edel Pehlke, the Province of Quebec, with the ex-
Laura Sweeney. ception of the Gaspe Peninsula, ex-
cluding the French speaking popula-
NEWFOUNDLAND MISSION FIELD Population: 3,981,515 ; churches, 33 ;
members, 2,356.
Organized 1895
Postal Address: Box 337, Oshawa,
Territory: The Dominion of Newfound- Ontario, Canada. (Telephone, 223-W.)
land which includes Labrador, and all
islands surrounding the main island ; Officers:
also the French possessions of Mique- President, A. E. Millner.
lon and St. Pierre. Secretary-Treasurer, A. G. Rodgers.
Population: 322,531 ; churches, 3 ; mem- Executive Committee: A. E. Millner,
bers, 295. A. W. Kaytor, F. Knutson, Philip
, Moores, W. J. Pincornbe, A. G.
Office: 106 Freshwater Road, St. John's, Rodgers, L. W. Taylor.
Newfoundland. (Telephone, 6760.)
Departmental Secretaries:
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 674, St.
John's, Newfoundland. Book and Bible House, A. G. Rodgers.
Educational, Home Missionary, and
Officers: Y. P. M. V., A. W. Kaytor.
President, C. C. Weis. Publishing, H. Anderson.
Secretary-Treasurer, D. C. McFeters. Religious Liberty, A. E. Millner.
Mission Committee: C. C. Weis, D. C. Sabbath School, A. G. Rodgers.
McFeters, D. McConnachie, J. Rice. Ordained Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries: H. W. Bedwell, I. B. Burton, W. A.
Clemenson, 0. B. Gerhart, W. H.
Book and Bible House, D. C. McFeters. Grotheer, W. J. Hurdon, A. W. Kay-
Educational, Home Missionary, Reli- tor, Clarence Long, A. E. Millner,
gious Liberty, and Y.P.M.V., C. C. Philip Moores, M. H. Philbrick, Otto
Weis. J. Ritz, L. W. Taylor, Eric Zins.
Publishing, D. McConnachie.
Sabbath School, D. C. McFeters. Licensed Ministers:
Educational: School Board which has R. E. Brewer, A. G. Rodgers, R. J. E.
charge of all educational work Hillock, D. L. Michael, Arthur Spenst,
throughout our territory is appointed Peter Uniat.

Licensed Missionaries: Officers:

H. Anderson, Elsie M. Patterson, A. President, H. L. Rudy.
Telford, Marelyn Wilson. Secretary-Treasurer, J. C. Williams.
Licensed Bible Instructors: Mission Committee: H. L. Rudy, R.
Hazel Butler, Esther Parrish, Lulu Gaulin, Andre Lecoultre, A. L. Ro-
Van Buskirk. chat, J. C. Williams.
Departmental Secretary:
Church School Teachers:
Book and Bible House, J. C. Williams.
Mrs. R. Foster, F. MacKinnon, Mrs.
S. Sprouty, Charles Sokol, Mrs: F. Ordained Ministers:
Switak. A. Lecoultre, A. L. Rochat.
Legal Associations: "The Ontario Con- Credentialed Missionary: J. C. Williams.
ference of Seventh-day Adventists."
and "Quebec Association of Seventh-
day Adventists."
(Mission Adventiste du St. Laurent) Canadian Union College, College
Organized 1944 Heights, Alberta.
Oshawa Missionary College, Box 808,
Territory: French populations in On- Oshawa. Ontario.
tario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and
Nova Scotia. Medical:
Population: 3,000,000 ; churches, 2 ; Rest Haven Hospital and Sanitarium,
members, 44. Sidney, British Columbia.
Office Address: 3506 Laval Ave., Mon- Publishing:
treal 18, Quebec, Canada. (Telephone, Canadian Watchman Press, Box 398.
HA 3468.) Oshawa, Ontario.


Organized 1902

Territory: The States of Colorado, Medical,

Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Press Relations, W. B. Mohr.
Wyoming, and San Juan County in Publishing,
New Mexico, comprising the Confer- Religious Liberty, M. V. Campbell.
ences of Colorado, Kansas, Missouri. Sabbath School, Temperance and
Nebraska, Wyoming, and Central Radio, D. E. Reiner.
States Mission. Y.P.M.V., and Council on Industrial
Relations Representative, G. R. Fat-
Population: 8,309,373 ; churches, 266 ; tic.
members, 17,274.
Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: 4547 Calvert St.,Lin- Floyd Bresee, M. V. Campbell, E.
coln 6, Nebr. (Telephone, 4-213.) M. Cadwallader, M. S. Culver, G. R.
Officers: Pattie, P. D. Gerrard, C. G. Gordon,
Leslie Hardinge, F. R. Isaac, H. M.
President, M. V. Campbell. Johnson, A. A. Leiske, E. R. Maas, R.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, W. L. Osmunson, D. D. Rees, D. E.
B. Mohr. Reiner, A. V. Wallenkampf, A. J.
Executive Committee: M. V. Camp- Wearner, L. W. Welch, R. W. Woods.
bell, R. E. Bowles, C. W. Degering, F. G. Young.
G. R. Fattic, P. D. Gerrard, Russell Honorary: J. N. Anderson, C. G.
H. Hansen, H. M. Johnson, A. A. Bellah, A. S. Bringle, A. A. Cone,
Leiske, W. B. Mohr, A. L. Moon, N. Paul Curtis. B. M. Garton, J. G. Han-
C. Petersen, Don R. Rees, D. E. hardt, B. E. Hoffman, J. D. Johnson,
Reiner, Carl Sundin, D. E. Vendin, A. W. Kuehl, E. R. Lauda, R. W.
R. W. Woods, H. A. Young. Leach, Charles Lightner, A. C. Long,
Departmental Secretaries: H. C. Menkel, D. P. Miller, C. H.
Miller, F. I. Mohr, W. K. Smith, Carl
Educational, G. R. Fattic. P. Swenson, J. H. Wheeler, W. H.
Home Missionary, D. E. Reiner. Wineland.

Credentialed Missionaries: Wright, Ival Yardley, Frank You-

Vernon S. Dunn, D. C. Duffield, M. mans, Arthur Zehm.
G. Durichek, Harold Eichman, John Legal Association: "Central Union
Gepford, Genevieve Hansen, Russell Conference Association of the Sev-
H. Hanson, Milton D. Hare, Helen enth-day Adventists."
Hyatt, Mrs. Verna Johnson, Reuben
Johnson, G. C. Jorgensen, H. L.
Keene, Mrs. Elsie B. King, L. J. Lilly,
F. L. Marsh, Angie I. Mahurin, W. B. CENTRAL STATES MISSION
Mohr, E. B. Ogden, Donald Page, H. Organized January 1, 1947
G. Reinmuth, Mrs. Sadie Ryals, Vesta
Scott, Virginia Shull, G. H. Straight, Territory: The colored constituency of
B. V. Tibbetts, Edward Updyke. the States of Colorado, Iowa, Kansas,
Missouri, Nebraska, and Wyoming.
Honorary: Evelyn Davis, Mary L.
Doan, C. C. Parke, Asa Smith, Esther Population: 353,521 ; churches, 15 ; mem-
Smith. bers, 1,062.
Licensed Ministers: Office Address: 2528 Benton Boulevard,
S. Harlyn Abel, W. H. Beaven, R. E. Kansas City, Mo. (Telephone, Linwood
Bowles, H. G. Burden, E. N. Dick, R. 9980.)
W. Fowler, Wayne H. Hooper, A. L. Officers:
Moon, J. C. Turner, Carl B. Watts,
H. A. Young. President, F. L. Bland.
Secretary-Treasurer, James H. Jones.
Honorary: F. A. Page.
Advisory Committee: F. L. Bland,
Licensed Missionaries: Frank Hale, James H. Jones, H. J.
Jess Adams, Paul Aldrich, James D. Miller, L. J. Pryor, Byron Spears, R.
Anderson, Marie Anderson, Grace L. Woodfork.
Ashton, Stella Becker, Mrs. Mabell Departmental Secretaries:
Brown, H. Ruth Bunston, Ernestine
Burkett, Raymond K. Casey, Lenna Book and Bible House, James H.
Lee Chase, Elizabeth Cowdrick, Mrs. Jones.
Helen Davidson, Rodney Davidson, Sabbath School, Home Missionary,
Nellie Dunkin, Mrs. Ann Dunn, Ar- Religious Liberty, Temperance, and
leen Egger, Myrtle Ehlers, Arlo Radio, F. L. Bland.
Endicott, Mrs. Opal Farnsworth, Publishing,
Muriel Fleming, Mrs. Thomas Fore- Y.P.M.V. and Educational, James H.
hand, A. L. Foster, Clinton Franklin, Jones.
W. Fred Gibson, John Goodbrad, Ordained Ministers:
W. R. Gurney, Eleanor Hahn, Louise
Hall, Pearl Hall, Lillian Haug, F. L. Bland, F. J. Bryant, H. J.
J. Elton Hansen, Olivia Harder, Miller, W. E. Penick, L. J. Pryor,
Ernest Harper, Ada Pickett Hol- Byron R. Spears, R. L. Woodfork.
man, LaVern Huenergardt, Martha Licensed Ministers:
Helen Huffines, Mrs. Leona Inch,
Gladys Brown-Jerink, Blanche John- Xavier Butler, Vashni T. Davis, G. H.
son, Mrs. V. L. Johnson, Mae Kamerer, Taylor.
Mary V. Kisz, Peter Klee, Mrs. Olivia Licensed Missionary: James H. Jones.
Klee, Floyd Kleiman, Earl F. Koke,
Elizabeth Koke, Mrs. Emma Landon, Licensed Bible Instructors:
Mrs. Cecile Lane. Mrs. M. M. Fitch, Mrs. E. Van
Alma Larson, Paul Lebraska, Mrs. Nockay Porter.
Violet Lewis, Lyle Little, Mabel
Livingood, Zella Long, Mrs. Helen Church School Teachers:
Maughan, Beryl Meiklejohn. It. H. Vernice Jones, Onilda A. Taylor.
McGirr, Opal Miller, Adeline Miner,
James Mitchell, Harry B. Moon, Mrs.
Maude Moon, W. R. Mross, Roger
Neidigh, L. L. Nelson, Kiyoko Nishi- COLORADO CONFERENCE
kawa, Mabel Page, Mrs. Carl C. Organized 1882, including New Mexico;
Parke, Lillian Parks, Thelma Peter- separated into Colorado Conference
son, Mrs. Cora Pooler, Reid Rankin,
and West Colorado Conference 1908;
Mrs. B. LaRochelle, Mrs. E. W. Salis- Inter-Mountain Conference 1916; re-
bury, Eda Schultz, Alice Smith, E. H.
Smith, Floda Smith, Gilbert Steck, united 1931.
Mrs. Christine Stevens, Frank Ste- Territory: State of Colorado and San
vens, J. A. Thompson, A. L. Tomlin- Juan County in New Mexico.
son, Malcolm Towne, Mable Updyke,
Mrs. Olive VanKirk, Irma Watt, E. Population: 1,128,235 ; churches, 63 ;
0. Westermeyer, Mabel Wood, W. R. members, 4,954.

Office: 1081 Marion St., Denver 3, Colo. Frances Price, Mildred Priest, Wil-
(Telephone, Tabor 2231-2232.) lia E. Pruett, Virginia Puett, Katye
Rentfro, R. Leah Robinson, Esther
Postal Address: Box 1109, Denver 3, Schneider, Carolyn Seamount, Bettie
Colo. Stevens, Keith Wheeler.
Officers: Legal Association: "The Seventh-day '
President, N. C. Petersen. Adventist Association of Colorado."
Secretary-Treasurer, B. L. Schlott- President, N. C. Petersen ; Secretary-
hauer. Treasurer, B. L. Schlotthauer.
Executive Committee: N. C. Petersen,
Lee Aalborg, V. W. Becker, N. L. KANSAS CONFERENCE
Beebe, C. F. Kearbey, A. A. Leiske,
W. C. Loveless, B. L. Schlotthauer, Organized 1875; reorganized 1914
C. E. Smith, C. S. Wiest. Territory: The State of Kansas.
Departmental Secretaries: Population: 1,735,890; churches, 62;
Book and Bible House, C. J. Sumner. members, 3,126.
Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Temper- Office: 1109 Topeka Blvd., Topeka,
ance, W. C. Loveless. Kans. (Telephone, 3-9639.)
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
and Radio, James E. Chase. Postal Address: Box 267, Topeka, Kans.
Medical, A. L. Moon. Officers:
Publishing, B. Y. Baughman ; Assist- President, Don R. Rees.
ant, K. Wenberg. Secretary-Treasurer, Earl J. Gregg.
Religious Liberty, N. C. Petersen.
ExecutiVe Committee: Don R. Rees,
Ordained Ministers: J. H. Bartel, Earl J. Gregg, 0. L.
George S. Aso, B. Y. Baughman, V. Heinrich, S. S. Mohr, E. H. Meyers,
W. Becker, 0. H. Betzinger, Paul E, R. Osmunson.
Cales, J. B. Carter, Samuel Cas- Departmental Secretaries:
James E. Chase, 0. J. Dahl, A.
R. Follett, Harold L. Hampton, Book and Bible House, Earl J. Gregg;
L. G. Jorgensen, C. F. Kearbey, Assistant, E. F. Zumbaum.
W. 0. Lenz, W. C. Loveless, J. H. Educational and Y.P.M.V.,
McEachern, N. R. Nelson, N. C. Home Missionary, Sabbath School.
Petersen, George Rasmussen, M. H. LeRoy J. Leiske.
Schuster, C. E. Smith, G. E. Taylor, Publishing, L. E. Loomer.
E. A. von Pohle, C. S. Wiest. Radio and Temperance, LeRoy J. -
Credentialed Missionaries: Religious Liberty, Don R. Rees.
Eugene Hughes, Ronald Stretter, Carl Ordained Ministers:
Specht, C. E. Stenberg. Carl Beck, R. E. Browning, L. J.
Licensed Ministers: Ehrhardt, David P. Harder, Oscar L.
Heinrich, Gayland K. Lashier, LeRoy
D. W. Curry, J. H. Matthews, Earl J. Leiske, B. J. Liebelt, L. E. Loomer,
E. Patton, B. L. Schlotthauer, C. J. E. R. Osmunson, J. R. McWilliam,
Sumner, Kenneth Wenberg. E. H. Meyers, E. Nieman, Don R.
Licensed Missionaries: Rees, J. H. Roth, B. A. Scherr, G. E.
Veleda Carter, Ethel Fessler, Nadine Stacey.
Harris, Francis Jones, C. L. Wester- Honorary: G. P. Gaede.
meyer. Credentialed Missionary: Earl J. Gregg.
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Ruth S. Licensed Ministers:
Byron Blecha, W. J. Christensen, A.
Licensed Bible Instructor: Mrs. Dorothy D. Kaelen, Marion Lockwood, Austin
Mitchell. M. Yeaton.
Church School Teachers: Licensed Missionaries:
Bluebell Bartel, Dorothy Scifers,
Juanita Akers, Harrell Bassham, Beth Kathryn Walling, E. F. Zumbaum,
Brackett, Hazel Deapen, Henry Dea- Mrs. E. F. Zumbaum.
pen, Darlene Gerard, Robert Groome,
Mrs. Robert Groome, Virginia Hause, Credentialed Bible Instructor: Justine
Mabel Hammen, Andrew E. Higgins, Greenwall.
Avis Jaynes, Ardis Johnson, Mrs. Licensed Bible Instructor: Willietta
Francis Jones, Mrs. Opal Joseph, Weller.
Anita Juhl, Sarah Lorenzi, Lola Ma-
lone, Mrs. Delbert Marquardt, Ruth Church School Teachers:
Beebe Matthews, Opal Northrup, Mal- Delores Boyko, Mabel Brown, V.
colm W. Perkins, Ruby Pierson, Decker, Lolita Duerksen, Marvin Gun-

ter, Betty Hopkins, Isla Jones, Bon- Church School Teachers:

nie Roark, Mrs. N. E. Shaver, Ilene Mrs. C. L. Bainer, Marion Dailey,
Smith, Mary Wakefield, Mrs. L. Wood. Earl Gibb, Effie Kribs, Mrs. Hilda
Lewis, Shirley Mason, Mrs. Ruth
Legal Assn.: "The Kansas Seventh-day Olson, Vera Reeve.
Adventist Conference Association."
Legal Assn.: "Missouri Conference As-
sociation of Seventh-day Adventists ;"
MISSOURI CONFERENCE Carl Sundin, President; H. F. Roll,
Organized 1876; reorganized 1914
Territory: The State of Missouri. NEBRASKA CONFERENCE
Population: 3,640,278 ; churches, 53 ; Organized 1878
members, 3,338.
Territory: The State of Nebraska.
Office Address: 2928 Campbell St., Kan- Population: 1,301,663; churches, 64;
sas City 3, Mo. (Telephones, VAlen- members, 3,927.
tine 7073-7074.)
Office: 4745 Prescott Ave., Lincoln 6,
Officers: Nebr. (Telephone, 4-2000.)
President, Carl Sundin.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. F. Roll. Postal Address: Box 26, College View
Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Executive Committee: Carl Sundin,
H. W. Christian, E. M. Cleek, Alvin Officers:
Ortner, H. F. Roll, R. M. Whitsett, President, D. E. Venden.
Ross Williams, R. B. Wing. Secretary-Treasurer, M. G. Dealy.
Departmental Secretaries: Executive Committee: D. E. Venden,
Book and Bible House, Harry L. Haas. Wayne Baysinger, M. G. Dealy, A. A.
Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Press Re- Dirksen, E. E. Hagen, A. T. Jensen,
lations, A. S. Zytkoskee. R. S. Joyce, John Laeger, R. M. Mote.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Departmental Secretaries:
Temperance, and Radio, W. S. Book and Bible House, Donald Madi-
Jesske. son.
Publishing, P. M. Lewis ; Assistant, Educational and Y. P. M. V., T. S.
Jack B. Bogle. Copeland.
Religious Liberty, Carl Sundin. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Ordained Ministers: Elmer E. Hagen.
C. M. Babcock, H. W. Christian, Earl Publishing, W. C. Whitten.
M. Cleek, Lloyd Davis, H. I. James, Ordained Ministers:
W. S. Jesske, J. S. Marshall, H. F.
Roll, Carl Sundin, R. M. Whitsett, Wayne Baysinger. G. R. Carter, T. S.
Guy C. Williamson, R. B. Wing, A. S. Copeland, A. A. Dirksen, G. A. Haas,
Zytkoskee. Elmer E. Hagen, John Hickman, R.
S. Joyce, C. A. Mock, R. M. Mote, S.
Credentialed Missionaries: A. Reile, D. E. Venden.
Mrs. Bradford W. Braley, Marvin Licensed Ministers:
Burbach. L. 0. Barnes, W. L. Berthelsen, Lester
Cooper, D. M. Dealy, M. G. Dealy,
Licensed Ministers: R. R. Johnson, Vernon Koenig, Don-
Winton C. Anderson, Jack B. Bogle, ald Madison, Junius Olson, Carl
Bradford W. Braley, Albert Gerst, Pine, Marcus Payne, Stanley Peder-
Harry L. Haas, W. H. Kruse, George sen, Merlin Pierson, W. C. Whitten.
W. Lewis, Arthur R. Lickey, George
Sherbondy, Herschel G. Turner. Licensed Missionaries:
V. E. Bascom, Mrs. W. L. Berthelsen,
Licensed Missionaries: Mrs. Maudie Brown, Hugh Coy, Mrs.
Irene Bowes, Iris Donaly, Stanley D. M. Dealy, Lydia Egger, Rose Ann
Jensen, Ethel R. Jones, Mrs. Pauline Ekstrom, Mercedes England, Mrs.
Long, Mrs. J. S. Marshall, Robert Frances Hutchinson, Ella Jensen,
McManaman, Mrs. Robert MacMana- John Mincer, La Veta Payne, Rhoda
man, Russell Morrison, Ben E. Nel- Pederson, R. T. Smith, Jane Vonhof,
son, Mrs. Ben E. Nelson, Hilda Rem- Magdalene Wehling.
ley, Mrs. Hazel Roll, Mrs. Laura Sun-
din, Amy Stuart, Mrs. R. M. Whitsett. Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Mrs. Jessie M. Heslip, Phyllis Ray.
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Church School Teachers:
Mrs. Margaret Riley, Mrs. Grace Lillie Beeson, Joan Broughton, Doro-
Schultz. thy Clark, Mrs. M. G. Dealy, Esther

Duce, Mrs. Stephen Holm, Mirza Honorary: L. G. Beans.

Lake, Mrs. Mirza Lake, Cora Lee, Licensed Ministers:
Mrs. Virgil Logan, Myrtle Maxwell,
Maude Reid, Francis Stoddard, Mrs. Byron K. Chalkley, B. J. Furst, W. F.
J. C. Turner, Mrs. Carolyn Vuloff, Hadel, Stanley Kannenberg, Edwin E.
Mrs. Viola Welch. Shafer, Llewellyn Smith.
Legal Assn.: "Nebraska Conference As- Licensed Missionaries:
sociation of the Seventh-day Advent- Jarvis Bascom, Evelyn Kaldahl.
Church School Teachers:
Vera Beall, Mrs. J. A. Estey, Mrs.
WYOMING CONFERENCE Mabel Pacheco, Mrs. Elmer Shultz.
Organized 1907; changed to a mission Legal Association: "Wyoming Confer-
1925; reorganized a conference 1945. ence Association of Seventh-day Ad-
Territory: State of Wyoming. ventists."
Population: 249,786 ; churches, 19 ; mem- INSTITUTIONS IN THE CENTRAL
bers, 867.
Office Address: 604 S. Wolcott St., Cas-
per, Wyo. (Telephone, 1053.) . Educational:
Campion Academy, Loveland, Colo.
Postal Address: Box 599, Casper, Wyo. Enterprise Academy, Enterprise,
Officers: Kans.
President, C. W. Degering. Platte Valley Academy, Shelton, Nebr.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. R. Newman. Sunnydale Academy, Box 209, Cen-
tralia, Mo.
Executive Committee: C. W. Deger- Union College, College View Station,
ing, B. K. Chalker, A. E. Hagen, L. Lincoln 6, Nebr.
D. Kottenhorn, Oscar Larson, R. R. Union College Academy, College View
Newman, B. J. Savage. Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, R. R. Newman.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., R. R. Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium, Boul-
Newman. der, Colo.
Home Missionary and Publishing, W. Porter Sanitarium and Hospital, 2525
F. Hadel. S. Downing St., Denver 10, Colo.
Sabbath School, C. W. Degering. Publishing:
Ordained Ministers: Christian Record Benevolent Assn.,
C. W. Degering, 5. A. Ester, J. E. 3705 S. 48th St., Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Frick, A. E. Hagen, R. R. Newman, Pacific Press Pub. Assn. Branch, 2621
Ben J. Savage. Farnam St., Omaha 2, Nebr.


Organized 1907

Territory: The States of Delaware, Executive Committee: D. A. Ochs, C.

Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Penn- H. Kelly, W. H. Hackett, R. A. Hare,
sylvania, Virginia, and West Vir- 0. S. Hershberger, J. C. Holland,
ginia, and the District of Columbia, J. M. Howell, J. F. Kent, H. A.
comprising the Conferences of Alle- Morrison, W. H. Shephard, and the
gheny, Chesapeake, East Pennsyl- presidents of the eight local confer-
vania, New Jersey, Ohio, Potomac, ences.
West Pennsylvania, and West Vir- Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, J. M. Howell.
Population: 28,298,544 ; churches, 367 ; Home Missionary and Radio, J. C.
members, 28,034. Holland.
Office Address: 900 Carroll Ave., Ta- Publishing, J. F. Kent.
koma Park 12, D.C. (Telephone, Sligo Religious Liberty, D. A. Ochs; Assis-
3162.) tant, W. H. Hackett.
Officers: Sabbath School, J. C. Holland.
President, D. A. Ochs. Y.P.M.V., and Council on Industrial
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, C. H. Relations Representative, 0. S.
Kelly. Hershberger.

Ordained Ministers: J. Schaeffer, John Schmidt, W. C. Sey-

mour, C. B. Smith, Edna Stoneburner,
M. G. Conger, D. A. Delafield, W. R. J. H. Strawser, Leslie B. Taylor, Mrs.
French, R. A. Hare, 0. S. Hersh- Mary F. Taylor, H. E. Twing, Theo
berger, J. C. Holland, J. F. Kent, J.
M. Howell, Frederick Lee, C. G. Mar- G. Weis, Leta H. Wright.
acle, C. F. Montgomery, D. A. Ochs, Credentialed Bible Insructor: Bess
A. J. Robbins, W. H. Shephard. Ninaj.
Honorary: C. I. Blandford, E. W. Legal Association: "Columbia Union
Carey, R. B. Clapp, R. E. French, Conference Association of Seventh-
T. M. French, L. V. Finster, J. P. day Adventists."
Gaede, Carl F. Hansen, J. G. Hanna,
George W. Holman, L. H. King, Al-
fred Koch.
G. W. Lawrence, J. B: Mallory, ALLEGHENY CONFERENCE
J. W. McNeil, B. E. Manuel, B. E. Organized January 1, 1945
Miller, J. C. Oswald, C. E. Overstreet,
F. C. Phipps, F. H. Robbins, C. A. Territory: The colored constituency of
Russell, W. H. Sebastian, W. F. the States of Delaware, Maryland,
Schmidt, J. E. Schultz, J. W. Schultz, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vir-
R. M. Spencer, William Steele, H. P.' ginia, and West Virginia, and the
Waldo, J. S. Washburn, G. L. West, District of Columbia.
J. H. Wierts, B. A. Walcott; B. G.
Wilkinson. Population: 2,340,882; churches, 45;
members, 4,418.
Credentialed Missionaries: Office Address: P. 0. Box 720, Potts-
Minnie Abray, E. M. Andross, J. F. town, Pa. (Telephone, Pottstown
Brownsberger, Mabel Cassell, Lora 3785, 3786.)
E. Clement, Myrta M. Corner,
Minnie E. Dauphinee, Mrs. Lee Doty, Officers:
Mrs. Elizabeth Fickes, Mrs. Leah President, J. H. Wagner.
M. Griffee, Perlie deF. Henderson, Secretary-Treasurer,
Mrs. Lloyd Holbert, Metta I. Hudson,
Emma Hughes, Pearl M. Jenkins, J. Executive Committee: J. H. Wagner,
N. Kimble, Mrs. A. Bernice Loasby, M. S. Banfield, W. L. Cheatham, E.
W. J. McComb, Mrs. Mabel Mein- S. Dillett, J. T. Dodson, R. T. Hud-
hardt, J. H. Nies, Grace Parker, son, J. H. Laurence, J. H. Lester,
Esther L. Pierce, Helen M. Shull, G. J. L. Moran, C. A. Morgan.
Fletcher Tarr, Maybelle E. Vander-
mark, F. E. Wall.' Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, H. T. Saulter. -
Licensed Ministers: Educational, A. V. Pinkney.
Warren F. Adams, Ernest U. Ayars, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
D. A. Bailey, 0. S. Beltz, L. W. W. R. Robinson.
Cobb, L. W. Graham, C. H. Kelly, Publishing, L. R. Preston.
J. Paul Laurence, H. L. Nielsen, C. Religious Liberty, J. H. Wagner.
E. Palmer, C. N. Rees, J. D. Snider, Temperance and Radio, W. R. Robin-
Paul V. Starr, M. R. Thurber, H. M. son.
Tippett, S. W. Tymeson, Mary Walsh. Y.P.M.V., A. V. Pinkney.
Honorary: T. M. Butler, C. A. Dorn-
burg, H. E. Garrarde, J. P. Neff, Ordained Ministers:
F. 0. Rathbun, C. E. Reichenbaugh, M. S. Banfield, R. L. Bradford, M. A.
F. W. Schmehl, N. C. Van Horn, 0. Burgess, W. L. Cheatham, E. S.)Dil-
C. Weller. lett, W. M. Fordham, R. T. Hudson,
J. H. Laurence, J. H. Lester, J. L.
Licensed Missionaries: Moran, W. R. Robinson, W. A.
Helen A. Anderson, Yvonne Bariaux, Thompson, J. H. Wagner, H. D. War-
Olive M. Bennett, Elwin W. Bestpitch, ner, U. S. Willis.
W. T. Bowen, Maude Brook, William Licensed Ministers:
A. Bryan, Harold Doering, I. A.
Friesan, Mrs. Muriel Fogg, E. Q. N. E. Ashby, L. W. Brantley, Furman
Garner, Mrs. Waive M. Green, D. Beatty, J. R. Britt, Paul Cantrell,
Andrew T. Griffee, J. W. Grounds, A. V. Pinkney,-L. R. Preston, H. T.
W. H. Hackett, Nis Hanson, Deena Saulter, W. C. Scales, Milton Thomas,
Ingels, Linnie L. Keith, Mrs. Alice Alonzo Wagner, E. I. Watson.
Kimble, Karl Koch, T. R. Lari-
more, Mrs. Edda Larimore, Ena Licensed Missionaries:
Manuel, Minna Marshall, J. J. Mat- Mary Brockenbrough, Frances Holmes,
son, Idamae Melendy, Kemp G. Moore, Florine Langford, Mrs. Alta Wil-
Ina N. Rice, Dorothy M. Sampson, G. liams.

Credentialed Bible Instructors: Licensed Ministers:

Julia Cooper, Mrs. Troymae Hogue, Edwin L. Byrd, L. F. Cunningham,
Mrs. Geneva McDonald, Mrs. Ethel H. C. Lilley, R. D. McGann, Sr., T.
Nell. H. Stockton, Ralph E. Wallace, Jr.
Church School Teachers: Licensed Missionaries:
N. E. Ashby, Mrs. Martha Bell, Mrs. Mrs. Doris Brady, Mrs. Lois E. Butler,
Vera Braxton, Anna Cheatham, Lou- Carol Magnuson.
ise Davis, Nannie Davis, Mrs. Jennie
Dobbins, Imogene Dozier, Lorraine Credentialed Bible Instructor: Edna J.
Edmonds, Emeth Giddings, Frances Wynn.
Henry, Enoth Hinds, Mrs. Rebecca
James, Blanche Jones, Mrs. Ceola Church School Teachers:
Jones, Mae E. Laurence, Willard Mrs. Irma S. Brown, Isobel Butler,
Lewis. Mrs. Lincoln Cox, Agnes Hill, Mrs.
Juanita Luckett, Gustavt Manning, Lillian A. Hill, William Hinton, Mrs.
Mrs. Maggie Montgomery, H. Louise William Hinton, Ruby Ingle, Sarita
Mosby, Ethel Phipps, Mrs. Lillian Lochstamphfor, Mrs. Robert Marshall,
Pinkney, Mrs. Alice Powell, R. L. Mrs. Marie Messenger, Mrs. V. D.
Reynolds, Mrs. Ernistine Roberts, Rees, Gladys Streeker, Benton Taylor,
Marian E. Stafford, Jessie R. Wagner, Robert Toms, Anna Tucker.
Ruth Wrenn, Mrs. Florence William-
son. Legal Assn.: "Chesapeake Conference
Association of Seventh-day Advent-
Legal Association: "The Allegheny Con- ists."
ference Association of the Seventh- Board of Trustees: C. V. Anderson,
day Adventist Church." President, J. A. B. Butler, David G. Fleagle, It. H.
H. Wagner; Secretary, Libby, C. Quackenbush, A. E. Van-
tassel, H. F. Wilkens.
Territory: The States of Delaware and
Maryland, except the Counties of Al- Organized in 1903, out of territory com-
legheny, Garrett, and Montgomery, in prising the Pennsylvania Conference,
Maryland; and including the Counties which was organized in 1879.
of Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan, Territory: That portion of Pennsylvania
in West Virginia, and Accomac and lying east of the eastern line of
Northampton, in Virginia. Potter, Clinton, Center, Mifflin:Hunt-
ingdon, and Fulton Counties.
Population: 1,601,760 ; churches, 32 :
members, 1,948. Population: 5,525,377; churches, 55;
members, 3,676.
Office Address: 24 Fusting Ave., Balti-
more 28, Md. (Telephone, Gilmor Office Address: 1300 W. Hunting Park
3840.) Ave., Philadelphia 40, Pa. (Tele-
phones, Michigan 4-4600, 4-4660.)
President, C. V. Anderson.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. B. Butler. President, T. E. Unruh.
Executive Committee: C. V. Ander- Secretary-Treasurer, R. E. Spangle.
son, A. B. Butler, David G. Fleagle, Executive Committee: T. E. Unruh,
R. H. Libby, C. Quackenbush, A. E. H. S. Campbell, Ira Mills, J. G. Mitch-
Vantassel, H. F. Wilkens. ell, A. W. Ortner, H. V. Reed, Ernest
Roberts, A. F. Ruf, R. E. Spangle.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, H. C. Lillev. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y. P. M. V., T. H. Book and Bible House, E. W. Bradley.
Stockton. Educational and Y.P.M.V., Arthur
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Patzer.
H. E. Voorhees. Labor Relations, R. E. Spangle.
Publishing. R. D. McGann, Sr. Publishing, J. A, Jarry; Assistant,
Religious Liberty, C. V. Anderson. L. H. Wagner.
Religious Liberty, T. E. Unruh.
Ordained Ministers: Sabbath School and Home Missionary,
C. V. Anderson, Albert B. Butler, A. F. Ruf.
David G. Fleagle, J. W. Franklin, M. War Commission, Arthur Patzer.
L. Hale, R. H. Libby, Curtis Quack-
enbush, V. D. Rees, M. T. Reiber, 0. Ordained Ministers:
L. Stimpson, C. W. Teel, H. E. Voor- E. D. Calkins, C. L. Duffield, C. C.
hees. Ellis, C. R. Gibbs, C. W. P. Han-

sen, W. C. Jensen, B. K. Mills, J. Publishing, M. V. Doran.

G. Mitchell, A. W. Ortner, Arthur Religious Liberty, W. B. Hill.
Patzer, A. B. Pohlman, L. E. Raf-
ferty, H. V. Reed, A. F. Ruf, G. F. Ordained Ministers:
Theiss, H. A. Toms, T. E. Unruh, S. W. Burrows, F. S. Fowler, W. E.
Raffele Valerio, A. E. Wade, F. W. Haase, W. B. Hill, Thomas P. Ipes,
Wernick. Joseph F. Jeffreys, V. A. Lidner, E.
H. Moldrik, J. E. Patzkowski, Ste-
Credentialed Missionary: Mrs. Sybil M. phen Paully, A. F. Reynolds, James
King. A. Terzo, R. A. Tyson, Gabriel Varga,
Licensed Ministers: W. L. Wellman, K. H. Wood, Jr.
R. R. Adams, E. W. Bradley, L. L. Licensed Ministers:
Cook, Mrs. Jessie W. Curtis, John E.
Hoffman, J. A. Jarry, H. C. Reading, V. Clifford Brown, M. V. Doran,
Kenneth M. McComas, W. G. Mc-
S. C. Ronning, Charles H. Seitz, R. Cready, J. 0. McLeod, L. A. Pome-
E. Spangle, Lewis H. Wagner.
roy, W. B. Quigley, Boston L. Raith,
Licensed Missionaries: D. S. Robbins, Royal Sage, G. M.
Maryon Brown, Mrs. Grace Cunning- Woodruff.
ham, Mrs. Margaret Fertig, Mrs. S. C. Licensed Missionaries:
Honorary: Sadie Baker, Mrs: Lydia Catherine Cvelic, LaVerne DeVaughn,
Kester. Mrs. Grace B. Nelson, W. H. Smith.

Credentialed Bible Instructors: Credentialed Bible Instructors:

Lilla Morati, Elma Petrovic, Mrs. Margaret Cosby, Mrs. Matilda Meier-
Gertrude Resseguie. hofer, Mrs. R. 0. Terry.

Licensed Bible Instructors: Church School Teachers:

Anna Brandt, W. B. Parkins. Gertrude Blaser, Constance Bennett,
Mary Cordwell, Mrs. Edith Ewing,
Church School Teachers: Mrs. Hattie Hand, Mrs. Florence Han-
Eleanor'- Boer, Arthur Boyd, Mrs. sen, Mrs. J. S. Hardin, Pauline Hersh-
Wayne Conger, L. L. Cook, Mrs. Ber- berger, Esther Meyer, Martha Meyer,
tha Cromwell, Mrs. Ethel Detwiler, Mrs. K. Moss, Lovilla Sievers, Mable
Sarah Gerhart, Marion Hartlein, Myr- Whatley.
tle Johnson, Audry Lee, Frances Rob- Legal Assn.: "New Jersey Conference
ertson, Elaine Schiller, Margaret Association df Seventh-day Advent-
Smith, Narcissa Snyder, Mrs. Lois ists."
Walker, Evelyn Willett. -
Legal Assn.: "The East Pennsylvania
Conference Association of Seventh- OHIO CONFERENCE
day Adventists, Inc."
Organized 1863
Territory: The State of Ohio.
Population: 6,568,151; churches, 83;
Organized 1902 members, 6,288.
Territory: The State of New Jersey. Office: 111 S. Mulberry St., Mt. Vernon,
Ohio. (Telephones, 1175 and 1176.)
Population: 3,933,192 ; churches, 38 ;
members, 2,345. Postal Address: Box 831, Mt. Vernon,
Office Address: 1574 Brunswick Ave., Ohio.
Trenton 8, N. J. (Telephone, 2-3919.) Officers:
Officers: President, W. M. Robbins.
President, W. B. Hill. Secretary-Treasurer, C. C. Morris.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. 0. McLeod. Executive Committee: W. M. Robbins,
Executive Committee: H. J. Adams, Ellis R. Diehm, R. F. Farley, J. L.
S. W. Burrows, W. B. Hill, J. 0. Hagle, W. S. Johnson, T. A. McCoy,'
McLeod, Stephen Paully, G. B. Suh- C. C. Morris, E. H. Schneider, J. R.
rie, R. A. Tyson. Shull, C. E. Welch.
Departmental Secretaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, W. H. Smith. Book and Bible House, Charles H.
Educational, and Y.P.M.V., W. E. Boyts.
Haase. Educational and Y. P. M. V., H. R.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Nelson.
Temperance, and Press Relations, Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
K. H. Wopd, Jr, Radio, G. W. Liscombe.

Publishing, F. E. Thumwood ; Assist- Esther Oldham, Mrs. Clarence Raver,

ants, Clark McClurg, R. 0. Schroe- Theresa Richardson, William Sla-
der, Mrs. Bessie Vincent. bach, Mrs. William Slabach, Mae
Religious Liberty, W. M. Robbins. Stebbins, Mrs. Mary Swisshelm, Mrs.
Ordained Ministers: Naomi Trubey, Mrs. Ariel Walker,
Wayne Walterhouse, Geraldine Weaver,
0. A. Canada, 0. L. Denslow, C. J. Lloyd Winch, Janice Wolfe, Helen
Dornburg, R. F. Farley, H. G. Gau- Yingling.
ker, B. P. Gernet, W. G. Gibson, H.-L.
Gray, E. F. Herzel, L. R. Hoist, W. Legal Association: "The Ohio Confer-
S. Johnson, Erwin H. Lehnhoff, Sieg- ence Association of the Seventh-day
fried K. Lehnhoff, G. W. Liscombe, Adventist Church." President, W. M.
T. A. McCoy, C. M. Mellor, R. T. Robbins; Secretary, C. C. Morris.
Minesinger, C. C. Morris, H. R. Nel-
son, J. D. Neufeld, W. M. Robbins,
Floyd Smith. C. R. Spangler, Joseph
Spicer, D. V. Steinman, T. W. Thirl- Reorganized 1924; combining District of
well, F. E. Thumwood, D. S. Thurs- Columbia Conference, organized 1903,
ton. and Virginia Conference organized
Licensed Ministers:
R. A. Bata, Charles H. Boyts, V. A. Territory: The State of Virginia, except
Chilson, Jack W. Clarke, P. R. Cone, Accomac and Northampton Counties ;
Albert H. Cross, Elvin Feltman, Jr., the District of Columbia ; and that
0. Wiley Fowler, R. W. Hoist, Ben- Portion of Prince Georges County,
jamin E. Leach, N. Arthur Lessner, Maryland, within five miles of the
Clark McClurg, Benjamin F. Mowry, District line; and Montgomery County,
Cecil A. Paden, R. H. Schaffer, R. 0. Maryland.
Schroeder, J. R. Shull, D. S. Teters,
C. E. Welch, Samuel A. Yakush. Population: 2,585,898; churches, 53;
members, 6,500.
Licensed Missionaries:
Vivian Alcorn, Clifton Baker, Mrs. Office Address: 411 Cedar St., Takoma
Clifton Baker, Wilmoth Benson, Mabel Park, Washington 12, D.C. (Tele-
Colby, Mrs. E. R. Corder, Doris Ells- phones, Georgia 5791 and 5792.)
worth, Martha Everett, Hazel Griggs, Officers:
R. W. Hines, Mrs. R. W. Hines,
Raymond Kraft, Donald Lee, K. A. President, H. J. Detwiler.
Lilley, F. A. Meier, D. H. Miller, Secretary-Treasurer. W. H. Jones.
Ralph Nobrega, Nadine Norrick. Executive Committee: H. J. Detwiler.
F. J. Pitchen, Mrs. Olive E. N. S. Ashton, R. L. Boothby, C. H.
Pitchen, Blanche Richardson, Evelyn Dougherty, W. C. Hannah, W. H.
Robert St. Clair, Mrs. Robert St. Jones, E. F. Koch, L. R. Mansell,
Clair, G. C. Sowler, Mrs. Bessie Vin- H. A. Morrison, J. L. Price, G. S.
cent, Edna Vorus, Jane Weiss, Mrs. Rapp.
Wesley Wolcott, Laurence Wolfe, Mrs.
Maude Wolfe, Arthur Workman. Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, E. S. Knecht.
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Educational and Sabbath School, A.
Mrs. Eva Bruder, Ernestine Hoch- 0. Dart.
schorner, Alfrida Larson, Mrs. Rose Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V.,
Lindsey, Helen Oldham. W. N. Wittenberg.
Licensed Bible Instructors: Medical, Ada E. Dean.
Public Relations, W. H. Jones.
Mrs. Jessie Armstrong. Beulah Brun- Publishing, C. H. Smith.
ton, Mrs. Marie Fulkerson, Grace Religious Liberty, H. J. Detwiler.
Johnson, Nellie McDowell, Ruth War Service and Temperance, W. N.
Weitzman. Wittenberg.
Church School Teachers:
Ordained Ministers:
Virginia Eakley, Mrs. Kathryn Eaton,
Mrs. Carl Fairchild, Lorraine Fank- N. S. Ashton, W. H. Barringhani, R.
houser, L. J. Fritz, Mrs. L. J. Fritz, L. Boothby, W. H. Coffman, P. G.
Lottie Gibson, Mrs. Mildred Hardin- Crestakos, H. R. Cullen, A. 0. Dart.
ger, Norma Harmon, Mrs. Charles J. C. Dean, H. J. Detwiler, H. M.
Hinckley. Mrs. George Hooper, Mrs. Dukes, H. T. French, C. M. Grues-
Flora Horvath, Mrs. Doris Hunt, beck, E. L. Hanson, D. F. Haynes,
Nina Hunt, Pearl Kattelman, Fern F. D. Horton, C. 0. Kinder, E. F.
Losie, Pearl Meese, Mrs. Mabel Mil- Koch, L. R. Mansell, J. Lee Neil, W.
ler, S. A. Minesinger, W. A. Moore, E. Peeke, Russell Quackenbush, G. S.
Mrs. W. A. Moore, Norma Niswan- Rapp, M. J. Shanko, C. H. Smith,
ger, Mrs. Robert O'Connell. J. H. Smith, R. L. Vaughn, W. T.

Smith, W. T. Weaver, C. E. West- WEST PENNSYLVANIA CON-

phal, W. N. Wittenberg, R. F. Woods. FERENCE
Ctedentialed Missionary: E. S. Knecht. Organized 1903 out of territory com-
Licensed Ministers: prising the Pennsylvania Conference
which was organized in 1879.
R. F. Correia, Phillip Fetter, C. W.
French, R. F. Frey, J. L. Hamrick, Territory: All of Pennsylvania lying
Jr. W. C. Hannah, R. E. Harris, E. west of the easterly line of Potter,
F. Hodde,
' W. H. Jones. Clinton, Center, Mifflin, Huntingdon,
N. L. Meager, R. G. Miller, Fred and Fulton Counties.
Minner, Giles N. Roberts, Glenn Population: 3,904,631; churches, 43;
Sharman, E. H. Shull, C. I. Soles, members, 1,780.
George Wargo, D. S. Weinberg, C. A.
Yarnell. Office: 744 N. Negley Ave., Pittsburgh
6, Pa. (Telephone, Emerson 3770.)
Licensed Missionaries:
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 5092, East
Mrs. Vesta Adams, Mrs. Ernestine Liberty Station, Pittsburgh 6, Pa.
Albertson, Mrs. Ellen Bazzle, Ruth
Burgeson, Ada Dean, Margaret de Officers:
Haan, Mrs. Pearl Deiter, Margarita President, W. C. Moffett.
Dietel, Linden E. Foll, Clyde Arba Secretary-Treasurer, Cleon B. Green.
Mrs. W. C. Hannah, L. J. Jensen, Executive Committee: W. C. Moffett,
Katherine Kavanaugh, Evelyn Ko- E. E. Carman, 0. G. Carnes, L. G.
nowal, C. B. Mosher, Mrs. Gladys Cornelius, Cleon B. Green, Arthur
Paulson, W. V. Smith, Freda Teis, Page, F. L. Wessley.
Mrs. Naomi Wilson, Mrs. W. T. Departmental Secretaries:
Weaver. Book and Bible House, M. A. Paden.
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Educational and Sabbath School, L.
L. Philpott.
Mrs. Kathleen Brownell, Maud Crump, Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., E. A.
Vinnie L. Goodner, Mrs. Giles N. Beavon.
Roberts, Mary Saxton. Publishing, J. H. Creighton.
Licensed Bible Instructors: Radio and Temperance, E. A. Beavon.
Religious Liberty, W. C. Moffett.
Alice Heiney, Mrs. Mabel Kurz, Mrs.
Lois Mays, Mary Etta Meyers. Ordained Ministers:
E. A. Beavon, E. E. Carman, 0. G.
Church School Teachers: Carnes, L. G. Cornelius, Cleon B.
Mary Alexander, Glenna Altizer, T. Green, A. D. Haynal, Ralph B. Hill,
E. Banks, Mrs. T. E. Banks, Mrs. Stewart R. Jayne, W. C. Moffett, A.
Mary Bateman, Mrs. Helen Bleakley, Ray Norcliffe, L. L. Philpott, Hollis
Virginia Bowman, Mrs. Mae Bradley, W. Wolcott, H. L. Yates.
Mrs. Doris Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth
Brown, Helen Chase, W. A. Connell, Licensed Ministers:
Adelaide Christian, Mrs. Charlsie J. H. Creighton, G. W. Frederick,
Fox, Mrs. Reta Forrest, Mrs. Trevie James Hold, M. A. Paden, Glenn
Griffin, Mrs. Isabel Good, Mrs. Nancy Smith, R. M. Spencer, Jr.
L. Gruesbeck, Elsie Heisterman.
Joyce Hevener, Mrs. Zella Holbert, Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. Alma Jenkins, Mrs. Grace Kin- Frances Dingee, Effie Mae Scharff.
der, Mrs. Helen Kinzer, Mrs. Mildred
Kirkman, Harriet Liese, Mrs. Eleanor Bible Instructor: Mary Penrod.
Lindsjo, Mrs. Sue Magoon, Mrs. Anne Church School Teachers:
Matthews, Joyce Mayers, Harold Mon-
dies, Mrs. Elsie Pohle, Mrs. Myrtle Helen Craig, Julia Didick, Jean En-
Pohle, Helen Powell, Mrs. Vesta gel, Frank Fuller, Mrs. Frank Fuller,
Seek, Mrs. Eileen Seeley, Mrs. Doro- Shirley High, Mrs. Lotus Knapp, Kris-
thy Show, Nellie Smith, Bonnie Snide, . tins Kwapinski, Irma Martin, Lucile
Louise Stuart, Mrs. Miriam Tymeson, Repine, Dorothy Ritter.
R. M. Vaughn, Alpha Varney, Irene
Walker, Mrs. Mildred Welker.
Legal Associations: "Potomac Confer- Organized 1887
ence Corporation of Seventh-day Ad.
ventists." Also, "District of Colum- Territory: The State of West Virginia,
bia Conference Corporation of Sev- except the Counties of Morgan; Ber-
enth-day Adventists," and "Virginia keley, and Jefferson, and including
Conference Agency of Seventh-day the Counties of Garrett and Alle-
Adventists," gheny in Maryland.

Population: 1,838,653 ; churches, 18 ; President; W. M. Nosworthy, Sec-

members, 1,079. retary.
Office Address: 1455 Seventh St., Par:
kersburg, W. Va. (Telephone, 394.) INSTITUTIONS IN THE COLUMBIA
Officers: Educational:
President, C. J. Coon. Home Study Institute, Takoma Park,
Secretary-Treasurer, W. M. Noswor- Washington 12, D. C.
Executive Committee: C. J. Coon, Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Vernon,
J. R. Johnson, Ralph Logan, J. H. Ohio.
McHenry, L. A. Niswander, W. M. Philadelphia Academy, 6063 Drexel
Nosworthy, R. R. Pope. Rd., Philadelphia 31, Pa.
Departmental Secretaries: Pine Forge Academy, Pine Forge, Pa.
Book and Bible House, W. M. Nos- Plainfield Academy, 622 W. 8th St.,
worthy. Plainfield, N.J.
Educational, J. D. Meade. Richmond Academy, 3913 Patterson
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Ave., Richmond, Va.
Y.P.M.V., J. D. Meade. Seventh-day Adventist Theological
Publishing, M. H. Reeder. Seminary, Takoma Park, Washing-
Ordained Ministers: ton 12, D. C.
C. J. Coon, J. R. Johnson, Ralph E. Shenandoah Valley Academy, New
Logan, A. C. Marple, H. E. Metcalf, Market, Va.
D. B. Meyers, F. C. Webster. Takoma Academy, Takoma Park,
Washington 12, D. C.
Credentialed Missionary: W. M. Nos-
worthy. Washington Missionary College, Ta-
koma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Licensed Ministers: Washington Union Academy, 624
J. D. Meade, M. H. Reeder, William Eighth St., N. E., Washington,
M. Schomburg. D. C.
Licensed Missionaries: Sanitarium
Mrs. Virginia Cummins, Margaret Medical:
Fuller. Washington Sanitarium, Takoma Park,
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Mary Washington 12, D. C.
Church School Teachers:
Washington Sanitarium Mission Hos-
Mary Catherine Bee, 0. S. Harrell, pital, 1262 6th St., S. W., Wash-
Mrs. 0. S. Harrell, Mrs. Grace Meade, ington, D. C.
Mrs. George Mowry, Mrs. Fred Var-
ney. Publishing:
Legal Association: "Seventh-day Ad- Review and Herald Publishing Assn.,
ventist Book Society." C. J. Coon, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.


Organized 1901
Territory: The States of Illinois, In- Executive Committee: L. E. Lenheim,
diana, Michigan, and Wisconsin, C. M. Bunker, Theodore Carcich, J. G.
comprising the Conferences of Illi- Dasent, E. L. Green, H. K. Halladay,
nois, Indiana, Lake Region, Michi- D. W. Hunter, G. E. Hutches, I. H.
gan, and Wisconsin. Ihrig, A. W. Johnson, T. R. Lukens,
A. E. Mobley, W. A. Nelson, F. W.
Population: 19,718,730 ; churches, 386 ; Schnepper, J. D. Snider.
members, '28,616. Departmental Secretaries:
Office Address: Box C, Berrien Springs, Educational, W. A. Nelson.
Mich. (Telephone, 4321.) Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
H. K. Halladay.
Officers: Publishing, I. H. Ihrig.
President, L. E. Lenheim. Religious Liberty, L. E. Lenheim.
Secretary-Treasurer, E. L. Green. Y.P.M.V.,Temperance, and War Serv-
Auditor, A. E. Mobley. ice, D. W. Hunter.


Ordained Ministers: Adventists." "Indiana Medical Mis-

A. E. Axelson, 0. H. Christensen, sionary and Benevolent Association."
A. Orville Dunn, H. E. Edwards, "Hinsdale Sanitarium and Benevo-
Henry R. Grundset, H. K. Halladay, lent Association." "Michigan Sani-
D. W. Hunter, I. H. Ihrig, L. E. Len- tarium, Incorporated."
heim, C. W. Lee, V. P. Lovell, W. A.
Nelson, H. 0. Olson, J. B. Penner, J.
R. Perkins, A. H. Rulkoetter, E. R. ILLINOIS CONFERENCE
Organized 1871; divided into North and.
Honorary: D. E. Collins, E. F. Ferris,
Arva Nickless, K. A. Offerman, Fred South Illinois Conferences 1902 ; re-
Stebbeds, W. E. Videto. organized as Illinois and Chicago
Conferences 1918; reunited 1931.
Credentialed Missionaries:
Territory: The State of Illinois.
Louise Ambs, Perry Beach; Earl Bea-
ty, F. M. Brayshaw, Henry S. Brown, Population: 7,509,795; churches, 67;
V. H. Campbell, John Christensen, Ra- members, 5,075.
chel Christman, Clarence Cole, Abbie
Culbert, Geneva Erickson, C. S. Field, Office: Pacific Press Bldg., Brookfield,
J. W. Finley, Clarence I. Flyte, W. W. Ill. (Telephone, Brookfield 120.)
Frank, Lela Harper, H."E. Hein, R. E. Postal Address: Box 29, Brookfield, Ill.
Hervig, A. D. Holmes, Beatrice Hol-
quist, Elsie Johnson, R. A. Johnson. Officers:
Verne Kelsey, E. S. Kyle, 11. M. President, T. Carcich.
Lashier, Arlene Marks, R. B. Mac- Secretary-Treasurer, J. B. Frank.
Morland, Mrs. Wanda MacMorland, Executive Committee: T. Carcich, F.
MeMlle Mead, Olena Nelson, Walter
Nelson, R. E. Oxley, L. E. Petersen, F. Bush, Anthony Catalano, J. B.
Stella Petersen, B. H. Phipps, Eva Frank, F. W. Harvey, C. R. Kinney,
Pitcher, J. E. Riffel, Edna Shelburg, T. R. Lukens, J. R. Purdy, H. H.
June Shelburg, Leslie Smith, E. J. Schmidt.
Specht, F. F. Swearingen, Jessie S. Departmental Secretaries:
Tupper, E. K. VandeVere, Bernice Book and Bible House, C. B. Burgess.
Webber, Evelyn Wiik, Gyneth Wood.
Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Temper-
Licensed Ministers: ance, F. F. Bush.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Daniel Augsburger, P. T. Gibbs, 0. and Radio, C. R. French.
C. Granlund, E. L. Green, B. L. Publishing, J. M. Bucy.
Grundset, H. F. Halenz, Alvin W. Religious Liberty, T. Carcich.
Johnson, T. Ray Lukens, A. E. Mob-
ley. Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries: F. F. Bush, H. L. Calkin's, T. Car-
'deb, G. R. Carter, Anthony Catalano,
Robert Beck, Mrs. Nettie T. Beyer, Joseph Dobias, J. A. Dominski, C. R.
Robert Bishop, E. Bruckner, Daniel French, F. W. Harvey, T. G. Herr,
Capen, Viola Carleton, Don C. Cham- C. Ray Kinney, T. J. Kroeger, A. 0.
ness, B. Colon, Joseph Day, Blanche Lund, Leonard J. Mersa, A. D. Nagy,
DeMerice, Dorothy Ferren, J. 0. Fer- DeWitt S. Osgood, Jose I. Rivera,
ris, Myrtle Foreman, Mrs. Myrtle William Schaeffler, H. H. Schmidt,
Fridblom, Edward Gammon, Cecil L. R. Scott, H. J. ThOmsen, C. L.
Gooch, Edwin Graff, Mrs. Margaret Turner, R. W. Wentland.
Greene, Mrs. Edith L. Haas, Paul
Hamel, Marjorie Hamp, Earl High, Credentialed Missionaries:
Stanley Hill. J. M. Bucy, C. B. Burgess, N. R.
W. A. Iles, Mrs. W. A. Iles, E. E. Hallock, D. N. Hartman, A. E. Pen-
Kidder, Henry Lane, Ruth Mc- der, W. A. Schram, C. Roy Smith,
Elheny, Irma McLane, Mrs. Violet Lee H. Taylor.
D. Mills, Clarence Noblitt, Willma
Pekingbaugh, Merton Peterson, Bar- Licensed Ministers:
bara Phipps, Mrs. Emma Reynolds, Orren W. Bacheller, A. Castelbuono,
Harvey Rudisale, Mrs. Moira Sea- H. E. Douglas, J. B. Frank, John M.
man, W. C. Simmons, Mrs. Marjorie Haynal, Walter Kolmodin, R. D.
Stier, Audrey Stockton, A. W. Van- Smith, Steven P. Vitrano, Richard
deman, Mrs. A. W. Vandeman, Mrs. G. Wertz, C. R. Wyatt.
Mildred Wade, E. .D. Wagner, Elsie
Wendt, Albert Wideman, Edna L. Licensed Missionaries:
Wilbur, Eva Maude Wilson, Irma John Anders, N. C. Brown, Stephen
Wrate. Buck, Gladys Clarke, Esther David,
Legal Associations: "Lake Union Con- Annabelle Davidson, Elizabeth Eitel,
ference Association of Seventh-day Mrs. J. 0. Ferris, Muriel Franklin,


Helen Glass, Mrs. Norman Hallock, Hams, Arthur Kiesz, Wayne L. Mes-
Ivan Hunt, Marjorie Jones, Adeline sengill, V. R. Pike.
Kleist, Louis D. Krampe, Paul Lugen- Honorary: Ora B. Hall.
beal, Ruth Nelson.
J. R. Patterson, Eric Peterson, Rose- Credentialed Missionaries:
mary Richards, C. Ricca, Mrs. C. R. W. G. Wallace, C. M. Wilson.
Smith, P. M. Weichert, Ruth Weist.
Licensed Ministers:
Credentialed Bible Instructors:
John E . Davidson, Elton Dessain,
Marion Blasius, Vesta Cash, Mrs. Charles G. Edwards, Herbert Hass,
Henrietta Immergut, Jody Ketterman, Vern C. Hoffman, John S. Hender-
Edna Mattausch. son, Fred J. Kinsey, Charles Mat-
Church School Teachers: tingly, W. A. Petersen, Garth D.
Gladys BacheIler, Fern Baird, Mrs. Thompson, 0. E. Torkelson, Frank
Laurabelle Cook, Mrs. Esther Fore- Unger, H. A. Welklin, Garnet Wil-
man, Mrs. Doris Hauger, Mrs. Ada liams.
Hicks, Mrs. Dorothy Lainson, Alice Licensed Missionaries:
Lankford, Mrs. May Lemmon, Mrs. Lila Mae Beatty, Violet Boyko, Betty
Victor Marsh, Kenneth Morrison, Dolan, Eldon J. Green, Grant Guth,
Ruby Nichols, Anna Peterson, Julia C. C. Hansen, Everett D. Kirk, Evelyn
Pryor, Mrs. Lois Shandor, Evelyn Platt, Lela Pierce, Celia Walker,
Smith, Mrs. Margaret Smith, Mrs. Walter G. Wallace, Raymond Wells.
John Snell, Mrs. H. J. Thomsen,
Pearl Witak. Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Legal Associations: "Illinois Conference Virginia Closser, Mrs. Edith Cross,
Association of Seventh-day Advent- Marceil Ehrhart, Jannette Greene,
ists" and "Chicago Conference Asso- Nora Padgett.
ciation of Seventh-day Adventists."
Church School Teachers:
Irene Amen, Clara Blood, Violet Boat,
INDIANA CONFERENCE Iva Churchill, Margaret Cox, George
Dunder, Pauline Dunn, Shirley
Organized 1872 Evans, George Engelbert, Virginia
Guess, Vergil Jenkins, Mrs. Vergil
Territory: The State of Indiana. Jenkins, Lillian Keller, Clara Belle
Population: 3,305,880 ; churches, 69 ; Kendall, Mrs. Arthur Kiesz, Florence
members, 4,267. Kirtley, Rosemary Larkey, Ruby Low-
ell, Isla Padgett, Alwilda Polk, Me-
Office Address: 3266 North Meridian linda Rodenberg, Ruth Schroeder,
St., Indianapolis 7, Ind. (Telephone, Mrs. Hilda Schultz, Barbara Stuart,
Wabash 4571.) Dorotha Taylor, Irene Vance.
Officers: Legal Association: "The Indiana Asso-
President, C. M. Bunker. ciation of Seventh-day Adventists."
Secretary-Treasurer, Elton Dessain.
Executive Committee: C. M. Bunker,
D. E. Caslow, Elton Dessain, Ben LAKE REGION CONFERENCE
Erwin, Arthur Kiesz, W. L. Latham,
H. E. McClure, C. W. Pruitt, E. C. Organized January 1, 1946
Wood. Territory: The colored constituency of
Departmental Secretaries: the States of Illinois, Indiana, Michi-
Book and Bible House, W. A. Peter- gan, and Wisconsin.
sen. Population: 729,865 ; churches, 24 ; mem-
Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Temper- bers, 2,867.
ance, Vern C. Hoffman.
Home Missionary, Industrial Rela- Office Address: 619 Woodland Park,
tions, and Sabbath School, H. E. Chicago 16, Ill. (Telephone, Boule-
McClure. vard 8-3331.)
Publishing, Frank Unger ; Assistant, Postal Address: Box 5323, Chicago 7.
Walter G. Wallace.
Religious Liberty, C. M. Bunker. Ill.
Ordained Ministers: Officers:
C. M. Bunker, Wayne W. Byers, D. President, J. Gershom Dasent.
E. Caslow, Roland K. Cemer, M. D. Secretary-Treasurer, F. N. Crowe.
Howard, K. M. Kennedy, W. L. Lat- Executive Committee: J. Gershom
ham, H.. E. McClure, L. L. Murphy, Dasent, J. W. Allison, A. W. Clarke.
L. H: Olson, W. P. Ortner, J. G. F. N. Crowe, W. D. Forde, Virgil
Penner, C. W. Pruitt, Harold N. Wil- Gibbons, J. A. Smith, R. F. Warnick.

Departmental Secretaries: Officers:

Book and Bible House, L. B. Baker. President, G. E. Hutches.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., W. J. Secretary-Treasurer, E. F. Willett.
Kisack. Executive Committee: G. E. Hutches,
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, U. Bender, Fred Green, T. S. Hill,
T. M. Fountain. M. L. Mills, W. B. Pontynen, L. J.
Publishing, Virgil Gibbons ; Assist- Will, E. P. Weaver, E. F. Willett.
ants, John Frank Lee, Charles H. Departmental Secretaries:
Moore, Roosevelt Ruffin.
Book and Bible House, Hugh Forquer.
Ordained Ministers: Educational, D. V. Cowin.
Home Missionary, Council on Indus-
J. W. Allison, Jr., A. W. Clarke, T. trial Relations, and Radio, Sher-
H. Coopwood, F. N. Crowe, J. Ger- man M. McCormick.
shorn Dasent, W. D. Forde, T. M. Medical,
Fountain, J. Parker Laurence, R. F. Publishing, Howard Burbank ; Assist-
Warnick. ants, Otis A. Botimer, Leonard
Clements, Forrest Skaggs.
Credentialed Missionary: Charles H. Religious Liberty, G. E. Hutches.
Moore. Sabbath School, M. F. Grau.
Y.P.M.V., Temperance, and Press
Licensed Ministers: Relations, John O. Miklos.
L. B. Baker, James Dykes, Leon H.
Davis, Virgil Gibbons, Charles Higgs, Ordained Ministers:
Jr., W. J. Kisack, James Mosley, W. P. Atwood, U. Bender, H. E.
Rothacker Smith. Bisel, J. B. Blosser, H. R. Bren-
nan, Edwin Buck, Jr., E. E. Burkett,
Licensed Missionaries: Gordan H. Carle, D. V. Cowin, H. H.
Mrs. Roma Bond, Ruby Cartwright, Crandell, A. A. Douglas, George R.
Mrs. Virgil Gibbons, C. J. Laurence, Elstrom, Jeremia Florea, R. U.
John Frank Lee, Ruby Mormon, Alma Garrett.
L. Sellers. M. F. Grau, Judson P. Habenicht,
T. S. Hill, Stephen J.-Hornyak, G. E.
Licensed Bible Instructors: Hutches, S. W. Hyde, Donald E.
Mrs. Bertha Bailey, Millicent Jordan, Jacobs, Obed Klein, J. C. Klose, R.
Susie Kelly, Dorothy Smith. K. Krick, S. M. McCormick, J. C.
Miklos, Merle L. Mills, R. D. Moon,
Church School Teachers: M. E. Munger, A. K. Phillips, Alex-
Margaret Barlow, Mildred Booker, ander Pietrasz.
Jennie Clarke, Wellington Clarke, W. B. Pontynen, E. R. Potter, Earl
Floretta Foley, Devolia Fowler, Rus- H. Robbins, T. Irville Rush, H. G.
sell Fossett, Clara Hackney, Ida Rutherford, G. A. Schwerin, B. H.
Johnson, Lillian Jones, Jean E. Law- Shaw, H. L. Shoup, R. 0. Stone, S. E.
rence, Lizzie M. Longware, Ruth Wight, J. J. Williamson, J. C. Zoll-
Mayfield, Dorothy McClellan, Cather- brecht.
ine Mansfield, Wilma Minisee, Goldie Credentialed Missionaries:
Pettress, Margaret Smith, Christine E. J. Beardsley, E. H. Craig, H. E.
Thompson, Ruybe Moon, E. P. Weaver.
Legal Association: "Lake Region Con- Licensed Ministers:
ference Association of Seventh-day Fred Beavon, Ansel Bristol, H. D.
Adventists." Burbank, Ralph T. Carter, Hugh J.
Forquer, V. E. Garber, Cecil Gemmel],
Dale Hannah, William Harbour, R.
MICHIGAN CONFERENCE M. Harrison, Herbert Hosford, Law-
rence F. Kagels, Herbert Lohr, Duane
Organized 1861; divided into East, Miller, Orris J. Mills, Alonzo R.
West, and North Michigan Confer- Mohr, Keith Morey, Dwight S. Wal-
ences 1902; reunited West and North lack, H. A. Weaver, E. F. Willett, R.
Michigan 1926; and West and East A. Wolcott.
Michigan united in 1931. Licensed Missionaries:
Territory: State of Michigan. P. P. Anderson, Otis A. Botimer,
Mrs. Betty Claussen, J. L. Clements,
Population: 5,047,761 ; churches, 143 ; Helen Collins, Mrs. Grace Crawford,
members, 12,076. Christine de Dianous, Aimee DuBois,
Office: 620 Townsend St., Lansing 15, Gertrude A. Dyer, Evelyn Farley,
Mich. (Telephone, 4-1317.) Miriam Foreman, Oscar Francher,
Joseph Galusha, Mrs. Cecil Gemmel].
Postal Address: Box 900, Lansing 4, Mrs. Evelyn Grau, Mrs: Ruth
Mich. Hutches, Wayne Hyde, William Iles,

Alyce Ivey, June Krebs, Neil W. Office: 802 E. Gorham St., Madison, Wis.
Lichtfield, C. W. Mayer, Rubie Oakes, (Telephone, Badger 2219.)
Russel Parks, Sibyl E. Pertain, Bethel
Rice, Merle Ruskjer, Mrs. Leola Sax- Postal Address: Box 612, Madison, Wis.
ton, George Sherman, L. H. Sickles,
Forrest Skaggs, Marciele Smith, Ethel Officers:
Stamper, Joann Stevens, Frank B. President, F. W. Schnepper.
Steen, Alyce Swedberg, L. W. Taft, Secretary-Treasurer, R. G. Burchfield.
R. E. Van Houten, H. A. Wohlers: Executive Committee: C. M. Bee, R.
Credentialed Bible Instructors: G. Burchfield, L. L. Dunn, Carl W.
Mrs. D. Brander, Mrs. Verna Bret, Guenther, W. T. Lindsay, J. H. Meier,
Mrs. B. Davidson, Jennie DeYoung, G. F. Ruf, J. A. Scott, F. W. Schnep-
Alma DuBois. per.

Licensed Bible Instructor: Mary Greger- Departmental Secretaries:

son. Book and Bible House, L. G. Wartzok.
Church School Teachers: Educational tind Y.P.M.V., J. F.
Knipschild, Jr.
Esther Alkire, James Armantrout, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Mrs. Verna Bacheller, Margaret Ben- G. F. Ruf.
edict, Dorothy Blake, Myrtle Brueg- Publishing, 0. H. Rauch ; Assistant,
semen, Mrs. Fern Burgess, Mrs. Eva Lee Sackett.
Burns, Marjorie Butler, Marcella But- Religious Liberty, W. R. Riston.
terfield, Doris M. Clark, Mrs. Doro-
thy Clark, Lila Mae Cohler, Doris Ordained Ministers:
Drew, Pearl Drumb, Mrs. Mildred D. W. Anderson, C. M. Bee, John W.
Ekkens, Grace Francisco. Boyd, L. L. Dunn, Carl W. Guenther,
Mrs. Leona Glidden, Verna A. Good- N. M. Harlan, J. S. Jameson, C. V.
site, Gloria Griggs, C. J. Hagenberg, Keiser, J. F. Knipschild, Jr., F. M.
Mrs. Bernita Hainey, Ray Nicola Larsen, J. H. Meier, M. H. Odegaard,
Hauck, Leonard E. Hill, Mrs. Ruth A. G. Parfitt, W. R. Riston, D. F.
Howell, Normagene Hunt, Ruth Roth, G. F. Ruf, F. Allen Sackett, F.
E. Husted, Mrs. Pearl D. Hyzer, W. Schnepper.
Madge Kamerer, Mrs. Nettie Ken-
nedy, Percy W. Lamb, Mrs. Flor- Credentialed Missionaries:
ence Light, Mrs. Ina Loder, R. L. Roland Cole, F. L. Gilliland, Louise
Logan, Florence Losey, Mrs. Persis Larmon, Mrs. Helen Massey, M. C.
J. Marble, Frances Martin, Mrs. Nash, LeRoy Ramsey, Lee Sackett,
Margaret Meeker, Mrs. Helen Merrill. Roy E. Satterlee, Mildred Summerton.
Pansy Middaugh, Mrs. Anna Neal,
Florence Orth, Sadie Owen, Gerane Licensed Ministers:
Parish, Mrs. Shirley Patterson, Mrs. L. N. Boyd, R. G. Burchfield, Harold
Lucile Petersen, Merton S. Petersen, Bohr, Kenneth Day, Melvin G. Hick-
Marie Pfeifle, Mrs. Esther Reyburn, man, H. F. Lease, Paul Matacio, 0.
Mildred G. Roat, W. Earl Robinson, H. Rausch, Daniel W. Schiffbauer, L.
Mrs. Joyce Sarr, Lydia Schoun. G. Warzok.
Valeta Sevison, Winnifred Shelden,
Betty Snyder, Mrs. Henry Steiner, Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. Glenna Todd, Mrs. Dorothy Uhl, G. W. Curry, Ruth Holland, Mavis
Julian Ulloth, Elizabeth Van Ars- LeTendre, R. McChesney, Idana Noel,
dale, Mrs. H. A. Weaver, Bernice Roberta Patton, Marjorie Satterlee,
Webber, Mrs. Robert Wery, Shirley Wava White, Jean Woerpel, Mildred
Weeker, W. J. Wilkinson, Mrs. Lois Woods.
Williams, Henry E. Williams, Law-
rence M. Wolcott. Licensed Bible Instructors:
Legal Association: "Michigan Confer- Helen Mazurk, Ruth Toms.
ence Assn. of Seventh-day Advent-
ists," Incorporated. G. E. Hutches, Church School Teachers:
Chairman ; E. F. Willett, Secretary. Lola Barske, Mrs. C. M. Bee, Mar-
jorie Danielson, Mrs. Reuben Dehline,
Mrs. Grace Doyle, Mrs. Dorothy
WISCONSIN CONFERENCE Fisher, Myrtle Fitzgerald, Mrs. Clar-
ence Grilley, Mrs. Julia Hagensen,
Organized 1871 ; divided as North and Mrs. Henry Hansen, Alice Herwick,
South Wisconsin Conferences 1916; Myrtle Herwick, Delores Johnson,
reunited 1927. Jim Kaatz.
Territory: The State of Wisconsin. Ruth Kaiser, Myrtle Karr, Rulene
Karr, Bernice Lunz, Foster Medford,
Population: 3,126,429; churches, 83; Mrs. Mary Nelson, Mildred Nelson,
members, 4,331. Mrs. Jewell Nolin, Lucille Parfitt,

Belle Petersen, Delilah Petersen, Broadview Academy, R. F. D. 1,

Mabel Rogness, Edith Squire, Daisy Box 68, La Grange, Ill. -
Sterns, Elmer Stone, Mrs. Elmer Cedar Lake Academy, Cedar Lake,
Stone, Ruth Stotz, LaVerne Vietz, Mich.
Avis Wedin, Ellen Widmer.
Emmanuel Missionary College, College
Legal Association: "Wisconsin Confer- Station, Berrien Springs, Mich.
ence Association of the Seventh-day Emmanuel Missionary College Acad-
Adventists." emy, College Station, Berrien
Springs, Mich.
Indiana Academy, Cicero, Ind.
INSTITUTIONS IN THE LAKE Shiloh Academy, 3945 Lake Park Ave.,
Educational: Medical:
Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital,
Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich. Hinsdale, Ill.
Battle Creek Academy, Battle Creek, Publishing:
Mich. .
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Interna-
Bethel Academy, Arpin, Wis. tional Branch, Brookfield, Ill.


Organized 1902; reorganized 1937

Territory: The States of Iowa, Minne- Honorary: August Anderson, J. W.

sota, North Dakota, and South Da- Christian, B. 0. Engen, H. M. Hiatt,
kota, comprising the Conferences of J. W. Kasa, J. A. Litwinenco, J. R.
Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Staton, M. F. Wiedemann.
South Dakota. Licensed Minister: A. R. Smouse.
Population: 6,615,464; churches, 230 ; Licensed Missionaries:
members, 12,159. Florence Hall, Helen Mae Smith.
Office Address: 501 Forest Ave., Minne- Legal Association: "The Northern Un-
apolis 4, Minn. (Telephone, Kenwood ion Conference Association of Sev-
2992.) enth-day Adventists, Incorporated."
Officers: President, Jere D. Smith ; Secretary-
Treasurer, A. R. Smouse.
President, Jere D. Smith. (Telephone,
Regent 6774.)
Secretary-Treasurer, A. R. Smouse. IOWA CONFERENCE
(Telephone, Midway 9482.)
Auditor and Transportation Agent, Organized 1863
A. R. Smouse. Territory: The State of Iowa.
Executive Committee: Jere D. Smith, Population: 2,538,268 ; churches, 64 ;
R. E. Bowles, D. C. Butherus, W. A.
Dessain, J. M. Jackson, C. V. Leach, members, 3,543.
E. A. Robertson, G. H. Rustad, A. R. Office: 540-42d St., Des Moines 6,
Smouse, R. W. Woods. Iowa. (Telephone 7-4633.)
Departmental Secretaries: Postal Address: Box 1476, Des Moines
Educational and Y.P.M.V., E. A. Rob- 6, Iowa.
ertson. Officers:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Temperance, and Radio, President, W. A. Dessain.
Publishing and Council on Industrial Secretary-Treasurer, W. C. Day.
Relations Representative, J. M. Executive Committee: W. A. Dessain,
Jackson. H. R. Coats, W. C. Day, Iver John-
Religious Liberty, Jere D. Smith. son, A. V. McClure, I. W. Reck, H.
War Service Commission, E. A. H. White.
Departmental Secretaries:
Ordained Ministers: Book and Bible House, Lowell. Estes.
J. M. Jackson, E. A. Robertson, Jere Educational, and Y.P.M.V., J. 0.
D. Smith. Iversen.

Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Nelson, F. E. Thompson, A. L. Thu-

A. V. McClure. lin.
Publishing, L. G. Whitten.
Religious Liberty, W. A. Dessain. Departmental Secretaries:

Ordained Ministers: Book and Bible House, Kermit I. Foss.

Educational and Y.P.M.V., G. M.
W. R. Caviness, H. R. Coats, Glenn Lien.
Davenport, H. B. Davies, W. A. Des- Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
sain, Roy E. Eckerman, A. R. Hagen, C. E. Guenther.
Leighton R. Holley, W. Roger Holley, Publishing, James E. Curry.
J. 0. Iversen, A. J. Lockert, A. V. Religious Liberty, F. E. Thompson.
McClure, A. L. Miller, Fred Schultz, Temperance, C. E. Guenther.
M. E. Smith, Hampton H. White,
Paul Whitlow. Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Ministers: L. E. Abelson, W. R. Archbold, Ellis
W. C. Day, Lowell Estes, Ervin Funk, R. Colson, Dyre Dyresen, C. E. Guen-
Emil Hagele, Vernon Heglund, Wal- ther, J. C. Harder, M. C. Horn, P. C.
ter R. Howard, J. E. Lippart, E. D. Jaynes, R. J. Kegley, A. L. Kirk,
Sorensen, A. A. Weikum, Louie G. C. V. Leach, G. M. Lien, T. N. Neer-
Whitten. gaard, C. B. Newmyer, J. A. Nord-
strom, D. K. Olson, F. E. Thompson,
Licensed Missionaries: H. L. Wernick.
Mrs. Lena Day, William Garrison,
Gladys Hintze, Elizabeth Lothian, Credentialed Missionary: Kermit I. Foss.
Inez Meyers, P. W. Peters, Mrs. M.
E. Smith, Howard Vos, Lorraine Wal- Licensed Ministers:
ler, Helen Wilmot, Enid Wilson. Winston R. Dennis, Vernon W. Em-
merson, Orvin Filiman, F. P. Gilbert,
Licensed Bible Instructors: J. M. Mershon, Harley Schander,
Mrs. Elsie Albertson, Mrs. Stemple George P. Stone, Christy M. Taylor,
White. Ernest W. Voyles, Walter Webb, A.
C. Woods.
Church School Teachers:
Laura Anderson, Mrs. Hilder Carl- Licensed Missionaries:
son, Nobel Carlson, Erma Davenport, L. W. Burgeson, Mrs. Myrtle Chris-
Dorothy Dickerson, Jean Frederick- tensen, Cecil Conquest, Mrs. Esther
son, Mrs. Amelia Hill, Ilien Larson, Cornell, D. E. Davis, Mrs. Kermit I.
Mabel Madsen, Amy Messenger, P. W. Foss, Ethel Hartzell, P. Haughey,
Peters, Mrs. Grace Simmons, Mary Milo Hill, Alvin Johnson, I. 0. John-
Ann Taeger, Margaret Thomas, Mrs. son, Victoria Larson, Gladys Liane.
Walter Thomas. Mrs. Charlotte Link, Vernon Marsh,
Alice Mattson, Mrs. Madelin Menden-
Legal Association: "The Iowa Seventh- hall, Lura Newkirk, Lorena Piper,
day Adventist Association." W. A. William Rankin, L. Thiebau, Leland
Dessain, President; W. C. Day, Sec- Torkelsen, Mrs. Gertrude Weatherly,
retary-Treasurer. `Reva Williams, Marian Zummach.

Credentialed Bible Instructors:

MINNESOTA CONFERENCE Mrs. Grace Beardsley, Mrs. Nora P.
Jenkins, Evelyn Jepson.
Organized 1862
Church School Teachers:
Territory: The State of Minnesota. Kathryn Barnhart, Emily Berggren,
Mrs. George Butler, Winston Dennis,
Population: 2,792,300; churches, 73 ; Mrs. H. B. Douglas, Serena Hansen,
members, 4,354. Mrs. T. 0. Hanson, Edna Jensen,
I. 0. Johnson, Mrs. Jack McKellip,
Office Address: 1854 Roblyn Ave. St. Lorraine Mickelson, Betty Mickelson,
Paul 4 W., Minn. (Telephone, Mid-
' Phyllis Morrison, Corinne Nelson.
way 2077.) Clyde Newmyer, Jr., Lilliebelle Os-
vold, Dale Pegel, Mrs. Dale Pegel,
Officers: Helen Slayton, Vergie Steiner, Elaine
President, C. V. Leach. Thompson, Mrs. Mary Wold, Mrs. F.
Secretary-Treasurer, Ellis R. Colson. Lois Wuttke.
Executive Committee: C. V. Leach, Legal Association: "The Minnesota Con-
W. R. Archbold, Irvin Carle, ference Association of Seventh-day
Ellis R. Colson, P. C. James, Harvey Adventists."

NORTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE Territory: The State of South Dakota.

Organized as Dakota Conference 1879; Population : 642,961 ; churches 34 ; mem-
separated into North and South Da- bers, 1,734.
kota Conferences 1902. Office Address: 302 North Broadway,
Territory: The State of North Dakota. Watertown, S. Dak. (Telephone,
Population: 641,935; churches, 59; mem-
bers, 2,528. Officers:
President, G. H. Rustad.
Office: 213 Second St., S. E., James- Secretary-Treasurer, G. L. Sather.
town, N. Dak. (Telephone, 676.)
Executive Committee: G. H. Rustad,
Postal Address: Box 1491, Jamestown, C. A. Braun, William Heinrich, P. P.
N. Dak. Kier, Glenn Marcoe, W. S. Sanders,
G. L. Sather.
President, D. C. Butherus. Departmental Secretaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, I. E. Anunsen. Book and Bible House, G. L. Sather.
Executive Committee: D. C. Butherus, Educational and Y.P.M.V., H. R.
I. E. Anunsen, L. G. Barker, A. W. Kuehne.
Bauer, Adam J. Kungel, Kurt Kurz, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
William Tarasenko. H. R. Kuehne.
Publishing, J. L. McMillin.
Departmental Secretaries: Religious Liberty, G. H. Rusted.
Book and Bible House, I. A. Anunsen.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., W. K. Ordained Ministers:
Chapman. W. 0. Berry, C. A. Braun, H. R.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Kuehne, W. S. Lawrence, C. A. Lind-
A. W. Bauer. quist, C. A. Renschler, Adam Rudy,
Publishing, A. H. Liebelt. G. H. Rusted, W. S. Sanders, R. R.
Religious Liberty, D. C. Butherus. Widmer.
Ordained Ministers: Credentialed Missionaries:
L. G. Barker, A. W. Bauer, Joseph 0. F. Lenz, Mrs. Grace Stewart.
Brown, W. M. Buckman, V. K. Bur-
geson, D. C. Butherus, W. K. Chap- Licensed Ministers:
man, Gideon E. Hochstetter, E. E. E. W. Amundson, Paul Dupper, John
Kungel, Kurt Kurz, Teddric Mohr, G. 0. Herr, Warren P. Lawrence, J. L.
D. O'Brien. McMillin, Joel N. Noble, G. L. Sa-
Licensed Ministers: ther.
I. E. Anunsen, Norman J. Johnson, Licensed Missionaries:
Lloyd D. Klopfenstein, Jay Lantry,
A. H. Liebelt, George Melashenko, Essie Barber, Virginia Marvin, Edna
Richard Necker, W. C. Neff, Law- May, Mrs. Helen Sather.
rence H. Rahn, Theophil Fischer.
Church School Teachers:
Licensed Missionaries: Esther Arney, Paul Dupper, Mrs.
Mrs. D. C. Butherus, Art Hagele, Erma Hisel, Mrs, Nellie Holtz, Mrs.
Paul Hedger, Mrs. Elmer Leno, M. E. Emma Olson, Mrs. C. A. Renschler,
Loewen, Mrs. M. E. Loewen, Emma R. Walter Turner.
Mattheis, Erma Nelson, William Nor-
drum, Mrs. Harry Roedel, N. J. Roy, Legal Association: "South Dakota Con-
Mrs. N. J. Roy, Ethel Trygg. ference Association of Seventh-day
Church School Teachers: ' Adventists." President, G. H. Rustad ;
Secretary-Treasurer, G. L. Sather.
Dorothy Bauman, Marieda Blehm,
Ernie Clifton, Mrs. Gertrude Kriede-
mann, Lindell Lehmann, Elsie Opp,
Legal Association: "The North Dakota
Conference Association of Seventh- Educational:
day Adventists."
Maplewood Academy, 700 N. Main St.,
Hutchinson, Minn.
SOUTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE Oak Park Academy, Nevada, Iowa.
Organized as Dakota Conference 1879; Plainview Academy, Redfield, S. Dak.
separated into North and South Da- Sheyenne River Academy, Harvey,
kota Conferences 1902. N. Dak.
Organized 1906

Territory: The States of Idaho, Mon- Credentialed Missionaries:

tana, Oregon. and Washington, and Mrs. K. A. Aplington, G. L. Beane,
the Territory of Alaska, comprising Mrs. Irene Black, Anna L. Blackney,
the Conferences of Idaho, Montana, Ernest Booth, C. W. Dortch, Mrs.
Oregon, Upper Columbia, Washing- H. C. Hartman, G. G. Kretchmar,
ton, and the Alaska Mission. Veda Sue Marsh, Frank E. Meckling,
Population: 3,982,728 ; churches, 303 ; J. G. Mehling, Jr., Berniece E. Searle,
members, 30,624. Amelia Sherrard, Agnes Sorenson,
C. 0. Trubey, Raymond A. Underhill.
Office Address: 1544 S. E. Hawthorne Honorary: E. C. Kellogg, W. L. Man-
Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. (Telephone, ful.
Vermont 4121.)
Licensed Ministers:
Officers: K. A. Aplington, Vernon W. Emerson.
President, C. A. Scriven. Frederick R. Hanson, Richard Litke,
Secretary-Treasurer, Charles J. Na- T. A. Little, Wilbert Schneider, El-
gele. wood Sherrard, Wesley Siegenthaler,
Auditor, E. S. Humann. Henry Sonnenberg, C. E. Thurston,
Executive Committee: C. A. Scriven, Stanley Walker, Eugene Winter. .
Charles J. Nagele, Lloyd E. Biggs, Honorary : S. J. Abegg, W. F. Hahn,
G. W. Bowers, G. W. Chambers, 0. T. R. E. Keller, W. E. Perrin.
Garner, H. C. Hartman, E. S. Hu- Licensed Missionaries:
mann, C. S. Joyce, C. C. Kott, F. A.
Mote, J. T. Porter, D. H. Spillman, Gertie Lee Alexander, E. 0. Becker,
M. V. Tucker, A. L. Zumwalt. C. A. Bergman, 0. L. Brinker, Ger-
trude Carpenter, R. L. Collins, Pearl
Departmental Secretaries: Cook, Darrell Cowin, Edward F.
Educational, J. T. Porter. Cross, Willis W. Cushman, Albert
Home Missionary, Sabbath School and Dale, Vivian Eastwood, Beatrice I.
Temperance, C. S. Joyce. Emery, Gerald Ferguson, Marie Han-
son, Ethel Hendershot.
Publishing, M. V. Tucker. Lyla Hixson, Mrs. Ida Johnson,
Religious Liberty, Roy L. Benton. Ilene Johnstone, William Lawson, Os-
Y.P.M.V., Council on Industrial Re- car Lee, Julien Lobsien, Lillie E. Max-
lations Representative, and Commis- well, Thelma Johnson McCoy, Mrs.
sion on Rural Living, G. W. Cham- G. W. Miller, Janet Miller, Mrs. Ione
bers. Morgan, Elaine Myers, Leland Par-
ker, Gayle Nelson, J. Byron Patrick,
Ordained Ministers: Mrs. J. B. Patrick.
C. A. Scriven, H. J. Alcock, Roy L. Vernon L. Von Pohle, Ronald Reed,
Benton, G. W. Bowers, G. W. Cham- Eleanor Rue, Lilah Godfrey Schlot-
bers, Carl D. Christensen, R. D. Dray- thauer, Daisy Schluntz, Nondes
son, V. E. Hendershot, H. C. Hart- Schmehl, Esther Sonnenberg, Ellenor
man, E. S. Humann, C. S. Joyce, Summerton, Lois Teal, Esther Trefz,
L. B. Losey, Charles J. Nagele, Dan Jake Walcker, Mrs. Elmer White-
W. Palmer, Stanley R. Peterson, J. T. house, Mrs. Kathleen Keen Zolber.
Porter, C. W. Shankel, W. I. Smith, Honorary: Nellie J. Orr, Anna Pierce,
H. G. Stoehr, M. V. Tucker, Horace R. A. Prickett, Mrs. Eliza C. Thorp.
E. Weaver, H. E. Westermyer.
Legal Association: "The North Pacific
Honorary: J. E. All, H. P. Anderson, Union Conference Association of Sev-
W. P. Barto, A. R. Bell, A. C. Bird,
Henry Berg, G. L. Budd, E. M. Chap- enth-day Adventists."
man, C. L. Chastain, I. C. Colcord,
E. H. Curtis, W. D. Emery, E. H. ALASKA MISSION
Emmerson, J. K. Fish, W. G. Forshaw,
J. C. Foster, C. Avery Hansen. Organized 1901
0. W. Herwick, J. A. Holbrook, Territory: Territory of Alaska.
G. E. Johnson, Albert Kruger, H. M.
Lee, W. A. Lusk, H. S. Miller, C. M. Population: 72,524 ; churches, 8 ; mem-
Norman, John Peterson, G. W. Pettit, bers, 327.
Jacob Riffel, A. V. Rhoads, J. A. Office: 131 Main Street, Juneau, Alaska.
Rippey, W. R. Smith, A. G. Steinert, (Telephone, 241.)
F. E. Stratton, C. Sulzle, G. A.
Thompson, J. G. Walker, G. F. Wat- Postal Address: Box 2841, Juneau,
son, M. H. Wentland. Alaska.

Officers: Garner, M. E. Hagen, A. E. Hempel,

President, A. L. Zumwalt. Clarence C. Kott, Arnold Kurtz, L.
Secretary-Treasurer, John W. Griffin. B. Mershon, S. W. Palmer, Calvin D.
Smith, Merle Smith, L. E. Tucker.
Executive Committee: North Pacific
Union Conference Committee. Credentialed Missionaries:
Departmental Secretaries: H. W. Schwartz, Gaylord F. Wimer.
Book and Bible House, John W. Grif-
fin. Licensed Ministers:
Home Missionary and Educational, Lynn R. Callender, D. LuVerne
A. L. Zumwalt. Clarambeau, L. Hugh Cowles, Kenneth
Sabbath School and Publishing, A. L. Juhl, Earl Lee, Frank D. Rusche.
Y.P.M.V., John W. Griffin. Licensed Missionaries:
Ordained Ministers: Marjorie Carpenter, Marian Cherry,
T. M. Cole, M. L. Miles, Fred H. Wag- Frances Jackson.
ner, A. L. Zumwalt. Church School Teachers:
Licensed Ministers: Mrs. James Andregg, Mrs. Martena
John W. Griffin, Irwin Loeppke, Earl Bakke, Dorothy Bates, Mrs. Alice
Bingman, R. L. Callender, Mrs. Bes-
K. Mooers. sie Dick, Clarice Gompert, William S.
Licensed Missionaries: Harrold, Mrs. William S. Harrold, W.
Mrs. T. M. Cole, Mrs. John W. Grif- M. Ladd, Mrs. W. M. Ladd, Mildred
fin, Mrs. M. L. Miles, Mrs. Earl K. Lovejoy.
Mooers, Mrs. Fred H. Wagner, Mrs. Mrs. Don Nash, Mrs. W. J. Nuern-
A. L. Zumwalt. berger, Mrs. Dorothy Oliver, William
Pflugrad, Lorene Putnam, Glenn
Church School Teachers: Rogers, Mrs. Frank Rusche, Mary-
Mrs. Ellen Dykes, Mrs. Alvin Hanson, dean Silcox, Bertha Somervill, Victor
Dorris Moody, Elmer Smith, Mrs. Sossong, Mrs. Victor Sossong, Mrs.
Lawrence Thompson. Hazel Sterling, Mrs. Myrtle Thomp-
IDAHO CONFERENCE Legal Association: "The Southern Idaho
Conference Association of Seventh-
Organized as Southern Idaho Confer- day. Adventists."
ence 1907; reorganized 1930.
Territory: That portion of Idaho south MONTANA CONFERENCE
of the 45th parallel, including all
of Lemhi County, together with six Organized 1898
counties in Oregon, as follows: Wal- Territory: The State of Montana.
lowa, Union, Baker, Malheur, Har-
ney, Grant. Population: 559,456 ; churches, 27 ;
Population: 463,370; churches, 37; mem- members, 1,566.
bers, 2,405. Office: 417 S. Black St., Bozeman, Mont.
Office: 523 Main St., Boise, Idaho. (Telephone, 435.)
(Telephone, 1651.)
Postal Address: Box 2238, Boise, Idaho. Postal Address: Box 743, Bozeman,
President, Clarence C. Kott.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. E. Hagen. President, 0. T. Garner.
Secretary-Treasurer, Andrew Roedel.
Executive Committee: Clarence C.
Kott, Erling Calkins, M. E. Hagen, Executive Committee: 0. T. Garner,
A. E. Hempel, C. M. Munsey, W. A. R. L. Badgley, George Beech, Dean
McCluskey, Leonard Spears. Mentzel, Andrew Roedel, John
Schaak, M. N. Skadsheim.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, M. E. Hagen. Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Book and Bible House, Andrew Roedel.
R. E. Adams. Educational, Sabbath School, and
Publishing, Gaylord F. Wimer. Y.P.M.V., 0. W. Lange (acting).
Religious Liberty, Clarence C. Kott. Publishing, Charles Allaway.
Y.P.M.V. and Educational, Religious Liberty and Home Mission-
Ordained Ministers: ary, O. T. Garner.
R. E. Adams, Paul Bartholomew, W. Ordained Ministers:
S. Boynton, Erling Calkins, R. A. R. L. Badgley, Edwin G. Brown,

S. H. Emery, E. G. Fresk, 0. T. Publishing, -E. F. Coy; Assistant,

Garner, M. N. Skadsheim. C. E. Wimer.
Religious Liberty, Lloyd E, Biggs,
Credentialed Missionary: Andrew Roe- y.13.m.v. and Temperance, A, J.
del. Reisig.
Licensed Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
Charles Allaway, Howard Cameron, C. It. Aimes, P. C. Alderson, J. H.
J. S. Leeper, Robert A. Lodahl, Dean Apigian, A. L. Beazley, George S. Bel-
Mentzel. leau, Lloyd E. Biggs, Van 0. Blair,
Licensed Missionaries: R. F. Bresee, Alten A. Bringle, E. F.
Coy, G. T. Dickinson, J. J. Dollinger,
Robert Allaway, Leona Bigelow, R. W. Engstrom, N. C. Erntson, H. R.
Cathleen Chilson, H. W. Farnsworth, Gay, A. J. Gordon, H. W. Hempel,
Florence Gill, Leonard E. Gill, Mrs. L. L. Huntington, William Lay.
Irene F. Hamilton, Georgene Mein- P. W. McDaniels, W. H. McGhee,
singer, Genevieve Ragsdale, Gayle L. C. G. McKeown, D. N. Reiner, A. J.
Van Houten, Claris Way. Reisig, J. J. Robertson, E. W. Rogers,
Church School Teachers: R. G. Schaffner, 0. E. Schnepper,
Wayne A. Scriven, Clarence A. Shep-
Mrs. Dewey Brown, Janice Butzbach, herd, H. D. Strever, It. J. Thomas,
Ethel Countryman, Mrs. Mary Fos- T. W. Walters, E. J. Westman, H. E.
dal, Annetta Iseminger, Myrtle Willoughby, C. E. Wimer.
Krejci, June Martinell, Mrs. Frank
Purviance, Mrs. Mavis Seng, Eldon Credentialed Missionaries:
Walter. J. H. Irvine, R. W. Nelson, Ann
Legal Association: "The Montana Con-
ference Association of Seventh-day Licensed Ministers:
Adventists." Walter Blehm, A. D. Chilson, D. D.
Doleman, It. T. Emery, Ralph Glad-
den, Don Gray, Eugene Hamlin, H. A.
OREGON CONFERENCE Jenks, Ronald J. Kegley, Jr., J. S.
Koehler, B. M. Kurtz, William W.
Organized as North Pacific Conference Ring, B. R. Ritz, I. J. Rood, A. M.
1877; reorganized as Oregon Confer- Running, Robert C. Skinner, Preston
ence 1902; separated into South and Smith, Eldon Stratton, P. M. Stuart,
West Oregon Conferences 1910 ; re- Leo Van Dolson.
united 1932.
Licensed Missionaries:
Territory: That portion of the State of Karmon Argraves, Eleanor Baer,
Oregon lying west of Gilliam, Grant, Eunice Beisiegel, Mrs. Ardoth Blair,
Wheeler, and Harney Counties ; also Rosamond. Bowman, Laura Brenner,
the Counties of Clarke, Skamania, Pearl Canwell, Myrtle Cochran, Ruby
Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, Klickitat west Cook, Mrs. Ann Davis, Mrs. Louise
of Klickitat River, and southern por- Dustin, Ethel Eddy, Mrs. Margaret
tion of Pacific, in the State of Wash- Elliott, Norman Engeberg, Mrs. Velma
ington. Fischer, Wendell Fleck, Margaret
Population: 1,087,758; churches, 102 ; Force, V. H. Fullerton, Mrs. V. H.
members, 12,097. Fullerton.
Maxine Gardner, Robert L. Geates,
Office Address: 414 S.E. 39th Ave., H. E. Goffar, Kenneth E. Groves, S.
Portland 15, Ore. (Telephone, EM- C. Hanson, Gertrude Haussler, H. B.
pire 2187.) - Henderson, Mrs. H. B. Henderson,
Officers: Mrs. Anna Hibbard, Gladys House,
Harold Jenks, Ethel Johnson, Mary
President, Lloyd E. Biggs. (Tele- Ella Johnson;Wallace Johnson, Ray
phone, VErmont 3944.) Keeney, G. J. Lang, Mrs. William
Secretary-Treasurer, R. T. Emery. Lay, Lloyd Leno, Mrs. Esther De Voir
(Telephone, VEnice 8917.) Losey, R. Carrol Lyman.
Executive Committee: Lloyd E. Biggs, Marjory Mereen, Esther Miller, A.
George S. Belleau, R. F. Bresee, St L. Morley, Madge Muchmore, Carrie
Clair Diamond, G. T. Dickinson, R. T. L. Nelson, Jessie Nelson, Viola Neu-
Emery. Edwin G. Fjarli, R. W. Neh feld, Belle O'Neill, Mrs. J. J. Pax-
son, Wayne A. Scriven. ton, Mrs. Artha Pettit, John Pierce,
Mrs. George Reis, Iva Rowland, Mir-
Departmental Secretaries: anda Schmidt, Clyde Smith, Edith
Book and Bible House, H. R. Gay. Starbuck, Thelma Storey, R. M. Stur-
Eduactional, George S. Belleau ; As- devant.
sistant, Ethel Johnson. Marion Austin Tappen, Arthur G.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Tappen, Arthur Torland, Mrs. A.
D. N. Reiner. Walter, Mrs. Mildred Ward, Annie

M. Wasell, Marjory Watson, Dorothy Legal Association: "Western Oregon

M. White, R. A. White, Luenell With- Conference Association of Seventh-
ers, Florence Wimer. day Adventists." President, C. A.
Striven; Secretary-Treasurer, R. T.
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Emery.
Mrs. Florence Backstrom, Mrs. Mil-
dred Ford, Mrs. Etta Gage, Addie UPPER COLUMBIA CONFERENCE
Mae Kalar, Justine R. Reed, Pearl
Stafford. Organized 1880
Licensed Bible Instructor: Jeanette Territory: That portion of the State of
Worth. Washington lying east of the Cascade
Mountains, excepting that portion of
Church School Teachers: Klickitat County lying west of the
Olga Almskog, C. A. Anderson, Mrs. Klickitat River, and the counties
C. A. Anderson, Mrs. Carrie Appel, of Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, and
Audrey Ashby, Caroline Aufderhar, Wheeler, in the State of Oregon: and
Mrs. C. L. Avery, Mrs. Melvin Bank- that portion of the State of Idaho
head, E. L. Barclay, Mrs. E. L. Bar- lying north of the 45th parallel, ex-
clay, Mrs. F. H. Bechtel, Mrs. Arthur cepting Lemhi County.
Bisseger, Mrs. Ben Bliss, Mrs. R. F.
Bresee, Mrs. B. A. Brown, Norma Population: 685,970 ; churches, 65 ; mem-
Brown, Willis H. Bruce, A. D. Bu- bers, 8469.
therus. Office Address: W1025 Indiana Avenue,
Mrs. Alice Campbell, Margaret Spokane, Wash. (Telephone, Broad-
Chase, Mrs. L. B. Christensen, Mrs. way 0577 and 0578.)
Vesta Conklin, Donald Deming, Mrs.
James Dixon, Mabel Dougherty, Mrs. Officers:
Irene Dykes, Mrs. L. E. Emery, Mrs. President, C. Lester Bond.
Nell Edwards, Mrs. Frank Finch, Secretary-Treasurer, H. J. Perkins.
Faith Fullerton, N. V. George, Mrs. (Telephone, Broadway 6952.)
N. V. George, Mrs. Otis Gerhardt, Executive Committee: C. Lester Bond,
Mrs. Velma Gladden, Mrs. A. J. Gor- Glenn Bolton, Walter Bunch, Clyde
don, Mrs. Mabel Griffin. Harris, A. R. Holt, J. H. Link, H. J.
W. C. Haradan, Mrs. W. C. Haradan, Perkins, L. A. Reynolds.
G. B. Harbison, Mrs. G. B. Harbison,
Ruth Hargrove, Mrs. Ethel Harsh, Departmental Secretaries:
Ralph Harsh, Mrs. Jessie Hauck, Book and Bible House, ; As-
Virginia Hildebrand, Mrs. Inez sistant, R. S. Dexter.
Hitchman, Hope Hitchman, Mrs. Educational, J. E. Weaver.
E. S. Hokanson, Mabel Holley, Home Missionary and Sabbath School, .
Charles Homann, Myrtle Huff, B. M. Preston.
Bonnie Johnson, Mrs. Clyde John- Medical, Mrs. Genevieve Joy Ubbink.
son, Virginia Justesen. Press Relations, C. Lester Bond.
Iris King, Mrs. Karl Knutson, Mrs. Publishing, C. H. Lowe.
Glenn Konzelman, Mrs. Hazel Lund, Religious Liberty, B. M. Preston.
Mrs. R. C. Lyman, Vonsella Lynn, Temperance, J. E. Weaver.
Mrs. Florence. McDow, Mrs. C. G. Y.P.M.V., M. J. Perry.
McKeown, Mrs. Hattie Martin, Mrs. Council on Industrial Relations Rep-
Lelah Mason, Dorothy Metcalf, Mrs. resentative, C. Lester Bond.
Luella Miller, Mrs. Zelda Mooney, Ordained Ministers:
Evelyn Morris, Mrs. Robert Mosser,
Mrs. Elmo E. Nelson, Mrs. C. E. L. A. Baughman, E. J. Bergman, C.
Lester Bond, I. M. Burke, George L.
Noyes. Chalker, Jr., J. G. Gjording, Leland
Mrs. Alvin Ogden,, Mrs. J. P. Oliver, Hasseltine, L. E. Houser, A. R. Holt,
C. D. Overton, Mrs. C. D. Overton, F. M. Oliver.
Joyce Peterson, Mrs. F. A. Quacken- Melvin Oss. M. J. Perry, B. M. Pres-
bush, Mrs. Edith Richmond, Ortis ton, L. A. Reynolds, W. B. Riffel,
Rogers, Francetta Rustin, Mrs. Ruth W. L. Schoepflin, H. A. Schultz, Ly-
C. Smelser, Enid Sparks, Mrs. A. M. man W. Shaw, C. L. Vories, Aaron
Stacy, Edward Steindorf, Earl Stew- Wagner, James A. Ward, J. E.
art, Mrs. Wilma Strike, Mrs. Paul Weaver, E. H. Wilcox.
Stuart, Martha Thompson, Mrs. Mil-
dred Thorman, Mrs. Ray Turvey. Honorary: W. A. Gosmer.
Mrs. Esther Wagner, Charlette Credentialed Missionary: W. E. Guthrie.
Wallin, Mrs. Vera Warner, Clara
Mae Wells, Melvin Whiting, Fred D. Licensed Ministers:
Wilbur, Mrs. Goldie Winters, Mrs. Edward Ammundsen, James Andres,
E. E. Woodruff, Rosalie Wright, Ruth K. Eldon Baker, William V. Clements,
Zundel. Melvin Derby, R. S. Dexter, Dallas

Dull, Kenneth Fleck, Wilford Goffar, Population: 1,113,650; churches, 64 ;

Edward Graves, C. H. Lowe, Henry members, 5,660.
I. Miller, Frank Munsey, H. J. Per-
kins, Donald Spaulding, Lloyd Ste- Office Address: 3144 Eastlake Ave.,
vens, Ray M. Turner, Clarence Seattle 2, Wash. (Telephone, Capitol
Wallace, A. H. Warner. 7800.)

Licensed Missionaries: Officers:

Bruce Aitken, P. W. Baldwin, Mrs. President, Don H. Spillman. (Tele-
P. W. Baldwin, Mrs. William V. Clem- phone, ALder 6704.)
ents, C. E. Davis, Mrs. C. E. Secretary-Treasurer, L. R. Alexander.
Davis, N. R. Fouts, Mrs. N. R. (Telephone, HEmlock 5347.)
Fouts, Alice Gregg, Eleanor Hoffman, Executive Committee: Don H. Spill-
E. L. Jolliffe, Mrs. Edward Graves, man, L. R. Alexander, A. H. Grau-
Mrs. Janette L. Sewall, Mrs. Ruth B. man, J. C. Hansen, J. C. Nelson, D.
Pearce, Mrs. G. R. Soper, Florence A. Neufeld, D. L. Olsen, J. W. Os-
Roscoe, Earl V. Nelson, Mrs. Flor- born, Frank R.' Piper.
ence Schultz, Melinda Sperling, Ro-
berta Beane, Mrs. A. H. Warner. Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, W. M. Robin-
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Mrs. Gor- son ; Assistant, Wesley Crane.
don Green. Educational, V. R. Jewett.
Church School Teachers: Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
D. L. Olsen.
Alice Baker, Cyrus Balser, Mrs. Cy- Medical, Philip Nelson.
rus Balser, A. A. Berthelson, Mrs. Publishing, E. H. Tucker.
A. A. Berthelson, Jack Bergman, Religious Liberty, Don H. Spillman.
Herbert Bork, Mrs. Herbert Bork, Temperance and Y.P.M.V., Cree
Wanda Bork, C. E. Botimer, Mrs. C. Sandefur.
E. Botimer, Mrs. Ethel Briggs, Mar-
jorie Budd, Mrs. Howard Burnett, Ordained Ministers:
Mrs. Myrtle Casebolt, Leona Chap- W. J. Cleveland, H. A. Fish, J. C.
man, Mrs. Mabel Colvin, Mrs. Jean Hansen, K. Inoue, R. S. Michel, M.
Fields, Mrs. Joycelyn Fultz. M. Mohr, D. A. Neufeld, E. M. Oberg,
Mrs. Elizabeth Garcia, Mrs. Alma D. L. Olsen, A. J. Olson, J. W. Os-
Gyland, Mrs. Ruth Hines, Mrs. Wayne born, F. H. Parrish, G. E. Patterson,
Hixon, Helen Hudson, .Harold Huey, H. A. Peckham, C. A. Purdom, F. W.
Mrs. Bernice Johnson, Florence Jones, Ruddle, F. G. Roper, Cree Sandefur,
Gerald Knapp, Rudy Knauft, Solomon E. N. Sargeant, Don H. Spillman,
Kruger, John Lamberton, Mrs. John Ross Sype, W. I. Unterseher, F. A.
Lamberton, Mrs. Auzella LeDuc, Wyman, R. J. Winders.
Mrs. T. S. Makovsky, Gordon Max-
well, E. R. Miller, Mrs. E. R. Miller, Credentialed Missionaries:
Mrs. Pauline Morgan. Otis Cleary, W. M. Robinson, Vernon
Mrs. Vivian Nixon, Mrs. Ruby Pal- Winn.
mer, Mary Patterson, Mrs. E. L. Pur-
vis, Edith Ritchie, Mrs. Irene Robi- Licensed Ministers:
son, Mrs. Louise Rusho, Mrs. Mar- L. R. Alexander, Ernest Broder, Wes-
jorie States, Alice Stotts, Lois Teel, ley Crane, W. E. Dopp, Eugene
Henrietta Thomas, Mrs. G. Van Wyk, Fletcher, V. R. Jewett, William
Lucille Vinnard, June Waskey, Dona Lowe, F. B. Phillips, Alexander Sny-
Weaver, Mineva Whybark, Charles man, E. H. Tucker, F. C. Wyman,
Wilson, Dorothy Winterberg, Elva J. G. Zeigler.
Licensed Missionaries:
Legal Association: "Upper Columbia
Mission Society of Seventh-day Ad- Beth Atkinson, Mrs. Juanita Blak-
ventists." ley, Mrs. Donna Fitch, Mrs. A. J.
Olson, Ella Paddock, Ruth Prichard,
Marian Stanger, Muriel Wichman.
Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Organized as part of North Pacific Con-
ference 1877 ; reorganized as Western Mrs. Sine C. Hansen, Mrs. Audrey
Washington Conference 1902; reor- Johnson, Mrs. L. Johnson.
ganized as Washington Conference Church School Teachers:
Mrs. , Leva Aufderhar, Mrs. Eunice
Territory: All of the State of Washing- Bartholomew, Mrs. Z. R. Berntson,
ton west of the Cascade Mountains, Mrs. Myrtle Champaign, Otis Cleary,
except the Counties of Clarke, Ska- Luella Crane, Valera DeHaven, Wil-
mania, Cowlitz, and Wahkiakum, and liam Dickman, Mrs. William Dickman,
the south tip of Pacific County. William Dopp, Edna Dopp, Alvin Fied,

ler, Mrs. Alvin Fiedler, George Fied- Gem State Academy, Box 691, Cald-
ler, Memory Gillham, Mrs. T. R. well, Idaho.
Haley, Mrs. Etta M. Hartley, Edna Laurelwood Academy, Route 2, Gas-
Howe, Florence Jacobson, Helen Ko- ton, Oreg.
lesniek, Beverly Kyes. Mount Ellis Academy, Route 4, Boze-
Mrs. George Lemmel, Mrs. Carrie
Lewis, Cleo Lile, Mrs. Mary Linrud, man, Mont.
Mrs. Irene Lottman, William Lowe, Portland Union Academy, 4837 N. E.
Mrs. William Lowe, Mrs. Minita Ly- Couch St., Portland 15, Oregon.
man, Mrs. Forest O'Day, C. F. O'Dell, Rogue River Academy, Route 1, Box
Mrs. C. F. O'Dell, Jean Payne, Clara 330, Medford, Oregon.
M. Pease, Mrs. H. A. Peckham, June
Peterson, Adeline Roehl, Maurice Upper Columbia Academy, Spangle,
Smith, Mrs. Maurice Smith, Mrs. Wash.
Howard Smith, Glenn Stewart, Mrs. Walla Walla College, College Place,
Charles Taylor, Mrs. Emma Way- Wash.
bright, Myrtle Wentland, Mrs. W. I. Walla Walla College Academy, Col-
Whitehouse, Mrs. Marie Wilkinson, lege Place, Wash.
Wilda Wolfkill.
Legal Association: "Western Washing- Medical:
ton Corporation of Seventh-day Ad-
ventists." Portland Sanitarium and Hospital,
932 S. E. 60th Ave., Portland 15,
INSTITUTIONS IN THE NORTH PA- Walla Walla General Hospital, 933
CIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Bonsella, Walla Walla, Wash.
Auburn Academy, Route 1, Auburn, Publishing:
Wash. Northwest Branch of the Pacific
Columbia Academy, Route 2, Battle Press Pub. Assn., 2101 N. E.
Ground, Wash. Flanders St., Portland 15, Oreg.


Organized 1901

Territory: The States of Arizona, Cali- Andross, F. G. Ashbaugh, R. C. Baker,

fornia, Nevada, and Utah, and the R. R. Breitigam, George T. Chapman,
Hawaiian Islands, comprising the P. W. Christian, Adlai A. Esteb, E.
Conferences of Arizona, Central Cal- M. Fischell, George T. Harding,
ifornia, Nevada-Utah, Northern Cali- William J. Harris, H. H. Hicks,
fornia, Southeastern California, and James Howarth, B. C. Marshall, Alvin
Southern California, and the Ha- G. Munson, A. C. Nelson, G. B. Nelson,
waiian Mission. .J. R. Nelson, W. A. Nelson, E. L.
Population: 8,490,537 ; churches, 333 ; Place, E. Toral Seat, R. A. Smithwick,
members, 47,498. C. L. Torrey, Owen A. Troy, H. W.
Vollmer, David Voth, I. J. Woodman.
Cable Address: Adventist, Glendale,
Calif. Departmental Secretaries:
Bureau of Visual Education, E. Toral
Office: 1545 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale, Seat; Associate, Leston Post.
Calif. (Telephones, Chapman 6-1047 Colored, Owen A. Troy.
and Citrus 1-5174.)
Educational, A. C. Nelson ; Associates,
Postal Address: Box 146, Glendale 6, H. G. Lucas, Else Nelson.
Calif. Home Missionary, Adlai A. Esteb.
Officers: Medical, H. W. Vollmer; Assistant,
President, C. L. Bauer. Della Reiswig.
Secretary-Treasurer, Press Relations, Donn H. Thomas.
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Alvin Publishing, E. M. Fishell ; Associate,
G. Munson. A. G. Sutton.
Auditor, James Howarth ; Associate, Religious Liberty, Temperance, and
A. R. Smith. Council on Industrial Relations
Transportation Agents, H. G. Childs, Representative, F. G. Ashbaugh,
; Alvin G. Munson.
Cashier, G. C. Lashier. W. M. Adams.
Executive Committee: C. L. Bauer, Sabbath School, R. R. Breitigam.
W. M. Adams, G. T. Anderson, C. E. Y.P.M.V., J. R. Nelson. ,

Ordained Ministers: Price, C. T. Redfield, C. E. Rentfro,

G. T. Anderson, F. G. Ashbaugh, C. H. Rittenhouse, P. G. Rogers,
W. E. Atkin, C. L. Bauer, Arthur L. William M. Ruminson, N. H. Saun-
Dietz, It. R. Breitigam, L. L. Cavi- ders, J. W. Shafer, E. L. Sheldon,
ness, P. W. Christian, H. K. Christ- Lyle C. Shepard, E. K. Slade, 0. R.
man, W. B. Clark, Raymond F. Cot- Staines, R. B. Stauffer, George A.
trell, Emanuel Ehlers, Adlai A. Esteb, Stevens, J. B. Stuyvesant, E. H.
E. M. Fishell, M. M. Hare, J. C. Swanson.
Haussler, P. C. Heubach, William T. H. F. Taylor, T. L. Theumler, J. T.
B. Hyde, T. H. Jemison, Ernest Thompson, H. G. Thurston, J. H. N.
Lloyd, H. G. Lucas, Albert C. Mad- Tindall, George A. Truesdell, E. M.
sen, A. S. Maxwell, Frank Moran. Trummer, E. J. Urquhart, W. J.
Venen, J. Z. Walker, D. N. Wall, H.
Merlin L. Neff, A. C. Nelson, A. E. A. Washburn, G. A. Wheeler, B. J.
Nelson, J. R. Nelson, D. C. Newbold, White, L. A. Wilcox, C. D. M. Wil-
R. W. Olson, N. F. Pease, J. L. liams, 0. J. Ziprick.
Pettis, A. Frank Purcell, Emmanuel
Remson, E. Toral Seat, P. E. Shakes- Credentialed Missionaries:
peare, Dunbar W. Smith, Walter Mrs. Beth Alexander, John Bauer,
Specht, C. D. Striplin, A. G. Sutton, R. K. Boyd, Werner E. Carlson, C.
George B. Taylor, C. L. Torrey, Owen B. Courville, D. A. Courville, A. A.
A. Troy, H. W. Vollmer, Elmer A. Cree, G. H. Curtis, L. E. Dart, Fred
Walde, G. F. Wolfkill, I. J. Woodman. C. Davidson, E. T. Fickas, It. E.
Honorary: E. H. Abbott, P. P. Ad- Fisher, S. K. Gernet, D. V. Hemphill,
ams, W. L. Adams. W. M. Adams, R. Warren P. Henderson, Jr., George
W. Airey, J. W. Allison, F. B. Armi- Jeys, M. J. Julian, C. C. Krohn, G. C.
tage, 3. D. Baker, J. W. Beams, Ilija Lashier, Mryna C. Lee, Eric Lund-
Bench, Henry Berg, 0. 0. Bernstein, quist.
W. L. Bird, I. F. Blue, P. B. Bon- H. F. Meyer, J. S. McMullen. Ralph
temps, W. H. Bradley, E. A. Bristol, Michaelson, Percy C. Miles, Alvin G.
Eugene A. Brown, It. J. Bryant, F. Munson, I. It. Neilsen, Mrs. Olive
M. Burg, M. B. Butterfield. Palmer, 0. B. Pratt, R. P. Rowe, A.
J. M. Campbell, A. A. Carscallen, A. Sprengel, Donn H. Thomas, Julian
C. H. Castle, Frank L. Chaney, J. A. L. Thompson, C. D. Utt, J. A.
Chaney, A. G. Christiansen, W. W. Vaughn, E. C. Walter, Margaret
Christiensen, Alexis Clement, L. A. Williamson, Evabelle Winning.
Connally, F. H. Conway, Arthur Cur- Licensed Ministers:
row, E. C. Cushman, H. H. Dexter, I.
P. Dillon, C. L. Dinius, A. N. Durrant, Wilfred J. Airey, K. F. Ambs, W. E.
C. T. Everson, 0. 0. Farnsworth, D. Anderson, E. E. Backus, A. D. Butter-
P. Gaede, P. J. Gaede, W. A. George, field, George L. Caviness, George T.
F. E. Gibson, L. A. Gibson, A. C. Gil- Chapman,, H. W. Clark, Walter T.
bert, B. M. Grandy, J. A. P. Green, Crandall, Charles L. Dale, J. E.
William R. Guthrie, Anol Grundset, Denehy, Frank Dietrich, Jerry Dill, L.
W. H. Holden. E. Downs, R. H. Duncan, Robert
Edwards, E. W. Everest. I. E. Gillis,
G. A. Hamilton, It. S. J. Hamilton, Ben Glanzer, L. M. Hamilton.
W. R. Hansen, J. F. Harder, E. G. H. B. Hannum, F. L. Harrison,
Hayes, L. T. Heaton, N. R. Hickman, R. E. Hoen, James Howarth, R. B.
G. G. Hmelevsky, M. A. Hollister, Lewis, A. Graham Maxwell, Joseph
Ellis P. Howard, B. L. Howe, H. H. Melashenko, L. C. Metcalfe, George
Hurnann, E. H. Huntley, Daniel Isaac, B. Nelson, Louis C. Palmer, Robert
John Isaac, C. C. Jensen. Adolph L. Reynolds, J. Wesley Rhodes, J. M.
Johnson, Fred Johnson, C. C. Kellar, Rowse, H. L. Shull, A. R. Smith,
Stewart Kime, Otis M. Kittle, C. E. J. Paul Stauffer, U. Wissner, C. L.
Knight, 0. B. Kuhn, C. J. Kunkel. Woods, J. T. Hamilton.
H. Camden Lacey, W. W. R. Lake, T. Honorary: L. J. Black, Harry Camer-
M. Langberg. N. W. Lawrence, J. A. on, S. P. S. Edwards, 0. J. Graf,
Leland, A. E. Lickey, J. L. Loots, Henry H. Howard, Charles W. John-
J. D. Lorenz, W. P. McLennan, C. A. son, F. A. Lashier, E. L. Lutz, C. C.
Meleen, S. Meleen, A. A. Meyers. H. Mattison. I. G. Ortner, W. B. Payne,
J. Meyer, C. W. Miller, F. I. Mohr, Joseph IL Peterson, J. G. Pettey, R.
C. E. Moon, A. G. Nelson, Andrew F. Radke. Bert Rhoads, D. K. Rover,
Nelson, H. J. Neumann, Leon Ny- Charles J. Tolf, E. D. Walter, Fred
man. J. Wilbur.
H. C. Olmsted, A. J. Osborne, M.
Ostoich, F. M. Owen, F. W. Paap, Licensed Missionaries:
H. Pankoke, H. B. Parker, D. A. Esther M. Adams, Esther Ambs, Mar-
Parsons, J. R. Patterson, F. L. garet L. Ambs, Fred Anderson, Mable
Perry, IJ, D. Pickard, G. McCready Andre, M. R, Battee, C. W. Becker,

R. W. Bickett, H. L. Bird, Evelyn Martin, E. W. Storina, J. D. Trude,

Blackburn, Mrs. Clella Bowen, Mrs. A. J. Werner.
Leona Burman, C. K. Canwright, Departmental Secretaries:
Willeta Carlsen, Evelyn Carter, T. J.
Cates, L. C. Christensen, Clarence E. Book and Bible House, J. 0. Hanson.
Cotten, J. E. Craver, Lester Cushman, Educational and Y. P. M. V., A. J.
Elmer Digneo, Carol Dunn, Marylou Werner.
Durning, E. S. Edwards, Mrs. C. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Estes, J. G. Fallon, Edna Farns- E. W. Storing.
worth, E. T. Fickas, Lauretta Fickess, Publishing, Leon Harding.
Mrs. Bernice Hansen, H. E. Hein, M. Religious Liberty, C. E. Andress.
W. Hill, Winifred Holmden. Ordained Ministers:
Maybel Jensen, Helen C. Kannen- C. E. Andross, Claude E. Eldridge,
burg, Rocelia Kegley, Myra A. Kite, Orno Follett, W. C. Hankins, S. R.
Doreen Kitto, W. W. Konzack, Ralph Haynes, R. L. Hubbs, W. F. Miller,
L. Marshall, C. L. Martin, Willard W. G. Mills, Milton Prout, Clifford
Meier, G. W. Meldrum, Alice Neilsen, Rouse, E. W. Storing, John D. Trude,
Else Nelson, P. Nightingale, Robert Marvin Walter, L. D. Weber, A. J.
Nutter, Anna J. Olson, Donald
Pearce, Carl Petterson, Leston Post, Werner, A. L. Westphal.
0. R. Randleman, D. E. Reck, Della Credentialed Missionary: Leon M.
Reiswig, Fred Riley, F. E. Romant, Harding.
Mrs. Mabel Curtis Romant, Mrs. Mary
Heim Seat, J. C. Sherman, Maxine Licensed Ministers:
Smith, Chloe Sofsky, Opal Stone, Mrs. David Bauer, Lawrence E. Davidson,
Ida Thompson, Mrs. N. Thompson, A. J. 0. Hanson, Melvin Heinrich, Harry
W. Towes, Mrs. Miriam Utt, Ethel Ramsey, George Smith, Major White.
Walder, Lois Walker, Alice Went-
worth, Eleanor Wentworth, H. D. Licensed Missionaries:
Wheeler, Vera Wilkins, Fred S. Delight Clapp, Mrs. Gladys Davis,
Wolfe. Lois Ruth Eldridge, John Gilchriese,
Honorary: Rose E. Boose, Mrs. Jean Morgan, Deborah Peile, Neva
Marie Fanselau, Ellen B. Fatte- Sandburn.
bert, Mrs. M. E. Hoyt, Mrs. Ella Church School Teachers:
E. Hughes, Mrs. J. L. Kay, Stella B.
Lowry, Mary C. Reynolds, Alma E. Mrs. Ruth Bailey, Mrs. Mary Ben-
McKibben, M. W. Newton, N. E. ton, Mrs. Calvin Dodge, Mrs. J. D.
Paulin, J. M. Peterson, Mrs. Alice Gilchriese, Mrs. J. 0. Hanson, Jose-
H. Robinson, Louise C. Scholz, Mar- phine Holms, Mrs. Opal F. Lull, Mrs.
garet Warnock, Mrs. Luther Warren, Cora Mills, Mrs. Howard Nicholas,
Mrs. Frank Parkhurst, Mrs. Margaret
G. E. Hartman. Putnam, Burton Ramsey, Mrs. Mar-
Legal Association: "Pacific Union Asso- garet Roby, W. F. Simmons, Ira F.
ciation of Seventh-day Adventists." Stahl, Mrs. Irav F. Stahl, Alice Wilcox.
Board of Directors: C. L. Torrey, C. Legal Association: "Arizona Confer-
L. Bauer, G. T. Chapman, H. G. ence Corporation of Seventh-day Ad-
Childs, James Howarth, A. C. Nelson, ventists."
David Voth.
Organized as mission 1902 ; united with Organized 1911 ; reorganized 1932
with Southeastern California 1932 ; Territory: The following-named- coun-
reorganized 1936. ties in the State of California: San
Territory: State of Arizona. Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Cruz,
Santa Clara, Stanislaus, Alpine, Tuol-
Population: 499,261 ; churches, 23 ; mem- umne, Merced, Mariposa, Madera, San
bers, 1,783. Benito, Monterey, Fresno, Kings, Tu-
lare, San Luis Obispo, Kern (north of
Office: 2601 E. Thomas Road, Phoenix, Tehachapi Mountains), Santa Barbara
Ariz. (Telephone, 5-7670.) west of 120th meridian.
Postal Address: Box 1871, Phoenix, Population: 1,712,413 ; churches, 86 ;
Ariz. members, 8,787.
Officers: Office: 435 N. Third St., San Jose,
President, C. E. Andross. Calif. (Telephones, Columbia 3560,
Secretary-Treasurer, J. 0. Hanson. 5166, 5167.)
Executive Committee: C. E. Andross, Postal Address: P. 0. Box 580, San
W. C. Hankins, J. 0. Hanson, M. A. Jose 4, Calif.

Officers: Credentialed Bible Instructors:

'President, R. C. Baker. Mrs. Helen Armstrong, Mary E. Clark,
Secretary-Treasurer, Scott Donaldson. Esther Heim, Rose E. Herr, Estol
Kirby, Mrs. Thyrza Nelson, Bernice
ExeCutive Committee: R. C. Baker, Park, Mrs. Maxine Phelps, Marion
W. L. Avery, J. E. Cox, Scott Don- Warrington, Mrs. G. R. West.
aldson, E. E. Gloor, L. A. Hansen,
A. C. Lien, C. S. Prout, B. A. Reile, Licensed Bible Instructors:
M. L. Venden. Helen Clark, Mrs. Warren Gordon,
Katherine B. Hale, Mrs. Della Rich-
Departmental Secretaries: ardson, Mary Vornholt.
Book and Bible House, W. F. Van Honorary: Mrs. Jane Baldwin, Mrs.
Atta; Assistant, Clarence S. John` Florence Collier, Mrs. Helen M. Jar-
son. vies, Mrs. Bessie MacMillian, Mrs.
Educational, W. L. Avery. Theresa Hutchinson Noble, Mrs. Anna
Home Missionary, 0. D. Rees. Schick.
Publishing, Arthur R. Reiswig; As-
sistants, C. C. Stoner, C. L. Wil- Church School Teachers:
liams. Dawn Ackley, Roberta G. Allen, Mrs.
Religious Liberty, R. C. Baker. Carl D. Anderson, Eugene Anderson,
Sabbath School, Medical, and Tem- William Aprile, Mrs. Beverly Arnott,
perance, K. H. Wood. Marian Babb, Leona Bailey, Mrs.
Y.P.M.V., Henry T. Bergh. Quinnette Bailey, Roselyn Berg, Mrs.
'Ordained Ministers: Eleanor Buchanan, Irene Crocker, L.
Eda Eastman, Mrs. June Ehrler,
E. G. Annofsky, R. R. Archuleta, W. Cornell English, Edward J. Evans,
L. Avery, R. C. Baker, Richard E. Paul Felker, Helen Fessler, Barbara
Berry, Vernon L. Bliss, W. B. Bris- Foote, Mrs. Katheryn Francis, Jack
tow, Cesar Bufano, B. C. Clark, J. Fridley.
E. Cox, Donald E. Darst, Scott Don- Mrs. Nelle Gage, Mrs. Myrtle Gal-
aldson, S. J. Demchuk, A. H. Field, lion, Estolia Garcia, Mrs. Ethel Haley,
C. E. Grant, L. V. Grunke, A. C. Charles Hanson, Grace Harvey, Oren
Harder, Claude Heitman, Stanley H. Hewitt, Anna Jensen, Leona Jones,
Hiten, Wilbur Holbrook, Clarence S. Henry Kuhn, Mrs. Geraldine Kuhn,
Johnson, Victor A. Joseph, C. F. Pauline Largent, Ernest Mattison,
Lickey, A. C. Lien, C. L. Lingen- Ferne Mayer, Iva Dell Michalenko,
felter, V. J. Maloney, L. S. Mel- Mrs. Irene Phillips, Paul Plummer,
endy, Kenneth Moore, C. S. Nico- Ellis Rich, Mrs. Ruth Roberts, Mrs.
las, K. Nozaki, E. E. Perry, C. Nina Rockwell, Mrs. Margaret Rode-
S. Prout, Ordell R. Rees, B. A. Reile, rick, Elmer Ross, Gladys Rosser.
Arthur Reiswig, C. M. Sorenson, M. Margaret Sackett, Edward Scott,
L. Venden, G. R. West, H. B. West- Calvin Shepard, Carolyne Shope, So-
cott, K. H. Wood, J. E. Young. letha Smith, Hazel Striplin, Mrs.

Honorary: C. H. Baker, L. I. Bowers, Lelah Taylor, Mrs. Florence The-

C. F. Cole, E. R. Johnson, W. B. lender, Boyd Thompson, Grace Van
Miramontes, Isaac Schneider, Archie Hook, Carole Warner, Mrs. Verena
Tong, Justus Vitrano. Wikoff, C. K. Wilson, Mrs. C. K.
Wilson, Inez Williams, Richard Wil-
Credentialed Missionaries: liams, George Wister, Mrs. Betty
Wister, Mrs. Madge Young.
Mrs. K. Nozaki, Mrs. Lulu P. Wilcox.
Legal Association: "Central California
Licensed Ministers: Conference Association of the Sev-
Henry T. Bergh, Gerald Friedrich, enth-day Adventists, a Corporation."
Warren Gordon, Paul Gregoroff,
Clyde C. Groomer, 0. D. Hancock,
Clarence E. Larsen, Wellesley Muir, HAWAIIAN MISSION
Paul W. Nelson, Walter Rea, Rob- Organized 1895
ert Reynolds, Jr., Francis Soper,
C. C. Stoner, W. F. Van Atta, Territory: The Hawaiian Islands.
Merritt C. Warren, C. L. Williams.
Population: 423,332 ; churches, 15 ; mem-
Licensed Missionaries: bers, 1,622.
Beverly Beaudoin, Mrs. Genevieve Cable Address: "Adventist,' Honolulu.
Black, Mrs. Merrie B. Cowles, Mrs. Office Address: 1438 Pensacola Street,
Viola Marnella, Robert E. Osborn, Honolulu, 25, Territory Hawaii. (Tele-
Mrs. Bertha Parmetier, Virginia Proc- phone, 59406.)
tor, Mrs. Hazel Roth, Mrs. Lulu
Smith, D. R. Sperry, Mrs. W. F. Van Postal Address: Box 4037, Honolulu,
Atta. Territory Hawaii.

Officers : Church School Teachers:

President, William J. Harris. Alice Boyd, Anna Ching, Doris Crock-
Secretary-Treasurer, Ernest L. Herr. er, Eunice Grant, Martha Harlin, Mrs.
Ethel Hesseltine, Tetsu Hirayama,
Advisory Committee: William J. Mrs. Tetsu Hirayama, Vada Huling,
Harris, R. Curtis Barger, D. J. Bie- Mrs. Mildred Ishii, Mrs. Harold Kono,
ber, E. M. Chalmers, Ernest L. Herr, Mrs. Kakae Kubo, Veda Layton, Mrs.
William Hong, Melvin Lukens, Allan B. Leialoha, Vera Lyau, Lyle McCoy,
W. Millard, George Miranda, J. D. Jeanne Meyers, Kenneth Nip, Miriam
Marshall, Hideo Oshita, Perry Sumida. Pease, Lucille Redmon, Mrs. Nellie
Shim, Yaeko Shimada, Margery
Departmental Secretaries: Smith, Florence Tamanaha, ' Mable
Book and Bible House, G. M. Mac- / Taylor, Mrs. Joe Willa Watkins.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Allan W. Legal Association: "Hawaiian Associa-
Millard. tion of Seventh-day Adventists."
Home Missionary and Publishing,
Edgar F. Woody.
Sabbath School and Religious Liberty, NEVADA-UTAH CONFERENCE .
William J. Harris.
Organized 1931 out of territory organ-
Ordained Ministers: ized as Utah Mission 1895 ; and Ne-
Victor Aladen, R. Curtis Barger, vada Mission 1913.
Walter E. Barber, D. J. Bieber, Elden
M. Chalmers, Donald R. Christman, Territory: The States of Nevada and
William J. Harris, Melvin Lukens, Utah, the counties of Inyo and Mono
G. M. MacLafferty, R. J. McKeague, of the State of California, also
J. D. Marshall, Allan W. Millard, that part which lies along and east
Shohei Miyake, Robert Nomi, Hideo of Highway 89, beginning at the
Oshita. junction of that highway with High-
way 50 south of Lake Tahoe and
Credentialed Missionaries: continuing northward along Highway
William V. Albee, Ernest L. Herr, 89 to the junction of that highway
J. Hal Horning, Lyle McCoy, Truman
with Highway 36 west of Lake Alma-
Reed, R. A. Strickland, Edgar F. nor, and along and south of Highway
Woody. 36 eastward to the junction of that
highway with Highway 395, continu-
Licensed Ministers: ing eastward along Highway 395 and
an unnumbered roadway to the Cali-
Lester L. Bennett, George Kiyabu,
Sakae Kubo, Ralph S. Larson, Bennie fornia-Nevada line.
H. Matthews, Charles A. Phelps, Wil- Population 685,894; churches, 15; mem-
mot Smith. bers, 880.
Licensed Missionaries: Office: 185 Martin Avenue, Reno, Ne-
Mrs. Victor Aladen, Mrs. William Al- vada. (Telephone, 2-6920 and 2-6929.)
bee, Mrs. W. E. Barber, Mrs. R.
Curtis Barger, Mrs. Lester Bennett, Officers:
Mrs. D. J. Bieber, Geraldo Cabanilla, President, R. Allen Smithwick.
Mrs. Geraldo Cabanilla, Mrs. E. M. Secretary-Treasurer, L. H. Netteburg.
Chalmers, Sacgiko Chinen, Mrs. Don Executive Committee: R. Allen Smith-
Christman, Sally DeOchoa, Eunice wick, W. L. Hesseltine, L. H. Natte-
Grant, Francis Hammer, Mrs. Fran- burg, F. H. Rahm, C. M. Smith, H.
cis Hammer, Mrs. W. J. Harris, W. Tamka.
Elmer Herr, Mrs. Elmer Herr, Mrs.
Ernest Herr, James Horning, Mrs. Departmental Secretaries:
James Horning, Mrs. J. Hal Horning, Book and Bible House, L. H. Nette-
Mrs. George Kiyabu, Mrs. Juliette burg.
Lau, Mrs. Ralph Larsen. Mrs. Melvin Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Sabbath
Lukens, Mrs. G. M. MacLafferty, Mrs. School, Clark Smith.
J. D. Marshall, Mrs. B. H. Matthews, Home Missionary and Religious Lib-
Mrs. A. W. Millard, Mrs. S. Miyake, erty, -12. Allen Smithwick.
Mrs. Robert Nomi, Mrs. Hideo Oshita, Publishing, Louis G. Hemmrich.
Edward Napoles, Mrs. Charles Phelps, Temperance, Radio, and Publicity,
Nellie Roser, Mrs. Truman Reed, Mrs. L. H. Netteburg.
Helen Steinel, Mrs. R. A. Strickland,
Mrs. A. W. Millard, Mable Taylor, Ordained Ministers:
Audra Wood, Virginia Johnson Woods, Waldo L. Hesseltine, D. R. Lout7en-
Mrs. E. F. Woody. hiser, Albert Munson. F. H. Rabin,
Licensed Bible Instructor: Marcedene Richard A. Rentfro, Clark Smith, R.
-Wood. Allen Smithwick.

Licensed Ministers: Departmental Secretaries:

LeRoy Albers, Louis G. Hemmrich,
L. H. Netteburg, Joseph H. Nixon, Book and Bible House, W. W. West.
E. R. Priebe, David F. Smith. Educational, W. W. Ruble.
Home Missionary, Walter Lind.
Licensed Missionaries: Medical. Eva 1. Beeler.
Robin D. Allan, Mrs. L. DuNesme. Publishing, L. L. Dinwiddie.
Radio and Temperance, J. W. Rich.
Licensed Bible Instructor: Mrs. F. H. Religious Liberty, Walter A. Nelson
Rahm. Sabbath School, J. A. Neilsen.
Y.P.M.V., Glenn Fillman.
Church School Teachers:
Esther M. Amyx, Mona Rose Boling, Ordained Ministers:
Mrs. Alice Goodrich, Mrs. Myrtle Lip- G. K. Abbott, W. B. Ammundsen, C.
pert, Patricia Murray, Mrs. Bette E. AcMoody, M. R. Bailey, Carl
Rasmussen, Jean Tuttle, Mrs. Mary Becker, E. E. Beddoe, A. V. Bentz,
Van Wagenen, Richard A. West. Clyde Bradley, S. T. Borg, G. G.
Legal Association: "Nevada-Utah Asso- Brown, R.C.Calderone, Paul 0. Camp-
ciation of Seventh-day Adventists." bell, Glenn Fillman, W. R. Foul-
ston, F. 0. Fowler, Claude Hall, J.
D. Hardt, C. W. Hartwick, E. F.
Heim, S. H. Hoskins, W. L. Hyatt,
NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Seikichi Imai, T. H. Jemison, C. N.
CONFERENCE Kohler, Walter Lind, George H.
Lowen, H. K. Martin, B. W. Matti-
Reorganized 1911 out of territory in- son, Robert C. McPherson, E. F.
cluded in California Conference or- Peterson, H. E. McWhinny, J. A.
ganized 1873, and again reorganized Neilsen, A. Edwin Nelson, R. W.
in 1932. Nelson, Walter A. Nelson, V. E.
Territory: The following-named coun- Peugh, Carol Phillips, Joseph Phil-
ties in the State of California: Modoc, lips, Fernon Retzer, Helmuth Retzer,
Siskiyou, Del Norte, Humboldt, Trin- J. W. Rich, W. W. Ruble, A. 0. Sage,
ity, Mendocino, Shasta, Lassen, Te- Clyde M. Sage, Donald Sather, A. F.
hama, Glenn, Plumas, Butte, Sierra, Storz, 0. H. Shrewsbury, Robert
Lake, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Nevada, Thompson, J. L. Tucker, L. E. Tup-
per, A. F. Wellman, W. A. Wester-
Eldorado, Placer, Sonoma, Marin, hout, T. D. Zaharis.
Napa, Yolo, Amador, Calaveras, Sac-
ramento, San Joaquin, Contra Costa, Honorary: B. L. Diffenbacher, 0. A.
Alameda, Solano, with the exception Hall, C. C. Landis, H. A. Rentfro,
of that small portion of these coun- F. A. Stahl, V. B. Watts.
ties along and east of Highway 89,
beginning at the junction of that Credentialed. Missionaries:
highway with Highway 50, south of T. E. Baber, Eva Beeler, Ernest
Lake Tahoe and continuing north- Forbes, Adam F. Layman, P. E.
ward along Highway 89 to the junc- Nightingale, C. P. Shipley.
tion of that highway with Highway
36 west of Lake Almanor and along Licensed Ministers:
and south of Highway 36 eastward F. V. Anderson, S. Arrabito, R. P.
to the junction of that highway with Axtel, J. D. Bare, L. A. Blumen-
Highway 395, continuing eastward shien, Vernon Braaten, Kendall But-
along Highway 395 and an unnum- ler, Don Carlson, Winston Clark, L.
bered roadway to the California- L. Dinwiddie, Robert Dubose, Eugene
Nevada line. W. Erikson, Robert Hallock, George
Jensen, David Knittle, Vern Mailer-
Population: 1,507,701 ; churches, 85 ; nee, Mervin Maxwell, Gordon Mc-
members, 11,785. Crillis, Louis Normington, F. T.
Office: 1811 Eleventh Ave., Oakland, Oakes, E. L. Place, Harold Ruppert,
Calif. (Telephone, KEllog 4-1710.) Satnuel Rutan, R. E. Sanders, J. V.
Shull, C. E. Townsend. T. R. Water-
Postal Address: Box 149, Oakland 4, house, Burl Watts, W. Wilkinson.
Calif. Clarence Williams, Roger West, W.
Officers: W. West.
President, Walter A. Nelson. Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, F. T. Oakes. Verda Gibson, Amelia Hand, Loa
Executive Committee: Walter A. Neb. Hyatt, Daniel Kerr, Florence Kimmell,
son, M. R. Bailey, A. V. Bentz, F. 0. Mrs. Marjorie Lewis Lloyd, Mildred
Fowler, C. C. Landis, G. H. Loewen, Lindsay, Ella McBroom, Mildred Os-
B. W. Mattison, F. T. Oakes, E. L: tich, Mrs. Lucie Pipkin, Majel Ross,
Place, J. L. Tucker, H. R. Wolfsen. Erldean $chlotthauer, Dorothy Shel-

don, Virginia Sidle, Vera Smith, Eva SOUTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA


Credentialed Bible Instructors: Organized 1915 ; reorganized 1932

Soverine Anderson, Mrs. Mary Ellen Territory: The following-named coun-

Cass, Mrs. Dorothy Danforth, Thelma ties in the State of California: San
Flattum, Mrs. Jessie Gully, Mary Diego, Orange, Imperial, Riverside,
Hartwell, Mrs. W. A. Henry, Veva San Bernardino.
Knox, Mrs. Nan MacKenzie, Mrs. Population: 746,480; churches, 51 ; mem-
Lula Maycock, Stella Petersen, Mrs. bers, 9,556.
Mae Van Horne, Mrs. Esta Wyrick.
Office: 9707 Magnolia Ave., Arlington,
Church School Teachers: Calif. (Telephone, Riverside 9012.)
Mrs. Erma Allen, F. V. Anderson, Postal Address: Box 684, Arlington,
Mrs. Edythe Araujo, Charles D. Ary, Calif.
Lura Atwood, R. P. Axtell, Dalton
Baldwin, J. D. Bare, Mrs. J. D. Officers: '
Bare, H. C. Baumbach, Sue Bernacchi, President, H. H. Hicks.
Alice Birge, Florence Birge, E. W. Secretary-Treasurer, E. A. Schmidt.
Brooks, Marjorie Brown, Mrs. Ber- Executive Committee: H. H. Hicks,
nice Burden, R. B. Burgeson, Kendall
Butler, Lena Butler, Mrs. Irma Carl- G. T. Anderson, T. E. Bartholomew,
son, Roy Clint, Mrs. Roy Clint, Mrs. C. G. Giddings, Glenn Goffar, John
Alice Cottrell, Winifred Craig, Betty Hancock, R. J. Larson, B. C. Mar-
Cox, Mrs. R. C. Deming, Gladys Dirk- shall, L. E. Niermeyer, E. A. Schmidt,
sen, Robert DuBose, Mrs. Thelma Harold 'Shryock.
Duncan, Mrs. Ted Dunston, Ivadel
Eaton, Harriet Echols, Mary Ellquist. Departmental Secretaries:
Mrs. Glenn Fillman, Mrs. Lettie Fi- Book and Bible House, Henry Norton ;
man, A. 0. Forbes, Mrs. Marguerite Assistant, G. L. Cooper.
Fox, R. W. Gepford, William Gibson, Health Education, Yvonne Laughton.
Mrs. Grace Gordon, Mrs. Alna Grant, Home Missionary, Temperance, and
Robert Hallock, Mrs. Flossie Hampel, Radio, A. D. Bohn.
Mrs. Bernice Hanson, Mrs. J. D. Publishing, G. W. Carter; Assistant,
Hardt, Muriel Harlow, G. Paul Har- Ben Buck.
vey, Gerald Haun, Leeta Hemme, Mrs. Sabbath School, Religious Liberty, and
Clara Howland. Press Relations, Stanley M. Jeffer-
Mrs. Ada James, Grace Johnson, son.
Mildred Jones, Mary Keehnel, Mrs. Y.P.M.V. and War Commission,
John Kennedy, Myra Kite, David John H. Hancock.
Knittle, Hilda Lambert, Beverly Lar-
sen, Vivian Luce, Mrs. Annie Mae Ordained Ministers:
Luther, Mrs. Lila Marshall. Mrs. F. L. Abbott, Milton Adams, W. M.
Viola Mathe, Joy McCoy, Thomas Adams, Jr., L. R. Anderson, V. C.
G. McMeekin. Louis Normington, Mrs. Becraft, Charles Betz, Dennis T.
Elon Nulk, Mrs. Mary C. O'Neil. Black, A. D. Bohn, Glenn Bowen, J.
Thermutis Padilla, Arlene Paulson, Norvell Brown, A. E. Butler, C. C.
Patricia Payne, Kenneth Perrin, Ralph Cantwell, George W. Casebeer, C. I.
Potterton, Bruce Preyer, Mrs. Janie Chrisman, T. L. Copeland, D. E. Dirk-
Price, Mrs. Bessie Ratzloff, Merrill sen, J. F. Games, Glenn L. Goffar,
Reese, Mrs. Adaline Reimche, Earl John H. Hancock, H. A. Hansen, J.
Rollins. Roy Sanders, Mrs. Roy San- D. Haynes, H. H. Hicks, A. B. Hue-
ders, Florence Santee, Mrs. Mary nergardt, S. M. Jefferson, F. B.
Sather, H. W. Sauer, Mrs. H. W. Jensen, Alger F. Johns, J. E. John-
Sauer, Mrs. Frances Smith, Alex B. son, R. H. Kezer, L. E. Niermeyer,
Steinert, Mrs. 0. B. Stevens. William R. Robinson, William C. Ris-
ley, F. F. Schwindt, A. V. Serra, E.
Mrs. Gwyndolin Teney, Ruth S. W. Striplin, W. W. White.
Terrill, Mrs. Grace Tolton, Horace
Tuttle, Mrs. Mildred Ward, Donald Honorary: L. J. Borrowdale, Dunbar
Warren, T. R. Waterhouse, Mrs. T. W. Smith, D. R. White.
R. Waterhouse, Norma Webb, Mar-
jorie Whalley, Priscilla Whalley, Alex Credentialed Missionaries:
Widicker, Leslie Wildes, Mrs. Leslie Ben Buck, Otis A. Hudson, Henry.
Wildes, Mrs. Howard Woodall, Miriam Norton, Giles L. Cooper.
licensed M?nisters:
Legal Association: "Northern California Antonio Arteaga, Carlos Ayala, P. G.
Conference Association of the Sev- Baden, Earl Canson, G. W. Carter,
enth-day Adventists," a corporation. Harold F. Clark, William Galbreth,

J. L. Jespersen, Philip Knoche, R. J. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CON-

Larson, Paul E. Limerick, E. Irvin FERENCE
Lehman, B. C. Marshall, Charles D.
Martin, Paul McFeeters, J. G. McIn- Organized 1901
tyre, Earl Meyer, Floyd L. Mohr, Territory: The following counties in the
Harvey Retzer, Edward J. Royer, E. State of California: Los Angeles,
A. Schmidt, James V. Scully, John Ventura, and all that part of Santa
Shewmake, Calvin Sterling, Arlyn Barbara County lying to the east and
Stewart, Leonard Venden. south of a line beginning at the inter-
section of the 120th meridian with
Licensed Missionaries: the north boundary line of said Santa
Mrs. Pauline Underwood Deal, Frank Barbara County, thence south on the
Ford, Oma Gentry, Yvonne Laugh- said 120th meridian to the summit of
ton, Ruth Lehman, Mrs. Margaret the No Joqui Grade; thence following
Logan, Mrs. Shirley McClintock, Mrs. the No Joqui Grade in a southwesterly
Hazel E. Morey, Naomi Nixon, Elwood direction to the Pacific Ocean.
Van Noty, Mrs. Evelyn Williams, Mrs. Population:
Wonona Young. 2,915,456 ; churches, 58;
members, 13,085.
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Office: 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles
31, Calif. (Telephone, Capitol 6136.)
Mrs. Viola Calkins, Sally Clark, Mary
Della Johnson, Mrs. Isabel Mora, Mrs. Postal Address: Station A, Box 148,
Edith Sawyer, Mrs. E. B. Stoddard, Los Angeles 31, Calif.
Carrie B. Tichenor.
Honorary: M. Bertha Davis.
President, C. L. Torrey.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. G. Lewis.
Licensed Bible Instructor: Mrs. Myrtle Executive Committee: C. L. Torrey,
Miller Brockett, E. M. Davis, J. F.
Dent, Andrew Fearing, I. E. Gillis,
Church School Teachers: Emmitt Jenson, A. H. Johns, R. G.
Clarence Appleton, Mrs. Vernon Ash- Lewis, J. A.. Simonson, B. R. Spear,
ley, Martha Ayala, Mrs. 0. C. Bald- H. M. Walton, B. F. Williams.
win, Carolyn Beckner, Mrs. Mary Lee Departmental Secretaries:
Belier, Richard Bobst, Albert Brad- Book and Bible House, Herbert Grif-
ley, Mary Jane Bruce, W. B. Clawson, fith.
Mrs. Margaret Crane, Mrs. Ruby Educational, J. A. Simonson.
Daily, Mrs. Florence Dale, Arthur Home Missionary and Temperance, D.
Dalgleish, Jean Dalgleish, Mrs. Eve- R. Schierman.
lyn Dinsmore, Mrs. Mabel Emley, Mrs. Medical, John D. Rogers ; Associate,
Bernice Ferguson, Mrs. Lee Fickes, Mrs. Helen Austin.
Mrs. Julia F. Fox, Mrs. Grace Fuller, Publishing, C. L. Finney.
Robert Gale, Mrs. Mary Groome, Ida Religious Liberty and Sabbath School,
Jane Gosse, Ruth Holsinger, Winifred Raymond Cales.
Howard, Alice Hughes, Jessie John- Y.P.M.V., Miller Brockett.
ston, W. C. Jeffreys, Mrs. Pauline
Koorenny, Mrs. Jenna Lee Lewis, Mrs. Ordained Ministers:
Paul Limerick, Mrs. Wendell Lucas, R. F. Alderson, A. D. Armstrong, A.
Mrs. Jean Luckey, Mrs. Rilla Man- E. Barnes, Miller Brockett, B. W.
ning, Mrs. Marie Marcus, Ruby Dell Brown, Raymond Cales, J. H. Cal-
McGee, Theodore McIntyre, Mrs. Ber- derone, Roy F. Cottrell, Howard A.
tha McKim, J. R. McMullen. Curran, E. M. Davis.
Helen Mead, Earl Meyer, Sidney E. E. Duncan, Don E. Duncan, Ar-
Moody, G..G. Neff, Mrs. Marie North- thur J. Escobar, Andrew C. Fearing,
cott, Alma Nephew, Nellie Odell, C. L. Finney, L. E. Folkenberg, Rob-
Jaunita Paxton, Mrs. Dorothea Pitts, ert Greiner, George B. Haining, P. H.
Mrs. Ruby Schaffner, Mrs. Hazel Hermann, Keith C. Holman, J. F.
Shafer, Mildred Shannon, Clifford Huenergardt, W. R. Jefferson, Alger
Shepard, Mrs. Clifford Shepard, Ber- H. Johns.
nice Squier, Helen Swenson, Mrs. Robert Kitto, Philip L. Knox, F. G.
Colleen Utt, Mrs. J. D. Wilburn, Mrs. Lane, Harold Lindsay, Ernest Lutz,
Barbara Willard, Mary Woodward. S. 0. Martin, J. W. McComas, W. S.
McCulley, F. W. Miller, Kingsley
Minifie, C. C. Morlan, Alfred T.
Legal Associations: "Southeastern Cali- Okohira, Lester D. Patterson, Frank
fornia Association of Seventh-day Ad- E. Rice, Juan E. Perez, John D.
ventists ;" "Seventh-day Adventists Rhodes, R. H. Robertson, W. H.
Association of Southeastern Califor- Schacht, L. B. Schick, D. R. Schier-
nia, a Corporation Sole." man, H. J. Sheldon, J. A. Simon-

son, B. R. Spear, David Voth, H. L. Rainstead, Jessie Raymond, Gabrielle

Wallace, W. C. Webb, C. R. Webster, Robert, Sylvia Rogers.
G. A. Wheeler, B. F. Williams, W. G. Mrs. Louise Runge, Gertrude Sew-
Wirth. ard, Reginald Shephard, P. Maurice
Honorary: V. M. Hansen. Siler, Mavis Smith, Bernice Soliday,
Marian Soth, Mrs. LaVern Swegles,
Licensed Ministers: Robert L. Thomas, Murl Vance, Frank
P. H. Barnes, Richard C. Barron, Wallstrom, Mrs. Frank Wallstrom,
Orley M. Berg, Roger W. Coon, W. B. Mrs. L. R. Walton, Mrs. E. Black-
Dart, Merrill Enright, Henry de shear Watkins, Mrs. Clara Wessels,
Fluiter, J. F. Dent, B. M. Emerson, Mrs. Florence Weyand, Mrs. Violet
Herbert Griffith, Daniel R. Guild, Zapara.
Charles R. Hall, Merwin A. R. Jones, Legal Association: "Southern Califor-
R. G. Lewis, Robert L. Osborne, N. I. nia Association of Seventh-day Ad-
Parker, Andrew Peters, Royal Reid, ventists ;" Secretary-Treasurer, B. M.
Rudolph Rodriguez, Louis P. Schutter. Emerson.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. Helen Austin, Esther Ruth Bar-
ing, Mrs. Raymond Cales, Mrs. Mar- INSTITUTIONS IN THE PACIFIC
guerite B. Clark, Frank J. Cook, J.
W. Craig, Cecelia Derry, Volney UNION CONFERENCE
Dortch, Charles E. Feik, Clarabelle Educational:
Fenderson, Dorothy Greeley, Jennie
L. Ireland, Virginia Kollmorgan, Mrs. Colleges
Myrtie C. Lewis, Mrs. Ophelia Maur- College of Medical Evangelists, Loma
man, Ernest McGriff, Doretta Meyer, Linda and Los Angeles, Calif.
John Nahorney, C. R. Swan, Selma
Uhrig, Ruth West, Marianette Wil- La Sierra College, La Sierra Station,
cox, Herbert B. Wiles, Susannah Arlington, Calif.
Williams. Pacific Union College, Angwin, Napa
Licensed Bible Instructors: Co., Calif.
Oleta Butcher, Mrs. Myrtle Camp, Boarding Academies
Mrs. H. A. Curran, Effie B. Davis,
Mrs. Grace Folkenberg, Vienna Hamil- Arizona Academy, 1325 N. 14th St.,
ton, Mary D. Hopkins, Reathel Jen- Phoenix, Ariz.
kins, Pauline Messersmith, Mrs. T. 0. La Sierra College Preparatory School,
Miller, Mrs. Hazel Perkins, Lillian La Sierra Station, Arlington, Calif.
Santee, Hester B. Walsh. Lodi Academy, Box 640, Lodi, Calif.
Church School Teachers: Newberry Park Academy, Box 77,
Mrs. Millie Adamson, Mrs. Helen Al- Newberry Park, Calif.
bright, Mrs. Rachel Alderson, Chandos Pacific Union College Preparatory
Angell, Maymie Austin, Muriel M. School, Angwin, Napa Co., Calif.
Bisseger, Mrs. Eunice Bridwell, Dovie
Brix, Katherine Brooks, Verona San Pasqua] Academy, Route 1, Box
Chambers, Mrs. Dorothy Charland, 636 A, Escondido, Calif.
Mrs. Lucetta Cochran, Mrs.. Helen Non-Boarding Academies
Collins, C. R. Cyphers, Mrs. C. R.
Cyphers, Carrie Davis, Mrs. Jessie Armona Union Academy, Box 216,
Dillon, Winifred Early, Mrs. Mayme Armona, Calif.
Fischer, Raymond A. Fischer. Fresno Union Academy, 841 W. Bel-
Oleta Frakes, Lois Freese, Lloyd mont Ave., Fresno 1, Calif.
Gibson, James Gillespie, Ethel H.
Griese, Stanley Griswold, Marjorie Glendale Union Academy, 700 Kimlin
Hackett, Mrs. Pauline Hanson. Royal Drive, Glendale 6, Calif.
Hay, Eva C. Helsley, Vione Hendrix, Golden Gate Academy, 1709 Alcatraz
Mrs. Virgil Jackson, Mrs. J. G. Ave., Berkeley 3, Calif.
Jacques, Vera Jones, Vernon Jones,
Katheleen Kachuck, Mrs. J. A. Land, Hawaiian Mission Academy, 1415 Ma-
Dorothea D. Larson, Mrs. Etta kiki St., Honolulu 4, Hawaii, T.H.-
Leffingwell. Kern Academy, Shafter, Calif.
Mrs. Dorita Lessard, Mrs. David
Lust, Mary Charlotte McConnell, Mrs. Loma Linda Union Academy, Loma
Lucille McKinzie, Marcia Mapes, Je- Linda, Calif.
wel Meador, Ursula Millet, Alfrieda Los Angeles Academy, 846 East. El
- Mortensen, Richmond Nelson, Emma Segundo Blvd., Los Angeles 2, Calif.
Neufield, Mrs. Gertrude Nunn, Wil-
fred Olmstead, Patricia Patton, Mrs. Lynwood Academy, 11081 Locust St.,
Nettie Pellow, Violet Pierce, Emma Lynwood, Calif.

Modesto Union 'Academy; 210 Figaro Loma Linda Sanitarium and Hospital,
St., Modesto, Calif. Loma Linda, Calif.
Mountain View Union Academy, Paradise Valley Sanitarium and Hos-
Mountain View, Calif. pital, National City, Calif.
San Diego Union Academy, 2700 East St. Helena Sanitarium, Sanitarium,
4th Street, National City, Calif. Napa Co., Calif.
Food COmpany: White Memorial Hospital, 812 N.
Loma Linda Food Co., Arlington, Boyle Ave., Los Angeles 33, Calif.
Calif. Publishing:
Medical: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain
View, Calif.
Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital,
1509 E. Wilson Ave., Glendale 6, Radio:
Calif. (Mail address, Box 871, The Voice of Prophecy, 805-811 E.
Glendale, Calif.) Broadway, Glendale 5, Calif.


Organized 1932

Territory: The States of Alabama, Ordained Ministers:

Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Missis- V. G. Anderson, J. F. Ashlock, E. C.
sippi, North Carolina, South Caro- Banks, J. M. Cox, R. E. Crawford, J.
lina, and Tennessee, comprising the C. Gaitens, R. L. Hammill, H. S. Han-
Conferences of Alabama-Mississippi, son, Stanley C. Harris, F. B. Jensen,
Carolina, Florida, Georgia-Cumber- L. M. Nelson, C. L. Paddock, T. W.
land, Kentucky-Tennessee, South At- Steen, W. E. Straw,' Leif Tobiassen,
lantic, and South Central. J. A. Tucker, B. E. Wagner, R. H.
Wentland, Charles Wittschiebe, K. A.
Population: 21,270,789 ; churches, 330 ; Wright.
members, 26,208.
Office: 437 E. Ponce de Leon Ave., Honorary: C. S. Baum, W. E. Bid-
Decatur, Ga. (Telephone, DEarborn well, W. L. Black, Joseph H. Cap-
9318.) man, A. J. Clark, G. H. Clark, H. J.
Doolittle, M. C. Guild, H. C. Hartwell,
Postal Address: Box 449, Decatur, Ga. S. G. Haughey, A .J. Haysmer, A. E.
Hughes, J. S. James, J. H. Krum, C.
Officers: P. Lillie, J. B. Locken, H. E. Lysinger,
Glendour Medairy, J. D. Reavis, A. B.
President, V. G. Anderson. Russell, W. F. H. Schroeder, Leon A.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. E. Schneider. Smith, A. W. Spalding, R. E. Stew-
Auditor, A. P. McDow. art, R. G. Strickland, C. U. Taylor,
Executive Committee: V. G. Anderson, Allen Walker, W. W. Walker, C. E.
H. J. Capman, J. M. Cox, I. M. Evans, Weeks, L. E. Wellman, J. H. Wierts,
H. S. Hanson, H. C. Kephart, A. E. W. Wolfe.
C. Larson, Caris H. Lauda, A. P.
McDow, H. R. Murphy, L. M. Nelson, Credentialed Missionaries:
F. L. Petersen, H. E. Schneider, H. D. Mrs. Irva Baessler, H. M. Baldwin,
Singleton, W. E. Strickland, B. E. Mrs. Edna Behner, Thomas G. Bou-
Wagner, R. H. Wentland, K. A. land, C. D. Brown, L. N. Christiansen,
Wright. Theresa Brickman, S. W. Dake, R. M.
Davidson, Mrs. Oliva Dean, Mrs. Mary
Departmental Secretaries: Dietel, Robert Eldridge, Dorothy
Educational and Commission on Evans, G. N. Fuller, Mrs. J. G. Gai-
Rural Living, H. S. Hanson. tens, L. T. Hall, Mrs. H. Harter,
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Donald C. Hartwell, H. L. Harvey,
and Temperance, R. H. Wentland. Maude I. Jones.
Press and Extension, J. M. Cox. A. C. Larson, C. J. Larsen, Ruby E.
Publishing, B. E. Wagner; Assistant, Lea, D. C. Ludington, H. A. Miller,
S. J. Martz. G. J. Nelson, N. C. Nelson, Mrs.
Religious Liberty, V. G. Anderson. Mildred Oakes, C. G. Ortner, J. B.
Transportation Agent and Public Re- Pierson, George Pearman, L. G.
lations, H. E. Schneider. Sevrens, Ambrose L. Suhrie, L. M.
Y.P.M.V., Radio, and War Service, Sutter, W. E. Westcott, C. A, Wil-
L. M. Nelson. liams.

Licensed Ministers: Departmental Secretaries:

F. A. Coffin, Charles Fleming, Jr., Book and Bible House, C. L. Jacobs ;
Charles 0. Franz, S. J. Martz, A. P. Assistant, S. W. Neece.
McDow, H. E. Schneider, Leo F. Thiel. Educational and Y.P.M.V., F. W.
Honorary: F. 0. Rathbun. -Home Missionary and Sabbath School, -
Licensed Missionaries: L. D. Pratt.
Press Relations, M. J. Harvey.
Nora Atkins, R. G. Bowen, G. A. Publishing, I. W. Young ; Assistants,
Cannon, M. E. Connell, Clara Belle J. T. Mason, Jr., W. W. Welborn.
Culver, Doris Davis, Langdon Elmore, Radio, L. D. Pratt.
Ottilie Frank, G. T. Gott, Dora. Greve, Religious Liberty, H. J. Capman.
Maurine Hall, H. J. Harter, Mary Temperance, L. D. Pratt.
Ellen Hartley, Lois Heiser, Mildred
Johnson, E. Fisher Kenney, H. H. Ordained Ministers:
Kuhlman, R. E. Lynn, Mrs. R. E. H. J. Capman, V. W. Collins, W. D.
Lynn, Menton Medford, Ray Olm- Fleming, C. F. Graves, H. V. Hender-
stead. shot, E. L. Marley, Sr., W. L. Mazart,
A. D. McKee, L. H. Pitton, L. D.
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Miss Lar- Pratt, C. E. Wheeler.
Licensed Ministers:
Legal Association: "Southern Union
Conference Association of Seventh- Gene F. Cherry, Warren B. Findley,
day Adventists." F. Wayne Foster, Otis Graves, M. J.
Harvey, C. L. Jacobs, J. T. Mason,
Colored Department Jr., S. W. Neece, Robert J. Weaver,
Wayne A. Welborn, Robert Wood, I.
Ordained Ministers: W. Young.
0. B. Edwards, C. E. Moseley, L. B. Licensed Missionaries:
Reynolds, C. Richards.
Honorary: W. E. Adams, J. F. Crich- Mrs. Mabel Capman, Jacqueline Han-
low, C. M. Kinney, M. C. Strachan. cock, Mrs. S. W. Neece.
Licensed Ministers: Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Charles Gray, H. E. Richards, E. E. Mrs. Gertrude Battle, Mrs. Rena Mae
Rogers. Clark.
Credentialed Missionaries: Church School Teachers:
Stewart Brantley, L. E. Ford, Ruth Mrs. Freda Asher, Mildred Baldwin,
Frazier, Charles E. Galley, R. Lewis, Mrs. Olive Clark, Ella Esau, H. L.
J. M. Cox, T. T. Frazier. Glasscock, Dorothy Jean Graves, Mrs.
Honorary: Anna Knight, Ben Harr, Mrs. Paul Hendershot, Mrs.
Earl Hughes, J. B. Kinder, Annie
Lowe, Flora Dell McCary, David Mc-
Connell, Pansy Parker, Mrs. J. D.
ALABAMA-MISSISSIPPI CON- Peel, Flora Savelle, Lillie Belle Sla-
FERENCE ton, Billie Turnage, Viola Turnage,
Organized 1982 Mrs. C. A. Vickery.
Legal Association: "Alabama-Mississip-
Territory: The States of Alabama and pi Conference Association of Sev-
Mississippi, and the following counties enth-day Adventists."
in Florida: Escambia, Santa Rosa,
Walton, Holmes, Washington, Jack-
son, Okaloosa, Gulf, Bay, and Calhoun. CAROLINA CONFERENCE
Population: 3,123,311 ; churches, 31 ; Organized in 1901 and 1907 as the North
members, 2,465. Carolina and South Carolina Confer-
Office: 2641-24th Ave., Meridian, Miss. ences; reorganized as Carolina Con-
(Telephone, 431.) ference in 1918.
Postal Address: Box 1311, Meridian, Territory: The States of North Carolina
Miss. and South Carolina, excepting Chero-
Officers:. 9, a/ e. kee County, in North Carolina, which
is included in the Georgia-Cumber-
land Conference.
President, H. J. Carman:"
Secretary-Treasurer, M. J. Harvey. Population: 3,657,152 ; churches, 38 :
Executive Committee: H. J. Capman, members, 2,937.
V. Collins, F. H. Dortch, C. F.
Graves, M. J. Harvey, W. L. Mozart, Office: 1936 East Seventh St., Charlotte,
A. D. McKee, L. D. Pratt, J. G. White. N.C. -(Telephone,- 2-6951.) _

Postal Address: Box 930, Charlotte, FLORIDA CONFERENCE

N. C. Organized 1893
Officers: Territory: The State of Florida, except-
President, C. H. Lauda. ing the counties of Escambia, Santa
Secretary-Treasurer, R. G. Mote. Rosa, Walton, Holmee, Washington,
Gulf, Jackson, Okaloosa, Bay, and
Executive Committee: C. H. Lauda, Calhoun. which are included in the
R. H. Fickling, A. A. Jasperson, W. Alabama-Mississippi Conference.
P. Lockwood, R. G. Mote, J. A.
Oliver, M. C. Patten. Population: 1,218,794 ; churches, 50 ;
members, 5,089.
Departmental Secretaries: Office: 311 N. Rosalind Ave., Orlando,
Book and Bible House, A. C. McKee. Fla. (Telephone, 8131.)
Educational and Y.P.M.V., L. W. Pet- Postal Address: Box 1818, Orlando, Fla.
tis. Officers:
Home Missionary. Radio, Sabbath
School and Temperance, R. H. Fick- President, R. H. Nightingale.
ling. Secretary-Treasurer, W. F. Miller.
Medical, J. H. Young. Executive Committee: R. H. Nightin-
Publishing, W. E. Robertson ; Assist- gale, R. S. Akers, M. C. Bird, Lee
ants, W. N. Martz, W. B. Hunt, Carter, L. 0. Coon, F. E. Froom,
S. R. Mull. W. F. Miller, W. 0. Reynolds.
Religious Liberty, C. H. Lauda.
Departmental Secretaries:
Ordained Ministers: Book and Bible House, H. W. Bricker.
G. W. Asher, R. H. Fickling, Dwight Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Temper-
P. Herbert, T. J. Jenkins, L. P. ance, Lee Carter.
Knecht, C. H. Lauda, W. J. Light- Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
all, W. P. Lockwood, E. L. Marley, S. S. Will.
R. G. Mote, L. W. Pettis, W. W. Scott, Publishing, C. L. Wilber; Assistant,
Herbert R. Thurber. G. W. Sisson.
Religious Liberty, R. H. Nightingale.
Licensed Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
D. G. Anderson, Robert Darnell, M. B. F. W. Avery, C. C. Balser, Lee Car-
Elliston, J. L. Everett, Glen Henrik- ter, L. 0. Coon, H. A. Crawford,
sen, John Keplinger, Robert Kistler, A. E. Deyo, F. E. Froom, M. R. Gar-
A. C. McKee, Max L. Ritchie, Robert rett, William C. Hatch, Dwight P.
Roach, W. E. Roberson. Herbert, M. J. Jackson.
H. M. Lodge, W. H. Ludwig, R.
Licensed Missionaries: H. Nightingale, M. D. Oswald, I. C.
Pound, W. 0. Reynolds, J. R. Spang-
Mildred Brittain, Ethel Haskell, Page ler, R. B. Thurmon, F. D. Wells, C.
Haskell, Mabel L. Head, W. B. Hunt, L. Wilber, S. S. Will, J. R. Young.
C. A. Lang, W. N. Martz, Hazel Mc-
Donell, Faye Mixon, S. R. Mull, Credentialed Missionaries:
Noami Smith, Sallie Walsh. F. G. Winters, J. P. Chapin.
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Dorothy Licensed Ministers:
Detwiler. H. W. Bricker, Henry J. Carubba,
Joseph A. Crews, Kenneth Davis,
Church School Teachers: Howard Dinwiddie, William It. Hall,
R. A. Hamm, Edgar Howard, J. A.
Rachel Atkins, Mrs. Marie Acuff, Mrs. Just, L. A. Kraner, Herbert Kunsman,
Irva Baessler, Mrs. H. E. Beck, Mil- W. F. Miller, Thomas W. Mulkey, J.
dred Berggren, Mrs. Elisabeth N. A. Shepard, Jr., G. W. Sisson, Robert
Carawan, Mrs. A. R. Daniel, R. I. Swofford, W. E. Westcott, W. J.
Denton, Mrs. R. I. Denton, Kathleen Watt.
East, Mrs. J. C. Goodner, Mrs. V. W.
Hayes, Marie Holloway, Mrs. R. A. Licensed Missionaries:
Jorgensen, Mrs. Frank Kohler, Betty C. F. Calkins, Robert Gleason, Mrs.
Klaren, Helen Klaren, Vivian Long, Robert Gleason, Thomas Hamil-
Mrs. W. W. Longstreet, Cleide Mc- ton, Sara Hoskins, Mrs. Helen
Dowell, Mary Ellen' Padgett, Ruth Hughes, Mrs. Celeste Kirstein, M. 0.
Padgette, Mrs. H. H. Strickland, Mrs. Legare, Lucille T. McClellan, J. E.
Myrtle Stroud, Minerva Wammack, Minesinger, Mrs. Dwight Mussel-
Mrs. H. A. Wilcox. white, Charles Pierce, Mrs. Charles
Pierce, Marion Offer, C. W. Reeder,
Legal Association: "Carolina Confer- Mrs. C. W. Reeder, Eleanor Russell,
ence Association of Seventh-day Ad- Harold Sammers, Daniel Suhrie, J. E.
ventists, Incorporated." Tompkins, 0. D. Tompkins.

Credentialed Bible Instructors: Ordained Ministers:

Mrs. Alice Buford, Martha Ferree, M. H. T. Anderson, H. R. Beckner, 0. D.
Doris Mathews, Fannie Mosby. Cardey, J. A. Dewald, A. L. Dicker-
son, V. W. Esquilla, I. M. Evans, L.
Licensed Bible Instructors: G. Foll, A. J. Hirsch, W. J. Keith, D.
Coralee Barnhart, Lucy Gattis. E. Kenyon, Woodrow Larson, E. A.
Lemon, B. W. Lighthall, Charles R.
Church School Teachers: Lickey, J. H. Nylander, Ward A.
Mary Ann Andress, Audrey Bergman, Scriven, H. B. Taylor, B. L. Thomp-
Mrs. Evelyn Bozarth, Jean Burke, son, H. W. Walker.
Mrs. Nora Burke, Grace Bush, Jua- Licensed Ministers:
nita Carithers, Frances Clark, Edith
Corbitt, Mrs. Howard Dinwiddie, Mrs. C. W. Beach, Allen T. Bidwell, R. S.
Faye Foote, Lola Genton, Laura Ruth Blackburn, R. L. Chamberlain, Wal-
Hancock, Mildred Hilderbrandt, Lu- lace Coe, Milton C. Connell, Law-
cille Hoskins, Christine Kummer, Ruth rence Scales, George Stevens, Wayne
Kummer, Mrs. Bertha Lang, Flora Thurber, C. D. Wellman.
Lester, Vesta Lester, Margaret Rilea, Licensed Missionaries:
Ruby Shreve, Mrs. Mabel Smith,
Martha Viehman, Violette White, Re- E. A. Brodeur, Jr., Lillian Brown,
becca Whittemore, Opal Winterfeld, Mildred Carlton, Helen Ellis, Erna
Mrs. Mary Jane Wyman. Mae Koch, Grace Maxwell, George
Walters, Asa Waterman, Clell Yau-
Legal Association: "Florida Conference ger.
Association of Seventh-day Advent-
ists, Inc." Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Mrs. 0. D. Cardey, Beulah. Cothren,
GEORGIA-CUMBERLAND CON- Corrine Graham, E. Marie Hull, Mrs.
FERENCE G. C. Phillippi, Thelma Pinson, Mrs.
H. W. Smith.
Organized: Georgia, 1901 , Cumberland,
1900 ; consolidated 1932 Church School Teachers:
Mrs. Bessie Baker, Mrs. Joe Barnes,
Territory: The State of Georgia, Chero- Carolyn Bennett, Mrs. Martin Bird,
kee County in North Carolina, and Thyra Bowen, Betty Jo Boynton,
Eastern Tennessee, the western Mrs. Bertha Clise, Mrs. J. R. Con-
boundary being the eastern line of ger, Mrs. Frances Conly, Mary
the counties of Macon, Trousdale, Lynn Coulson, Mrs. A. L. Dickerson,
Wilson, Cannon, Coffee, and Frank- Mrs. Henri Drouault, W. H. Ferciot,
lin. Mrs. W. H. Ferciot, Mrs. Archie Fox,
Population: 3,089,411 ; churches, 56 ; Mrs. J. C. Frazee, Minnie Goble, Mrs.
members, 4,290. Chester Green, Dora Greve, Joseph
Harold, Mrs. J. 0. Highsmith, Mrs.
Office: 547 Cherokee Ave., S. E., At- L. A. Jocaps, B. A. Jones, Mrs. B. A.
lanta, Ga. (Telephone, LAmar 6846-7.) Jones, Faye Lea, Mrs. Minnie Lea,
Mrs. Amy Manous, Lorraine Mauldin,
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 4929, At- Mrs. Mollie J. Morris, Mrs. Charlotte
lanta 2, Ga. Nelson, Bernice Pittman, Mrs. G. 0.
Officers: Prusia, Marvin Salhany, Mrs. Mar-
jorie Silverstein, Doris Tipton, Mrs.
President, I M qv. (Telephone, J. B. Thomas, Hazel Wade, Mrs. H.
Dearborn 2020.) W. Walker, Mrs. Margaret West, Mrs.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. S. Blackburn. Lela Whorton, Mrs. Inez R. Wrenn,
(Telephone, CRescent 6789.) Marie Wrenn.
Executive Committee: I. M. Evans,
R. S. Blackburn, H. R. Beckner, L. E. Legal Association: "The Cumberland
Coolidge, J. A. Dewald, W. J. Keith, Conference Association of Seventh-
Ward A. Scriven, B. F. Summerour, day Adventists, Incorporated." "The
H. W. Walker. Georgia Conference Association of
Seventh-day Adventists, Incor-
Departmental Secretaries: porated."
Book and Bible House, B. L. Thomp-
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Ward A. KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE CON-
Scriven. FERENCE
Homg Missionary and Sabbath School, Organized: Kentucky, 1908; Tennes-
V. W. Esquilla. see, 1888 ; consolidated 1932
Medical, J. F. Schneider.
Publishing, R. L. Chamberlain ; Asso- Territory: The State of Kentucky and
ciate, E. A. Brodeur, Jr. Western Tennessee, the eastern bound-
Religious - LilieftyT -I.- M.-Evans. ary being the eastern line of the coun-

ties of Macon, Trousdale, Wilson, Hoffman, Wilbur James, Mrs. G. A.

Cannon, Coffee. Franklin. Kathka, Leona Larcum, Dorothy
Matthews, Crystal Morris, R. D. Mur-
Population: 4,006,899 ; churches, 48 ; ray, Mrs. Edith Quarles, J. P. Priest,
members, 4,075. Mrs. J. P. Priest, Dorothy Rudisale,
Yvonne Rumley, Mrs. Noble Shep-
Office Address: 3208 West End Ave., herd, Carolyn Stuyvestant, W. L.
Nashville 5, Tenn. (Telephone, Vickers, Mrs. W. L. Vickers, Elsie
7-1348.) Weeks, Mrs. Ethel L. Welch, Mrs.
Officers: Izora Wood.
President, W. E. Strickland. Legal Association: "Kentucky-Tennes-
Secretary-Treasurer, C. W. Higgins. see Conference Association of Sev-
Executive Committee: W. E. Strick- enth-day Adventists, Inc."
land, C. 0. Franz, Jeff Hickman, R.
H. Hartwell, C. W. Higgins, J. 0.
Marsh, John Murchison, Calvin Os- SOUTH ATLANTIC CONFERENCE
born, E. L. Pingenot. Organized January 1, 1946
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: The colored constituency of
Book and Bible House, J. M. Jansen ; the States of North Carolina, South
Assistant, J. M. Baker. Carolina, Georgia, and all of Florida
Educational and Y.P.M.V., E. J. except that portion lying west of the
Barnes. Apalachicola River.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Temperance, J. 0. Marsh. Population: 3.343,079 ; churches, 65 ;
Press Relations, J. M. Jansen. members, 4,607.
Publishing, W. L. Crofton.
Religious Liberty, Kentucky, Office Address: 886 Simpson St., N.W.,
Tennessee, W. E. Strickland. Atlanta, Ga. (Telephone, Amhurst
Ordained Ministers:
Postal Address: Box 4027, Atlanta, Ga.
W. G. Ambler, E. J. Barnes, J. L.
Bowers, G. A. Coon, Ray Davidson, J. Officers:
D. Dobbs, R. H. Hartwell, L. M. Heff- President, H. D. Singleton.
ner, M. E. Moore, D. W. O'ffill, Secretary-Treasurer, L. S. Follette.
Calvin Osborn, E. L. Pingenot, G.
Lester Stauffer, W. E. Strickland, Executive Committee: H. D. Single-
George Valentine, H. R. Veach, Frank ton, A. J. Bailey, E. E. Cleveland,
Weeks, H. J. Welch. L. S. Follette, Matthew Green, F. S.
Keitts, F. H. Jenkins, N. B. Smith,
Licensed Ministers: J. F. Street.
A. N. Atteberry, R. 0. Baker, A. D.
Burch, W. L. Crofton, Charles Cress, Departmental Secretaries:
Z. R. Currie, T.' A. Church, James Book and Bible House, L. S. Follette.
Evans, Paul Felt, Jack Griffith, 0. R. Educational and Y.P.M.V., F. H.
Henderson, C. W. Higgins, R. Mel- Jenkins.
ville Hillier, J. M. Jansen, Clarence Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
E. Johnson, A. M. Karolyi, Ralph Temperance, N. G. Simons.
Ricks, B. A. Sheffield, Lloyd C. Strick- Religious Liberty, H. D. Singleton.
land, Rankin Wentland, Jr., C. L. Publishing, Richard Robinson ; Asso-
White, E. G. Wrigley. ciates, Silas McClamb, W. E.
Licensed Missionaries: Adams.
J. M. Baker, Viola Baker, Mrs. Flor- Ordained Ministers: .
ence Davis, Mrs. Mayme Higgins, W. E. Adams, J. A. Bookhart, E. E.
Mrs. J. M. Jansen, Donaphin Schlin- Cleveland, J. E. Cox, Jr., D. E. Davis,
kert, W. D. Walton. L. S. Follette, N. J. Grant. Matthew
Green, L. R. Hastings, F. H. Jenkins,
Credentialed Bible Instructors: J. W. Jones, F. S. Keitts, P. H.
Mrs. Wilbur James, Mrs. Lucia H. Morgan, N. G. Simons, H. D. Single-
Lee, Violet Ritche, Mrs. J. W. Wil- ton, F. H. Stevens, N. B. Smith, W.
helm. M. Starks, J. F. Street, 0. S. White.
Church School Teachers: Licensed Ministers:
Mrs. Brownie Agent, Mrs. H. H. Ard, Carl M. Bailey, Warren S. Banfield,
Anna Brownlee, Mrs. W. S. Byram, Maurice Battle, Donald I. Crowder,
Mrs. Hazel Callender, Mrs. Zelma Lucius E. Daniels, Franklin S. Hill,
Decker, Minnie Duncan, Mrs. Charlie G. E. Johnson, Silas McClamb, Rich-
Fry, Mrs. Julia Grow, Dorothy Han- ard P. Robinson, Eric C. Ward, J. B.
num, W. A. Hoffman, Mrs. W. A. E. Williams.

Credentialed Missionaries: Jones, W. E. Lester, A. P. McNichols,

C. L. Benjamin, F. A. Osterman. Lee A. Paschal, Andrew D. Shorter,
P. C. Winley.
Licensed Missionaries: Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Thelma K. Lewis, Mrs. Rosalie Meri- Mrs. C. L. Baker, Ella M. Bibbs,
deth, Charlye Mae Porter, Susie Ricks, Jennie M. Gillam, Ella M. Johnson,
Mrs. Anna Robinson. Lucy McDonald, Mrs. E. D. Storey.
Licensed Bible Instructors: Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. J. J. Bentley, Mrs. Olga Mae Frances L. Hudson, Ruby L. Jones,
Harris. Martha M. Liggon, Dorris Merideth.
Church School Teachers: Licensed Bible Instructors:
Eugenia Ashley, Mrs. Ida Ford Bailey, Josephine Johnson, Mrs: Charlotte
Rosetta Baldwin, Mrs. Annie Can- Mitchell.
trell, Mrs. Lillian Coleman, Mrs.
Hilda Cox, Juanita Danley, Mrs. D. Church School Teachers:
E. Davis, Henrietta Emanuel, Mrs. B. W. Abney, Mrs. B. W. Abney, Mrs.
Alyce Follette, Celestine Gallagher. Pauline Allison, Mrs. Hattie L. Biggs,
Natelkka Burrell, Mrs. E. F. Carter,
W. L. Cosby, Seneva Cosgrove, Mrs.
SOUTH CENTRAL CONFERENCE D. M. S. Custard, Merrill Danley,
Organized January 1, 1946 Samuel David, Mrs. Dollie B. Ford,
Mrs. Avie Joseph, Alyce Lewis, Dona-
Territory: The colored constituency of zell McClendon, H. T. McHenry, Ella
the States of Kentucky, Tennessee, T. Minnis, Mrs. Bernice Reynolds,
Mississippi, Alabama, and that por- Alma Seard, Berniece Strong, Violet
tion of Florida lying west of the Wiles, Ruth Williams, Katherine
Apalachicola River. Wilson.
Population: 2,832,143 ; churches, 42 ;
members, 2,745.
Office Address: 1914 Charlotte Avenue, UNION CONFERENCE
Nashville, Tennessee.
Postal Address: Box 936, Nashville 4, Educational:
Tenn. Atlanta Union Academy, 734 Mercer
St., S. E., Atlanta 2, Ga.
Officers: Collegedale Academy, Collegedale,
President, H. R. Murphy. Tenn.
Secretary-Treasurer, V. Lindsay. Forest Lake Academy, Route 2, Mait-
Executive Committee: H. R. Murphy, land, Fla.
B. W. Abney, Sr. E. F. Carter, I. H. Highland Academy, Fountain Head,
Hudson, V. Lindsay, E. T. Mimms,
C. S. Myles, D. R. Reid, J. G. Thomas. Tenn.
Oakwood College, Huntsville, Ala.
Departmental Secretaries:
Oakwood College Academy, Hunts-
Book and Bible House, P. C. Winley. ville, Ala.
Educational, and Y.P.M.V., F. B.
Slater. Southern Missionary College, College-
Home Missionary, Religious Liberty, dale, Tenn.
Sabbath School, and Temperance, Medical:
B. H. Ewing.
Publishing, M. G. Cato; Associates, Florida Sanitarium and Hospital,
E. D. Brantley, B. H. Ewing, W. E. Drawer 3673, Orlando, Fla.
Lester. Forsythe Memorial Hospital and San-
itarium, 805 N. Gadsden St., Talla-
Ordained Ministers: hassee, Florida.
B. W. Abney, Sr., W. E. Arties, E. F. Fountain Head Sanitarium, Foun-
Carter, F. M. Davis, B. H. Ewing, V. tain Head, Tenn.
Lindsay, C. A. Lynes, E. T. Mimms, Riverside Sanitarium and Hospital,
H. R. Murphy, C. Sampson Myles, 800 Youngs Lane, Nashville 7,
D. B. Reid, J. N. Richardson, F. B. Tenn.
Slater, J. G. Thomas, W. H. Winston.
Walker Memorial Sanitarium and
Licensed Ministers: Hospital, Avon Park, Fla.
B. W. Abney, Jr., E. D. Brantley,
Richard C. Brown, M. G. Cato, Publishing:
Charles E. Dudley, Charles R. Gra- Southern Publishing Assn., 2119-2125
ham, Edward J. Humphrey, Horace L. 24th Ave., N., Nashville 8, Tenn.
Organized 1901; reorganized 1902

Territory: The States of Arkansas, ginia Craig, Allen Craw, Mrs. Allen
Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Craw, M. J. Denman, Dorothy Dor-
and Texas, excepting San Juan land; Naotna Draper, Lila Fehrer,
County in New Mexico, comprising Mrs. C. E. Fillman, Mrs. C. G. Fisher,
the Conferences of Arkansas-Louisi- Della M. Foster, E. J. Foster, Mrs.
ana, Oklahoma, Texas, Texico, . and A. R. Greenhill, Dorothy Harrison,
the Southwestern Mission. Dorothy Heffington, Truman Hen-
dryx, Perry Hill, Mrs. J. D. Leek-
Population: 13,579,228; churches, 214; lider, Evelyn Lindberg, H. C. Lovett,
members, 15,566. Mrs. Lise Lovett, Ellen McCartney,
Office Address: 2829 W. Cantey St., Mrs. E. I. Mohr, Gladys Morton, B.
Fort Worth 4, Texas. (Telephone, S. Putnam, Mrs. Dell Ramey, Mrs.
4-9220.) Irene Rice, Ross Rice, Mrs. Melissa
Ruybalid, G. A. Spaulding, Mrs. G.
Officers: A. Spaulding, Dean Torkelson, Max
E. Trevino, Mrs. Max E. Trevino, Mrs.
President, J. W. Turner. Lottie Warren, Donald Welch, Olive
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, J. Westphal.
C. Kozel.
Transportation Agent, J. C. Kozel. Legal Association: "The Southwestern
Executive Committee: J. W. Turner, Union Conference Corporation of Sev-
H. M. Burwell, R. G. Campbell, N. R. enth-day Adventists." Board of Trus-
Dower, C. E. Fillman, W. W. Ford- tees: J. W. Turner, President ; J. C.
ham, J. C. Kozel, W. A. Howe, H. C. Kozel, Secretary-Treasurer; L. L.
Kephart, H. C. Klement, L. L. Mc- McKinley, F. 0. Sanders, J. V. Peters,
Kinley, J. V. Peters, F. 0. Sanders. W. W. Fordham.
Departmental Secretaries:
Commission on Rural Living, J. C. ARKANSAS -LOUISIANA
Educational and Y. P. M. V., W. A. Arkansas organized 1888 ; Louisiana
Home Missionary and Sabbath School. organized 1901; consolidated 1932
H. M. Burwell. Territory: States of Arkansas and
Publishing, R. G. Campbell. Louisiana, and the City of Texar-
Religious Liberty, J. W. Turner. kana, Texas.
War Service Commission, W. A.
Howe. Population: 2,998,405 ; churches, 36 ;
members, 2,721.
Ordained Ministers:
H. M. Burwell, R. G. Campbell, C. E. Office: 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock,
Fillman, W. A. Howe, J. C. Kozel, Ark. (Telephone, 4-4501.)
J. V. Peters, 3. W. Turner. Postal Address: Drawer 1821, Little
Honorary: J. F. Anderson, Isaac Rock, Ark.
Baker, F. E. Bates, W. H. Clark,
I. A. Crane, C. J. Dart, A. C. Grif- Officers :
fin, D. U. Hale, H. H. Hamilton, President, F. 0. Sanders. (Telephone,
A. G. Haughey, W. S. North, 0. F. 3-7073.)
Schwedrat, J. I. Taylor, A. W. Tru- Secretary-Treasurer, C. H. Gerald.
man, Bernard Voth. (Telephone, 4-5955.)
Credentialed Missionaries: Executive Committee: F. 0. Sanders,
Carlton C. Blackburn, E. I. Mohr, C. H. Gerald, J. S. Kootsey, L. C.
J. R. Sloop, Lorena Wilcox, W. T. Lee, Boyd E. Olson, T. B. Westbrook,
Will, P. L. Wilson. M. L. Wilson.
Licensed Ministers: Departmental Secretaries:
C. G. Fisher, Morris Lowry, Max Book and Bible House, C. F. Adams.
Williams. Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Temper-
Honorary: A. E. Hall, D. E. McNeil. ance, Boyd E. Olson.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Licensed Missionaries: Press Relations, W. H. Wester..
Vera Baker, Vernon Berry, R. L. meyer.
Carr, H. L. Caviness, Betty Christen- Publishing, A. E. Eubanks.
sen, Carl Clark, Dallas Colvin, Vir- Religious Liberty, F. 0. Sanders,

Ordained Ministers: Deming, L. W. Hallsted, Roy M.

F. H. Hewitt, J. R. Hoffman, L. C. Johnson, Reinhold Patzer, C. C.
Lee, R. F. Marshall, J. D. Nichols, Schneider, T. 0. Willey.
Boyd E. Olson, J. C. Powers, F. 0. Departmental Secretaries:
Sanders, A. R. Sousa, T. B. West-
brook, W. H. Westermeyer, M. L. Book and Bible House, H. A. Iles.
Wilson. Educational and Y.P.M.V., T. 0.
Credentialed Missionaries: Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
C. F. Adams, C. H. Gerald. J. C. Christenson.
Publishing, G. E. Lindquist.
Licensed Ministers: Religious Liberty, H. C. Klement.
George Akers, J. H. Bischoff, W. H. Temperance, T. 0. Willey.
Elder, Jr., A. E. Eubanks, C. R. Ordained Ministers:
Holden, R. L. Kretz, L. J. Meidinger,
Robert W. Merchant, D. H. Miller, G. 0. J. Bell, H. N. Brodersen, L. C.
C. Osgood, J. P. Palmieri, M. C. Caviness, J. C. Christenson, M. W.
Shain. Deming, L. W. Hallsted, H. C. Kle-
ment, G. E. Lundquist, L. E. Lyman,
Licensed Missionaries: D. Mackintosh, Reinold Patzer, Reu-
Byrd Bullard, Roy Cole, Mrs. C. H. ben Schneider, Melvin K. Wahl, A.
Gerald, Maude Hendrixson. W. Wennerberg, T. 0. Willey, H. M.
Licensed Bible Instructors:
Credentialed Missionary: H. A. Iles.
Mrs. Lottie Graham, Mrs. M. C.
Shain. Licensed Ministers:
Church School Teachers: Carroll Brauer, W. D. Bresee, Har-
old Flory, George Ira Gantz, W. A.
Mrs. Vera Bosshardt, Mrs. Bessie Henry, H. V. Shafer, Howard Weeks.
Burnett, Opal Capps, Mrs. Aurora
Chesnut, Pauline Day, Miriam Licensed Missionaries:
DeLaune, Mrs. L. J. Fick, Mrs. Mabel Robert Chunestudy, Theda Ebert,
Haag, Oliver Lorenz, Mrs. Marie Bernice Malone, Margie Malone, J.
Martin, Mrs. Mary Miller, Mrs. Lau- W. Maupin, Doris Patterson, May
rence Paranto. Powell, Theo. G. Sample.
Mrs. L. B. Pine, Mrs. D. T. Porter,
Mrs. Hazel Roller, Mrs. M. C. Shain, Church School Teachers:
Mrs. Olene Shaw, Lucile Turner, Eva Lu Bardon, Agnes Barnes, Mrs.
Wilma Turner, Gaston Wallace, Mrs. 0. J. Bell, Elmer Black, Ruth Gantz,
Gaston Wallace, George Warden, Mrs. Mrs. Hulda Gilliam, Mrs. Lessie
George Warden, Mrs. Ruth Weeks, Gojdsby, Mrs. Doris Hallett, Irad C.
Mrs. Roscoe Wentz, R. R. Works, Levering, Esther Pitman, Melvin
Mrs. R. R. Works. Rich, Annie Rorabaw, Lu Ella Ruf,
Legal Association: "Arkansas Confer- Aletha Schilt. Mrs. H. V. Shafer,
ence Association of Seventh-day Ad- Mrs. Palmer Steinert, Bessie Wells.
ventists," Little Rock, Arkansas. Legal Association: "Oklahoma Confer-
Trustees: F. 0. Sanders, C. H. ence Corporation of Seventh-day Ad-
Gerald, Boyd E. Olson. ventists."

Organized 1894
Territory: The State of Oklahoma and Organized January 1, 1947
Lipscombe County, Texas. Territory: The Colored constituency of
Population: 2,167,585 ; churches, 46 ; the States of Arkansas, Louisana,
members, 3,684. New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
except San Juan County in New
Office: 625 N. W. 13th St., Oklahoma Mexico.
City 1, Okla. (Telephone, 7-4618.)
Population: 2,429,793 ; churches, 34 ;
Postal Address: Box 528, Oklahoma membership, 1,906.
City 1, Okla. Office: 3711 Oakland Avenue, Dallas,
Officers: Texas. (Telephone, Harwood 4306.)
President, H. C. Klement. (Tele- Postal Address: Box 6289, Dallas, Texas.
phone, 4-0562.)
Secretary-Treasurer, 0. J. Bell. Officers:
Executive Committee: H. C. Klement, President, W. W. Fordham.
0. J. Bell, H, N, Brodersen, M. W. $ecretary-Treasurer, V. L. Roberts,

Executive Committee: W. W. Ford- Departmental Secretaries:

ham, A. R. Carethers, W. S. Lee, V. Bible Correspondence School, Ruby
L. Roberts, J. H. Williams. Cavender.
Book and Bible House, C. L. Pad-
Departmental Secretaries: dock, Jr. (Telephone, 9-5282.)
Book and Bible House, V. L. Roberts. Educational, H. W. Jewkes.
Educational, Sabbath School, and Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Y.P.M.V., C. C. Cunningham. E. F. Finck.
Home Missionary and Religious Lib- Publishing, J. T. Welch.
erty, W. W. Fordham. Religious Liberty, L. L. McKinley.
Publishing, Oscar Dunn. Y.P.M.V., K. D. Johnson.
Temperance, V. L. Roberts.
Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Ministers: C. J. Ashlock, G. T. Burgess, Her-
D. C. Batson, A. R. Carethers; D. J. bert Christensen, J. L. Dittberner,
Dixon, H. J. Fordham, W. W. Ford- E. F. Finck, Harry Gray, E. B. Hall-
ham, A. B. Humphrey, W. S. Lee, sted, Alexander Houghton, H. D.
V. L. Roberts, J. H. Williams. Jeffries, R. A. Jenkins, M. H. Jen-
kins, H. W. Jewkes, K. D. Johnson,
Licensed Ministers: W. D. Kieser, R. R. Mattison, C. B.
C. E. Bradford, L. G. Cox, C. C. Messer, R. P. Montgomery, L. L.
Cunningham. Oscar Dunn, C.. E. McKinley, E. D. Nelson, Tomas
Howell, J. H. Jones, S. D. Meyers, Requenez, N. H. Waters, R. G. Wear-
R. E. Tottress, Lafayette Williams. ner, R. L. Winders, M. A. Wyman.
Licensed Bible Instructor: Mrs. Birdie Honorary: J. B. Hampton.
McCluster. Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Missionary: Miss D. M. Kim- Edwin C. Beck, R. R. Biloff, James
ble. B. Gray, Perry Green, Joseph Greene,
Church School Teachers: Oliver L. Johnson, R. E. Lunt, Al-
fredo Matar, Albert Neil, P. W. Ochs,
Miss J. L. Arrington, Mrs. L. B. C. L. Paddock, Jr., Ira C. Pound, Jr.,
Cook, Mrs. D. J. Dixon, Mrs. H. J. Melvin Sample, Frank Sherrill, Arthur
Fordham, Miss M. F. Goodine, Mrs. Soper, Ray W. Stephens, Marion
P. M. Greene, Erma R. Lofton, Mil- Travis, J. H. Wardrop, J. T. Welch.
dred Love, Dorothy Malson, Mrs. Eliz-
abeth Moore, Joseph T. Stafford, Mar- Licensed Missionaries:
jorie Stephens, Mrs. W. A. Sweet, Betty Buckley, Ruby Cavendar, Betty
Katherine Washington, Teresa Wells. Fleming, Naomi Head, Pauline Wat-
Credentialed Bible Instructors:
TEXAS CONFERENCE Mrs. Dorothy Conklin. Rachel May
Lemon, Mrs. Lucile Tibbets.
Organized .1878 ; separated into North
Texas and West Texas 1909 ; South Licensed Bible Instructors:
Texas, 1911 ; reorganized 1932. Mrs. Bessie Rountree, Maria Trevino.
Territory: That part of the State of Church School Teachers:
Texas lying east and south of the
following counties, except the city of Laree Applegate, Vera Baker, Mrs.
Texarkana: Hardeman, Foard, Knox, Edna Ballard, Mrs. T. A. Barr, Rich-
Haskell, Jones, Taylor, Runnels, ard Barrett, Mrs. Richard Barrett,
Concho, Tom Green, Irion, Reagan, Mrs. Janie Brown, Wendell Coble,
Upton, Crane, Ward, Reeves, Culber- J. B. Church, Mrs. J. B. Church,
son, Hudspeth, and El Paso. Lucille Chrispens, Virginia Craig,
Mrs. H. A. Craw, Mary Jane Doug-
Population: 4,701,251; churches, 56 ; las, Ivagene Elliston.
members, 5,169. Louis Ferguson, Mrs. Louis Fergu-
son, Iva Fleming, Bertha Flores, C.
Office Address: 2838 Hemphill St., Fort D. Garrett, Mrs. T. R. Hackett, Mrs.
Worth .3, Texas. (Telephone, 4-4253.) Clyde Harris, Mrs. Anna Henderson,
Officers: Perry G. Hills, Mrs. Cleo Hopkins,
C. D. Hughes, Mrs. C. D. Hughes,
President, L. L. McKinley. Abelina Martinez, Sara Martinez.
Secretary-Treasurer, P. W. Ochs. Iris May, Mrs. C. R. May, Eunice
Executive Committee: L. L. McKinley, Moore, J. S. McIntosh, Mrs. Charles
C. J. Ashlock, J. L. Dittberner, H. D. McNiel, Mrs. Opal Oden, Mrs. Nellie
Jeffries, M. H. Jensen, K. D. Johnson, Ramsey, Henry Rieseberg, Mrs. W. F.
G. A. King, R. R. Mattison, P. W. Riffel, Mrs. J. F. Roberts, Mrs. Dora
Ochs. Sanders, Mrs, Palma Simpson., Mrs,

Florence Smith, H. N. Smith, D. Ordained Ministers:

Bruce Taylor, Mrs. Lottie Warren, D. C. Aalborg, Gabriel Arregui, N. R.
Myrna Wiltze. Dower, William R. Goransson, C. A.
Legal Associations: "Texas Conference Holt, D. C. Marchus, A. L. May, R.
Association of Seventh-day Advent- E. Rieger, L. E. Rogers, J. B. Ross,
ists"; "South Texas Conference Asso- G. M. Schram, I. V. Stonebrook, L.
ciation of Seventh-day Adventists." F. Webb, C. A. Woodland.
Honorary: G. A. LaGrone, C. A.
TEXICO CONFERENCE Credentialed Missionary: A. E. Hayes.
Reorganized 1916 out of territory or-
ganized as New Mexico 1908, West Licensed Ministers: .
Texas 1909. J. W. Burgess, J. R. Carner, E. E.
Territory: The State of New Mexico Herr, E. W. Koenig, W. R. May, H.
(excepting San Juan County, in- H. Sterling.
cluded in the Colorado Conference), Licensed Missionaries:
and that part of the State of Texas Ellen Bowsher, Margot Christiansen,
lying west and north of the following Bernice Elliston, D. E. Latham.
counties (excepting Lipscomb County
included in the Oklahoma Confer- Church School Teachers:
ence) : west of the eastern line of
Hardeman, Foard, Knox, Haskell, Mrs. Dorothy Bailey, Joanne Battee,
Jones, Taylor, Runnels, Concho, and Ruth Brenneise, Arthur Chaffee, Mrs.
north of the south line of Concho, Arthur Chaffee, George Draper, Vic-
Green, Irion, Reagan, Upton, Crane, tor Duerksen, Evangeline Fernandez,
Ward, Reeves, Culberson, Hudspeth, Sofia Fernandez, Mrs. C. E. Fillman,
and El Paso. Mrs. Teresina Fullerton.
Velma Holder, Dorothy Killion,
Population: 1,282,194 ; churches, 42; Mrs. Effie Kirk, Mrs. Margaret Leck-
members, 2,086. lider, Frances Martinez, Lucas Mar-
tinez, Mrs. M. L. McCarty, Mrs. C. S.
Office: 1522 Van Buren St., Amarillo, Robertson, Carl Rose, Mrs. W. A.
Texas. (Telephone, 28387-28388.) Stark, Mrs. Cleo Swart, Mrs. Lola
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1107, Ama- Trujillo, Millie Urbish.
rillo, Texas. Legal Association: "The Texico Con-
Officers: ference Association of Seventh-day
President, N. R. Dower.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. B. Ross.
Executive Committee: N. R. Dower,
D. C. Marchus, L. E. Rogers, J. B. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH-
Ross, Max Torres, L. F. Webb, Roy WESTERN UNION CONFERENCE
Wharton. Educational:
Departmental Secretaries: Ozark Academy, Gentry, Arkansas.
Book and Bible House, A. E. Hayes.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., I. V. Southwestern Junior College, Keene,
Stonebrook. Tex.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Spanish-American Seminary, Sando.
L. E. Rogers. val, New Mexico.
Publishing, C. A. Woodland.
Religious Liberty, N. R. Dower. Valley Grande Academy, Weslaco,
Temperance, I. V. Stonebrook. Texas.
The Australasian Union Conference was reorganized as of January 1, 1949, as the
Australasian Inter-Union Conference, but designated to continue its status as a
Division created by action of the General Conference in session at San Francisco,
California, May 24, 1922.
Population: 11,000,000; churches, 470; Vice-President for Australasia: N. C.
members, 24,519. Wilson.


Organized as Union Conference 1894; reorganized as Inter-Union Conference 1949.

Territory: Commonwealth of Australia Manager, G. R. Hopkins ; Assistant,

and its territories ; Dominion of New C. Sharpe.
Zealand and its territories and the Voice of Prophecy Board: W. G. Turner,
islands of the Southern Pacific.
W. E. Battye, R. J. Burns, L. A.
Churches: 470 ; members, 24,519. Butler, J. B. Conley, .R. A. Greive,
H. J. Halliday, R. E. Hare, T. W.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Sydney. Hammond, C. F. Hollingsworth, H.
Office Address: 148 Fox Valley Road, W. Hollingsworth, W. T. Hooper, J.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- W. Kent, A. R. Mitchell, F. A. Mote,
tralia. (Telephone, J.W.1061.) H. G. Moulds, L. C. Naden, W. L.
Pascoe, R. C. Piper, W. J. Richards,
Officers: W. M. R. Scragg, D. Sibley, W. A.
Stewart, N. C. Wilson, and George
President, N. C. Wilson. Butler.
Secretary, F. A. Mote.
Associate Secretary, S. V. Stratford. Ordained Ministers:
Treasurer, W. L. Pascoe. A. W. Anderson, G. Branster, E. A.
Field Secretary, W. G. Turner. Boehm, R. P. Brown, N. C. Burns,
Manager A.C.A., A. W. Dawson. J. B. Conley, N. A. Ferris, A. M.
Chief Auditor, L. J. Stace. Fraser, E. H. Guilliard, R. E. Hare,
Auditor, R. L. Parkinson. A. W. Knight, A. F. J. Kranz, G. M.
Statistician, E. H. Guilliard. Masters, F. A. Mote, H. G. Moulds,
Executive Committee: N. C. Wilson, W. G. C. Murdoch, L. C. Naden, W.
W. E. Battye, W. H. Bagnall, G. L. Pascoe, A. W. Peterson, H. E.
Branster, J. B. Conley, J. C. Craven, Piper, R. C. Piper, C. A. Reeves, T.
A. W. Dawson, A. H. Forbes, C. C. A. Sherwin, A. G. Stewart, S. V.
Forsyth, J. D. Gillespie, R. E. Hare, Stratford, W. G. Turner, C. H. Wat-
W. T. Hooper, B. 0. Johanson, W. L. son, E. E. White, H. White, N. C.
Kilory, F. A. Mote, H. G. Moulds, Wilson, and George Butler.
W. G. C. Murdoch, L. C. Naden, W. Licensed Ministers:
L. Pascoe, A. W. Peterson, A. H.
Piper, H. E. Piper, A. G. Stewart, S. G. F. Bohringer, A. W. Carton, J. C.
V. Stratford, W. G. Turner, C. H. Craven, A. W. Dawson, P. A. Don-
Watson, E. E. White, H. White, W. aldson, A. H. Forbes, C. W. Harrison,
E. Zeunert. E. W. Howse, B. 0. Johanson, W. L.
Kilory, J. C. H. Shirley.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Ministers (in college and school
Educational and Y.P.M.V., A. W. work) :
Peterson ; Associate, E. E. White.
Health Food, B. 0. Johanson. N. P. Clapham, G. A. Currow, G. W.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Greer, G. Laxton, E. G. McDowell, H.
George Butler. Millist, G. W. Richardson, F. A.
Medical, T. A. Sherwin. Roeke, G. A. Rosenhain, C. H. Schowe,
Ministerial Assn., J. B. Conley. P. N. Sheppard, H. E. Totenhofer,
Press Bureau, W. G. Turner. L. H. Turner, R. B. Watts.
Publishing. H. G. Moulds. Licensed Missionaries:
Radio, L. C. Naden. A. H. Battye, F. M. Bennett, T. J.
Religious Liberty and Temperance,
R. E. Hare. Dowling, M. C. Earles, W. E. Ed-
wards, C. H. Eiszele, H. E. Eiszele,
S.D.A. Travel and Purchasing Agency: L. H. Engelbrecht, A. W. Evans, D.
De Mestre Place. 6 Hunter Street, S. Faull, H. J. Gibson, R. W. Gray,
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. R. W. Groom, Marian Hay, S. J.
(Telephone, BL 18350 Hartley, C. B. Hopkins, G. R. Hop-

kins, C. J. Howell, C. G. Lane, N. R. G. H. A. McLaren, Jean McPherson,

Neill, V. N. Nilsson. Edna Mitchell, Jessie Murdoch, J. F.
R. L. Parkinson, L. A. Piper, Mrs. Newman, Madeline Pages, Ida Pearce,
C. A. Reeves, J. Rigby, W. P. Rippon, Alma Phemister, Lena Phillips, Beryl
G. E. Salisbury, H. C. Sharpe, L. J. Podmore, Eulalia Richards, Mrs. R.
Stace, H. C. Tempest, C. W. Tin- Rowe, J. L. Simpson, A. K. Tulloch,
worth, C. F. Thrift, L. G. Unwin, Phyllis Yettie.
Luise Vetter, R. W. Westerman, I. E.
Whittaker, J. A. Wilson, W. R. Wil- Licensed Teachers:
son, W. E. Zeunert. Elva Bade, Jean Doble, Wanda Nie-
Licensed Medical Missionaries: buhr, Elaine Pengilley, Enid Richter,
May Schnapel, Mrs. C. H. Schowe,
Mrs. Frances Abbott, Mrs. Ada Elva Thorpe, Catherine Walker, Mrs.
Bunch, Mary Burnside, S. W. Carter, M. V. White.
Isabelle Colley, F. R. Dawson, Nita
D'ray, Doris Felsch, Eileen Felsch, Legal Assn.: "Australasian Conference
Marjorie Greive, S. D. Hall, A. L. Association, Ltd." General Manager,
Hellestrand, 0. V. Hellestrand, N. A. W. Dawson ; Secretary-Treasurer,
Hogg, E. Hokin, H. Louise Hollings- W. L. Pascoe ; Assistant Secretary-
worth, Lena Lewin. Treasurer, W. E. Zeunert.


Organized 1949
Territory: The New Hebrides, Fiji, Churches: 8 ; members, 232.
Tonga, Gilbert and Ellice Groups, the
Cook Islands, Samoa, Niue, Nauru, Address: Box 31, Rarotonga, Cook Is-
and other inter-related islands, Pit- lands, Pacific Ocean.
cairn Island, and the French Islands President: J. E. Cormack.
of the South Pacific.
Churches: 103 ; members, 2,126. Ordained Ministers:
J. E. Cormack, D. H. Watson.
Cable and Telegraphic Address. .
Licensed Ministers:
Office Address: P.O. Suva, Fiji, Pacific Enosa Grieg, Joseph Vati.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. J. E. Cormack, Mrs. D. H. Wat-
President, G. Branster. son.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, E.
W. Howse. Native Teachers: 5.
Executive Committee:
Departmental Secretary: FIJI MISSION
Y.P.M.V. and Educational, A. W.
Martin. Established 1889
Ordained Ministers: (Included as part of the Central Poly-
G. Branster, A. W. Martin. nesian Conference, 1916 to 1921 ; re-
organized 1921.)
Licensed Minister: E. W. Howse.
Churches: 71 ; members, 758.
Licensed Missionary: J. T. Pearce.
Address: Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific
Licensed Teachers: Ocean.
Eunice McIntosh, Narian Singh. Officers:
President, J. B. Keith.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. Sawyer.
Ordained Ministers:
Organized 1892 Semiti Gade, Eroni Koro, J. B. Keith,
(Included as part of the Central Poly- Jope Laweloa, Pereniki Lotudonu, 0.
nesian Mission, 1916 to 1923 ; reor- D. F. McCutcheon, R. B. Mitchell,
ganized 1923.) Alipate Nasou, Nafitalai Nawara,
Timoci Nawara, Wiliami Rabailotu,
Territory: Those islands comprising the Isimeli Seresere, Meli Sokai, C. E.
Cook or Hervey Group, and other Sommerfeld, Peni Vaceloa, Semi Vu-
small islands adjoining, loaloa,

Licensed Ministers: NIUE (OR SAVAGE) ISLAND

C. S. Adams, K. D. L. Brook, M. P. MISSION
Cozens, Laitia Lewa, Sairusi Nalewa- Established 1914
donu, Jemesa Namulo, Sepeci Rave-
tau, Joseph Osborne, Paul R. Rams- Church: 1 ; members, 5.
warup, C. Sawyer, L. V. Shields,
Narian Singh, Nemani Tausere, Eroni Address: Niue Island, Pacific Ocean.
Vaqewa. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. A. G. Head.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. C. S. Adams, Mrs. K. D. L.
Brook, Mrs. M. P. Cozens, Mrs. J. PITCAIRN ISLAND MISSION
B. Keith, Mrs. 0. D. F. McCutcheon, (Included in Society Islands Mission,
Mrs. R. B. Mitchell, Mrs. C. Sawyer, but dealing directly with Australasian
Mrs. L. V. Shields, Mrs. C. E. Som- Union Conference since 1924.)
Church: 1 ; members, 86.
Licensed Teacher: Eva E. Edwards.
Address: Pitcairn Island, Pacific Ocean.
Native Teachers: 40.
Licensed Minister: F. P. Ward.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. F. P. Ward.
MISSIONS Licensed Medical Missionary: Mrs. E.
Established 1947
Churches: ; members, 6.
Address: Tarawa, Gilbert Islands, Pa- SAMOAN MISSION
cific Ocean. (Included as part of the Central Poly-
Director: J. T. Howse. nesian Conference, 1916 to 1921; re-
organized 1921.)
Ordained Minister: J. T. Howse. Established 1895; reorganized 1936
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. J. T. Howse. Churches: 4 ; members, 294.
Native Teachers: 2.
Address: Box 6, Apia, Samoa, Pacific
NEW HEBRIDES MISSION President: H. B. Christian.
Organized as separate mission Ordained Ministers:
in 1924 Sanika Afa'ese, H. B. Christian, Tini
Churches: 9 ; members, 436. Inu, Siaosi Neru.
Address: Aore, New Hebrides, Pacific Licensed Ministers:
Ocean. J. R. Dobson, Toulu Tamara, Sione
Officers: Tanielu, R. W. Taylor.
President, A. D. Pietz. Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. H. B. Christian, Mrs. J. R.
Ordained Ministers: Dobson.
Joel Damanman, David A. Ferris, Licensed Medical Missionary: Mrs. R.
A. Gallagher, Joe Keikei, J. H. D. W. Taylor.
Miller, A. D. Pietz, Solomon. Native Teachers: 10.
Licensed Ministers:
A. R. Hiscox, Isaiah, Joses, Maseng-
bu, Masengnalo, Malachi, Peter, SOCIETY ISLANDS MISSION
Philip, Seth, Teitei, Tenkon, A. C. Established 1892; reorganized 1916
Thomson, Timothy, C. A. Tucker.
Licensed Missionaries: Territory: Society Islands, Leeward
Group, Marquezas, Northern and
Mrs. A. Gallagher, Mrs. J. H. D. Southern Tuamotus, Austral Group
Miller, K. Mitchell, Mrs. A. D. Pietz, and Mangareva.
Mrs. A. C. Thomson.
Churches: 2 ; members, 163.
Licensed Medical Missionaries:
Address: Box 52, Papeete, Tahiti,
Mrs. D. A. Ferris, Mrs. C. A. Tucker. Society Islands, Pacific Ocean,
Native Teachers: 43. President,

Ordained Minister: Address: Box 15, Nukualofa, Tonga,

Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Licensed Ministers:
C. Doom, F. A. MacDougall. President: W. G. Ferris.
Licensed Missionaries: Ordained Ministers:
Mrs. F. A. MacDougall, Mrs. A. Poroi. W. G. Ferris, John Kamea, Semesi
National Evangelists: 8.
Licensed Ministers:
TONGAN MISSION J. Cernik, Iskeli Peaua, Johnnie
(Included as part of the Central Poly-
nesian Conference 1916 to 1921 ; re- Licensed Missionaries:
organized 1921.)
Established 1895 Mrs. J. Cernik, Mrs. W. G. Ferris.
Churches: 7 ; members, 146. Native Teachers: 19.


Organized 1949

Territory: Papua, the Mandated Terri- Ordained Ministers:

tory of New Guinea, and the British L. A. Borgas, T. F. Judd, Manovaki,
Solomon Islands Protectorate. J. E. Martin, C. Pascoe, Ragopitu,
Salau, Tati, R. H. Tutty.
Churches: 98 : members, 3,302.
Licensed Ministers:
Cable and Telegraphic Adress:
J. J. Dever, Eriman, Hoke, Mouvi,
Office Address: Rabaul, New Guinea. Oti, Piperanu, E. Tonkin.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, H. White. Mrs. L.'A. Borges, Mrs. J. J. Dever,
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, E. Mrs. J. E. Martin, Mrs. C. E. Mitchell,
A. Boehm. Mrs. C. Pascoe, A. R. Rose, Mrs. E.
Tonkin, Mrs. R. H. Tutty, W. G.
Executive Committee. Ward, Mrs. W. G. Ward.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Medical Missionaries:
Home Missionary, Y.P.M.V. and Edu- Mrs. T. F. Judd, Mrs. A. R. Rose.
cational, K. J. Gray.
Publishing, H. White. Native Teachers: 79.
Sabbath School, E. A. Boehm.
Ordained Ministers: E. A. Boehm, H. NORTHEAST NEW GUINEA
Licensed Minister: K. J. Gray. Organized 1949
Licensed Missionary: D. Crombie. Churches: (See Papuan Mission)..
Address: Madang, Territory of New
(Formerly included in the Papua-New Officers:
Guinea Mission, but organized as a President, H. Ward Nolan.
separate mission in 1947.) Secretary-Treasurer, W. I. Taylor.
Territory: New Britain, New Ireland, Departmental Secretary:
Bougainville, BukO, St. Matthias Educational and Y.P.M.V., L. R.
Group, the Admiralty Group and Thrift.
adjacent islands.
Ordained Ministers:
Churches: 43 ; members, 1,392.
Address: Rabaul, New Britain, Terri- D. A. Brennan, A. J. Campbell, S.
tory of New Guinea. H. Gander, H. Ward Nolan.
Officers: Licensed Ministers:
President, T. F. Judd. L. A. Barnard, J. W. French, L. A.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. J. Dever, Gilmore, L. T. Greive, B. C. Grosser,

L. N. Hawkes, L. I. Howell, F. T. Licensed Missionaries:

Maberly, 0. L. Speck, C. R. Stafford, Mrs. R. M. Ellison, Mrs. E. C. Lemke,
L. It. Thrift. Mrs. S. A. Stocken, Mrs. I. R. Strat-
Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Medical Missionaries:
Mrs. L. A. Barnard, Mrs. D. A. Nancy Curtis, Mrs. C. E. Mitchell,
Brennan, Mrs. A. J. Campbell, Mrs. Mrs. L. A. J. Webster, Mrs. Alma
J. W. French, Mrs. L. A. Gilmore, Wiles.
Mrs. B. C. Grosser, Mrs. L. I. Howell,
Mrs. F. T. Maberly, Mrs. 0. L. Speck, Licensed Teacher: Miss B. Wiseman.
Mrs. C. R. Stafford, Mrs. L. R. Thrift.
Licensed Medical Missionaries:
Established 1914; organized 1920
Mrs. L. T. Greive, Mrs. L. N. Hawkes,
Mrs. H. Ward Nolan. Churches: 30; members, 1,512.
Address: Honiara, Solomon Islands,
Pacific Ocean.
President, J. D. Anderson.
Established 1908 ; organized 1928 ; Secretary-Treasurer, J. K. L. Fletcher.
combined with New Guinea 1945;
reorganized 1949 Ordained Ministers:
J. D. Anderson, Itulu, Jugha, Lika-
Churches: 25; members, 398 (includes veki, Lilegelo, L. N. Lock, Nondi,
Northeast New Guinea Mission). Pandahite, Kata Ragaso, Rini, Rore,
Sialo, Simi.
Address: Seventh-day Adventist Mis-
sion, Port Moresby, Papua, Pacific Licensed Ministers:
Ocean. W. R. Ferguson, J. K. L. Fletcher,
J. C. Gosling, Haro, Lianga, Nagaha,
Officers: J. H. Newman, R. W. Richter, Sa-
vinae, L. Tonkin, Viva One.
President, C. E. Mitchell.
Secretary-Treasurer, I. R. Stratford. Licensed Missionaries:
Departmental Secretary: F. L. Aveling, Mrs. F. L. Aveling,
W. A. Baines, Mrs. W. A. Baines,
Educational and Y.P.M.V., H. A. Mrs. J. K. L. Fletcher, Mrs. L. N.
Dickens. Lock, Mrs. A. W. Tilley, Mrs. L. Ton-
kin, A. L. Whitehead, Mrs. A. L.
Ordained Ministers: Whitehead.
C. E. Mitchell, Ngava, H. M. Pascoe, Licensed Medical Missionaries:
Sogoyare, Tauku.
Hilary Cooper, Cyril Evans, Mrs.
Licensed Ministers: W. R. Ferguson, Mrs. J. C. Gosling,
H. A. Dickens, R. M. Ellison, R. A. Gweneth M. Long, Olga Lucas, Mrs.
Harrison, E. C. Lemke, S. A. Stocken, J. H. Newman, A. W. Tilley.
I. R. Stratford, L. A. J. Webster. Native Teachers: More than 100.


Organized 1949
Territory: The Northern Territory; the Churches: 120; members, 7,411.
Federal Capital Territory; the states
of Western Australia; South Austra- Cable and Telegraphic Address.
lia; Victoria; Tasmania; and that
part of the state of New South Wales Office Address: --.
lying to the south and to the west of
a straight line from the entrance of Officers:
Lake Illawarra to Yerranderie, thence President, W. T. Hooper.
due north to the Capertee River, fol-
lowing the river west to the 150th Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, R.
meridian of east longitude, thence E. G. Blair.
north to Cassilis, then a line running
northwest from Cassilis to where the Departmental Secretaries:
147th meridian of east longitude Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
meets the 29th parallel of south lati- T. C. Lawson.
tude. Publishing, E. R. Gane.

Religious Liberty, W. T. Hooper. Licensed Ministers:

Y.P.M.V. and Educational, A. P. Dy- R. Cobbin, L. G. Crosbie, S. Dunstan,
ason. C. Hill, E. M. Logue, M. M. Stewart.
Executive Committee: W. T. Hooper, Licensed Ministers (in College and
R. E. G. Blair, R. P. Brown, J. C. School work) :
Craven, A. P. Dyason, A. W. G. A. H. Dawson, John Duffy.
Davey, L. Davis, E. R. Gane, W. J.
Gilson, S. C. Greive, T. W. Ham- Licensed Missionary: Iris Pedrana.
mond, H. W. Hollingsworth, C. J. Bible Instructors:
Howell, J. W. Kent, T. C. Lawson,
C. S. Palmer, P. Peet, W. J. Rich- Frances ,Carver, Mrs. V. A. Steed,
ards, W. M. R. Scragg, R. Stanton. Ruby V. Stratford.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Teachers:
Patricia Brooker, Annie Eggan.
R. E. G. Blair, A. P. Dyason, E. R.
Gane, W. T. Hooper, T. C. Lawson,
Licensed Ministers (in college and CONFERENCE
school work) : Organized 1895
A. Chapman, C. F. Futcher, J. M. A.
Ross. Territory: That part of the state of New
South Wales lying to the south and
Licensed Missionaries: to the west of a straight line from
J. L. Abbott, Elma Nelson, T. W. the entrance of Lake Illawarra to
Rutter. Yerranderie, thence due north to the
Capertee River, following the river
Bible Instructor: Mrs. F. E. Lyndon. west of the 150th meridian of east
Licensed Medical Missionaries: longitude, thence north to Cassius,
then a line running northwest to
Mrs. L. Bailey, H. M. Carter, Marie where the 147th meridian meets the
Carter, J. H. Greive, R. C. Hill, Eric 29th parallel of south latitude.
Ivey, Marion Isaacs, J. B. Letham,
Erline Mitchell, Audrey Mitchell, Flo- Churches: 22 ; members, 860.
ris Roder.
Cable and Telegraphic Address:
Licensed Teachers:
Office Address: Box 578, South Wagga,
Pearl Nippress, Edith Stewart. New South Wales, Australia.
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CON- President, W. M. R. Scragg.
FERENCE Secretary-Treasurer, F. J. Butler.
Organized 1899 Executive Committee: W. M. R.
Scragg, M. S. Ball, H. G. Bone, W.
Territory: The State of South Aus- Carter, J. L. Richardson, C. A.
tralia. Wrigley.
Churches: 22 ; members, 1,273. Departmental Secretaries:
Office: 82 Angas St., Adelaide, South Book and Bible House, F. J. Butler.
Australia, Australia. Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., L.
C. Coombe.
Office Address: Box 1011J, Adelaide, Publishing, H. G. Bone.
South Australia, Australia. Radio and Educational, W. M. R.
Officers: Seragg.
Sabbath School, F. J. Butler.
President, J. W. Kent.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. Hill. Ordained Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries: M. S. Ball, F. A. Basham, L. C.
Educational and Religious Liberty, Coombe, E. H. Clarke, J. C. Dever,
J. W. Kent. J. W. Harvey, E. C. House, H. Mitch-
Home Missionary, S. C. Butler. ell, G. Robinson, W. M. R. Scragg,
Publishing, L. G. Crosbie. C. A. Wrigley.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., R. Licensed Ministers:
Brandstater; Assistant Y.P.M.V.,
Gertrude Barnett. J. K. Aitken, H. G. Bone, F. J. But-
ler, L. G. Doble, M. Banbury, S. K.
Ordained Ministers: White.
E. Behrens, R. Bullas, R. Brandstater, Licensed Minister (in College or School
S. C. Butler, J. W. Kent, W. N. Lock, work) : G. Fisher.
A. W. Macauley, V. Novelly, G. V.
. Palmateer, G. Rollo. Bible Instructor: Annie E. Douglass.

TASMANIAN CONFERENCE ercole, C. J. Griffin, B. E. Hadfield,

T. W. Hammond, W. J. Hawken, R.
(Formerly included in Victoria-Tas- N. Heggie, C. F. Hollingsworth, H. T.
mania Conference; organized as Howse, L. J. Imrie, J. S. Jackson, L.
separate conference 1926.) L. Jones, H. M. Kent. H. W. King-
Territory: Island of Tasmania and its ston, G. E. Marriott, A. I. Mitchell,
adjacent islets. A. F. Parker, L. S. Rose. W. E.
Rudge, T. E. A. Sedgman, H. S.
Churches: 14 ; members, 784. Streeter, G. G. Stewart, E. R. Tucker,
E. A. Turner, E. G. Whitaker, R. A.
Address: 361 Argyle St., North Hobart, Wood.
Officers: Licensed Ministers:
President, H. W. Hollingsworth. E. S. Bartlett, W. A. Beatty, J. F.
Secretary-Treasurer, L. H. Allum. Bevan, A. Duffy, S. J. Eggins, H. W.
Gunter, D. Hokin, C. G. Johnston, R.
Departmental Secretaries: M. Kranz, W. R. Litster, E. Raethal,
Educational and Religious Liberty, H. F. Rampton, G. Southwell, S. G.
H. W. Hollingsworth. Winter.
Home Missionary. L. H. Hay. Licensed Ministers (in college and school
Publishing, H. C. Barritt. work) :
Sabbath School, L. H. Allum.
Y.P.M.V., L. H. Hay. W. R. Conley, W. J. Driscoll, A. T.
Dunne, G. B. Gilson, W. J. Gilson,
Ordained Ministers: I. R. Harvey, H. M. Lansdown, G.
H. G. Bryant, H. R. Christian, W. G. Litster, W. G. Litster, F. Nash. M.
Drain, L. R. Harvey, L. H. Hay, H. Robb.
W. Hollingsworth, R. A. Millsom, A.
H. Rogers. Licensed Medical Missionaries:
Margherita M. Freeman, Mrs. G. E.
Licensed Ministers: Marriott, Dorothy 4. Parker.
L. H. Allum, H. C. Barritt, V. J.
Heise. Bible Instructors:
Mrs. M. Badcock, Mabel C. Barlow,
Licensed Minister (in college and school Joyce Barritt, Edith Bourne, Miss L.
work) : J. E. Scrivener. M. Cooke, Jean Cormack, Mrs. J. C.
Cornell. Ruby Creelman, Elsie Hop-
Licensed Missionary: Valerie Hall. good, Nellie Knowles, Daisy Moore,
Licensed Teachers: Viola Rogers, Marion Taylor.
Monica Cameron, Joan Davis, Lyle Licensed Teachers:
Davis, Mary Riepon. Mary Burgoyne, Evaline Clery, Ineen
Cornell, Joan Hammond, Alice Hardy,
Valerie Mobbs, Lila Robb, Evelyn
VICTORIAN CONFERENCE Stewart, Norma Steel, Mamie Stree-
Organized 1888
Territory: The State of Victoria.
Churches: 37; members, 3,026. WEST AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE
Office: 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn E. 2, Vic- Organized 1902
toria, Australia. Territory: The State of West Australia.
Churches: 25: members, 1,468.
President, T. W. Hammond.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. R. Litster. Office: 62 Clotilde Street, Mt. Lawley,
West Australia, Australia.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, W. J. Gilson. Officers:
Home Missionary, E. A. Turner. President, W. J. Richards.
Publishing, J. F. Bevan, H. M. Kent. Secretary-Treasurer, R. W. Lang.
Religious Liberty, T. W. Hammond.
Sabbath School, E. A. Turner; Assist- Departmental Secretaries:
ant, Marion Taylor. Educational and Religious Liberty,
Y.P.M.V., W. E. Rudge; Assistant, W. J. Richards.
Joyce Barritt. Home Missionary, C. F. L. Ulrich.
Publishing, R. L. Aveling ; Assist-
Ordained Ministers: ant, E. H. J. Steed.
T. A. Anderson, H. Baird, F. Breaden, Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., R. H.
E. S. Butz, P. G. Foster, A. J. Gath- Powrie.

Ordained Ministers: Licensed Ministers (in college and school

work) :
R. H. Abbott, A. P. Cooke, R. W.
Howes, J. C. H. Perry, R. H. Powrie, R. W. Bower, A. Chapman, W. D.
W. J. Richards, C. P. Southwell, B. Dyson, V. Mitchell, M. Robb, J. M. A.
H. Swartzkopf, V. Warden, G. I. Ross.
Wilson. Bible Instructors:
Licensed Ministers: Lettie Barritt, Mrs. F. E. Lyndon,
Burnita Sterling.
R. L. Aveling, K. J. Bullock, William
Chapman, H. W. Hammond, A. L. Licensed Teachers:
King, R. W. Lang, S. 0. J. Louis, Vina Beacham, Daphne Chapman,
D. Mitchell, C. R. Stanley, E. H. J. Myrtle Chapman, Gladys M. Clark,
Steed, C. F. L. Ulrich. Edna Flack, Lois Sluggett.


Organized 1949

Territory: The Dominion of New Zea- Licensed Ministers:

land with adjacent Islands; that part J. A. B. Blanch, R. R. Frame.
of the state of New South Wales ly-
ing to the north and to the east of a Licensed Ministers (in college and school
straight line from the entrance of work) :
Lake Illawarra to Yerranderie, thence E. A. R. Langsford, W. R. Whisker,
due north to Capertee River, follow- I. Wilmoth, W. E. Zanotti.
ing the river west to the 159th meri- Licensed Missionaries:
dian of east longitude, thence north
to Cassilis, then a line running north- Mrs. C. J. Boulting, Norma Bowman,
west from Cassilis to where the 147th N. Dickins, Jean Easthope, H. Fisher,
meridian of east longitude meets the J. K. Irvine, Vera Parker, K. E.
29th parallel of south latitude ; the Salchell, Freda Whisker.
state of Queensland ; Norfolk Island ; Medical Missionary: Mrs. J. A. B.
Lord Howe Island. Blanch.
Churches: 149: members, 11,680.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Office Address: 148 Fox Valley Road, Organized 1949
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
tralia. Territory: Comprised of that part of the
State of New South Wales bounded on
Officers: the south by a straight line bearing
President, W. E. Battye. westerly from the entrance of Lake
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, R. Illawarra to Yerranderie ; on the west
R. Frame. by a straight line bearing due north
from Yerranderie to the Capertee
Executive Committee: W. E. Battye, River ; and on the north by the Caper-
H. 0. Belworthy, G. Burnside, R. J. tee and Hawkesbury Rivers bear-
Burns, L. A. Butler, A. H. Carton, ing east to the sea; and on the east
E. Colwill, R. R. Frame, A. H. Forbes, bearing southerly by the coast of
R. A. Greive, C. Head, H. J. Halliday, New South Wales to the entrance of
B. Hart, B. H. McMahon, A. Mee Lake Illawarra ; and Lord Howe Is-
Lee, A. R. Mitchell,. W. G. C. Mur- land.
doch, L. A. Piper, R. N. Price, G.
Peacock, E. Scotton, L. V. Wilkinson. Churches: 28 ; members, 2,796.
Departmental Secretaries: Cable and Telegraphic Adress: "Con-
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, ference, Strathfield."
C. Head. Office Address: 84 The Boulevards,
Publishing, R. N. Price. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Religious Liberty, W. E. Battye. tralia.
Y.P.M.V., and Educational, B. H.
McMahon. Officers:
Ordained Ministers: President, L. A. Butler.
W. E. Battye, C. J. Boulting, C. Secretary-Treasurer, A. H. E. Miller.
Head, B. H. McMahon, R. N. Price, Executive Committee: L. A. Butler,
G. Peacock, L. V. Wilkinson. W. H. Bagnall, M. Grolimund, C.

Selman, V. W. Stotesbury, Arthur MONAMONA MISSION FOR

White, A. H. White. ABORIGINES
Departmental Secretaries: Established 1913
Book and Bible House, Esme White- Church: 1; members, 93.
Home Missionary, I. W. White; As- Address: Oak Forest, via Cairns, North
sistant, E. W. Hon. Queensland, Australia.
Press Relations, R. Tudor. President: G. Peacock.
Publishing, R. A. McFarlane, S. M.
Dymock. Ordained Minister: G. Peacock.
Radio, W. A. Stewart.
Sabbath School and Temperance, A. Licensed Ministers:
E. Watts. J. A. B. Blanch, W. E. Zanotti.
Social Service, E. W. Hon. Licensed Medical Missionary: Mrs. J.
Y.P.M.V., A. White. A. B. Blanch.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:
N. Dickins, Mrs. G. Peacock.
0. K. Anderson, L. A. Butler, J. A.
Charlton, M. Grolimund, Robert Hare,
C. Judd, T. R. Kent, W. D. Lauder, NORFOLK ISLAND MISSION
L. G. Maxwell, W. Morris, A. H.
Piper, R. A. Salton, W. D. Smith, H. Established 1893
Stacey, W. A. Stewart, V. W. Stotes-
bury, J. Thompson, R. Tudor, S. Church: 1 ; members, 29.
Wallace, A. E. Watts, A. White, A. Address: Norfolk Island, Australia.
H. White, I. W. White, E. R. White-
head, M. H. Whittaker. Ordained Minister: C. J. Boulting.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Missionary: Mrs. C. J. Boult-
W. G. Dowling, S. M. Dymock, A. R.
Fraser, E. W. Hon, D. Jenkins, H. G.
Josephs, K. Low, R. A. McFarlane, K. NORTH NEW SOUTH WALES
Mead, A. H. E. Miller, G. Miller, C. H. CONFERENCE
Pretyman, Edwin Totenhofer.
Organized 1920
Licensed Ministers (in college and school
work) : Territory: That part of the State of
New South Wales north of the
0. Battye, E. A. Butler, S. K. Gillis, Hawkesbury and Capertee rivers as
A. L. Hefren, E. Krause, D. Lane, far west as the 150th meridian of east
H. Vetter, R. L. Wilson. longitude, thence east of the line
Licensed Missionaries: running north to Cassilis, thence
northeast of a line running north-
Phyllis Kilroy, Alice Miller, Esme westerly from Cassilis to where the
Whitehead. 147th meridian of east longitude
Bible Instructors:
o meets the 29th parallel of south
Belle Campbell, Florence Grolimund,
Iva Hoy, Elsie Moran, Lettie Powell, Churches: 38 ; members, 2,783.
Sybil Read, Mrs. M. E. Tank. Office: 21 Gordan Ave., Hamilton (P.O.
Licensed Medical Missionary: Hazel Box 27), New South Wales, Australia.
Woolf. Officers:
Licensed Teachers: President, David Sibley.
V. Gladys Camp, Mrs. Judith Gane, Secretary-Treasurer, E. J. Garrard.
Nina Lambert, Lucille Romero, Grace Departmental Secretaries:
Tonkin, Merle Totenhofer.
Educational and Religious Liberty,
David Sibley.
Home Missionary, L. J. Kent.
Sabbath School, Florence Cherrett.
Church: 1 ; members 26. Y.P.M.V., J. F. Hankinson.
Address: Lord Howe Island, Australia. Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Minister: R. Farrar. E. P. Barrington, A. M. Cott, W.
Gillis, J. F. Hankinson, H. B. Jones,
Licensed Medical Missionary: Mrs. R. L. J. Kent, A. E. Magnusson, H. J.
Farrar. Myers, G. J. Parker, E. H. Parsons,

A. L. Pascoe, W. H. Pascoe, C. H. Licensed Ministers:

Raphael, E. Rosendahl, David Sibley, L. H. Blair, M. C. Bland, E. Brownie,
W. D. Smith, G. L. Sterling, R. A. R. J. F. Coltheart, J. Cox, D. K. Down,
Thrift, H. B. P. Wicks, K. J. Woolier, C. R. Murchison, A. G. Ratcliffe, 0.
D. H. Wyborn. W. Sharp, 0. H. Twist, F. T. Webb.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Ministers (in college and school
B. E. Bobin, A. J. Giblett, D. H. work) :
Gray, P. H. Holmes, J. R. Kent, H. E. J. Barker, B. Bernoth, K. R.
C. C. Taylor, M. Tonkin, W. H. Dickens, R. Fox, V. B. Herbert, F.
Turner, H. A. Wheeler, J. T. Young. Thomson.
Licensed Ministers (in college and Bible Instructors:
school work) : Joyce Bransgrove, Mavis Gould, Olive
G. W. Hill, R. H. Parr. Pearce.
Licensed Missionary: M. R. Smith. Licensed Teachers:
Licensed Medical Missionaries: Doris Bransgrove. Joy Coltheart, June
Ellis, Marjorie Gilmore, Mrs. J. Muld-
Honorary: B. T. Hammond, F. Harri- rock, C. R. Thompson.
son, J. M. Hellestrand, R. H. Ludo-
Bible Instructor: Florence Cherrett. NORTH QUEENSLAND MISSION
Licensed Teachers: (Formerly included in the Queensland
Conference. Operated as Mission under
Olive Blayden, Deidre Ganter. direction of Australasian Union Confer-
ence from Jan. 1, 1929.)
KEMPSEY MISSION FOR Territory: All that portion of the State
ABORIGINES of Queensland lying north of a line
drawn from Yeppoon west to Kum-
Under direction of North New viarara on the Marlborough line, and
South Wales Conference. thence due south to the top of the
range just west of Deeford, and from
thence in a direct line to the South
NORTH NEW ZEALAND Australian border.
Churches: 11 ; members, 414.
Organized 1889
Office Address: 106 Sturt Street, Towns-
Territory: That portion of the Dominion ville, Queensland, Australia.
of New Zealand north of Cook's
Straits. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 266, Towns-
ville, Queensland, Australia.
Churches: 34 ; members, 2,729.
Cable Address: "Mastery," or "Advent-
ist," Auckland, New Zealand. President, H. J. Halliday.
Secretary-Treasurer, G. H. Engel-
Office: 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. Eden, brecht.
Auckland, New Zealand.
Departmental Secretaries:
Officers: Home Missionary, H. J. Halliday.
President, R. J. Burns. Publishing, J. Stafford.
Secretary-Treasurer, 0. H. Twist. Sabbath School, G. H. Engelbrecht.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Religious Liberty, Ordained Ministers:
R. J. Burns. G. H. Engelbrecht, H. J. Halliday, T.
Home Missionary, W. H. Stevens. L. House, A. C. Needham.
Publishing, F. T. Webb.
Sabbath School, W. H. Stevens. Licensed Ministers:
Y.P.M.V., S. T. Leeder. A. Moir, H. H. Simpson.
Ordained Ministers:
F. Allen, R. J. Burns, G. Burnside,
W. P. Claus, E. F. Giblett, P. Glocker, QUEENSLAND CONFERENCE
E. B. Ibbott, A. G. Jacobson, A. G. Organized 1899
Judge, S. T. Leeder, J. A. Mitchell, H.
C. Murch, A. Parker, F. L. Sharp, W. Territory: All that portion of the State
H. Stevens, H. L. Tolhurst, L. D. of Queensland lying south of a line
Vince, G. Westlake, D. Whittaker, S. drawn from Yeppoon west to Kum-
H. Wood. viarara on the Marlborough line, and

thence due south to the top of the Ordained Ministers:

range just west of Deeford, and from A. C. Ball, S. A. Bartlett, A. S. Her-
thence in a direct line to the South bert, A. R. Mitchell, R. Reye, F. L.
Australian border. Taylor, W. A. Townend, J. H. Wade.
Churches: 20 ; members, 1,810.
Licensed Ministers:
Office: 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen G. Best, A. E. Cook, F. C. Flemming,
Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. L. G. Moulds, E. C. Rosendahl, I. E.
Officers: Trevena, C. Wells, H. J. Windeyer,
C. Winter.
President, R. A. Greive.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. W. Petrie. Licensed Ministers (in college and school
work) :
Departmental Secretaries: D. Halliday, W. McClintock.
Educational and Religious Liberty,
R. A. Greive. Licensed Teachers:
Home Missionary, H. A. L. Freeman. June Nilsson, Fay McPhee, Maud M.
Publishing, K. deVille ; Assistant, Smart.
W. A. Coates. Bible Instructor: Pearl Harvey.
Sabbath School, H. A. L. Freeman.
Y.P.M.V., L. A. Dyason.
Dyason, H. A. L. Freeman, R. A. Educational:
Greive, 0. W. Knight, T. A. Mitchell,
W. W. Petrie, E. A. Reye, F. M. Slade, Advent Correspondence School, Coo-
D. A. Speck, S. M. Uttley. ranbong, New South Wales, Aus-
Licensed Ministers: Aore Training School, Aore, New
F. Benham, L. Burns, W. A. Coates, Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
K. de Ville, J. W. Nixon, C. T. Potter, Australasian Missionary College, Coo-
B. Sinclair, C. R. Were. ranbong, N. S. W., Australia.
Licensed Ministers (in college and school Batuna Intermediate School, Marovo
work) : Lagoon, Solomon Islands.
F. J. Brown, 0. C. Ferris, H. Irvine. Bautama Missionary School, Bautama,
Bible Instructor: Delma Stanley. via Port Moresby, Papua.
Betikama Missionary School, Beti-
Licensed Teachers: kama, Guadalcanal, Solomon Is-
Louise Hopkins, Grace Peatey, Mary lands.
Stevens, Ula Stevens. Beulah Training School, Vaini, Nu-
kualofa, Tonga, Pacific Ocean.
SOUTH NEW ZEALAND CON- Central Highlands Missionary School,
FERENCE Omaura, via Kainantu and Lae,
Territory of New Guinea.
Organized 1915 Choiseul Intermediate School, Ruru-
Territory: That portion of the Dominion vae, Choiseul, Solomon Islands.
of New Zealand south of Cook's Cook Islands Training School, Box 21,
Straits. Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific
Churches: 15 ; members, 1,000. Ocean.
Office: 40 Healey Ave., Christchurch, Fulton Missionary School, Korovau,
New Zealand. Tai Levu, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Christ- Kambubu Training School, Put Put,
church. via Rabaul, Territory of New
Officers :
President, A. R. Mitchell. Monamona Mission School, Oak For-
Secretary-Treasurer, H. J. Windeyer. est, via Cairns, Queensland, Aus-
Departmental Secretaries: New Zealand Missionary College,
Educational and Religious Liberty, A. Longburn, New Zealand.
R. Mitchell.
Home Missionary, W. A. Townend. Papuan Training School, Vilirupu,
Publishing, F. C. Fleming. Papua, Pacific Ocean.
Sabbath School, F. L. Taylor. Samabula Indian School, Suva, Fiji,
Y.P.M.V., W. A. Townend. Pacific Ocean.

Vailoa Training School, Vailoa, Dispensaries

Samoa, Pacific Ocean. Sydney Treatment Rooms, 13 Hunter
Vatuvanu Central School, Buca Bay, Street, Sydney, New South Wales,
Vanua Levu, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Australia.
West Australian Missionary College, Publishing:
Carmel, West Australia, Australia.
Cook Islands Mission Press, Raro-
Health Food Factories: tonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Head Office: 148 Fox Valley Road, Fiji Mission Press, Suva, Fiji, Pacific
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Ocean.
Papuan Mission Press, Vilirupu, Pa-
Medical: pua, Pacific Ocean.
Amyes Memorial Hospital, Kukudu, Signs Publishing Co., Ltd., Warbur-
Island of Kolumbangara, Solomon ton, Victoria, Australia.
Islands. Society Islands Mission Press, Tipae-
Sydney Sanitarium and Hospital, rui, Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands.
Wahroonga, N. S. W.,, Australia. Solomon Islands Mission Press, Beti-
Warburton Sanitarium and Hospital, kama, Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Is-
Warburton, Victoria, Australia. lands, Pacific Ocean.
(Provisional Organization)

Organized 1928; reorganized 1948

Territory: Germany; comprising the Officers:

East German, South German, and President, Adolf Mina.
West German Union Conferences. Secretary, Otto Schildhauer.
Population: About 64,200,000; churches,
790; members, 39,916.
Cable Address: Adventist, Berlin.
Postal Address: Niklasstrasse 19, (1) ASSOCIATION
Berlin-Zehlendorf, American Sector,
Germany. Organized 1927; reorganized 1935
Officers: Legal Name: Verein "Advent-Wohl-
President, Adolf Minck. fahrtswerk" E. V., Sitz Berlin, Nik-
Secretary, Otto Schildhauer. lasstr. 19, (1) Berlin-Zehlendorf,
Treasurer and Auditor, Max Voigt. American Sector, Germany. (Oper-
Assistant Treasurer, Felix Vogt. ates the Welfare work and six
Field Secretary, W. Mueller. Nurses' Homes in Germany.)
Executive Committee: Adolf Minck, Officers:
0. Brozio, M. Busch, L. E. Conradi, President, Adolf Minck.
W. Mueller, E. Muller, H. Niemann, Secretary, 0. Brozio.
Otto Schildhauer, Max Voigt, A. Voll-
mer and the Union Presidents. Nurses' Homes:
Departmental Secretaries: (1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Koblenzer
Strasse 3, British Zone, Germany.
Educational, W. Mueller. (10b) Chemnitz, Hubschmannstrasse
Home Missionary, Sabbath School and 15, Russian Zone, Germany.
Y.P.M.V., M. Busch. (10a) Dresden A 20, Franz-Liszt-
Medical, L. E. Conradi. Strasse 13. Russian Zone, Germany.
Ministerial Association, Adolf Minck. (22a) Dusseldorf, Richthofenstrasse
Welfare, 0. Brozio. 99, British Zone, Germany.
Ordained Ministers: (10a) Leipzig S 3, Steinstrasse 16,
Russian Zone, Germany.
0. Brozio, M. Busch, Adolf Minck, W. (16) Wiesbaden, Rudesheimer Strasse
Mueller, Otto Schildhauer, Max Voigt, 7, American Zone, Germany.
Felix Vogt.
Honorary: E. Gugel. Old People's Home:
(19b) Friedensau, Post Grabow, uber
Licensed Ministers: Burg, Bez. Magdeburg, Russian
L. E. Conradi, E. Meyer, E. Muller, Zone, Germany.
A Vollmer.
Home of Displaced Persons:
Licensed Missionaries: (22a) Mettmann/Rheinland, Diepen-
Hildegard Betker, Edith Bonnes, siepen 16, British Zone, Germany.
Hanna Bridde, Laura Hagelstein, Elly
Motzer, Elfriede Schroder, Annelies
(Advent-Missionsgesellschaft E. V.) (Includes the East German, South Ger-
Grindelberg 15a, (24a) Hamburg 13, man, and West German Unions)
Organized 1927
Organized 1913 Officers:
Office Address: Niklasstr. 19, (1) Berlin- President, Adolf Minck.
Zehlendorf, American Sector, Ger- Secretary, Otto Schildhauer.
many. Treasurer, Max Voigt.


IST ASSOCIATION (Legal society to hold all property of
the denomination in Hamburg.)
(Hamburger Verein der Siebenten-Tags-
Adventisten) Officers:
President, Adolf Minck.
Grindelberg 15a, (24a) Hamburg 13, Vice-President, Max Voigt.
British Zone, Germany Secretary-Treasurer, Otto Schildhauer.


Organized 1909

Territory: Berlin, March Lusatian, BERLIN CONFERENCE

Mecklenburg, Northeast Saxonian,
Pomeranian, Saxony-Anhalt, Thurin- Organized 1909
gian and West Saxonian Conferences. Territory: Province of Berlin, Admin-
Population: About 22,000,000; churches, istration District of Potsdam (except-
353 ; members, 17,772. ing the Districts of Angermunde,
Beeskow-Storkow, Juterbog, Ober-
Office Address: Koblenzer Strasse 3, barnim, Prenzlau, Templin, Ebers-
Adventhaus (1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, walde) Strausberg, Werneuchen, Ora-
British Sector, Germany. (Telephone, nienburg, Burg, Church School Fried-
87 26 49.) ensau.
Legal Name: Ostdeutscher Verband der Population: About 5,500,000; churches,
Gemeinschaft der Siebenten-Tags-Ad- 58 ; members, 4,004.
Officers: Office Address: Koblenzer Strasse 3,
(1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec-
President, M. Budnick. tor, Germany. (Telephone, 87 26 48.)
Secretary-Treasurers, R. Daumichen,
W. Knitter, Mrs. M. Glass. Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben-
Auditor, ten-Tags-Adventisten Berliner Verein-
Executive Committee: M. Budnick, H. igung.
Brinkmann, A. Burger, R. Dange- Officers:
chat, R. Daumichen, K. Durolf, W.
Eberhardt, 0. Haase, F. Hambrock, President, G. Mai.
W. Hans, L. Krug, G. Mai, A. Re- Secretary, W. Racker.
bensburg, 0. Vogel. Treasurer, R. Kluttig.
Executive Committee: G. Mai, E.
Departmental Secretaries: Kolsch, W. Oestreich, W. Racker, W.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Y. Rogge, H. Schacht, R. Scheibitz.
P.M.V., and Welfare, A. Burger.
Medical, E. Meyer. Departmental Secretary:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Ordained Ministers: Y.P.M.V., W. Racker.
M. Budnick, A. Burger, R. Daumi-
chen, W. Eberhardt, W. Knitter, H. Ordained Ministers:
Kobs, G. Lupke, S. Lupke. A. Behrens, A. Birsgal, K. Danke, F.
Licensed Minister: 0. Vogel. Dombrowsky, R. Helm, 0. Kiehnast,
Karl Kohler, P. Kopping, W. Korinth,
Legal Building Assn.: "Mitteldeutsche G. Mai, W. Ninow, W. Racker, F.
Grundstucksgesellschaft m. b. H." Binder, G. Ronisch, R. Scheibitz, H.
Office: Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Koblenzer Schmitz, V. Schon, H. Vollrath.
Strasse, 3, M. Budnick. Honorary: F. A. Horner, J. Kanzok,
Manager, W. Hans, Dresden-A, Franz- F. Kessel, H. Korsch, J. Seefried.
Liszt-Strasse 13, Germany.
Architect: F. Hennig, Berlin-Wil- Licensed Ministers:
mersdorf, Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ger- M. Glockner, R. Kluttig.
many, "Deutscher Verein fur Gesund-
heitspflege e. V. Friedensau," Frieden- Licensed Missionaries:
sau b. Burg, Post Grabow, Bez. Mag- Mrs. R. Stecher.
Manager, 0. Vogel, Honorary: ,Mrs, E. Trusen,


. Organized Jan. 1, 1929
Organized 1919
Territory: Upper and Lower Lusatian,
the territory of Province Brandenburg Territory: District of Dresden, Bautzen,
except the districts belonging to the and Leipzig.
Berlin and Pomeranian Conferences. Population: About 3,000,000 ; churches,
Population: About 2,000,000; churches, 67 ; members, 3,316.
34; members, 1,381. Office Address: Robert Blum Strasse 6,
Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben- (10a) Dresden-NO. Russian Zone,
ten-Tags-Adventisten, Markisch Lau- Germany.
sitzer Vereinigung. Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben-
Office Address: Thalmann-Platz 46, (2) ten-Tags-Adventisten Nordostsachsis-
Cottbus, Russian Zone, Germany che Vereinigung.
Officers: Officers:
President, 0. Haase. President, H. Brinkmann.
Secretary-Treasurer, E. Tulaszewski. Secretary-Treasurer, E. Kermer.
Executive Committee: 0. Haase, A. Executive Committee: H. Brinkmann,
Klapper, P. Schulze, W. Suckert. R. Dienel, M. Fischer, F. Heinrich, M.
Departmental Secretary: Departmental Secretary:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y.P.M.V., H. Rustig. Y.P.M.V., W. Uhlig.

Ordained Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
P. Behrendt, J. Beier, F. Dobinsky, H. Brinkmann, W. Derlath, H. Gun-
A. 0. Faetting, 0. Haase, G. Hum- ther, F. Heinrich, M. Hochmuth, F.
mel, V. Krause, W. Ludwig, H. Oest- Jurke, H. Laue, G. Lehmann, R.
reich, R. Patzig, H. Rustig, E. Simon. Lusky, F. Meyer, M. Posel, H. Scha-
Honorary: R. Dietrich, A. Kraut- fer, W. Thalmann, W. Uhlig, B.
schick. Westhofer.
Licensed Ministers: Honorary: J. Brzezinski, W. Schwen-
ecke, R. Volzke.
B. Arnhold, E. Tulaszewski.
Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Missionary: K. Hossfeld.
A. Geserick, R. Inner, H. Schluttig,
K. Vogt.
Licensed Missionaries:
G. Ackermann, R. Krause.
Territory: Mecklenburg.
Population: 2,600,000; churches, 18;
Office Address: Koblenzer Strasse 3, Organized 1901
(1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Zone, Territory: Vorpommern, District of
Germany. Arnswalde, Oberbarnim, Anger-
Officers: munde, Templin, Prenzlau.
President, G. Durolf. Population: About 1,000,000; churches,
Treasurer, Miss E. Schofer. 20 ; members, 577.
Executive Committee: G. Durolf, G. Office Address: Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Buck, A. Burger, Chr. Greim, G. (1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec-
Hirschfeld, W. Schon, P. Warkentin. tor, Germany. (Telephone, 87 26 49.)
Departmental Secretary: Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben-
ten-Tags-Adventisten, Pommersche
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Vereinigung.
Y.P.M.V., A. Burger.
Ordained Ministers: President, A. Rebensburg.
W. Adamsky, G. Durolf, C. Glockner, Secretary-Treasurer, Miss E. Schofer.
K. Gotzinger, W. Hampel, A. Heider- Executive Committee: East German
stadt, W. Muller, H. Oswald, W. Union Committee.
Schon, H. Stoltenberg.
Departmental Secretary:
Licensed Minister: F. Kopp.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Licensed Missionary: W. Oppen. Y.P.M.V., A. Burger.

Ordained Ministers: Departmental Secretary:

Fr. Leskien, G. Petzold, A. Rebens- Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
burg, W. Reinheimer. Y.P.M.V., 0. Bahr.
Licensed Missionary:
Ordained Ministers:
Honorary: M. Thummel.
0. Bahr, E. Binanzer, E. Feddersen,
W. Gauger, W. Gericke, L. Krug, H.
Neumann, 0. Kelle, P. Paprotny, A.
PROVINCE SAXONY-ANHALT Stammberger, E. Tiesnes.
Territory: Saxony-Anhalt. Licensed Ministers:
Population: 2,500,000 ; churches, 46 ; D. Hesse, E. Oestreich, H. Pohle, P.
members, 2,124. Schmidt, H. Simon.
Office Address: Koblenzer Strasse 3, Licensed Missionaries:
(1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec-
tor, Germany. Honorary: Miss K. Fischer, Miss A.
Hertwig, Mrs. K. Horn.
President, R. Dangschat.
Treasurer, 0. Gomola.
Executive Committee: R. Dangschat, WEST SAXONIAN CONFERENCE
E. Meine, K. Schieber, E. Steudel, Organized 1920
J. Wehner.
Territqry: District of Chemnitz and
Departmental Secretary: Zwickau.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y.P.M.V., C. Steudel. Population: About 3,000,000; churches,
75 ; members, 3,641.
Ordained Ministers:
A. Amian, R. Dangschat, K. Dobinski, Cable and Telegraphic Address: Ad-
W. Herbert, 0. Panzig, J. Parusel, W. venthaus, Chemnitz.
Pohland, A. Scherf, K. Schieber, P. Office Address: Adventhaus, Hans-
Schornstein, C. Steudel. Sachs-Strasse 9, (10b) Chemnitz, Rus-
Licensed Ministers: sian Zone, Germany.
0. Gomola, F. Wiedmer. Officers:
Licensed Missionaries: President, F. Hambrock.
Secretary-Treasurer, T. Kniebeler
Mrs. Olga Thaden, J. Krautschick. (acting).
Honorary: W. Rieckmann, A. Ludtke. Executive Committee: F. Hambrock,
M. Baier, P. Haufe, R. H. Kohler, G.
Krautschick, E. Lippert, B. Ohme.
THURINGIA CONFERENCE Departmental Secretary:
Territory: Thuringia. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y.P.M.V., G. Krautschick.
Population: 2,500,000 ; churches, 35,
members, 1,752. Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: Koblenzer Strasse 3, R. Biller, W. Czernbor, A. Dolling, F.
(1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec- Hambrock, P. Haufe, K. Jonuleit,
tor, Germany. Kurt Kohler, G. Krautschick; K.
Pansegrau, H. Schaller, W. Strohl, K.
Officers: Wagner.
President, L. Krug.
Treasurer, P. Schmidt. Licensed Ministers:
Executive Committee: L. Krug, 0. W. Cremer, E. Loser, H. Vogel.
Bahr, H. Huhn, R. Kopp, W. Mein- Honorary: Anita Broszat, H. Langner,
hard, H. Muller, E. Tissues, 0, P. Muller,


Organized 1912
Territory: Baden, Central Rhenish, Executive Committee: E. Berner, F.
North Bavarian, South Bavarian, and C. Grieser, K. Kafitz, K. Ohm, A.
Wurtemberg Conferences. Schneider.
Population: 17,200,000 ; churches, 216 ; Departmental Secretary:
members, 10,604.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Office Address: Diemershaldenstrasse 23, Y.P.M.V., E. Berner.
(14a) Stuttgart-O, Wurtemberg,
American Zone, Germany. Ordained Ministers:
Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben- E. Berner, Heinrich Gobel, F. C.
ten-Tags-Adventisten, Suddeutscher Grieser, E. Klut, Fr. Kobele, R.
Verband. Lange, E. Roocks, H. Schmidt.
Honorary: D. Eicher, M. Ponig, J.
Officers: Schmidt, W. Steinmeier.
President, G. Seng. Licensed Minister: R. Eisenbraun.
Secretary, 0. Neubauer.
Treasurer, Helene Kofink.
Executive Committee: G. Seng, E. CENTRAL RHENISH CONFERENCE
Berner, W. Edener, E. Mayer, A. W.
Muller, 0. Neubauer, A. Sachsen- Organized 1920
Departmental Secretary: Territory: State of Hessen, except Kas-
sel, South of Rhine-Province, District
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Birkenfeld.
Y.P.M.V., 0. Neubauer.
Population: 4,500,000 ; churches, 40 ;
Ordained Ministers: members, 1,994.
0. Neubauer, G. Seng.
Office Address: Bohmerstr. 13, (16)
South German Building Association: Frankfurt /Main, American Zone,
Manager, M. Woysch. Germany.
Committee: M. Woysch, E. Berner, Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben-
W. Edener, E. Mayer, A. W. Muller, ten-Tags-Adventisten, Mittelrheinische
0. Neubauer, A. Sachsenmeyer, G. Vereinigung.
South German Health Association Com- President, A. Sachsenmeyer.
mittee: Treasurer, Lydia Rein.
W. Edener, A. W. Muller, A. Sach- Auditor, Helene Kofink.
senmeyer, G. Seng.
Executive Committee: A. Sachsen-
meyer, F. Hasel, H. Nau, 0. Schnei-
der, H. Weitz, Fr. Wilhelm.
Departmental Secretary:
Organized 1912; reorganized 1922 Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Territory: Baden and Bavarian Palatin- Y.P.M.V., F. Schonach.
Ordained Ministers:
Population: 3,300,000 ; churches, 30 ; W. Gemeinhardt, F. Hilmer, E. Maier,
members, 1,502. K. Maier, H. Noltze, A. B. Porsch,
Office: Kriegsstrasse 84, (17a) Karls- A. Sachsenmeyer, 0. Saur.
ruhe/Baden, American Zone, Ger- Honorary: 0. Bauscher, H. Zimmer-
many. mann.
Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben- Licensed Ministers:
ten-Tags-Adventisten, Badische Ver-
einigung. F. Gunther, H. Fischer, R. Fischer,
M. Schrodl, F. Schonach.
President, E. Berner. Licensed Missionaries:
Treasurer, Miss B. Muth. Lydia Furst, F. Hasel, H. Pohler, E,
Auditor, Helene Kofink, Werner, W. Willmann,

NORTH BAVARIAN CONFERENCE Executive Committee: W. Edener, J.

Bauer, E. Beck, W. Kehr, A. Konrad,
Organized 1934 H. Schwarz.
Territory: Upper, Central, and Lower Departmental Secretary:
Franconia (excepting Aschaffenburg).
Upper Palatinate (excepting Regens- Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
burg). Y.P.M.V., G. Schmalkoke.
Population: 2,300,000; churches, 43; Ordained Ministers:
members, 2,184. 0. Dabritz, W. Edener, W. Gast, W.
Office Address: Kopernikusstrasse 24 I, Hartmann, M. Ganzleben, K. Golzer,
(13a) Nurnberg,' American Zone, W. Guldenpfennig, C. H. Loosen, W.
Germany. Noack, G. Schmalkoke, H. Schwartz,
R. Vogel, Fr. Weigel.
Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben-
ten-Tags-Adventisten, Nordbayrische Licensed Ministers:
Vereinigung. 0. Gutwald, 0. Kapitz.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, A. W. Mueller. Miss F. Degner, H. Jaeger, Fr. Lech-
Treasurer, Miss G. Bockenhaupt. ler, R. Muller, M. Roshak, A. Schnei-
Auditor, Helene Kofink. der, Miss K. Westenberger, A.
Executive Committee: A. W. Mueller, Wicklein.
W. Hofmockel, H. Martin, Th. Mul-
ler, F. Vogel, H. Wittig.
Departmental Secretary: WURTEMBERG CONFERENCE
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Organized 1912
Y.P.M.V., A. W. Mueller.
Territory: Wurtemberg including Hoh-
Ordained Ministers: enzollernSigmaringen.
E. Adolph, W. Binanzer, 0. Elssmann, Population: About 2,900,000; churches,
Wilhelm Gehl, J. Gottfert, E. Koch, 49 ; members, 2,126.
W. Lorenz, A. W. Mueller, F. Schrat-
tenholzer, M. Wassidlow, H. Wittig. Office Address: Fangelsbachstrasse 11,
Honorary: K. Sinz, Th. Will. (14a) Stuttgart-S, American Zone,
Licensed Ministers:
H. Morenings, V. Stark, 0. Fuchs. Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben-
ten-Tags-Adventisten, Wurtemberg-
Licensed Missionaries: ische Vereinigung.
W. Haan, Miss E. Kuspert, W.
Touchard, R. Wolf, H. Zuber. Officers:
President, Edward Mayer.
Treasurer, Johanna Walz.
Auditor, Helene Kofink.
SOUTH BAVARIAN CONFERENCE Executive Committee: Edward Mayer,
Organized 1919 Albert Ansel, L. Feucht, W. Kramer,
P. Kurrle.
Territory: Upper and Lower Bavaria,
Swabia, Neuburg, and the southern Departmental Secretary:
part of the Upper Palatinate, includ- Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
ing Regensburg. Y.P.M.V., 0. Neubauer.
Population: 4,200,000 ; churches, 54 ;
members, 2,798. Ordained Ministers:
Albert Ansel, K. Burk, E. Flammer,
Office Address: Linienstrasse 1011/2, K. Fleck, A. Haag, M. Kastner,
(13b) Munich-Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Kunze, Edward Mayer, K. Noltze, Fr.
American Zone, Germany. Roth, E. Schank, H. Zettwoch.
Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben- Honorary: F. Durr, C. Reihlen, R.
ten-Tags-Adventisten, Sudbayrische Werner.
Licensed Missionaries:
Miss J. Baschenegger, F. Hager, A.
President, W. Edener. Jarschke, Miss A. Kohle, W. Seiler,
Treasurer, Dora Sommer.
Auditor, Helene Kofink, Honorary: F. Fuchs,


Organized 1909

Territory: Central German, Hanover, Auditor, Treasurer of the West Ger-

Hansa, Hessia-Westphalian, and Rhe- man Union.
nish Conferences. Executive Committee: W. Althoff, W.
Population: 25,000,000; churches, 221; Schubert, 0. Stein.
members, 11,540. Departmental Secretary:
Office Address: President: Diepensiepen Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
16, (22a) Mettmann/Rhineland, Brit- Y.P.M.V.,
ish Zone, Germany. (Telephone, 837.)
Secretary-Treasurer: Lange Laube Ordained Ministers:
29, (20a) Hanover, Germany, British W. Althoff, J. Fenner, G. Fischdick,
Zone. H. Knoener, A. Weinert.
Full Title in German: Gemeinschaft der Licensed Minister: H. Tilgner.
Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten, West- Licensed Missionaries:
deutscher Verband. Miss J. Volkmann, K. Wittwer.
Officers: Honorary: Miss M. Roelecke.
President, C. A. Motzer.
Secretary-Treasurer, Otto Gmehling.
Assistant Treasurer, G. Minck. HANOV.ER CONFERENCE
Executive Committee: C. A. Motzer, Organized 1919
W. Althoff, E. Bartz, K. Barmann,
R. Dettmar, K. Faesecke, Otto Gmeh- Territory: From the Land Hanover the
ling, E. Hennecke, W. John, W. administrative districts Lueneburg,
Peters, J. Schwital. Stade, Aurich, Hanover, the Land
Bremen, the Land Oldenburg without
Departmental Secretary: Birkenfeld and Eutin.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Population: 5,000,000; churches, 50;
Y.P.M.V., E. Bartz. members 2,728.
Ordained Ministers: Office Address: Feiner Strasse 19 A,
E. Bartz, Otto Gmehling, C. A. Mot- (20a) Hanover-Dohren, British Zone,
zer, J. Schwital. Germany. (Telephone, Hanover 82694.)
Licensed Ministers: Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben-
W. Fenner, G. Minck, W. Nehls, ten-Tags-Adventisten, Hannoversche
R. Seel. Wreinigung e. V.
Legal Building Assn.: Westdeutsche Officers:
Grundstucksgesellschaft m. b. H., President, E. Hennecke. -
Hamburg-Hanover. Office: Diepensie- Secretary, E. Denkert.
pen 16. Mettman/Rheinland, Ger- Treasurer, Miss F. Meier.
many. Manager, C. A. Motzer. Auditor, Treasurer of the West Ger-
man Union.
CENTRAL GERMAN CONFERENCE Executive Committee: E. Hennecke,
M. Barlach. E. Denkert, 0. Drose-
Organized 1934 meier, W. Heil.
Territory: Land Brunswick, from the Departmental Secretary:
Land Hanover the administrative Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
district Hildesheim. Y.P.M.V., E. Denkert.
Population: 1,000,000; churches, 26; Ordained Ministers:
members, 969.
F. Backer, E. Baumbach, W. Bege-
Office Address: Museurr.str. 5,. Bruns- mann, E. Denkert, K. Druge, E. Hen-
wick, British Zone, Germany. necke, Richard Kaufman, A. Lejnieks,
A. Mannesmann, A. Piorr, F. Schlu-
Full Title in German: Gemeinschaft ter, A. Soetber, K. Voget.
der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten, Mit-
teldeutsche Vereinigung. Licensed Ministers:
Officers: E. Fischdick, H. Heuser, E. Kar-
wartzke, K. Wloka.
President, W. Althoff.
Secretary, Licensed Missionaries:
Treasurer, Miss M, Fuchs, F, Besmehn, G. Glass, W. Meier.

HANSA CONFERENCE Population: 7,000,000 ; churches, 58 ;

members, 2,400.
Organized 1900
Office Address: Kurfurstenstrasse 91,
Territory: Land Hamburg, from the (21a) Bielefeld, British Zone, Ger-
Land Oldenburg the district Eutin, many.
'the Land Schleswig-Holstein. Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben-
ten-Tags-Adventisten, Hessisch-West-
Population: About 4,500,000; churches, falische Vereinigung e.V.
33 ; members, 2,425.
Office Address: Hoheweide 51, (24a) President, R. Dettmar.
Hamburg 30, British Zone, Germany.
(Telephone, 55 64 90.) Secretary, E. Detlefsen.
Treaurer, E. Christoffers.
Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben- Assistant Treasurer, Miss M. Naw-
ten-Tags-Adventisten, Hansa-Vereini- rotzki.
gung e. V. Auditor, Treasurer of the West Ger-
man Union.
Officers: Executive Committee: R. Dettmar, A.
President, W. John. Bente, A. Bremer, E. Detlefsen, B.
Secretary, G. Suckert. Schenk.
Treasurer, P. Jaschke.
Auditor, Treasurer of the West Ger- Departmental Secretary:
man Union. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y.P.M.V., E. Detlefsen.
Executive Committee: W. John, G.
Elf, P. Jaschke, A. Kulow, F. Rick- Ordained Ministers:
ers, C. Schwiderowitz,G. Suckert. T. Bottcher, A. Bremer, H. Claus, E.
Departmental Secretaries: Detlefsen, R. Dettmar, F. Dzik, K.
Keller, F. Recker, R. Reider, F.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Rischmuller, W. Rohde, E. Schubert,
Y.P.M.V., G. Suckert. F. Sutor, A. v. Wallenstern, H. Wehr-
Welfare, Miss E. John. mann, H. Wille.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
A. Arnhold, J. Bohlmann, D. Brink- F. Brockmann, E. Christoffers, H.
mann, A. Eglit, K. Hilweg, W. John, Waldeck.
E. Kaufmann, R. Klinger, G. Korten-
horn, C. Rieckmann, Rudolf Schroder, Licensed Missionaries:
G. Suckert, Hans Teichmann, W. A. Schuchel, A. Promba.
Honorary: F. Gotting.
Licensed Ministers:
F. Binnebossel, J. Burger, 0. Lutz,
Organized 1902
W. Nelhs, E. Tilgner, G. Ottschoffsky, Territory: Land Rhineland and the old
P. Wuttke. Province Rhineland without Saarland
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. E. Prieser. and the districts Kreuznach, Meisen-
heim, St. Wendel-Baumholder, Trier
city, and rural Merzig-Wadern Saar-
burg. From the Land Great Hessia the
Underlahn district and the district
HESSIA-WESTPHALIAN Gaarshausen, Niederlahnstein, Ober-
CONFERENCE Iahnstein, Braubach.
Organized 1898 as West German Population: 7,500,000; churches, 54;
Conference members, 3,018.
Office Address: Diepensiepen 16, (22a)
Territory: Land Westphalia, from the Mettmann/Rheinland, British Zone,
Land Great Hessia the adminis- Germany. (Telephone, Mettmann 208.)
trative district Kassel with the dis-
tricts Eschwege, Frankenberg, Fritz- Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben-
lar, Hersfeld, Hofgeismar, Homberg, ten-Tags-Adventisten, Rheinische Ve-
Kassel city and rural, Nelsungen, Ro- reinigung e. V.
tenburg, Witzenhausen, Wolfhagen,
Ziegenhain, Hunfeld, the Eder, the Officers:
Eisenberg, the Twiste, Schaumburg ; President, W. Peters.
from the administrative district Osne- Secretary, R. Brager.
bruck (province of Hanover), the dis- Treasurer, A. Pohl.
tricts: Osnabruck city and rural, Auditor, the Treasurer of the West
Wittlage, Melle, and Marg.. German Union,

Executive Committee: W. Peters, 0. Marienhohe Missionary Seminary, (16)

Adolph, H. Eickermann, A. Pohl, F. Marienhohe b. Darmstadt, Ameri-
Ruger, W. Berthold, F. Ernst. can Zone, Germany.
Neandertal Missionary Seminary,
Departmental Secretary: Diepensiepen 16, (22a) Mettmann/
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Rheinland, British Zone, Germany.
Y.P.M.V., R. Brager.
Food Factory:
Ordained Ministers: German Health Food Factory (De-
W. Berthold, R. Brager, Hugo Detlef- Vau-Ge Gesundkostwerk G. m. b.
sen, Rudolf Eichwald, B. Engel, F. H.), Campestrasse 18, Hamburg 24,
Ernst, E. Jager, G. Ludwig, H. Oster- British Zone, Germany.
burg, W. Peters, A. Pioch, R. Rittau, Medical:
H. Schor, H. Schulte, R. Stein, E.
Wenzel, 0. Westerrnann. Bad Aibling Sanitarium, (13b) Bad
Aibling, Kurhotel Wittelsbach,
Licensed Ministers: Oberbayern, American Zone, Ger-
A. Henneberg, H. Kachel, R. Linker.
Krankenhaus "Waldfriede," Fischer-
Licensed Missionaries: hutten Strasse 99-109, (1) Berlin-
Zehlendorf, American Zone, Ger-
Miss M. Diekmann, Miss M. Ruckert, many.
K. Tiefenthal.
Hamburg Publishing House, "Advent
INSTITUTIONS IN THE CENTRAL Verlag G. m. b. H." and "Vollmer
and Bentlin G. m. b. H." Grindel-
EUROPEAN DIVISION berg 15a, (24a) Hamburg 13, Brit-
ish Zone, Germany.
Munich Publishing House, "Der
Friedensau Missionary Seminary, Botschafter," Verlags G.m.b.H.,
Friedensau bei Burg (19b), Post Linienstr. 1011A, (13b) Munchen-
Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Russian Deisenhofen, American Zone, Ger-
Zone, Germany. many.
Organized 1931

Territory: China .and its possessions, Purchasing Agent: J. McCartney.

together with Hong Kong and Macao;
all of which are comprised in the Building Committee:
Central China, East China, North R. H. Adair, Chairman ; G. J. Appel,
China, Northeast China, Northwest W. H. Branson, Fred Landis, S. J.
China, South China, West China Lee, E. L. Longway, Stanley Sar-
Union Missions, and the Southwest geant, James Wang, Wilton H. Wood.
China Mission.
Radio Commission:
Population: 465,370,040 ; churches, 290.
(companies in addition to churches, W. H. Branson, Chairman ; David Lin,
255) ; members, 20,900. Secretary; R. H. Adair, G. J. Appel.
N. F. Brewer, F. W. Detamore, R. C.
Division Headquarters: Hill, Hsu Hwa, Milton Lee, S. J. Lee,
526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai 19, Herbert Liu, E. L. Longway, C. I.
China. (Telephone, 50104.) Meng, P. E. Quimby, James Wang,
Wilton H. Wood.
Temporary Address: 2 Duke Road,
Kowloon, Hong Kong. Ordained Ministers:
Cable Address: "Adventist," Shanghai. R. H. Adair, G. J. Appel, W. H. Bran-
Codes used: Western Union 5 letter son, N. F. Brewer, Chen Ming, Z. H.
edition ; A.B.C. fifth edition. Coberly, F. W. Detamore, Djan Tieh
Nung, Dwan Yung Chien, J. H.
Officers: Effenberg, A. Fossey, T. S. Geraty,
President, W. H. Branson. Giang Tsung Gwang, C. B. Guild, P.
Secretary, N. F. Brewer. T. Ho, K. T. Khng, Milton Lee, S. J.
Treasurer and Auditor, R. H. Adair. Lee, David Lin, S. H. Lindt, Herbert
Associate Treasurer, S. J. Lee. Liu, E. L. Longway, Henry Meissner,
Associate Auditor, W. I. Hilliard. C. I. Meng, John Oss, P. E. Quimby,
Assistant Auditor, Y. C. Hsu. H. C. Shen, Su Hsing, Tan Hsin Hsu,
Executive Committee: W. H. Branson, James Wang, W. C. Williams.
R. H. Adair, G. J. Appel, N. F.
Brewer, L. H. Butka, C. H. Davis, Credentialed Missionaries:
F. W. Detamore, T. S. Geraty, Goh L. H. Butka, W. G. Dick, Benjamin
Giao Oh, C. B. Guild, R. C. Hill, W. Gia, M. N. Hempel, R. C. Hill, W. I.
A. Hilliard, W. I. Hilliard, Hsu Hwa, Hilliard, Y. C. Hsu, F. A. Landis,
E. H. James, Fred Landis, Milton Lee, Rachel Landrum, Lee Su Liang, E.
S. J. Lee, David Lin, Herbert Liu, R. Lonser, Clarence Miller, Mi Teh
E. L. Longway, C. I. Meng, C. B. Fen, Bessie Mount, V. S. Mountain,
Miller, Clarence Miller, Chen Ming, Pauline Neal, A. J. Patt, Stanley Sar-
Bessie Mount, John Oss, P. E. Quimby, geant, J. A. Scharffenberg, Hazel B.
Stanley Sargeant, H. H. Tan, F. Y. Sevrens, Shan Ying Ming, Thora
Wang, Wang Ging Yang, James Thomsen, Luke Tsai, Wang Sien
Wang, M. C. Warren, Wilton H. Tung, Wang Sung Tao, Wu Hsiao
Wood, and Assistant Union Presi- Djen, Yang Tsung Pei.
Licensed Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries: A. R. Boynton, Chen Wen Yu, Chen
Educational, P. E. Quimby. Y. Fu, Kwang Sung Yao, H. H.
Home Missionary, G. J. Appel. Morse, K. B. Perry. Albert Schimke,
Medical, Herbert C. Liu. Tsao Chun Kai, E. A. Wagner, C. E.
Ministerial, C. I. Meng ; Associates, Winter, Wilton H. Wood.
W. H. Branson, Milton Lee. Licensed Missionaries:
Publishing, E. L. Longway; Asso-
ciate, H. H. Tan. John Anderson, Mrs. John Anderson,
Radio Commission, David Lin ; Bible Mrs. G. J. Appel, Marie Baart, Mrs.
Correspondence School, C. B. Guild. A. R. Boynton, Mrs. W. H. Branson,
Sabbath School, Chen Ming; Asso- Mrs. N. F. Brewer, Mrs. L. H. Butka,
ciate, Bessie Mount. Chang Peh An, Chang Tsui Yu, Che
Y.P.M.V., James Wang (on leave) ; Hsiu Djen, Chen Bu Ying, Chen
P. E. Quimby, acting. Ching Ho, Marian Chen, Chester
Chi, Chia Ming Hsien, Chin Chang
Transportation Agents: Ching, Chow Hsin Chui, Dr. Chu,
R. H. Adair, Chairman ; J. P. Ander- Chu Hui Chu, Chu Mei Ying, Chun
son, Clarence Miller, and the union Tsun Dao, Chung Hsin Fang, Mrs. Z.
mission treasurers. H. Coberly, Harold Cole, Mrs. Harold

Cole, Mrs. F. W. Detamore, Mrs. W. Neal, Mrs. John Oss, Mrs. A. J. Patt,
G. Dick, D. Djo, Ding Ai Fang, Du Mrs. P. E. Quimby, Mrs. Stanley Sar-
Chin Feng, J. Dzo, Mrs. J. H. Effen- geant
berg, Karl Fischer, Mrs. Karl Fischer, Mrs. J.A. Scharffenberg, Mrs. Albert
Fong Chao Ying, Mrs. T. S. Geraty, Schimke, Shen Bing Ran, Mrs. Shen
Gian Wen Chuen, Annie Gifford, Goh Bing Ran, Shen Chen Tung, Mrs. Shen
Lien Hsiu, Goh Mei Chu, Gung Yu Hsu Cheng, Shen Tzi Dah, Shen
Hwa, Mrs. M. N. Hempel, Mrs. R. C. Yih Hsien, H. H. Slough, Mrs. H. H.
Hill, Mrs. W. I. Hilliard, Charles Slough, Ella Mae Stoneburner, Mrs.
Holford, Mrs. Charles Holford, Ho Su Hsiang, D. Tong, Mrs. Tsao Chun
Tsun Hsien, Hsiao Deh Yen, Hsu Kai, Geneva Tseng, Mrs. E. A. Wag-
Deh, Mrs. Hwang Ru Yu. ner, Wang Bing, Mrs. James Wang,
Ku Chang Seng, Mrs. F. A. Landis, Wang Kuei Teh, Wang Tsu Tan, Wei
Mrs. Lee Guo Ying, Grace Lee, Lu Tuan, Mrs. W. C. Williams, Mrs.
Mrs. Milton Lee, Liao Chu Seng, C. E. Winter, Dr. B. Woo, Mrs. Wil-
Frank Lin, Lois Lin, Lin Shi Kwang, ton H. Wood, Wu Chih Chow, Mrs. Wu
Ling Swey Djen, Liu Hung Yuen, Chih Chow, Wu Fang Chung, Wu Gia
Mrs. Liu Shiao Chuang, Liu Wei Hsiang, Wuo Kuo Ching, David Yang,
Deh, Mrs. E. L. Longway, Mrs. E. R. Yeh En Tse, Olivia Yeh, Yen Bao
Lonser, J. McCartney, Mrs. J. Mc- Liang, Yen Shu Bing, T. F. Yuen.
Cartney, Meng Hsien Ming, Mrs. Legal Association: "General Confer-
Henry Meissner, Mrs. Clarence Mil- ence Corporation of Seventh-day Ad-
ler, Mrs. V. S. Mountain, Donald ventists," R. H. Adair, Attorney-in-
Nash, Mrs. Donald Nash, Mrs. Frances fact.


Organized 1919

Territory: The Provinces of Honan, Credentialed Missionaries:

Hunan, Hupeh, and Kiangsi. Gertrude Green, Edith Johnson, S. Y.
Population: 103,945,622 ; churches, .28 ; Tsao.
companies, 44 ; members, 2,853. Licensed Ministers:
Telegraphic Address: "Adventists," H. S. Chiao, Alwyn Davis, C. Y. Feng,
Hankow, China. Paul Lee, Mao Yung Hsing, A. F.
Office Address: S.D.A. Mission, 17 Li Tai.
Hwang Pei Road, Hankow 7, Hupeh, Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. A. R. Appel, Carlyn Chen, Mrs.
Officers: Martha Lo Chiao, Cho Chu Ku, Mrs.
President, M. C. Warren. Alwyn Davis, Djang Gia Huei, Mrs.
Assistant President, T. R. Shen. 0. G. Erich, Fan Lung Cho, Mrs.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, 0. B. F. Gregory, James Lee, Mrs.
G. Erich. Lee Ming Ib. Mrs. Paul Lee, Li
Executive Committee: M. C. Warren, Hsu Feng, Liu Yung Chang, Ma
A. R. Appel, H. S. Chiao, N. 0. Dahl- Tung Li, Helen Tai, Tsang Yu Hsuan,
sten, D. H. Djang, Djao Kwang Shen, C. C. Tseng, Richard Ubbink, Mrs.
0. G. Erich, B. F. Gregory, Ko Chen Joyce Joy Ubbink, Wang Wen Hsing,
lh, Paul Lee, D. G. Liu, T. R. Shen, Mrs. M. C. Warren.
A. F. Tai, Wang Deh Chih, Wang Credentialed Bible Instructor: Abbie
Ging Bo, Wang Ya Kang, Medical Dunn.
Superintendent of Yencheng Sanita-
rium, and Principal, Union Academy.
Departmental Secretaries: HONAN MISSION
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Wang Organized 1917
Ging Bo.
Home Missionary and Publishing, H. Territory: The Province of Honan ; also
S. Chiao. Tungming Hsien and Chang-yan-hsien
Medical, B. F. Gregory. of Hopei, and Tsao-hsien of Shantung.
Sabbath School and Religious Liberty,
Shen Tien Ran. Population: 34,289,848; churches, 14;
Voice of Prophecy, M. C. Warren. companies, 22 ; members, 1,922.
Ordained Ministers: Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis-
sion," Yencheng, Honan.
0. G. Erich, B. F. Gregory, D. G. Liu,
T. R. Shen, Wang Ging Bo, M. C. Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission, Low-
Warren. anho, Yencheng, Honan, China.

Officers: Licensed Ministers:

President, N. 0. Dahlsten. Djang Hsiu Deh, Li Deng Ren, Liang
Secretary-Treasurer, Shui Sen, Tsei Kuo Hsiang.
General Secretary, Y. S. Mao. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. Li Ming lb.
Executive Committee: N. 0. Dahl- Church School Teachers: 4.
sten, H. W. Fan, Y. F. Fan, D. B.
Liu, H. M. Liu, T. L. Ma, Y. S.
Mao, H. Y. Tsao.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y. Organized 1909
P.M.V., Liu Hsio Ming. Territory: The Province of Hupeh.
Home Missionary and Religious
Liberty, Mao Yung Hsin. Population: 25,541,636; churches, 4;
Medical, H. Y. Tsao (Acting). companies, 7 ; members, 390.
Publishing, Mao Yung Hsin. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Han-
Ordained Ministers: kow.
N. 0. Dahlsten, Liu Djen Bang, Peng Address: 1365 Chung Shan Dah Dao,
Hsien Djung, Tang Hsin Loh. Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Credentialed Missionaries: Officers:
Fang Yung Fu, Gia Wen Deh, Han President, T. R. Shen.
Yu Wen. Secretary-Treasurer, James Lee.
Licensed Ministers: Executive Committee: T. R. Shen,
Djang Ching An, Djang Hsuen, Djang Djang Dji Dzan, Ho Hsu Hsuen, Hsu
Huo Djen, Li Chang Hwa, H. M. Liu, Sing Tang, Ih Ping, Kung Dan Chu,
Mao Yung Hsing, Sze Hsien Ting, James Lee, Y. K. Wang.
Tang Hsin Ho. Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Missionaries: Educational and Y.P.M.V, Y. K.
Mrs. N. 0. Dahlsten, Li Hsu Feng, Wang.
Liu Shih Tang, Liu Yung Chang, Ma Evangelistic, Y. K. Wang.
Tung Li. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Kung Dan Chu.
Church School Teachers: 27. Publishing, Ho Hsu Hsuen.
Religious Liberty, T. R. Shen.
Ordained Ministers:
HUNAN MISSION Fan Chih Hsiang, Ho Hsu Hsuen,
Organized 1917 Hsu Hsing Tang, Y. K. Wang.
Territory: The Province of Hunan.. Licensed Ministers:
Djang Dji Dzan, Ih Ping, Tsuei Dzen
Population: 28,293,735; churches, 4; Fang.
companies, 12; members, 290.
Licensed Missionaries:
Telegraphic Address: "Adventists,"
Changsha, Hunan. Chu Nih Djuang, Hsu Hung En, Mrs.
Hu Ging Young, James Lee, Mrs. Lee
Address: S.D.A. Mission, 44 Fu Tzen Ming Deh, Liu Ping Chuen.
Street, Changsha, Hunan, China.
Church School Teachers:
Chiao Lo Deh, Djang Hsing Chu,
President, Djang Tien En, Hsu Yen Ching, Rei
Acting President, D. G. Liu. Shio Ming, Sze Shu Yin, Wu Ging
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Li Ming Ih. Mei.
Executive Committee: D. G. Liu, Hi
Si Kwei, Li Deng Ren, Li Gwang
Ren, Mrs. Li Ming Ih, Liang Shui KIANGSI MISSION
Sen, D. D. Wang.
Organized 1917
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Y.P.M.V. and Sabbath Territory: The Province of Kiangsi.
School, Liang Shui Sen.
Publishing and Home Missionary, Li Population: 15,820,403 ; churches, 6;
Deng Ren. companies, 3 ; members, 251.
Religious Liberty, D. G. Liu. Telegraphic Address: "Adventists,"
Ordained Ministers: Kiangsi.
Y. S. Hwang, Li Gwang Ren, Wang Address: S.D.A. Mission, Kiangsi,
Deh Dzi. China.

Officers: Publishing and Home Missionary, C.

Y. Ko.
President, A. R. Appel. Religious Liberty, D. H. Djang.
Assistant President and Evangelist,
D. H. Djang. Ordained Ministers: A. R. Appel, W.
Secretary-Treasurer, Y. S. Leng. H. Wang.
Executive Committee : A. R. Appel, Licensed Ministers:
H. Djang, D. W. Giang, C. Y. Ko, L. G. Hsu, C. Y. Ko, Y. S. Leng, C.
Y. S. Leng, W. H. Wang. C. Lo, C. Y. Lo, L. Peng, H. H. Shen.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Sabbath S. H. Dun, S. C. Lo, H. T. Wang.
School, D. W. Giang. Church School Teachers: 4.


Organized 1909; reorganized 1919

Territory: The Anhwei, Kiangsu and Population: 21,976,920; churches, 6;

Chekiang Provinces. companies, 18 ; members, 908.
Population : 76,831,536 ; churches, 96 ;
companies, 79 ; members, 4,736. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Nan-
Telegraphic Address: "Mizpah," Shang-
hai. Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission, 20 Goh
Office Address: 105 Chang Shu Road, Low Meng, Nanking, China.
Shanghai, China. (Telephone, 71,107.) Officers:
President, J. Harold Shultz.
President, C. B. Miller. Secretary-Treasurer, Keng Kun Lin.
Assistant President, Wu Ming Seng.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, W. Executive Committee: J. Harold
Ismond. Schultz, Chang Lan Ching, Chiao
Executive Committee: C. B. Miller, Hung Teh, Kun Lin Keng, Lei Hsien
Dih Tse Djen, R. H. Dinsbier, Du Shu Kwang, Pan Shui Ru, Su Chi Kang.
Ren, Hsu Hwa, W. Ismond, Keng Kun Departmental Secretaries:
Ling, Lee Keh Ying, Lee Kwang
Cheng, Liu Fu An, J. Harold Schultz, Educational and Y.P.M.V., Chiao
Ernest Tsai, Wang Tsai Ching, Helen Hung Teh.
Woo, Wu Ming Seng, Yen Shih Meng. Home Missionary, Su Chi Kang.
Departmental Secretaries: Publishing, Chang Lan Ching,
Sabbath School, Su Chi Kang.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Dih Tse
Djen. Ordained Ministers:
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
S. M. Yen. Keng Kun Lin, Lei Hsien Kwang, Pan
Medical, Herbert Liu. Shui Ru, J. Harold Shultz, Swen
Ministerial Association, C. B. Miller, Tsung Kwang.
R. H. Clausen.
Publishing, Du Shu Ren, Licensed Ministers:
Ordained Ministers: Bai Wen Min, Chang Lan Ching,
R. H. Clausen, Du Shu Ren, S. L. Chao Chi Shien, Chu Chien P'an,
Frost, C. B. Miller, Yen Shih Ming. Ku Chao Chiao, Meng Ching Chih,
Meng Chu Ih, Wang Feng Ying, Wu
Licensed Ministers: Fang Pei.
W. Ismond, Lee Kwang Chen.
Licensed. Missionaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. R. H. Clausen, Mrs. W. Ismond, Chang Shih Mu, Fang Chun Min,
Mrs. C. B. Miller. Hsiao Shih Mu, Hsu Shih Teh, Lei
Hsing Yah, Lien Yu Ching, Liu
Hsiu Sheng, Pan Chi Shan, Mrs. J.
ANHWEI MISSION Harold Schultz, Wang Hwa Hsien,
Wu Pei Ling.
Organized 1910
Territory: The Province of Anhwei, Church School Teachers:
and Nanking district of Kiangsu Chang Hsi Ling, Chen Kuei Fang,
Province. Tung Pen Hui, Wang Ching Chih.

KIANGSU MISSION Yang, Ling Seng Yung, Liu Tse

Sing, Luh Su Tseng, Swen Lee Keh
Organized 1913 Chen, Teng Wen Dji, Wang Ih Fee,
Territory: The southern portion of Wu Fong Gei, Wu Yu Ling.
Kiangsu Province, and the northern
portion of Chekiang Province.
Population: 30,456,610; churches, 39;
companies, 10 ; members, 2,380. Organized 1931
Telegraphic Address: "Mizpah," Shang- Territory: The Northern two thirds of
hai. the Kiangsu Province, except the
Nanking District.
Office Address: Court 1207 Yu-Yuen
Road, Shanghai 27, China. (Telephone, Population: 16,781,489 ; churches, 16 ;
21311.) companies, 25 ; members, 400.
Officers: Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Hsu-
President, Wu Ming Seng. chow.
Secretary-Treasurer, Helen Woo. Postal Address: Hsuchow, Kiangsu,
Executive Committee: Wu Ming Seng, China.
Chow Kang Ling, Y. Y. Fu, Ku Kang Officers:
Wei Ho, Ning Lai Tong, Swen
Ching Fu, Wang Hung Yu, T. C. President, Liu Fu An.
Wang, Helen Woo. Secretary-Treasurer, Lee Kwang
Departmental Secretaries: Executive Committee: Liu Fu An,
Book and Bible House, Helen 'Woo. Chow Chieh Fan, Lee Ke Ying, Lee
Educational and Y.P.M.V., T. C. Kwang Chen, Wang Young Yeh.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Departmental Secretaries:
T. C. Wang. Educational and Y.P.M.V., Lee Kwang
Publishing, Ning Lai Tong. Chen.
Women's Work, Miss H. Dju. Home Missionary, Wang Yung Yeh.
Ordained Ministers: Publishing,
Sabbath School, Wang Yung Yeh.
Chow Kang Ling, Fu Yu Ying, Liu
Hsiao Tien, Wang Lu San, Wu Ming Ordained Minister: Liu Fu An.
Seng, Wu Tien En. Licensed Ministers:
Credentialed Missionary: Helen Woo. Chen Ching Nei, Chen Yu Tseng, Lee
Licensed Ministers: Keh Ying, Lee Kwang Chen, Wang
Yung Yeh.
Chen Bei Seng, Chen Ih Noh, Djen
Ru Bing, Fang Kwei Ching, Fong Licensed Missionaries:
Ping, Han Liang Seng, Miss Chu Chang Tai Tai, Chow Shuh Djen, Chu
Hsien, Ku Kang Wei Ho, Sung Siang Ching Lai, Ding Chang Yuan, Fan
Ming, Swen Ching Fu, Wang Tsai Tai Tai, Fong Hung Fu, Kou Chang
Ching, Wei Yung Tseng, Yeh Tung Hwa, Hu Liu Djen, Lee Chen Hsi
Hsin. Ling, Liang Nai Nai, Liu Chwang
Licensed Missionaries: Huen, Ma Tung Nien, Meng En
Chang Bei Lai, Chang Ming Deh,
Chang Ren Shuh, Chang Sing Tseng,
Chen Bei Seng, Chui Kwang Ih, Chow SOUTH CHEKIANG MISSION
Chang Sze Tseng, Chu Heien, Chu
Tsung Tsin Nei, Fee Wei Fong, Feng Organized 1919
Yeh Kwa, Fong Yai Ching, Mrs. S. L.
Frost, Hsu Yung Ching, Kao A. Territory: The Prefectures of Wenchow,
Linh, Kao Pei Ling, Kiang Yu Fa, Chuchow, and Taichow, in the Che-
Ku Kang Wei Ho, Lee Ren Yu, Ling kiang Province.
Chao Chow, Long Chio Mei, Ning Population: 7,616,517 ; churches, 35 ;
Lai Tong, Shen Wen Huen, Tien members, 1,048.
Yuen Siang, Tsia Soy Ling, Tsiu
Chiao Ling, Wang Hung Yu: Wei Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Wen-
Yung Tseng, Wu Hong Deh, Yang chow.
Tse Chen, Yu Tsung Yai, Zing Chien Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission, Wen-
Chen. chow, Chekiang, China.
Church School Teachers: Officers:
Chen A. Chu, Chen Ih Ping, Chow President, R. H. Dinsbier.
Hwei Ying, Dih Lee Ying, Kee Chao Secretary-Treasurer, Ernest Tsai.

Executive Committee: R. H. Dinsbier, Kao Fu, Wu Shan, Yang Fu Shih,

Chen Fei, Chen Wen Sze, Y. S. Chen, Yang I Fu.
Chu Teh Ming, Mei Chieh Chung,
Ernest Tsai, Wang Kwang Hwei, Wu Licensed Missionaries:
Hsiao Tung. Chang Chung Cheng, Chang Shan
Kwang, Chao Han Chou, Chao Yu
Departmental Secretaries: Kwei, Chen Chi Shun, Chen Hsin
Sheng, Chen Kuo Chang, Chen Lien
Educational, Y. S. Chen. Fang, Chen Tung Chien, Chen Yi
Home Missionary, Chu Teh Ming. Djen, Cheng Li Chiao, Chiang Hsing
Publishing, Ho Ching Lung. Hwa, Chou Shih Tso, Mrs. R. H. Dins-
Sabbath School, Chen Wen Sze. bier, Li Teh Kwei, Pan Lo Tseng, Pan
Y.P.M.V., Chen Fei. Yun Ren, Wang Cheng Hsien, Yi
Hou Chee.
Ordained Ministers:
Training Institute Teachers:
Chen Wen Sze, Y. S. Chen, Chu Teh
Ming, R. H. Dinsbier. Chen Yo Han, Chen Yo Se, Y. S.
Chen, Chu Wen, Mrs. R. H. Dinsbier,
Licensed Ministers: Ho Ching Lung.
Chen Fei, Chou Chi Hsun, Mei Church School Teachers:
Chieh Chung, Ernest Tsai, Wang Chen Yung Chu, Chou Feng Yu, Wen
Kwang Hwei, Wu Hsiao Tung, Wu Ping.


Organized 1919

Territory: The Provinces of Chahar, Licensed Ministers:

Hopei, Shansi, Shantung, and that M. Maltsev, K. B. Perry.
portion of Suiyuan Province lying
north of 40 degrees North Latitude, Licensed Missionaries:
and Mongolia. Mrs. C. S. Cooper, Mrs. E. H. James,
Population: 83,972,076 ; churches, 17 Mrs. K. D. Karallashvilly, Keng
companies, 10 ; members, 2,710. Yung Ling, Li Dzi Wen, Mrs. R. W.
McMullen, Mrs. K. B. Perry, Mrs.
Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Pei- A. W. Robinson.
ping, China. (Telephone, 5-2841.)
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta
Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, China. HOPEI MISSION
Officers: Organized 1918
President, E. H. James. Territory: The Province of Hopei.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, K. Population: 28,644,437 ; churches, 7;
B. Perry. companies, 2; members, 827.
Executive Committee: E. H. James,
Chang Po Ching, C. S. Cooper, A. V. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Pei-
Dick, Han Rei Chang, Liao Hwa, R. ping.
W. McMullen, K. B. Perry, Shan Address: S. D. A. Mission, 11 Pei Yueh
Lo Tien, Sung Djuin Ming, Wang Dji Ya Hutung, Peiping, China.
Departmental Secretaries: Officers:
Educational, E. H. James. President, A. V. Dick.
Medical, R. W. McMullen. Secretary-Treasurer, Djou HsM Min.
Ministerial, C. S. Cooper. Executive Committee: A. V. Dick,
Publishing and Home Missionary, Djou Hain Min, Keng Fu Kwang,
Sung Djuin Ming. Li Gi Feng, Meng Wan Shu, Wang
Religious Liberty, E. H. James. Ya Ju.
Sabbath School, Liao Hwa.
Departmental Secretaries:
Ordained Ministers: Book and Bible House, Feng Ru Ih.
C. S. Cooper, E. H. James, K. D. Educational, Meng Wan Shu.
Karallashvilly. Home Missionary and Publishing,
Wang Ya Ju.
Credentialed Missionaries: Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., Meng
R. W. McMullen, A. W. Robinson. Wan Shu.

Ordained Ministers: Address: S. D. A. Mission, 36 Fu Hsi

A. V. Dick, Keng Fu Kwang, Meng Chieh, Tai-Yuan, Shansi, China.
Wan Shu, Pai Tze Heng. Officers:
Licensed Ministers: President, Chang Po Ching.
Fan Feng Tien, Wang Ya Ju, Wang Secretary-Treasurer, Li Dzi Wen.
Wei Djoh. Executive Committee, Chang Po
Ching, Chang Wen Hsuan, Chang
Licensed Missionaries: Yien Chai, Djang Djou, Li Dzi Wen,
Chiu Chen Hwa, Mrs. A. V. Dick, Tuan Te Chun.
Djou Hsin Min, Feng Ru Ih, Ma
Feng Ku, Tien Wei Chen. Departmental Secretaries:
Teachers: Book and Periodical House, Li Dzi
Chang Chuan Chen, Chang Tsun Wu, Educational, Chang Po Ching.
Li Yueh Ching, Liu Pen Shan. Home Missionary and Publishing,
Djang Djou.
SAI-PEI MISSION Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., Djang
Yen Dzai.
Reorganized 1939 Ordained Minister: Chang Po Ching.
Territory: Provinces of Chahar and Licensed Ministers:
Suiyuan, except that portion of Sui- Chang Wen Hsuan, Djang Djou,
yuan south of latitude 40 0, also in- Djang Yen Dzai, Tuan Deh Djuin.
cluding that portion of Shansi north
' of the Great Wall; and all of Mon- Licensed Missionaries:
golia. An Si Hsueh, Chang Ching Liang,
Population: 6,697,319 ; churches, 3 ; Chang Fu En, Hao Chung Hsiao,
members, 210. Li Fu Tien, Li Tze Wen, Shih Feng
Wei, Tuan Te Chun.
Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Kal-
gan, China.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan,
Chahar, China. Organized 1917
Officers: Territory: The Province of Shantung.
President, Shan Lo Tien. Population: 38,029,294; churches, 2;
Secretary-Treasurer, Li Wen Yuan. companies, 2 ; members, 574.
Executive Committee: Shan Lo Tien, Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Tsi-
Djao Fu Tung, Hsu Yao Tang, Li Wen nan.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, 185 Wei I
Departmental Secretaries: Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China.
Educational, Shan Lo Tien. Officers:
Publishing and Home Missionary,
Djao Fu Tung. President, Wang Dzi Yuan.
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Secretary-Treasurer, Djao Hsiu Chia.
Executive Committee: Wang Dzi
Ordained Ministers: Yuan, Chen Fu Ping, Djao Hsiu
Shan Lo Tien, Wang Deh Djuin. Chai, Fan Gwoh Dung, Shen Dzi
Licensed Missionaries: Ming.
Chang Chu-Ying, Djao Fu Tung, Hsu Departmental Secretaries:
Yao-Tang, Kao Fu-Tang, Li Hwan- Book and Periodical House, Djao
Ming, Li Wen Yuan. Hsiu Chia.
Educational, Shen Dzi Ming.
Teachers: Home Missionary and Publishing,
Chiang Wei Djeh, Wu Pei Ying, Wu Hsia Djen Kang.
Ya Min. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., Chen
Su Ping.
SHANSI MISSION Ordained Ministers:
Organized 1928 Fan Kuo Dung, P. E. Pflaumer,
Wang Dzi Yuan.
Territory: The Province of Shansi, Licensed Minister: Shen Dzi Ming.
south of the Great Wall.
Licensed Missionaries:
Population: 10,601,026; churches, 5 ;
companies, 6 ; members, 1,099. Chen Su Ping, Djao Hsiu Chia, Mrs.
P. E. Pflaumer, Shen Hsi Wen, Shen
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Tai- Hsiu Wen, Wang Djuin Ming, Yao
yuanfu. Mei Tang.


Organized 1919

Territory: Manchuria. Executive Committee: G. Y. Wang,

Population: 29,122,110 ; churches, 33; T. V. Hu, T. C. Li.
companies, 19 ; members, 1,661. Licensed Missionaries:
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Muk- Chang Bin Wen, Hu Wei Teh, Lu
den, Manchuria. Tzi Lin, T'ang Tzi Ching.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 341, Mukden,
Office Address: 47 Huanh Shih Ta Chieh, (Formerly South Manchurian Mission)
Mukden 4, Manchuria.
Organized 1913
President, Territory: The Provinces of Liaoning,
Assistant President, Wang Ging Yang. Antung, and Kwangtung-Chow.
Acting Secretary-Treasurer and Audi- Population: 14,414,430; churches, 12;
tor, Kwan Sung Yao. companies, 4 ; members, 572.
Executive Committee: Wang Ging Office Address: 47 Huang Shih Ta Chieh,
Yang, Hsu Tang Ching, Kuan Sung Mukden 4, Manchuria.
Yao, Li Chan Kuei, Li Yao Chung,
Liang Rei Ho, C. L. Lin, Liu Chang Officers:
Li, Tsui Dien Chu.
Acting President, Wang Ging Yang.
Departmental Secretaries: Secretary-Treasurer, Li Yao Chung.
Educational, W. C. Chao. Executive Committee: Wang Ging
Home Missionary, Liang Rei Ho. Yang, Chang Chao Lin, Li Yao
Medical, W. C. Liu. (dung, Liang Rei Ho, Liu Chang Li.
Ministerial and Radio, Wang Ging
Yang. Departmental Secretaries:
Publishing, Liang Rei Ho. Educational,
Sabbath School, Li Yao Chung. Home Missionary, Liang Rei Ho.
Y.P.M.V., D. C. Tsui. Publishing,
Sabbath School, Li Yao Chung.
Ordained Minister: Wang Ging Yang.
Licensed Ministers: Ordained Minister: H. T. Li.
Chang Chao Lin, Kwan Sung Yao, Licensed Ministers:
Liang Rei Ho, C. C. Tsai. S. W. Kuo, C. L. Liu, T. T. Tsao,
Licensed Missionaries: Y. S. Yin.
W. C. Chao, F. Fang, F. U. Ho, T. C. Licensed Missionaries:
Kuan, S. H. Li, T. K. Li, Y. C. Li, Chang Feng Ming, Chang Ying Kuo,
Li Yang Chung, T. C. Tsui. Chi Deh Fu, Hsien Shu, Hsien Shu
Chin, Huang Sung Wen, Kuan Chih
Ching, Y. C. Li, Sung Hsiao Feng,
Tuan Shang Chieh, Tuan Wen Hsi.
(Formerly West Manchurian Mission) Church School Teachers:
Li Shu Yao, Lin Chung Hsin.
Organized 1939
Territory: Provinces of Chin-Chow, Je-
hol, and a part of Liao Pei. LIAO CHI MISSION
Population: 8,766,066 ; churches, 2 ; (Formerly Central Manchuria Mission)
members, 153.
Organized 1918
Office Address: 100 Fu Kang Chieh,
Chin-Chow, Manchuria. Territory: The Province of Kirin,
and part of Liao Pei.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Chin-
Chow. Population: 6,455,353 ; churches, 6 ;
companies, 6 ; members, 270.
President, G. Y. Wang. Office Address: 108 East San Ma Lu,
Treasurer, Li Chan Kuei. Changchun, Manchuria.

Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Departmental Secretaries:

Changchun. Book and Periodical House, M. Kale-
Officers: bugin.
Acting President, T. C. Hsu. Publishing and Home Missionary, V.
Secretary-Treasurer, T. Y. Li. Platonoff.
Executive Committee: T. C. Hsu, T. Sabbath School, Mrs. B. Kasitsin.
Y. Li, R. I. Liu, Y. T. Wang. Y. P. M. V.,
Departmental Secretaries: Ordained Minister: M. Kalabugin.
Home Missionary, T. S. Hsu. Licensed Missionaries:
Publishing, Y. T. Wang. K. Kasitsin, V. Platonoff.
Sabbath School, T. Y. Li.
Licensed Ministers:
R. D. Liu, W. H. Mu, Y. C. Tsui.
(Formerly North Manchurian Mission)
Licensed Missionaries:
Liu Yin Chang, T. F. Pien, Sun Lien Organized 1929
Jung, T'sai lh Chen, Wang Yu Cho. Territory: The Provinces of Sung
Church School Teacher: Sun Han Chi. Kiang, Ho Kiang, Hei Lung Kiang,
and Nen Kiang.
Population: 8,217,327; churches, 12;
Organized 1925 Office Address: Ta-Tung Lu, Dao-Li,
Harbin, Manchuria.
Territory: All Russians in Manchuria. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Har-
Population: 45,000 ; churches, 3 ; mem- bin.
bers, 140. Officers:
Office Address: 9 Tsitsihar St., Ran President, T. C. Hsu.
Kang, Harbin, Manchuria. Secretary-Treasurer, C. K. Li.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Har- Departmental Secretaries:
bin. Educational,
Officers: Home Missionary,
Acting President, M. Kalabugin. Publishing,
Treasurer, M. Kalabugin. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., T. C.
Executive Committee: M. Kalabugin,
B. Kasitsin, V. Platonoff. Ordained Minister: T. C. Hsu.


Organized 1932

Territory: Provinces of Chinghai, Caleb Chu, Chang Dz Chen. Chen

Kansu, Ninghsia, Shelyi, and Sin- Pei Dao, Chia Bing, Chia Tai Hsiang,
kiang, and that portion of Suiyuan Gao Chieh, A. R. Mazat, Peng Hsi
Province south of 400 N. Lat. Hsien, P. H. Shigley.
Population: 26,595,521 ; Churches, 19 ; Departmental Secretaries:
companies, 13 ; members, 1,487. Educational and Y.P.M.V., Chia Tai
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Lan- Hsiang.
chow, Kansu, China. (Telephone 464.) Home Missionary and Ministerial,
Wang Fu Yuen.
Postal Address: Northwest China Un- Medical, Caleb Chu.
ion Mission of S.D.A., 337 Chung Publishing, Peng Hsi Hsien.
Cheng Road, Lanchow, Kansu, China. Radio, Chang Dz Chien.
Religious Liberty, Wang Fu Yuen.
Officers: Sabbath School, P. H. Shigley.
President, Wang Fu Yuen.
Secretary-Treasurer, P. H. Shigley Ordained Ministers:
jfxecutive Committee: Wang Fu Yuen, Chia Tai Hsiang, Wang Fu Yuen.

Credentialed Missionaries: NINGHSIA MISSION

Li Gwang Hsin, Peng Hsi Hsien, Reorganized 1948
P. H. Shigley.
Territory: Ninghsia Province, and that
Licensed Minister: Caleb Chu. portion of Suiyuan Province south of
400 N. Lat., and the thirteen north-
Licensed Missionaries: ernmost counties of Shensi Province.
Chao Ye Yuen, Edward Chu, Rebecca
Chu, Stanley Lee, Lin Shih Yung, Population: 1,542,425 ; churches, 3 ;
Mrs. Esther Shigley, Yuen Shu Ren. members, 93.
Bible Instructor: Helen Wang. Postal Address: Ninghsia Mission of
S.D.A., 1 Ho Ping Jieh, Ninghsia,
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist,"
Organized 1933 Officers:
(Chinghai and Kansu Missions President, Chen Pei Dao.
combined in 1942) Secretary-Treasurer, Yuen Hsu Ren.
Executive Committee: Chen Pei Dao,
Territory: Kansu, Chinghai, and Sin- Liang Kwei San, Li Deh Yuen, Yang
kiang Provinces. Dzung Yun, Yuen Hsu Ren.

Population: 13,450,645 ; churches, 5 ; Departmental Secretaries:

companies, 6 ; members, 301. Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Minis-
terial, Chen Pei Dao.
Postal Address: Kanching Mission of Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
S.D.A., 337 Chung Cheng Road, Yuen Hsu Ren.
Lanchow, Kansu, China. (Telephone Religious Liberty, Liang Kwei San.
Ordained Minister: Chen Pei Dao.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Lan-
chow, China. Licensed Minister: Liang Kwei San.
Officers: Licensed Missionary: Yuen Hsu Ren.
President, Chang Dz Chien. Church School Teacher: Pan Yu Yuen.
Secretary-Treasurer, P. H. Shigley.
Executive Committee: Chang Dz
Chien, Caleb Chu, P. H. Shigley,
Swen Deh Ren, Tan Wei Lun, Wang SHENSI MISSION
Fu Yuen. Organized 1933
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: Shensi Province, except
Educational and y.p.m.V., Swen northernmost thirteen counties.
Deh Ren.
Home Missionary, Publishing, and Population: 11,602,451 ; churches, 11 ;
Sabbath School, Tan Wei Lun. companies, 7 ; members, 1,093.
Radio, Chang Dz Chien. Postal Address: Shensi Mission of
Religious Liberty, S.D.A., Outside West Gate, Sian
Ordained Ministers: Shensi, China. (Telephone, 417.)
Chang Dz Chien, Yu Hsien Sheng. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Sian,
Licensed Ministers:
Cho Wen Bing, Li Yu Ting, Liu Tsung Officers:
Ho, Shen Keh Chang, Swen Deh Ren, President, A. R. Mazat.
Wang Hsi Wu. Secretary-Treasurer, Gao Chieh.
Executive Committee: A. R. Mazat,
Licensed Missionaries: Gao Chieh, Mu Wen Chih, Liu Wei
Swen Yuen Keh, Tan Wei Lun. An, Chia Bing, Yuen Hsu Kwei, Chia
Tai Hsiang, Chang Wen Li.
Bible Instructors:
Mrs. Chang Dz Chien, Mrs. Wu Li Departmental Secretaries:
Wen Hsiu: Educational and Y.P.M.V., Yuen Hsu
Church School Teachers: Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Chao Hsien En, Gao Chieh Hwei Fan. Mu Wen Chih.
Ho Meng Chun, Hsih Keh Yung, Li Ministerial, Gao Chieh.
Wen 111, Wang Ren Ih, Wu Rih Hsin. Publishing, Chang Wen Li.

Ordained Minister: A. 11. Mazat. Bible Instructors:

Licensed Ministers: Liu Ching Chung, Wu Chih Yung.
Cheng Hsi Tien, Gao Chieh, Li Tien Church School Teachers:
Hsi, Liu Wei An, Ma Hsiu Chuen, Mu Chen Li Chih, Chia Tai Fang, Chia
Wen Chih. Tai Ming, Chu Fu Yuen, Jing Ko
Hsien, Liu Chun, Liu E. Deh, Liu
Licensed Missionaries: Hsi Deh, Lou Wan Ling, Wang Di
Li Lai Bao, Mrs. Ruth Mazat. Min, Yang Dz Yu.


Reorganized 1919

Territory: The Provinces of Kwangsi, Yau Hing, H. H. Morse, P. 0. Shiu,

Kwangtung, Fukien ; the Islands of Siu Sing Ng, W. C. So.
Hainan and Formosa, the Colonies of Licensed Missionaries:
Hong Kong and Macao.
Chan Chit Wan, Chan Kit Fong,
Population: 78,400,000 ; churches, 56 ; Chan Kwong Yuk, Chiu Shau King,
companies, 58 ; members, 4,899. Chue Oi Lin, Chueng Ying Ngo, Mrs.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Ad- C. H. Davis, Mrs. C. H. Dougherty,
ventist," Hong Kong. Hung Suk Duan, Ku Dao, Lam Chi
Kwong, Lam Yut Sun, Lei Chiu Ming,
Office Address: 17 Ventris Road, Hong Li Fu Tien, Li Tze Wen, Shih Feng
Kong. Lun, Mok Kwei Ying, Mrs. H. H.
Morse, Ng Kuk Po, Peng Sun Dien, '.
Residence: 40 Stubb's Road, Hong Kong. Mrs. L. E. Reed, Siu Do Djen, Tso
(Telephone, 22871.) Kung Yu, Tso Sui Chi, Wai Fook Tim,
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 310, Hong Woo Man Bind, Woo Man Hing. Mrs.
Kong. F. T. Yap, Yueng Dick Lin, Yeung
Hok Mong.
Officers: Bible Instructor: Mrs. T. Smith.
President, C. H. Davis.
Assistant President, T. C. Chin.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, H. CANTONESE MISSION
H. Morse.
Executive Committee: C. H. Davis, Territory: The Cantonese-speaking por-
J. P. Anderson, C. A. Carter, Che- tion of Kwangtung Province ; Hong
ung Kwok Yan, T. C. Chin, K. H. Kong and Macao.
Hung, T. M. Lei, H. S. Leung, N. T. Population: 11,000,000; churches, 9;
Leung, Ling Boong Suong, H. H. companies, 7 ; members, 1,283.
Morse, Sia Chung Ong, W. C. So, T.
P. Tshi, T. S. Woo, Ging Su Tang. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Can-
Departmental Secretaries: ton.
Educational, C. A. Carter. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tung-
Home Missionary, L. E. Reed, K. H. than, Canton, China.
Hung. Officers:
Medical, W. C. So.
Publishing, K. H. Hung, L. E. Reed. President, J. P. Anderson.
Sabbath School, T. C. Chin. Secretary-Treasurer, Chan Lim Shang.
Y.P.M.V., L. E. Reed. Mission Committee: J. P. Anderson,
Ordained Ministers: Chan Lim Shang, Y. T. Chue, C. W.
Dougherty, Warren I. Hilliard, Ho
C. A. Carter, T. C. Chin, C. H. Davis, Wei Ye, Solomon Lee, H. S. Leung,
H. S. Leung, L. E. Reed. Leung Ping Hang, S. M. Tsoi.
Credentialed Missionaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Cheung Man Shan, C. H. Dougherty, Educational and Y.P.M.V., Ho Wei Ye.
Leung Man Chiu, 0. W. Liu, Mrs. W. Medical, P. H. Leung.
C. So. Publishing, Liu Sai Pui.
Licensed Ministers: Sabbath School, Lei Sai Kwong.
G. C. Cong, K. H. Hung, Lee Ming Do, Ordained Ministers:
Solomon Lee, Lo Hing So, Lo Lai J. P. Anderson, S. C. Ha, Ho Wei Ye,
)Sing, T. T. Lo, H. H. Luke, Luk Paul Hwang, T. M. Lei, S. M. Tsoi.

Licensed Ministers: HAKKA MISSION

L. S. Chan, Chan Wu Shang, Chue Territory: The Hakka-speaking portion
Tin Ming, Chung Wai Po, Warren I. of the Province of Kwangtung.
Hilliard, S. K. Lei, Leung Shun Yat,
Lo Wai On, Lung Ping Hang, Yeung Population: 8.200,000 ; churches, 11 ;
Kin Shek. companies, 5; members, 580.
Licensed Missionaries: Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis-
Chan Ye Ku, Cheung Chan Lun, Mrs. isa," Waichow, Kwangtung.
Chow, Fools Chung Hing, Ha Shau
Shek,Mrs. Warren I. Hilliard, Mrs. Office Address: S.D.A. Mission, Wai-
Ho, Paul Hwang, Kwok Bao Kwong, chow, Kwangtung, China.
Lam Kie, Lei Yau Kiong, Mrs. P. H. Officers:
Leung, Loo Lai Guen, Wang Chak
Lam, Wang Ching Ha, Yik Suk Yin. President, Cheung Kwok Yan.
Secretary-Treasurer, Annie Loo.
FORMOSAN MISSION Mission Committee: Cheung Kwok
Yan, Cheung Fa Min, Annie Loo,
Organized 1948 So Wai Chuen.
Territory: Island of Formosa. Departmental Secretaries:
Population: 6,500,000 ; companies, 2 ; Educational and Y.P.M.V.,
members, 20. Home Missionary,
Medical, So Wai-Chuen.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Tai- Publishing, Lee Tak-Biau.
peh, Formosa. Sabbath School, Cheung Dao Hung.
Office Address: S.D.A. Mission, 36 Nan- Ordained Ministers:
king Road West, Taipeh, Formosa. Cheung Fa Min, Cheung Kwok Yan,
Officers: Lo Tet Tsun.
Acting President, C. H. Davis. Credentialed Missionary: Annie Loo.
Acting Treasurer, H. H. Morse.
District Leader, Ling Boong Suong. Licensed Ministers:
Ordained Ministers: D. H. Cheung, S. T. Cheung, Y. C.
Cheung, M. H. Lee, Y. B. Ng, D. Y.
Li Tien Chieh, Ling Boong Suong. Yeung.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:
Hui Hiong Wing, Yang Tak Hing. Chong Kwok Shui, Chong To Fan,
Chuff Hyuk Cheong, Lau Tsu Ngu, Lee
Tau Fan, Lo Tak Man, Lo Wan Kao,
HAINAN MISSION Wong Kwok Kiu, Wong Tsi
Organized 1935
Territory: Hainan Island and two lower KWANGSI MISSION
counties of the peninsula of Liu-
chow, Kwangtung Province. Territory: The Province of Kwangsi,
and Po' On, Ling Shan and Yam
Population: 4,250,000; churches, 3 ; com- Chow Districts in Kwangtung.
panies, 6; members, 128.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis- Population: 12,250,000 ; churches, 6 ;
sion," Hoihow. companies, 11; members, 337.

Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Hoi- Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis-

how, Hainan Island, China. sion, Nanning, Kwangsi, China.
Officers: Office Address: S.D.A. Mission, Nan-
ning, Kwangsi, China.
Acting President, T. P. Tshi.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. Y. Woo. Officers:
Mission Committee: T. P. Tshi, M. Y. President, T. S. Woo.
Woo, Dang Dao Yin. Secretary-Treasurer, Liu Chuen Yu.
Ordained Minister: T. P. Tshi. Mission Committee: T. S. Woo, Tsik
Tai Keung, Liu Chuen Yu.
Licensed Ministers:
W. K. Tso, M. Y. Woo. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V.,
Licensed Missionaries: Medical, B. W. Lo.
Lam Kwok Wah, Lung Kien Man, So Publishing and Home Missionary, Lee
Kin Yat, So Ts Yin, Tang To Yan, Hung Sung.
Wan Chung Shan, Wong Tak Shan. Sabbath School, Lee Hung Sung.

Ordained Ministers: SOUTH FUKIEN MISSION

Tsik Tai Keung, T. S. Woo. Territory: The southern half of Fukien
Credentialed Missionary: Mrs. B. W. Lo. Province.
Licensed Ministers: Population : 12,000,000 ; churches, 9 ;
companies, 7 ; members, 634.
Lee Hung Sung, R. W. Lo.
Cable Address: "Adventist Mission,"
Licensed Missionaries: Kulangsu, Amoy, China.
Chan Sheu, Cheung Wai Yan, Chiang
Se Yuen, Chiu Chung Lei, Lam Yau Office Address: S.D.A. Mission, Kulang-
Nam, Lei Chak Man, Li Yaet Shing, su, Amoy, China. (Telephone No. 192.)
Liu Chuen Yu, Shiu Lai Wah, So Nei Officers:
Kei, Tang Chung Huen, Wong Chi
Lam, Yang King Shan. President, Ging Su Tang.
Secretary-Treasurer, Albert Lau.
Mission Committee: Ging Su-Tang,
NORTH FUKIEN MISSION Cheung Chung To, Lee Tien Chia, Ko
Territory: The northern portion of the Yu Ming, Albert Lau, Ngo Kong
Province of Fukien. Leong, Mrs. C. T. Tan.
Population: 13,200,000 ; churches, 16 ; Departmental Secretaries:
companies, 5; members, 1,000. Book and Bible House, Albert Lau.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis- Educational and Y.P.M.V., Ang Kim
sion," Foochow, China. Hi.
Home Missionary,
Office Address: S.D.A. Mission, Foo- Sabbath School, Ang Kim Hi.
chow, China. Ordained Ministers:
Officers: B. L. Anderson, Ang Kim Hi, Ging
President, C. H. Davis. Su Tan, C. Y. Hung, T. K. Keh, Lee
Assistant President, Sia Chung Ong. Tien Chie, Su Kwan Chi, C. T. Tan.
Secretary-Treasurer, Lee Yan Yi.
Licensed Minister: K. T. So.
Mission Committee: C. H. Davis,
Chang Shuk Ching, Diong Chiong Mi, Licensed Missionaries:
Lee Yan Yi, Li Kwok Chung, Lim Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Cheung Chung
Ching Ciong, Ling Bou Hi, Ngai To, In Su Hui, Jim Se Kong, C. Y.
Koon Hung, Ngu Go Hua, Sia Chung Khang, Keh Hong Mo, Mrs. Lee, C. Y.
Ong. Lin, L. M. Ngo, C. M. Ren, Mrs. Siu,
Departmental Secretaries: So Kin Hi, E. S. So, B. L. Tan, M.
H. Tan, Y. Tan, T. C. Tan, Tsai Sik
Book and Periodical House and Sab- Bin, Wang Pu Kwong, Mrs. Wei,
bath School, Lee Yan Yi. Yuen Sun Shan.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Sia Chung
Home Missionary, SWATOW MISSION
Publishing, Iek Sing Hu. Territory: The Eastern slope of the
Ordained Ministers: Province of Kwangtung.
Chai Guok Uong, Diong Chiong Mi, Population: 11,000,000 ; churches, 2;
Ging Ko Bing, Sia Chung Ong. companies, 15 ; members, 917.
Licensed Ministers: Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis-
H. T. Cong, Ding Ngie Yung, Iek sion," Swatow, China.
Sing Hu, B. H. Ling, Ling Ging Office Address: S.D.A. Mission, Huei
Djong, Ting Iek Sing, Uong Ong Po, Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung,
Wong Hung Gi. China.
Licensed Missionaries: Officers:
Chang Yit Li, Chen Git Mey, Chen President, Leung Naito.
Sing En, Cheng Ming Chui, Chou Secretary-Treasurer, Cong Ga Ciong.
Shou En, Chou Si Fon, Fong Wen Executive Committee: Leung Naito,
Hok, Khang Yin, Lei Muk Lan, Li Cong Ga Ciong, Heng Seng Teck, T.
Shek Sang, Ling Chui Yin. Ling Ho N. Lo, H. C. Pang, Yao Tien You.
Si, Liu Hook Yin, Tang Shin Ming,
Wang Bing Choi, Wu Fook Liong, Departmental Secretaries:
Yang Ming En, Yeu Siong Chuan. Educational and Y.P.M.V., Tan Bao
Bible Instructors: Siang.
Publishing and Home Missionary,
Mrs. Dang Cie-Ing, Mrs. Ngu Hok
Liong, Mrs, Woi Siong Chang, Sabbath School, Cong Ga Ciong..

Ordained Ministers: Khi-Heung, Kwok Wae-Chu, Lee

Leung Naito, T. N. Lo. Ching-Li, Lin Pan-Tau, Ng Sing-
Siang, Ngai Ying-Yung.
Licensed Ministers:
Cong Ga Ciong, Heng Seng Teck, Li Church School Teachers:
Teng Fong.
Fong Tak Yee, Lee Mao Hui, Lo Su
Licensed Missionaries: Chong, Pang Chok Tao, Te Chin Ming,
Ang Tsu-Chai, Hwang Yung-Yiu, Kho Tsang Hing Hwa, Tsang Sim Ching.


Organized 1919

Territory: The Provinces of Szechwan, Shih Min, Leng Wen Hwa, Li Wei
Sikang, Tibet, and Eastern Kwei- Cheng, Li Yi Ming, Liu Lo Ren, Lo
chow. lh Hui, Lu Ben Hui, Niu Shue Tseng,
Pu Ching Chao, Shen Li Djen, Shu
Population: 73,962,000; churches, 21; Chung Yuan, Swen Djih Den, Tan
members, 774. Han Tseng, Wang Chang Hwa, Wang
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Hui Chan, Wang Hui Djuen, Wang
Chungking. Hui Hwa, Wang Li Hwa Ying, Wang
Tsz Ying, Wang Wei Hwa, Yang
Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission, Da Chi Mung Chi, Yang Mung Hsuen, Yu
Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Ching Yuen, Yu Hwa Feng, Yu Yueh
Fang, Yu Tien Hung.
President, Goh Giao Oh.
Secretary-Treasurer, Alfred Fossey. EAST SZECHWAN MISSION
Executive Committee: Goh Giao Oh, Organized 1919 .
Chiu Chi Shu, H. C. Currie, Djang
Djen Gwoh, Djeng Djao Yung, R. H. Territory: All hsiens east of boundary
Dunn, Alfred Fossey, Goh Chao Liang, formed by and including the follow-
Ho Ai Dun, Hsieh Mo Kuen, Hwang ing: Kwangyuan, Changchih, Si-
Dzi Chiang, Kung Ping San, Leng chung, Pengan, Suining, Neikiang,
Wen Hwa, Li Tien Fu, Shu Chung Lungchang, Kiangtsing, Anyo.
Population: 32,660,000; churches, 9;
Departmental Secretaries: members, 438.
Educational, Djeng Djao Yung. Address: S.D.A. Mission, Da Chi Gou,
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., Chungking, Szechwan, China.
Ministerial Association, Ho Ai Dun.
Publishing, Chiu Chi Shu. Officers:
Religious Liberty, Goh Giao Oh. President, Goh Giao Oh.
Sabbath School, Hwang Dzi Chiang. Secretary-Treasurer, Shu Chung
Ordained Ministers: Yuan.
Mission Committee: Goh Giao Oh,
Chiu Chi Shu, Alfred Fossey, Gob Hwang Dzi Chiang, Kow Shan Lu,
Chao Liang, Goh Giao Oh, Ho Ai Dun. Li Wan Chuen, Liu Dz Shih, Shu
Credentialed Missionaries: Chung Yuan, Yu Djung Liang.
Robert H. Dunn, Muriel Howe. Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Ministers: Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Home
Djeng Djao Yung, H. B. Lee, Lo Missionary, Liu Dz Shih.
Yun Chiao, Wang Heng Yang, Wang Publishing, Yu Djung Liang.
Wen Tien, Wei Su An. Sabbath School, Hwang Dzi Chiang.
Licensed Missionaries: Ordained Ministers:
Bu Pib Chao, Chen Dah Hwa, Chen Hwang Dzi Chiang, Li Wan Chuen,
Hung En, Chen Kwei Chun, Chen Wen Yang Sin Sheng.
Liang, Chow Yung Yao, Chu Shih Ru, Licensed Ministers:
Djao Ming Sho, Djen Djao Kwang, Han Pao Lo, Ho Wen Chieh, Liu Dz
Mrs. Robert H. Dunn, Feng Wang Shih.
Yu Huse, Mrs. Alfred Fossey, Fung
Wen Yih, Irene Grove, Gwo Sho Yuin, Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. Ho Ai Dun, Hsieh Mo Kwen. Hsu Chang Yu Rung, Mrs. Chow Swen
Hung En, Hwang Chung Yuan, Kwan Chin, Dju Show En, Hsin Yi Min,

Kao Shang Lu, Kung Deh Cheng, Li Address: S.D.A. Mission, Kangting
Wei Dji, Shu Chung Yuan, Wu Yu (Tatsienlu), Sikang, China.
Sheng, Yu Djung Liang.
Church School Teachers: Acting President, Kung Ping Shan.
Chou Chi Bing, Ho Ping. Secretary-Treasurer, Leng Wen-Hwa.
Ordained Minister: Kung Ping Shan.
Licensed Minister: Wang Dju-Chiao.
Licensed Missionaries:
Organized 1927 ; reorganized 1928, Chang Kwang Ching, Ko Ming, Mrs.
1945, and 1948 Ko Ming, Mrs. Rung Ping Shan,
Territory: The Province of Kweichow Leng Wen Hwa.
except the following hsiens: Sishui,
Chichsui, Jenhwai, Tating, Kiensi,
Chihkin, Pichieh, Shuicheng, and WEST SZECHWAN MISSION
Weining. Organized 1919
Population: 7,850,000 ; churches, 6 ; Territory: All hsiens west of lines
members, 87. formed by and including the follow-
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Chien Ling ing: Chaohwa, Kienko, Yenting, She-
Road, Kweiyang, Kweichow, China. hnng, Lochih, Tzechung, Fushun,
Ipin (Suifu), except those already al-
Officers: lotted to Kweichow and those to be
President, Wang Djen Gwoh. allotted to Sikang as noted under Ti-
Secretary-Treasurer, Hsieh Mo Kwen. betan Mission.
Mission Committee: Djang Djen Population: 32,062,000; churches, 6;
Gwoh, Chao Djuin Hui, Chen Fung members, 225.
Ling, Chen Wen Kuang, Diang
Hung Bin, Hsieh Mo Kwen. Address: S.D.A. Mission, Chengtu,
Szechwan, China.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Sabbath School, Officers:
Djang Djen Gwoh. President, H. C. Currie.
Home Missionary, Publishing, and Secretary-Treasurer, Li Tien Fu.
Y.P.M.V., Djang Hung Bin. Mission Committee: H. C. Currie,
Ordained Minister: Djang Djen Gwoh. Chiao Wen Li, Hwang Tzi Rang, Li
Tien Fu, Li Chuen An, Lin Han
Licensed Minister: Chen Feng Ling. Ching, Wang An Hsi.
Licensed Missionaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Chang Tzi Dzung, Chao Chun Hwei, Educational and Y.P.M.V., Wang
Chen Wen Kuang, Djang Hung Bin, Peng Chow.
Hsieh Mo Kwen, Li Deh Hsien, Ren Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Shu Djen, Tseng Tsai Djung, Wang Chiao Wen Li.
Yung Kwang. Publishing, Li Chuen An.
Ordained Ministers:
Chin Cho Ming, H. C. Currie, Li
TIBETAN MISSION Chuen An, Lin Han Ching, Wang
An Hsi.
Organized 1919
Licensed Ministers:
Territory: Sikang, Tibet and the follow- Li Tien Fu, Lin Li Dzai, Yang Kai
ing 13 hsiens in Szechwan : Choakioh, Hsuen.
Sichang, Yenyuan, Yuehsi, Luipo,
Tsingki, Jungking, Yaan, Tienchuan, Licensed Missionaries:
Lushan, Kintang, Mowkung, Mien- Mrs. H. C. Currie, Hsu Bu Yun,
ning. Huang Dzi Ran, Liao Pen Tien, Liu
Population : 6,500,000; church, 1 ; Tsao Yun, Man Chung Deh, Ren
members, 24. Hsih Yun, Wang Peng Chow.

SOUTHWEST CHINA MISSION Tieh Chen, Lung Chang Deh, Lung
Dzi Yin, Peng Chien Pang, Peng Wen
Organized 1948 Liang, Wang Li Hsin, Yang Shang
Territory: All of Yunnan Province and Wu, Yuen Teh Hsien.
nine hsiens in Kweichow : Sishui,
Chichsui, Jenhwai, 'rating, Kiensi,
Chihkin, Pichieh, Suicheng, Weining ; INSTITUTIONS IN THE CHINA
and also that portion of Szechwan DIVISION
lying south of a line passing east and Educational:
west just south of the city of Hsu
Yung. Central China Union Academy, East
Lake, Wuchang 3, Hupeh, China.
Population: Yunnan Province, 18,691,-
221 ; churches, 20; companies, 10 ; China Training Institute, Chiaotout-
members, 1,780. seng, Kiangsu, China.
Address: Seventh-day Adventist Mission, East China Union Academy, Chiaot-
86 North Gate Street, Kunming, outseng, Kiangsu, China.
Yunnan, China. Far Eastern Academy, 458 Ningkuo
Road, Shanghai, China.
Officers: Honan Junior Academy, Lowanho,
President, William A. Hilliard. Yencheng, Honan, China. (Opera-
Secretary-Treasurer, D. M. Barnett tion temporarily suspended.)
(on furlough). Kiangsu Junior Academy, 458 Ningkuo
Assistant Treasurer, Chen Den Yung. Road, Shanghai, China.
Director, Mokiang District, J. E.
Christensen. Kwangsi Junior Academy, Ching 'Wen
Director Kunming District, D. M. Chieh, Nanning, Kwangsi, China.
Barnett. North China Union Academy, Feng-
Director, Pichieh District, Hu Ben tai, Hopei, China.
Djen, (on leave of absence to CTI). Northeast China Union Academy,
Mission Committee: William A. Hilli- Shenyang P.O. Box 341, Mukden,
ard, D. M. Barnett (on furlough), Manchuria. (Operation temporarily
Chen Den Yung, J. E. Christensen, suspended.)
Feng Deh Seng, Hu Ben Djen, Lu North Fukien Junior Academy, Foo-
Shou Dao, Neng Da Deh, Wang Deh chow, China.
Northwest China Union Academy,
Departmental Secretaries: Outside West . Gate, Sian, Shensi,
Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Sabbath China.
School, Neng Da Deh. South Chekiang Junior Academy,
Home Missionary and Publishing, Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
South China Union Academy, Water
Ordained Ministers: Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
D. M. Barnett, J. E. Christensen, South Fukien Junior Academy, Ku-
Feng Deh Seng, William A. Hilliard, langsu, Amoy, China.
Hu Ben Djen, Lo Kwei Ih. Swatow Junior Academy, Huei Chia
Tau, Swatow, awangtung, China.
Licensed Ministers: West China Union Academy, Sung
Chen Gwo Chun, Djang Hsin Ming, Bao, Tsichsikow, Chungking, China.
Han Hsin Deh, Lu Shou Dao, Wang West Szechwan Junior Academy,
Hsing Bang, Yang Ming Ding. Chengtu, Szechwan, China.
Licensed Missionaries: Yunnan Junior Academy, Kunming,
Yunnan, China.
Mrs. D. M. Barnett, Chang Chung
Chieh, Chen Den Yung, Mrs. J. E. Medical:
Christensen, Goh Shu Chen, Han Hsin Sanitariums and Hospitals
Tsai, Mrs. W. A. Hilliard, Neng Da
Deh, Ting Chao, Wang Deh Fu. Canton Sanitarium and Hospital, Sam
Yuk Road, Tungshan, Canton,
Church School Teachers: China.
Beh Hsi Kan, Chang Cheng Chieh, Chiaotou Sanitarium and Hospital,
Chang Hwei An, Chang Hwei Hui, Chiaotoutseng, Kiangsu, China.
Mrs. Feng Deh Seng, Mrs. Feng Kai Chungking Wuhan Sanitarium and
Ling, Gao Ting Hsien, Han Kuai Hospital, Chungking, Szechwan,
Ming, Hsu Huai Chang, Li Ih Ho, Li China.

East Lake General Hospital (formerly Wai On Hospital-Dispensary, Advent-

Wuhan Sanitarium and Hospital), ist Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung,
East Lake, Wuchang 3, Hupeh, China.
Yencheng Sanitarium-Hospital, Low-
Nanning Seventh-day Adventist Hos- anho, Yencheng, Honan, China.
pital, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. (Operation temporarily suspended.)
North China Sanitarium and Hospi-
tal, Kalgan, Chahar, China. (Opera- Dispensaries
tion temporarily suspended.) Little Eden Hospital-Dispensary,
Northwest China Sanitarium and Shek Lo Tau St., Fatshan, Kwang-
Hospital, Lanchow, Kansu, China. tung, China.
Shanghai Medical Center, Shanghai Shenyang (Mukden) Clinic, 57 - 29th
Sanitarium and Hospital, Postal Ad- Wei Lu, Mukden, Manchuria.
dress, 1714 Hami (Rubicon) Road,
Shanghai, China ; the Clinic at 171 Toishan Hospital and Dispensary,
Wutsin (Range) Road, Shanghai, S.D.A. Mission Toishan, Kwang-
China. tung, China.
Shenyang Sanitarium-Hospital, Pei- Publishing:
ling, Mukden, Manchuria. (Opera-
tion temporarily suspended.) Signs of the Times Publishing House,
Tibetan Mission Hospital, Kanting 515 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai 19,
(Tatsienlu), Sikang, China. China.
Tsingtao Sanitarium and Clinic, 2 Tibetan Mission Press, Kang ting,
Hwei Chuan Road, Tsingtao, Shan- Sikang, China. (Operation tem-
tung, China. porarily suspended.)
Organized, apart from China, in 1931; Indonesia Union included
as from January 1, 1938

Territory: Japan, Korea, Siam, Repub- R. F. Waddell, R. S. Watts, P. L.

lic of Philippines, Federation of Ma- Williams, T. Yamagata.
laya, Colony of Singapore, Colony of
North Borneo, State of Brunei, Sara- Departmental Secretaries:
wak, Indo-China, Indonesia, the Por- Educational, W. 0. Baldwin.
tuguese section of Timor, the Kando Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Province in Manchuria, and the F. A. Pratt.
Islands of the Pacific north of the Medical, R. F. Waddell.
Equator and west of the International Ministerial, R. S. Watts.
Date Line and south of 50 degrees Publishing, G. A. Campbell.
north, not including any of the Gilbert Y.P.M.V., C. P. Sorensen.
Islands group north of the Equator. Division Builder, H. R. Emmerson.
Home Commission, Mrs. V. T. Arm-
Population: 241,537,903; churches, 719; strong.
members, 40,588. Transportation Agents:
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Far- The Division Treasurer, the Division
east," Singapore. . Cashier, the Union Treasurers of the
Indonesian, Japan, Korean, Malayan,
Office Address: 800 Thomson Road, and Philippine Unions.
Singapore, Colony of Singapore. Division Building Committee:
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 226, Singa- The Division Minority Committee.
pore, Colony of Singapore. Ordained Ministers:
Officers: V. T. Armstrong, W. 0. Baldwin,
G. A. Campbell, F. A. Pratt, C. P.
President, V. T. Armstrong. Sorensen, R. S. Watts, P. L. Williams.
Secretary, C. P. Sorensen.
Treasurer and Auditor, P. L. Wil- Credentialed Missionaries:
liams. E. L. Becker, H. R. Emmerson.
Assistant Auditor and Cashier, E. L.
Becker. Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. V. T. Armstrong, Mrs. W. 0.
Executive Committee: V. T. Arm- Baldwin, Mrs. E. L. Becker, Mrs. G.
strong, E. W. Bahr, W. 0. Baldwin, A. Campbell, Frieda Clark, Mrs. H. R.
E. L. Becker, G. A. Campbell, H. R. Emmerson, Signe Nelson, Mrs. F. A.
Emmerson, Gill de Guzman, W. U. Hu- Pratt, Mrs. C. P. Sorensen, Mrs. R. S.
tapea, D. S. Kime, K. T. Kong, M. E. Watts, Mrs. P. L. Williams.
Loewen, F. R. Millard, A. N. Nelson,
J. M. Nerness, F. A. Pratt, C. P. Legal Assn.: "General Conference Cor-
Sorensen, K. Tilstra, Pak Chang Uk, poration of Seventh-day Adventists."


(Formerly Netherlands East Indies Union Mission)

Organized 1929

Territory: Indonesia and Portuguese Officers:

Timor. President, K. Tilstra.
Population: 70,467,000 ; churches, 179 ; Acting President, Dallas S. Kime.
members, 7,675. Secretary-Treasurer, H. D. Johnson.
Assistant Treasurer, W. U. Hoetapea.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventzending," Bandoeng. (Telephone, Executive Committee: K. Tilstra, M.
Bandoeng South 46) E. Diredja, L. Hogendorp, W. U.
Hutapea, H. D. Johnson, M. Kauntul,
Office Address: Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Dallas S. Rime, P. Klop, AL G. Laloan,
Java, Indonesia.
A. Londa, K. Mandias, S. H. Pandjai-
Postal Address: Naripan 63, Bandoeng, tan, A. Pasuhuk, H. E. R. Schell, I. C.
Java, Indonesia. Schmidt, K. Tamboenan, Tan Peng


Hong, E. van Alphen, R. 0. Walean, EAST JAVA MISSION

Bruce M. Wickwire.
Organized 1913
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, I. C. Schmidt. Territory: Provinces East Java, Cen-
Home Commission, Mrs. I. C. Schmidt. tral Java (except the Residencies
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Banjoemas and Pekalongan) ; Resi-
and Y.P.M.V., M. G. Laloan. dencies Bali, Lombok, and Madoera.
Publishing, Bruce M. Wickwire. Churches: 15; members, 782.
Voice of Prophecy, H. E. R. Schell.
Ordained Ministers: Cable Address: "Adventzending," Soer-
D. A. Dompas, Dallas S. Kime, P.
Klop, H. E. R. Schell, L C. Schmidt, Office Address: East Java Mission of
K. Tilstra. S.D.A., Buttewegstraat 3, Soerabaja,
Java, Indonesia. '
Credentialed Missionaries:
H. D. Johnson, Bruce M. Wickwire, Officers:
L. R. Winkler. President, M. M. Kauntul.
Licensed Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, A. Waworoen-
M. A. Bartlett, W. U. Hutapea, M. G. Executive Committee: M. M. Kauntul,
Laloan, L. W. Mauldin, E. van
Alphen, D. van Waardenburg. F. Liem Soen Hoo, S. H.- Pandjaitan,
J. B. Pattinaja, Njoo Liang Seng,
Licensed Missionaries: L. J. 0. Sahertian, E. H. Vysma,
Mrs. M. A. Bartlett, Mrs. H. D. John- A. Waworoendeng.
son, Mrs. Dallas S. Kime, Mrs. P. Departmental Secretaries:
Klop, John Mandias, Mrs. L. W. Maul-
din, Mrs. H. E. R. Schell, Mrs. I. C. Home Missionary, A. Waworoendeng.
Schmidt, Mrs. E. van Alphen, Mrs. Publishing, L. J. 0. Sahertian.
Bruce M. Wickwire, Mrs. L. R. Wink- Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., E. H.
ler, Mrs. S. H. Wortman. Vysma.
Ordained Ministers:
M. M. Kauntul, S. H. Pandjaitan.
AMBON MISSION Licensed Ministers:
Organized 1929 D. Pattikawa, Njoo Liang Seng, E. H.
Territory: Residency Moluccas, except
the islands of Ternate, Halmahaira, Licensed Missionaries:
and Batjan ; Dutch New Guinea. F. Kilapong, M. H. Mangero, M.
Onsoe, A. K. Pandpaitan, L. J. 0.
Churches, 11 ; members, 260. Sahertian, J. Tenda, P. Wagiran, J.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Wairata, A. Waworoendeng.
ventzending," Ambon.
Office Address: Ambon Mission of
S.D.A., Amboina, Moluccas, Indo- NORTH CELEBES MISSION
nesia. Organized 1923
President, R. 0. Walean. Territory: Residency Menado and the
Secretary-Treasurer, M. Patty. islands Ternate, Halmahaira and
Batjan, Sanger, Talud Islands.
Executive Committee: R. 0. Walean,
Th. H. Njio, M. Patty, A. Pesulima, Churches: 82 ; members, 4,031.
J. Tanasale, J. P. Tomasowa, L. Tua-
suun. Cable Address: "Adventzending," Ton-
Departmental Secretaries:
Office Address: North Celebes Mission
Home Missionary, R. 0. Walean. of S.D.A., Tondano, Celebes, Indo-
Publishing, Sabbath School, and nesia.
Y.P.M.V., M. Patty.
Ordained Ministers:
L. Tuasuun, R. 0. Walean. President, L. J. Norris.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. T. Siong.
Licensed Missionaries: Executive Committee: L. J. Norris.,
A. Kadier, Mrs. A. Leiwakabessy, L. A. Londa, H. F. Laloan, H. Mamanua,
Liklikwatil, M. Patty, A. Pesulima, J. Palit, J. Rondonuwu, A. T. Siong,
Ch. Simon, I. Tuamulia. W. F. Walean, D. Wuijsang.

Departmental Secretaries: SOUTH CELEBES MISSION

Home Missionary, Publishing, and Organized 1939
Y.P.M.V., H. F. Laloan.
Sabbath School, A. T. Siong. Territory: Residencies of Celebes, South-
ern and Eastern Borneo, Portuguese
Ordained Ministers: Timor, and Timor Koepang.
A. Londa, L. J. Norris, H. Pattyranie, Churches: 2 ; members, 104.
W. F. Walean, H. Zacharias.
Cable Address: "Adventzending," Ma-
Licensed Ministers: kassar.
F. Hamel, H. F. Laloan, J. W. Lumen- Office Address: South Celebes Mission
tut, J. Moroisa, R. S. Rantoeng, A. of S.D.A., Tamarindeweg 28, Makas-
Sakul, Ch. L. Sondakh, K. Walan- sar, S. Celebes, Indonesia.
Licensed Missionaries:
President, A. Pasuhuk.
J. Mamboe, Mrs. L. J. Norris, A. J. Secretary-Treasurer, A. Pasuhuk.
Pangkei, A. T. Siong, M. A. Sumual.
Executive Committee: A. Pasuhuk,
Lim Choon Lock, F. Pinontoan, Z.
Pisarahu, C. Saribulan, A. Tampung,
Organized 1917 Ordained Minister: A. Pasuhuk.
Reorganized 1937 to include former Licensed Missionaries:
Batakland Mission
F. Mandolang, F. Pinontoan.
Territory: Residency of Tapanuli, East
Coast of Sumatra, Atjeh.
Churches: 50 ; members, 1500. SOUTH SUMATRA MISSION
Office Address: North Sumatra Mission Organized 1929; reorganized 1939 to
of S.D.A., P. Siantar, Sumatra, Indo- include former Padang Mission
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Territory: Residencies of Bengkoelen,
vent," Pematangsiantar, Indonesia. Bangka, Djambi, Palembang, Lam-
pongsche Districten, West Coast of
Officers: Sumatra, Riouw.
President, K. Tamboenan.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. M. Sitompoel. Churches: 7 ; members, 250.
Executive Committee: K. Tamboenan, Cable Address: "Adventzending,"
A. Mamora, U. H. Manulland, A. Palembang.
Pakpahan, D. Silaen, A. M. Sitompoel,
M. S. Sormin, S. Tamba, A. A. Office Address: South Sumatra Mission
Titaley. of S.D.A., Lorongvoetbal 118, Palem-
Departmental Secretaries: bang, Sumatra, Indonesia.
Educational, Officers:
Home Missionary and Publishing, M.
S. Sormin. President, K. Mandias.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., A. M. Secretary-Treasurer, K. Mandias.
Executive Committee: K. Mandias, H.
Ordained Ministers: C. Menda, E. G. Vijsma,
H. Aritonong, U. H. Manullang, S.
Ritonga, K. Tamboenan. Ordained Minister: K. Mandias.

Licensed Ministers: Licensed Missionary: M. Zebedeus.

M. Hotetapea, A. Mamora, T. D.
Manullang, Chr. Pandjaitan, M. S.
Licensed Missionaries:
Organized 1913
Elman Hutapea, Theo. Pandjaitan,
A. M. Sitompoel, S. Tamba, D. Territory: Province West Java and
Manullang. Residencies of Banjoemas, Peka-
longan, Western Borneo.
Church School Teachers:
W. Simbolon, P. Simorangkir. Churches: 12 ; members, 748.

Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Departmental Secretaries:

ventzending," Bandoeng. Educational,
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Office Address: West Java Mission of H. Kosakoy.
S.D.A., Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Java, Y.P.M.V., M. G. Laloan.
Indonesia. Publishing,
Postal Address: Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Ordained Ministers:
Java, Indonesia. B. C. Dompas, P. R. Goeltom, A.
Officers: Hasiboean, B. P. Simandjoentak.
President, Dallas S. Kime. Licensed Minister: L. Hogendorp.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. Kosakoy.
Executive Committee: Dallas S. Kime, Licensed Missionaries:
D. Batoebara, H. Kosakoy, Loe Liang Miss Lewakabessy, S. Mambu, Z. Ma-
Ie, M. G. Laloan, Schaverbeek, A. G. ruanaja, H. C. Mende, D. Rhebok, L.
Sondakh, E. van Alphen. Ritonga, Tjong Kam Tjoe.


Organized as a mission 1896; as a conference, November 2, 1917;
and as a Union Mission, August 20, 1919
Territory: Japan. Licensed Missionaries:
Population: 79,532,440; churches, 18; Mrs. E. E. Getzlaff, Ernestine Gill,
members, 873. Mrs. T. Hara, Mrs. B. P. Hoffman,
Tomino Itagaki, Mrs. E. E. Jensen,
Cable Address: "Adventist," Tokyo.
F. Kato, Kiku Kioka, Mrs. W. W.
(Telephone, Ogikubo 39-2869.) Konzack, Mrs. D. S. Lee.
Postal Address: 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Mrs. H. B. Ludden. Mrs. F. R. Mil-
Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. lard, Matsumi Morita, N. Nemoto,
Railway Station: Ogikubo; 35 minutes Mrs. C. G. Oliver, Mrs. Leon Rob-
from Tokyo Station, 1V2 hours from bins, S. Seino, Fumiko Shibata,
Yokohama. Tomoko Takagi, Sakayo Wakabay-
President, F. R. Millard. Legal Name: Ansoku Niehi Sairin Kyo-
Secretary-Treasurer, C. G. Oliver. dan.
Executive Committee: F. It. Millard,
V. E. Adams, P. H. Eldridge, M.
Fukazawa, E. E. Getzlaff, B. P. Hoff- NORTH JAPAN MISSION
man, H. Imura, S. Kaneko, V. E.
Kelstrom, W. W. Konzack, S. Ogura, Organized 1948
C. G. Oliver, E. Seino, Y. Seino,
E. Shibata, S. Tabuchi, T. Yamagata. Churches: 10; members, 601.
Departmental Secretaries: Office and Postal Address: 171 Amanu-
ma 1-chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo,
Audio-Visual Aids, F. R. Millard. Japan. (Telephone, Ogikubo 39-2869.)
Educational, W. W. Konzack.
Home Missionary, M. Fukazawa. Officers:
Medical, E. E. Getzlaff, President, P. H. Eldridge.
Publishing, V. E. Kelstrom. Secretary-Treasurer, T. Hasegawa.
Radio, P. H. Eldridge.
Sabbath School, Mrs. F. R. Millard. Executive Committee: P. H. Eldridge,
Y.P.M.V., Y. Seino. T. Hasegawa, S. Kaneko, H. Kuniya,
S. Nakauchi, Y. Nishino, E. Shibata.
Ordained Ministers:
M. Fukazawa. E. E. Jensen, W. W. Ordained Ministers:
Konzack, F. R. Millard, Leon Rob- P. H. Eldridge, T. Hasegawa, S.
bins, T. Yamagata. Kaneko, Hiroshi Kuniya, S. Nakau-
Honorary: Hide Kuniya. chi.
Credentialed Missionaries: Licensed Ministers:
V. E. Adams, E. E. Getzlaff, D. S. E. Shibata, K. Watanabe, S. Yama-
Lee, H. B. Ludden, C. G. Oliver. moto.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:
Ai Fukazawa, T. Ham, H. Imura, Mrs. P. H. Eldridge, S. Inowaki, M.
T. Kajiyama, S. Kunihira, Y. Seino. Sudoki.

SOUTH JAPAN MISSION S. Ogura, E. Seino, S. Tabuchi, B.

Organized 1948 Takagi, K. Yasui, M. Yonami.
Ordained Ministers:
Churches: 8 ; members, 272: K. Hatada, V. E. Kelstrom, S. Ogura,
E. Seino.
Office and Postal Address: 13 Naka-
jimadori 2-chome, Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Licensed Ministers:
Japan. F. Atari, K. Yasui, M. Yonami.
Of&cers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, V. E. Kelstrom. A. Araki, T. Fujita, Mrs. V. E. Kel-
Secretary-Treasurer; K. Yasui. strom, Mrs. S. Ogura, K. Yamagata,
Executive Committee: V. E. Kelstrom, Mrs. K. Yashui.


Mission organized 1908; Conference organized 1917;
Union Mission organized 1919

Territory: Korea and the Kando Prov- Licensed Missionaries:

ince in Manchuria. Mrs. E. W. Bahr, Choi Ok Man, Chung
Population: 24,326,327; churches, 30; Sa Young, Chung Tai Young, Chung
members, 2,003. Young Choon, Chung Tai Hyuk, Han-
ki Cho, Im Chung Hyuk, Kim Chang
Cable Address: "Adventist," Seoul. Soo, Kim Ki Pang, Lee Choon Min,
Western Union Five Letter Code. Mrs. James Lee, Lee Kyung Il, Lo
Won Ho, Mrs. R. C. Mills, L. K.
Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist Mitchell, Mrs. L. K. Mitchell, Min
Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chai Heui, Mrs. G. W. Munson, Mrs.
Korea. (Telephone, Tong-dai-Moon R. W. Pearson, Irene Robson, Mrs.
1721.) G: H. Rue, Song Ryong When.
Legal Organization Title: Legal Associ-
President, E. W. Bahr. ation of the Korean Union Mission of
Assistant President, Chung Tong Seventh-day Adventists.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor,
Robert C. Mills.
Executive ,Committee: E. W. Bahr, CENTRAL KOREAN MISSION
Cho Kyung Chul, Chung Tong Shim,
Im Sung Won, Kim Myung Kil, Kim Organized 1919
Pyung Mok, Lee Hoi Sung, James M.
Lee, Lee Myun Teuk, R. C. Mills, Territory: Provinces of Kong Won,
G. W. Munson, Pak Chang Uk, Ryu Kyung Ki, and Whang Hai, except
Sung Ryul, Ryu Young Soon. those portions lying north of the 38th
parallel. North Choong Chung, ex-
Departmental Secretaries: cept the counties of Ok Chun and
Educational, Oh Young Sup. Young Dong; South Choong Chung,
Home Missionary, E. W. Bahr. except the counties of Non San and
Medical, George H. Rue. Tai Chun ; and the city of Seoul.
Publishing, Cho Kyung Chul.
Sabbath School, Lee Ryu Sik. Churches: 7 ; members, 816.
Y.P.M.V., Lee Ryu Sik.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Seoul.
Ordained Ministers:
E. W. Bahr, Kim Kyu Hyuk, R. W. Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist
Pearson, Ryang Chong II. Mission, 99 Hoi Ki Dong, Seoul,
Credentialed Missionaries: Officers:
Robert C. Mills, George H. Rue, G. President, Kim Myung Kil.
Munson, Mrs. Theodora Wangerin. Secretary-Treasurer, Kim Hyung
Licensed Ministers: Choo.
Cho Kyung Chul, Kim Sang Chil, Lee Executive Committee: Kim Myung
Ryu Sik, James Lee, Oh Sung Ryong, Kil, Kang Won Ho, Kim Kwan Soo,
Pak Chang Uk, Oh Suk Young. Pai Hoon Duk, and Treasurer.

Departmental Secretaries: Ordained Ministers:

Publishing, Im Sung Won, Pak Won Sil.
Sabbath School, Home Missionary, and
Y.P.M.V., Kim Myung Kil. Other Workers:
Cha Young Choon, Chun Ka Hyuk,
Ordained Minister: Kim Myung Kil. Ha Eui Tuk, Kang Tai Pong, Kim
Licensed Ministers: Kyum Mok.
Chung Sung Chul, Kang Won Ho,
Lee Hai Sung, Pan Nai Hyun. SOUTH KOREAN MISSION
Licensed Missionary: Lee Sook Chin. Organized 1939
Church School Teachers: Territory: North and South Kyung Sang,
Lee Kyung I1, Lo Won Ho, Oh Suk North and South Chulia and Cheiju
Young. Provinces; and the counties- of Ok
Chun and Young Dong in North
Choong Chung Province, and Non
San and Tai Chun in South Choong
Organized 1934 Churches: 7 ; members, 321.
Territory: That portion of Korea lying Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist
North of the 38th parallel and the Mission, Taichun, Korea.
Kando Province in Manchuria.
Churches: 16 ; members, 866. President, Chung Tong Shim.
Secretary-Treasurer, Kim Eung Sik.
Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist
Mission, Sang Soori, Pyengyang, Sei- Executive Committee: Chung Dong
shin, Korea. Shim, Kang Hyun Taik, Rya Sung
Ryul, Ryang Chong Il, and Treasurer.
Officers: Departmental Secretaries:
President, Im Sung Won. Home Missionary, Y.P.M.V., and Sab-
Secretary-Treasurer, Kim Kyum Mok. bath School, Chung Tong Shim.
Executive Committee: Im Sung Won, Publishing,
Kim Kyum Mok and others. Ordained Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries: Chung Tong Shim, Yang Chung Il.
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., Im Licensed Minister: Kim Wan Sik.
Sung Won.
Publishing, Licensed Missionary: Yoon Ok Chin.


Reorganized 1929

Territory: Colonies of Singapore, North Fox, J. E. Gardner, G. G. Innocent,

Borneo, and Sarawak, State of Brunei, V. L. Kon, K. T. Kong, J. H. Law-
Federation of Malaya, Siam, and head, C. M. Lee, R. M. Milne, Y. H.
Indo-China. Phang, R. A. Pohan, A. P. Ritz,
Daniel Tan, S. H. Tan, T. N. Te, R.
Population: 48,170,777 ; churches, 43 ; F. Waddell, E. H. Wallace, L. C. Wil-
members, 1,986. cox, Robert R. Youngberg.
Cable and Telelgraphic Address: "Ad- Departmental Secretaries:
ventist," Singapore.
Educational, Home Missionary and
Office Address: 399 Upper Serangoon Sabbath School, L. C. Wilcox.
Road, Singapore, Colony of Singapore. Medical,
(Telephone, 5822.) Ministerial Association, J. M. Nerness.
Publishing, R. M. Milne.
Officers: Radio and Correspondence School, H.
President, J. M. Nerness. W. Peterson.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Y.P.M.V., Daniel Tan.
Clyde C. Cleveland; Associate, K.
T. Kong. Ordained Ministers:
Executive Committee: J. M. Nerness, J. H. Lawhead, R. M. Milne, Arthur
V. L. Bond, Clyde C. Cleveland, L. Mountain, J. M. Nerness, H. W.

Peterson, K. 0. Tan, R. F. Waddell, Departmental Secretaries:

L. C. Wilcox. Publishing, Tran-ngoc-Te.
Sabbath School, Pham-Truong Thanh.
Credentialed Missionaries: Y.P.M.V., Le Huu.
V. D. Bond, Clyde C. Cleveland, Paul
M. Coleman, J. E. Gardner, G. G. Ordained Minister: E. H. Wallace.
Innocent, D. P. LaTourette, K. T. Licensed Ministers:
Kong, M. Lucas, Ruth Munroe, Eliza-
beth Rogers, J. E. Sandness, S. N. R. Bentz, Phan-van-Du, R. A. Figuhr,
Siregar, M. P. Sormin, Pleng Vitiam- Paul Hung, Nguyen-phat-Minh, Le-
yalaksana, Charles Yao, Yeo Peng van-Ngo, Nguyen-huu-Nha, L. G.
Yee. Storz, Tran-ngoc-Te, Pham-Thanh,
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:
R. A. Pohan, Daniel Tan. Mrs. R. Bentz, Mrs. R. A. Figuhr,
Duong-Hoa, Mrs. Paul Hung, Le Huu,
Licensed Missionaries: Mrs. LeBris, Nguyen-huu-Luyen, Mrs.
Mrs. V. D. Bond, Y. F. Choo, Mrs. L. G. Storz, Pham-truong-Thanh,
Clyde C. Cleveland, Mrs. Paul M. Pham-Thien, Mrs. E. H. Wallace.
Coleman, Esther Feltus, Goh Boon
Chay, Mrs. G. G. Innocent, Blanche Legal Assn., Societe des Missions Ad-
Keasberry, Kho Kar Yoke, Mrs. D. P. ventistes de France.
LaTourette, Mrs. J. H. Lawhead,
Wilma Leazer, Faith Lee, Mrs. E.
Ling, Mrs. R. M. Milne, Mrs. J. M. MALAY STATES MISSION
Nerness, Ngo Beng Hoe, Ngo Beng
Lim, Mrs. H. W. Peterson, Nai Prung, Organized 1914 ; reorganized 1932 to
John Richards, Mrs. A. P. Ritz, P. R. include former Singapore Mission
Sibarani, C. K. Tan, Gloria Tan, Tan Territory: Colony of Singapore, Federa-
Oni Kiang, Mrs. R. F. Waddell, Mrs. tion of Malaya.
P. C. Wan, Mrs. L. C. Wilcox.
Population: 5,095,520; churches, 17;
Credentialed School Teachers: members, 792.
Anwer Bey, Henry Canagasabai, Mrs. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
C. K. Cheung, Mrs. C. H. Hwang, ventist," Kuala Lumpur.
Mrs. K. T. Kong, Stephen Pan, Mrs.
Stephen Pan, J. P. Rau, Mrs. M. P. Office Address: 140 Bukit Bintang Road,
Sormin, James Wong. Kuala Lumpur, Malaya.
Legal Association: "General Conference Officers:
Corporation of Seventh-day Advent- President, Y. H. Phang.
ists." Secretary-Treasurer, S. F. Chu.
Executive Committee: Y. H. Phang,
INDO-CHINA MISSION M. Arokiasamy, Y. F. Chong, S. F.
Chu, D. Liem, Arthur Mountain, J. L.
Organized 1937 Pogue, S. H. Tan.
Territory: Cochinchina, Cambodia, An- Departmental Secretaries:
riam, Tonkin, and Laos. Educational,
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Population: 23,000,000; churches, 8; Y. C. Wan.
members, 452. Publishing, E. H. Wu.
Postal Address: Boite Postale 453, Sai- Ordained Ministers:
gon, French Indo-China. (Telephone C. C. Huang, Daniel Liem, Y. H.
20702.) Phang, J. L. Pogue, E. H. Wu.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Credentialed Missionaries:
ventiste," Saigon.
S. F. Chu, K. B. Tan.
Office Address: 124 Route Locale 22,
Phu-nhuan, Saigon, French Indo- Licensed Ministers:
China. K. T. Chin, Y. F. Chong, Y. C. Yan.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, E. H. Wallace. S. C. Chan, Jesudasen, A. S. Lazarus,
Secretary-Treasurer, L. G. Storz. Mrs. J. L. Pogue, P. G. Ratnam.
Honorary: M. Arokiasamy.
Executive Committee: E. II. Wallace,
Paul Hung, L. G. Storz, Tran-ngoc- Credentialed Bible Instructor: Mrs. Amy
Te, Pham-Thien, Nguyen-van-Xuan. Tan.

Church School Teachers: Ordained Ministers:

Mrs. K. T. Chin, H. H. Kong, P. 0. L. E. A. Fox, M. T. Sibadogil, Elam
Liew, Mrs. Liew Yun. Sinaga.
Licensed Minister: Y. F. Choo.
NORTH BORNEO MISSION Licensed Missionaries:
Organized 1914 Mrs. L. E. A. Fox, M. J. Hutabarat.
Territory: Colony of North Borneo. Licensed School Teachers:
Mrs. M. J. Hutabarat, P. L. Tam-
Population: 278,146; churches, 11; bunan.
members, 404.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventist," Jesselton. SIAM MISSION
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton, Organized 1919 ; reorganized in 1937 to
Colony of North Borneo. include East Siam
President, Robert R. Youngberg. Territory: Kingdom of Siam.
Secretary-Treasurer, D. P. Siagian. Population: 19,256,325; churches, 2;
Executive Committee: Robert R. members, 125.
Youngberg, Majangan, Peter Leopold,
J. T. Pohan, Wong Kiat Sam, D. P. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Siagian, L. S. Sibarani. ventist," Bangkok.
Departmental Secretaries: Office Address: 1325 Rama IV Road,
Educational, Bangkok, Siam.
Publishing, D. P. Siagian. Officers:
Sabbath School, and Home Mission-
ary, President, A. P. Ritz.
Y.P.M.V. Secretary, V. L. Kon.
Treasurer, A. I. Krautschick.
Ordained Ministers: Executive Committee: A. P. Ritz,
J. T. Pohan, D. P. Siagian, L. S. V. L. Kon, A. I. Krautschick, W. -A.
Sibarani. Martin, Nai Pleng, E. B. Smith, M. S.
Licensed Ministers: Teo, R. F. Waddell.
M. Agian, Bibi, Bulangak, Buja, Peter Departmental Secretaries:
Leopold, Wong Kiat Sam. Robert R.
Youngberg. Educational, A. P. Ritz.
Home Missionary and Publishing, V.
Licensed Missionaries: L. Kon.
Dungko, S. M. Hutapea, Chung En Ministerial and Y.P.M.V., Wayne A.
Kui, Kurus, Mrs. Robert R. Young- Martin.
berg. Tract Society and Sabbath School,
S. T. Soh.

SARAWAK MISSION Ordained Ministers:

V. L. Kon, Wayne A. Martin, A. P.
Organized 1937 Ritz.
Territory: The Colony of Sarawak and Honorary: N. T. Phang.
the State of Brunei.
Population: 540,786 ; churches, 5 ; mem- Credentialed Missionary: A. I. Kraut-
bers, 213. schick.
Office Address: P. 0. Box 41, Kuching, Licensed Minister: Elden B. Smith.
Sarawak, Borneo.
Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: Mrs. A. I. Krautschick, Mrs. Wayne
President, L. E. A. Fox. A. Martin, Mrs. J. E. Sandness, Mrs.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. J. Hutabarat. Elden B. Smith, Sok Sek Tang, Pruie
Departmental Secretary, M. J. Huta- Tonasudh, Sok Sek Tong.
Executive Committee: L. E. A. Fox, Licensed School Teachers:
Y. F. Choo, M. J. Hutabarat, Nyaud, J. Manullang, Thong Muan, Choy
A. L. Pauner, M. T. Sibadogil, E. Sirichoteratana, Nai Sook, Ngow
Sinaga, P. L. Tambunan. Weng.


Organized 1914

Territory: The Philippines. Dyer, Tarciana Galang, Maria Ges-

lani, Mrs. A. E. Gibbs, Mrs. W. Earle
Population: 18,846,800 ; churches, 447 ; Hilgert, Mrs. R. C. Imperio, Mrs.
members, 28,020. Werber Johnson, Mrs. C. T. Jones,
Cable Address: "Adventists," Manila. A. D. Lazaro, Mrs. J. A. Leland,
Mrs. M. E. Loewen, Mrs. L. H.
Office Address: 1939 Luna St., Rizal Miranda, Mrs. H. A. Munson, Mrs.
City, Phillipines. (Direct mail to P.O. A. N. Nelson, Mrs. R. L. Odom,
Box 401.) Eufrocina Parago, J. Parago, P. Pob-
lete, Mrs. P. M. Poblete, Remedios
Postal Address: P.O. Box 401, Manila, Quevedo, Mrs. A. M. Ragsdale, A.
Philippines. Reyes, Mrs. D. Reyes, Ligaya Reyes,
Pacita Reyes, Mrs. W. C. Richli,
Officers: Mrs. Eric Ristau, Mrs. J. W. Row-
President, M. E. Loewen ; Associate, land, Rafaela Sasa, Mrs. Quintina G.
Gil de Guzman. Tamayo, J. Tawataw, V. L. Villa-
Secretary, E. M. Adams. nueva, C. C. Vizcarra.
Treasurer and Auditor, Werber John-
Assistant Treasurer, R. D. Brion.
Executive Committee: M. E. Loewen, CENTRAL LUZON MISSION
E. M. Adams, P. C. Banaag, J. 0. (Formerly part of the Central Luzon
Bautista, W. J. Blacker, R. D. Brion, Conference)
E. Capobres, P. R. Diaz, P. B. Gon-
zales, Gil de Guzman, Werber John- Organized 1931
son, R. S. Llaguno, V. M. Montal- Territory: The provinces of Bataan,
ban, A. N. Nelson, A. M. Ragsdale, Bulacan, Cavite, Palawan, Pampanga,
W. C. Richli, Eric Ristau, A. Z. Roda, Rizal, Zambeles, Nueva Ecija, and
P. H. Romulo, R. T. Santos, A. N. Tarlac (except those parts in the
Somoso, C. C. Vizcarra. north given to the Northern Luzon
Departmental Secretaries: Mission), the towns of Baler and
Casiguran of the province of Quezon
Educational, A. M. Ragsdale. (formerly Tabayas) the town of San
Home Missionary, P. R. Diaz. Jose, Mindoro, and the city of
Medical, R. T. Santos. Manila.
Ministerial, E. M. Adams.
Publishing, Eric Ristau. Population: 3,496,351 ; churches, 77 ;
Religious Liberty, M. E. Loewen. members, 4,202.
Sabbath School, P. C. Banaag. Cable Address: "Adventists," Manila.
Y.P.M.V., P. H. Romulo.
Office Address: Baesa, Coloocan, Rizal,
Ordained Ministers: Manila, Philippines. (Please do not
E. M. Adams, P. R. Diaz, A. E. Gibbs, direct mail to this address.)
M. E. Loewen, A. N. Nelson, T. A.
Pilar, J. W. Rowland, A. M. Ragsdale, Postal Address: General Delivery, Ma-
Eric Ristau, R. L. Odom. nila, Philippines.
Credentialed Missionaries: Officers:
Ruby Barnett, B. 0. Bautista, W. J. President, Gil de Guzman.
Blacker, R. D. Brion, H. L. Dyer, Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Z.
Nellie Ferree, W. Earle Hilgert, R. B. Cahilig.
C. Imperio, Bessie Irvine, Werber
Johnson, C. T. Jones, I. Kintanar, J. Executive Committee: Gil de Guzman,
A. Leland, R. G. Manalaysay, H. A. A. J. Abawag, A. A. Alcaraz, Z. B.
Munson, Phyllis Naude, W. C. Richli, Cahilig, F. D. Martin, C. Cruz, F. A.
It. T. Santos, J. Tauro, Irene Wake- Velasco.
ham. Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Ministers: Book and Periodical Agency, F. A.
P. C. Banaag, P. H. Romulo. Velasco.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., A. J.
Licensed Missionaries: Abawag.
Mrs. E. M. Adams, Margarita S. Home Commission, Consolation 0.
Arriola, Mark Balaoas, Mrs. W. J. Vergark.
Blacker, G. D. Brion, E. C. Corpus, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
E, IL, Cupino, Jose Diaz, Mrs. H. L. L. A. Yutuc.

Medical, C. C. Vizcarra. Officers:

Publishing, F. M. Bayuna. President, R. S. Llaguno.
Religious Liberty, A. A. Alcaraz. Secretary-Treasurer, L. L. Villanueva.
Ordained Ministers: Auditor, L. L. Villanueva.
A. A. Alcaraz, C. M. Cara, Isaac En- Executive Committee: R. S. Llaguno,
riques, Gil de Guzman, F. L. Jabola, A. 0. Cabardo, A. Capobres, D. B.
F. D. Martin, M. C. Pascual, L. A. Ladion, T. A. Layon, L. L. Quirante,
Yutuc. L. L. Villaneuva.
Honorary: F. Dalisay. Departmental Secretaries:
Credentialed Missionaries: Book and Periodical Agency, D. B.
F. M. Bayuna, Z. B. Cahilig, A. M. Ladion.
Cruz, V. A. Velasco, Consolation 0. Educational, Gregorio B. Silud.
Vergara. Home Missionary, T. Layon.
Medical, R. C. Cuizon.
Licensed Ministers: Publishing, R. Almocera.
A. J. Abawag, M. P. Dizon, Diosdado Religious Liberty, L. L. Quirante,
L. Liwag, Teodulo H. Mingua, Pedro Sabbath School, T. Layon.
Perez, Fausto 0. Reyes, E. J. Tan- Y.P.M.V., Gregorio B. Silud.
gunarl, Juanito L: Tulio, F. A. Ve-
lasco.' Ordained Ministers:
A. 0. Cabardo, R. S. Llaguno.
Licensed Missionaries:
T. D. Hernando, M. T. Isberto, Cris- Credentialed Missionaries:
pina Maghirang, Mrs. F. D. Martin, Paciano Amoguis, L. L. Quirante, L.
Juan Pamintuan, Cornelia San Juan, L. Villanueva.
P. V. Tayag.
Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Bible Instructors:
Esteban Abas, Florencio Arrogante,
Emilia Arevalo, Rosaline Tambio, Fernando Banez, Tomas Cabaluna, R.
Nieves Venzon. C. Cuizon, Blas Ferraren, Teofisto
Gulfan, T. A. Layon, Doroteo Noval,
Church School Teachers: G. B. Silud.
Ester Abawag, Filipina Abracosa,
Josefina Abracosa, Vicenta Aquino, Licensed Missionaries:
Margarita Arriola, Caridad Benavi- R. G. Almocera, B. Arit, J. Atil,
des, C. R. Bustamante, Agapita Cata- Villanueva Cabardo, Mrs. F. G. Dicen,
Ion, Marcelina Corpuz, Evangeline Arcadio Flores, E. A. Gerona, Vicente
Diaz, Naomi Diaz, Tareina Galang, Gisulga, Ruth Reyes, Gertrude 0.
Felicidad Garcia, Lucy Garcia, Maria Trinidad, Juan Valdez, Milagros
Guerrero, Marcela Hipolito, Priscilla Velez, F. T. Verde.
Jimenez, U. Liwanag, Rosalina Maca-
linao, Raymundo Morte, Aurora Or- Church School Teachers:
danez, Eufrecina Parago, Remedios Marcosa Acebron, Bernabina Adla-
Quevedo, Mrs. Dionicia Reyes, Milka wan, Caridad Adlawan, Encarnacion
Roldan, Olympia Romano, Edna del Arrogante, Ester Arrogante, Pasca-
Rosario, Lydia Roxas, Rosalina Tam- sia Cadorna, Ester de la Calzada,
bio, Dolores Tresvalles, Mrs. Vicenta Felicitas Chiu, T. Dacoco, S. Em-
Trinidad, Felicidad Urbano. verda, Mrs. Rosalia Gerona, Mrs.
Modesta Gulf an, Sotera Javellana,
Mrs. Armelina Layon, Rita Monte-
bon, F. Naro, F. Pareja, Patricia
EAST VISAYAN MISSION Ritaga, Milagros Velez, Mrs. Lourdes
(Formerly Cebuan Mission) Villanueva.

Organized 1914
Territory: Provinces of Cebu, Bohol,
Negros Oriental, Masbate, Samar, (Formerly a part of the East
Leyte and the Island of Siquijor. Visayan Mission)
Population: 4,163,329 ; churches, 39 ; Organized 1937
members, 4,742. Territory: Mindanao and Sulu.
Office Address: 398 Tres de Abril St., Population: 2,814,200; churches, 50;
San Nicolas, Cebu City, Philippines.
members, 4,942.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 119, City of Office Address: Cagayan, Oriental Miss.
Cebu, Philippines. mis, Philippines.


President, E. A. Capobres.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, (Unorganized)
A. P. Reyes.
(Formerly a part of the Northern Luzon
Executive Committee: E. A. Capobres, Mission; now under the director-
Remebio B. Gahilig, F. R. Lasage, A. ship of the Union)
A. Poblete, A. P. Reyes, Alfonso
Sumicad, M. G. Yorac. Established 1939
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: The sub-provinces of Apayao,
Book and Periodical Agency, S. Benguet, Bontoc, Ifugao, Kalinga,
S. Tangjal. and Lepanto-Amburayan.
Educational, J. Obregon.
Home Missionary, M. G. Yorac. Population: 348,200; churches, 3 ; mem-
Medical, Angel Quisido. bers, 199.
Publishing, Z. Ferenal. Office Address: General Delivery, Ba-
Religious Liberty, Angel Quisido. guio, Mt. Province, Philippines.
Sabbath School, M. G. Yorac
Y.P.M.V., J. Obregon. (This mission is operated under the
direct supervision of the officers and
Ordained Ministers: the Executive Committee of the Phil-
Remegio B. Cahlig, E. A. Capobres, ippine Union Mission.)
M. G. Yorac.
Ordained Minister: A. A. Panaga.
Credentialed Missionaries:
Francisco Cabansag, L. P. Gaje, A. Licensed Missionary: Mark Balaoas.
A. Poblete. Church School Teachers:
Licensed Ministers: Felipe Berto, Dionisio Gallao, Simeon
Gabriel Brions, Serafin Flores, Sera- Rossetti, Mrs. Higina L. Verdan.
'pio Solano, Alfonso Sumicad.
Licensed Missionaries: NORTHEAST LUZON MISSION
Pedro Claveria, Antonio Cometa,
Maria Enano, Z. Ferenal, F. Ginging, (Formerly a part of the
B. Mary, Mrs. B. Mary, G. Miranda, Northern Luzon Mission)
J. Obregon, Mrs. A. Poblete, R. Pasco,
Angel Quisido, A. P. Reyes, P. Ro- Organized 1948
cero, Mrs. P. Rocero, A. Savilla, Territory: Provinces of Cagayan, Isa-
Eustacio Sine, Mrs. R. Somoso, F. bela, Nueva Vizcaya, and Batanes
Ta-ala, Mrs. F. Ta-ala, S. Tangjal, T. Islands.
Torrico. S. Villacampa.
Population: 726,300 ; churches, 23 ; mem-
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Mrs. L. bers, 1,168.
Office Address: Santiago, Isabela, Phil-
Church School Teachers: ippines.
Pascual Abella, Priscilla Alabanza, Officers:
Eleuteria Atil, Samuel Briones, Mrs.
Purita Cabangal, Mrs. Agapita Ca- President, J. 0. Bautista.
manzo, Mansueta Camacho, Magno Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, A.
Chipada, Bernabe Claveria, Martina S. Aqui.
Cuambot, Francisca Dagohoy, Felina Executive Committee: J. 0. Bautista,
Delicano, Mrs. Restituta Ellacer, Vi- A. S. Aqui, J. A. Bangloy, V. C. Me-
vencia Gayao, Cresencia Jamito, Mrs. dina, Andres Vendiola, E. G. Vigilia.
Ezequiela Jimenez, Marcelina Lam-
bayan, Rita Latorre, Sergio Lopez, Departmental Secretaries:
Manuel Dy Mamon, Mrs. M. D. Book and Periodical Agency, A. S.
Mamon, Columba Mina, Marciano Aqui.
Mongaya, Claudio Nadal, Castor Educational and Y.P.M.V., J. A.
Nagac, Luis Noval, Anacleto Ondap, Bangloy.
Honorato Ong, Mrs. Honorato Ong, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Mrs. Sebastiana Osorio, Geroncia V. C. Medina.
Polapos, Isabel Rabanes, Isidro Ra- Medical, Miss A. M. Arafiles.
velo, David Realiza, Elena Rubino, Publishing, V. C. Medina.
Protacio Sabayle, Mrs. P. Sabayle, Religious Liberty, J. 0. Bautista.
Mancelina Salud, Eliza Samba-an,
Mrs. Deborah Sollano, Felix Suico, Ordained Ministers:
Mrs. Rosita Sumagang, Rosalia J. 0. Bautista, V. C. Medina, E. G.
Tejano, Mrs. E. Villarus. Vigilia.

Credentialed Missionary: A. S. Aqui. Licensed Missionaries:

Licensed Ministers: V. Cabansag, Rosendo Diagan, Juana
Manuel, A. Miguel, Ester Lamadrid,
Q. C. Cabansag, C. P. Miguel, C. G. Angelita Perez, Segundo Ramel, Neri
Seralde. Reyes, Elisa Roxas, Benjamin Sani-
Licensed Missionaries: dad, Obdulia Vigilia.
A. M. Arafiles, N. R. Ico. Licensed Bible Instructors:
Church School Teachers: G. Cabanilla, M. Dalupan, Leonarda
V. Garcia, Leoncia C. Geslani,
I. P. Adangas, Mrs. Tranquilina G. Laureana Taaca, J. Nicolas.
Adanges, Priscila S. Aquino, Mrs.
Pas M. Cabansag, Q. C. Cabansag, Church School Teachers:
Leonila A. Calaguian, Concepcion Mrs. Lucia Andres, Veronica Atiga,
Camagay. Mrs. Laura G. Carino, S. Virginia Atiga, Maura Bautista, Con-
Corpuz, Mrs. Juanita T. Donato, Mrs. solacion Casanova, C. Castelo, F. Du-
Maria Feliciano, Mrs. Gavina Maca- maguing, Cipriana Geslani, Caferina
raeg, L. L. Macaraeg, Mrs. Eliza- Guerrero, Esther Miguel, M. Paulino,
beth A. Manzano, Pilar Nicolas, Mag- Rebecca Roda, Isabel Saladino, Mer-
dalena Pasamonte, Ursula P. Paulino, cedes Tabil, Conchita Tango.
Rizalina Roda, F. Sanidad, C. G.
Organized 1914 Territory: Provinces of Quezon, Laguna,
Batangas, Mindora, Marinduque.
Territory: Provinces of Abra, Ilocos
Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union, Panga- Population: 1,475,773 ; churches, 57 ;
sinan, part of Nueva Ecija, and Tar- members, 2,645.
lac. Office Address: Corner Palma and Mer-
chan Streets, Lucena, Quezon, Philip-
Population: 1,738,950 ; churches, 66 : pines.
members, 2,517.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 39, Lucena,
Office and Postal Address: Artacho, Quezon, Philippines.
Sison, Pangasinan, Philippines.
Officers: President, P. B. Gonzales.
President. A. Z. Roda. Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor,
Secretary-Treasurer, M. M. Zamora. E. R. Cupino.
Executive Committee: A. Z. Roda, Executive Committee: P. B. Gonzales,
G. E. Amansec, F. B. de la Cruz, P. M. P. Arevalo, S. Barrameda, E. R.
de Ia Cruz, A. T. Geslani, U. M. Cupino, A. G. Macasiano, P. S. Mag-
Oliva, M. M. Zamora. salin, W. Torres.
Departmental Secretaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Periodical Agency, M. M. Book and Periodical Agency, A. D.
Zamora. Lazaro.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., F. B. de Educational and Y.P.M.V., A. Maca-
la Cruz. siano.
Home Missionary and Sabbath Schocl, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
R. A. Pilar. P. S. Magsalin.
Medical, Leoncia C. Gelsani. Medical, C. L. Miranda.
Publishing. B. G. Malqued. Publishing, A. P. Constantino.
Religious Liberty, A. Z. Roda. Religious Liberty, P. B. Gonzales.
Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Ministers:
F. G. Dabu, P. B. Gonzales, P. S.
F. B. de Ia Cruz, 13. G. Malqued, U. M. Magsalin.
Oliva, R. A. Pilar, A. Z. Roda, J. Y.
Yovan. Licensed Ministers:
Honorary: T. P. Atiga, E. Valera. R. P. Alinsod, M. P. Arevalo, G. A.
Credentialed Missionaries: Arguzon, A. G. Macasiano, S. V.
A. Balinao, M. M. Zamora.
Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Ministers: M. P. Arevalo, J. M. Coloma, A. P.
G. E. Alsemac, J. A. Budayo, A. C. Constantino, E. R. Cupino, A. H.
Distor, A. E. Guadiz, P. Jimeno. Halcon, A. D. Lazaro, P. G. Molirn-

bayan, F. L. Pambo, V. C. Quintal, Licensed Bible Instructor: Mrs. Cenon

M. L. Siago, M. S. Yulip. Andalis.
Licensed Bible Instructors: Church School Teachers:
Paciencia Molimbayan, Alicia Mo- Rosalina Lagajino, Mrs. G. S. Lopez,
pera. Isabel Padin, Mrs. N. T. San Juan.
Church School Teachers:
Priscilla Aleantara, F. Arit. S. Arit,
Priscila Atiga, Leoncia Bautista, Do- WEST VISAYAN MISSION
lores Camagay, Romana Cuvin, Mrs.
C. A. Dizon, Francis Dominguez, Organized 1914
Damasa Esguerra, Lucia Ferrer, A.
Floresta, Caridad Gajes, Antonia Territory: The Provinces of Iloilo,
Garcia, Anicita Onandan, Estefania Capiz, Antique, Romblon, Occidental
Lardizabal, Dalisay Layola, F. Mag- Negros; and the island of Guimaras.
naye, S. Mopera, Maria Paredes, Mrs.
Z. F. Pasco, Catalina Perez, A. Sigue, Population: 2,704,100 ; churches, 86 ;
D. Solomon, Mrs. R. M. Torres, Ama- members, 5,988.
lia Valladolid, Augustina Vergara. Postal Address: Jaro, Iloilo City,
Organized 1926 President, V. M. Montalban.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, P.
Territory: Sorsogon, Albay, Camarines S. Arriola.
Sur, Camarines, Norte, Catanduancs, Assistant Auditor, J. G. Quijote.
Islands of Ticao and Burias.
Executive Committee: V. M. Montal-
Population: 1,379,597; churches, 46; ban, P. S. Arriola, J. M. Herrara,
members, 1,616. T. H. Jamandre. N. Jardinico, F. H.
Jornada, D. C. Sabrine.
Office Address: Albay, Albay, Philip-
pines. Departmental Secretaries:
Postal Address: Legaspi, Albay, Philip- Book and Periodical Agency, J. S.
pines. Diaz.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., L. Duni-
Officers: quez.
President, A. N. Somoso. Medical, R. de. Asis, C. A. Lamanero.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, M. Publishing, Dominador P. Danlag.
G. Jereos. Sabbath School and Home Missionary,
Executive Committee: A. N. Somoso, D. C. Sabrine.
C. B. Barnedo, J. D. Cristobal, M. R. Ordained Ministers:
Cudanin, M. G. Jereos, Felix Naris,
S. R. Quines. V. M. Montalban, D. C. Sabrine, E.
Departmental Secretaries: Honorary: F. H. Jornada.
Book and Periodical Agency, M. G.
Jereos. Credentialed Missionaries:
Educational, P. S. Arriola, Rosario 13. Asis, R. de
Medical, Asis, M. M. Claveria, L. Duriquez, J.
Publishing, M. R. Cudanin. Quijote.
Sabbath School and Home Missionary,
T. B. Frias. Licensed Ministers:
Religious Liberty, A. N. Somoso.
Y.P.M.V., J. M. Herrera, F. Jereos, Eutiquio M.
Salazar, T. B. Tortal, J. Urbanoso.
Ordained Ministers:
J. D. Cristobal, A. N. Somoso. Licensed Missionaries:
Honorary: J. M. Imperio. A. Carpio, Orlando C. Aguirre, Olym-
pia V. Arroyo, Rosario Aujero, An-
Credentialed Missionary: M. G. Jereos. tonio C. Cautivar, Dominador P.
Danlag, Garcia Diaz, J. S. Diaz, Ro-
Licensed Ministers: milk. C. Ferrer, Mrs. R. C. Ferrer,
M. R. Cudanin, D. L. Hizon, S. R. Remedios N. Galang, Ruperto G.
Quines. Garcia, Cristanto Garilva, Angel C.
Gepayan, Francisca J. Giganto, An-
Licensed Missionaries: tonio G. Hilado, Cornelio B. Isuga,
Cenon Andalis, P. R. Aspe, B. B. Mrs. F. H. Jornado, Catalino A.
Barnedo, C. B. Barnedo, T. B. Frias, Lamanero, Eusebia A. Lamanero, El-
Jacinto Haniel. pidio Lamera, C. Enrique Moreno,

J. C. Plaza, P. de los Reyes, Eliseo Korean Union Workers' Training In-

M. Sarsoza, Angel Solivio, Mrs. A. C. stitute, Seoul, Korea.
Solivio, Dominador R. Tamares,
Florentino Tiblero, Maria Tumang- Malayan Seminary, 401 Upper Seran-
day. goon Road, Singapore, Colony of
Licensed Bible Instructors: . Mindanao Mission Academy, Manti-
Mrs. R. Aujero, Mrs. T. M. Estilo, cao, Initao, Misamis Oriental, Phil-
R. N. Galeno, Mrs. C. B. Isuga, Agri- ippines.
fina B. Mopia, Enriqueta T. Tauro,
A. Yanson. North Celebes Training School, Ko-
wangkoan, Celebes, Indonesia.
Church School Teachers: Northern Luzon Academy, Artacho,
Heide Adelmeta, Estelita Almaiz, Sison, Pangasinan, Philippines.
Benjamin E. Bandiola, Rebecca Cas- Northwest Luzon Junior Academy,
rial, Virginia R. Castillo, Gloria D. Divisoria, Santiago, Isabela, Philip-
Empestan, Aldenia Fadri, Sophia pines.
Garzon, Rodrigo P. Genis, Maria
Gonzales, Delia Hilado, Lolita Jar- Philippine Union College, College
dinico, Esther C. Javellano, None- Place, Caloocan, Rizal, Philippines.
luna Labaniego, Salome Manalon, Sabah Training School, Tamparuli,
Mrs. M. J. Maninantan, Fely Media- Tuaran, North Borneo.
dero, Marcelita Miraflores, Consor-
cia M. Moreno, Amparo Recalde, Sunny Hill School, Third Mile, Si-
Geminiana Santillano, Marcelita de manggang Road, Kuching, Sara-
los Santos, Jerusha B. Tabo, Loudres wak, Borneo.
Victoriano, Adelf a C. Vingno.
West Visayan Academy, Bonco, Poto-
tan, Iloilo, Philippines.
(Detached Mission of the Far Eastern Sanitariums and Hospitals
Divisionoperating directly under Exe-
cutive Committee of the Far Eastern Bangkok Mission Clinic, 56 Maitrichitr
Division) Road, Bangkok, Siam.
Organized 1948 Bangkok Mission Sanitarium, 807 Lan
Luang Road, Bangkok, Siam.
Territory: Guam and Islands of the Bhuket Mission Clinic, Bhuket, Siam.
Trust Territory, formerly known as
Japanese Mandated Islands. Manila Sanitarium and Hospital, 1875
Donada St., Rizal City, Philippines.
Population : 185,559 ; churches, 2 ; mem-
bers, 31. Penang Mission Hospital, 465 Burma
Road, Penang, Malaya.
President: R. E. Dunton.
Penang Mission Clinic, 422 Chulia St.,
Ordained Minister: R. E. Dunton. Penang, Malaya.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. R. E. Dunton. Seoul Sanitarium and Hospital, Seoul,
Tokyo Sanitarium-Hospital, (Tokyo
INSTITUTIONS IN THE FAR Eisei Byoin) 171 Amanuma 1
EASTERN DIVISION Chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Educational: Youngberg Memorial Hospital, 513
Ayer Manis School, (Dyak Training Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore,
School) Serian, Kuching, Sarawak. Asia.
Bangkok Seventh-day Adventist Mis-
sion School, Rama IV Road, Bang- Dispensaries
kok, Siam. Cebu Public Health Dispensary, 398
East Visayan Academy, Bulacao, Tali- Tres de Abril St., San Nicolas,
say, Cebu, Philippines. Cebu City, Philippines.
Indo-China Training School, 124 Ceram Dispensary, Roemahkey, via
Route Localle 22, Phu-nhuan, Sai- Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia.
gon, Indo-China.
Indonesia Training School, Gadobang- Cholon Maternity Home, 203-205 Bd
kong, Tjimahi, Java, Indonesia. Charles Thompson, Cholon, Cochin-
china, Indo-China.
Japan Junior College (Nihon San-
Iku Cakuin), Showa Machi, Kimitsu Lakeside Clinic, Dansalan, Lanao,
Gun, Chiba Ken, Japan. Mindanao, Philippines.

Manila Sanitarium and Hospital Japan Seventh-day Adventist Pub-

Clinic, 1875 Donada, Rizal City, lishing House Fukuinsha), 171
Philippines. Amanuma 1 Chome, Suginami-ku,
Philippine Union College Clinic, Tokyo, Japan.
Baesa Caloocan, Rizal, Philippines.
Malayan Signs Press, 399 Upper Ser-
Polyclinic of the Advent Mission, angoon Road, Singapore, Colony of
Tanah Tinggi 16, Batavia Centrum, Singapore.
Java, Indonesia.
Publishing : Philippine Publishing House, Baesa,
Caloocan, Rizal, near Philippine
Indo-China Press, 124 Route Localle Union College. Postal Address: Box
22, Phu-nhuan, Saigon, Indo-China. 813, Manila, Philippines.
Indonesia Publishing House (Advent
Boeken Depot), Naripan 63, Ban- Signs of the Times Publishing House,
doeng, Java, Indonesia. Chyung-yang-ri, Seoul, Korea.

Organized 1922

Territory: Mexico, Guatemala, Hondu- Departmental Secretaries:

ras, British Honduras, Salvador, Nica-
ragua, Costa Rica, Panama. Colombia, Educational and Y.P.M.V., A. H.
Venezuela, British Guiana, Dutch Roth.
Guiana, French Guiana, West Indies Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Temperance, Wesley Amundsen.
Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Medical,
Windward, Leeward, Virgin and Ministerial Association, W. E. Mur-
Bahama IslandsFrench and Nether- ray.
lands West Indies, and that portion Radio, Press Relations and Religious
of the city of Miami, Florida, known Liberty, L. H. Lindbeck.
as Coconut Grove, southeast of the Publishing, J. C. Culpepper.
Dixie Highway and south to the Red
Road and east of the Red Road to the Transportation:
bay; comprising the Antillian, Brit- General Agent, Leonard F. Bohner.
ish West Indies, Caribbean, Central Antillian Union Mission, F. S. Thomp-
American, Colombia-Venezuela, and son.
Mexican Union Missions. British West Indies Union Mission,
Population: 57,427,188 ; churches, 851 : Clyde 0. Franz.
members, 64,481. Caribbean Union Mission, J. 0. Em-
Cable Address: "Adventist," Miami merson.
Central American Union Mission,
Office and Telegraphic Address: 1921 D. A. Cone.
South Bayshore Drive, Miami, Flor-
ida, U.S.A. Colombia-Venezuela Union Mission,
A. L. Edeburn.
Postal Address: Box 228, Coconut Grove,
Miami, Florida, U.S.A. Mexican Union Mission, K. H. Em-
President, E. F. Hackman. Ordained Ministers:
Secretary, W. E. Murray. Wesley Amundsen, E. F. Hackman,
Treasurer and Auditor, Leonard F. Glenn Calkins, T. C. Culpepper, A. V.
Bohner. Larson, L. H. Lindbeck, W. E. Mur-
Assistant Treasurer and Auditor, ray, A. H. Roth.
R. B. Caldwell.
Credentialed Missionaries:
Division Committee: E. F. Hackman, Robert Bowen, C. L. von Pohle.
Wesley Amundsen, C. R. Anderson,
B. L. Archbold, Leonard F. Bohner, Licensed Ministers:
J. L. Brown, A. J. Calderon, R. B. Leonard F. Bohner, R. B. Caldwell,
Caldwell, J. C. Culpepper, A. V. Lar- Benjamin Maxson.
son, L. H. Lindbeck, H. B. Lund-
quist, L. A. Morrison, W. E. Murray, Licensed Missionaries:
G. C. Nickel, Robert H. Pierson, A.
H. Roth, 0. C. Walker, Henry J. Mrs. Robert Bowen, Effie James, Mrs.
Westphal. A. V. Larson, Mrs. Benjamin Maxson.


(Union Antillana de los Adventistas del Septimo Dia)
Reorganized 1923

Territory: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Postal Address: Apartado 60, General

Haiti, Puerto Rico. Peraza, Havana, Cuba.
Population: 11,730,264 ; churches, 158 ; Officers:
members, 14,787.
President, H. 13. Lundquist.
Cable Address: "Unionantil," Havana,
Cuba. Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor,
F. S. Thompson.
Office Address: 3d and F Sts., General
Peraza (Rancho Boyeros), Havana, Executive Committee: H. B. Lund-
Cuba. (Telephone, No. 8.) quist, Nicolas Chaij, A. L. Christen-

sen, A. P. Christiansen, F. G. Dra- Matar, Juan E. Rivera, Angel de la

chenberg. S. L. Folkenberg, E. A. Torre.
Girado, L. L. Reile, R. J. Roy, V. A.
Sauza, F. S. Thompson, Miguel Vaz- Departmental Secretaries:
quez, Ernest Veuthey, Samuel Weiss, Book and Bible House,
W. A. Wild. Educational, Home Missionary, and
Departmental Secretaries: Sabbath School, ------
Educational and Y.P.M.V., L. L. Publishing, Eligio Gonzalez.
Reile. Ordained Ministers:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Press Relations, and Radio, W. A. Eloy Acosta, Juan E. Rivera, Angel
Wild. de la Torre, Samuel Weiss.
Publishing, Nicolas Chaij. Credentialed Missionary: Robert Max-
Ordained Ministers:
H. E. Baasch, Joses Brutus, Nicolas Licensed Missionaries:
Chaij, Julien Craan, F. G. Drachen- Mrs. Estrella Acosta, Eligio Gonzalez,
berg, H. B. Lundquist, L. L. Reile, Vigilio Hernandez, Mrs. Eva Maxson,
Andres Riffel, F. S. Thompson, W. A. Luisa Moore. Mrs. Juan E. Rivera,
Wild. Mrs. Angel de la Torre, Mrs. Delia
Licensed Ministers:
M. Carballal, A. L. Christensen, Bible Instructor: Leonela Gonzalez.
Glenn A. Houck, M. E. Lysinger, H. Church School Teachers:
S. Mendez, C. R. Taylor.
Salvador Alvarez, Muriel Burke, Neda
Licensed Missionaries: Cano, Dolores Castillo, Domingo Mena,
Olimpia Reyes, Daniel Williams,
Mrs. H. E. Baasch, Mrs. M. Carballal, Samuel Williams.
Mrs. Nicolas Chaij, Mrs. A. L. Chris-
tensen, Mrs. F. G. Drachenberg, Mrs.
G. A. Houck, Mrs. H. B. Lundquist,
Mrs. M. E. Lysinger, Mrs. R. H. EAST CUBA CONFERENCE
Crager, Therlo Harper, Marie Caveda, (Asociacion Oriental de los Adventistas
Mrs. H. S. Mendez, H. F. Meyer,
Mrs. H. F. Meyer, Carmen Monzon, del Septimo Dia)
Mrs. L. L. Reile, Mike Rabuka, Mrs.
Mike Rabuka, Mrs. Andres Riffel, Carl Organized 1941
Smith, Mrs. Carl Smith, Mrs. C. R. Territory: The eastern part of Cuba,
Taylor, Mrs. F. S. Thompson, Mrs. consisting of the provinces of Cama-
W. A. Wild. guey and Oriente.
Population: 1,561,849 ; churches, 35 ;
members, 1,790.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Adven-
(Mision Dominicans de los Adventistas tista," Camaguey, Cuba.
del Septimo Dia)
Office Address: Avenida de la Libertad
Organized 1924 No. 268, Camaguey, Cuba. (Telephone,
Territory: Dominican Republic.
Postal Address: Apartado 30, Cama-
Population: 1,616,561 ; churches, 23 ; guey, Cuba.
members, 1,877.
Cable Address: "Adventista," Ciudad President, Miguel Vazquez.
Trujillo, Republica Dominicana. Secretary-Treasurer, A. P. Christian-
Office Address: Wenceslao Alvarez No. Executive Committee: Miguel Vaz-
4, Ciudad Trujillo, Republica Domi- quez, A. P. Christiansen, B. Hernan-
nicana. dez, E. A. Pupo, M. N. Skyers, Fer-
Postal Address: Apartado 668, Ciudad nando Valcarcel, Ignacio Vazquez.
Trujillo, Republica Dominicana. Departmental Secretaries:
Officers: Book and Bible House, A. P. Chris-
President, Samuel Weiss. Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Secretary-Treasurer, Educational, and Y.P.M.V., David
Executive Committee: Samuel Weiss, Caveda.
Eloy Acosta, Eligio Gonzales, Carlos Publishing, Bernardo Hernandez.

Ordained Ministers: Licensed Ministers:

David Miller, Ignacio Vazquez, Mi- Maxi Cherenfant, Carpel Desvarieux,
guel Vazquez. Antony Henri, V. R. Lebedoff, Alexis
Honorary: Manuel Avila, J. B. Sales. Valcourt, Guiscard Sablier.
Credentialed Missionaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Roberto Cols Acosta, Ana Rosa Al- Napoleon Charles, Assiedus Isaac,
varado, Antonio R. Lores. Mrs. V. R. Lebedoff, Edner Pierre
Louis, Horatius Petigny, Mrs. Ernest
Licensed Ministers: Veuthey.
David Caveda, A. P. Christiansen, Church School Teachers:
Leopoldo Guzman, Bernardo Hernan-
dez, Miguel Leon, M. N. Skyers, Ru- Roselie Belizaire, Roland Berming-
fino Vazquez, Raul Villanueva. ham, Mrs. Antilde Bissainthe, Mrs.
Luc Blot, Elvire Cantave, Max
Licensed Missionaries: Charles, Mrs. Paul Conze, Prescille
Mrs. A. P. Christiansen, Mrs. David Desvarieux, Anna Hezel, Yvron
Miller, Mrs. Raul Villanueva. Julney, Bibiane Laborde, Anide Mer-
cier, Margueritte Micius, St. Germain
Church School Teachers: Noel, Marcel Perpignan, Theodore
Samuel Avila, Zoila Cuzco, Dolores Pierre-Louis, Amedee St. Pierre, Mrs.
Dominguez, Clarence Colbourne, Eu- Duveilla Pierre, Leone Ricart, Gerard
cilda Jorge, M. W. R. Miller, Sarah Theodore, Morel Torchon, Nicodeme
Ruiz, Jacobo Salcedo, Maria Seoane, Titus, Mrs. Louis Vernet, Eberle Za-
Gladys Small, Melitina Tablada, nier.
Isaias de la Torre, Felix Vazquez,
Josue Velez.
(Asociacion de los Adventistas de
HAITIAN MISSION Septimo Dia en Puerto Rico)
(Mission Haitienne) Organized 1948
Established 1905 Territory: Islands of Puerto Rico and
Territory: Republic of Haiti. Vieques.
Population: 4,000,000; churches, 37; Population: 2,017,000 ; churches, 35;
members, 6,765. members, 2,627.
Cable Address: "Adventiste," Port-au- Cable Address: "Adventists," San Juan,
Prince, Haiti. Puerto Rico.
Office Address: Avenue Joseph Nicolas Office Address: Calle Hoare esqu. Jose
and Magloire Ambroise, Port-au- Marti, Stop 14, Santurce, Puerto
Prince, Haiti. Rico. (Telephone, No. 2-1463.)
Postal Address: Casier Postal S, Port- Postal Address: Apartado 3005, San-
au-Prince, Haiti. turce, Puerto Rico.
Officers: Officers:
President, Ernest Veuthey. President, S. L. Folkenberg.
Secretary-Treasurer, Guiscard Sab- Secretary-Treasurer, E. A. Girado.
lier. Executive Committee: S. L. Folken-
Executive Committee: Ernest Veu- berg, E. A. Girado, Eduardo Acosta,
they, Toussenel Alexis, Matthieu Ber- Pedro Perales, Francisco Ruiz, Don-
mingham, Mileon Herivaux, V. R. ald Sargeant.
Lebedoff, Albert Painson, Guiscard Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, E. A. Girado.
Departmental Secretaries: Educational and Y.P.M.V., Alvin J.
Book and Bible House, Guiscard Sab- Stewart.
lier. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Home Missionary and Publishing, Jose Gil.
Matthieu Bermingham. Publishing, Francisco Ruiz.
Sabbath School, Y.P.M.V., and Edu-
Ordained Ministers:
cational, V. R. Lebedoff.
Eduardo Acosta, Jose Castrejon, R.
Ordained Ministers: E. del Sol, Ramon Hernandez, S. L.
Toussenel Alexis, F. D. Apollon, Folkenberg, E. A. Girado, Antonio
Matthieu Bermingham, Nahum Isaac, Marrero, Francisco Megrant, Manuel
Bossuet Lanoix, Ernest Veuthey. Mendez, Pedro Perales, J. A. Phipps,
Honorary: A. J. Jean-Baptiste, M. N. Alvin J. Stewart.
Isaac. Honorary: Rafael Bracero.

Credentialed Missionaries: Officers:

T. Maldonado, Rosa Rosario. President, R. J. Roy.
Licensed Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, Virgilio Zaldi-
Jose Gil, M. N. Miller, C. R. Olm- Executive Committee: R. J. Roy, H.
stead, Francisco Ruiz.. E. Baasch, Jose de la Maza, Juan
Licensed Missionaries: Palau, Celestino Roque, Virgilio Zal-
Mrs. R. E. del Sol, Mrs. S. L. Folken- divar.
berg, Mrs. Jose Gil, Mrs. E. A. Girado, Departmental Secretaries:
Maries McCall, Mrs. H. N. Miller, Book and Bible House, Virgilio Zaldi-
Mrs. C. R. Olmstead, Mrs. J. A. var.
Phipps, Mrs. Alvin J. Stewart.
Educational, Sabbath School, and
Church School Teachers: Y.P.M.V., Celestino Roque.
Mrs. Margarita Acosta, Antonio Iri- Home Misisonary, R. J. Roy.
zarry, Mrs. Ruth Martinez, Mrs. Luz, Publishing, Juan Palau.
M. Padro, Jonathan Pagan, Adriano
Quiles, Dimas Rosado, Mrs. Julia Ordained Ministers:
Renovales, Mrs. Consuelo Soto, Mrs. E. A. Girado, R. J. Roy, V. A. Sauza,
Julia Valle. J. A. Zaragoza.
Honorary: Pedro Cruz.
WEST CUBA CONFERENCE Credentialed Missionary: Juan Palau.
(Asociacion Occidental de los Adventis- Licensed Ministers:
tas del Septimo Dia)
Rogelio Campillo, Miguel Leyva, Celes-
Organized 1941 tino Roque, Virgilio Zaldivar.
Territory: The western part of Cuba, Licensed Missionaries:
made up of the provinces of Pinar
del Rio. Havana, Matanzas and Hilda Cardero, Rene Chavez, Reiner
Santa Clara; the Isle of Pines. Macias, Mrs. R. J. Roy, Mrs. V. A.
Sauza, Felida Vences.
Population: 2,534,854 ; churches, 28 ;
members, 1,728. Church School Teachers:
Cable Address: "Adventista," Havana, Arturo Broch, Maria Bazan, Xiomara
Cuba. Coy, Gergio Fuentes, Isabel Guevara,
Justino Montelier, Petronila Oxa-
Office and Postal Address: Patrocinio mendi, Celeste Rivero, Ramon Sal-
No. 20, Vibora, Havana, Cuba. (Tele- cedo, Ramon Silva, Luisa Valdivia,
phone 1-4004.) Esther Vivanco.


Organized 1944

Territory: Jamaica, Bahama Islands, Executive Committee: , C. R.

British Honduras, Coconut Grove, Anderson, B. G. Rutherus, K. S. Cro-
Florida, District, Swan Island, Cay- foot, H. D. Colburn, Clyde 0. Franz,
man Islands, Turks and Caicos Is- R. E. Gibson, A. R. Haig, B. R. Ham-
lands. ilton. W. A. Holgate, Glenn Millard,
W. S. Nation, M. G. Nembhard, E.
Population: 1,382,449 ; churches, 223 ; E. Parchment, Gordon Prenier, E. C.
members, 15,031. H. Reid, 0. V. Schneider, J. N. Wil-
Cable Address: "Adventist," Mande- liams.
ville, Jamaica.
Departmental Secretaries:
Office Address: Mandeville, Jamaica,
British West Indies. Book and Bible House, B. R. Hamil-
Postal Address: Box 22, Mandeville,
Jamaica, British West Indies. Educational, B. G. Butherus.
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., H.
Officers: D. Colburn.
President, . Medical, C. R. Anderson.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Publishing, A. R. Haig.
Clyde 0. Franz. Religious Liberty,
Accountant, Clinton Hendriks.
Field Secretary. E. E. Parchment. Sabbath School, E. E. Parchment.

Ordained Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:

C. R. Anderson, Stanley Bull, B. G. Wen P. Jones, Mrs. Owen P. Jones,
Butherus, H. D. Colburn, Clyde 0. Paul Ward.
Franz, R. E. Gibson, A. R. Haig,
W. A. Holgate, E. E. Parchment. Church School Teachers:
Honorary: Frank Hall, W. H. Randle, Ualee Lawrence, U. B. Toote.
J. A. Reid, G. A. E. Smith.
Credentialed Missionaries:
L. L.' D'Andrade, A. W. N. Druitt,
E. L. Gardner, L. A. Horning, Ran- Reorganized 1937
som H. Luce, Ruth Mitchell, L. A.
Morrison, Edna C. Parchment, M. R. Territory: The Colony of British Hon-
Pleasants, Marjorie Whitney. duras.
Licensed Ministers: Population: 64,000; churches, 12; mem-
B. R. Hamilton, W. A. Osbourne. bers, 510.

Licensed Missionaries: Cable Address: "Adventist," Belize,

British Honduras.
G. L. Alexander, Mrs. G. L. Alex-
ander, C. R. Anderson, Headley An- Postal Address: Box 170, Belize, Brit-
derson, Pearl Bell, Dell Brodie, Gladys ish Honduras.
Brodie, Mavis Bryan, Mrs. Stanley
Bull, Mrs. B. G. Butherus, Zeta Boyd, Officers:
Rebecca Carroll, Mrs. H. D. Colburn, President, J. N. Williams.
Olga Crarey, Mrs. A. W. N. Druitt, Secretary-Treasurer, Ivy Usher.
Urceline Greene, Evelyn Fletcher, Mrs. Executive Committee: J. N. Williams,
Clyde 0. Franz, Mrs. E. L. Gardner, Ivy Usher, Clifford Atherley, S. A.
Mrs. R. E. Gibson, Clinton Hendricks, Clarke, Arthur Harding, Garfield
E. C. Henriques, Mrs. L. A. Horning, Newman, B. A. Woodburn.
Mrs. Ransom H. Luce, Olive McCart-
ney, Jean Mullings, V. H. Percy, Departmental Secretaries:
Mrs. M. R. Pleasants, Agnes W. Book and Bible House, Ivy Usher.
Sangster, Olga Smith, E. E. Walters, Educational, Dorothy Campbell.
Eva Williams. Home Missionary and Religious Lib-
erty, J. N. Williams.
Sabbath School, Mrs. J. N. Williams.
Y.P.M.V., Garfield Newman.
Entered 1909
Ordained Ministers:
Territory: The Bahama Islands.
Garfield Newman, J. N. Williams.
Population: 68,112; churches, 18; mem-
bers, 617. Credentialed Missionary: Ivy Usher.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Nassau, Licensed Minister: B. A. Woodburn.
Licensed Missionaries:
Postal Address: Box 356, Nassau, Ba- Dorothy Campbell, Mrs. M. Cojulun,
hamas, British West Indies. Mrs. Garfield Newman, Mrs. S. Vas-
Office Address: 355 Bay Street (near ciannie, Mrs. J. N. Williams, Mrs.
Rawson Square), Nassau, Bahamas, B. A. Woodburn.
British West Indies. Church School Teachers:
Officers: Dorothy Campbell. Mrs. C. A. Gill,
President, Roleta Clarke, Mrs. J. Tapia, Mrs. F.
Secretary-Treasurer, Trapp.
Executive Committee: C. F. Edwards,
G. McKinney, R. G. Turner, Paul
Departmental Secretaries: Organized 1944 '
Book and Bible House, Territory: Grand Cayman, Cayman,
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Ualee Brac, Little Cayman, and Swan
Lawrence. Islands.
Home Missionary,
Publishing, Owen P. Jones. Population: 7,000 ; churches, 4 ; mem-
Sabbath School, bers, 114.
Temperance, Florence Wood.
Postal Address: George Town, Grand
Ordained Minister: W. H. Waller. Cayman, British West Indies.


President, 0. V. Schneider. . Organized 1946
Executive Committee: J. T. Bodden, Territory: Islands of Mayaguana, Ina-
George Merren, 0. V. Schneider, Mrs. gua and Little Inagua of the Baha-
0. V. Schneider, one Union represen- mas, and the Turks and Caicos
tative. group.
Departmental Secretaries: Population: 7,000; churches, 2 ; mem-
Educational and Sabbath School. bers, 27.
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., 0. Postal Address: Box 7, Grand Turk,
V. Schneider. Turks and Caicos Islands, British
Publishing, A. R. Haig. West Indies..
Ordained Minister: 0. V. Schneider. Officers:
Licensed Missionaries: President, Gordon Prenier.
Secretary-Treasurer, Gordon Prenier.
J. T. Bodden, George Merren, Mrs.
0. V. Schneider, C. R. Wood. Executive Committee: Gordon Pre-
nier, Mrs. Gordon Prenier, C. C. Neb-
EAST JAMAICA MISSION Credentialed Missionary: C. C. Nebblett.
Organized 1944 Licensed Minister: Gordon Prenier.
Territory: Eastern part of Jamaica, Licensed Missionary: Mrs. Gordon Pre-
consisting of the parishes of St. nier.
Catherine, St. Mary, Portland, St.
Thomas, St. Andrew, and Kingston. WEST JAMAICA MISSION
Population: 569,840; churches, 84 ; mem- Organized 1944
bers, 7,187.
Territory: Western part of Jamaica,
Cable Address: "Adventist," Kingston, consisting of the parishes of Claren-
Jamaica. don, Manchester, St. Elizabeth, West-
Office and Postal Address: 176 Orange moreland, Hanover, St. James, Tre-
Street, Kingston, Jamaica, British lawny, and St. Ann.
West Indies. Population: 666,497; churches, 103 ;
Officers: members, 6,576.
President, K. S. Crofoot. Cable Address: "AdventistHazelrigg,"
Secretary-Treasurer, E. Winnifred Mandeville, Jamaica.
Office and Postal Address: "Hazelrigg,"
Executive Committee: K. S. Crofoot, Mandeville, Jamaica, British West
Glenn Millard, M. G. Nembhard, E. Indies.
Winnifred Parchment, A. C. Stock-
hausen, D. E. Walker, H. S. Walters. Officers:
Departmental Secretaries: President, W. S. Nation.
Secretary-Treasurer, Mertie Rodri-
Educational, Home Missionary and quez.
Y.P.M.V., H. S. Walters.
Publishing, W. U. Campbell. Executive Committee: W. S. Nation,
Sabbath School, H. S. Crofoot. Frank Fletcher, E. C. H. Reid, Earl
Parchment, Mertie Rodriquez, W. A.
Ordained Ministers: Stevens.
W. U. Campbell, K. S. Crofoot, C. F.
Edwards, A. D. Laing, Glenn Millard, Departmental Secretaries:
H. E. Nembhard, M. G. Nembhard, Educational, Home Missionary, and
A. C. Stockhausen, 11. S. Walters, Y.P.M.V., Earl Parchment.
E. C. Walton. Publishing B. E. Hurst.
Credentialed Missionary: E. Winnifred Religious Liberty, Temperance, and
Parchment. Sabbath School, W. S. Nation.

Licensed Missionaries: Ordained Ministers:

Mrs. K. S. Crofoot, Mrs. Glenn Mil- Frank Fletcher, Lee Goldbourne, C. S.
lard, Mrs. W. A. Holgate, Huldaw Greene, B. E. Hurst, S. G. Lindo, W.
Shaw, D. E. Walker, Vinette Walker, S. Nation, Earl Parchment, E. C. H.
Mrs. H. S. Walters. Reid, Kenneth Vaz.

Church School Teachers: Credentialed Missionary: Mertie Rodri-

Mrs. L. Bradshaw, Gordon J. Ed-
wards, D. W. Hawthorne. Licensed Minister: Owen Holness.

Licensed Missionaries: Church School Teachers:

Mrs. Belle Bent, Mrs. W. S. Nation, Dell Brodie, Pearl Daley, L. A. Grey,
Daphnie Samuels, Ruby Whinstanley,
Annie Parchment. Beryl Williamson.


Organized as Union Conference 1926; reorganized as Union Mission 1945.

Territory: Trinidad and Tobago, Bar- BRITISH GUIANA MISSION

bados, the Windward, Leeward, and Operated as Guiana Mission from 1926
Virgin Islands; British, Dutch, and to 1945; reorganized as British
French Guianas. Guiana Mission 1945.
Population: 2,273,871; churches, 170; Territory: British Guiana, South
members, 13,306. America.
Cable Address: "Caribunion," Port-of-
Spain, Trinidad. Population : 375,819,; churches, 40 ; mem-
bers, 2,928.
Postal Address: Box 221, Port-of-Spain,
Trinidad, British West Indies. Cable Address: "Adventist," George-
town, British Guiana, South America.
Office Address: 7 Rookery Nook, Port-
of-Spain, Trinidad, British West In- Office Address: 104 Regent Street,
dies. (Telephone, 4732.) Georgetown, British Guiana, South
America. (Telephone, C-1284.)
Postal Address: Box 78, Georgetown,
President, R. H. Pierson. British Guiana, South America.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, J.
0. Emmerson. Officers:
Cashier, Charles Kum. . President, C. B. Sutton.
Executive Committee: R. H. Pierson, Secretary-Treasurer, George E. Carter.
B. L. Archbold, J. 0. Emmerson, R. Executive Committee: C. B. Sutton,
Combes, Vernon Flory, E. T. Gack- George E. Carter, Charles Dirgoon-
enheimer, S. B. Jean-Elie, P. W. anan, V. H. McEachrane, N. A. Prem-
Manuel, V. H. McEachrane, H. E. das, 0. P. Reid, V. Stoll.
Nembhard, C. B. Sutton, A. R.
Tucker, C. G. van Putten. Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, George E. Car-
Departmental Secretaries: ter ; Assistant, V. T. Boyce.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., B. L. Educational, V. T. Boyce.
Archbold. Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V.,
Home Missionary, Sabbath School and N. A. Premdas.
Radio, P. W. Manuel. Publishing, Charles Dirgoonanan.
Publishing, Sabbath School, N. A. Premdas.
Press Relations, Ordained Ministers:
Religious Liberty,
Temperance, R. F. Dunlop. R. E: Brooks, E. S. Greaves, V. H.
McEachrane, 0. P. Reid, C. B. Sut-
Ordained Ministers: ton.
B. L. Archbold, A. H. Linzau, P. W.
Manuel, R. H. Pierson, A. R. Tucker. Credentialed Missionaries:
Honorary: Henry Beck, R. T. E. Colt- V. T. Boyce, Riley Caesar.
hurst, W. H. Lewis, N. Payne, A. E. Licensed Ministers:
Riley, T. J. Warner. George E. Carter, Charles Dirgoon-
Credentialed Missionaries: anan, N. A. Premdas.
I. W. Baerg, R. F. Dunlop, Charles Licensed Missionaries:
Kum, W. L. Perry, R. Wilson. Mrs: George E. Carter, E. Dyett, Mrs.
Licensed Ministers: C. B. Sutton.
J. 0. Emmerson, F. E. Hills, S. E. Bible Instructors:
White. F. A. Blenman, Mrs. I. Downer.
Licensed Missionaries: Church School Teachers:
Linda Austin, Mrs. I. W. Baerg, Jenefer Calder, D. Dummett, Em-
Camilla Beckles, Mrs. E. E. Hills, manuel Dyett, Priscilla Fraser, J. J.
Constance Hunt, Walter Low, Mrs.
R. H. Pierson, Verna Roberts, Pearl Lewis, I. Matheson, P. A. West.
Shorey, Mrs. A. R. Tucker, Mrs. J. 0. Legal Title: "Guiana Conference of
Emmerson. Seventh-day Adventists."

Roraima Indian Mission Station Licensed Missionaries:

Address: Paruima Mission, Kurupung, Mrs. Ralph Combes, Leone Delise,
Mazaruni River, British Guiana, South Georges Erin, Marcel Pereau.
Church School Teachers:
Director: R. E. Brooks. Joseph Bigord, Mrs. F. Bouguety,
Mrs. A. Solgnac.


(Mission de la Guyane Francaise des
Adventistes du Septieme Jour) Organized 1926 as Conference;
reorganized as Mission 1945.
Organized 1945, out of territory of
the Guiana Conference Territory: Barbados, St. Lucia, Lee-
(Under direct administration of Carib- ward, Windward, and Virgin Islands,
bean Union.) excepting the French West Indies.
Population : 452,964 ; churches, 46 ; mem-
Territory: French Guiana. bers, 3,548.
Population: 47,341 ; members, 6. Cable Address: "Adventist," Barbados,
British West Indies.
Postal Address: Casier Postal 65, Cay-
enne, French Guiana, South America. Office Address: Upper Collymore Rock,
Bridgetown, Barbados, British West
President: R. H. Pierson. Indies. (Telephone, 3469.)
Ordained Minister: A. H. Linzau. Postal Address: Box 223, Bridgetown,
Barbados, British West Indies.
FRENCH WEST INDIAN MISSION President, E. T. Gackenheimer.
(Mission des Antilles Francaises des Secretary-Treasurer, G. 0. Dunham.
Adventistes du Septieme Jour) Executive Committee: E. T. Gacken-
Established 1929 heimer, G. 0. Dunham, C. M. Green-
idge, W. H. Lewis, F. A. Sebro, 0. C.
Territory: French West IndiesMar- Walker, Arthur A. Ward.
tinique, and Guadeloupe and its depen- Departmental Secretaries:
dencies. Book and Bible House, G. 0. Dunham ;
Population: 514,212 ; churches, 15 ; mem- Cashier, Joyce B. Shannon.
bers, 1,226. Educational, Home Missionary, and
Y.P.M.V.; Arthur A. Ward.
Cable Address: "Adventiste," Fort-de- Publishing, George McMillan.
France, Martinique. Sabbath School, Arthur A. Ward.
Office Address: Route de Schelcher 2- Ordained Ministers:
me km., Fort-de-France, Martinique, A. A. Fortune, E. T. Gackenheimer,
French West Indies. Nathaniel C. Gooding, W. H. Lewis,
Postal Address: Casier Postal 200, Fort- F. A. Sebro, 0. C. Walker, Arthur A.
de-France, Martinique, French West Ward, W. W. Weithers.
Indies. Licensed Ministers:
Officers: Lionel B. Arthur, Noel Bailey, G. 0.
Dunham, George McMillan.
President, Ralph Combes.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. G. Roth. Licensed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: Ralph Combes, Mrs. G. 0. Dunham, Mrs. E. T.
Eugene Berle, S. B. Jean-Elie, Yves Gackenheimer.
Menal, A. G. Roth. Church School Teachers:
Departmental Secretaries: Ruby Bovell, Arhoda Callender, Nellie
Hinds, M. A. Joseph, Hugh King,
Book and Bible House, A. G. Roth. Clarence Lashley, David Lewis, Ma-
Educational and Sabbath School, A. G. tilda Nowell, H. B. Philips, Marjorie
Roth. Philpot, M. E. Russell, Edith Samuel,
Home Missionary, Ralph Combes. Ferris Scott.
Publishing and Y.P.M.V., Yves Menal.
Legal Titles: The Board of Trustees of
Ordained Ministers: the Seventh-day Adventist Church in
Eugene Berle, Ralph Combes, S. B. the Leeward Islands, Antigua; The
Jean-Elie, A. G. Roth. Leeward Islands Mission of Seventh-
day Adventists, Barbados, British
Credcntialed Missionary: Yves Menal. West Indies.

SOUTH CARIBBEAN MISSION F. Morales, Hugh Shorey, Isabel

Sutherland, Ethel Wallerson, Mrs. S.
Organized as Conference 1926; E. White.
reorganized as Mission 1945.
Bible Instructors:
Territory: Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada,
the Grenadines, and St. Vincent. Gwendolyn Robins, Iris Wiltshire.
Population: 710,446 ; churches, 67; mem- Church School Teachers:
bers, 5,422. 'Iona Bernard, Theophilus Billingy,
Cable Address: "Adventist," Port-of- Mrs. Theophilus Billingy, Hilbert
Spain, Trinidad. Brice, Clifton A. Buddy, J. H. Callen-
der, Euphemia Charles, Aaron Dar-
Office Address: 46 Warren Street, Port- lington, Lessie Delaney, Edith Eph-
of-Spain, Trinidad, British West raim, Aaron W. Haynes, John R. Hill,
Indies. (Telephone, 6401.) Lionel Lawrence, Altorf A. LaTorche,
Mrs. Altorf A. LaTorche, Irene Long,
Postal Address: Box 66, Port-of-Spain, Charles Mack, Edward Marcano, Mer-
Trinidad, British West Indies. rille McKenzie, Jonathan Riley, Una
Officers: Roach, Edric Sealey, Ellen Titus,
President, Vernon Flory. George Trotman, Mrs. George Trot-
Secretary-Treasurer, S. E. White. man.
Executive Committee: Vernon Flory, Legal Titles: The Incorporated Trustees
S. E. White, Samuel L. Gadsby, C. L. of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Jones, Charles Manoram, William in Trinidad and Tobago. Also: The
Thomson, J. D. Wood. Incorporated Trustees of the Seventh-
day Adventist Church in St. Vincent.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, S. E. White;
Assistant, Fred F. Morales.
Home Missionary, Educational, and SURINAM MISSION
Y.P.M.V., Charles Manoram. Organized 1945 out of territory of
Sabbath School, S. E. White. the Guiana Conference.
Publishing, R. Haynes.
(Under direct administration of
Ordained Ministers: Caribbean Union)
L. D. Brathwaite, J. T. Carrington,
Vernon Flory, Samuel L. Gadsby, Territory: Dutch Guiana (or Surinam).
C. D. Henry, C. L. Jones, Charles Population: 173,089 ; churches, 2 ; mem-
Manoram, A. E. Riley, John Roberts, bers, 176.
J. D. Wood.
Office Address: 7 Annie Straat, Para-
Licensed Ministers: maribo, Dutch Guiana, South America.
Henry Gabriel, George W. Riley, S. E.
White. Postal Address: Box 445, Paramaribo,
Dutch Guiana, South America.
Licensed Missionaries:
President: C. G. van Putten.
Daphne Brown, Rose Cuffie, Mrs.
Vernon Flory, Ralph Haynes, Fred Ordained Minister: C. G. van Putten.


(Union Centroamericana de los Adventistas del Septimo Dia)
Reorganized 1926

Territory: Republics of Costa Rica, El Postal Address: Apartado 1059, San

Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Ni- Jose, Costa Rica, Central America.
caragua, Panama (including the
Canal Zone) ; and the Colombian Officers:
Islands of San Andres and Old Provi- President, J. L. Brown.
dence. Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, D.
A. Cone.
Population: 9,058,178 ; churches, 120 ; Cashier, A. L. Tucker.
members, 6,787. Executive Committee: J. L. Brown,
Cable Address: "Adventista," San Jose, R. E. Cash, D. A. Cone, Jorge Escan-
Costa Rica. don, Orley Ford, R. G. Jones, A. V.
Larson, A. E. Lutz, L. D. Minner,
Office Address: 6a Avenida, No. 252, Peter Nygaard, R. T. Rankin, M. W.
San Jose, Costa Rica. (Telephone, Sickler, Alvin J. Stewart, D. J,
offige, 3359 i residence, 0459.) Thomann, A. L. Tucker,

Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Ministers:

Educational and Y.P.M.V., V. E. Gonzalo Gonzalez, Harold T. Gruver.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Licensed Missionaries:
Radio, R. E. Cash. Carlos Martinez, Mrs. Peter Nygaard,
Publishing, Jorge Escandon. Julia Rodriguez.
Ordained Ministers: Church School Teachers:
V. E. Berry, J. L. Brown, R. E. Cash, D. P. Abbott, Ethyl Christian, Daisy
Jorge Escandon, A. E. Lutz, D. J. Cunningham, Laura Cunningham,
Thomann. Cora Hay, Ella Hay, P. A. McGregor,
E. B. Moore, George Stockhausen,
Credentialed Missionaries: Mrs. George Stockhausen, Hubert
H. W. Miller, A. L. Tucker. Thompson.

Licensed Ministers:
D. A. Coons, Francisco Lopez. GUATEMALA MISSION
Licensed Missionaries: Reorganized 1927
Emma Argueta, Viola de la Bastide,
Mrs. V. E. Berry, Mrs. J. L. Brown, Territory: Republic of Guatemala.
Mrs. R. E. Cash, Ruth Conard, Mrs. Population: 3,450,732 ; churches, 17 ;
D. A. Cone, Luisa Escandon, Ruth In- members, 1,141.
gram, Mrs. Zaida de Lopez, Ella Mc-
Gregor, Mrs. H. W. Miller, Emma Cable Address: "Adventists," Guate-
Rodriguez, Mrs. D. J. Thomann, Mrs. mala City, Guatemala.
A. L. Tucker.
Office Address: Segunda Avenida Sur
No. 22, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
(Telephone, 3419.)
COSTA RICA MISSION Postal Address: Apartado 218, Guate-
Organized 1927 mala City, Guatemala, Central
Territory: Republic of Costa Rica.
Population: 762,635; churches, 20; mem- President, Melvin W. Sickler.
bers, 1,029. Secretary-Treasurer, A. G. Robinson.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Executive Committee: Melvin W.
ventista," San Jose, Costa Rica. Sickler, Ricardo Pedroza, A. G. Robin-
Office Address: 50 Varas Norte de Chel- son, Javier Sosa, R. M. Tahay, L. A.
les, Casa 40 N., San Jose, Costa Rica. Wheeler.
Postal Address: Apartado 1325, San Departmental Secretaries:
Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Book and Bible House, A. G. Robin-
(Telephone, 6114.) son.
Educational, Home Missionary, and
Officers: Y.P.M.V., L. A. Wheeler.
President, Peter Nygaard. Sabbath School,
Secretary-Treasurer, L. L. Garbutt. Publishing,
Executive Committee: Peter Nygaard, Ordained Ministers:
V. E. Berry, R. S. Buchanan, R. E.
Cash, L. L. Garbutt, Gonzalo Gon- E. N. Revelo, Melvin W. Sickler, L. A.
zalez. Wheeler.
Credentialed Missionary: A. G. Robin-
Departmental Secretaries: son.
Book and Bible House, L. L. Garbutt.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Licensed Ministers:
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Juan M. Castillo, Gregoria Orozco.
Peter Nygaard.
Publishing, Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. A. G. Robinson, Mrs, Melvin
Ordained Ministers: Sickler, R. M. Tahay, Mrs. L. A.
Peter Nygaard, R. T. Rankin. ' Wheeler.
J.. A. Canjura, Peter Nygaard, R. T.
Rankin. Church School Teachers:
Honorary : 0. D. Andrean. Oliva Argentina, Eva Santa Cruz,
Lola Morales, Marta Ramirez,
Credentialed Missionary: L. L. Garbutt. Eduardo Rosales,

HONDURAS MISSION Postal Address: Apartado 92, Managua,

Nicaragua, Central America.
Reorganized 1937
Territory: Republic of Honduras. President,
Secretary-Treasurer, Antonio Rocha.
Population : 1,107,859 ; churches, 21;
members, 841. Executive Committee: , Nicolas
Morales, U. E. Morgan, Antonio
Cable Address: "Adventista," La Ceiba, Rocha.
Honduras. Departmental Secretaries:
Office Address: Opposite bakery, "El Book and Bible House, Antonio Rocha.
Comercio," La Ceiba, Honduras. Educational and Y.P.M.V.,
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Postal Address: Mision Adventists, La and Radio, Clinton A. Norman.
Ceiba, Honduras, Central America. Publishing, Jesus Flores.
Officers: Ordained Minister: U. E. Morgan.
President, Edward E. Jensen. Credentialed Missionary: Roger H.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. G. Jones. Brooks.
Executive Committee: Edward E.
Jensen, L. E. Greenidge, J. W. Gol- Licensed Ministers:
lopp, Meryl Hyde, Charles R. Jones, Clinton A. Norman, Andres Perez.
R. G. Jones, Daniel Moncada, Luther
A. Watson. Licensed Missionaries:
Aruthur Henry, Mrs. U. E. Morgan,
Departmental Secretaries: Mrs. Andres Perez, Antonio Rocha.
Book and Bible House, R. G. Jones. Church School Teachers:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Mrs. U. E. Morgan, Mrs. Juanita
Home Missionary and Publishing,
Charles R. Jones. Parrilla.
Sabbath School, R. G. Jones.
Ordained Ministers: PANAMA CONFERENCE
L. E. Greenidge, Edward E. Jensen, Organized 1906
R. G. Jones, Daniel Moncada, Luther
A. Watson. Territory: Republic of Panama (includ-
ing the Canal Zone), Talamanca Val-
Credentialed Missionaries: ley (Costa Rica), and the islands of
Felicito Cantoral, Miguel A. Cerna, Old Providence and San Andres
Charles R. Jones. (Colombia).
Licensed Ministers: Population: 622,576; churches, 44; mem-
Elden Ford, Dionisio Santos. bers, 2,710.
Licensed Missionaries: Cable Address: "Adventists," Cristobal,
Mrs. Elden Ford, Mrs. L. E. Green- Canal Zone.
idge, Mrs. Edward E. Jensen, Mrs. R.
G. Jones, Mrs. Luther A. Watson. Office Address: Masonic Temple, 11th
and Bolivar Sts., Cristobal, Canal
Church School Teachers: Zone. (Telephone, Dial 3-1325.)
Paul Barrow, Mrs. Lula V. C. Greg-
ory, Clara Howell, Donovan Howell, Postal Address: Box M, Cristobal, Canal
Lidia Matamorros Wood. Zone.
President, L. D. Minner.
NICARAGUA MISSION Secretary-Treasurer, K. W. Whitney.
Organized 1928 Executive Committee: L. D. Minner,
B. L. Archbold, C. D. Abrahams,
Territory: Republic of Nicaragua. Juan R. Castanon, Jose L. Chavapz,
Population: 1,095,481 ; churches, 9 ; R. E. Delafield, Paul W. Kemper,
members, 327. A. V. Larson, K. W. Whitney.
Cable Address: "Adventists," Managua, Departmental Secretaries:
Nicaragua. Book and Bible House, K. W. 'Whit-
Office Address: Avenida Bolivar entre ney.
Calles 2 y 3, Managua, Nicaragua. Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Home
(Telephone, 1107.) Missionary, Paul W, Kemper,

Publishing, Juan R. Castanon. SALVADOR MISSION

Sabbath School and Radio, Mrs. L. D.
Minner. Reorganized 1927
Territory: Republic of El Salvador.
Ordained Ministers,:
Population: 2,018,895; churches, 9 ;
B. L. Archbold, Samuel F. Clarke, R. members, 739.
E. Delafield, Paul W. Kemper, L. 'D.
Minner. Cable Address: "Adventists," San Sal-
vador, El Salvador.
Honorary: A. A. Grizzle, A. R. Og-
den. Office and Postal Address: 8a Avenida
Norte, No. 57, San Salvador, El Sal-
Credentialed Missionaries: vador, Central America.
Clayton Henriquez, J. A. Maynard, Officers:
Roy Williams. President, Orley Ford.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. A. Arroyo.
Licensed Ministers:
Executive Committee: Orley Ford, F.
R. T. Newball, Eduardo Ruiloba, A. Arroyo, David Garcia, Jose C.
Richard Utt, B. Villarreal. Monteagudo, Carlos de la Roca, Ruben
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. B. L. Archbold, Juan Castanon, Departmental Secretaries:
Mrs. R. E. Delafield, Mrs. Clayton Book and Bible House, F. A. Arroyo.
Henriquez, Mrs. Paul W. Kemper, Educational and Sabbath School, Or-
Cecil King, Mrs. L. D. Minner, W. F. ley Ford.
Moore, Pedro Montero, Mrs. Mildred 72ublishing, Carlos de la Roca.
Radlein, Mrs. Olga Schult, Mrs. Amy
Whyte, K. W. Whitney, Mrs. K. W.
I,/Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V.,
Radio, Mrs. Orley Ford.
Whitney, Mrs. Roy Williams. Ordained Ministers:
Church School Teachers: Orley Ford, David Garcia, Ruben Ruiz.
Mrs. Angelica Agurto, Miriam Brit- Credentialed Missionary: Carlos de la
ton, Viviana Brower, Joseph Bryan, Roca.
Winifred Clarke, Ana Cubilla, Myrtle Licensed Minister: F. A. Arroyo.
Daniels, Mrs. Elizabeth Dixon, Wil-
freda Espinosa, Patricia Ellis, Lelia Licensed Missionaries:
Guerra, Sabastiana Guerra, Delmira Sara . Caniura, Mrs. Orley Ford, El-
Lamott, J. A. Maynard, Mrs. Lannie vira de Rodriguez.
Newball, Lela Osborne, Vesper Os-
borne, V. A. Robinson, Eduardo Church School Teachers:
Ruiloba, Mrs. Thelma K. Smith, Ines Sara Garcia, Irene Magana; Estela
Villareal. Valle, Maria L. Zelaya.


Organized 1927

Territory: The Republics of Colombia Officers:

and Venezuela, and the Islands of President, George C. Nickle.
Curacao, Aruba, and Bonaire. Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Ar-
thur L. Edeburn.
Population 14,393,603 ; churches, 39; Executive Committee: George C.
members, 3,746.
Nickle, David Baasch, W. E. Baxter,
Sr., Charles R. Beeler, C. G. Bush-
Office Address: Carrera 72, No. 44-52, nell, Arthur L. Edeburn, R. R. Hen-
Medellin, Colombia, South America. neberg, Fred H. McNiel, Douglas C.
(Telephone, "America" 1053.) Prenier, Jorge Rendon.
Postal Address: Apartado Nacional 39, Departmental Secretaries:
Medellin, Colombia, South America. Educational, Home Missionary, Radio,
Y.P.M.V., David Baasch.
Air Mail Address: Correo Aereo 609, Ministerial and Religious Liberty,
Medillin, Colombia, South America. George C. Nickle.
Cable Address: "Adventista," - Sabbath School, Mrs. Arthur L. Ede-
Colombia, South America. burn,

Ordained Ministers: CURACAO MISSION

Fulton Archbold, David Baasch, W. Organized 1934
H. England, Rafael Fleitas, George
C. Nickle, Eugenio Plata. Territory: Islands of Aruba, Bonaire
Credentialed Missionary: Arthur L. Ede- and Curacao, Netherlands West Indies.
Population: 115,000; churches, 3; mem-
Licensed Ministers: bers, 300.
W. E. Aeschlimann, C. G. Bushnell.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Curacao,
Licensed Missionaries: Netherlands West Indies.
Mrs. W. E. Aeschlimann, Mrs. Fulton
Archbold, Mrs. David Baasch, Mrs. Office and Postal Address: Piscaderaweg
Marye Burdick, Mrs. C. G. Bushnell, 22, Mundo Nobo, Curacao, Netherlands
W. T. Collins, Mrs. W. T. Collins, West Indies.
Mrs. A. L. Edeburn, Mrs. W. H. Eng-
land, Mrs. Rafael Fleitas, Mrs. G. C. Officers:
Nickle, Mrs. Eugenio Plata. President, R. R. Henneberg.
Secretary-Treasurer, Una Creighton.
Executive Committee: R. R. Henne-
ATLANTIC COLOMBIA MISSION berg, Ivan Berkel, Una Creighton,
Enrique Elizabeth, R. L. Klingbeil,
Organized 1926 Fred Labega.
Territory: Departments of Atlantico, Departmental Secretaries:
Bolivar, Magdalena, and the comisaria
of La Guajira, Ocana district of North Book and Bible House, Una Creighton.
Santander, and that part of Choco Home Missionary, R. R. Henneberg.
and Antioquia that lies north of 7.5 Publishing, Ivan Berkel.
degrees. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., R. R.
Population: 1,774,615 ; churches, 10 ;
members, 963. Ordained Ministers:
Cable Address: "Adventists," Baran- R. R. Henneberg, R. L. Klingbeil.
quills, Colombia, South America. Licensed Ministers:
Office Address: Calle 66, No. 44-09, Ivan Berkel, Enrique Elizabeth.
Magdalena-Cuartel, Barranquilla,
Colombia, South America. (Telephone, Licensed Missionaries:
49-51.) Una Creighton, Marie Ellis, Mrs. R.
R. Henneberg, Mrs. R. L. Klingbeil.
Postal Address: Apartado 261, Barran-
quilla, Colombia, South America. Legal Board of- "Advent Zendings-
genootschap," Ivan Berkel, R. R.
Officers: Henneberg, Fred Labega, J. Lancry.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. H. McNiel.
Executive Committee: F. H. McNiel,
R. Barros, Francisco Narvaez, Jorge PACIFIC COLOMBIA MISSION
Rendon. Organized 1941
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: Departments of El Valle,
Book and Bible House, F. H. McNiel. Cauca, Narino, Caldas, the comisar-
Educational, iato of Putumayo, and that part of
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., F. H. Choco and Antioquia that lies south
McNiel. of 7.6 degrees.
Sabbath School and Publishing, Fran-
cisco Narvaez. Population: 4,506,968 ; churches, 4 ;
members, 713.
Ordained Minister: Jorge Renden. Cable Address: "Adventista," Cali,
Licensed Minister: Samuel Camacho. Colombia, South America.
Licensed Missionaries: Office Address: Carrera 7a, No. 15-58,
Alonzo Abdul, F. H. McNiel, Mrs. F. Cali, Colombia, South America. (Tele-
H. Mc Niel, Francisco Narvaez, Jose 45-12.)
Pereyra, Ana Teresa Perez. Postal Address: Apartado Nacional 313,
Church School Teachers: Cali, Colombia, South America.
Victoria Armenta, Narcisa Moreno, Air Mail Address: Correo Aereo 1269,
Concepcion Pacheco. Cali, Colombia, South America.

Officers: Departmental Secretaries:

President, Douglas C. Prenier. Book and Bible House, J. N. Carvajal.
Secretary-Treasurer, Eugene T. Bur- Home Missionary, W. E. Baxter.
ley. Y.P.M.V. and Sabbath School, Mrs.
Executive Committee: Douglas C. W. E. Baxter.
Prenier, Luis A. Bolivar, Eugene T. Publishing and Educational, Miguel
Burley, Gilberto Bustamante, Pedro R. Arevalo.
Gonzalez, L. C. Larrazabal, Jose Radio, J. N. Carvajal.
Moreno. Ordained Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries: W. E. Baxter, Sr., C. M. Christian-
Book and Bible House, Eugene T. son.
Burley. Licensed Ministers:
Educational, Douglas C. Prenier.
Home Missionary, Y.P.M.V., Sabbath Guillermo AreValo, Marcos Quinones,
School, and Radio, Gregorio Laguna.
Publishing, Pedro R. Gonzalez. Licensed Missionaries:
Ordained Ministers: J. N. Carvajal, Miguel Arevalo,
Guillermo Arevalo, Marcos Quinones,
Luis A. Bolivar, Gilberto Bustamante, Mrs. C. M. Christianson.
Douglas C. Prenier.
Church School Teachers:
Licensed Ministers: Alfredo Navarro, Ana Julia Oviedo,
Julio Avendano, Pedro R. Gonzalez, Isabel Pena.
Norberto Quiroz.
Licensed Missionaries:
Eugene T. Burley, Mrs. Eugene T. VENEZUELA MISSION
Burley, Ernestina Galeano, Margarita
Gerechter, L. C. Larrazabal, Mrs. Reorganized 1934
Douglas C. Prenier.
Territory: Republic of Venezuela.
Church School Teachers:
Population: 4,397,944 ; churches, 11 ;
Brigida de Avendano, Elvira Garcia, members, 909.
Maria Hurtado, Elias Lopez, Rosa de
Ruiz, Serafin Serna. Cable Address: "Adventists," Caracas,
Venezuela, South America.
Office Address:,Bucare a Carmen No.
UPPER MAGDALENA MISSION 97-2, Caracas, Venezuela, South
Reorganized 1941 America. (Telephone, 83-877.)
Postal Address: Apartado 986, Caracas,
Territory: Departments of Cundina- Venezuela, South America.
marca, Boyaca, Tolima, Huila, San-
tander, and Santander del Norte Officers:
except the Ocana district north; and
the territories of Vichada, Meta, President, Charles R. Beeler.
Vaupes, Arauca, Caqueta, and Ama- Secretary-Treasurer, W. E. Kuester.
zonas. Executive Committee: Charles R.
Beeler, Jose Abreu, Alberto Acosta,
Population: 3,699,176; churches, 11; Tirso Escandon, W. E. Kuester, J.
members, 861. A. Lamas, Daniel Rodriguez.
Cable Address: "Adventists," Bogota, Departmental Secretaries:
Colombia, South America. Book and Bible House, W. E. Kuester.
Office Address: Carrera 9, No. 18-42, Educational, Charles R. Beeler.
Bogota, Colombia, South America. Home Missionary, Y.P.M.V., Sabbath
School, and Radio, Tirso Escandon.
Postal Address: Apartado Nacional 436, Publishing, Jose Abreu.
Bogota, Colombia, South America.
Ordained Ministers:
Officers: Alberto Acosta, Charles R. Beeler,
President, W. E. Baxter, Sr. Tirso Escandon, W. E. Kuester.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. N. Carvajal.
Executive Committee: W. E. Baxter, Licensed Ministers:
Sr., Miguel Arevalo, J. N. Carvajal, Rufino S. Arismendi, Gabriel Castro,
C. M. Christianson, Salvador Plata, Max Grunzeug, J. A, Lamas, Glen E,
Marcos Quinones. Maxson,

Licensed Missionaries: Church School Teachers:

Jose Abreu, Mrs. Charles R. Beeler, Cata de Abreu, Sara Acosta, Mrs.
Mrs. Sofia Grunzeug, Mrs. W. E. Charles R. Beeler, Elena Blanco,
Kuester, Mrs. Glen E. Maxson, P. F. Wenza Garcia, Ana de Hernandez,
Richardson, Mrs. P. F. Richardson. Eduardo Hernandez, Haidee Soto.


(Union Mexicana de los Adventistas del Septimo Dia)
Organized 1923

Territory: The Republic of Mexico. CENTRAL MEXICAN MISSION

Population: 18,588,823'; churches, 143; (Corporacion Central)
members, 10,824.
Office and Postal Address: Uxmal No. Organized 1924
365, Colonia Narvarte, Mexico, D.F.,
Mexico. (Telephone, 37-07-73.) Territory: The Federal District and the
States of Mexico, Michoacan, Guana-
Officers: juato, Queretaro, and Hidalgo.
President, Henry J. Westphal.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, K. Population: 4,500,000 ; churches, 7 ;
H. Emmerson. members, 2,304.
Cashier, Ignacio Ponce.
Executive Committee: Henry J. West-
Office Address: Agricultura 79, Colonia
Escandon, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
phal, H. E. Butka, A. J. Calderon, (Telephone, Mex. 37-09-93.)
Jose Castrejon, Melchor Covarrubias,
K. H. Emmerson, Max Fuss, Ray- Officers:
mundo Garza, H. A. Habenicht, Juan President, J. A. Salazar.
Plenc, H. F. House, J. D. Leslie, A. R. Secretary-Treasurer, Jose Leor y Ruiz.
Monteith, Emiliano Ponce, Xavier
Ponce, I. C. Ritchie, J. A. Salazar. Executive Committee: J. A. Salazar,
Jose C. Aguilar, Melchor Covarru-
Departmental Secretaries: bias, Jose Quintero, H. A. B. Robin-
Book and Bible House, Melchor Coy- son, Jose Leor y Ruiz.
arrubias. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., H. F.
House. Educational and Home Missionary,
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, J. A. Salazar.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., Jose
Medical, Raymundo Garza. Leor y Ruiz.
Publishing, Publishing, Jose Quintero.
Ordained Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
W. E. Baxter, Jr., G. W. Chapman, J. A. Salazar, Jose Aguilar.
H. F. House, J. D. Leslie, H. A. B.
Robinson, Henry J. Westphal. Credentialed Missionary: Jose Leor y
Credentialed Missionaries:
H. E. Butka, Melchor Covarrubias, Licensed Minister: Jose Quintero.
Kenneth Fisher, H. A. Habenicht, A. Licensed Missionaries:
R. Monteith, I. Ponce. Augustin Ariza, Apolonio Camarena,
Licensed Minister: K. H. Emmerson. Delfina Flores, Jose 0. Gutierrez,
Honorary: V. M. Calvo. Manuela Ramon, Carman Vargas.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. W. E. Baxter, Jr., Mrs. H. C.
Brown, Mrs. H. E. Butka, Alma Cas- INTER-OCEANIC MISSION
tillo, Mrs. G. W. Chapman, Mrs. K. H. (Corporacion Interoceanica)
Emmerson, Mrs. Kenneth Fisher.
Raymundo Garza, Mrs. H. A. Habe- Reorganized 1924 and 1948
nicht, Mrs. H. F. House, H. A. Kel- Territory: The States of Puebla, Tlax-
ley, Mrs. H. A. Kelley, Mrs. J. D. cala, Morelos, Guerrero, and the
Leslie, H. 0. Marsh, Mrs. H. 0. northern part of the State of Vera
Marsh, Mrs. A. R. Monteith, Armida Cruz.
Morales, Alma Moron, M. Peugh,
Marguerite Peugh, Mrs. H. A. B. Population: 4,032,444 ; churches, 23 ;
Robinson, Mrs. Henry J. Westphal. members, 1,714,

Office Address: Calle 9 Poniente 1702, Licensed Missionaries:

Puebla, Puebla. Mexico. (Telephone, Maria Isabel Carreon, Vicente Limon,
Mexicana 31-64.) Marcelino Quiroz, Jose Ramirez, Pedro
Officers: Rascon, Tomas Rodriguez.
President, Emiliano Ponce,
Secretary-Treasurer, A. J. Calderon.
Executive Committee: Emiliano
Ponce, Emilio Abodon, A. J. Calderon, (Corporacion del Pacifico)
Melquiades Chable, Francisco Y.
Cortes, Eustano Hernandez, Wilfred Organized 1924
Robinson. Territory: The states of Jalisco,
Departmental Secretaries: Colima, Nayarit, Sinaloa, Sonora, and
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.P. Lower California.
M.V., Wilfred Robinson. Population: 3,022,075 ; churches, 10 ;
Home Missionary, Emiliano Ponce. members, 706.
Publishing, Francisco Y. Cortes. Office Address: Avenida Libertad No.
Ordained Ministers: 747, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Jose Carpintero, Eustano Hernandez, (Telephone 38-11.)
Esteban Leon, Emiliano Ponce. Postal Address: Apartado 605, Guadala-
Licensed Ministers: jara, Jalisco, Mexico.
A. J. Calderon, Francisco Y. Cortes, Officers:
Wilfred Robinson. President, Max Fuss.
Licensed Missionaries: Secretary-Treasurer, Gilberto Corona.
Melquiades Chable, Bias Covarrubias, Executive Committee: Max Fuss, Gil-
Enrique Covarrubias, Sebastian Gar- berto Corona, Fernando P. Martinez,
cia, Juan Ramon, Consuela Rivera, Roberto Monzalvo, Cleofas R. Valen-
Mrs. Wilfred Robinson. zueia.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Home Missionary,
Publishing, Roberto Monsalvo.
(Corporation del Norte) Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., Gilberto
Organized 1924 Corona.
Territory: The states of Coahuila, Nuevo Ordained Ministers:
Leon, San Luis Potosi, Tamaulipas, Max Fuss, Cleofas R. Valenzuela.
Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, and
Aguascalientes. (Formerly the Gulf Licensed Ministers:
Mission.) Alfonso Castillo, Gilberto Corona, Ro-
berto Monsalvo.
Population: 4,072,000 ; churches, 30 ;
members, 2,204. Licensed Missionaries:
Office Address: Vallarta Sur 644, Mon- Hildeliza de Alvares, Maria Diaz,
terrey, N. L., Mexico. (Telephone, Elena Diaz, Jose Morales, Armando
56-57.) Rivera, Amparo C. de Rodriguez.
President, Juan Plenc. SOUTH MEXICAN MISSION
Secretary-Treasurer, Julio Morgado. (Corporacion del Sur)
Executive Committee: Juan Plenc,
Rafael Arroyo, Antonio Alarcon, Ben- Organized 1944; reorganized 1948
jamin Arteaga, Eulogio Elizondo, Territory: The States of Chiapas and
Vicente Limon. Oaxaca.
Departmental Secretaries: Population: 1,848,204 ; churches, 33 ;
Educational, Juan Plenc. members, 2,215.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School and
Y.P.M.V., Rafael Arroyo. Office Address: la. Ave. Norte No. 58-A
Publishing, Vicente Limon. Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
Ordained Ministers: Postal Address: Apartado No. 87, Tux-
tla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
Rafael Arroyo, Jose Castillo, Jose
Corral, Juan Plenc, Antonio Torres. Officers
Licensed Minister: Benjamin Arteaga. President, Xavier Ponce.
Secretary-Treasurer, Miguel Lara
Credentialed Missionary: Julio Morgado. Flores.

Executive Committee: Xavier Ponce, Licensed Missionaries:

Miguel Lara Flores, Manuel Gon- Rodrigo Bustillos, Blas Covarrubias,
zales, J. de la Paz Matus, Tiburcio Rafael Urrutia.
Reyes, Venancio Salazar, Paciente
Departmental Secretaries: INSTITUTIONS IN THE INTER-
Educational, Home Missionary, and AMERICAN DIVISION
Y.P.M.V., J. de la Paz Matus.
Publishing, Manuel Gonzalez. Educational:
Sabbath School, Xavier Ponce. Antillian Junior College (Colegio Ad-
ventista de las Antillas), Apartado
Ordained Ministers: 329, Santa Clara, Cuba.
J. de la Paz Matus, Xavier Ponce, Caribbean Training College, Box 175,
Paciente Trinidad. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, British
Honorary: Aurelio Jimenez. West Indies.
Credentialed Missionaries: Central American Vocational College
Rosendo Miramon, Tiburcio Reyes. (Colegio Vocacional de America
Central), Apartado 1320, San Jose,
Licensed Ministers: Costa Rica, Central America.
Josue Fernandez, Miguel Lara Flores, Colombia-Venezuela Union Training
Daniel Zertuche. School (Institute Colombo-Vene-
zolano), Apartado 224, Medellin,
Licensed Missionaries: Colombia, South America.
Nieves Castillo, Manuel Gonzalez, Dominican Junior Academy (Colegio
Pedro Pet Sima. Adventista Dominicano) Apartado
568, Ciudad Trujillo, Republica Do-
SOUTHEAST MEXICAN MISSION Guatemala Junior Academy, (Colegio
"El Progreso") Apartado 218, Gua-
(Corporacion del Sureste) temala City, Guatemala.
Organized 1943; reorganized 1948 Haitian Seminary (Seminaire Adven-
tiste D'Haiti), Diquini, Port-au-
Territory: The southeastern part of Prince, Haiti.
Vera Cruz and the territory of Quin-
tana Roo. Honduras Industrial Academy, (Cole-
gio Industrial Hondureno) San
Population: 1,114,100 ; churches, 38 ; Francisco, Atlantida, Honduras.
members, 1,681.
Kingsway High School, 12 Osborne
Office Address: Quevedo 2, Col. 10, de Road, Half-Way-Tree P.O. King-
Mayo, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. ston, Jamaica, British West' Indies.
Phstal Address: Apartado 52, Villaher- Mexican Agricultural and Industrial
mosa, Tabasco, Mexico. School, (Escuela Agricola Industrial
Mexicana) Apartado 16, Montemore-
Officers: los, N.L., Mexico.
President, Jose Castrejon. Pacific Agricultural and Induitrial
Secretary-Treasurer, Francisco School (Agricola e Industrial del
Reyes. Pacifico, Apartado 134, Navojao,
Cashier, Miguel Moron. Son., Mexico.
Executive Committee: Jose Castre- Panama Industrial Academy (Colegio
jon, J. Marcos de Leon, Rodolfo Diaz Industrial Panameno), Box 3412,
Moody, Miguel Moron, Hipolito Pre- Section 7A, Panama City, Republic
ciado, Francisco Reyes, Gustavo Tor- of Panama.
Port-of-Spain S.D.A. High School, 31
Departmental Secretaries: Dundonald Street, Port-of-Spain,
Educational, Sabbath School, and Trinidad, British West Indies.
Y.P.M.V., Jose Castrejon. Puerto Rico Academy (Colegio Ad-
Home Missionary and Publishing, Ro- ventista de Puerto Rico), Apartado
dolfo Diaz Moody. 3930, Santurce, Puerto Rico.
Ordained Ministers: Southeast Mexican Agricultural and
Jose Castrejon, Daniel Landeros, Industrial School (Escuela Agricola
Francisco Reyes. e Industrial del Sureste), Domicilio
Conocido, Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico.
Credentialed Missionaries:
J. Marcos de Leon, Rual Sanchez. West Indian Training College, Cools-
worthy, Mandeville, Jamaica,
Licensed Minister: Rodolfo Diaz Moody. British West Indies.

Medical: Clinica Buena Esperanza, Puebla No.

Sanitariums 348. Cuidad Obregon, Sonora, Mexi-
Andrews Memorial Clinic, 66 James
Street, Kingston, Jamaica, British Clinica de Torreon, Iturbida 204 Ote.
West Indies. Torreon, Coah, Mexico.
Andrews Memorial Hospital, 27 Hope Clinics Tacotalpa, Figueroa No. 23,
Road, Half-Way-Tree, Jamaica, Tacotalpa, Tabasco, Mexico.
British West Indies.
Dispensario Adventists, Plaza Con-
Montemorelos Hospital and Sanitar- cordia a Pilita No. 2, Caracas,
ium, Montemorelos, N.L., Mexico. Venezuela, South America.
Port-of-Spain Seventh-day Adventist
Clinic, 2a Mucurapo Road, Port-of- Publishing:
Spain, Trinidad, British West In-
dies. Pacific Press Publishing Association.
Inter-American Branch, Box 6007,
Dispensaries Cristobal, Canal Zone.
Clinica Adventista de Monterrey, Agencia de Publicaciones, "Mexico
Calle Matamoras No. 802 Pte., Mon- Central," Calle Prosperidad 89, Ta-
terry, N.L., Mexico. cubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Organized 1928; reorganized provisionally 1946

Territory: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Executive Committee: G. A. Lindsay,

Finland, Iceland, Greenland, Faroes, C. A. Edwards, Alf Karlman, J.
Netherlands, Poland, Ethiopia, Eri- Kulak, Alf Lohne, P. G. Nelson, N. B.
trea, the Somalilands and the South- Nielsen, 0. J. Olsen, A. Y. Rin-
ern Anglo-Egyptian Sudan ; com- tala, Axel Varmer, F. J. Voorthuis.
prising the East Nordic, West Nordic,
Netherland, and Polish Union Confer- Departmental Secretaries:
ences ; the Ethiopian Union Mission Educational, G. A. Lindsay.
and the Iceland Mission. Home Missionary, Ministerial, and
Radio, Axel Varmer.
Population: Approximately 64,545,115 ; Medical, A. Anderson.
churches, 372 ; members, 20,455. Publishing, C. A. Edwards.
Religious Liberty, 0. J. Olsen.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent- Sabbath School, Y.P.M.V., and Press
ist, Stockholm. Relations, Alf Lohne.
Office Address: Bergstigen 25, Stock- Ordained Ministers:
sund, Sweden. (Telephone, Stockholm C. A. Edwards, Alf Lohne, 0. J.
551222.) Olsen, Axel Varmer.
Officers: Credentialed Missionary: Alf Karlman.
President, G. A. Lindsay.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Alf Licensed Missionaries:
Karlman. Rye Andersen, Helene Finstad, Karin
Field Secretary, 0. J. Olsen. Johansson, Mrs. Gertrud Pedersen.


Organized 1931.
Territory: Sweden and Finland. Honorary: C. 0. Carlstjerna, J.
Population: 10,600,000 ; churches, 103 ;
members, '7,330. Licensed Ministers:
Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm, I. Heikkinen, G. Linde, E. Roslind.
Sweden. Licensed Missionaries:
Office Address: Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Ingrid Albiner, Clara Andersson,
holm, Sweden. (Telephone, 101724.) Ethel Arnolds, S. Bjur, R. Blomdahl,
Officers: E. Bloom, E. Edfors, 0. Grundberg,
Helga Helenius, T. Helppi, Kaisu
President, A. Y. Rintala. Kaarima, H. Karstrom, E. H. Larsson,
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, 0. Y. Miettinen, J. Onjukka, Elsa Parpe,
Grundberg. Aira Sakslin, Helmi Sihvola, E.
Executive Committee: A. Y. Rintala, Soderberg, V. Sucksdorff.
A. Anderson, 0. Angervo, A. Arasola,
D. Carlsson, C. Gidlund, 0. Grund- Legal Associations:
berg, H. Karstrom, E. H. Larsson, E. Finland Mission Property, Annegatan
Luukko, Y. Miettinen, E. Roslind, T. 7, Helsingfors, Finland.
Seljavaara, R. Svenson, V. Sucksdorff, Sanningens Harold Assn., Tunnel-
T. Unhall. gatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden.
Stockholm Mission Property, Tunnel-
Departmental Secretaries: gatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y.P.M.V., E. Luukko.
- Medical, V. Sucksdorff. EAST FINLAND CONFERENCE
Publishing, E. Roslind. (Formerly a part of the Finland Confer-
Ordained Ministers: ence, organized 1929; divided in 1946.)
0. Angervo, A. Blomstedt, C. Gidlund, Territory: East Finland.
T. Ketola, V. Kohtanen, E. Luukko,
0. Maattanen, K. V. Osola, A. Y. Population: 2,000,000 ; churches, 18 ;
Rintala. members, 1,774.
144 .

Telegraphic Address: Adventtikirkko, Licensed Missionary: Margit Syring.

Annankatu 7, Helsinki. Legal Association: "Filantropiska
Office: Annankatu 7, Helsinki, Finland. foreningen Praktisk kristendom r.f."
(Telephone, Helsinki 35779.) President, V. Sucksdorff.
President, T. Seljavaara. NORTH SWEDISH CONFERENCE
Secretary-Treasurer, T. Heinonen..
Formerly part of the Swedish Confer-
Executive Committee: T. Seljavaara, ence, organized 1882; divided in 1929
T. Heinonen, H. Karstrom, V. Koh-
tanen, A. Markanen, K. V. Osola, Territory: Northern part of Sweden.
U. Tuori-Kallio. '
Population:- 3,450,000; churches, 32;
Departmental Secretaries: members, 1,776.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y.P.M.V., I. Heikkinen. Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm,
Publishing, J. Onjukka ; Assistant, Sweden.
Lydia Turunen.
Office: Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm,
Ordained Ministers: Sweden. (Telephone, 101724.)
T. Seljavaara, E. Sivonen.
Licensed Ministers: President, David Carlsson.
V. Liukkonen, V. Parhankangas. Secretary-Treasurer, Lisa Soderberg.
Licensed Missionaries: Executive Committee: David Carlsson,
C. Andersson, 0. Angervo, K. Axel-
0. Aarrejarvi, T. Heinonen, Aila Issa- sson, E. Erenius, A. Karlsson, 0.
kainen, Helena Kallioinen, Martta Spanghagen, 0. Sundqvist.
Kokkonen, Sinikka Kurki, Bertta
Lassila, Aino Lehtoluoto, Elsa Luuk-. Departmental Secretaries:
kanen, Helmi Mesiainen, Tilda Tiili- Home, Missionary and Sabbath School,
kainen. P. Hornfeldt.
Legal Association: (for East and West Publishing, S. Axelsson.
Finland Conferences) : "Suomen Ad- Y.P.M.V., E. Roslind.
venttikirkko," President, T. Seljav- Ordained Ministers:
David Carlsson, E. Erenius, Erik
Hansson, W. Runolf, 0. A. Spang-
FINLAND SWEDISH CONFERENCE hagen, E. Stinessen, K. Ulfstrom,
Nils Zerne.
Organized 1929
Licensed Ministers:
Territory: Finland. G. Gudmunds, P. Hornfeldt, 0. Olson,
Population: 350,000; churches, 14; E. Sonestam.
members, 544.
Licensed Missionaries:
Office: Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Fin- Sigvard Axelson, Ruth Bengtsson,
land. (Telephone, Helsingfors 34281.) Maj Dahlberg, A. Ericsson, Olga
Officers: Forsberg, Berta Israelsson, Hildur
Johnsson, Brita Kvarnstrom, Sigrid
President, Ragnar Svenson. Lennartsson, Dagny Lind, P. Lind-
Secretary-Treasurer, Helge Nyholm. berg, Iris Olsson, Willow Palm, Ber-
Executive Committee: Ragnar Sven- til Rudholm, Stina Sandholm, Lisa
son, G. Forsblom, B. Liljeberg, H. Soderberg, Anna Sundqvist, Maria
. Lindberg, H. Nyholm, A. Stenlund, Vogel, Elsa Wall.
V. Sucksdorff.
Legal Association (for North and South
Departmental Secretaries: Swedish Conferences) : "Sallskapet
Home Missionary, Anna Sundqvist. Sanningens Harold." President, C.
Publishing, I. Heikkinen. Gidlund ; Vice-President, I. Unhall ;
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., Anna Secretary, J. P. Lindberg; Treasurer,
Sundqvist. E. H. Larsson. Executive Committee:
A. Anderson, David Carlsson, G. W.
Ordained Ministers: Ericsson, C. Gidlund, Waldemar
H. Lindberg, Ragnar Svenson. Johansson, Samuel Klahr, E. H.
Larsson, J. P. Lindberg, I. Unhall,
Licensed Ministers: R. Unnersten, Nils Zerne. Advisory:
B. Lillas, L. Mansfield, H. Nyholm, G. A. Lindsay, A. Y. Rintala ; Audi-
Harry Olsson. tors, 0. Grundberg, E. Edfors.


Formerly a part of the Swedish Confer- Formerly part of the Finland Confer-
ence, organized in 1882 ; divided in 1929 ence, organized 1929; divided in 1946
Territory: Southern part of Sweden. Territory: West Finland.
Population: 3,250,000 ; churches, 26 ;
members, 1,523. Population: 1,550,000 ; churches, 13;
members, 1,713.
Cable Address: Advent, Goteborg.
Office Address: Vasagatan 12, Goteborg, Cable Address: Adventtikirkko Lapintie
Sweden. (Telephone, 139904.) 3 C, Tampere.
Officers: Office Address: Lapintie 3 C 46, Tam-
President, Alfr. Anderson. pere, Finland. (Telephone, Tampere
Secretary-Treasurer, K. Utterback. 4889.)
Executive Committee: Alfr. Anderson,
G. Bergland, S. Klahr, John Larson, Officers:
E. Mattson, H. Stiven, K. Utterback. Piesident, A. Arasola.
Departmental Secretaries: Secretary-Treasurer, U. Rouhe.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Executive Committee: A. Arasola, H.
G. Farsblom. Crohns, E. Luukko, Y. Miettinen, E.
Publishing, S. Axelsson. Orpana, 0. Peltonen, U. Rouhe.
Y.P.M.V., E. Roslind.
Ordained Ministers: Departmental Secretaries:
Alfr. Anderson, Gosta Berglund, G. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Forsblom, G. Hermansson, John Lars- Y.P.M.V., I. Heikkinen.
son, S. Lundstrom, Ernst Matteson, Publishing, J. Onjukka ; Assistant,
Lydia Turunen.
K. Utterback.
Licensed Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
G. Anderson, B. Fernstad, A. Kling- A. Arasola, 0. Peltonen.
strand, C. Lindberg, H. Palm, G.
Sjoren, 0. Svenson. Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries: 0. Halminen, S. Halminen, T. Karppi,
Febe Bergdahl, Svea Hallberg, Birgit L. Korhonen, L. Raunio.
Edenberg, Alfhild Erenius, G. 0. Licensed Missionaries:
Hansson, Marta Hedlund, Nan Heden-
skog, Selma Johansson, A. Ljung, Elina Berg, Lisi Halminen, Ida Kek-
Helga Malmberg, Mary Magnusson, konen, Aili Matikainen, Senja Piilola,
0. Norvang, Ellen Swenson, Isak U. Rouhe, SiiH Savolainen, Hanna
Unhall, Roland Unnersten. Vaananen, Ester Villa.


Entered 1921: reorganized 1938, 1945

Territory: Ethiopia, Eritrea, the So- Departmental Secretaries:

malilands, and Southern Anglo-Egyp- Educational, Herbert A. Hanson.
tian Sudan south of lat. 150 N. Medical, M. G. Anderson.
Population: 12,000,000 ; churches, 5 ; Sabbath School and Home Missionary.
members, 436. Mae Matthews ; Assistant, Dessie
Cable Address: "Adventist," Addis Y.P.M.V., Dessie Kassabun.
Ababa. Ordained Miniiters:
Office Address: Post Office Box 145, Ad- E. Bjaanes, Herman E. Davis, Her-
dis Ababa, Ethiopia. bert A. Hanson, N. B. Nielsen, M.
Ogbazghi, Erik Palm, V. E. Toppen-
Officers: berg, J. H. Wollan.
President, N. B. Nielsen. Credentialed Missionaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, W. S. Jensen. Margit Halvarsen, Skake Nalkraman,
Executive Committee: N. B. Nielsen, Roland Nielsen, Claude Steen.
M. G. Anderson, E. Bjaanes, Herman
E. Davis, Herbert A. Hanson, W. S. Licensed Ministers:
Jensen, V. E. Toppenberg. M. G. Anderson, W. S. Jensen.

Licensed Missionaries: ERITREAN MISSION

Alemo, Mrs. M. G. Anderson, F. L. Territory: Eritrea.
Artress, Mrs. F. L. Artress, Mrs. E.
Bjaanes, Mrs. Herman E. Davis, Population: 400,000 ; church 1 ; mem-
Marie Hange, Mrs. Herbert A. Han- bers, 47.
son, Mrs. W. S. Jensen, R. C. New-
berg, Mrs. R. C. Newberg, Mrs. Erik Address: Post Box 210, Asmara, Eri-
Palm, Mrs. Claude Steen, Tekala, trea, East Africa.
Gladys Tidmore, Mrs. V. E. Toppen- Officers:
berg, Mrs. J. H. Wollan.
President, N. B. Nielsen.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. H. Wollan.
Territory: Arussi Province. M. Ogbazghi, J. H. Wollan, Mrs. J.
H. Wollan.
Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission, P. 0.
Box 145, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Church Members: 9. SHOA MISSION
Officers: Territory: Ethiopia and the Somali-
President, V. E. Toppenberg. lands.
Secretary-Treasurer, Erik Palm. Population: 11,600,000 ; church, 1 ; mem-
bers, 82.
Other Workers:
Negarie Mulatta, Mrs. Negarie Mu- - Address: P.O. Box 146, Addis Ababa,
latta, Erik Palm, Mrs. Erik Palm, Ethiopia.
Teklahaminot, Mrs. V. E. Toppen- Officers:
berg. '
President, N. B. Nielsen.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. S. Jensen.
Territory: Begemder Province. WALLEGA MISSION
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Debra Tabor,
Begemder. Territory: Wallega Province.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 145, Addis Address: Gimbie, Wallega, Ethiopia.
Ababa, Ethiopia.
Churches: 2 ; members, 88.
Church: 1 ; members, 210.
0 fficers : President, Herman E. Davis.
President, E. Bjaanes. Secretary-Treasurer, Herman E.
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Pattie Davis.
Other Workers:
Other Workers: Dabs Aga7Mrs. Herman E. Davis, Al-
Dessie Guddaye, Tubuja Guddaye, Ro- ice Lind, Claude Steen, Mrs. Claude
land Nielsen, Amara Yashow. Steen.


Organized 1938
Territory: The Netherlands. Officers:
Population: 10,000,000; churches, 35; President, F. J. Voorthuis.
members, 2,017. Secretary, W. Betram.
Treasurer, K. Beijer.
Telegraphic Address: Veritas, The Executive Committee: F. J. Voorthuis,
Hague. K. Beijer, W. Betram, T. M. Eijkel-
Office Address: Lange Beestenmarkt enboom, J. Lankhorst, P. van Oos-
102, The Hague, Netherlands. (Tele- sanen, Ph. Schuil, K. Sloot.
phone, The Hague 115,040.) Departmental Secretaries:
Legal Name: Kerkgenootschap der Educational, Ph. Schuil.
Zevende-Dags Adventisten in Neder- Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
land, Den Haag. P. Voorthuis..

Publishing, J. van Iterson. Ordained Ministers:

Welfare Work, F. J. Voorthuis. W. Betram, A. C. Schmutzler, P. van
Y.P.M.V., N. Heijkoop. Oossanen, P. Voorthuis.
Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Ministers:
W. Betram, Philip Sehuil, F. J.
Voorthuis. J. Brinkman, S. Bouwer, J. J. Con-
tant, D. Vink.
Honorary: J. Wintzen.
Credentialed Missionaries: Licensed Missionaries:
K. Beijer, J. van Iterson. C. Amman, W. Eykelenboom, E. van
Hemert, P. de Raad, G. Tap, K.
Licensed Ministers: Wijnstekers.
G. L. A. Faber, C. P. de Ruiter, N.
Children's Home: Huize "Zonheuvel," SOUTH NETHERLAND CON-
Biltscheweg 14, Bosch en Buhl, Post: FERENCE
Den Dolder, Netherlands. (Telephone,
Huis ter Heide 202.) Organized 1938
Missionary School: Huize "Zandbergen," Territory: Zuid-Holland, excepting the
Amersfoortscheweg 18, Huis ter village Hillegom ; Gelderland south-
Heide, Zeist, Netherlands. ward of the river Rijn from Lobith
Voice of Prophecy: Stichting, "De Stem to Rhenen ; Limburg, Noord-Brabant,
der Profetie," Post Box 400, The and Zeeland.
Hague, Netherlands.
Population: 5,250,000 ; churches, 16 ;
members, 910.
FERENCE Office Address: van Lumeystraat 64,
The Hague, Netherlands. (Telephone,
Organized 1938 The Hague 552759.)
Territory: Noord-Holland, including the Officers:
village Hillegom of Zuid-Holland ;
Gelderland northward of the river President, J. Lankhorst.
Rijn from Lobith to Rhenen ; Overij- Secretary, B. Slond.
sel: Drente, Groningen, and Fries- Treasurer, C. F. W. Berkel.
land. Executive Committee: J. Lankhorst,
Population: 4,750,000; churches, 19; T. M. Eijkelenboom, J. A. Mennes,
members, 1,107. J. A. de Ruiter, B. Slond.
Office Address: Paramaribostraat 87 I, Departmental Secretaries:
Amsterdam, Netherlands. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Officers: P. Voorthuis.
Publishing, J. van Iterson.
President, P. van Oossanen. Y.P.M.V., N. Heijkoop.
Secretary, P. Voorthuis.
Treasurer, G. J. F. Holleeder. Ordained Ministers:
Executive Committee: P. . van Oos- J. Lankhorst, J. A. de Ruiter, B.
sanen, H. Kokmeijer, M. Knopper, Slond.
C. Lint, A. Schmutzler, D. Vink, P.
Voorthuis. Licensed Ministers:
N. Heijkoop, P. L. Prinz.
Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Licensed Missionaries:
D. Vink. C. F. W. Berkel, C. Dingemanse, A.
Publishing, J. van Iterson. E. Dingjan, B. Gabriel, H. de Raad,
Y.P.M.V., D. Vink. J. Snuif.


Organized 1921; reorganized 1946
Territory: The Polish Republic compris- Office Address: Lubelska 25, Krakow,
ing the East Polish, South Polish, and Poland. (Telephone, 508-69).
West Polish Conferences.
Population: 25,000,000 ; churches, 77 ; Officers:
members, 2,577. President, J. Kulak.
Telegraphic Address: "Adwent" Kra- Secretary, J. Skrzypaczek.
kow. Treasurer, Helena Wawrus-zakowa.

Executive Committee: J. Kulak, G. Population: ; churches, 30; mem-

Baron, J. Gorski, M. Kot, A. Kruk, bers, 1,380.
A. Maszczak, J. Rosjecki, W. Sie-
mienowicz, J. Skrzypaczek, F. Stekla. Office Address: Kamienica na Slasku
272, pow. Bielsko, Poland.
Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary and Publishing, W. Officers:
Siemienowicz. President, F. Stekla.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., J. Secretary, J. Holeksa.
Skrzypaczek. Treasurer, S. Koutna.
Ordained Ministers: Departmental Secretary, J. Holeksa.
J. Kulak, A. Maszczak, W. Siemieno- Executive Committee: F. Stekla, S.
wicz, J. Rosiecki. Farana, J. Gomola, J. Holeska, I.
Micharczyk, A. Pyc, K. Szwarc.
Licensed Minister: J. Skrzypaczek.
Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Missionary: Helena Wawrusza-
kowa. P. Englert, J. Gomola, F. Stekla.
Licensed Ministers:
EAST POLISH CONFERENCE J. Lilpski, Antoni Maszczak.
Organized 1927 ; reorganiied 1946
Licensed Missionaries:
Territory: Governments of Warszawa,
Bialystok, Lodz, Kielce, and Lublin. J. Holeksa, S. Koutna, B. Leupowicz.
W. Sedzik.
Population: ; churches, 23; mem-
bers, 574.
Office Address: Mlodziezy Jugoslowian-
skiej 8, Warszawa, Poland. Organized 1918 ; reorganized 1946
Officers: Territory: Governments of Poznan, Byd-
President, A. Kruk. goszcz, Gdansk, Mazury.
Treasurer, Z. Tatarowna. Population: ; churches, 24; mem-
Departmental Secretary, M. Kot. bers, 623.
Executive Committee: A. Kruk, J. Office Address: Lipowa 9, Bydgoszcz,
Gorski, S. Kapusta, M. Kot, K. Maj- Poland.
Ordained Ministers:
President, G. Baron.
M. Kot, A. Kruk. Secretary-Treasurer, J. Czembor.
Licensed Ministers: Departmental Secretary, L. Gajzler.
Executive Committee: G. Baron, Cala,
E. Bujak, A. Smyk, E. Szworak. L. Gajzler, P. Lehman, E. Niedoba,
St. Ksiazkiewicz, J. Zielinski.
G. Baron, E. Niedoba, 0. Niedoba,
Organized 1920; reorganized 1946 J. Zielinski.
Territory: Governments of Krakow, Licensed Minister: L. Gajzler.
Rzeszow, Slasko-Dabrowski, Upper
Silesia. Licensed Missionary: J. Czembor.


Organized 1931
(The former Scandinavian Union Con- Office Address: Holmenkollveien 31,
ference, organized in 1901, was in 1931 Oslo, Norway.
divided into an East Nordic and a West
Nordic Union.) Officers:
Territory: Denmark, Norway, Faroe Is- President, P. G. Nelson.
lands, and Greenland (unentered). Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, R,
Population: about 6,803,498; churches,
145 ; members, 7,805. Executive Committee: P. G. Nelson,
R. Abrahamsen, A. Andersen, E.
Cable Address: Adventunion, Oslo, Bjaanes, S. Broberg, 0. Frenning,

Paul Frivold, J. D. Henriksen, R. F. Oslo, S. D. A. Assn., Akersgaten 74,

Jensen, 0. Jordahl, Thy. Kristensen, Oslo Norway.
C. A. Larsen, 0. S. Lie, H. Muder- Oslo Church Property, Akersgaten 74,
spach, L. Saeboe-Larssen, 0. S. Soren- Oslo, Norway.
sen, V. Thomsen, W. Westerlund,
0. Wiik.
Departmental Secretaries: CENTRAL NORWAY CONFERENCE
Educational, H. Muderspach. (Formerly a part of the Norway
Home Missionary, Olav Frenning. Conference, organized 1887; divided in
Medical, J. D. Henriksen. 1942.)
Publishing, 0. S. Sorensen.
Religious Liberty, P. G. Nelson. Territory: Central Norway.
Sabbath School, Olav Frenning. Population: 600,000 ; churches, 14 ;
Y.P.M.V., H. Muderspach. members, 634.
Ordained Ministers: Cable Address: Adventist, Trondheim.
Karl Abrahamsen, Trygve Asheim, Office Address: Kjopmannsgata 28,
Mogens Bakke, Olav Frenning, C. A. Trondheim, Norway.
Larsen, H. Muderspach, P. G. Nelson,
P. J. Olsen. Officers:
Honorary: E. Arnesen, J. P. U. Jen- President, Ole Jordahl.
sen, L. Muderspach, L. J. Stene, Chr. Secretary-Treasurer, Maria Lee.
Tobiassen, A. WasH. Auditors, R. Abrahamsen, A. Treu.
Executive Committee: Ole Jordahl,
Licensed Ministers: Harald Bones, Thomas Johansen,
P. A. Christiansen, R. F. Jensen, 0. Haugvik, Fritz Olsen-Ryen, J.
Ivar K. Loe, 0. S. Sorensen, 0. Wiik. Reichelt, J. Reiakvam.
Licensed Missionaries: Departmental Secretary:
R. Abrahamsen, Karl Bagger, Per Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Bohmer, Karl Frederiksen, Agda Han- and Y.P.M.V.,
sen, Gudrun Johansen, Karsten John- Ordained Ministers:
son, Kamilla Larsen, Arne Selso.
Ole Jordahl, Fritz Olsen-Ryen, Jacob
The Nordic Philanthropic Society Licensed Ministers:
Organized 1897 Leif Kvalen, Ole Ranes.
Licensed Missionaries:
Address: Skodsborg Badesanatorium,
Skodsborg, Denmark. Ingeborg Bo, Ruth Iversen, Maria
Loe, Ingeborg Londahl, Elise Nagle-
Legal Name: Nordisk filantropisk Sels- stad, Ronnaug Ronning.
Vice-President, A. Andersen. Organized 1880 ; reorganized 1931
Secretary, L. Muderspach.
Treasurer, Chr, Hansen. Territory: East Denmark, and Faroe Is-
Population: 1,700,000 ; churches, 29 ;
G. A. Lindsay, A. Andersen, E. members, 1,869.
Bjaanaes, S. A. Broberg, Chr. Hansen,
E. Hansen, Gunnar Hersling, Hilmar Cable Address: "Adventist," Copen-
Johansen, Thy. Kristensen, L. Muder- hagen.
spach, P. G. Nelson, A. Y. Rintala, Office Address: Svanevej 10, Copen-
Bjarne Rost, V. Thomsen, I. Unhall, hagen N.V., Denmark. (Telephone,
R. Vesting, H. Westerlund. AEgir 1200.)
Legal Associations: Officers:
Aarhus Church Property, Norre Alle President, S. A. Broberg.
30, Denmark. Secretary-Treasurer, B. Albertsen.
Bergen Church Property, Sigurds- Auditors, R. Abrahamsen, A. C.
gaten 25, Bergen, Norway. Christensen.
"Ebenezer," Suomisvej 6, Copenhagen, Executive Committee: S. A. Broberg,
V., Denmark. Caleb Andreasen, B. Albertsen, Mo-
Nordic Philanthropic Society, Skods- gens Bakke, P. Ebsen, Carl J. Jensen,
lkorg, Denmark, Chr. G. Jensen.

Departmental Secretaries: Church School Teachers:

Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Irene Eide, Thoralf Fonnebo, Bjorn
and Y.P.M.V., Carl J. Jensen. Keyn, Charles Wang.
Publishing, 0. S. Sorensen.
Ordained Ministers:
S. A. Broberg, A. Guldhammer, Carl NORTH NORWAY CONFERENCE
J. Jensen, L. J. Kirkelokke, E. Ve-
delso-Nielsen, V. Norskow Olsen, G. (Formerly a part of the Norway
E. Westman. Conference, organized 1887; divided in
Licensed Ministers:
Territory: North Norway.
Jens Arne Hansen, W. Wilstrup
Hansen, Borge Larsen, Andreas Niel- Population: 200,000; churches, 18 ;
sen, Preben Petersen. members, 650.
Licensed Missionaries: Cable Address: "Adventist," Tromso.
B. Albertsen, L. Brogaard, Esther
Henriksen, S. A. Jorgensen, Aksel Office Address: Parkgaten 35, Tromso.
Kholler, Louis Nielsen, Othilia Niel- Norway.
sen. Officers :
Church School Teachers: President, Paul Frivold.
J. Kongstad, G. Frederiksen, Erna Secretary-Treasurer, Gerd Tjeransen.
Flindt, Grethe Nielsen. Auditors, R. Abrahamsen, F. Eilert-
Executive Committee: Paul Frivold,
EAST NORWAY CONFERENCE Kristian Bardsen, Kristian Berntsen,
(Formerly a part of the Norway Konrad Holm, Aslak Holmersen,
Conference, organized 1887; divided in Adrian Krogstad, Eilert Wollan.
1942.) Departmental Secretary:
Territory: East Norway. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Population: 1,400,000 ; churches, 82 ; Y.P.M.V., Paul Frivold.
members, 1,965. Ordained Minister: Paul Frivold.
Cable Address: Adventist, Oslo. Licensed Ministers:
Arvid Dyresen, Adrian Krogstad,
Office Address: Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Magne Rosen, Alf Ulland.
Licensed Missionaries:
Odny Solback Aasvik, Bernhard An-
President, L. Saeboe-Larssen. tonsen, Morgan _Carlsson, Konrad
Secretary-Treasurer; Leif Nilsen. Holm, Audhild Sand, Gerd Tjeransen.
Auditors, R. Abrahamsen, E. Ham-
borg. Church School Teachers:
Executive Committee: L. Saeboe-Lars- 0. K. Naerland, Hakon Nordgard.
sen, G. Gudmundsen, L. F. Hestdalen,
Leif Nilsen, C. T. Scott, Josef Struck-
Departmental Secretaries: Organized 1880; reorganized 1931
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Territory: West Denmark (Jylland and
0. Udbjorg. Fyn).
Y.P.M.V., J. Elisenberg.
Population: 2,203,498; churches, 40;
Ordained Ministers: members, 1,590.
Alf A. Andreasen, L. Saeboe-Larssen.
R. J. Skyllstad, J. Tillgren, 0. Office Address: Norre Alle 30, Aarhus,
Udbjorg, T. S. Valen. Denmark.
Licensed Ministers: Officers:
Johan Elisenberg, Roland Guleng, President, Thv. Kristensen.
Bjarne Hogganvik, Alfred Lie, Leif Secretary-Treasurer, Arthur Jorgen-
Nilsen, Mangor Omland. sen.
Auditors, R. Abrahamsen, 'Borge
Licensed Missionaries: Olsen.
Margaret Endresen, Helga 'Haden, Executive Committee: Thv. Kristen-
Agnes Hestdal, Anna Hogganvik, Re- sen, I. W. Christiansen, Ing. 'Jacob-
bekka Krogsrud, Ruth Lokaas, Sverre sen, Hans Jorgensen, C. A. Larsen,
Valen. Frede Nielsen, N. P. Nielsen.

Departmental Secretaries: Territory: West Norway.

Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Population: 700,000 ; churches, 12 ;
Y.P.M.V., Frede Nielsen. members, 1,097.
Publishing, 0. S. Sorensen. Cable Address: Adventist, Stavanger.
Ordained Ministers: Office Address: Bergjelandsgaten 45,
I. W. Christiansen, Hagen Jensen, Stavanger, Norway.
Marinus Jensen, Thv. Kristensen, Officers:
Frede Nielsen, T. Tobiassen. President, 0. S. Lie.
Licensed Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, Hildur Tobias-
Hans J. Christensen, Gunnar Dam, sen.
David Guldhammer, C. Z. Nielsen, Auditors, R. Abrahamsen, 0. Dreier.
Borge Olsen, Kaj Thomsen. Executive Committee: 0. S. Lie, G..
Licensed Missionaries: Holm, Harry Holmann, John. Iversen,
Lars Reichelt, T. Torkelsen.
Bodil Christensen, Ernst Hansen,
Ebbe Hartelius, Edith Jensen, Arthur Departmental Secretary:
Jorgensen, Rigmor Nielsen, Agnes Sabbath School, Home Missionary, and
Siggaard. Y.P.M.V., Georg Nilsen.
Church School Teachers: Ordained Ministers:
Mary Bech, Victor Christensen, Ellen 0. S. Lie, T. Torkelsen.
Lundstrom, Dorothea Prastiin, Marie Licensed Ministers:
Schmidt, Kay Stott.
Odd Jordahl, Georg Nilsen, Egil Ped-
WEST NORWAY CONFERENCE Licensed Missionaries:
(Formerly a part of the Norway Hildur Aarreberg, Mary Eriksen, Sol-
Conference, organized 1887; divided in veig Gregersen, Julie Jacobsen, F. K.
1942.) Strom, Hildur Tobiassen.

ICELAND MISSION Church School Teachers:
Entered 1897; Organized 1930 Sigfus Halgrimsson, Lilja Sveinsdpt-
Territory: Iceland. ,
Population: 141,617 ; churches, 7 ; mem- INSTITUTIONS IN THE NORTHERN
bers, 290.
Cable Address: Adventists, Reykjavik.
Danish Mission School (Vejlefjord
Postal Address: Box 262, Reykjavik, Hojskole), Daugaard, Denmark.
Iceland. (Telephone, Reykjavik 3899
and 4913.) Ethiopian Mission Training School for
Boys, Post Office Box 145, Addis
Officers: Ababa, Ethiopia.
President, Johannes Jensen.
Secretary, Ethiopian Mission Training School
Treasurer, M. Helgason. for Girls, Post'Office Box 145, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
Executive Committee: Johannes Jen-
sen, Julius Gudmundsson, S. Hall- Finland S. D. A. Mission School,
grimsson, S. Heidar, M. Helgason, Piikkio, Finland.
Georg Norheim, Oddur Thorsteinsson.
Netherland Missionary School, Huize
Departmental Secretary: "Zandberger," Amersfoortscheweg
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and 18, Huis ter Heide, Zeist, Nether-
Y.P.M.V., Georg Norheim. land.
Ordained Ministers: Onsrud Mission School, Algarheim,
Johannes Jensen, Georg Norheim. Norway.
Licensed Minister: Julius Gudmund- Swedish Missionary School, Ekeby-
sson. holm, Rimbo, Sweden.
Licensed Missionaries: Food Companies:
Elinbjorg Bjarnadottir, Magnus Hel- Copenhagen Food Factory, Balders-
gason, Kristjana Steindorsdottir. gade 14, Copenhagen, N., Denmark

Medical: Dispensaries
Coopenhagen Clinic, (Fysisk Kuran-
"Aftenhvile," (Old People's Home), stalt) St. Kongensgade 36-38, Cop-
Skodsborg Sanitarium, Skodsborg, enhagen, B., Denmark.
Ekebyholrn Summer Sanitarium, Helsingfors Hydro-Electric Institute,
Rimbo, Sweden. Annegatan '7, Helsingfors, Finland.
Oslo Health Home, Akersgaten 74,
Ekebyholmshemmet, (Old People's Oslo, Norway.
Home), Rimbo, Sweden.
Gimbie Hospital, Gimbie, Wallega ; Stockholm Hydro-Electric Institute,
Postal Address, Box 145, Addis Humlegardsgatan 18, Stockholm,
Ababa, Ethiopia. Sweden.
Heile Selassie No. 1 Hospital, Debra Publishing:
Tabor, Begemder. Postal Address: Copenhagen Publishing House, Suo-
Box 145, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. misvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Hopeanemi Sanitarium, Nummela, Finland Publishing House, Annegatan
Finland. 7, Helsingfors, Finland.
Hultafors Sanitarium, Hultafors, Iceland S. D. A. Publishing House,
Sweden. Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Nyhyttan Sanitarium, Jarnboas, Netherland Publishing House, Sticht-
Sweden. ing : Boekenhuis "Veritas" van
Weede van Dijkveldstraat 77, The
Skodsborg Sanitarium, Skodsborg, Hague, Netherland.
Skogli Sanitarium (Skogli Badesana- Norwegian Publishing House, Akers-
torium), Lillehammer, Norway. gaten 74, Oslo, Norway.
Toivonlinna Summer Sanitarium, Polish Publishing House, Lubelska
Piikkio, Finland. 25, Krakow, Poland.
Zauditu Memorial Hospital, Post Of- Stockholm Publishing House, Tunnel.
fice Box 145, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. gatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden.
Organized 1916

Territory: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, J. J. Oliveira, Benjamin Riffel, Manoel

Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Soares, Luiz Waldvogel.
Ecuador, with the islands in the Pa- Radio Commission:
cific and Atlantic Oceans adjacent
thereto, comprising the Austral and Secretary, R. R. Figuhr.
South Brazil Union Conferences, and Associate Secretary for Brazil, R. M.
the Inca, East Brazil, and North Rabello.
Brazil Union Missions. Spanish Committee: R. R. Figuhr, A. E.
Population: 83,618,445; churches, 324, Aeschlimann, 0. A. Blake, Juan
members 46,572. Ferri, E. N. Lugenbeal, B. A. Larsen,
B. F. Perez, Benjamin Riffel, Juan
Cable Address: "Division," "Adventist" Riffel, Santiago Schmidt.
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Portuguese Committee: R. R. Figuhr,
Office Address: Virrey del Pino 3801, 0. A. Blake, R. W. Belz, R. R. Cronk,
Sue. 27, R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argen- L. B. Halliwell, R. M. Rabello, San-
tina, South America. tiago Schmidt, R. A. Wilcox, Emanuel
Zorub, and South Brazil Union Con-
Officers: ference Home Missionary Secretary.
President, R. R. Figuhr. Religious Liberty:
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, 0.
A. Blake. Secretary, R. R. Figuhr.
Assistant Auditor, E. L. Moore. Sabbath School Department:
Cashier, Henry Baerg. Secretary, Santiago Schmidt.
Executive Committee: It. R. Figuhr, Members: R. R. Cronk, Mario Rasi,
A. E. Aeschlimann, Frank Baer,
Henry Baerg, R. W. Belz, W. A. F. C. Webster, Emanuel Zorub.
Bergherm, 0. A. Blake, E. Doehnert, Transportation Department:
L. B. Halliwell, E. N. Lugenbeal, E.
L. Moore, Santiago Schmidt, Walter General Agent, 0. A. Blake.
Schubert, L. M. Stump, R. A. Wilcox. Assistant Agent, Henry Baerg.
Austral Union Conference, N. Soto.
Educational Department:
East Brazil Union Mission, J. Wag-
Secretary, L. M. Stump. ner.
Office Secretary for Parent and Child Inca Union Mission, J. I. Hartman.
Education, Mrs. R. R. Figuhr.
Members: A. E. Aeschlimann, North Brazil Union Mission, It. G.
Samuel Albuerro, A. J. Alva, R. W. Dutro.
Belz, 0. A. Blake, Joao Bork, W. J. South Brazil Union Mission, .
Brown, J. F. Carvalho, E. R. Flores, Young People's Missionary Volunteer
D. Garcia, R. L. Jacobs, Merardo Department:
Leon, John Meir, Antonio Nogueira, Secretary, L. M. Stump.
Jr., Renato Oberg, M. F. Perez,
Romeu Ritter Reis, D. J. von Pohle. Members: W. J. Brown, R. R. Cronk,
M. F. Perez, A. M. Tillman, D. J. von
Home Missionary Department: Pohle.
Secretary, Santiago Schmidt.
Ordained Ministers:
Members: R. R. Cronk, Benjamin
Riffel, Mario Rasi, F. C. Webster, Henry Baerg, W. A. Bergherm, 0. A.
Blake, Juan Ferri, R. It. Figuhr,
Emanuel Zorub. Santiago Schmidt, Walter Schubert,
Ministerial Association: L. M. Stump, A. M. Tillman.
Secretary, Walter Schubert. Credentialed Missionaries:
Members: A. E. Aeschlimann, R. W.
Belz, R. It. Figuhr, L. B. Halliwell, F. L. Baer, W. Everist, E. L. Moore.
E. N. Lugenbeal, L. M. Stump, R. Licensed Missionaries:
A. Wilcox. Presidents of the ad-
vanced training schools in the T. Alva, A. Arias, Mrs. F. L. Baer,
Division. Mrs. Henry Baerg, Mrs. W. A. Berg-
herm, Mrs. 0. A. Blake, R. W. Cash,
Publishing Department: Mrs. R. W. Cash, G. M. Conner, S. C.
Crawford, Mrs. S. C. Crawford, Mil-
Secretary, W. A. Bergherm. dred Dumas, Edna Edeburn, Nelida
Members: E. Doehnert, M. I. Fay- Ferri, Mrs. R. R, Figuhr, Catarina
ard, Frank L. Baer, F, B, Moore, Grabby,

Raquel V. Genanian, Leon Harder, Mrs. M. T. Rubatto, Mrs. Santiago

Mrs. Leon Harder, M. Juste, Irene Schmidt, Mrs. Walter Schubert, Mrs.
Langenstrassen, Leony Modesto, Mrs. L. M. Stump, Mrs. A. M. Tillman,
E. L. Moore, S. Penis, Ilka Reis, Leslie Margarita Von Kummetz, Mrs. Sarah
Rhys, Loida Rodrigues, Aurora Rojas, Williams.


Organized 1906

Territory: The Buenos Aires, Chile, and Licensed Missionaries:

Central Argentine Conferences; and Mrs. Alfredo Aeschlimann, Ascione
the Cuyo, North, Uruguay and Andres, Raquel Basanta, L. Baum,
Paraguay Missions. D. Biaggi, 0. Biaggi, Mrs. C. Brouchy,
Cable Address: Division (Para Austral), Mrs. W. J. Brown, F. Chovanec, R. F.
Buenos Aires, South America. Dobanton, Mrs. G. R. Ernst, G. Fa-
yard, Mrs. M. I. Fayard, L. Gambetta,
Office Address: Calle V. Vergara 3227, Mrs. Miguel Gnadjin, T. Gerometta,
Florida, F. N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Lida ' R. Gourian, Mercedes Haben-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South icht, Mrs. Daniel Hammerly, R.
America. (Telephone, 741--Florida Kaerst, Elena Kahl, 0. Kalbermatter,
0236.) C. Krieghoff, Mrs. F. B. Moore, J.
Mulinari, Mrs. M. C. Papasian, Mrs.
Population: 23,646,043 ; churches, 127 ; W. Polishuk, Mrs. 0. Quispe, En-
members, 11,409. carnacion Ramos, A. Rode, M. N.
Officers: Soto, A. Tabuenca, J. Uria, D. Utz,
J. Weiss, Mrs. C. E. Westphal.
President, Alfredo Aeschlimann.
Secretary-Treasurer, Ner Soto.
Cashier, Andres Rode.
Executive Committee: Alfredo Aeschli- BUENOS AIRES CONFERENCE
mann, E. Almonte, Alfredo Bellido, Organized 1921
Pedro M. Brouchy, W. J. Brown, F.
Chaij, Rene F. Dobanton, G. E. Em- Territory: City of Buenos Aires, Prov-
menegger, D. Hammerly, E. Kenna, ince of Buenos Aires, Territories of
F. B. Moore, H. J. Peverini, M. F. La Pampa, Rio Negro, Neuquen, Chu-
Perez, Mario Rasi, Juan Riffel, F. but, Santa Cruz, and Tierra del Fu-
Sittner, Ner Soto, K. H. F. Tulaszew- ego, also the Falkland Islands.
ski, C. E. Westphal. Population: 6,601,609; churches, 20;
Departmental Secretaries: members, 1930.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., M. F. Office Address: Uriarte 2429, Buenos
Perez. Aires, Argentina, South America,
Publishing, F. B. Moore. (Telephone, Palermo (71) 3904. Par-
Religious Liberty, Pedro M. Brouchy. que 3187.)
Sabbath School, Home Missionary, Officers:
and Radio, Mario Rasi.
President, Hector J. Peverini.
Ordained Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, Ernesto Steger.
Alfredo Aeschlimann, Walton J. Executive Committee: Hector J.
Brown, M. I. Fayard, Daniel Peverini, H. P. Beskow, J. A.
Hammerly, F. B. Moore, M. F. Perez, Bonjour, Valentin Citera, Jose M.
Mario Rasi, Niels Wensell. Gualtruzzi, Adan Mayer, Juan Meier,
Honorary: A. Berchin, A. M. Bu- Juan Podskubka, Ernesto Steger.
zugherian, Luis Ernst, Camilo Gil, Departmental Secretaries:
Miguel Gnadjin, I. Kalbermatter, G.
D. Klatt, C. E. Krieghoff, Mateo Ley- Book and Bible House, Daniel Fischer.
tes, Santiago Mangold, E. W. Tho- Educational, Hector J. Peverini.
mann, V. E. Thomann. Publishing, Valentin Citera; Assist-
ant, N. A. Coma.
Credentialed Missionaries: Sabbath School, Home Missionary and
A. Bellido, G. R. Ernst, M. Ham- Y.P.M.V., Adan Mayer.
merly, D. H. Rhys, Ner Soto, C. E. Ordained Ministers:
H. P. Beskow, E. T. Block, J. A.
Licensed Ministers: Bonjour, Edgar Brooks, E. D. Clifford,
F. Chaij, R. Cbaskelis, Gaston Adan Mayer, Juan Meier. Roberto
Clouzet, -Otto, Hector J. Peveripi.

Credentialed Missionaries: Licensed Missionaries:

Daniel Fischer, Ernesto Steger. Heriberto Di Giacomo, Elisa B. Gou-
rian, Leonardo Gerometta, Nazar
Licensed Ministers: Lemuel, Arturo Schmidt, Mrs. K. H.
P. Di Dionisio, Daniel E. Iuorno, F. Tulaszewski.
Salim Japas, J. P. Kalbermatter,
Guillermo Krieghoff, Juan Tabuenca, Bible Instructor: Laura de Vargas.
E. H. Wensell, A. J. Weiss. Church School Teachers:
Licensed Missionaries: Jacobo Bernet, Alvina C. Bernhardt,
Blanca Berisso, J. Bernhardt, Celia Dora T. Feiock, Maria Fornari, Emi-
Castro, 0. Cesan, Mrs. 0. Cesan, V. lia Frey, Marcelina Mayor, Juan
Citera, N. Coma, Dora Ernst, Mrs. Navarro, Esther Ramos, Theresa
Holanda Mulinari, R. L. Posse, E. Ramos, Alice U. de Riffe, Maria
Schmidt. Roseher, Erica Schneider, Julio
Bible Instructors:
Amparo Astoviza, Elena Dupertuis,
Ana Gironde, Mrs. N. Gould, Made- CHILE CONFERENCE
leine R. Gourian.
Church School Teachers: Organized 1907
Adela Dupertuis, Mrs. G. Krieghoff, Territory: Republic of Chile.
Mrs. Maria Lascano, Victoria Ma-
chain, Ines Schmidt, Sara Vazquez. Population: 5,537,881 ; churches, 45 ;
members, 3,889.
Cable Address: "Adventists," Santiago,
Chile, South America.
FERENCE Office Address: Porvenir 58, Santiago,
Chile, South America. (Telephone,
Organized 1921 Auto. 51748.)
Territory: Provinces of Entre Rios, Postal Address: Casilla 2830, Santiago,
Santa Fe, and Cordoba. Chile, South America.
Population: 3,720,000; churches, 21;
members, 2,481. Officers:
President, Eliel Almonte.
Office Address: Cervantes 144, Parana, Secretary-Treasurer, Guillermo E.
Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer- Emmenegger.
ica. (Telephone, 10671, Parana.) Executive Committee: Eliel Almonte,
Officers: Benjamin Bustos, Jorge Collins, Mario
Cuadros, Guillermo E. Ernmenegger,
President, K. H. F. Tulaszewski. Merardo Leon, Jose Moreno, Luis A.
Secretary-Treasurer, Pablo C. Beskow. Rojas.
Executive Committee: K. H. F. Tu-
laszewski, Victor C. Aeschlimann, Departmental Secretaries:
Pablo C. Beskow, Godofredo Block, Book and Bible House, Emeterio
Walton J. Brown, Enrique Lerke, Car- Arias.
los Merlassino, Jorge F. Sittner, Educational and Y.P.M.V.,
Pedro Tabuenca. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Departmental Secretaries: Publishing, Jose Moreno.
Book and Bible House, Heriberto Di
Giacomo. Ordained Ministers:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., R. Van De Eliel Almonte, Fernando Arriagada,"
Wyngard. Benjamin Bustos, Samuel Fayard,
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Herbert E. Greer, Merardo Leon,
and Radio. J. F. Sittner. Carlos Mayr, Marcelo Pidoux, Luis
Publishing, Santiago Kalbermatter. A. Rojas (A.), Luiz Rojas (S.), Or-
val R. Scully, Eduardo Torreblanca.
Ordained Ministers:
Victor C. Aeschlimann, Godofredo Credentialed Missionaries:
Block, Daniel Feder, Santiago Kalber- Emeterio Arias, Guillermo E. Em-
matter, K. H. F. Tulaszewski, Jorge menegger.
F. Sittner, Samuel C. Weber.
Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Ministers: Guillermo Augsburger, Augusto Baci-
Pablo D. Beskow, Rolf Butendieck, galupi, Francisco Jimenez, Benjamin
Jose Carballal, R. Van De Wyngard, Almonte, Carlos Busso,
Licensed Missionaries: Estero, and the Territories of Mis-
Dorca Berchin, Carlos Biaggi, Ro- iones, Chaco, and Formosa.
berto Drachemberg, Jose Moreno, Population: 2,971,738 ; churches, 14 ;
Jose Schmied, Belarmino Torres, Jose members, 1,207.
Torres, Otto Vyhmeister.
Office Address: Avda. Espana 851, Cor-
Bible Instructors: rientes, Argentina, South America.
Annie Cameron, Mrs. Celina Dunner. (Telephone, 2572.)
Church School Teachers: Officers:
Arnoldo Arias, Omar Arias, Mrs. President, Pedro M. Brouchy.
Omar Arias, Alejandro Baier, Mrs. Secretary-Treasurer, Romualdo Kal-
Alejandro Baier, Eduardo Bustos, Mrs. bermatter.
Eduardo Bustos, Enrique Ferraresi, Executive Committee: Pedro M.
Oliverio Ibarbe, Mrs. Oliverio Ibarbe, Brouchy, Emilio Gmelin, Delfin G.
Sebastian Lagos, Rufina Montecinos, Gomez, Romualdo Kalbermatter,
Arnaldo Padilla, Mrs. R. Rojas, Mrs. Daniel Leichner, Wasily Polishuk,
J. Bolden, Mrs. Jose Torres, Joel Miguel Zaragoza.
Sepulveda, Mrs. Joel Sepulveda, Gil-
berto Serey. Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, Romualdo Kal-
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Emilio
Organized 1943 Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Emilio Gmelin.
Territory: Provinces of Mendoza, La Publishing, Delfin G. Gomez.
Rioja, Catamarca, San Juan, and San Ordained Ministers:
Luis, in Argentina.
Pedro M. Brouehy, Emilio Gmelin,
Population: 1,273,483 ; churches, 7 ; Luis A. Griott, Enrique Lautaret,
members, 390. Wasily Polishuk.
Office Address: 25 de Mayo 1323, Men- Credentialed Missionary: Romualdo
doza, Argentina, South America. Kalbermatter.
(Telephone, C.A.T. 11763.) Licensed Minister: Danton Larravide.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, Felipe Sittner. Delfin G. Gomez, Hector Kalbermat-
Secretary-Treasurer, Guillermo Itin. ter, Daniel Leichner.
Executive Committee: Felipe Sittner, Church School Teachers:
Armando Biaggi, Atilio Giannelli,
Pablo R. Gomez, Guillermo Itin, An- Mrs. Irma Aap, Edmundo Bublitz,
tonio Tortosa. Mrs. Daniel Leichner, Mrs. Leila La-
vooy, Elina Marcenaro, Guillermina
Departmental Secretaries: Osorio, Reynold Schmidt, Mrs. Rey-
Book and Bible House, Guillermo Itin. nold Schmidt, J. J. Vallejos.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Felipe
Home Missionary and Publishing, PARAGUAY MISSION
Pablo R. Gomez. Organized 1948
Sabbath School and Radio, Pablo R.
Gomez. Territory: The Republic of Paraguay.
Ordained Minister: Felipe Sittner. Population: 1,141,332; churches, 6 ;
members, 170.
Licensed Ministers:
Atilio Giannelli, Pablo R. Gomez, Office Address: Yegros 429, Asuncion,
C. Treptow, Luis Zamorano. Paraguay, South America. (Tele-
phone 9739.)
Licensed Missionary: Guillermo Itin. Officers:
Bible Instructor: Maria Bacigalupi. President and Treasurer, Eduardo
Church School Teacher: Jorge Basaez. Secretary, Benjamin Treiyer.
Executive Committee: Eduardo Kan-
na, Samuel Brack, Miguel Esparcia,
NORTH MISSION Arnol Treiyer, Benjamin Treiyer.
Organized 1906 Departmental Secretaries:
Territory: The Provinces of Corrientes, Book and Bible House, Eduardo
Jujuy, Salta, Tucuman, Santiago del Kanna.

Home Missionary and Publishing, Departmental Secretaries:

Arnol Treiyer. Book and Bible House, Juan Zevallos.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Eduardo Educational and Radio, Jorge Iuorno.
Kanna. Home Missionary, Sabbath School and
Ordained Minister: Eduardo Kanna. Y.P.M.V., Manuel Nestares.
Publishing, Jose Galante.
Licensed Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
Alejandro Arn, Bert Elkins, Benja-
min Treiyer. Santigo Bernhardt, Humberto J. Cai-
rus, Jose Riffel, Juan Riffel.
Licensed Missionaries:
Credentialed Missionaries:
Mrs. Emma Esparcia; Miguel Espar-
cia, Mrs. Svea Kanna, Arnol Treiyer. Samuel Alberro, E. Pidoux, Juan
Churches Schpol Teachers:
Licensed Ministers:
Celia Davalos, Matusalem Malaquias.
Enrique Collins, Manuel Nestares,
Hector Pereyra, Jose Tabuenca.
URUGUAY MISSION Licensed Missionaries:
Organized 1906 Mrs. Samuel Alberro, Hulda Berchin,
Mrs. S. Bernhardt, Rosa Bernhardt,
Territory: The Republic of Uruguay. Mrs. J. H. Cairus, Mrs. A. E. Collins,
Mrs. Jose Galante, Jorge Iuorno, Ad-
Population: 2,400,000; churches, 14; olfo Lista, Mrs. A. Lista, Daniel Nes-
members, 1,342. tares, Mrs. H. Pereyra, Mrs. E.
Office Address: Avda. Italia 2360, Mon- Pidoux, Mrs. J. Tabuenca, Mrs. Elo-
tevideo, Uruguay, South America. dia Riffel, C. J. Weber, Mrs. C. J.
(Telephone, 43-5-83.) Weber, Mrs. Maria Zevallos, Sarkis
Officers: Bible Instructors:
President, Juan Riffel. Esther Iuorno, Mrs. Ida Maldonado.
Secretary-Treasurer, Juan Zevallos.
Executive Committee: Juan Riffel, Church School Teachers:
Samuel Alberro, Humberto Cairus, Mrs. Julia Ernst, Yolanda Kalber-
Julio Ernst, Manuel Nestares, Jose matter, Rafael Lust, Ataides Luz,
Tabuenca, Juan Zevallos. Mrs. D. Nestares, Josefa Ramos.


Organized 1919
Territory: Federal District and the Departmental Secretaries:
States of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Ge- Educational and Y.P.M.V.,
rais, Espirito Santo, Bahia, Sergipe, Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraiba, Rio Radio, Emanuel Zorub.
Grande do Norte. Medical, C. C. Schneider.
Population: 26,132,157 ; churches, 62 ; Publishing, J. J. Oliveira.
members, 7,645. Ordained Ministers:
Cable Address: "Adventistas," Rio de T. Kanada, R. M. Rabello, C. C.
Janeiro, Brazil. Schneider, P. S. Seidl, J. Wagner.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventistas," Ni- R. A. Wilcox, Emanuel Zorub.
teroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil. Honorary: J. A. Minan.
Postal and Office Address: Rua Lopes Credentialed Missionaries:
Trovao 84, Niteroi, Estado do Rio, J. Bork, M. Fuhrmann.
Brazil, South America. (Telephone,
Niteroi 3810.) Licensed Ministers:
Officers: J. J. Oliveira, S. C. Souza, F. Vegele.
President, R. A. Wilcox. Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, J. Mrs. J. H. Boehm, Mrs. I. Carval-
Wagner. haes, 0. M. de Costa, Catarina Grabby,
Executive Committee: R. A. Wilcox, W. Groeschel, Alberta Hodde, J.
J. Bork, J. J. Oliveira, M. Ost, 0. Klosko, I. Langenstrassen, W. Lan-
G. Pinho, F. Mendonca Porto, E. genstrassen, E. da R. Medrado, Leony
Roth, C. C. Schneider, P. S. Seidl. J. Modesta, P. da R. Pita, Loide P.
Wagner, Emanuel Zorub. Rodrig,ues, Mrs. C. C. Schneider, S. J.

Schwantes, Hilda Silva, F. N. Siquei- Telegraphic Address: "Adventistas," Re-

ra, A. P. de Souza, Mrs. F. Vegele, cife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
Mrs. C. Vieira, Mrs. J. Wagner, J. F.
Waiting, Mrs. R. A. Wilcox. Office Address: Rua Gervasio Pires 717,
Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
Honorary: Regina Braga, G. Oliveira,
L. C. Rodrigues, M. P. da Silva. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 378, Re-
cife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
Legal Associition:
"Associacao da Uniao Este Brasileira Officers:
dos Adventistas do Setimo Dia." President, 0. G. Pinho.
Secretary-Treasurer, P. W. Harder.
BAHIA AND SERGIPE MISSION Executive Committee, 0. G. Pinho, A.
Carvalho, J. F. Carvalho, P. W.
Reorganized 1937 Harder, A. A. Neto, F. Sa Leitao.
Territory: States of Bahia and Sergipe. Departmental Secretaries:
Population: 5,027,157 ; churches, 9; Book and Bible House, P. W. Harder.
members, 973. Home Missionary, Educational, Sab-
bath School, and Y.P.M.V., 0. G.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventistas," Pinho.
Cidade do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Publishing, F. Sa Leitao.
Office Address: Rua Alvaro Tiberio 58, Ordained Ministers:
Cidade do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
A. Carvalho, J. F. Carvalho, 0. G.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 198, Ci- Pinho.
dade do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil..
Officers: Licensed Ministers:
President, M. Ost. B. C. Andrade, A. A. Neto.
Secretary-Treasurer, 0. M. Groeschel. Licensed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: M. Ost, A. H. T. Araujo, I. Araujo, Hespere-
Anniehs, J. T. Burgo, 0. M. Groe- thusa Caldas, Hesperides Caldas, P.
schel, S. Lima, S. Thomas. W. Harder, F. Sa Leitao, J. L.
Departmental Secretaries: Nascimento, S. Takadohi.
Book and Bible House, 0. M. Groe- Bible Instructor: Tharsilia Caldas.
Home Missionary, M. Ost. Church School Teachers:
Publishing, A. Anniehs. Jandira Barboza, M. Leite Brandao,
Sabbath School, Y.P.M.V., and Edu- Ruth Florencio, Carmita Interami-
cational, S. Lima. nense, Esmeralda Monteiro, M. Pin-
Ordained Ministers: heiro, Carmelina A. Neto, Debota
Sete, Antonia Silva, Elvira S. Sousa.
J. T. Burgo, M. Ost.
Credentialed Missionary: 0. M. Groe-
Licensed Ministers: Established 1919
Pedro L. Souza, S. Thomas. Territory: State of Espirito Santo and
Licensed Missionaries: the northern part of the State of Rio
A. Anniehs, S. R. Bastos, W. Bleck. de Janeiro, northeastern part of the
A. P. da Silva. State of Minas Gerais, part of the
State of Bahia south of Rio Jequitin-
Church School Teachers: honha.
Hilda Groeschel, Eunice R. de Lima, Population: 2.200,000; churches, 25;
Josef a Luduvice, Evangelista Mene- members, 2,824.
zes, Maria J. de Oliveira, Izabel Pe-
reira, Elizabete Ramos, N. de 0. Telegraphic Address: "Adventistas," Vi-
Ramos, Ruth Rodrigues, Joselia toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil.
Santos. Office Address: Rua Graciano-Neves 250,
Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil..
NORTHEAST MISSION Postal Address: Caixa Postal 233, Vi-
Reorganized 1937 toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South
Territory: States of Alagoas, Pernam-
buco, Paraiba, Rio Grande do Norte. Officers:
Population: 6,405,000; churches, 9; President, E. Roth.
members, 1,375. Secretary-Treasurer, G. F. Ebinger.

Executive Committee: E. Roth, A. R. Officers:

Coelho, E. Ebinger, G. F. Ebinger,
A. L. Meier, J. B. R. Passos, L. Reis. President,
Secretary-Treasurer, J. P. Lobo.
Departmental Secretaries:
Executive Committee: J. Baracat, W.
Book and Bible House, G. F. Ebinger. Bechara, J. P. Lobo, I. Loyola, I.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., J. B. R. Marques, N. Schwantes, F. N. Siquei-
Passos. ra, J. A. Valado.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Departmental Secretaries:
Publishing, L. Reis.
Book and Bible House, J. P. Lobo.
Ordained Ministers: Educational and Y.P.M.V., F. N.
J. H. Boehm,' G. F. Ebinger, A. L. Siqueira.
Meier, E. Roth. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
W. Bechara.
Licensed Ministers: Publishing, J.,A. Vallado.
E. Ebinger, Joao Kattwinkel, G. Lud-
wig, J. F. Moura, J. B. R. Passos, Ordained Ministers:
W. Reissner. J. T. Araujo, R. C. Araujo, J. Bara-
Licensed Missionaries: cat, W. Bechara, N. Schwantes.
A. T. D. Ramos, L. Reis. Licensed Ministers:
Church School Teachers: R. Butler, N. Gomes, S. Lima, J.
Celina Barcelos, W. Berger, ElM H. Naves, R. Rocco, S. Silva, E. Walker.
Bohry, H. Botelho, Ilka Delbons, Credentialed Missionary: J. P. Lobo.
Dina Ferreira, Diltna Gomes, Isabel
Krueger, Q. Monteiro, Celia Oliveira, Licensed Missionaries:
J. Oliveira, Oldina Pereira, Ana M.
Schneider, Joaninha Silva, N. Souza. Barbara Burnett, I. Loyola, L. Ra-
malho, A. Ruela, F. N. Siqueira,
Fanny Stegmiller, J. A. Vallado,
RIO-MINAS GERAIS MISSION Jerusa Vallado, Mrs. E. Walker.

Established 1931 Bible Instructors:

Territory: The State of Minas Gerais Dinorah C. Araujo, Ina Garcia da
except Southwest corner of the State; Silva.
the Southern part of the State of Rio
de Janeiro and Federal District. Church School Teachers:
Population: 12,500,000; churches, 19; 0. Andrade, Adelia Araujo, Donina
members, 2,473. Araujo, J. R. - Baptista, Delve Bara-
cat, D. Correa, M. Correa, Adeilde
Telegraphic Address: "Adventistas," Duarte, Ester Emerenciano, Celia
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Fernandes, Eliza Gomes, Edith Gon-
calves, Eunice Goncalves, Elizabeth
Office Address: Rua Matoso 161, Rio de Kroeker, Lourdes Luduvice, Cely
Janeiro, Brazil. (Telephone, 28-7796.) Modesta, A. Oliveira, Albertina Pe-
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 1919, Rio reira, Dair Pereira, Sebastiana San-
de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. tos.


Organized 1914

Territory: The Bolivia, Ecuador, Lake Postal Address: Casilla 1003, Lima,
Titicaca, Peru, and Upper Amazon Peru, South America.
Cable. Address: "Incaunion," Lima.
President, E. N. Lugenbeal.
Population: 13,888,111 ; churches, 58 ; Secretary-Treasurer, .7. I. Hartman.
members, 12,666.
Telegraphic Address: "Incaunion," Mi- Executive Committee: E. N. Lugen-
raflores, Peru. (Telephone, 56-639.) beal, M. E. Aguilar, A. Alva, A. J.
Alva, J. I. Hartman, R. L. Jacobs, R.
Office Address: Avda. Comandante Es- E. Kepkey, Oswald Krause, C. R.
pinar 750, Miraflores, Lima, Peru. Potts, Benjamin Riffel, S. C. Pritch-
South America. ard, I. M. Vacquer, D. .1. von Pohle.

Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Missionaries:

Educational, D. J. von Pohle; Assist- Laureano Acnuta, Mrs. Moises Agui-
ant, A. J. Alva. lar, Mrs. Alivia Alva, Felipe Alcon,
Home Missionary and Publishing, Mrs. Juanita Buller, Wilmer Buller,
Benjamin Rifle]. Mrs. G. Cammarata, Edma Carreno,
,Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., D. J. Eduardo Castro, Rebeca Goldammer,
von Pohle. Domingo Chuquimia, Mrs. Delmer
Ordained Ministers: Holbrook, Mrs. R. E. Kepkey, Ata-
nacio Martinez, Mrs. D. H. Maxon,
A. 'J. Alva, R. A. Hayden, R. L. Pedro Nolasco, Mrs. J. N. Perez,
Jacobs, B. A. Larsen, E. N. Lugen- Manuel Quinalatta, Juan Sicalo, Mrs.
beal, Isaias Ramos, Benjamin Riffel, Juan Sicalo, Mrs. R. V. Vinglas,
D. J. von Pohle. Daniel Wandersleben, Mrs. Alicia
Wandersleben, Eva Whitehead, Al-
Credentialed Missionaries: berto Zegarra.
J. I. Hartman, C. E. Schmidt.
Licensed Ministers: Cochabamba Mission Station
Mateo Aguilar, Arturo Arauzo, Guil-
lermo Bernal, P. P. Leon, C. R. Potts. Address: Casilla 82, Cochabamba, Bo-
Licensed Missionaries: Director: R. V. Vinglas.
Mrs. Febe Achata, Victor Achata, Indian School: 1; Teachers, 4.
Ana Angulo, A. J. Johnson, Mrs.
A. J. Johnson, L. R. Dickenson, Mrs.
L. R. Dickenson, Mrs. J. I. Hartman, Collana Mission Station
Mrs. B. A. Larsen, Mrs. E. N. Lugen- Address: Casilla 355, La Paz, Bolivia.
beal, Mrs. R. A. Hayden, Mrs. C. R.
Potts, Mrs. Isaias Romas, Mrs. Ben- Director: Moises Aguilar.
jamin Riffel, Mrs. R. L. Jacobs, Elias Indian Schools: 42; Teachers, 53.
Ruiz, Jacobs Florian, Mrs. C. E.
Schmidt, 0. Socol, Mrs. 0. Socol,
Mrs. D. J. von Pohle.
Ingavi Mission Station
Address: Casilla 355, La Paz, Bolivia.
Established 1907 Indian Schools: 4; Teachers, 6.
Territory: Republic of Bolivia, South Inquisive Mission Station
Address: Quime (Via Eucaliptus) Bo-
Population: 8,500,000 ; churches, 8 ; livia.
members, 2,704.
Director: Ignacio Mamani.
Office Address: Colombia 252, Oeste,
Cochabamba. Indian Schools: 9; Teachers, 14.
Postal Address: Casilla 771, Cocha- Pacajes Mission Station
bamba, Bolivia, South America.
Address: General Camacho, F. C. La
Officers: Paz to Arica (Casilla 355, La Paz,
President, R. E. Kepkey. Bolivia).
Secretary-Treasurer, J. N. Perez.
Director: Feliciano Chuquimia.
Executive Committee: It. E. Kepkey,
Wilmer Buller, Felicano Chuquimia, Indian Schools: 23; Teachers, 31.
Delmer Holbrook, J. N. Perez, R. V.
Departmental Secretaries: Puerto Acosta Mission Station
Book and Bible House, J. N. Perez. Address: Puerto Acosta, Bolivia.
Home Missionary and Publishing,
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.P., Del- Indian School: 1; Teacher, 1.
mer Holbrook.
Ordained Ministers:
G. Cammarata, Delmer Holbrook, R. Youngas Mission Station
E. Kepkey, R. V. Vinglas. Address:
Licensed Ministers:
Moises Aguilar, Edmundo Alva, Feli-
ciano Chuquimia, Ignacio Mamani. Indian School: I ; Teacher, 1,

Bolivian Mission Schools not belonging Officers:

to a particular Mission Station, 1; President, B. W. Steinweg.
Teachers, 2. Secretary-Treasurer, F. C. Petty.
Executive Committee: B. W. Stein-
weg, Andres Achata, Segundo An-
ECUADOR MISSION drade, David Duffle, Mariano Huay-
Bara, F. C. Petty, A. E. Sosa.
Established 1906 Departmental Secretaries:
Territory: Republic of Ecuador, South Book and Bible House, F. C. Petty.
America. Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Sabbath
School, Andres Achata.
Population: - 3,500,000 ; churches, 3 ; Home Missionary and Publishing,
members, 229.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Medical, David Duffie.
ventistar," Quito. Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: Asuncion 822, Quito, Andres Achata, Felipe Chambilla,
Ecuador, South America. Mariano Huayllara, Anselmo Ma-
quera, A. E. Sosa, B. W. Steinweg.
Postal Address: Casilla 44, Quito, Ecua-
dor, South America. Credentialed Missionary: David Duffle.
Licensed Ministers:
President, I. M. Vacquer. Ruben Chambi, E. R. Flores, Jenaro
Secretary-Treasurer, D. M. Ingersoll. Moran, Pedro Neira, Marcelino Paco,
F. C. Petty, Andres Sollano, Lot
Executive Committee: r. M. Vacquer, Sosa, Gregorio Yujra.
Luis E. Diaz, Julio Espinoza, D. M.
Ingersoll, Enrique Marker, A: N. Licensed Missionaries:
Peverini. Thomas Calderon, Augustin Ccama,
Departmental Secretaries: Armando Ccama, Ricardo Chambi,
Mrs. E. R. Flores, Angel Foppiano,
Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Sabbath Moises Mamani, Noel Mangold, Se-
School, I. M. Vacquer. vero Miranda, Mrs. F. C. Petty, Pedro
Home Missionary and Publishing, Quispe, Felipe Ramos, Mrs. B. W.
Luis E. Diaz. Steinweg, Bethel Wareham.
Ordained Ministers: Bible Instructors:
Julio E. Espinoza, I. M. Vacquer. Jorge Ayala, Pedro Castro, Cristobal
Licensed Ministers: Chavarria, Jenaro Coaquera, Antonio
Condori, Miguel Enriquez, Encarna-
D. M. Ingersoll, A. N. Peverini. cion Flores, Hilario Huanca, Evaristo
Licensed Missionaries: Pacori, Juan Ticona.
Luis E. Diaz, Mrs. D. M. Ingersoll,
Enrique Marker, Mrs. A. N. Peverini,
Mrs. I. M. Vacquer. Ilave Mission Station
Church School Teacher: Hugo Yepez. Address: Mision Adventists de Pilcuyo,
Ilave, Peru.
Director: Augustin Ccama.
LAKE TITICACA MISSION Indian Schools: 10; Teachers, 18.
(Mision del Lago Titicaca)
Established 1916 Juliaca Mission Station
Territory: Departments of Puno, Cuzco, Address: Casilla 4, Juliaca, Peru.
Apurimac, Arequipa, Moquegua, Tac-
na, and Madre de Dios in Peru. Director: Pedro Neira.
Population: 1,841,485 ; churches, 22 ; Indian Schools: 6; Teachers, 9.
members, 6,618.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Jullicunca Mission Station
ventis.ta," Puno, Peru.
Address: Mision Adventista de Julli-
Office Address: Calle Lima No. 115, cunca, Ocongate, Peru.
Puno, Peru. (Telephone, No. 1.)
Director: Carmelo Turpo.
Postal Address: Casilla 85, Puno, Peru,
South America. Indian Schools:. 5 ; Teachers, 5.

Litro Mission Station PERU MISSION

Address: Mision Adventista, Laro, Established 1906
Director: Marcelino Paco. Territory: Republic of Peru, excepting
the Departments making up the Lake
Indian Schools: 4; Teachers, 6. Titicaca and Upper Amazon Missions.
Population: 4,514,812 ; churches, 19 ;
Occopampa Mission Station members, 2,340.
Address: Mision Adventists Occopampa, Telegraphic Address: "Adventista,"
Moho, Peru. Miraflores, Peru.
Director: Lot Sosa. Office Address: Calle Colina 254, Mira-
Indian Schools: 7; Teachers 10. floras, Lima, Peru, (Telephone, 57-
Pacastiti Mission Station Postal Address: Casilla 1002, Lima,
Address: Mision Adventista, Pacastiti, Peru, South America.
Asillo, Peru. Officers:
Director: Felipe Ramos. President, Oswald Krause.
Indian Schools: 4; Teachers, 5. Secretary-Treasurer, H. C. Morton.
Executive Committee: Oswald Krause,
Piata Mission Station A. A. Alva, Filiberto Soria, H. C.
Morton, Francisco Piro, J. P. Ramos,
Address: Mision Adventista de Piata, R. N. Rojas.
Huancane, Peru.
Departmental Secretaries:
Director: Mariano Huayllara.
Book and Bible House, H. C. Morton.
Indian Schools: 22; Teachera, 29. Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.
P.M.V., R. N. Rojas.
Plateria Mission Station Home Missionary and Publishing,
Francisco Piro.
Address: Mision Adventists, Plateria,
Peru. Ordained Ministers:
Director: Ascencio Sosa. A. A. Alva, Bernabe Chavez, Raul
Chavez, Oswald Krause, H. C. Mor-
Indian Schools: 5; Teachers, 10. ton, Juan P. Ramos.
Credentialed Missionary: R. N. Rojas.
Pomata Mission Station
Address: Mission Adventista de Pomata, Licensed Ministers:
Peru. H. E. Ruckle, Moises Tenorio.
Director: Severo Miranda. Honorary: Cayetano Diaz.
Indian Schools: 10; Teachers, 12.
Licensed Missionaries:
Juan Arauzo, Eduardo Castillo, H. V.
Sandia Mission Station Espino, Mrs. Oswald Krause, Mrs. H.
Address: Mision Adventista, Sandia, C. Morton, Mrs. B. Rojas, Mrs. H. E.
Peru: Ruckle, Victor Tenorio.
Director: Gregorio Yujra. Church School Teachers:
Indian Schools: 6 ; Teachers, 7. Lastenia Angulo, Mrs. Mercedes de
Bernal, Leonor Castillo, Eduardo
Castillo, Mariano Chaina, Isabel Cris-
Umuchi Mission Station neros, Mrs. Elena de Leon, Aurelio
Address: Mision Adventista, Umuchi, Enriquez, Olgo Guerrero, Florentino
Moho, Peru. Hidalgo, Lucia Iglesias, Damaris Lo-
pez, Leonila Marin, Emma Nique,
Director: Anselmo Maquera. Debora Salazar, Nidia Santillana.
Indian Schools: 9; Teachers, 15.

Yanaoco Mission Station Sutziqui Mission Station

Address: Mision Adventista, Yanaoco, Address: Pampa Whaley, Chanchamayo
Huancane, Peru. Colonia del Perene, Peru.
Director: Mariano Sosa. Director: Eduardo Castillo.
Indian Schools: 18; Teachers, 25. Indian Schools: 2; Teachers, 2.

UPPER AMAZON MISSION Licensed Missionaries:

OF PERU Jose Chavez, Zoila de Gomez, Mrs.
Organized 1927 Stephen C. Pritchard, Mrs. J. C.
Huskier, Mrs. F. M. Vasquez.
Territory: The Departments of Loreto, Honorary: Rufino Pacho.
San Martin, and Amazonas.
Population: 531,814; churches, 6; mem- Alto Huallaga Mission Station
bers, 775. Address: Tarapoto, Peru.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Director: Esteban Lopez.
ventists," Iquitos, Peru.
Office Address: Avda. Coronel Portillo Alto Ucayali Mission Station
No. 77, Iquitos, Peru.
Postal Address: Casilla 240, Iquitos, Address: Casilla 240, Iquitos, Peru.
Peru, South America. Director: Jose Chavez.
Officers: ,-Indian Schools: 3; Teachers, 3.
President, Stephen C. Pritchard.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. A. Manrique. Huallaga Mission Station
Executive Committee: Stephen C.
Pritchard, J. I. Alomia, Gonzalo Alvo, Address: Yurimaguas, Peru.
Melchor Camposano, A. A. Manrique, Director: Melchor Camposano.
J. D. Replogle, J. C. Ruskjer.
Departmental Secretaries:
Iquitos Mission Station
Book and Bible House, A. A. Man-
rique. Address: Casilla 240, Iquitos, Peru.
Educational, Stephen C. Pritchard. Director: Gonzalo E. Alva.
Publishing and Home Missionary,
Indian School: 1; Teachers, 2.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., A. A.
Ordained Ministers: Moyobamba Mission Station
J. I. Alomia, Stephen C. Pritchard, Address: Moyobamba, Peru.
J. D. Replogle.
Director: Israel Alomia.
Credentialed Missionaries:
A. A. Manrique, J. C. Ruskjer.
Pucellpa Mission Station
Licensed Ministers:
Address: Pucallpa, Peru.
G. E. Alva, Melchor Camposano, Es-
teban Lopez. Director.


Organized 1936

Territory: States of Ceara, Piauhy, Departmental Secretaries:

Maranhao, Para, Amazonas, and
Territory of Acre. Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
and Y.P.M.V., Ramon R. Cronk.
Population: 5,661,795 ; churches, 10 ; Publishing and Educational, Antonio
members, 1,307. Nogueira, Jr.
Telegraphic Address: Adventists, Be- Ordained Ministers:
lem, Para, Brazil.
John Baerg, Ramon R. Cronk, L. B.
Office Address: Rua Arcipreste Manoel Halliwell.
Teodoro 386, Belem, Para, Brazil,
South America. (Telephone, 2794.) Licensed Minister: R. G. Dutro.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 656, Be- Licensed Bible Instructor: Altair Lopes.
lem, Para, Brazil, South America.
Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: Mrs. John Baerg, Mrs. Ramon. R.
President, L. B. Halliwell. . Cronk, Mrs. R. G. Dutro, Mrs. L. B.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. G. Dutro. Halliwell.


Established 1940 President, L. B. Halliwell.
Secretary-Treasurer, B. C. Kalber-
Territory: Amazonas and Territory of matter.
Departmental Secretary:
Population: 526,326 ; churches, 2 ; mem- Book and Bible House, B. C. Kalber-
bers, 262. matter.
Telegraphic Address: Adventista, Ma- Ordained Ministers:
naos, Amazonas, Brazil. Fernando Garcia, Joao Gnutzmann.
Office Address: Rua Tapajos 840, Licensed Minister:
Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil, South
America. Antonio Nogueira, Jr.
Licensed Missionaries:
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 243, Ma- B. C. Kalbermatter, Mrs. B. C. Kal-
naos, Amazonas, Brazil, South Amer- bermatter, Erison Michiles, - Milton
ica. Sousa.
O fficers : Church School Teachers:
President, Walter J. Streithorst. Zulbelia Cardoso, Guiomar Gomes,
Secretary-Treasurer, B. C. Kalbermat- Raymunda Pacheco, Neusa Pereira.
Ordained Minister: Walter J. Streit- NORTH COAST MISSION
Established 1936
Licensed Ministers: Territory: States of Ceara, Piauhy,
Harley Boehm, Walkyrio S. Lima. Maranhao.
Licensed Missionaries: Population: 4,170,366 ; churches, 3 ;
Mrs. Harley Boehm, Mrs. Walter J. members, 323.
Streithorst. Telegraphic Address: Adventists, For-
Church School Teachers: taleza, Ceara, Brazil, South America.
John Pinheiro, Maria Pedrina da Office Address: Rua Major Facundo 364,
Silva. Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 341, For-
taleza, Ceara, Brazil, South America.
Established 1927 President, G. S. Storch.
Secretary-Treasurer, Claudomiro Fon-
Territory: Para, part of the State of seca.
Amazonas. Ordained Ministers:
Population : 965,103 ; churches, 5 ; mem- F. C. Pritchard, G. S. Storch.
bers, 722. Licensed Ministers:
Telegraphic Address: Adventists, Be- Claudomiro Fonseca, Dourival de S.
lem, Para, Brazil. Lima, Ray R. Osborne.
Office Address: Rua Arcipreste Manoel Licensed Missionaries:
Teodoro 386, Belem, Para, Brazil, Mrs. Ray R. Osborne, Mrs. F. C.
South America. (Telephone, 2794.) Pritchard.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 656, Be- Church School Teachers:
lem, Para, Brazil, South America. Elzira Cunha, Mires Meireles.


Organized 1911

Territory: The Conferences of Rio Cable Address: "Uniao," Sao Paulo,

Grande do Sul, Parana-Santa Cata- Brazil.
rina and Sao Paulo, and the Mission
fields of Mato Grosso and Goiaz, in- Telegraphic Address: "Uniao," Sao
cluding the Minas Triangulo. Paulo.
Population: 14,290,339 ; churches, 67 ; Office Address: Alameda Caetes No. 262,
members, 13,545. Bairro Indianopolis, Sao Paulo, Bra-

zil, South America. (Do not send mail Telegraphic Address: "Adventists,"
here.) (Telephone, 7-3122.) . Goiania, Goias.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 2898, Sao Office Address: Avenida Goiaz, No. 82,
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Goiania, Goiaz, Brazil.
Officers: Postal Address: Caixa Postal 60, Goi-
President, Rodolpho Belz. ania, Goiaz, Brazil, South America.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor,
Executive Committee: Rodo1pho Belz. President, Arnoldo Rutz.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. P. Cunha.
E. R. Azevedo, E. Doehnert, D. Garcia,
J. G. Garcia, Joao S. Linhares, J. R. Executive Committee: Arnoldo Rutz,
Passos, F. M. Porto, D. Peixoto da C. P. Cunha, Oscar dos Reis, Carlos
Silva, G. G. Ritter, A. Rutz, Manoel Trezza.
Soares, Luiz Waldvogel. Departmental Secretaries:
Departmental Secretaries: Book and Bible House, C. P. Cunha.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Publishing, Home Missionary, and
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Sabbath School, Carlos Trezza.
F. C. Webster. Y.P.M.V., and Educational, Arnoldo
Religious Liberty and Legal, F. M. Rutz.
Medical, Ordained Ministers:
Publishing, Manuel Soares. Oscar dos Reis, Arnoldo Rutz.
Ordained Ministers: Credentialed Missionary: Carlos Trezza.
Rodolpho Belz, S. Kuempel, Joao S. Licensed Minister: C. P. Cunha.
Linhares, Luiz Waldvogel, F. C. Web-
ster. Church School Teachers:
Honorary: Luiz Braun, Oscar Cas- Isaura Bueno, Juvencio Decol, Werner
tellani, Frederico R. Kuempel, Manuel Frank, Leonor Lima, Plinio Lopes.
Kuempel, Manoel Margarido. Joao Neves, Jr.
Credentialed Missionaries:
Wilson Avila, Esther E. Benfati,
Adolpho Bergold, Ernesto Bergold, MATO GROSSO MISSION
Renato Bivar, Alfredo Bleck, Walde-
mar Conrad, Jose Guimaraes, Otto Established 1921
Kepke, Emilio Kepke, Alfredo P. Territory: The State of Mato Grosso,
Mendes, W. E. Nelson, Mrs. W. E. Brazil.
Nelson, Lucila Roseto, A. Schwantes,
Albertina R. Simon, Mrs. Olinda B. Population: 434,265; churches, 4; mem-
Spindola, Mrs. Theone Wheeler, Alice bers, 297.
Honorary: E. Langenstrassen, Telegraphic Address: "Adventists,"
Campo Grande, Mato Grosso.
Licensed Ministers:
G. F. Denz, Emilio Doehnert, D. Office Address: Rua Barao do Rio
Garcia, Miguel Malty, A. Miranda, Branco esquina da Rua 24 de Fev-
F. M. Porto, 0. E. Santo, B. E. ereiro, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso.
Schuenemann, Manuel Soares, W. R. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 146,
Wheeler. Campo Grande, Mato Grosso, Brazil,
Honorary: Matias P. Alencar, Fran- South America.
cisco Belz, Max Rohde.
Licensed Missionary: Hilde Weber.
President, Emilio R. Azevedo.
Legal Association: Secretary-Treasurer, Joao de Deus
"Uniao Sul-Brasileira da Igreja Ad- Pinho.
ventista do Setimo Dia." Executive Committee: Emilio R. Aze-
vedo, A. Barboza, S. M. Oliveira, Joao
de Deus Pinho.
Departmental Secretaries:
Established 1927 Book and Bible House and Sabbath
Territory: The States of Goiaz and Mi- School, Joao de Deus Pinho.
nas Triangle, Brazil, South America. Home Missionary and Publishing,
S. M. Oliveira.
Population: 832,869 ; churches, 2 ; mem- Y.P.M.V. and Educational, Emilio R.
bers, 393, Azevedo.

Ordained Ministers: Horn, Ilze Hort, Zita Kiel, Milton

Emilio R. Azevedo, Alfredo Barboza. Kuntze, Irene Lapa, Natalia Linhares,
Dermival R. Martins, Helena F. Mar-
Licensed Ministers: tins, Hilda R. Martins, Nair M.
S. M. Oliveira, Joao de Deus Pinho. Maurer, Sara Moreira, Valter Preuss,
Eunice M. Ramos, Frida Souza.
Church School Teachers:
Dorina Azevedo, Pedro Braga, Paulo
(Associacao Sul Riograndense da
PARANA-SANTA CATARINA Igreia Adventista do Setimo Dia)
Organized 1906
Organized 1940
Territory: The State of Rio Grande do
Territory: States of Parana and Santa Sul, Brazil, South America.
Population: 3,350,120 ; churches, 24 ;
Population: 2,433,374 ; churches, 20 ; members, 3,494.
members, 3,725.
Telegraphic Address: ."Adventistas," Telegraphic Address: "Adventistas,"
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil. Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Office Address: Rua Dr. Ermelino de
Leao No. 170, Curitiba, Parana, Bra- Postal Address: Caixa Postal 177, Porto
zil, South America. (Do not send Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,
mail here.) South America.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 810, Curi- Office Address: Rua General Vitorino
tiba, Parana, Brazil, South America. No. 77, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
Sul, Brazil, South America.
President, Jose R. Passos. Officers:
Secretary-Treasurer, Dermival Stock- President, Domingos Peixoto da Silva.
ier Lima. Secretary-Treasurer, Henrique S. Ber-
Executive Committee: Jose R. Passos, gold.
Willi Baranski, Elias M. Castilho, Executive Committee: Domingos Peix-
Dermival Stockier Lima, Enoch Oli- oto da Silva, Roberto R. Azevedo, Hen-
veira, Romeu R. Reis, Eugenio Weidle. rique S. Bergold, Silas Gianini, Sieg-
Departmental Secretaries: fried Hoffman, Araceli S. Melo.
Renato E. Oberg, Ari Raffo.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Enoch
Oliveira. Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Book and Bible House, Henrique S.
Eugenio Weidle. Bergold.
Publishing, Willi Baranski. Educational and Y.P.M.V., Silas
Ordained Ministers: Gianini.
Elias M. Castilho, Antonio Jimenes, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Oscar Lindqvist, Geraldo Marski, Jose G. Streithorst.
R. Passos, Romeu Ritter Reis, Boni Publishing, Ari Raffo.
Renck, Eugenio Weidle. Ordained Ministers:
Credentialed Missionaries: Roberto R. Azevedo, Luiz Gianini,
Ana P. Kiel, Dermival Stockier Lima. Silas Gianini, Herbert Hoffman, Sieg-
fried Hoffman, Araceli S. Melo, Re-
Licensed Ministers: nato Emir Oberg, Domingos Peixoto
Jose D. Carvalho, Alfrisio A. Neto, da Silva, G. Streithorst.
Enoch Oliveira, Belarmino Pereira,
rdilio Tschurtschenthaler, Herbert Credentialed Missionaries:
Weber. Jose Alvarenga, Henrique S. Bergold,
Frederico Gerling, Luiz Pereira,
Licensed Missionaries: Henrique Ruhe.
Ceres Antunes, Willi Baranski, Hugo
Gegembauer, Zita Kiel, Edna Kuem- Licensed Ministers:
pel, Gregorio Onysenko, Werner Homar F. Alves, Carlos Ebling, Lou-
Weber. rival Ferreira, Ari Raffo, Kurt Ruhe,
Honorary: Germano Conrad, Conrado Jaco G. Streithorst, Ricardo Zukowski.
Stoehr. Licensed Missionaries:
Church School Teachers: Blair Cavalheiro, Eli Kassner, Frida
Maria Bellessi, Valdebourb Bornho, Lopes, Luiz Marquart, Lourdes My-
Anesia Ferreira, Elea Gross, Helena lies, Waldemar Rabello.

Church School Teachers: Licensed Ministers:

Onelia Azevedo, Eva Barreto, Ruy Pedro S. Camacho, Jose D. Campos,
Barreto, Manoel J. Braff, Darcy Costa, Roberto Doehnert, Itanel Ferraz,
Eliasib da Cruz, Alma Fehlau, Ruth Orion Fonseca, S. Genske, Otto S. S.
Gianini, Ilda Goncalves, Araci Gon- Joas, Waldemar Leitzke, Nelson
zales, Pedro Gonzales, Ataliba Huf, Mouad, Carmo Naufal, Jose A. Neto,
Orestes Klein, Henrique Knoener, Herminio Trivelato, George Sabeff,
Mrs. Lenira Luetz, Paulo Marquart, Galdino N. Vieira. ,
Enedina Miranda, Timoteo Oliveira, Licensed Missionaries:
Ana T. Rheinlaender, Gioconda Ruhe,
Reinaldo Schuck, Jovino Tormes, Ana Boekenkamp, Walter Boeken-
Maria Umpierre, Juracy Vieira. kamp, Meryan Gianini, Orquidea
C. Gouvea, Maria Kudzielicz, Os-
Legal Association: valdo Machado, Eunice Martins,
"Assotiacao Sul Riograndense da Gideon Oliveira, Rute Oliveira, D.
Igreja Adventista do Setimo Dia." A. Paula, Helio Pereira, Maria
Matuzinha de Souza, Odorino Souza,
Carlos Tavares, Eloisa Waldvogel,
Lilian Wentz.
(Assoc. Paulista da Igreja Adventista Church School Teachers:
do Setimo Dia) Maria L. Andrade, Leoni Avila, Eunice
Organized 1922 M. Berger, ,Antonio A. Bronze, Dacio
P. Camargo, Judith F. Correia, Israel
Territory: The State of Sao Paulo, P. Damaceno, Cordelia Denz, Mario
Brazil, South America. D. Dias, Yolando Fisch, Roberto Fiusa,
Betty Fonseca, Zoe Garcia, Ivone
Population: 7,239,711; churches, 17; Gerling, Evanir Maatz, Josias B.
members, 5,636. Mello, Oldina Monteiro, Maria C. P.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventists," Sao Morais, Celisa Mota, Erotides No-
Paulo, Brazil, South America. gueira, Albertina Pereira, Zuleica
Office Address: Rua Tagua, No. 88, Sao Queiroz, Ludgero Reinert, Noemi
Paulo, Brazil, South America. (Do not Ritter, Indalicio dos Santos, Maria
send mail here.) (Telephone, 4-1353.) Rodrigues Silva, Raquel Silveira,
Lidia Siqueira, Olimpia Teixeira, S.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 1830, Sao M. TomiaZzi, Antonio G. Torres,
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Maria Xavier.
President, Germano G. Ritter. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH
Secretary-Treasurer, Naor Klein. AMERICAN DIVISION
Executive Committee: Germano G. Educational:
Ritter, Pedro S. Camacho, Waldemar Bolivian Training School (Colegio Ad-
Ehlers, Itanel Ferraz, Jeronimo G. ventists de Bolivia), Casilla 82,
Garcia, Naor Klein, Durval S. Lima, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Moises S. Nigri, Rafael Ferreira dos
Santos, Jose N. Siqueira, Galdino N. Brazil College (Colegio Adventista
Vieira. Brdsileiro), Caixa Postal 258-A,
Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Departmental Secretaries: Buenos Aires Academy (Instituto In-
Book and Bible House, Naor Klein. corporado "Florida"), Avenida San
Educational, Itanel Ferraz. Martin 4601, Florida, F. N. Gral.
Home Missionary and Radio, Durval Bme. Mitre, Buenos Aires. Ar-
S. Lima. gentina.
Publishing, Pedro S. Camacho. Chile College (Colegio Adventista de
Sabbath School, Waldemar Ehlers. Chile), Casilla 7 D., Chillan, Chile.
Y.P.M.V., Jose N. Siqueira.
Evangelist, Jeronimo G. Garcia. East Brazil Academy (Instituto Teo-
logico Adventists), Caixa Postal
Ordained Ministers: 55, Petropolis, Estado do Rio,
Osvaldo R. Azevedo, Waldemar Ehl- de Janeiro, Brazil.
ers, Jeronimo G. Garcia, Jorge Hoyler, Inca Union College (Colegio Unlop)
Durval S. Lima, Altino Martins, Casilla 2102, Lima, Peru.
Moises S. Nigri, Jonas A. Paula, Lake Titicaca Training School
Germano G. Ritter, Waldemar R. (Colegio Adventista del Titicaca),
Silva, Jose N. Siqueira. Casilla 4, .Juliaca, Peru.
Credentialed Missionaries: North Argentine Academy (Instituto
Naor Klein, Berta Lipke, Fernando Adventista. Juan Bautista Alberdi),
Luz, Isaura Peixoto de Oliveira, Her- Casilla 6, Leandro N. Alem, Mis-
minio Sarli, Frieda Trefz. lones, Argentine.

Northeast Brazil Rural Institute vestre,) Ladeira dos Guararapes

(Institute Rural Adventista do Nor- 263, Silvestre, Rio de Janeiro, D.F.,
deste), Belem-Maria, Pernambuco, Brazil.
Brazil. River Plate Sanitarium (Sanatorio
Parana-Santa Catarina Academy Adventists del Plata), Puiggari,
(Ginasio Adventista Paranaense) F. N. Gral. Urquiza, Entre Rios,
Caixa Postal 1155, Curitiba, Parana, Argentina.
Sao Paulo Clinic (Casa de Saude
River Plate College (Colegio Adven- Liberdade), Rua Tamandare 495,
tista del Plata) Puiggari, F. N. Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Gral. Urquiza, Entre Rios, Argen-
tina. Medical Missionary Launches:
Taquara Academy (Ginasio Adven- "El Auxiliadora" (Helper). Oper-
tista), Caixa Postal 12, Taquara, ates along that part of the Ama-
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. zon River which is in.Peru. R. A.
Uruguay Academy (Institute Adven- Hayden in charge. Headquarters:
tists del Uruguay), Progreso, De- Casilla 240, Iquitos, Peru.
partamento Canelones, Uruguay. "Luzeiro I" (Light-bearer). Operates
Food Companies: on the second thousand miles of the
Buenos Aires Health Food Company Amazon River and its tributaries.
(Alimentos Granix, Sociedad Anon- Headquarters: Caixa Postal 243,
ima), Avenida San Martin. 4625, Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil.
Florida, F. N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, "Luzeiro II" (Light-bearer). Oper-
Buenos Aires, Argentina. ates on the first thousand miles of
the Amazon River and its tribu-
Medical: taries. L. B. Halliwell in charge.
Chulumani Sanitarium and Hospital Headquarters: Caixa Postal 656,
(Hospital Chulumani), Chulumani, Belem, Brazil.
Sud Yungas, Depto de La Paz,
Bolivia. "Luzeiro III" (Light-bearer).
"Good Hope" Clinic, (Clinics "Good Publishing:
Hope"), Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru. Brazil Publishing House (Casa Pub-
Good Samaritan Clinic (Clinics "0 licadora Brasileira), Caixa Postal
Born Samaritano"), Rua General 34, Santo Andre, E.F.S.J., Sao
Vitorino 77, Porto Alegre, Rio Paulo, Brazil.
Grande do Sul, Brazil. Buenos ,Aires Publishing House (Casa
Juliaca Clinic (Clinica Juliaca), Ca- Editors Sudamericana) Avenida
silla 22, Juliaca, Peru. San Martin 455, Florida, F. N.
Rio de Janeiro Sanitarium and Hos- Gral. Bme. Mitre, Buenos Aires,
pital, (SanatorioHospital Sil- Argentina.
Organized 1920
Territory: The Union of South Africa, Ordained Ministers:
Basutoland, Swaziland, South-West C. W. Bozaarth, C. Paul Bringle, F. G.
Africa, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Clifford, J. M. Hnatyshyn, W. A. Hig-
Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhode- gins, T. K. Ludgate, W. E. McClure,
sia, Nyasaland Protectorate, Portu- E. A. Moon, Milton Robison, A. W.
guese East Africa, Angola, Belgian Staples, G. S. Stevenson, E. L. Tarr,
Congo, Ruanda-Urundi, Tanganyika, E. W. Tarr, F. H. Thomas, J. V.
Uganda Protectorate, Kenya Colony Wilson.
and Protectorate, the islands of Zan-
zibar, Pemba, St. Helena, Tristan de Credentialed Missionaries:
Cunha and Ascension ; comprising the Frederick Bell, M. E. Dawson, Ethel
Angola, Congo, East African, South- Edmed, J. G. Slate, Anne Visser.
east African, and Zambesi Union Mis- Licensed Ministers:
sions, and the South African Union C. F. Clarke, J. L. Milford, A. J.
Conference. Raitt, Hans L. Rasmussen, P. J. van
Population: European, 2,613,668; Col- Eck, A. L. Watt, D. A. Webster.
ored, 919,097 ; Asiatic, 541,772 ; Na- Licensed Missionaries:
tive, 51,955,742; Total population,
56,030,279. Mrs. Frederick Bell, Muriel Bosch.
Mrs. C. W. Bozarth, Mrs. C. Paul
Churches: White, 69 ; Colored, 22 ; In- Bringle, Francis Browne, Mrs. F. C.
dian, 2; Native, 364 ; Total churches, Clarke, Mrs. F. G. Clifford, Martha
457. Coetzee, Mrs. Jean Cripps, Mrs. M.
Members: White, 5,131 ; Colored, 1,184 ; E. Dawson, Alwine Ficker, Genevieve
Indian, 34 ; Native, 49,645 ; Total Fortner, Phyllis Fouche, Kathleen
members, 52,994. Believers not bap- Fouche, S. Glanz, Mrs. S. Glanz, Mrs.
tized, 55,310; Total adherents, 111,304. R. GoHe, W. R. Grant, Mrs. W. R.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Ad- Grant, Mrs. W. A. Higgins.
ventist," Claremont, Cape. Emma Hinterleitner, Mrs. J. M.
Hnatyshyn, Ruth Hurlow, Mary Kid-
Office Address: Grove Avenue, Clare- son, Mrs. T. K. Ludgate, Elizabeth
mont, Cape Province, South Africa. Malan, R. Marx, Mrs. R. Marx, S.
(Telephone, 7-4847.) Maxwell, Mrs. W. E. McClure, Mrs.
Officers: J. L. Milford, Mrs. E. A. Moon,
President, C. W. Bozarth. Mrs. A. J. Raitt, Mrs. Hans L. Ras-
Secretary, F. G. Clifford. mussen, Esme Rentzke, Norma Lou
Treasurer and Auditor, E. A. Moon. Rhodes, Carl W. Shafer, Mrs. Carl W.
Assistant Treasurer, D. A. Webster. Shafer.
Field Secretary, Milton Robison. Mrs. A. Shone, Mrs. J. G. Slate,
Executive Committee: C. W. Bozarth, Gwendoline Smith, Mrs. S. E. Smuts,
C. Paul. Bringle, J. R. Cambell, F. G. Mrs. A. W. Staples, Mrs. G. S. Steven-
Clifford, M. E. Dawson, E. D. Han- son, Mrs. M. Stockil, Mrs. E. L. Tarr,
son, W. A. Higgins, J. M. Hnatyshyn, Mrs. E. W. Tarr, Mildred Tarr, Mrs.
S. G. Maxwell, W. E. McClure, E. A. F. H. Thomas, Mrs. P. J. van Eck, P.
Venter, Jr., Mrs. P. Venter, Jr., F.
Moon, Milton Robison, H. M. Sparrow, Visser, Mrs. F. Visser, Mrs. A. L.
A. W. Staples, P. Stevenson, E. W.
Tarr, D. A. Webster. Watt, Beatrice Webb, Mrs. D. A.
Webster, L. Webster, Mrs. L. Web-
Departmental Secretaries: ster, Mrs. Evelyn Wheeler, Mrs. J. V.
Educational, E. W. Tarr. Wilson.
Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V., Honorary: Mrs. W. B. Commin.
J. M. Hnatyshyn.
Medical, C. Paul Bringle. Legal Association: Seventh-day Ad-
Press Relations, F. G. Clifford. ventist Community of Africa (Incor-
Publishing, W. A. Higgins. porated) : President, C. W. Bozarth ;
Sabbath School, Religious Liberty, Vice-President, J. G. Slate; Secre-
and Ministerial Association, A. W. tary, F. G. Clifford ; Asst. Secretary,
Staples. D. A. Webster; Treasurer, E. A. Moon.


Organiz ed 1925
Territory: Angola (Portuguese West Population: White, 30,000; Native, 4,-
Africa). 170,000 ; Total population, 4,200.000,
Area: 610,670 square miles. Churches: 30.


Members: European, 50 ; Native, 2,748 ; Cuale Mission Station

Total members, 2,798. Believers not
baptized, 2,570; Total adherents, Postal Address: Duque de Braganca,
5,368. Districto do Malange, Angola, Portu-
guese West Africa.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventists," Nova Lisboa, Angola. Director: 0. U. Giddings.
Postal Address: Angola Union Mission Ordained Minister: 0. U. Giddings.
of Seventh-day Adventists, Caixa Pos- Licensed Ministers:
tal No. 3. Nova Lisboa, Angola, Por-
tuguese West Africa. A. M. Candeias, Diniz Capinala.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. A. M. Candeias, Mrs. 0. U.
President, P. Stevenson. Giddings, A. Lopes, Mrs. A. Lopes.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. M. Webster.
Portuguese Teachers:
Executive Committee : P. Stevenson,
0. U. Giddings, E. L. Jewell, R. B. A. M. Candeias, A. Lopes.
Parsons, A. J. Rodrigues, B. E. Spar- Village Schools: 8.
row, W. M. Webster.
Native Teachers: 10.
Departmental Secretaries:
Inspector: D. Capinala.
Educational, Sabbath School, and
Y.P.M.V., B. E. Sparrow.-----
Medical, R. B. Parsons.
Publishing, W. M. Webster. Lucusse Mission Station
Temperance, P. Stevenson. Postal Address: Caixa Postal No. 34,
Ordained Ministers: Vila Luzo, Angola, Portuguese West
B. E. Sparrow, P. Stevenson.
Credentialed Missionary: W. M. Web-
ster. Village Schools: 3.
Licensed Minister: M. S. Castro. Native Teachers: 5.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. M. S. Castro, Mrs. B. E. Spar- Luz Mission Station
row, Mrs. P. Stevenson, Mrs. W. M. Postal Address: Missao de Luz, Caixa
Webster. Postal, No. 33, Vila Luzo, Angola,
Portuguese West Africa.
Bongo Mission Station Director: E. L. Jewell./
Address: Missao Adventists, Lepi, An- Ordained Minister: Jeremias Minganjo.
gola, Portuguese West Africa. Licensed Ministers:
Officers: E. L. Jewell, Eduardo Machai, Fran-
Director, E. V. Hermanson. cisco Massumba, Carlos Pacheco.
Doctor, R. B. Parsons. Licensed Missionaries:
Nurses, Ruth Johnson, Mrs. R. B.
Parsons, Jose de Sa, Mrs. Jose V. Chaves, Mrs. V. Chaves, Mrs. E. L.
de Sa. Jewell.
Ordained Ministers: Portuguese Teacher: V. Chaves.
E. V. Hermanson, R. B. Parsons. Village Schools: 19.
Licensed Ministers: Native Teachers: 21.
Mario Abel, A. J. S. Casaca, Leon-
ardo Chicondo, A. J. Rodrigues. Namba Mission Station
Licensed Missionaries:
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 3, Nova
Mrs. A. J. S. Casaca, Mrs. E. V. Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese West
Hermanson, Ruth Johnson, Mrs. R. B. Africa.
Parsons, Mrs. A. J. Rodrigues, Jose de
Sa, Mrs. Jose de Sa, Ruby Visser. Director.
Teachers: Mario Abel, Daniel Adolpho, Ordained Minister: Herculano Castro.
A. J. S. Casaca, Mrs. A. J. S. Casaca, Licensed Minister: Carlos Sequeseque.
Leonardo Chicondo, Raimundo Chin-
golo, Paulino Dias, J. Fernando, A. Village Schools: 10.
J. Rodrigues, Elisa Rosa, Ruby Visser. Native Teachers: 10.

Ovimbundu Outschools Eduardo Gando, Leonardo Mines, 0.

Address: Caixa Postal 3, Nova Lisboa,
Angola. Portuguese West Africa. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. 0. Nell.
Director: 0. Nell.
Inspector: L. Mines.
Ordained Minister: Venancio Chipopa.
Village Schools: 32.
Licensed Ministers:
Colino 3. Chico, Chiperica Chiquete, Teachers: 32.


Organized 1925
Territory: Belgian Congo and Ruanda- Bikobo Hill Mission Station
Urundi. Established 1930
Area: 909,654 square miles. Postal Address: Boite Postal 3, Kon-
Population: White, 37,057; Native, 14,- golo, Belgian Congo, Central Africa.
253,293; Total population, 14,290,350.
Churches: 54. Director: Philip F. Lemon; Assistant,
Henri Marais.
Members: European, 49; Native, 8,689 ;
Total members, 8,738. Believers not Ordained Minister: Jonathan Kiambe.
baptized, 24,566 ; Total adherents, Licensed Ministers:
33,304. Philip F. Lemon, Tito Kiambe, Solo-
Telegraphic and Cable Address: Advent- mon Lupande.
iste, Elisabethville.
Licensed Missionaries: Mrs. Philip F.
Postal Address: Boite Postal 327, Elisa- Lemon, Henry Marais, Mrs. Henry
bethville, Congo Beige, Africa. Marais.
Officers: Village Schools: 43.
President, J. R. Campbell.
Secretary-Treasurer, Karl F. Ambs. Native Teachers and other Workers: 57.
Executive Committee: J. R. Camp-
bell, K. F. Ambs, V. Davies, A. L.
Davy, E. I. Edstrom, 0. Rouhe, T. W. Buganda Mission Station
Staples, J. P. Sundquist, P. K. Wiley. Established 1925
Departmental Secretaries: Postal Address: P. 0. Usumbura,
Educational, Sabbath School, and Urundi, Africa.
Y.P.M.V., J. P. Sundquist. Director: H. J. Bennett.
Ordained Ministers: Village Schools: 8.
Karl F. Ambs, J. R. Campbell, A. Native Teachers: 10.
Matter, Sr., Paul Sundquist.
Honorary, D. E. Delhove.
Licensed Missionaries: Kirundu Mission Station
Mrs. Karl F. Ambs, Mrs. J. R. Camp- Postal Address: Kirundu, B. P. Stan-
bell, Mrs. Mary Ellingworth, Mrs. A. leyville, Congo Beige, Africa.
Matter, Sr., Mrs. J. P. Sundquist,
Phyllis Willmore. Director: A. A. Matter, Jr.
Honorary: Mrs. D. E. Delhove. Ordained Ministers:
Legal Organization for Congo Beige: Simoni Kabashi, Kossam Paipo, T. W.
The Congo Union Mission of Seventh- Staples.
day Adventists. Licensed Minister: A. A. Matter, Jr.
Legal Representative for Congo Beige:
J. R. Campbell; K. F. Ambs, Sup- Licensed Missionaries:
pliant. Mrs. A. A. Matter, Jr., Mrs. T. W.
Legal Organization for Ruanda-Urundi: Staples.
Mission Evangelique des Adventistes Native Licensed Minister: 1.
du Septieme Jour.
Village Schools: 18.
Legal Representative for Ruanda-
Urundi: J. R. Campbell. Native Teachers: 28.

Rwesse Mission Station Licensed Minister: N. Kinyogote.

Established 1941 Licensed Missionary: J. Birkenstock.
Postal Address: B. P. Lubero, Congo Village Schools: 117.
Beige, Africa. Teachers: 150.
Director: P. K. Wiley; Assistant; H.
W. E. Beavon.
Seminaire Adventiste, Gitwe
Ordained Ministers:
Samuel Karekezi, Eliakimu Ngwuije. Established 1921
Licensed Ministers: Postal Address: Via Usumbura, Ru-
anda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
H. W. E. Beavon, P. K. Wiley.
Director: E. I. Edstrom.
Licensed Missionaries:
Dispensary / Ruth Carnahan.
Mrs. H. W. E. Beavon, Mrs. P. K.
Wiley. Ordained Minister: E. I. Edstrom.
Village Schools: 44. Licensed Ministers:
Native Teachers: 52. C. Felton, W. H. Johnson, Zakariya
Mateteri, B. P. Wendell.
Licensed Missionaries:
Ruth Carnahan, Mrs. E. I. Edstrom,
Established 1947 Mrs. C. Felton, Mrs. W. H. Johnson,
Mrs. B. P. Wendell.
Territory: Ruanda-Urundi.
Area: 22,000 square miles.
E. I. Edstrom, Principal ; Ruth Carn-
Population: European, 1,500; Native, ahan, C. Felton, Mrs. C. Felton, W.
3,627,431; Total population, 3,628,931. H. Johnson, Mrs. W. H, Johnson,
B. P. Wendell, and 6 Africans.
Churches: Native, 49.
Village Schools: 12.
Members: European, 21; Native, 7,226;
Total members, 7,247. Believers not Teachers: 24.
baptized, 19,372. Total adherents,
Ndora Mission Station
Postal Address: Gitwe, via Usumbura,
Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian Congo, East Established 1936
Africa. Postal Address: P. 0. Usumbura,
Officers: Ruanda-Urundi, Africa.
President, A. L. Davy. Director: H. J. Bennett; Assistant, D.
Secretary-Treasurer, Clell Franklin. H. Schmehl.
Departmental Secretary, A. L. Davy.
Ordained Ministers:
Executive Committee: . A. L. Davy,
E. W. Bradbury, H. J. Bennett, B. R. Ezekiel Ru, Ezra Taboru.
Bickley, E. I. Edstrom, Clell Frank- Licensed Ministers:
lin, Pastor Gidion, Pastor Jonas, H. J. Bennett, Jonas Munyerari, Sela-
Ezekieli Mu, Eleazar Semutwa.
tiel, D. H. Schmehl.
Ordained Minister: A. L. Davy. Licensed Missionaries:
Credentialed Missionary: Clell Franklin. Mrs. H. J. Bennett, Mrs. D. H.
Licensed Missionaries: Schmehl.
Mrs. A. L. Davy, Mrs. Clell Franklin. Village Schools: 54.
Native Teachers: 61.
Gitwe Mission District
Established 1942 Ngoma Medical Mission Station
Postal Address: Via Usumbura, Ru- Established 1931
anda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
Postal Address: Gitwe, Usumbura,
Director: J. Birkenstock. Ruanda-Urundi, Congo Beige, Africa.
Ordained Ministers: Director: B. R. Bickley.
Abeli, Daniel, Eleazar, Natanayeli, Medical Superintendent: L. K. Ritten-
Nehemiyu. house; Assistant, R. Newbold.

Nurses: Village Schools: 110.

Julia Hoel, Tabea Matter. Native Teachers: 128.
Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Ministers: Postal Addres: B. P. 327, Elisabeth-
B. R. Bickley, Mariko Ku, Aroni vine, Congo Beige, Africa.
Nza, L. K. Rittenhouse.
Director: Valentine Davies.
Licensed Missionaries:
Ordained Ministers:
Mrs. B. R. Bickley, Julia Hoel, Tabea
Matter, Robson Newbold, Mrs. Rob- Valentine Davies, Zebedee L. Kaunda,
son Newbold, Mrs. L. K. Rittenhouse. Titus Kiana.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. Valentine
Village Schools: 63. Davies.
Native Teachers: 109. Village Schools: 10.
Native Teachers:'16.
Rwankeri Mission Station
Established 1922 Songs, Mission Station
Postal Address: P. 0. Goma, Kivu, Established 1921
Congo Beige, East Africa.'
Director: E. W. Bradbury; Assistant, Postal Address: Boite Postale, Kamina,
Arthur Hands. Congo Beige, Africa.
Nurse: Lydia Delhove. Director: J. G. Evert.
Ordained Ministers: Medical Superintendent: 0. Rouhe.
Jonas, Mariko, Paulo, Yohanna. Ordained Minister: 0. Rouhe.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
Nikodemu Gihamangabo, Jafeti Kany- Banza Adam, J. G. Evert, Amosi
mihigo, Hezekiya Mberabagabo, Eze- Madikalo, Daniel Mubanda.
kiel Munyanbuga, Manase Munyam-
panzi, Jafeti Rwanduranya, Setefano Licensed Missionaries:
Sengabo. Alta Birkenstock, Mrs. J. G. Evert,
Licensed Missionaries: Valborg Larsson, Mrs. 0. Rouhe.
E. Bradbury, Mrs. E. Brabury, Lydia Village Schools: 40.
Delhove, Arthur Hands, Joel, Pheness,
Zakayo. Native Teachers: 57.


Organized 1912; reorganized 1942

Territory: Kenya Colony and Protec- Telegraphic Address: "Adventist,"

torate, Tanganyika Territory, Uganda Kisumu.
Protectorate, and the islands of Zan--' Office Address: Victoria Road, Kisumu,
zibar and Pemba. East Africa. (Telephone 107.)
Area: 956,781 square miles. Officers:
President, H. M. Sparrow.
Population: European, 41,669 ; Asiatic, Secretary-Treasurer, C. T. Bannister.
256,328; Native, 14,516,054; Total
Population, 14, 814,051. Executive Committee: H. M. Spar-
row, D. H. Abbott, W. N. Andrews,
Churches: European, 2 ; Native, 104 ; C. T. Bannister, H. E. Kotz, E. W.
Total churches, 106. Pedersen, R: L. Wangerin, R. J.
Members: European, 110; Native, 13,-
930. Total members 14,040. Believers Departmental Secretaries:
not baptized, 13,094. Total adherents, Educational, Sabbath School, and
27,134. Y.P.M.V., W. N. Andrews.
Publishing and Home Missionary, R.
Postal Address: Box 221, Kisumu, L. Wangerin.
Kenya Colony, East Africa. Medical, D. H. Abbott.

Ordained Ministers: Credentialed Missionaries:

W. N. Andrews, C. J. Hyde, H. M. R. A. Carey, Dorothea Nielsen, Car-
Sparrow. entze Olsen, Catherine Schuil.
Credentialed Missionaries: Licensed Ministers:
C. T. Bannister, Grace A. Clarke, D. H. Abbott, Yohana Anyengo, Elisha
R. L. Wangerin. Arunga, K. J. Berry, Petro Chiteambe,
T. F. Duke, N. Misati, M. Nomanue,
Licensed Minister: G. J. E. Coetzee. S. Ngao, Timotheo Ngao, Thadayo
Licensed Missionaries: Nyabwa, Y. Nyakeriga. Nathaniel
Ochieng', Sylvano Ododa, Erasto
Mrs. W. N. Andrews, Mrs. C. T. Ogila; J. Ong'era, N. Orang'o, Israel
Bannister, Mrs. G. J. E. Coetzee, Mrs. Okoth, A. Saisi.
C. J. Hyde, Mrs. H. M. Sparrow, Mrs.
R. L. Wangerin. Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. D. H. Abbott, Mrs. K. J. Berry,
Elsa Brandt, Kathleen Budde, Mrs.
KENYA MISSION FIELD R. A. Carey, Mrs. T. F. Duke, Mrs.
W. K. Mansker, R. G. Pearson, Mrs.
Organized 1912; reorganized 1942 R. G. Pearson, E. W. Pedersen, Mrs.
Territory: Kenya Colony and Protec- W. C. S. Raitt, Mrs. V. E. Robinson,
torate, and the islands of Pemba and Mrs. D. K. Short, Mrs. D. M. Swaine,
Zanzibar. Mrs. K. D. Webster.

Area: 384,960 square miles.

Population: European, 29,800; Asiatic, Changamwe Mission Station
186,600; Native 4,257,100. Total popu- Established 1934
lation, 4,473,500.
Address: Box 273, Mombasa, Kenya
Churches: European, 2; Native, 67 ; Colony, East Africa.
Total churches, 69.
Director: W. K. Mansker.
Members: European, 61 ; Native, 8,781 ;
Total members, 8,842. Believers not African District Leaders: 2.
baptized, 7,273. Total adherents, 16,-
115. Evangelist: 1.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 1352, Nairobi, Village Schools: 4.
Kenya Colony, East Africa. African Teachers: 14.
Telegraphic Address: "Advent," Nai- Girls' School: Mrs. W. K. Mansker.
Office Address: Crauford Road, Nairobi,
Kenya Colony, East Africa. (Tele- Chebwai Mission Station
phone: Nairobi 2598.) Established 1931
Officers: Address: P. 0. Kakamega, Kenya
President, E. W. Pedersen. Colony, East Africa.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. A. Carey. Acting Director: K. G. Berry.
Executive Committee: E. W. Peder- African District Leaders: 2.
sen, D. H. Abbott, R. A. Carey, Paulo
Nyamweya, James Odero, Elisha African Evangelists: 7.
Olero, W. C. S. Raitt, V. E. Robin- Village Schools: 6.
son, D. K. Short, K. G. Webster.
African Teachers: 16.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, V. E. Robinson.
Medical, D. H. Abbott. Gendia Mission Station
Sabbath School, R. A. Carey.
Y.P.M.V. and Home Missionary, E. W. Established 1906
Address: Gendia, Private. Bag, P. 0.
Ordained Ministers: Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Joshua Auma, Nikolao Mang'ich, W. Director: D. K. Short.
K. Mansker, Abel Nyakundi, Paulo African District Leaders: 5.
Nyamweya, Jeremiah Oigo, Abraham
Oirere, James Odero, Elisha Olero, African Ministers: 3.
Malaki Osoo, E. W. Pedersen, W. C. African Evangelists: 26.
S. Raitt, Ezekiel Rewe, V. E. Robin- Village Schools: 40.
son, D. K. Short, D. M. Swaine,
E. G. Webster. African Teachers: 106.

Kamagambo Mission Station TANGANYIKA MISSION FIELD

Established 1916 Entered 1903
Address: P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Colony, Territory: Tanganyika Territory.
East Africa.
Director: V. E. Robinson. Area: 472,840 square miles.
African Minister: 1. Population: European, 9,286; Asiatic,
Staff: See Training School. 41,216 : Native, 6,292,359 ; Total pop-
ulation, 6,342,861.
Dispensary: D. H. Abbott.
Churches: 26.
Karura Mission Station Members: European, 37 ; Native, 4,138 ;
Total members, 4,175. Believers not
Established 1933 baptized, 4,653. Total adherents, 8,828.
Address: P., 0. Box 1835, Nairobi, Postal Address: P. 0. Musoma, Tangan-
Kenya Colony, East Africa.
yika Territory, East Africa.
Director: W. C. S. Raitt.
African District Leaders: 3. Office Address: Busegwe Mission, 20
miles from Musoma on main road to
African Evangelists: 7. Mwanza.
Village Schools: 4.
African Teachers: 9. Officers:
President, H. E. Kotz.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. Robson.
Lumbwa Mission Station Executive Committee: H. E. Kotz,
(African) Luka Amayo, L. D. Brown, Isaiah
Address: P.O. Kericho, Kenya Colony, Fue, Elisa Kilango, F. G. Reid, H.
East Africa. Robson, F. E. Schlehuber, J. G. Siep-
man, F. B. Wells.
Director: Paul Nyamweya.
Departmental Secretaries:
African Evangelists: 2. Educational, F. E. Schlehuber.
Village Schools: 2. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., H.
African Teachers: 6.
Ordained Ministers:
Nyanchwa Mission Station European: L. D. Brown, 0. L.
Jacques, H. E. Kotz, G. Pearson, F.
Established 1922 G. Reid, H. Robson, J. G. Siepman,
F. B. Wells.
Address: P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Colony,
East Africa. African: Luka Amayo, Isaya Fue,
Elisa Kilonzo, Paulo Kilonzo, Ezekieli
Director: K. G. Webster. Mafuru, Yohana Makanta, Yohana
Mugobi, Petro Risase, Tuvako Sen-
Girls' School: Dorothea Nielsen. zala, Andrea Siti.
African District Leaders: 3.
Licensed Ministers:
African Ministers: 3.
European: W. W. Oliphant, F. E.
African Evangelists, 7. Schlehuber.
Village Schools: 40. African: Andrea Chanyegera, Simeon
Dea, Filipo Kamba, Tito Lugoi, Timo-
African Teachers: 106. teo Lima, Jeremiah Lushino, Petro
Magunda, Fares Masokomya, Zacha-
riah Mhuli, Petro Mwasi, Thomas
Ranen Mission Station Ndaro, Hosea Ng'homano, Efraim
Established at Kanyadoto 1918 Nguru, Stefano Singo, Benjamin Tari-
Address: Ranen, P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Licensed Missionaries:
Colony, East Africa.
Mrs. L. D. Brown, Jessie Hawman,
Director: T. F. Duke. Mrs. Oliver L. Jacques, Mrs. H. E.
African Ministers: 3. Kotz, R. Lindup, Mrs. R. Lindup,
Mrs. W. W. Oliphant, Mrs. G. Pear-
African District Leaders: 2. son, Mrs. F. G. Reid, Mrs. H. Rob-
African Evangelists: 9. son, Mrs. F. E. Schlehuber, Mrs. J. G.
Siepman, I. G. van Aswegan, Mrs. I
Village Schools: 35. G. van Aswegan, G. van Niekerk, Mrs.
African Teachers: 83. F. B. Wells.

Busegwe Mission Station African District Leader: 1.

Established 1916 African Minister: 1.
Village Schools: 8.
Address: P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika, African Teachers: 9.
East Africa.
Dispensary: Mrs. W. W. Oliphant.
Director: H. Robson.
African District Leaders: 2.
Ntusu Mission Station
Village Schools: 7.
African Teachers: 8. Established 1916
Dispensary: Mrs. H. E. Kotz. Address: P. 0. Maswa, Via Mwalam-
paka, Lake Province, Tanganyika,
East Africa.
Ikizu Mission Station Director: J. G. Siepman.
Established 1908 African District Leaders: 3.
Address: P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Village Schools: 12.
Territory, East Africa. African Teachers: 16.
Director: F. E. Schlehuber. Dispensary: Mrs. J. G. Siepman.
Staff: See Training School.
District Leader: 1. Suji Primary School and Mission
Village Schools: 3. Station
African Teachers: 4. Established 1912
Dispensary: Alice Jensen. Address: P. 0. Makania, Tanga Prov-
ince, Tanganyika, East Africa.
Director: F. B. Wells.
Majita Mission Station School Master: G. L. van Niekerk.
Established 1913 African District Leaders: 3.
Address: P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika African Ministers: 4.
Territory, East Africa. African Evangelists: 9.
Director: L. D. Brown. Village Schools: 13.
African District Leaders and Evange- African Teachers: 29.
lists: 4. Dispensary: Mrs. F. B. Wells.
African Minister: 2.
Village Schools: 11. Utimbaru Mission Station
African Teachers: 18. Established 1912
Dispensary: Mrs. L. D. Brown. Address: P.O. Lake Province, Tarime,
(via Musoma), Tanganyika, East
Mbeya Mission Station Director: F. G. Reid.
Established 1934 African District Leaders: 3.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Mbeya, African Ministers: 2.
Tanganyika, East Africa. African Evangelists: 4.
Director: Oliver L. Jacques. Village Schools: 11. ,
African District Leader: 1. African Teachers: 13.
African Minister: 1. Dispensary: Mrs. F. G. Reid.
Village Schools: 3.
African Teachers: 4.
Mwagala Mission Station Established 1927
Established 1918 Territory: Uganda Protectorate.
Address: P. 0. Maswa, Via Mwalam- Area: 98,981 square miles.
paka, Lake Province, Tanganyika, Population: European 2,583 ; Asiatic.
East Africa. 28,512 ; Native, 3,966,595 ; Total,
Director: W. W. Oliphant. 3,997,690.

Churches: Native, 11. African District Leaders: 3.

Members: European, 12; Native, 1,011; African Minister: 1.
Total members, 1,023. Believers not African Evangelists: 7.
baptized, 1,168. Total adherents,
2,191. Village Schools: 8.
African Teachers: 15.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 22, Kampala,
Uganda, East Africa.
Office Address: Kireka Hill Mission, Katikamu Mission Station
Mile 6 on Jinja Road.
Established 1943
Address: Private Bag, P.O. Bombo,
President, R. J. Wieland. Uganda, East Africa.
Secretary-Treasurer, William 0. Eng-
land. Director: R. L. Garber.
Executive Committee: R. J. Wieland, African District Leaders: 5.
W. A. Clarke, G. J. E. Coetzee, Wil- African Ministers: 6.
liam 0. England, R. L. Garber, M. E.
Lind, Ashe Musoke, Eriasafu African Evangelists: 18.
Mwanje, Donald L. Stilson. Village Schools: 14.
Departmental Secretaries: African Teachers: 18.
Educational, G. J. E. Coetzee.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V.,
Kireka Mission Station
Ordained Ministers:
Simioni Golola, Henry Guwedeko, Established 1930
M. E. Lind, Daudi Mukasa, Ashe Postal Address: P. 0. Bac 22, Kam-
Musoke, Eriasafu Mwanje, Cranmer pala, Uganda, East Africa.
Namaswala, R. J. Wieland.
Director: R. J. Wieland.
Credentialed Missionaries:
African District Leaders: 2.
William 0. England, Karen Nielsen,
Donald L. Stilson. African Evangelists: 6.
Licensed Ministers: Village Schools: 4.
Zefania Biraro, W. A. Clarke, R. L. African Teachers: 4.
Garber, Mesaki Kabala, Eria Musoke.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. W. A. Clarke, Mrs. W. 0. Eng- Ruwenzori Mission Station
land, Mrs. It. L. Garber, Mrs. M. E. Established 1945
Lind, Mrs. R. J. Wieland, Mrs. Mil-
dred L. Stilson. Postal Address: P.O. Box 22, Fort
Portal, Uganda, East Africa.
Kakoro Mission Station Director: M. E. Lind.
Established 1934 African District Leader: 1.
African Evangelists: 3.
Address: P. 0. Box 49, IVIbale, Uganda.
East Africa. Village Schools: 5.
Director: W. A. Clarke. African Teachers: 5.


Organized 1902
Territory: The Union of South Africa, Members: European, 4,609; Colored,
South-West Africa, Basutoland, Swa- 1,184; Indian, 34 ; Native, 3,899 ; Total
ziland, and that portion of Portuguese members, 9,726. Believers not bap-
East Africa lying south of Latitude tized, 489. Total adherents, 10,215.
22, and St. Helena Island. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist,"
Area: 851,063 square miles. Bloemfontein, 0. F. S.
Population: White, 2,405,658; Colored, Office Address: 31 Fichardt Chambers,
914,532 ; Asiatic, 282,539 ; Native, 144 Maitland Street, Bloemfontein,
9,279,166; Total population, 12,881,895. Orange Free State, South Africa.
Churches: European, 61 ; Colored, 22; Postal Address: P. 0. Box 468, Bloem-
Indian, 2; Native, 65; Total churches, fontein, Orange Free State, South
150. Africa.


President, E. D. Hanson. (Formerly part of South African
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Conference)
C. H. Mackett. Reorganized 1936
Executive Committee: E. D. Hanson,
J. N. de Beer, E. L. Cardey, J. B. Territory: All Europeans and Asiatics
Cooks, P. H. Coetzee, , G. A. Lewis, in the Cape Province, except for the
C. H. Mackett, Principal Helderberg territory north of Kuruman and
College, Principal Bethel Training Taungs ; that portion of the Orange
College, A. C. LeButt, G. A. S. Madg- Free State south of and including
wick, J. M. Staples, J. E. Symons, Boshof, Brandfort, and Ladybrand ;
J. van de Merwe. Basutoland; and the mandated terri-
tory of South-West Africa. (For
Departmental Secretaries: European work.)
Educational and Sabbath School, J. B. Area: 630,610 square miles (aproxi-
Cooks. mately).
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., P. H.
Coetzee. Population: 940,521 (approximately).
Medical, G. A. S. Madgwick. Churches: 24.
Publishing, J. M. Staples.
Religious Liberty, E. D. Hanson. Members: 1,927.
Ordained Ministers: Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Port
S. W. Beardsell, E. L. Carder, P. H. Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Af-
Coetzee, J. B. Cooks, E. D. Hanson, rica.
H. J. Hurlow, C. H. Mackett, J. M. Office Address: 162 Russell Road, Port
Staples. Elizabeth, Cape Province, South
Honorary: 0. 0. Bredenkamp, W. H. Africa.
Haupt, A. N. Ingle, J. C. Rogers. Postal Address: Box 1133, Port Eliza-
Credentialed Missionaries: beth, Cape Province, South Africa.
Kate Beaton, Josephine Clayburn, Officers:
Margaret Dawkins, Johanna Kleinert, President, J. E. Symons.
G. A. S. Madgwick, Otto B. Hanson. Secretary-Treasurer, Priscilla E. Will-
Honorary: Aileen Fleming. more.
Licensed Ministers: Executive Committee: J. E. Symons,
A. Chilton, S. J. Fourie, N. F. Jeffes,
W. M. Cooks, G. S. Glass, A. A. Pitt. C. C. Marais, H. J. Moolman, H. O. J.
Licensed Missionaries: Osner, R. Visser, Priscilla E. Will-
Sarah Balintaba, P. J. Bonnet. Mrs.
P. J. Bonnet, Mrs. S. W. Beardsell, Departmental Secretaries:
F.W. Bredenkamp, Mrs. F. W. Breden- Book Depository, Priscilla E. Will-
kamp, Mrs. E. L. Cardey, R. E. Clif- more.
ford, Mrs. P. H. Coetzee, Mrs. J. B. Educational, J. B. Cooks.
Cooks, Mrs. W. M. Cooks, Rena Medical,
Curtis, Elvera Eckermann, Miss S. Publishing, C. S. van'Heerden.
Edwards, Cynthia Gietzmann, Mrs. Religious Liberty, J. E. Symons.
G. S. Glass, Lulu Gowabe, Martha Sabbath School, Y.P.M.V., and Home
Hansen, Mrs. E. D. Hanson, Mrs. Missionary, R. L. Staples.
Otto B. Hanson, Mrs. 0. Honey, Sr., Temperance, C. C. Marais.
Mrs. H. J. Hurlow. Ordained Ministers:
Miss D. rngle, Mrs. C. H. Mackett,
Mrs. G. A. S. Madgwick, D. Malotle, D. M. Baird, M. Coetzee, S. J. Fourie,
Mrs. I. Mbenenge, P. V. Msimang, T. L. Gillett, W. H. Hurlow, J. E.
Mrs. P. V. Msimang, D. Ndzala, C. Symons, P. A. Venter, R. Visser.
Ntsikeni, Mrs. C. Ntsikeni, Olga Credentialed Missionaries:
Olsen, Sybil Ritchie, Irene Segers,
Mrs. J. M. Staples, Ruby Theunissen, C. S. Pike, C. S. van Heerden, Pris-
Catherine van der Merwe, Martha cilla E. Willmore.
van der Merwe, Marie Walti. Licensed Ministers:
Honorary: Mrs. C. Burton, Mrs. M. N. Josling, C. C. Marais, R. L.
Commin, Miss E. Edie, Mrs. W. H. Staples, P. 0. van Eck.
Haupt, Mrs. N. Shone, Mrs. E. L. Licensed Missionaries:
Stevenson, Mrs. M. Walston, Mrs. E.
Webb. Mable Ackermann, Susanna M. Acker-
mann, Mrs. D. Baird, Mrs. M. Coet-
Legal Association: zee, Mrs. S. J. Fourie, Mrs. T. L.
Seventh-day Adventist Community of Gillett, Mrs. W. H. Hurlow, Mrs. N.
Africa ( Incorporated ). Josling, Mrs. C. C. Marais, Mrs. C. S.

Pike, Loris H. Roberts, Miss Rossouw, Bible Instructors:

Mrs. R. L. Staples, Mrs. J. E. Symons, Mrs. A. Ohlsson, Adeline Sutherland.
Mrs. G. S. van Heerden, Mrs. P. A.
Venter, Mrs. R. Visser. Teachers:
C. Africa, G. Beyers, I. DuPreez,
Bible InstrUctors: Mrs. E. K. Cerfontyne, L. Hunthr, E.
Lily Bradley, Olive C. Davies, Enid May, J. N. Theron, W. A. Turner.
M. Game, Georgina Snyrnan.
Church School Teachers:
Mrs. R. Holbrook, Elza Marais, Mrs.
J. B. Naude, Florence Orchard. (Under the direction of the Cape Field
of Seventh-day Adventists)
Postal Address: C/o Knutsford & Main
CAPE FIELD OF SEVENTH-DAY Rds., Plumstead, Cape, South Africa.
ADVENTISTS Churches: 2.
Work for the Colored People and Members: 34.
Asiatics in the Union of South Africa.
Licensed Missionary: C. B. Hammond.
Population: Colored, 914,532; Asiatics,
Churches: Colored, 22 ; Indian, 2 ; Total, NATAL-TRANSVAAL CONFERENCE
(Formerly part of South African
Members: White, 11'; Colored, 1,184; Conference)
Indian, 34 ; Total members, 1,229.
Reorganized 1936
Postal Address: C/o Knutsford & Main
Rds., Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. Territory: All Europeans and Asiatics
in the territories of the Provinces of
Officers: Natal and Transvaal; portion of the
President, A. C. LeButt. Cape Province known as British
Secretary-Treasurer, Louise Kleinert. Bechuanaland north of Kuruman and
Executive Committee: A. C. LeButt, Taungs ; portion of the Orange Free
W. Cerfontyne, A. V. Edwards, Louise State Province north of Boshof,
Kleinert, K. Landers, C. M. Sampson, Brandfort, and Ladybrand ; Swaziland
G. Theunissen, J. J. Oosthuizen, Prin- and Portuguese East Africa .south of
pal Good Hope Training School. Latitude 22.
Departniental Secretaries: Area: 250,000 square miles (approxi-
Educational, 0. B. Hanson.
Home Missionary, Y.P.M.V., and Sab- Population: 1,465,137 (approximately).
bath School, J. J. Oosthuizen.
Churches: 35.
Ordained Ministers:
Members: 2,636.
A. V. Edwards, K. Landers, A. C. Le-
Butt. Telegraphic Address: "Natracon,"
Honorary: D. C. Theunissen. Johannesburg.
Credentialed Missionary: Louise Klein- Office Address: 14 Claim Street, Johan-
ert. nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Licensed Ministers: Postal Address: P. 0. Box 7768, Jo-
hannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa.
H. P. Campher, 0. B. Hanson, D. La-
Kay, J. J. Oosthuizen, G. Theunissen. Officers:
Licensed Missionaries: President, J. van de Merwe.
Secretary-Treasurer, D. R. Symons.
Mrs. C. Africa, Mrs. G. Beyers, Mrs.
H. P. Campher, B. J. Chalice, Mrs. Executive Committee: J. van de
B. J. Chalice, Mrs. I. DuPreez, Mrs. Merwe, V. R. Cooks, S. S. Hiten, D.
A. V. Edwards, Mary Fouche, V. R. Symons.
Groenewald, Mrs. V. Groenewald, A. Departmental "Secretaries:
R. Grove, Mrs. A. R. Grove, Mrs. 0. Book Depository, D. R. Symons ; As-
B. Hanson, Mrs. L. Hunter, A. Jep-
thas, Mrs. D. LaKay, Mrs. K. Landers, sistant, L. H. Clack.
Mrs. A. C. LeButt, Mrs. J. J. Oost- Educational, and Y.P.M.V., R. E. Eva.
huizen, W. Phillips, Mrs. W. A. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Turner. S. S. Hiten.
Honorary: Mrs. D. C. Theunissen. Publishing, J. S. le Roux.

Ordained Ministers: Executive Committee: G. A. Lewis,

J. J. B. Combrinck, B. L. Hassen- R. E. Ansley, J. N. Bacela, E. A.
pflug, S. S. Hiten, J. van de Merwe, Buckley, R. A. Buckley, E. ka J. Ku-
P. J. van de Merwe, M. C. Murdoch, boni, I. E. Schultz, E. A. Tsotetsi,
W. V. Norcott, A. van den Bergh. H. R. S. Tsukudu.
Credentialed Missionaries: Departmental Secretaries:
L. H. Clack, D. R. Symons. Educational and Publishing, E. A.
Licensed Ministers: Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., E. A.
K. Birkenstock, D. A. de Beer, W. J. Tsotetsi.
J. Engelbrecht, J. D. Coetzee, J. M. Sabbath School, It. E. Ansley.
Wessels. Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries: R. E. Ansley, J. N. Bacela, E. A.
Rina Albers, J. Bekker, Mrs. J. Bek- Buckley, R. A. Buckley, J. M. Hlubi,
ker, Mrs. L. H. Clack, Mrs. J. J. B. T. M. Kote, E. Ka J. Kuboni, G. A.
Combrinck, Adelaide de Beer, Mrs. Lewis, D. Masina, M. R. Moeletsi, N.
D. A. de Beer, Mrs. J. D. Coetzee, M. Ngwenya, I. E. Schultz, J. N.
Mrs. W. J. J. Engelbrecht, R. E. Senkoto, W. C. Tarr, E. A. Tsotetsi,
Eva, Mrs. R. E. Eva, G. Game, H. R. S. Tsukudu.
Mrs. 13. L. Hassenpflug, Jean Honey, Honorary: J. S. Moya, J. Ndabambi.
Mrs. 0. Honey, Jr., J. S. le Roux,
Mrs. J. S. le Roux, Mrs. M. C. Mur- Licensed Ministers:
doch, Mrs. W. V. Norcott, Mrs. D. R. P. A. Jonker, A. M. Nkosi.
Simons, Rina van Biljon, Mrs. P. J.
van. de Merwe, Mrs. A. van den Honorary: K. Itumeling, K. Mosedi,
Bergh, Mrs. J. M. Weasels. P. Zungu.
Bible Instructors: Licensed Missionaries:
Connie Ankiewicz, Minnie J. Dixie, Mrs. R. E. Ansley, F. L. Bogopa, M.
Myrtle Harebottle, Johanna Knoetze, S. Bole, Mrs. E. A. Buckley, Mrs. R.
Helena Maritz, Mildred Morgan, Mrs. A. Buckley John N. de Beer, Jr., P.
I. Swanepoe]. Dhludhlu, S. J. Kanyile, N. S. Kunene,
Mrs. G. A. Lewis, A. Lukele, S. G.
Church School Teachers: Mhwananzi, S. J. Mnanzana, Mrs.
Kathleen Bremner, Joy Dekker, Mrs. A. M. Molokomme, Z. Moroole, W.
Lily Hiten, Margaret McDowell, Ger- Ndabambi, M. S. Nbubeni, W. Ngu-
trude Muller, Pauline Muller, J. beni, J. Nkonjera, Miss D. Nott, J.
Theron. Phomodi, J. R. Sangweni, Mrs. I. E.
Schultz, Mrs. J. N. Senkoto, S. S.
Sitole, Joan Smit, Mrs. W. C. Tarr,
(Formerly part of South African
Mission Field)
Children's Home
Reorganized 1936 (Home for Untainted Children
Territory: Native work in Basutoland, of Leper Parents.)
Bechuanaland (south of Mafeking), Address: Emmanuel Mission, P. 0.
Orange Free State, Natal, Portuguese Leribe. Basutoland, South Africa.
East Africa (south of Latitude 22 0 ),
Swaziland, .Transvaal, and Zululand. Board of Management: It. A. Buckley,
E. D. Hanson, G. A. Lewis, C. H.
Area: 332,901 square miles. Mackett, G. A. S. Madgwick, Mary
Population: 6,952,067. Martin, Dr. Nixon.
Churches: White, 1 ; Native, 48 ; Total, In Charge: Mary Martin.
Members: White, 15 ; Native, 2,480 ;
Total members, 2,495. Believers not Eastern Transvaal-Swaziland Mission
baptized, 242. Total adherents, 2,737. District
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Jo-
hannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Address: P.O. Box 68, Ermelo, Trans-
vaal, South Africa.
Office Address: 11-12 Allbret Building, 9
Fraser Street, Johannesburg, Trans- Director: E. ka J. Kuboni.
vaal, South Africa. Teachers:
Officers: Mrs. Abbie Kanyile, Godfrey Mbo-
President, G. A. Lewis. kazi, R. E. Nhlapho, Mrs. R. E,
Secretary-Treasurer, R. E. Ansley. Nhlapho.

, Emmanuel. Mission Station and District Teachers:

C. N. Legoabe, E. Matshalane, M.
Established 1910 Moeketsi, S. Morallana, Thalitha Ta-
Address: P. 0. Leribe, Basutoland, bane.
South Africa.
South Natal Mission District
Director: R. A. Buckley.
Postal Address: 410 Lamont Village,
Teachers: P.O., Lamontville, via Durban, Natal,
Gladys Kalaka, D. Mogegeh, Miss A. South Africa.
Mtwecu, G. Njesu, E. Nteso, L.
Planka, Mrs. L. Planka. Director: J. M. Hlubi.
K010 Mission Station Moses Kunene, Miss E. Majola, Agnes
Established 1899
Address: P. 0. Mohlalefis, Via Morija, South Orange Free State
Basutoland, South Africa. Mission District
Director: John N. de Beer, Jr.
Postal Address: 288 Lovedale Road,
Teacher: Isabella Selene. Mahlamola Location, Bloemfontein,
0. F. S., South Africa.
Director: H. R. S. Tsukudu.
Mafeking-Taungs Mission District
Teacher: Mrs. J. Africa.
Address: P. 0. Box 108, Vryburg, C. P.,
South Africa.
Director: M. R. Moeletsi. Zululand Mission District
Teachers: Postal Address: Themba-Lami, P. 0.
Mabahlatini, Zululand, South Africa.
Mrs. A. Lecogo, Mrs. S. G. Mkwan-
anzi. Director: N. M. Ngwenya.

North Natal Mission District SOUTH BANTU MISSION FIELD

Postal Address: P. 0. Box 34, Dundee, (Formerly part of South African
Natal, South Africa. Mission Field)
Director: D. Masina. Reorganized 1936
Territory: Native work in the Province
North Orange Free State of the Cape of Good Hope.
Mission District Area: 207,869 square miles (approxi-
Postal Address: 3 "D" Location, Kroon- mate).
stad, O.F.S., South Africa. Population: 2,327,099.
Director: T. M. Kote.
Churches: White, 1 ; Native, 17 ; Total
Rand-Pretoria Mission District Members: White 20 ; Native, 1,419 ;
Total members, 1,439. Believers not
Postal Address: 11-12 Allbret Building, baptized, 247. Total adherents, 1,686.
9 Fraser St., Johannesburg, Trans-
vaal, South Africa. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," East
Director: J. N. Bacela.
Postal Address: 19 Union House, 24
Teachers: S. Ngasa, Mrs. S. J. Mnan- Union Street, East London, Cape
zana, Miss C. Msomi. Province, South Africa.
Shiloh Mission Station and District President, J. N. de Beer.
Secretary-Treasurer, I. L. Ansley.
Established 1930 Executive Committee: J. N. de Beer,
Postal Address: P. 0. Lunsklip Siding, I. L. Ansley, S. W. Beardsell, J. D.
N. Transvaal, South Africa. Harcombe, D. D. Ntsikeni, S. K.
Ntwana, S. T. Pikoli, B. T. Scott,
Director: P. A. Jonker. N. C. Stuart.

Departmental Secretaries: Glen Grey Mission District

Publishing, J. N. de Beer. Postal Address: B. D. 14, Location,
Sabbath School, Mrs. A. P. Tarr. Queenstown, Cape Province, South
Y.P.M.V. and Home Missionary, B. T. Africa.
Director: S. T. Pikoli.
Ordained Ministers:
J. N. de Beer, J. D. Harcombe, W. Bible Instructor: Mrs. S. T. Pikoli.
Marais, G. S. Mayaba, S. S. Mgqamqo,
W. J. Nomvete, D. D. Ntsikeni, S. K. Teachers:
Ntwana, S. T. Pikoli, G. F. Potwana, Ladd Kobe, Dorothy Thame.
B. T. Scott, N. C. Stuart, A. P. Tarr.
Licensed Ministers:
I. L. Ansley, A. G. Williams. Eastern Pondoland District
Honorary: Hans Shai. Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission, P. 0:
Box 12, Lusikisiki, East Pondoland,
Licensed Missionaries: South Africa.
Mrs. I. L. Ansley, Mrs. J. N. de Beer, Director: G. F. Potwana.
Mrs. J. D. Harcombe, V. Magalakan-
gqa, W. Magalela, Mrs. W. Marais, Teachers:
M. Myendeki, W. Ncontsa, M. Phe- Marge Mhlaba, Caslyna Notshati.
kana, Mrs. B. T. Scott, Daphne Short,
A. Sopangisa, Mrs. N. C. Stuart, Mrs.
A. P. Tarr, Mrs. A. G. Williams.
Umtata Mission District
Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission, P. 0.
Butterworth Mission District Umtata, Transkei, Cape Province,
South Africa.
Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission, But-
terworth, Transkei, Eastern Prov- Director: D. D. Mankayi.
ince, South Africa. Teacher: Evelyn Pototo.
Director: D. D. Ntsikeni.
Teacher: H. Mayaba.
Cancele Mission Station Postal Address: 412 Harlem Avenue,
P. 0. Langa, Cape, South Africa.
Postal Address: Cancele Mission, Mount
Frere, East Griqualand, Cape Prov- Director: S. S. Mgqamqo.
ince, South Africa.
Director: J. D. Harcombe.
Farm Manager: W. Marais. Unorganized
Teachers: For Non-European Work
Constance Ngingi, C. Rulumeni. Territory: The mandated territory of
South-West Africa (formerly German
South-West Africa).
Eastern Province Mission District Area: 317,725 square miles.
Postal Address: Native Post Office, Population: Non-whites, 320,868.
Kingwilliamstown, Cape Province,
South Africa.
Director: S. K. Ntwana.
Bible Instructor: Mrs. V. V. Mafuya.
(South Atlantic Ocean)
Teachers: Unorganized
E. Maliti, Letitia Marawu, A. T. Area: 47 square miles.
Mzozoyana, Thelma Ntwana, W.
,Ntwana, Priscilla Radebe, J. Scott. Population: 5,000 approximately.


Organized 1925

Territory: Nyasaland, Portuguese East CENTRAL DISTRICT

- Africa north of latitude 220 ; North- Mwami Mission Station
east Rhodesia, east of meridian 32.
Address: P.O. Fort Jameson, N.E.
Area: 272,928 square miles. Rhodesia, Africa.
Population: White, 7,600, approx.; na- Director: A. V. Bambury.
tive, 6,992,400. Total population, 7,-
000,000. Ordained Minister: Soldier Kanjanga.
Licensed Ministers:
Churches: 42.
A. V. Bambury, 0. B. Beardsley,
Members: European, 42; Native, 6,587 ; Jeremiah Lalonga, Hamilton Kanjira.
Total members, 6,629. Believers not
baptized, 4,809. Total adherents, Licensed Missionaries:
11,438. Mrs. A. V. Bambury, Mrs. 0. B.
Beardsley, Elsa Sorensen.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Blan-
tyre, Nyasaland. Village Schools: 6.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 51, Blan- In Charge of Hospital and Leper Col-
tyre, Nyasaland, Africa. ony: 0. B. Beardsley, Elsa Sorensen,
and 4 assistants.
President, S. G. Maxwell.
Secretary-Treasurer, E. B. Jewell.
Executive Committee: S. G. Maxwell,
W. L. Davy, E. B. Jewell, S. A. Kotz, Zomba Outstation
E. P. Mansell, W. D. Pierce, H. W. Address: Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland,
Stevenson, M. M. Webster. Africa.
Departmental Secretaries: Director: Victor Mpheza.
Educational, S. G. Maxwell.
Medical, S. A. Kotz. Ordained Ministers:
Publishing: I. T. Crowder; S. Napan- Albert Kambuwa, Victor Mpheza,
gani (African). Desert Nkolokosa.
Sabbath School, Home Missionary,
and Y.P.M.V., W. D. Pierce, H. Head Teacher: Birston Kalonga.
Cipao (African). Village Schools: 5.
Ordained Ministers:
E. B. Jewell, S. G. Maxwell, Spur-
geon Napangani, W. D. Pierce, M. M. MALAMULO DISTRICT
Malamulo Mission Station
Licensed Minister: H. Cipao.
Established 1902
Licensed Missionaries:
Telegraphic Address: P. 0. Malamulo,
Mrs. E. B. Jewell, Gezina Loots, Mrs. Nyasaland.
S. G. Maxwell, Mrs. W. D. Pierce, T.
H. Ravenor, Mrs. M. M. Webster. Postal Address: P. 0. Malamulo, Ny-
asaland, Africa.
Director: A. H. Brandt.
Ordained Ministers:
Chileka Mission Station
L. A. Edwards, Yolam Kamwendo,
Address: Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, James Ngaiyayi.
Licensed Ministers:
Director: John Thomas. A. H. Brandt, I. T. Crowder, Mark
Ordained Ministers: Fowler, S. A. Kotz, G. A. Otter.
Harry Khonje, John Thomas. Licensed Missionaries:
Village Schools: 17. Rachel Anderton, Mrs. A. H. Brandt,
Inspector: Bexter Misiri. Mrs. I. T. Crowder, Mrs. L. A. Ed-
wards, Ruth Foote, Mrs. Mark Fow-
Head Teacher: Richard Mazunda. ler, Margaret Johnson, Mrs. S. A.

Kotz, Mrs. G. A. Otter, Anna SOUTHERN DISTRICT

Vaughan, Dorothy Walthers.
Cinyama Outstation
Village Schools: 8. (Formerly Mlanje Mission District)
Organized 1929
Address: P. 0. Tekerani, Nyasaland,
Luwazi Mission Station Africa.
Address: P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Director: Ered Maliro.
Ordained Ministers:
Director: W. L. Davy.
Ben Chona, Ered Maliro.
Ordnined Ministers:
Licensed Minister: Bennet Makawa.
W. L. Davy, Nemen Jere, Simon
Ngaiyayi, A. K. Phillips. School Inspector: Alfred Nyambi.
Licensed Minister: Samuel Ziyaiya. Village Schools: 14.
Licensed Missionaries: Head Teacher: Lodson Smith.
Mrs. W. L. Davy, Mrs. A. K. Phillips.
Head Teacher: Barson Barto.
Matandani Mission Station
Village Schools: 20.
Acquired 1908
In Charge of Dispensary: Mrs. W. L.
Davy, assisted by 1 native orderly. Postal Address: Box 51, Blantyre, Ny-
asaland, Africa.
Director: 0. I. Fields.
Mombera Outstation
Ordained Ministers:
Address: P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland,
Africa. 0. I. Fields, Yokoniah Sosola.
Director: Simon Msuseni. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. 0. I. Fields.
Ordained Minister: Simon Msuseni. School Inspector: Mills Mbvundula.
Head Teacher: Nathan Kasambara. Village Schools: 12.
School Inspector: Lincoln Chipungu. Head Teacher: Anderson Cidothe.
Village Schools: 7.
Tekerani Mission Station
Acquired 1923
Munguluni Mission
(Formerly Mozambique Mission) Address: P. 0. Tekerani, Nyasaland,
Organized 1933 Director: H. W. Stevenson.
Territory: Portuguese East Africa Ordained Ministers:
north of latitude 22.
Roman Cimera, Jonathan Kabambe,
Area: 260,200 square miles. H. W. Stevenson.
Population: White, 6,800; native, 4,- Licensed Minister: Methuselah Bon-
803,900. Total population, 4,809,700. ongwe.
Postal Address: P. 0. Mocuba, Dis- Licensed Missionary: Mrs. H. W. Stev-
tricto de Quilemane, Portuguese East enson.
School Inspector: Joseph Mangame.
'Director: E. P. Mansell.
Head Teacher: Samuel Abner.
Ordained Minister: E. P. Mansell. Village Schools: 14.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. E. P. Man-
Village Schools: 3. WESTERN DISTRICT
Central School, Head Teacher: Abilio Lake View Outstation
Thunguluni. Address: Box 61, Blantyre, Nyasaland,
In Charge of Dispensary: Mrs. E. P. Africa.
Mansell. Director: J. W. Haarhoff.

Ordained Minister: Ben Ritch. Thambani Outschool

Licensed Ministers: Organized 1929
J. W. Haarhoff, Custom Gwedeza. Address: Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. J. W. Haar- Director: Moses Kamwenje.
Ordained Minister: Moses Kamwenje.
Village Schools: 6. Village Schools: 7.
Head Teacher: George Andrew. Head Teacher: Mixon Howe.


Organized 1916

Territory: Northern Rhodesia west of benlist, Edward A. Trumper, A. A.

latitude meridian 32, Southern Rho- Tsotetsi, W. R. Vail, P. W. Will-
desia and Bechuanaland Protectorate, more.
comprising Northern Rhodesia Mis-
sion Field, Southern Rhodesia Mis- Honorary: Moses Donga, Mark Gan-
sion Field, and the Rhodesia-Bechu- gasa, Luck Ndhlovu, Elmer Nkomo,
analand Conference. Harry Sibagobe.
Area: 614,950 square miles. Licensed Ministers:
Population: White, 91,684; approxi- P. B. Fairchild, F. B. Jewell, Philemon
mately ; Colored, 4,565 ; Asiatic, 2,905 ; Kgasa, Paul Mate, Paul Mumbuna,
Native, 2,744,829. Total population, Stephen Palvie, Wilbur R. Quitt-
2,843,983. meyer, R. W. Royer, Samuel Shape.
George Sikongo.
Churches: European 6 ; Native, 69 ; To-
tal churches, 75. Licensed Missionaries:
Members: European, 271; Native, 13,- Grace Bristow, Mrs. D. T. Burke, J.
792. Total members, 14,063. Believers E. de Villiers, Mrs. J. E. de Villiers.
not baptized, 9,782. Total adherents, Harry du Toit, Johannes Dry, B.
23,845. Ellingworth, Mrs. B. Ellingworth, G.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Bul- A. C. Ellingworth, Mrs. G. A. C.
Ellingworth, Mrs. P. B. Fairchild,
awayo. Hazel Hahn, Petra Hovig, Edith
Office Address: 114 Jameson St., Bula- Hurlow, Mrs. W. A. Hurlow, Mrs.
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. F. B. Jewell, Anne Keulder, Cedric
(Telephone, 2210.) Macdonald, Mrs. Marie Owens, Mrs.
S. Palvie, Ira Peckham, Mrs. Ira
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 573, Bula- Peckham, Mrs. Wilbur R. Quittmeyer,
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Myrtle Reimer, Mrs. R. W. Royer,
Myrtle Sather, Mrs. J. R. Siebenlist,
Officers: C. Laura Stevens, Winifred Tickton,
President, W. R. Vail. Mrs. E. A. Trumper, Mrs. W. R. Vail,
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, P. Albertha Rensburg, Collin Willmore,
W. Willmore. Mrs. P. W. Willmore.
Executive Committee: W. R. Vail, Legal Assn.: Seventh-day Adventist
A. W. Austin, A. Bristow, D. T. Community of Africa (Incorporated).
Burke, W. D. Eva, R. W. Royer, J. R.
Siebenlist, E. J. Stevenson, P. W.
Departmental Secretaries: Kanye Medical Mission Station
Educational and Home Missionary, Established 1921
A. W. Austen.
Publishing, W. R. Vail. Postal Address: P. 0. Kanye, Via Lo-
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., A. W. batsi. Bechuanaland Protectorate,
Austen. South Africa.
Ordained Ministers: Medical Superintendent: R. W. Royer.
A. W. Austen, D. T. Burke, Peter Nurses: Myrtle Reimer, Myrtle Sather.
Lengalenga, Joseph Malinki, Emory
Mlalazi, Stephen Ngwenya, J. R. Sie- Native Minister: Peter Lengalenga.


. Established 1936
Organized 1921
Postai Address: P. 0. Maun, Bechuana-
land Protectorate, South Africa. Territory: Northern Rhodesia, except
Barotseland, Caprivi Strip and ter-
Director, ritory east of meridian 32.
Native Evangelist: Matikiti Moyo. Area: 219,995 square miles.
Native Minister: A. A. Tsotetsi. Population: European, 15,188: native,
1,217,958. Total population, 1,233,146.
BAROTSELAND MISSION FIELD Churches: European, 1 ; Native, 27 ;
Total churches, 28.
Address: Sitoti Mission, P.O. Senanga.
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Members: European, 30 ; Native, 4,226 ;
Total members, 4,256. Believers not
Churches: Native. 9. baptized, 4,208. Total adherents,
Members: European, 10 ; Native. 1,233 ;
Total members, 1,243. Believers not Postal Address: Chisekesi Siding, North-
baptized, 544. Total adherents, 1,787. ern Rhodesia, Africa.
Officers: Officers:
President, D. T. Burke. President, A. Bristow.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. E. de Villiers. Secretary-Treasurer, B. Searle.
Executive Committee: A. Bristow,
Evangelists: W. M. Cooks, W. A. Hurlow, James
Paul Mumbuna, Samuel Shapa, Malinki, James Muyeba, S. T. Palvie,
George Sikongo. R. P. Robinson, B. Searle, W. G.
Village Schools: 17.
Departmental Secretaries:
Native Teachers: 22. Sabbath School, S. T. Palvie.
Self-Support, James Malinki, Stephen
Liumba Hill Mission District Y.P.M.V., Wilfred Muhwanga.
Established 1928 Ordained Ministers:
Address: P. 0. Kalabo, Northern Rho- European: A. Bristow, R. P.. Robin-
desia, Africa. son.
Director: G. A. C. Ellingworth. Native: Lawson Endaenda, Job Ma-
buti, Jack Mahlatini, James Malinki,
Staff: Winifred Tickton, Headmis- Stephen Mulomba, James Muyeba,
tress, and 4 native teachers. J. Mwanakapini, A. Shamilimo, Paul
Dispensary: Petra ,Hovig. Shamalambo.
Licensed Ministers:
European : W. A. Hurlow, B. Searle.
Northern Barotseland Mission District
Native: Matthew Chiwanga, Abner
Address: P. 0. Kalabo, Northern Rho- Curp, Richard Jere, Lotson Kausu,
desia, Africa. Jam Mayinza, William Molgobola,
Joshua Munkasu, Simon Mwenda,
Director. Jonathan Mwesa, Joseph Mwimo,
School Inspector: Wilfred Muhwanga, Laban Ndaiseka,
Bennie Ngwenya.
Licensed Missionaries:
Paul Mumbuna, Samuel Shapa, George
Sikongo. Mrs. A. Bristow, Mrs. W. A. Hurlow,
Mrs. R. P. Robinson, Mrs. B. Searle.
Village Schools: 9.
Native Teachers: 9. Bwengwa Mission District
(Native Mission)
Established 1935
Southern Barotseland Mission District
Address: c/o Mr. Desai, Box 4, Monze,
Address: Sitoti, P. 0. Senanga, North- Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
ern Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: Simon Mwenda.
Director: R. L. Garber. Village Schools: 8.
Village Schools: 8. Village School Teachers, 10.
Native Teachers: 13. European Inspector: S. T. Palvie.

Chimpempe Mission Station Muchenje Mission District

Established 1921 (Native Mission)
Address: Private Bag, Kasama, North- Established 1941
ern Rhodesia, Africa. Address: P. 0. Lusaka, Northern Rho-
Director: J. Dry. desia, Africa.
Native Teachers: 5. Director: Lawson Endaenda.
Village School: 1. Village Schools: 4.
Dispensary: Mrs. R. P. Robinson. Village School Teachers: 8.
European Inspector: J. Dry. European Inspector: A. Bristow.

Demu Mission District Mujika Mission District

(Native Mission) (Native Mission)
Established 1930 Established 1941
Address: P. 0. Pemba, Northern Rho- Address: P. 0. Monze, Northern Rho-
desia, Africa. desia, Africa.
Director: Andrew Shamilimo. Director: W. Muhwanga.
Mission School: 1. Village Schools: 4.
Village Schools: 5. Village School Teachers: 9.
Village School Teachers: 10. European Inspector: S. T. Palvie.
European Inspector: S. T. Palvie.

Munenga Mission District

Dimbwe Mission District (Native Mission)
(Native Mission)
Established 1930
Established 1935
Address: P. 0. Mazabuka, Northern
Address: Dimbwe Mission, Private Bag, Rhodesia, Africa.
Livingstone, N. Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: Job Mabuti.
Director: Bennie Ngwenya.
Mission Schools: 2.
Village Schools: 3.
Village Schools: 7.
Village School Teachers: 5.
Village School Teachers: 15.
European Inspector: S. T. Palvie.
European Inspector: S. T. Palvie.

Kalungwishi Mission District

Musofu Mission Station
(Native Mission)
Established 1921 Established 1917
Address: Care Chimpempe Mission, Address: Private Bag, Ndola, Northern
Private Bag, Kasama, Northern Rho- Rhodesia, Africa.
desia, Africa. Director.
Director :Stephen Mulomba.
Evangelists: 2.
Village Schools: 5.
Village School Teachers: 8. Mission School: 1.
European Inspector: J. Dry. Teachers: 4.
Village Schools: 5.
Luapula Mission District Village School Teachers: 9.
(Native Mission) Dispensary:
Established 1929
European Inspector:
Address: c/o Chimpempe Mission, Pri-
vate Bag, Kasama, Northern Rhodesia,
Africa. Mweru Mission District
Director: Laban Ndaiseka. (Native Mission)
Village Schools: 2.
Address: c/o Chimpembe Mission, Pri-
Village School Teachers: 4. vate Bag, Kasama, Northern Rho-
European Inspector: J. Dry. desia, Africa.


Village School Teachers: 4. CONFERENCE
European Inspector: J. Dry. (European)
Organized 1929
Nadezwe Mission District Territory: Southern Rhodesia and Be-
chuanaland Protectorate.
(Native Mission)
Established 1934 Area: 425,354 square miles.
Address: P. 0. Mazabuka, Northern Population: White, 76,496; colored, 4,-
Rhodesia, Africa. 565 ; Asiatic, 2,905. Total population,
Director: Joshua Munkasu.
Village School: 1. Churches: 4.
Village School Teachers: 2. Members: 208.
European Inspector: S. T. Palvie. Postal Address: Private Bag 22, Gwelo,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Ndola Mission District
President, E. J. Stevenson.
(Native Mission) Secretary-Treasurer,
. M. L. Sanford.
Established 1937 Executive Committee: E. J. Stevenson,
H. Hein, M. L. Sanford, C. E. Spar-
Address: P. 0. Ndola, Northern Rho- row, L. G. Staples, S. Stockil, J. van
desia, Africa. der Merwe.
Director: James Muyeba. Departmental Secretaries:
Village Schools: 5. Educational, M. L. Sanford.
Home Missionary, E. J. Stevenson.
Village School Teachers: 6. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., M. L.
European Inspector: W. M. Cooks. Sanford.
Ordained Minister: E. J. Stevenson.
Rusangu Mission Station Licensed Minister: M. L. Sanford.
Established 1906 Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. M. L. Sanford, Mrs. E. J. Stev-
Address: Chisekesi Siding, Northern enson.
Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: W. A. Hurlow.
W. A. Hurlow, Mrs. W. A. Hurlow,
Laura Stevens. Organized 1921
Mission School: 1. Territory: Native work in Southern
Rhodesia, and Tati Concession of
Village School: 1. Bechuanaland Protectorate.
Village School Teachers: 2. Area: 150,616 square miles.
Evangelist: 1. Population: Native, 1,526,871.
Churches: European, 1; Native 33; To-
tal churches, 34.
Sala Mission District
Members: European, 23 ; Native, 8,333 ;
(Native Mission) Total members, 8,356. Believers not
Established 1931 baptized, 5,030. Total adherents, 13,-
Address: P. 0. Lusaka, Northern Rho- Address: P. 0. Lower Gwelo, Southern
desia, Africa. Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: Paul Shamalambo.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist,"
Village Schools: 5. Lower Gwelo.
Village School Teachers: 7. Officers:
European Inspector: A. Bristow. President, G. 0. Adams.
Secretary-Treasurer, Fred C. Sand-
Evangelist: 1. ford.

Executive Committee: G. 0. Adams,' Filabusi Mission Station

B. L. Ellingworth, J. Lupahla, C. Mac- (Native Mission)
donald, J. Magabola, E. Mlalazi, H.
Nkiwane, W. P. Owen, C. Robinson, Established 1929
Fred C. Sandford, J. R. Siebenlist. Address: Insimbiti School, Private Bag
Departmental Secretaries: 205T, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., G. 0. Director: H. T. Nkiwane.
Adams ; Assistant, James Ncube. Evangelist: J. Siziba.
Sabbath School and Publishing, Fred
C. Sandford ; Assistant, Simeon Village Schools: 6.
Dube. Mission School: 1.
Ordained Ministers: Native Teachers: 11.
European: G. 0. Adams, W. P. Owen. European Inspector: C. Macdonald.
Honorary: W. Mason, F. R. Stockil.
Native: S. Dube, A. N. Gama, E. Fort Victoria Mission District
Janda, J. Lupahla, J. Magobola, E. (Native Mission District)
D. Mlalazi, P. Mbono, C. S. Moyo,
J. M. Moyo, J. S. Moyo, W. M. Moyo, Established 1910
J. Ncube, J. Ndebele, R. Ndhlovu, P.
J. Ngono, H. T. Nkiwane, P. Nkoma- Address: c/o "Stanhope," P. 0. Fort
zana, E. Wahungana. Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: J. Magobola.
Licensed Ministers:
European: W. Bastiaans. Evangelist: Timothy Moyo.
Native: Joseph Gadzikwa, Aaron Ha- Native Teachers: 6.
benzu, T. Hogo, M. Kgetse, C. Magut- Village Schools: 1.
sha, Silas Mangwendi, Philemon Ma- Mission School: 1.
posa, John Ncube, Philemon Ncube,
B. S. Knosi, Joshua Ntini, Joseph European Inspector: G. 0. Adams.
Licensed Missionaries: Gwaai Mission Station
Mrs. W. Bastiaans, C. Macdonald, (Native Mission)
Mrs. W. P. Owen, Mrs. Fred C. Sand-
ford. Established 1929
Native Colporteurs: 12. Address: P. 0. Gwaai Siding, Southern
Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: J. M. Moyo.
Mission School: 1.
Bulawayo Mission District
Village Schools: 5.
(Native Mission District) Native Teachers: 8.
Established 1929 European Inspector: C. Macdonald.
Address: c/o Box 573, Bulawayo,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Hanke Mission Station
Director: John Ncube.
(Native Mission)
Native Teachers: 3.
Established 1910
Village Schools: 2.
Postal Address: Private Bag, Selukwe,
European Inspector: C. Macdonald. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: James Ndebele.
Mission School: 1.
Chiduku-Makoni Mission District Native Teachers: 14.
(Native Mission District) Village Schools: 3.
Established 1938 European Inspector: G. 0. Adams.
Address: c/o Inyazura Mission, Inya-
zura, Southern Rhodesia. Inyazura Mission Station
Director: Paul Mbono.
Established 1910
Native Teachers: 19.
Address: Inyazura Mission, P. 0. Inya-
Village Schools: 9. zura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
European Inspector: B. Ellingworth. Director: B. Ellingworth.

European Headmaster: I. R. Peckham. Director: Silas Mangwendi.

European Teachers: Native Teachers: 5.
Mrs. I. R. Peckham. Mrs. B. Elling- Village Schools: 3.
Village School: 1. European Inspector: B. Ellingworth.
Village School Teachers: 3.
Native Teachers: 7. Midlands Mission District
Dispensary: B. Ellingworth. (Native Mission District)
Established 1936
Lower Gwelo Mission Station Address: P. 0. Lower Gwelo, Southern
(Formerly Somabula) Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: John Lupahla.
Established 1901
Village Schools: 9.
Address: P. 0. Lower Gwelo, Southern Native Teachers: 17.
Rhodesia, Africa.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist." European Inspector: G. 0. Adams.
Director: W. P. Owen. Mondora Mission District
Central Day and Boarding School: Eu- (Native Mission District)
ropean Headmaster, W. P. Owen.
Established 1936
Village Schools: 5.
Address: c/o Resident Engineer, Ngesi
Village School Teachers: 16. Dam, P. B. Que Que, Southern Rho-
Native Teachers: 5. desia, Africa.
African Pastor: P. J. Ngono. Director:
Village School: 1.
Lower Shangani Mission District Native Teachers: 2.
(Native Mission District) European Inspector: G. 0. Adams.
Established 1911
Mrewa Mission District
Address: c/o African Bus Service, 50, (Native Mission District)
2nd St., Location, Bulawayo, South-
ern Rhodesia, Africa. Established 1929
Director: J. S. Moyo. Address: P. 0. Headlands, Southern
Rhodesia, Africa.
Native Teachers: 8. Director: Edward Janda.
Village Schools: 5.
European Inspector: C. Macdonald. Nata Mission District
(Native Mission District)
Mapani Mission Station Established 1936
(Native Mission) Address: c/o Solusi Mission, Private
Established 1936 Bag 189T, Bulawayo, Southern Rho-
desia, Africa.
Address: c/o Private Bag 29 K, Bula- Director: C. Magutsha.
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Village Schools: 4.
Director:.A. N. Gama. Native Teachers: 8.
Native Teachers: 6. European Inspector: C. Macdonald.
Mission School: 1.
Village Schools: 3. Salisbury Mission District
European Inspector: C. Macdonald. (Native Mission District)

Maranke Mission District

Established 1948 (formerly included
in North Mashonaland Mission
(Native Mission District) District)
Established 1938 Address: C/o P.O. Lower Gwelo,
Address: C/o Maranke Clinic, P.O. Odzi, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: A. Habenzu.

Que Que Mission District Gitwe Training School (Seminaire Ad-

(Native Mission District) ventiste), via Usumbura, Ruanda-
Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
Formerly part of Midlands Mission Good Hope Training-School, Klipfon-
District tein Road, Athlone, Cape Province,
Established 1943 South Africa.
Address: Care Gunde School, care St. Helderberg College (for Europeans).
Patrick's Mission, Private Bag, Gwelo, P. 0. Box 22, Somerset West, Cape
Southern Rhodesia. Province, South Africa.
Director: R. Ndhlovu. Hillcrest Secondary School (for Eu-
ropeans), Bollihope Crescent, Mow-
Mission School: 1. bray, Cape Town, South Africa.
Village Schools: 2. Ikizu Training School, Ikizu Mission,
Native Teachers: 5. P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Terri-
European Inspector: G. 0. Adams. tory, East Africa.
Kamagambo Training School, Kama-
gambo, P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Colony;
Ruia Mission District East Africa.
(Native Mission District) Malamulo Mission Training Institute,
P. 0. Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa.
Established 1948 Solusi Training School, Private Bag,
Address: C/o Native Commissioner, Mt. 189T, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia,
Darwin, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Africa.
Director: W. Bastiaans. Medical:
Evangelist: Philemon Neube. Hospitals
Bongo Mission Hospital, Lepi, An-
gola, Portuguese West Africa.
Solusi Mission Station Heri Mission Hospital, P.O. Kasulu,
Established 1894 via Uvanza, Tanganyika, East
Address: Solusi Mission, Private Bag Kanye Hospital, P.O. Kanye, via Lo-
189T, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, batsi, Bechuanaland Protectorate,
Africa. Africa.
Director: J. R. Siebenlist. Kendu Hospital, Gendia, Private Bag,
Dispensary: F. B. Jewell. P.O. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East
Trott Baby Welcome Clinic: F. B. Jew- Africa.
ell. Lower Gwelo Mission Hospital, P.O.
Lower Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia,
Tati Mission District Malamulo Mission Hospital and Leper
(Native Mission District) Colony, P.O. Malamulo, Nyasaland,
Central Africa.
Established 1940 Mwami Mission Hospital and Leper
Address: c/o Mr. L. R. Tarr, P. 0. Colony, P.O. Fort Manning, Nyassa-
Tsessebe, Bechuanaland Protectorate, land, Africa.
South Africa. Ngoma Mission Hospital, P. 0. Usum-
DirectOr: William Moyo. bura, Ruanda-Urundi, Central Af-
Evangelist: Molisiwa Kgetse.
Nokuphila Hospital, New Western
Native Township, Johannesburg,
AFRICAN DIVISION Songs Mission Hospital, B. P. Ka-
mina, Belgian Congo, Central Af-
Educational: rica.
Bethel Training College (Native), P. Dispensaries
0. Butterworth, Transkei, South.
Africa. Bikobo Hill Dispensary, B.P. 3, Kon-
Bongo Mission Training School, Mis- golo, Belgian Congo, Africa.
sao Adventista. Lepi, Angola, Portu- Busegwe Mission Dispensary, P.O.
guese West Africa. Musoma, Tanganyika, East Africa.
East African Union Training School, Cancele Mission Dispensary, P. 0.
P. 0. Box. 22, Kampala, Uganda, Cancele, via Mount Frere, East
East Africa. Griqualand, South Africa.

Chimpempe Mission Dispensary, P. 0. Ndora Mission Dispensary, Ndora,

Kawambwa, Northeast Rhodesia, P.O. Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi,
Africa. Belgian East Africa.
Cuale Mission Dispensary, Duque de Nova Lisboa Dispensary, Caixa Pos-
Braganca, Malange, Angola, Portu- tal No. 3, Nova Lisboa, Angola,
guese West Africa. Portuguese West Africa.
Gitwe Mission Dispensary, P. 0. Ntusu Mission Dispensary, P.O.
Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Central Maswa, via Mwalampaka, Lake
Africa. Province, Tanganyika, East Africa.
Ikizu Mission Dispensary, Ikizu Rusangu Mission Dispensary, P. 0.
Training School, P. 0. Musoma, Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia,
Tanganyika, East Africa. Africa.
Inyazura Mission Dispensary, Inya- Rwankeri Mission Dispensary, Rwan-
zura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. keri, P. 0., Goma, Kivu, Congo
Kirundu Mission Dispensary, Ki- Beige, Central Africa.
rundu, via Kindu, Province Orien- Rwesse Mission Dispensary, Rwesse,
tals, Congo Beige, Central Africa. B. P. Luber, Congo Beige, Africa.
Kolo Mission Dispensary, P.O. Moh-
lalefis, via Morija, Basutoland, Sitoti Mission Dispensary, P.O. Sen-
South Africa. anga, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Liumba Hill Dispensary, P. 0. Solusi Mission Dispensary, Bulawayo,
Kalabo, Barotseland, Northern Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Rhodesia, Africa. - Suji Mission Dispensary, P.O. Maka-
Lucusse Mission Dispensary, Caixa Dia, Tanga Province, Tanganyika,
Postal .No. 34, Vila Luzo, Angola, East Africa.
Portuguese West Africa.
Luwazi Mission Dispensary, P. 0. Tekerani Mission Dispensary, P.O.
Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. Tekerani, Nyasaland, Africa.
Luz Mission Dispensary, Caixa Postal Utimbaru Mission Dispensary, P.O.
33, Vila Luzo, Angola, Portuguese Musoma, Tanganyika, East Africa.
West Africa.
Majita Mission Dispensary, P.O. Mu-
soma, Tanganyika, East Africa. Advent Press, Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu,
Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Munguluni Mission Dispensary, P. 0.
Munhamade, Districto de Quile- Malamulo Press, P. 0. Malamulo,
mane, Portuguese East Africa. Nyasaland, Africa.
Musofu Mission Dispensary, Private Sentinel Publishing Co., Rosmead
Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Ave., Kenilworth, Cape Province,
Africa. South Africa.
Organized as the India Union Mission, 1910; reorganized 1919
Territory: India, Pakistan, Burma, Cey- Shepard, 0. A. Skau, F. E. Spiess,
lon, and adjacent islands, politically A. F. Tarr, E. D. Thomas, J. 0.
attached, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Wilson.
Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan. Credentialed Missionaries:
C. N. Abraham, Leila A. Baird,
Area: 2,232,057 square miles. Marion H. Belchambers, Emma Bin-
Population: 418,414,851; churches, 211; der, D. G. Bower, J. S. Dason, R.
members, 9,464. S. Fernando, Elizabeth J. Hiscox,
S. James. L. J. Larson, Mrs. Bertha
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Lowry, W. C. Mackett, Rose Meister,
ventist," Poona. (Telephones, Poona Pein Gyi, M. S. Prasada Rao, R.
3065; Bombay, 41908.) E. Rice, J. L. Shannon, Ina White,
Post Office Address: Box 15, Poona 1, B. J. Williams.
India. Licensed Ministers:
Officers: Edwin Buck, W. Gordon Jensen, M.
E. Kemmerer, R. W. Shorter.
President, A. L. Ham.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, A. Licensed Missionaries:
F. Tarr. Mrs. L. E. Allen, Mrs: D. G. Bower,
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, J. L. Mildred Bradley, N. A. Buxton, Mrs.
Shannon. Elmira M. Buxton, Mrs. A. L. Ham,
Assistant Auditor, M. S. Prasada Rao. Mrs. D. S. Harris, Mrs.. W. Gordon
Field Secretary, E. D. Thomas. Jensen, Mrs. A. J. Johanson, F.
Division Committee: A. L. Ham, E. A. Juriansz, R. Juriansz, Mrs. M. E.
Crane, A. J. Johanson, R. L. Kimble, Kemmerer, Mrs. P. Killoway, Mrs.
W. C. Mackett, M. 0. Manley, 0. 0. R. L. Kimble, Mrs. L. J. Larson,
Mattison, E. M. Meleen, L. G. Mook- Emma Lehman, Mrs. W. C. Mackett,
erjee, M. S. Prasada Rao, R. E. Rice, Mrs. M. 0. Manley, N. 0. Matthews,
A. E. Rawson, C. A. Schutt, J. L. Mrs. H. H. Mattison, Mrs. 0. 0. Matti-
Shannon, L. C. Shepard, 0. A. Skau, son, Milton M. McHenry, Mrs. Milton
F. E. Spiess, A. F. Tarr, E. D. M. McHenry, Mrs. E. M. Meleen,
Thomas. Mrs. L. G. Mookerjee, J. B. Oliver,
Mrs. J. B. Oliver, Mrs. M. S. Pra-
Departmental Secretaries: sada Rao, Mrs. A. E. Rawson, Mrs.
Educational, S. A. Schutt. R. E. Rice, Mrs. N. Ritchie, Margaret
Medical, Roelke, Mrs. C. A. Schutt, W. L.
Ministerial, A. E. Rawson. Sharalaya, Mrs. L. C. Shepard, Mrs.
Publishing, A. J. Johanson. R. W. Shorter, Mrs. 0. A. Skau, Mrs.
Religious Liberty and Temperance, L. F. E. Spiess, Mrs. A. F. Tarr, Jessie
G. Mookerjee. E. Wale, Mrs. B. J. Williams, Mrs.
Sabbath School and Home Missionary, J. 0. Wilson, I. C. Woodward, Mrs.
E. D. Thomas. I. C. Woodward, Edna YOrk.
Transportation Agent, A. F. Tarr. Legal Assn.: "The India Financial As-
Y.P.M.V., sociation of Seventh-day Adventists."
Ordained Ministers: Chairman, A. L. Ham, Secretary.
L. E. Allen, A. L. Ham, G. Isaiah, Treasurer, A. F. Tarr.
A. J. Johanson, R. L. Kimble, M. 0. "The Surat Hospital Trust Association
Manley, H. H. Mattison, 0. 0. Matti- of Seventh-day Adventists." Chair-
son, E. M. Meleen, L. G. Mookerjee, man, A. L. Ham ; Secretary-Treas-
A. E. Rawson, C. A. Schutt, L. C. urer, A. F. Tarr.


Organized 1919
Territory: Union of Burma and the Postal Address: P.O. Box No. 977,
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Rangoon, Burma.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Population: 16,823,798; churches, 22; ventist," Rangoon.
members, 954.
Office Address: 68 U Wisara Road, Ran- President, M. 0. Manley (on fur-
goon, Burma. lough).

Acting President, J. 0. Wilson. Din, Myat Kyaw, Ohn Myit, Mrs. .A.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Pein J. Sargent.
Executive Committee: M. 0. Manley,
Ah Chu, Chit Maung, J. N. Gros- Emma, Ma Than Shin, Ma Thoung
ball, J. F. Hamel, J. C. Johannes, Sein, Maung Ywa.
Kalee Paw, Kyaw Din, Myat Pe, Myat
Po, Pein Gyi, A. J. Sargent, Saw U,
F. R. Scott, Tun Maung, J. 0. Bassein Mission Station
. Wilson. Office and Postal Address: S.D.A. Mis-
Departmental Secretaries: sion, Myetto, Kozu Road, Bassein,
Educational, M. 0. Manley, (on fur- Burma.
lough) ; Acting, L. N. Hare. Director: A. J. Sargent.
Medical, J. C. Johannes.
Publishing and Home Missionary, J. Village Schools: 10.
F. Hamel. Village School Teachers: 7.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., Ah
Chu. Evangelists and other workers: 8.
Ordained Ministers:
Chit Maung, J: F. Hamel, A. J. Sar- Htugyi Mission Station
gent. Office Address: g. D. A. Mission, P. 0.
Credentialed Missionaries: Htugyi, Henzada Dist., Burma.
J. N. Grosball, J. C. Johannes, W. Director: Myat Po.
Martin, Saw U, Tun Maung.
Village Schools: 2.
Licensed Ministers: Village School Teachers: 2.
Ah Chu, I. D. Higgins.
Evangelists and other workers: 2.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. Ah Chu, Mrs. J. N. Grosball,
Mrs. J. F. Hamel, Mrs. I. D. Higgins, Myaungmya Mission Station
Mrs. J. C. Johannes.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, My-
aungmya, Burma.
FIELD Village Schools: 2.
Territory: The Delta, Arakan Division, Boarding Schools: 1.
Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Vernacular Teachers: 9.
Churches: 11 ; members, 546.
Evangelist: 1.
Office and Postal Address: S.D.A. Mis-
sion, Myetto, Kozu Road, Bassein,
Officers: Territory: Tenassarim District, (exclud-
President, A. J. Sargent. ing Toungoo District).
Secretary-Treasurer, Kyaw Din.
Churches: 6 ; members, 255.
Executive Committee: A. J. Sargent,
Ba Nyein, Myat Pe, Myat Po, Peter, Office and Postal Address: S.D.A. Mis-
Thein Ngwe. sion, Paan P.O., Thaton Dist., Burma.
Departmental Secretary: Officers:
Home Missionary, Y.P.M.V., and Sab- President, Chit Maung.
bath School, Kyaw Din. Secretary-Treasurer, Tun Maung.
Ordained Ministers: Executive Committee: Chit Maung,
L. N. Hare, Kalee Paw, Ohn Swint,
Myat Po, Thra Peter. Thoung See, Tun Maung, Tun Sein.
Credentialed Missionary: Myat Pe. Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Ministers: Educational, Chit Maung.
Aye Maung, Ba Nyein, Thein Ngwe. Home Missionary, Sabbath School and
Y.P.M.V., Tun Maung.
Licensed Missionaries:
Ordained Minister: Kalee Paw.
Aung Win, Barnabas Peter, Kyaw
Thaung, Kyaw Din, Mg Htwa, Myatt Credentialed Missionary: Tun Sein.

Licensed Ministers: Ordained Ministers:

L. N. Hare, Ohn Swint. Deacon David, P. A. Parker, Tha
Licensed Missionaries: Myaing, F. R. Scott.
Mrs. L. N. Hare, Mabel Claw, Maung Licensed Ministers:
Thein, Mg. Chit, Mg. Thein, Nant Baw Dee, Po Han.
Yennie, Saw Timo, Shwe Hlaing. Licensed Missionaries:
Teacher-Evangelists: Mrs. P. A. Parker, Mrs. Samson, San
Naw Thein Khin, Sein Tun. Che, Mrs. F. R. Scott.
Village Schools: 5. Teacher-Evangelist: Baw Kho.
Boarding Schools: 1.
Rangoon Mission Station
Vernacular Teachers: 12.
Office and Postal Address: 68 U Wis-
ara Road, Rangoon, Burma.
CENTRAL AND UPPER BURMA Director: M. 0. Manley; J. 0. Wilson,
Territory: Rangoon City, Hanthawaddy Church School: 1.
and Insein Districts, Central and Vernacular Teachers: 2.
Upper Burma, and Shan States.
Churches: 5 ; members, 153.
Shwenyaungbin Mission Station
Office Address: 68 U Wisara Road, Ran-
goon, Burma. Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission, Schwen-
yaungbin, Thandaung Mail Bag,
Officers: Toungoo, Burma.
President, M. 0. Manley. Director: Baw Dee.
Acting President, J. 0. Wilson. Village Schools: 5.
Secretary-Treasurer, Pein Gyi.
Executive Committee: Union Mission Village Teachers: 6.
Committee. Evangelist and other workers: 3.


Organized 1919
Territory: Assam, West Bengal, East Departmental Secretaries:
Pakistan, Bihar, Orissa, Sikkim, Bhu- Book Depot, P. K. Gayen.
tan, and part of Nepal. Educational and Y.P.M.V., 0. A.
Area: 315,927 square miles. Skau.
Home Missionary, R. J. Borrowdale.
Population: 126,221,968 ; churches, 34 : - Medical,
members, 1,362. Publishing, ; Assistant, M. K.
Office and Postal Address: 36 Park Sabbath School, 0. A. Skau.
Street, Calcutta, India. (Telephone, Ordained Ministers: '
P.K. 567, Calcutta.) R. J. Borrowdale, C. A. Boykin, M.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- G. Champion, P. C. Gayen, S. K.
ventist," Calcutta. Haldar, C. J. Jensen, N. G. Mookerjee,
W. B. Votaw.
Officers: Credentialed Missionary: S. John.
President, 0. A. Skau. Licensed Ministers:
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, R. G. C. Baroya, S. K. Besra, H. T. Burr,
J. Borrowdale. K. S. Ekka, M. M. Ekka, J. Hembrom,
Assistant Treasurer, S. John. Joseph Pandit.
Executive Committee: 0. A. Skau. C.
A. Boykin, H. T. Burr, M. G. Cham- Licensed Missionaries:
pion, R. N. Dass, P. C. Gayen, C. B. Mrs. R. J. Borrowdale Mrs. H. T.
Israel, C. J. Jensen, S. John, D. S. Burr, S. N. Dass, P. K. Gayen, Mrs.
Laursen, B. Nowrangi, M. K. Samuel, N. G. Mookerjee, R. K. Pandit, Pa-
W. B. Votaw. trick Poole,. Mrs. W. B. Votaw.

Teacher-Evangelists: Churches: 2 ; members, 99.

Anil Kachchap, Miss N. Dass, C. Director: D. S. Laursen.
High School: 1.
Village School: 1.
ASSAM MISSION FIELD Evangelists and Teachers: 13.
Organized 1935 -
Territory: Assam and Bhutan. Shillong Mission Station
Area: 95,014 square miles. Established 1930
Population: 11,180,000 ; churches, 3 ; Address: S.D.A. Mission, Nongthymmai,
members, 134. Shillong, Assam, India.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Nongthym- Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent-
mai, Shillong, Assam, India. ist Mission, Shillong.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent- Director: C. J. Jensen.
ist Mission, Shillong.
Officers: Church: 1 ; members, 37.
President, C. J. Jensen. Church School: 1.
Secretary, Patrick W. Poole. Teachers: 3.
Treasurer, R. J. Borrowdale.
Executive Committee: C. J. Jensen, BIHAR MISSION FIELD
R. J. Borrowdale, D. S. Laursen,
Patrick W. Poole, R. E. Rajee, Zuala Organized 1920
Sailo. Territory: Bihar and part of Nepal.
Departmental Secretaries: Area: 97,745 square miles.
Educational, 0. W. Lange (on fur-
lough). Population: 39,550,515 ; churches, 13 ;
Home Missionary, R. E. Rajee. members, 616.
Publishing, R. E. Rajee, L. Zuala Office and Postal Address: S.D.A. Mis-
Sailo. sion, Khunti P.O., Ranchi Dist.,
Sabbath School, India.
Y.P.M.V., Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent-
Ordained Minister: 0. W. Lange. ventist Mission, Khunti.
Licensed Ministers: Officers:
C. B. Israel, D. S. Laursen, R. E. President, W. B. Votaw.
Rajee, Albin Roy, L. Zuala Sailo. Secretary-Treasurer, R. lc Pandit.
Executive Committee: W. B. Votaw,
Licensed Missionaries: M. G. Champion, Khunti School Prin-
Mabel V. Broderson, Eric W. Holroyd, cipal, Barko Kisku, P. D. Kujur,
Mrs. Eric W. Holroyd, Mrs. 0. W. Bejoy Nowrangi, R. K. Pandit.
Lange, Clarabelle Laloo, Mrs. D. S. Departmental Secretaries:
Laursen, Ivorine Rynjah.
Educational, W. B. Votaw.
Teacher Evangelists: Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Ulster W. Fanwar, 0. Gatphoh. R. K. Pandit.
Y.P.M.V., W. B. Votaw.
High School: 1. Ordained Ministers:
Church Schools: 2. Dark Kisku, P. D. Kujur, B. Now-
Stations: Cherraponiee, Jowai. Lynn-
iong, Mawkaiew, Mawlong, Shillong, Honorary: James Besra., Benjamin
Sohryngkham. Peters.
Licensed Ministers:
J. P. Tiru, Ratan Tudu.
Jowai Mission Station
Licensed Missionaries:
Established 1941 Miss E. Hansdak, Shanti Nowrangi.
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Assam Train- Bible Instructor: Sylvanus Hembrom.
ing School. Jowai Road, Shillong, Teacher Evangelists:
P.O., Assam, India.
Ohma Ekka, Chandra Kujur, Helon
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent- Lakra, N. Murmu, Mansidh Tirkey,
ist Mission, Jowai. Sets Tudu.


Boarding School: 1. Organized 1919
Stations: Aprol, Bagri, Baragain, Bas- Territory: East Pakistan.
mata, Cherra.Beda, Chota Solbandha,
Dhaora Ghaghra, Gumla, Karmatar, Area: 54,100 sq. miles.
Khunti, Kochedaga, Kolyan, Kurgi,
Kuru, Jamtoli, Jelingkela, Moro, Pat- Population: 41;000,000; churches, 13:
ratoly, Pomea, Prasu, Ranchi, Rania, members, 389.
Ronhe, Sardikel, Sutty, Taku, Tetulia, Address: S.D.A. Mission, Gopalganj
Tilsiri, Tonea. P.0, Faridpur District, East Pakistan.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent-
Karmatar Mission Station ist Mission, Gopalganj.

Established 1898 Officers:

President, P. C. Gayen.
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Karmatar, Secretary-Treasurer, S. N. Dass.
P.O., S. P. District, E. I. Ry., India. Executive Committee: P. C. Gayen,
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent- S. N. Arinda, T. C. Bairagi, J. N.
ist Mission, Karmatar. Dass, R. N. Dass, U. N. Haldar, J. N.
DiActor: M. G. Champion. Sircar.
Church: 1 ; members, 108. Departmental Secretaries:
Boarding School: 1. Educational, R. N. Dass.
Printing Press: 1. Home Missionary, and Sabbath School,
Workers: 10.
S. N. Dass.
Y.P.M.V., J. N. Dass.
Khunti (Munda) Mission Station Ordained Ministers:
Established 1929 I. B. Bairagi, T. C. Bairagi, R. N.
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Khunti Post
Office, Ranchi District, India. Licensed Ministers:
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent- A. K. Bairagi, J. N. Baroi, B. K.
ist Mission, Khunti. Haldar, S. C. Madhu, J. N. Sircar.
Director: W. B. Votaw. Honorary: P. N. Paroi.
Churches: 5 ; members, 279. Licensed Missionaries:
Boarding School: 1. S. N. Arinda, R. N. Sircar.
Workers: t. Teacher Evangelists:
R. N. Bagani, J. N. Dass, S. C. Deuri,
S. K. Sarkar, B. B. Talukdar.
Oraon Mission Station
Other Workers:
- Established 1927 C. R. Bala, Mrs. M. M. Biswas, C.,R.
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Gumla P.O., Sarkar.
Ranchi District, India. Village Schools: 3.
Director: P. D. Kujur. Boarding School: 1.
Churches: 2 ; members, 97. Dispensaries: 3.
Workers, 9. Stations:
Betkachia, Buruabari, Chuadanga,
Gopalganj, Hili, Jalipar, Kalikapur,
al Mission Station
Sant Narikeltala, Nowdah, Sitpur, Sua-
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Chota Sol- gram.
bandha, P. 0. Sahibganj,.E.I.R., Loop
Line, S. P. District, India. Gopalganj Mission Station
Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mission, Established 1906
Solbandha, Sahibganj. Address: S.D.A. Mission, Gopalganj
Director: Barko Kisku. P.O., Faridpur District, East Pakis-
Churches: 6 ; members, 199.
Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mission,
Church Schools: 2. Gopalganj.
Workers; 8. church: 1 ; members, 42,

Director: P. C. Gayen. Population: 13,369,463; church, 1;

members, 16.
Dispensary: 1.
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Khurda, Puri
Church School: 1. District, India.
Workers: 8. Officers: The Union Officers.
Executive Committee: Union Commit-
Jalirpar Mission Station tee.
Established 1929 Departmental Secretaries:
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Jalirpar P.O.. The Union Departmental Secretaries.
Faridpur District, East Pakistan.
Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mission, Foreign Worker: 1.
Jalirpar, Khalia. Indian Workers: 2.
Church: 1 ; members, 59.
Stations: Binjipalli, Khurda.
Director: N. G. Mookerjee.
Boarding School: 1.
Dispensary: 1.
Binjipalli Mission Station
Workers: 7.
Established 1946
South Faridpur Mission Station Address: S.D.A. Mission, Binjipalli,
Rengali P.O., Sambalpur District, Or-
Established 1912 rissa, India.
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Buruabari, Church: 1 ; members, 16.
Radhanganj P.O., Faridpur District,
East Pakistan. Director: H. T. Burr.
Church: 1 ; members, 32. Licensed Ministers: 2.
Director: I. B. Bairagi. Bible Instructor: 1.
Church Schools: 2.
Organized 1919 ; reorganized 1939
NORTH BENGAL MISSION FIELD Territory: West Bengal, and Sikkim.
Established 1939 Area: 20,776 square miles.
Address: Santona, Nongthymmai, Shil- Population: 21,122,000 ; church, 1 ; mem-
long, Assam, India. bers, 137.
Officers: Address: S.D.A. Mission, 36 Park Street,
The Union Officers. Calcutta, Bengal, India. (Telephone,
Executive Committee: The Union P. K. 567.)
Committee. Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Ad-
Departmental Secretaries: ventist," Calcutta.
The Union Departmental Secretaries. Officers:
President: C. J. Jensen. President, C. A. Boykin.
Secretary-Treasurer, It. J. Borrow-
Churches: 3 ; members, 70. dale.
Foreign Worker: 1. Executive Commitee: C. A. Boykin.
R. J. Borrowdale, R. Carrau, P. K.
Indian Workers: 3. Gayen, Miss A. Georgio.
Stations: Barobisha, Chokoakheti, Mak- Departmental Secretaries:
taigaon, Palasguri, Sathali.
Educational, 0. A. Skau.
Sabbath School, Home Missionary,
and Y.P.M.V., C. A. Boykin.
Organized 1927 Licensed Missionary: Mrs. C. A. Boykin.
Territory: Orissa. Teacher-Evangelist: Mrs. K. Manuel.
Area: 57,392 square miles. Church School: 1.

Calcutta Mission Station Church: I ; members, 137.

Established 1895 Director: C. A. Boykin.
Address: S.D.A. Mission, 36 Park Street,
Calcutta, India. (Telephone, P.K. 567.) Church School: 1.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Cal-
cutta. Teachers: 2.


Organized 1919; reorganized 1929; 1937; 1942; and 1947

Territory: East Punjab, United Prov- Licensed Missionaries:

inces, Delhi Province, Rajputana, H. C. Alexander, Mrs. H. C. Alexan-
Pakistan, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Ba- der, I. Bazliel, H. Bolst, Mrs. K. S.
luchistan, with connected native Brown, H. R. H. DeJong, Mrs. C. H.
States, and part of Nepal. Hamel, Mrs. G. B. Hoag, Mrs. D. S.
Johnson, Mrs. R. P. Morris, Solomon
Population: 122,862,000 ; churches, 25 ; M. Moses. Mrs. C. W. Robbins, Mrs.
members, 1,953. E. R. Streeter, Mrs. F. J. Strunk,
Mrs. T. R. Torkelson.
Office Address: 76 Queensway, New Honorary: Vera Chilton.
Delhi 1, India. Teacher-Evangelists:
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- ElSie Gardner, D. C. Hunter, Hidayat
ventist," New Delhi. Kahn, J. M. Salik.
Other Workers: 4.
President, R. L. Kimble.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, L.
Executive Committee: R. L. Kimble, Organized 1948
L. E. Allen, N. E. Bolst, Faqir Chand,
Chandersen, J. C. H. Collett, C. H. Territory: East of the Upper Chenab
Hamel, G. B. Hoag, W. C. Mackett, Canal, from the border of Kashmir
R. P. Morris, Munshi Ram, B. M. to Montgomerey and the Ravi River,
Shad, P. K. Simpson, E. R. Streeter, and southeast political boundary be-
T. R. Torkelson. tween India and Pakistan.
Departmental Secretaries: Churches: 4; members, 194.
Book Depot, Solomon Moses. Address: 48 Lawrence Road, Lahore,
Dorcas Benevolent Society and Home Pakistan.
Commission,. Mrs. R. L. Kimble.
Educational, E. R. Streeter. Officers:
Home Missionary and Publishing, G. President, F. M. Sajid.
B. Hoag. Secretary-Treasurer, M. B. Worsley.
Medical, Executive Committee: F. M. Sajid,
Sabbath School, R. L. Kimble. N. E. Bolst, R. A. Ditta, J. M. Khan,
Voice of Prophecy, P. K. Simpson. M. B. Worsley.
Y.P.M.V., B. M. Shad.
Departmental Secretaries:
Ordained Ministers: Publishing, G. B. Hoag.
A. M. Akbar, J. C. H. Collett, Faqir Educational, D. S. Johnson.
Chand, C. H. Hamel, Hakim Din, R. Sabbath School and Home Missionary,
P. Morris, Munshi Ram, B. M.'Shad, F. M. Sajid.
P. K. Simpson, E. R. Streeter, F. J. Y.P.M.V., M. B. Worsley.
Strunk, T. R. Torkelson.
Ordained Ministers:
Credentialed Missionaries: N. E. Bolst, F. M. Sajid.
Samuel Rai, Thyra E. Sandberg.
Licensed Minister: Jhande M. Khan.
Licensed Ministers:
K. S. Brown, T. Brown, Inayat Licensed Missionaries:
Chand, D. S. Johnson, C. W. Rob- Mangal Hass, R. M. Khan, Ghulum
bins, Masih,

Teacher Evangelists: Departmental Secretaries:

Nawab Din, Mrs. B. John, B. M. Educational, E. R. Streeter.
Khan. Home Mission'ary, R. P. Morris.
Publishing, G. B. Hoag.
Sabbath School, Chancier Sen.
Lahore (English) Station Y.P.M.V., B. A. Howard.
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Mozang Road, Ordained Ministers:
Lahore, Pakistan.
Chander Sen, A. Gardner.
Director: N. E. Hoist.
Licensed Ministers:
G. D. Bates, Dal Chand, Sunder Dass,
EAST PUNJAB MISSION FIELD Masih Dayal, Edward Gardner, P. E.
Howard, Hira Lall, Nihal Singh, Ram
Organized 1942; reorganized 1948 Swaroop, Francis Wray.
Territory: The whole of the Province of Licensed Missionaries:
East Punjab. C. D. Gardner, B. S. Gilbert, Nirmal
Church: 1 ; members, 115. Singh.
Address: 65 The Mall, Jullundur Cantt., Teacher Evangelist: Kishen Lal Singh.
East Punjab, India.
President, Faqir Chand. Delhi Mission Station
Secretary-Treasurer, L. E. Allen. Address: 99 Daryagung, Delhi, India.
Executive Committee: Faqir Chand,
L. E. Allen, Makhan Chand, Harnam Director: R. L. Kimble.
Dass, C. Samuel, E. R. Streeter.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., B. M. Hapur Mission Station
Chand. Address: S.D.A. Mission, Hapur, Meerut
Sabbath School, Home Missionary District, U. P., India.
and Dorcas Promoter, Faqir Chand.
Director: Masih Dayal.
Ordained Minister: 1.
Licensed Ministers: 4.
Licensed Missionary: 1. Moradabad Mission Station
Other Workers: 3. Address: S.D.A. Mission, Mushtaq Man-
zil, Moradabad U.P., India.

NORTH UNITED PROVINCES Director: Chandersen.

Organized 1919; reorganized 1937
1942, and 1947 Saharanpur District Mission Station
Territory: That portion of territory Address: S.D.A. Mission, Belari, Mora-
in the United Provinces lying north dabad District, U.P., India.
of the Agra Railway line running Director: A. Gardner.
from the border of Nepal to Barielly
and down to Muttra.
Population: 40,000,000 ; churches, 9 ; NORTHWEST FRONTIER MISSION
members, 920.
Territory: Northwest Frontier, Kashmir,
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Mushtaq Man- Afghanistan and territory lying
zil, Moradabad, U.P., India. North of the Jhelum where it crosses
Officers: the Kashmir border to Kushab and
across to Khundian and the Indus
President, R. L. Kimble; Assistant, River.
Chander Sen.
Secretary-Treasurer, L. E. Allen. Church: 1; members, 18.
Executive Committee: R. L. Kimble, Address: 269 Dalhousie Road, Rawal-
L. E. Allen, Chander Sen, Sunder pindi, Pakistan.
Bass, Masih Dayal, A. Gardner, It. P.
Morris, E. R. Streeter. Director: C. H. Hamel.

Rawalpindi Mission Station Allahabad Mission Station

Address: 269 Dalhousie Road, Rawal- Address: S.D.A. Mission, 8 Cawnpore
pindi, Pakistan. Road, Al'shahs& U. P., India.
Director: C. H. Hamel. Director: T. R. Torkelson.
Ordained Ministers:
Akbar Masih, Hakim Din. Lucknow (English) Station
Address: S.D.A. Mission, 17 Abbott
SIND LOCAL MISSION FIELD Road, Lucknow, U. P., India.
Organized 1937 Director: T. R. Torkelson.
Territory: Sind Province and Baluchi-
Lucknow (Vernacular) Station
Population: 5,337,000; churches, 2;
members, 49. Address: 11 Blunt Square, Mawaya,
Address: 91 Depot Lines, Karachi 3, Lucknow, U. P., India.
Pakistan. Director: T. R. Torkelson.
Officers: Acting Director: P. K. Simpson.
President, J. C. H. Collett. Village Schools: 2.
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. J. C. H.
Collett. Vernacular Teachers: 3.
Executive Committee: The Union
Licensed Minister: Sultan Ahrned. WEST PUNJAB MISSION FIELD.
Organized 1942
Karachi Mission Station Territory: West of the Upper Chinab
Address: 91 Depot Lines, Karachi. 3, Canal from the border of KashMir
Pakistan. to Montgomery and the Ravi River,
Director: J. C. H. Collett. - across to McLeodgang Road and the
border of Rajputana.
Other Worker: 1.
Churches: 5 ; members, 545.
SOUTH UNITED PROVINCES Address: S.D.A. Mission, Chuharkana
MISSION FIELD Mandi, Sheikupura Dist., West Pun-
jab, Pakistan.
Territory: That portion of territory in
the United Provinces lying south of Officers:
the railway line from the border of President, Munshi Ram.
Nepal to Barielly and down to Agra, Secretary-Treasurer, S. Rai.
including the Kumoan Hills and Agra. Executive Committee: Munshi Ram,
Population: 17,000,000 ; churches, 3 ; Abdul Aziz, Prem Hasih, B. Peter, S.
members, 112. Rai.
Address: S.D.A. Mission, 17 Pt. Govind Ordained Ministers:
Pant Road, Lucknow, U.P., India.
Viru Mall, B. Peter.
Licensed Ministers:
President, T. R. Torkelson.
Secretary-Treasurer, L. E. Allen. Harnam Dass, Mengha Mall, Ghulam
Masih, Prem Masih.
Executive Committee: T. R. Torkel-
son, L. E. Allen, B. A. Howard, D.
Jackson, R. L. Kimble; H. M. Lamb, Chuharkana Mission Station
W. H. Mattison.
Departmental Secretaries: Address: S.D.A. Mission, Chuharkana
Mandi, Sheikupura District, W. Pun-
Educational, E. R. Streeter. jab, Pakistan.
Publishing, G. B. Hoag.
Director: Munshi Earn.
Ordained Minister: B. A. Howard.
Licensed Ministers:
H. M. Lamb, W. H. Mattison. Gujranwala Mission Station
Licensed Missionaries: Address: S.D.A. Mission, Gujranwala,
Mrs. W. H. Mattison, M. C. Singh. West Punjab, Pakistan.
Teacher-Evangelists: Director: Munshi Ram.
D. Jackson, Mrs. D. Jackson, E. Village School: 1.
Wesley. Vernacular Teachers: 2.


Organized 1919

Territory: The Madras Presidency with Licensed Ministers:

its neighboring native states, includ- R. H. Shepard, Herbert A. Walls, Jr.
ing such parts of Hyderabad State as
are allied thereto by languages, and Licensed Missionaries:
the Dharwar and North Kanara dis-
tricts of the Bombay Presidency. Mrs. E. T. Austin, Mrs. Raymond H.
Broderson, T. V. Chacko, D. David,
Population: 73,173,000 ; churches, 106 ; Enos David, D. Henry, Mrs. L. C.
members, 4,205. Janes, J. Japagnanam, K. P. Jeeva-
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- ratnam, Mrs. A. F. Jessen, A. Joseph,
ventist," Bangalore. D. M. Joshua, P. A. T. C. Lobo, Mrs.
N. Martinez, V. Navaratnam, Mrs.
Office Address: S.D.A. Mission, 9 Cun- 0. W. Nolda, T. Prakasam, P. S.
ningham Road, Bangalore, India. Prasada Rao, Mrs. R. H. Shepard, I.
(Telephone, No. 265 Bangalore.) Subushanam, Mrs. W. F. Storz, I. R.
Postal Address: Post Box 20, Banga- Thomas, Mrs. Herbert A. Walls, Jr.,
lore, India. Mrs. E. D. Willmott.

Officers: Teacher-Evangelists:
President, 0. 0. Mattison. I. Chelliah, William Egan, L. C.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, M. George, S. Jesudass, D. John, 0. B.
E. Kemmerer. Jonathan, N. Y. Poniah, Miss R.
Assistant Auditor, M. Amirtham. Samuel, P. I. Varughese.
Executive Committee: 0. 0. Mattison,
M. Amirtham, E. S. Eswar Rao, M. KANARESE MISSION FIELD
E. Kemmerer, V. D. Koilpillai, ' C.
Moses, I. K. Moses, J. B. Oliver, H. E. Organized 1937
Preston, R. H. Shepard, E. L. Soren- Territory: Mysore State, North and
son, W. F. Storz, S. ThoMas, H. A. South Coorg, Dharwar, Kollegal Ta-
Walls, E. N. Williams. luk, Doddogazanur, and that portion
of North Kanara not included in
Departmental Secretaries: Western India.
Book Depot, Mrs. L. C. Janes (Act-
ing Manager). Population: 11,000,000 ; churches, 9 ;
Educational, and Y.P.M.V., H. A. members, 353.
Walls. Office Address: Mohulla, 3071 Yadava-
Home Commission and Dorcas, Mrs. giri Ext. Road, Vanvilla, Mysore City,
0. 0. Mattison. India.
Medical, J. B. Oliver.
Publishing and Uplift, H. E. Pres- Officers:
ton ; Assistant, J. Japagnanam. President, R. H. Shepard.
Sabbath School, Home Missionary, Secretary-Treasurer, V. Navaratnam.
and Voice of Prophecy, I. K.
Moses. Executive Committee: R. H. Shepard,
M. P. David, M. D. Kodan, V. Nava-
Ordained Ministers: ratnam, E. L. Sorenson, Herbert A.
E. T. Austin, M. Bhaggian, Raymond Walls, Jr.
H. Broderson, L. C. Charles, P. K. Departmental Secretaries:
David, S. N. David, E. S. Eswar Rao,
G. Gurubatham, 0. Israel, A. C. Ja- Educational and Y.P.M.V., Herbert A.
cob, J. V. Jacob, A. F. Jessen, A. M. Walls, Jr.
Jesudawson, C. John, J. Joshua, V. D. Home Missionary, R. H. Shepard.
Koilpillai, C. Moses, R. John Moses, Publishing, M. P. David.
S. Nathaniel, K. S. Peter, C. A. W. Sabbath School, V. Navaratnam.
Ritchie, A. Selvanayagam, W. F. Licensed Ministers:
Storz, S. Thomas, N. Vinayagam, E.
D. Wilmott, E. N. William. Ye. Chilliah, M. D. Kodan.
Honorary: M. P. Daniel, C. K. John, Licensed Misisonaries:
P. J. Kelly, 0. W. Nolda, M. Praka- J. Busker, R. Daniel, K. M. John,
sam. R. Sathyseellappa.
Credentialed Missionaries: Teacher-Evangelists:
M. Amirtham, G. A, Anandam, P. S. M. Abraham, Mrs. K. Bhasker, J. D,
Johnson, John Wgsley? S. Yesndas,

Stations: Bangalore, Channapatna, Dod- Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist

dagazanur, Kaliyur, Kollegal, Krish- Mission, Cadel's Road, Tanjore, South
narajapuram, Mercara, Mukhali, My- India.
sore City, Nagavali, Saragur. Officers:
President, C. Moses.
NORTH MALAYALAM MISSION Secretary-Treasurer, D. S. David.
FIELD Executive Committee: C. Moses,
Organized as Malayalam Mission 1920 ; Robert H. Broderson, D. S. David, .A.
reorganized 1942 Dharma Pillai, D. M. Joshua, Ga-
briel Matthew, A. Selvanayagam.
Territory: All territory in the Malaya-
lam field north of the Trivandrum po- Departmental Secretaries:
litical division. Educational, G. Gurubatham.
Population: 12,500,000 (North and South Home Missionary, C. Moses.
Malayalam fields) ; churches, 10 ; Publishing, D. M. Joshua.
members, 295. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., D. S.
Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist
Mission, Kottarakara, Travancore, Licensed Ministers:
South. India. Gabriel Matthew, N. Ratnaswamy.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, A. F. Jessen (on furlough). D. S. David, Edward Duraiswamy, S.
Acting President, W. F. Storz. Isaac, S. Vedanayagam.
Secretary-Treasurer, P. S. Johnson.
Executive Committee: A. F. Jessen, Stations: Alagianalloor, Coonoor, Cohn-
L. C. Charles, Idy Chandy, P. S. batore, Kalloorany, Kariananthal,
Johnson, A. Joseph, K. P. Kurian, P. Ketti, Madras, Madura, Maniampala-
T. Paul, W. F. Storz. yam, Nachipalayam, Ootacamund,
Pondicherry, Puthur, Thevaram, Ti-
Departmental Secretaries: rupur, Trichinopoly, Virudhunagar,
Educational and Y.P.M.V., A. F. Yellagiri Hills, Kanzikoil, Tanjore.
Jessen ; W. F. Storz, acting.
Publishing, A. Joseph.
Sabbath School and Home Missionary,
Licensed Minister: T. V. Zachariah. Organized as Telugu Mission 1920 ;
reorganized 1942
Licensed Missionaries:
K. C. Chacko, C. D. John, K. P. Territory: East and West Godavari
Kurian, S. S. Lazarus, K. R. Matthew, Districts, and all territory north to
P. T. Paul, T. P. Philip. Orissa.
Teacher-Evangelists: Population: 14,000,000 ; churches, 20 ;
members, 729.
M. J. Ahimaz, M. Varghese.
Stations: Ayroor, Chengulam, Elan- Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist
thoor, Karikam, Kottayam, Kidan- Mission, Rayapet, Narsapur, West
gannoor, Kumbanad, Kunnamkulam, Godavari District, India.
Mannur, Meenadam, Meyannor, Mu- Officers:
hama, Pathanamthitta, Perumkulam,
Penalur, Thiruvella, Trichur, Thum- President, E. N. Williams.
pamon, Vadavathoor, Venniculam. Secretary-Treasurer, P. S. Prasada
Executive Committee: E. N. Williams,
G. A. Anandam, M. Benjamin, J. C.
NORTH TAMIL MISSION FIELD David, N. V. Jesudas, P. S. Prasada
Organized as Tamil Mission 1920 ; Rao, I. Subushanam.
reorganized 1942 Departmental Secretaries:
Territory: North Arcot, South Arcot, Educational, G. A. Anandam.
Chingleput, Coimbatore (excluding Publishing, I. Subushanam.
such portion as is being worked in Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., P. S.
the Kanarese language), Karaikal, Prasada Rao.
Madura, Nilgiri Hills, Palni Hills, Home Missionary, E. N. Williams.
Pondicherry, Pudukotah State, Ram-
nad, Salem, Tanjore, Trichinopoly. Licensed Ministers: .
Population: 21,673,000 (both North and M. Benjamin, J. C. David, Ch. Deva-
South Tamil Missions) ; churches, 14 ; sahayam, K. Jesudass, G. N. Solomon,
members, 603. Honorary: G. C. Joseph.

Licensed Missionaries: SOUTH TAMIL MISSION FIELD

N. V. Jesudas, R. Nagabushnam, L. Organized as Tamil Mission 1920 ;
S. Philip, P. Prabhudas, K. Solomon, reorganized 1942
N. Subramanyam, E. S. Sudarsanam.
Teacher-Evangelists: Territory: Tinnevelly District and
Tamil-speaking section of South Tra-
Ch. Israel, G. Jaganathan, Ch. Kru- vancore (that portion of Travancore
'pavaram, G. Prasada Rao, K. Pra- State lying south and east of the
sada Rao. river which runs immediately north
Stations: Antervedipalam, Arthamuru, of Marthandam).
Antervadi, Bobbili, Chilukuru, East- Population: 21,673,000 (both North and
palam, Ellore, Gantipedapudi, Guda-
palli Gummalur, Kasanapalli, Lakka- South Tamil Missions) ; churches, 22;
waram, Mandapetta, Maredubaka, members, 609.
Mirthupadu, Narsapur, Rajahmun- Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist
dry, Rustambada, Sreerangapatam, Mission, Foicotta, Curzon Maidan, Pa-
Viswasahyapuram, Vizagapatam, lamcottah, Tinnevelly District, South
Yedithi, Yenugavanilanka. India.
FIELD President, V. D. Koilpillai.
Secretary-Treasurer, D. Henry.
Organized as Malayalam Mission 1920 ;
reorganized 1942 Executive Committee: V. D. Koilpil-
lai, G. Gurubatham, D. Henry, A.
Territory: Trivandrum political division, Manuel, Job Miller, Y. G. Thomas,
with the exception of that territory A. Yesudian.
included in the Tamil Mission.
Population: 12,500,000 (North and Departmental Secretaries:
South Malayalam -fields) ; churches, Educational, G. Gurubatham.
20 ; members, 929. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
V. D. Koilpillai.
Office Address: South Malayalam Mis- Publishing, D. M. Joshua.
sion of Seventh-day Adventists, Nan- Y.P.M.V., D. Henry.
dancode, Trivandrum, Travancore,
South India. Licensed Ministers:
Officers: M. Arputham, S. K. Arumainayagam,
President, S. Thomas. D. Gnanasundaram, K. Joseph, A.
Secretary-Treasurer, Enos David. Manuel, Job Miller, Y. G. Thomas,
G. A. Yesudian.
Executive Committee: S.Thomas,
Enos David, J. Gabriel, J. V. Jacob, Licensed Missionaries:
A. Joseph, S. Nathaniel, W. F. Storz.
W. Muller Isaac, J. P. Masilmamoney,
Departmental Secretaries: S. Seenivasagam.
Educational, W. F. Storz. Teacher-Evangelists:
Home Missionary, S. Thomas.
Publishing, A. Joseph. S. Anbiah, William Gore, S. Sun-
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., Enos daram, D. P. Thomas.
Stations: Achampatty, Adyalmuthaloor,
Licensed Ministers: Arunachalapuram, Athinathapuram,
J. Gabriel, M. J. Laban, S. Nallath- Dennispuram, Gurugatoor, Kumari-
amby. kulam, Moolachi, Nagercoil, Palam-
cottah, Palaniyappapuram, Parapatti,
Licensed Missionaries: Prakasapuram, Sankarancoil, Sarodu,
G. Dhermadass, T. M. Joseph, Mrs. Sawyerpuram, Sivagnanapuram, Tuti-
D. Mary, M. C. Moses, J. Paul, A. corin, Valliyoor, Vellachivellai.
Shadreck, T. M. Sigamoney, P. J.
Theophilus, T. P. Wilson.
Teacher-Evangelist: K. J. Matthew.
Stations: Adventpuram, Alukadu, Aru- SOUTH TELUGU MISSION FIELD
mana, Aruvicodu, Atunkal, Kaka- Organized as Telugu Mission 1920 ;
moola, Kanjiramkonam, Karamana, reorganized 1942
Kizanguvila, Kokothamangalam, Ku-
lathamal, Kulathoor, Kunnathukal, Territory: Kistna and Guntur Districts,
Manjavilakam, Mylady, Nedumanga- Telugu area of Hyderabad State, and
du, Oondencodu, Panavoor, Pandara- all territory south to Madras.
thara, Parasala, Paruthipally, Pooja-
puram, Trivandrum; Vadacodu, Population: 14,000,000 ; churches, 11 ;
Vattioorkavoo, Venganoor, Vidura., members, 687.

Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist Licensed Ministers:

Mission, Nuzvid, Kistna District, M. B. Laban, B. S. Moses, R. S. P.
South India. Rao.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, E. S. Eswar Rao. P. Devadanam, M. Devasahayam, K.
Secretary-Treasurer, T. Prakasam. Elijah, P. Rajah Rao, N. Ratnam, K.
Executive Committee: P. Asirvadam, Satyanandam, M. Yesuratnam.
E. S. Eswar Rao, 0. Israel, M. B. Honorary: P. Moses, D. S. Samuel.
Laban, R. John Moses, J. B. Oliver,
T. Prakasam, I. Subushanam. Stations: Atkuru, Bezwada, Chenderla-
padu, Doddadevearapadu, Dondapuda,
Departmental Secretaries: Gopavaram, Guntur, Hanumanthu-
Educational, G. Anandam. nigudem, Keesaru, Madhavaram, Ma-
Home Missionary, E. S. Eswar Rao. sulipatam, Mogalarajapuram, Nandi-
Publishing, I. Subushanam. gams, Narsaravupeta, Nuzvid, Peda-
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., T. pudi, Pekkellapadu, Woodpeta, Yela-
Prakasam. mandala.


Organized 1929; reorganized 1937, 1941, and 1945

Territory: Bombay Presidency (except- Central Province Mission

ing North Kanara and Dharvar Dis- Territory: Central Provinces and Cen-
trict) ; the parts of Hyderabad State
related thereto by language; Central tral India Agency.
India, Central Provinces with related Church: 1 ; members, 21.
native states, and Goa. Address: Clarke Town, Civil Lines, Nag-
Population: 73,228,000 ; churches, 16 : pur, C. P. India.
members, 696. Officers: The Union Officers.
Postai Address: P.O. Box No. 4565, 16 Executive Committee: The Union Exec-
Club Road, Byculla, Bombay 8, India.
(Telephone, Bombay 41908.) utive Committee.
Departmental Secretaries: The Union
Cables and Telegrams: "Adventist," Departmental Secretaries.
Officers: Ordained Minister: D. S. Harris.
President, F. E. Spiess. Licensed Missionary: H. C. Lamb.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, R.
L. Juriansz.
Gujerat Mission
Exe'utive Committee: F. E. Spiess,
A. 7 . Job, R. L. Juriansz, S. L. Khan- Territory: Cutch, Kathiawar and all
dag1L, W. J. McHenry, Winston Mc- Gujerat States and Territories.
Henry, I. K. Moses, M. D. Moses,
R. J. Ritchie, E. H. J. Scott, R. W. Church: 1 ; members, 30.
Shorter. Address: S.D.A. Mission, Nanpura, Su-
Departmental Secretaries: rat, India.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., E. M. Director: R. W. Shorter.
Meleen (acting). Executive Committee: The Union Exec-
Medical, utive Committee.
Publishing, E. H. J. Scott.
Sabbath School and Home Missionary, Departmental Secretaries: The Union
E. D. Thomas (acting). Departmental Secretaries.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Minister: P. R. Phasge.
R. S. Lowry, W. J. McHenry.
Licensed Minister: Winston McHenrf:
Licensed Missionaries: FIELD
T. S. Arlie, S. Kamble, J. L. Killo- Territory: Districts of Bidar, Kolaba,
way, Mrs. R. S. Lowry, Mrs. W. J. Osmanabad, Poona, Sholapur, and
McHenry, Mrs. Winston McHenry, Thana, and States of Akalkot, Bhor,
I. K. Moses, C. A. Rodgers, Mrs. C. Janjira, Jawhar, Phaltan.
A. Rodgers, E. H. J. Scott, P. M.
Thomas, A. Tudu. Churches: 6 ; members, 362.

Address: P.O. Box 4565, 16 Club Road, Ordained Minister: M. D. Moses.

Byculla, Bombay 8, Itfdia.
Licensed Minister: B. J. Hivale.
President, F. E. Spiess. Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, R. L. Juriansz. U. R. Anando Rao, Gracebai Bhakre,
Executive Committee: F. E. Spiess, B. S. Kakade, D. P. Kate, William
A. M. Job, W. H. McHenry, P. R. Moses, Mrs. D. N. Ohal, Sumitra S.
Phasge, A. E. Rawson, R. J. Ritchie, Pandit, Jr., Mrs. Sumitra S. Pan-
C. A. Schutt. dit, Jr.
Departmental Secretary: Honorary: G. S. Borge, J. L. Wale-
Educational and Y.P.M.V., A. M. Job. kar.
Ordained Minister: R. J. Ritchie.
Credentialed Missionary: A. M. Job. SOUTH MARATHI MISSION FIELD
Licensed Minister: V. T. Thomas.
, Territory: Districts of Belgaum, Bija-
pur, Gulbarga, Ratnagiri, Satara, and
Licensed Missionaries: States of Goa, Kolhapur, Jath, Mund-
S. B. Devade, Miss G. Harry, E. S.
James, C. I. John, K. S. Rasalam, Churches, 5; members, 152.
Mrs. V. T. Thomas.
Honorary: D. B. Pakhre. Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission, Bunga-
low, Hatkanagle P. 0., Kolhapur
State, India.
Territory: Districts of Nasik, East and
West Khandesh, Aurangabad, Ahmed- President, Winston McHenry.
nagar, Berar, Parbhani, Nander, Ni- Secretary-Treasurer, Winston Mc-
zamabad, Shir. Henry.
Churches: 3 ; members, 131. Executive Committee: Winston Mc-
Address: Lasalgaon, Nasik District, Henry, J. P. Fajage, S. L. Khandagle,
India. V. P. Muthiah, B. P. Nade.
Officers: Departmental Secretaries:
President, W. J. McHenry (on fur-
lough). Educational and Sabbath School, Win-
Acting President, F. E. Spiess. ston McHenry.
Secretary-Treasurer, P. M. Thomas. Y.P.M.V. and Home Missionary, V.
P. Muthiah.
Executive Committee: W. J. McHenry,
S. B. Gaikwad, B. J. Hivale, M. D. Ordained Minister: S. L. Khandagle.
Moses, Sumitra S. Pandit, P. M.
Thomas. Licensed Minister: V. P. Muthiah.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Educational, S. S. Pandit, Jr. J. P. Fajage, B. H. Kale, B. P. Nade,
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, S. S. Pandit, Sr. Hanabai Ranade,
W. J. McHenry; P. M. Thomas, V. S. Shinde.
Y.P.M.V., M. D. Moses. Honorary: Dayabai Gaikwad.

CEYLON MISSION FIELD Cable and Telegraphic Adress: "Ad-
ventist," Colombo.
Entered 1906 ; organized 1919;
Re-organized 1947
Territory: Ceylon, Lacadive Islands, and
Maldive Islands. President, E. A. Crane.
Population: 6,106,085; churches, 8; Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, R.
members, 294. S. Fernando.
Office Address: 7 Alfred House Gardens, Executive Committee: E. A. Crane,
Colpetty, Colombo, Ceylon. P. M. Dason, W. A. Dunn, R. S. Fer-
Postal Address: Post Office Box 905, nando, L. F. Hardin, E. L. Juriansz,
Colombo, Ceylon. A. R. Pieris, Y. G. Prakasam.

Departmental Secretaries: Director: Y. G. Prakasam.

Book Depot Manager, R. S. Fernando. Church: 1.
Educational, E. Juriansz.
Home Missionary, E. A. Crane. Workers: 2.
Sabbath School, and Y.P.M.V., R. S.
Fernando. Kandy Mission Station
Ordained Ministers: Entered 1931 ; established 1948
E. A. Crane, W. A. Dunn, L. F.
Hardin. Postal Address: "Kepplestone," Augusta
Road, Peradeniya, Kandy, Ceylon.
Licensed Ministers:
Director: L. F. Hardin.
C. P. Jonahs, B. D. Juriansz, A. R.
Pieris, Y. G. Prakasam. Church: 1.
Licensed Missionaries: Workers: 2.
Mrs. E. A. Crane, Mrs. P. M. Dason, Stations: Chilaw, Hewadiwela, Jada
Mrs. W. A. Dunn, J. M. Fernando, duwa, Talampitiya.
Mrs. R. S. Fernando, Miss H. M.
Goonatalieke, Mrs. L. F. Hardin, E.
L. Juriansz, Miss G. Marshall, Ber- Kottawa Mission Station
nard Pinghe, Mrs. S. Stanley, D. E.
Wijeseingha. Entered 1922 ; established 1926
Teacher-Evangelists: Address: S.D.A. Mission, Kottawa, Pan
P. M. Dason, P. P. Dias, Mrs. Law- nipitiya, Ceylon.
son de Mel, S. A. de Silva, M. E. Director: E. L. Juriansz
Fernando, C. K. John, Mrs. B. D.
Juriansz, James Trakasam, Mrs. E. K. Boarding School: 1.
Teachers: 8.
Stations: Hanwella, Kosgama, Panni
Colombo Mission Station pitiya, Puwakpitiya, Wataraka.
Entered 1906 ; established 1922
Office Address: 7 Alfred House Gardens, Matara Mission Station
Colpetty, Colombo, Ceylon.
Entered 1916 ; established 1947
Postal Address: P.O. Box No. 905,
Colombo, Ceylon. Postal Address: No. 562* 13, Pallimulla,
Matara, Ceylon.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventist," Colombo. Director: A. It. Pieris.
Director: W. A. Dunn. Church: 1.
Churches: 2.
School: 1. Moratuwa Mission Station
Workers: 13. Entered 1922 ; established 1947
Stations: Colombo, Nugegoda. Postal Address: 375 Rawatawatte Road,
Moratuwa, Ceylon.
Director: Bernard Pinghe.
Divulapitiya Mission Station Church: 1.
Established 1947
Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission, Divu- INSTITUTIONS IN SOUTHERN
lapitya, Ceylon. ASIA DIVISION
Director: Educational:
Church: 1. Assam Training School Jowai, Shil.
long, P.O., Assam, India.

Jaffna Mission Station Bangalore Middle Day School, S.D.A.

Mission School, 3 Spencer Road,
Entered 1916 Cleveland Town, Bangalore, India.
Postal Address: 12/3, 2nd Cross Street, Calcutta Elementary Day School, 36
Jaffna, Ceylon. Park St., Calcutta, India.

Chuharkana Elementary Boarding Medical:

School, Chuharkana, Mandi, Pun-
jab, Pakistan. Sanitariums and Hospitals
Hapur Elementary Boarding School, Giffard Mission Hospital of S. D.
S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., Nuzvid, Kistna District, South In-
India. dia.
James Secondary Boarding School, Gopalganj Mission Hospital, S.D.A.
S.D.A. Mission, Prakasapuram, Tin- Mission Hospital, Gopalganj, Farid-
nevelly District, South India. pur District, Bengal India. (Oper- ,
ating temporarily as dispensary.)
Kellogg-Mookerjee High School,
S.D.A. Mission, Jalirpar, Faridpur Nalwazhi Clinic, 3 Birds Road, Tri-
District, East Bengal, Pakistan. chinopoly Cantt., India.
Khunti Elementary Boarding School, Rangoon Mission Hospital of S.D.A.,
Khunti, Ranchi District, India. 67 Signal Pagoda Road, Rangoon,
Kottarakara Secondary Boarding
School, Kottarakara, Travancore, Surat Mission Hospital, S. D. A. Mis-
South India. sion, Surat, Bombay Presidency,
Kottawa Secondary Boarding School,
Kottawa, Pannipitiya, Ceylon. Dispensaries
Lasalgaon Elementary Boarding Brightlands Nursing Home, Bright-
School, Lasalgaon, Nasik District, lands, Maymyo, Burma.
Lowry Memorial Secondary Boarding Chuadanga Dispensary, S.D.A. Mis-
School, Krishnarajapuram, Banga- sion, Chuadanga, Nadia District,
lore District, South India. India.
Chuharkana Dispensary, Chuharkana
Myaungmya Secondary Boarding Mandi, Punjab, India.
School, S.D.A. Mission, Myaungmya, Hapur Dispensary, S. D. A.' Mission,
Burma. Hapur, Meerut District, India.
Narsapur Secondary Boarding School,
Narsapur, West Godavari District, Jalirpar Mission Dispensary, S.D.A.
South India. Mission, Jalirpar P. 0., Faridpur
District, Bengal, India.
Ohndaw Elementary Boarding School, Jowai Mission Dispensary, S.D.A.
Ohn Daw, Shwegon P. 0., Thaton Mission, Jowai Road, Shillong P.O.,
District, Burma. Assam, India.
Poona Elementary Day School, Salis- Kottarakara Dispensary, S. D. A.
bury Park, Poona 1, India. - Mission, Kottarakara, Travancore,
Rangoon Elementary Day School, 68 South India.
U. Wisara Road, Rangoon, Burma. Myaungmya Dispensary, Mosokwin:
Robinson Memorial High School, Rd., Myaungmya, Burma.
S.D.A. Mission, Karmatar, E. I. Spicer College Dispensary, Aundh
Rly., India. Road, Kirkee, Near Poona, India.
Roorkee Secondary Boarding School,
The Retreat, Roorkee, U. P., India. Publishing :
Shillong Elementary Day School Karmatar Mission Press, S.D.A. Mis-
Nongtliymmai, Shillong, Assam sion, Karmatar P.O., S.P., Bihar,
India. India.
Spicer Missionary College, Aundt Oriental Watchman Publishing House,
Road, Kirkee, near Poona, India. Salisbury Park, Poona, India .; with
Vincent Hill College, Mussoorie, U. P., depots at Bangalore, Calcutta, Col-
India. ombo, New Delhi, Rangoon, Poona.
Organized 1928
Territory: Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Otto Schuberth, H. Struve, A. Vau-
France, Monaco, Belgium, Luxem- cher.
bourg, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hun- Departmental Secretaries:
gary, Spain, Andorra, Portugal, Italy,
Vatican State, San Marino, Jugo- Educational and Sabbath School, Otto
slavia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Greece, Schuberth. .
Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Tangier, Home Missionary, H. Struve.
Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, Libya, Rio Medical, H. Muller.
de Oro, Mauritania, Senegal, French Ministerial Association, Albert Meyer.
Sudan, French Niger, French Guinea, Press and Radio, Marius Fridlin.
French Cameroons, Chad, Oubangui- Publishing, C. G. Cross.
Chari, Middle Congo, Portuguese Religious Liberty, J. Nussbaum, 49
Guinea, the Azores Islands, Madeira, avenue de la Grande Armee, Paris,
Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands, 16, France.
St. Thomas, Spanish Guinea, Fernan- Temperance Work, F. Charpiot. -
do-Po, Madagascar, Reunion, Mauri- Y.P.M.V., James J. Aitken.
tius and Dependencies, the Seychelles Transportation: 0. Ganty, 128 rue du
Islands, Comoro Islands ; comprising Mont-Cenis, Paris 18e, France. (Tele-
the Austrian, Czechoslovakian, Fran- phone, Montmartre 99.36.)
co-Belgian, Hungarian, Jugoslavian,
Rumanian, and Swiss Union Confer- Ordained Ministers:
ences ; the ,Indian Ocean, Italian, James J. Aitken, W. R. Beach, R.
North African, and Portuguese Union Bermeilly, Enrico Bertalot, F. Char-
Missions; the Bulgarian, Grecian, piot, C. G. Cross, Marius Fridlin,
Spanish, French Equatorial African, Robert Gerber, R. Guenin, G. Habe-
and Northern French Cameroons Mis- rey, Albert Meyer, Otto Schuberth,
sions. P. Steiner, H. Struve, A. Vaucher.
Population: 237,028,919 ; churches, 1,306 ; Credentialed Missionaries:
members, 57,721. P. Cosendai, R. Fasnacht, 0. Ganty,
H. Muller, P. Tissot, D. Toureille.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent,
Berne. (Telephone, 4.91.71.) Licensed Ministers:
Office Address: Hoheweg 17, Berne, J. Nussbaum, Ch. Rihs.
Switzerland. Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: J. Abot, Miss M. Abrahamson, J. P.
Aeschlimann, Esther Benton, E. Ber-
President, W. R. Beach. nard, Mrs. E. Bertalot, Christiane
Secretary, Marius Fridlin. Birekel, Mrs. F. Charpiot, Lille Epp-
Treasurer and Auditor, Robert Ger- ner, Lydie Erdmann, R. Guy, Mrs. L.
ber. Harlet, Erna Ihlenburg, Gretly Krebs,
Assistant Treasurer, P. Tissot. R. Klaschwitz, Jeanne Marty, Odette
Field Secretaries, F. Charpiot, Albert Mathey, Isabelle Meyer, Mrs. H. San-
Meyer. chez. G. Steveny, Anny Tissot, Ray-
Division Committee: W. R. Beach, monde Wehrli.
James J. Aitken, L. Beer, F. Charpiot, Legal Assn.: Societe Philanihropique de
C. G. Cross, J. Doubraysky, D. Flores, la Ligniere, Gland (Vaud), Switzer-
Marius Fridlin, Robert Gerber, P. land. Corporate Board of Directors:
Girard, A. D. Gomes, J. C. Guenin, G. W. R. Beach, President ; H. Muller,
Haberey, A. Lorencin, Albert Meyer, Secretary: J. Fehr, Marius Fridlin,
H. Muller, L. Michnay, J. Nussbaum, Robert Gerber, A. Meyer, F. Lavan-
H. Pichot, P. Tissot, L. Schneebauer, chy.


Organized 1947

Territory: Vienna, Lower Austria, Up- Vienna IX, Austria. (Telephone,

per Austria, Burgenland, Salzburg, A10068.)
Tirol, Styria. Carinthia, Vorarlberg. Officers:
Population: 7,057,000 ; churches, 33 ; President, L. Schneebauer.
members, 2,345. Secretary-Treasurer, J. Lackner.
Office Address: Nussdorferstrasse 5, Executive Committee: L. Schneebauer,

K. Fischbacher, R. Grabner, W. Kass- Ordained Ministers:

mann, E. H. Knauft, J. Lackner, F.
Pfingstl, E. Pickhart, F. Pieringer, K. Fischbacher, K. Fleck, K. Kastl,
H. Schnoetzinger, R. Ueberbacher. E. H. Knauft, W. Lesovsky, F. Lub-
schina, A. Wegener.
Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Ministers:
Sabbath School, Y.P.M.V., and Edu- M. Drechsler, 0. Lenzi.
cational, F. Pieringer.
Home Missionary, H. Schnoetzinger. Licensed Missionary: W. Kassmann.
Publishing, R. Grabner.
Bible Instructor: Martha Herrmann.
Ordained Ministers:
F. Pieringer, L. Schneebauer, H.
Credentialed Missionaries: Organized 1947
R. Grabner, J. Lackner, R. Ueber- Territory: Vienna, Lower Austria, Up-
bacher. per Austria, Burgenland.
Licensed Missionary: Miss. M. Rollet. Population: 5,057,000; churches, 17;
members, 1,274.
ALPINE CONFERENCE Office Address: Nussdorferstrasse 5,
Vienna IX, Austria. (Telephone,
Organized 1947 A10068.)
Territory: Salzburg, Tirol, Styria, Ca- Officers:
rinthia, Vorarlberg. President, L. Schneebauer.
Population: 2,000,000 ; churches, 16 ; Secretary-Treasurer, J. Lackner.
members, 1,071. Executive Committee: L. Schneebauer,
H. Ehrenschwendtner, Th. Erbes, J.
Office Address: Kuhberg 141, Salzburg, Lackner, It. Lohner, Id. Schwab, P.
Austria. (Telephone, 6-8184.) Woltscheff.
Officers: Departmental Secretary:
President, E. H. Knauft. Home Missionary, A. Gratz.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. Kassmann.
Executive Committee: E. H. Knauft, Ordained Ministers:
W. Kassmann, K. Kastl, A. Kusterle, Th. Erbes, A. Gratz, E. Kiepe, R.
E. V. Peisser, H. Schnoetzinger, A. Lohner, F. Pfingstl, M. Schwab.
Licensed Minister: A. Schleicher.
Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Missionary: H. Herrnstein.
Home Missionary, Y.P.M.V., and Sab-
bath School, H. Schnoetzinger. Bible Instructor: Miss F. Foditsch.


Organized 1919; reorganized 1939 and 1945

Territory: Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Departmental Secretaries:

Slovakia. Home Missionary, Y.P.M.V., Educa-
Population: 12,000,000 ; churches, 114 ; tional, and Religious Liberty, J.
members, 4,526. Cepl.
Medical, J. Turon.
Office Address: Praha-Vinohrady, Lon- Publishing, F. Sumbera.
dynska 30, Czechoslovakia. (Tele- Sabbath School, 0. Wagenknecht.
phone, 54415.)
Ordained Ministers:
Officers: J. Cepl, J. Doubraysky, F. Sumbera.
President, J. Doubraysky. Credentialed Missionary: 0. Wagen-
Secretary-Treasurer, 0. Wagenknecht. kneeht.
Executive Committee: J. Doubrav- Licensed Missionaries:
sky, J. Cepl, V. F. Gajan, J. Jung-
wirth, V. Kroulik, D. Krynsky, L. Miss M. Doubrayska, V. Kysilko.
Picha, J. Popelka, P. Strba, P. Styk, Legal Association: Ceskoslovenska jed-
F. Sumbera, J. Turon, F. Zidek, T. nota adventistu sedmeho dne v Praze
Zigmund. Manager, J. Doubraysky.

BOHEMIAN CONFERENCE Departmental Secretaries:

Territory: Bohemia. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
J. Marcolla.
Population: 5,500,000; churches, 32; Y.P.M.V., F. Murin.
members, 1,216. Bible School, J. Popelka.
Office Address: Praha-Vinohrady, Lon- Ordained Ministers:
dynska 30, Czechoslovakia. (Tele-
phone, 544-15.) J. Chodura, R. Gomola, J. Kantor,
D. Krynsky, J. Marcolla, J. Oborny,
Officers: K. Polednik, J. Popelka, A. Prazan,
President, J. Cepl. J. Richter, J. Skrla, B. Teply, A.
Secretary-Treasurer, V. Kysilko. Zurek.
Executive Committee: J. Cepl, 0. Licensed Minister: J. Sobotka.
Drapal, J. Jungwirth, V. Kysilko, J.
Mokrey, 0. Wagenknecht, T. J. Zig- Bible Instructors:
mund. J. Bandurovicz, E. Gazda, S. Gibiec,
Koldinsky, Br. Kolonicny, B. Mosko-
Departmental Secretaries: rova, F. Murin, J. Valach, M. Vran-
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., 0. ova.
Sabbath School and Welfare Work,
Ordained Ministers:
Territory: Slovakia.
F. Bures, .7. Cepl. 0. Drapal, 0. Kim-
ler, H. Knobloch, V. Kroulik, A. Ku- Population: 3,000,000 ; churches, 34;
becka, J. Kuty, P. Raska, P. Surman. members, 1,032.
Licensed Ministers: Office Address: Bratislava, Tr. Marsala
P. Gajdusek, K. Hurta, M. Sustek. Malinovskeho 24a, Slovakia.
Bible Instructors: Officers:
M. Adamova, J. Doubraysky, 0. President, J. Gajan.
Klouda, L. Kvintus, V. Kysilko, H. Secretary-Treasurer, St. Macko.
Petr, R. Suchanek, L. Svrcek, J. Executive Committee: J. Gajan, J.
Trdla, J. Zahuransky. Ciz, St. Macko, M. Slama, Ing. J.
Stefanec, C. Strba, P. Styk.
Territory: Moravia and Silesia. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
J. Kaba.
Population: 3,500,000 ; churches, 48 ; Religious Liberty, Ing. J. Stefanec.
members, 2,278. Welfare Work, Mrs. E. Stefanec.
Y.P.M.V., A. Mesik.
Office Address: Brno, Stredni 10,
Moravia. (Telephone, 18394.) Ordained Ministers:
Officers: 0. Benovesky, J. Gajan, J. Kaba, J.
President, D. Krynsky. Lichy, G. Lovas, J. Strba, P. Styk,
Secretary-Treasurer, P. Holubec. J. Zurek.
Executive Committee: D. Krynsky, Licensed Minister: A. Dobrota.
K. Chlebek, P. Holubec, J. Kantor,
E. Kosar, J. Marcolla, F. Murin, J. Bible Instructors:
Popelka, J. Turon. S. Juhas, J. Kartik, A. Mesik.


Organized 1928
Territory: France, Monaco, Corsica, tal, Paris 13e, France. (Telephone,
Belgium, and Luxembourg. Gobelins, 6176.)
Population: 50,386,500; churches, 69; Officers:
members, 3,261. President J. C. Guenin.
Telegraphic Address: Conference, 130 Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, H.
Blvd. de l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. Roeland.
Executive Committee: J. C. Guenin,
Cable Address: Advent, Paris. J. A. de Caenel, R. Erdman, F. Joch-
Office Address: 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi- mans, G. Kiehl, L. A. Mathy, J.

Nussbaum, H. Roeland, Maurice Legal Assn.: "Association des Zelateurs

Tieche, A. Vaucher, C. Veuthey. de la Conference Beige des Adventis-
tes du Septieme Jour," 11-13, rue
Departmental Secretaries: Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium.
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.P.
M.V., Maurice Tieche.
Home Missionary, J. C. Guenin. EAST FRANCE CONFERENCE
Medical and Religious Liberty, J.
Nussbaum. Organized 1919
Publishing, C. Veuthey.
Territory: The departments of Bas-
Ordained Ministers: Rhin, Haut-Rhin, Moselle, Meurthe et
R. Devins, Ch. Gerber, J. C. Guenin, Moselle, Vosges, Haute-Saone, Meuse,
L. A. Mathy, C. Veuthey. Haute-Marne, the territory of Belfort.
Honorary: Elia Bertalot, Emil Fawer, Population: 4,000,000 ; churches, 15 ;
A. J. Girou, Jacob Wibbens. members, 411.
Licensed Minister: Maurice Tieche. Office: 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Stras-
Honorary : A. M. Sallee. bourg, Bas-Rhin, France. (Telephone,
Credentialed Missionary: F. Erdman.
Telegraphic Address: Advent, Stras-
Licensed Missionaries: bourg.
Miss M. Cuisset, Miss M. Miles, H. Officers:
Honorary: Miss M. Chevalerias, Miss President, J. A de Caenel.
A. Liotier. Secretary-Treasurer, E. Arnaud.
Executive Committee: J. A. de Cae-
nel, E: Arnaud, E. Brobecker, Ch.
BELGIAN CONFERENCE Gross, F. Kiehl, E. Roesch, A. Sittler.
Organized 1920 Departmental Secretaries:
Territory: Belgium. Book and Bible House, E. Arnaud.
Population: 8,386,500; churches, 13; Home Missionary, J. A. de Caenel.
members, 843. Publishing, H. Nisse.
Religious Liberty, E. Brobecker.
Office: 11-13, rue Ernest Allard, Brus- Sabbath School, E. Arnaud.
sels, Belgium. (Telephone, 113680.) Y.P.M.V., M. Bornert.
Officers: Ordained Ministers:
President, F. Jochmans.. E. Brobecker, R. Buyck, J. A. de
Secretary-Treasurer, M. De Vos. Caenel, P. Douay.
Executive Committee: F. Jochmans, Licensed Ministers:
L. Belloy, A. De Ligne, A. Hantson,
Th. Van Impe, H. Koopmans, R. F. Kiehl, F. Lefebvre.
Lenoir, A. Roeland, M. De Vos. Licensed Missionaries:
Departmental Secretaries: E. Arnaud, M. Bornet, E. Morosoli,
Book and Bible House, M. De Vos. H. Nisse, A. de Saulces, Mrs. M.
Educational, A. Roeland. Zigan.
Home Missionary, J. Vandromme. Church School: 4, rue Schumann, Stras-
Publishing, bourg.
Religious Liberty, F. Jochmans. Teacher, Miss C. Wirrmann.
Sabbath School, M. De Vos.
Voice of Prophecy, A. De Ligne. Legal Assn.: Societe Missionnaire de
Y.P.M.V., G. Vandenvelde. l'Est de is France: Blvd. d'Anvers 5,
Strasbourg, France.
Ordained Ministers:
L. Belloy, A. De Ligne, F. Jochmans,
R. Lenoir, A. Roeland, A. Scalliet, J. NORTH FRANCE CONFERENCE
Organized 1923
Credentialed Missionary: M. De Vos.
Territory: Departments north of Cha-
Licensed Ministers: rente Inferieure, Charente, Haute-
R. Dedederen, J. Maes, G. Vanden- Vienne, Creuse, Allier, Saone et Loire,
. velde. and Ain ; and west of Meuse, Haute-
Licensed Missionaries: Marne, and Haute-Saone.
J. De Lare, H. De Vos, M. Marchand, Population: 22,000,000 ; churches, 14 ;
Miss R. Roba, Miss Ph. Swallyee. members, 1,024.

Office: 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital, Paris Cher, Nievre, Cote-d'Or, Haute-Sa-

13e, France. (Telephone, Gobelins voie, Doubs, the island of Corsica and
6176.) the principality of Monaco.
Telegraphic Address: Conference, 130 Population: 16,000,000; churches, 27;
Boulevard de l'Hopital, Paris 13e, members, 983.
France. Office: 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Mar-
Cable Address: Advent, Paris. seille, France. (Telephone, National
President, J. C. Guenin. Officers:
Secretary-Treasurer, H. Roeland. President, Pierre Lanares.
Executive Committee: J C. Guenin, Secretary-Treasurer, Daniel Vez.
G. Brillet, A. De Luca, A. Grisier, Executive Committee: Pierre Lan-
C. Winandy. ares, E. Benezech, R. Bermeilly,
Departmental Secretaries: Beroud, A. Herbert, G. Piquemal,
Daniel Vez.
Book and Bible House, H. Roeland.
Home Missionary, J. Monnier. Departmental Secretaries:
Publishing, Marcel Charbonnier. Book and Bible House, D. Vez.
Sabbath School and Educational, Mau- Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
rice Tieche. E. Benezech.
Y.P.M.V., A. Henriot. Medical, E. Sussmann.
Publishing and Y.P.M.V., E. Sauvag-
Ordained Ministers: nat, It. Raibaut.
E. Grisier, A. Henriot, W. Milhorat, Religious Liberty, P. Lanares.
J. Monnier, C. Winandy. Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Ministers: E. Benezech, J. Bureaud, Ch. Comiot,
R. Bertalot, F. Gilson, P. Haignere, A. Herbert, Pierre Lanares, E. Landa,
J. Musil, P. Nouan. J. Medard, 0. Meyer, E. Sussman, S.
Licensed Missionaries: Yeretzian.
M. Charbonnier, G. Desplanches, Miss Licensed Ministers:
D. Gallichet, R. Janvier, S. Monnier, J. Cazeaux, P. Collin, E. Davy, R.
Mrs. Y. Monnier, R. Orvoine, P. Por- Lefevre, A. Matton, E. Sauvagnat,
tier, Miss. L. Rochat, Miss S. Rochat. J. Surel, P. Tieche, A. Zurcher.
Bible Instructors: Credentialed Missionary: Daniel Vez.
Mrs. 0. Autin, Miss S. Bellier, Miss Licensed Missionaries:
E. Huguenin. R. Raibau, G. Ghione.
Legal Assn.: Association Cultuelle de la
- Conf. des Adv. du 7e Jour du Nord Bible Instructors:
de la France, 130 Blvd., de l'Hopital, Miss T. Broly, Miss M. Krebs, Miss
Paris 13e, France. B. Mossaz, Miss J. Troussel..
Church School: Collonges-sous-Saleve,
Organized 1923 Legal Assn.: Association Cultuelle de la
Conf. des Adv. du 7e Jour du Midi
Territory: Departments south of Ven- de la France, 5 Boulevard Long-
dee, Deux Sevres, Vienne, Indre, champ, Marseille, France.


Organized 1912; reorganized 1925 and 1936
Territory: Hungary; comprising Cen- Executive Committee: L. Michnay,
tral, East, and West Hungarian Con- L. Bajor, M. Bartha, I. Berghauer, J.
ferences. Dobos, B. Gyarmati, J. Pechtol, A.
Population: 8,000,000; churches, 139; Rooz, St. Stoics, J. Toth, D. Zarka.
members, 6,398.
Office Address: Szekely Bertalan-utca Departmental Secretaries:
13, Budapest VI, Hungary. (Tele- Home Missionary, Sabbath School and
phone, 125-980.) Y.P.M.V., J. Pechtol.
Officers: Publishing, J. Toth.
President, L. Michnay. Religious Liberty and Welfare, L.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. Rooz. Bajor.

Ordained Ministers: Population: 2,700,000 ; churches, 61 ;

L. Bajor, B. Gyarmati, L. Michnay, members, 2,527.
J. Pechtol, J. Toth. Office Address: Kun Jozsef utca 29, Mis-
Credentialed Missionary: A. Rooz. kolcz, Hungary. (Telephone, 59-70.)
Licensed Missionaries:
President, I. Berghauer.
T. ' Barteky, Miss Ch. Greiner, J. Secretary-Treasurer, B. Fleischer.
Koszta, L. Lenk, Miss K. Michnay,
Miss I. Nuczas, Miss M. Rooz, Miss Executive Committee: I. Berghauer,
M. Szekernyes. M. Bartha, B. Fleischer, J. Kiss, A.
Kraszko, St. Olah, G. Santa, P. Sza-
Legal Assn.: Building Society "Koch mecz, J. Szigethy.
es Tarsa," Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
Budapest VI, Hungary. Manager, L. Departmental Secretaries:
Michnay. Home Missionary, Sabbath School and
Y.P.M.V., J. Kiss.
Publishing, G. Santa.
CONFERENCE Ordained Ministers:
Organized 1925 and 1936 I. Berghauer, M. Buzgo, St. Olah, J.
Pasztor, P. Szamecz, J. Szigethy, K.
Territory: Pest-, Csongrad-, Bacs-, Kovacs I.
Hont-, Heves-, and Nograd-Comitates.
Credentialed Missionary: B. Fleischer.
Population: 2,800,000 ; churches, 48 ; Licensed Ministers:
members, 2,077.
J. Kiss, F. Kononyei, G. Santa, 0.
Office Address: Szekely Bertalan-utca Szabo, St. Toth.
13, Budapest VI, Hungary. (Tele-
phone, 125-980.) Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: M. Berghauer, J. Koloknai.
President, D. Zarka. Bible Instructors:
Secretary-Treasurer, K. Berzenczey, J. Beretka, K. Cservenak, J. Fegyver-
Jr. neki, Miss E. Fekete, Miss M. Herc-
Executive Committee: D. Zarka, K. zegh, A. Papp, E. Pintye, K. Potoc-
Berzenczey, Jr., J. Dobos, M. Hanko, zky, R. Sohr, St. Szikszai, Sz. Urszan,
J. Koroknai, J. Lorincz, J. Negyesy. Miss S. Uzonyi, F. Vico.
Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, WEST HUNGARIAN
and Y.P.M.V., J. Koroknai. CONFERENCE
Publishing, M. Hanko. Organized 1925; reorganized 1936
Ordained Ministers: Territory: Esztergom-, Fejer-, Baranya-,
K. Berzenczey, Sr., S. Gsiki, L. Halasz, Komarom-, Veszprem-, Somogy-, So-
J. Negyesy, M. Vanko, D. Zarka. pron-, Tolna-, Zala-, Vas-, Moson-,
Credentialed Missionary: K. Berzenc- and Gyor-Comitates.
zey, Jr. Population: 2,500,000 ; churches, 30 ;
Licensed Ministers: members, 794.
Z. Buday, M. Hanko, J. Koroknai, A. Office Address: Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz.,
Kovats. Szekesfehervar, Hungary.
Licensed Missionary: M. Dertil. Officers:
Bible Instructors: President, St. Stoics.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. Erdody.
Miss E. Csaplar, J. Granar, A. Hofer, Executive Committee: St. Stoics, J.
L. Kaposy, Miss K. Kiraly, Miss Ch. Albrecht, J. Benko, J. Daniel, M.
Kubinyi, L. Laszlo, K. Olah, L. Os- Erdodi, D. Farkas, J. Molnar, J.
wald, Miss M. Rona, J. Rooz, Miss Szabo.
M. Sztodola, T. Tames, D. Zarka, Jr.
Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Organized 1925 and 1936 Publishing, J. Daniel.
Territory: Borsod-, Bihar-, Hajdu-, Ordained Ministers:
Bekes-, Csanad-, Szolnok-, Bereg-, and J. Albrecht, D. Farkas, V. Fekete, K.
Zemplen-Comitates. Kovacs II, St. Stoics, J. Szabo.

Credentialed Missionary: M. Erdodi. Licensed Missionary: E. Kalosa.

Licensed Ministers: Bible Instructors:
H. Arvai, J. Daniel, L. Liebhardt, J. K. Fazekas, St. Kovacs, G. Roth, E.
Molnar. Toth.


Organized 1936

Territory: Madagascar and Dependen-

cies, Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles, Ordained Ministers:
and Rodriguez. E. Fayard, E. Villeneuve.
Population: 4,725,000 ; churches, 44 ; Credentialed Missionary: A. Lams.
members, 1,629.
Licensed Ministers:
Telegraphic Address: Adventiste, Ta-
nanarive. R. Jublin, E. Vervoort.
Office Address: Mission Adventiste, Am- Licensed Missionaries:
bohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar. M. Andrianasolo, A. Mananirina, Miss
(Telephone, Tananarive 636.) H. Rameliarisoa, J. Raoseta, Miss
Officers: Razanamalala, A. Schnyder.
President, Henri Pichot. Bible Instructors:
Secretary-Treasurer, H. L. Henrik- G. Andrianarinosy, Bernard, Miss L.
sen. Haran, Mila, J. Rabe, R. Raben-
Executive Committee: Henri Pichot, jamina, Rajoanize, M. Rakotonirainy,
H. L. Henriksen, R. Jublin, A. Lams, Ralaikoto, V. Ralaivao, R. Rasami-
Ch. Monnier, S. Meyer, D. Riemens, manana, A. Rasamoelina, S. Raza-
H. Salzmann, E. Villeneuve, J. Zur- fiendrika, Razafimahafaly, Razanaja-
cher. tovo.
Departmental Secretaries: School Teachers:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., J. Zurcher. P. Rakotoarivelo, J. Rakotovao, M.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Ranorovao, Y. Rasoamalala, F. RaZa-
D. Riemens. fisoa.
Ordained Ministers:
H. L. Henriksen, Henri Pichot.
Credentialed Missionary: J. Zurcher.
Entered 1914
MADAGASCAR MISSION Territory: Islands of Mauritius and
Entered 1926
Population: 450,000; churches, 13 ;
Territory: Madagascar and Dependen- members, 842.
Population: 4,000,000; churches, 25; Telegraphic Address: Adventists, Mauri-
members, 676.
Office Address: 10 Salisbury Road, Rose
Cable Address: Adventiste, Tanana- Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean.
rive. (Telephone, Rose-Hill 474.)
Office Address: Mission Adventiste, Am- Officers:
bohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar.
(Telephone, Tananarive 636.) President, Ch. Monnier.
Secretary-Treasurer, S. Davis.
Local Committee: Ch. Monnier, J.
President, Henri Pichot. Belloy, S. Davis, H. Evard, A. Latter,
Secretary-Treasurer, H. L. Henriksen. E. Mallet, N. Seenyen.
Mission Committee: Henri Pichot, E. Departmental Secretaries:
Fayard, H. L. Henriksen, R. Jublin,
A. Lams, L. Mason, J. Ramamonjisoa, Education, H. Evard.
D. Riemens, E. Villeneuve, J. Zurcher. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Ch. Monnier.
Departmental Secretaries: Y.P.M.V., and Publishing, J. Bellpy.
Educational, A. Lams.
Home Missionary, Publishing, Sabbath Ordained Ministers:
School, and Y.P.M.V., D. Siemens. J. Belloy, H. Evard, Ch. Monnier.

Licensed Ministers: Local Committee: S. Meyer, H. Pichot,

V. Cundasamy, D. Munroop, N. Seen- R. Vertallier.
yen. Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries: S. Meyer, R. Vertallier.
E. Appave, Mrs. J. Belloy, S. Davis,
Mrs. H. Evard, Mrs. Ch. Monnier. Licensed Missionaries:
Honorary: C. Cuniah, Lydia Le Meme, Mrs. S. Meyer, Mrs. R. Vertallier, 54
S. Sibilant. Vitry.
Bible Instructors: Dispensary: Saint Pierre.
S. Appave, L. A. Henriot, Rene Jay-
ram, Robert Jayram, Max Vitry.
Legal Assn.: The Seventh-day Adventist
Diocese of Mauritius. Territory: The Seychelles Islands.
Population: 35,000; churches, 2; mem
Entered 1936 Telegraphic Address: Adventiste Mahe-
Territory: Reunion Island. Seychelles.
Population: 240,000 ; churches, 3 ; mem- Address: Victoria-Mahe, P.O. Box 28
bers, 134. Seychelles Islands.
Address: Rue Nationale, Saint Pierre, Officers:
Reunion. President, H. Salzmann.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventiste," St. Secretary-Treasurer, H. Salzmann.
Pierre, Reunion.
Ordained Minister: H. Salzmann.
President, S. Meyer. Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, S. Meyer. Mrs. H. Salzmann, E. Vitry.


Organized 1928

Territory: Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, San Licensed Minister: M. Vincentelli.

Credentialed Misisonary: G, Fenz.
Population: 46,000,000; churches, 42;
members, 1,493. Licensed Missionaries:
Miss L. Croce, Miss A. Lippolis, Miss
Office Address: Via Trieste 23, Florence, S. Pagano, Miss A. Tomasini.
Italy, (Telephone, 45-406.)
President, Luigi Beer.
Secretary-Treasurer, Silo Agnello. Organized 1946
Executive Committee: Luigi Beer, Silo Territory: The Provinces of Emilia
Agnello, R. Bongini, G. Cavalcante, S. (Districts of Bologna, Modena, Forli,
Cortesi, G. Cupertino, G. Fenz, Giu- Ferrara, Ravenna), Toscana, Marche,
seppe Ferraro, F. Sabatino, D. Verona, Umbria, Sardegna, Lazio (Districts
M. Vincentelli. of Roma, Viterbo, Rieti).
Departmental Secretaries: Population: 11,500,000 ; churches, 9 ;
Educational, G. Cupertino. members, 383.
Home Missionary and Religious Lib Office-Address: Via Trieste 23, Florence,
erty, Luigi Beer. Italy. (Telephone, 45.406.)
Publishing, Giuseppe Ferraro.
Sabbath School, S. Angelic,. Officers:
Y,P.M.V., F. Sabatino. President, Luigi Beer.
Secretary-Treasurer, Miss M. Lippo-
Ordained Ministers: lis.
S. Agnello, Luigi Beer, G. Cuper- Mission Committee: Luigi Beer, Giu-
tino, Giuseppe Ferraro, F. Sabatino. seppe Ferraro, A. Karl, Miss M.
Honorary: G. L. Lippolis, Lippolis, F. Sabatino.

Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Missionaries:

Home Missionary, Luigi Beer. S. Capparelli, P. Fortunato, Miss M.
Publishing, Giuseppe Ferraro. Maggiolini, Miss E. Morbelli, R. No-
Sabbath School, S. Agnello. velli, Miss M. Vanzetta.
Y.P.M.V., F. Sabatino.
Ordained Ministers:
D. Asiano, A. Karl, A. Long.
Organized 1928
Licensed Minister: E. Melani.
Territory: The Provinces of Lazio (Dis-
Licensed Missionaries: tricts of Latina, Frosinone), Cam-
A. Caracciolo, S. Di Paola, Miss M. pania, Abruzzo e Molise, Puglie, Lu-
Lippolis, Miss L. Sanca, F. Santini. cania, Calabria, and the island of

NORTH ITALIAN MISSION Population: 16,000,000 ; churches, 22 ;

members, 641.
Organized 1928
Office Address: Via Tommaso Campa-
Territory: The Provinces of Piemonte, nella, 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy.
Lombardia, Liguria (except the dis- (Telephone, 11168.)
trict of La Spezia), Venezia, Triden-
tine, Trieste, Veneto, including the Officers:
districts of Reggio, E., Parma, Pia-
cenza. President, G. Cavalcante.
Secretary-Treasurer, Fr. Rimoldi.
Population: 18,500,000 ; churches, 11 ; Mission Committee: G. Cavalcante, G.
members, 469. Catalano, D. Cupertino, Fr. Rimoldi,
Office Address: Piazza Mirabello 2-bis, Vicenzo Speranza.
Milano, Italy. (Telephone, 63.26.72.)
Departmental Secretaries:
Officers: Home Missionary and Publishing, G.
President, Riccardo Bongini. Catalano.
Secretary-Treasurer, Miss E: Mor- Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., G.
belli. Cavalcante.
Executive Committee: R. Bongini, S.
Capparelli, N. Marzocchini, G. Prandi, Ordained Ministers:
D. Verona. G. Cavalcante, S. Cortesi, D. Cuper-
Departmental Secretaries: tino, G. Ferraris, Vicenzo Speranza.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Licensed Ministers:
Y.P.M.V., R. Bongini.
Publishing, S. Capparelli. G. Catalano, A. Cinzio.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:
Riccardo Bongini, G. Cesario, N. Mar- Miss M. Infranco, G. La Marca, C. Lo
zocchini, G. Pferschy, D. Verona. Iacono, L. Matta, Fr. Rimoldi.


' Organized 1925
Territory: The Republic of Jugoslavia. Statistics regarding Jugoslavia are not
published as no communication is
Population: 15,000,000 ; churches, 157 ; maintained with that territory at the
members, 5,279. present time.


Organized 1928
Territory: Algeria, French Morocco, Postal Address: Institut "Vie et Sante"
Spanish Morocco, Tangier, Tunis, Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis, Alger
Tripolitania, Cyrenaica.
(Algeria). (Telephone, 665.55.)
Population: 15,000,000; churches, 17;
members, 598, Cable Address; Vie $ante, Hydra-Alger,


President, Paul Girard. Organized 1928
Secretary-Treasurer, R. Birckel.
Executive Committee: Paul Girard, Territory: French and Spanish Morocco,
P. Bernard, R. Birckel, R. Dunkel, and Tangier.
W. Fuchs, R. Meyer, J. Reynaud, W. Population: 6,000,000 ; churches, 4 ;
Ruf. members, 126.
Departmental Secretaries: Office Address: Mission Adventiste,
Home Missionary, W. Ruf. Oasis Superieure, Casablanca, Mo-
Publishing, R. Dunkel. rocco.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., W. Ruf. Officers:
Ordained Ministers: President, W. Fuchs.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. J. Hecket-
P. Bernard, Paul Girard, W. Ruf. sweiler.
Licensed Minister: R. Birckel. Executive Committee: W. Fuchs, P.
Abella, E. Galbes, J. J. Hecketsweiler,
Licensed Missionaries: F. Llobet.
R. Dunkel, Miss M. Lafourcade. Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, J. J. Heckets-
ALGERIAN MISSION Home Missionary, Publishing Sabbath
Organized 1905 ; reorganized 1928 School, and Y.P.M.V., W. Fuchs.
Ordained Minister: W. Fuchs.
Territory: Algeria.
Licensed Ministers:
Population: 6,500,000 ; churches, 10;
members, 413. P. Abella, R. Chem's.
Postal Address: Institut "Vie et Sante" Licensed Missionaries:
Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis, Alger J. J. Hecketsweiler, Y. Roullet.
(Algeria). (Telephone, 665.55.)
President, Paul Girard. Organized 1937
Secretary-Treasurer, R. Birckel. Territory: Tunisia.
Mission Committee: Paul Girard, A.
Bard, P. Bernard, R. Birckel, J. Colo- Population: 2,500,000 ; churches, 3 ;
mar, A. Debiez, J. Reynaud. members, 59.
Office Address: 2 Rue de l'Eglise, Tunis
Departmental Secretaries: (Tunisia). (Telephone, 70-39.)
Book and Bible House, R. Birckel.
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., W. Telegraphic Address: Advent, Tunis.
Ruf. Officers:
Publishing, R. Dunkel.
President, R. Meyer.
Ordained Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, Miss M. Ren-
H. Jaquenod, J. Reynaud. Mission Committee: R. Meyer, R.
Licensed Minister: J. Colomar. Dauoeng, Roland Esposito, Miss M.
Licensed Missionaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Miss P. Alaminos, J. Kamm, Miss M. Book and Bible House, Miss M. Ren-
Roig, Miss A. Rovira. ouard.
Home Missionary, R. Meyer.
Church School Teacher: P. Bernard. Publishing and Y.P.M.V., Roland Es-
Legal Corporation Sabbath School, Miss M. Renouard.
Name: Association Philanthropique des Ordained Minister: R. Meyer.
Amis des Malades. (Philanthropic
Society of the Friends of the Sick.) Credentialed Missionary: Roland Es-
Institut "Vie et Sante" Parc d'Hydra, posito.
Birmandreis, Alger (Algeria). Offi- Licensed Minister: Roger Senty.
cers: President, Paul Girard; Secre-
tary, J. Reynaud; Treasurer, R. Birc- Licensed Misisonaries:
icel ; Matron, Mrs, W, Ruf, Miss Aline Burri, Miss M, Repouard,


Organized 1936 as the Iberian Union Mission; reorganized 1939

Territory: The Portuguese Conference, Office: Rua Sa da Bandeira 61, Praia.

the Azores Islands, Madeira Islands, Cape Verde Islands.
Cape Verde Islands, and Sao Tome
Islands Missions. Postal Address: Apartado No. 6, Praia,
Cape Verde Islands.
Population: 8,570,000; churches, 22; Telegraphic Address: "Adventists,"
members, 1,201.
Office: Rua Joaquim Bonifacio 17, Lis-
bon, Portugal. (Telephone, 42169.) Officers:
Director, J. A. Esteves.
Telegraphic Address: Adventists, Lisbon. Treasurer, A. F. Raposo.
Officers: Licensed Ministers:
President, A. D. Gomes. J. A. Esteves, A. Miranda.
Secretary-Treasurer, Alberto F. Ra-
poso. Licensed Missionary: G. Rosa.
Executive Committee: A D. Comes, Mission School Teacher: Miss M. J.
J. Esteves, E. Ferreira, M. Leal, E. Rosa.
Miranda, M. Lourinho, A. F. Raposo,
S. Reis, P. Ribeiro, M. Viegas.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Religious Liberty, and Entered 1931; organized 1933
Y.P M.V., A. D. Gomes. Territory: Madeira and Porto Santo
Home Missionary, M. Leal. Islands.
Publishing, S. Reis.
Sabbath School, A. F. Raposo. Population: 260,000 ; churches, 1 ; mem-
bers, 105.
Ordained Ministers:
Address: Rua Joao de Deus 7, Funchal,
A. D. Gomes, M. Leal, A. F. Raposo. Madeira Islands.
Honorary: F. Simoes.
Cable Address: Missao Adventists, Fun-
Licensed Minister: S. Reis. chal.
Licensed Missionary : L. Godinho. Officers:
Director, Pedro B. Ribeiro.
Secretary-Treasurer, Pedro B. Ri-
Entered 1934 Departmental Secretary:
Territory: The Azores Islands. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Population: 300,000 ; churches, 3 ; mem- Y.P.M.V., Mrs. Pedro B. Ribeiro.
bers, 73. Ordained Minister: Pedro B. Ribeiro.
Address: Apartado 12, Angra do He- Licensed Missionary: Mrs. Pedro B. Ri-
roismo, Azores Islands. beiro.
Officers: Church School: Rua Joao de Deus 7,
Director, M. Lourinho. Funchal, Madeira Island.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. F. Raposo. Teacher: Mrs. Pedro B. Ribeiro.
Ordained Minister: M. Lourinho.
M. Miguel, L. Simoes. Organized 1904 ; reorganized 1935
Territory: Portugal.
CAPE VERDE ISLANDS MISSION Population: 7,800,000 ; churches, 14 ;
Entered 1935 members, 816.
Office: Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, 17, Lis-
Territory: Cape Verde Islands. bon, Portugal. (Telephone, 42,169.)
Population: 150,000 ; churches, 3 ; mem- Telegraphic Address: Adventists, Lis-
bers, 84. bon.

Officers: Bible Instructors:

President, A. D. Gomes. S. Almeida, Henriqueta Pires, M. A.
Secretary-Treasurer, Alberto F. Ra- Sommer.
Church School Teacher: Mrs. C. Galvao.
Mission Committee: A. D. Comes, A.
F. Repos, E. Ferreira, M. Viegas,
(Sao Tome)
Departniental Secretaries:
Entered 1938
Book and Bible House, A. F. Raposo.
Home Missionary, M. Leal. Territory: St. Thomas and neighboring
Publishing, S. Reis. islands.
Sabbath School, L. Godinho.
Y.P.M.V., Educational, and Religious Population : 60,000 ; church, 1 ; mem-
Liberty, A. D. Gomes. bers, 123.
Ordained Ministers: Address: Caixa Postal No. 349, St.
E. Ferreira, M. Viegas. Thomas Islands, West Africa.
Credentialed Missionaries:
Director, E. Miranda.
J. J. Laranguia, F. Mendes. Secretary-Treasurer, A. F. Raposo.
Licensed Ministers: Ordained Minister: E. Miranda.
F. Cordas, J. J. Pires, S. Reis. Church School Teacher: D. Miranda.


Organized 1919
Territory: All of Rumania, comprising Licensed Missionaries:.
the Mutenian, Oltenia-Banat, North I. Batrana, V. Florescu, G. Stanica.
Transylvanian, South Transylvanian,
North Moldavian and Dunarea Con- Legal Building Society, "Cuvantul Evan-
ferences. gheliei."
Population: 15,925,419 ; churches, 551, Address: Str. Mitropolitul Ghenadie
members, 26,000 ; Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV, Rumania.
Cable Address: Florea, Labirint, 116, Officers: .`
Bucharest. President, D. Florea.
Vice-President, V. Florescu.
Office Address: Str. Mitropolitul Ghe- Manager and Treasurer, I. Danetiu.
nadie Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV,
Organized 1928
President, D. Flores.
Secretary-Treasurer, and Auditor, G. Territory: South Moldavian and part
Stanica. of East Muntenian Provinces.
Executive Committee: D. Flores, I. Population: 2,461,734 ; churches, 62;
Batrana, I. Bauer, I. Danetiu, V. members, 2,300.
Diaconescu, T. Dobre, I Dragusin,
V. Florescu, N. Ghiorghita, M. Manea, Office Address: Strada Golesti No. 11.
P. Paunescu, A. Popov, I. Prevlitz, Braila, Rumania.
loan Reit, G. Stanica, A. Vacareanu, Officers:
V. Zamfir. President, V. Zamfir.
Secretary-Treasurer, B. Danau.
Departmental Secretaries:
Executive Committee: V. Zamfir, I.
Home Missionary, loan Reit. Carabelea, B. Danau, G. Dasoveanu,
Publishing, N. Ghiorghita. F. Dumitrascu, E. Dumitrescu, David
Religious Liberty, I. Batrana. Fauresco.
Sabbath School, G. Stanica.
Y.P.M.V., V. Florescu. Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary, V. Zamfir.
Ordained Ministers: Publishing, C. Baca.
D. Florea, P. P. Paulini, P. Paunescu, Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., B.
Ioan Reit. Danau.

Ordained Ministers: Officers:

D. Badescu, D. Ceausu, T. Coconcea, President, A. Popov.
I. Danila, G. Dasoveanu, David Faut- Secretary-Treasurer, C. Munteanu.
escu, C. Grajdinoiu, G. lordanescu, Executive Committee: A. Popov, L.
St. Ouatu, V. Zamfir. Constantinescu, D. Cureteu, G. Gher-
Licensed Ministers: ase, C. Munteanu, E. Niculescu, C.
Pahoncea, V. Schiopoaia.
I. Barbu, M. Chelcea, F. Dumitrascu.
Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Missionaries:
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., G.
C. Bacau, St. Caraivan, B. Danau, G. Gherase.
Safciu. Publishing, V. Schiopoaia.
Sabbath School, C. Munteanu.
Ordained Ministers:
P. Anghel, L. Constantinescu, D.
Organized 1928 Cureteu, G. Gherase, N. Marineacu,
P. Morosan, C. Munteanu, E. Nicules-
Territory: Seven Departments of the cu, I. Petrescu, A. Popov, D. Roibes-
Muntenian Province. cu.
Population: 4,067,863 ; churches, 134 ;
members, 7,000. Licensed Minister: V. Schiopoaia.
Office Address: Strada Eduard Grand 25, Licensed Missionaries:
Bucuresti II, Rumania. C. Cling, D. Herghelegiu, G. Merealbe,
Officers: I. Ofiteru.
President, M. Manea.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. Andries.
Executive Committee: M. Manes, N. CONFERENCE
Alexe, C. Andries, G. Dodu, G. Indri-
cau, C. Marculescu, St. Popa, C. Organized 1911
Trasca, C. Tolici.
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: North of Transylvanian
Home Missionary, C. Tolici.
Publishing, G. Dodu. Population: 2,300,321 ; churches, 124 ;
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., G. In- members, 4,300.
Office Address: Strada Cuza Voda No.
Ordained Ministers: 12, Cluj, Rumania.
N. Alexe, Leon Balan, P. Cucure-
zeanu, St. Demetrescu, V. Georgescu, Officers :
I. Ghiorghisor, M. Hioara, R. leremia, President, I. Bauer.
lg. Iorga, M. Manea, V. Mocanu, St. Secretary-Treasurer, D. Csongvay.
Nailescu, A. Oprisan, D. Paraschiv, C.
Paun, I. Pascu, S. Popa, I. Ranea, A. Executive Committee: I. Bauer, B.
Rizea, I. Solea, C. Trasca, C. Tolici, Bartha, St. Csedula, D. Csongvay, I.
Fl. Turturica. Ference, G. Ichim, St. Keleman, I.
Licensed Ministers:
St. Albulescu, C. Alexe. Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Missionaries: Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., K.
C. Andries, G. Carstea, G. Ciovica, N. Publishing, F. Filop.
Constantin, G. Dodu, A. Doroftei, I. Sabbath School, D. Csongvay.
Gaina, G. Indrican, St. Mandoianu, V.
Marinescu, I. Popa, P. Sersea, D. Ordained Ministers:
Stoics, Fl. Vlad, D. Voicu. B. Bartha, I. Bauer, K. Berner, St.
Csedula, C. Csongvay, D. Csongvay,
I. Ference, I. Fodor, St. Kelemen, A.
Organized 1928
Licensed Minister: D. Rosca.
Territory: North of Moldavian Province.
Licensed Missionaries:
Population: 2,351,231 ; churches, 74; I. Albu, D. Chioreanu, I. Dense], F.
members, 2,500. Filop, L. Galfi, A. Gladis, St. Laslu,
Office Address: Strada Regina Maria No. I. Moldovan, P. Marinica, 1VI. Nobhi,
12, Bacau, Rumania. A. Popp, A. Szentagotai.


Organized 1920 CONFERENCE
Territory: Oltenia and Banat Provinces. Organized 1940

Population: 3,396,293; churches, 96; Territory: South of Transylvanian

members, 3,000. Province.
Population: 1,347,977 ; churches, 61 ;
Office Address: Calea Bucuresti 57, members, 1,900.
Craiova, Rumania.
Office Address: Strada Rosenfeld No. 4,
Officers: Sibiu, Rumania.
President, T. Dobre. Officers :
Secretary-Treasurer, A. Balan.
President, I. Prevlitz.
Executive Committee: T. Dobre, G. Secretary-Treasurer, M. - Hariuc.
Baciu, A. Balan, G. Cazan, I. Ghi-
tescu, I. D. Radulescu. Executive Committee: I. Prevlitz, M.
Hariuc, P. Hermann, I. Lederhilger,
Departmental Secretaries: R. Zinove, A. Mustafa, 0. Streja.
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., G. Departmental Secretaries:
Cazan. Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., I.
Publishing, I. Leonte, Prevlitz.
Sabbath School, A. Balan. Publishing, F. Alexandrescu.
Ordained Ministers: Sabbath School, M. Hariuc.
G. Cazan, P. Crisan, T. Dobre, Dumi Ordained Ministers:
tru Irod, C. Popescu, G. Popescu, M. Filip Cionca, P. Hermann, R. Kestner,
Radu, I. D. Radulescu, G. Sibianu, Ilie A. Mustafa, I. Prevlitz, R. Zinove.
Tachici, V. Tolan, M. Visinica.
Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Minister: I. Grigorescu. M. Hariuc, C. Radoi, I. Saytos.
Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Missionaries:
A. Balan, J. Dumitrescu, N. Ghitescu, F. Alexandrescu, G. Amarandi, G.
I. Leonte, C. Samota. Iancu, G. Piturlea, D. Roman.


Organized 1928

Territory: Switzerland and Liechten- Ordained Ministers:

stein. Honorary: A. Guyot, D. Lecoultre, J.
Population: 4,300,000 ; churches, 56 ; Vuilleumier.
members, 3,063. Legal Assn.: Societe Philanthropique de
Office Address: Hoheweg 17, Berne, la Ligniere, Gland (Vaud), Switzer-
Switzerland. (Telephone, 4.91.71.) land.

President, A. Meyer.
Secretary-Treasurer, P. Tissot. Organized 1901
Executive Committee: A. Meyer, J. J. Territory: German, Italian and Ro-
Aitken, A. Buser, F. Charpiot, 0. mansh-speaking parts of Switzerland
Fasnacht, R. Gerber, M. Giger, F. and Liechtenstein.
Lavanchy, H. Miller, E. Naenny, L.
Rochat, Otto Schuberth, K. Sturze- Population: About 3,000,000; churches,
negger, P. Tissot, G. Weber, Ch. 32 ; members, 1,844.
Wehrli, A. Winandy.
Office: Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50, Swit-
Departmental Secretaries: zerland. (Telephone, 46.47.02.)
Home Missionary, E. Naenny. Officers:
Medical, H. Muller.
Publishing, F. Charpiot. President, K. Sturzenegger.
Religious Liberty, R. Gerber. Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, 0.
Sabbath School and Educational, Otto _ Fasnacht.
Schuberth. Executive Committe.: K. Sturzeneg-
Y.P.M.V., J. J. Aitken. ger, A. Brand, H. Erzberger, 0. Fas-

nacht, J. Fehr, A. Michel, H. Mosch- Office: 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise,

inger, A. Schluchter, 0. Uebersax. Lausanne, Switzerland. (Telephone,
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, G. Tobler.
Home Missionary, J. Fehr. President, F. Lavanchy.
Medical and Welfare, Miss M. Hase- Secretary-Treasurer, G. Weber.
neder. Executive Committee: F. Lavanchy,
Publishing, A. Baumann, B. Wagner. W. Clemencon, Ch. Cornaz, A. Hou-
Religious Liberty and Education, H. riet, Rene Guenin, J. Rey, G. Weber.
Erzberger. Departmental Secretaries:
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., 0.
Uebersax. Book and Bible House, M. Guy.
Educational, Roger Guenin.
Ordained Ministers: Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
R. Bahler, - J. Bommer, A. Brand, S. E. Naenny.
Buchli, V. Butler, H. Erzberger, J. Medical, Pierre Toureille.
Fehr, J. Frei, H. Moschinger, A. Publishing and Y.P.M.V., A. Houriet.
Schmid, K. Sohlmann, K. Sturzen- Religious Liberty, F. Lavanchy.
egger. Ordained Ministers:
Credentialed Missionary: 0. Fasnacht. F. Augsburger, Ulysse Augsburger,
Licensed Ministers: Ch. Cornaz, A. Corsini, F. Lavanchy,
Jules Rey, Th. Schreyak, H. Willi.
H. Finkhaus, H. Schaepper, 0.
Uebersax. Credentialed Missionaries:
Licensed Missionaries:, M. Guy, G. Weber.
Miss M. Agustoni, A. Baumann, Miss Licensed Ministers:
D. Baumann, E. Schmid, G. Tobler, R. Dallenbach, A. Houriet, E. Naenny,
Mrs. E. Traphagen, K. Waber, B. A. Richli.
Wagner, E. Zurcher.
Licensed Missionaries:
Bible Instructors: Yvette Benezech, Jean Lavanchy,
Miss M. Dutler, Miss M. Rommel. Jeanne Petter.
Legal Assn.: German Swiss Building Bible Instructor: Miss M. Roth.
Assn., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50,
Switzerland. Church Schools:
Lausanne, 8, Avenue de l'Eglise
Anglaise, Switzerland.
LEMAN CONFERENCE Teacher, Denise Wuest.
Organized 1884 La Ligniere, Gland (Vaud), Switzer-
Territory: The French-speaking parts of Teacher, Paule Lavanchy.
Switzerland. La Chaux-de-Fonds, 39, rue du Tern-
Population: About 1,300,000; churches, ple Allemand, Switzerland.
24 ; members, 1,219. Teacher, Marie Romanovitch.

BULGARIAN MISSION Georgieff, D. P. Harboff, D. Kiroff, St.
Konstantinoff, M. Krasteff, J. Michail-
Organized 1911; reorganized 1942 off, B. Nikoloff, G. Theodoroff.
Territory: Bulgaria. Departmental Secretaries:
Population: 7,000,000; churches, 39; Publishing,
members, 1,751. Religious Liberty, J. Michailoff.
Y.P.M.V., Sabbath School, and Home
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Sofia, Missionary, A. Georgieff.
Solunska 10.
Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- N. Arkalieff, B. W. Boneff, M. Ganeff,
garia. (Telephone, 2-64-66.) A. Georgieff, W. Tvanoff, St. Konstan-
Officers: tinoff, D. Krastiloff, J. Michailoff,
B. Nickoloff.
President, B. W. Boneff.
Secretary-Treasurer, D. Kiroff. Licensed Ministers:
Executive Committee: B. W. Boneff, D. P. Harboff, B. Kiriloff, Chr. Kiroff,
N. Arkaliefe I. Balashikoff, A. P. Kostoff.

Licensed Missionaries: Office Address: Kerameikou 18, Athens,

A. Ivanoff, Miss R. Jeljaskowa, D. Greece. (Telephone, 54.962.)
Kadaleff, D. Kiroff, Miss Chr. Kirowa, Postal Address: Post Box 71, Athens.
P. Marinkoff, D. Opreff, B. Ortoff, K. Greece.
Shemkoff, Mrs. J. K. Waswasowa.
FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICAN President, Chr. A. Cristoforides.
MISSION Secretary-Treasurer, A. N. Stabellos.
Executive Committee: Chr. A. Chris-
Entered 1928 toforides, N. S. Papastamoulis, A. N.
Territory: The French Cameroons, Ou- Stabellos.
bangui-Chari, Middle Congo, Gabon, Ordained Ministers:
Spanish Guinea, Fernando-Po, and
neighboring islands.. Chr. A. Christoforides, N. S. Papasta-
Population: 5,785,000; churches, 7;
members, 1,330, including 12 Euro- Credentialed Missionary: A. N. Stabel-
peans and 1,318 natives. Believers not los.
baptized, 3,605 ; total adherents, 4,923.
Licensed Ministers:
Postal 'Address: Mission Adventiste,
Nanga-Eboko, Via Douala, French Basile N. Sarides, Demetrius A. Chris-
Cameroons, West Africa. toforides.
Officers: Licensed Missionary: Daniel C. Lewis.
President, Paul Benezech. (Albania).
Secretary-Treasurer, W. K. Dennis. Bible Instructor: Maria Kalfa.
Executive Committee: Paul Benezech,
A. Casendai, S. Curmatureanu, W. K.
Dennis, Daniel Nidi, Gilbert Ndongo. NORTHERN FRENCH CAMEROONS
Departmental Secretaries: MISSION
Educational, Entered 1931; reorganized 1933
Publishing, W. K. Dennis.
Sabbath School, Paul Benezech. Territory: That part of the French
Y.P.M.V., R. Hirschy. Cameroons north of latitude 10, the
colony of French Equatorial Africa
Ordained Ministers: north of latitude 10, and Chad.
Paul Benezech, S. Curmatureanu. .
Population: 1,300,000 ; church, 1 ; mem-
Licensed Ministers: bers, 133 ; believers not baptized, 64 ;
Aime Cosendai, W. K. Dennis, A. total adherents, 198.
Ekitike, R. Hirschy, Joseph Mimbi-
ang, Daniel Nidi, Gilbert Ndongo, Sal- Office Address: Mission Adventiste, Ma-
omon Olinga. roua, French Cameroons, West Africa.
Licensed Missionaries: Officers :
Thomas Abate, F. Angoula, Pierre As- President, R. H. Bergstrom.
samba, J. Assou, Mrs. Paul Benezech, Secretary-Treasurer, R. H. Bergstrom.
Mrs. Aime Cosendai, Mrs. S. Cur-
matureanu, Mrs. W. K. Dennis, D. Departmental Secretaries:
Engoso'o, Mrs. R. Hirschy, S. Ma- Educational, Publishing and Sabbath
kinda, J. Medjo, M. Ndinga, Matthieu School, R. H. Bergstrom.
Ndongo, R. Otam, J. Tsalla, A. Yanga. Y. P. M. V., A. Nion.
Mission Stations: Batouri, Grand-Ba-
tanga, Metet, Nanga-Eboko, Ndoumbi, Ordained Ministet: R. H. Bergstrom.
- Sangmelima.
Mission Schools: 6. Licensed Ministers:
J. E. Bikoe, A. Nion.
Village Schools: 90.
Licensed Missionaries:
GRECIAN MISSION European: Mrs. R. H. Bergstrom,
Mrs. A. Nion.
Entered 1903
Station School: 1.
Territory: Greece and Albania.
Outstations: 6.
Population: 7,980,000 ; churches, 5 ;
members, 146. Teacher-Evangelists: 10.

SPANISH MISSION Mauritius Mission School, "Ecole Ad-

ventiste de Phoenix," "Les Palm-
Organized 1903; reorganized 1932 iers," Route de Phoenix, Phoenix,
Territory: Spain, Baleares and Canary Mauritius, Indian Ocean.
Islands. Portuguese Training School (Semin-
ario Adventista), Quints de Santo
Population: 28,000,000; churches, 10; Antonio, Portalegre, Portugal.
members, 568.
Rumanian Union Training School
Telegraphic Address. "Advent," Madrid, (Institutul Biblic), Casuta Postala
Spain. No. 71, Brasov, Stupini No. 113,
Office: Calle Zurbaran 2, Pral., Madrid,
Spain. (Telephone, 23.41.55.) Spanish Mission Training School,
Alenza 6, Madrid, Spain.
Postal Address: Apartado 4078, Madrid,
Spain. Food Factories:
Gland Hygienic Food Factory (Fabri-
Officers: que de Produits Alimentaires Hy-
President, I. Aguilar. gieniques "Phag") Gland, Vaud,
Secretary-Treasurer, E. Abenia. Switzerland.
Mission Committee: I. Aguilar, E. Pur-Aliment Food Factory, 15 rue
Abenia, J. Boix, F. Valtuena, S. Iserte. Honnet, Clichy (Seine), France.
Departmental Secretaries: Sanitariums
Home Missionary and Publishing, F. Lake Geneva Sanitarium, "La Lig-
Valtuena. niere," Etablissement Medical, Die-
Sabbath School, E. Abenia. tetique et Physiotherapique, Gland,
Vaud, Switzerland.
Ordained Ministers: "Victoria" School of Nursing and Dis-
I. Aguilar, Jose Boix, S. Iserte, Dan- pensary, Strada Mitropolitul Ghen-
iel Sanz. adie Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV,
Honorary: Pedro Sanz. Rumania.
Credentialed Missionaries: Dispensaries
E. Abenia, F. Valtuena. Batouri Dispensary, Mission Advent-
iste, Batouri, French Cameroons,
Licensed Minister: I. Gonzalez. West Africa.
Maroua Dispensary, Mission Advent-
Licensed Missionaries: iste, Maroua, French Comeroons,
P. Bellido, S. Boix, L. Bueno, M. West Africa.
Hernandez, N. Pamplona, M. Ripoll. Ndoumbi Dispensary, Mission Advent-
Bible Instructors: iste, Ndoumbi, French Cameroons,
West Africa.
C. Comabella.
Honorary: A. J. Lopez. Rabat Dispensary, 40 rue de la Re-
publique, Rabat, Morocco.
Reunion Dispensary, Saint Pierre,
INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTHERN Tunis Dispensary, 2 rue de l'Eglise,
EUROPEAN DIVISION Tunis, Tunisia, North Africa.
Educational: "Vie et Sante" (Life and Health)
Czechoslovakian Bible School, Londyn- Institute, Parc d'Hydra, Birman-
ska 30, Praha-Vinohrady, Czecho- dreis, Alger, North Africa.
- slovakia. Publishing:
French Adventist Seminary (Semin- Algerian Publishing House, Parc
sire Adventiste du Saleve), Collon- d'Hydra No. 4, Birmandreis, Alger
ges-sous-Saleve (Haute-Savoie), (Algeria).
French Cameroons Bible Training Austrian Publishing House, Verlags-
School, Nanga-Eboko, French Cam- buchhandlung, Rudolf Ueberbacher,
eroons, West Africa. Wimbergergasse 46, Vienna, Aus-
Indian Ocean Union Training School,
Soamanandrariny, Tananarive, Mad- Bulgarian Book and Bible House
agascar. (Knigoisdateltsvo "Nov Schivot"),
Italian Training School (Istituto Av- Solunska 10, Sofia, Bulgaria.
ventista di Cultura Biblica), Via Czechoslovakian Publishing House,
del Pergolino 12, "Villa Aurora," Londynska 30, Praha-VinohradY,
Florence, Italy. Czechoslovakia.

French Cameroons Mission Deposit- Mauritius Mission Depository (Li-

ory, Mission Adventiste, Nanga- brairie Polyglotte), Salisbury Road,
Eboko, via Douala, French Cam- Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean.
eroons, West Africa.
French Publishing House (Librairie Portuguese Publishing House, Rua
"Les Signes des Temps"), 92 avenue Joaquim Bonifacio 17, Lisbon,
Anatole France, Dammarie-les-Lys Portugal.
(S. et M.), France.
Rumanian Publishing House (Graiul
Greek Depository, Kerameikou 18, Literar), S. A. Institut de Arte
Athens, Greece. Grafice si Editura, Strada Mitrop.
Hungarian Publishing House (Elet es Ghenadie Petrescu 116, Bucuresti
Egeszseg Kiadovallalat), Budapest IV, Rumania.
XII, Nemetvolgyi ut 26, Hungary.
Italian Publishing House (Casa Edi- Spanish Publishing House (Editorial
trice "L'Araldo della Verita"), Via Espanola), Apartado 4078, Madrid,
Triste 23, Florence, Italy. Spain.
Malagasy Publishing House. ("Ny Zurich Book and Bible House (Ad-
Fitarikandro"), Ambohijatovo, Ta- vent Verlag), Gubelstrasse 23,
nanarive, Madagascar. Zurich 50, Switzerland.
Pending the completion of general organization plans for the world
field, the union territories listed under this heading are being directed from
the General Conference headquarter's office at Washington, D.C.


Organized 1920
Territory: England, Wales, Scotland, Licensed Ministers:
'Northern Ireland, Irish Free State A. Carey, D. J. Dunnett, E. H. Fos-
and adjacent Isles. ter, N. H. Knight, R. W. Scarr, A.
H. Watson, A. J. Woodfield.
Population: 49,196,872 ; churches, 100 ;
members, 6,235. Licensed Missionaries:
G. E. Adair, W. G. Baldry, J. D.
Cable Address: "Advent," Watford, Brailsford, J. R. Buzenet, J. H.
Herts., England. Craven, Myrtle moorland, Ruth Rich-
ardson, A. H. Thompson, Clarice
Office: Stanborough Park, Watford, Throssell.
Herts., England. (Telephone, Garston
[Watford] 2261-2.) Legal Associations:
Officers: British Advent Missions, Limited ;
chairman, E. B. Rudge; secretary,
President, E. B. Rudge. J. H. Craven, Watford. Herts.,
Vice-President and Secretary, G. D. England.
King. Granose Foods, Ltd., Stanborough
Treasurer, A. Carey. Park, Watford, Herts., England.
Auditor, J. H. Craven.
Executive Committee: E. B. Rudge, Good Health Assn., Ltd., Stanborough
G. E. Adair, W. W. Armstrong, J. H. Park, Watford, Herts., England.
Bayliss, H. W. Boxall, T. J. Bradley, Stanborough Press, Ltd., Stanborough
A. Carey, A. W. Cook, J. C. Craven, Park, Watford, Herts., England.
W. L. Emmerson, E. G. Essery, 0. M. World Wide Advent Missions, Ltd.,
Dorland, J. M. Howard, G. D. King, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware,
W. R. A. Madgwick, W. Maudsley, England.
J. A. McMillan, E. Merchant, E. L.
Minchin, A. J. Mustard, H. Rhodes,
A. H. Thompson.
General Conference Transportation Organized 1948
Agent: C. H. Anscombe, 41 Hazel
Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex; Tele- Territory: Eire (Irish Free State).
phone, Edgware 7758 ; Cable Address,
"Adventist, London" : Telegrams, Population: 2,950,000; church, 1; mem-
"Adventist, Phone, London." bers, 37.
Office: Stanborough Park, Watford,
Departmental Secretaries: Herts., England.
Educational, W. R. A. Madgwick.
Home Missionary. J. A. McMillan. Officers:
Publishing, A. W. Cook. President, A. J. Mustard, 9 Church-
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., E. L. town Drive, Rathgar, Dublin, Eire.
Minchin. Secretary-Treasurer, W. G. Baldry,
Voice of Prophecy, J. A. McMillan. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts.,
Ordained Ministers : Advisory Committee: A. J. Mustard,
B. Belton, A. W. Cook, W. L. Emmer- H. D. Howard, J. Ponder.
son, E. G. Essery, G. D. King,
W. R. A. Madgwick, E. W. Marter, Departmental Secretaries:
J. A. McMillan, E. L. Minchin, E. B. Home Missionary, J. A. McMillan.
Phillips, E. B. Rudge, R. D. Vine. Publishing, A. W. Cook.
Honorary: J. E. Bell, H. F. De'Ath, Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., E. L.
J. Harker, S. Joyce, W. H. Meredith, Minchin.
D. Morrison, A. S. Rodd, F. A. Spear- Ordained Minister: A. J. Mustard.
ing, A. Watson, J. B. West, R. White-
side, A. H. Williams. Licensed Missionary: H. D. Howard.

NORTH ENGLAND CONFERENCE Secretary-Treasurer, W. G. Baldry,

Organized 1904 ; reorganized 1928 Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts.,
Territory: The Counties of Lancashire, Advisory Committee: A. J. Mustard,
Yorkshire, Durham, Cheshire, Isle of A. H. Cowley, W. G. Nicholson, J.
Man, Westmoreland, Cumberland, Houston.
Northumberland, Derbyshire, Notting-
hamshire, Lincolnshire, Staffordshire, Departmental Secretaries:
Northamptonshire, Rutland, Leices- Home Missionary, J. A. McMillan.
tershire, Worcestershire, Warwick. Publishing, A. W. Cook.
shire. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., E. L.
Population: 19,015,555 ; churches, 35 ; Minchin.
members, 2,002. Ordained Minister: W. G. Nicholson.
Office: 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Licensed Ministers:
Nottingham, England. (Telephone,
Nottingham 66312.) A. H. Cowley, C. W. Knowlson, L.
A. D. Lane.
Officers: Bible Instructors:
President, 0. M. Dorland. Millie Aikenhead, Mayme Clements.
Secretary-Treasurer A. W. Lethbridge.
Executive Committee: 0. M. Dorland,
D. J. Handysides, A. W. Howard, SCOTTISH MISSION
B. F. Kinman, A. W. Knight-Raw- Organized 1902
lings, A. W. Lethbridge, E. Merchant,
E. A. Plummer, E. R. Warland. Territory: Scotland, including The Heb-
Departmental Secretaries: rides, Orkneys, and Shetland Islands.
Home Missionary, A. W. Howard. Population: 4.842,980 ; churches, 5 ;
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., E. R. members, 253.
Warland. Office: Stanborough Park, Watford,
Publishing, W. C. McLeod. Herts., England.
Ordained Ministers: Officers:
G. W. Baird, W. J. Cannon, V. H. President. J. H. Bayliss.
Cooper, E. E. Craven, 0. M. Dorland, 9 Davidson Park, Edinburgh, Scot-
F. Edwards, K. A. Elias, T. H. Field- land.
ing, D. J. Handysides, B. F. Kinman, Secretary-Treasurer, W. G. Baldry.
W. M. Lennox, W. Maudsley, .11. W. Advisory Committee: J. H. Bayliss,
McCrow. H. K. Munson. L. Murdoch, T. S. Brash, K. Lacey, J. Logan, A. H.
E. R. Warland, J. P. West. Pedlar.
Licensed Ministers: Departmental Secretaries:
E. A. Butters, R. A. Derbyshire, J. Home Missionary, J. A. McMillan.
Handysides, A. W. Howard, M. B. Publishing, A. W. Cook.
Musgrave, D. Muston, E. R. Norman, Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., E. L.
S. H. Parkin, F. C. J. Pearse, K. H. Minchin.
Rosier, C. Smith, R. A. Vince.
Ordained Ministers:
Bible Instructors:
J. H. Bayliss, T. S. Brash, K. Lacey.
Elizabeth A.- Buck, Annie F. Clarke,
Elizabeth Cleary, Hilda M. Ford, Licensed Ministers:
Hilda Forster, Elizabeth 'M. Hanna, C. D. Baildam, D. J. Dabson, A. R.
Irene A. Himsworth, Martha Kirby, Musgrave, A. J. Timothy.
Laura L. Mason, Jean Mitchell, Mary Bible Instructors:
Pickering, Mrs. Dora Watson.
Jessie Baird, Jean M. M. Cowan.
Honorary: Jane Archibald.
Territory: Northern Ireland. Organized 1902; reorganized 1928
Population: 1,309,000 ; churches, Territory: The Counties of Cornwall,
members, 140. Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Gloucester,
Office: Stanborough Park, Watford, Wilts, Oxford, Berks., Bucks., Hants.,
Herts., England. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, London, Middle-
Officers: sex, Hertford, Bedford, Huntingdon,
Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex,
President, A. J. Mustard, 9 Church- Isle of Wight, and the Channel Is-
town Drive, Rathgar, Dublin, Eire. lands.

Population: 18,130,406; churches, 49 ; Population: 2,948,931 ; churches, 8;

members, 3,387. members, 416.
Office: 780 St. Albans Road, Watford, Office: Stanborough Park, Watford,
Herts., England. (Phone, Garston Herts., England.
[Watford] 2213-4.) Officers:
Officers: President, J. :M. Howard, Castleton,
President, W. W. Armstrong. Glasllwch Crescent, Newport, Mon.,
Secretary-Treasurer, J. H. Parkin. , Wales.
Executive Committee: W. W. Arm- Secretary-Treasurer, W. G. Baldry,
strong, C. R. Bonney, E. Bunker, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts.,
W. A. Girling, H. T. Johnson, I. England.
McCougan, J. H. Parkin, A. C. Vine, Advisory Committee: J. M. Howard,
L. G. White. C. L. W. Cooke, F. S. Jackson, J. R.
Lewis, T. Matthews, S. Smith, E. S.
Departmental Secretaries: Tucker.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., H. T.
Johnson. Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Home Missionary, J. A. McMillan.
A. C. Vine. Publishing, A. W. Cook.
Publishing, S. Combridge. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., E. L.
Ordained Ministers:
A. K. Armstrong, W. W. Armstrong, Ordained Ministers:
R. H. Bainbridge, G. R. Bell, J. G. J. M. Howard, F. S. Jackson, J. R.
Bevan, R. T. Bolton, C. R. Bonney, Lewis.
T. J. Bradley. D. A. Conroy, P. 0. Licensed Ministers:
Cumings, J. C. French, G. M. Hyde,
S. G. Hyde, H. T. Johnson, S. G. G. Emm, J. Freeman, H. Humphries,
Joyce, L. E. A. Lane, I. McGougan, G. C. D. Watson.
Roper, R. H. Smith, F. L. Stokes, Bible Instructors:
A. C. Vine, F. J. Wilmshurst. Lucinda Gardner, B. Alice Hart-
Licensed Ministers: land.
E. Bell, V. Benefield, F. D. Buckle,
H. Bull, E. Cox, S. Combridge, R. W.
Dougherty, A. H. Farthing, H. Mus- INSTITUTIONS IN THE BRITISH
grave, J. H. Parkin, L. Shaw, E. UNION CONFERENCE
Syme, A. G. Tapping, K. L. Vine, H. Educational:
J. West, R. Wilson.
Newbold Missionary College, Brack-
Honorary: E. Ashton. nell, Berks., England.
Bible Instructors: Stanborough Secondary and Church
Jean Atkins, Amy Ashley, Emily M. School, Stanborough Park, Wat-
Donaldson, Edna P. Dyer, Christine ford, Herts., England.
G. Emm, Margaret Halvorsen, Kath-
leen Mahon, Marghuerita D. Newell, Food Company:
Connie Richards, Aurelia Ruddick, Granose Foods, Ltd. (British Health
Veronica M. Warren, Jean M. Food Factory), Stanborough Park,
Whiting. Watford, Herts., England.
Honorary: Mrs. M. E. Brooks, Ethel Medical:
S. Guntrip.
Stanbordugh Park Sanitarium (The
Stanboroughs Hydro), Stanborough
WELSH MISSION Park, Watford, Herts., England.
Organized 1902 Publishing:
Territory: Principality of Wales, Coun- British Publishing House, Stanbor-
ties of Monmouthshire, Shropshire, ough Press, Ltd., Stanborough Park,
and Herefordshire. Watford, Herts., England.


Reorganized 1941
Territory: Arabia, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Transjordan, and Turkey Mission
Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Northern Su- Fields.
dan, Palestine, Syria, Transjordan,
and Turkey; comprising the Egypt, Population: 78,200,000; churches, 31
Iran, Iraq, Lebanon-Syria, Palestine- members, 1,253.

Cable Address: "Adventist," Beirut. Address: 16 Av. de Koubbeh. Heliopolis,

Postal Address: Post Office Box 1011, Egypt. (Telephones, 6-1596, 6-0292.)
Beirut, Lebanon. Alexandria Office: Adventist Auditori-
Office Address: Imm. Elias Helou, Si- um, 7 Sidi Gaber Ave., Sporting.
oufi, Achrafiya, Beirut. (Telephone, Telephone, Ramleh 1426.)
76-26.) Officers:
Officers: President, Neal C. Wilson.
President, E. L. Branson. Secretary-Treasurer, .
Secretary-Treasurer, E. S. Cubley. Mission Committee: Neal C. Wilson,
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, A. B. Farag Assad, Wilson Basta, M. C.
King. Grin, Nashid Yacoub, E. C. Wines,
Cashier, Arthur Klein. A. G. Zytkoskee.
Executive Committee: E. L. Branson, Egypt Literature Society: 16 Avenue
Farag Asaad, C. C. Crider, E. S. de Koubbeh, Heliopolis, Egypt.
Cubley, F. E. J. Harder, Bashir Hasso,
G. Arthur Keough, George Keough, Ordained Ministers:
B. J. Mondics, Selim Noujeime, Neal M. C. Grin, Neal C. Wilson, Nashid
C. Wilson. Yacoub, A. G. Zytkoskee.
Departmental Secretaries: Honorary: Basta Bishai.
Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Sabbath
School, G. Arthur Keough. Licensed Ministers:
Translators, Yussif Barbawy, Selim Wilson Basta, Daniel Doss, William
Noujeime, Guirgis Soliman. Gayed, Nageeb Mossad, Robert L.
Voice of Prophecy, George Keough. Rowe, E. C. Wines, Antar Yacoub.
Ordained Ministers: Honorary: Samuel Farad.
E. L. Branson, E. S. Cubley, F. E. J. Licensed Missionaries:
Harder, G. Arthur Keough, George Euphemia Bryne, Mrs. M. C. Grin,
Keough, G. M. Krick, M. V. Jacob- Mrs. Robert L. Rowe, Mrs. Neal C.
son, S. W. Johnson, J. S. Russell. Wilson, Mrs. E. C. Wines, Mrs. A. G.
Honorary: R. S. Greaves. Zytkoskee.
Credentialed Missionaries: Credentialed Bible Instructor: Emilie
Edith C. Davis, Bror Farnstrom, S. D. Levy.
Karmy, A. B. King, Manoug Naze- Nurse: Mrs. Erna Krueger.
rian, Selim Noujeime, Joseph I. Saaty,
C. H. Schilt. Credentialed Teachers:
Licensed Minister: Robert L. Mole. Sidhom Anees, Fotna Basta, Aziza
Farad, Shehota Guindi, Habib Ghali,
Licensed Missionaries: Ruth Nashid, Narguis Watson, Sam-
Ayoub Azer, Mrs. E. L. Branson, uel Yanni.
Helmy Barbawy, Yussif Barbawy, Teacher Evangelists:
Mrs. E. S. Cubley, Mrs. Bror Farn-
strom, Mrs. F. E. J. Harder, Mrs. R. Benjamin Butros, William Ibrahim,
S. , Greaves, Joyce Henderson, Mrs. Elias Mina, Abadir Abdel Messih, Is-
M. V. Jacobson, Mrs. S. W. Johnson, kander Micheal, Fahmi Abu Saad,
Mrs. D. D. Karmy, Mrs. George Shehata Wahba.
Keough, Mrs. G. Arthur Keough, Mrs. Church Schools:
A. B. King, Mrs. G. M. Krick, Mrs. Abada, Upper Egypt.
R. L. Mole, Mrs. J. S. Russel, Mrs. .Assuit, Upper Egypt.
Joseph I. Saaty, Mrs. C. H. Schilt, Beni Adiat, Upper Egypt.
Mrs. V. Shirvanian, Evelyn M. Welch, Fayoum, Upper Egypt.
Mrs. G. C. Winslow. Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.
Credentialed Teachers: Maghagha, Upper Egypt.
Masra, Upper Egypt.
Camille Nowfel, Shahin Ouzinian, Tataliah, Upper Egypt.
Ibrahim Swaidan. Zuwak, Upper Egypt.


Entered 1899
Entered 1911
Territory: Egypt and Northern Sudan.
Territory: Iran.
Population: 22,000,000; churches, 12,
members, 521. Population: 17,000,000 churches, 7
members, 274.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Heliopolis;
(Cairo). Cable Address: "Adventist," Teheran.

Office Address: Avenue Pahlevi 2075, Credentialed Teachers:

Teheran, Iran. (Telephone, 5525.) Rose Haddad-Boutros, Hyat Ibrahim,
Officers: Nageeba Isaac, Fawzia Khalil, Philip
President, Charles C. Crider. Saaty, Said Toma, Selma Majeed
Secretary-Treasurer, Charles C. Cri- Toma, Shamiram Yussif.
der. Licensed Teachers:
Accountant and Cashier, J. S. Gabriel.
Mission Committee: Charles C. Crider, Leila Ayoub, Nassif Boutros, Nas-
P. C. Boynton, J. S. Gabriel, H. E. sima Gamil, Adel Isaac, Ghazala
Hargreaves, Kenneth S. Oster, Yoash Khalil, Majeeda Shamoun, Selma Sule-
Sangarloo, J. Sarafian. man, Rose Sursum.
Iran Literature Society: Avenue Pahlevi Mission Schools: Baghdad, Basra.
2075, Teheran, Iran.
M. S. Beitzakhar, P. C. Boynton, Entered 1899
Charles C. Crider, H. E. Hargreaves,
D. V. Kubrock, Haik Salakian. Territory: Syria and Lebanon.
Credentialed Missionary: J. S. Gabriel. Population: 4,000,000 ; churches, 5 ;
Licensed Ministers: members, 250.
M. Gasparian, 0. Keshishzade, G. Ma- Cable Address: "Adventist," Beirut.
nasarian, Kenneth S. Oster, Yoash Office Address: Imm. Elias Helou,
Sangarloo. Sioufi, Achrafiya, Beirut. (Telephone,
Licensed Missionaries: 76-26.)
Mrs. P. C. Boynton, Mrs. Charles C. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 595, Beirut,
Crider, Mrs. H. E. Hargreaves, Mrs. Lebanon.
D. V. Kubrock, Mrs. Kenneth S. Oster.
Credentialed Bible Instructor: N. Badal. Officers:
President, Union President.
Credentialed Teacher: M. Gasparian. Secretary-Treasurer, A. B. King.
Licensed Teachers: Mission Committee: B. J. Mondics,
Luba Beitzakhar, Edna Gasparian. Edith C. Davis, Dr. Garo, Ibrahim
Ghazal, A. B. King, Shukri Nowfel,
Church School: Teheran. Chafic Srour,
Departmental Secretary:
IRAQ MISSION FIELD Educational, Edith C. Davis.
Organized 1923 Lebanon-Syria Literature Society: Post
Territory: Iraq, Al Kuwait. - Office Box 595, Beirut, Lebanon.

Population: 5,000,000; churches, 3; Ordained Ministers:

members, 63. Shukri Nowfel, Chafic. Srour.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Baghdad. Licensed Ministers:
Adeeb Fargo, Wayne E. Olson.
Address: 444/1 Rashid Street, Baghdad,
Iraq. Licensed Missionaries:
Michael Kebbas, Mrs. Wayne E.
Officers: Olson, Shahin Ouzounian.
President, Union .President.
Treasurer, Union Treasurer. Teacher Evangelists:
Mission Committee: Hilal Doss, Ba- Aram Aghassian, Negib Azar, Mousa
shir Hasso, Nassif Hasso, Robert K. Ghazal, Towfic Issa.
Hasso, S. D. Karmy, Najeeb Saaty. Credentialed Teachers:
Iraq Literature Society: 444 /1 Rashid Naim Awais, Evelyn Dikran, Rose
Street, Baghdad, Iraq. Dikran, Aida Ghazal, Haigouhi,
Keuchgerian, Sella Maksoudian, Min-
Ordained Minister: Hilal Doss. erva Nowfel.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Teachers:
Behnam Arshat, Robert K. Hasse. Sara Ghazal, Mousa Karkanny, Mary
Licensed Missionaries: Nassimian, Elias Yussif.
Mrs. Robert K, Hasso, Mrs, M. F. Church Schools: Aramoun, Beirut Ara-
bic, Beirut Armenian, Beit Mery.

PALESTINE-TRANSJORDAN Office Address: 14 Saray Arkasi, Ayaz-

MISSION FIELD pasa, Istanbul, Turkey.
Organized 1929 'Officers:
Territory: Palestine, Transjordan, Cy- President, B. J. Mondics.
prus, and - Arabia. Mission Committee: B. J. Mondics, K.
Population: 12,200,000 ; churches, 3 ;
members, 75. Turkish Depository: 14 Saray Arkasi,
Ayazpasa, Beyoglu, Istanbul.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Jerusalem.
Ordained Minister: B. J. Mondics.
Office Address: Advent House, Julians
Way, Jerusalem. (Telephone, 4122.) Licensed Minister: K. Kalustian.
Postal Address: Post Office Box 592, Licensed Missionary: Mrs. B.. J. Moil-
Jerusalem, Palestine. dies.
Officers: Licensed Bible Instructor: I. Coming.
Treasurer, Union Treasurer.
Mission Committee: Samuel Haddad, INSTITUTIONS IN THE MIDDLE
Palestine-Transjordan Literature Soci- Educational:
ety: Post Office Box 592, Jerusalem, Adventist Training School, Seila, Fay-
Palestine. oum, Egypt.
Licensed Ministers: Iran Training School, 2075 Pahlevi
A. E Ashod, A. N. Barlas. Avenue, Teheran, Iran.
Iraq Training School, Mosul Iraq.
Licensed Missionary: Ayoub Azer.
Matariah Mercy Home (Orphanage)
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Ruby 8 Sharia Balasan, Matariah (near
Williams. Cairo), Egypt.
Teacher Evangelists: Middle East College, Post Office Box
Mousa Azer, Najeeb Azer. 1170, Beirut, Lebanon.
Credentialed Teacher: Hannah Jubran. Medical :
Licensed Teachers: Hospitals
Tamman Haddad, Wadad Waimuram. Dar el Salaam Hospital, 444 /1 Rashid
Church Schools: Al-Husn and Amman, Street, Baghdad, Iraq.
Transjordan. Sultanabad Hospital, Arak (Sultana-
bad), Iran.
Dispensary .
Jerusalem Institute for Massage, Juli-
Entered 1899 ans Way, Jerusalem, Palestine.
Territory: Turkey. Publishing:
Population: 18,000,000 ; church, 1; mem- Middle East Press, Post Office Box
bers, 70. 1011, Beirut, Lebanon.


Organized 1943

Territory: Nigeria, Gold Coast, Ivory Office Address: S.D.A. Mission, Box No.
Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Gambia, 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Togoland, Dahomey, and Mandated
British Cameroons ; comprising the Officers:
East Nigerian, Gold Coast, Ivory
Coast, Liberian, North Nigerian, President, William McClements.
Sierra Leone, and West Nigerian Secretary-Treasurer, Maxime Duplouy.
Missions. Executive Committee: William Mc-
Population: 37,005,755 ; churches, 59; Clemerfts, G. N. Banks, P. Benezech,
members, 7,773. Believers not bap- J. Clifford, Maxime Duplouy, G. M.
tized, 5,547. Total adherents, 13,190. Ellstrom, J. 0. Gibson, J. A. Hyde,
J. J. Hyde, S. Nagel, W. J. Newman,
Cable Address: "Adventists," Accra. B. A. Walton.

Departmental Secretaries: African: A. J. Dickay, A. Nzeotta, S.

Ogbonna, P. Onwere, D. Onyeodo.
Home Missionary, Y.P.M.V., and Licensed Ministers:
Sabbath School, J. 0. Gibson. African: J. Ananaba, J. Kanu.
Ministerial, William McClements.
Publishing, J. 0. Gibson.
Voice of Prophecy, Edgar Keslake. Aba Station
Ordained Ministers: Established 1923
G. N. Banks, C. A. Bartlett, J. Clif- Address: S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Nigeria,
ford, G. M. Ellstrom, A. E. Farrow, West Africa.
J. 0. Gibson, C. D. Henri, J. J. Hyde,
Edgar Keslake, William McClements, Director: B. A. Walton.
W. J. Newman, D. B. Simons. Ministers: African, 4.
Licensed Ministers: Evangelists: 70.
D. J. Clarke, L. Downing, Maxime Colporteurs: 10.
Duplouy, E. E. Hulbert, J. A. Hyde, Station School: 1.
A. M. Moyer, S. A. Nagel, H. S.
Pearce, P. Stearman, J. C. Vetter. Outschools: 15.
Licensed Missionaries: Adult Schools: 22.
Mrs. G. N. Banks, Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, Teachers: 100.
Mrs. D. J. Clarke, Mrs. J. Clifford,
Phyllis Crocker, Mrs. Maxime Du-
plouy, Mrs. L. Downing, Mrs. G. M. Elele Station
Ellstrom, Mrs. A. E. Farrow, Mrs. J. Established 1930
0. Gibson, Mrs. C. D. Henry, Mrs.
J. A. Hyde, Mrs. J. J. Hyde, Mrs. E. Address: S.D.A. Mission, Elele, via Port
E. Hulbert, Mrs. Edgar Keslake, Mrs. Harcourt, Nigeria, West Africa.
William McClements, Ruby Mays, Director:
Mrs. A. M. Moyer, Rosa Muderspach,
Mrs. S. A. Nagel, Mrs. W. J. Newman, Minister: African, P. Onwere.
Amanda S. Nuka, Mrs. H. S. Pearce, Evangelists: 24.
Alpha Rahn, R. Santini, Mrs. It.
Santini, Mrs. D. B. Simons, Mrs. P. Station School: 1.
'Stearman, Mrs. W. G. Till, Mrs. J. C. Outschools: 4.
Vetter, Mrs. B. A. Walton.
Teachers: 20.
Ibibio Station
Entered 1923 ; organized 1930 ; reor-
ganized 1945 Established 1941
Territory:, Calabar, Owerri, Warri, Address: S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Nigeria,
Ogoia, Onitsha, Benue Provinces, and West Africa.
part of British Mandated Territory of Director: A. E. Farrow.
Cameroons South of Benue.
Evangelists: 9.
Population: 7,025,996 ; churches, 23 ;
members, 3,859. Believers not bap- Station School: 1.
tized, 3,360. Total adherents, 6,695.
Teachers: 4.
Office Address: S.D.A. Mission, Aba,
Officers: Entered 1894; reorganized 1933
President, B. A. Walton.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. G. Till. Territory: Gold Coast and British To-
Field Committee: B. A. Walton, A.
J. Dickay, A. E. Farrow, M. A. Moses, Population: 3,163,568; churches, 19;
P. Onwere, D. Onyeodo, W. G. Till. members, 1,571. Believers not bap-
tized 2,104. Total adherents, 3,675.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House,
Cable Address: "Adventist," Bekwai.
Educational, L. Downing. Office Address: S.D.A. Mission, Box
Publishing, W. G. Till ; , Assistant, 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa.
N. A. Ananaba.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V.,
President, J. Clifford.
Ordained Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, Amanda S.
European: W. G. Till, B. A. Walton. Nuka.

Executive Committee: J. Clifford, D. Outstations: 11.

M. Agboka, C. A. Bartlett. S. B. African Evangelists: 15.
Essien, C. B. Mensah, J. C. Vetter.
Departmental Secretaries:
Techimen Mission Station
Educational, J. C. Vetter.
Publishing, Director: S. B. Essien.
Sabbath School, J. Clifford. Outstations: 5.
African Evangelists: 6.
Ordained Ministers:
African : D. M. Agboka, S. B. Essien,
Honorary: J. K. Garbrah. Entered 1946
Licensed Ministers: Territory: Ivory Coast.
African: J. K. Amoah. R. K. Antwi, Population: 4,093,168 ; churches,
J. M. Arloo, A. K. Arhizi, A. Amofah, - companies, 7 ; members, 41. Believers
J. Baidoo, I. Benson, R. Cann, J. K. not baptized, 130. Total adherents, 171.
Garbrah, Jr.
Licensed Missionaries: Postal Address: Mission Adventiste,
Boite Postale 335, Abidjan, Ivory
African: P. Aboagye, T. Acheampong, Coast, West Africa.
A. Agyie, J. Aidoo, E. Akyiano, S.
Ampomah, D. K. Amponsah, S. K. Officers:
Amponsah, S. K. Annan, R. Aniboe, President, G. M. Ellstrom.
V. E. Ankra, J. K. Ansah, I. Ansong, Secretary-Treasurer, G. M. Ellstrom.
G. E. Apaw, S. Apiah-Damkwa, H. G.
Arthur, D. Asare, D. Atakora, J. T. Departmental Secretary:
Baffoe, J. Boaten, C. Boateng, W. Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.P.
Brobbey, Q. B. Brimbong, K. Chris- M.V., G. M. Ellstrom.
tian, S. K. Essell, N. Gyabah, A.
Gyamerah, R. Kissi, M. K. Markeh, African Evangelists: 3.
E. K. Mensah, J. A. Mensah, J. D.
Mensah, J. K. Mensah, S. E. Opam,
Rainsford, K. A. Saifah, E. 0. Tetteh.
Established 1927
Territory: Republic of Liberia, West
Agona Mission Station Africa.
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Agona, Population: 2,000,000 ; churches, 5 ;
Ashanti, Gold Coast, W. Africa. members, 408. Believers not baptized,
Director: P. Stearman. 212. Total adherents, 620.
Primary Schools: Address: S.D.A. Mission, Monrovia,
Agona, Ashanti; Manager, P. Stear- Liberia, West Africa.
man ; 9 African teachers. Officers:
Assamang, Ashanti; 9 African teach-
ers. 'President, G. Nathaniel Banks.
Secretary-Treasurer, G. Nathaniel
Outstations: 16; Teachers, 7. Banks.
Dispensary: Mrs. P. Stearman. Committee: G. Nathaniel Banks, W.
African Evangelists: 20. H. Barchue, J. H. Hallowanger, C. D.
Henri, P. E. Giddings.
Bekwai Mission Station Departmental Secretaries:
Address: Box 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, Educational, and Y.P.M.V., P. E.
West Africa. Giddings.
Director: J. Clifford. Publishing, G. Nathaniel Banks.
Sabbath School, C. D. Henri.
Station School: 1.
Licensed Ministers:
Teachers: 4.
P. E. Giddings, J. H. Hallowanger.
Outstations: 23 ; Teachers, 11.
African Evangelists: 15. Licensed Missionaries:
Akcii, S. Dorbor, H. Flumo, C. Free-
man, Mrs. P. E. Giddings, Borbor
Koforidua Mission Station Hallowanger, Ben Harris, W. Helbig
Address: Box 60, Koforidua, Gold Coast, Barchu, Kekula, S. B. Knowlden,
West Africa. David Scott, M. Sulonta.
Director: Station Schools: 3.

Konola Station Licensed Missionaries:

Established 1937 I. K. Dalwyn, T. Z. Kadoki, B. M.
Kakwi, F. M. Kakwi, S. B. N. Kakwi,
Address: Konola S.D.A. Mission, Mon- R. N. Wosu.
rovia, Liberia, West Africa.
Director: P. E. Giddings.
Jengre Station
Station School: 1;
Established 1932
Teacher-Evangelists& 9
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Jengre, via
Jos, N. Nigeria, West Coast, Africa.
Liiwa Station
Members: 120 ; total adherents, 340.
Established 1931
School: 1.
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Liiwa,
Gbanga, Liberia, West Africa. Teachers: 3.
Director: J. H. Hallowanger. Evangelists and other Workers: 10.
Evangelists: 6.
Lower Buchanan Station Organized 1913
Established 1938 Territory: Sierra Leone and Gambia.
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Lower Bu- Population: 4,310,455 ; churches, 3
chanan, Grand Bassa County, Li- companies, 12 ; members, 444..
beria, West Africa.
Cable Address: Adventist Mission, Bo,
Director: C. D. Henri. Sierra Leone.
Station School: 1. Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box
Church: 1. 26, Bo, Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Teacher-Evangelists: 6. Officers:
President, W. J. Newman.
Monrovia Station Secretary-Treasurer, W. J. Newman..
Established 1942 Executive Committee: W. J. Newman,
S. C. Nicol, D. B. Simons, J. B. Terry,
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Monrovia, H. Wilson.
Liberia, West Africa.
Departmental Secretaries:
Director: G. Nathaniel Banks.
Book and Bible House,
Station School: 1. Educational,
Church: 1. Sabbath School, Publishing, and Y.P.
Teacher-Evangelists: 3. M.V., W. T. Newman.
Ordained Ministers:
Palmberg Station J. B. Leigh, S. C. Nicol, H. Wilson.
Established 1927 Honorary: H. E. A. Lynch.
Licensed Ministers:
Address: S.D.A. Mission Grand Bassa
County, Liberia, West Africa. J. B. Terry, S. F. Tharawoli, D. B.
District Leader: W. Helbig Barchu.
Licensed Missionaries:
Church: 1.
J. F. Amara, L. M. Bangura, D. S.
Teacher-Evangelists: 3. Conteh, J. U. Foray, L. T. Gbandeba,
A. 0. Kennick, J. S. Myers, J. Mbak-
Territory: Sokoto, Niger, Plateau, Za-'
ria, Katsina, Kano, Bauchi, and WEST NIGERIAN MISSION FIELD
Bornu Provinces. Entered 1913 ; organized 1930 ; reor-
Population: 8,742,097; church, 1; ganized 1944
companies, 15 ; members, 120. Believ- Territory: Lagos Colony, Ijebu, Ondo,
ers not baptized, 220. Total adherents, Oyo, Benin, Abeokuta, Warri, Ilorin
340. and Kabba Provinces.
Address: S.D.A. Mission, Jengre, Rail- Population: 4,658,902 ; churches, 9 ;
way Station, via Jos. N. Nigeria, members, 1,200. Believers not bap-
West Africa. tized, 412. Total adherents, 1,612.
Acting President: J. Ashford Hyde. Office Address: S.D.A. Mission, Box 19,
Prdatn0 Minister: R. 0. Wosu. Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa.

Officers: Teachers: 37.

President, J. J. Hyde. Evangelists and other Workers: 6.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. S. Pearce.
Executive Committee: J. J. Hyde, J.
Adeoye, D. B. Alabi, S. Dare, E. E. INSTITUTIONS IN THE WEST
Hulbert, J. B. Oriola, J. Oyelakin, AFRICAN UNION MISSION
H. S. Pearce. Educational:
Departmental Secretaries: Aba Girls' School, S. D. A. Mission,
Educational, Publishing, and Sabbath Aba, Nigeria, West Africa.
School, J. J. Hyde. Bekwai Training School, Post Office
Y. P. M. V.. H. S. Pearce. Box 45, Bekwai, Via-Takoradi, Gold
Ordained Ministers: Coast, West Africa.
S. Dare, John B. Oriola. Liberian Mission School, Konola Mis-
sion, Post Kakata, Monrovia, Li-
Licensed Ministers: beria, West Africa.
J. A. Adeoye, D. B. Alabi.
Nigerian Training College, Ihie (via
Aba), Nigeria, West Africa.
Awtun Station
Sierra Leone Training School, Bo,
Established 1923 Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Awtun, via Medical:
Ilorin, Nigeria, West Coast, Africa. Sanitarium
Director: J. J. Hyde.
Ile-Ife Mission Hospital, S. D. A.
Station School: 1. Mission, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, West Af-
Outschools: 16. rica.
Teachers: 41. Dispensaries
Evangelists and other Workers: 7. Agona Dispensary, Agona, Ashanti,
Gold Coast, West Africa.
Ibadan Station Jengre S.D.A. Medical Unit, Jengre
Established- 1928 via Jos., N. Nigeria, West Africa.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box 19, Publishing:
Ibadan, Nigeria. West Coast, Africa. Advent Press, Post Office Box 19,
Director: J. J. Hyde. Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa.
Station School: 1. Gold Coast Advent Press, Box 60,
Outschools: 10. Koforidua, Gold Coast, West Africa.


Organized 1923

Territory: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithu- Formerly a part of the Northern

ania. European Division. Since 1944 a part
of the Federation of Seventh-day Adven-
Population: About 5,000,000; churches, tists in the Union of Socialist Soviet
81; members, 5,098. (Latest available Republics. It is impossible to report
statistics.) further than the above figures of 1942.


Organized 1920; reorganized 1928

(Because of conditions, it is impossible to report further than above

respecting any organizations or work in the preceding territory.)
As a result of various actions taken by the Department of Education, it is
recommended that the work of our intermediate schools, academies, and colleges
be organized upon a semester basis, each semester to be subdivided approximately
into three periods of six weeks each. It was also recommended that the credits
given in secondary schools be reckoned upon a unit basis, one unit representing a
study pursued 36 weeks with five recitations a week, forty-five minutes in length,
or its equivalent; that college credits be given on the semester-hour basis, a
semester-hour representing a study pursued one sixty-minute hour a week for
eighteen weeks. Some colleges following the quarter plan instead of the semester,
give credit on a quarter-hour basis ; a quarter-hour for this purpose representing
a course of study pursued one sixty-minute hour a week for twelve weeks. The
scope of the work offered in Seventh-day Adventist schools is as follows:
Intermediate Schools (Grades 7-10) 4
Secondary Schools (Grades 9-12) 4
Colleges :
Junior Colleges and Lower Divisions of Senior Colleges
(Terminal Courses) 2
Applied Arts
Bible Instructors' Training
Business Administration
Pre-Nursing (1 Year)
Secretarial Training
Teachers' Training (Elementary)
Senior Colleges 4
Liberal Arts
Nursing Education
Teachers' Training
Technical Training
Medical College (Includes 1 year internship) 5
Theological Seminary (M.A. 1 year; B.D. 3 years) 3
Schools of Nursing in Sanitariums above Pre-Nursing 3
Lists of church school teachers will be found in connection with directories of
the conferences in which such teachers are located. Directories of colleges, acad-
emies, and intermediate schools follow in alphabetical order.
If it is desired to find the directory of a school or other institution whose name
cannot be recalled, refer to the list of institutions at the close of the Division
directory in preceding pages, and there will be found the name of every institution
listed. Then refer to the index, where the institution may be readily located.
The names of teachers and other workers in colleges and secondary schools are
also given in the Institutional Workers Directory.
S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Nigeria, West Principal and Manager, V. E. Garber.
Africa Registrar, Helen Collins:
Established 1936 Dean of Boys, C. L. Gemmel].
Dean of Girls, Miriam Foreman.
Principal: Librarian, Ethel Stamper.
Teacher: Alpha Rahn. Bible, R. T. Carter, C. L. Gemmell.
Enrollment: 120. Bookkeeping, H. A. Wohlers.
Commercial, June Krebs.
ADELPHIAN ACADEMY English, Ethel Stamper.
French, June Krebs.
Holly, Michigan History and Government, Miriam
Established 1904 Foreman, C. L. Gemmell, R. T. Car-
Telephone: Holly 6003. Music, Alyse Swedberg, V. E. Garber.
Board of Trustees: G. E. Hutches, Chair- Science and Mathematics, C. W.
man; D. V. Cowin, Secretary. Mayor. Helen Collins.

Farm, L. W. Taft. Registrar, Mrs. Silvio Sales.

Maintenance, P. P. Anderson. Dean of Men, Therlow Harper.
Matron, Mrs. C. W. Mayor. Dean of Women, Carmen Monzon.
Mill Superintendent, E. P. Weaver. Librarian, C. R. Taylor.
ADVENT CORRESPONDENCE President, F. G. Drachenberg.
SCHOOL Agriculture, Glenn A. Houck.
Cooranbong, New South Wales, Bible and Ministerial Training, H. E.
Australia Baasch, Andres Riffel.
English, Mrs. H. E. Baasch, Mrs.
Board of Management: W. L. Pascoe, G. A. Houck, Mrs. C. R. Taylor.
Chairman ; A P. Dyason, G. M. Mas- Mathematics, Angela Estrada, Ther-
ters, B. H. McMahon, F. A. Mote, W. low Harper.
G. C. Murdoch, A. W. Peterson, S. V. Piano, Barbara Vivancos.
Stratford, E. E. White. Science, F. G. Drachenberg.
Principal: G. M. Masters. Secretarial Training, Iris Marrero.
Sewing and Tailoring, Mrs. Onelia
ADVENTIST TRAINING SCHOOL Social Sciences and Astronomy, C. R.
Seila, Fayoum, Egypt Spanish, Mrs. F. G. Drachenberg.
Established 1946 Teacher Training, Mrs. Andres Riffel,
Mrs. C. J. Smith.
Telephone: Seila 14. Elementary School, Angela Estrada,
Board of Management: Neal C. Wilson, Mrs. Andres Riffel, Vicente Rodri-
Chairman ; E. C. Wines, Secretary ; guez.
Farag Assad, Wilson Basta, M. C. Furniture and Broom Factory, C. J.
Grin, Robert L. Rowe, Nashid Ya- Smith.
coub, A. G. Zytkoskee. Printing Industry, H. F. Meyer.
Principal and Business Manager, AORE TRAINING SCHOOL
E. C. Wines.
Arabic, Habib Ghali, Hanna Watson. Aore, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean
Art, Hanna Watson. Established 1929
Bible, R. L. Rowe, Habib Ghali.
English, Mrs. Narguis Watson, She- Headmaster: A. R. Hiscox.
hata Guindi, Sidham Anees.
Geography, Mrs. Narguis Watson,
History, E. C. Wines, Shehata Guindi, 1325 North Fourteenth Street,
Hanna Watson. Phoenix, Arizona
Mathematics, Hanna Watson, Habib
Ghali. Established 1920
Science, R. L. Rowe, Hanna Watson. Telephones: 3-8806, 4-9361.
Matron, Mrs. Narguis Watson. Board of Management: C. E. Andross,
Vocational and Farm, R. L. Rowe, Chairman R. L. Hubbs, Secretary.
Sidham Anees.
Faculty :
ANTILLIAN JUNIOR COLLEGE Principal and Business Manager, R.
L. Hubbs.
(Colegio Adventists de las Antillas)
Accountant, Neva Sandborn.
Apartado 329, Santa Clara, Cuba Registrar and Librarian, Delight T.
Established 1923 Clapp.
Preceptor, G. E. Smith.
Telephone: 2473. Preceptress, Mrs. Gladys Davis.
Board of Management: H. B. Lundquist, Matron, Doris Larsen.
Chairman ; F. G. Drachenberg, Sec- Bible, G. E. Smith.
retary ; H. E. Baasch, S. L. Folken- Commercial, Lois Ruth Eldridge.
berg, Glenn A. Houck, L. L. Reile, English, Lois Ruth Eldridge.
R. J. Roy, F. S. Thompson, Miguel History, R. L. Hubbs, Mrs. Gladys
Vazquez, Samuel Weiss, W. A. Wild. Davis.
Administration: Mathematics and Physics, Delight T.
President, F. G. Drachenberg. Music, Jean Morgan.
Business Manager, Glenn A. Houck. Physical Education, Lois Ruth El-
Treasurer, Silvio Sales. dridge, G. E. Smith.


Sewing, Doris Larsen.
Spanish, Neva Sandborn. South Lancaster, Massachusetts
Elenientary School, Burt Ramsay, Mrs. Established 1882
Opal Lull, Mrs. J. 0. Hanson, Mrs.
Mary E. Benton. Telephones:
Administration Building, Clinton 1770.
Registrar's Office, Clinton 972R.
ARMONA UNION ACADEMY Business Office, Clinton 1270.
Men's Dormitory, Clinton 1593.
Box 216 Women's Dormitory, Clinton 233.
Armona, California Library, Clinton 972J.
Telephone: Hanford 702J1. Board of Trustees: D. K. Settle, R. R.
Faculty: Bietz, L. C. Evans, L. N. Holm, G. E.
Jones, E. Leffler, R. W. Moore, H. A.
Principal and Business Manager, Morrison, C. E. Parrish, Carl Prager,
Helen Morris. J. J. Reiswig, H. E. Rice, M. L. Rice,
Librarian, Reva Palmer. L. A. Senseman, R. S. Senseman, M.
Bible and History, Reva Palmer. C. Taft, R. W. Tatro, X. P. Walton.
English and Spanish, Carl Anderson. Officers of the Corporation: M. L. Rice,
Mathematics and Science, Helen Mor- President; L. N. Holm, Secretary.
Music, Vera Lester. Local Board: L. E. Aldrich, R. R. Bietz,
Physical Education, Carl Anderson. T. R. Gardner, L. N. Holm, C. E.
Kellogg, R. A. Nesmith, M. L. Rice.
(Assam Mission) President, L. N. Holm.
Business Manager and Treasurer, C.
Seventh-day Adventist Mission High E. Kellogg.
School, Jowai Road, Shillong P.O., Dean, G. E. Shankel.
Assam, India Accountant and Assistant Treasurer,
Established April 20, 1941 Clifford Hamstra.
Registrar, Dorothy Bartlett.
Board: Assam Local Mission Board. Librarian, Alfred N. Brandon.
Dean of Men, A. E. Brendel.
Faculty: D. S. Laursen, Principal; Dean of Women, Mary McConaughey.
Mabel V. Broderson, E. W. Holroyd, Dean of Theology, Gerald H. Minchin.
Mrs. E. W. Holroyd, C. B. Is'rael, Mrs. Principal of South Lancaster Acad-
C. B. Israel, Patrick Poole, Ivorine emy, W. B. Higgins.
Rynjah. Director of Summer Session, G. E.
Shankel. '
ATLANTA UNION ACADEMY Director of Cafeteria, Clinton Mar-
734 Mercer Street, S. E., Director of Health Service, Mrs.
Atlanta 2, Georgia Josephine Gridley Svennevig.
Telephone: WA. 9892. Faculty:
Board of Management: W. J. Keith, President, L. N. Holm.
Chairman'; J. H. Nylander, Secretary- Art, Mabel R. Bartlett.
Treasurer. Bible and Theology, Gerald H. Min-
chin, C. 0. Smith.
Faculty: Biology, Richard Ritland.
Principal, J. H. Nylander. Business Administration and Eco-
Librarian, Mrs. M. Silverstein. nomics, C. J. Stokes.
Chemistry, J. R. Chambers, P. S.
Bible, J. H. Nylander. Chen.
English, Mrs. Harry C. Duff. Education, W. L. King, Mrs. Grace
History, Loraine Mauldin. Maas Nelson.
Home Economics, Mrs. J. H. Nylan- English, Mrs. Rochelle Philman Kil-
der. gore, H. W. Taylor, Mary McCon-
Manual Training, J. H. Nylander. aughey.
Mathematics and Science, Burdette Greek, T. De Luca.
Curtis. History, G. E. Shankel, A. W. Werline.
Spanish and Typing, Mrs. J. R. Ny- Home Economics, Ruth G. Higgins,
lander. Mary Philmon Beyers.
Elementary School, Mrs. J. R. Conger, Library Science, Alfred N. Brandon.
Loraine Mauldin, Mrs. M. Silver- Manual Arts, Clarence H. Dye.
stein. Mathematics, Daniel Koval.

Modern Languages, Edward Ney, T. Organ, Mrs. Tola Hobbs Gish.

De Luca, Jeanne Wagner Jordan. Physical Education, Boys, Lyle Grif-
Music, H. E. Mitzelfelt, H. L. Pearson, fin ; Girls, Mrs. Felix A. Lorenz, Jr,
Mrs. Astrid Wendth King, Mrs. Win Piano, Mrs. Tola Hobbs Gish, Mrs.
Osborn Shankel, Virginia Gene C. L. Witzel.
Shankel. Science, A. V. Winn.
Physical Education, C. Roy Smith, Shorthand, Mrs. Elwood Mabley.
Mrs. C. Roy Smith. Spanish, Elwood Mabley.
Physics, B. H. Van Horne. Typing, Mrs. Elwood Mabley.
Pre-Nursing and Health Education, Woodwork, C. L. Witzel.
Mrs. Jean Myers Graves. Engineer and Metal Shop, Leon New-
Secretarial Training, Bonnie Jeanne ell,
Hannah. Farm, Franz Dietrich.
Speech, H. L. Pearson. Maintenance, John E. Hagele.
Academy: The academy at Atlantic Matron Mrs. W. R. Emmerson.
Union College is listed as South Lan- Woodsho p, T. M. Lorren.
caster Academy, and the academy
faculty roll will be found .under AUSTRALASIAN MISSIONARY
that heading. COLLEGE
Critic Teachers: Cooranbong, New South Wales,
Bible, A. G. Emmer. Australia
English, Isabella Z. Taylor. Established 1894
History, W. B. Higgins. Board of Management: N. C. Wilson,
Grammar Grades, C. E. Nelson. Chairman ; W. H. Bagnall, W. E.
Intermediate Grades, Mrs. Olive Lind- Battye, G. Branster, R. J. Burns, L.
berg Roberts, Ruth Hirt. A. Butler, A. W. Dawson, P. A.Don-
Primary Grades, Mrs. Marian Clark. aldson, A. P. Dyason, R. A. Greive,
Industries: H. J. Halliday, T. W. Hammond, H.
W. Hollingsworth, W. T. Hooper, B.
Farm, Dairy, Gardening, and PoUltry, 0. Johansori, J. W. Kent, B. H.
Horst E. Clasing. McMahon, A. R. Mitchell, F. A. Mote,
Machine Shop Practice, Daniel Koval. W. G. C. Murdoch, W. L. Pascoe, A.
Power Plant, H. F. Howes. W. Peterson, W. T. Richards, W. M.
Maintenance, J. A. Roberts. R. Scragg, D. Sibley, W. G. Turner,
Printing, Clarence H. Dye, W. D. E. E. White, H. White, W. R. Wilson.
Faculty: W. G. C. Murdoch, Principal ;
N. C. Burns, John Cernik, N. Clap-
ham, G. Currow, P. A. Donaldson, N.
AUBURN ACADEMY A. Ferris, G. W. Greer, Marjorie.
Auburn, Washington Greive, Mrs. Yvonne Howard, A. F.
J. Kranz, G. W. Richardson, G. Ro-
Established 1918 senhain, C. H. Showe, Elva Thorpe,
Telephone: Auburn 697. H. Totenhofer, L. H. Turner, Luise
Vetter, Catherine Walker, R. B.
Board of Management: Don H. Spill- Watts, Mrs. M. V. White, W. R.
man, Chairman ; A. J. Olson, Secre- Wilson.
(Dyak Training School)
Principal, A. J. Olson.
Business Manager, R. L. Walin. Serian, Kuching, Sarawak
Accountant, Lloyd B. White. Established 1933
Registrar, A. V. Winn. Board: Sarawak Mission Committee.
Librarian, Mrs. William Robinson. Principal: E. Sinage.
Dean of Boys, Lyle Griffin.
Dean of Girls, Mrs. Alma B. Smith.
Bible, H. A. Peckham. (Kanarese Mission)
Biology, Edgar Grundset. Seventh-day Adventist Mission Middle
English, Mrs. A. J. Olson, Edgar School, 3 Spencer Road, Cleveland
Grundset, Mrs. Alma 13. Smith. Town, Bangalore, South India
History, A. B. Bringle.
Home Economics, Mrs. Edythe Y. Board: Bangalore English Church Board
Cottrell. and Superintendent of Kanarese Mis-
Mathematics, C. L. Witzel, Edgar sion.
Grundset. Faculty: E. L. Sorenson, Principal;
Mechanical Drawing, C. L. Witzel. W. Egan, Headmaster; Norma Hol-
Music, Felix A. Lorenz, Jr. royd, S. Ingayam, Mrs. W. Salisbury.


Principal and Manager, H. F. Lease.
Rama IV Road, Bangkok, Siam
Accountant, LeRoy Ramsey.
Reorganized 1934 Dean of Boys, Roy Satterlee.
Dean of Girls, Mrs. Helen Massey.
Board of Management: A. P. Ritz,
Chairman ; Miss Pajong, Secretary, Agriculture, Maurice C. Nash.
Philip Peng, Nai Prung, S. T. Soh. Bible, D. W. Anderson.
Commercial, LeRoy Ramsey, Mrs. A.
G. Parfitt.
BATTLE CREEK ACADEMY English, Mildred Summerton.
Spanish, A. G. Parfitt.
180 Welch Avenue History, Roy Satterlee, A. G. Parfitt.
Battle Creek, Michigan Home Economics, Wava White.
Telephone: 2-8611. Mathematics, Roland Cole.
Music, Louise Larmon.
Board of Management: M. L. Mills, Science, Roland Cole.
Chairman ; M. D. Hannah, Secretary. Farm, Maurice C. Nash.
Faculty: General Mechanics and Maintenance,
Roland Cole.
Principal and Manager, M. D. Han- Matron, Wava White.
Treasurer, W. L. Iles.
Registrar, M. D. Hannah.
Librarian, Mrs. Sarita Hannah. BETHEL TRAINING COLLEGE
Bible, Ansel Bristel. (Previously known as Spion Kop
Commercial, W. L. Iles. Missionary Institution)
English, Sibyl Partain.
History and French, Paul Evers. For Native Constituency
Music, Evelyn Farley. Transferred present location 1938
Science and Mathematics, J. G. Ga-
lusha. Butterworth, Transkei, South Africa
Secretarial, Sibyl Partain. Established 1928
Spanish, Mrs. Santa Hannah.
Sewing, Evelyn Farley. Board of Management: E. D. Hanson,
Elementary School, Marjorie Butler, Chairman; S. W. Beardsell, Secre-
Mrs. Dorothy Clark, Madge Kam- tary; J. N. Bacela, J. N. de Beer,
erer, Florence Orth, Mrs. Ernest E. A. Buckley, J. B. Cooks, J. D.
Steiner. Harcombe, G. A. Lewis, D. Mankayi,
C. H. Mackett.
SCHOOL Principal and Business Manager,
Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands, S. W. Beardsell.
Pacific Ocean Preceptor, P. V. Msimang.
Preceptress, Mrs. I. Mbenenge.
Established 1923 Registrar, R. E. Clifford.
Headmaster: L. R. Tonkin. School Nurse, M. Daisy Ingle.
Accounting, R. E. Clifford.
BEKWAI TRAINING SCHOOL Agriculture, G. S. Glass.
Post Office Box 45, Bekwai, Via Takor- Domestic Science, Shelagh Edwards.
adi, Gold Coast, West Africa English, Mrs. S. W. Beardsell.
Teacher-Training, Elvera Eckerman.
Established 1939 Intermediate School, C. P. D. Ntsikeni.
Principal: Elementary School, Katie Koopedi,
Vice Principal: J. C. Vetter. Mrs. C. P. D. Ntsikeni, Inet So-
African Teachers: 3. lontsi, Mrs. P. V. Msimang.
Farm Manager, G. S. Glass.
BETHEL ACADEMY Woodwork and Construction, F. W.
Arpin, Wisconsin
Telephone: Auburndale 2510
Betikama, Guadacanal, Solomon Is.
Board of Managers: F. W. Schnepper,
Chairman ; H. F. Lease, Secretary. Headmaster: R. W. Richter.


Vaini, Nukualofa, Tonga, Pacific Ocean (Colegio Adventista Brasileiro)
Established 1938 Established 1915
Headmaster: J. Cernik.
Telegraphic Address: "Colegio," Sao
Paulo, Brazil.
BOLIVIA TRAINING SCHOOL Postal Address: Colegio Adventista
(Colegio Adventists de Bolivia) Brasileiro, Caixa Postal 258-A, Sao
Paulo, Brazil, South America.
CastIla 82, Cochabamba, Bolivia, Board of Managers: R. Belz, President;
South America Vice-President; D. Peixoto
Established 1931 da Silva, Secretary ; J. H. Boehm,
E. Doehnert, J. G. Garcia, J. Lin-
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Ad. hares, J. R. Passos, R. E. Oberg,
ventista, Cochabamba, Bolivia. L. Replogle, Germano G. Ritter, Arno
Board of Management: R. E. Kepkey,
Chairman ; R. V. Vinglas, Secretary ; Executive Committee: R. Belz, Presi-
Moises Aguilar, J. I. Hartman, D. dent; Germano G. Ritter, Vice-Presi-
Holbrook, E. N. Lugenbeal, E. Castro, dent; Dario Garcia, Secretary; Adolfo
W. Buller, M. Pano, J. N. Perez, Bergold, J. Linhares, R. E. Oberg,
D. J. von Pohle. Arno Schwantes.
Administrative Board: R. E. Kepkey, Administration:
Chairman ; R. V. Vinglas, Secretary ; President, Dario Garcia.
D. Holbrook, A. Martinez, J. N. Perez,
Daniel Wandersleben. Dean, Joao Linhares.
Secretary, Jose M. Guimaraes.
Faculty: Manager, Dario Garcia.
Principal, R. V. Vinglas. Cashier, Wilson Avila.
Secretary-Treasurer, Preceptor, Ruben Segres.
Registrar, Felipe Alcon. Preceptress, Aparecida Anveria.
Librarian, Edma Carreno. Physicians, Galdino N. Vieira, E. B.
Preceptor, Edmundo Alva. Rodrigues, Walter Gomes.
Preceptress, Faculty:
Teachers: Mrs. Edmunds Alva, Julian President, Dario Garcia.
Llusco, Noemi Mamani, Atanasio
Martinez, Daniel Wandersleben, Mrs. Primary Department:
Daniel Wandersleben, Raimundo Tan- Leoni Avila, Cordelia Denz, E. W.
cara. Maluf, Lidia Siqueira.
Admission (Preparatory) :-
Pascui, Loide Simon.
Missao Adventists, Lepi, Angola,
Portuguese West Africa Ginasio (Academy) :
Board of Managers: Angola Union Exe- Bible, S. Kuempel, J. S. Linhares.
cutive Committee, A. J. S. Casaca, Brazil and General History, Odete
L. Chicondo, Ruth Johnson, Mrs. R. Oberg.
B. Parsons, Ruby Visser. Brazil and General History, G. F.
Denz, Odete Oberg.
Administration: Drawing, R. 0. Guimaraes.
Principal, A. J. S. Casaca. English, Walter R. Wheeler, Mrs.
Preceptor, J. Fernando. Alma M. Bergold.
Preceptress, Sofina. French, Antoniette Grandmaison.
Latin, Albertina R. Simon.
Faculty: Manual Arts, E. W. Maluf, Dario
M. Abel, Daniel Adolfo, A. J. S. Garcia.
Casaca, Mrs. A. J. S. Casaca, L. Mathematics, Mario Roque, Orlando
Chicondo, Raimundo Chingolo, Paul- R. Ritter.
ino Dias, J. Fernando, Tongue Freitas, Music and Choir, Walter R. Wheeler,
E. V. Hermanson, Mrs. E. V. Her- F. Gerling, Jr.
manson, Ruth Johnson, Aurelio Mu- Physical Culture, A. Pascui, Loide
hunga, M. Nunes, R. B. Parsons, Mrs. Simoes.
R. B. Parsons, A. J. Rodrigues, Mrs. Portuguese, Albertina R. Simon, Rute
A. J. Rodrigues, Elisa Rosa, J. de Sa, Guimaraes, Odete Oberg.
Mrs. J. de Sa, Vasco Sepalanga, Sciences, E. B. Rodrigues, W. E.
Sofina, Ruby Visser. Nelson.

Commercial Course: Registrar, Annabelle Davidson.

Librarian, Mrs. C. Roy Smith.
Wilson Avila, A. H. Bergold, G. F. Dean of Boys, J. A. Anders.
Denz, Rubens S. Ferreira, Nevil Gor- Dean of Girls, Marjory Jones.
ski, R. 0. Guimaraes, S. Kuempel, Health Service, Mrs. 0. J. Ferris.
Orlando R. Ritter, Walter R. Wheeler. Matron, Elizabeth Eitel.
Normal Course: Assistant Matron, Esther David.
L. Avila, Benedita C. Alves, Pedro. Faculty:
Apolinario, C. Denz, Dario Garcia, Principal, Lee Taylor.
Frederico Gerling, E. W. Maluf, E.
13. Rodrigues, Ruben Segres. Agriculture, Louis Krampe.
Art, Marjory Jones.
Pre-University (Junior College): Bible, R. W. Wentland.
Bible, S. Kuempel, J. S. Linhares. Commercial Studies, Ruth Nelson.
Biology, E. B. Rodrigues. English, Ruth West, Annabelle David-
Brazil and General Geography, Odete son.
Oberg. Foreignn Language, Annabelle David-
Brazil General History, G. F. Denz. son.
Chemistry and Physics, W. E. Nelson. History, R. W. Wentland, J. R. Pat-
Drawing, R: 0. Guimaraes. terson.
English, Walter R. Wheeler. Household Arts, Mrs. C. Roy Smith.
French, Antoniette Grandmaison, Ma- Mathematics, J. R. Patterson, C. Roy
noel B. G. de Bernabe. . Smith.
Greek, Joao Linhares. Music, W. A. Schram.
Latin, Albertina R. Simon. Physical Education, Lee Taylor.
Mathematics, Orlando R. Ritter, Nevil Printing, C. Roy Smith.
Gorski. Science, N. R. Hallock, C. Roy Smith. ,
Nursing and First Aid, Maria Rod- Engineer, Eric Peterson.
rigues. Farm and Dairy, Louis D. Krampe.
Philosophy, G. F. Denz. Assistant Farm Manager, E. A.
Physical Culture, A. Pascui. Gustafson.
Portuguese, Albertina R. Simon, Maintenance, Paul Lugenbeal.
Pedro Apolinario. Store, Mrs. Paul Lugenbeal.
Spanish, Manoel B. G. de Bernabe. Woodwork, C. C. Gooch.
Faculty of Theology (Senior College):
Dario Garcia, G. F. Denz, Nevil Gor- BROOKSIDE ACADEMY
ski, S. Kuempel, Joao Linhares, Or-
lando R. Ritter, E. B. Rodrigues, East Taunton, Massachusetts
Maria Rodrigues.
Established 1930
Agriculture, Adolfo Bergold. Telephone: Taunton 23336.
Carpentry, Antonio Lucca. Board: R. R. Bietz, Chairman; R. E.
Culinary, M. Talvik. Jackson, Secretary.
Food Products, Adolfo Bergold, Ern-
esto Bergold, Waldemar Conrado, Faculty:
Arno Schwantes, Ary Streithorst. Principal and Business Manager, R.
E. Jackson.
BROADVIEW ACADEMY Bible and History, Leonard Gaspie.
English and Language, .Florence
La Grange, Illinois Kidder.
Mathematics and Science, R. E. Jack-
Established 1910 son.
Telephone: Brookfield 32.
Corporate Name: Broadview College BUENOS AIRES ACADEMY
and Theological Seminary. (Instituto Incorporado "Florida")
Board of Management: Theodore Car- Avenida San Martin 4601
cich, Chairman ; Lee Taylor, Secre- Florida, F. N. Gral. Bme. Mitre
tary; F. F. Bush, A. Catalano, J. B. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Frank, F. W. Harvey, T. R. Lukens, America
W. P. Ortner, H. H. Schmidt, L. R.
Scott, R. W. Wentland. Established 1939
Administration: Postal Address: Avda San Martin 4601,
Principal and Business Manager, Florida, F. N. Gral. Bme. Mitre,
Lee Taylor. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Assistant Manager and Treasurer, D. Board of Management: Hector J. Fever-
N. Hartman. ini, President; Ernesto Steger, Secre-

tary ; Hugo P. Beskow, J. A. Bonjour, Medical Service, Mrs. C. W. Specht.

Valentin Citera, Jose M. Gualtruzzi, Music, Eugene M. Hughes, C. L.
Adan Mayer, Juan Meier, Juan Pod- Westermeyer, Mary Booth.
- skubka. Printing, C. E. Stenberg.
Science, Carl Specht, Joan Dunkel.
Elementary School, Mrs. Francis
Principal, Juan Meier. Jones, Mrs. Opal Joseph.
Secondary Course: Brbomshop, N. A. Coffin.
Principal, Juan Meier. Cafeteria, Mrs. A. M. Phillips.
Engineer and Maintenance, Everett
Bible, Juan Meier. Fesler.
Drawing, Elina N. Romero. Farm and Dairy, Francis Jones.
English, Mrs. D. W. Brooks. Woodworking, Carl Specht.
Geography, Elina N. Romero.
History, Gn). Krieghoff.
Latin, Gmo. Krieghoff.
Mathematics, Mrs. Holanda Mulinari. CANADIAN UNION COLLEGE
Music, Blanca Berisso. College Heights, Alberta, Canada
Science, Jose Bernhardt.
Spanish, Raul L. Posse. Established 1907
Primary Course: Incorporated 1940
Principal, Mrs. Maria Lascano.
Telephone: 7.
Teachers, Adela Dupertuis, Mrs. Maria
Krieghoff, Ines Schmidt. Territory: Conferences of British Co-
lumbia, Alberta, and Manitoba-
Saskatchewan. For Eastern Canada,
grades 15 and 16.
SCHOOL Board of Trustees: H. L. Rudy, Presi-
dent ; E. H. Oswald, Vice-Chairman ;
(West Bengal Mission) E. E. Bietz, Secretary ; C. M. Craw-
Seventh-day Adventist Mission School, ford, H. P. Evens, R. E. Finney, H.
36 Park Street, Calcutta, India D. Henricksen, G. Eric Jones, P. M.
Lewis, John McKibbin, A. E. Millner,
Established 1927 R. W. Numbers, W. H. Roberts, H. A.
Shepard, C. L. Smith, C. C. Weis, S.
Board of Management: West Bengal G. White.
Committee and Mrs. K. Manuel.
Board of Management: H. L. Rudy,
Faculty: Chairman; E. H. Oswald, Vice-Chair-
C. A. Boykin, Miss A. Georgio, Mrs. man ; E. E. Bietz, Secretary ; L. H.
K. Manuel. Davies, R. E. Finney, G. Eric Jones,
John McKibbin, T. C. Murdoch, H. A.
Shepard, S. G. White.
CAMPION ACADEMY Administration:
Loveland, Colorado President and Business Manager, E.
Established 1907 E. Bietz.
Assistant to President, T. C. Murdoch.
Telephone: 769-J1. Treasurer, T. C. Murdoch.
Registrar, Florence Moline.
Board of Trustees: N. C. Petersen, Dean of Men, J. Ivan Crawford.
Chairman ; V. W. Becker, Secretary. Dean of Women, Verda Deer.
Faculty: Faculty:
Principal and Manager, V. W. Becker. President, E. E. Bietz.
Assistant Business Manager, R. L. Bible, Gordon Balharrie, J. Ivan
Stretter. Crawford, Verda Deer, D. F. Neu-
Registrar and Librarian, Joan Dunkel. feld.
Dean of Boys, Jesse Jones. Biological Science, H. G. Coffin.
Dean of Girls, Roberta Moore. Chemistry, W. A. Sowers.
Bible, Delbert W. Curry. Commerce, E. E. Dietz.
Commerce, R. L. Stretter, Mrs. D. W. English, Verna Moser.
Curry. History, R. J. Bowett, J. Ivan Craw-
English, C. E. Stenberg, Roberta ford.
Moore, Joan Dunkel. Home Economics, Alma Will.
History, Jesse Jones. Industrial Arts, L. M. Cowin.
Home Economics, Mrs. V. W. Becker. Language, Louise Dedeker.
Language, Eugene M. Hughes. Mathematics, Florence Moline, Philip
Mathematics, Carl Specht. Miller.

Music, Mrs. M. Fisher, F. Bacon CEDAR LAKE ACADEMY

Shone, Mrs. Margaret Moline Ya- Cedar Lake, Michigan
Nursing, Ann Will. (Incorporated)
Physical Science, P. G. Miller.
Secretarial Science, Evelyn McLuhan. Established 1899
Intermediate School, Mrs. Willis Telephone: Edmore 128F2.
Elementary School, Mrs. Amanda 'Board of Management: G. E. Hutches,
Kandt, F. Bacon Shone. Chairman ; D. V. Cowan, Secretary.
Farm, Elbert Nielson. Faculty:
Cafeteria, Alex Aab. Principal and Business Manager,
Matron, Alma Will. R. 0. Stone.
Laundry, Warren Mabley.
Maintenance, Walter Toews. Librarian, Ruth Wagner.
Printing, W. A. Tetz. Registrar, F. E. Shelton.
Store, Mrs. A. W. Sowers. Preceptor, C. W. Mauro.
Preceptress, Mrs. Roger Bentley.
Agriculture, Cecil McNeal.
CARIBBEAN TRAINING COLLEGE Bible, H. A. Weaver, Roger Bentley.
Box 175, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, Commercial, Mrs. P. J. Hoar.
British West Indies English, Mrs. D. D. Scott, Roger
Established 1927 Bentley, Ruth Wagner.
History, H. A. Weaver, C. W. Mauro.
Cable Address: "Training," Port-of- Home Economics, Mrs. It. 0. Stone,
Spain, Trinidad. Ethel Bowen.
Board of Management: R. H. Pierson, Language, F. E. Shelton, Ruth Wag-
Chairman ; J. 0. Emmerson, Vice- Mathematics, P. J. Hoar.
Chairman A. R. Tucker, Secretary ; Music, D. Lorne Jones, Mrs. D. Lorne
B. L. Archbold, Ralph Combes, Ver- Jones.
non Flory, E. T. Gackenheimer, C. L. Science, P. J. Hoar, Roger Bentley.
.Tones. F. E. Hills, P. W. Manuel,
Charles Manoram, C. G. van Putten, Farm Superintendent, Cecil McNeal.
C. 13. Sutton. Matron, Ethel Bowen.
Printing, P. J. Hoar.
Administration: Shop and Auto Mechanics, D. E.
Principal and Manager, A. R. Tucker. Davis.
Registrar and Librarian, Mrs. Edith
Accountant, Linda Austin. CENTRAL AMERICAN VOCA-
Preceptor, Walter Low. TIONAL COLLEGE
Preceptress, Mrs. Edith Baerg. (Colegio Vocational de America
Faculty: Central)
Agriculture, Walter Low. Apartado 1320, San Jose, Costa Rica,
Bible, Floyd E. Hills, Walter Low, Central America
Reuben Wilson.
Commercial, Linda Austin, Mrs. F. Established 1927
E. Hills, Mrs. Hazel Perry. Telephone: Tres Rios No. 3.
English, Mrs. A. R. Tucker, Floyd
E. Hills. Board of Management: J. L. Brown,
History, A. R. Tucker, Walter Low. Chairman ; D. J. Thomann, Secretary ;
Home Economics, Mrs. Floyd E. Hills. Vernon E. Berry, R. E. Cash, D. A.
Mathematics and Science, W. L. Cone, Jorge Escandon, Orley Ford,
Perry, I. W. Baerg. E. J. Jensen, H. W. Miller, L. D. Min-
Piano, Mrs. Floyd E. Hills. ner, Peter Nygaard, R. Rankin,
Spanish, Linda Austin. Melvin W. Sickler, Alvin J. Stewart,
Voice, Mrs. A. R. Tucker. A. L. Tucker.
Normal, Mrs. A. R. Tucker. Executive Board: J. L. Brown, Chair-
Industries: man ; D. J. Thomann, Secretary
Bakery and Laundry, Prisca Da Jong. D. A. Cone, Watson Elwin, H. W.
Broomshop, F. E. Hills, Reuben Wil- Miller.
son. Administration:
Farm, J. Bindoo. Acting Principal, D. J. Thomann,
Matron, Prisca Da Jong.
Printshop, I. W. Baerg. Treasurer, Watson Elwin.
Sewing, Mrs. Edith Baerg. Registrar, Ruth Conard.
Woodwork and Mechanics, W. L. Preceptor, Francisco Lopez,
Perry. Preceptress, Ruth Ingram.

Faculty: Faculty:
Bible, D. J. Thomann, A. E. Lutz. President, Merardo Leon.
Commercial, Ruth Conard.
English, Ruth Ingram. Bible, Augusto Bacigalupi, Herbert
History, E. Greer, Otto Vyhmeister.
Mathematics and Science, H. W. Mil- Commerce,
ler. Cooking, Mrs. H. E. Greer.
Music, Mrs. D. J. Thomann. Education, Merardo Leon.
Normal Training, Mrs. H. W. Miller. English, Herbert E. Greer.
Spanish, Francisco Lopez. French,
Geography and History, Otto Vyh-
Industries, A. E. Lutz, Watson Elwin. meister.
Matron, Mrs. 0. D. Andrean. Manuel Arts; Mrs. M. Leon.
Mathematics, Mrs. 0. Vyhmeister.
Music and Drawing, Mrs. C. Biaggi.
CENTRAL CHINA UNION Physical Education,
ACADEMY Sicence and Secretarial Training,
Carlos Biaggi.
Postal Address: East Lake, Wuchang 3, Spanish,
Hupeh, China.
Assistant Farm Manager, Reinaldo
Telephone: 7-516. Guinez.
Primary Department,
Board of Management: M. C. Warren,
Chairman ; Wang Ging Bo, Secretary ;
A. R. Appel, H. S. Chiao, N. 0. Dahl-
sten, D. H. Djang, 0. G. Erich, B. F. CHINA TRAINING INSTITUTE
Gregory, C. Y. Ko, K. R. Lee, Paul
Lee, D. K. Liu, Y. S. Mao, T. R. Chiaotoutseng, Kiangsu, China
Shen, A. F. Tai, Y. K. Wang.
Established 1910
G. B. Wang, Principal; K. S. Djao, Board of Trustees: W. H. Branson,
Secretary; B. F. Gregory, Mrs. B. F. Chairman ; T. S. Geraty, Secretary ;
Gregory, C. Y. Djan, Y. K. Djan, Y. R. H. Adair, G. J. Appel, N. F.
S. Djang, D. W. Giang, Miss C. L. Ku, Brewer, Z. H. Coberly, C. H. Davis,
Liu Han Hwa, A. F. Tai, Y. S. Tsang, Dih Tse Djen, Goh Giao Oh, Hsu Hwa,
C. C. Tseng, S. L. Yen, T. L. Yen. E. H. James, F. A. Landis, S. J. Lee,
S. H. Lindt, Herbert Liu, E. L. Long-
way, C. B. Miller, P. E. Quimby, H. C.
Shen, Su Hsing, Wang Fu Yuan,
CHILE COLLEGE James D. Wang, M. C. Warren.
(Colegio Adventista de Chile)
Committee on Administration: T. S.
Chillan, Chile, South America Geraty, Chairman ; Tsao Chun Kai,
Established 1906 Chinese Secretary; F. A. Landis,
English Secretary ; John Anderson,
Postal Address: Casilla 7 D., Chillan, Chan Peh An, Chen I Fu, Chi Nai
Chile, South America. Ping, Z. H. Coberly, Harold Cole,
Khang Keh Tien, S. H. Limit, Mrs.
Telephone: 3032. Mi Teh Fen, H. C. Shen, Su Hsing, C.
E. Winter, Wu Chih Chow.
Telegraphic Address: Mariposas, Chil-
lan, Chile, South America. Administration:
Board: Eliel Almonte, President; Me- President, T. S. Geraty.
rardo Leon, Secretary; Alfredo Aesch-
limann, Emeterio Arias, Benjamin Dean, Ho Ping Tuan (on leave).
Bustos, Mario Cuadros, Guillermo Acting Dean, Tsao Chun Kai.
Emmenegger, Vicente Hernandez, Registrar, Tsao Chun Kai.
Ernesto Marinkovic, Manuel F. Perez, Principal of the Preparatory Depart-
Luis Rojas, Jose Schmied, Ner Soto, ment, H. C. Shen.
L. M. Stump, Eduardo Torreblanca. Business Manager, F. A. Landis.
Treasurer, Wu Chih Chow.
Local Board: Merardo Leon, Director; Dean of Men, Khang Keh Tien.
Guillermo Emmenegger, Vicente Her- Dean of Women, Mrs. Mi Teh Fen.
nandez, Jose Schmied. Librarian, Liao Chu Sheng.
Staff Physician, CM Nai Ping.
Administration: Hospital and Dispensary Nurses, Mrs.
President, Merardo Leon. Z. H. Coberly, Mrs. Hwang Ru Yu,
Treasurer, Mrs. Wu Chih Chow, Yen Pao
Dean of Men, Orvald Scully. Liang ; Laboratory Technician, Li
Peat) of Women, Neva Sandborn. Su Ching.


Agricultural Science, Harold Cole.
Biological Sciences, C. E. Winter. Loma Linda and Los Angeles,
Business Training, F. A. Landis, California
Timothy Y. Hsiao, Marie Baart.
Chinese Language, Ku Shih. Established 1906; chartered 1909
English Langauge, W. C. Williams. Board of Trustees: C. L. Bauer, Arthur
Music, Mrs. W. C. Williams. L. Bietz, A. D. Butterfield, M. V.
Normal Training, Tsao Chun Kai, Ho Campbell, Walter B. Clark, E. E. Cos-
Ping Tuan (on leave). sentine, Harold Ermshar, Willard C.
Practical Theology, T. S. Geraty. Fisher, Theodore R. Flaiz, Frederick
Premedical, C. E. Winter. Griggs, George T. Harding, H. H.
Social Sciences, Su Hsing. Hicks, Monroe F. Loy, Walter E.
Systematic Theology, S. H. Lindt, Macpherson, J. L. McElhany, Fred
Giang Tsung Kwang. B. Moor, Henry S. Nelson, W. E.
Preparatory Department: Nelson, Tesla C. Nicola, Wm. Fred-
erick Norwood, Orlyn B. Pratt, Har-
Principal, H. C. Shen. old Shryock, John C. Shull, Clarence
Bible, Tuan Yun Chien, Chang Tsui E. Stafford, J. J. Strahle, C. L.
Yu. Torrey, David Voth, Harold M. Wal-
Chinese Language, Liao Chu Seng, ton, N. C. Wilson.
Shen Chen Tung. Advisory Members of the Board: V. G.
Commercial, Wu Chih Chow. Anderson, G. H. Curtis, L. E. Len-
English Language, W. C. Williams, heim, D. A. Ochs, M. L. Rice, Grant
Mrs. H. C. Shen. A. Roberts, H. L. Rudy, C. A. Scriven,
Home Economics, Mrs. Su Hsing. Alfred Shryock, Jere D. Smith, J. W.
Music, Mrs. W. C. Williams. Turner, H. W. Vollmer.
Practical Arts, Chia Ming Hsien,
Feng Chao Ying. Officers of the Board: Frederick Griggs,
Science and Mathematics, Chow Hsin President and Chairman; George T.
Chiu, Ho Tsun Hsien, Meng Hsien Harding, First Vice-President; C. L.
Ming, Wang Kuei Teh. Bauer, Second Vice-President; J. J.
Social Science, Chen Tsung Tao, Chen Strahle, Third Vice-President; John
I. Fu. C. Shull, Comptroller and Treasurer ;
Leon Roberson, Secretary and As-
Elementary Department: sistant Treasurer ; G. H. Curtis, Roy
Miss Kung Yu Hwa, MrS. Tsao Chun L. Atcheson, Assistant Secretaries.
Kai, Yen En Tee, Chinese ; Mrs. John General Administrative Officers:
Anderson, English.
President, George T. Harding.
Industries: Vice-President, Walter E. Macpher-
Farm, Harold Cole. son.
Cannery, Z. H. Coberly. Comptroller, John C. Shull.
Engineers, Chia Ming Hsien, Wu Kuo Resident Auditor, Roy L. Atcheson.
Medical Extension Secretary, Grant
Ching. A. Roberts.
Mechanics and Power Plant, John
Anderson, Feng Chao Ying, Hung
Hsin Teng.
Printing, Z. H. Coberly. School of Medicine
Dean, Loma Linda Division, Harold
(Punjab Mission) Shryock.
Dean, Los Angeles Division, William
Seventh-day Adventist Mission School, Frederick Norwood.
Chuharkana, Mandi, Punjab, Paki- Dean of Students, Loma Linda, Divi-
stan. ' sion, Walter B. Clark.
Registrar, Loma Linda Division, Ches-
Board: Punjab Local Mission Board. ter C. Fink.
Registrar, Los Angeles Division, Wal-
Staff: D. S. Johnson, Principal.; Daulat ter M. Bolinger.
Chand, Diwan Chand, Daisy Dass,
Shariff Din, Abid A. Ditta, D. C. Executive Committee, Loma Linda. Di-
Hunter, Mrs. D. S. Johnson, B. Peter. sion (Preclinical Division) : George
T. Harding, Chairman ; Harold Shry-
Industries: Peanut Butter, Vanilla, ock, Vice-Chairman ; Chester C. Fink,
Sewing, Basketmaking, Farm, Gar- Secretary; Alton D. Butterfield, Wal-
den, and Knitting. ter B. Clark, Willard C. Fisher, Wal-

ter E. Macpherson, Raymond A. Christhian Ethics and Doctrine: NOr-

Mortensen, William Frederick Nor- val F. Pease, Professor ; Robert W.
wood, Orlyn B. Pratt, John C. Shull, Olson, Instructor.
Thomas I. Zirkle.
Executive Committee, Los Angeles Di-
Faculty Council, Loma Linda Division vision (Clinical Division): George T.
(Preclinical Division) : Harold Shry- Harding, Chairman ; William Freder-
ock, Chairman ; Chester C. Fink, Sec- ick Norwood, Vice-Chairman ; Walter
retary; Cloice H. Biggins, Alton D. M. Bolinger, Secretary ; Donald E.
Butterfield, Ernest C. Christensen, Griggs, Dell D. Haughey, Eugene J.
Walter B. Clark, Samuel A. Crooks, Joergenson, Walter E. Macpherson,
Emanuel C. Ehlers, John 0. Ewert, Fred B. Moor, Orlyn B. Pratt, Har-
Willard C. Fisher, John Dee Fletcher. old Shryock, John C. Shull, Clarence
Ola K. Gant. Floyd W. Gardner. E. Stafford, Homer 0. Stilson, Ralph
Bruce W. Halstead, George T. Har- J. Thompson, Harold M. Walton.
ding, Mervyn G. Hardinge, Elwin
G. Hoxie, John E. Hughes, Guy M. Faculty Council, Los Angeles Division
(Clinical Division) : William Frederick
Hunt, Arthur B. Jones, Thomas F.
Norwood, Chairman; Walter M. Bolin-
Judefind, Kenneth E. Kellogg, Lester ger, Secretary ; Roger W. Barnes, R.
H. Lonergan, Walter E. Macpherson,
Theodore Bergman, Arthur L. Bietz,
Norman E. W. Matthews, F. Rene Olov A. Blomquist, Milo B. Brooks, J.
Modglin, Raymond A. Mortensen, Bruce Brown, Albert L. Chaney, Her-
Harold N. Mozar, Henry S. Nelson, bert G. Childs, Jr.,
William Frederick Norwood, Robert obert F. Chin-
nook, Benton N. Golver, Clement E.
W. Olson, Norval F. Pease, Orlyn B.
Pratt, Erving L. Rogers, John C. Counter, Cyril B. Courville, Charles
Shull, Alfred Shryock, Loleta E. L. Dale, Harry A. Davis, Kenneth S.
Simpson, James K. Skahen, Carrol S. Davis, Hertha Ehlers, Richard Ekroth,
Small, H. Millard Smith, Thomas I. Harold Ermshar, Lenor S. Goerke.
Zirkle. Donald E. Griggs,- Wilton L. Halver-
son, H. James Hara, George T. Har-
Seventh-day Adventist Faculty, Loma ding, Dell D. Haughey, Malcolm R.
Linda Division: Hill, Albert E. Hirst, Leland R. House,
Anatomy: Samuel A. Crooks, Alfred Carl R. Howson, Harold J. Hoxie,
Shryock, Professors; Harold Shry- Robert E. Hoyt.
ock. Associate Professor; Marvyn Jacob Janzen, Eugene J. Joergen-
G. Hardinge, John E. Hughes, As- s.on, Varner J. Johns, Arthur I.
sistant Professors ; John Dee Fletch- Kugel, Lawrence D. Lee, Forrest E.
er, Guy M. Hunt, F. Rent Modglin, Leffingwell, Milton G. Levine, Walter
Instructors. E. Macpherson, Joseph E. Masch-
meyer, DeVere W. McGuffin, Fred B.
Physiology: genneth E. Kellogg, As- Moor, Elton L. Morel, Ella Moyers,
sociate Professor; Cloice H. Big- Clarence E. Nelson, Maurice W. Nu-
gins, H. Millard Smith, Instructors. gent, John E. Peterson, Harry C.
Therapeutics: Fred B. Moor, Profes- Prout, Orlyn B. Pratt, Louis J.
sor; Lester H. Lonergan, Associate Regan, T. Gordon Reynolds, James
Professor ; Ernest C. Christensen, J. Short, Harold Shryock, John C.
Ola K. Gant, Assistant Professors. Shull, Norman W. Specht, Clarence
Biochemistry: Raymond A. Mortensen, E. Stafford, Homer 0. Stilson, Walter
Professor. L. Stilson, G. Mosser Taylor, Ralph
J. Thompson, George M. Uhl, Harold
Pathology and Bacteriology: Orlyn B. M. Walton, Harold F. Ziprick.
Pratt, Professor ; Thomas F. Jude-
find, Carrol S. Small. Associate Pro- Seventh-day Adventist Faculty, Los An-
fessors ; Elwin G. Hoxie, Assistant geles Division:
Professor; Bruce W. Halstead, In- Therapeutics: Fred B. Moor, Profes-
structor. sor ; Clarence W. Dail, Associate
Internal Medicine: Walter E. Mac- Professor ; Stuart C. Knox, Joseph
pherson, Professor; Emanuel C. E. Maschmeyer, Harry C. Turner,
Ehlers, Willard C. Fisher, Floyd W. Instructors.
Gardner, Assistant Professors ; Pathology and Bacteriology: Orlyn B.
Norman E. W. Mathews, Nile B. Pratt, Professor ; Albert F. Brown,
Reeves, Erving L. Rogers, Instruc- Theodore S. Kimball, Associate Pro-
fessors ; Albert L. Chaney, Gilbert
Radiology: Loleta E. Simpson, In- D. Curtis, Albert E. Hirst, Jr.,
structor. Robert E. Hoyt, Alfred A. Kosky,
General Surgery: Thomas I. Zirkle, Roland H. Osborne, Assistant Pro-
Associate Professor; Alton D. But- fessors.
terfield, Instructor.
Internal Medicine: Walter E. Mac-
Anesthesiology: James K. Skahen, pherson; Professor; Roy Manning
Instructor. Clarke, Clinical Professor Ben E.

Grant, Donald E. Griggs, Harold J. sistant Professor; John G. Man-

Hoxie, Alfred R. Roos, James J. ning, Christopher A. Mason, C.
Short, Associate Professors ; Harold Cornell McReynolds, Assistant
M. Walton, Associate Clinical Pro- Clinical Professors ; Malcolm B.
fessor; Olov A. Blomquist, Leonard Downs, Wilfred H. Emery, T. Gor-
J. Brunie, Belle Wood Comstock, don Reynolds, Ellwood L. Shultz,
Harold N. Mozar, John E. Peter- Instructors.
son, Samuel H. Phang, Assistant Ophthalmology: Sidney B. Browne-
Professors; Otto Arndal, Claude C. berger, Clinical Professor ; Lewis
Bunch, William D. Evans, Louis J. C. George, Robert J. Schillinger,
Fisher, Elmer W. Gilbert, Raymond Assistant Clinical Professors ; Ar-
M. Hill, Monroe F. Loy, Assistant thur S. Gray, Emil E. Merkel, In-
Clinical Professors; Maynard S. structors.
Bourdeau, Herman F. Ermshar,
Otolaryngology: Benton N. Colver,
Donald Lee John, Varner J. Johns, Professor; H. James Hara, Clinical
Lewis J. Klingbeil, Earl B. Ray,
Norman W. Specht, Homer 0. Stil- Professor Leslie D. Trott, Associ-
- son, Florence C. Voth, Instructors. ate Professor; Leland R. House,
Assistant Professor; Lloyd K. Ro-
Pediatrics: Hertha Ehlers, Associate senvold, Milo C. Schroeder, Assist-
Clinical Professor; Robert F. Chin- ant Clinical Professors; John 0.
flock, Heather Ingle, Paul K. Ito, Ewert, Arthur K. George, Joel M.
Geraldine J. Leech, Floyd Albert Gibbons, Albert J. Patt, Leslie Rie-
Miracle, Maud E. O'Neil, Denver chel, Charles E. Stewart, Jr., In-
C. Reed, Instructors. structors.
Nervous Diseases: Cyril B. Courville, Urology: Roger W. Barnes, Professor ;
Professor ; Clarence W. Olsen, As- R. Theodore Bergman, Clinical
sociate Professor ; Charles T. Bat- Professor ; Stanley E. Farley, Ivan
ten, Clemson. Marsh, Philip J. E. Martin, C. LeRoy Turner, In-
Vogel, Assistant Clinical Profes- structors.
sors; Edison D. Fisher, Instructor. Proctology: Malcolm R. Hill, Profes-
Diseases of the Chest: Claude E. Bab- sor ; F. George ReBell, Assistant
cock, Assistant Professor. Clinical Professor.
Dermatology and Syphilology: Cle- Stomatology: Herbert G. Childs, Jr.,
ment E. Counter, Associate Clinical Associate Professor; Gordon K.
Professor ; Molleurus Couperus, Adams, Byron W. Miller, Frank-
Assistant Professor ; Marvin D. lyn C. Nelson, Richard J. Phillips,
Knoll, Harvey E. Starr, Assistant Instructors.
Clinical Professors; Harold Edward Anesthesiology: Forrest E. Leffing-
Anderson, E. Earll Kinzer, Stan- well, Arthur J. Martinson, As-
ton B. May, John D. Rogers, In- sistant Clinical Professors ; Althea
structors. M. Dollinger, Howard S. Downs,
Radiology: Walter L. Stilson, Assist. Katherine C. Fisher, Arthur H.
ant Professor; Roy W. Johnson, As- Kirk, Instructors.
sistant Clinical Professor; Delos Obstetrics and Gynecology: Ralph J.
Comstock, Paul H. Deeb, Margaret Thompson, Professor; August H.
H. Godfrey, Merle F. Godfrey, Otto Larson, Clinical Professor; William
J. Neufeld, Instructors. C. Bradbury, Elisabeth Larsson,
Public Health and Preventive Medi- Ralph H. Walker, Associate Profes-
cine: Wilton L. Halverson, Profes- sors ; Dell D. Haughey, - Harold F.
sor. Ziprick, Assistant Professors; Virgil
0. Parrett, Assistant Clinical Pro-
General Surgery: Eugene J. Joergen- fessor ; J. Bruce Brown, Jack G.
son, Clarence E. Nelson, Clarence Hallett, Lucy K. Lawrence, George
E. Stafford, Associate Clinical Pro- Edwin Norwood, Arnold L. Peter-
fessors ; Ralph W. Allen, George A. son, Fred L. Scott, Ronald R. Scott,
Johnstone, Elmer A. Nelson, Assist- Instructors.
ant Professors ; Howard H. Drake,
Alfred E. Gilbert, Jacob Janzen, Cultural Medicine: William Frederick
Fenn E. Poole, Carl H. Talmage, Norwood, Professor Ella Moyers,
Assistant Clinical Professors; Assistant Professor, Jerry L. Pettis,
Charles L. Dale, Luther V. Hof- Instructor.
gaarden, F. Harriman Jones, Ar- Applied Christianity: Arthur L. Bietz,
thur I. Kugel, John H. Leary, De- Professor ; Paul C. Heubach, Asso-
Vere W. McGuffin, Elton L. Morel, ciate Professor ; D. C. Newbold,
John E. Ostendroph, Harry C. William G. Wirth, Special Lec-
Prout, Thomas F. Wright, In- turers.
structors. In addition to the names listed above,
Orthopedics: G. Mosser Taylor, Pro- a considerable number of physicians
fessor; Alonzo J. Neufeld, As- and specialists practicing in Los An-

geles and vicinity contribute regularly Clemson Marsh, F. George ReBell,

of their services as special instructors Philip J. Vogel, Special Lecturers.
and lecturers in the Clinical Division
of the College of Medical Evangelists. Division of Otolaryngology: Clinton
A. Burrows, Professor Emeritus ;
Benton N. Colver, Professor ; H.
Graduate School of Medicine James Hara, Clinical Professor ;
Leslie D. Trott, Associate Profes-
Administration (Graduate Council): sor; Leland R. House, Assistant
Harold M. Walton, Dean; Walter M. Professor; Lloyd K. Rosenvold,
Bolinger, Registrar; Roger W. Milo C. Schroeder, Assistant Clini-
Barnes, Director of Urology ; Harry cal Professor; John 0. Ewert,
A. Davis, Director of Surgery; H. Arthur R. George, Joel M. Gibbons,
James Hara, Director of Otolaryng- Leslie Riechel, Charles E. Stewart,
ology; George T. Harding, President, Instructors ; Gordon K. Adams, Milo
College of Medical Evangelists ; Dell B. Brooks, Herbert G. Childs, Jr.,
D. Haughey, Director of Gynecology Molleurus Couperus, Cyril B. Cour-
and Obstetrics; Jacob Janzen, Direc- ville, John E. Hughes, Guy M.
tor of Surgical Anatomy, Walter E. Hunt, Jacob Janzen, Kenneth E.
Macpherson, Vice-President College Kellogg, Elton L. Morel, Clarence
of Medical Evangelists ; Elton L. E. Nelson, Alfred R. Roos, James
Morel, Assistant Director of Surgical J. Short, Norman W. Specht,
Anatomy; William Frederick Nor- Special Lecturers.
wood, Dean, Los Angeles Division,
School of Medicine (undergraduate) ; Division of General Surgery: Eugene
Orlyn B. Pratt, Professor of Pathol- J. Jorgenson, Clarence E. Nelson,
ogy ; James J. Short, Director of In- Clarence E. Stafford, Associate
ternal Medicine ; Harold Shryock. Clinical Professors; George A.
Dean, Loma Linda Division, School Johnstone, Assistant Professor; Al-
of Medicine (undergraduate) ; Ruth fred E. Gilbert, Jacob Janzen, As-
Reinhold Steitz, Administrative Sec- sistant Clinical Professors ; Charles
retary; G. Mosser Taylor, Director L. Dale, Wilfred H. Emery, Elton
of Postgraduate Courses. L. Morel, Instructors ; Malcolm R.
Seventh-day Adventist Faculty: Hill, Arthur J. Martinson, Christo-
pher A. Mason, C. Cornell McRey-
Division of Gynecology and Obstet- nolds, Alonzo J. Neufeld, T. Gordon
rics: Ralph J. Thompson, Profes- Reynolds, Carl H. Talmage, G. Mos-
sor; William C. Bradbury, Elisabeth ser Taylor, Special Lecturers.
Larsson, Ralph H. Walker, Associ-
ate Professors; Dell D. Haughey, Division of Urology: Roger W.
Harold F. Ziprick, Assistant Pro- Barnes, Professor; R. Theodore
fessor ; Virgil 0. Parrett, Assistant Bergman, Clinical Professor ; Stan-
Clinical Professor; J. Bruce Brown, ley E. Farley, Ivan E. Martin, C.
Erwin A. Crawford, Richard D. LeRoy Turner, Instructors.
Ekroth, Carl E. Francis, N. Berwyn
Lawrence, Allen E. Shepherd, In- Division of Postgraduate Courses:
structors; Molleurus Couperus, These courses are for the most part
Special Lecturer. conducted by the members of the
Division of Internal Medicine: Cyril various departments of the School
B. Courville, Wilton L. Halverson, of Medicine.
George T. Harding, Walter E. Mac- Basic Science Group: Orlyn B. Pratt,
pherson, Fred B. Moor, Professors ; Professor ; Albert F. Brown, Car-
Donald E. Griggs, Harold J. Hoxie, roll S. Small, Associate Professors ;
Clarence W. Olson, Alfred R. Roos, Albert L. Chaney, Gilbert D. Curtis,
James J. Short, Associate Profes- Mervyn G. Hardinge, Albert E.
sors ; Clement E. Counter, Harold Hirst, Robert E. Hoyt, John E.
M. Walton, Bruce Williamson, As- Hughes, Alfred A. Kosky, Assistant
sociate Clinical Professors; Olov A. Professors ; John C. Roos, Assistant
Blomquist, Leonard J. Brunie, Ray- Instructor.
mond M. Hill, Harold N. Mozar,
John E. Peterson, Samuel H. Phang, Radiology Group: Walter L. Stilson,
Assistant Professors ' Otto Arndal, Assistant Professor ; Merle F. God-
William D. Evans, Louis J. Fisher, frey, Otto J. Neufeld, Instructors.
Assistant Clinical Professors ; May-
nard S. Bourdeau, Erving L. Rog- In addition to the names listed above,
ers, Norman W. Specht, Instruc- a considerable number of physicians
tors ; Gordon K. Adams, Sidney B. and specialists practicing in the
Brownsberger, Molleurus Couperus, Los Angeles vicinity and elsewhere
Clarence W. Dail, Ola K. Gant, contribute regularly of their serv-
Bruce W. Halstead, Alf aretta ices in the Graduate School of
Johnson, Lester H. Lonergan, Medicine.

School of Dietetics Pathology, Theodore S. Kimball,

Orlyn B. Pratt.
Administrative Officers:
Religion, Paul C. Heubach.
Director, Esther L. Gardner.
Serology, Mary Culver, Milton G.
Administrative Faculty: Levine.
Walter E. Macpherson, Harold Shry- Surgical Technique, Dorothea Sheldon,
ock, Chester C. Fink, Ola K. Gant, Myrtle Slate, Sue Van Tilborg.
Esther L. Gardn4r, Lydia E. Sonnen-
berg, Mrs. Nora Woolley, Norval F.
Pease, Zella Nixon. School of Nursing
Faculty of Instruction: (Loma Linda Division)
Student Supervisor, Loma Linda San- Director, School of Nursing and Nurs-
itarium, Elvira Blais, Bertha Shol- ing Service, Mrs. Catherine Graf.
Student Supervisor, White Memorial Assistant Director, Nursing Service,
Hospital, Ellen Anderson, Edith Alice Kuhn.
Ryberg, Muriel Bafus, Eileen Pang- Supervisor of Instruction, Mrs. Marian
burn, Elaine Williams. Bowers.
Night Supervisor, Lucile Talmage.
Organic Chemistry, Medical Dietetics, Instructor of Nursing Arts, Joyce Dil-
Nutritional Research, Ola K. Gant. lon.
Health Principles, Nutrition, Esther Health Supervisior, Alice Rampson.
L. Gardner. Supervisors of Clinical Services:
Diseases, F. Rene Modglin. Medical Nursing, Flossie Case.
Student Supervisor, White Memorial Operating Room, Frieda Lutz.
Clinic, Alfaretta Johnson. Out-patient Department, Pansy Lu-
Bacteriology, Thomas F. Judefind. chessa.
Ola K. Gant. Dispensary, Muriel Spear.
Physiology, Millard Smith, C. H. Physical Therapy, Jean Middleton.
Biggins. Surgical Nursing, Eldine Childs.
Obstetrical Nursing, Mrs. Ruth Wip-
Director of Student Interns, Loma perman.
Linda Sanitarium, Jennie L. Stagg.
Biochemistry, Raymond A. Morten- Medical Director, A. D. Butterfield.
sen. Business Manager, H. S. Nelson.
Food and Cookery, Food Purchasing, Instructor of Religion, F. A. Moran.
Zella Nixon. Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, Velma
Student Supervisor, White Memorial Wallace.
Dietitian, Jennie L. Stagg.
Cafeteria, Audrienne Huey.
Psychobiology, Harold Shryock. (White Memorial Division)
Infant Feeding, Loleta E. Simpson.
Institutional Organization and Ad- Director, School of Nursing and Nurs-
ministration, Cafeteria Manage- ing Service, Maxine Atteberry.
ment and Quantity Cookery, Lydia Assistant Director School of Nursing,
E. Sonnenberg. Marjorie Schweder.
Student Supervisor, Institutional Mar- Assistant Director, Nursing Service,
keting, Loma Linda Sanitarium, Mrs. Helen Austin.
Jennie L. Stagg. Supervisor of Instruction, Harriet
Supervisor of Clinical Instruction,
School of Laboratory Technique Maureen Maxwell.
Night Supervisor, Inez Smith.
Director, Orlyn B. Pratt. Supervisors of Clinical Services:
Faculty: Medical and Surgical Nursing,
Wilma Cook, Bernice Hawkins,
Bacteriology, Ruby Dybdahl, Robert Mrs. Ella Mary Miles, Anabelle
E. Hoyt. Mills, Mrs. Edna Ward.
Bio-Chemistry, Stanley Wiess, Jean- Obstetrical Nursing, Victoria Specht,
nie Wiessman. Orpha Gann, Marion Nelson, Bea-
Blood Bank, Almira Squire. trice Gore.
Hematology. LaVerna L. Ellis, Paul Operating Room, Vivian Warren.
Out-patient Department, Mrs. Claire
Krater, May Fonda Wiess, Robert Nelson, Adeline Farnsworth.
Morris. Pedriatric Nursing, Irene Burgeson,
Histologic Technique, Arvid Ora, Julianne Weaver.
Georgia Sutherland. Physical Therapy, Ethel Manwell.
Parasitology, Bruce Halstead, Ken- Dorothy Voss, Olive Vaughn, Doro-
neth Wong. thy Davis.

Medical Director, Harold M. Walton. COLLEGEDALE ACADEMY

Business Manager, Harold Ermshar.
Instructor of Religion, Paul C. Heubach. Collegedale, Tennessee
Dietitian, Edith Ryberg. (Academy connected with Southern
Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, Mrs. Missionary College)
Coramae Thomas.
Telephone: Chattanooga 4-3323.
Board of Management: Same board of
School of Physical Therapy trustees as for Southern Missionary
Director, Fred B. Moor. College.
Faculty: Faculty:
Anatomy, Samuel A. Crooks, Mervyn Principal, J. C. Gaitens.
G. Hardinge. Bible, E. F. Kenny, Thomas Hansen,
Applied Christianity, Arthur L. Bietz.
Bible, Robert W. Olson J. C. Gaitens, E. T. Watrous.
Christian. History and Doctrine, Nor- Biology, G. B. Dean.
val F. Pease. Chemistry, J. C. Gaitens.
Clinical Practice, Ethel M. Manwell, English, Mrs. E. T. Watrous.
Joseph E. Maschmeyer, Fred B. Foreign Languages, Mrs. Thomas W.
Moor. Steen.
Electrotherapy and Light Therapy, History, E. F. Kenny.
Home Economics, Aletha Shook.
Dorothy Voss. Mathematics, E. F. Kenny.
Ethics, Ethel M. Manwell.
Fever Therapy, Fred B. Moor, Olive Music, H. A. Miller, Mrs. Betty K.
Vaughn. Harter, Dorothy V. Evans, Mary
Hydrotherapy, Chester Simpson. Ellen Hartley.
Massage, Clarence W. Dail, Eunice 'Physical Education, J. C. Gaitens,
Marsh, Elburton N. Rice, Chester Ingrid Johnson.
Printing, R. E. Lynn.
Medicine, Louis J. Fisher, Fred B.
Muscle Training, E. Evelyn Britt,
Dorothy Davis, Isobel J: Hansen. TRAINING SCHOOL
Neurology, Cyril B. Courville, B. (Institute Colombo-Venezolano)
Clemson Marsh. Apartado 224,
Occupational Therapy, Ernestine Es- Medellin, Colombia, South America
Orthopedics, Harvey E. Billig, Alonzo Established 1936
J. Neufeld, T. Gordon Reynolds, G. Air Mail Address: Correo Aereo 877,
Mosser Taylor. Medellin, Colombia, South America.
Pathology. Carrol S. Small.
Physical Therapy Technique and Kine- Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Acol-
siology, Jeanne Middleton. ven" Medellin, Colombia, South
Physiology, Cloic H. Biggins, Ken- America.
neth E. Kellogg.
Posture Training, Doris E. Larkin, Telephone: "America" 12-63.
Eunige Marsh, Norma J. Somdahl. Board of Directors: George C. Nickle,
Principles of Physical Therapy, R. Chairman ; C. G. Bushnell, Secretary ;
William Berdan, Ernest C. Chris- David Baasch. W. E. Baxter, Charles
tensen, Clarence W. Dail, Lester R. Beeler, Eugene T. Burley, Gil-
H. Lonergan. berto Bustamante, Arthur L. Ede-
Psychology, Charles T. Batten. burn, W. - H. England, R. R. Hen ne-
Surgery, Jacob Janzen. berg, Fred McNiel, Douglas C.
Therapeutic Exercise, Clarence W. Prenier.
Dail, Joseph E. Maschmeyer. Local Board: C. G. Bushnell, Chairman;
David Baasch, Gilberto Bustamante,
School of X-ray Technique Arthur L. Edeburn, W. H. England,
George C. Niekle.
Director, Walter L. Stilson.
Photography, Edward Hamilton. Principal and Business Manager, C.
Radiology, Dennis C. Adler, Paul H. G. Bushnell.
Deeb, Otto J. Neufeld. Preceptress and School Nurse, Mrs.
Radiation Physics and Biology, James Marye Burdick.
R. McNaughton, Walter L. Stilson. Faculty:
Religious Education, Paul C. Heubach.
Roentgen Anatomy, Neil Thrasher. Principal, C. G. Bushnell.
X-ray Technique and Procedures, Agriculture, W. T. Collins.
Dallas Strewn and associated full- Bible, W. H. England.
time technicians. English, C. G. Bushnell.

History, -- Czech, Mathematics, Logic, and Liter-

Mathematics, W. E. Aeschlimann. ature, V. Vorac.
Music, Mrs. Catherine Bushnell. English, J. Cepl.
Printing, W. T. Collins. Music, Miss E. Doubrayska.
Science, W. E. Aeschlimann. Physics, and Chemistry, B. Spinar.
Spanish and Normal, Mrs. W. E. Psychology and Russian, K. Spinar.
Broom Shop, W. T. Collins. DANISH MISSION SCHOOL
Vejlefjord Hojskole, Daugaard,
Battle Ground, Washington Established 1908; reorganized 1931
Established 1903 Board of Trustees: P. G. Nelson, Caleb
Telephone: 7701-R-5, Vancouver. Andreasen, M. Bakke, S. A. Bro-
berg, I. W. Christiansen, K. A.
Board of Management: Lloyd E. Biggs, Frederiksen, I. Jacobsen, C. G. Jen-
Chairman ; B. M. Kurtz, Secretary. sen, H. Jorgensen, Thv. Kristensen,
C. A. Larsen, N. P. Nielsen, H.
Faculty : Westerlund.
Principal and Business Manager, B.
M. Kurtz. Administration:
Accountant and Assistant Manager, Principal, C. A. Larsen.
Clyde W. Smith. Business Manager, J. Moller Christen-
-Dean of Boys, R. M. Sturdevant. sen.
Dean of Girls, Madge Muchmore.. Matron, Herdis Lund.
Registrar, Howard Henderson.
Bible, Van 0. Blair.
Bookkeeping and Commercial, Clyde Bible Classes:
W. Smith, Howard Henderson. Bible, C. A. Larsen.
English, Madge Muchmore, R. M. Danish, K. A. Frederiksen.
Sturdevant. English, Kamilla Larsen.
History, Wendell Fleck, Van 0. Blair.
Language, Archie R. Morley. College:
Mathematics, Archie R. Morley. Bible, Church History, . and Hom-
Music, Mrs. George Reis, Mrs. How- iletics, C. A. Larsen.
ard Henderson. Bookkeeping, J. Moller Christen-
Science, R. M. Sturdevant, Archie R. sen.
Morley. Danish, Swedish, French, and His-
Sewing, Mrs. Walter Gibson. tory, C. Bagger.
Industrial, Ira Jackson. English, Kamilla Larsen.
Matron, Mrs. A. A. Walter. Academy:
Shop, Walter Gibson.
Bible, C. A. Larsen.
Elementary School, C. D. Overton, Danish, Swedish, and Nature Study,
Mrs. C. D. Overton, Mrs. J. J. K. A. Frederiksen.
Axford. English and German, KAmilla Lar-
History, German, and Geography,
Mathematics, and Science, P. A.
Box 21, Rarotonga, Cook Islands Christiansen.
Pacific Ocean
Preparatory Class:
Headmaster: D. H. Watson.
Arithmetic, J. Moller Christensen.
Bible, C. A. Larsen.
CZECHOSLOVAKIAN BIBLE SCHOOL English and Manual Training, Ka-
milla Larsen.
Londynska 30, Praha-Vinohrady, Gardening, W. A. Moller.
Czechoslovakia History, C. Bagger.
Established 1925 ; re-established 1946 Nature Study, K. A. Frederiksen.
Physics, P. A. Christiansen.
Board of Management: Czechoslovakian Elementary School, Marie Schmidt.
Union Committee.
Faculty: Agriculture, S. Rasmussen.
Principal, T. Zigmund. Brush Making, K. A. Frederiksen.
Anatomy and Psysiology, J. Simon. Cement Industries, and Wood Pro-
Bible, History, Greek, and Latin, T. ducts, Th. Tranborg.
Zigmund. Gardening, W. A. Moller.

DOMINICAN JUNIOR ACADEMY Mathematics, D. D. Holtz, J. F.

(Colegio Adventists Dominicano) Science, T. Kanada.
Apartado 568, Ciudad Trujillo, Elementary School, Albertina Pereira,
Republica Dominicana Lourdes Luduvice.

Board of Managers: The Mission Com-

mittee and Robert Maxson. EAST VISAYAN ACADEMY
Faculty: Bulacao, Talisay, Cebu, Philippines
Principal, Robert Maxson.
Established 1936
Preceptor, Edgar Williams.
Preceptress, Ana Retif. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 119, Cebu
Bible and English, Robert Maxson. City, Philippines.
Elementary School, Neda Cano, Ana Board of Management: R. Llaguno,
Retif, Edgar Williams. Chairman ; L. L. Quirante, Secretary ;
A. Caprobes, M. E. Loewen, A. M.
Ragsdale, G. Silud, F. T. Verde,
SCHOOL Faculty:
P. 0. Box 22, Kampala, Uganda, Principal, L. L. Quirante.
East Africa Treasurer and Business Manager, F.
Established 1945 T. Verde.
Registrar, Mrs. E. R. Valdez.
Board: Union Executive Committee. Preceptor, E. A. Gerona.
Preceptress, Villanueva Cabardo.
Staff : C. J. Hyde, G. J. E. Coetzee. Matron, Mrs. E. E. Arit.
Village Schools: 2. Librarian, Mrs. F. T. Verde.
African Workers and Teachers: 5. Bible, B. Arit, Ruth Reyes.
English and Literature, Villanueva
History, Ruth Reyes, E. A. Gerona.
EAST BRAZIL ACADEMY Mathematics and Science, C. Diaz,
(Institute Teologico Adventists) Juan E. Valdez.
National Language, B. Arit.
Petropolis, Estado do Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, South America Elementary School, J. Atil, Mrs. F. G.
Established 1989
Telegraphic Address: "ITA," Petropolis,
Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COLLEGE

Postal Address: Caixa Postal 55, Pe- Berrien Springs, Michigan

tropolis, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Established 1901
Telephone: Berrien Springs 5521.
Board of Managers: R. A. Wilcox,
Chairman ; Joao Bork, Secretary ; M. Legal Title: "Emmanuel Missionary
Ost, G. Pinho, E. Roth, J. Wagner. College, Incorporated."
Faculty : Board of Trustees: L. E. Lenheim,
Chairman; Alvin W. Johnson, Secre-
Principal, D. D. Holtz. tary; N. L. Beebe, C. M. Bunker,
Manager and Treasurer, J. F. Wai- R. G. Burchfield, Theodore Carcich,
ting. F. N. Crowe, J. G. Dassent, Elton
Preceptor, S. C. Souza. Dessain, 0. C. Durham, J. B. Frank,
Preceptress, Hilda Silva. E. L. Green, B. L. Grundset, G. E.
Matron, Camila Vieira. Hutches, J. L. Levens, W. T. Lindsay,
School Physician, C. C. Schneider. T. R. Lukens, H. A. Morrison, M. W.
Architectural Drawing, E. L. Waiting. Prince, H. L. Rudy, L. J. Wall, A. H.
Bible, T. Kanada. Welklin, S. E. Wight, E. F. Willett,
Biology, D. D. Holtz. W. H. Williams, F. W. Schnepper.
Domestic Science, Administration:
English and French, D. D. Holtz,
J. F. Waiting, Mrs. J. F. Waiting, President, Alvin W. Johnson.
W. Groeschel. Dean, A. H. Rulkoetter.
Geography, Hilda Silva. Business Manager, V. P. Lovell.
History, Hilda Silva, J. F. Waiting. Registrar, Mrs. Wanda MacMorland.
Language, S. C. Souza, W. Groeschel. Librarians, Arlene Marks, Barbara

Phipps, Audrey Stockton, Dorothy Academy Faculty:

Dean of Men, R. A. Johnson. Principal, Clinton W. Lee.
Assistant Deans of Men, Albert E. Registrar, Mrs. Wanda MacMorland.
Wideman, Edward Gammon. Librarian, Arlene Marks.
Dean of Women, Rachel Christman.
Assistant Dean of Woinen, Mildred Agriculture, V. H. Campbell, Clar-
Martin. ence Noblitt.
Treasurer and Accountant, Earl Bible, Clinton W. Lee, R. A. Johnson.
Beaty. Biology, E. 0. Wagner.
Assistant Treasurer and Associate Ac- Chemistry, John Christensen.
countant, Robert MacMorland. English, Mrs. Alma Campbell.
Director of Health Service, Maude French, George Smith.
Fahrbach. History, C. S. Field.
Matron, Mrs. Clara Marsh. Home Economics, Justina Batiuk.
College Field Representative, A. Or- Mathematics, A. D. Holmes.
ville Dunn. Music, Paul Hamel.
Physician, G. W. Brown. Physics, H. E. Hein.
Woodcraft, Leslie Smith.
President, Alvin W. Johnson. Industries:
Bindery, Walter Nelson.
Agriculture, V. H. Campbell, Clar- Cafeteria, Mrs. Clara Marsh.
ence Noblitt. Dairy and Farm, V. H. Campbell.
Applied Arts, Leslie Smith. Engineer, J. E. Riffel.
-Bible and Religion, E. R. Thiele, A. Machine Shop, Leslie Smith.
E. Axelson, 0. H. Christensen, Printing, Albert Anderson.
H. 0. Olson: Store, Frank Swearingen.
Biology, B. H. Phipps, Vera M. Wood Products,
Fisher, Edward Wagner.
Chemistry, H. F. Halenz, John Chris- College Wood Products:
tensen. General Manager, T. R. Lukens.
Education, H. E. Edwards, Robert Assistant Manager, E. S. Kyle.
MacMorland, Louise Ambs, Bernice Treasurer, Earl Beaty.
Webber, Margaret Benedict, Marie Plant A, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Pfeifle, Mrs. Alma Campbell, Mer- Plant B, La Grange, Illinois.
ton S. Peterson.
English and Literature, P. T. Gibbs, Board of Directors, L. E. Lenheim,
Violet Morgan, Abbie Culbert, Chairman ; T. R. Lukens, Secretary ;
Edith Stone. Earl Beaty, Theodore Carcich, Joseph
French, Daniel Augsburger, George Day, Cecil Gooch, A. W. Johnson, E.
Smith, S. Kyle, V. P. Lovell, Lee Taylor.
German, H. E. Hein.
Home Economics, Beatrice Holquist,
Justina Batiuk.
Library Science. Arlene Marks. ENTERPRISE ACADEMY
Mathematics, E. J. Specht, A. D. Enterprise, Kansas
Music, Verne Waldo Thompson, Earl Organized 1919
High, Perry W. Beach, Alice Davis,
Verne Kelsey, Estelle Kiehnhoff, Telephone: Enterprise 4281.
Paul Hamel.
Nursing Education, Vera M. Fisher, Board of Trustees: Don R. Rees, Presi-
dent; Oscar L. Heinrich, Secretary.
Winifred McCormack Edwards.
Physics and Mathematics, E. J. Faculty:
Specht, H. M. Lashier.
Physical Education, Blanche De- Principal and Manager, Oscar L.
Merice. Heinrich.
Secretarial Training, Mrs. Elsie 0. Librarian, Francis Knittel.
Johnson. Dean of Boys, Ted Weis.
Social Science, Earl Beaty, C. S. Field, Dean of Girls, Genevieve Dickerson.
Robert MacMorland, E. D. Ryden,
E. K. Vande Vere, James D. Wang. Bible and Languages, G. E. Stacey,
D. P. Harder.
Teacher Supervisors: English, Francis Knittel.
Home Economics, Mrs. G. E. Stacey.
Elementary Education, Louise Music, Francis Cossentine, Mrs. Fran-
Ambs, Margaret Benedict, Merton cis Cossentine, Robert Warner.
S. Peterson, Marie Pfeifle, Bernice Science, N. W. Rowland.
English, Mrs. Alma M. Campbell. Farm, Ben Brost.
Social Science, C. S. Field. Matron, Mrs. Ben Brost.


Principal, H. Karstrom.
Post Office Box 145, Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia Preceptress, Lina Lehti.
Matron, Asta Backman.
Staff: Herbert Hanson, Principal; Mrs. Bible, Lahja Ketola, 0. Maattanen.
Herbert Hanson, Oljera Samuel. Chemistry, Physics, and Biology, H.
English, Lahja Ketola, K. Kaarima.
Finnish, K. Kaarima.
SCHOOL FOR GIRLS German, Aira Sakslin.
Post Office Box 145, Addis Ababa, History, O. Maattanen.
Ethiopia Homiletics, 0. Maattanen.
Mathematics, Aira Sakslin, S. Helppi.
Staff: Mae Matthews, Principal; Ter- Music, Kitty Karstrom, Helmi Sihvola.
site Abeba, Akelele Berhanie, Kassech Swedish, Helmi Sihvola, Kitty Kar-
Heile Mariam, Gladys Martin. strom.


458 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China FOREST LAKE ACADEMY
Established 1926 Maitland, Florida
Board of Directors: W. H. Branson, Established 1926
Chairman ; W. H. Wood, Secretary-
Treasurer ; W. E. Abernathy, V. T. Telephone: Winter Park 483.
Armstrong, N. F. Brewer, N. 0.
Dahlsten, C. H. Davis, C. B. Guild, Board of Managers: It. H. Nightingale,
E. H. James, C. B. Miller, J. M. Ner- Chairman ; Harry M. Lodge, Secre-
ness, John Oss, P. E. Quimby, C. P. tary.
Sorensen, M. C. Warren, R. S. Watts,
P. L. Williams, W. C. Williams. Faculty:
Faculty: Principal and Manager, Harry M.
Principal and Business Manager, Wil- Lodge.
ton H. Wood.
Treasurer and Business Manager,
Librarian, Mrs. W. C. Williams. Floyd G. Winters.
Preceptor, Albert Schimke. Registrar, Mrs. Charles Pierce.
Preceptress, Mrs. W. C. Williams. Dean of Boys, Kenneth R. Davis.
Matron, Mrs. Albert Schimke. Dean of Girls, Mrs. C. W. Reeder.
Bible, Albert Schimke. Librarian, Mrs. Urmal Stout Calkins.
English, Mrs. N. F. Brewer, Mrs. P. School Nurse, Mrs. Kenneth R. Davis.
E. Quimby.
Home Economics, Mrs. Albert Bible, M. J. Jackson, Kenneth R.
Schimke. Davis, Harry M. Lodge.
History and Foreign Language, W. Bookkeeping, Mrs. L. F. Pierce.
C. Williams. English, Mrs. Celeste Hall Kirkstein,
Music and Business, Mrs. Wilton Mrs. Harry M. Lodge.
H. Wood. Home Economics, Merlene 0. Legare.
Science and Mathematics, Wilton H. History, Mrs. M. J. Jackson.
Wood. Mathematics and Science, J. E. Mine-
singer, Roland S. Semmens.
Music, Mrs. Robert Gleason, Charles
Pierce, Siegmond Grosskopf.
FINLAND S.D.A. MISSION SCHOOL Printing, Daniel Suhrie.
Shorthand, Mrs. Charles Pierce.
(Toivonlinnan Kristillinen Opisto) Spanish, Mrs. Harry M. Lodge.
Piikkio, Finland Typing, Mrs. Urmal Stout Calkins,
Mrs. Kenneth R. Davis.
Established 1918; reorganized 1932 Vocational Arts, Clifton Calkins.
Telegraphic Address: Toivonlinna, Piik- Industrial:
kio, Finland.
Campus and Landscape Gardening,
Telephone: Piikkio 24. Robert Gleason.
Board: A. Y. Rintala, H. Karstrom, A. Dairy, 0. D. Tompkins.
Arasola, T. Heinonen, 0. Jaakkola, Matron, Mrs. L. Knight.
0. Maattanen, Y. Miettinen, T. Sel- Poultry, J. E. Tompkins.
javaara, R. Kaarima. Press, Daniel Suhrie.



(Seminaire Adventiste du Salever Bible, Wilbur Holbrook.
Commercial, Althea Noble.
Collonges-sous-Saleve (Haute-Savoie), English, Martha Lorenz.
France History, 0. D. Hancock.
Established in present location 1921 Home Arts, Althea Noble.
Music, Madge Gould.
Board of Management: W. R. Beach, Physical Education, Althea Noble,
Chairman; A. Vaucher, Secretary; R. Wilbur Holbrook.
Bermeilly, P. Cosendai, R. Gerber, P. Science and Mathematics, Erman
Girard, J. C. Guenin, F. Lavanchy, P. Stearns.
Lanares, A. Meyer, H. Muller, K. Spanish, Ernest It. Johnson.
Sturzenegger, Otto Schuberth. Woodcraft, Clarence Warwick.
Local Board: A. Vaucher, Chairman ; Elementary School, Irene Crocker,
P. Cosendai, Secretary ; R. Bermeilly, Anna Jensen, Mrs. Margaret Roder-
E. Bernard, R. Klaschwitz, Odette ick, Carolyn Shobe.
Mathey, P. Steiner, L. Vez. Cafeteria, Mrs. Mary L. pronsert.
President, Alfred Vaucher.
Dean, R. Bermeilly. SEMINARY
Manager, P. Cosendai.
Registrar, Mrs. H. Sanchez. Friedensau, Post Grabow, uber Burg,
Preceptor, P. Steiner. (19b) Bez. Magdeburg, Germany
Preceptress, Odette Mathey.
Established 1899
Bible, Alfred Vaucher, E. Bertalot.
Commerce, J. P. Aeschlimann. Board of Management: M.-Budnick, H.
Domestic Science, Miss R. Wehrli. Brinkmann, A. Burger, R. Dang-
English, Mrs. F. Charpiot, Mrs. E. schat, R. Daumichen, G. Durolf, W.
Bertalot. Eberhardt, 0. Haase, F. Hambrock,
Geography, W. Hans, L. Krug, G. Mai, A. Rebens-
German, P. Steiner. burg, 0. Vogel.
French, Mrs. L. Harlet, R. Bermeilly.
History, Ch. Rihs. Faculty:
Mathematics, R. Guy. Principal, W. Eberhardt.
Piano, Miss M. Abrahamsen. Preceptress, Waldtraut Langer.
Science, D. Toureille. Teachers: A. Birsgal, W. Eberhardt,
Normal Department, R. Guenin. H. Kobs, Waldtraut Langer, G.
Elementary School, Lupke, S. Lupke.
Intermediate School, R. Bermeilly,
Mrs. M. Harlet, Miss J. Marty.
Farm, E. Bernard.
Gardens, Louis Vez. Korbvau, Tai Levu, Fiji, Pacific Ocean
Mechanical Industries, R. Klaschwitz.
Press, Jean Abot. Established in Buresala, Ovalau, 1904 ;
in Tai Levu, 1940
Principal: L. S. Wood.
Nanga-Eboko, French Cameroons, GEM STATE ACADEMY
West Africa
Box 691, Caldwell, Idaho
Established 1918
841 W. Belmont Ave., Fresno 1, Telephone: 828.
California Board of Management: Clarence C.
Established in 1908 as an intermediate Kott, Chairman ; H. D. Schwartz,
school; 1921 as an academy Secretary.
Telephone: 2-7649. Faculty:
Principal and Manager, H. D.
Board of Managers: M. L. Venden, Schwartz.
Chairman; Marvin Moore, Vice-
Chairman ; 0. D. Hancock, Secretary- Treasurer, F. C. Gibbon.
Treasurer. Registrar, Mrs. H. D. Schwartz.
Dean of Boys, H. F. Crays.
Faculty: Dean of Girls, Rose Budd.
Principal and Business Manager, 0. Librarian, Mrs. M. Rowse.
D. Hancock. Matron, Mrs. M. 0. Cheney.

Baking, Vernon Atkins. Elementary School, Murl Vance,

Bible, R. A. Garner. Principal ; Mrs. Chandos Angell,
Biology, Chemistry, Spanish I and Muriel Bisseger, Ethel Griese, Mar-
II, M. 0. Cheney. jorie Hackett, Mrs. Pauline Han-
Bookkeeping and Boys' Physical Edu- son, Vione Hendrix, Katheleen
cation, F. C. Gibbon. Kachuck, Mavis Smith, Marion
English, Mrs. M. Rowse. Soth.
Girls' Physical Education, Mrs. H. A.
Work. Cafeteria, Mrs. Marie Geier.
History, Mathematics, Physics, and Maintenance, Doran E. Fiske, Charles
Manual Training, F. L. Bunch. W. Eggert, J. B. Stevens.
Music, Mrs. John Rader, H. A. Work.
New Testament History, H. D.
Old Testament History, Rose Budd.
Shorthand and Typing, H. F. Crays. 1709 Alcatraz Ave., Berkeley 3, Calif.
Vocal, Mrs. R. A. Garner.
Bakery, Dean Dennis. Established 1923
Farm and Dairy, Glen Cheney.
Telephone: Olympic 2-3491.
Board of Directors: A. F. Wellman,
GITWE TRAINING SCHOOL Chairman ; P. G. Wipperman, Secre-
(Seminaire Adventiste)
Gitwe, via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi Principal and Manager, P. G. Wipper-
Belgian East Africa man. -
Established 1931 Vice-Principal, J. D. Hardt.
Faculty: E. I. Edstrom, Principal; Ruth Librarian, Mrs. Edith Guild.
Carnahan, W. H. Johnson, Mrs. W. Bible, J. D. Hardt, Vernon Braaten.
H. Johnson, C. E. Felton, Mrs. C. E. Biology, Vernon Braaten.
Felton, B. P. Wendell, and 6 African Commerce, Charlotte Palmer.
teachers. English, Vernon Braaten, Mrs. Edith
History, Carl G. Larsson.
GLENDALE UNION ACADEMY Homemaking, Mrs. Edith Guild.
Music, George Casebeer.
700 Kimlin Drive, Glendale 6, California Physical Education, Vernon Braaten,
Carl G. Larsson, Mrs. Edith Guild.
Established 1923 Science and Mathematics, Carl G.
Telephone: Citrus 2-8301. Larsson.
Spanish, George Casebeer.
Board of Managers: W. G. Wirth, Chair-
man N. L. Parker, Secretary. Elementary School, Mrs. Erma Allen,
Mrs. Alice Cottrell, Mrs. Elizabeth
Faculty: Hardt, L. W. Normington.
Principal and Business Manager: N. Woodwork, Vernon Braaten.
L. Parker.
Accountant, M. M. Millner.
Registrar, Mrs. Lydia Cole.
Commerce, Sarah J. Slate.
English, Kathryn Speh. (For Cape and Indian Colored People)
History, Robert Kitto.
Home Economics, Mrs. Willett V. Klipfontein Road, Athlone, Cape,
Meyers. South Africa
Library Science, Emma A. Frost. Established 1930
Mathematics, F. D. Fisher, Emma A.
Frost. Managing Board: A. C. LeButt, Chair-
Music, Minor D. Plumb, Mrs. Helen man 0. B. Hanson, Secretary ; A.
Tupper, Glenn Cole, Mrs. Marian Felix, Louise Kleinert, Mrs. A. Ohls-
Klingbeil. son, G. Theunissen, and the Educa-
Physical Education, R. J. Geier, tional Secretary of the South African
Emma A. Frost. Union. Union President, Adviser.
Printing, J. B. Krauss, Edward Seitz.
Science,. Franklin Fisher, Edward Faculty: 0. B. Hanson, Principal; C.
Seitz. Africa, Mrs. E. K. Cerfontyne, A. V.
Spanish, Mrs. Lydia Cole. Edwards, E. May, I. du Preez, W. A.
Woodwork, R. J. Geier. Turner.


415 Newbury Street Bible and English, Marta Argueta.
Boston 15, Massachusetts History, R. Moises Tahay.
Mathematics and Science, Marta Ar-
Established 1944 gueta.
Telephone: Kenmore 6-7462. Music, Maria Najarro.
Board: R. R. Bietz, Chairman; E. C. Spanish, R. Moises Tahay.
Harkins, Secretary. Elementary School, Eva Santa Cruz,
Argentina Oliva, Marta Ramirez.
Principal and Treasurer, E. C. Har-
Bible and History, Richard Hammond.
English, E. C. Harkins. (Seminaire Adventiste D'Haiti)
Language and Typing, Bernece M.
Harkins. Diquini, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Science and Mathematics, Kenneth Established 1934
Sewing, Maxine Spaulding. Postal Address: Casier A-115, Port-au-
Robert Hall Elementary School, Mrs. Prince, Haiti.
Annie Belle Hall, Earl Cowen. Board of Management: H. B. Lundquist,
Chairman ; A. L. Christensen, Secre-
tary ; V. R. Lebedoff, L. L. Reile, F. S.
GREATER NEW YORK ACADEMY Thompson, Ernest Veuthey, W. A.
41-32 58th Street, Woodside, Wild.
Long Island, New York Faculty:
Established 1920 Principal, A. L. Christensen.
Treasurer, Julien Craan.
Telephone: Newton 9-0799. Preceptor, Sem Pierre-Louis.
Board: L. C. Evans, Chairman; G. H. Preceptress, Mrs. Albert Painson.
Gibson, Secretary. Bible and History, Joses Brutus.
Faculty: Commerce, Julien Craan.
Principal, G. H. Gibson. French,
Mathematics and Science, Albert
Librarian, Mrs. Altagracia Alvarez. Painson.
Bible, Robert Kerr. Social Sciences, Sem Pierre-Louis.
Commercial, Charlene Baker. Farm, Nahum Dorval.
English, Evelyn Russell. Printing, Mike Rabuka.
French, Mrs. Altagracia Alvarez. Wood Products, Michel Toussaint.
History, Robert Kerr, Mrs. Altagracia
Mathematics, Sidney Rittenhouse. HAPUR ELEMENTARY BOARDING
Music, Mrs. Altagracia Alvarez. SCHOOL
Physical Education, Sidney Ritten-
house, Evelyn Russell. (United Provinces Mission)
Science, Sidney Rittenhouse, G. H. Seventh-day Adventist Mission School,
Gibson. Hapur, U. P., India
Spanish, Mrs. Altagracia Alvarez.
Cafeteria, Charlene Baker. Board: United Provinces Local Mission
Faculty: R. P. Morris, Principal; E. F.
GUATEMALA JUNIOR ACADEMY Gardner, Sardaran Khan, Mrs. R.
(Colegio "El Progreso") P. Morris, Miss Nath, Miss F. Peters,
Nihal Singh, Nirmal Singh, Sunder
Apartado 218, Guatemala City, Singh, Ram Swaroop.
Guatemala Industries: Farming, Peanut Butter,
Established 1945 Vanilla Essence.
Board of Directors: Melvin W. Sick-
ler, 'Chairman ; Moises Tahay, Secre- HAWAIIAN MISSION ACADEMY
tary; Vernon E. Berry, J. Escandon, 1415 Makiki St., Honolulu 4, T. H.
Ricardo Pedroza, A. G. Robinson,
Javier Sosa, L. A. Wheeler. Established 1915
Administration: Telephone: 93881.
Principal, R. Moises Tahay. Board of Directors: W. J. Harris, Chair-
Treasurer, A. G. Robinson. man; D. J. Bieber, Secretary.

Faculty: Home Economies and Dressmaking,

Principal and Business Manager, D. Norma Lou Rhodes.
J. Bieber. Modern Languages, A. J. Raitt.
Music, Francis Brown, Gwendoline
Treasurer and Accountant, R. A. Smith, Mrs. M. Stockil.
Strickland. Science and Mathematics, C. F.
Registrar, Mrs. D. J. Bieber. Clarke, A. L. Watt.
Librarian, Juliette K. Lau.
Secretary, Thelma Reed. Critic Teachers, Martha Coetzee, Ruth
Hurlow, Esme Rentzke.
Bible, Joe D. Marshall, Wilmot Smith..
Commercial, R. A. Strickland. Normal, Carl W. Shafer.
English, Elmer Herr, Mable Taylor, Woodwork and Carpentry, S. Glanz.
History, Elmer Herr.
Home Economics,Florence Mishima.
Journalism and peech, Miyoko Kusu- HIGHLAND ACADEMY
Mathematics, J. Hal Horning. Fountain Head, Tennessee
Piano, Audra Wood: Established 1945
Printing, Francis Hammer.
Science, W. V. Albee. Board of Management: W. E. Strick-
Shorthand, Mrs. Doris Strickland. land, Chairman . H. J. Capman, Vice-
Spanish, Soledad deOchoa. Chairman ; M. E. Moore, Secretary.
Special English, Miyoko Kusuhara, Faculty:
David Iwamoto. Principal, M. E. Moore.
Typewriting, Mrs. Glenda Marshall.
Vocational, James Horning. Business Manager and Treasurer,
Voice, Mrs. Helen Steinel. W. D. Walton.
Accountant, Floyd Batchelder.
Elementary School, Truman Reed, Dean of Boys, R. M. Hillier.
Principal ' Doris Crocker, Martha Dean of Girls, Mrs. R. M. Hillier.
Harlin, Mrs. Ethel Hesseltine,.Vera Registrar, M. E. Moore (acting).
Lyau, Miriam Pease, Mrs. Nellie Librarian, W. F. Ray.
Shim, Yaeko Shimada, Yuk Yau Matron and Home Economics, Mrs.
Chun. C. R. Melendy.
School Nurse, Mrs. R. M. Hillier.
Bible, E. G. Wrigley, R. M. Hillier,
(European) Commercial, Floyd Batchelder, Doro-
P. 0. Box 22, Somerset West, thy Lundquist.
Cape Province, South Africa English, E. G. Wrigley.
History, M. E. Moore, R. M. Hillier.
Board: C. W. Bozarth, Chairman ; W. Mathematics, C. R. Melendy.
E. McClure, Secretary; E. F. Birken- Music, Mrs. Floyd Batchelder.
stock, J. R. Campbell, F. G. Clifford, Printing, M. E. Moore.
J. B. Cooks, V. R. Cooks, E. D. Han- Science, W. F. Ray.
son, N. Jeffes, S. G. Maxwell, E. A. Spanish, C. R. Melendy.
Moon, Milton Robison, H. M. Spar- Farm, John T. Owens.
row, P. Stevenson, J. E. Symons, E. Maintenance, G. C. Parrish.
W. Tarr, F. H. Thomas, P. J. Tryst- Sanitarium, W. D. Walton.
man, W. R. Vail, J. van de Merwe.,
Local Board: C. W. Bozarth, W. E.
F. H. Thomas. (European Day School)
Faculty: Bollihope Crescent, Mowbray, Cape
Town, South Africa
Principal, W. E. McClure.
Staff: C. C. Marais, Principal; Mrs. R.
Business Manager, F. H. Thomas. Holbrook, Elza Marais, Mrs. J. B.
Registrar, A. J. Raitt. Naude, Florence Orchard.
Librarian,*Mrs. Ruth Gorle.
Preceptor, E. L. Tarr.
Preceptress, Anne Visser, Mrs. C. H. HOME STUDY INSTITUTE
Smuts (Junior Hostel).
Matron, - Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Afrikaans, P. J. van Eck. Established 1909
Agriculture, L. Webster. Constituency: The General Conference
Bible, T. K. Ludgate, E. L. Tarr. Committee.
Commercial, Ethel M. Edmed, S. Max-
well. Board of Directors: W. B. Ochs, Chair-
English, Mrs. Ruth Gorle. man; E. E. Cossentine, Vice-Chair-
History, Hans L. Rasmussen, Man ; W. Homer Teesdale, Secretary ;

H. M. Blunden, W. A. Butler, L. K. Administration:

Dickson, E. W. Dunbar, H. T. Elliott, Principal, L. E. Greenidge.
M. E. Evans, M. E. Kern, H. A. Morri-
son, L. R. Rasmussen, D. E. Rebok, Treasurer, Elden Ford.
W. H. Shephard, J. A. Stevens, W. H. Registrar,
Williams. Preceptor, Peter Wood.
Preceptress, Mrs. Elden Ford.
Advisory Council: G. T. Anderson, E. Matron,
E. Bietz, G. W. Bowers, P. W. Chris-
tian, L. N. Holm, A. W. Johnson, B. Faculty:
H. McMahon, J. V. Peters, F. L. Bible, Daniel Moncada.
Peterson, D. E. Rebok, A. H. Roth, Commercial, Jilma de Cerna.
Otto Schuberth, W. H. Shephard, C. English, Lula V. C. Gregory.
L. Smith, L. M. Stump, E. W. Tarr, History, L. E. Greenidge.
R. W. Woods, K. A. Wright. Mathematics and Science, Elden Ford.
Administration: Spanish. Daniel Moncada.
President, W. Homer Teesdale. Farm, Peter Wood.
Registrar and Treasurer, M. E. Evans.
President, W. Homer Teesdale. Established 1930
Astronomy and Geology, H. W. Clark,
R. E. Hoen. P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory,
Bible and Evangelism, L. H. Hartin, East Africa.
B. P. Hoffman, E. W. Carey, D. E. Board of Management: Tanganyika
Robinson, Maybelle Vandermark. Field Committee.
Biblical Languages, R. E. Loasby.
Education, G. F. Wolfkill, Mrs. Vera Principal: F. E. Schlehuber.
Morrison. Staff: Jessie Hawman, Justin Salimu,
English, Rhetoric, and Literature, Mrs. F. E. Schlehuber, I. G. van Aswe-
Linnie L. Keith, M. E. Olson, W. F. gan ; 9 African teachers.
French, German, Latin, and Spanish, Elementary School: Justin Salimu.
L. S. Davis. African Evangelist: 1.
Harmony and Hymnology, H. B. Han-
num. Village Schools: 2.
Health, Dorothy Sampson. African Teachers: 12.
History, A. W. Werline, Daniel Wal-
ther, L. Mark Hamilton.
Mathematics, E. B. Ogden, E. M. INCA UNION COLLEGE
Shorthand and Typewriting, B. P. (Colegio Union)
Speech, C. E. Weniger. Km. 25 CarreteraLima Chosica
, Nana, Lima, Peru
Elementary Division, Harriet Liese.
Established 1919
HONAN JUNIOR ACADEMY Telephone: 09 Large distancia.
INSTITUTE Postal Address: Casilla 2102, Lima,
Yencheng, Ronan, China Peru.
Established 1916 Board of Management: E. N. Lugenbeal,
President ; R. L. Jacobs, Secretary ;
(Operation temporarily suspended) 0. Krause, I. M. Vacquer, R. N.
Rojas, S. C. Pritchard, R. E. Kepkey,
Donald von Pohle, C. E. Schmidt,
(Colegio Industrial Hondureno) Administration :
San Francisco, Atlantida, Honduras, President, R. L. Jacobs!
Central America Vice-President and Dean, Alcides J.
Established 1946 Alva.
Manager and Treasurer, C. E.
Board of Management: Vernon E. Schmidt.
Berry, E. E. Jensen, R. G. Jones, L. Preceptor, Isaias Ramos.
E. Greenidge, Myrl Hyde, J. W. Preceptress, Mrs. Victor Achata.
Gollopp, L. A. Watson.
Executive Board: E. E. Jensen, R. G.
Jones, L. E. Greenidge, Daniel Mon- Faculty, Boys' Section:
cada. Principal, Alcides J. Alva.

Art and Normal Training, Victor French, Frances Brant.

Achata. History, Eliza Parfitt.
Bible, R. A. Hayden. Music, Celia Walker.
Commerce, C. E. Schmidt. Science, Mathematics, and Biology, C.
English, Mrs. R. L. Jacobs. C. Hansen.
Geography and National History, Farm, Everett Kirk, Merrill Petry.
Victor Achata. Matron, Mrs. Robert Farver.
History, Guillermo Bernal. Maintenance, 011ie Green.
Mathematics, Arturo Arauzo, Rodolfo Shop, Raymond Wells.
Physical Culture, Napoleon Linares.
Science, Alcides J. Alva.
Faculty, Girls' Section: 124 Route Localle 22, Phd-nhuan,
Principal, Jacoba Florian. Saigon, French Indo-China
Arts,-Victor Achata. Established 1939
Bible, Isaias Ramos.
Biological Sciences, J. Alva. Board of Management: Indo-China Mis-
English, L. R. Dickinson. sion Executive Committee.
Geography and History, Jacobs Flo-
rian. Faculty: E. H. Wallace, Tran ngoc Te,
Home Economics and Handicrafts, L. G. Storz.
Marina de Alva.
Mathematics, Arturo Arauzo.
Spanish, Mateo E. Aguilar.
Physical Culture, Elvira Enriquez. INDONESIA TRAINING SCHOOL
Farm Manager, L. R. Dickinson. (Formerly Netherlands East Indies
Training School)
Indonesia Union Seminary of S.D.A.
INDIAN OCEAN UNION TRAINING Gadobangkong, Tjimahi, Java,
SCHOOL Indonesia
Soamanandrariny, Tananarive, Established 1929
Executive Board: D. S. Kime, Chair-
Established 1938 man ; L C. Schmidt, Secretary; H. D.
Board of Management: H. Pichot, J. Johnson, L. Hogendorp, W. U. Huta-
Zurcher, H. L. Henriksen, A. Lams, pea, M. G. Laloan, L. W. Mauldin.
A. Schnyder.
Faculty: J. Zurcher, Principal and Man- Principal, I. C. Schmidt.
ager ; A. Mananirina, A. Marnoel, J. Treasurer, A. G. Sondakh.
Raoseta, Razafimahafaly, Razanama- Teachers: L. Lesiasel, L. W. Mauldin,
lala. I. C. Schmidt, Mrs. I. C. Schmidt.
Matron, Mrs. L. M. D. Wortman.
Established 1902 2075 Pehlevi Avenue, Teheran, Iran
Telephone: 15x2. Established 1946
Board: C. M. Bunker, President; C. M.
Willison, Secretary-Treasurer. Telephone: 5525.

Board of Management: C. C. Crider,
Faculty Chairman; P. C. Boynton, Secretary.
Principal and Business Manager C.
M. Willison. Faculty:
Accountant, Grant E. Guth. Principal and Business Manager, P. C.
Dean of Boys, Oscar E. Torkelson. Boynton.
Dean of Girls, Eliza Parfitt. Armenian, Mrs. Shirvanian.
Accounting, Grant E. Guth. Bible, P. C. Boynton, I. Pourhadi.
Bible, L. L. Murphy, Oscar E. TOrkel- English, Mrs. P. C. Boynton.
son. History, Luba Beitzakhar.
Commercial, Betty Dolan. Mathematics, Luba Beitzakhar.
English, Frances Brant, Oscar E. Music, Mrs. D. V. Kubrock.
Torkelson, Everitt Kirk. Pharsee,

IRAQ TRAINING SCHOOL Faculty: G. Gurabatham, Principal; S.

Alice, S. Ambiah, I. Chelliah, M. Paul,
Mosul, Iraq Y. Ponniah, E. V. Samuel, Rebecca
Established 1927 Samuel, Kazis Vedamuthu, Florence
Board of Management: , Chair- Industries: Agriculture, Cooking, Sew-
man Robert K. Hasso, Secretary ; ing.
Hilal Doss, Bashir Hasso, Nasif Hasso,
M. U. Jacobson, S. D. Karmy.
(Nihon San-Iku Gakuin)
Principal and Business Manager, Rob-
ert K. Hasso. - Established 1926
Arabic, Nageeba Isaac. Address: Shows Machi, Kimitsu Gun,
Bible, Robert K. Hasso. Chiba Ken, Japan.
English, Mrs. Robert K. Hasso.
Mathematics, Said Toma. Telephone: Naraha 18.
Music, Mrs. Robert K. Hasso.
Science, Philip Saaty. Board of Management: F. R. Millard,
Social Sciences, B. P. Hoffman, Fusako Kato, W. W.
Konzack, C. G. Oliver, S. Tamura, T.
Primary School, Bahnam Arshat, Nas- Yamagata.
ssima Gamil, Hyat Ibrahim, Selma,
Majeeda Shamoun, Shamiram Yussiff. Faculty:
Principal, W. W. Konzack.
Manager, H. B. Ludden.
(Istituto Avventista di Treasurer, S. Tamura.
Cultura Biblica) Preceptress, Ai Niwa.
Teachers: II. Hara, Fusako Kato, S.
Via del Pergolino 12, "Villa. Aurora," Kunihira, D. S. Lee, N. Nemoto,
Florence, Italy Fumiko Shibata, I. Tabuchi, Sakuyo
Established 1940 Wakabashi, M. Yoshimura.
Farm Manager, S. Seino.
Telephone: 41-214.
Board of Management: Luigi Beer, S.
Agnello, R. Bongini, G. Cavalcante, KAMAGAMBO TRAINING SCHOOL
S. Cortesi, G. Cupertino, G. Fenz, G. P. O. Kisii, Kenya Colony,
Ferraro, F. Sabatino, D. Verona, M. East Africa
Vincentelli. Established 1928
Local Board: G. Cupertino, S. Angello, Board: Kenya Field Committee.
I. Evangelisti, G. Fenz, Miss A.
Lippolis, M. Vincentelli. Staff: V. E. Robinson, Principal; R. G.
Pearson, Catherine J. Schuil, Louise
Faculty: Leeper, Mrs. R. G. Pearson ; African
Principal, G. Cupertino. teachers, 9.
Treasurer, G. Fenz. Normal Department: Catherine J.
Preceptor, G. Valcarenghi. Schuil, R. G. Pearson.
Preceptress, Miss A. Lippolis. Girls' School: Louise Leeper; African
Bible, G. Cupertino, M. Vincentelli. Teachers, 3.
History, M. Vincentelli, G. Valca-
Italian, G. Valcarenghi. Put Put, via Rabaul, Territory of New
Latin, A. Trentin. Guinea
Mathematics, L. Valcarenghi.
Music, Miss A. Lippolis. Headmaster: E. Tonkin.


(Tamil Field) (East Bengal Mission)
Seventh-Day Adventist Mission High Seventh-day Adventist Mission High
School School, Jalirpar, Faridpur District,
East Pakistan
Prakasapuram, Tinnevelly District,
South India Established 1921
Board of Management: 0. 0. Mattison, Board of Management: P. C. Gayen, S.
Chairman ' G. Gurubatham, Secre- N. Arinda, S. K. Haldar, U. N. Hal-
tary ; M. E. Kemmerer, V. D. Koil- dar, R. K. Pandit, H. M. Peak, 0. A.
pillai, C. Moses, Herbert A. Walls, Jr. Skau.

Faculty: R. N. Dass, Principal; N. N. W. S. Nation, H. E. Nembhard, M. G.

Bannerjee, Mrs. M. M. Biswas, J. N. Nembhard, E. E. Parchment, Mrs. R.
Dass, B. B. Talukdar. Pleasants, D. E. Walker, H. S.
Shafter, California Principal, W. A. Holgate.
Cashier and Accountant, Hulda Shaw.
Established 1980 Instructors: Olga Crarey, Jean Mul-
Board of Management: B. A. Reille, lings, Ena Parker, V. H. Percy,
Chairman ; J. C. Michalenko, Secre- Olga Smith, Eva Williams.
Principal and Business Manager, KOREAN UNION TRAINING SCHOOL
J. C. Michalenko. Outside East Gate, Seoul, Korea
Librarian, Mrs. L. W. Roth. Established 1939
Bible and German, L. W. Roth, A. C. Board of Management: E. W. Bahr,
Harder. Chairman ; J. M. Lee, Secretary ; Kim
Commercial, English, and Home Eco- Myung Kil, Lee Ryu Sik, R. C. Mills,
nomics, Mrs. L. W. Roth. Oh Suk Young, Pak Chang Uk.
History, L. W. Roth.
Mathematics, J. C. Michalenko. Faculty:
Music, Norman Nelson. Principal, J. M. Lee.
Science, J. C. Michalenko. Treasurer, Kim Chang Soo.
Physical Education, Pauline Largent,
L. W. Roth. Teachers: Choi Ok Wha, Han Ki Cho,
Elementary School, William Apiile, Im Chung Hyuk, Kim Chang Soo,-
Pauline Largent, Mrs. V. Wikoff. Kim Ki Pang, J. M. Lee.
Woodwork, A. C. Harder.
SCHOOL (Malayalam Mission)
(Bihar Mission)
Seventh-day Adventist Mission High
Seventh-day Adventist Mission School, School, Kottarakara, Travancore,
Khunti, Ranchi District, India South India
Established 1940 Board: 0. 0. Mattison, Chairman ; F.
Board of Managers: Bihar Mission W. Storz, Secretary ; M. E. Kemmerer,
Board. . S: Thomas, Herbert A. Walls, Jr.
Faculty: Mrs. W. B. Votaw, Principal; Faculty: A. F. Jessen, Principal; W.
I. C. Kujur, N. Murmu, Mrs. B. F. Storz, Acting Principal ; Mrs. P. I.
Nowrangi, S. Nowrangi, Johi Suren, Alykutty, L. C. Charles, L. C. George,
J. P. Tiru. A. D. Jackson, S. Jesudas, M. Lucas,
L. C. Samuel, Mrs. P. Vadamuthu,
P. Varghese, J. Velloopillai.
458 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China
Board of Management: Kiangsu Mission (Ceylon Mission)
Faculty: Seventh-day Adventist Mission High
School, Kottawa, Pannipitiya,
Principal, Feng Shuh Fan. Ceylon
Teachers, Chang Ching, Ke Soy Sie, Established 1924
Ling Seng Yung, Tong Hung Chia.
Board of Management: E. A. Crane,
Chairman ; R. S. Fernando, Secretary ;
KINGS WAY HIGH SCHOOL P. M. Dason, W. A. Dunn, L. F.
12 Osborne Road, Half-Way-Tree P.O., Hardin, E. L. Juriansz, A. R. Peiris,
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies Y. G. Prakasam.
Established 1943 Faculty: E. L. Juriansz, Principal ; P.
M. Dason, Tamil Headmaster; Mary
Board of Directors: Fernando, Sinhalese Headmistress ; S.
Chairman ; W. A. Holgate, Secretary A. de Silva, Mrs. P. M. Dason, P. P.
C. R. Anderson, B. G. Butherus, Clyde Dias, C. K. John, James Prakasam,
Co, Franz, A. R. Haig, Glenn Millard, Mrs. S. Tanley,

LAKE TITICACA TRAINING Principal of Academy, Elmer Digneo.

SCHOOL Matron, Mrs. Anna Giddings Van
(Colegio Adventists del Titicaca) Ausdle.
College Nurse, Mrs. Audine 0. Bates.
Casilla 4, Juliaca, Peru, South America
College Faculty:
Established 1922
President, G. T. Anderson.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Colegio
Adventista, Juliaca, Peru. Accountancy and Economics, W. E.
Board of Management: B. W. Steinweg, Agriculture, Frank Judson.
President; , Secretary; David Art, Mrs. Chloe Adams Sofsky.
Duffle, I. A. Foppiano, Mariano Huay- Bible, Edward Heppenstall, J. C.
llara, F. C. Petty, Ascencio Sosa. Hausler, W. F. Specht, Thomas H.
Administration : Blincoe.
Principal and Manager, Biology, L. E. Downs, Mrs. Pauline
Treasurer, E. R. Flores. Business Administration, Ralph W.
Preceptor, Vicente Maquera. Koorenny.
Preceptress, Maria H. de Chambi. Chemistry, L. C. Palmer, H. R.
Teachers: Ruben Chambi, I. A. Fop- Shelden.
piano, Pedro Quispe, Victor Quispe. Domestic Science, Doris H. Carlsen,
Ruth Stenborn.
Elementary Education, Maybel Jen-
BOARDING SCHOOL English, Lilian Beatty, Hope Hayton,
Walter T. Crandall, Walter B.
Seventh-day Adventist Mission Crawford, Anna Johnston.
Lasalgaon, Nasik District, India Evangelism, Thomas H. Blincoe.
Board: North Marathi Mission Commit- Greek, Walter F. Specht.
tee. History, Wilfred J. Airey, J. C.
Staff: S. S. Pandit, Jr., Principal; U. Haussler.
Ananda Rao, Harnabai Ohal, Mrs. S. Journalism, Walter T. Crandall.
S. Pandit, R. Shinge, Mrs. P. M. Mathematics, L. H. Cushman.
Thomas, M. Waidande. Modern Language, Margarete Ambs,
Hope Hayton, Anna Johnston, Mrs.
Industries: Farming, Flour Mill, Poul- Emma Ambs.
try. Music, H. B. Hannum, John T. Ham-
ilton, Mrs. Ellen Kurtz Jacobson,
LA SIERRA COLLEGE Edna S. Farnsworth, Ralph Pierce;
Ellen Short, Alfred Walters, Mrs.
La Sierra Station, Arlington, California Geraldine Goddard.
Physical Education, George Alfke,
Established 1922 Maudie Bryan.
Telephone: Riverside 9180. Physics, Julian L. Thompson, James
Board of Management: C. L. Bauer, Pre-Nursing, Mrs. Anna Edwardson.
Chairman G. T. Anderson, Secretary ; Printing, W. W. Kennedy.
K. F. Ambs, C. E. Andross, R. C. Secondary Education, George T. Simp-
Baker, G. T. Chapman, P. W. Chris- son, E. Gordon McDowell.
tian, F. Griggs, H. H. Hicks, Walter Secretarial, Irene Ortner.
E. Macpherson, A. C. Nelson, W. A. Speech', Mrs. Mabel Curtis Romant.
Nelson, E. L. Place, David Voth, H. L. Vocational Arts, A. L. Toews.
Shull, R. A. Smithwick, C. L. Tor- Elementary School, Gerald G. Neff,
rey. Principal ; Mrs. Mary Witchey
Groome, Mrs. Pauline B. Koorenny,
Administration : Nellie Odell, Mrs. Hazel Shafer,
President, G. T. Anderson. Mildred Shannon, Helen Swenson,
Mary Woodward.
Dean, C. D. Striplin.
Manager, K. F. Ambs ; Assistant, W. Academy Faculty:
E. Anderson. Principal, Elmer Digneo.
Registrar, Willeta Carlsen.
Assistant Registrar, Mrs. Esther Pur- Registrar, Nellie Phillips.
sley. Bible, A. C. Madsen, Floyd Wood.
Librarian, D. Glenn Hilts. Commerce, Nellie Phillips.
Dean of Men, E. B. Matheson. Domestic Science,
Dean of Women, Mrs. Mary Carter English, Fedelma Ragon.
Champion. History, Mrs. Floyd Wood.
Assistant Dean of Men, Floyd Wood. Mathematics, Mabel Andre, Caroline
Assistant Dean of Women, Mrs. Au- Hopkins.
dine 0. Bates. Medical Cadet, George Alfke.

Modern Language, Mabel Andre. LIBERIAN MISSION SCHOOL

Music, Esther Kunau, Mrs. Geraldine Konola Mission
Physical Education, George Alfke, Post Kakata, Monrovia, Liberia,
Maudie Bryan. West Africa
Science, A. H. Parker. . School Board: Mission Committee.
Vocational Arts, A. L. Toews. Principal: G. Nathaniel Banks.
College Store, F. E. Romant. LODI ACADEMY
Engineering and Maintenance, C. L.
Martin. Box 640, Lodi, California
Farm and Dairy, G. E. Stearns. Established 1908
Laundry, Mrs. Pearl Guild.
Printing, Walter Kennedy. Telephone: 792.
Board of Management: R. C. Baker,
Chairman 1948-49; W. A. Nelson,
Chairman 1949-50 ; E. F. Heim, Sec-
Gaston, Oregon
Established 1904 Principal and Manager, E. F. Heim.
Accountant and Cashier, Lester Mac-
Telephone: Forest Grove 5F3. Glashan.
Registrar, Evelyn Rittenhouse.
Board: L. E. Biggs, Chairman, W. T. Librarian, Clara Belle Culver.
Walters, Secretary. Dean of Boys, D. Robert Watts.
Dean of Girls, Mrs. Vera Pate.
Agriculture, R. William Farley.
Principal and Manager, T. W. Wal- Auto Mechanics, A. R. Barron.
ters. Bible, S. H. Hoskins, D. Robert Watts,
Treasurer and Assistant Business William Wilkinson.
Manager, Wallace Johnson. Biology, Loleta Barron.
Accountant, Margaret Force. English, William Wilkinson, Dorothea
Registrar, Esther Miller. Fitzgerald, Clara Belle Culver,
Librarian, J. W. Gunnersen. Geneva Ackerman.
School Nurse, Mrs. Jessie Nelson. History, William Wilkinson, Dorothea
Agriculture, S. C. Hanson. Home Economics, Kathryn Andrews,
Art, Esther Miller. Leota Gibson.
Bible, William Lay, H. A. Jenks. Language, Geneva Ackerman.
Bookkeeping, Wallace Johnson. Mathematics and Science, Violet
Dairying, Dan Stuivenga. Scott, Loleta Barron.
Engineering, N. D. Engeberg, Music, Melvin Davis, Mrs. Vera
English, Mrs. William Lay, J. W. Hoopes Watts, Alden W. Follett,
Gunnersen. Melva L. Baldwin.
History, A. G. Tappen, N. D. Enge- Physical Education, Dorthea Fitz-
berg. gerald, Clark C. Pettit, R. William
Home Economics, Mrs. Marian Tap- Farley.
pen. Printing, Clark C. Pettit.
Mathematics, R. A. White. Radio, Ralph M. Hoyt.
Shorthand and Typewriting, Evelyn
Music, Mrs. J. W. Gunnersen, Mrs. Rittenhouse, Kathryn Andrews.
Kenneth Gray. Woodwork, A. R. Barron.
Physical Education, M. L. Wisbey. Cafeteria, Leota Gibson.
Radio, S. C. Hanson. Farm, R. William Farley.
Science, R. A. White. Press, Ralph M. Hoyt.
Secretarial, Mary Ella Johnson.
Spanish, Esther Miller.
Speech, Mrs. William Lay. LOMA LINDA UNION ACADEMY
Voice, Mrs. J. L. Paxton.
Carpentry, Ray Keeney. Loma Linda, California
Farm, Dan Stuivenga. Telephone: 2121.
Maintenance, G. H. Ashbaugh. Board of Managers: L. E. Niermeyer,
Matron, Mrs. M. L. Wisbey. Chairman ; Paul E. Limerick, Secre-
Pasteurizing, Robert Helm, tary,


Principal and Business Manager, BOARDING SCHOOL
Paul E. Limerick. (Lowry Memorial High School of
Registrar, Jeanne Johnson. Seventh-day Adventists)
Librarian, Marie Lucas. Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore District,
Bible, J. G. MacIntyre, George Ell- South India
quist. Board: 0. 0. Mattison, Chairman ;
Commerce, Emily Ann Robinson. Herbert A. Walls, Jr., Secretary;
English, Mrs. May Cole Kuhn, Emily S. G. David, M. E. Kemmerer, V. D.
Ann Robinson. Koilpillai, C. Moses, E. S. Eswar Rao,
History, J. G. Maclntyre, Paul E. R. H. Shepard, W. F. Storz, S.
Limerick. Thomas, E. N. Williams.
Home Economics, Marie Lucas.
Mathematics, J. H. Whitney. Faculty: Herbert A. Walls, Jr., Princi-
Music, Grace Burke Cafferky, pal; Y. Abraham, S. G. David, A.
Physical Education, George Ellquist, D. Jonathan, C. Jonathan, 0. B.
Emily Ann Robinson. Jonathan, Robinson Koilpillai, Lee-
Science, J. H. Whitney. lavathy Rajandram, I. R. Thomas,
Spanish, May Cole Kuhn. G. Vedamoney.
Voice, Esther Nixon. Industries: Agriculture, Bookbinding,
Elementary School, William Clawson, Dairy Farming, Printing, Tailoring.
Jr., Principal ; Mrs. Francis Dins-
more, Mrs. Marie Northcott, Mrs.
Barbara Willard, Mrs. Paul E. LYNWOOD ACADEMY
Limerick, Mrs. Elva Ashley, Alma
Nephew, Bernice Squier. 11081 Locust St., Lynwood, California
Cafeteria, Mrs. Rosetta Ames. Established 1938
Woodwork, George Ellquist.
Telephone: Newmark 1-2101.
Board of Managers: L. B. Schick, Chair-
man ; D. 0. Haughey, Vice-Chairman ;
LOS ANGELES ACADEMY W. B. Dart, Secretary-Treasurer.
896 East El Segundo Blvd., Faculty:
Los Angeles 2, Calif.
Principal, W. B. Dart.
Established 1947 Registrar, Marjorie Keene.
Librarian, Joan Kewley.
Telephone: Menlo 4-1202.
Bible, H. L. Wallace, W. V. Cowper.
Board of Managers: R. H. Robertson, Commerce, Lillian Wynne.
Chairman ; J. F. Dent, Secretary. English, Grace Morel, Mrs. Vivian
Faculty: Foreign Language, Mrs. Clara Craig.
Principal and Business Manager, J. F. History, D. E. Lust.
Dent. Home Economics, Mrs. Geneva Kern
Registrar, Mrs. M. Esther Masters. Alcorn.
Accountant, Mary Jane Rogers. Mathematics, Edna L. Kilcher.
Music, Stanley Ledington, Roy K.
Bible, J. F. Dent, Malita Phipps. Hampton, A. W. Rowe.
Commerce, Mrs. M. Esther Masters. Physical Education, G. C. Johnson.
English, G. J. Millet. Science, D. E. Lust, R. E. Wester-
History, R. R. Robinson. meyer.
Library Science, G. J. Millet.
Mathematics, G. J. Millet, R. R. Auto Mechanics and Wood Shop, J. W.
Robinson. Craig.
Music, Malita Phipps, H. Huggins. Matron, Sylvia Simon.
Physical Education, R. R. Robinson.
Science, Malita Phipps, J. F. Dent. MALAMULO MISSION TRAINING
Shorthand, H. Huggins. INSTITUTE
Spanish, R. R. Robinson.
P. 0., Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa
Elementary School, Vera C. Jones, Established 1902
Katherine Brooks, Carrie Davis, Ur-
sula Millet, Gertrude Nunn, Jessie Telegraphic Address: "Malamulo," Ny-
Raymond. asaland.
Cafeteria, Mrs. Edmonia Taylor. Board: Union Committee, I. T. Crowder,
Maintenance, Edgar Howard. Yolam Kamwendo, James Ngaiyayi.
Mechanics, J. G. Smith. Faculty:
Woodwork, R, R, Robinson. A, H, Brandt, Principal; Mrs, L. A,

Edwards, Normal Director ; Mrs. A. Faculty:

H. Brandt, I. T. Crowder, Mrs. I. T. Principal and Manager, George P.
Crowder, L. A. Edwards, Ruth Foote, Stone.
Margaret Johnson, Yolam Kamwendo,
James Ngaiyayi, G. Otter, Mrs. G. Accountant, Mariari Zummach.
Otter, and 10 native teachers. Dean of Boys, William I. Rankin.
Dean of Girls, Mrs. Esther Cornell.
Registrar, Victoria Larsen.
Librarian; Victoria Larsen.
Bible, Dyre Dyreson.
401 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Commercial, Reva Williams.
Colony of Singapore English, Victoria Larsen, Mrs. Milo
Established 1916 Hill.
History, William I. Rankin.
Telephone: 5823. Home Economics, Ethel Hartzell.
Industrial Arts, F. P.' Gilbert.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Mathematics, Cecil Conquest.
ventist," Singapore. Music, Milo W. Hill, Mrs. Charlotte
Board of Directors: Malayan Union Link.
Mission Executive Committee. Science, F. P. Gilbert.
Spanish, Cecil Conquest.
Board of Management: J. M. Nerness, Bindery, P. S. Haughey, Leland Tor-
Chairman ; J. H. Lawhead, Secretary ; kelsen.
C. C. Cleveland, K. T. Kong, H. W. Craftshop, Leo Thibeau.
Peterson, S. N. Siregar, L. C. Wilcox. Culinary, Lura Newkirk.
administration: Farm, A. N. Johnson.
Principal, J. H. Lawhead.
Business Manager and Treasurer J. H.
Assistant Treasurer, M. P. Sormin. SEMINARY
Registrar, Mrs. J. H. Lawhead. (16) Marienhohe b. Darmstadt, Germany
Preceptor, S. N. Siregar.
Preceptress, Mrs. C. H. Hwang. Established 1921
Librarian, Mrs. J. M. Nerness. Board of Management: A. Mink,
Faculty: President ; G. Seng, Vice-President ;
E. Berner, M. Budnick, M. Busch,
Principal, J. H. Lawhead. W. Edener, K. Hasenknopf, E. Moyer,
Bible and Ministerial Training, J. H. C. A. Motzer, A. W. Mueller, W.
Lawhead, Mrs. L. C. Wilcox. Mueller, D. G. Rose, A. Sachsenmeyer,
Chinese, Stephen Pan. 0. Schildhauer, M. Voigt.
Commercial, Mrs. P. M. Coleman. Faculty:
English, Mrs. R. M. Milne, B. L. Ngo,
C. K. Tan. Principal, H. Werner.
Hygiene, P. C. Coleman, B. L. Ngo. Preceptress,
Manual Arts, P. M. Coleman. Teachers, R. Dangschat, H. Teich-
Mathematics, Anwar Bey, Daniel Tan, mann, Margarethe Undritz, H. Wer-
Gloria Tan. ner.
Science, J. P. Rao.
Social Science, S. N. Siregar, Mrs.
Elementary. School, Henry Canagas- "Ecole Adventiste de Phoenix"
abai, Mrs. C. K. Cheung, Mrs. K. T.
Kong, B. H. Ngo, John Richards, "Lea Palmiers," Route de Phoenix,
Mrs. M. P. Sormin, James Wong. Phoenix, Mauritius, Indian Ocean


700 N. Main St., Hutchinson,
Minnesota (Escuela Agricola Industrial Mexicana)
Established 1904 at Maple Plain, Min- Apartado 16, Montemorelos, N. L.,
nesota; transferred to Hutchinson, Mexico
Minnesota, in 1928.
Established 1942
Telephone: 87412.
Board of Directors: Henry J. Westphal,
Board of Management: C. V. Leach, Chairman ; H. A. Habenicht, Secre-
President; George P. Stone, Secre- tary ; Antonio Alarcon, H. E. Butka,
tary. Jose Castreion, K. H. Emmerson,

Max Fuss, H. F. House, J. D. Leslie, Matron, Helen M. Krick.

A. R. Monteith, Juan Plenc, Emiliano Director of the Extension Division,
Ponce, Xavier Ponce, J. A. Salazar. G. Arthur Keough.
Administration: Faculty:
Principal, H. A. Habenicht. President, F. E. J. Harder.
Assistant Principal, Antonio Alarcon. Arabic, I. N. Swaidan.
Treasurer, A. R. Monteith. Art, Marjorie Harris Harder.
Cashier, Delia Mendoza. Bible and Theology, G. M. Krick, J. S.
Preceptor, Vicente Limon. Russell.
Preceptress, Mrs. Carmen A. Rodri- Domestic Science, Marjorie Harris
guez. Harder, Helen M. Krick.
School Physician, H. E. Butka. Education, Edith C. Davis.
English, Edith C. Davis, Camille Now-
Faculty: fel, Carolyn H. Russell.
History, F. E. J. Harder, R. L. Mole,
Anatomy, H. E. Butka. Camille Nowfel.
Bible, W. E. Baxter. Home Nursing, Helen M. Krick.
Civics, Horacio Hernandez. Homiletics, J. S. Russell.
Commercial, Delia Mendoza, Sara Mathematics, G. C. Winslow, Carolyn
Sauza, S. Torres. H. Russell.
Domestic Science and English, Felice Music, Marjorie Harris Harder.
Von Schuphoven. Normal School, Mrs. Mary Riley
Geography, Mrs. Carmen A. Rodri- King.
guez. Science, G. C. Winslow.
History, Soledad Acevedo, Horacio Secretarial Training, Marjorie Harris
Hernandez. Harder, Shahin Ouzounian.
Literature, Violeta Sordo. Vocational, S. W. Johnson, R. L.
Mathematics and Science, Antonio Mole.
Music, Mrs. W. E. Baxter.
Natural Science, Soledad Acevedo.
Spanish, Mrs. Carmen A. Rodriguez. MINDANAO MISSION ACADEMY
Elementary School, Violeta Sordo, Mantiacao, Initao, Misamis Oriental,
Soledad Acevedo, Horacio Hernan- Philippines
Established 1947
Agriculture, H. 0. Marsh, Eusebio de
Ochoa. Board of Management: E. Capobres,
Bakery, Chairman ; A. A. Poblete, Secretary ;
Building, H. A. Habenicht. A. Comets, L. P. Gaje, T. Layon,
Carpentry, Lauro Trujillo. M. E. Loewen, J. R. Obregon, A. M.
Matron, Ragsdale, A. Reyes.
Mechanics, H. 0. Marsh.
Principal, A. A. Poblete.
Treasurer, L. P. Gaje.
College Park, Beirut, Lebanon Registrar, Mrs. R. C. Poblete.
Preceptor, F. Taala.
Established 1939 Preceptress, Maria Enano.
Matron, Mrs. It. Somoso.
Cable Address: "Mecollege", Beirut.
Bible, A. A. Poblete, Benito Mary,
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1170, Beirut, Pelagio Rocero.
Lebanon. (Telephone, 68-68.) English, Maria Enano, Milagros
Board of Trustees: E. L. Branson, Velasco.
Chairman ; F. E. J. Harder, Secre- History, Mathematics and Science, C.
tary; A. E. Ashod, C. C. Crider, E. S. Ladion, Loreto Jabola. G. Miranda.
Cubley, Bashir Hasso, G. Arthur National Languge, Mrs. R. C. Poblete.
Keough, G. M. Krick, B. J. Mondics, Elementary School, Mrs. B. Mary, F.
Neal C. Wilson. Taala, Mrs. E. P. Taala.
President and Business Manager, F. MODESTO UNION ACADEMY
E. J. Harder.
Treasurer, R. L. Mole. 210 Figaro St., Modesto,
Registrar, G. M. Krick. California
Librarian, Mrs. Dorothy Sampo Wins- Telephone: 1553-W.
Dean of Men, J. S. Russell. Board Members: J. E. Young, Chair-
Dean of Women, Edith C. Davis. man C. R. Harrison, Secretary.

Faculty: Board of Management: W. M. Robbins,

Principal, C. R. Harrison. President ; J. R. Shull, Secretary-
Librarian, Mrs. Blanche Palmer.
Bible, C. R. Harrison, Betty Andrews. Faculty:
Bookkeeping, Mrs. G. A. Hamilton. Principal and Manager, J. R. Shull.
English, Mrs. Blanche Palmer, Jean Assistant Business Manager, D. H.
Stevens. Miller.
History, Mrs. Blanche Palmer. Preceptor, F. A. Meier.
Music, Mrs. W. B. Taylor, Betty An- Preceptress, Evelyn Ryder.
drews. Registrar, R. C. Kraft.
Science and Mathematics, Carl Franz.
Spanish, Mrs. Blanche Palmer. Bible, R. T. Minesinger, Ralph Nob-
Vocation, Kenneth Myers, Jean Ste- rega.
vens. Commercial, D. H. Miller, R. C. Kraft.
English, Mrs. Mabel Baker, Vivian
Elementary School, Leona Bailey, Alcorn.
Fern Mayer, Mrs. Myrtle Gallion, Expression, Mrs. Millicent Smith.
Inez Williams. History, F. A. Meier.
Industrial Arts, Laurence Wolfe.
MONAMONA MISSION SCHOOL Languages, Ralph 'Nobrega.
Mathematics and Science, Donald Lee,
Oak Forest, via Cairns, Queensland, Laurence Wolfe.
Australia Music, Wilmoth Benson, Mrs. Maude
Headmaster: W. E. Zanotti. Wolfe.
Sociology, J. R. Shull.
Farm, Clifton Baker.
MOUNT ELLIS ACADEMY Industrial Superintendent, Arthur
Bozeman, Montana Matron, Olive Pitchen.
Established 1901 Printing, L. J. Smith, G. C. Sowler.
Telephone: 090R1.
Board of Management: 0. T. Garner, MOUNTAIN VIEW UNION
President; Dean Mentzel, Secretary. ACADEMY
Faculty: Mountain View, California
Principal and Manager, Dean Ment- Established 1922
Telephone: 2324.
Registrar, Mrs. Helen Gill.
Librarian, Florence Gill. Board: C. E. Grant, Chairman; C. H.
Preceptor, Leonard Gill. Baker, Secretary-Treasurer.
Preceptress, Florence Gill.
Bible, S. H. Emery. Faculty:
Bookkeeping, Dean Mentzel. Principal, C. H. Baker.
Chemistry and Biology, Georgene Registrar, Mrs. Maurine Boyd.
Minesinger. Bible, Kenneth Moore.
English, Cathleen Chilson. English, Zella Rine.
History, Dean Mentzell. History, C. H. Baker.
Mathematics, Leonard Gill. Mathematics and Science, J. Byron
Mechanical Arts, Robert Allaway. Logan.
Music, Florence Gill, Claris F. Way. Music, Mrs. C. H. Baker, Mrs. Milton
Physical Education, Florence Gill, Walker.
Claris F. Way. Spanish, Mrs. C. H. Baker.
Sewing, Georgene Minesinger.
Shorthand, Loretta King. Woodwork, Kenneth Moore.
Spanish, Cathleen Chilson.
Typing, Mrs. Helen Gill. Elementary School, Paul Felker, Prin-
cipal; Mrs. June Ehrler, Mrs. Ar-
Matron, Irene F. Hamilton. nott ; Mrs. Milton Walker, Grace
Shop, Robert Allaway. Van Hook, Mrs. Paul Felker.
Woodwork, Leonard Gill.
Mount Vernon, Ohio (Irrawaddy Delta Mission)
Established 1893 Seventh-day Adventist Mission School,
Telephone: 1512. Myaungmya, Burma
Legal Name: Mt. Vernon College Cor- Board of Management: Union Com-
poration. mittee.

NARSAPUR SECONDARY BOARD- land, W. L. Emmerson, G. D. King,

ING SCHOOL W. R. A. Madgwick, E. W. Master,
(Telugu Field) J. A. McMillan, E. L. Minchin, A. H.
Seventh-day Adventist Mission High Executive Committee: E. B. Rudge,
School, Narsapur, West Godavari Chairman ; G. E. Adair, W. W. Arm-
District, South India strong, A. Carey, G. D. King, W. R. A.
Board: 0. 0. Mattison, Chairman ; G. Madgwick, A. H. Thompson.
Anandam, Secretary; E. S. Eswar Administration:
Rao, M. E. Kemmerer, Herbert A.
Walls, Jr., E. N. Williams. Principal, W. R. A. Madgwick.
Faculty: G. Anandam, Principal; Mrs. Business Manager, A. H. Thompson.
J. Cole, K. Israel, K. P. Jeevaratnam, Preceptor, E. H. Foster.
D. John, Ch. Paul, E. N. Simon. Preceptress, Ruth Richardson.
Industries: Agriculture, Cooking, Sew- Faculty:
ing, Tailoring. Principal, W. R. A. Madgwick.
Bible, E. W. Marter.
Bookkeeping, A. H. Thompson.
NEANDERTAL MISSIONARY Education, Myrtle Dorland.
SEMINARY English and Literature, Myrtle Dor-
Diepensiepen 16, (22a) Mettmann/ land.
Rheinland, Germany French, J. R. Buzenet.
Greek and Hebrew, E. B. Phillips.
Established 1921 History, A. J. Dunnett.
Mathematics and Science, J. D. Brails-
Board of Management: C. A. Motzer, ford.
Chairman ; J. Schwital, W. Althoff, Music, R. W. Scarr.
E. Bartz, K. Baermann, R. Dettmar,
K. Faesecke, 0. Gmehling, E. Hen- Correspondence School, E. B. Phillips.
necke, W. John, W. Peters.
Local Board: J. Schwital, Chairman; W. NEW ZEALAND MISSIONARY
Nehls, W. Fenner; Mrs. M. Fenner. COLLEGE
Faculty: Longburn, New Zealand
Principal, J. Schwital. Established 1907
Preceptor, W. Fenner.
Preceptress, Mrs. M. Fenner. Board of Management: W. E. Battye,
Chairman ; A. H. Carton, A. W. Daw-
Teachers, W. Fenner, W. Nehls, J. son, A. J. Furness, S. T. Leeder, B. H.
Schwital. McMahon, A. R. Mitchell, W. A.
Townend, L. V. Wilkinson.
SCHOOL Faculty: L. V. Wilkinson, Principal;
Norma Bowman, Jean Easthope, H.
Huize "Zandbergen" Amersfoort- Fisher, E. A. R. Langsford, Vera
scheweg 18, Huise ter Heide, Zeist, Parker, K. E. Satchell, Freda Whis-
Netherland ker, W. R. Whisker, I. Wilmoth.
Board of Directors: F. J. Voorthuis, K.
Beijer, W. Bertram, C. P. de Ruiter,
T. M. Eijkelenboom, G. L. A. Faber, J. NIGERIAN TRAINING COLLEGE
Lankhorst, Ph. Schuil, K. Sloot, P. Ihie (via Aba), Nigeria, West Africa
van Ossanen, W. Wintzen. Established 1932
Director and Manager: Ph. Schuil. Principal: Laurence Downing.
Faculty: Ph. Schuil, Miss A. de Leers, Teachers: E. C. Esiaba, J. U. Enwerin
C. P. de Ruiter, G. L. A. Faber, Mrs. M. Moses.
Schroder. Elementary Teachers: V. Ibe, G. Wigwe.
Commercial Committee: Ph. Schuil, A.
Schroder, J. van Gessel, Mrs. Zwarts.
(Institute Adventista Juan Bautista
Bracknell, Berks., England Castilla 6, Leandro N. Alem, Misiones,
Argentine, South America.
Established 1901
Board of Directors: E. B. Budge, Chair- Director, D. Leichner.
man ; G. E. Adair, W. W. Armstrong,
A. Carey, J. C. Craven, 0. M. Dor- Treasurer, Reynold Schmidt.

Dean of Men, Reynold Schmidt. NORTHEAST BRAZIL RURAL

Dean of Women, Mrs. Reynold INSTITUTE
Music, Mrs. E. Schmidt. (Instituto Rural Adventista do
Belem-Maria, Pernambuco, Brazil,
Established 1943
Seminari Advent Minahasa
Kowangkoan, Celebes, Indonesia Telegraphic Address: "Iran," Belem de
Established 1948 Maria, Pernambuco, Brazil.
Board of Managers: 0. G. Pinho, J. F.
Eicecutive Board: D. S. Kime, Chair- Carvalho, P. W. Harder, A. A. Neto,
man; L. R. Winkler, Vice-Chairman F. Sa Leitao, A. Carvalho.
and Secretary; H. D. Johnson, A.
Londa, Mangoeal, L. J. Norris, I. C. Administration:
Schmidt, A. T. Siong, J. Sumayku, President, J. F. Carvalho.
F. Walean.
Treasurer, P. Harder.
Faculty: Preceptor, S. Takadoi.
Principal, L. W. Winkler. Preceptress, Iracema Araujo.
Teachers, L. W. Winkler, H. Mangkei, Faculty:
Matahari, Z. H. Macarewa.
President, J. F. Carvalho.
Agriculture, S. Takadoi, M. Melo.
Bible, J. F. Carvalho, S. Takadoi,
Fengtai, Hopei, China Artur Leitzke.
Drawing, Frida Leitzke, J. Freire.
Established 1926 English, J. F. Carvalho, S. Takadoi.
Board of Directors: E. H. James, Geography, C. Tavares, J. Freire.
Chairman ; Han Rei Chang, Secre- History. C. Tavares.
tary ; Chang Po Ching, A. V. Dick, Manual Arts, Frida Leitzke.
Liao Hwa, Liu Fu Ning, R. W. Mc- Mathematics, S. Takadoi.
Mullen, K. B. Perry, A. W. Robinson, Normal Instructor, Iracema Araujo.
Shan Lo Tien, Sung Djuin Ming, Portuguese, C. Tavares.
Wang Dzi Yuan, Wang Wu Fei. Public Speaking, Artur Leitzke.
Science, C. Tavares.
Faculty: Primary Department, Jandira Bar-
Principal, Han Rei Chang. boza.
Business Manager, A. W. Robinson. Culinary, Frida Leitzke.
Treasurer, Liu Fu Ning. Matron, Iara Santos.
Dean, Han Jui Chang.
Preceptor, Chi Chiu Ying.
Teachers, Djang Chwen Hsiang, Hsu ACADEMY
San Ching, L. B. Robinson, Wang
Wu Fei. Shenygang, P.O. Box 341, Mukden,
Elementary School, Sung Kwei Djen. Manchuria
Factory, Yin Chang Lan. Established 1923
(Operation temporarily suspended)
Foochow, China
Established 1916 ACADEMY
Board of Directors: Acting Chairman, Divisoria, Santiago, Isabella,
Sia Chung Ong. Philippines
Principal and Manager: Chuan Hsi Established 1948
Tien. Faculty:
Teachers: Ding Bing Ching, Ding Sing Principal, J. A. Bangloy.
Giong, Huang Hock Ong, Li Bing Teacher, S. G. Corpus.
Ting, Mrs. Samuel Tsai, Uong Hung Elementary, Pilar A. Nicolas, Mrs.
Gi. Maria F. Feliciand.


806 Jennings Street, Bronx, New York Nevada, Iowa
Established 1947 Established 1911
Telephone: 291.
Board: L. H. Bland, Chairman ; Lester
W. Williamson, Secretary. Board of Management: W. A. Dessain,
Faculty: President; M. E. Smith, Secretary.
Principal, Lester W. Williamson. Faculty:
Commercial, Sylvia Kee. Principal, M. E. Smith.
English, Mrs. Edna Lett Williamson. Dean of Boys, Howard Voss.
History, Eddie Mae Robinson. Dean of Girls, Elizabeth Lothian.
Home Economics and Vocational Bible, Glenn G. Davenport.
Training, Mrs. Edna Lett William- Biology, William Garrison.
son, Jessie Mary Godley. Commercial, E. M. Hagele.
Language, Eunice Willis. English, Inez Myers, Elizabeth Lo-
Science, N. 0. Phipps. thian.
History, Glenn G. Davenport, How-
Home Economics, Mrs. M. E. Smith.
Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, Philippines Mathematics, Inez Myers.
Established 1931 Music, Lorrain Waller.
Physics, M. E. Smith.
Board of Management: A. Z. Roda, Shorthand and Typing, Enid Wilson.
Chairman ; U. M. Oliva, Secretary ; Broomshop, J. D. Alexander.
A. Balinao, F. de la Cruz, P. de la Culinary, Mrs. C. Gilbert.
Cruz, M. E. Loewen, A. M. Ragsdale, Farm and Dairy, J. V. Dickinson.
Neri Reyes, M. M. Zamora. General Shop, William -Garrison.
Faculty: Printing, J. E. Lippart.
Principal, U. M. Oliva.
Treasurer and Business Manager, A. OAKWOOD COLLEGE
Registrar, Huntsville, Alabama
Librarian, Mrs. B. Alsaybar. Established 1896
Preceptor, B. Sanidad.
Preceptress, Juana Manuel. Telephone: 6802.
Matron, Mrs. A. Miguel. Board of Management: W. H. Williams,
Bible, S. A. Ramel. Chairman ; V. G. Anderson, Vice-
English, Neri Y. Reyes. Chairman ; C. 0. Franz, Vice-Chair-
Mathematics, R. 0. Diagan. man ; F. L. Peterson, Secretary ; L. H.
National Language, Elisa Roxas. Bland, H. J. Capman, E. E. Cossen-
Science, B. Alsaybar. tine, J. Mark Cox, J. G. Dasent, T. R.
Social Science, V. Gaspar. Flaiz, W. W. Fordham, H. C. Klement,
Elementary School, V. Cabansag, An- L. E. Lenheim, H. R. Murphy, D. A.
gelita Perez, Obdulia G. Vigilia, Ochs, W. B. Ochs, G. E. Peters, M. L.
Mrs. V. Gaspar. Rice, T. M. Rowe, H. E. Schneider,
H. D. Singleton, 0. A. Troy, J. W.
Farm, B. Pagaduan. Turner, J. H. Wagner.
Local Board: W. H. Williams, Chair-
NORTHWEST CHINA UNION man ; V. G. Anderson, Vice-Chair-
ACADEMY man ; Frank L. Peterson, Secretary ;
Outside West Gate, Sian, Shensi, H. J. Capman, J. Mark Cox, L. E.
China Ford, C. 0. Franz, H. C. Klement,
H. R. Murphy, H. E. Schneider, H. D.
Organized in 1932 Singleton, 0. A. Troy.
Board of Management: Northwest Adm in ist ration :
China Union Committee. President, Frank L. Peterson.
Faculty: Manager, Lewis E. Ford.
Principal, Chia Bing. Treasurer, Thornton T. Frazier.
Dean, Otis B. Edwards.
Treasurer, Chao Ting Shiu. Registrar, Mrs. Roberta C. Edwarde.
Teachers, Chao Ting Shiu, Chia Bing, Dean of Men, Stewart A. Brantley.
Chu Bei Feng, Gia Tai Shiang, Dean of Women, Alma Tibbs, Trula
Hannah Chu, Lee Gwang Shin, Lee Wade.
Tien Ming, Shieh Che Shih. Librarian, Celeste V. Lewis.
Industry, Lee Tien Ming, Manager Principal, Oakwood College Academy,
Cloth Factory. Mrs. Maxine Brantley.


President, Frank L. Peterson. Omaura, Via Kainantu and Lae,
Agriculture, Rothacker Smith. Territory of New Guinea
Bible, Calvin E. Moseley, Clarence T. Headmaster, 0. L. Speck.
Biology, H. Edward Richards.
Chemistry, Nathan Banks.
Commerce, Charles E. Galley, Dolores ONSRUD MISSION SCHOOL
A. Henderson. (Onsrud Misjonsskole)
Elementary Teacher \ Training, Na-
telkka E. Burrell, Charles Dicker- Algarheim, Norway
English Language and Literature, Established 1922
Eva B. Dykes, Ruth Bracy. Board of Trustees: P. G. Nelson, 0.
French Language and Literature, H. Wiik, T. Asheim, E. Biaanes, Paul
G. Hunter. Frivold, G. Gudmundsen, Harry Hol-
Greek, Ernest Rogers. mann, 0. Jordal, L. Saeboe-Larssen,
History, Otis B. Edwards, Jacob A. Selso.
Justiss, M. J. Harvey.
Home Economics, Thomasine Long- Faculty:
Industrial Arts, and Carpentry, Her- Principal, 0. Wiik.
man L. Wright. Manager and Treasurer, P. Bohmer.
Mathematics, Conklin B. Gentry. Preceptor, A. Selso.
Music, Inez Booth, Evelyn Jackson. Preceptress and Matron, Ruth Ander-
Nursing Education and Health, Mrs. sen.
Ethel Dickerson. Bible, T. Asheim.
Printing, M. J. Harvey. Bookkeeping, P. Bohmer.
Church History, P. Bohmer.
Academy Faculty: English, C. Johnsen, 0. Wiik, Ivar
Principal, Mrs. Maxine Brantley. Salvesen.
French, C. Johnsen.
Bible, Charles Gray. Geography, L. Lange, I. Rudd, Ivar
English, Bessie E. Peterson. Salvesen.
French and History, Victoria Prince. German, P. Bohmer.
Home Economics, Thomasine Long- History, L. Lange, I. Rudd, Ivar
ware. Salvesen.
Mathematics and Science, Emerson Homiletics, T. Asheim.
A. Cooper. Mathematics, A. Selso.
Typewriting, Mrs. Maxine Brantley. Music, Mary Eriksen.
Norwegian, 0. Wiik, I. Rudd, L.
Elementary School: Lange.
Principal, Natelkka Burrell. Physics and Physiology, A. Selso.
Critic Teachers, Violet Wiles, Mrs. Psychology, C. Johnsen.
Delilah Custard. Church School, Irene Eide.
Engineer, Hollis Knight. Box 308, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Farm, W. D. Shavers.
Maintenance, Herman L. Wright. Established 1912; incorporated Dec. 20,
Matron, Mrs. Willie Rowe. 1920
Store, Mrs. E. I. Cunningham.
Telephone: 3440J.
Board of Directors: H. L. Rudy, Presi-
dent ; C. L. Smith, Secretary ; E. E.
OHN , DAW ELEMENTARY BOARD- Bietz, H. P. Evens, R. E. Finney, Jr.,
ING SCHOOL H. D. Henrikson, Eric Jones, P. M.
(Tenassarim Local Mission) Lewis, A. E. Millner, R. W. Numbers,
E. H. Oswald, W. H. Roberts, H. A.
Seventh-day Adventist Mission School, Shepard, N. C. Taylor, C. C. Weis,
Ohn Daw, Shwegon P. 0., Thaton S. G. White, Dallas Youngs.
District, Burma
Board of Management: H. L. Rudy,
Board of Management: Chit Maung, Chairman; A. E. Millner, Vice-Chair-
Chairman ; L. N. Hare, Secretary ; man ; C. L. Smith, Secretary ; H. P.
Ohn Bwint, Pein Gyi, Tun Maung, Evens, Erie Jones, R. W. Numbers,
Kalee Paw, Toung See, Tun Sein, J. A. G. Rodgers, H. A. Shepard, N. C.
0. Wilson. Taylor.


President, C. L. Smith. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL
Manager, N. C. Taylor. (Agricola e Industrial del Pacifico)
Accountant, Mrs. Kathleen Biesen- Apartado 134, Navojoa, Son., Mexico
Librarian, C. H. Casey. Board of Directors: Gilberto Corona,
Registrar, E. Monteith. Max Fuss, Juan Gil, Fernando P.
Dean of Men, James Wilson. Martinez, Roberto Monzalvo, Cleofas
Dean of Women, Mrs. Leonie Her- R. Valenzuela.
man Miller.
Bible, H. W. Bedwell.
Commerce, Robert J. Radcliffe. Principal, Juan Gil.
English, Mrs. Evelyn Knoll Henrik- Treasurer, Gilberto Corona.
sen, A. Jeane Bailey. Preceptress, Mrs. Ignacia Gil.
French, E. Monteith. Teachers: Juan Gil, J. L. Hampl Kurt.
History, C. H. Casey, A. Jeane Bailey.
Home Economics, Mrs. C. H. Casey.
Mathematics, C. L. Smith, Gustav W. PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE
Music, Mrs. Erwin Lange, Robert Angwin, Napa County, California
J. Radcliffe.
Nursing Science, Henrietta M. Spen- Established 1909
cer. Telephone: St. Helena 300
Science, Robert Mehling.
Legal Name: Pacific Union College
Elementary School, Mrs. Agnes Wall Association.
Foster, Violet Curtis Prouty.
Board of Trustees: C. L. Bauer, Presi-
Industries: dent; Percy W. Christian, Secretary;
K. F. Ambs, G. T. Anderson, C. E.
Farm, Wilbert Bresette. Andross, R. C. Baker, G. T. Chapman,
Maintenance, Alexander Vickers. Frederick Griggs, H. H. Hicks, W. E.
Matron, Mrs. Alexander Vickers. Macpherson, A. C. Nelson, W. A.
Wood Products Factory, N. J. Wagar. Nelson, E. L. Place, H. L. Shull, R. A.
Smithwick, C. L. Torrey, David Voth.
OZARK ACADEMY President, Percy W. Christian.
Gentry, Arkansas Dean, C. L. Woods.
Business Manager, H. L. Shull.
Established 1940 Registrar, Edwin C. Walter.
Board of Management: F. 0. Sanders, Librarian, Lois J. Walker.
Chairman ; J. H. Bischoff, Secretary. Assistant Librarians, Shelley Mar-
shall, Dorothy Robertson.
Faculty: Dean of Men, Robert L. Reynolds.
Principal and Business Manager, J. H. Dean of Women, Evabelle Winning.
Bischoff. Director of Summer Session, George
L. Caviness.
Registrar, Mrs. George H. Akers. Principal of Academy, Willard H.
Librarian, Ethel C. Walls. Meier.
Dean of Boys, George H. Akers. Assistant Business Manager, Dudley
Dean of Girls, Ethel C. Walls. Tomblinson.
Matron, Mrs. Vesta Shelton. Accountant, Eric Lundquist.
School Nurse, Mrs. J. H. Bischoff. Director of Student Personnel Service,
Bible, Roy Cole, Robert W. Merchant. Raymond S. Moore.
Commercial, Byrd Bullard, Mrs. Staff Physician, Harold Unsell.
George H. Akers. Director of Student Health Service,
English, George H. Akers. Mrs. Fern Christensen.
History, Roy Cole, Robert W. Mer- Director of Audio-Visual Service, H.
chant. D. Wheeler.
Home Arts, Ethel C.' Walls.
Mathematics, J. H. Bischoff, Roy Cole. Faculty:
Music, Mrs. George H. Akers. President, Percy W. Christian.
Science, Ethel C. Walls. Agriculture, C. C. Krohn.
Spanish, Byrd Bullard. Art, Mrs. Audrey Weitz.
Broomshop and Farm, M. T. Pettey. Astronomy, Geneva E. Durham.
Woodwork, Roy Cole. Bible and Evangelism, Raymond F.
Cottrell, L. H. Hartin, T. Housel
Elementary School, Mrs. Mabel Haag, Jemison, W. T. Hyde.
Principal; Mrs. W. H. Chesnut, Biblical Languages, L. L. Caviness,
Mrs. Merl Roller. A. Graham Maxwell.

Biological Science, H. W. Clark, J. G. Engineering and Plumbing, L. C.

Fallon. Donald V. Hemphill, E. A. Christensen.
Brooks. Farm, C. C. Krohn.
Business Administration, R. K. Boyd, Garage, Earl S. Edwards..
Chiles J. Smith, Jr. Laundry, Mrs. Marian Stearns.
Chemistry, R. E. Hoen, D. A. Cour- Mill, Fred Anderson.
ville, M. E. Mathisen. Printing, G. H. Jeys.
Education, G. F. Wolfkill, Alice M. Store, John Bauer.
Neilsen, Raymond S. Moore.
English, Richard B. Lewis, J. P.
Stauffer, C. D. Utt, Alice Babcock.
German, George Lewis Caviness. (Colegio Industrial Panameno)
History and Political Science, Percy
W. Christian, L. M. Hamilton, Pedrogalito, Republic of Panama
George W. Meldrum. Established 1944
Home Economics, Esther Ambs, Alice
Wentworth. Postal Address: Box 3412, Section 7A,
Journalism, L. W. Sargent. Panama City, Republic of Panama.
Library Science, Lois J. Walker. Board of Directors: L. D. Minner,
Machine Shop, J. E. Craver. Chairman ; --, Secretary ; C. D.
Mathematics, C. L. Woods, Geneva E. Abrahams, Caleb S. Ashley, Vernon
Durham. E. Berry, J. L. Brown, Jose Chaveni,
Music, Sterling K. Gernet, C. Warren R. E. Delafield, Paul Kemper, A. V.
Becker, N. E. Paulin, J. W. Rhodes, Larson, C. W. Omphroy, K. W. Whit-
Mrs. Dorothy Johnson Muir, John J. ney.
Nursing Education, Ethel M. Welder, Executive Board:- L. D. Minner, Chair-
Mrs. Helen Bornhauser. man ; Secretary ; Clayton V.
Physical Education, James Rothgeb, Henriquez, K. W. Whitney, Roy
Mrs. Helen Bornhauser. Williams.
Physics, I. R. Neilsen, R. L. Nutter,
Donald J. Belknap. Administration:
Political Science, George W. Meldrum. Principal and Manager, --.
Printing, G. H. Jeys. Treasurer, Roy Williams.
Secretarial Science, Alice L. Hoist, Registrar and Preceptor, Clayton
Mrs. Pam Carter. Henriquez.
Spanish, G. B. Taylor, Mrs. Gladys Preceptress, Mrs. Amy Whyte.
King Taylor.
Speech, T. W. Benedict. Faculty:
Woodcraft, Richard E. Fisher. Accounting, Roy Williams.
Elementary School, Alice M. Neilsen, Bible,
Principal Bernice Hanson, Myra Mathematics and Science, Clayton
B. Kite, Dalton D. Baldwin, Mary Henriquez.
Ellquist. Music,
Normal Training and Spanish, Mrs.
Academy Faculty: Clayton Henriquez.
Principal, Willard H. Meier. Secretarial, Thelma Rogers.
Registrar, Isabel Zumwalt. Elementary School, Mrs. Roy Wil-
Librarian, Mrs. Leona S. Burman. liams.
Assistant Librarian, Anna J: Olson. Industrial Superintendent, W. F.
Agriculture, G. Arthur Hicks. Moore.
Bible, F. W. Steunenberg. Matron, Olga Schult.
English, Mrs. Leona S. Burman.
German, Mrs. Dora Buller. PAPUAN DISTRICT SCHOOL
History, Willard H. Meier.
Home Economics, Mrs. Marjorie Bean. Vilirupu, Papua, Pacific Ocean
Mathematics, Parshall L. Howe. Headmaster:
Music, John J. Hafner, Mrs. Dorothy
Johnson Muir.
Science, Parshall L. Howe. PARANA-SANTA CATARINA
Secretarial Science, Mrs. Marjorie ACADEMY
Bean. (Ginasio Adventista Paranaense)
Spanish, Isabel Zumwalt.
Woodcraft, Richard E. Fisher. Caixa Postal 1155, Curitiba,
Parana, Brazil, South America
Bindery, J. C. Sherman. Established 1947
Cafeteria, Mrs. Opal Smith. Faculty:
electrical Maintenance, J. E, Craver. Director, Romeu Ritter-Reis,

Treasurer, Alexandre Hise. Faculty:

Preceptor, Alexandre Hise.
Preceptress, Ana P. Kiel. President, A. N. Nelson.
Bible and English, Herbert Weber. Bible, J. W. Rowland, T. A. Pilar.
French and Latin, Commerce, H. L. Dyer, B. 0. Bautista.
History and Geography, Zita Kiel. Education, R. G. Manalaysity, Nellie
Mathematics, Science, and Drawing, Ferree.
Herbert Weber. English, Irene Wakeham, Mrs. Lucia
Music, Herbert Weber. H. Miranda, Mrs. Josefina Pascual.
Portuguese, Romeu Ritter-Reis. Health and Physical Education, Phyl-
Elementary School, . lis Naude, Mrs. C. T. Jones.
History, Earle Hilgert, T. A. Pilar.
Home Economics, Phyllis Naude, Mrs.
Mathematics, J. M. Tawatao.
6063 Drexel Road Medical Cadet and Physical Educa-
Philadelphia 31, Pennsylvania tion, Carl T. Jones.
Telephone: Trinity 7-3355. Music, R. G. Manalaysay, Mrs. P. M.
Board: A. W. Ortner, Chairman; Ed- National Language, Mrs. P. H. Rom-
ward Sterner, Secretary. ulo.
Science, Carl T. Jones, R. C. Imperio.
Faculty: Spanish, Mrs. N. S. Mallari.
Principal, Mrs. C. C. Ellis.
Bible, C. C. Ellis. Elementary School, Nellie Ferree,
Commercial, Mrs. Ann E. Meisler. Principal ; Margarita Arriola, Tar-
English, Mrs. C. C. Ellis, Rose He' ciana Galang, Pricila Jimenez, Eu-
Benedetto. f rocina Parago, Remedios Quevedo,
French, Rose DeBenedetto. Mrs. Dionisia A. Reyes.
History, Mrs. C. C. Ellis, Mrs. Ann
E. Meisler. Industries:
Music, Kathryn Hamm. Agriculture, J. M. Parago.
Science and Mathematics, W. H. Cafeteria, Mrs. H. L. Dyer.
Walker. Clinic, Francisco Geslani, Phyllis
Elementary School, Marion Hartlein, Naude.
Myrtle Johnson. Commercial Art, H. L. Dyer.
Laundry, Mrs. Gaudalupe Ordanez.
Sewing, Mrs. T. A. Pilar.
Woodworking, Celedonio Cruz.
College Place, Caloocan, Rizal,
Established as Academy, 1917
as College, 1926 Pine Forge, Pennsylvania
Cable Address: "Adventists," Manila. Established 1946
Postal Address: General Delivery, Ma- Telephone: Pottstown 3316.
nila, Philippines.
Board of Trustees: M. E. Loewen, Chair- Board of Management: J. H. Wagner,
man ; A. N. Nelson, Secretary ; J. 0. Chairman ; J. L. Moran, Secretary.
Bautista, W. J. Blacker, E. A. Capo-
bres, P. B. Gonzales, G. de Guzman, Faculty:
Werber Johnson, R. S. Llaguno, V. M. Principal and Manager, J. L. Moran.
Montalban, A. M. Ragsdale, W. C.
Richli, A. Z. Roda, A. Somoso. Dean of Boys, R. L. Handy.
Dean of Girls, Marian Gresham.
Administration: Registrar, Hortense I. Moran.
President, A. N. Nelson. Bible, Joseph T. Powell.
Business Manager, W. J. Blacker English, Ruth Mosby.
(acting). History, J. L. Moran.
Accountant, G. D. Brion. Language, Velma Beeman.
Registrar, Irene Wakeham. Mathematics and Science, Cordell
Librarian, Mrs. N. S. Mallari. Evans.
Dean of Men, T. A. Pilar. Music, Velma Beeman.
Dean of Women, Mrs. P. H. Romulo. Secretarial, Hortense I. Moran.
Principal of Academy, A. N. Nelson.
Normal School Director, Nellie Ferree. Cafeteria, Mrs, Hallie Hurtle.

PLAINFIELD ACADEMY Dean of Boys, H. M. Coy. -

622 W. 8th St., Plainfield, New Jersey Dean of Girls, Rose Ann Ekstrom..
Bible, L. G. Cooper, Vernon Koenig.
Established 1926 Commerce, Ella Jensen.
Telephone: Plainfield 6-7060. English, LaVeta M. Payne.
Farm Mechanics, V. E. Bascom.
Board: W. B. Hill, Chairman; W. G. History, Vernon Koenig.
McCready, Secretary. Home Economics, Rose Ann Ekstrom.
Faculty: Mathematics, H. M. Coy.
Music, D. M. Dealy.
Principal, W. G. McCready. Science, Vernon Koenig.
Registrar, Mrs. W. G. McCready. Spanish, Mrs. Walter Berthelsen.
Bible, W. G. McCready, George Farm, V. E. Bascom, J. Minear.
Katcher. Matron, Rhoda Pedersen, Amelia
Commercial, Adele Dorland. Craig.
English, Annie Mae Chambers. Woodwork, Walter Berthelsen.
History, George Katcher.
Language, Annie Mae Chambers.
Mathematics, George Katcher. POLISH MISSION TRAINING
Science, Alma Chambers. SCHOOL
Matron, Alma Chambers. Lubelska 25, Crakow, Poland
Placement Director, Mrs. W. G.
McCready. Board of Management: Polish Union
Principal, A. Maszczak.
Redfield, South Dakota Bible and Church History, A. Mass-
Established 1902 czak.
History and Geography, Z. Lyko.
Telephone: 321-W. Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry,
R. Cybura.
Board of Managers: G. H. Rustad, Polish and English, Z. Cybura.
Chairman ; W. S. Sanders, Secretary.
Principal and Manager, W. S. San- SCHOOL
Seventh-day Adventist Mission School,
Dean of Boys, E. L. Pearson. Salisbury Park, Poona 1, India
Dean of Girls, Marjorie Cates.
School Nurse, Essie Barber. Board of Management: Central Marathi
Bible, Clarence A. Renschler. Mission Committee.
Commercial, Ida Edgerton. Faculty: A. M. Job, Principal; S. B.
English, Marjorie Cates. Devade, Grace Harry, E. S. James,
History and Social Science, 0. F. K. S. Ressalam, Mrs. V. T. Thomas.
Mathematics, Ida Edgerton.
Music, Arlee Torkelson. PORTLAND UNION ACADEMY
Science, L. W. Minium.
Broomshop, L. W. Minium. 4837 North East Couch Street,
Portland 15, Oregon
Farm, D. R. Braithwaite.
Matron, Mrs. B. A. Mclllwain. Telephone: EM. 1511.
Board of Management: It. T. Emery,
Chairman ; P. M. Stuart, Secretary
(Formerly Shelton Academy) Faculty:
Shelton, Nebraska Principal, P. M. Stuart.
Established 1919 Registrar and Accountant, Mrs.
Gerald E. Hibbard.
Telephone: 7902. Librarian, Eunice Beisiegel.
Board of Management: Members of Algebra, John W. Pierce.
Conference Committee and G. R. Fat- Bible, E. W. Rogers.
tic, J. Leager. Biology and Chemistry, Kenneth
Faculty: Bookkeeping, John W. Pierce.
Principal and Business Manager, English, Eunice Beisiegel.
R. M. Mote ; Assistant, L. G. Geometry, P. M. Stuart.
Cooper. History, H. T. Larsen, P. M. Stuart.


Physical Education, Kenneth Groves. SCHOOL
Sewing, Mrs. 0. W. Davis.
Spanish, Lloyd Leno. (Irrawaddy Delta Mission)
Typing, Mrs. Gerald E. Hibbard. Seventh-day Adventist Mission School,
Elementary School, Audrey Ashby, 68 U Wisara Road, Rangoon, Burma
Mabel Dougherty, Mabel Holley,
Bonnie Johnson, Mrs. Hazel Lund,
Mrs. Hattie Martin, Mrs. P. M. RICHMOND ACADEMY
Stuart, Mae Wells. 3913 Patterson Ave., Richmond,
Matron, Mrs. 0. W. Davis. Virginia
Woodwork, John W. Pierce.
Established 1943
Telephone: 6-0878 or 840098.
SCHOOL Board of Managers: E. F. Koch, Chair-
man ; George Bennetts, Secretary.
31 Dundonald Street, Port-of-Spain,
Trinidad, B.W.I. Faculty:
Principal and Placement Director,
Established 1946 Carl B. Moshei.
Faculty: Registrar, Alpha Varney.
Principal, Lionel Lawrence. English, French, and Typing, Alpha
Teachers, J. H. Callender, Edith Varney.
Ephraim, Aaron W. Haynes, Edric History, Science, and Mathematics,
Sealey. Carl B. Mosher.
Elementary School, Mrs. Mary Bate-
man, Mrs. Reta Forrest, Mrs. Rosa-
(Seminario Adventista)
Quints de Santo Antonio, Portalegre, RIVER PLATE COLLEGE
Portugal (Colegio Adventists del Plata)
Established 1936 Puiggari, F. N. Gral. Urquiza, Entre
Rios, Argentina, South America
Telephone: 189.
Established 1898
Telegraphic Address: Seminario Ad-
ventista, Portalegre. Telephone: Crespo 55, Entre Rios, Ar-
Board: Portuguese Union Committee.
Board of Directors: Alfredo Aeschli-
Faculty: Principal and Manager, E. mann, President ; Ner Soto, Vice-
Ferreira ; B. Gouveia, A. Graudo, R. President; W. J. Brown, Secretary;
Raposo. Eliel Almonte, Alfredo Bellido, 0. A.
Blake, P. M. Brouchy, Guillermo R.
Ernst, R. R. Fighur, E. N. Lugenbeal,
M. F. Perez, Daniel Peverini, H. J.
PUERTO RICO ACADEMY Peverini, Juan Riffel, F. Sittner, L.
(Colegio Adventists de Puerto Rico) M. Stump, K. H. F. Tulaszewski,
Enrique Weiss, Niels Wensell, C. E.
Apartado 3930, Santurce, Puerto Rico Westphal.
Telephone: 2-5222. Local Board: Alfredo Aeschlimann,
President; W. J. Brown, Vice-
Board of Managers: S. L. Folkenberg, President ; Guillermo R. Ernst, Secre-
Chairman ; C. R. Olmstead, Secretary ; tary; Alfredo Bellido, David IL Rhys,
R. E. del Sol, E. A. Girado, Pedro K. H. F. Tulaszewski, C. E. West-
Perales, Justino Santiago. phal, Niels Wensell.
Faculty: Administration:
Principal, C. R. Olmstead. President and Business Manager,
Walton J. Brown.
Bible, H. N. Miller. Vice-President, David H. Rhys.
English and Mathematics, C. R. Olm-
stead. Treasurer, Guillermo R. Ernst.
Science and Spanish, Ruth Martinez. Accountant, Mario Soto.
Registrar, Raquel Basanta.
Elementary School, Julia C. de Dean of Men, Rene Chaskelis.
Renovates, Antonio Irizarry, Luz Dean of Women, Mercedes Habenicht,
Maria Padro, Consuelo Soto. Matron, Encarnacion Ramos,

Faculty: Faculty:
President, Walton J. Brown. Principal and Manager, B. R. Ritz.
Bible, Niels Wensell, Walton J. Registrar and Accountant, G. J. Lang.
Brown, Victor C. Aeschlimann. Bible, B. R. Ritz.
Chemistry, Rene Chaskelis. Commercial and English, Mrs. Harriet
Commerce. Guillermo R. Ernst, Mario Fullerton.
Soto. History and Woodcraft, Victor Fuller-
Cooking, C. Doreen Brown. ton.
English, Mercedes Habenicht. Mathematics and Spanish, Harold E.
French, Rene Chaskelis. Goffar.
Geography, Gaston Fayard. Music, Mrs. Alta Robinson, Mrs. 0. E.
History, Guillermo R. Ernst, Isidoro Schnepper.
Gerometta, Walton J. Brown. Elementary School, Jessie Hauck,
Hydrotherapy, C. E. Westphal. Mrs. Esther Wagner, Melvin Whi-
Manual Arts, Rodolfo Kaerst, Fred-
erico Hertlein. ting, Mrs. Goldie Winter.
Mathematics, David H. Rhys, Isidoro
Music, Olga Hantsch. SCHOOL
Philosophy and Science, Jose A. Uria.
Physical Education, Isidoro Gero- (United Provinces Mission)
metta, Raquel Basanta. Seventh-day Adventist Mission High
Physics, Jose A. Uria. School, "The Retreat," Roorkee, U.P.,
Secretarial Training, Adela Chaij India
Sewing, Delicia Fayard. Board: The Union Committee.
Spanish and Literature, Leon Gam- Faculty: E. R. Streeter, Principal; H.
betta. C. Alexander, Mrs. H. C. Alexander,
I. M. Chand, Elsie Gardner, P. E.
Elementary School, Leon Gambetta, Howard, Hidayat B. Khan, J. M.
Principal; Lanta Bernhardt de Salik, B. M. Shad.
Duarte, Norma Lust.
Bakery and Store, Daniel Utz. INSTITUTE
Bookbinding, Edith R. Ernst. ("Institutul Biblic")
Carpentry, Frederico Hertlein.
Engineering, Rodolfo Kaerst. Brasov, Stupini No. 113, Rumania
Farm and Poultry, Jose Weiss. Established 1924
Garden, Andres Tabuenca.
Address: Casuta Postala No. '71, Brasov,
ROBINSON MEMORIAL HIGH Board of Management: Rumanian Union
SCHOOL Conference.
(Formerly Karmatar Secondary Board- Faculty:
ing School) Director, V. Diaconescu.
Seventh-day Adventist Mission High Treasurer, M. Parvan.
School, Karmatar, E. I. Rly., India Preceptor, G. Proksch.
Established 1898 Preceptress and School Nurse,
Agriculture, C. Pascariu.
Board of Management: Union Commit- Bible, G. Proksch, R. Artenian.
tee. Commerce, C. Cojea, M. Parvan.
Faculty: M. G. Champion, Principal ; Cooking, Miss I. Garai.
G. C. Baroya, S. K. Besra, Miss N. Engineering, G. Doaga.
Dass, M. M. Ekka, J. Hembrom, A. K. English and History, M. Ionescu.
Kachchap, C. Kisku, N. G. Mookerjee. French,
Geography and Science, I. Mihordea.
German, G. Proksch.
ROGUE RIVER ACADEMY Hungarian, G. Kovacs.
Rumanian, V. Diaconescu.
Route 1, Box 330
Medford, Oregon
Established 1926 Tamparuli, Tuaran, North Borneo
Telephone : 6469. Established 1940
Board of Management: 0. E. Schnepper, Managing Board: Borneo Mission Com-
Chairman ; B. R. Ritz, Secretary. mittee,

Faculty: Robert R. Youngberg, Prin- Weaver, W. H. Williams, N. C. Wil-

cipal; J. T. Pohan. son, L. H. Wood, R. W. Wood.
Executive Committee of the Board:
E. E. Cossentine, E. D. Dick, H. A.
SAMABULA INDIAN SCHOOL Morrison, J. L. McElhany, W. E.
Nelson, D. E. Rebok, N. C. Wilson.
Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean


Dean, C. E. Weniger.
2700 E. 4th St., National City, California Registrar, Theodora Wyrak.
Telephone: G 7-5541. Librarian, Holger Lindsjo.
Archaeology and History of Antiquity,
Board of Management: H. W. Pfeiffer, Lynn H. Wood.
Chairman ; P. G. Baden, Secretary. Bible and Systematic Theology. Ben-
Faculty: jamin P. Hoffman, D. E. Rebok,
Holger Lindsjo.
Principal and Business Manager, Biblical Languages, Roland E. Loasby.
P. G. Baden. Church History, Daniel Walther.
Librarian, Thelma Hemme. Practical Theology, C. E. Weniger,
Bible, Alger F. Johns. D. E. Rebok, J. L. Shuler.
Commerce, Arthur Dale. Visiting Instructors:
English, Mrs. Lottie Westermeyer.
History, Alger F. Johns. Bible and Systematic Theology, M. L.
Home Economics, Thelma Hemme. Andreasen, L. H. Christian, L. E.
Mathematics, J. A. McClenaghan. Froom, D. E. Robinson.
Music. Mrs. Ethel Casey, Victor Church History, Frank H. Yost.
Johnson. Practical Theology, R. A. Anderson,
Physical Education, Alger F. Johns, Claude Conard, M. K. Eckenroth,
J. A. McClenaghan. J. R. Ferren, Louise C. Kleuser,
Science, J. A. McClenaghan, P. G. T. K. Martin, R. S. Senseman, G. E.
Baden. Vandeman.
Spanish, Thelma Hemme.
Speech, Mrs. Lottie Westermeyer.
Elementary School, Robert Gale, Prin- SHENANDOAH VALLEY ACADEMY
cipal ; Carolyn Beckner, Mrs. Grace New Market, Virginia
Fuller, Ruth Holsinger, Mrs. Ruby
Schaffner, Clifford Shepard, Mrs. Established 1908
Clifford Shepard, Mrs. J. D. Wil-
burn. Telephone: No. 9.
Cafeteria, Thelma Hemme. Board of Trustees: H. J. Detwiler,
Woodwork, J. A. McClenaghan. President ; W. C. Hannah, Secretary.
Principal and Manager, W. C. Han-
Dean of Boys, Phillip Fetter.
(Successor to Advanced Bible School) Dean of Girls, Ruth Burgeson.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Registrar, Mrs. W. C. Hannah.
Librarian, Wallace V. Smith.
Established 1934 Agriculture, C. Arba French.
Telephone: Georgia 0803 Bible, W. T. Weaver.
Commercial, Phillip Fetter.
Board of Trustees: J. L. McElhany, English, Linden E. Fol, Ruth Bur-
President; E. E. Cossentine, Vice- geson.
President; D. E. Rebok, Secretary; French, Mrs. W. T. Weaver.
W. E. Nelson, Treasurer; M. L. History, W. C. Hannah.
Andreasen, C. L. Bauer, G. W. Bow- Mathematics and Science, Wallace V.
ers, W. H. Branson, P. W. Christian, Smith.
E. D. Dick, L. K. Dickson, H. T. Music,
Elliott, L. E. Froom, E. F. Hackman, Physical Education, W. T. Weaver,
L. N. Holm, Alvin W. Johnson, M. E. Phillip Fetter.
Kern, H. A. Morrison, J. J. Nethery,
D. A. Ochs, W. B. Ochs, A. V. Olson, Elementary School, Mrs. Roy Griffin.
F. L. Peterson, K. J. Reynolds, M. L. Farm, Louis J. Jensen.
Rice, H. L. Rudy, W. H. Shephard, Matron, Mrs. Pearl Deiter ; Assistant,
J. D. Smith, J. W. Turner, J. E. Margaret De Ilaann,


Harvey, North Dakota Principal and Business Manager, J. R.
Established 1903 Accountant, Colin K. Willmore.
Telephone: 11F3 Preceptor, I. Gurure.
Preceptress, Mrs. Enoch Ndhlovu.
Board of Management: D. C. Butherus, Faculty:
President; L. G. Barker, Secretary.
Bible, P. B. Fairchild, E. A. Trumper.
Faculty: Domestic Science, Mrs. Marie Owens.
Principal and Manager, L. G. Barker. Normal Directors, Wilbur Quittmeyer,
Anna Kwapinski.
Librarian, Erma Nelson.' Critic Teachers, Enoch Chakawa, I.
Registrar, Mrs. Norman J. Roy. Gurure, Peni Moyo, Maggie Sibanda.
Dean of Boys, M. E. Loewen. Standards VII and VIII, Mrs. E. A.
Dean of Girls, Mrs. Norman J. Roy. TrUmper.
Bible, V. K. Burgeson, M. E. Loewen. Standard VI, Mrs. F. B. Jewell.
Commercial, Mrs. M. E. Loewen, Wil- Standard V, S. D. Sibanda.
liam Nordrum. Standard IV, William Kona, Frazer
English, Erma Nelson. Mpofu.
German, Arthur Hagele. Industries:
History, L. G. Barker, M. E. Loewen. Blacksmith, Frazer Mpofu.
Home Economics, Erma Nelson. Building and Carpentry, Enoch
Mathematics, L. D. Klopfenstein. Ndhlovu.
Music, Norman J. Roy. Girls' Industries, Mrs. William Kona.
Science, L. D. Klopfenstein. Farm, Philemon Tshuma.
Farm, Paul Hedger.
Matron, Emma Mattheis.
SHILLONG ELEMENTARY DAY Wenchow, Chekiang, China
Organized 1920
(Assam Mission)
Faculty: Y. S. Chen, Principal; Chen
Seventh-day Adventist Mission School, Yo Han, Chen Yo Se, Chu Wen, Mrs.
Nongthymmai, Shillong, Assam, India R. H. Dinsbier, Ho Ching Lung.
Established 1939
Staff: Annabellyne Rynjah, Clarabelle SOUTH CHINA UNION ACADEMY
Clear Water Bay
Kowloon, Hongkong
SHILOH ACADEMY Board of Directors: C. H. Davis, Chair-
3945 Lake Park Ave., Chicago, Illinois man ; H. S. Leung, Secretary ; C. A.
Carter, T. C. Chin, C. H. Dougherty,
Established 1933 Warren Hilliard, K. H. Hung, H. H.
Telephone: Livingston LI 8-5807. Luke, H. H. Morse, L. E. Reed, and
local mission president.
Faculty: Principal and Manager, H. S. Leung.
Principal, Dorothy McClellan.
Treasurer, H. H. Luke.
History, Russell Fossett.
Language, Wilma Minisee.
Elementary School, Mrs. C. E. Thomp- SOUTHEAST MEXICAN AGRICUL-
son, Principal ; Mrs. A. Wellington TURAL AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL
Clarke, Mrs. Ida Johnson, Goldie
Pettress, Margaret Smith. (Escuela Agricola e Industrial del
SOLUSI TRAINING SCHOOL Damicilio Conocido, Teapa, Tabasco,
Private BagT 189.
Board of Directors: Francisco Borras,
Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa Jose Castrejon, Miguel Lara Flores,
Established 1928 Hipolito Preciado. Xavier Ponce,
Francisco Reyes.
School Board: Zambesi Union Executive
Committee, William Kona, J. R. Sig- Administration:
benlist, E, A. Trumper, Principal, Hipolito Preciado.

Assistant Principal, Francisco Borras. H. J. Capman, I. M. Evans, Charles

Treasurer, Francisco Reyes. Fleming, Jr., J. C. Gaitens, H. C.
Preceptor, Francisco Borras. Klement, H. M. Lodge, M. E. Moore,
Preceptress, R. H. Nightingale, C. H. Lauda, H.
Matron, Elizabeth P. de Preciado. E. Schneider, T. W. Steen, W. E.
Strickland, B. F. Summerour.
Faculty: Francisco Borras, Hipolito
Preciado, Salvador Martinez. Legal Title: Southern Missionary Col-
lege, Incorporated.
President, K. A. Wright.
Kulangsu, Amoy, China Dean, F. 0. Rittenhouse.
Established 1909 Business Manager and Treasurer,
Charles Fleming, Jr.
Board of Directors: South Fukien Mis- Credit Manager, G. T. Gott.
sion Committee. Accountant; R. G. Bowen.
Cashier, Langdon Elmore.
Faculty: Ang Him Hi, Iu Su Chi, Keh Registrar, Ruby E. Lea.
Hong Mo, T. C. Lee, Lu Tat Cheng, Librarian, S. D. Brown.
Ng Si Cheng, Si Iau Tend, Miss Si Dean of Men, E. T. Watrous.
Phoe Eng, Miss Ang Siok Tiam, Tan Dean of Women, Ingrid Johnson.
Giok Chia. Director of Food Service, Aletha
Director of Health Service, Mrs. Mil-
College Physician, David Hoehn.
(Academy connected with Atlantic
Union College) Faculty:
South Lancaster, Massachusetts President, K. A. Wright.
Agriculture, J. A. Tucker.
Established 1882 Art, Mrs. Violetta M. Plue.
Telephone: Clinton 1643-M. Bible, J. F. Ashlock, E. C. Banks, R.
L. Hammill, 0. S. Plue, C. E.
Board of Trustees: Same as Atlantic Wittschiebe.
Union College. Biology, H. H. Kuhlman, G. B. Dean.
Faculty: Business Administration and Secre-
tarial Science, S. W. Dake (on
Principal, William B. Higgins. leave), Theresa Brickman, Mrs.
Registrar, Thelma E. Hale. Pearl Gaitens, G. T. Gott, Charles
Librarian, Rowena E. Purdon. Fleming, Jr.
Art, Mabel Bartlett. Chemistry, G. J. Nelson, L. G. Sev-
Bible, Ashley G. Emmer, C. Roy rens.
Smith. Educational Consultant, A. L. Suhrie.
Bookkeeping, Paul G. Ford. English and Speech, Elaine Giddings
English, Isabella Z. Taylor. (on leave), D. C. Ludington, Maude
French, Thelma E. Hale. I. Jones, Ottilie Stafford.
History, Albert E. Brendel, William B. Greek; R. L. Hammill (on leave),
Higgins. 0. S. Plue.
Home Economics, Iva S. Furnival. Home Economics, Lois L. Heiser,
Mathematics, Paul G. Ford. Aletha Shook.
Music, Astrid Wendth King. Industrial Arts, G. W. Boynton, R. E.
Physical Education, C. Roy Smith, Lynn.
Mrs. C. Roy Smith. Library Science, S. D. Brown.
Printing, C. Roy Smith. Mathematics, G. J. Nelson.
Science, Paul G. Ford. Modern Languages, Mrs. Mary Holder
Shorthand, Karen C. Kellogg. Deitel.
Typewriting, Karen C. Kellogg. Music, H. A. Miller, Mrs. Betty K.
Harter, Dorothy V. Evans, Mary
Ellen Hartley.
Nursing Education, Mrs. Mildred
Collegedale, Tennessee Physical Education, Ingrid Johnson.
Physics, G. J. Nelson.
Established 1893 at Graysville, Tenn., Secondary Education, Thomas W.
as the Southern Training School; re- Steen, J. A. Tucker.
moved to Collegedale, Tenn., in 1916. Social Science, A. L. Suhrie, L. Kr.
Telephone: Chattanooga 4-3323. Tobiassen, F. 0. Rittenhouse, E. T.
Board of Managers: V. G. Anderson. Teacher Training, Mrs. Olivia Brick-
President; K. A. Wright, Secretary, man Dean,

Elementary School, Dora Greve, Elementary School, Vera Baker,

Thyra E. Bowen, Mrs. Selma D. Frances Craw, Virginia Craig,
Bird, Bernice Pittman. Perry G. Hills, Lottie Warren,
Industries: Cafeteria, Dell Ramey.
Chenille Factory, R. L. Carr.
Broommaking, M. E. Connell. Farm and Dairy, H. C. Lovett.
Farm and Dairy, J. B. Pierson. Furniture and Trellis Mfg., G. A.
Laundry, Guy Cannon. Spaulding.
Maintenance, George Pearman. Maintenance, Ben Putnam.
Printing, Martin C. Bird. Laundry, Mamie Greenhill.
Store and Garage, 0. D. McKee. Printing, Truman Hendryx.
Woodcraft, Ray Olmstead. Store, Dean Torkelsen.


COLLEGE Sandoval, New Mexico
Keene, Texas
Established 1942
Established 1894 Board of Managers: J. W. Turner,
President; C. E. Fillman, Secretary;
Telephone: Keene 44. J. C. Kozel, Treasurer ; H. M. Burwell,
Board of Management: J. W. Turner, R. G. Campbell, E. E. Cossentine, L.
Chairman ; J. V. Peters, Secretary ; K. Dickson, N. R. Dower, L. Hals-
H. M. Burwell, R. G. Campbell, N. R. wick, W. A. Howe, E. J. Lorntz, J.
Dower, C. E. Fillman, W. A. Howe, L. McConaughey, L. L. McKinley, W.
H. C. Kephart, H. C. Klement, J. C. E. Nelson, J. V. Peters, F. 0. Sanders,
Kozel, L. L. McKinley, F. 0. Sanders, I. V. Stonebrook, W. H. Williams.
J. R. Sloop, R. W. Woods.
Administration :
Administration: Principal and Business Manager
President, J. V. Peters. C. E. Fillman.
Business Manager and Treasurer, Accountant, Max Trevino.
J. R. Sloop. Registrar, Mrs. M. Ruybalid.
Registrar, Paul L. Wilson. Dean of Boys, Dallas Calvin.
Accountant," Carl Clark. Dean of Girls, Olive Westphal.
Librarian, A. E. Hall. Matron, Mrs. Martial Martinez.
Dean of Men, W. T. Will.
Dean of Women, Gladys Morton. Faculty:
Personnel and Guidance Director, M. Principal, C. E. Fillman.
J. Denman.
Nurse, Ellen McCartney. Bible, William R. Goranson.
Commerce, Max Trevino.
Faculty: English, Malissa Ruybalid.
President, J. V. Peters. History, Donald Welch.
Home Arts, Mrs. J. D. Lecklider.
Agriculture, H. C. Lovett. Mathematics, C. E. Fillman.
Bible, M. D. Lewis, M. M. Williams, Music, Mrs. Max Trevino, C. E. Fill-
W. T. Will, C. C. Blackburn. man.
Commerce, M. J. Denman, H. L. Spanish, Olive Westphal.
Education, Lorena Wilcox. Elementary School, Mrs. J. D. Leek-
English, Evlyn Lindberg, Marjorie lider, Mrs. C. E. Fillman.
0. Mohr.
History, Morris Lowry, C. C. Black-
Home Economics, Dorothy Dorland. SCHOOL
Languages, Marjorie 0. Mohr, M. M.
Williams. Alenza 6, Madrid, Spain
Mathematics and Science, H. C. Lov-
ett, Ellen McCartney, E. I. Mohr, Established 1941
Gladys Morton, Paul L. Wilson.
Board of Management: Spanish Mission
Music, Betty Christensen, Allen Craw, Committee.
C. G. Fisher, Ruth Fisher.
Physical Education, C. C. Blackburn. Faculty:
Pre-Nursing, Ellen McCartney. Principal, I. Aguilar.
Vocational Arts, M. M. Williams,
Paul L. Wilson. Teacher, M. Ripoll.

SPICER MISSIONARY COLLEGE Hygiene and Physiology, R. F. Juri-

ansz, L. J. Larson.
(Senior Boarding College and Language, P. Phatak.
High School) Mathematics, N. 0. Matthews, 0. S.
Established 1915 as South India Matthews, S. B. Gaikwad.
Training School Printing, C. N. John.
Vocational Training, D. G. Bower.
Spicer Missionary College, Aundh Road,
Kirkee, Poona 3, India Industries:
Dairy Farming, Food Products, Poul-
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Spicer, try, Printing, Book Binding.
Telephone: 2321, extension 44.
Board of Management: A. L. Ham, STANBOROUGHS SECONDARY AND
Chairman ; C. A. Schutt, Secretary ; CHURCH SCHOOL
E. A. Crane, G. Isaiah, R. F. Juriansz, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts.,
R. L. Kimble, W. C. Mackett, M. 0. England
Manley, N. 0. Matthews, H. H. Matti-
son, 0. 0. Mattison, E. M. Meleen, I. Board of Management: G. D. King,
K. Moses, M. S. Prasada Rao, J. L. Chairman ; G. E. Adair, W. W. Arm-
Shannon, L. C. Shepard, 0. A. Skau, strong, A. Carey, J. C. Craven, H. T.
F. E. Spiess, A. F. Tarr, E. D. Johnson, W. R. A. Madgwick, C. H.
Thomas. Meredith, A. J. Woodfield.
Administration : Faculty:
President, and Business Manager, Principal, A. J. Woodfield.
C. A. Schutt. Business Manager, A. Carey.
Treasurer, R. F. Juriansz.
Registrar and Librarian, 0. Secondary School:
Matthews. A. J. Woodfield, Headmaster ; Beryl
Dean of Men, C. N. John. Belton, W. Futcher, Audrey E. Nolan,
Dean of Women, Mrs. Bertha Lowry. Muriel Smith, A. H. Watson.
College Faculty: Junior School:
President, C. A. Schlitt. J. Shaw, Head Teacher ; Lilian Bevan,
Bible, H. H. Mattison, G. Isaiah. Joan Coveney, Gladys King, Jean
Business Administration, B. J. Wil- Smith, D. Margaret Turner, Winni-
liams. fred E. Willis.
Elementary Teacher Training, Rose
English, L. J. Larson. SUNNYDALE ACADEMY
History, C. A. Schutt, 0. S. Matthews, Box 209, Centralia, Missouri
G. Isaiah.
Home Economics and Health, Mrs. Established 1946
Bertha Lowry. Telephone: Centralia 15.
Indian Languages, P. Pathak.
Mathematics, 0. S. Matthews. Board of Managers: Carl Sundin, Chair-
Piano, Mrs. N. 0. Matthews. man ; L. S. Davis, Secretary.
Science, N. 0. Matthews.
Secondary Education, L. J. Larson. Faculty:
Secretarial Training, G. J. Christo. Principal, L. S. Davis.
Speech, L. J. Larson. Business Manager, J. S. Marshall.
Vocational Training, D. G. Bower. Dean of Boys, B. E. Nelson.
Vocal Music, Mrs. D. G. Bower. Dean of Girls, Hilda Fern Remley.
Industrial Superintendent, D. G. School Nurse, Mrs. B. E. Nelson.
Bower; Assistant, A. J. Valens. Bible, L. S. Davis, R. L. MacMana-
Nurse, Mrs. 0. S. Matthews. man, R. T. Morrison.
Printing, C. N. John. Commerce, Erma Lee Garner.
High School Faculty: Dairying and Agriculture, Charles
Principal, N. 0. Matthews. English, Hilda Fern Remley.
Bible, C. N. John, G. Isaiah, S. B. History, R. T. Morrison.
Gaikwad. Home Economics, Mrs. Pauline Long.
Domestic Science. Mrs. Bertha Lo3vry, Mathematics, B. E. Nelson.
Mrs. C. N. John. Mechanical Arts, R. T. Morrison.
English, 0. S. Matthews, Mrs. N. 0. Music, R. L. MacManaman, Mrs. R. L.
Matthews. McManaman.
First Aid, C. N. John. Science, B. E. Nelson.
History, C. N. John, G. Isaiah. Spanish; Mrs. J. S. Marshall.

Elementary School, Marion Daley. Board of Trustees: D. A. Ochs, Chair-

Agriculture, Herschel G. Turner. man ; J. P. Laurence, Secretary.
Dairy, Charles Turner. Faculty:
Engineer, R. T. Morrison.
Food Factory, Orlie Morris. Principal, J. P. Laurence.
Matron, Mrs. Pauline Long.
Registrar, Phyllis Johnson Liers.
Librarian, Esther Bruck.
SUNNY HILL SCHOOL Bible, H. T. Terry, J. P. Laurence.
Third Mile Simanggang Road, Commercial, Mrs. Pearl Hansen.
Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo English, Mrs. Margaret G. Plymire,
Mrs. Ella May Hartlein.
Established 1926 French, Esther Bruck.
Managing Board: Sarawak Mission Mathematics, E. M. Andross, R. B.
Committee. Hatt.
Music, Jane Summerour, Mrs. Elna
Board of Management: Sarawak Mis- Quade.
sion Committee. Physical Education, Agnes Eroh, Carl
Faculty: Montgomery.
Printing, Ralph Walter.
Principal, L. E. A. Fox. Radio, Peter Altman.
Teachers, L. E. A. Fox, Mrs. L. E. A. Science, R. B. Hatt, Carl Craig, L.
Fox, M. J. Hutabarat, B. T. Shin, W. Botimar.
P. L. Tamboenan, T. F. Yong. Social Science, E. M. Andross.
Spanish, P. de F. Henderson.


(Ekebyholmsskolan) TAQUARA ACADEMY
Ekebyholm, Rimbo, Sweden (Ginasio Adventista)
Established 1898; reorganized 1908 Caixa Postal 12, Taquara, Rio
(moved from Jarnboas 1932) Grande do Sul, Brazil, South
Telephone: Rimbo 5.
Board: A. Y. Rintala, A. Anderson, D. Established 1937
Carlsson, E. Erenius, C. Gidlund, W. Board of Management: Domingos
Johansson, E. H. Larsson, G. Linde, Peixoto da Silva, Joao C. Alves,
R. Svenson ; consultative member, G. Henrique S. Bergold, Lourival Fer-
A. Lindsay. reira, Silas Gianini, Siegfried Hoff-
Faculty: man, Araceli S. Melo, R. E. Oberg.
Principal, C. Gidlund. Faculty:
Preceptress, Clara Andersson.
Matron, Clara Andersson. Principal, R. E. Oberg.
Bible and Homiletics, C. Gidlund. Secretary, Eli Kassner.
Bookkeeping and Shorthand, E. Ed- Treasurer, Frederico Gerling.
fors. Preceptor, Waldemar M. Rabelo.
English and Philosophy, G. Linde. Preceptress, Onelia Azevedo.
French and Swedish, R. Blomdahl. Admission Course, Waldemar Rabelo.
Geography, Botany, Biology, Hanna Bible, Herbert Hoffman.
Gidlund. Crafts, Frederico Gerling.
History, Ingrid Albiner, Helga Hele- Drawing, R. E. Oberg.
nius, R. Blomdahl. English, Jacob G. Streithorst.
Mathematics and Science, Karl Otto French, R. E. Oberg.
Nilsson. Geography, Luiz R. Pereira.
Music, E. Edfors. History, Herbert Hoffman, Luiz R.
Swedish and German, Ingrid Albiner,
Helga Helenius, G. Linde. Pereira.
Language, Luiz R. Pereira.
Latin, Jacob G. Streithorst.
Mathematics, Luiz R. Pereira, Her-
TAKOMA ACADEMY bert Hoffman.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Music, Jacob G. Streithorst.
Physical Education, Waldemar Rabelo,
Established 1933 Eli Kassner.
Science, Herbert Hoffman.
(Academy connected with Washington
Missionary College.) Farm, Romeu X. dos Santos.

UNION COLLEGE Education and Psychology, E. M. Cad-

wallader, Mrs. Dorothy Cadwalla-
College View Station, Lincoln 6, der, Helen Hyatt, G. H. Straight.
Nebraska English and Journalism, Virginia
Established 1891 Shull, Elizabeth Cowdrick, Mrs.
Alice Fowler, L. L. Nelson.
Telephone: 4-2331. Health, H. Ruth Bunston, Del Par-
kins, R. T. Smith.
Board of Trustees: M. V. Campbell, History and Political Science, E. N.
President; J. D. Smith, Vice-Presi- Dick, Robert Cleveland, E. R. Maas,
dent ; J. W. Turner, Vice-President ; R. K. Nelson.
Robert W. Woods, Secretary; H. M. Home Eoconomics, Mrs. Anne Dev-
Johnson, Treasurer ; D. C. Butherus, nich Dunn, Blossom Church, Mrs.
C. W. Degering, W. A. Dessain, N. R. Alice Garrett Marsh.
Dower, G. R. Fattic, W. A. Howe, Mathematics, E. B. Ogden, Grace
H. C. Klement, J. C. Kozel, C. V. Ashton, William Blank.
Leach, A. A. Leiske, L. L. McKinley, Modern and Biblical Languages, H.
W. B. Mohr, J. V. Peters, N. C. Peter- G. Reinmuth, J. N. Anderson (eme-
son, D. R. Rees, E. A. Robertson, G. ritus), Pearl Hall, F. G. Young.
H. Rustad, F. 0. Sanders, A. R. Music, Harlyn Abel, Mrs. Florence
Smouse, Carl Sundin, D. E. Venden, Abel, Mrs. Dorothy Burg, Raymond
I. H. Wernick, H. A. Young. Casey, C. C. Engel (emeritus),
Olivia Harder, Herbert G. Hohensee,
Executive Committee: M. V. Campbell, Wayne Hooper, Mrs. Phyllis Joyce,
President; Robert W. Woods, Secre-
Opal Miller, Charles J. Watson,
tary ; W. A. Dessain, N. R. Dower, Mrs. Marguerite Widener, Mabel
G. R. Fattic, H. M. Johnson, W. A. Wood.
Howe, W. B. Mohr, E. A. Robertson, Nursing Education, H. Ruth Bun-
J. C. Smith, J. W. Turner, D. E. ston, Genevieve E. Hansen, Mabel
Venden: Brown, Helen Davidson, Opal
Administration: Farnsworth, Muriel Fleming, Helga
Forehand, Mazie Herin, Ada Hol-
President, Robert W. Woods. man, Frank R. Isaac, Elsie King,
Dean, E. B. Ogden. Reuben Johnson, Verna Johnson,
Business Manager and Treasurer, H. Mary Kisz, Emma Snyder Landon,
M. Johnson. Mabel Livingood, Kathryn Nelson,
Assistant to the President, W. H. Kiyuko Ota, Alice E. Smith.
Beaven. Physics, Milton D. Hare, Rodger
Assistant Business Manager, Vernon Neidigh, Robert W. Woods.
S. Dunn. Physical Education, Carl Watts, H.
Accountant, H. L. Keene. Ruth Bunston, Del Parkins, Earl
Registrar, Marie Anderson. Wilson.
Personnel Director, L. W. Welch. Secretarial Science, Irma V. Watt.
Librarian, Floda Smith ; Assistant, Mrs. Mavis Beckner, Margaret
Gertrude Huygens. Pederson, Mary Zweig.
Dean of Men, M. S. Culver. Speech, W. H. Beaven, Mrs. Mar-
Dean of Women, Mrs. Blanche E. jorie Hohensee, Virgil Logan.
Jones ; Assistant, Marguerite Par-
ker. Supervisory Teachers in Secondary
Director of School of Nursing and Education, Grace Ashton, Elva
Health Service, H. Ruth Bunston. Bartel, Mrs. Janice Larson, E. R.
Associate Director of the School of Maas, Mrs. Evelyn Maas, Robert
Nursing, Clinical Division, Gene- L. Osmunson, Margaret Pederson.
vieve E. Hansen. Supervisory Teachers in Elementary
School Physician, R. T. Smith. Education, Esther Duce, Myrtle
Academy Principal, E. R. Maas. Maxwell, Maude Reid, Frances
Matron, Ruth M. Whitfield. Stoddard, Mrs. Winnie Turner, Mrs.
Viola Welch.
Faculty: Supervisory Teacher in Kindergarten,
President, Robert W. Woods. Mrs. Lillian Logan.
Bible and Religion, A. J. Wearner, I.
F. Blue (emeritus), Calvin Gordon, Academy Faculty:
Leslie Hardinge, A. V. Wallen-
kampf, L. W. Welch. Principal, E. R. Maas.
Biology, F. L. Marsh, Mrs. Gladys Bible, Robert L. Osmunson.
Jeurink, Walter Page. English, Elva Bartel.
Foreign Languages, Mrs. Evelyn
Business Administration, R. W. Fow- Maas.
ler, Vernon S. Dunn, Robert Firth. History, E. R. Maas.
Chemistry, G. C. Jorgensen, Douglas Home Economics, Mrs. Janice Larson.
Brown. Junior Business, Mary Zweig.

Mathematics and Science, Grace Ash- History, C. S. Wallace.

ton, Home Economics, Helen Litvin.
Music, Herbert G. Hohensee. Medical Cadet, C. S. Wallace.
Physical Education, Earl Wilson. Music, Mrs. James Nash, C. M. Busch.
Printing, L. L. Nelson. Physical Education, C. E. Davis, Alice
Typewriting, Margaret Pederson. Bartlett.
Physics and Mathematics, C. E. Davis.
Industries: Secretarial Science, Helen Litvin.
Bookbinding, J. A. Mayer. Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing,
Farm and Dairy, J. C. Turner. C. M. Busch.
Furniture Manufacturers, John Gep- Elementary School, Ruby Palmer.
ford. Engineer, J. I. Nash.
Laundry, Mrs. Vivian Johnson. Farm and Dairy, P. W. Baldwin
Power and Maintenance, F. R. Matron, Mrs. A. H. Warner.
Kleiman, C. C. Jarrett.
Printing, James D. Anderson.
UNION SPRINGS ACADEMY (Instituto Adventists del Uruguay)

Union Springs, New York Established in 1944

Established 1921 Post Office: Progreso, Departamento de

Canelones, Uruguay, South America.
Telephone: 2481.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Ad-
Board of Management: J.' J. Reiswig, ventistas," Montevideo.
Chairman ; V. L. Bartlett, Secretary.
Telephone: Progreso 28.
Faculty: Board of Trustees: Juan Riffel, Presi-
Principal and Business Manager, V. dent; Samuel Alberro, Secretary; Al-
L. Bartlett. fredo Aeschlimann, Humberto Cairus,
Dean of Boys, James Crabtree. Julio Gerber, Jorge Iuorno, Daniel
Dean of Girls, Beatrice Keith. Nestares, Jose Riffel, Manuel Perez,
Registrar and Accountant, Howard Ner Soto, Lorenzo Stump, Juan Ze-
Peterson. vallos.
Librarian, 0. R. Schmidt. Local Board: Juan Riffel, President;
Bible, Robert Francis. Samuel Alberro, Vice-President ;
Commercial, Mrs. Josephine Frank. Daniel Nestares, Secretary; C. J.
English, 0. R. Schmidt. Weber, Juan Zevallos.
French, Beatrice Keith. Faculty:
History, Robert Francis.
Mathematics and Science, Mervin Principal, Samuel Alberro.
York. Treasurer, Daniel Nestares.
Music, Mrs. Ruth Brown. Registrar, Adolfo Lista Hugo.
Farm, M. E. Wright. - Dean of Men, Sarkis Zurigian.
Maintenance, Paul Rogers. Dean of Women, Rosa Bernhardt.
Matron, Mrs. Helen Starratt. Bible, Samuel Alberro.
Commercial, Samuel Alberro, Mrs.
' Ester Nestares.
UPPER COLUMBIA ACADEMY Domestic Science, Mrs. Hazel Weber.
English, C. J. Weber.
Spangle, Washington French and History, E. Pidoux.
Telephone: 0401. Geography, Daniel Nestares.
Music and Natural History, Mrs.
Executive Board: F. A. Mote, Presi- Edith Martin.
dent; W. L. Schoepflin, Secretary. Science, Adolfo Lista Hugo.
Faculty: Sewing, Mrs. Ester Nestares.
Spanish, Mrs. Esther Alberro.
Principal and Business Manager, W.
L. Schoepflin. Church School, Sarkis Zurigian, Rosa
Treasurer and Assistant Manager,
N. R. Fouts. Industrial Superintendent, C. J.
Registrar, Mrs. W. L. Schoepflin. Weber,
Librarian, Mrs. P. W. Baldwin. Matron, Rosa Bernhardt.
Dean of Boys, C. S. Wallace.
Dean of Girls, Alice Bartlett.
School Nurse, Mrs. C. S. Wallace. VAILOA TRAINING SCHOOL
Bible and Biology, A. H. Warner. Vailoa, Samoa, Pacific Ocean
Bookkeeping, N. R. Fouts.
English and Spanish, Alice Gregg. Headmaster: J. It. Dobson.



Weslaco, Texas Geography, R. E. Rice.
History, W. C. Mackett.
Telephone: 437-M. Home Economics, Leila A. Baird.
Hygiene, Mrs. I. C. Woodward.
Board of Managers: M. H. Jensen, Mathematics, R. E. Rice.
Chairman ; Vernon D. Singer, Secre- Music, Mrs. K. Berry.
tary; C. D. Garrett, Treasurer. Physiology and Hygiene, Mrs. I. C.
Faculty: Woodward.
Principal, C. D. Garrett. Public Speaking and Science, I. C.
Bible and Spanish, Wendell Coble. Secretarial Training, Mrs. Milton Mc-
English and Typing, Iva Fleming. Henry.
History and Science, C. D. Garrett. Urdu, M. Thomas.
Mathematics and Piano, Myrna Junior School, P. D. Berry, Mrs. E. T.
Wiltse. Austin, E. W. Matthews, Mrs. E.
Elementary School, Mary Jane Doug- W. Matthews, Marjorie Matthews.
las, Mrs. W. F. Riffel, Mrs. T. A. Bakery, G. A. Poole.
Barr. Food Matron, Leila A. Baird.
Cafeteria, Mrs. M. H. Jensen. Hospital Matron, Mrs. I. Matthews.
Shop, John Smith. Industries, Chair Caning, Gardening.


Buca Bay, Vanua Levu, Fiji, College Place, Washington
Pacific Ocean
Established 1892
Established 1932
Headmaster: M. P. Cozens. Telephone: Walla Walla 319.
Board of Trustees: C. A. Striven,
Chairman ; G. W. Bowers, Secretary ;
VINCENT HILL COLLEGE H. C. Hartman, Treasurer; L. E.
Biggs, G. W. Chambers, 0. T. Garner,
(Division Boarding Institution) Clyde Harris, E. S. Humann, C. S.
Mussoorie, U.P., India Joyce, C. C. Kott, F. A. Mote, J. T.
Porter, H. L. Rudy, Don H. Spillman,
Established 1911 M. V. Tucker.
Postal Address: Vincent Hill College, Administration:
Mussoorie, U.P., India. President, G. W. Bowers.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Vin- Dean, Henry L. Sonnenberg.
school, Mussoorie, India. Business Manager, H. C. Hartman.
Registrar, Mrs. Irene Smith Black.
Telephone: 137. Librarian, Anna L. Blackney.
Board: A. L. Ham, Chairman; W. C. Assistant Librarian, Ellenor Summer-
Mackett, Secretary; J. C. H. Collett, ton, Grace Prentice.
E. A. Crane, R. L. Kimble, M. 0. Dean of Men, L. B. Losey.
Manley, 0. 0. Mattison, E. M. Me- Dean of Women, Mrs. Amelia Hubley
leen, R. E. Rice, R. J. Ritchie, C. A. Sherrard.
Schutt, J. L. Shannon, L. C. Shepard, Assistant Dean of Women, Esther
0. A. Skau, F. E. Spiess, A. F. Tarr, Trefz.
E. D. Thomas, and Division Medical Principal of Academy, Dan W. Pal-
Secretary. mer.
Student Welfare and Personnel, H. L.
Administration: Sonnenberg.
Principal and Business Manager, W. Accountant, Mrs. M. Aplington.
C. Mackett. Physician, J. E. Potts.
Treasurer, E. T. Austin. Dean, School of Theology, Vernon E.
Registrar, M. M. McHenry. Hendershot.
Librarian, P. D. Perry. Dean, School of Nursing, Frederick
Dean of Men, R. E. Rice. Hanson.
Dean of Women, Emma E. Lehmann. Director, Health Service, Vivian
Small Boys Matron, Mrs...G. B. Hoag. Slater Eastwood.
Normal Department, Mrs. R. E. Rice.
School Nurse, Mrs. I. C. Woodward. College Faculty:
Faculty: President, G. W. Bowers.
Art, Leila A. Baird. Agriculture, L. B. Losey.
Bible, K. S. Brown. Ancient Languages and Antiquities,
Bookkeeping, E. T. Austin. R. D. Drayson, Richard Litke.
English, Emma E. Lehmann. Art, Mrs. Lulu Hill Miller.

Bible, Vernon E. Hendershot, H. J. Wind Instruments,C. 0. Trubey.

Alcock, C. D. Christensen, It. D. Pipe Organ, Stane
y Walker.
Drayson, Stanley R. Peterson, El- Theory, Stanley Walker.
wood Sherrard. Voice, C. W. Dortch, Elaine Myers,
Biology, Ernest Booth, Beatrice T. Gerald Ferguson.
Emery, Raymond A. Underhill,
Gayle Nelson. Academy Faculty:
Business Administration, Wilbert Principal, Dan W. Palmer.
Schneider, J. G. Mehling, Jr., Al-
berta Dale, Myrtle Walker. Bible, Horace E. Weaver.
Chemistry, C. E. Thurston, Mrs. Lu- English, J. Byron Patrick.
ella Latham Kretschmar, Cecil W. History, J. Byron Patrick.
Shankel. Language, Esther Sonnenberg.
Education, W. I. Smith, Bernice Mathematics and Science, Mrs. Lilian
Searle, Eleanor Rue. Larson Patrick.
Engineering, Edward Cross, Vernon Music, Gerald Ferguson.
L. Von Pohle. Elementary School:
English, T. A. Little, K. A. Apling-
ton, Mrs. Ethel Hendershot, Marie Mrs. Howard Burnett, Jeanne Morri-
Hansen, Mrs. Mary Livingstone son Fields, Lila Hixson, Helen Hud-
Smith, Esther Trefz. son, G. H. Maxwell, Irene Robi-
History, H. E. Westermeyer, Frank E. son, Lois Teal, Mrs. Margaret Turner
Meckling. Wilson.
Home Economics, Daisy Schluntz,
Evelynne Wright, Mrs. Kathleen Vocational:
Keene Zolber. Auto Mechanics, Darrell Cowin.
Industrial Arts, Jake Walker, Oscar Baking, Ed. Anderson.
Lee. Bindery, W. E. Cushman.
Library Science, Anna L. Blackney. Farm, E. 0. Becker.
Mathematics, Orason L. Brinker, Mrs. Heat and Light, Leland Parker.
Lilah Godfrey Schlotthauer, Mrs. Laundry, Mrs. Elmer Whitehouse.
Ilene Maxson Johnstone. Matron, Mrs. Kathleen Keene Zolber.
Modern Languages, Agnes L. Soren- Printing, R. L. Collins.
son, Henry L. Sonnenberg, H. G. Store, G. L. Beane.
Music, Stanley Walker, Julian Lob-
sien, Mrs. Thelma Johnson Mc- WASHINGTON MISSIONARY
Coy, C. W. Dortch, Mrs. Maudie
Carr Hartman, Mrs. G. H. Max- COLLEGE
well, Janet Miller, Elaine Myers, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
C. 0. Trubey, Gerald Ferguson.
Nursing Education, Frederick Han- Established 1904 ; reorganized 1914
son, Veda Sue Marsh.
Physical Education, Eugene Winter. Telephone: Shepherd 2135.
Physics, G. G. Kretschmar, Robert H. Legal Title: Washington Missionary
Brown, Ronald Reed. College Corporation.
Speech, Vernon W. Emmerson.
Teacher Training, Bernice Searle. Board of Trustees: D. A. Ochs, Chair-
man W. H. Shephard, Secretary;
School of Theology: C. V. Anderson, N. S. Ashton, C. J.
President, G. W. Bowers. Coon, E. E. Cossentine, H. J. Detwiler,
H. T. Elliott, W. C. Hannah, G. T.
Dean, V. E. Hendershot. Harding, J. R. Johnson, W. H. Jones,
Ancient Languages and Antiquities, W. B. Hill, C. H. Kelly, G. M.
R. D. Drayson, Richard Litke. Mathews, W. C. Moffett, C. C. Morris,
Applied Theology, V. E. Hendershot, H. A. Morrison, J. H. Nies, Stephen
R. D. Drayson. Paully, J. J. Nethery, W. M. Robbins,
Asiatic Languages, V. E. Hendershot, John Shull, R. E. Spangle, George
Mrs. Ethel Hendershot. Suhrie, T. E. Unruh, W. H. Williams.
Bible, H. J. Alcock, C. D. Christen-
sen, R. D. Drayson, V. E. Hender- Finance Committee: H. J. Detwiler,
shot, Stanley R. Peterson, Elwood H. T. Johnson, J. H. Nies, C. H. Kelly,
Sherrard. G. M. Mathews, D. A. Ochs, W. H.
School of Music:
Director, Stanley Walker. Administration:
Piano, Mrs. Thelma Johnson Mc- President, W. H. Shephard.
Coy, Stanley Walker, Mrs. Maudie Dean,
Carr Hartman, Mrs. G. H. Max- Business Manager, H. T. Johnson.
well, Janet Miller. Assistant Business Manager, C. E.
Violin, Julian Lobsien. Murphy.

Accountant, Bernard Penner. WASHINGTON UNION ACADEMY

Registrar, Eunice J. Rozema.
Librarian, T. G. Weis. 624 Eighth Street, N. E.,
Dean of Men, Carl F. Montgomery. Washington, D.C.
Dean of Women, Minnie E. Abray.
Assistant Dean of Women, Agnes Established 1939
Physician, C. H. Wolohon. Telephone: LI. 9838.
Nurses, Lenora Trimmie, Marian Board: E. S. Dillett, Chairman; Beulah
Miles, Elizabeth Lombard. 0. Gillis, Secretary-Treasurer.
President, W. H. Shephard. Faculty:
Architecture, Ronald Senseman. Principal, N. E. Ashley.
Art, T. K. Martin. English and Bible, Juanita M. Luck-
Biology, L. M. Ashley, D. M. Brown. ett.
Chemistry, C. C. Morrison, L. W. History and Language, N. E. Ashley.
Botimer, Bruce Bush. Mathematics and Science, Imogene
Business Administration, S. W. Tyme- Dozier.
son, Minnie E. Abray, Mrs. Eva
MacIvor. Elementary School, Marian Stafford,
Economics, T. R. Larimore. Nannie Davis.
Education, Mrs. Edda Rees Larimore,
C. N. Rees.
Elementary Education, Mabel Cassell.
English, L. W. Cobb, Linnie L. Keith, WEST AUSTRALIAN MISSIONARY
Kathleen M. Baird, M. E. Olsen,
H. M. Tippett. COLLEGE
Foreign Languages, F. E. Wall, P. de
F. Henderson, A. J. Robbins; Edith Carmel, West Australia .
History, W. J. McComb, Walter Halls, Established 1907
Charles Stephenson, Kathleen M. Board: W. J. Richards, Chairman;
Home Economics and Dietetics, Har- A. W. Dawson, M. C. Earles, C. J.
riette Hanson, Dorothy Stephenson. Howell, C. S. Palmer, B. H. Mc-
Homiletics, M. G. Conger, Maybelle Mahon, H. North, R. H. Powrie, E. E.
Vandermark. Price, W. M. R. Seragg.
Library Science, T. G. Weis. Faculty: C. S. Palmer, Principal; J'. L.
Mathematics, George G. O'Brien, L. G. Abbott, Mrs. L. E. Bailey, C. F.
Small, Anita Britton. Futcher, Elma Nelson, M. Nash,
Music, George Wargo, 0. S. Heitz, Pearl Nippress, T. W. Rutter, Edith
Elmore McMurphy, Harold Doer- Stewart, C. F. Thrift, E. Zeunert.
Nursing Education, 'Mrs. Edyth T.
Physical Education, Carl Montgomery,
Physics, Nis Hansen, C. B. Smith.
Political Science, W. J. McComb. Sung Boa, Tsichikow, Chungking, China
Radio and Speech, W. Fletcher Tarr,
Walter Rails. Organized 1932
Religion, W. R. French, A. J. Rob-
bins, Maybelle Vandermark. Location: 60 miles north of Chungking
beside Chia Ling Kiang.
Normal Training School: Postal Address: W.C.U.A. Sungbao,
Principal, Louise Stuart. Tsichikow, Chungking, China.
Critic Teachers, Mrs. Doris Brown,
Adelaide Christian, Mrs. Zella Hol- Faculty:
bert, Mrs. Annie L. Matthews, Principal, Djeng Djao Yung.
Nellie Jane Smith, Irene Walker, Registrar, Djeng Djao Yung.
Mrs. Mildred Welker. Manager, Lo Yun Chiao.
Treasurer, Li Wei Cheng.
Cafeteria, Jeffery Halifax, Mrs. Alice Teachers: Chen Wen Liang, Feng. Wang
M. Whitman. Yi Hui, Giang Chi En, Li Yi Ming,
Engineer, L. G. Small. Liu Lo Ren, Lo Yi Hui, Lo Yun
Printing, Jewell Peeke. Chiao, Wang Li Hwa Ying, Wang
Store, A. R. Klug, C. C. Pulver. Wen Tien, Wei Su An, Yang Mao
Woodwork, Chih, Yang Mao Hsun, Yu Tien Hung.


Coolsworthy, Mandeville, Jamaica, Bongco, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines
British West Indies
Established 1930
Established 1918
Postal Address: P.O. Box 502, Iloilo,
Cable Address: "Witco," Mandeville, Philippines.

Jamaica. Board of Management: V. M. Montal-
Board of Management: Chair- ban, Chairman ; J. M. Herrera, Secre-
man ; B. G. Butherus, Secretary ; tary ; P. S. Arriola, M. M. Claveria,
C. R. Anderson, Stanley Bull, H. L. Duriquez, M. E. Loewen, A. M.
D. Colburn, Frank Fletcher, Clyde Ragsdale.
0. Franz, W. A. Holgate, L. A. Morri- Faculty:
son, W. S. Nation, E. E. Parchment,
J. N. Williams. Principal, J. M. Herrera.
, Chairman; B. G. Treasurer, M. M. Claveria.
Local Board: Registrar,
Butherus, Secretary; Clyde 0. Franz, Preceptor, C. B. Isuga.
E. L. Gardner, L. A. Horning, L. A. Preceptress, Enriqueta Tauro.
Morrison, W. A. Osbourne. Matron, Mrs. Fausto Jornada.
Administration: Bible, Enriqueta Tauro.
President and Manager, B. G. Buth- English, Gracia Diaz.
erus. History, J. M. Herrera, R. C. Ferrer.
Treasurer, L. A. Morrison. Mathematics, A. Solivio.
Dean of Men, National Language, J. M. Herrera,
Dean of Women, Mrs. E. L. Gardner. M. M. Claveria.
Registrar, Mrs. B. G. Butherus. Science, Mrs. A. Solivio, Mrs. R. C.
President, B. G. Butherus. Elementary School, Maria Tumang-
day, Lolita Jardinico.
Bible, Stanley Bull.
Commercial, W. A. Osbourne.
English, Mrs. Stanley Bull, Mrs. B. G.
Geography, Mrs. G. L. Alexander. Kunming, Yunnan, China
History, Stanley Bull.
Mathematics and Science, L. A. Horn- Established 1945
ing, E. L. Gardner. Location: 16 kilometers west of Kun-
Music, Myrtle Nembhard. ming on Burma Road (Hsiang Shih).
Normal, Mrs. E. L. Gardner.
Spanish, Postal Address: P.O. Box 2, An-Ning,
Elementary School, Dell Brodie. Yunnan, China.
Industries: Faculty:
Agriculture, Headley Anderson. Principal, Lu Shou Dao.
Bakery, G. L. Alexander. Dean, Chang Hwei An.
Matron, Gladys Brodie. Treasurer, Chang Chung Chieh.
Printing, L. L. D'Andrade.
Sheet Metal, 0. N. Campbell. Teachers, Goh Shu Chen, Han Hsin
Wood Products, L. A. Horning. Deh, Shao Gung Shan,
Health Food Stores (Owned and oper- Loma Linda Food Company.Arlington,
ated by Boulder Sanitarium Associa- California. (Incorporated 1935.)
tion.) Board of Directors: G. T. Anderson,
R. C. Baker, C. L. Bauer, W. E. Carl-
Dallas Health Food Center, 214 N. son, G. T. Chapman, P. W. Christian,
St. Paul, Dallas, Texas. A. A. Cree, G. H. Curtis, L. E. Dart,
Denver Health Food Center, 433 Frederick Griggs, F. L. Harrison,
14th St., Denver, Colo. H. H. Hicks, G. S. Luther, W. A.
Kansas City Natural Food Center, Nelson, A. A. Sprengel, H. B. Thomas,
1014 Grand Ave., Kansas City, C. L. Torrey, H. W. Vollmer, David
Mo. Voth, N. C. Wilson. Officers: C. L.
Wichita Health Food Center, 148 Bauer, President ; C. L. Torrey and
No. Broadway, Wichita, Kansas. H. H. Hicks, Vice-Presidents; G. T.
Buenos Aires Health Food Company Chapman, Secretary ; F. L. Harrison,
(Alimentos Granix, Sociedad Ano- Treasurer.
nima).Avenida San Martin 4625, Pur-Aliment Food Factory.-15 rue
Florida, F. N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Honnet, Clichy (Seine), France.
Buenos Aires, South America. Es-
tablished 1938. Board of Trustees: Al- Sanitarium Health Food Company.
fredo Aeschlimann, Frank Baer, 0. Head Office, 148 Fox Valley Road,
A. Blake, P. M. Brouchy, F. Chaij, Wahroonga, N. S. Wales, Australia.
W. J. Brown, R. F. Dobanton, M. I. Australasian Manager, B. 0. Johan-
Fayard, R. R. Figuhr, F. B. Moore, son. Wholesale Sales and Advertising
H. J. Peverini, Juan Riffel, Ner Soto, Manager, A. H. Carton ; Production
C. E. Westphal. Board of Directors: Manager, W. L. Kilroy ; Retail and
Aeschlimann, President ; Cafe Manager and Office Secretary,
Hector J. Peverini, Vice-President; L. H. Engelbrecht ; New Zealand
N. Soto, Auditor ; A. Rode, Assistant Manager, L. A. Piper ; West Austral-
Auditor ; R. F. Dobanton, Manager ; ian Manager, C. J. Howell.
F. L. Baer, F. Chaij. Factories
Copenhagen Food Factory.Baldersgade Adelaide, South Australia ; 73 Hackney
14, Copenhagen, N., Denmark. Busi- Rd., Hackney. T. J. Dowling, Mana-
ness Manager, R. F. Jensen. Board: ger.
R. F. Jensen, Chr. Hansen, J. D. Hen-
riksen, Holger Nielsen, H. Wester- Auckland, New Zealand ; 62 Randolph
Street. V. N. Nilsson, Manager.
Brisbane, Queensland ; 220 Roma Street.
German Health Food Factory (De- L. G. Unwin, Manager.
Vau-Ge Gesundkostwerk G.m.b.H.).
Campestrasse 18, Hamburg 24, Ger- Carmel, West Australia; C. F. Thrift,
many. (Formerly: Deutscher Verein Manager.
fur Gesundheitspflege, Hamburg E.V.) Christchurch, New Zealand; Harewood
Manager: H. Niemann. Board: A. Road, Papanui. F. M. Bennet, Man-
Minck, President; 0. Brozio, M. ager.
Busch, C. A. Motzer, E. Muller, W.
Mueller, H. Niemann, 0. Schildhauer, Cooranbong, New South Wales ; W. R.
G. Seng, M. Voigt, A. Vollmer. Wilson, Manager ; J. Rigby, Assis-
tant Manager.
Gland Hygienic Food Factory (Fab- Sydney, New South Wales; 1 Brown
Halle de Produits Alimentaires Hy- Street, Lewisham. C. W. Tinworth,
gieniques "Phag").Gland, Switzer- Manager.
land. Established 1896. Corporate
name: Societe Philanthropique de La Warburton, Victoria; A. H. Battye,
Ligniere. Managing Board: The Ex- Manager.
ecutive committee of the Swiss Union Windsor, Victoria; 118 Union Street,
Conference. Manager: Ch. Wehrli. Prahran, S. 1. C. H. Eiszele, Man-
Granose Foods, Ltd. (British Health
Food Factory).Stanborough Park, Wholesale Branches
Watford, Herts., England. Established Adelaide, South Australia ; 73 Hackney
1899. Officers: E. B. Rudge, Chair- Rd., Hackney. T. J. Dowling, Mana-
man ; G. E. Adair, Manager and Sec ger; R. W. Westerman, Sales Mana-
retary : H. Benwell, Sales Manager ; ger.
J. A. Clement, Accountant. Board of
Directors: E. B. Rudge, G. E. Adair, Brisbane, Queensland ; 220 Roma Street.
W. W. Armstrong, G. D. King, A. L. G. Unwin, Manager ; A. H. Evans,
Carey. Sales Manager.


Hobart, Tasmania; 43 Elizabeth Street. Christchurch, New Zealand ; 698 Col-

J. A. Wilson, Manager. ombo Street. H. J. Gibson, Manager.
Melbourne, Victoria; 118 Union Street, Dunedin, New Zealand ; 8 George Street.
Prahran, S. 1. C. H. Eiszele, Man- , Manager.
ager; C. B. Hopkins, Sales Manager.
Hobart, Tasmania ; 43 Elizabeth Street.
Newcastle, New South Wales; Cr. J. A. Wilson, Manager.
Tudor St. and Parkway Avenue, Ham-
ilton. R. W. Groom, Manager. Launceston, Tasmania ; 82 Charles
New Zealand, Harewood Road, Papanui, Street. J. A. Wilson, Manager.
Christchurch. S. J. Hartley, Manager. Melbourne, Victoria; Australia Arcade.
Perth, West Australia; 445 Murray St., 293 Little Collins Street. C. G. Lane,
Perth. C. J. Howell, Manager. Manager.
Sydney, New South Wales; 1 Brown Newcastle, New South Wales; 14 and 15
Street, Lewisham., C. W. Tinworth, The Arcade, Hunter Street. R. W.
Manager ; N. K. Neill, Sales Manager. Groom, Manager.
Retail Shops and Cafes Perth, West Australia : 757 Hay Street,
Adelaide, South Australia ; 51 Adelaide M. C. Earles, Manager.
Arcade. G. E. Salisbury, Manager. Perth (No. 2), West Australia; 18 Cen-
Auckland, New Zealand ; 174 Queen tral Arcade. M. C. Earles, Manager.
Street. W. E. Edwards, Manager.
Brisbane, Queensland ; 138 Adelaide Sydney, New South Wales; 13 Hunter
Street. I. E. Whittaker, Manager. Street. H. E. Eiszele, Manager.
Camberwell, Victoria; 791 Bourke Road. Wellington, New Zealand; 83 Willis
C. G. Lane, Manager. Street. R. W. Gray, Manager.
The medical institutions listed in this section are all denominationally
controlled. An index of the workers in these organizations is given in the Institu-
tional Workers Directory.


Kukudu, Island of Kolumbangara, Hospital Supervisor, Rebecca Carroll.
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean Clinic Supervisor, Mrs. M. Carrington.
Nursing Arts Instructor, Mrs. A. W.
Director: C. Evans. N. Druitt.
Physiotherapy Instructor, Reginald
Pharmacist, E. E. Walters.
56 James Street, Kingston, Jamaica, Laboratory Technicians, R. B. Crooks,
British West Indies V. A. Boyd.
Established 1945 X-ray,
Hydrotherapy, Reginald Pleasants.
Number of Patient Beds: 25.
Instructor of Religion, Mrs. R. E. Gib-
Board of Directors: Same as for An- son.
drews Memorial Hospital. Dietetics Instructor,
Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, Mrs. D.
Administration: Same as for Andrews Rashford.
Memorial Hospital.
ANDREWS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL (136) Bad Aibling, Kurhotel Wittels-
bach, Oberbayern, Germany
27 Hope Road, Half Way Tree, Jamaica,
British West Indies Established 1920
Board of Management: W. Edener, E.
Established 1945 Mayer, A. W. Muller, 0. Neubauer,
Number of Patient Beds: 40. A. Sachsenmeyer, G. Seng.
Board of Directors: Chair- Medical Superintendent and Manager,
man ; C. R. Anderson, Secretary ; Otto Kapitz.
Leonard F. Bohner, B. G. Butherus,
H. D. Colburn, K. S. Crofoot, A. W.
N. Druitt, Clyde 0. Franz, R. E. BANGKOK MISSION CLINIC
Gibson, E. F. Hackman, B. R. Hamil- 56 Maitrichitr Road, Bangkok, Siam
ton, Glenn Millard, F. Ruth Mitchell,
W. E. Murray, W. S. Nation, E. E. Established 1937
Parchment, J. N. Williams.
Local Board of Management: J. M.
Local Board. , Chairman; C. R. Nerness, Chairman ; R. F. Waddell,
Anderson, A. W. N. Druitt, Clyde 0. Vice-Chairman ; A. I. Krautschick,
Franz, R. E. Gibson, B. R. Hamilton, Secretary ; D. P. LaTourette, Pleng
R. Ruth Mitchell, Edna C. Parch- Vitiamyalaksana, Mrs. R. F. Waddell,
ment. Ruth Monroe, Mrs. A. P. Ritz,
Charles Yao.
Medical Director, C. R. Anderson. Administration:
Assistant Medical Director, A. W. N. Medical Superintendent, R. F. Wad-
Druitt. dell.
Director of Nurses, F. Ruth Mitchell. Assistant Medical Superintendent, D.
Business Manager, R. E. Gibson. P. LaTourette.
Treasurer, Edna C. Parchment. Business Manager and Treasurer, A.
I. Krautschick.
Staff Physicians: C. R. Anderson, Assistant Business and Personnel
A. B. Cafferky, A. W. N. Druitt. Manager, Nai Pleng Vitiamyalak-
School of Nursing Administration: F. Chaplain, Ku Hyuk Min.
Ruth Mitchell, Director. Supervisor of Nurses, Ruth Monroe.

Staff Physicians: D.. P. LaTourette, Administration:

Trakool Lekhavat, R. F. Waddell. Medical Superintendent, R. B. Par-
Technical Assistants: sons.
Pharmacy, Nai Prung, Nai Snud, Nurses: Alta Birkenstock, Ruth John-
Sieng Suwon, Soh Sek Tang, Charles son, Mrs. R. B. Parsons, Jose de Sa,
Yao. Mrs. Jose de Sa, assisted by 13 native
Laboratory, Ko Kar Yolce, Nai Cha- orderlies.
lermpong, Nai Sanit Netnarinti,
Nai Udom Sahajatimanob.
Hydrotherapy, Mrs. Goh Siew Gim, Boulder, Colorado
Mrs. Pien Silichodirat, Mai Pravet
Sukasep, Mrs. Sangwalya Boonlua. Established 1895
Telephone: 1800.
BANGKOK MISSION SANITARIUM Legal Name: Boulder-Colorado Sanitar-
ium Association.
807 Lan Luang Road, Bangkok,
Siam Number of Patient Beds: 101.
Established 1940 Board of Trustees: Central Union Con-
ference Committee.
Local Board of Management: J. M. Ner-
ness, Chairman ; It. F. Waddell, Vice- Executive Board: M. V. Campbell,
Chairman ; A. I. Krautschick, Secre- Chairman ; H. A. Young, Secretary ;
tary; D. P. LaTourette, Pleng Viti- R. H. Hanson, A. A. Leiske, W. B.
amylaksana, Mrs. R. F. Waddell, Ruth Mohr, A. L. Moon, Donald Page, N.
Monroe, Mrs. A. P. Ritz, Charles Yao. C. Petersen. C. E. Smith, D. E.
Venden, R. W. Woods.
Administration :
Medical Superintendent, R. F. Wad-
dell. Medical Director, R. H. Hanson (act-
Assistant Medical Superintendent, D. Business Manager and Treasurer, H.
P. LaTourette. A. Young.
Business Manager and Treasurer, A. Credit Manager, E. H. Smith.
I. Krautschick. Chaplain, C. E. Smith.
Assistant Business and Personnel Director of Nursing Service,
Manager, Nai Pleng Vitiamyalak- Dietitian, Mrs. Archie Landon.
Chaplain, Ku Hyuk Min. Staff Physicians: R. H. Hanson, L. J.
Director School of Nursing and Su- Lilley, Donald Page, Mabel Page.
pervisor of Nurses, Ruth Monroe.
Staff Physicians: D. P. LaTourette, Faculty of the Clinical Division Union)
Trakool Lekhavat, R. F. Waddell. College School of Nursing:
Nursing Staff: Ruth Monroe, Super- Associate Director, Genevieve E. Han-
visor of Nurses ; Mrs. A. P. Ritz, sen.
Surgical Supervisor and Anesthetist; Assistant Director, (Boulder) Mrs.
Mrs. Chaliau, Mrs. Wen Phang, Phin Verna Burdick Johnson, Mrs. Ada
Chin, Chalow Jaleyannavih, Ada Lim, Pickett Holman, (Porter) Mrs.
Sujinta Noradajamote, Mrs. Arb Elsie King.
Punnabajaka, Mrs. Vien Seniwongse, Night Supervisor, (Boulder) Mrs. Ada
Mrs. R. F. Waddell. Pickett Holman, (Porter)
Nursing Arts, Alice Smith.
Supervisor of Instruction, Mrs. Verna
Bhuket, Siam Supervisor of Clinical Instruction,
Mazie Herin.
Established 1940 Supervisors of Clinical Services:
(Reopening in 1949) Electrotherapy, Rodney Davidson.
Hydrotherapy, Mrs. Helen G. David-
BONGO MISSION HOSPITAL Medical Nursing, (Porter) K. Nish-
ikawa, (Boulder) Mabel Brown.
Lepi, Angola, POrtuguese West Africa Operating Room, (Boulder) Mabel
Bed Capacity: 45. Livingood : (Porter) Mrs. Opal
Holden Farnsworth.
Board of Managers: Angola Union Mis- Out-patient Department, (Boulder)
sion Executive Committee, A. J. S. Susie L. Mansker.
Casaca, L. Chicondo, Ruth Johnson, Surgical Nursing, (Boulder) Muriel
Mrs. R. B. Parsons, Ruby Visser. Fleming; (Porter) Mary Kisz.

Medical Director, (Boulder) R. H. CHUNGKING WUHAN SANITARIUM

Hanson (acting) ; (Porter) A. L. AND HOSPITAL
Moon. Chungking, Szechwan, China
Business Manager, (Boulder) H. A.
Young; (Porter) A. A. Leiske. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist,"
Instructor of Religion, F. R. Isaac. Chungking.
Board of Directors: H. C. Currie, Djang
CANTON SANITARIUM AND Djen Gwoh, It. H. Dunn, Alfred Fos-
HOSPITAL sey, Goh Giao Oh, Muriel Howe, H. B.
Lee, Li Wan Chuen.
Sam Yuk Road, Tungshan, Medical Director, R. H. Dunn.
Canton, China Superintendent of Nurses, Muriel Howe.
Established 1931
Telephone: 17252. DAR EL SALAAM HOSPITAL
Board of Directors: C. H. Davis, Chair- 444/1 Rashid Street, Baghdad, Iraq
man ; C: A. Carter, T. C. Chin, C. H. Established 1946
Dougherty, Solomon Lee, H. H. Morse,
W. C. So ; the Chaplain, Head of the Cable Address: "Adventist," Baghdad.
Nurses' Training School, and local
mission presidents. Telephone: 7716.
Administration: Number of Patient Beds: 25.
Medical Superintendent, C. H. Board of Management: E. L. Branson,
Dougherty. Chairman ; M. V. Jacobson, Secretary ;
Assistant Medical Superintendent, C. C. Crider, E. S. Cubley, C. H.
Solomon Lee. Schilt, Neal C. Wilson.
Treasurer, Lily Tso. Medical Superintendent, G. H. Schilt.
Business Manager, Solomon Lee. Business Manager, M. V. Jacobson.
Staff Physicians, C. H. Schilt, S. D.
Karmy, Joseph Saaty.
CHIAOTOU SANITARIUM AND Director School of Nursing, Evelyn
Nursing Staff, Evelyn Welch, super-
Chiaotoutseng, Kiangsu, China visor ; Zakaia Fargo, Margarite Haik,
Established 1948 Fahma Haik, Ruth Tobiassen.
Chaplain, M. V. Jacobson.
Board of Directors: The China Training
Institute Board of Trustees. Department of Physical Therapy, Bror
Farnstrom, Mrs. Bror Fernstrom,
Administration: Ayoub Azer.
Medical Superintendent, Chester Chi.
Manager and Treasurer, Pharmacy and X-ray, Ismet Fathalla.
Laboratory, Abdalahad Salim.
(Hospital Chulumani) Plaza Concordia a Pilita No. 2, Caracas,
Chulumani, Sud Yungas, Depto de Venezuela, South America
La Paz, Bolivia, South America
Board of Management: P. F. Richard-
Telegraphic Address: "Hospital," Chulu- son, Mrs. Charles R. Beeler, Tirso
mani, Bolivia. Escandon, Mrs. Paul, F. Richardson.
Board of Managers: It. E. Kepkey, Postal Address: Apartado 986, Caracas,
Chairman ; Wilmer Buller, Secretary ; Venezuela, South America.
Elmer Bottsford, D. P. Duffle, D. Hol-
brock, D. H. Maxson, J. N. Perez, R. Director, P. F. Richardson.
V. Vinglas, Eva Whitehead. Secretary,
Treasurer, Mrs. P. F. Richardson.
Physician, Surgeon, and Manager,
Treasurer, J. N. Perez.
Accountant, Alberto Zegarra. (Formerly Wuhan Sanitarium and
Superintendent of Nurses, Eva White- Hospital)
head. Postal Address: East Lake, Wuchang 3,
Nurses, Rebeca von Goldammer, Juan Hupeh, China.
Technician, Juan Sicalo, Telephone: 7-516.

Telegraphic Address: "Adventists," Director of Nurses, Mrs. Edna Judd

Hankow. Behner.
City Medical Office: 19 Li Hwang Pei Staff Physicians: Thomas G. Bouland,
Road, Hankow 7, China. (Telephone, L. N. Christensen, Donald C. Hart-
2661.) well, D. H. Kress, L. M. Sutter, W. E.
Number of Patient Beds: 100. Westcott.
Faculty of the School of Nursing:
Board of Management: M. C. Warren,
Chairman ; A. R. Appel, N. 0. Dahl- Director, School of Nursing and
sten, D. H. Djang, 0. G. Erich, B. F. Nursing Service, Mrs. Edna Judd
Gregory, Edith Johnson, Paul Lee, Behner.
D. K. Liu, T. R. Shen, A. F. Tai, Nursing Arts Instructor and Clinical
C. C. Tseng, Joyce Joy Ubbink, Coordinator, Pearl Howington.
Richard Ubbink, G. B. Wang. Supervisor of Instruction, Bertha
Administration: Night Supervisors, Margie Harrelson,
Medical Director, B. F. Gregory. Lena Mae Tucker.
Assistant Medical Director, Paul Lee. Supervisors of Clinical Services:
Manager, Richard Ubbink. Electrotherapy, Leland Wood.
Treasurer, A. F. Tai. Women's Hydrotherapy, Mrs. Ger-
Superintendent of Nurses, Edith trude Muench.
Johnson. Men's Hydrotherapy, Paul Furman.
Assistant Superintendent of Nurses, Medical Nursing, Helen Hudack.
Miss Wang Wen Hsing. Obstetrical Nursing, Mary Sitter.
Staff Physicians: B. F. Gregory, Paul Surgical Nursing, May Wheeler.
Lee, C. C. Tseng, Joyce Joy Ubbink. Medical Director, L. N. Christensen.
Business Manager, A. C. Larson.
Instructor of Religion, Francis W.
TARIUM Supervisor of Nurses' Residence,
Mrs. Lucille Frey.
Rimbo, Sweden Dietitian, Wilma Steinman.
Telephone: Rimbo 5.
Medical Superintendent: Georg Fogel-
Business Manager: C. Gidlund. AND HOSPITAL
Matron and Nurse of Home for Old 805 N. Gadsden Street. Tallahassee,
People (Ekebyholmshemmet), Hildur Florida
Telephone: 617.
FLORIDA SANITARIUM AND Number of Patient Beds: 43.
HOSPITAL Board of Directors: R. H. Nightingale,
601 E. Rollins Ave.. Chairman ; R. S. Akers, M. C. Bird,
Orlando, Florida Lee Carter, L. 0. Coon, F. E. Froom,
A. C. Larson, W. F. Miller, W. 0.
Established 1908 Reynolds, W. E. Westcott; Business
Legal Name: Florida Sanitarium and Manager of Forsyth Memorial Sani-
Benevolent Association. tarium.
Postal Address: Drawer 3673, Orlando, Administration:
Fla. Medical Director, W. E. Westcott.
Telephone: 2-4411. Business Manager,
Number of Patient Beds: 115. Staff Physicians: W. E. Westcott, G. E.
Board of Directors: V. G. Anderson,
Chairman ; A. C. Larson, Secretary ;
H. J. Capman, L. N. Christensen, FOUNTAIN HEAD SANITARIUM
I. M. Evans, C. H. Lauda, R. H. Fountain Head, Tennessee
Nightingale, L. T. Hall, H. E. Schnei-
der, W. E. Strickland, W. E. West- Established 1945
cott, K. A. Wright.
Number of Patient Beds: 25.
Administration :
Medical Director, L. N. Christensen.
Business Manager, A. C. Larson. Business Manager, W. D. Walton.
Credit Manager and Assistant Bus- Supervisor, Mrs. Tralece Burch.
iness Manager, L. T. Hall. House Physicians, A. G. Dittes, R. L.
Chaplain, Francis W. Avery. Johnson.

X-ray and Laboratory, Don Welch. Board of Directors: C. L. Bauer, Presi-

dent; David Voth, Vice-President ; G.
Other Workers, Bonnie Adams, Mrs. B. Nelson, Secretary; W. E. Atkin,
Gertrude Calkins, Mrs. Francis Fry. Raymond M. Hill, R. G. Lewis, E. R.
Sanders, Wilburn Smith, C. H. Tal-
mage, C. L. Torrey, H. W. Vollmer,
Nuzvid, Kistna District, South India Administrator, G. B. Nelson.
Established 1924 Treasurer, E. R. Sanders.
House Manager, Kent Griffin.
Number of Patient Beds: 120. Chaplain, S. 0. Martin.
Director of the School of Nursing,
Board of Management: 0. 0. Mattison, Franke Cobban.
Chairman ; J. B. Oliver, Secretary ; Dietitian, Mrs. Lois B. Stuckey.
Emma Binder, Y. Daniel, Elizabeth
J. Hiscox, M. E. Kemmerer, E. M. Staff Physicians: Albert F. Brown, J.
Meleen, E. S. Eswar Rao, B. Solomon, Bruce Brown, B. N. Colver, Dell
A. F. Tarr. D. Haughey, Raymond M. Hill, Le-
land R. House, Harold Hoxie, Jacob
Medical Superintendent, J. B. Oliver. Janzen, Elsworth .Larson, Elton Mo-
Associate Doctors, Elizabeth J. Hiscox, rel, Otto J. Neufeld, Walter L. Stil-
I. R. Bazliel. son, Harold F. Ziprick.
Director of School of Nursing, Emma
Binder. Faculty of the School of Nursing:
Supervisor of Nursing Instruction, Edna Director, School of Nursing and Nurs-
York. ing Service, Franke Cobban.
Supervisor and Instructor, Mildred Assistant Director, School of Nurs-
Bradley. ing, Martha Davis.
Graduate Nurses and Compounders: Assistant Director, Nursing Service,
Chundramma, G. Devanandam, Mrs. Mrs. Gertrude Hebble.
G. Devanandam, A. Grace, S. Joseph, Supervisor of Instruction, Enola
Mrs. S. Joseph, K. Mary Matthews, Davis.
Janobi Murray, B. Solomon. Instructor of Nursing Arts, Fern
Laboratory Technician, P. D. Asirva- Potter.
dam. Night Supervisor, Elnora Tasker.
Registrar, K. Gopala Rao.
Church School Teachers, Jessiamma, P. Supervisors of Clinical Services:
Rajah Rao. Medical Nursing, Doris Byler, Mrs.
Bible Worker, K. Estheramma. Corrine Ray.
Matron of Nurses' Hostel, Mrs. Timothy. Obstetrical Nursing, Ellen Gibson.
Physical Therapy, G. R. Kaufman,
Harriett Parker, Beulah Stringer.
GIMBIE HOSPITAL Surgical Nursing, Frances Arnet.
Gimbie, Wallega, Ethiopia Administrator, G. B. Nelson.
Instructor of Religion, S. 0. Martin.
Established 1946 Dietitian, Mrs. Lois B. Stuckey.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 145, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. GOOD HOPE CLINIC
Director: Claude Steen. (Clinica "Good Hope")
Nurse: Alice Lind.
Established 1946
Miraflores, Lima, Peru, South
Bed Capacity: 24.
1509 E. Wilson Ave.,
Glendale 6, California Telephone: 57308.
Established 1906 Postal Address: Casilla 1003, Lima,
Telephone: Citrus 1-3101.
Chapman 5-1121. Administrative Board: E. N. Lugen-
beal, Chairman ; Anita Angulo, H. I.
Legal Name: Glendale Sanitarium and Hartman, 0. Krause, P. P. Leon, C.
Hospital. R. Potts, 0. Socol.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 871, Glen- Administration:
dale 6, Calif. Medical Director, C. R. Potts.
Number of Patient Beds: 225. Business Manager, P. P. Lion.

Laboratory Technician, 0. Socol. Administration:

Nurses: Anita Angulo, T. Santillana, Superintendent and Business Mana-
I. Curiel. ger, Robert Hervig (acting).
Pharmacist, A. Renteria. Treasurer, Robert Hervig (acting).
Credit Manager, Harvey Rudisaile.
Personnel Director, A. W. Vandeman.
GOOD SAMARITAN CLINIC Chaplain, J. R. Perkins.
(Clinica "0 Born Samaritano") Director of Nurses, Jessie S. Tupper.
Dietitians, S. Ruth McElheny, Mrs. A.
Rua General Vitorino, 77 W. Vandeman.
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
Sul, Brazil, South America Staff Physicians: Floyd M. Brayshaw,
Henry S. Brown, W. W. Frank,
Established 1944 Lloyd Grundset.
Telephone: 7305.
. Faculty of the School of Nursing:
Board of Management: Under supervis- Director, School of Nursing and Nurs-
ion of Associacao Sul Riograndense ing Service, Jessie S. Tupper.
da Igreja Adventists do Setimo Dia Assistant Director, School of Nursing
committee. and Nursing Service, Mrs. .Violet
Dybdahl Mills.
Medical Director: Siegfried Hoffman. Supervisor of Instruction, Eva Maude
Clinical Instructor, Mrs. William A.
Night Supervisors, Viola Carleton,
Seventh-day Adventist Mission, Gopal- Mrs. Emma Reynolds.
gani, Faridpur District, Bengal, India
(Operating temporarily as a Supervisors of Clinical Services:
dispensary.) Medical Nursing, Evelyn Wiik.
Obstetrical Nursing, Edna Shel-
Established 1929 burg.
S. N. Arinda in charge; S. K. Sarkar, Operating Room, Elsie Wendth.
Lal V. Mandoh. Surgical Nursing, Erma Wrate.
Physical Therapy (Women), Stella
C. Peterson; (Men), L. E. Peter-
Anesthetists, Lela Harper, Mrs.
Debra Tabor, Begemder, Ethiopia John Evens, Mrs. Robert Jordan.
Established 1946 Superintendent and Manager, Robert
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 145, Addis Hervig (acting).
Ababa, Ethiopia. Instructor of Religion, J. R. Perkins.
Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, Mrs.
Director: Roland Nielsen. Margaret Greene.
Nurse: Marie Hange. Dietitians, S. Ruth McElheny, Mrs.
A. W. Vandeman.
Postal Address: P.O. Kasulu, via HOPEANIEMI SANITARIUM
Uvanza, Tanganyika, East Africa.
Nummela, Finland
Director: W. H. Taylor.
Established 1943
Postal Address: Nummela, Finland.
HOSPITAL Telephone: Nummela 146.
Hinsdale, Illinois Medical Superintendent, Manager: V.
Telephone: Hinsdale 2100.
Legal Name: Hinsdale Sanitarium and
Benevolent Association. HU LTAFORS SANITARIUM
Number of Patient Beds: 125. Hultafors, Sweden
Board of Directors: L. E. Lenheim, Established 1926
President; Theodore Carcich, Vice-
President ; Robert Hervig, Secretary ; Telephone: Boras 95050.
C. M. Bunker, J. B. Frank, W. W.
Frank, E. L. Green, G. E. Hutches, Business Manager: R. Unnersten.
A. W. Johnson, F. W. Schnepper. Staff Physician: I. Unhall.

School of Nursing Faculty: Chief Su- A. E. Sosa, and the director of the
pervising Instructor, I. Unhall ; Di- Lake Titicaca Training School.
rector and Superintendent of Nurses,
Asta Svensson ; Instructor of Bible, Administration:
John Larsson. Medical Director, D. P. Duffle.
Business Manager and Technician,
Noel Mangold.
ILE-IFE MISSION HOSPITAL Superintendent of Nurses, Bethel
S. D. A. Mission Hospital, Ile-If e, Nurses, Bethel Wareham, Mrs. Noel
Nigeria, West Africa Mangold, Mrs. D. Duffle.
Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission Hospital,
Box 23, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, British West
Telephone: He 15. P. 0. Kanye, via Lobatsi, Bechuanaland
Protectorate, South Africa
Number of Beds: 65.
Bed Capacity: 36.
Board of Giivernors: W. McClements,
Chairman ; M. Duplouy, Secretary ; G. Director: R. W. Royer.
N. 'Banks, J. Clifford, J. 0. Gibson, Nurses: Myrtle I. Reimer, Myrtle Sa-
J. J. Hyde, S. A. Nagel, Jr., W. J. ther.
Newman, B. A. Walton.
Local Advisory Board: W. McClements,
Chairman; S. A. Nagel, Jr., Vice- KENDU HOSPITAL
Chairman and Secretary; Phyllis Gendia, Private Bag, P.O.
Crocker, J. J. Hyde, R. Santini, Wil- Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa
liam Wagner, B. A. Walton. Established 1924
Administration: Bed Capacity: 74.
Medical Director, S. A. Nagel, Jr.
Business Manager, S. A. Nagel, Jr. Board: Kenya Mission Field Committee.
Cashier and Accountant, R. Santini. Medical Director: D. H. Abbott.
Chaplain, Sampson A. Majolagbe.
Director of Nurses and Supervisor of Nurses: Elsa Brandt, Kathleen Budde,
Nursing Instruction, Phyllis Karen Nielsen, Carentze Olson.
Staff Physicians: S. A. Nagel, Jr., African Dressers: 14.
William Wagner. Dispensary: Kamagambo.
Supervisors of Clinical Services:
Male Medical and Surgical Nursing,
Phyllis Crocker, R. Santini. KRANKENHAUS WALDFRIEDE
Female Medical and Surgical Nurs-
ing, Ruby Mays. Fischerhuttenstrasse 99-109, (1) Berlin-
Operating Room, Zehlendorf, Germany
Obstetrical Nursing, Ruby Mays. Established 1920
Out-patient, .Richard Ekeke.
Telegraphic Address: Krankenhaus
Faculty of School of Nursing: Phyllis Waldfriede, -(1) Berlin-Zehlendorf,
Crocker, Johnson Makinde, Ruby Germany.
Mays, S. A. Nagel, Jr., Mrs. S. A.
Nagel, Jr., R. Santini, Mrs. R. San- Administration:
tini, William Wagner, Mrs. William Medical Director, L. E. Conradi.
Wagner. Business Manager, Ernst Muller.
Matron and Head Nurse, Ida Bahr.
Male Head Nurse, Carl Rohleder.
Staff Physicians: L. E. Conradi, Dr.
(Clinics Juliaca) Achenwall," E. Meyer, Erna Wein-
Casilla 22, Juliaca, Peru, landt.
South America Capacity: 150 patients. The institution is
Established 1922 conducted as general hospital for in-
ternal medicine, surgery, gynecology
Bed Capacity: 20. and obstetrics. It has government
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Clini- recognition as a benevolent institu-
ca," Juliaca, Peru. tion, as a nurses' training school, and
for medical, surgical, gynecological,
Board of Managers: B. W. Steinweg, and obstetrical internship. Operated
President; Andres Achata, D. P. by Verein Krankenhaus Waldfriede,
Duffle, M. Huayllara, F. C. Petty, Berlin-Zehlendorf.


Malaita, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean Medical Director, A. D. Butterfield.
Comptroller, J. C. Shull.
Director: A. W. Tilley. Business Manager, H. S. Nelson.
Leprosarium: Chaplain, F. A. Moran.
Director of Nurses, Mrs. Catherine
Director, C. Evans. Graf.
Assistants, Native nurses. Dietitian, Jennie Stagg.
Staff Physicians: C. G. Allen, A. D..
LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUM Butterfield, Willard Clark, E. C.
Ehlers, J. 0. Ewert, W. C. Fisher, F.
"La Ligniere," Etablissement Medical, W. Gardner, H. W. Henkens, C. R.
Dietetique et Physiotherapique, Gland, Lovell, Norman Matthews, E. L. Rog-
Vaud, Switzerland ers, L. E. Simpson, C. S. Small, T. I.
Established 1904 Zirkle.
Telephone: Gland 98.061. Faculty of the School of Nursing: (See
Board of Directors: The executive com- College of Medical Evangelists).
mittee of the Swiss Union Confer-
Local Board: A. Meyer, President; H.
Muller, Secretary ; P. Toureille, F. P.O. Lower Gwelo, Southern
Lavancy, F. Augsburger, Miss D. Rhodesia, Africa
Meyer, Ch. Wehrli.
Established 1931
Medical Director and Business Man- Bed Capacity: 16.
ager, H. Muller. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist,"
Assistant Manager, Miss D. Meyer. Gwelo.
School of Nursing Faculty: Supervisors Executive Committee: Southern Rho-
of Instruction, H. Muller, P. Toureille; desia Mission Field Committee.
Bible, F. Augsburger; Miss H. Fehr,
Miss M. Gerber, Miss D. Meyer, Miss Director: W. P. Owen.
B. Rechsteiner. Nurse: Helen Furber.


(Incorporated with College of Medical AND LEPER COLONY
Evangelists) P. 0. Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa
Loma Linda, California Established 1908
Established 1905
Bed Capacity: 40.
Telephone: Loma Linda 2710.
Telegraphic Address: Malamulo, Nyasa-
Number of Patient Beds: 133. land.
Board of Directors: Frederick Griggs, Administration:
Chairman ; C. L. Bauer, A. L. Bietz, Medical Superintendent: S. A. Kotz.
A. B. Butterfield, M. V. Campbell, W.
B. Clark, E. E. Cossentine, Harold Staff Physician: S. A. Kotz.
Ermshar, W. C. Fisher, T. R. Flaiz, Nurses: Rachel Anderton, Margaret
George T. Harding, H. H. Hicks, W. Johnson, Anna Vaughan, Dorothy
E. Macpherson, J. L. McElhany, F. B. Walter, assisted by 11 native
Moor, H. S. Nelson, W. E. Nelson, orderlies.
T. C. Nicola, W. F. Norwood, 0. B.
Pratt, Harold Shryock,' J. C. Shull,
C. E. Stafford, J. J. Strahle. C. L. MANILA SANITARIUM AND
Torrey, David Voth, H. M. Walton, HOSPITAL
N. C. Wilson.
1875 Donada St., Rizal City,
Officers of the Board: Frederick Griggs, Philippines
President; George T. Harding, First
Vice-President; C. L. Bauer, Second Established 1928
Vice-President; J. J. Strahle, Third
Vice-President ; J. C. Shull, Comp- Cable Address: "Adventists," Manila.
troller and Treasurer; Leon Roberson, Postal Address: P.O. Box 1592, Manila,
Secretary and Assistant Treasurer; R. Philippines.
L. Atcheson, G. H. Curtis, Assistant
Secretaries. Number of Patient Beds: 75.

Board of Directors: M. E. Loewen, Board of Management: Union Commit-

Chairman; W. J. Blacker, J. 0. Bau- tee.
tista, E. A. Capobres, P. B. Gonzales,
G. de Guzman, W. F. Johnson, Bessie Medical Director: W. G. Thomas.
Irvine, P. B. Llaguna, V. M. Mont-
alban, . H. A. Munson, A. N. Nelson,
W. C. Richli, A. Z. Roda, A. N. NANNING SEVENTH-DAY AD-
-Medical Superintendent, W. C. Richli. Nanning, Kwangsi, China
Business Manager, H. A. Munson. Board of Management: C. H. Davis,
Director of Nurses, Bessie Irvine. Chairman; C. A. Carter, T. C. Chin,
B. W. Lo, H. H. Morse, W. C. So;
Dietitian, Mrs. Eameraldo de Leon. the Chaplain, Head of Nurses' Train-
ing School, and local Mission presi-
SANITARIUM Administration:
(Hospital y Sanatorio de Montemorelos) Superintendent and Manager, B. W.
Montemorelos, N. L., Mexico
Treasurer, Siu Sing Ng.
Established 1946
Board of Trustees: Henry J. Westphal,
Chairman A. R. Monteith, Secretary; NEW ENGLAND SANITARIUM
L. F. Bohner, H. E. Butka, Jose AND HOSPITAL
Castrejon, K. H. Emmerson, Kenneth
B. Fisher, Max Fuss, Raymundo Melrose, Massachusetts
Garza, H. A. Habenicht, E. F. Hack- Established 1899
man, H. F. House, Horace A. Kelley,
W. E. Murray, H. Nelson, Marguerite Telephone: Melrose 1740.
Peugh, Juan Plenc, Emiliano Ponce,
Xavier Ponce, H. Reynolds, I. S. Number of Patient Beds: 146.
Ritchie, J. A. Salazar. Legal Name: New England Sanitarium
Local Board: Juan Plenc, Chairman ; and Benevolent Association.
A. R. Monteith, Secretary ; H. E.
Butka, Kenneth B. Fisher, Raymundo Board of Trustees: M. L. Rice, Presi-
Garza, H. A. Habenicht, Horace A. dent ; H. E. Rice, Secretary ; R. R.
Kelley, Marguerite Peugh. Bietz, L. C. Evans, T. R. Gardner,.
C. A. Haysmer, L. N. Holm, W. B.
Medical Director, Raymundo Garza. Johnson, C. E. Kellogg, R. W. Moore,
Medical Superintendent, H. E. Butka. R. A. Nesmith, J. E. Osterbloom, C.
Assistant Medical Superintendent, Ken- E. Parrish, J. J. Reiswig.
neth B. Fisher.
Business Manager, A. R. Monteith. Local Board: M. L. Rice, Chairman;
Cashier, Bertha Mendoza. H. E. Rice, Secretary; L. E. Aldrich,
Superintendent of Nurses, Marguerite Henry Andren, It. R. Bietz, R. G.
Peugh. Manuel, Howard Maxson, R. A. Nes-
Instructor of Nurses, Marguerite Peugh. mith, David R. Toppenberg, Blooma
Technician, Horace A. Kelley. Woodward.
LEPER COLONY Business Manager and Treasurer,
P. 0. Fort Manning, Nyasaland, Africa. H. E. Rice.
Chaplain, Howard Maxson.
Established 1928 Director of Nurses, Blooms Wood-
Bed Capacity: 8. Dietitian, Shirley Moore.
Medical Superintendent, 0. B. Beardsley. Staff Physicians: Henry Andren, C. A.
Nurse: Elsa Sorensen. Haysmer, Robert Linthwaite, David
R. Toppenberg.
NALWAZHI CLINIC Faculty of the School of Nursing:
Director, School of Nursing and Nurs-
Established 1947 ing Service, Blooma Woodward.
3 Birds Road, Trichinopoly Cantt., Assistant Director, School of Nurs-
India ing and Nursing Service,
Supervisor of Instruction, Amanda I.
Bed Capacity: 12. Sloane.

Night Supervisor, Glenda Rolfe. NORTHWEST CHINA SANITARIUM.

Supervisor of Clinical Services: AND HOSPITAL
Medical Nursing, Bessie Peck.
Obstetrical Nursing, Mrs. Rita Lanchow, Kansu, China
Huested. Established 1934
Operating Room, Evelyn Stout.
Out-patient, Florence Manuel. Postal Address: 337 Chung Cheng Lu,
Physical Therapy, David J. Stone. Lanchow, Kansu, China.
Surgical Nursing,
Medical Director, Telephone: 464.
Business Manager, H. E. Rice. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Lan-
Instructor of Religion, Howard Max- chow, China.
Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, Mrs. Number of Patient Beds: 54.
Mattie B. Edgerton.
Dietitian, Shirley Moore. Board of Directors: Northwest China
Union Mission Committee.
Local Board: Wang Fu Yuen, Chair-
NGOMA MISSION HOSPITAL man ; Caleb Chu, Vice-Chairman ;
Care Gitwe Mission, P. 0. Usumbura, Edward Chu, Secretary; Chiang Dz
Chien, P. H. Shigley, Mrs. P. H.
Ruanda-Urundi, Central Africa Shigley.
Bed Capacity: 30. Administration:
Director: L. K. Rittenhouse. Superintendent, Caleb Chu. ,
Business Manager and Treasurer, Ed-
Assistant: It. Newbold. ward Chu.
Nurses: Julia Hoel, Tabea Matter. Superintendent of Nurses, Mrs. P. H.
Native Assistants: 6. Staff Physicians: Stanley Lee, Lin Chih
NOKUPHILA HOSPITAL Nurses: Chao Gwei Fen, David Chen,
Joyce Chen, Ida Chu, Rebecca Chu,
New Western Native Township, Johan- Daniel Ding, Gao Wen Chun, Pauline
nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa Giang, Lin Chang Wan Shing, Lin
Wan Shing, Wang Su Ching, Wei
Established 1936 Chin, Frank Yen.
Bed Capacity: 43.
Board: E. D. Hanson, Martha C. Han- NYHYTTAN SANITARIUM
sen, C. H. Mackett, G. A. Lewis, G. Jarnboas, Sweden
A. S. Madgwick, and the Native
Commissioner of Witwatersrand Area. Established as summer sanitarium 1905.
Administration: Postal Address: Jarnboas, Sweden.
Medical Superintendent, G. A. S. Telephone: Jarnboas 13.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. A. Pitt. Business Manager: Nils Zerne.
Acting Matron, Martha C. Hansen. Medical Superintendent:
Staff: G. A. S. Madgwick, E. M. Spar-
row, Martha Hansen, Mrs. 0. Honey,
Sr., Sybil Ritchie, and 26 native PARADISE VALLEY SANITARIUM
nurses in training. AND HOSPITAL
National City, California
Established 1906
HOSPITAL Legal Name: Paradise Valley Sanita-
rium and Hospital.
Kalgan, Chahar, China
Telephone: Greeley 7-9353.
Established 1931 Patient Beds: 116.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Kal- Board of Directors: H. H. Hicks, Chair-
gan. man; B. D. Fickess, Secretary; G. T.
Board of Directors: North China Union Anderson, C. L. Bauer, V. C. Becraft,
Mission Executive Committee. A. E. Clark, Otis Hudson, B. C.
Marshall, R. V. Roberson, E. A.
(Operation suspended temporarily) Schmidt, C. T. Smith, C. L. Torrey,

H. W. Vollmer, T. E. Wade, J. W. PORTER SANITARIUM AND

Administration: '2525 S. Downing St., Denver, Colorado
Administrator and Treasurer, B. C. Established 1930
Chaplain, J. N. Clapp. Telephone: Pe 3721.
Director of Nurses, Mrs. Alma L. Number of Patient Beds: 130; bassinets,
Tracy. 23.
Dietitian, Esther Gulbrandson.
Board of Directors: Central Union Con-
Staff Physicians: R. Manning Clarke, ference Committee.
J. M. Teske, T. E. Wade, J. W. War-
ren, Mrs. Josie Shryock Warren. Executive Board: M. V. Campbell,
Chairman ; A. A. Leiske, Secretary-
Faculty of the School of Nursing: Treasurer ; H. B. G. Burden, C. W.
Director, School of Nursing and Nurs- Degering, W. B. Mohr, A. L. Moon,
ing Service, Mrs. Alma L. Tracy. N. C. Petersen, Don Rees, R. T.
Assistant Director, School of Nurs- Smith, Carl Sundin, D. E. Venden,
ang and Nursing Service, Dolores H. A. Young.
Peterson. Administration:
Supervisor of Instruction, Mrs. Doris
Clapp. Medical Director, A. L. Moon.
Business Manager, A. A. Leiske.
Night Supervisor, Ellen Wilson. Chaplain, F. R. Isaac.
Supervisors of Clinical Services: Director of Nurses, Mrs. Elsie King.
Men's Hydrotherapy, T. Lee Parn- Dietitian, Mrs. Helga C. Forehand.
ham. . Executive Housekeeper, Mrs. A. A.
Women's Hydrotherapy, Jacqueline Leiske.
Horsley. Faculty of School of Nursing: See
Medical Nursing, Mrs. Ruth Rogers. Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium and
Obstetrical Nursing, Lois Bowen. Union College Schools of Nursing.
Operating Room, Lucille Lewis.
Clinic, Miriam Kerr.
Surgical Nursing, Mrs. Violet Pearl PORTLAND SANITARIUM AND
Administrator, B. C. Marshall.
Instructor of Religion, J. N. Clapp. 932 S. E. 60th Ave., Portland 15,
Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, Oregon
Established 1893 ; reorganized 1902
PENANG MISSION CLINIC Telephone: EMpire 4121.
422 Chulia Street, Penang, Malaya Legal Corporation: Portland Sanitarium
and Benevolent Association.
Physicians in Charge, J. E. Gardner, G.
Cheng. Number of Patient Beds: 144.
Business Manager, Arthur Mountain. Board of Directors: L. E. Biggs, Chaii-
man ; R. W. Nelson, Secretary ; George
Asiistant Business Manager, Yeo Peng S. Belleau, R. F. Bresee, St. Clair
Yu. Diamond, G. T. Dickinson, R. T.
Emery, J. E. Fjarli, W. B. Holden,
C. A. Scriven, Wayne Scriven.
465 Burma Road, Penang, Malaya Administration :
Established 1930 Administrator, R. W. Nelson.
Treasurer, Jay H. Irvine.
Board of Managers: J. M. Nerness,
Chairman; J. E. Gardner, Vice-Chair- Director of Nurses, Anne M. Strat-
man ; Arthur Mountain, Secretary ; ton.
Clyde C. Cleveland, G. Cheng, Eliza- Dietitian, Mrs. Harryette Scott.
beth Rogers, Yeo Peng Yee.
Faculty of the School of Nursing:
Administration: Director, School of Nursing and Nurs-
Medical Superintendent, J. E. Gardner. ing Service, Anne M. Stratton.
Assistant Medical Superintendent, G. Assistant Director, School of Nursing,
Cheng. Laura A. Brenner.
Business Manager, Arthur Mountain. Supervisor of Instruction, Florence
Assistant Business Manager, Yeo Wimer.
Peng Yee. Night Supervisor, Maxine Gardner.
Superintendent of Nurses, Elizabeth Instructor of Nursing Arts, Eleanor
Rogers. Baer.

Supervisors of Clinical Service: REST HAVEN SANITARIUM AND

Medical Nursing, Lydia. Belz.
Obstetrical Nursing, Viola Neufeld. Sidney (Near Victoria), British
Operating Room, Gladys House. Columbia, Canada
Physical Therapy and Hydrothera-
py, Luther H. Hill, Mary F. Established 1921
Sumner. Telephone: Sidney 61-L.
Surgical Nursing, Belle O'Neill.
Number of Patient Beds: 50.
Business Manager, R. W. Nelson.
Instructor of Religion, Pearl Stafford. Board of Directors: H. L. Rudy, Presi-
Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, Thelma dent and Chairman ; R. E. Finney,
Storey. Vice-Chairman ; C. M. Crawford, Sec-
Dietitian, Mrs. Harryette Scott. retary; J. C. Neithercut, W. H.
Chaplain, H. E. Willoughby. Roberts.
House Physician, W. H. Roberts.
PORT-OF-SPAIN SEVENTH-DAY Manager, C. M. Crawford.
ADVENTIST CLINIC Director of Nurses, Adele Stickle.

2A Mucurapo Road, Port-of-Spain,

Trinidad, British West Indies RIO DE JANEIRO SANITARIUM
Operated by the Caribbean Union of
S.D.A. (Sanatorio-Hospital Silvestre)
Established 1948
Local Board of Management: C. J.
Ritchie, Chairman ; R. F. Dunlop, Address: Ladeira dos Guararapes 263,
Secretary ; J. 0. Emmerson, Vernon Silvestre, Rio de Janeiro, D.F.,
Flory, P. W. Manuel, A. R. Tucker. Brazil.
Administration: Telephones: 25-4189, 42-4822.
Medical Director, R. F. Dunlop. Number of Patient Beds: 50.
Treasurer, J. 0. Emmerson.
Office Secretary, Mrs. E. Yip. Board of Directors: R. A. Wilcox,
Nurses, Mrs. L. Laurence, Mrs. W. Chairman ; J. Bork, J. J. Oliveira, M.
Haynes. Ost, 0. G. Pinho, F. M.- Porto, E.
Roth, C. C. Schneider, P. S. Seidl,
Offices for Private Patients: 147 Char- J. Wagner,.E. Zorub.
lotte Street, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, Administration:
Medical Superintendent, C. C. Schnei-
Out-patient service only is offered at der.
the present time. Business Manager and Treasurer, M.
Head Nurse and Matron, Alberta A.
Nurse, J. Klosko.
67 Signal Pagoda Road, Rangoon,
(Sanatorio Adventists del Plata)
Organized March 1, 1948
Puiggari, 1'. N. Gral. Urquiza, Entre
Bed Capacity: 60. Rios, Argentina, South America
Board of Management: Members of the Established 1908
Burma Union Committee and two
Division Representatives. Board of Management: Alfredo Aesch-
limann, President; Alfredo Bellido,
Medical Superintendent, J. Johannes. Secretary ; Eliel Almonte, Pablo C.
Business Manager, J. N. Grosball. Beskow, 0. A. Blake, Pedro M.
Superintendents of Nurses: Mrs. J. N. Brouchy, Walton J. Brown, Marcelo
Grosball, Hilfred Johanson, Mrs. J. Hammerly, Eduardo Kanna, Daniel
Johannes (acting). Peverini, Hector J. Peverini, Juan
Riffel, Felipe Sittner, Ner Soto, C.
Other Workers, J. C. Bairagi, Mrs. Sam- F. Tulaszewski, Julio Weiss, Carlos
son, San Che. E. Westphal.

Executive Committee: Alfredo Aeschli- Board of Directors: W.A.Nelson, Chair-

mann, President; Carlos E. Westphal, man ; E. L. Place, Secretary ; M. R.
Vice-President; Alfredo Bellido, Sec- Bailey, R. C. Baker, C. L. Bauer,
retary; Walton J., Brown, Guillermo S. T. Borg, P. W. Christian, Scott
Ernst, Marcelo Hammerly, Daniel Donaldson, M. D. Elkins, Edward
Peverini, C. F. Tulaszewski, Julio Hoehn, H. E. James, F. T. Oakes, C.
Weiss: S. Prout, H. L. Shull, R. A. Smith-
wick, C. L. Torrey, H. W. Vollmer.
Medical Superintendent, Carlos E. Administration:
Westphal. Medical Director, H. E. James.
Assistant Medical Superintendent, Business Manager and Treasurer, E.
Marcelo Hammerly. L. Place.
Business Manager and Treasurer, Assistant Manager, M. D. Elkins.
Alfredo Bellido. Chaplain, 0. H. Shrewsbury.
Faculty of the School of Nursing: Director of Nurses, Mrs. Edith F.
Director, School of Nursing and Nurs- Dietitian, Avis Dixson.
ing Service, Carlos E. Westphal.
Assistant Director, School of Nursing Staff Physicians: R. T. Hamer, Edward
and Nursing Service, Marcelo Hoehn, H. E. James, Ruth Miller,
Hammerly. R. V. Reiswig, Verna L. Robson.
Matron, Marta Bernhardt. Faculty of the School of Nursing:
Bacteriology and Anesthetist, Oreste
E. Biaggi. Director, School of Nursing and Nurs-
Bible, Alfredo Bellido. ing Service, Mrs. Edith F. Strand.
Chemistry, Lutecia Di Leo. Assistant Director, School of Nursing
Cooking, Cleo H. de Brouchy. and Nursing Service, Eulalia White.
Nursing, Orlando Kalbermatter. Supervisor of Instruction, Naomi
Obstetrics and Pediatrics, Elena Kahl. Gowan.
Night Supervisor, Erma P. Henise.

RIVERSIDE SANITARIUM AND Supervisors of Clinical Services:

HOSPITAL Men's Hydrotherapy, R. B. Pearson.
Women's Hydrotherapy, Rosa Kozel.
Organized 1936 Medical Nursing, Charlotte Ross.
800 Youngs Lane, Nashville, Tennessee Operating Room,
Out-patient, Patricia McDowell.
Telephone: 2-1671 Surgical and Obstetrical Nursing,
Number of Patient Beds: 84; bassi- Alba Campbell.
nets, 16. Medical Director, H. E. James.
Business Manager, E. L. Place.
Board: W. H. Williams, Chairman ; J. Instructor of Religion, Christine Man-
M. Cox, Secretary ; all other board son.
members same as Oakwood College. Supervisor of -Nurses' Residence, Mrs.
Administration: Sarah Kingsbury.
Dietitian, Avis Dixson.
Medical Director, J. M. Cox.
Business Manager, A. Warren.
Director of Nurses, Mrs. Ruth Frazier
Physiotherapist, William H. McDon- (Casa de Saude Liberdade)
ald. Rua Tamandare 495, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
X-Ray and Laboratory Technician, South America
L. L. Benson.
Staff Physicians, J. M. Cox, R. Lewis. Established 1942
Chaplain, E. F. Carter. Legal Corporation: Associacao Paulista
da Igreja Adventista do Setimo Dia.
ST. HELENA SANITARIUM Board of Directors: Germano G. Ritter,
Chairman; Orion Fonseca, Secretary;
Sanitarium, Napa County, California Rodolpho Belz, Raymond Ermshar,
Established 1878 under the laws of the Naor Klein, Fernando Luz, Gideon
State of California de Oliveira, Franklin M. Porto, Gal-
dino N. Vieira.
(Operated by the California Medical
Missionary and Benevolent Associa- Administration:
tion, a corporation.) Medical Superintendent, Galdino N.
Telephone: St. Helena 760. Business Manager, Fernando Luz.
Number of Patient Beds: 136. Secretary-Treasurer, Orion Fonseca.

Chaplain, Luiz Braun. Brewer, L. H. Butka, S. L. Frost,

Director of Nursing, Frieda Trefz. R. C. Hill, W. I. Hilliard, Hsu Hwa,
Dietitian, Lillian Wentz. S. J. Lee, Herbert Liu, E. L. Long-
Men Nurses, Dante Sales Otoni, way, C. B. Miller, Pauline Neal, P.
Head Nurse; Geraldo Boekenkamp, E. Quimby, Luke Tsai, James Wang,
Pedro Barboza. S. T. Wang.
Nurses: Orcina Carvalho, Meryan Administration:
Gianini, Berta Lipke, Eloisa Wald- Medical Director, L. H. Butka.
Women's Hydrotherapy, Maria Kud- Medical Superintendents:
zielicz. Sanitarium and Hospital, L. H.
Electrotherapy, George Sabeff. Butka.
Laboratory, F. Campana. Clinic, Herbert Liu.
X-ray, Moraes Lima, Raymond Erm- General Manager, Hazel B. Sevrens
shar. (acting).
Manager Shanghai Sanitarium, S.
T. Wang.
SEOUL SANITARIUM AND Manager Shanghai Clinic, A. R.
HOSPITAL Director School of Nursing, Pauline
Seoul, Korea Neal.
Superintendents of Nurses:
Established 1934 Shanghai Sanitarium, Pauline Neal.
Telephone: Tong Dai Moon 1286. Shanghai Sanitarium Clinic, C. H.
Yen (on leave of absence).
Board of Directors, E. W. Bahr, Chair- Staff Physicians: L. H. Butka, HerbMq
man ; R. C. Mills, Secretary ; Chung Liu, Internal Medicine; E. A. Wag-
Sa Young, Kim Myung Kil, Kim Sang ner, Surgery ; E. R. Lonser, Patho-
Chil, R. W. Pearson, Irene Robson, logy ; A. J. Patt, Eye, Ear, Nose and
G. H. Rue. Throat; W. G. Dick, Luke Tsai; H. H.
Administration: Slough, Dentist (self-supporting).
Medical Director, G. H. Rue.
Business Manager, Robert C. Mills. SHENYANG CLINIC-HOSPITAL
Treasurer, Kim Sang Chil.
Superintendent of Nurses, Irene Rob- 47 Hwang Tau Ta Chieh, Mukden 4,
son. Manchuria
Staff Physicians: Lee Pyung Hoon, Established 1931
R. W. Pearson, Chung Sa Young. Telegraphic Address: Clinic "Advent-
School of Nursing Faculty: Irene Rob- ist," Mukden.
son, Director; Chung Chin Sil, Chung Board of Directors: Wang Ging Yang,
Tai Young, Chung Sa Young, Kim Chairman ; and the Northeast China
Kyu Hyuk, Kim Sang Chil, Nam Union Executive Committee.
Young Cha, R. W. Pearson, G. H. Rue.
Medical Superintendent, W. C. Liu.
SHANGHAI MEDICAL CENTER Business Manager, D. C. Tsui.
Shanghai, China Treasurer, H. D. Tsui.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Sani-
Postal Address: 1714 Hami (Rubicon)
Road, Shanghai, China. Pei-Ling, Mukden, Manchuria
Location: Established 1931
Sanitarium and Hospital: 1714 Hami (Operation suspended temporarily)
(Rubicon) Road, Shanghai. (Tele-
phone, 29629.)
Medical Offices: 30 Tsingkiang Road,
Shanghai. (Telephone, 70811.) (Skodsborg Badesanatorium)
City Clinic: 171 Wutsin (Range) Road, Skodsborg, Denmark
Shanghai. (Telephone, 42337-9.)
Established 1897
Shen Chi Clinic: Avenue Joffre, Shang-
hai. Telephone: Skodsborg 200.
Board of Management: W. H. Branson, Board of Management: A. Andersen, G.
Hazel B. Sevrens, Acting Secretary ; Bacher, S. Broberg, E. Hansen, H.
Adair, G. J. Appel, N. F. Westerlund Pedersen, Carla West,


Medical Director, A. Andersen. (Formerly Arak Mission Hospital)
General Manager, H. Westerlund
Pedersen. Arak (Sultanabad) Iran
Director of Nurses, Carla West.
Staff Physicians, A. Andersen. E. Number of Patient Beds: 10
Hansen, J. D. Henriksen, A. Milholt. Board of Management: C. C. Cridgr,
Chairman ; H. E. Hargreaves, Secre-
SKOGLI SANITARIUM Medical Superintendent, H. E. Har-
(Skogli Badsanatorium) greaves.
Lillehammer, Norway
Established 1946
Seventh-day Adventist Mission, Surat,
Postal Address: Lillehammer, Norway. Bombay Presidency, India
Board of Management: 0. Frenning, Established 1936
Sigurd Johansen, 0. Jordahl, Willy
Jordahl, L. Saeboe-Larsen, P. G. Nel- Bed Capacity: 46.
son, Bjarne Rost, C. M. Scott, M. K. Legal Title: Surat Hospital Trust As-
Stavnem. sociation of Seventh-day Adventists.
Administration: Cables and Telegrams: "Adventist,"
Director, M. K. Stavnem. Surat.
Advisory Physician, Willy Jordahl.
Board of Trustees: A. L. Ham, Chair-
man ; N. A. Buxton, R. L. Kimble,
0. 0. Mattison, E. M. Meleen, L. G.
SONGA MISSION HOSPITAL AND Mookerjee, M. S. Prasada Rao, C: A.
LEPER COLONY Schutt, J. L. Shannon, L. C. Shepard,
B. P. Kamina, Belgian Congo, R. W. Shorter, 0. A. Skau, F. E.
Central Africa Spiess, A. F. Tarr, E. D. Thomas.
Bed Capacity: 35. Board of Management: A. L. Ham,
Chairman ; N. A. Buxton, L. G. Moo-
Director: 0. Rouhe. kerjee, M. S. Prasada Rao, J. L.
Nurses: Alta Birkenstock, Valborg Shannon, R. W. Shorter, F. E. Spiess,
Larsson. A. F. Tarr, E. D. Thomas.
Native Assistants, 6. Medical Superintendent, N. A. Buxton.
Business Manager and Treasurer, R. W.
(The Stanboroughs Hydro) Supervisors of Clinical Services:
Medical and Surgical Nursing, Mar-
(Good Health Association, Limited) garet E. Roelke.
Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts., Operating Theatre, Mrs. R. W.
Staff Physicians: N. A. Buxton, Elmira
Established 1912 M. Richli Buxton.
Board of Management: E. B. Rudge,
G. E. Adair, W. W. Armstrong, A. SYDNEY SANITARIUM AND
Carey, J. C. Craven, W. L. Emmerson, HOSPITAL
E. G. Essery, 0. M. Dorland, J. M.
Howard, G. D. King, W. R. A. Madg- Wahroonga, New South Wales,
wick, J. A. McMillan, E. L. Minchin, Australia
,A. J. Mustard. , Established 1902
Officers: Number of Patient Beds: 169.
Chairman, E. B. Rudge.
Secretary-Treasurer, G. L. Anniss. Board of Management: N. C. Wilson,
W. E. Battye, Mary Burnside, L. A.
Administration: Butler, A. W. Dawson, A. H. Forbes,
General Manager, A. Carey. C. W. Harrison, A. L. Hellestrand,
Medical Director, E. G. Essery. W. T. Hooper, C. H. A. McLaren,
Assistant Manager and Treasurer, G. F. A. Mote, W. L. Pascoe, A. W.
L. Anniss. Peterson, T. A. Sherwin, A. K. Tul-.
Matron, Valerie Rudge. loch, W. G. Turner.

Faculty: A. H. Forbes, Manager; Mary K. B. Perry, P. E. Pflaumer, Wang

Burnside, Matron ; Mrs. F. Abbott, Dji Yuan.
Mrs. A. M. Bunch, F. R. Dawson,
Mrs. A. Franks, C. W. Harrison, A. Officers:
L. Hellestrand, A. W. Knight, G. H. Medical Superintendent, R. W. Mc-
A. McLaren, W. Simmonds, J. L. Mullen.
Simpson, A. K. Tulloch. X-ray, Sun Ren Hwa.
Head Nurse, Djang Chi Shan.
Clinic Head Nurse, Hwang Ya Ying.
TIBETAN MISSION HOSPITAL Nurses, Djang Bao Dju, Djang Hsien
Ranting (Tatsienlu), Sikang, China Djen.
Acting Medical Superintendent: Kung
TOIVONLINNA SUMMER SANI- Strada Mitropolitul Ghenadie Petrescu
TARIUM 116, Bucuresti, IV, Rumania
Piikkio, Finland Established 1945
Established 1933 Postal Address: Strada Mitropolitul
Ghenadie Petrescu 116, Bucuresti,
Medical Superintendent: IV, Rumania.
Business Manager: H. Karstrom. Board of Management: Committee of
the Rumanian Union Conference.
TOKYO SANITARIUM-HOSPITAL Director, School of Nursing, Mrs. E.
(Tokyo Eisei Byoin) I. Prisecaru.
Assistant Manager, Miss Zoe Iov.
171 Amanuma 1 Chome, Suginami-Ku, School of Nursing Faculty:
Tokyo, Japan
Staff Physicians, I. Modovan, Mrs.
Established 1928 E. I. Prisecaru.
Bible Instructor, St. Demetrescu.
Telephone: 39-0051.
Board of Management: F. R. Millard,
E. E. Getzlaff, Ernestine Gill, H. WAI ON HOSPITAL-DISPENSARY
Imura, Tomino Itagaki, C. G. Oliver, Waichow, Kwangtung, China
K. Suzuki. Board of Management: C. H. Davis,
Medical Director, E. E. Getzlaff. Chairman ; C. A. Carter, T. C. Chin,
Lo Lai Ming, H. H. Morse, W. C. So;
Business Manager, C. G. Oliver. the Chaplain, Head of the Nurses'
Treasurer, K. Suzuki. Training School, and local Mission
Superintendent of Nurses, Ernestine presidents.
Assistant Superintendent of Nurses, Administration:
Tomino Itagaki. Medical Superintendent, W. C. So.
Director, Nurses Training School, Er- Manager and Treasurer, L. M. Lao.
nestine Gill.
Assistant Director, Nurses Training
HOSPITAL Established 1948
2 Hwei Chuan Road, Tsingtao, Board of Management: V. G. Ander-
Shantung, China son, Chairman ; A. C. Larson, Sec-
retary ; H. J. Capman, L. N. Chris-
Established 1945
tensen, I. M. Evans, L. T. Hall, C. H.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Lauda, R. H. Nightingale, H. E.
Tsingtao. Schneider, W. E. Strickland, W. E.
Westcott, K. A. Wright.
City Office: 13 Kiangsu Road, Tsingtao,
Shantung, China. Administration:
Medical Director, C. J. Larsen.
Telephone: 22989. Comptroller, A. C. Larson.
Board of Directors: E. H. James, Chair- Business Manager, H. M. Baldwin.
Alan; R. W. McMullen, Secretary ; Chaplain, J. R. Young.


WALLA WALLA GENERAL Faculty of the School of Nursing:

HOSPITAL Director, School of Nursing and Nurs-
933 Bonsella, Walla Walla, Washington ing Service, Metta Hudson.
Assistant Director of Nurses, Olive
Established 1905 M. Bennett.
Telephone: 480. Supervisor of Instruction, Mrs. Leah
M. Griffee.
Number of Patient Beds: 53. Supervisors of Clinical Instruction,
Legal Name: Upper Columbia Medical Dorothy Sampson, Mrs. Leila
Missionary and Benevolent Associa- Kriigel.
tion. Night Supervisor,
Board of Management: F. A. Mote, Supervisors of Clinical Services:
Chairman; W. E. Guthrie, Secretary; Medical Nursing, Helen Anderson.
G. W. Bowers, Walter Bunch, Clyde Eliada Mann, Edna Stoneburner.
Harris, H. J. Perkins, Harold Steen. Obstetrical Nursing, Myra Ann
Administration: Operating Room, Jean Rebok.
Business Manager, W. E. Guthrie. Out-patient Department, Ruth
Accountant, Mrs. Edythe Hubbs. White.
Chaplain, E. L. Jolliffe. Surgical Nursing, Minna Marshall.
Director of Nurses, V. Verdelle Ells. 'Medical Director, R. A. Hare.
Dietitian, Mrs. Mythol Reiber Odell. Business Manager, J. H.. Nies.
Instructor of Religion, Chester E.
WARBURTON SANITARIUM Assistant Instructor of Religion, Bess
Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, Min-
Warburton, Victoria, Australia nie E. Dauphinee.
Established 1910 Dietitian, Pearl Jenkins.
Number of Patient Beds: 52.
Board: T. W. Hammond, Chairman ;
Greive, S. C. Greive. J. B. Leetham, (Incorporated with the College of
T. A. Mitchell, B. Reynolds, T. A. Medical Evangelists)
Sherwin, C. M. Smith, W. G. Turner.
Medical Superintendent, 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles 33,
Established 1918
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Postal Address: 312 North Boyle Ave.,
Los Angeles 33, California.
Dedicated June 12, 1907
Telephone: Angelus 8221.
Telephone: Shepherd 8800.
Corporate Name: "Washington (D.C.) Number of Patient Beds: 207.
Sanitarium Association." Board of Trustees: Frederick Griggs,
Number of Patient Beds: 188. Chairman ; C. L. Bauer, A. L. Bietz,
Board of Directors: W. E. Nelson, A. D. Butterfield, M. V. Campbell, W.
President: It. A. Hare, Vice-Presi- B. Clark, E. E. Cossentine, Harold
dent; J. H. Nies, Secretary-Treasurer; Ermshar, W. C. Fisher, T. It. Flaiz,
J. F. Brownsberger, H. J. Detwiler, H. H. Hicks, George T. Harding,
H. T. Elliott, J. L. McElhany, H. A. Monroe F. Loy, W. E. Macpherson,
Morrison, J. J. Nethery, D. A. Ochs, J. L. McElhany, Fred B. Moor, H. S.
W. H. Shephard, P. V. Starr. Nelson, W. E. Nelson, Tesla C. Nicola,
W. F. Norwood, 0. P. Pratt, Harold
Administration: Shryock, J. C. Shull, C. E. Stafford,
Medical Director, R. A. Hare. J. J. Strahle, C. L. Torrey, David
Business Manager and Treasurer, Voth, H. M. Walton, N. C. Wilson.
J. H. Nies. Officers of the Board: Frederick Griggs,
Credit Manager, H. L. Nielsen. President ; George T. Harding, First
Chaplain, Chester E. Westphal. Vice-President; C. L. Bauer, Second
Director of Nurses, Metta Hudson. Vice-President; J. J. Strahle, Third
Dietitian, Pearl Jenkins. Vice-President; J. C. Shull, Comp-
Staff Physicians: J. F. Brownsberger, troller and Treasurer ; ; Leon Rober-
A. E. Coyne, R. A. Hare, Emma son, Secretary and Assistant Treas-
Hughes, J. N. Kimble, DeVoe K, urer ; R. L. Atcheson, C. H. Curtis,
Meade, P. V. Starr, Assistant Secretaries.


Medical Director, H. M. Walton. 513 Upper Serangoon Road,
Comptroller, J. C. Shull. Singapore
Business Manager, Harold Ermshar.
Chaplain, D. C. Newbold. Established 1948
Director of Nurses, Maxine Atteberry.
Dietitian, Edyth Ryberg. Board of Directors: Members of Mala-
yan Union Mission Executive Corn-
Staff Physicians: Medical staff of the mittee.
White Memorial Hospital is composed
of the physician members of the fac- Administration:
ulty of the clinical division of the Medical Superintendent, George G.
College of Medical Evangelists. (For Innocent.
list of names see College of Medical Superintendent of Nurses, Wilma
Evangelists.) Leazer.
Faculty of the School of Nursing: Accountant, Goh Boon Chay.
Laboratory and X-ray, M. Lucas.
(See College of Medical Evangelists). Pharmacy, John P. Rau.
Technician, Alfonse Poerba.
Chaplain, Mrs. S. M. Tan.
HOSPITAL Nursing Staff: Sally Chew, Isabella
Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan Fox, Faith Lee, Dorothy Loh, Olive
Neo, Hyacinth Ong, Ranee Thanga-
Incorporated as the Central China tura, Mrs. Stella Won.
Union Sanitarium-Hospital
May, 1931
Board of Directors: Central China Un- ZAUDITU MEMORIAL HOSPITAL
ion Mission Committee.
Post Office Box 145, Addis Ababa,
Administration: Ethiopia
Medical Director,
Assistant Medical Director, S. Y. Tsao. Board of Management: Ethiopian Union
Treasurer, C. Y. Djan. Mission Committee.
Superintendent of Nurses, Gertrude
Green. Director: M. G. Anderson.
Preceptress and Laboratory Techni-
cian, Ma Hwa Yin. Nurses: Adam Ali, Zachia Fargo, Shake'
Ladies' Head Nurse, Mrs. Liu Hsueh Malkranian, Ababech Negate, Margit
Min. Halvarson, R. C. Newberg, Mrs. R. C.
Men's Head Nurse, Ma Tung Li. Newberg, Gladys Tidmore.


Agona Dispensary.Agona, Ashanti, Ceram Dispensary.Roemahkay, via
Gold Coast, West Africa. Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia.
Batouri Dispensary.Mission Advent- Chirnpempe Mission Dispensary.P. 0.
iste, Batouri, French Cameroons, West Kawambwa, Northeast Rhodesia,
Africa. Africa. Missionary in charge, Mrs.
Bikobo Hill Dispensary.Boite Postal R. P. Robinson.
3, Kongolo, Belgian Congo, Africa. Cholon Maternity Home.-203-205 Bd
Native orderly in charge. Charles Thompson. Cholon, Conchin-
Brightlands Nursing Home (Upper china, French Indo-China.
Burma).Maymyo, Burma.
Chuadanga Dispensary.S.D.A. Mission,
Busegwe Mission Dispensary.P. 0. Chuadanga, Nadia District, India.
Musoma, Tanganyika, East Africa.
Nurse in charge, Mrs. H. E. Kotz. Chuharkana Dispensary.Chuharkana
Cancele Mission Dispensary.Cancele Mandi, Sheikhupura District, Punjab,
Mission, P. 0. Cancele, via Mount Pakistan. Doctor in charge, Mrs. C.
- Frere, East Griqualand, South Africa. W. Robbins.
Cebu Public Health Dispensary.-398 Clinica Adventista de Monterrey.
Tres de Abril St., San Nicolas, Cebu Calle Matamoros No. 802 Pte., Mon-
City, Philippine Islands. (Operation terrey, N. L., Mexico. Medical Direc-
temporarily suspended.) tor, Raymund Garza.

Clinics Buena Esperanza.Puebla No. Lakeside Clinic, Dansalan, Lanao, Min-

348, Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, Mexico. danao, Philippines.
Worker in charge, Ninfa Villarreal.
Little Eden Hospital-Dispensary.Shek
Clinica de Torreon.Iturbida 204 Ote., Lo Tau St., Fatshan, Kwangtung,
Torreon, Coah, Mexico. China. P. H. Leung in charge with
four native assistants. Board of
Clinica Tacotalpa.Figueroa No. 23, Directors: Cantonese Mission Com-
Tacotalpa, Tabasco, Mexico. Worker mittee.
in charge, Carlos Arias.
Liumba Hill Dispensary.P. 0. Kalabo,
Copenhagen Clinic.St. Kongensgade Barotseland, Northern Rhodesia, Af-
36-38, Copenhagen K., Denmark. Es- rica. Petra Hovig in charge.
tablished 1899. Corporate name: "ry-
sisk Kuranstalt". Telephones: Cen- Lucusse Mission Dispensary.Caixa
tral 9656, 9657, 9658. Manager, C. L Postal, No. 34, Vila Luzo, Angola,
Ilsgaard. Portuguese West Africa.
Cuale Mission Dispensary.Duque de Luwazi Mission Dispensary.P. 0.
Braganca, Malange, Angola, Portu- Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. Mrs.
guese West Africa. Mrs. 0. U. Gid- W. L. Davy in charge ; assisted by
dings in charge. native orderly.
Gitwe Mission Dispensary.Gitwe, P. 0. Luz Mission Dispensary.Caixa Postal
Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Central No. 33, Vila Luzo, Angola, Portu-
Africa. Nurse, Ruth Carnahan. guese West Africa. Mrs. E. L. Jewell
in charge, assisted by one native
Hapur Dispensary.Seventh-day Ad- orderly.
ventist Mission, Hapur, Meerut Dis-
trict, India. Worker in charge, Mrs. Majita Mission Dispensary.P. 0.
T. R. Torkelson. Musoma, Tanganyika, East Africa.
Helsingfors Hydro-Electric Institute.-: Missionary in charge, Mrs. L. D.
Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Brown. African dresser, 1.
Established 1926. Corporate name: Manila Sanitarium and Hospital, Clinic
Helsingfors Fysikaliska Institut. Man- No. 1.-1876 Donada, Rizal City,
ager, V. Sucksdorff. Philippines.
Ikizu Mission Dispensary.Ikizu Train-
ing School, P.O. Musoma, Tanganyika, Maroua Dispensary.Mission Advent-
East Africa. Missionary in charge, iste, Maroua, French Cameroons, West
Alice Jensen. African dresser, 1. Africa.
Inyazura Mission Dispensary.Inyazu- Munguluni Mission Dispensary.P. 0.
ra, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Mrs. Munhamade, Districto de Quilemane,
B. Ellingworth in charge. Portuguese East Africa. Mrs. E. P.
Mansell in charge.
Jalirpar Mission Dispensary.S.D.A.
Mission, Jalirpar P.O., Faridpur Dis- Musofu Mission Dispensary.Private
trict, Bengal, India. Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Af-
Jengre S.D.A. Medical Unit.Jengre, rica. Mrs. W. M. Cooks in charge.
via Jos., N. Nigeria. Opened 1947.
Medical Director, J. Ashford Hyde; Myaungmya Dispensary.Established
nurse assistant, Rebecca N. Wosu ; 1928. Seventh-day Adventist Mission,
orderlies, 2. Mosokwin Road, Myaungmya, Burma.
Jerusalem Institute for Massage, Julian Ndora Mission Dispensary.Ndora, P.O.
Way, Jerusalem, Palestine. Estab- Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
lished 1936. East Africa. H. J. Bennett in charge.
Jowai Mission Dispensary.S.D.A. Mis- Ndoumbi Dispensary.Mission Advent-
sion, Jowai Road, Shillong P.O., As- iste, Ndoumbi, French Cameroons,
sam, India. West Africa.
Kirundu Mission Dispensary.Kirundu,
via Kindu, Province Orientals, Congo Nova Lisboa Dispensary.Caixa Postal
Belga, Central Africa. A. A. Matter No. 3, Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portu-
in charge. guese West Africa. Mrs. P. Stevenson
in charge.
Kolo Mission Dispensary.P.O. Mohla-
lefis, via Morija, Basutoland, South Ntusu Mission Dispensary.P. 0. Mas-
Africa. J. N. de Beer, Jr., in charge. ora, Via Mwalampaka, Lake Province,
Tanganyika, East Africa. Nurse in
Kottarakara Dispensary.Kottarakara, charge, Mrs. J. G. Siepman. African
Travancore, South India. dresser, 1.

Oslo Health Home--Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Spicer College Dispensary.Aundh

Norway. Corporate name, "Kurbadet." Road, Kirkee, near Poona, India. Su-
Established 1900. Director, 0. Stay- pervisor, Mrs. 0. S. Matthews.
dal. Board of Directors: P. G. Nel-
son, L. Saeboe-Larssen, Elias Bjaanes, Stockholm Hydro-Electric Institute.
Ole Jordahl, Olav Frenning, H. Ugge- Humlegardsgatan 18, Stockholm,
dal, 0. Stavdal, A. Skaarstad. Ad- Sweden, Established 1916. Corporate
visory Physician : H. Uggedal. name: Stockholms Fysikaliska Ku-
ranstalt. Manager, J. P. Lindberg.
Philippine Union College Clinic, Baesa. Telephone: 610678, 625446.
Coloocan, Rizal, Suji Mission Dispensary.P.O. Maka-
nia, Tanga Province, Tanganyika,
Polyclinic of the Advent Mission. East Africa. Missionary in charge,
Tanah Tinggi 16, Batavia Centruni, Mrs. F. B. Wells. African dresser, 1.
Java, Indonesia.
Sydney Treatment Rooms.-13 Hunter
Rabat Dispensary.-40 rue de la Re- Street, Sydney, New South Wales,
publique, Rabat, Morocco. Australia.
Reunion Dispensary.Saint Pierre, Re- Tekerani Mission Dispensary.P.O.
union, Indian Ocean. Tekerani, Nyasaland, Africa. Mrs. H.
Stevenson in charge.
Rusangu Mission Dispensary.P. 0.
Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Toishan Hospital Dispensary.S.D.A.
Africa. Mrs. W. A. Hurlow in charge. Mission, Toishan, Kwangtung, China.
Paul Hwang in charge.
Rwankeri Mission Dispensary.Rwan- Tunis Dispensary.-2, rue de l'Eglise,
keri, P. 0. Goma, Kivu, Congo Beige, Tunis, Tunisia, North Africa. Nurse
Central Africa. Lydia Delhove in
charge. in charge, Aline Burri.
Utimbaru Mission Dispensary.P. 0.
Rwesse Mission Dispensary.Rwesse, Musoma, Tanganyika, East Africa.
B.P. Lubero, Congo Beige. Mrs. P. Missionary in charge, Mrs. F. G. Reid.
K. Wiley in charge, assisted by native African dresser, 1.
"Vie et Sante" (Life and Health) In-
Sitoti Mission Dispensary.P.O. Sen- stitute.--Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis,
anga, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Alger, Algeria, North Africa.
Mrs. D. T. Burke in charge.
Washington Sanitarium Mission Hos-
Solusi Mission Dispensary.Bulawayo, pital.-1252 Sixth Street, S.W., Wash-
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. F. B. ington, D.C., U.S.A. Director and
Jewell in cbarge, Manager, H. G. Hadley.
ADVENT PRESS Postal Address: Caixa Postal 34, Santo
Andre, E.F.S.J., Sao Paulo, Brazil,
Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya South America.
Colony, East Africa
Telephone: Santo Andre 2-3-4.
Manager: R. L. Wangerin.
Board of Managers: Rudolpho Belz,
Board: East African Union Committee. President; D. Peixoto da Silva, Vice-
President; E. Doehnert, Secretary;
Languages in which publications are B. E. Schuenemann, Treasurer; J.
issued: Luo, Luganda, Swahili. Garcia, J. P. Lobo, J. J. de Oliveira,
J. R. Dos Passos, 0. G. de Pinho, G.
G. Ritter, M. Soares, L. Waldvogel,
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 19, Ibadan, Local Executive Committee: Rudolpho
Nigeria, West Africa. Belz, E. Doehnert, A. P. Mendes, D.
Peixoto da Silva, G. G. Ritter, B. E.
Board of Managers: West Nigerian Mis- Schuenemann, L. Waldvogel.
sion Committee. Officers:
Manager: H. S. Pearce. President, Rudolpho Belz.
Vice-President, D. Peixoto da Silva.
Manager, E. Doehnert.
AGENCIA DE PUBLICACIONES Treasurer, B. E. Schuenemann.
"MEXICO CENTRAL" A. C. Superintendent, A. P. Mendes.
Calle Prosperidad 89, Tacubaya, D. F.,
Mexico Periodicals Published:
0 Atalaia (Watchman)..
Telephone: Ericcson 15-31-34. Editor, Luiz Waldvogel.
Postal Address: Apartado 13, Tacubaya, Revista Adventista
D. F., Mexico. Editor, Luiz Waldvogel.
Director: Melchor Covarrubias. Vida e Saude (Life and Health).
Editors, Luiz Waldvogel, Galdino
Cashier: Salome Moron. Nunes Vieira.
Executive Committee: Melchor Covar- Book Committee:
rubias, K. H. Emmerson, J. D. Leslie, Luiz Waldvogel, Rudolpho Belz, W. A.
J. A. Salazar, Salome Moron. Bergherm, E. Doehnert, G. G. Ritter,
D. Peixoto da Silva, R. A. Wilcox.


Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis (Alger), Stanborough Press., Ltd.
Algeria, North Africa Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts.,
Manager: Robert Birckel. England
Established 1889
Cable Address: "Stanpress," Watford,
Verlagsbuchhandlung Rudolf Telephone: Garston (Watford) 2271-72.
Ueberbacher, Wimbergergasse 46, Board of Management: E. B. Rudge,
Vienna, Austria W. W. Armstrong, W. L. Emmerson,
G. D. King.
(Casa Publicadora Brasileira) General Manager and Secretary-
Santo Andre, E.F.S.J., Sao Paulo, Editor, W. L. Emmerson.
Brazil, South America Circulation Manager, B. Belton.
Production Manager, E. J. Trace.
Established 1905 Book Committee: W. W. Armstrong,
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ata- B. Belton. A. W. Cook, 0. M. Dor-
laia," Santo Andre, E.F.S.J., Sao land, W. L. Emmerson, G. D. King,
Paulo, Brazil, South America. J. A. McMillan, W. R. A. Madgwick.


Periodicals Published: Fernando Chaij, H. J. Peverini, P. M.

British Advent Messenger Brouchy, F. B. Moore, D. Hammerly,
Editor, W. L. Emmerson. B. Riffel.
Church Officers' Leader
Good Health HOUSE
Editor, R. D. Vine. Solunska 10, Sofia, Bulgaria
Light Bearer, The Established 1924
Editor, E. L. Minchin. Telephone: 2-64-66.
Present Truth Corporate Name: Knigoisdatelstvo "Nov
Editor, W. L. Emmerson. Schivot."
Telegraphic Address: Sofia, Solunska 10.
Postal Address: Solunska 10, Sofia,
HOUSE Local Committee: B. W. Boneff, D. P.
"Casa Editors Sudamericana" Harboff, Kiroff.
Literature Committee: B. W. Boneff,
Avenida San Martin 4555, Florida, A. Georgieff, D. Kiroff, D. P. Harboff,
F. N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Buenos Aires, B. Nickoloff.
Argentina Manager: D. Kiroff.
Established 1897
Telegraphic Address: Casa Editora Sud-
americana, Avenida San Martin 4555, Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario
Florida, F. N. Gral, Bme. Mitre, Organized 1895; incorporated 1920
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Telephone: 3781-2.
Postal Address: Avenida San Martin Territory: The Canadian Union Con-
4565, Florida, F. N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, ference.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Amer- Board of Directors: H. L. Rudy, Presi-
ica. dent; A. E. Millner, Vice-President;
Telephone: 741-Florida 0031. H. P. Evens, Secretary-Treasurer and
General Manager; E. E. Bietz, C. M.
Board of Directors: Alfredo Aeschli- Crawford, R. E. Finney, Jr., H. D.
mann, E. Almonte, Frank L. Baer, Henricksen, P. M. Lewis, R. W. Num-
W. A. Bergherm, 0. A. Blake, P. IL bers, E. H. Oswald, W. H. Roberts,
Brouchy, F. Chovanec, M. I. Fayard, H. A. Shepard, Charles Smith, C. C.
R. R. Figuhr, E. N. Lugenbeal, F. B. Weis, S. G. White.
Moore, H. J. Peverini, Juan Riffel, S. Board of Management: H. L. Rudy,
Schmidt, Waiter Schubert, C. H. F. Chairman; A. E. Millner, Vice-Chair-
Tulaszewski. man, H. P. Evens, Secretary ; Eric
House Executive Committee: Frank L. Jones, J. L. Leatherdale, P. M. Lewis,
Baer, Chairman ; David Biaggi, Sec- H. A. Shepard, Charles Smith, Dallas
retary; S. A. Ayvazian, F. Chaij, F. Youngs.
Chovanic. Department Managers:
Officers: The circulation departments are op-
erated as a subsidiary business un-
President, R. R. Figuhr. der the name of Signs of the Times
Vice-President, Alfredo Aeschlimann. Publishing Association.
Secretary-Treasurer and Manager, General Manager, H. P. Evens.
Frank L. Baer. Book and Periodical Departments
Superintendent, F. Chovanec. Manager,
Auditor, 0. A. Blake. Editor, J. Revert.
Periodicals Published: The manufacturing Department is op-
El Atalaya erated as a subsidiary business un-
Editor, M. r. Fayard ; Associate Edi- der the name of Maracle Printing
tor, Lorenzo Baum. Company.
General Manager, H. P. Evens.
Juventud Assistant Manager, J. L. Leatherdale.
Editor, Lorenzo Baum. Superintendent, A. McIntyre.
La Revista Adventists Periodicals Published:
Editor, F. Chaij. Canadian Signs of the Times
Book Committee: Frank L. Baer, Editor, Dallas Youngs.
Chairman , M. I. Eayard, Secretary ; Le Messager
A. Aeschlimann, W. A. Bergherm, Editor, J. Revert.


Editor, Mogens Bakke.
3705 S. 48th St., Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Established 1900 Editor, Mogens Bakke.
Telephone: 4-1119. Review and Herald (Danish Edition)
Editor, Mogens Bakke.
Board of Management: M. V. Campbell, Sundhedsbladet (Health Jornal)
President; D. D. Rees, Secretary; Editors, A. Andersen, J. D. Hen-
D. C. Duffield, H. T. Elliott, W. E. riksen.
Nelson, W. B. Mohr, W. B. Ochs,
R. W. Woods, L. E. Lenheim, M. L. Tidens Tale (Missionary Paper)
Rice, J. D. Smith. Editor, Mogens Bakke.
Secretary, D. D. Rees. HOUSE
Treasurer, D. C. Duffield.
Londynska 30, Praha-Vinohrady,
Periodicals Published: Czechoslovakia
The Christian Record, a monthly mag- Manager: L. Picha.
azine for the blind.
The Christian Record Sabbath School Periodicals Published:
Monthly, containing the denomina- Biblicke ukoly (Sabbath School Les-
tional lessons. son Quarterly)
The Bible Expositor, dealing more Editor, J. Cepl.
particularly with doctrinal subjects.
The Children's Friend, a monthly
journal in Braille for children on FIJI MISSION PRESS
the order of Our Little Friend. Suva You, Fiji, Pacific Ocean
The first three of these publications Established 1929
are printed in Revised Braille and New
York Point types, the fourth is printed Directors: Fiji Mission Committee.
in Braille only, and all are furnished
free to the blind who desire them. Manager: J. B. Keith.
Editor and Manager, D. D. Rees. Periodical Published:
The Christian Record Benevolent As- Rarama (The Light).
sociation also has a free circulating Editor,
library department, containing denomi-
national books and pamphlets and other
books of general interest for free circu- FINLAND PUBLISHING HOUSE
lation among the blind. These are sent
to the reader and returned to the office Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland
franked by the government.
Established 1897
Corporate Name: Kustannusliike, Kir-
Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Cable Address: Kirjatoimi, Annegatan
Pacific Ocean 7, Helsingfors.
Established 1938 Telephone: Helsingfors 36022.
Manager: J. E. Cormack.
Board of Management: A. Rintala, A.
Arasola, H. Karstrom, Y. Miettinen, J.
COPENHAGEN PUBLISHING Onjukka, K. V. Osola, T. Seljavaara,
HOUSE V. Suscksdorff, R. Svenson, A. Unhola.
Local Board: Y. Miettinen, J. Onjukka,
Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark K. V. Osola, T. Seljavaara.
Corporate Name: Dansk Bogforlag. Manager: Y. Miettinen.
Telephone: Nora 860. Book Editor: A. Unhola.
Cable Address: "Expedit," Copenhagen. Periodicals Published:
Local Board: S. A. Broberg, Mogens Adventti-Airut (Review and Herald
Bakke, Chr. Hansen, R. F. Jensen, Finnish Edition).
Thy. Kristensen, P. G. Nelson, 0. S. Editor, A. Unhola.
Sorensen, Viggo Thomsen. Siionin Ystava
Business Manager, Viggo Thomsen. Editor, K. V. Osola.



Editor, V. Sucksdorff. Kerameikou 18, Athens, Greece
Valon Viesti Manager: A. N. Stabellos.
Editor, K. V. Osola.


DEPOSITORY "Advent-Verlag G.m.b.H.", Grindel-
berg 15a, (24a) Hamburg 13, British
Mission Adventiste, Nanga-Eboko, via Zone, Germany
Douala, French Cameroons, West Africa
Established 1889
Telephones: 44 85 70 Hamburg.
(Librairie "Les Signes des Temps.") Managers: A. Vollmer, W. Bentlin.
92 avenue Anatole France, Editor: S. Christoffers.
Dammarie-les-Lys (Seine et Board: A. Minck, President; Other
Marne), France Members: 0. Brozio, M. Busch, C. A.
Motzer, E. Muller, H. Niemann, 0.
Established 1896 Schildhauer, G. Seng, M. Voigt, A.
Telegraphic Address: Signes, Dam- Vollmer, W. Mueller.
marie-les-Lys (S.-et-M.). Literature Committee: E. Berner, A.
Telephone: Melun 521. Burger, S. Christoffers, R. Dettmar,
W. Edener, 0. Gmehling, S. Lupke,
Publishing House Board: W. R. Beach, W. Nehls, H. Schmitz, K. Sinz, P.
President; R. Erdmann, Secretary; F. Staubert, H. Werner.
Charpiot, J. A. De Caenal, M. Fridlin,
J. C. Guenin, F. Jochmans, F. Levan- Periodicals Published:
chy, A. Mathy, A. Meyer, H. Muller, Der Adventbote (Advent Messenger).
K. Sturzenegger, C. Veuthey. Editor, W. Mueller.
House Committee: R. Erdmann, Presi- "Vollmer and Bentlin G.m.b.H."
dent; J. De Wolf, H. Hecketsweiler, (Printing Office)
L. A. Mathy, E. Meyer, K. Schneideg- Grindelberg 15a, (24a) Hamburg 13,
ger, R. Schwald, R. Villeneuve. British Zone, Germany
Officers: Telephones: 44 85 70 Hamburg.
Manager, R. Erdmann. 44 81 03 Hamburg.
Treasurer, Miss J. DeWolf. Managers: A. Vollmer, W. Bentlin.
Periodicals Published: Board: A. Minck, President; Other
Jeunesse (Youth). Members: 0. Brozio, M. Busch, C. A.
Editor, J. Boureau. Motzer, E. Muller, W. Mueller, H.
Niemann, 0. Schildhauer, G. Seng,
Moniteur, Le (Monthly Departmen- M. Voigt, A. Vollmer.
tal Bulletin)..
Editor, Otto Schuberth. House Committee: W. Bentlin, Chair-
man ; H. Gotting, Secretary ; S. Chris-
Revue Adventiste, La (The Advent toffers, H. Morenings, A. Vollmer.
Editor, L. A. Mathy.
Review and Herald (World Edition),
French. Budapest XII, Nemetvolgyi ut 26,
Editor, Rene Devins. Hungary
Signes des Temps (Signs of the Established 1912
Editor, J. Boureau. Corporate Name: "Elet es Egeszseg
Vie et Sante (Life and Health). Kiadovallalat."
Managing Editor, Ch. Gerber. Managing Board: The Union Commit.
Editorial Council: K. Albaric, H. tee.
Muller, Pierre Toureille, R.
Gertsch. Manager: B. Cyarmati.
Periodicals Published:
GOLD COAST ADVENT PRESS Az Idok Jelei (Signs of the Times).
Editor, J. Pechtol.
Post Office Box 60, Koforidua, Boldog Elet (Happy Life).
Gold Coast, West Africa Editor, B. Gyarmati.


ICELAND S. D. A. PUBLISHING Periodicals Published:

HOUSE Messaggero Avventista (Advent Re-
Postal Address: Box 262, Reykjavik, view)
Iceland. Editor, F. Sabatino.
Manager: M. Helgason. Segni dei Tempi (Signs of the Times)
Periodicals Published: Editor, F. Sabatino.
Editor, Julius Gudmundsson. JAPAN SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST
Editor, (Fukuinsha)
Established 1908
Address: 1.71 Amanuma 1 Chortle, 'Susi-
124 Route Locale 22, Phu-nhuan, nami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Saigon, French Indo-China
Cable Address: "Adventist," Tokyo.
Established 1939
Telephone: 39-2869.
Board: Executive Committee of the Board of Management: F. R. Millard,
Indo-China Mission. V. E. Adams, P. H. Eldridge, M.
Manager: Pham-Thien. Fukazawa, T. Kajiyama, Y. Seino.
'Languages in which publications are Manager: V. E. Adams.
issued: Annamese, Cambodian, and
French. Periodicals Published:
Jicho (Signs of the Times)
(Advent Boeken Depot) Sabbath School Quarterly
Editor, M. Fukazawa.
Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Java, Shimei (The Message)
Indonesia Editor, K. Kuniya.
Established 1929
Cable Address: "Adventzending," Ban- KARMATAR MISSION PRESS
S.D.A. Mission, Karmatar P.O., S. P.,
Territory: Indonesia. Bihar, India
Publishing ,Board: The Indonesia Union Manager: P. N. Haldar.
Mission Committee.
Languages in which publications are
Manager: E. van Alphen. issued: Bengali, Hindi.
Treasurer: S. F. Sitompoel.
Periodicals Published: ' MALAGASY PUBLISHING HOUSE
Pertandaan Zaman "Ny Fitarikandro"
Editor, M. E. Diredja.
Establislied 1930
Tekenen des Tijds
Editor, E. van Alphen. Address: Librairie Adventiste, Ambohi-
Warta Geredja jatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar.
Editor, M. E. Diredja. Cable Address: Adventiste, Tananarive.
Translator: D. Batoebara. Telephone: Tananarive No. 2-91.
Languages in which publications are Board of Directors: The Madagascar
issued: Dutch, Malay (Dutch Roman- Mission Committee.
ized), Batak (Toba), Javanese, Sun-
danese, Nias. Manager:
Periodicals, tracts, and books published
(Casa Editrice "L'Araldo della Verita")
Via Trieste 23, Florence, Italy (Southeast African Union)
Established 1923 Established 1926
Telephone: 45-406. Postal Address: P. 0. Malamulo, Ny-
asaland, Africa.
Managing Board: L. Beer, R. Bongini,
G. Cavalcante, G. Cupertino, G. Fenz, Telegraphic Address: Malamulo, Nyasa-
G. Ferraro, F. Sabatino. land.
PtfillARIN4 HOtJSES 821

Managing Board: The Malamulo Board, Periodical Published:

Manager: I. T. Crowder. Der Botschafter (The Messenger).
Editor, W. Edener.
Translators: James Ngaiyaye, Moffat
Publications in Nyanja: Sabbath School NETHERLAND PUBLISHING
Quarterly, "Mlengezi" (Church pa- HOUSE
per), Tracts, and Colporteur Litera- Stichting: Boekenhuis "Veritas" van
ture. Weede van Dijkveldstraat 77, The
Hague, Netherland
MALAYAN SIGNS PRESS Corporate Name: Stichting. Boekenhuis
399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, "Veritas."
Colony of Singapore Cable and Telegraphic Address: Veritas,
Established 1917 The Hague.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Telephone: 55 41 40, The Hague.
ventist," Singapore. Codes: Western Board of Management: F. J. Voorthuis,
Union, Five-Letter Edition, and A. T. M. Eijkelenboom, J. van Iterson,
B. C., Fifth Edition. J. Lankhorst, K. Sloot, P. van Oos-
Board of Management: Malayan Union sanen, P. Voorthuis.
Mission Executive Committee, G. A. Chairman-Manager: F. J. Voorthuis.
Campbell, Y. F. Choo, and President
of Indonesia Union Mission. Treasurer: J. R. de Jong.
Administration: Local Committee: F. J. Voorthuis, Miss
Manager, V. D. Bond. M. Wijnkoop, R. J. de Jong.
Shop Superintendent, Y. F. Choo. Book Committee: W. Betram, J. Lank-
Treasurer, Blanche Keasberry. horst, P. van Oossanen, F. J. Voort-
Translator, R. A. Pohan. huis, J. van Iterson, W. Jong, J.
Languages in which publications are Wintzen.
issued: Cambodian, Dusun, English, Periodicals Published:
Lao, Malay (Arabic, English Roman-
ized, and Dutch Romanized), Siamese Bijbellessen (Sabbath School Lessons)
(Thai). De Adventbode (Advent Messenger)
Editor, F. J. Voorthuis.
Librairie Polyglotte, Salisbury Road, Advent-Messenger)
Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean Editor, N. Heijkoop.
De Vriend der Kinderen (Friend of
the Children)
MIDDLE EAST PRESS Editor, Miss M. Wijnkoop.
P.O. Box 1011, Beirut, Lebanon De Zendingsvriend (Friend of Mis-
Cable Address: "Adventist," Beirut. Editor, F. J. Voorthuis.
Board of Management: Middle East Teekenen des Tijds (Signs of the
Union Committee. Times)
Periodicals Published: Editor, F. J. Voorthuis.
Middle East Union Messenger.
Languages in which publications are NORWEGIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE
issued: Arabic, Armenian, Pharsee, (Formerly Scandinavian Publishing
Russian, Syriac, Turkish. House)
Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway
MUNICH PUBLISHING HOUSE Established 1879 ; reorganized
1911 and 1940
"Der Botschafter," Verlags-G.m.b.H.,
Linienstr. 101%, (1310 Munchen- Corporate Name: Norsk Bokforlag.
Deisenhofen, American Zone, Germany Cable Address: Sunnhetsbladet, Oslo.
Established 1945 Telephones: 410486, 412560.
Telephone: 47 46 91. Board of Directors: (Hovedstyre) P. G.
Manager and Editor: W. Edener. Nelson, Trygve Opsahl, Elias Bjaanes,
L. Saboe-Larssen, 0. Frenning, Paul
Board: W. Edener; A. Mayer, A. W. Frivold, Ole Jordahl, 0. S. Lie, Leif
Mueller, A. Neubauer, A. Sachsen- Nilsen, Karl Abrahamsen, George An-
meyer, G. Seng. dersen.

Board of Management: (Driftstyre) Kyan-Ma-Yai (Burmese)

Karl Abrahamsen, E. Bjaanas, Trygve Editor, Saya Saw U.
Opsahl, L. Saboe-Larssen. Marga Darsi (Telugu)
Officers: Editor, E. M. Meleen ; Associate,
General Manager, E. Bjaanas. Ch. B. Williams.
Manufacturing Manager, Trygve Op-
sahl. Nalvazhi (Tamil)
Editor, Karl Abrahamsen. Editor, E. M. Meleen ; Associate,
J. S. Dason.
Book Committee: P. G. Nelson, E.
Bjaanes, Karl Abrahamsen. Languages in which publications are
Periodicals Published': issued: Bengali, Burmese, English,
Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Hindi, Kanarese,
Evangeliets Sendebud (Gospel Mes- Khasi, Lushai, Malayalam, Marathi,
senger) Mundari, Oriya, Pwo Karen, Santali,
Editor, Karl Abrahamsen. Sgau Karen, Singhalese, Tamil, Telu-
Norsk Advent- Ungdom (Norwegian gu, Urdu. (Literature is being pub-
Advent Youth). lished in Pwo Karen, Oriya, and Mun-
Editor, R. J. Skyllstad. dari, but not in our own institutions.)
Review and Herald (Norwegian Edi- Book Depots:
Editor, Karl Abrahamsen. Burma: 68 U Wisara Road, Rangoon,
Burma. Manager, W. Martin.
Sunnhetsbladet (Health Journal). Ceylon: Box 905, Colombo, Ceylon.
Editor, Arthur Collett ; Associate, Manager, R. S. Fernando.
Karl Abrahamsen. Northeast India: S. D. A. Mission,
Tidens Tale (Signs of the Times). 36 Park Street, Calcutta 16. Mana-
Editor, Karl Abrahamsen. ger, P. K. Gayen.
Northwest India: 76 Queensway, New
Delhi, India. Manager, Solomon M.
ORIENTAL WATCHMAN PUBLISH South India: P. 0. Box 20, Bangalore,
ING HOUSE India. Manager, Mrs. L. C. Janes.
Post Box 35, Salisbury Park, Western India: 16 Club Road, Byculla,
Poona, India Bombay. Manager, R. L. Juriansz.

Established 1898
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Watch- PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING
man," Poona. ASSOCIATION
Office Address: Salisbury Park, Poona, Mountain View, California
Established 1875
Postal Address: P.O. Box No. 35, Poona
1, India. Telephone: YOrkshire 7-5527.
Cable Address: "Pacific Press," Moun-
Board of Directors: A. L. Ham, Chair- tain View, Calif.
man ; C. N. Abraham, E. A. Crane,
J. S. Dason, J. A. Johanson, R. L. Territory: The Pacific, North Pacific,
Kimble, M. 0. Manley, 0. 0. Matti- Central, and Northern Union Confer-
son, E. M. Meleen, M. S. Prasada Rao, ences and the Inter-American Divi-
C. A. Schutt, J. L. Shannon, L. C. sion Conference.
Shepard, 0. A. Skau, F. E. Spiess, Board of Directors: Frederick Griggs,
A. F. Tarr, E. D. Thomas. C. L. Bauer, M. V. Campbell, H. G.
Childs, H. K. Christman, E. W. Ever-
Officers: est, E. F. Hackman, J. L. Jones, A. S.
Chairman, A. L. Ham. Maxwell, M. L. Neff, R. P. Rowe, C.
Vice-Chairman, Manager, Treasurer, A. Scriven, J. D. Smith, I. J. Wood-
L. C. Shepard. man.
Literature Committee: A. L. Ham, Advisory Committee:
Chairman ; G. Isaiah, W. H. McHenry, The secretary and publishing depart-
E. M. Meleen, L. G. Mookerjee, A. E. ment secretary of the Inter-American
Rawson, L. C. Shepard, A. F. Tarr, Division of the General Conference
E. D. Thomas. of Seventh-day Adventists, W. E.
Murray, J. C. Culpepper; presidents
Periodicals Published: of the local conferences in the State
The Oriental Watchman and Herald of California, C. L. Torrey, W. A.
of Health Nelson, R. C. Baker, H. H. Hicks ;
Editor, E. M. Meleen. and J. H. Cochran, former manager
Eastern Tidings of the Association, shall constitute the
Editor, E. M. Meleen. Advisory Committee.
Officers: Pacific Branch
President, Frederick Griggs. Box 548, Mountain View, Calif.
Vice-Presidents, H. G. Childs, I. J. Manager: J. M. Rowse ; Assistant, Ray
Woodman. Hixson.
Treasurer, R. P. Rowe.
Secretary, J. L. Jones. Inter-American Branch Factory
Managers and Department Heads: Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone
General Manager, H. G. Childs. Manager: A. V. Larson.
Associate General Manager, I. J.
Woodmah. Cashier: Robert N. Bowen.
Manager Book Department, E. W. Superintendent: C. L. von Pohle.
Assistant Manager Book Department, Advisory Committee: A. V. Larson,
W. R. Wollard. Chairman ; Wesley Amundsen, Robert
Periodical Department, H. K. Christ- N. Bowen, J. C. Culpepper, E. F.
man, J. L. Conaughey ; assistant, Hackman, Benjamin 0. Maxson, L. D.
I. T. Johnson. Minner, W. E. Murray, C. L. von
Treasurer, R. P. Rowe. Pohle.
Assistant Treasurer. G. A. Perrine.
Superintendent, J. L. Jones. Periodicals Published:
Art Director, P. R. Miramontes.
El Centinela
Publishing Committee: R. C. Baker, C. Editor, Benjamin 0. Maxson.
L. Bauer, Henry Bergh, Arthur L. El Amigo De Los Ninos
Bietz, R. E. Bowles, A. W. Browne. Editor, Benjamin 0. Maxson.
H. G. Childs, H. K. Christman, J. H.
Cochran, J. C. Culpepper, M. B. Drake, International Branch
W. P. Elliott, E. W. Everest, E. M.
Fishell, T. R. Flaiz, Frederick Griggs, Brookfield, Ill.
E. F. Hackman, H. H. Hicks, J. L.
Jones, C. N. Lake, Ada M. Leavett,
Manager: B. L. Grundset.
Ernest Lloyd, Arthur S. Maxwell, Manager Book and Periodical Depart-
Merlin F. Neff, W. A. Nelson, G. A. ments: B. L. Grundset.
Perrine, R. P. Rowe, J. M. Rowse, House Committee: B. L. Grundset,
Eugene Sample, Wesley J. Siegen- Chairman ; T. Carcich, L. E. Len-
thaler, Francis A. Soper, David Voth, helm, J. B. Penner, Tycho Onstad.
W. R. Wollard, I. J. Woodman.
Periodicals Published:
Periodicals Published: Botschafter
My Bible Story Editor, J. B. Penner.
Editor, Mrs. Madge Haines Mor- Evangeliets Sendebud
rill; Office Editor, F. A. Soper. Editor, Henry Grundset.
Our Little Friend I Segni Dei Tempi
Editor, Ernest Lloyd; Associate Editor, R. Calderone.
Editor, F. A. Soper. Sions Vaktare
Present Truth Editor, Olaf Granlund.
Editor, Zeichen der Zeit
Signs of the Times Editor, J. B. Penner ; Associate
Editor, A. S. Maxwell; Associate Editor, W. K. Ising.
Editor, Merlin L. Neff. Yiddish,

Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies Managing Editor: B. L. Grundset.

(Editors of foreign periodicals listed The Pacific Press Publishing Associa-
with International Branch, Brookfield, tion at its main office and two factory
Ill., and Inter-American Branch, Cris- branches, issues:
tobal, Canal Zone.)
Periodicals and Magazines in Bohemian,
Central Branch Chinese, Danish-Norwegian, Dutch,
English, Finnish, German, Italian,
2621 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebr. Japanese, Polish, Rumanian, Rus-
Manager: R. E. Bowles. sian, Serbian, Slovakian, Spanish,
Swedish, Ukrainian, Yiddish, and
Northwest Branch English-Yiddish.
2101 N.E. Flanders St., Portland 15, Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies in
Oregon Bohemian, Danish-Norwegian, Eng-
lish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Po-
Manager: Wesley J. Siegenthaler ; As- lish, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian,
sistant, William H. Lawson. Spanish, Swedish, and Ukrainian.

Books, Pamphlets, and Tracts in Arabic, Telephone: 508-69.

Armenian, Bohemian, Croatian, Dan- 'Corporate Name: Wydawnictwo "Zna-
ish-Norwegian, Dutch, English, Fin- ki Czasu" (Signs of Times).
nish, German, Greek, Hungarian, Ice-
landic, Italian, Malay, Polish, Portu- Office Address: Lubelska 25, Krakow,
guese, Rumanian, Russian, Serbian, Poland.
Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrain-
ian, Yiddish and English-Yiddish ; Managing Committee: J. Kulak, J.
and stocks in the Oriental languages. Skrzypaczek, Josef Rosiecki, W. Sie-
Manager: J. Skrzypaczek,
Editor: Josef Rosiecki.
Vilirupu, Papua, Pacific Ocean
Periodicals Published:
Established 1937
Lekcje Biblijne (Sabbath School
Manager: Gr E. Mitchell. Quarterly).
Editor, Josef Rosiecki.
Language: Motuan.
Sluga Thorn (Church Servant).
Editor, Josef Rosiecki.
PHILIPPINE PUBLISHING HOUSE Znaki Czasy (Signs of the Times).
Editor, Josef Rosiecki.
Established -1914
Postal Address: Box 813, Manila,
Cable Address: "Adventists," Manila. Rua Joaquim Bonifacio 17,
Factory Location: Baesa, Caloocan, Lisbon, Portugal
Rizal, Philippine Islands, near Philip- Established 1924
pine Union College. (Please do not
direct mail to this address.) Managing Board: Portuguese Union
Board of Management: M. E. Loewen,
Chairman ; W. J. Blacker, Secretary ; Local Board: A. D. Gomes, A. F. Ra-
R. D. Brion, P. R. Diaz, G. de Guz- poso, S. Reis.
man, Werber Johnson, J. A. Leland, Periodicals Published:
R. L. Odom, Eric Ristau. Revista Adventists
Officers: Editor, A. D. Gomes.
Manager and Treasurer, W. J. Saude e Lar
Blacker. Editor, A. D. Gomes.
Superintendent, J. A. Leland.
Editor, R. L. Odom.
Editorial Staff: R. L. Odom, Editor-in- ING ASSOCIATION
chief ; P. G. Poblete (Tagalog) ; I. A.
Kintanar (Cebuan) ; J. Tauro (Pana- Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
yan) ; Alvaro Rods (Ilocano). Established 1849; incorporated 1861;
Periodicals Published: reincorporated 1903
Mizpa (Cebuan Church Paper) Telephone: Georgia 3700.
Mizpa (Ilocano Church Paper) Cable Address: "Randh," Washington.
Mizpa (Panayan Church Paper) Territory: The Atlantic, Columbia, and
Mizpa (Tagalog Church Paper) Lake Union Conferences.
S.S. Quarterly, Primary and Senior Board of Trustees: E. D. Dick, D. A.
(Bicol, Cebuan, Ilocano, Panayan, Bailey, R. J. Christian, H. J. Detwiler,
Tagalog.) L. W. Graham, C. V. Leach, Freder-
Languages in which publications are ick Lee, L. E. Lenheim, C. G. Maracle,
issued: Bicol, Cebuan, English, Ilo- H. A. Morrison, F. D. Nichol, D. A.
cano, Panayan, Tagalog. Ochs, C. E. Palmer, M. L. Rice, J. D.
Snider, M. R. Thurber, W. H. Wil-
Lubelska 25, Krakow, Poland President, E. D. Dick.
Established 1921; reorganized 1947 Vice-President, H.' A. Morrison.
General Manager, H. A. Morrison.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Assistant to General Manager, C. E.
vent," Krakow. Palmer.

Secretary-Treasurer, L. W. Graham. The Ministry

Auditor, General Conference Auditor. Editor, L. E. Froom; Associate
Department Managers: Editors, J. L. McElhany, R. A.
Anderson, Louise C. Kleuser ; Of-
Superintendent, C. G. Maracle. fice Editor, Mrs. Mabel H. Towery.
Book Department, J. D. Snider; Asso-
ciate, D. A. Bailey; Assistant, C. D. The North American Informant
Forshee. Editor, George E. Peters ; Associate
Periodical Department, R. J. Chris- Editor, W. B. Ochs.
tian ; Associates, C. R. Maclvor, Sabbath School Worker
Emanuel Remsen ; Assistant, P. S.
Douglas. Editor, J. A. Stevens; Associate
Editors, L. L. Moffitt, E. B. Hare,
Advertising Manager Life and Health, H. W. Lowe, Louise Meyer As-
C. R. Maclvor. sistant Editors, Margaret Weir,
Art Director, T. K. Martin. Mary Ogle.
Book Editor, M. R. Thurber ; Associ- The Youth's Instructor
ate, H. M. Tippett.
Editor, Lora E. Clement ; Associate
Book Committee: H. A. Morrison, Editors, Frederick Lee, L. L.
Chairman ; M. R. Thurber, Secretary ; Moffitt, E. W. Dunbar, J. E.
M. L. Andreasen, E. E. Andross, D. A. Weaver ; Assistant Editor, Fred-
Bailey, H. M. Blunden, W. A. Butler, erick W. Edwardy.
L. H. Christian, R. J. Christian, Lora
E. Clement, D. A. Delafield, E. D.
Dick, L. K. Dickson, E. W. Dunbar,
Graham, C. B. Haynes, M. E. Kern, Bucuresti IV, Rumania
Frederick Lee, Holger Lindsjo, T. E.
Lucas, C. G. Maracle, J. W. McFar- Established 1920
land, F. D. Nichol, M. E. Olsen, T. L. Corporate Name: "Graiul Literar,"
Oswald, C. E. Palmer, D. E. Rebok, Institut de Arte Grafice si Editura.
J. D. Snider, J. A. Stevens, H. M. Office Address: Strada Mitropolitul Ghe-
Tippett, F. M. Wilcox, N. C. Wilson, nadie Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV,
L. H. Wood, F. H. Yost. Rumania.
Periodicals Published: Managing Board: Rumanian Union
Advent Review and Sabbath Herald Committee.
Editor, F. D. Nichol; Associate Local Committee: A. Vacareanu, G.
Editors, Frederick Lee, J. L. Radoi, G. Stanica.
McElhany, F. M. Wilcox, W. A. Officers:
Spicer ; Assistant Editor, D. A. Manager, A. Vacareanu.
Delafield. Treasurer, G. Radoi.
Book Committee:
Journal of True Education Rumanian: D. Flores, A. Vacareanu,
Editor, Keld J. Reynolds ; Associ- V. Florescu, P. Paulini, St. Deme-
ate Editors, E. E. Cossentine, G. trescu, V. Diaconescu.
M. Mathews, L. R. Rasmussen, Hungarian: V. Truppel, D. Farkas,
Mrs. Arabella J. Moore. A. Szentagotai.
German: I. Bauer, I. Dengel, G.
Liberty Proksch.
Editor, H. H. Votaw ; Associate Editors: A. Vacareanu, G. Graur.
Editors, C. S. Longacre, F. H.
Yost; Office Editor, M. R. Thur-
Life and Health
Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape
Editor, J. Wayne McFarland; As- Province, South Africa
sistant editor, D. A. Delafield;
Consulting Editors, T. It. Flaiz, Established 1916
H. M. Walton, R. A. Hare, W. E. Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Sen-
Macpherson. tinel," Kenilworth, Cape.
Medical Arts and Sciences Managing Board: C. W. Bozarth, Chair-
Editor, Walter E. Macpherson ; man ; M. E. Dawson, Secretary ; J. R.
Associate Editors, H. Janies Campbell, F. G. Clifford, S. J. Fourie,
Hara, Raymond A. Mortensen, E. D. Hanson, W. A. Higgins, S. G.
T. It. Flaiz ; Managing Editor, Maxwell, E. A. Moon, H. M. Sparrow,
Clarence W. Olsen ; House Edi- G. S. Stevenson, P. Stevenson, J. van
tor, J. Wayne McFarland. de Merwe.

Manager and Treasurer: M. E. Dawson. SIGNS OF THE TIMES PUBLISHING

Periodicals Published:
Signs of the Times Chyung-yang-ri, Seoul, Korea
Editor, G. S. Stevenson. Established 1909
Tekens van die Tye
Editor, G. S. Stevenson. Board of Directors: The Korean Union
The Southern African Division Out- Mission Committee and Theodora
look Wangerin.
Editor, Mrs. G. F. Visser, Jr.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Languages / in which publications are ventist," Seoul.
issued: Afrikaans, Chibemba, Chis-
hona, Chitonga, English, Kiluba, Officers:
Kingwana, Lamba, Nyanja, Portu- Manager, G. W. Munson.
guese, Runyarunda, Sechwana, Sesuto, Treasurer, Chung Tai Hyuk.
Silozi, Sindebele, Umbundu, Xosa,
Zulu. Periodicals Published:
Church Compass
Editor, Theodora Wangerin ; As-
SIGNS OF THE TIMES PUBLISH- sociate, Oh Sung Ryung.
Signs of the Times
515 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai 19, China Editor, Theodora Wangerin ; As-
sociate, New Young Soon.
Established 1905
Cable Address: "Signs," Shanghai.
Board of Management: W. H. Branson, SIGNS PUBLISHING COMPANY
Chairman ; R. C. Hill, Secretary ; Warburton, Victoria, Australia
R. H. Adair, G. J. Appel, N. F.
Brewer, C. H. Davis, Du Shu Ren, Established 1905
Benjamin Gia, Goh Giao Oh, Hsu
Hwa, E. H. James, F. A. Landis, Cable Address: "Signs," Warburton.
T. S. Lee, E. L. Longway, C. B. Mil- Board of Management: N. C. Nelson,
ler, John Oss, H. H. Tan, Wang Fu Chairman: A. H. Battye, W. E. Bat-
Yuen, Wang Ging Yang, M. C. tye, R. P. Brown, J. C. Craven, A.
Warren, Wu Hsiao Djen. W. Dawson, W. Ellis, R. A. Greive,
W. T. Hooper, T. A. Mitchell, F. A.
Officers: Mote, H. G. Moulds, E. Parkinson,
General Manager, R. C. Hill. W. L. Pascoe, R. Pengilley, B. Rey-
Treasurer, T. S. Lee. nolds, J. C. H. Shirley, W. G. Tur-
ner, R. M. Wallace.
Circulation Manager, R. C. Hill.
Factory Superintendent, Benjamin Manager: J. C. Craven.
Periodicals Published:
Editorial Staff: John Oss, General Ed- Australasian Record
itor ; Hsu Hwa, Editor of Signs of Editor, A. G. Stewart.
the Times Magazine; Hsu Deh, Art-
ist; Shan Ying Ming, Giang Wen Health
Chuen. Editor, R. M. Wallace.
House Committee: R. C. Hill, Chair- Missionary Leader
man ; T. S. Lee, Secretary; Benja- Editor, A. G. Stewart.
min Gia, Hsu Hwa, John Oss, Shan Our Little Friend
Ying Ming, Wang Sung Tao, Wu Editor, Marian Hay.
Hsiao Djen, Typeroom foreman, Signs of the Times
Pressroom foreman, Bindery foreman. Editor, It. P. Brown.
Periodicals Published:
An Hsi Jih Hsiao Liang Chu (The
Sabbath School Helper)
Ching Nien Chih Yu (Friend of Youth)
Mo Shi Muh Sheng (Last Day Shep- Tipaerui, Papeete, Tahiti, Society
herd's Call) Islands, Pacific Ocean
Review and Herald (World Edition), Manager.
Shi Djao Yueh Bao (Signs of the Periodical Published: Tiarama (The
Times) ]Light),


PRESS (Editorial Espanola)
Betikama, Guadalcanal, Solomon Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain
Islands, Pacific Ocean
Established 1915
Manager: J. D. Anderson.
Telegraphic Address: Advent, Madrid.
Publishing Board: Mission Committee.
2119-2125 Twenty-fourth Ave., North,
Nashville 8, Tenn. Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden
Established 1901 Established 1895
Telephone: 5-3183. Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm.
Postal Address: Box 59, Nashville 2, Telephones: 107560, 107568. '
Tenn. Corporate Name: Skandinaviska For-
Cable Address: "Southern," Nashville. lagsexpeditionen.
Territory: The Southern and South- Publishing Board: A. Y. Rintala, A. An-
western Union Conferences. derson, 0. Angervo, K. Axelsson, G.
Berglund, S. Bjur, D. Carlsson, C.
Board of Directors: H. T. Elliott, Chair- Gidlund, E. H. Larsson, E. Roslind.
man ; V. G. Anderson, R. G. Campbell,
R. E. Crawford, R. M. Davidson, R. Manager: E. H. Larsson.
M. Eldridge, H. C. Kephart, L. L.
McKinley, H. R. Murphy, N. C. Nel- Periodicals Published:
sen, C. L. Paddock, F. 0. Sanders, Advent Harolden (Review & Herald,
J. W. Turner, B. E. Wagner. Swedish Edition)
Editor, E. Soderberg.
Officers: Missionaren
President, H. T. Elliott. Editor, 0. Angervo.
Vice-Presidents, V. G. Anderson, H. Sundhetsbladet
C. Kephart. Editor, I. Unhall ; Associate editor,
General Manager, H. C. Kephart. S. Bjur.
Secretary, R. M. Eldridge.
Treasurer, R. M. Davidson. Tidens Tecken
Editor, 0. Angervo.
Departmental Managers: Ungdomens Budbarare
Book, C. L. Paddock. Editors, G. Linde, Ingrid. Albiner,
Periodical, R. E. Crawford. Eric Roslind.
Superintendent, N. C. Nelsen.
Publishing Committee: H. C. Kephart, TIBETAN MISSION PRESS
Chairman ; C. L. Paddock, Secretary Kangting, Sikang, China
T. G. Bunch, H. M. Burwell, It. G.
Campbell, L. H. Christian, H. W. (Operation temporarily suspended.)
Clark, F. A. Coffin, Roy F. Cottrell,
Clara Crawford, R. E. Crawford, ZURICH BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE
R. A. Curtis, R. M. Davidson, V. J. --- (ADVENT VERLAG)
Johns, Mary H. Moore, J. L. Moran,
F. L. Peterson, L. B. Reynolds, M. L. Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50, Switzerland
Rice, J. L. Shuler, J. W. Turner,
B. E. Wagner. Manager: G. Tobler.
BINA Editor: Leo F. Thiel. Periodicals Published:
Leben and Gesundheit (Life and
Periodicals Published: Health)
The Church Officers' Gazette Editor,, A. Haenel.
Editor, J. I. Robison. Schweizer Familienfreund (Swiss
The Message Magazine Family Friend)
Editor, L. B. Reynolds. Editor, G. Tobler.
Our Times Zeichen der Zeit (Signs of the Times)
Editor, S. C. Harris. Editor, It. Gerber,

General Periodicals

Advent Review and Sabbath Herald: Christian Record, The: printed for the
Denominational church paper, es- blind in Revised Braille and in New
tablished 1849 ; published weekly ;' York Point, monthly, 56 pages, sent
annual subscription, $3.75 ; Review free to blind persons; published by
and Herald Publishing Association, the Christian Record Benevolent As-
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. ; sociation, 3705 S. 48th St., Lincoln 6,
editor, F. D. Nichol ; associate edi- Nebr. ; editor and manager, D. D.
tors, Frederick Lee, J. L. McElhany, Rees.
F. M. Wilcox, W. A. Spicer; assistant Christian Record Sabbath School
editor, D. A. Delafield. Monthly, The: containing the denomi-.
World Edition. This is a 16-page national Sabbath school lessons; pub-
monthly condensation of material that lished in embossed type, by the Chris-
has appeared in the weekly Review. tian Record Benevolent Association,
This World Edition is prepared in the 3705 S. 48th St., Lincoln 6, Nebr.
editorial offices of the Review in
Washington, D.C., and copies mailed Church Officers' Gazette: 32-page
to the various English speaking areas monthly, devoted to general promo-
of the world. At the same time a tion material for Young People's and
copy of the English edition is air- Home Missionary Societies, Home and
mailed to various publishing houses Parent Education, and Temperance.
overseas for translation into certain Annual subscription, $1.50 ; in clubs
languages, and also for printing and of two or more, $1.35 ; published by
circulating among the members who the Southern Publishing Association,
speak those languages. These lan- Box 59, Nashville, Tennessee;
guages are: Afrikaans, Chinese, Dan- editor, J. I. Robison ; associate edi-
ish, Dutch, Finnish, French, NOr- tors, T. L. Oswald, E. W. Dunbar,
wegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swed- E. E. Roenfelt ; assistant editors,
ish. Mrs. Cora F. Thurber, Mrs. Marjorie
W. Marsh, Mrs. Arabella J. Moore,
Bible Expositor, The: A 24-page monthly Mrs. Mary L. Scott.
journal for the blind, printed in
Revised Braille and New York Church Officers' Leader, The: An 8-page
Point, dealing with Bible doctrines; monthly for the promotion of depart-
published by the Christian Record mental activities in the British Union
Benevolent Association, 3705 S. 48th Conference. Annual subscription 2/6d
St., Lincoln 6, Nebr. ($ .51). The Stanborough Press Lim-
The Christian Record Benevolent ited, Stanborough Park, Watford,
Association also has a free Cir- Herts., England ; editor, J. A. Mc-
culating Library department con- Millan.
taining denominational books and Color Set: Outline Pictures for the
pamphlets and other books of gen- children to color. The pictures are on
eral interest for free circulation the topics of the Sabbath school les-
among the blind. These are sent sons ; 20 cents a year. Published by
to the reader and returned to the Review and Herald Publishing Asso-
office franked by the government. ciation, Takoma Park 12, D. C.
Canadian Signs of the Times: 24-page Dorcas Letter, The: A medium of ex-
monthly ; annual subscription, $2.00 ; change between Dorcas society lead-
published by the Signs of the Times ers throughout the world. Printed
Publishing Association, Box 398, Osh- 8-page; issued quarterly. No charge.
awa, Ontario, Canada ; editor, Dallas Editor, Mrs. Cora F. Thurber.
Good Health: A 16-page monthly health
Children's Friend, The: a monthly jour- journal, teaching the principles of
nal for blind children, made up healthful living and the rational treat-
largely from Our Little Friend, ment of disease ; annual subscription
printed in Braille by the Christian 4/- ($ .82). The Stanborough Press
Record Benevolent Association, 3705 Limited, Stanborough Park, Watford,
S. 48th St., Lincoln 6, Nebr, Herts., England ; editor, R. D. Vine,

Health: 32-page bi-monthly ; annual country. Fully illustrated, featuring

subscription 6s; foreign subscription, Negro events and activities. Annual
7s ; published by the Signs Publishing subscription, $1.75 ; published monthly,
Co., Warburton, Victoria, Australia; by the Southern Publishing Assn.,
editor, R. M. Wallace. Nashville, Tenn. ; editor, L. B. Rey-
Journal of True Education: Official
organ of Department of Education Ministry, The: 48-page monthly; annual
of Seventh-day Adventists; journal of subscription, $2.50: official organ of
Christian education in elementary, the Ministerial Association of Sev-
secondary, and collegiate fields ' a enth-day Adventists ; also medium of
32-page magazine ; published five communication between members of
times a year, February, April, June, the Medical Missionary Association
October, and December ; yearly sub- of Seventh-day Adventists ; published
scription, $1.25 ; published by Review for the Ministerial Association by
and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, the Review and Herald Pub. Assn.,
Washington 12, D.C. ; editor, Keld J. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. ;
Reynolds; associate editors, E. E. editor, L. E. Froom ; associate editors,
Cossentine, G. M. Mathews, Lowell R. J. L. McElhany, R. A. Anderson,
Rasmussen, Mrs. Arabella J. Moore. Louise C. Kleuser ; office editor, Mrs.
Mabel H. Towery.
Lay Preacher, The: Printed 8-page bi-
monthly; furnished free to lay Missionary Leader: 8-page monthly,
preachers as a medium of exchange published by the Australasian In-
in the interests of world-wide lay ter-Union Conference, Wahroonga,
evangelism. W. A. Butler, editor. N.S.W., Australia; editor, A. G.
Liberty: A magazine of religious free-
dom ; an illustrated quarterly ; organ Morning Watch, The: A 32-page booklet
of the Religious Liberty Association ; arranged by the Young People's De-
single copy, 25 cents; yearly sub- partment of Missionary Volunteers
scription, $1.00. Published by the of the General Conference and pub-
Review and Herald Pub. Assn.. Ta- lished by the Review and Herald
koma Park, Washington 12, D.C. ; Publishing Association, Takoma Park,
editor, H. H. Votaw ; associate ed- Washington 12, D. C. It contains a
itors, C. S. Longacre, F. H. Yost; Bible verse for each day's meditation
office editor, M. R. Thurber. throughout the year, a number of
choice quotations and poems in keep-
Life and Health: An illustrated month- ing with the theme of the memory
ly; a practical journal for the com- texts, brief suggestions for efficient
mon people; yearly subscription, Bible study, and Senior and Junior
$2.75 ; published by the Review and Bible Year check pages for the year's
Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, reading assignment. Price, 10 cents ;
Washington 12, D.C. ; editor, J. Wayne de luxe, 15 cents.
McFarland ; consulting editors, T. R.
Flaiz, H. M. Walton, Robert A. Hare, My Bible Story: Four pages weekly,
W. E. Macpherson. published for the Sabbath School De-
Health, formerly published by the partment of the General Conference
Pacific Press Pub. Assn. has been by the Pacific Press Publishing As-
merged with Life and Health. sociation, Mountain View, California.
Listen: Published quarterly by the Subscription rate $1.00 per year; edi-
American Temperance Society, also tor, Mrs. Madge Haines Morrill; office
serves as the official organ of the editor, Francis A. Soper.
Canadian Temperance Society. Junior North American Informant, The: Rep-
membership $.25 ; regular membership resenting the colored work of the
$1.00 ; (Canadian $1.25) ; contributing Seventh-day Adventist Denomination ;
membership $5.00 ; sustaining mem- printed bi-monthly for the General
bership $10.00; life membership Conference by the Review and Herald
$100.00. All but Junior members will Publishing Association, Takoma Park
receive Listen as part of their mem- 12, D. C. ; annual subscription, 50
bership fees. Editor, J. A. Buckwal- cents ; editor, George E. Peters ; as-
ter associate editors, C. S. Longacre sociate editor, W. B. Ochs; editorial
and Mrs. Grace C. Howard. Editorial secretary,
office, Takoma Park, Washington 12, editorial committee: J. H. Wagner, L.
D.C. ; publishing office, Pacific Press H. Bland, J. G. Dasent, H. D. Single-
Publishing Assn., Mountain View, ton, H. R. Murphy, L. B. Reynolds.
Oriental Watchman and Herald of
Message Magazine, The: A missionary Health, The: 28 pages including
magazine containing articles setting cover ; issued monthly ; annual sub-
forth Bible truths written by leading scription Rs. 7-8 ; editor, E. M. Meleen,
Negro evangelists and writers of the Post Box 35, Poona, India.

Our Little Friend: A child's paper; il- Signs of the Times, The: A missionary
lustrated; weekly ; annual subscrip- paper and prophetic expositor ; il-
.tion, $1.75; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., lustrated 16-page weekly;'annual sub-
Mountain View, Calif; editor, Ernest scription, $2.00 ; published by the
Lloyd; associate editor, Francis A. Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain -
Soper. View, Calif.; editor, A. S. Maxwell,
associate editor, Merlin L. Neff.
Our Little Friend: Semimonthly; 5/6 a
year; Signs Pub. Co., Warburton, Signs of the Times, The: Devoted to an
Victoria, Australia; editor, Marian exposition of Bible truth and signs of
Hay. the times; 16-page weekly, annual
subscription, 5/-; to countries outside
Our Times: General full message jour- of Australia, and in the Postal Union,
nal and Bible expositor for circula-
10/6 ($2), Warburton, Victoria, Aus-
tion as a sales journal; an illustrated
20-page monthly magazine; annual tralia; editor, R. P. Brown.
subscription, $1.75; published by the Signs of the TimesTekens van die
Southern Publishing Association, Tye: Devoted to an explanation of
Nashville, Tenn. ; editor, S. C. Harris. the signs of the times and Sabbath
Present Truth, The: A one-topic 8-page truth; 12-page monthly; annual sub-
semimonthly for general missionary scription 3/6 ; editor, G. S. Stevenson.
Published by the Sentinel Publishing
purposes ; illustrated. Single eab-
Company, Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth,
scription, 50 cents. Published by the Cape, South Africa.
Pacific Press Publishing Association,
Mountain View, Calif.; editor, Mer- Temperance Bulletin: Published quar-
lin L. Neff. terly by the American Temperance
Society of Seventh-day Adventists;
Present Truth (British) : Devoted to the devoted to facts, statistics, and testi-
exposition of Bible truth and signs monials relative to the evil effects of
of the times ; 16-page semimonthly, an- alcohol and narcotics. Single copies
nual subscription 8/6d ($1.74) ; Stan- sent free to all workers and temper-
borough Press Limited, Stanborough ance leaders for publicity purposes
Park, Watford, Herts., England; edi- $1.00 per hundred, and $7.50 per
tor, W. L. Emmerson. thousand copies; yearly subscription,
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly (Jun- 25 cents; five-year subscription, $1.00.
ior): Containing the Sabbath school Published by the American Temper-
lessons for the junior division ; an- ance Society, Takoma Park, Washing-
nual subscription, 35 cents ; Review ton 12, D.C., editor, Mrs. Grace C.
and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Howard.
Washington 12, D.C. Voice of Prophecy News: Illustrated

Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly (Pri- newspaper for listeners, sustaining
mary): 32 pages; containing the Sab- members, and Bible students of the
bath school lessons for the primary Voice of Prophecy broadcast; 8 pages
division ; annual subscription, 35 monthly, gratis. Published at the
cents ; Pacific Press Pub. Ass-n., Voice of Prophecy office, Box 55,
Mountain View, Calif. Los Angeles 53, California.
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly (Sen- Worker Picture Roll: Published quar-
ior): 40 pages; containing the senior terly in chart form by the Review and
Sabbath school lessons; annual sub- Herald Publishing Association, Ta-
scription, 35 cents; Pacific Press koma Park 12, D. C., for use in the
Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Calif. children's departments of the Sabbath
school. A picture in colors and mem-
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly ory verse for each Sabbath; $5.00 a
(Youth's): 16 pages; containing les- year.
sons for the youth's division; annual
subscription, 35 cents ; Review and Worker Picture Series: A quarterly set
Herald Publishing Assn., Takoma of twelve cards for use in the chil-
Park, Washington 12, D.C. dren's departments of the Sabbath
school: A card with picture in colors
Sabbath School Worker: Organ of the and memory verse for each Sabbath.
Sabbath School Department of the Used in connection with the Picture
General Conference; 32-page monthly; Roll; 20 cents a year. Published
annul subscription, $1.75; in clubs quarterly by Review and Herald Pub-
of two or more, $1.50 ; published by lishing Association, Takoma Park 12,
the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., D. C.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. ;
editor, J. A. Stevens : associate ed- Youth's Instructor, The: Denomina-
itors, L. L. Moffitt, H. W. Lowe, E. B. tional young people's paper, serving
Hare, Louise Meyer ; assistant edi- the interests of all departments of
tors, Margaret Weir, Mary Ogle, our organized work ; also contains

the Sabbath school lessons for the Missions Quarterly: 36-page quarterly
youth ; published weekly ; annual magazine, a translation of the mission
subscription, $3.50. Published by the readings issued by the General Con-
Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Ta- ference Sabbath School Department.
koma Park, Washington 12, D.C. ; ed- Printed at the Karmatar Mission
itor, Lora E. Clement; associate edi- Press, Bihar, India.
tors, E. W. Dunbar, Frederick Lee, Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 36-
L. L. Moffitt, J. E. Weaver; assistant page quarterly, containing the Gen-
editor, Frederick W. Edwardy.
eral Conference Sabbath School De-
FOREIGN LANGUAGES partment Youth's lessons in Bengali;
annual subscription, 12 annas ; printed
AFRIKAANS at the Karmatar Mission Press, Bihar,
Tekens van die Tye (combined with the
Signs of the Times) : 12-page month- Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 36-
ly; annual subscription 3/6; pub- page quarterly containing primary
lished by the Sentinel Publishing Co., lessons in Bengali.
Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape,
South Africa; editor, G. S. Steven- BICOL
son. Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 32
pages, containing the senior lessons,
ANNAMESE Published quarterly by the Philippine
Bai-hoc Truong Sa-bat (Sabbath School Publishing House, Manila, Philippines.
Quarterly) : 40 pages; containing the
General Conference Sabbath School BOHEMIAN
Department lessons ; annual subscrip- Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly: Con-
tion, 40 cents, F. I. C. currency ; taining lessons and notes translated
Indo-China Tract Society, 124 Route from the English. Pacific Press Pub.
Locale 22, Phu-nhuan, Saigon, French Assn., Brookfield, Ill._
ARABIC Kyan-Ma-Yai (Health) : A monthly mis-
Mission Quarterly: 36-page quarterly sionary paper, published by the
magazine, a translation of the mis- Oriental Watchman Publishing House
sion readings issued by the General (Burma Branch), 68 U Wisara Road,
Conference Sabbath School Depart- Rangoon, Burma. Editor, Saya Saw U,
ment. Published by the Middle East S.D.A. Mission, Thonze, Burma.
Union Mission, Post Office Box 1011,
Beirut, Lebanon. CEBUAN
Mizpa: 8-page monthly church paper;
Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 60- Pesos 3.00 a year; foreign, US $1.50;
page quarterly, containing the Gen- Philippine Publishing House, Manila,
eral Conference Sabbath School De- Philippines.
partment Senior Lessons in Arabic.
Annual subscription, L. L. 2.00 Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 72
($1.00). Published by the Middle East pages, containing primary and senior
Union Mission, Post Office Box 1011, lessons. Philippine Publishing House,
Beirut, Lebanon. Manila, Philippines.
Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 60- CHINESE
page quarterly containing primary (Periodicals issued by the Signs of
lessons in Arabic. Published by the the Times Publishing House, 515
Middle East Union Mission, Post Office Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China.)
Box 1011, Beirut, Lebanon.
An Hsi Jih Hsiao Liang Chu: (The
ARMENIAN Sabbath School Helper).
Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 60- Ching Nien Chih Yu: (Friend of Youth).
page quarterly, containing the Gen-
eral Conference Sabbath School De- Mo Shi Muh Sheng: (The Last Day
partment Senior Lessons in Armenian. Shepherd's Call) 32-page monthly.
Annual subscription L. L. 2.00. Pub- Review and Herald (World Edition) :
lished by the Middle East Union Mis- Chinese.
sion, Post Office Box 1011, Beirut,
Lebanon. Shi Djao Yueh Bao (Signs of the
Times) : 36-page monthly magazine.
Banga Dut: 6-page bimonthly church
paper; published by the East Bengal Adventni Glasnik (The Advent Mes-
Mission ; editor, S. K. Haldar ; asso- senger) : 8-page monthly church pa-
ciate editors, U, N, Haldar, P. C. per.
Coven, $'reporod (Regenerntian),

Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; De Adventbode (The Advent Messen-

containing the General Conference ger) : 8-page monthly; annual sub-
Sabbath School Department lessons. scription, $1; editor, F. J. Voorthuis;
Boekenhuis "Veritas", The Hague,
Zivot i Zdravlje (Life and Health) : Netherland..
16-page, devoted to healthful living.
De Jonge Advent-Heraut (The Young
CZECH (BOHEMIAN) Advent Messenger) : 8-page monthly ;
Biblicke Ukoly (Sabbath School Lessons, editor, N. Heijkoop ; Boekenhuis "Ver-
Quarterly) : Published by Seventh-day itas", The Hague, Netherland.
Adventist Denomination, Praha XII, De Vriend der Kinderen (Friend of the
Londynska 30, Czechoslovakia; editor, Children) : 8-page; Editor, Miss M.
J. Cepl. Wijnkoop ; Boekenhuis "Veritas" ;
DANISH The Hague, Netherland.
Advent Ungdom (Young People's pa- De Zendingsvriend (The Friend of Mis-
per) : 16-page monthly; annual sub- sions) : 4-page monthly; annual sub-
scription, Kr. 4.00 ; published for scription $.75 ; editor, F. J. Voorthuis ;
Denmark; Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, Boekenhuis "Veritas", The Hague,
V., Denmark ; editor, Mogens Bakke. Netherland.
Afdelings-Baandet: 4-page quarterly; Tekenen des Vida (Signs of the Times) :
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, 16 pages monthly; annual subscrip-
; editor, Henry Grundset. tion, $1.25 ; editor, F. J. Voorthuis ;
Bibellektier for Sabbatsskolen: (Sab- Boekenhuis "Veritas", The Hague
bath School Lessons Quarterly) con- Netherland.
taining the Seventh-day Adventist Tekenen des Tijds (Signs of the Times) :
Sabbath School Department's lessons 16 pages, published monthly by the
in Danish ; annual subscription, Dkr. Indonesia Publishing House (Advent
2.60. Boeken Depot), Naripan 63, Ban-
Evangeliets Sendebud: 8-page weekly doeng, Java, Indonesia; fl.... a year ;
church and missionary paper; Pacific editor, E. van Alphen.
Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. ;
editor, Henry Grundset. FIJIAN
Missionsefterretninger: (Church paper) ; Rarama (The Light) : 6-page monthly ;
8-page monthly published for Den- annual subscription, 2/-; published at
mark ; Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., the Fiji Mission Press, Suva, Fiji.
Denmark ; editor, Mogens Bakke. FINNISH
Review & Herald (Danish Edition) : Adventti-Airut (Review & Herald, Fin-
16-page monthly ; published by the nish Edition) : 16-page monthly ; Pqb-
Copenhagen Publishing House, SIM- lished by Finland Publishing House,
misvej 5, Copenhagen V., Denmark; Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland;
editor, Mogens Bakke. editor, A. Unhola.
Sundhedsbladet (Health Journal) : 24-
page monthly ; annual subscription, Sabattiloulolaksyja: (Sabbath School
Kr. 9.00 ; Suomisvej 6, Copenhagen, Lessons Quarterly) containing the
V., Denmark; editors, A. Andersen, Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath School
J. D. Henriksen. Department lessons in Finnish; an-
nual subscription in Finland: Fmk.
Tidens Tale: (Missionary paper) ; 24- 70; Foreign: Fmk. 90.
page monthly; annual subscription,
Kr. 6.00 ; Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, Siionin Ystava: 12-page monthly; an-
V., Denmark; editor, Mogen!! Bakke. nual subscription, in Finland Fmk.
75.00, for other countries, Fmk.
DANISH-NORWEGIAN 110.00, Annegatan 7, Helsingfors,
Finland ; editor, K. Osola.
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly: Con-
taining lessons and notes, translated Terveys: 20-page monthly; annual sub-
from the English ; Pacific Press Pub. scription, in Finland Fmk. 200.00, for
Assn., Brookfield, other countries Fmk. 250.00 ; Anne-
Satan 7, Helsingfors, Finland ; editor,
Bijbellessen (Sabbath School Lessons) :
28-page, or more, quarterly; contain- Valon Viesti: 16-page monthly; an-
ing the General Conference Sabbath nual subscription, in Finland, Fmk.
School department lessons; annual 100.00, for other countries Fmk.
subscription, $.50; Boekenhuis "Veri- 150.00 ; Annegatan 7, Helsingfors,
tas," The Hague, Netherland. Finland ; editor, K. Osola.

FRENCH Der Botschafter (The Messenger) :

Gazete, La: Church officers' paper; monthly subscription DM -.40 ; editor,
editor, Wesley Amundsen, Box 228, W. Edener; Linienstrasse 1011/2,
Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida, U.S.A. Munich-Deisenhofen, Germany.

Jeunesse! (Youth) : 32-page monthly; Jugendruf (Call of Youth) : 16-page

annual subscription for France 150.- monthly for the German speaking
francs (French) ; for Switzerland youth; annual subscription for Swit-
4.- francs (Swiss) ; for other coun- zerland, 4.- Swiss francs ; editors, F.
tries 160.- francs (French) ; editor, Pieringer, 0. Uebersax.
J. Boureau, Dammarie-Les-Lys (S. et
M), France. Leben and Gesundheit (Life and
Health) : 16-page quarterly health
Messager, Le (The Messenger) : 16-page paper ; Advent-Verlag, Gubelstrasse
monthly ; $1.00 a year ; Signs of the 23, Zurich 50, Switzerland ; editor,
Times Publishing Association, Osh- A. Haenel.
awa, Ontario, Canada; editor, J.
Revert. Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly: Con-
taining lessons and notes, translated
Moniteur, Le (Monthly Departmental from the English; Pacific Press Pub-
Bulletin) : 16-page monthly paper; lishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
annual subscription, for France and
colonies, 50.- francs (French) : for Schweizer Familienfreund (Swiss Fam-
Switzerland, 2.50 francs, (Swiss) ; for ily Friend) : 16-page quarterly paper;
Belgium 25.- francs (Belgian), for annual subscription, Fr.1.80 ; Advent-
other countries, $0.75. Editor 0. Schu- Verlag, Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50,
berth, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzer- Switzerland; editor, G. Tobler.
land. Editorial Council: Otto Schu-
berth, H. Struve, J. J. Aitken. Zeichen der Zeit (Signs of the Times) :
8-page weekly, German family and
Revue Adventiste, La (The Advent Re- missionary paper; Pacific Press Pub-
view) : 16-page monthly church paper; lishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill. ; editor,
annual subscription, for France, 100.- J. B. Penner.
francs (French) ; for Switzerland, Zeichen der Zeit (Signs of the Times),
5.-francs (Swiss) ; for other coun- 16-page paper; published bimonthly
tries, 120.- francs (French) ; editgr, by the Advent-Verlag, Gubelstrasse
L. A. Mathy, Dammarie-les-Lys (S. et 23, Zurich 50, Switzerland ; annual
M.), France. subscription, Fr.3.-; editor, R. Gerber.
Signes des Temps (Signs of the Times) :
16-page monthly ; annual subscription, HINDI
for France, 180.- francs (French) ; for Dhanya Asa (Blessed Hope) : 6-page
Switzerland, 5.- francs (Swiss) ; for bimonthly published by the Bihar lo-
other countries, 210.- francs (French) ; cal mission ; printed at the Karmatar
editor, J. Boureau, Dammarie-les- Mission Press, Bihar, India ; annual
Lys (S. et M.), France. subscription 12 annas ; editor, P. D.
Kujur ; associate, A. K. Kachchhap.
Vie et Sante (Life and Health) : 16-
page monthly health paper; annual Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 36-
subscription, for France, 350.francs page quarterly, containing the Gen-
(French) ; for Switzerland, 8.80 francs eral Conference Sabbath School De-
(Swiss) ; for other countries, 400.- partment Youth's Lessons in Hindi ;
francs (French). Editors, Ch. Gerber, annual subscription 12 annas ; Kar-
H. Muller. matar Mission Press, Bihar, India.
GERMAN Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly; 36-
page quarterly containing Primary
Advent Echo: 16-page church paper,
published monthly; annual subscrip- Lessons in Hindi.
tion, Fr. 5.-. Southern European Missions Quarterly: 36-page quarterly
Division, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit- translation of the mission readings
zerland; editor, Otto Schuberth. issued by the General Conference Sab-
bath School Department ; Karmatar
Botschafter (The Messenger) : An 8- Mission Press, Bihar, India.
page semimonthly church paper; Pa-
cific Press Publishing Assn., Brook- HUNGARIAN
field, Ill.; editor, J. B. Penner.
Sabbath School Quarterly: 82 pages;
Der Adventbote (Advent Messenger) : containing the General Conference
16-page paper published semimonthly Sabbath School Department lessons
by the Hamburg Publishing House, in Hungarian ; subscription, 20 cents ;
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Ger- Advent Kiadohivatal, Budapest VI,
many; editor, W. Mueller. Nemetvolgyi ut 26, Hungary.

Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; JAPANESE

containing the General Conference
Sabbath School Department lessons in Jicho (Signs of the Times) : 44-page
Hungarian ; Pacific Press Publishing monthly published by the Japan Pub-
Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U.S.A. lishing House, 171 Amanuma 1-Chome,
Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan ; editor,
Az Idok Jelei (Signs of the Times) : Y. Seino.
16-page monthly paper; annual sub- Shimei (The Message) : 28-page month-
scription, 20 cents; editor, J. Pechtol, ly: published by Japan Seventh-day
Budapest VI, Szekely Bertalan utca
13, Hungary. Adventist Publishing House, 171 Am-
anuma 1-Chome, Suginami Ku, Toyko,
Boldog Elet (Happy Life) : 16-page Japan ; editor, K. Kuniya.
monthly paper ; annual subscription,
30 cents ; editor, B. Gyarmati, Buda- KOREAN
pest XII, Nemetvolgyi ut 26 sz.,
Hungary. Church Compass: 32-page monthly ;
annual subscription, Y 60.00; foreign,
IBO US$1.20 ; published by the Signs of
Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 32 the Times Publishing House, Seoul,
pages; printed by The Advent Press, Korea; editor, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin;
Nigeria, West Africa. associate editor, New Young Soon.
Signs of the Times: 32-page monthly;
ICELANDIC 6 mos. subscription, Y 300.00; foreign,
Braedrabandid (Church Paper) : 8-page US$6.00; published by the Signs of
bimonthly ; editor, Julius Gudmunds- the Times Publishing House, Seoul,
son, Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Korea; editor, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin:
associate editor, Oh Sung Ryung.
Geislinn : editor, , Box 262,
Reykjavik, Iceland. JUGOSLAVIAN
Stjarnan (The Star) : 8-page mission- Sabbath School Quarterly: 82 pages;
ary monthly ; published by the Cana- containing the General Conference
dian Union Conference of S.D.A. ; Sabbath School Department lessons
subscription price $1; editor, Miss S. Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brook-
Johnson, 1202 3rd Avenue, North, field, Ill., U.S.A.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Canada.
Viljinn: 12-page monthly; editor, Georg LUGANDA
Norheim, Reykjavik, Iceland. Sabbath School Quarterly: 16 pages;
ILOCANO containing the General Conference
Sabbath school lessons for mission
Mizpa: 8-page monthly church paper; fields in Luganda. Annual subscrip-
Pesos, 3.00, a year; foreign, US $1.50; tion, 80 cents (E. A.). Advent Press,
Philippine Publishing House, Manila, Gendia, P.O. Kisumu, Kenya Colony,
Philippines. East Africa.
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly: 72 LUO
pages, containing primary and senior
lessons. Philippine Publishing House, Sabbath School Quarterly: 16 pages;
Manila, Philippines. containing the General Conference
Sabbath school lessons for Mission
ITALIAN fields in Luo. Annual subscription,
I Segni Dei Tempi: monthly; editor, 80 cents (East Af.). The Advent
R. Calderone ; Pacific Press Publish- Press, Gendia, P.O. Kisumu, Kenya
ing Assn., Brookfield, Ill. Colony, East Africa.
Messaggero Avventista (Advent Re- MALAGASY
view) : 8-page monthly ; annual sub-
scription for Italy, 100 lire, foreign Ny Vavolombelona (The Witness) : A
countries, 180 lire ; editor, F. Saba- missionary paper ; 32 pages ; bi-
tino, Via Trieste 23, Florence, Italy. monthly; annual subscription 30.- fr.,
editor, R. Erdmann, Ambohijatovo,
Sabbath School Quarterly: Containing Tananarive, Madagascar.
the General Conference Sabbath School
Department lessons in Italian ; Pacific MALAY (DUTCH)
Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
Pertandaan Zaman (Signs of the
Segni dei Tempi (Signs of the Times) : Times) : published monthly by the
16-page monthly; annual subscrip- Indonesia Publishing House (Advent
tion, 100 lire, foreign countries, 180 Boeken Depot), Naripan 63, Ban-
lire. Editor, F. Sabatino, Via Trieste doeng, Java, Indonesia; fl-- a year;
23, Florence, Italy. editor, M. E. Diredja.

Sabbath School Quarterly: Published by Review and Herald (World Edition) :

the Indonesia Publishing House (Ad- 16-page monthly; Akersgaten 74,
vent Boeken Depot), Naripan 63, Oslo, Norway: editor, Karl Abra-
Bandoeng, Java, Indonesia; fl a hamsen.
Sunnhetsbladet (Health Journal) : 16-
Warta Geredja (Union church paper) : page monthly health journal; annual
Published monthly by the Indonesia subscription, NKr. 10.00 ; Akersgaten
Publishing House (Advent Boeken 74, Oslo, Norway; editor, Arthur
Depot), Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Java, Collett; associate editor, Karl Abra-
Indonesia; fl.... a year; editor, M. E. hamsen.
Tidens Tale (Signs of the Times) : 16-
MALAYALAM page monthly missionary paper ; an-
nual subscription, NKr. 6.00; Akers-
Messenger: a monthly church paper, gaten 74, Oslo, Norway; editor, Karl
published by the Malayalam Missions Abrahamsen.
and printed at S. D. A. Mission High
School, Kottarakara, Travancore, S. NYANJA
India; editor and translator, S. Jesu-
dass. Mlengezi: issued in the Nyanja lan-
guage by the Malamulo Press, - Ny-
MARATHI asaland, Africa. Editor, S. G. Max-
Missions Quarterly: 24-page quarterly
containing the missions readings is- Sabbath School Quarterly: issued in the
sued by the General Conference Sab- Nyanja language by the Malamulo
bath School Department; printed at Press, Nyasaland, Africa.
the Spicer Missionary College Press,
Aundh Road, Kirkee, near Poona, PANAYAN
India. Mizpa: 8-page monthly church paper;
Sabbath School Quarterly: 43 pages ; Pesos 3.00, a year ; foreign, US $1.50 ;
containing the General Conference Philippine Publishing House, Manila,
Sabbath School Department senior Philippines.
lessons; annual subscription 12 annas ; Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 72
printed at the Spicer Missionary Col- pages, containing primary and senior
lege Press. lessons. Philippine Publishing House,
Manila, Philippines.
Sabbath School Quarterly: 43 pages;
containing the General Conference PHARSEE
Sabbath School Department primary Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 75-
lessons ; annual subscription 12 annas ; page quarterly, containing the Gen-
printed at the Spicer Missionary Col- eral Conference Sabbath School De-
lege Press. partment Senior lessons. Avenue
Pehlevi 2075, Teheran, Iran.
Warthahar (Messenger) : 6 pages
monthly ; published by the Western POLISH
India Union Mission; printed at the
Spicer Missionary College Press ; edi- Lekcje Biblijne (Sabbath School Quar-
tor, F. E. Spiess; assistant editor, S. terly): Four numbers published annu-
P. Engles. ually by the Polish Publishing House,
Lubelska 25, Krakow, Poland; editor,
NORWEGIAN Josef Rosiecki.
Bibellekser for Sabbatsskolen (Sabbath Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages;
School Lessons Quarterly) : Contain- containing the General Conference
ing the Seventh-day Adventist Sab- Sabbath School Department lessons
bath School Department's lessons in in Polish ; Pacific Press Publishing
Norwegian ; annual subscription, NKr. Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U.S.A.
Sluga.Zboru (Church Servant) : monthly
Evangeliets Sendebud (Gospel Messen- church paper, 16 pages, published by
ger) : 8-page monthly church pa- the Polish Publishing House, Lubel-
per ; Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway ; ska 25, Krakow, Poland; editor,
editor, Karl Abrahamsen. Josef Rosiecki.
Znaki Czasy (Signs of the Times) :
Norsk Advent-Ungdom (Norwegian Ad- monthly church missionary paper;
vent Youth) : 16-page monthly young subscription Zl. 150 :-; published by
people's paper; annual subscription, the Polish Publishing House, Lubel-
NKr. 4.- Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Nor- ska 25, Krakow, Poland ; editor, Josef
way; editor, R. J. Skyllstad. Rosiecki.

PORTUGUESE Curierul Misionar (The Missionary Mes-

Home Missionary Programs: 4-page senger) : 16-page monthly church pa-
monthly, published by the South per ; annual subscription, Lei 2,000.-
American Division of the General editor, A. Vacareanu.
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Semnele Timpului (Signs of the Times) :
for the Home Missionary Department, 16-page bimonthly missionary paper;
Calle Virrey del Pino 3801, Suc. 27. annual subscription, Lei 2,500.-; edi-
R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South tor, A. Vacareanu.
America. Sfetnicul Vietii (The Counsellor of
Missionary Volunteer Programs: 16- Health) : 16-page monthly paper ; an-
page monthly, published by the South nual subscription Lei 2,500.-; editor,
American Division of the General A. Vacareanu.
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, All printed at the Rumanian Pub-
for the Missionary Volunteer Depart- lishing House, "Graiul Literar," S. A.
ment, Calle Virrey del Pino 3801, Institut de Arte Grafice si Editura,
Sue. 27. R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argen- Strada Mitrop. Ghenadie Petrescu 116,
tina, South America. Bucharest IV, Rumania.
O Atalaia: 20-page monthly; Cr. 30,0Q a RUNYURWANDA
year ; published by the Casa Publica- Sabbath School Quarterly: For adults
dora Brasileira, Caixa Postal 34, and children; 4 francs each per year.
Santo Andre, E.F.S.J., Sao Paulo, Gitwe Mission Press, Gitwe, Ruanda,
Brazil, South America ; editor, Luiz via Usumbura, Belgian Congo.
O Pregador Adventists: Published by Sabbath School Quarterly: Containing
the South American Division for the the General Conference Sabbath
Ministerial Association. Editor, W. School Department lessons in Rus-
Schubert; associate editor, R. R. sian ; Pacific Press Publishing Assn.,
Figuhr. Brookfield, Ill., U.S.A.

Revista Adventists: 16-page bimonthly ; SAMOAN

yearly subscription, 75 cents; pub- Ole Tali Moni (The Message of Truth) :
lished by the Publicadora Atlantico, 6 pages ; monthly ; annual subscrip-
Lda, Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, 17, Lis- tion, 3/6 ; issued by Samoan Mission.
bon ; editor, A. D. Comes.
Revista Adventists: 32 pages; annual
subscription, Cr. 25,00; published by Adventni Glasnik (The Advent Messen-
the Casa Publicadora Brasileira, ger) ; 8-page monthly church paper.
Caixa Postal 34, Santo Andre, E.F. Preporod (Regeneration).
S.J., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages;
ica; editor, Luiz Waldvogel. containing the General Conference
Sabbath School Lessons: Sabbath School Sabbath School Department lessons.
Lessons for the entire Portuguese Zivot in Zdravlje (Life and Health) ;
field for adults, juniors, and children ; '16 pages ; devoted to healthful liv-
annual subscription, Cr. 8,00 ; pub- ing.
lished by the Casa Publicadora Bra-
sileira, Caixa Postal 34, Santo Andre, SIAMESE
E.F.S.J., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
America. Chu Chart: 80-page health and religious
undated magazine; $.15 per copy;
Sande e Lar: 20-page bimonthly; published by the Malayan Signs Press,
yearly subscription, $1; published by Singapore, Colony of Singapore.
the Publicadora Atlantico, Lda, Rua Sabbath School Quarterly: 64 pages;
Joaquim Bonifacio, 17, Lisbon; man- published quarterly by the Siam Mis-
aging editor, A. D. Gomes. sion, 1325 Rama IV Road, Bangkok,
Vida e SaUde (Life and Health) : 24- Siam ; $.40 per year; translated from
page monthly; Cr. 45,00 a year; pub- Junior English Quarterly.
lished by the Casa Publicadora Bra- SINHALESE
sileira, Caixa Postal 34, Santo Andre, Sabbath School Quartely: Containing
E.F.S.J., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South the General Conference Sabbath
America; editors, Luiz Waldvogel, School Department lesson in Sinha-
Galdino Nunes Vieira. lese; subscription, Rs. 1/-.
RUMANIAN Ceylon Messenger: Church paper pub-
Amicul Tinerimii (Youth's Friend) : 16- lished by the Ceylon Mission of Sev-
page quarterly; annual subscription, enth-day Adventists; editor, R. S.
Lei 2,500:: editor, V. Florescu. Fernando.

SLOVAKIAN Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires,

Biblicke ulohy (Sabbath School Lessons Argentina, South America.
Quarterly) : Published by Seventh- Note.Separate Quarterlies are pre-
day Adventist Denomination, Praha pared for the adults', juniors', and
XII, Londynska 30, Czechoslovakia; children's lessons.
editor, J. Cepl.
Ministerio Adventists, El: 16-page bi-
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; monthly for Spanish workers; editor,
containing the General Conference W. E. Murray; associate editors,
Sabbath School Department lessons E. F. Hackman, Wesley Amundsen,
in Slovakian ; Pacific Press Publishing Box 228, Coconut Grove, Miami,
Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U.S.A. Florida, U.S.A.
SLOVENIAN Missionary Volunteer Programs: 16-
Sabbath School Quarterly: Containing page monthly; published by the South
the General Conference Sabbath American Division of the General Con-
School Department lessons. ference of Seventh-day Adventists, for
the Missionary Volunteer Department,
SPANISH Calle Virrey del Pino 3801, Suc. 27.
R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Atalaya, El: 20-page monthly; $3.50 America ; editor, L. M. Stump ; asso-
mmn a year ; foreign, US$1.00 ; pub- ciate editor, Arthur Roth.
lished by the Casa Editors Sudamer-
icana, Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Predicador Adventists, El: Published by
Aires, Argentina, South America; the South American Division for the
editor, M. I. Fayard; associate editor, Ministerial Association. Editor, W.
Lorenzo Baum. Schubert ; associate editor, R. R. Fi-
guhr ; office editor, Teresa A. De
Auxiliar de la Escuela Sabatica, El: Rubatto.
Sabbath School Worker) 20-page
monthly ; published by the South Revista Adventists, La: Spanish church
American Division of the General paper; 16-page biweekly; published
Conference of Seventh-day Advent- by the Casa Editora Sudamericana,
ists for the Sabbath School Depart- Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires,
ment, Calle Virrey del Pino 3801. Argentina, South America; editor,
Sue. 27. R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argen- J. A. Bonjour.
tina, South America ; editor, F. Chaij ;
associate editors, Wesley Amundsen, SWAHILI
Santiago Schmidt. Sabbath School Quarterly: 16 pages;
containing the General Conference
Centinela, El: 20-page monthly; annual Sabbath school lessons for mission
subscription, $1 ; 10 cents per copy. fields in Swahili. Annual subscrip-
Editor, Benjamin 0. Maxson, Pacific tion, 80 cents. (East African.) The
Press Publishing Association, Box Advent Press, Gendia, Kisumu, Kenya
5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone. Colony, East Africa.
Gaceta Misionera, La: Church officers'
Paper ; 12-page quarterly. Editor, Wes- SWEDISH
ley Amundsen. Box 228, Coconut Advent Harolden (Review & Herald,
Grove, Miami, Florida, U.S.A. Swedish Edition) : 16-page monthly;
Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden ;
Home Missionary Programs: 4-page editor, E. Soderberg.
monthly, published by the South
American Division of the General Avedelningsbrevet: 4-page quarterly;
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brook-
for the Home Missionary Department, field, Ill.; editor, 0. C. Granlund.
Calle Virrey del Pino 3801, Suc. 27. Missioniiren: 16-page monthly ; annual
R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South subscription, kr. 3 :50 ; rate for other
America. countries, kr. 4 :50 ; Tunnelgatan 25,
Juventud: Spanish youth's paper; 8- Stockholm, Sweden ; editor, 0. An-
page biweekly; annual subscription, gervo.
2.50 min ; foreign, US$.75 ; pub- Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly: Con-
lished by Casa Editora Sudamericana, taining lessons and notes, translated
Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires, from the English. Pacific Press Pub-
Argentina, South America ; editor, lishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
J. A. Bonjour.
Sabbatsskollaxan (Sabbath School Les-
Lecciones para la Escuela Sabatica: 36 sons Quarterly) containing the Sev-
pages ; containing the General Confer- enth-day Adventist Sabbath School
ence Sabbath School Department les- Departments lessons in Swedish ; an-
sons in Spanish ; annual subscription, nual subscription in Sweden, Skr.
20 cents ; Casa Editors Sudamericana, 2.00; Foreign, Skr. 3.00.

Skins Vfiktare: 8-page weekly church TELUGU

and missionary paper; Pacific Press Messenger: a monthly church paper
Publishing Assn.,Brookfield, Ill. ; published by the Telugu Missions, and
editor, Olaf Granu nd. printed at Nuzvid, Kistna District,
Sundhetsbladet (Health Journal) : 24- South India ; editor and translator,
page monthly; annual subscription, 0. B. Jonathan.
kr. 8 :00, for other countries, kr. 9 :6,0 ;
Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden ; Marga Darsi (Pathfinder) : a 20-page
editor, L Unhall. monthly missionary paper published
Tidens Tecken: 16-page monthly; an- by and printed at the Oriental Watch-
man Publishing House, Post Box 35,
nual subscription, kr. 5 :00, rate for Poona, India ; editor, E. M. Meleen ;
other countries, kr. 6 :00 ; Tunnel- associate editor, Ch. B. Williams;
gatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden ; editor, annual subscription, Rs. 5/12.
0. Angervo.
Mizpa: 8-page monthly church paper; Tala'fekau Mo'oni (True Messenger) : 4
Pesos 3.00, a year ; foreign, US $1.50 ; pages; bimonthly; annual subscrip-
Philippine Publishing House, Manila, tion 1/-; issued by the Tongan Mis-
Philippines. sion.
Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 72 UKRAINIAN
pages, containing primary and senior
lessons. Philippine Publishing House, Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages;
Manila, Philippines. containing the General Conference
TAHITIAN Sabbath School Department lessons
in Ukranian ; Pacific Press Publishing
Tiarama (The Light) : 8-page monthly; Assn. ; Brookfield, Ill., U.S.A.
annual subscription 3/9 ; issued by the
Society Islands Mission at Tahiti, Signs of the Times, The: Monthly mis-
Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. sionary paper published by the Cana-
dian Union Conference, at College
TAMIL Heights, Alberta, Canada. Annual
subscription, 60 cents; editor-in-chief,
Messenger: a monthly church paper
published by the Tamil Missions and S. J. Demchuk.
printed at Lowry Memorial High URDU
School of Seventh-day Adventists,
Krishnarajapuram P. 0., Bangalore, Qasid-Jadid: a monthly church paper
India; editor and translator, Y. G. published by the Northwest India
Thomas. Union Mission. Address: 48 Lawrence
Nalwazhi (The Good Way) : a 20-page Road, Lahore, Pakistan ; editor, F.
monthly missionary paper, published M. Sajid.
by and printed at, the Oriental Watch- YORUBA
man Publishing House, Post Box 35,
Poona, India ; editor, E. M. Meleen ; Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly: 32
associate editor, J. S. Dason ; annual pages; printed by The Advent Press,
subscription, Rs. 5/12. Nigeria, West Africa.

Division Periodicals
Australasian Record: Official organ of E. M. Meleen, Post Box 35, Poona,
the Australasian Inter-Union Confer- India.
ence; 8-page weekly; annual sub- Far Eastern Division Outlook: Organ
scription 5s ; foreign countries, 10 /6 ; of Far Eastern Division, Singapore,
published at Wahroonga, N.S.W., Colony of Singapore; 4-page monthly;
Australia ; editor, A. G. Stewart ; as- subscription price, U.S. $.50 per year.
sistant editor, Constance M. Greive.
Inter-American Division Messenger:
China Division Reporter, The: Organ 8-12 page bimonthly ; Box 228, Coco-
of the China Division of the General nut Grove, Miami, Florida, U.S.A.,
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; editor, W. E. Murray; associate editor
8 to 12 pages monthly ; subscription E. F. Hackman ; assistant editor, Ef-
price, $1.00 U.S. a year; editor, Bes- fie A. James.
sie Mount ; issued at 526 Ningkuo Mensajero de la Division Inter-Ameri-
Road, Shanghai 19, China. cana, El (Spanish) : 8-12-page bi-
monthly; Box 228, Coconut Grove,
rn Tidings: Official organ of the Miami, Florida, U.S.A.; editor, W. E.
Easte Asia Division ; 8-page Murray; associate editor, E. F. Hack-
semimonthly ; Rs. 2. a year ; editor, man ; assistant editor, Effie A. James.

Quarterly Review: Organ of the South- Aires, Argentina, South America; edi-
ern European Division of the Gen- tor, 0. A. Blake; assistant editor,
eral Conference; editor, M. Fridlin, Mrs. Eva Mae Baerg.
17 Hbheweg, Berne, Switzerland.
Southern African Division Outlook:
South American Bulletin: Organ of the Fortnightly ; annual subscription 2 /6 ;
South American Division of the Gen- published by the Southern African
eral Conference; 8-page bimonthly; Division of the General Conference of
annual subscription price, 50 cents Seventh-day Adventists, Claremont,
gold a year; issued at Calle Virrey del Cape, South Africa; editor, Mrs. G.
Pino 3801, Suc. 27, R. 4, Buenos F. Visser, Jr.

Union Conf ere nce Periodicals

Atlantic Union Gleaner: Official organ Columbia Union Visitor: Official organ
of the Atlantic Union Conference; of the Columbia Union Conference;
8-page weekly; 50 cents a year; pub- 8-page weekly; 75 cents; published
lished at South Lancaster, Mass., and at Washington College Press, Takoma
printed by the College Press ; editor, Park, Washington 12, D.C. ; editor,
T. R. Gardner. Warren F. Adams.
British Advent Messenger: Official or- Herald Adventista: (Spanish). An
gan of the British Union Conference; 8-page monthly published by the An-
8-pages; published fortnightly; an- tillian Union Mission, General Peraza,
nual subscription, 3/6 ($.72). Stan- Havana, Cuba. Printed by Colegio
borough Press, Ltd., Stanborough Adventists, Santa Clara, Cuba ; edi-
Park, Watford, Herts., England; tor, H. B. Lundquist; associate editor,
editor, W. L. Emmerson. C. R. Taylor.
British West Indies Union Visitor, The: Lake Union Herald: Official organ of
8-page monthly ; 2 shillings a year; the Lake Union Conference ; 8 to 16-
editor, ; published by page weekly ; $1.00 a year ; published
the British West Indies Union Mis- at Berrien Springs, Mich., and
sion of Seventh-day Adventists, Man- printed by the College Press; editor,
deville, Jamaica; printed by the West W. F. Grail, advisory editor, E. L.
Indian Training College, Mandeville, Green,
Jamaica, British West Indies. Mexican Union Voice"La Voz de la
Canadian Union Messenger: Official or- Union Mexicana," (Spanish) Pub-
gan of the Canadian Union Confer- lished in Monterrey, N. L., Mexico;
ence ; 8-page biweekly ; 50 cents a editor, H. F. House; associate editor,
year; published" by the Canadian Henry J. Westphal; assistants, Alma
Union Conference at College Heights, B. del Castillo, Francisco Jimenez.
via Lacombe, Alberta; editor, H. A. Middle East Union Messenger: Official
Shepard, Box 396, Oshawa, Ontario. organ of the Middle East Union Mis-
Caribbean Union Gleanings: Published sion ; 16 pages; published monthly.
monthly by the Caribbean Union Mis- Post Office Box 1011, Beirut, Lebanon.
sion of Seventh-day Adventists, Box North Pacific Union Gleaner: Official
221, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I. ; organ of the North Pacific Union
price per year, 48 cents; editor, J. 0. Conference; 8-page weekly; 50 cents
Emmerson ; associate editors, Robert a year; published by the North
H. Pierson, P. W. Manuel. Pacific Union Conference, 1544 S. E.
Hawthorne Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg.
Central Union Reaper: Organ of the
Central Union Conference; 8-page Northern Union Outlook: Official or-
weekly ; annual subscription, 60 gan of the Northern Union Confer.
cents; published at College View ence ; 8-page weekly ; 50 cents yearly ;
Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr. ; managing published by Oak Park Press, Nevada,
editor, W. B. Mohr ; editor, Martha Iowa, for the Northern Union Con-
'Helen Huffines. ference of Seventh-day Adventists,
501 Forest Ave., Minneapolis 4, Minn.;
Colombia-Venezuela Union Herald"El editor, A. R. Smouse.
Herald." la Union Colombo-Venezo-
lana": (Spanish) Published by the Notes of Progress: Published monthly
Colombia-Venezuela Union Mission of by the Malayan Union Mission, 399
Seventh-day Adventists, Apartado 39, Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore,
Medellin, Colombia, South-America; Colony of Singapore. (Temporarily
size, 8 pages; editor, G. C. Nickle. suspended.)

Pacific Union Recorder: Official organ western Union Conference, 2829 W.

of the Pacific Union Conference ; 8- Cantey St., Forth Worth 4, Texas ;
page weekly ; 60 cents yearly ; pub- printed by the College Press, Keene,
lished at the Pacific Union College Texas; editor, J. C. Kozel; associate
Press ; editor, C. L. Torrey ; mail ad- editor, J. W. Turner.
dress, Angwin, Calif.
Southern Tidings: Organ of the South-
Pilot, The (English and Spanish) : A 4- ern Union Conference; 8-page weekly;
page monthly; published by the Cen- 50 cents yearly ; published by South-
tral American Union Mission, Apar- ern Union Conference, 437 E. Ponce
tado 1059, San Jose, Costa Rica ; edi- de Leon Ave., Decatur, Ga. ; printed
tor, 3. L. Brown ; office editor, D. A. by College Press, Collegedale, Tenn.
West African Advent Messenger: pub-
Record, The: Official organ of the South- lished by West African Union Mis-
western Union Conference ; 8-page sion, Box 1016, Accra, Gold Coast,
weekly; $1.00; published by South- West Africa ; editor, M. Duplouy.

Local Periodicals
Haitian Messenger: (French) 8-page Light Bearer, The: An 8-page
monthly periodical, published by the monthly published in the interests of
Haitian Mission, Port-au-Prince, the Missionary Volunteer work in the
Haiti; furnished free to the constitu- British Union Conference; annual
ency. subscription by post 5/6 ($1.13). The
Stanbofough Press Limited, Stan-
borough Park, Watford, Herts., Eng-
Indian Missionary, The: A monthly pub- land; editor, E. L. Minchin.
lication devoted to the interests of
Indian Mission work in the Arizona Notes and News: 6-pages; published
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, monthly for workers, members, and
Post Office Box 1871, Phoenix, Ariz.; students; $.50 per year; published by
editor, Orno Follett. the Siam Mission.

School and Sani tarium Journals

Academy Post: 4-page monthly, pub- Campus Chronicle, The: 4-page weekly;
lished during the school year by the published by the Student Association
Students Association of the San of Pacific Union College, Angwin,
Diego Union Academy, 2700 East 4th Calif., during the school year ; editor,
Street., National City, California ; Joseph Amato.
subscription price, $.75 per year;
editor, Anna Fae Williams. Campus Echoes: 4-page monthly by the
Campus Echoes staff of Enterprise
Alma Colegial: (Spanish) 4-page Academy, Enterprise, Kansas; $100
monthly; issued by the student body a year.
of the Chillan Training School; $15
Cedar Log, The: 4-page semimonthly,
(Chilean pesos) per year; published
published by the Cedar Lake Acad-
at Casilla 7 D., Chillan, Chile, South
emy, Cedar Lake, Michigan. Sub-
scription price, 75 cents.
Bethelight, The: 8 pages, published ten
times during the school year; Bethel Clock Tower, The: Published biweekly
Academy, Arpin, Wisconsin; editor, during school year and every month
Carol Larson ; sponsor, Mildred Sum- during the summer by Union College
merton. under the auspices of the depart-
ment of English. Subscription rate:
Boulder Calton Sentinel: 4-page, issued $1.25 per year. College View Station,
quarterly, by the Boulder-Colorado Lincoln 6, Nebraska. President, Rob-
Sanitarium Nurses Alumni Assn., ert Hamilton ; editor, Russell Strom.
Boulder, Colo.; subscription price 60
cents per year; editor, Verna John- College Criterion: 4-page weekly; pub-
son. lished by the students of La Sierra
College, Arlington, Calif. ; subscrip-
Broadview Exponent, The: 4 pages, pub- tion, $1; editor, Frank Jobe.
lished eight times a year by the stu-
dents of the Broadview Academy, La College Echoes: (English and Arabic)
Grange, Ill. Subscription price 50 36 pages, 10 issues per year, published
cents a year; editor, Wanda Porter. by the students of the Middle East

College (Adventist College of Beirut), Key, The: 4-page, 9 issues per year;
Post Office Box 1170, Beirut, Lebanon. published by the students of Glendale
Union Academy, Glendale 6, Calif.;
College Voice: 4-page monthly, pub- 50 cents a year; editor, Eugene Nash.
lished by the Philippine Union Col-
lege, General Delivery, Manila, Philip- Lancastrian, The: Biweekly, 18 num-
pines; Local Pesos 2.50; foreign, US bers; published by the student associa-
$1.50. tion of Atlantic Union College and
South Lancaster Academy, South
Collegian, The: 4-page weekly, by The Lancaster, Mass.
Associated Students of Walla Walls Lynwood Log: 4-page monthly, pub-
College, College Place, Wash. ; $1 a lished October to May inclusive at La
year, editor, Edna Maye Alexander. Sierra College Press, Arlington, Calif.,
for the students of Lynwood Acad-
Echo: 4-page semimonthly, published emy ; subscription price, 50 cents per
during the school year by the student year ; editor, Gordon Anderson, fac-
body of the Union Springs Academy, ulty sponsor, Lillian Wynne.
Union Springs, N. Y.; subscription
price 50 cents a year; editor, Joyce Medical Arts and Sciences: 40-page
Duly. quarterly for the scientific papers of
the medical school faculty of the
Echo, El (Spanish) : 6 pages ; published College of Medical Evangelists ; pub-
six times each year by the student lished by the Review and Herald Pub-
body of the Inca Union Training lishing Association ; subscription
School; subscription price, S/ 2.00 per price, $2.00 a year; editor-in-chief,
year (Peruvian currency). Walter E. Macpherson.
Frontiersman, The: 4-page biweekly ; Medical Evangelist, The: Devoted to
published by the student body of the health reform and medical mission-
Campion Academy, Loveland, Colo. ary work; published semimonthly
subscription price, 75 cents ; editor, by the Collage of Medical Evangelists,
Alta Bassham. at Loma Linda, Calif., with no sub-
scription price; editor. 0. R. Staines.
Gateway, The: 4-page monthly; 65 cents
a year; published by the students of M. U. A. Observer: 4-page monthly,
journalism, Lodi Academy, Lodi, published during the school year by
Calif.; William Wilkinson, faculty the Modesto Union Academy ; sub-
sponsor. scription price, $1.00 a year.
G. N. Y. A. Spotlight: Published Northerner, The: 4-page monthly; pub-
monthly by the students of the lished by the students of the Maple-
Greater New York Academy, Long wood Academy, Hutchinson, Minn.:
Island, New York ; subscription price, subscription price, 75 cents; editorial
50 cents a year ; editor, Helen Larsen ; advisor, Victoria Larsen.
business manager, Herbert Klischies.
Observer, The: 4-page monthly, pub-
Hillside Radiogram, The: A monthly lished by the student body of the
publication, issued by the Alumni As- Fresno Union Academy ; subscription
sociation of the St. Helena Sani- price, $1.00 per year; editor, Ronald
tarium and Hospital Training School Berg.
for Nurses; subscription price, 50
cents per year; free to Alumni mem- Pacific Union College Bulletin: Quar-
bers ; editor, Marcella Bullock. terly; free, published by Pacific Union
College at Angwin, Napa Co., Calif.
Hour Glass: 4-page monthly, published The publications of the College in-
by the Students Association of the clude the catalog issue, summer ses-
Battle Creek Academy, Battle Creek. sion bulletin, graduate study bulletin
Mich.; subscription price 50 cents; and schedule of classes, announce-
editor, Clara Spaulding. ments for winter and spring quarters.
Journal, The: 36-page monthly pub- Reflector: 4-page monthly, published by
lished by the Alumni Association, student body of Mountain View Union
School of Medicine, the College of Academy, Mountain View, California;
Medical Evangelists ; subscription subscription price 75 cents per year;
price, $3.00 a year ; editor, Molleurus editor, Merlin Neff, Jr.
Reflector, The: Published monthly dur-
Ka Elele: 4-page monthly, published by ing the school year by the students of
the student body of the Hawaiian Forest Lake Academy, Maitland,
Mission Academy, Honolulu 4, T. H.; Florida; subscription price, $1.00 per
subscription price 75 cents per year; Year. Faculty sponsor, Mrs. Celeste
editor, Edna Ogata. Hall Kirstein.

Saleve Echo, The (L'Echo du Saleve) Student Echo, The: 4-page monthly;
(French) : 28-pages ; published five 50 cents a year by Indiana Academy,
times each year by the student body Cicero, Ind. ; editor, Grace Dunder.
of the Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve;
subscription price, 100 French francs; Student Movement, The: 8 pages; bi-
5.- Swiss francs. weekly ; $1 a year ; 18 issues ; pub-
lished by the Student Association of
Seminarian, The: 4-page bimonthly, Emmanuel Missionary College, at Ber-
free, published by the Seventh-day rien Springs, Mich. ; editor, Marilyn
Adventist Theological Seminary, Ta- Anderson.
koma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Takoma Globe, The: 4-page monthly;
Shen-Val-Lore: 4-page biweekly ; pub- published throughout the school year
lished by the Shenandoah Valley by the Students Association of Ta-
Academy, New Market, Va.; 25 cents koma Academy, Takoma Park 12,
a year; editor, Linden E. Foll. D.C.; 60 cents per year; editor,
Shiawassian: 4-page bimonthly ; pub- Evelyn Morse.
lished by the Student Association of Ungdomens Budbarare: (Swedish) Stu-
Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich. ; dents' paper of the Mission School,
50 cents a year ; editor, Lillian Foster. Ekebyholm, Rimbo, Sweden; 16-page
Sligonian, The: 4-page biweekly issued monthly; subscription, kr. 4 :00 editor,
during the school year; annual sub- Gillis Linde.
scription, $1.00, published by the Stu- Union College Alumnus: 4-page bi-
dents' Association, Washington Mis- monthly published' by the Alumni
sionary College, Takoma Park 12, Association of Union College, College
D.C.; editor, Merton Christensen. View Station, Lincoln 6, Nebraska;
Southern Accent, The: 4-page periodical Subscription price, 50 cents, or with
published biweekly at Southern association membership; editor, Vir-
Missionary College, Collegedale, Ten- ginia Rees-Ogden.
nessee. Annual subscription, $1.50.
Union College Bulletin: Published Quar-
Southwesterner, The: 4-page monthly, terly by Union College; free. College
published during the school year by View Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
the students of the Southwestern
Junior College, Keene, Texas ; $1.00 Voz del Colegio, La: (Spanish) 4-page
a year; editor, Warren Hammond. bimonthly; issued by the student
Spirit of M. V. A., The: 4-page monthly, body of the River Plate College; $.50
60 cents per year ; published by the per year; published at Puiggari,
students of Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer-
Vernon, Ohio; editor, Edwin Wilson. ica.
Spreading Oak, The: Published monthly Walla Walla College Bulletin: Quar-
except July and September by the terly; free; published by the Fac-
Oakwood College, Huntsville, Ala. ulty Publication Committee at Col-
Subscription price, 65 cents a year. lege Place, Wash.

Session Delegates Date of Convening Place of Holding

1 20 May 20, 1863 Battle Creek, Mich.
2 20 May 18, 1864 Battle Creek, Mich.
3 21 May 17, 1865 Battle Creek, Mich.
4 19 May 16, 1866 Battle Creek, Mich.
5 18 May 14, 1867 Battle Creek, Mich.
6 15 May 12, 1868 Battle 'Creek, Mich.
7 16 May 18, 1869 Battle Creek, Mich.
8 22 March 15, 1870 Battle Creek, Mich.
9 17 February 7, 1871 Battle Creek, Mich.
10 14 December 29, 1871 Battle Creek, Mich.
11 18 March 11, 1873 Battle Creek, Mich.
12 21 November 14, 1873 Battle Creek, Mich.
13 19 August 10, 1874 In camp, Battle Creek, Mich.
14 18 August 15, 1875 In camp, Battle Creek, Mich.
1st Special 15 March 31, 1876 Battle Creek, Mich.
15 16 September 19, 1876 In camp, Lansing, Mich.
2d Special 16 November 12, 13, 1876 Battle Creek, Mich.
16 20 September 20, 1877 In camp, Lansing, Mich.
3d Special 22 March 1, 1878 Battle Creek, Mich.
17 39 October 4, 1878 In camp, Battle Creek, Mich.
4th Special 29 April 17-21, 1879 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
18 39 November 7, 1879 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
5th Special 28 March 11-15, 1880 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
19 38 October 6, 1880 In camp, Battle Creek, Mich.
20 41 December 1, 1881 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
21 47 December 7, 1882 S. D. A. Church, Rome, N. Y.
22 65 November 8, 1883 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
23 67 October 30, 1884 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
24 70 November 18, 1885 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
25 71 November 18, 1886 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
26 70 November 13, 1887 S. D. A. Church, Oakland, Calif.
27 91 Oct. 17 to Nov. 4, 1888 S. D. A. Ch., Minneapolis, Minn.
28 109 Oct. 18 to Nov. 5, 1889 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.

(At the 28th session it was voted to hold biennial sessions.)

29 125 March 5-25, 1891 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
30 130 Feb. 17 to Mar. 6, 1893 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
31 150 Feb. 15 to Mar. 4, 1895 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
32 140 Feb. 19 to Mar. 8, 1897 S. D. A. Ch., College View, Nebr.
33 149 Feb. 15 to Mar. 7, 1899 S. D. A. Ch., So. Lancaster, Mass.
34 237 April 2-23, 1901 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
35 139 Mar. 27 to Apr. 13, 1903 , S. D. A. Church, Oakland, Calif.
36 197 May 11-30, 1905 Washington, D. C.

(At the 36th session it was voted to hold quadrennial sessions.)

37 328 May 13 to June 6, 1909 Washington, D. C.

38 372 May 15 to June 8, 1913 Washington, D. C.
39 451 Mar. 29 to Apr. 14, 1918 San Francisco, Calif.
40 581 May 11 to May.28, 1922 San Francisco, Calif.
41 57'7 May 27 to June 14, 1926 Milwaukee, Wis.
42 577 May 29 to June 12, 1930 San Francisco, Calif.
43 671 May 26 to June 8, 1936 San Francisco, Calif.
44 619 May 26 to June 7, 1941 San Francisco. Calif.
45 687 June 5 to June 15, 1946 Washington, D. C.



Name Date of Service

1. John Byington May 21, 1863, to May 17, 1865
2. James White May 17, 1865, to May 14, 1867
3. J. N. Andrews May 14, 1867, to May 18, 1869
4. James White May 18, 1869, to Dec. 29, 1871
5. George I. Butler Dec. 29, 1871, to Aug. 10, 1874
6. James White Aug. 10, 1874, to Oct. 6, 1880
7. George I. Butler Oct. 6, 1880, to Oct. 17, 1888
8. 0. A. Olsen Oct. 17, 1888, to Feb. 19, 1897
9. G. A. Irwin Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901
10. A. G. Daniells April 2, 1901, to May 11, 1922
11. W. A. Spicer May 11, 1922, to May 28, 1930
12. C. H. Watson May 28, 1930, to May 26, 1936
13. J. L. McElhany May 26, 1936, to


Name Date of Service
1. Uriah Smith May 21, 1863, to Nov. 14, 1873
2. S. Brownsberger Nov. 14, 1873, to Aug. 10, 1874
3. Uriah Smith Aug. 10, 1874, to Sept. 19, 1876
4. C. W. Stone Sept. 19, 1876, to Sept. 20, 1877
5. Uriah Smith Sept. 20, 1877, to Dec. 1, 1881
6. A. B. Oyen Dec. 1, 1881, to Nov. 8, 1883
7. Uriah Smith Nov. 8, 1883, to Oct. 17, 1888
8. Dan T. Jones Oct. 17, 1888, to Mar. 5, 1891
9. W. A. Colcord Mar. 5, 1891, to Mar. 6, 1893
10. L. T. Nicola Mar. 7, 1893, to Feb. 19, 1897
11. L. A. Hoopes Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901
12. H. E. Osborne April 2, 1901, to April 11, 1903
13. W. A. Spicer April 11, 1903, to May 11, 1922
14. A. G. Daniells May 11, 1922, to May 27, 1926
15. C. K. Meyers May 27, 1926, to Oct. 17, 1933
16. M. E. Kern Oct. 22, 1933, to May 26, 1936
17. E. D. Dick May 26, 1936, to


Name Date of Service
1. E. S. Walker May 21, 1863 to May 17, 1865
2. I. D. Van Horn May 17. 1865 to May 12, 1868
3. J. N. Loughborough May 12, 1868 to May 18, 1869
4. E. S. Walker May 18, 1869 to Mar. 15, 1870
5. G. H. Bell Mar. 15, 1870 to Feb. 7, 1871
6. Mrs. A. P. Van Horn Feb. 7, 1871 to Mar. 11, 1873
- 7. E. B. Gaskill Mar. 11, 1873 to Aug. 10, 1874
8. Harmon Lindsay Aug. 10, 1874 to Aug. 15, 1875
9. Miss Fredericka House Aug. 15, 1875 to Sept. 19, 1876
10. U. Smith Sept. 19, 1876 to Sept. 20, 1877
11. Mrs. M. J. Chapman Sept. 20, 1877 to Nov. 8, 1883
12. A. R. Henry Nov. 8, 1883 to Oct. 17, 1888
13. Harmon Lindsay Oct. 17, 1888 to Feb. 17, 1893
14. W. H. Edwards Feb. 17, 1893 to Feb. 19, 1897
15. A. G. Adams Feb. 19, 1897 to Oct. 21, 1900
16. H. M. Mitchell Nov. 12, 1900 to Mar. 27, 1903
17. I. H. Evans Mar. 27, 1903 to May 13, 1909
18. W. T. Knox May 13, 1909 to May 11, 1922
19. J. L. Shaw May 11, 1922 to May 26, 1936
20. W. E. Nelson May 26 1936 to

In the three preceding tables the dates given indicate the time when the Con
Terence sessions were convened.


Organizations North America Foreign Total
From 1946 Financial Statement:
Conferences $26,110,659.81 $17,374,326.93 $43,484,986.74
Associations 8,492,059.66 12,958,163.96 21,450,223.62
Book and Bible Houses 1,484,865.73 567,213.95 2,052,079.68
Educational Institutions 19,422,514.32 3,440,910.78 22,863,425.10
Medical Institutions 14,750,749.56 2,222,008.69 17,898,198.25
Publishing Houses 6,012,030.68 3,147,448.69 8,234,039.37
Food Factories 829,491.02 490,364.40 1,319,855.42
Radio Evangelism 612,993.29 11,607.78 624,601.07
Totals $77,715,364.07 $40,212,045.18 $117,927,409.25
From 1946 Statistical Report:
Church Buildings $12,773,650.51 $ 4,677,148.44 $17,450,798.95
Church School Buildings, etc. . 2,473,568.72 588,793.59 3,062,362.31
Totals $15,247,219.23 $ 5,265,942.03 $20,513,161.26
Grand Totals, 1946 $92,962,583.30 $45,477,987.21 $138,440,570.51
Per Cent 67.15 32.85 100.00
Union Local Mission Total Denomi-
Year Conferences Conferences Fields Institutions national Invest.
1865 .. 7 1 1 $ 88,712.53
1875 18 2 5 282,179.55
1885 28 3 11 885,382.97
1895 36 22 29 2,858,725.82
1905 18 80 66 126 4,799,419.61
1910 23 106 87 188 10,086,246.27
1913 26 126 101 151 12,812,783.61
1914 26 128 106 147 14,039,279.89
1915 26 130 109 147 14,254,615.45
1916 26 130 113 149 15,284,215.27
1917 81 136 119 156 16,873,422.54
1918 35 141 117 164 19,975,500.49
1919 44 133 141 172 25,432,582.52
1920 46 148 153 183 30,699,461.49
1921 51 139 160 204 34,196,049.15
1922 66 148 153 224 36,903,593.95
1923 64 146 150 234 40,675,238.72
1924 62 138 164 248 44,971,881.12
1925 60 139 180 266 45,648,299.24
1926 65 143 198 255 48,025,317.33
1927 64 146 211 291 49,293,887.27
1928 65 153 222 328 50,281,614.54
1929 67 155 245 375 53,314,348.60
1930 71 160 270 399 54,115,482.55
1931 71 155 278 417 54,114,844.52
1932 70 144 289 424 53,235,460.37
1933 70 146 309 441 53,979,143.72
1934 70 144 318 443 56,045,968.38
1935 69 146 320 446 57,745,120.18
1936 '70 143 328 489 60,026,066.23
1937 69 145 333 498 64,271,475.01
1938 69 136 315 523 60,348,878.04
1939 69 183 306 518 62,128,579.07
1940 69 136 194. 521 64,704,751.82
1941 69 137 193 535 66,776,612.19
1942 68 136 194 646 74,785,933.08
1943 67 136 185 540 86,141,653.96
1944 69 135 492 557 100,443,162.13
1945 69 137 197 510 118,565,591.70
1946 70 137 204 535 138,440,570.51
1947 71 136 205 545
Including only regularly organized mission fields,


Per Per
Year Amount Capita Year Amount Capita
1907 $ 7,281,646.29 $ 90.01 1927 49,293,887.27 179.86
1908 8,436,309.41 101.46 1928 50,281,614.54 176.24
1909 9,562,722.05 108.05 1929 63,314,348.60 177.98
1910 10,086,246.27 111.07 1980 54,115,482.55 172.20
1911 11,204,962.35 119.99 1931 54,114,844.52 161.03
1912 12,084,438.13 123.26 1982 53,235,460.37 147.02
1913 12,812,783.61 111.84 1938 53,979,143.72 140.52
1914 14,039,279.39 111.56 1934 56,045,968.38 138.55
1915 14,254,615.45 104.14 1985 57,745,120.18 186.52
1916 15,284,215.27 108.02 1936 60,026,066.23 137.00
1917 16,873,422.64 109.66 1937 64,271,475.01 141.96
1918 19,975,500.49 122.80 1988 60,348,878.04 128.42
1919 25,432,582.52 142.69 1989 62,128,679.07 127.66
1920 30,699,461.49 165.54 1940 64,704,751.82 128.19
1921 34,196,049.15 172.63 1941 66,776,612.19 128.26
1922 36,903,593.95 176.77 1942 74,785,933.08 139.75
1923 40,675,238.72 183.33 1943 86,141,653.96 158.14
1924 44.971,881.12 188.44 1944 100,443,162.13 180.08
1925 45,648,299.24 181.87 1945 118,565,591.70 205.71
1926 48,025,317.33 183.42 1946 138,440,570.51 231.24


Foreign All Per Cap.
Year Membership Annual Tithe Miss. Offgs. - Other Fds. Tot. Fds.
1863 3,500 $ 8,000.00 $ $ $ 2.29
1865 4,000 12,000.00 8.00
1870 6,440 21,822.46 4.66
1876 8,022 32,618.62 536.57 4.18
1880 15,570 61,856.88 3,160.22 2,784.35 4.36
1885 20,547 122,641.69 21,649.85 6,898.74 7.36
1890 29,711 225,433.98 50,495.63 10,935.36 9.66
1895 47,680 309,142.76 73,331.54 24,819.40 8.66
1900 75,767 510,258.97 130,151.09 21,558.93 8.74
1905 87,311 858,014.91 169,335.11 153,567.62 13.62
1910 104,626 1,838,689.65 458,943.70 426,134.17 21.27
1915 136,879 1,968,168.26 872,666.84 566,463.07 24.89
1920 186,450 7,195,463.04 3,251,550.01 1,407,391.18 63.92
1926 260,988 6,909,496.99 3,520,347.95 1,665,502.37 44.21
1926 261,834 5,964,331.83 8,757,679.06 1,730,206.30 43.74
1927 274,064 6,211,759.20 3,770,888.29 1,962,167.53 43.58
1928 285,293 6,373,147.36 3,881,879.95 2,016,726.29 43.01
1929 299,555 6,696,038.51 4,163,857.98 1,961,795.75 42.80
1930 314,263 6,230,362.04 4,020,398.21 1,861,849.29 38.54
1931 336,046 6,641,514.44 8,649,455.31 1,743,192.47 82.84
1932 362,101 4,786,430.93 3,022,870.89 1,497,735.61 26.56
1933 884,151 4,491,730.36 2,730,641.22 1,420,280.85 22.50
1934 404,509 5,818.630.57 3,024,983.07 1,549,601.03 24.46
1985 422,968 5,743,281.80 3,160,404.29 1,699,448.13 24.81
1936 438,139 6,429,793.46 3,394,894.00 1,785,291.99 26.49
1987 452,758 7,032,921.31 3,603,504.70 1,976,763.61 27.86
1938 469,951 7,280,728.67 8,636,597.65 2,089,411.74 27.68
1939 486,670 7,631,829.39 3,701,109.16 2,167,034.55 27.74
1940 504,752 8,071,653.75 3,827,536.59 2,327,139.24 28.18
1941 520,644 9,467,574.28 4,303.444.96 2,434,368.95 31.11
1942 635,134 12,137,513.79 5,029,589.97 2,942,044.80 87.57 .
1943 544,710 15,294,796.76 6,303,487.97 4,080,964.88 47.14
1944 557,768 17,865,482.31 7,498,171.99 3,321,779.81 51.43
1945 676,378 19,423,952.64 7,837,868.00 4,278,114.80 54.72
1946 598,683 21,793,606.74 8,823,741.74 5,399,179.30 60.16
1947 628,594 23,849,625.15 9,293,140.95 5,835,730.46 62.02
Total-85 years $283,117,398.76 $134,960,856.87 $72,958,677.87
Per cent of Total 57.66% 77.48% 14,86%


The amounts following have been taken from the annual receipt and dis-
bursement statements of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists for
the several years. Prior to 1905 these reports were made up on a somewhat differ-
ent plan than since that date, and are not easily comparable. The amounts here
given represent mission contributions and percentages of tithe receipts, and other
General Conference income from the entire world field; and General Conference
expenditures for foreign mission and home appropriations, and for the General
Conference headquarters administration.

Year Receipts Expenditures Year Receipts Expenditures
1905 172,948.17 143,796.86 1927 4,679,659.66 4,773,540.18
1906 212,296.86 163,755.56 1928 5,063,654.70 4,867,933.27
1907 282,966.47 253,445.74 1929 5,217,631.99 5,384,941.16
1908 270,405.96 272,873.08 1930 5,043,215.76 6,381,604.28
1909 377,972.79 357,532.66 1931 4,733,209.45 4,938,606.82
1910 374,639.37 410,611.48 1982 3,943,385.15 3,997,644.92
1911 427,861.98 404,922.53 1933 3,081,923.38 3,217,012.65
1912 653,458.28 495,361.92 1934 3,721,069.36 3,533,726.65
1913 686,977.11 550,375.90 1935 3,906,791.04 3,614,950.04
1914 643,566.03 632,130.16 1936 4,051,769.27 3,801,000.57
1915 734,276.89 734,276.89 1937 4,316,458.97 4,264,406.54
1916 808,062.44 859,586.38 1938 4,329,530.32 4,273,289.48
1917 1,221,878.86 1,046,920.32 1939 4,533,405.82 4,325,387.87
1918 2,123,371.06 1,751,892.64 1940 4,795,206.07 4,316,330.56
1919 2,404,263.32 1,906,283.90 1941 5,621,579.55 4,705,152.61
1920 3,371,331.62 3,109,073.95 1942 6,777,210.45 5,955,888.65
1921 4,066,871.44 3,836,136.83 1943 8,928,916.79 7,733,045.36
1922 3,313,246.35 3,676,419.04 1944 10,717,558.31 9,120,660.70
1923 3,686,742.38 3,802,512.38 1945 11,651,952.05 10,516,228.38
1924 3,802,872.25 3,486,154.76 1946 13,421,752.29 12,680,137.24
1926 4,176,969.30 4,023,415.31 1947 12,731,354.30 13,713,864.37
1926 4,595,758.32 4,398,270.02


(Not including children or workers returned from furlough)

Year Workers Year Workers

1901-02 107 1925 175
1903 60 1926 216
1904 40 1927 184
1906 60 1928 169
1906 76 1929 166
1907 58 1930 183
1908 140 1931 119
1909 134 1932 67
1910 61 1933 64
1911 74 1934 72
1912 97 1935 123
1913 167 1936 131
1914 103 1937 137
1915 76 1938 148
1916 147 1939 92
1917 59 1940 122
1918 103 1941 81
1919 83 1942 44
1920 810 1943 100
1921 212 1944 111
1922 187 1945 186
1923 110 1946 370
1924 142 1947 359
Total since 1900 5,944
Year Australasia C. Europe t China Far East Inter-Amer. N. America
1908 $ 14,186.77
1909 41,183.46
1910 41,648.92
1911 82,654.45
1912 50,164.45
1913 56,282.99
1914 57,598.78
1915 78,333.26
1916 126,963.10
1917 169,170.18
1918 $22,735.58 199.920.49
1919 83,781.36 $ 5,864.71 340,992.47
1920 61,921.26 6,129.41 546,731.38
1921 93,290.40 18,232.66 527,618.77
1922 78,234.22 14,839.51 537,878.13
1923 73,722.80 16,087.21 $15,589.00 579,899.03
1924 79,136.36 22,441.69 22,090.17 589,729.33
1925 76,050.84 20,019.07 21,119.38 660,408.46
1926 71,270.94 23,298.40 21,242.48 696,315.66
1927 76,960.61 18,729.63 24,591.93 756,369.84
1928 73,050.75 55,445.18 26,464.19 827,261.96
1929 78,100.15 $87,031.61 57,024.93 29,851.69 851,416.55
1930 76,460.30 93,354.44 80,009.43 27,047.04 801,789.80
1981 62,161.33 98,634.35 $16,286.61 11,595.61 23,249.38 688,096.60
1932 63,793.55 85,656.95 17,889.45 17,164.08 19,540.39 628,710.69
1983 62,244.84 82,722.53 22,523.76 17,143.90 14,478.13 520,359.35
1934 60,622.89 52,250.94 17,768.01 18,912.16 18,494.59 639,410.11
1935 60,722.07 64,896.74 20,669.01 21,712.03 24,889.53 707,657.69
1936 65,144.78 67,637.89 18,403.45 25,309.02 26,480.93 787,819.33
1937 60,050.43 56,807.89 5,272.96 37,044.52 30,203.43 826,136.81
1938 64,461.97 49,286.24 9,199.86 45,541.69 33,801.92 850,843.73
1939 63,773.07 7,583.77 24,813,90 43,025.35 33,317.38 881,853.12
1940 67,919.93 5,200.07 16,288.24 45,288.12 34,538.68 927,744.23
1941 67,335.15 1,765.40 1,685.72 34,898.15 42,127.83 1,098,667.72
1942 65,174.96 1,635.65 54,053.60 1,243,278.72
1943 82,189.46 1,625.92 72,846.27 1,472,488.15
1944 107,259.66 13,358.55 232,820.87 85,118.52 1,731,560.06
1945 107,112.71 681,136,70 2,600.31 103,468.64 1,976,226.49
1946 114,654.17 81,896.15 6,941.31 115,160.15 2,219,502.73
1947 122,278.28 130,167.00 72,077.89 133,259.79 2,311,450.30
Totals $2,190,614.81 $749,238.44 $1,196,671.67 $736,365.96 $1,052,525.04 $27,985,259.00
Prior to 1931 included in Far East.
Hawaii included in 1918 and each succeeding year.
Netherlands only.
Publishing Treatment Advanced Food Corn- Grand
Year Houses Sanitariums Rooms Schools panies, etc Total
1920 45 33 8 97 183
1925 53 34 31 148 266
1930 67 51 55 201 25 899
1933 69 66 57 207 42 441
1935 69 72 64 208 33 446
1936 73 95 68 221 32 489
1937 75 89 64 243 27 498
1938 79 85 74 255 30 523
1939 79 86 72 252 29 518
1940 83 90 68 261 29 621
1941 63 82 81 260 29 635
1942 83 82 85 267 29 646
1943 61t 82 91 277 29 540
1944 61 84 100 285 27 657
1945 52 79 83 269 27 610
1946 51 86 82 290 27 535
1947 49 91 86 290 29 645
Beginning with 1933 a varying number of self-supporting schools and medical
institutions have been included.
flater 1942 printing plants operated in connection with schools are not included.
N. Europe t S. Africa S. America S. Asia S. Europe t Miscel- Totals
ass laneous
$ 14,136.77
$12,942.18 627,724.23
$ 88,788.97 $ 8,837.47 25,296.06 762,064.33
71,137.57 8,936.45 27,920.36 $ 5,702.75 744,648.99
77,781.35 13,618.81 33,408.18 8,852.30* 818,868.68
123,274.59 15,245.10 39,556.21 6,474.15 897,946.60
149,898.64 14,854.60 40,053.56 7,098.00 979,502.45
152,337.02 17,129.46 29,850.01 6,599.00 1,017,042.96
171,350.08 16,136.18 27,892.85 6,813.98 1,098,846.10
179,905.13 22,951.76 29,375.48 5,060.55 1,219,515.00
92,489.65 27,186.15 84,168.76 5,246.06 $42,828.29 1,304,838.83
99,695.20 29,566.12 82,182.88 11,981.45 47,058.83 1,298,035.44
87,882.98 28,097.82 32,491.64 9,850.92 50,381.77 1,108,128.46
78,164.31 24,086.53 27,776.75 8,825.71 46,612.06 913,009.47
97,870.06 27,205.26 25,182.17 10,103.06 45,695.45 925,428.50
102,628.93 31,289.87 27,796.29 14,611.71 44,569.37 1,028.349.86
107,667.94 35,403.84 80,996.63 15,770.56 43,490.16 1,123,276.19
111,846.95 42,181.06 31,976.84 18,695.78 40,141.63 1,225,136.66
119,939.25 61,621.86 83,218.29 17,427.69 60,999.18 1,288,616.79
121,836.02 50,535.44 83,803.82 17,161.59 60,819.55 1,327,291.82
113,008.51 57,040.20 31,091.68 14,079.02 31,494.15 1,301,080.16
73,630.33 69,130.72 29,991.29 19,231.05 29,973.01 1,308,935.67
161,278.07 74,685.52 35,652.60 19,544.64 33,667.18 1,571,197.98
76,477.57 98,906.32 41,126.19 15,857.21 9,346.98 1,604,757.20
130,998.44 121,419.39 54,936.37 22,786.68 1,959,290.67
132,974.11 157,967.28 75,354.88 35,292.11 2,671,706.04
520,262.54 173,882.07 92,463.44 44,441.82 74,670.68 10,810.83 3,687,076.23
239,188.23 195,651.27 112,604.24 42,040.85 421.75 3,127,060.85
144,281.02 167,232.90 135,517.04 35,281.35 78,248.78 131,090.75 3,460,885.10
$3,619,338.40$1,570,588.33$1,184,618.64 $423,829.98 $719,292.06 $142,323.33 $41,570,665.66
* 5 United European Division, 1921-1928, inclusive.
t European Division divided into Central, Northern, and Southern Divisions in 1929.


Year Societies Members Year Societies Members
1902 186 3,478 1928 3,555 75,776
1905 196 8,471 1929 3,694 78,094
1906 400 6.400 1930 3,825 84,823
1907 461 8,933 1931 4,211 86,668
1910 647 12,408 1932 4,064 94,203
1913 964 19,428 1933 4,730 107,861
1914 1,070 19,898 1934 5,068 112,126
1915 1,196 23,442 1935 5,381 116,883
1916 1,342 25,836 1936 6,611 122,679
1917 1,369 26,337 1937 5,923 180,748
1918 1,446 27,879 1938 6,230 134,486
1919 1,681 82,921 1939 6,512 140,826
1920 2,030 41,916 1940 6,622 148,698
1921 2,147 45,012 1941 6,774 153,826
1922 2,285 46,933 1942 7,153 176,253
1923 2,841 48,760 1943 7,232 173.196
1924 2.574 53,522 1944 7,442 186,087
1926 3,042 59,723 1945 ,.. 7,882 191,650
1926 8,121 66,031 1946 7,600 171,834
1927 3,820 65,186 1947 8,173 210,327

Per Cent to
Year No. Schools Membership Contributions Missions
1878 177 5,851 $ 25.00
1880 451 11,821 2,784.35
1890 1,414 33,783 28,642.76 61.83
1900 2,334 50,804 46,794.40 53.94
1910 4,151 101,161 138,037.72 97.67
1915 5,225 147,784 412,759.28 100.00
1920 6,151 195,663 1,441,962.40 100.00
1925 7,957 287,752 1,674,446.40 100.00
1926 8,276 311,018 1,776,746.96 100.00
1927 8,502 323,992 1,816,419.18 100.00
1928 9,021 342,434 1,906.606.28 100.00
1929 9,621 868,844 1,978,497.22 100.00
1930 9,966 882.743 1,870,343.13 100.00
1931 10,678 410,714 1,727,089.97 100.00
1932 11,140 431,118 1,504,985.23 100.00
1933 11,466 466,755 1,309,704.47 100.00
1934 11,967 491,067 1,384,872.19 100.00
1935 12,630 619,990 1,447,961.97 100.00
1936 13,009 541,489 1,546,466.78 100.00
1937 13,820 663,389 1,669,833.86 100.00
1938 13,536 588,358 1,705,490.28 100.00
1939 14,010 611,123 1,718,204.93 100.00
1940 14,817 618,507 1,765,277.38 100.00
1941 14,543 646,192 1,931,726.26 100.00
1942 14,436 641,192 2,927.770.07 100.00
1943 14,436 654,370 3,005,825.14 100.00
1944 14,602 669,863 3,544,888.34 100.00
1945 15,640 688,281 3,796,809.89 100.00
1946 14,443 707,428 4,198,516,62 100.00
1947 15,107 765,952 4,290,178.33 100.00

No. Elementary Elementary Elementary No. Colleges
Year Schools Teachers Enrollment Acad., etc. Teachers Enrollment
1872 1 3 90
1880 1 1 15 1 20 490
1890 9 15 360 7 66 979
1900 220 250 5.000 26 199 2,357
1915 692 849 13,413 67 674 4,897
1920 928 1,273 23,481 97 1,020 9,640
1925 1,413 1,847 48,769 148 1,606 11,640
1926 1,479 2,041 46,028 121 1,399 12,389
1927 1,307 1,787 38,008 144 1,433 13,591
1928 1,348 1,957 37,77S 175 1,758 15,597
1929 1,971 2,640 64,563 204 1,596 16,426
1930 1,977 2,547 67,719 201 1,794 17,058
1931 1,937 2,584 , 66,288 196 1,791 16,094
1932 1,650 2,171 55,268 204 2,189 13,199
1933 2,064 2,807 71,579 207 2,325 12,830
1934 2,130 2,896 72,625 214 2,459 14,166
1935 2,367 3,074 81,052 208 2,698 15,603
1936 2,514 8,283 83,605 221 2,432 16,873
1937 2,526 3,471 88,048 243 2,633 18,155
1938 2,483 3,356 81,268 255 2,673 18,114
1939 2,511 8,491 83,786 262 2,749 18,061
1940 2,626 3,753 91,594 251 2,782 19,185
1941 2,871 8,799 99,740 260 1,927 20,220
1942 2,982 8,973 108,838 267 2,505 20,514
1943 3,027 4,305 107,447 277 2,268 21,082
1944 3,116 4,411 113,945 285 2,497 22,572
1945 3,189 4,777 123,581 269 2,750 24,563
1946 3,341 4,772 128,877 290 3,356 27,887
1947 3,474 5,222 141,463 290 3,222 28,832

The number of elementary school teachers in colleges, academies, and inter-

mediate schools are not included after 1940.
No. of Sanitariums
Year and Treatment Rooms No. of Physicians Total Employees Assets
1866 1 2 14 $ 24,800.60
1870 1 6 35 44,221.54
1875 1 7 125 70,189.22
1880 2 10 165 190,956.74
1885 2 13 225 310,808.81
1890 8 15 315 548,923.46
1896 7 33 477 800,786.99
1900 27 74 1,216 1,294,474.73
1905 55 80 1,300 1,600,000.00
1910 74 116 1,989 3,368,041.46
1915 40 65 1,663 2,774,058.94
1920 41 80 2,225 4,309,701.10
1921 44 82 2,331 4,580,093.90
1922 60 83 2,428 6,361,230.10
1923 51 117 2,953 6,386,311.82
1924 63 138 3,091 6,634,477.72
1926 65 127 3,281 6,699,665.16
1926 62 130 3,302 7,088,086.56
1927 71 165 3,434 7,318,624.16
1928 81- 139 3,454 7,345,047.23
1929 96 143 3,965 7,625,972.48
1930 106 146 3,867 7,999,591.83
1931 112 151 3,683 8,267,221.92
1932 108 138 3,371 8,229,915.09
1933* 123 165 3,656 8,469,711.05
1934 131 178 4,341 8,903,507.13
1935 138 193 4,565 9,192.943.67
1936 163 232 5,157 9,992,574.27
1937 163 242 6,644 9,574,428.86
1938 159 254 5,560 9,638,708.48
1939 158 220 5,738 9,585,186.19
1940 158 251 6,184 9,687,457.49
1941 163 262 6,231 10,072,803.01
1942 167 293 6,685 10,818,773.39 s.
1943 173 293 5,758t 12,713,673.25
1944 184 296 5,885 14,242,977.51
1945 172 266 6,013 15,843,184.74
1946 167 267 6,455 17,898,198.25
1947 177 336 7,229

Between 1912 and 1933 self-supporting sanitariums and treatment rooms were
not included in the General Conference statistics. Hence the smaller number of
institutions, physicians and total workers between these dates. The assets through-
out are for denominationally-owned institutions only.
f Student nurses not included after 1942.


Mem- Sabbath Mem- Miss. Vol. Mem- and
Churches bers Schools hers Societies bers Welfare
Australasia 476 23,923 732 35,831 478 15.008 95
Central Europe 757 36,962 980 36,962 353 10,602
China 296 20,540516 21,998 68 2,708 24
Far East 779 38,225 1,101 37,279 504 10,593 205
Inter-America 841 62,706 1,628 80,301 1,207 27,019 251
North America 2,750 228,179 2,956 206,411 2,572 56,801 3,718
Northern Europe 360 19,305 536 17,364 160 2,750 84
South America 319 46,144 1,299 59,626 826 22,771 273
Southern Africa 465 54,498 2,209 118,703 1,255 28,047 54
Southern Asia 204 ' 9,338 420 17,761 102 3,827 77
Southern Europe 1,275 50,830 1,371 65,885 285 19,653 242
Unattached Unions 279 21,431 718 47,770 283 9,348 4
U.S.S.R. (Estimated) 753 16,513 641 20,071 80 1,200
Totals 9,554 628,594 15,107 765,952 8,173 210,327 5,027

No. Pub. Em- Peri- Languages-all Total
Year Houses ployes odicals Publications Annual Sales
1850 .. 1 1 $
1855 1 7 2 1 2,000.00
1860 1 17 2 1 3,000.00
1865 1 20 2 1 4,000.00
1870 1 30 3 1 7,000.00
1875 3 71 8 2 18,000.00
1880 4 128 10 7 40,000.00
1885 6 232 21 9 121,692.36
1890 7 412 24 12 734,397.00
1895 11 585 40 23 250,000.00
1900 13 600 96 39 250,000.00
1905 20 400 89 46 548,067.03
1910 28 610 126 67 1,560,510.58
1915 40 698 120 95 2,174,591.94
1925 53 965 177 128 4,631,706.47
1930 67 1,145 219 146 4,715,709.89
1931 68 1,090 237 152 4,002,774.54
1932 68 1,075 246 157 3,499,304.93
1933 69 1,060 249 161 3,387,682.66
1934 69 1,090 250 169 3,416,345.80
1935 69 1,090 256 171 3,546,804.60
1936 73 1,154 282 194 3,622,299.38
1937 75 1,271 310 194 4,066,181.07
1938 79 1,221 316 195 4,190,330.13
1939 '79 1,324 321 199 4,532,743.77
1940 83 1,255 329 202 3,784,032.84*
1941 83 1,262 329 200 4,275,853.68
1942 83 1,293 313 200 5,467,664.99
1943 61t 1,223 313 200 7,682,683.94
1944 61 1,106 280 8,509,267.09
1945 52 1,284 273 185 9,291,594.79
1946 51 1,542 281 188 10,332,186.28
1947 49 1,641 282 190 11,477,499.76
*Beginning with 1940, annual, sales of literature have beeen computed on a
somewhat different basis, which accounts for the seeming decrease in value.
tAfter 1942 printing plants operated in connection with schools are not in-
North Outside
Year Evangelistic Institutional America North America Totals
1921 7,421 6,588 6,397 7,612 14,009
1922 7,600 6,789 6,280 8,109 14,389
1923 7,795 7,361 7,063 5,093 15,156
1924 8,679 7,726 7,275 9,130 16,405
1925 9,230 8,239 7,512 9,957 17,469
1926 9,516 8,430 7,563 10,383 17,946
1927 9,873 8,434 7,690 10,617 18,307
1928 9,765 9,101 7,999 10,867 18,866
1929 10,051 10,227 8,100 12,178 20,278
1930 10,988 10,473 8,046 13,415 21,461
1931 10,860 10,757 8,033 13,574 21,607
1932 10,749 9,966 7,395 13,320 20,716
1933 10,946 11,308 8,165 14,089 22,254
1934 11,642 12,111 8,907 14,846 23,753
1935 12,185 13,000 9,350 15,835 25,186
1936 12,589 13,964 9,650 16,903 26,553
1937 13,008 15,021 10,167 17,862 28,029
1938 13,105 14,979 10,361 17,723 28,084
1939 13,257 15,643 10,608 18,292 28,900
1940 13,579 16,191 10,505 18,265 28,770
1941 13,899 14,436 10,131 18,204 28,335
1942 14,207 15,672 10,794 19,085 29,879
1943 13,889 15,337 10,985 18,788 29,773
1944 14,648 15,017 11,158 18,607 29,665
1945 14,874 16,045 11,793 19,126 30,919
1946 14,972 17,428 13,202 19,198 32,400
1947 16,551 18,684 13,518 21,717 35,235



Special Days for Which Programs Are Provided

January 1 Home Missionary Day

January 29 Religious Liberty Day
February 5 Christian Home Day
March 5 Home-Foreign Day
March 12 Missionary Volunteer Day
March 12-19 Missionary Volunteer Week of Prayer
April 2 Ingathering Day
May 7 Medical Missionary Day
June 4 Home Missionary Day
June 18 Sabbath School Rally Day
July 2 Home Missionary Day
July 16 Mid-Summer Offering Service
July 23 Educational Day
August 6 Home Missionary Day
September 3 Home Missionary Day
September 10 Missions Extension Day
October 1 Colporteur Rally Day
October 8 Voice of Prophecy Day
October 29 Temperance Day
November 5 Home Missionary Day
November 12-19 Week of Prayer and Sacrifice
November 24 Thanksgiving Day
December 3 Home Missionary Day

Dates of Campaigns in 1949

January 8-29 Liberty Magazine Campaign

February 19-26 Signs of the Times Campaign
April 2-May 14 Ingathering Campaign
September 3-10 Missions Extension
October 15-22 Message Magazine Campaign.
November 5-26 Review and Herald Campaign

Dates of Special Offerings in 1949

January 8 Second Sabbath Mission Offering
January 29 Religious Liberty Offering
February 12 Second Sabbath Mission Offering
March 12 Riverside Sanitarium Offering (Colored
March 12 Second Sabbath Mission Offering (White
April 9 Second Sabbath Mission Offering
May 14 Second Sabbath Mission Offering
June 11 .. Second Sabbath Mission Offering
July 16 Mid-Summer Offering
July 23 Elementary Schools Offering
August 13 Offering for College of Medical Evangelists
September 10 Missions Extension Offering
October 8 Voice of Prophecy Offering
October 29 Temperance Offering
November 12 Second Sabbath Mission Offering
November 19 Week of Sacrifice and Annual Offering
December 10 Second Sabbath Mission Offering

Thirteenth Sabbath Offerings in 1949

March 26 Far Eastern Division
June 25 Southern African Division
September 24 Inter-American Division
December 31 South American Division


Countries, Islands, and Island Groups in

which Seventh-day Adventist Work
Has Been Established.
The work of Seventh-day Adventists is being carried on in nearly all of the
principal countries of the world, and in many of the smaller geographical divisions.
It is generally considered that a country or political section has been entered
by Seventh-day Adventist interest when regular medical, educational, or other
mission activities are being conducted among the people of that particular area,
or when there is in the territory one or more groups of persons connected in an
organized way with the denomination, such as in Sabbath school or church fellow-
ship. A new field is not considered as entered when only itinerant preaching or col-
porteur work has been done, or when there are only a few scattered believers.
Recognizing the need of a reliable list of political and geographical divisions
which could be used as a basis for checking the different areas in which Seventh-
day Adventist work is being carried forward, the following action was taken at the
1946 General Conference session:
"Voted, That the designations of the several sections of the world field in which
Seventh-day Adventists are conducting their work be based on the list of coun-
tries, islands, and island groups in such authoritative works as the World Almanac
and the Statesman's Yearbook."
Following this procedure, the list shown below comprises the political and
geographical divisions given in the World Almanac (1947 edition) and the
Statesman's Yearbook (latest edition 1945), with the exception of the individual
states of the United States of America, and the several continental provinces of
Canada, Australia, the Union of South Africa, British India, and Germany. The
list also includes principal island groups of the Pacific Ocean.
With world conditions as unsettled as at this time, it is not unlikely that
political changes may render difficult the maintaining of stable lists of countries
for checking purposes. Furthermore, there may be other standard catalogs of
countries which should be consulted in addition to those mentioned above. The
editors of the YEARBOOK will welcome any corrections or additions to the lists
here presented, substantiated by authoritative sources of information.
Parallelling the standard list of political and geographical areas shown below,
there are given the names of the countries, islands, and island groups in which
Seventh-day Adventist work is being conducted at the present time, as far as
they have been recorded in the General Conference office. This list also is subject
to correction by those who are intimately acquainted with conditions in the various
sections of the world field; and the list will be extended as new mission territories
are entered.
Political and geographic sections of the world as Countries and geographic
given in the WORLD ALMANAC and the areas in which Seventh-day
STATESMAN'S YEARBOOK. Adventist work is being done.
Country or Section Continent Country or Section
Aden and Protectorate Asia
Aegean Islands Europe
Afghanistan Asia
Alaska North America Alaska
Albania Europe Albania
Algeria Africa Algeria
Andamans and Nicobars Asia
Andorra Europe
Angola Africa Angola
Annam Asia Annam
Arabia, Saudi Asia .
Argentina South America Argentina
Armenia Asia Armenia
Ascension Island Africa
Australia Oceania Australia
Austral or Tabuai Islands Pacific Ocean Austral Islands
Austria Europe Austria
Azerbaijan Asia Azerbaijan
Azores North Atlantic Azores
Bahamas West Indies Bahamas
Bahrein Islands Asia

Countries in the World Countries Entered

Country or Section Continent Country or Section
Balearic Isles Europe Balearic Isles
Bali and Lombok Asia Bali and Lombok
Baluchistan Asia Baluchistan
Bangka Asia Bangka
Barbados West Indies Barbados
Baroda (India) Asia Baroda
Basutoland Africa Basutoland
Bechuanaland Africa Bechuanaland
Belgium Europe Belgium
Bermuda North America Bermuda
Bhutan Asia
Billiton Asia Billiton
Bismarck Islands Oceania Bismarck Islands
Bohemia-Moravia Europe Bohemia-Moravia
Bolivia South America Bolivia
Borneo, Colony of, Asia Borneo, Colony of,
North North
Borneo, Netherland Asia Borneo, Netherland
Brazil South America Brazil
British Honduras Central America British Honduras
Brunei Asia Brunei
Bulgaria Europe Bulgaria
Burma Asia Burma
Cambodia Asia Cambodia
Cameroons, British Africa Cameroons, British
Cameroons, French Africa Cameroons, French
Canada North America Canada
Canary Isles North Atlantic Canary Isles
Cape Verde Isles North Atlantic Cape Verde Isles
Caroline Islands Pacific Ocean Caroline Islands
Cayman Islands West Indies Cayman Islands
Channel Islands Europe
Celebes Asia Celebes
Ceylon Asia Ceylon
Chad Colony (French Equit.) Africa Chad Colony
Chile South America Chile
China (except Manchuria) Asia China
Cochin-China Asia Cochin-China
Colombia South America Colombia
Congo, Belgian Africa Congo, Belgian
Cook Islands Pacific Ocean Cook Islands
Corsica Europe Corsica
Costa Rica Central America Costa Rica
Crete Europe
Cuba West Indies Cuba
Curacao South America Curacao
Cyprus Europe Cyprus
Cyrenaica Africa
Czechoslovakia Europe Czechoslovakia
Dahomey Africa Dahomey
Dakar and Dependencies Africa
Danzig Europe Danzig
Denmark Europe Denmark
Dominican Republic West Indies Dominican Republic
Ecuador South America Ecuador
Egypt Africa Egypt
Ellice Islands Oceania Ellice Islands
England Europe England
Eritrea Africa Eritrea
Estonia Europe Estonia
Ethiopia (Abyssinia) Africa Ethiopia
Faroe Islands Europe Faroe Islands
Falkland Isles South America Falkland Isles
Fiji Islands Oceania Fiji Islands
Finland Europe Finland
Formosa (Taiwan) Asia Formosa

Countries in the World Countries Entered

Country or Section Continent Country or Section

France Europe France

French India Asia
Friendly Islands Oceania Friendly Islands
Gabun (French Equit.) Africa
Gambia Africa
Georgia (U.S.S.R.) Europe Georgia
Germany Europe Germany
Gibraltar Europe Gibraltar
Gilbert Islands Oceania Gilbert Islands
Goa Asia Goa
Gold Coast Africa Gold Coast
Greece Europe Greece
Greenland North America Greenland
Guadeloupe West Indies Guadeloupe
Guam (Marianas Islands) Pacific Ocean Guam
Guatemala Central America Guatemala
Guiana, British South America Guiana, British
Guiana, Netherland South America Guiana, Netherland
Guiana, French South America Guiana, French
Guinea, French Africa
Guinea, Portuguese Africa Guinea, Portuguese
Guinea, Spanish Africa
Haiti West Indies Haiti
Hawaiian Islands Pacific Ocean Hawaiian Islands
Honduras Central America Honduras
Hong Kong and Territory Asia Hong Kong
Hungary Europe Hungary
Hyderabad Asia Hyderabad
Iceland North Atlantic Iceland
India Asia India
Iran (Persia) Asia Iran
Iraq (Mesopotamia) Asia Iraq
Ireland (Eire) Europe Ireland
Isle of Man Europe Isle of Man
Italy Europe Italy
Ivory Coast Africa Ivory Coast
Jamaica West Indies Jamaica
Japan Asia Japan
Java and Madura East Indies Java and Madura
Jugoslavia (Yugoslavia) Europe Jugoslavia
Karelo-Finnish Republic Europe Karelo-Finnish Republic
Kashmir (India) Asia
Kazakh Asia Kazakh
Kermadec Islands Pacific Ocean
Kenya and Protectorate Africa Kenya
Kirghiz Asia Kirghiz
Korea Asia Korea
Kuwait Asia
Kwangehow-Wan Asia
Kwantung Asia Kwantung
Labrador North America
aos Asia Laos
Latvia Europe Latvia
Lebanon Asia Lebanon
Leeward Islands West Indies Leeward Islands
Liberia Africa Liberia
Libya Africa
Liechtenstein Europe Liechtenstein
Lithuania Europe Lithuania
Loyalty Islands Pacific Ocean Loyalty Islands
Luxemburg Europe Luxemburg
Macao Asia Macao
Madagascar Africa Madagascar
Madeira Islands North Atlantic Madeira Islands
Malay Peninsula Asia Malay Peninsula

Countries in the World Countries Entered

Country or Section Continent Country or Section

Maldive Islands Asia

Malta Europe Malta
Manchuria Asia Manchuria
Marianas Islands (See Guam) Pacific Ocean
Marshall Islands Pacific Ocean
Martinique West Indies Martinique
Mauritania Africa
Mauritius Africa Mauritius
Mexico North America Mexico
Middle Congo (French Eq.) Africa
Miquelon North America
Moldavia Europe Moldavia
Molucca Isles Asia Molucca Isles
Monaco Europe
Mongolia Asia Mongolia
Morocco, French Africa Morocco, French
Morocco, Spanish Africa Morocco, Spanish
Morocco, (Tangier) Africa Morocco, (Tangier)
Mozambique Africa Mozambique
Muscat and Oman Asia
Mysore (India) Asia Mysore
Nauru Australia
Nepal Asia
Netherlands Europe Netherlands
New Caledonia Australia New Caledonia
Newfoundland North America Newfoundland
New Guinea, British Oceania New Guinea, British
New Guinea, Netherland Oceania New Guinea, Netherland
New Hebrides Islands Australasia New Hebrides Islands
New Zealand Australasia New Zealand
Nicaragua Central America Nicaragua
Niger Africa
Nigeria Africa Nigeria
Norfolk Island Australia Norfolk Island
Northwest Frontier Province Asia Northwest Frontier Prov.
Norway Europe Norway
Nyasaland Africa Nyasaland
Orkney Isles Europe Orkney Isles
Pakistan Asia Pakistan
Palestine (Israel) Asia Palestine
Panama South America Panama
Papua Oceania Papua
Paraguay South America Paraguay
Peru South America Peru
Phoenix Islands Pacific Ocean
Philippines Oceania Philippines
Pitcairn Island Oceania Pitcairn Island
Poland Europe Poland
Portugal Europe Portugal
Principe and St. Thomas Africa Principe and St. Thomas
Puerto Rico West Indies Puerto Rico
Rajputana (India) Asia Rajputana (India)
Reunion Indian Ocean Reunion
Rio de Oro, Spanish Africa
Rhodesia, Northern Africa Rhodesia, Northern
Rhodesia, Southern Africa Rhodesia, Southern
Riau-Lingga Arch Asia
Ruanda-Urundi Africa Ruanda-Urundi
Rumania Europe Rumania
Russia (in Europe) Europe Russia (in Europe)
St. Helena Africa St. Helena.
St. Pierre Islands North America
Sakhalin Island (So.) Asia Sakhalin Island
Salvador Central America Salvador
Samoan Islands, British Oceania Samoan Islands, British
Samoan Islands, U. S. Oceania Samoan Islands, U. S,
San Marino Europe San Marino

Countries in the World Countries Entered

Country or Section Continent Country or Section
Sarawak Asia Sarawak
Sardinia Europe Sardinia
Scotland Europe Scotland
Senegal Africa
Seychelles Islands Africa Seychelles Islands
Shetland Isles Europe
Siam Asia Siam
Siberia Asia Siberia
Sicily Europe Sicily
Sierra Leone Africa Sierra Leone
Sikkim (India) Asia
Singapore, Colony of Asia Singapore, Colony of
Sin-kiang (Chinese Turk.) Asia
Slovakia Europe Slovakia
Society Islands, Tahiti, etc. Oceania Society Islands
Socotra Asia
Solomon Islands, British Oceania Solomon Islands, British
Solomon Islands, Australia Oceania Solomon Islands, Aust.
Somaliland, British Africa
Somaliland, French Africa
Somaliland, Italian Africa
Sudan, Anglo-Egyptian Africa Sudan, Anglo-Egyptian
Sudan, French Africa
South-West Africa Africa South-West Africa
Spain Europe Spain
Spitzbergen Europe Spitzbergen
Sumatra Asia Sumatra
Swaziland Africa Swaziland
Sweden Europe Sweden
Switzerland Europe Switzerland
Syria Asia Syria
Tadzhik Asia Tadzhik
Tanganyika Africa Tanganyika
Tasmania Australasia Tasmania
Tibet Asia Tibet
Timor Arch., Netherland Asia Timor, Netherland
Timor Island, Portuguese Asia
Tobago West Indies Tobago
Togoland, British Africa Togoland, British
Togoland, French Africa
Tonkin Asia Tonkin
Transjordan Asia Transjordan
Trinidad West Indies Trinidad
Tristan de Cunha Africa
Tunisia Africa Tunisia
Turkey Europe-Asia Turkey
Turkoman Asia Turkoman
Turks and Caicos Islands West Indies Turks and Caicos Islands
Ubangi-Shari (French Eq.) Africa
Uganda Protectorate Africa Uganda
Ukraine Europe Ukraine
Ulster (Northern Ireland) Europe Ulster
Union of South Africa Africa Union of South Africa
United States North America United States
Uruguay South America Uruguay
Uzbek Asia Uzbek
Vatican City, State of Europe
Venezuela South America Venezuela
Virgin Islands West Indies Virgin Islands
Wales Europe Wales
White Russia Europe White Russia
Windward Islands West Indies Windward Islands
Yemen Asia
Zanzibar Africa Zanzibar
Total Number of Countries 282 Total Countries En-
tered 228

Languages in Which Seventh-day Adventist Publications

Have Been or Are Being Issued
(Other names by which some of these languages are known
are shown in parentheses)

Country Where Country Where

Language Language Is Used Language Language Is Used

Afrikaans South Africa Greek Greece

Akawaio Venezuela Gujerati India
Amharic Ethiopia Gusii (Kisii) Kenya
Amo Nigeria, W. Africa
Amok New Hebrides Hausa Nigeria, W. Africa
Amoyese (Hokkien) Amoy, China Hawaiian Hawaii
Annamese French Indo-China Hindi India
Appolonian Gold Coast, W. Africa Hungarian Hungary
Arabic Syria, Arabia
Arecuna (Arakuna) Venezuela Iban (Sea Dyak) Sarawak, Borneo
Armenian Asia Minor, Greece Ibanag Philippines
Armeno-Turkish Turkey Ibo Nigeria, W. Africa
Atchinese New Hebrides Icelandic Iceland
Aymara Peru Ilocano Philippines
Inns Ter. New Guinea
Bambatana Solomon Islands Italian Italy
Bassa Liberia, W. Africa
Batak (Angkola) Sumatra Japanese Japan
Batak (Toba-Batak) Sumatra Javanese (Dutch Romanized) Java
Beh-Miao West China Javanese (Script) Java
Bengali Bengal, India Jita Tanganyika
Bicol ' Philippines
Bihari India Kanarese Mysore, India
Blanch Bay New Guinea Keka (Baiap & Ambrymese) New Hebri.
Bohemian (Czechian) Czechoslovakia Khasi (Hadem) Assam, India
Buin Ter. New Guinea Kieta Ter. New Guinea
Bulgarian Bulgaria Kizu Tanganyika
Bulu Cameroons, W. Africa Kuyu Kenya
Burmese Burma Kiluba Belgian Congo
Kingwana Belgian Congo
Cambodian (Khmer) Indo-China Konno Sierra Leone
Cantonese S. China Korean Korea
Cebuan-Visayan Philippines
Chibemba N. Rhodesia Lao Indo-China, Siam
Chilamba N. Rhodesia Lappish Finland, Sweden
Chisona S. Rhodesia Latgalian Latvia
Chitonga N. Rhodesia Latvian Latvia
Cinyanja (Nyanja) Nyasaland Lau Solomon Islands
Croatian Jugoslavia Lithuanian Lithuania
Lomwe Port. E. Africa
Da Hwa Miao Yunan, China Luganda Uganda, E. Africa
Danish Denmark Luo Kenya, Tanganyika
Dovele Solomon Islands Lushai Assam, India
Dusun (Kedayan) Br. N. Borneo
Dusun (Parpar) Br. N. Borneo Makassar Makassar, Celebes
Dutch Holland Makwano Solomon Islands
Malagasy (Hovas) Madagascar
English British Empire, U.S.A. Malay (Arabic) British Malaya
Estonian Estonia Malay (Dutch Romanized) Neth. E. Ind.
Ethiopic (Gez) Ethiopia Malay (English Romanized) Br. Malaya
Iran Malayalam S. India
Farsi (Pharsee) Mandarin (Ghow-Yu) North China
Fijian Fiji
Finland Manus Admiralty Islands
Finnish Maori New Zealand
Flemish Belgium
France Marathi India
French Mare Loyalty Islands
Fulfulde Cameroons, W. Africa
Marovo Solomon Islands
Garo Bengal, Assam, India Marquesas (Nukahivan) Marquesas Is.
German Germany Mende Sierra Leone, W. Af.
Ghurmuki India Mongolian Mongolia
Greco-Turkish Greece, Turkey Motuan Br. New Guinea

Country Where Language Country Where

Language Language Is Used Language Is Used

Mundari India Sgau-Karen Burma

Mussau New Guinea Shanghai (Wu) China
Siamese (Thai) Siam
Navajo Arizona, N. Mexico Silozi (Sikololo, Lozi) Barotseland,
Nepali Assam N. Rhodesia
Nias Neth. E. Indies Sindebele S. Rhodesia
Niuen Savage Islands Sindhi India
Norse Norway Sinhalese Ceylon
Norwegian Norway Sioux South Dakota
Nzima Gold Coast, W. Africa Slovakian Czechoslovakia
Slovenian Jugoslavia
Old Norse Norway Spanish Spain, Latin Am.
Oriya India Sukuma Tanganyika
Sudanese Java
Palau Palau Islands Swahili Kenya, Tanganyika
Pampangan Philippines Swedish Sweden
Panayan-Visayan Philippines Syriac Syria
Pangasinan Philippines Syro-Chaldaic Iran
Papaimentsch Curacao, D.W.I.
Pare (Chasu, Asu) Tanganyika Tagalog Philippines
Persian (Iranian) Persia Tahitian Tahiti
Polish (Gothic) Poland Tamil India
Polish (Latin) Poland Tegerinya (Tigre) Eritrea, E. Africa
Portuguese Portugal, Brazil Telugu India
Punjabi India Temne Sierra Leone, W. Af.
Pushtu (Pathan, Pashto) India Tibetan Tibet
Pwo-Karen Burma Tongan Tonga
Turkish Turkey
Quichua Peru Twi Gold Coast, W. Af.
Ranonga Solomon Islands Ukranian Poland, Russia
Rarotongan Cook Islands Umbundu Angola, Africa
Roviana Solomon Islands Urdu (Petsian) N. India
Rumanian Rumania Urdu (Roman) India
Runyaruanda Belgian Congo
Russian Russia Welsh Wales
Ruthenian Czechoslovakia Wendic Hungary
Sakau New Hebrides Wenli China
Samarenio Philippines
Samoan Samoa Xosa (Kaffir) South Africa
Santali India Yiddish Jews in Europe, Am.
Santo New Hebrides Yoruba Nigeria, W. Africa
Sechwana Bechuanaland, Afr.
Serbian Jugoslavia Zanaki Tanganyika
Sesuto Basutoland, Africa Zulu Zululand, S. Africa

(As revised at the 44th session held in San Francisco, Calif., in 1941)

Article IName
This organization shall be known as the General Conference of Seventh-day
Article IIObject
The object of this Conference is to teach all nations the commandments of God
and the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Article IIIMembership
Section I. The membership of this Conference shall consist of:
(a) Such union conferences and union missions as have been or shall be properly
organized and accepted by vote of the General Conference in session.
(b) Such local conferences and properly organized missions not included in any
union conference or in any union mission as have been or shall be properly organ-
ized and accepted by vote of the General Conference in session.
Sec. 2. The voters of this Conference shall be designated as follows:
(a) Delegates at large.
(b) Regular delegates.
Sec. 3. Delegates at large shall be:
(a) All members of the General Conference Executive Committee, and such
members of the division committees as are not members of the General Conference
(b) Such representatives of missions of the General Conference and of general
institutions and departments of work, and such general laborers and field secretaries
as shall receive delegate's credentials from the Executive Committee of the General
Conference, such credentials to be ratified by the General Conference in session.
The number of these delegates thus seated shall not exceed 25 per cent of the total
number of delegates in attendance otherwise provided for.
Sec. 4. Regular delegates shall be such persons as are duly accredited by division
committees and union conferences.
Sec. 6. Each division shall be entitled to one delegate for each union mission
organization within its territory, and one delegate for each one thousand members
or fraction thereof within its union mission territories.
Sec. 6. Each union conference shall be entitled to one delegate in addition to
its president without regard to numbers, an additional delegate for each local con-
ference and organized mission in its territory, and an additional delegate for each
one thousand or fraction thereof of its membership. In the case of union confer-
ences operating under division committees, these delegates shall be appointed in
counsel with the division committees, and shall be seated as part of the division
Article IVOfficers and Their Duties
Sec. 1. The regular officers of this Conference shall be a president, vice-presi-
dents, a secretary, associate secretaries, a treasurer, and an undertreasurer, who
shall be elected by the Conference.
Sec. 2. President: The President shall act as chairman of the Executive Com-
mittee, and labor in the general interests of the Conference, as the Executive
Committee may advise.
Sec. 3. Vice-Presidents: The Vice-Presidents shall preside over the division
fields to which the General Conference has elected them, and shall assist the
President in administering the affairs of the Conference as may be directed by the
General Conference in session, or by the General Conference Committee.
Sec. 4. Secretary and Associate Secretaries: It shall be the duty of the Secre-
tary and the Associate Secretaries to keep the minutes of the proceedings of the
General Conference sessions and of the General Conference Committee meetings,
and to collect such statistics and other facts from union and local conferences and
missions as may be desired by the Conference or by the Executive Committee, to
maintain correspondence with the fields, and to perform such other duties as usually
pertain to such office.


Sec. 5. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all funds of
the General Conference, and disburse them in harmony with the actions of the
Executive Committee of the General Conference, and to render such financial state-
ments at regular intervals as may be desired by the Conference or by the Executive
Sec. 6. Election of Officers: All officers of the Conference, and the members of
the Executive Committee, except the presidents of union conferences and superin-
tendents of union missions, shall be chosen by the delegates at the regular quad-
rennial sessions of the General Conference, and shall hold their office for the period
of four years, or until their successors are elected, and appear to enter upon their
Article VAuditor and Associate Auditors
At each regular session the Conference shall elect an auditor and one or more
associate auditors.
Article VIExecutive Committee
Sec. 1. At each regular session the Conference shall elect an Executive Com-
mittee for the carrying on of its work between the sessions.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Vice-
Presidents, the Secretary, the Associate Secretaries, the Division Secretaries, the
Treasurer, the Undertreasurer, the Assistant Treasurers, the division Treasurers,
the Statistical Secretary, the General Field Secretaries, the division Field Secre-
taries, the presidents of the union conferences, the superintendents of union mis-
sions, the Secretary and Associate Secretaries of the Ministerial Association, the
President of the Theological Seminary, the General Conference Auditors, the Sec-
retary of the Radio Commission, the Secretary of the American Temperance
Society, the Secretary and Associate Secretaries of each duly organized General
Conference Department, namely,. the Publishing, Medical, Educational, Sabbath
School, Religious Liberty, Young People's Missionary Volunteer, Home Missionary,
North American Colored, and North American Home Foreign Bureau, the division
Departmental Secretaries, the ex-presidents of the General Conference having cre-
dentials from this Conference, and other persons not to exceed twenty in number.

Article VIIIncorporations and Agents

Sec. 1. Such incorporations may be authorized by the General Conference in
session, or by the General Conference Executixe Committee, as the development
of the work may require.
Sec. 2. At each regular session of this Conference, the delegates shall elect such
trustees of corporate bodies connected with this organization as may be provided
in the statutory laws governing each.
Sec. 3. The Conference shall employ such committees, secretaries, treasurers,
auditors, agents, ministers, missionaries, and other persons, and make such dis-
tribution of its laborers, as may be necessary effectively to execute its work.
Sec. 4. The Conference shall grant credentials or licenses to ministers and
missionaries except in division fields, in union and local conferences, and in
organized union missions.
Article VHISessions
Sec. 1. This Conference shall hold quadrennial sessions at such time and
place as the Executive Committee shall designate by a notice published in the
Advent Review and Sabbath Herald in three consecutive issues at least four months
before the date for the opening of the session. In case special world conditions
seem to any Autumn Council to make it imperative to postpone the calling of the
session, the Execbtive Committee shall have authority to make such postponement
not to exceed two years, giving notice to all divisions.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee may call special sessions of the General
Conference at such time and place as it deems proper, by a like notice as of
regular sessions, and the transactions of such special sessions shall have the same
force as those of the regular sessions.
Sec. 3. The election of officers, and the voting on all other matters of business
shall be by viva voce vote unless otherwise demanded by a majority of the delegates
Article IXBy-Laws
The voters of this Conference may enact By-Laws and amend or repeal them at
any session thereof, and such By-Laws may embrace any provision not inconsistent
with the Constitution.

Article XAmendments

This Constitution or its By-Laws may be amended by a two thirds' vote of the
voters present and voting at any session: provided that, if it is proposed to amend
the Constitution at a special session, notice of such purpose shall be given in the
call for such special session.


Article IDivision Sections

Sec. 1. The General Conference shall conduct its world-wide work in division
sections, each section to operate within a specified territory in harmony with the
policy of the General Conference.
Sec. 2. Union conference and union mission field organization shall be pre-
served, and such fields, together with all other organizations and institutions within
the territory, shall be responsible to the respective division committees.
Sec. 3. The division fields shall be known as, Australasian Division, Central
European Division, China Division, Far Eastern Division, Inter-American Division,
North American Division, Northern European Division, South American Division,
Southern African Division, Southern Asia Division, Southern European Division,
and Soviet Russia Division. The boundaries of these division sections shall be
subject to adjustment only at the General Conference sessions, or at biennial
council sessions, provided no division territorial lines shall be changed when such
division is not represented at the council by one of its executive officers, or other-
wise when such division has not given consent, except under an emergency such
as war; in such case the General Conference Committee shall make such provision
as is necessary for the conduct of the work in the territory concerned.

Article IIVice-Presidents
Sec. 1. Vice-Presidents shall be elected as follows: four Vice-Presidents for
general administrative work, and one additional Vice-President for each division
of the General Conference.
Sec. 2. The General Vice-Presidents shall assist the President in his adminis-
trative work as the Executive Committee may direct. The Vice-President for
North America shall work under the direction of the General Conference Com-
Sec. 3. The Vice-Presidents elected for the divisions outside of North America
shall act as chairmen of the division committees operating in their respective fields,
and shall have charge of the work in those fields under the direction of the division
committees, and shall be designated within their respective division territories as
presidents of the divisions over which they preside.

Article IIIAssociate and Statistical Secretaries

Sec. 1. The term "associate secretary" shall be used to designate the Secretaries
elected to be associated with the Secretary of the General Conference, or such
secretary or secretaries as may be elected to be associated with any Departmental
Secretary, in carrying the primary responsibilities of his office.
Sec. 2. Associate Secretaries shall be elected to share the work of the General
Conference Secretary. Such Associate Secretaries shall also be elected as may be
deemed necessary to assist the Departmental Secretaries in the conduct of their
Sec. 3. At each regular session the Conference shall elect a Statistical Secre-
tary, whose duties shall be to compile statistics of the world work, reporting the
same under the direction of the Executive Committee.

Article IVDivision Secretaries

Sec. 1. The term "Division Secretary" shall be used to designate the person
elected to serve as secretary of a division.
Sec. 2. A Division Secretary shall be elected for each division outside of
North America.
Sec. 3. The Division Secretaries shall work under the direction of the division
committees. It shall be their duty to keep the minutes of the division committee
meetings, to furnish to the President, the general Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and
Secretaries of the General Conference a copy of their minutes, to collect informa-
tion and to make such reports as may be required, and to do such other work as
usually pertains to such office.

Article VAssistant and Division Departmental Secretaries

Sec. 1. The term "assistant departmental secretary" shall be used to designate
such persons as are appointed to assist the Departmental Secretaries and their
Associate Secretaries in the Departmental work of the General Office.
Sec. 2. Division Departmental Secretaries shall be elected for the respective
division fields, and shall labor under the direction of the division committee.
Sec. 3. Division committees shall appoint such other secretaries as may be
needed to serve in special capacities, to labor under the direction of the division
Article VIGeneral Field Secretaries
Sec. 1. The term "general field secretary" shall be used to designate such
persons as may be employed by the General Conference to travel extensively both
at home and abroad in the interests of the general work.
Sec. 2. Such General Field Secretaries shall be elected as may be deemed
necessary to assist the officers of the General Conference in carrying on the world-
wide work, and they shall labor under the direction of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 3. Such Division Field Secretaries shall' be elected as may be deemed
necessary to labor in the divisions under the direction of the division committees.

Article VIIUndertreasurer and Assistant Treasurers

An Undertreasurer and Assistant Treasurers shall be elected to share with the
Treasurer the work of his office. They shall perform such duties connected with the
Treasury Department as may be assigned to them by the Treasurer or by the
Executive Committee. They may be authorized by the Executive Committee to
sign checks under the instruction of the Treasurer.

Article VIII--Division Treasurers

Sec. 1. The term "division treasurer" shall be used to designate .the treasurers
elected for the respective divisions outside of North America.
Sec. 2. A Division Treasurer shall be elected for each division outside of
North America.
Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Division Treasurers to receive and disburse
the funds of the General Conference made available for their territory, under the
direction of the division committee, and to perform such other duties as usually
pertain to such office..
Article IXExecutive Committee
Sec. 1. During the intervals between the sessions of the General Conference,
the Executive Committee shall have full administrative power, with authority to
grant credentials and licenses, and to fill for the current term any vacancies that
may occur in its offices, boards, committees, or agents, by death, resignation or
otherwise. The Executive Committee shall also have power to withdraw credentials
or licenses by a two thirds' vote of the members present and voting at any regular
committee meeting.
Sec. 2. A majority of the full membership of the Executive Committee, in-
cluding the President or any other officer of the General Conference appointed
temporarily as chairman, is empowered to transact business at any time and place.
Any seven members of the Executive Committee, including an officer of the Gen-
eral Conference, shall, after due notice to available members, constitute a quorum
of the Executive Committee, and shall be empowered to transact such executive
business as is in harmony with the general plans outlined by the committee at the
designated place of meeting of the Executive Committee as hereinafter provided.
Sec. 3. All meetings of the Executive Committee, except majority meetings.
shall be held at the general headquarters, or at such other place as may be defi-
nitely arranged by a majority meeting of the Executive Committee, or by the
quorum of at least seven members meeting in regular session at general head-
Sec. 4. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called at any time by the
ranking officer of the Conference who may be present at headquarters, and such
officer, or any member of the committee appointed by him, shall act as chairman
of the meeting.
Sec. 6. Minority meetings of less than seven members of the Executive Com-
mittee may be held at the General administrative office for the transaction of
necessary routine business, but actions taken at such meetings shall not be final
until the minutes of such meetings have been approved in a regular session of the
Executive Committee.

Article XDivision Committees

Sec. 1. In each division outside of North America, a division committee shall
be constituted as hereinafter provided, for the transaction of business pertaining
to the division.
Sec. 2. The members of a division committee shall be the President, the
Secretary, and the Treasurer of the. Division, the Presidents of union conferences,
the Superintendents of union missions, the Division Field Secretaries, the Division
Departmental Secretaries, the Secretary of the Ministerial Association, and any
other members of the General Conference Committee present. Other members may
also be appointed by the Division Committee.
Sec. 3. The actions taken by Division Committees pertaining to the adminis-
tration of affairs in the division field, shall be considered final, provided they are
in harmony with the plans and policy of the General Conference as set forth in
the Constitution and By-Laws, and in its Executive Committee actions at regular
Autumn Councils.
Sec. 4. It shall be arranged as far as practicable for each division field outside
of North America to send its President or such representatives as may be chosen,
to the annual Councils of the General Conference Executive Committee.
Sec. 6. Five members of a division committee, including the chairman, shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. When the chairman is to be
absent from headquarters, he and the committee shall designate an acting chair-
man. Minority meetings of less than five members of the division committee may
be held for the transaction of necessary routine business, but actions taken at such
meetings shall not be final until the minutes of such meetings have been approved
in a meeting with a quorum present.
Sec. 6. As the Australasian field consists of only one union organization, the
time and extent of the development of the division feature of that organization
shall be optional with the Australasian Union Conference, it being understood that
until the divisional feature is developed, the president of the Australasian Union
Conference shall be a Vice-President of the General Conference, and the Austral-
asian Union Conference will function as a division of the General Conference in
all phases of its relation to the world movement.
Article XICorporation Boards
At each regular session of the General Conference the requisite boards of
trustees, according to their respective Constitutions and By-Laws, shall be elected
for each legal corporation serving and holding properties and receiving gifts and
legacies for the General Conference unincorporated. The trustees of the General
Conference Corporation shall also constitute the Board of Trustees of the Gtneral
Conference Association.
Article XIIDepartments
Sec. 1. The Departmental Secretaries and Associate Secretaries elected by the
General Conference shall work under the direction of the Executive Committee of
the General Conference, and shall occupy an advisory relation to the field.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall appoint a representative departmental
committee of counsel for each department. Such committee shall in each case be
composed of the secretaries of the department, the secretaries of departmental
work in the divisions, and of such other persons as the Executive Committee may
deem necessary.
Article XIIIAuditors and Audits
Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall have the accounts of the General Con-
ference and of its legal corporations audited at least once each calendar year, and
the Auditor or one of the associate auditors shall report upon the same to the
Eiecutive Committee annually. The Auditor or an associate auditor, as may be
arranged, shall report also, for the quadrennial period, to the General Conference
at its regular sessions. The General Conference Auditor and the associate auditors
shall also be made available for auditing the accounts of union conferences and
general institutions, as well as division accounts. The auditors shall be under the
general direction of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 2. The division committees shall have authority to appoint an auditor
or auditors to audit the books of such organizations or institutions within their
territories as the division committee shall direct.

Article XIVWages and Expenses

Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall appoint annually eight persons not in
its' employ who, with the officers of the General Conference, and not less than seven

presidents of union conferences, shall constitute a committee to audit the expense

accounts of employees, and to fix their wages for the succeeding year.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall have power to make such adjustment
from time to time in the wage of clerks, stenographers, and other routine workers
as may be necessary.
Article XVFunds
Sec. 1. The funds of the General Conference shall be as follows:
(a) A tithe of the tithe receipts of the union conferences and union missions
and of the local conferences and missions not included in union conferences and
union missions.
(b) Regular missions offerings.
(c) Special donations.
(d) Such percentage of the regular tithe of local conferences as may be deter-
mined at a joint meeting of the Executive Committee and conference presidents.
(e) Surplus tithes which may be appropriated by local and union conferences
for the mission fields.
(f) A tithe of the profits of publishing houses, sanitariums, and other profit-
earning institutions which are under the control of the General Conference, or
which, because of the character of their work, have more than local influence and
responsibility. Such percentage of the annual profit also of these institutions, after
deducting the tithe, as may be arranged by joint council of the Executive Committee
of the General Conference with the board of management of each institution.
(g) Such percentage of the funds of union conferences and missions and of
institutions and tract societies, as may be arranged by the General Conference
Committee in counsel with conference 'presidents, the same to be known as the
Sustentation Fund for the support of aged and infirm workers, and for the de-
pendent widows and orphans of workers.

Article XVIAppropriations
Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall make its appropriations for home and
foreign work at the Autumn Councils, said appropriations to be based on budgets
from the fields requiring financial help.
Sec. 2. Appropriations shall be made subject to the receipt of the full amount
of funds estimated in the General Conference budget. In case of a shortage, the
distribution shall be on a pro-rata basis to all the interests represented in the
Sec. 8. Appropriations for major permanent investments shall be held in trust
for the purpose for which the appropriation was designated. In case the project
is abandoned, the funds shall revert to the General Conference. Other funds
appropriated to division fields shall be administered by the division committees.
Sec. 4. All funds raised in division fields, except the regular funds belonging
to the General Conference, as indicated under Article XV, may be used for the
advancement of the work in the fields in which they were raised.
Sec. 5. General Conference funds in all the world shall be made available to
meet the annual appropriations of the General Conference.

Article XVIIFinance
Sec. 1. To tide over a possible financial depression, the Treasurer of the
General Conference shall carry in cash or in readily convertible securities, a
Reserve Fund equal to forty per cent of the regular and special appropriations of
the preceding year. The Reserve Fund shall not fall below this figure except on
authorization of an Autumn Council of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee acting through its legal agency, the General
Conference Corporation, shall have power to make such annuity contracts as may
seem desirable: but all moneys obtained in this way shall be invested in securities,
and not be made available for appropriation until the annuity contracts have
Sec. 3. The tithes and mission offerings received by the General Conference
shall be held as a trust for appropriations to the work of the Seventh-day Adventist
denomination. It shall not be within the prerogative, therefore, of the General
Conference Committee, the Treasury Department, nor of any agent or agency of
the denomination, to loan these funds to private individuals, to indorse notes, sign
bonds or other securities, or in any way to divert the funds of the General Confer-
ence from their intended purpose.
Sec. 4. The basis for computing per capita funds shall be the average of the
membership of the four quarters of the second preceding calendar year as published
by the Statistical Secretary in his quarterly reports.
Seventh-day Adventists hold certain fundamental beliefs, the principal features
of which, together with a portion of the scriptural references upon which they are
based, may be summarized as follows:
1. That the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by
inspiration of God, contain an all-sufficient revelation of His will to men, and are
the only unerring rule of faith and practice. 2 Tim. 3:15-17.
2. That the Godhead, or Trinity, consists of the Eternal Father, a petsonal,
spiritual Being, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite in wisdom and love;
the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal Father, through whom all things were
created and through whom the salvation of the redeemed hosts will be accomplished ;
the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead, the great regenerating power in
the work of redemption. Matt. 28:19.
3. That Jesus Christ is very God, being of the same nature and essence as the
Eternal Father. While retaining His divine nature He took upon.Himself the
nature of the human family, lived on the earth as a man, exemplified in His life
as our Example the principles of righteousness, attested His relationship to God by
ninny mighty miracles, died for our sins on the cross, was raised from the dead, and
ascended to the Father, where He ever lives to make intercession for us. John
I :1, 14 ; Heb. 2 :9-18 ; 8 :1, 2 ; 4 :14-16 ; 7 :25.
4. That every person in order to obtain salvation must experience the new birth;
that this comprises an entire transformation of life and character by the recreative
power of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. John 3:16 ; Matt. 18:3 ;
Acts 2:37-39.
5. That baptism is an ordinance of the Christian church and should follow
repentance and forgiveness of sins. By its observance faith is shown in the death.
burial, and resurrection of Christ. That the proper form of baptism is by immer-
sion. Rom. 6:1-6 ; Acts 16:30-33.
6. That the will of God as it relates to moral conduct is comprehended in His
law of ten commandments ; that these are great moral, unchangeable precepts,
binding upon all men, in every age. Ex. 20:1-17.
7. That the fourth commandment of this unchangeable law requires the observ-
ance of the seventh day Sabbath. This holy institution is at the same time a
memorial of creation and a sign of sanctification, a sign of the believer's rest from
his own works of sin, and his entrance into the rest of soul which Jesus promises
to those who come to Him. Gen. 2:1-3 ; Ex. 20:8-11 ; 31:12-17; Heb. 4:1-10.
8. That the law of ten commandments points out sin, the penalty of which is
death. The law cannot save the transgressor from his sin, nor impart power to
keep him from sinning. In infinite love and mercy, God provides a way whereby
this may be done. He furnishes a substitute, even Christ the Righteous One, to die
in man's stead, making "Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin ; that we might be
made the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Cor. 5:21. That one is justified, not by
obedience to the law, but by the grace that is in Christ Jesus. By accepting Christ,
man is reconciled to God, justified by His blood for the sins of the past, and saved
from the power of sin by his indwelling life. Thus the gospel becomes "the power
of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth." Rom. 1 :16. This experience is
wrought by the divine agency of the Holy Spirit, who convinces of sin and leads to
the Sin-Bearer, inducting the believer into the new covenant relationship, where the
law of God is written on his heart, and through the enabling power of the in-
dwelling Christ, his life is brought into conformity to the divine precepts. The
honor and merit of this wonderful transformation belong wholly to Christ. 1 John
2:1.2: 1:4 : Rom. 3:20 : 5:8-10 : 7:7; Eph. 2:8-10 ; 3:17; Gal. 2:20 ; Heb. 8:8-12.
9. That God "only hath immortality." 1 Tim. 6:15. Mortal man possesses a
nature inherently sinful and dying. Eternal life is the gift of God through faith in
Christ. Rom. 6:23. "He that bath the Son hath life." 1 John 5:12. Immortality
is bestowed upon the righteous at the second coming of Christ, when the righteous
dead are raised from the grave and the living righteous translated to meet the Lord.
Then it is that those accounted faithful "put on immortality." 1 Cor. 15:51-55.


10. That the condition of man in death is one of unconsciousness. That all men,
good and evil alike, remain .in the grave from death to the resurrection. Eccl.
9 :6, 6 ; Ps. 146 :3, 4 ; John 6 :28, 29.
11. That there shall be a resurrection both of the just and of the unjust. The
resurrection of the just will take place at the second coming of Christ; the resur-
rection of the unjust will take place a thousand years later, at the close of the
millennium. John 5:28, 29 ; 1 Thess. 4:13-18 ; Rev. 20 :5-10.
12. That the finally impenitent, including Satan, the author of sin, will, by the
fires of the last day, be reduced to a state of non-existence, becoming as though they
had not been, thus purging God's universe of sin and sinners. Rom. 6:23; Ma].
4;1-3 ; Rev. 20:9, 10 ; Obadiah 16.
13.. That no prophetic period is given in the Bible to reach to the second advent,
but that the longest one, the 2300 days of Dan. 8:14, terminated in 1844, and
brought us to an event called the cleansing of the sanctuary.
14. That the true sanctuary, of which the tabernacle on earth was a type, is the
temple of God in Heaven, of which Paul speaks in Hebrews 8 and onward, and of
which the Lord Jesus, as our great high priest, is minister ; and that the priestly
-work of our Lord is the antitype of the work of the Jewish priests of the former
dispensation; that this heavenly sanctuary is the one to be cleansed at the end of
the 2300 days of Daniel 8:14; its cleansing being, as in the type, a work of judg-
ment, beginning with the entrance of Christ as the high priest upon the judgment
phase of His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary foreshadowed in the earthly service
of cleansing the sanctuary on the day of atonement. This work of judgment in the
heavenly sanctuary began in 1844. Its completion will close human probation.
15. That God, in the time of the judgment and in accordance with His uniform
dealing with the human family in warning them of coming events vitally affecting
their destiny (Amos 3:6, 7.), sends forth a proclamation of the approach of the
second advent of Christ; that this work is symbolized by the three angels of
Revelation 14 ; and that their threefold message brings to view a work of reform
to prepare a people to meet Him at His coming.
16. That the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary, synchronizing with the
period of the proclamation of the message of Revelation 14, is a time of investi-
gative judgment, first with reference to the dead, and secondly, with reference to
the living. This investigative judgment determines who of the myriads sleeping in
the dust of the earth are worthy of a part in the first resurrection, and who of its
living multitudes are worthy of translation. 1 Peter 4 :17, 18 ; Dan. 7:9, 10 ; Rev.
14 :6, 7 ; Luke 20 :35.
17. That the followers of Christ should be a godly people, not adopting the
unholy maxims nor conforming to the unrighteous ways of the world, not loving
its sinful pleasures nor countenancing its follies. That the believer should ,recog-
nize his body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that therefore he should clothe
that body in neat, modest, dignified apparel. Further, that in eating and drinking
and in his entire course of conduct he should shape his life as becomes a follower
of the meek and lowly Master. Thus the believer will be led to abstain from all
intoxicating drinks, tobacco, and other narcotics, and the avoidance of every body
and soul defiling habit and practice. 1 Cor. 3:16, 17 ; 9:25 ; 10:31 ; 1 Tim. 2:9, 10;
1 John 2:6.
18. That the divine principle of tithes and offerings for the support of the gospel
is an acknowledgment of God's ownership in our lives, and that we are stewards
who must render account to Him of all that He has committed to our possession.
Lev. 27:30; Ma]. 3 :8-12 ; Matt. 23 :23 ; 1 Cor. 9 :9-14 ; 2 Cor. 9 :6-15.
19. That God has placed in His church the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as enu-
merated in 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4. That these gifts operate in harmony
with the divine principles of the Bible, and are given for the perfecting of the
saints, the work of the ministry, the edifying of the body of Christ. Rev. 12:17;
19:10 ; 1 Cor. 1:5-7.

20. That the second coming of Christ is the great hope of the church, the grand
climax of the gospel and plan of salvation. His coming will be literal, personal,
and visible. Many important events will be associated with His return, such as the
resurrection of the dead, the destruction of the wicked, the purification of the earth,
the reward of the righteous, the establishment of His everlasting kingdom. The
almost complete fulfillment of various lines of prophecy, particularly those found

in the books of Daniel and the Revelation, with existing conditions in the physical,
social, industrial, political, and religious worlds, indicates that Christ's coming
"is near, even at the doors." Matt. 24:33. The exact time of that event has not
been foretold. Believers are exhorted to be ready, for "in such an hour as,ye think
not the Son of man" (Matt. 24:44) will be revealed. Luke 21:25-27 ' 17 :26-30 ;
John 14 :1-3 ; Acts 1:9-11 , Rev. 1:7 ; Heb. 9 :28 ; James 5 :1-8 ; Joel 3:9-16 ; 2 Tim.
3 :1-5 ; Dan. 7 :27 ; Matt. 24 :36, 44.
21. That the millennial reign of Christ covers the period between the first and
the second resurrections, during which time the saints of all ages will live with
their blessed Redeemer in Heaven. At the end of the millennium, the Holy City
with all the saints will descend to the earth. The wicked, raised in the second
resurrection, will go up on the breadth of the earth with Satan at their head to
compass the camp of the saints, when fire will come down from God out of Heaven
and devour them. In the conflagration which destroys Satan and hiS host, the
earth itself will be regenerated and cleansed from the effects of the curse. Thus
the universe of God will be purified from the foul blot of sin. Revelation 20 :
Zech. 14:1-4 ; 2 Peter 3 :7-10.
22. That God will make all things new. The earth, restored to its pristine
beauty, will become forever the abode of the saints of the Lord. The promise to
Abraham, that through Christ he and his seed should possess the earth throughout
the endless ages of eternity, will be fulfilled. "The kingdom and dominion, and the
greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven will be given to the people of
the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all
dominions shall serve and obey Him." Dan. 7:27. Christ, the Lord, will reign
supreme, and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the
earth, and such as are in the sea, will ascribe "blessing, and honor, and glory, and
power," unto "Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and
ever." Gen. 13 :14-17 ; Rom. 4 :13 ; Heb. 11:8-16 ; Matt. 5 :5 ; Isaiah 85 ; Rev. 21:1-7 ;
5 :13 ; Dan. 7 :27.
The names of ordained and licensed ministers and workers holding missionary
and Bible instructor's credentials appear in this list. Missionary credential workers
are indicated by (m), licensed ministers by (1), and Bible instructors by (b).
Adams, C. S. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box
A 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Aalborg, D. C., Box 491, Clovis, N. Adams, E. H., San Andreas, Calif.
Mex. Adams, E. M., P.O. Box 401, Manila,
Abas, Esteban (I), P. 0. Box 119, City Philippines.
of Cebu, Philippines. Adams, George 0., P. 0. Lower Gwelo,
Abawag, A. J. (1), General Delivery, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Manila, Philippines. Adams, Milton, 1317 Redlands Ave.,
Abbott, D. H. (1), Kendu Hospital, Colton, Calif.
Private Bag, P.O. Kisumu, Kenya Adams, P. P., Box 5850, Dry Creek Rd.,
Colony, East Africa. Napa, Calif.
Abbott, E. H., Route 2, Sonora, Calif. Adams, R. E., Box 2238, Boise, Idaho.
Abbott, F. L., Box 124, La Sierra Sta- Adams, R. R. (I), Box 12, Tunkhan-
tion, Arlington, Calif. nook, Pa.
Abbott, G. K., Oakdale, Calif. Adams, V. E. (m), 171 Amanuma 1-
Abbott, R. H., 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Law- chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
ley, West Australia, Australia. Adams, W. E., 1824 Pittsburg Ave.,
Abegg, S. J. (1), Route 1, Box 201, Winston-Salem, N.C.
Gresham, Oreg. Adams, W. L., 1112 E. California St.,
Abel, S. Harlyn (I), College View Sta- Glendale 6, Calif.
tion, Lincoln 6, Nebr. Adams, W. M., 1808 El Serano, Pasa-
Abel, Mario (I), Bongo Mission, Lepi, dena, Calif.
Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Adams, Warren F. (I), College Press,
Abel, R. P., 835 Bay View Ave., Pacific Takoma Park 12, D.C.
Grove, Calif. Adams, William M. Jr., 124 W. Fern
Abeli, Gitwe Mission, P. 0. Usum- St., Redlands, Calif.
burs, Ruanda-Urundi, Congo Beige, Adamsky, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber-
Africa. lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Abella, P. (1), Mission Adventiste, Adeoye, J. A. (I), S.D.A. Mission, P. 0.
Oasis Superieure, Casablanca, Mo- Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa.
rocco. Adolph, E., Kopernikusstrasse 24 I,
Abelson, L. E., 2420 First St., South, Nurnberg, Germany.
Minneapolis, Minn. Aeschlimann, Alfredo, Calle V. Vergara
Abenia, E. (m), Apartado 4078, Madrid, 3227 Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos
Spain. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Abernathy, W. E. (1), Care General Aeschlimann, Victor C., Cervantes 144,
Conference, Takoma Park 12, D.C. Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South
Abney, B. W., Jr., (1), 1410 Hawkins America.
St., Nashville, Tenn. Aeschlimann, W. E. (I), Apartado 224,
Abney, B. W., Sr., 815 Rose St., Jack- Medellin, Colombia, South America.
son, Miss. Afa'ese, Sanika, S.D.A. Mission, P. 0.
Abraham, C. N. (m), P. 0. Box 35, Box 6, Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
Poona 1, India. Agboka, D. (m), S.D.A. Mission, Box
Abrahamsen, Karl, Holmenkollveien 31, 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Oslo, Norway. Agian, M. (1), P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton,
Abray, Minnie (m), Washington Mis- Colony of North Borneo.
sionary College, Takoma Park 12, D.C. Agnello, S., Via Trieste 23, Florence,
Achata, Andres, Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, Italy.
South America. Aguilar, I., Apartado 4078, Madrid,
AcMoody, C. E., Box 695, Paradise, Spain.
Calif. Aguilar, Jose C., Comercio No. 70-23,
Acosta, Alberto, Apartado 986, Caracas, Tacubaya, Distrito Federal, Mexico.
Venezuela, South America. Aguilar, Mateo (1), Casilla 2102, Lima,
Acosta, Eduardo A., Apartado 3005, Peru, South America.
Santurce, Puerto Rico. Aguilar, Moises (1). Casilla 771, Cocha-
Acosta, Eloy, Apartado 568, Ciudad bamba, Bolivia, South America.
Trujillo, Republica Dominicana. Au Chu (1), P.O. Box 977, Rangoon,
Acosta, Roberto Cols (m), Apartado 30, Burma.
Camaguey, Cuba. Aimes, C. R., 2700 J St., Vancouver,
Adair, R. H., 2 Duke Road, Kowloon, Wash.
Hong Kong. Airey, R. W., Loma Linda, Calif.
Adams, C. F. (m), 1215 Marshall St., Airey, Wilfred J. (1), La Sierra Col-
Little Rock, Ark. lege, Arlington, Calif.


Aitken, James J., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Almonte, Eliel, Casilla 2830, Santiago,
Switzerland. Chile, South America.
Aitken, J. K. (1), Box 578, South Alomia, J. I., Casilla 240, Iquitos, Peru,
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. South America.
Akbar, A. M.. 269 Dalhousie Road, Alsemac, G. E. (1), Artacho, Sison,
Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Pangasinan, Philippines.
Akers, George (1), Ozark Academy, Gen- Althoff, W., Museumstr. 5, Brunswick,
try, Ark. Germany.
Alabi, D. B. (1), S.D.A. Mission, P. 0. Altman, Roger, Takoma Park, Washing-
Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West ington 12, D.C.
Africa. Alva, A. A., Casilla 252, Trujillo, Peru,
Aladen, Victor, 3045 Kaimuki Ave., South America.
Honolulu 46, Territory Hawaii. Alva, A. J., Casilla 2102, Lima, Peru,
Albee, William V. (rn), 1415 Makiki St., South America.
Honolulu 4, Territory Hawaii. Alva, Edmundo (I), Casilla 82, Cocha-
Albers, LeRoy (1), 146 E. Center St., bamba, Bolivia, South America.
Provo, Utah. Alva, G. E. (1), Casilla 240, Iquitos,
Alberro, Samuel (m), Avda. Italia Peru, South America.
2360, Montevideo, Uruguay, South Alvarado, Ana Rosa (m), Apartado 30,
America. Camaguey, Cuba.
Albin, Roy (1), S.D.A. Mission, Nong- Alvarenga, Jose, Jr. (m), Caixa Postal
thymmai, Shillong, Assam, India. 177, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
Albrecht, J., Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz., Sul, Brazil, South America.
Szekesfehervar, Hungary. Alves, Homar F. (1), Caixa Postal 177,
Albulescu, St. (1), Strada Eduard Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Grand 25, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Brazil, South America.
Alcaraz, A. A., General Delivery, Man- Amayo, Luka, Utimbaru Mission, P. 0.
ila, Philippines. Tarime, via Musoma, Tanganyika Ter-
Alcock, H. J., College Place, Wash. ritory, East Africa.
Alden, Richard A. (1), Box 740, North Ambler, W. G., 1214 Eastwood St., Paris,
Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. Tenn.
Alderson, P. C., 535 Lazuna St., Klamath Ambs, K. F. (1), La Sierra Station,
Falls, Oreg. Arlington, Calif.
Alderson, R. F., Box 171, Newbury Park, Ambs, Karl F., Box 327, Elisabethville,
Calif. Congo Beige, Africa.
Aldrich, L. E. (1), South Lancaster, Ambs, Louise (m), College Station, Ber-
Mass. rien Springs, Mich.
Aldridge, Frank R. (1), 517 W. Newell Amian, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
St., Syracuse 5, N.Y. Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Alencar, Matias P. (I), Caixa Postal Amirtham, M. (m), P. 0. Box 20,
2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Bangalore, India.
ica. Ammundsen, Edward (1), Box 100,
Alexander, Mrs. Beth (m), Loma Linda Omak, Wash.
Food Co.. Arlington, Calif. Ammundsen, W. B., 246 N. Garfield,
Alexander, L. R. (1), 3144 Eastlake Manteca, Calif.
Ave., Seattle 2. Wash. Amoah, J. K. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box
Alexe, C. (1), Strada Eduard Grand 25, 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Amofah, A. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Box
Alexe, N., Strada Eduard Grand 25, 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Amoguis, Paciano (in), P.O. Box 119,
Alexis, Toussenel (1), Casier S, Port-au- City of Cebu, Philippines.
Prince, Haiti, West Indies. Amos, P., Ngoma Mission, Gitwe, Us-
Alinsod, R. P. (1), P. O. Box 39, Lucena,
Quezon, Philippines. umbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Congo Beige,
All, J. E., Waves Apartments, Newport, Africa.
Oreg. Amundsen, Wesley, Box 228, Coconut
Allaway, Charles (1), Box 743, Boze- Grove, Miami, Fla.
man, Mont. Amundson, E. W. (I), 519 North Sum-
Allen, F., 27 Esplanade Rd., Mt. Eden, mit St., Madison, S. Dak.
Auckland, New Zealand. Ananaba, J. (1), S.D.A Mission, Aba,
Allen, L. E., 76 Queensway, New Delhi Nigeria, West Africa.
1, India. Anandam, G. A. (m), S.D.A. Mission
Allison, J. W., 624 E. Maple, Box 6, School, Narsapur, West Godavari Dis-
Monrovia, Calif. trict, India.
Allison, J. W., Jr., 1464 West Grand Andalis, Mrs. Cenon (b), Legaspi, Al-
Blvd., Detroit 8, Mich. bay, Philippines.
Allum, L. H. (1), 361 Argyle St., North Anderson, A. N., c/o Mrs. Osborne,
Hobart, Tasmania. Route 2, Sonora, Calif.
Almonte, Benjamin (1), Casilla 2830, Anderson, A. S., 30 Main Ave., Troy,
Santiago, Chile, South America. N.Y.

Anderson, A. W., 148 Fox Valley Road, Andreassen, Alf A., Akersgaten 74,
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Oslo, Norway.
tralia. Andren, Henry (m), New England
Anderson, Alfr., Vasagatan 12, Gote- Sanitarium, Melrose 76, Mass.
borg, Sweden. Andres, James (1), Route 10, 2910 N.
Anderson, August, Route 2, Box 190, Ella, Spokane, Wash.
Stanchfield, Minn. Andress, W. M., 4927 Strong Ave., Ar-
Anderson, B. L., S.D.A. Mission, Ku- lington, Calif.
langsu, Amoy, China. Andrews, W. N., Box 1352 Nairobi,
Anderson, C. R., 27 Hope Road, Half- Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Way-Tree, Kingston, Jamaica, Brit- Andrews, W. R., 52 Washington St.,
ish West Indies. Middletown, N. Y.
Anderson, C. V., 1402 Hubner Ave., Andross, C. E., 1337 E. Granada Road,
Baltimore 28, Md. Phoenix, Ariz.
Anderson, Carl P., South Lancaster, Andross, E. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
Mass. ington 12, D. C.
Anderson, D. G. (1), Route 6, Box Andross, E. M. (m), Washington Mis-
295B, Durham, N.C. sionary College, Takoma Park 12, D.C.
Anderson, D. W., Bethel Academy, Ar- Ang, K. H., S.D.A. Mission, Kulangsu,
pin, Wis. Amoy, China.
Anderson, E. L. (1), 9848 106th St., Angervo, 0., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. holm, Sweden.
Anderson, Enok (1), Box 122, Angwin, Anghel, P., Strada Regina Maria No. 12,
Calif. Bacau, Rumania.
Anderson, F. V. (1), 2870 26th Ave., Annofsky, E. G., 442 Stanyan St., San
Sacramento, Calif. Francisco 17. Calif.
Anderson, G. (1), Vasagatan 12, Gote- Anscombe, C. H. (m), 41 Hazel Gardens,
borg, Sweden. Edgware, Middlesex, England.
Anderson, G. T., La Sierra College, Ansel, Albert, Fangelsbachstrasse 11,
Arlington, Calif. Stuttgart-S., Germany.
Anderson, H. T., Box 320, Albany, Ga. Ansley, I. L. (I), 19 Union House, 24
Anderson, J. A., 2 Duke Road, Kow- Union St., East London, South Africa.
loon, Hong Kong. Ansley, R. E., 11-12 Allbret Building,
Anderson, J. D., S.D.A. Mission, Honi- 9 Fraser Street, Johannesburg, Trans-
ara, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. vaal, South Africa.
Anderson, J. F., Keene, Texas. Antwi, R. K. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box
Anderson, J. N., 5013 Prescott Ave., 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Anunsen, I. E. (1) , 404 4th Ave. N.W.,
Anderson, J. P., S.D.A., Mission, Tung- Jamestown, N. Dak.
shan, Canton, China. Anyengo, Yohana (1), Gendia Mission,
Anderson, L. R., 3852 Myers St., Arling- Private Bag, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya
ton, Calif. Colony, East Africa.
Anderson, M. E., 4997 Mitchell St., Ar- Apigian, J. H., Ocean Lake, Oreg.
lington, Calif. Aplington, K. A. (I), College Place,
Anderson, M. G. (1), P.O. Box 145, Wash.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Aplington, Mrs. K. A. (m), College
Anderson, 0. K., 84 The Boulevarde, Place, Wash.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Apollon, F. D., Casier S, Port-au-Prince,
tralia. Haiti, West Indies.
Anderson, R. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Appel, A. R., S.D.A. Mission, Taiwan,
ington 12, D. C. Formosa, Kansu, China.
Anderson, Soverine (b), 1197 Locust St., Appel, G. J., 2 Duke Road, Kowloon,
Gridley, Calif. Hong Kong.
Anderson, T. A., 8 Yarra Street, Haw- Aqui, A. S. (m), Santiago, Isabela,
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Philippines.
Anderson, Victor A., 257 S. Main St., Arasola, A., Lapinbie 3 C 46, Tampere,
Jamestown, N.Y. Finland.
Anderson, V. G., 101 Berkley Rd., Arason, S. (m), Takoma Park, Wash-
Avondale, Ga. ington 12, D. C.
Anderson, W. E. (1), La Sierra Sta- Araujo, Jairo T., Caixa Postal 1919,
tion, Arlington, Calif. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Amer-
Anderson, W. H., Box 431, Claremont, ica.
N.C. Araujo, R. C., Caixa Postal 1919, Rio
Anderson, Winton C. (1), 2928 Camp- de Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
bell St., Kansas City 3, Mo. Arauzo, Arturo (1), Casilla 2102 Lima,
Andrade, B. C. (I), Caixa Postal 378, Peru, South America.
Recife, Pernambuco, South America. Archbold, B. L., Box 221, Port-of-Spain,
Andrean, 0. D., Apartado 1325, San Trinidad, British West Indies.
Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Archbold, Fulton, Apartado Nacional
Andreasen, M. L., Takoma Park, Wash- 224, Medellin, Colombia, South Amer-
ington 12, D.C. ica.

Archbold, W. It., 1003 E. 10th St., Du- Arteaga, Antonio (1), 2927 6th St., Na-
luth, Minn. tional City, Calif.
Archuleta, R. It., 1495 Whitten Ave., Arteaga, Benjamin (1), Eucalipto No. -
San Jose, Calif. 104, Alta Vista, Tampico, Tamauli-
Arevalo, Guillermo (1), Apartado Na- pas, Mexico.
cional 436, Bogota, Colombia, South Arthur, Lionel (1), Box 47, St. John's,
America. Antigua, British West Indies.
Arevalo, M. P. (1), P.O. Box 39, Lu- Arties, W. E., 1662 College St., Knox-
cena, Quezon, Philippines. ville, Tenn.
Arguzon, G. A. (1), P.O. Box 39, Lu- Arumainayagam, S. K. (1), S.D.A. Mis-
cena, Quezon, Philippines. sion, "Foieotta" Curzon Maidan,
Arhizi, A. K. (1). S.D.A. Mission, Box Thirunelvali District, India.
45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa. Arvai, H. (1), Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz.,
Arias, Emeterio (m), Casilla 2830, San- Szekesfehervar, Hungary.
tiago, Chile, South America. Arunga, Elisha (1), P.O. Box 1352,
Arinda, G. C., S.D.A. Mission, Hili Nairobi, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
P.O., Dinajpur District, East Paki- Arzoo, A. (1), Fowler, Calif.
stan. Ashbaugh, F. G., Route 2, Box 3222,
Arismendi, Rufino S. (1), Apartado Antos, Calif.
986, Caracas, Venezuela, South Amer- Ashbaugh, K. L (1), 425 El Rito Drive,
ica. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Aritonong, H., P. Siantar, Sumatra, Ashby, N. E. (1), 807 Harvard St.,
Indonesia. N.W., Washington, D.C.
Ariza, Agustin (m), Santiago Tapia Asheim, Trygve, Holmenkollveien 31,
No. 1, Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico. Oslo, Norway.
Arkalieff, N., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- Asher, G. W., General Delivery, Ashe-
garia. boro, N.C.
Arloo, J. M. (I), S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Ashlock, C. J., 2105 Lipscomb, Fort
Box 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Worth, Texas.
Africa. Ashlock, J. F., Collegedale, Tenn.
Armitage, F. B., Loma Linda, Calif. Ashod, A. E. (1), Poste Restante, Ni-
Armstrong, A. D., 700 Ave. "A," Re- cosia, Cyprus.
dondo Beach, Calif. Ashton, E. (1), 780 St. Albans Road,
Armstrong, A. K., 780 St. Albans Road, Watford, Herts., England.
Watford, Herts., England. Ashton, N. S., 7306 Trescott Ave., Ta-
Armstrong, Mrs. Helen (b), P.O. Box koma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
26, Turlock, Calif. Asian, D., Via Trieste 23, Florence,
Armstrong, V. T., P. 0. Box 226, Singa- Italy.
pore, Colony of Singapore. Asis, Rosario B. (m), Jaro, Iloilo City,
Armstrong. W. W., 780 St. Albans Philippines.
Road, Watford, Herts., England. Aso, George S., 3612 Williams St., Den-
Arn, Alejandro (1). Yegros 429, Asun- ver, Colo.
cion, Paraguay, South America. Astleford, L., Lorraine Apts., Third
Arnesen, E., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Nor- Ave., Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Can-
way. ada.
Arnhold, A., Hoheweide 51, Hamburg Atari, F. (1), 13 Nakajimadori 2-chome,
30, Germany. Fukiaiku, Kobe, Japan.
Arnhold, B. (1), Thalmann-Platz 46, Atiga, T. P., Artacho, Sison, Panga-
Cottbus, Germany. sinan, Philippines.
Arnuthan, M. (1), 88 Church Street, Atkin, W. E., 1455 E. Wilson Ave.,
Tuticorin, India. Glendale, Calif.
Arrabito. S. (1), 544 E. Clay St., Stock- Atteberry, A. N. (1), Pewee Valley
ton, Calif. Sanitarium, Pewee Valley, Ky.
Arregui, Gabriel, 1029 Olive St., El Atwbod, W. P., 408 West 4th St., Man-
Paso, Texas. istee, Mich.
Arriagada, Fernando, Casilla 2830, San- Augsberger, Daniel (1), Route 1, Ber-
tiago, Chile, South America. rien Springs, Mich.
Arriola, P. S. (m), Jaro, Iloilo City, Augsburger, F., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise
Philippines. Anglaise, Lausanne, SWitzerland.
Arrogante, Florencio (1), P. 0. Box Augsburger, Guillermo (1), Casilla 2830,
119, City of Cebu, Philippines. Santiago, Chile, South America.
Arroyo, F. 'A. (1), 8a Avenida Norte, Augsburger, Ulysse, 8 Avenue de l'Eglise
No. 57, San Salvador, Rep. de El Sal- Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
vador, Central America. Aujero, Mrs. R. (b), Jaro, Iloilo City,
Arroyo, Rafael, Miguel Nieto Sur No. Philippines.
1915, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Auma, Joshua, Gendia Mission, Private
Arshat, Behnam (1), c/o Hasso Bro. Bag, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony,
Store, Basrah, Iraq. East Africa.
Arsimendi, Rufino S. (1), Apartado 986, Austen, A. W., Box 573, Bulawayo,
Caracas, Venezuela, South America, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.

Austin, E. T., Vincent High School, Baer, Frank L. (m), Calle V. Vergara
Mussoorie, U.P., India. 3227, Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos
Aveling, R. L. (I), 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Lawley, West Australia, Australia. Baerg, Henry, Virrey del Pino 3801,
Avendano, Julio (I), Apartado Nacional Sue. 27, R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argen-
313, Cali, Colombia, South America. tina, South America.
Avery, F. W., 215 E. Harvard Ave., Or- Baerg, I. W. (m), Box 175, Port-of-
lando, Fla. Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies.
Avery, W. L., 1148 Glenn Ave., San Baerg, John, Caixa Postal 1919, Rio de
Jose 10, Calif. Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
Avila, Manuel, Apartado 30, Camaguey, Baessler, Mrs. Irva (m), Box 449, De-
Cuba. catur, Ga.
Avila, Wilson (m), Caixa Postal 2898, Bahler, R., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Switzerland.
ica. Bahr, E. W., S.D.A. Mission, Outside
Axelson, A. E., College Station, Berrien East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
Springs, Mich. Bahr, 0., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
Axtell, R. P. (1), Route 2, Box 356, Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Gridley, Calif. Bai Wen Min (1), S.D.A. Mission, 20
Ayala, Carlos (1), 500 2d St. Calexico, Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China.
Calif. Baidoo, J. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box 45,
Ayars, E. U. (I), Review and Her- Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa.
ald, Takoma Park 12, D.C. Baildam, C. D. (1), Stanborough Park,
Aye Maung (1), S.D.A. Mission, My- Watford, Herts., England.
etto, Kozu Road, Bassein, Burma. Bailey, Carl M. (1), Box 474, Augusta,
Azevedo, Emilio R., Caixa Postal 146, Ga.
Campo Grande, Mato Grosso, Brazil, Bailey, D. A. (1), Review and Herald,
South America. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Azevedo, Osvaldo R., Caixa Postal 1830, Bailey, M. R., 740 S. Church St., Lodi,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Calif.
Azevedo, Roberto It., Caixa Postal 177, Bailey, Noel (1), Box 223, Bridgetown,
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Barbados, British West Indies.
Brazil, South America. Bainbridge, R. H., 780 St. Albans Road,
Watford, Herts., England.
Bairagi, A. K. (I), 5/F Cobra Road,
B Entally P.O., Calcutta. India.
Bairagi, I. B., S.D.A. Mission, Burua-
Ba Nyein (1), S.D.A. Mission, Myetto, bari, Radhaganj P. 0., Faridpur
Kozu Road, Bassein, Burma. District, East Pakistan.
Baasch, David (1), Apartado Nacional, Bairagi, T. C., S.D.A. Mission, Askore,
39, Medellin, Colombia, South Amer- Jobarpar P.O., Barisal District, East
ica. Pakistan.
Baasch, H. E., Apartado 329, Santa Baird, D. M., P. 0. Box 1133, Port Eliza-
Clara, Cuba. beth, Cape Province, South Africa.
Babcock, C. M., 102 Alexander St., Baird, G. W., 22 Zulla Road, Mapper-
Columbia, Mo. ley Park, Nottingham, England.
Baber, T. E. (m), 2315 Edwards St., Baird, Leila A. (m), Vincent Hill Col-
Berkeley, Calif. lege, Mussoorie, U. P., India.
Babienco, T. T., 3419 Glenalbyn Drive, Baird, H., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, E.2,
Los Angeles, Calif. Victoria, Australia.
Bacela, J. N., 8043 'Orlando Location, Bajor, L., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af- Budapest VI, Hungary.
rica. Baker, C. H., Dana and Mt. View Ave.,
Bacheller, Orren W. (1), Box 283, Car- Mountain View, Calif.
thage, Ill. Baker, Mrs. C. L. (b), 1025 E. 5th St.,
Bacigalupi, Augusto (1), Casilla 2830, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Santiago, Chile, South .America. Baker, Isaac, Route 1, Traskwood, Ark.
Backer, F. Teiner Strasse 19 A, Han- Baker, J. D., Box 2, Loma Linda, Calif.
over-Dohren, Germany. Baker, K. Eldon (1), Box 100, Omak,
Backus, E. E. (1), Box 117, Sanitarium, Wash.
Calif. Baker, L. B. (1), 2125 Ohio, Gary, Ind.
Backstrom, Mrs. Florence (b), 1036 S. Baker, R. C., 1034 Laurie St., San
W. Jefferson St., Portland 1, Oreg. Jose, Calif.
Badal, N. (b), 2075 Pahlavi Ave., Tehe- Baker, R. 0., Route 5, Lawrenceburg,
ran, Iran. Ky.
Baden, P. G. (1), 2700 E. 4th St., Na- Bakke, Mogens, Holmenkollveien 31,
tional City, Calif. Oslo, Norway.
Badescu, D., Strada Golesti No. 11, Balan, Leon, Strada Eduard Grand 25,
Braila, Rumania. Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Badgley, R. L., 725 Inez St., Missoula, Balaoas, Mark (1), General Delivery,
Mont. Baguio, Mt. Province, Philippines.

Baldwin, H. M. (m), Walker Memorial Barnes, Joseph (I), Route 2, Shelton,

Hospital and Sanitarium, Avon Park, Conn.
Fla. Barnes, L. 0. (1), Box 35, Genoa, Nebr.
Baldwin, W. 0., P.O. Box 226, Singa- Barnes, Leonard S., 1504 Ferry Ave.,
pore, Colony of Singapore. Niagara Falls. N. Y.
Balharrie, G. S., Canadian Union Col- Barnes, P. H. (I), 1143 E. Lomita Ave.,
lege, College Heights, Alberta, Can- Glendale 5, Calif.
ada. Barnett, D. M., S.D.A. Mission, Kun-
Balinao, A. (m), Artacho, Sison, Pan- ming, Yunnan, China.
gasinan. Philippines. Barnett, Ruby (m), P. 0. Box 401,
Ball, A. C., 40 Bealey Avenue, Christ- Manila, Philippines.
church, New Zealand. Baroi, J. N. (1). S.D.A. Mission, Kalik-
Ball, M. S., P. 0. Box 578, South apur Village, Bakal P. 0., Barsal
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. District, East Pakistan.
Balmer, F. T., Kaslo, British Columbia, Baron, G., Lipowa 9, Bydgoszc, Po-
Canada. land.
Balser, C. C., Route 3, Box 43W, Baroya, G. C. (1), 36 Park St., Cal-
Gainesville, Fla. cutta, India.
Bambury, A. V. (1), Mwami Mission, Barr, W. E., 1905 East Chevy Chase,
P. 0. Fort Jameson, N. E. Rhodesia, Glendale, Calif.
Africa. Barrett, A. R., 148 Fox Valley Rd.,
Banaag, P. C. (I), P. 0. Box 401, Man- Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
ila, Philippines. tralia.
Banez, Fernando (1), P. 0. Box 119, Barringham, W. H., Wood Ave., Big
City of Cebu, Philippines. Stone Gap, Va.
Banfield, M. S. 156 Steuben St., East Barrington, E. P., P. 0. Box 27, Hamil-
Orange, N. J. ton, New South Wales, Australia.
Banfield, Warren S. (1), 1145 Gorrell Barritt, H. C. (1), 361 Argyle St., North
St., Greensboro, N. C. Hobart, Tasmania.
Banks, E. C. Collegedale, Tenn. Barron, Richard C. (1), 727 South "D"
Banks, G. N., Box No. 1016, Accra, St., Oxnard, Calif.
Gold Coast, S.D.A. Mission, West Af- Barrows, H. W. (1), Takoma Park,
rica. Washington 12, D. C.
Bannister, C. T. (in), Box 221, Kisumu, Bartha, B., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12,
Kenya Colony, East Africa. Cluj, Rumania.
Baracat, J., Caixa Postal 1919, Rid Bartholomew, Paul, 993 Rose St., Baker,
de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Oreg.
Barber, Walter E., Box 454, Kekoba, Bartlett, C. A., S.D.A. Mission, Box No.
Kauai, Territory Hawaii. 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Barboza, Alfredo, Caixa Postal 146, Bartlett, E. S. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Campo Grande, Mato Grosso, Brazil, thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
South America. Bartlett, M. A. (1), Naripan 63, Ban-
Barbu, I. (1), Strada Golesti No. 11, doeng, Java, Indonesia.
Braila, Rumania. Bartlett, S. A., 40 Bealey Ave., Christ-
Bandora, Gideoni (1), Gitwe Mission, church, New Zealand.
Via Usumbura, Urundi, Congo Beige, Bartlett, V. L. (I), Union Springs,
Africa. N. Y.
Banza Adam (1), Songa Mission, B. P. Bartz, E., Lange Laube 29, (20a) Han-
Kamina, Congo Beige, Africa. over, Germany.
Barber, Mrs. Mabel L. (m), 67 Lefferts Bascom, James (I), Box 599, - Casper,
Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wyo.
Bare, J. D. (1), Route 1, Box 1969, Basham, F. A., 84 The Boulevarde,
Paradise, Calif. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Barger, R. Curtis, P. 0. Box 1475, Hilo, tralia.
Hawaii, Territory Hawaii. Bass, H. W., 1906 Valley Drive, Syra-
Barker, E. J. (1), 27 Esplanade Road, cuse 7, N. Y.
Mt. EdenAuckland, New Zealand. Basta, Wilson (1), 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Barker, L. G., Sheyenne River Academy, Heliopolis, Egypt.
Harvey, N. Dak. Bastiaans, W. (1), Ruia Mission, P. 0.
Barlas, A. N. (1), Poste Restante, Ni- Mt. Darwin, Southern Rhodesia, Af-
cosia. Cyprus. rica.
Barnabas, Ngoma Medical Mission, Bata, R. A. (1), 385 Richland Ave.,
Gitwe, Usumbura, Rwanda-Urundi, Athens, Ohio.
Congo Beige, Africa. Bates, F. E., Ringling, Okla.
Barnard, L. A. (1), Madang, Territory Bates, G. D. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Mush-
of New Guinea, Pacific Ocean. tag Manzil, Moradabad, U.P., India.
Barnes, A. E., 3434 E. Fifth St., Los Batson, D. C. 1105 Madison Ave.,
Angeles 33, Calif. Shreveport, I:a.
Barnes, E. J., 1844 26th Ave. N., Nash- Battle, Mrs. Gertrude (b), 1012 Hickory
ville 8, Tenn. St., Gadsden, Ala,

Battle, Maurice (1), 525 W. Church St., Beatty, W. A. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Gainesville, Fla. thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Battye, 0. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Beaty, Earl (m), Route 1, Berrien
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Springs, Mich.
tralia. Beaven, W. H. (1), Union College, Lin-
Battye, W. E., 148 Fox Valley Rd., coln 6, Nebr.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Beavon, E. A., 873 Sherwood Ave.,
tralia. Pittsburgh 21. Pa.
Bauer, A. W., 511 2nd St., S. W., Beavon, Fred (1), 218 St. Louis, Fern-
Jamestown, N. Dak. dale, Mich.
Bauer, C. L., 1923 Eden Ave., Glendale Beavon, H. W. E. (I), Rwesse Mission,
6, Calif. B. P. Lubero, Congo Beige, Africa.
Bauer, David L. (1), 978 5th Ave., Beazley, A. L., Route 1, Box 39-A,
Yuma, Ariz. Beavercreek, Oreg.
Bauer, I., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12, Bechara, W., Caixa Postal 1919, Rio
Cluj, Rumania. de Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
Bauer, John (m), Pacific Union College, Beck, Carl, 201 S. Kansas, Chanute,
Angwin, Calif. Kan.
Baughman, B. Y., 2414 S. Steele St., Beck, Edwin C. (1), 103 S. Pleasant,
Denver 3, Colo. Hillsboro, Texas.
Baughman, L. A., Granger, Wash. Beck, Henry, Box 221, Port-of-Spain,
Baum, C. S., 5026 27th Ave., S., Gulf- Trinidad, British West Indies.
port, Fla. Becker, Carl, 545 Tokay St., Lodi, Calif.
Baumbach, E., Peiner Strasse 19-A, Becker, E. L. (m), P. 0. Box 226,
Hanover-Dohren, Germany. Singapore, Colony of Singapore.
Bauscher, 0., Bohmerstr. 13, (16) Becker, Neal W., 31 Hollywood St.,
Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Worcester, Mass.
Bautista, B. 0. (m), P. 0. Box 401, Becker, V. W., Campion Academy, Love-
Manila, Philippines. land, Colo.
Bautista, J. 0., Santiago, Isabela, Phil- Beckner, H. R., Collegedale, Tenn.
ippines. Becraft, V. C., 410 Harbison Ave., Na-
Baw Dee (1), S.D.A. Mission, Shwen- tional City, Calif.
yaungbin, Thandaung Mail Bag, Beddoe, E. E. 1261 Magnolia Ave.,
Toungoo, Burma. Redding, Calif.
Baxter, W. E., Jr., Uxmal No. 365, Bedwell, H. W., Box 308, Oshawa, On-
Colonia Narvarte, Mexico, D. F. tario, Canada.
Baxter, W. E., Sr., Apartado 436, Bo- Bee, C. M., 75 Park St., Oshkosh, Wis.
gota, Colombia, South America. Beeler, Charles R., Apartado 986, Car-
Bayliss, J. H., Stanborough Park, Wat- acas, Venezuela, South America.
ford, Herts., England. Beeler, Eva (in), 1811 11th Ave., Oak- '
Baysinger, Wayne, Box 708, Chadron, land 6, Calif.
Nebr. Beem, K. C. (1), South Lancaster, Mass.
Bayuna, F. M. (m), General Delivery, Beer, Lugi, Via Trieste 23, Florence,
Manila, Philippines. Italy.
Beach, C. W. (1), Route 4, Dahlonega, Begemann, W., Peiner Strasse 19-A,
Ga. Hanover-Dohren, Germany.
Beach, Margaret (m), Rest Haven San- Behner, Mrs. Edna (rn), Box 449, ,De-
itarium, Sidney, British Columbia, catur, Ga.
Canada. Behrendt, P., Thalmann-Platz 46, Cott-
Beach, W. R., Hoheweg 17, Berne, bus, Germany.
Switzerland. Behrens, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber-
Reams, J. W., Jasper Ave., Mentone, lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Calif. Behrens, E., Box 1011J, Adelaide, South
Beane, G. L. (m), College Place, Wash. Australia, Australia.
Beans, L. G., P. 0. Box 855, Powell, Beier, J., Thalmann-Platz 46, Cottbus,
Wyo. Germany.
Beardsell, S. W., Box 468, Bloemfon- Beijer, K. (m), Lange Beestenmarkt
tehr, Orange Free State, South Af- 102, The Hague, Netherlands.
rica. Beitzakhar, M. S., Avenue Pahlevi 2075,
Teheran, Iran.
Beardsley, E. J. (m), Cedar Lake Acad- Belchambers, Marion H. (in), P. 0.
emy, Cedar Lake, Mich. Box 15, Poona 1, India.
Beardsley, Mrs. Grace (b), 313 S. 21st Bench, Ilija, 1336 W. 60th Place, Los
Ave E., Duluth, Minn. Angeles 44, Calif.
Beardsley, 0. B. (1), Mwami Mission, Bell, A. R., 1817 Knox Ave., Belling-
P. 0. Fort Jameson, N. E. Rhodesia, ham, Wash.
Africa. Bell, E., 780 St. Albans Road, Watford,
Beaton, Kate (m), Box 88, Cape Town, Herts., England.
South Africa. Bell, Frederick (rn), New Western Na-
Beatty, Furman D., P. 0. Box 1164, tive Township, Johannesburg, Trans-
Charleston 24, W. Va. vaal, South Africa.

Bell, G. R., 780 St. Albans Road, Wat- Bergh, Henry T. (1), 427 Yosemite Ave.,
ford, Herts., England. Mountain View, Calif.
Bell, J. E., Stanborough Park, Watford, Berghauer, I., Kun Jozsef u. 29, Mis-
Herts., England. kolez, Hungary.
Bell, 0. J. (1), 1201 N. W. 27, Okla- Bergherm, W. A., Virrey del Pino 3801,
homa City, Okla. Suc. 27, R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Bellah, C. G., 406 Marshall St., Fred- tina, South America.
ericktown, Mo. Bergherm, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash-
Belleau, George S., 414 S. E. 39th Ave., ington 12, D. C.
Portland 15, Ore. Berglund, Gosta, Vasagatan 12, Gote-
Bellido, A. (m), Calle V. Vergara 3227, borg, Sweden.
Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires, Bergman, E. J., Box 138, Pendleton,
Argentina, South America. Ore.
Belloy, J., 10 Salisbury Road, Rose Hill, Bergold, Adoipho (m), Caixa Postal
Mauritius, Indian Ocean. 2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Am-
Belloy, L., 11-13 rue Ernest Allard, erica.
Brussels, Belgium. Bergold, Ernesto (m), Caixa Postal
Belton, B., Stanborough Park, Watford, 2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
Herts., England. ica.
Beltz, O. S. (1), Washington Mission- Bergold, Henrique S. (m), Caixa Pos-
ary College, Takoma Park 12, D. C. tal 177, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
Belz, Francisco (I), Caixa Postal 2898, Sul, Brazil, South America.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Bergstrom, R. H., Mission Adventiste,
Belz, Rodolpho, Caixa Postal 2898, Sao Maroua, French Cameroons, West Af-
Paulo, Brazil, South America. rica.
Bender, U., 812 Academy Road, Holly, Berkel, Ivan (I), Piseaderaweg 22,
Mich. Mundo Nobo, Curacao, Netherlands
Benefield, V. (1), 780 St. Albans Road, West Indies.
Watford, Herts., England. Berle, Eugene, Casier Postal 19, Pointe-
Benezech. E.. 5 Boulevard Longchamp, a-Pitre, Guadeloupe, French West
Marseille, France. Indies.
Benezech, Paul, Mission Adventiste, Bermeilly, R., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
Nanga-Eboko, Via Douala, , French zerland.
Cameroons, West Africa. Bermingham, Matthieu, Casier S, Port-
Benfati, Esther E. (m), Caixa Postal au-Prince, Haiti, French West Indies.
2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Bernal, Guillermo (1), Casilla 1003,
ica. Lima, Peru, South America.
Benham, F. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bernard, P., Institut "Vie et Sante"
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis, Alger
Australia. (Algeria).
Benjamin, C. L. (m), 232 West Lake Berner, E., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karls-
Drive, N.W., Atlanta, Ga. ruhe, Baden, Germany.
Benjamin, M. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Berner, K., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12,
. Rayapet, Narsapur, West Godavari Cluj, Rumania.
District, India. Bernhardt, Santiago, Avda. Italia 2360,
Benjamin, W. A. (in), Takoma Park, Montevideo, Uruguay, South Amer-
Washington 12, D. C. ica.
Bennet, Lester (1). P.O. Box 276, Bernoth, B. (1), 27 Esplanade Rd., Mt.
Hawaii, Territory Hawaii. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Bennett, H. J. (I), Ndora Mission, P. Bernstein, O. O., 10326 Sherman Grove
0. Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Congo Ave., Sunland, Calif.
Beige, Africa. Berry, K. J. (1), Chebwai Mission, P.O.
Benovesky, 0., Bratislava, Tr. Marsala Kakamega, Kenya Colony, East Af-
Malinovskeho 24a, Slovakia. rica.
Benson, I. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box Berry, R. E., 2490 Geneva St., Fresno,
45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa. Calif.
Benton, Roy L., 1544 S. E. Hawthorne Berry, V. E., Apartado 1059, San Jose,
Blvd., Portland 14, Ore. Costa Rica, Central America.
Bentz, A. V. Route 6, Box 5176, Sac- Berry, W. 0., 616 First St. N.W., Ab-
ramento, dalif. erdeen, S. Dak.
Bentz, R. (1), Boite Postale 453, Saigon, Bertalot, Elia, 130 Boulevard de l'Ho-
French Indo-China. pital, Paris 13e, France.
Bentzinger, 0. H., Box 402, Manitou Bertalot, Enrico, Hoheweg 17, Berne,
Springs, Colo. Switzerland.
Berchin, A., Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires, Bertalot, R. (I), 130 Boulevard de l'Ho-
Argentina, South America. pital, Paris 13e, France,
Berg, Henry, 263 S. Cypress St., Berthelsen, W. L. (1), Box 26, College
Orange, Calif. View Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Berg, Orley M. (1), 11306 Houston St., Berthold, W., Diepensiepen 16, Mett-
North Hollywood, Calif. rnann/Rheinland, Germany.

Bertram, W., Lange Beestenmarkt 102, Birckel, R. (1), Institut "Vie et Sante"
The Hague, Netherlands. Parc d'Hydra. Birmandreis, Alger
Berzenczey, K., Sr., Szekely Bertalan- (Algeria).
. utca 13, Budapest VI, Hungary. Bird, A. C., Box 992, Caldwell, Idaho.
Berzenszev, K.. Jr. (m), Szekly Berta- Bird, W. L., Dulzura, Calif.
lanutca 13, Budapest VI. Hungary. Birkenstock, K. (1), Box 7768, Johan-
Beskow, H. P., Uriarte 2429, Buenos nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Birsgal, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber-
Beskow, P. C. (I), Cervantes 144, Pa- lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
rana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South Bischoff, J. H. (1), Ozark Academy,
America. Gentry, Ark.
Besra, James, Solbandha, Sahibganj Bisel, H. E., Box 252, Lakeview. Mich.
P.0,. E.I. Rly., Loop, India. Bishai, Basta, 16 Av. de Koubbeh, Hel-
Besra, S. K. (1), 36 Park St., Calcutta, iopolis, Egypt.
India. Bishop, Mrs. Frances (b), 6 Melissa St.,
Best, G. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., Christ- Providence 9, R.I.
church, New Zealand. Bivar, Renato (m), Caixa Postal 2898,
Bethmann, E., Review and Herald. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Biy, P. G. (m), Box 398, Oshawa, On-
Betram, W., Paramaribostraat 87 I, tario, Canada.
Amsterdam, Netherlands. Bjaanes, E., P. 0. Box 145, Addis
Betz, Charles) 1721 Glencoe Drive, Ababa, Ethiopia.
Lemon Grove, Calif. Black, Dennis T., 3133 Logan St., San
Bevan, J. F. (I), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Diego 2, Calif.
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Black, Mrs. Irene (m), College Place,
Bevan, J. G., 780 St. Albans Road, Wash.
Watford, Herts., England. Black, L. J. (1), Route 1, Loma Linda,
Bhaggian, M., S.D.A. Mission, Vadava- Calif.
thoor, Kottayam, Travancore, India. Black, W. L., Route 3, Wilmington,
Bibbs, Ella M. (b), 553 Cedar Ave., N. C.
Mobile, Ala. Blackburn, Carlton C. (m), Southwes-
Bibi (1), P.O. Box 34, Jesselton, Col- tern Junior College, Keene, Texas.
ony of North Borneo. Blackburn, R. S. (1), Box 4929, Atlanta
Bickley, B. R. (I), Ngoma Medical Mis- 2, Ga.
sion, Gitwe, Usumbura, Ruanda-Ur- Blacker, W. J. (m), P.O. Box 401,
undi, Congo Beige, Africa. Manila, Philippines.
Bidwell, Allen T. (I), 1005 W. Craw- Blackney, Anna L. (m), 1544 S.E.
ford St., Dalton, Ga. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland 14; Oreg.
Bidwell, W. E., 228 Rollins Ave., Or- Blair, Ainsley, 9848 106th St., Edmon-
lando, Fla. ton, Alberta, Canada.
Bieber, D. J., 1415 Makiki St., Hono- Blair, L. H. (1), 27 Esplanade Road,
lulu 4, Territory Hawaii. Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Bieber, F. W., 6850 Cree St., Van- Blair, R. E. G.. 148 Fox Valley Road,
couver, British Columbia, Canada. Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Bierly, Mary (b), Box 949 Clarksbury, tralia.
W. Va. Blair, Van 0., Route 2, Battle Ground,
Bietz, Arthur L., 732 Fay Drive, Glen- Wash.
dale 5, Calif. Blake, 0. A., Virrey del Pino 3801,
Bietz, E. E., College Heights, Alberta, Suc. 27, R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Canada. tina, South America.
Bietz, R. R., South Lancaster, Mass. Blanch, J. A. B. (I), Monamona Mis-
Biggs, Lloyd E., 414 S. E. 39th Ave., sion, Oak Forest, via Cairns, North
Portland 15, Oreg. Queensland, Australia.
Bikoe, J. E. (I), Mission A dventiste Bland, F. L., 2528 Benton Blvd., Kan-
Maroua, French Cameroons, West Af- sas City 1, Mo.
rica. Bland, L. H., 560 West 150th St., New
Biller, R. Hans Sachs Strasse 9, Chem- York 31, N.Y.
nitz, dermany. Bland. M. C. (1), 27 Esplanade Road,
Biloff, R. R. (I), 1610 Van Loan, Cor- Auckland, New Zealand.
pus Christi, Texas. Blandford, C. L.. 438 E. Phil-Ellena St.,
Binanzer, E., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber- Philadelphia 19, Pa.
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Blasius, Marion (b), 5717 S. Shields
Binanzer, W., Kopernikusstrasse 24-I, Ave., Chicago 21, Ill.
Nurnberg, Germany. Blecha, Byron (1), General Delivery,
Binder, Emma (m), Giffard Mission Great Bend, Kansas.
Hospital, Nuzvid, Kistna District, Bleck, Alfredo (m). Caixa Postal 2898,
India. Sao Paulo. Brazil, South America.
Binnebossel, F. (1), Hoheweide 51, Ham- Blehm, Walter (1), 955 A St., Spring-
burg 30, Germany. field. Oreg.
Biraro, Zefania (1), Box 22, Kampala, Bliss, Vernon L.. Route 2, Box 352, Le-
Uganda, East Africa. town, British Guiana, South America.

Blenman, F. A. (b), Box 78, George- Bonney, C. R., 780 St. Albans Road,
moore, Calif. Watford, Herts., England.
Block, E. T., Uriarte 2429, Buenos Bonongwe, Methuselah (1), P. 0. Tek-
Aires, Argentina, South America. erani, Nyasaland, Africa.
Block, Godofredo, Cervantes 144, Par- Bontemps, P. B., 705 S. Valley View
ana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South Ave., San Bernardino, Calif.
America. Bookhart, J. A., 524 Mary Ave., New
Blomstedt, A., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Smyrna Beach, Fla.
holm, Sweden. Booth, Ernest (m), College Place,
Blosser, J. B., Cooks, Mich. Wash.
Bloum, H. P. (m), Takoma Park, Boothby, R. L., 906 Flower Ave., Ta-
Washington 12, D. C. koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Blue, I. F., Route 2, Box 238, Redlands, Borg, S. T., Box 4, Sanitarium, Calif.
Calif. Borgas, L. A., S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul,
Blumenshien, L. A. (1), 156 North St., New Britain, Territory of New Gui-
Woodland, Calif. nea, Pacific Ocean.
Blunden, H. M., Takoma Park, Wash- Boric, J. (m), Rua Lopes Trovao 84,
ington 12, D. C. Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South
Bobin, B. E. (1), P. 0. Box 27, Hamil- America.
ton, New South Wales, Australia. Borrowdale, L. J., Paradise Valley
Bock, Lowell L. (1), 9507 Donnell Road, Sanitarium, National City, Calif.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Borrowdale, R. J., 36 Park St., Cal-
Bodrug, N., 1439 Newton Road, New cutta, India.
Westminster, Route 6, British Co- Bothe, J. W. (1), Box 125, Moncton,
lumbia, Canada. New Brunswick, Canada.
Boehm, E. A., S.P.A. Mission, Rabaul, Bottcher, T., Kurfurstenstrasse 91,
Territory of New Guinea, Pacific Bielefeld, Germany.
Ocean. Bottsford, E. E. (m), Hospital Guaya-
Boehm, Harley (1), Caixa Postal 243, marin, Guayamarin, Beni, Bolivia,
Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil, South South America.
America. Boulting, C. J., Norfolk Island, Aus-
Boehm, J. H., Caixa Postal 233, Vic- tralia.
toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South Bouwer, S. (1), Paramaribostraat 87 I,
America. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Bogle, Jack B. (I), 227 Came St., Flat Bowen, Glenn, 665 Edgar St., Beaumont,
River, Mo. Calif.
Bohlmann, J., Hoheweide 51, Hamburg Bowen, Robert (m), Box 228, Coconut
30, Germany. Grove, Miami, Fla.
Bohn, A. D., Box 184, Arlington, Calif. Bowen, T. E., 18 Sycamore Ave., Ta-
Bohner, J. F., 1051 Lancaster Ave., koma Park, Washington 12. D.C.
Syracuse 10, N. Y. Bower, D. G. (m), Spicer Missionary
Bohner, Leonard F. (1), Box 228, Coco- College, Aundh Road, Kirkee, Poona
nut Grove, Miami, Fla. 3, India.
Bohr, Harold (1), Sextonville, Wis. Bower, R. W. (1), 62 Clotilde St., Mt.
Bohringer, G. F. (1), Sanitarium Health Lowley, West Australia. Australia.
Food Company, Cooranbong, New Bowers, G. W., Walla Walla College,
South Wales, Australia. College Place, Wash.
Boix, Jose, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Bowers, J. L., Route 3, Sunset Park,
Spain. Columbia, Tenn.
Bolivar, Luis A., Apartado Nacional Bowers, L. I., c/o Pacific Press, Moun-
313, Cali, Colombia. South America. tain View, Calif.
Bolst, N. E., S.D.A. Mission, 48 Law- Bowett, T. S. (1), 5009 East Georgia St.,
rence Road. Lahore. Pakistan. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Bolton, R. T., 780 St. Albans Road, Bowles, R. E. (I), 2621 Farnam St.,
Watford, Herts., England. Omaha 2, Nebr.
Bommer, J., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50, Boyce, V. T. (in), Box 78, Georgetown,
Switzerland. British Guiana, South America.
Bond, C. Lester, 1118 E. 33rd St., Spo- Boyd, John W., 1815 Butler Ave., Su-
kane, Wash. perior, Wis.
Bond, V. D. (m), 399 Upper Serangoon Boyd, L. N. (1), 5027A N. 19th St.,
Road, Singapore, Colony of Singa- Milwaukee, Wis.
pore. Boyd, R. K. (m), Pacific Union College,
Bone, H. G. (1), P.O. Box 578, South Angwin, Calif.
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. Boykin, C. A., 36 Park Street, Calcutta,
Boneff, B. W., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- India.
garia. Boynton, A. R. (1), Box 1281, Shang-
Bongini, Riccardo. Piazza Mirabello 2- hai, China.
bis, Milano, Italy. Boynton, P. C., Avenue Pahlevi 2075,
Bonjour, J. A., Uriarte 2429, Buenos Teheran, Iran.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Boynton, W. S., Cove, Oreg.

Boyts, Charles H. (1), Box 831, Mt. Ver- Breitigam, R. R.. 2550 Sleepy Hollow
non, Ohio. Drive, Glendale, Calif.
Bozarth, C. W., Grove Ave., Clare- Bremer, A., Kurfurstenstrasse 91, Biel-
mont, Cape Province, South Africa. efeld, Germany.
Braaten, Vernon, 1709 Alcatraz St., Brendel, Harold J., 91 Mount Vernon
Berkeley, Calif. St., Melrose, Mass.
Bracero, Rafael, Box 3005, Santurce, Brennan, D. A., S.D.A. Mission, Ma-
Puerto Rico. dang, Territory of New Guinea, Pa-
Bradford, C. E. (I), 922 S. 14th St., cific Ocean.
Baton Rouge, La. Brennan, H. R., 635 Belle Ave., St.
Bradford, R. L., P. 0. Box 79, Rich- - Charles, Mich.
mond, Va. Brennwald, F. (1), Takoma Park, Wash-
Bradley, Clyde, General Delivery, For- ington 12, D. C.
tune, Calif. Bresee, Floyd E., 4547 Calvert St., Lin-
Bradley, E. W. (I), 119 W. Queen coln 6, Nebr.
Lane, Philadelphia 44, Pa. Bresee, H. N., 513 Buckingham Ave.,
Bradley, Lily (b), Box 1133, Port Eliza- Syracuse, N.Y.
beth, Cape Province. South Africa. Bresee, R. F., 931 Taylor St., Eugene,
Bradley, T. J., 780 St. Albans Road, Oreg.
Watford, Herts., England. Bresee, W. D. (1), Box 149, Shawnee,
Bradley, W. H., Delaware Ave., Los Okla.
Angeles, Calif. Bretz, Mrs. Verna (b), 3080 West Mich-
Bradley, W. P., Takoma Park, Wash- igan, Battle Creek, Mich.
ington 12, D. C. Brewer, N. F., 2 Duke Road, Kowloon,
Brager, R., Diepensiepen 16, Mettmann/ Hong Kong.
Rheinland, Germany. Brewer, R. E. (1), 1595 Drummond Rd.,
Braley, Bradford W. (1), e/o R. M. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Whitsett, 2115 St. Clair, St. Louis, Bricker, H. W. (1), 1409 Jean Ave.,
Mo. Winter Park, Fla.
Braley, Mrs. Bradford W. (m), c/o Brickman, Theresa (m), Collegedale,
R. M. Whitsett, 2115 St. Clair, St. Tenn.
Louis, Mo. Bringle, A. S., Box 262, Enterprise, Kan.
Braman, Orvis A. (m), South Lancas- Bringle, Alten A., 5149 N. E. Davis St.,
ter, Mass. Portland 15, Oreg.
Brand, A., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50, Bringle, C. Paul, Grove Ave., Clare-
Switzerland. mont, Cane Province. South Africa.
Brander, Mrs. D. (b), 516 E. Dartmouth Brinkman, H., Robert Blum Strasse 6,
St., Flint 5, Mich. Dresden-N6, Germany.
Brandon, Mrs. Anna (b), 4311 64th St., Brinkman, J. (I), Paramaribostraat 87
Woodside, N.Y. L Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Brandt, A. H. (1), Malamulo Mission, Brinkmann, D., Hoheweide 51, (24a)
P.O. Malamulo. Nyasaland, Africa. Hamburg 30, Germany.
Branson, E. L., P. 0. Box 1011, Beirut, Brion, R. D. (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma-
Lebanon. nila, Philippines.
Branson, W. H., 2 Duke Road, Kowloon, Brions, Gabriel (1), Cagayan, Oriental
Hong Kong. Misamis, Philippines.
Brandstater, R., P. 0. Box 1011J, Ade- Bristol, Ansel (IL 226 N. Kendall, Bat-
laide, South Australia, Australia. tle Creek, Mich.
Branster, G., 84 The Boulevarde, Strath- Bristol, E. A., Loma Linda, Calif.
field, New South Wales, Australia. Bristow, A., Chisekesi Siding, Northern
Brantley, E. D. (1), 1410 Hawkins St., Rhodesia, Africa.
Nashville, Tenn. Bristow, W. B., 252 N. Villa St., Di-
Brantley, L. W. (IL 107 47th St., S.E., nuba, Calif.
Washington, D.C. Britt, J. R. (1), 636 N. 32nd St., Phil-
Brantley, Stewart (m), Box 449, Deca- adelphia, Pa.
tur, Ga. Brobecker, E., 5 Boulevard d'Anvers,
Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France.
Brash, T. S., Stanborough Park, Wat- Broberg, S. A., Svanevej 10, Copen-
ford. Herts., England.
Brathwaite. L. D., Box 66, Port-of- hagen N.V., Denmark.
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Brock, Ruth. (m), Box 398, Oshawa,
- Ontario, Canada.
Brauer, Carroll (1), Box 634, Clinton, Brockett, Miller, 2557 East Villa St.,
Okla. Pasadena 8, Calif.
Braun, C. A., Pine Ridge, S. Dak. Brockmann, F. (1), Kurfurstenstrasse
Braun, Luiz, Caixa Postal 2898, Sao 91, (21a) Bielefeld, Germany.
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Broder, Ernest (1), 502 E. Magnolia,
Br.adon, F.. 8 Yarra St.. Hawthorn, Centralia, Wash.
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Brodersen, H. N., 319 S. 6th St., Mus-
Bredenkamp, 0. 0., Box 468, Bloem- kogee, Okla.
fontein, Orange Free State, South Brodersen, Raymond H., 12/C Rither-
Africa. don Road, Vepery, Madras, India.

Brook, K. D. L. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Bryant, H. G., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton,

Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. New South Wales, Australia.
Brooks, Edgar, Uriarte 2429, Buenos Bryant, R. J., Box 495, Ramona, Calif.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Brzezinski, J., Robert Blum Strasse 6,
Brooks, R. 10, Box 78, Georgetown, Dresden-N6, Germany.
British Guiana, South America. Buchli, S., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50,
Brooks, Roger H. (m), Apartado 92, Switzerland.
Managua, Nicaragua, Central Amer- Buck, Ben (m), Box 584, Arlington,
ica. Calif.
Broszat, Anita (1), Adventhaus Hans- Buck, Edwin, Jr. (1), Vincent Hill
Sachs-Strasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. School, Mussoorie, U.P., India.
Burton, I. B., R.R. No. 6, Hagersville, Buckle, F. D. (I), 780 St. Albans Road,'
Brouchy, Pedro M., Avda. Espana 851, Watford, Herts., England.
Corrientes, Argentina, South Amer- Buckley, E. A., 11-12 Allbret Bldg., 9
ica. Fraser St., Johannesburg, Transvaal,
Brown, B. W., 2244 Don Julian Road, South Africa.
Puente, Calif. Buckley, R. A., Emmanuel. Mission, P.
Brown, Edwin G., Route 1-A, Kalispell, 0. Leribe, Basutoland, South Africa.
Mont. Buckman, W. M., Box 488, Beach, N.
Brown, Eugene A., Box 353, Santa Dak.
Rosa, Calif. Buckwalter, J. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
Brown, F. J. (1), 37 O'Connell Ter- ington 12, D.C.
race, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queens- Bucy, -J. M. (m), 1632 Natchez Ave,
land, Australia. Chicago 35, Ill.
Brown, G. G., Angwin, Calif. Buday, Z. (1), Szekely Bertalan-utca
Brown, H. C., 1456-A E. California 13, Budapest VI, Hungary.
Ave., Glendale 6, Calif. Budayo, J. A. (1), Artacho, Sison, Pan-
Brown, Henry F., Takoma Park, Wash- gasinan, Philippines.
ington 12, D.C. Budd, G. L., College Place, Wash.
Brown, J. L., Apartado 1059, San Jose, Budnick, M., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber-
Costa Rica, Central America. lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Brown, J. Norvell (I), 1009 Bell St., Bufano, Cesar, 706 E. Campbell Ave.,
Corona, Calif. Campbell, Calif.
Brown, Joseph, 418 4th Ave., S. E., Buford, Mrs. Alice (b), 623 S. Pal-
Jamestown, N. Dak. metto Ave., Daytona Beach, Fla.
Brown, Kenneth S. (1), Vincent Hill Buja (1), P.O. Box 34, Jesselton, Col-
College, Mussoorie, U.P., India. ony of North Borneo.
Brown, L. D., Majita Mission, P.O. Bujak, E. (1), Mlodziezy Jugoslowian-
Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East skiej 8, Warszawa, Poland.
Africa. Bulangak (1), P.O. Box 34, Jesselton,
Brown, R. P., Signs Publ. Co., Harbur- Colony of North Borneo.
ton, Victoria, Australia. Bull, H. (I), 780 St. Albans Road, Wat-
Brown, Richard C. (1), 814 14th St., N., ford, Herts., England.
Columbus, Miss. Bull, Stanley, West Indian Training
Brown, V. Clifford (1), 1574 Brunswick College, Mandeville, Jamaica, British
Ave., Trenton 8, N.J. West Indies.
Bullas, R., Box 1011-J Adelaide, South
Brown, T. (1), 76 Queensway, New Australia, Australia.
Delhi 1, India. Bullock, K. J. (1), 62 Clotilde St., Mt.
Brown, Walton J.. Calle V. Vergara Lowley. West Australia, Australia.
3227, Florida, F.N.G.B.M.' Buenos Bunch, T. G., South Lancaster, Mass.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Bunker, C. M., 2451 N. Alabama St.,
Brownell, Mrs. Kathleen (b), 807 4th Indianapolis 5, Ind.
St., S.W., Roanoke, Va. Burbach, Marvin, 1804 Kienlen Avenue,
Brownie, E. (1), 27 Esplanade Rd., Mt. St. Louis, Mo.
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Burbank, H. D. (1), 1826 Stirling St.,
Browning, R. E. 1112 N. 18th St., Lansing 10, Mich.
Kansas City, Kan. Buch, A. D. (1), Highland Academy,
Browneberger, J. F. (m), Washington Fountain Head, Tenn.
Sanitarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C. Burchfield, R. G., (I), 4234 Doncaster
Brozio, 0., Niklasstr. 19, (1) Berlin- Drive, Madison, Wis.
Zehlendorf, Germany. Burden, H. G. (1), 2525 S. Downing St.,
Denver 10, Colo.
Bruck, Carl, 221 S. Blue Lake Ave., Bureaud, J., 5 Boulevard Longchamp,
DeLand, Fla. Marseille, France.
Bruder, Mrs. Eva (b), 1372 W. 111th Bures, F., Londynska 30, Praha-Vinoh-
St., Cleveland 2, Ohio. rady, Czechoslovakia.
Brutus, Joses, Casier A115, Port-au- Burg, F. M., Paradise Valley Sanitar-
Prince, Haiti, French West Indies. ium, National City, Calif.
Bryant, F. J., 2822 Franklin St., Om- Burger, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
aha, Nebr. Wilmersdorf, Germany.

Burger, J. (1), Hoheweide 51, Ham- Butherus, D. C., 307 3rd Ave. S.W.,
burg 30, Germany. Jamestown, N.Dak.
Burgeson, V. K., Sheyenne River Acad- Butka, L. H. (ml, Shanghai Sanitar-
emy, Harvey, N. Dak. ium, Box 1281, Shanghai, China.
Burgess, C. B. (m), 9019 Grant Ave., Butka, H. E. (m), Uxmal No. 365, Co-
Brookfield, Ill. Ionia Narvarte, Mexico, Distrito Fed-
Burgess, G. T., 1623 Lucille St., Wichita eral, Mexico.
Falls, Texas. Butler, Albert B.. Sylvan Lane, Route
Burgess, J. W. (1), Box 1062, Stam- 2, Ellicot City, Md.
ford, Texas. Butler, A. E., Box 59, La Sierra Sta.,
Burgess, M. A., 1018 Christian St., Arlington, Calif.
Philadelphia, Pa. Butler, E. A. (1), 84 The Boulevarde,
Burgo, J. T., Caixa Postal 198, Cidade Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
do Salvador. Bahia, Brazil, South tralia.
America. Butler, E. J. (1), P.O. Box 578, South
Burk, K., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, Stutt- Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
gart-S, Germany. Butler, George, 148 Fox Valley Road,
Burke D. T., Sitoti Mission, P.O. Se- Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
nanga, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. tralia.
Burke, I. M., College Place, Wash. Butler, Kendall (I), 5041/2 Hilborn St.,
Burke, Keith (1), Route 1, Fay Road, Lodi, Calif.
North Syracuse, N.Y. Butler, L. A., 84 The Boulevarde,
Burkett, E. E. (I), 800 Chapman St., Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Ionia, Mich. tralia.
Burnett, D. Lois (m), Takoma Park, Butler, 0. K., 1125 S. 7th St., Terre
Washington 12, D. C. Haute, Ind.
Burns, L. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Butler. R. (1), Caixa Postal 1919, Rio
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, de Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
Australia. Butler, S. C., Box 1011J, Adelaide,
Burns, N. C., 148 Fox Valley Road, South Australia, Australia.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Butler, T. M. (1), 1919 Myrtle St.,
tralia. Erie, Pa.
Burns, R. J., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. Butler, V., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50,
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Switzerland.
Burns, W. E., 114-33 121st St., Ozone Butler, W. A., Takoma Park, Washing-
Park, N.Y. ton 12, D. C.
Burnside, G., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. Butler, Xavier (1),.632 Long Ave., To-
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. peka. Kans.
Burr, H. T. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Khurda Butterfield, A. D. (1), Loma Linda,
P.O., Puri District, Orissa, India. Calif.
Burrows, S. W., 73 S. Giles St., Bridge- Butterfield, M. B., Wikieup, Ariz.
ton, N. J. Butters, E. A. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Map-
Burton, I. B., R.R. No. 6, Hagersville, perley Park, Nottingham, England.
Ont., Canada. Butz, E. S., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, E.
Burwell, H. M. 2829 West Cantey St., 2, Victoria, Australia.
Fort Worth, Texas.
' Buyck, R., 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Stras-
Busch, M., Niklasstr. 19, (1) Berlin- bourg, Bas-Rhin, France.
Zehlendorf, Germany. Buzgo, M., Kun Jozsef u. 29, Miskolcz
Bush, F. F., Box 29, Brookfield, Ill. Hungary.
Bushnell, C. G. (1), Apartado Nacional Buzugherian, A. M.,Calle V. Vergara
224, Medellin, Colombia, South Amer- 3227, .Florida, .N.G.B.M., Buenos
ica. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Bussau, A. (1), Fulton Missionary Byers, Wayne W. (1), 1426 E. Locust
School, Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji, St., Vincennes, Ind.
Pacific Ocean. Byrd, Edwin L. (1), 615 Race St., Cam-
Busso, Carlos (1), Casilla 2830, Santi- bridge, Md.
ago, Chile, South America.
Bustamante, Gilberto, Apartado . Na- C
cional 313, Cali, Colombia, South
Cabaluna, Tomas R. (1), P.O. Box 119,
City of Cebu, Philippines.
Bustillos, Rodrigo (m), Hidalgo No. 49, Cabansag, Francisco (m), Cagayan, Or-
Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico. iental Misamis, Philippines.
Bustos, Benjamin, Casilla 2830, San- Cabansag, Q. C. (1), Santiago, Isabela,
tiago, Chile, South America. Philippines.
Butendieck, Rolf (I), Cervantes 144, Cabardo, A. 0., P.O. Box 119, City of
Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South Cebu, Philippines.
America. Cadwallader, E. M., Union College, Lin-
Butherus, B. G., West Indian Training coln 6, Nebr.
College, Mandeville, Jamaica, British Caenel, J. A. de, 5 Boulevard d'Anvers,
West Indies. Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France.

Caesar, Riley (m), Box 78, Georgetown, Campbell, R. G., 2821 W. Cantey St.,
British Guiana, South America. Fort Worth, Texas.
Cahilig, Remegio B., Cagayan, Oriental Campbell, V. H. (m), College Station,
Misamis, Philippines. Berrien Springs, Mich.
Cahlig, Z. B. (m), General Delivery, Campbell, W. U., 176 Orange St.,
Manila, Philippines. Kingston, Jamaica, British West In-
Cairus, Humberto J., Avda. Italia 2360, dies.
Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. Campher, H. P. (1), 57 Mint Village,
Calderon, A. J. (I), 19 Sur No. 1111, Kimberly, Cape Province, South
Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Africa.
Calderone, J. H. 2638 Alice Ave., Los Campillo, Rogelio (1), Patrocinio No.
Angeles 41, Calif. 20, Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
Calderon, Manuel (in), 8a Avenida Campos, Jose D. (I), Caixa Postal 1830,
Norte No. 57, San Salvador, Rep. de Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
El Salvador, Central America. Camposano, Melchor (1), Casilla 240,
Calderone, R. C., 3063 Parker Ave., Iquitos, Peru, South America.
Oakland 3; Calif. Canada, 0. A., 105 Buckeye St., Ham-
Caldwell, R. B. (1), Box 228, Coconut ilton, Ohio.
Grove, Miami, Fla. Candeias, A. M. (1), Cuale Mission,
Cales, Paul, Box 271, Holyoke, Colo. Duene de Braganca, Angola, Portu-
Cales, Raymond, 1817 E. Chevy Chase guese West Africa.
Drive, Glendale 6, Calif. Canjura, J. A., Apartado 1325, San
Calkins, Erling, Box 6, Twin Falls, Jose, Costa Rica, Central America.
Idaho. Cann, R. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Box 45,
Calkins, E. D., 135 Chestnut, Shilling- Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa.
ton, Pa. Cantoral, Felicito (m), Mision Adven-
Calkins, Glenn, 951 W. Palm Ave., tista, La Ceiba, Honduras, Central
Redlands, Calif. America.
Calkins, H. L., 1919 23rd St. A., Mo- Cannon, W. J., 22 Zulla Road, Mapper-
line, Ill. ley Park, Nottingham, England.
Calkins, Mrs. Viola (b), 7119 Indiana Canson, Earl (1), General Delivery,
Ave., Riverside, Calif. Blythe, Calif.
Callender, Lynn R. (1), 1708 Hazel St., Cantrell, Paul (1), 364 Woodland Ave.,
Boise, Idaho. Toledo, Ohio.
Calvo, V. M. (1), Uxmal No. 365, Co- Cantwell, C. C., 332 11th Ave., Upland,
Ionia Narvarte, Mexico, Distrito Fed- Calif.
eral, Mexico. Capinala, Diniz (1), Cuale Mission,
Camacho, Pedro S. (1), Caixa Postal Duque de Braganca, Angola, Portu-
1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Am- guese West Africa.
erica. Capman, H. J., Box 1311, Meridian,
Camacho, Samuel (1), Apartado 261, Miss.
Barranquilla, Colombia, South Amer- Capman, Joseph H., Route 1, Law-
ica. renceburg, Tenn.
Camaren a, Apolonio (m), Zaragosa Capobres, E. A., Cagayan, Oriental
No. 11, Tuxpan, Michoacan, Mexico. Misamis, Philippines.
Cameron, Howard F. (1), Choteau, Cara, C. M., General Delivery, Manila,
Mont. Philippines.
Cameron, Harry (I), 11076 Pine St., Carballal, Jose (1), Cervantes 144, Par-
Lynwood, Calif. ana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South
Cammarata, G., Casilla 771, Cocha- America.
bamba, Bolivia, South America. Carballal, Manuel (I), Apartado 329,
Campbell, A. J., S.D.A. Mission, Ma- Santa Clara, Cuba.
dang, Territory New Guinea, Pacific Carcich, T., 3601 Prairie Ave., Brook-
Ocean. field, Ill.
Campbell, Alice (m), 4020 Pandora St., Cardey, E. L., P.O. Box 88, Cape Town,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Can- South Africa.
ada. Cardey, 0. D., 2414 Huggins St., Co-
Campbell, G. A., P. 0. Box 226, Singa- lumbus, Ga.
pore, Colony of Singapore. CardeY, Mrs. 0. D. (b), 2414 Huggins
Campbell, H. J., 1022 Pemberton Road, St., Columbus, Ga.
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Carethers, A. R., 807 Gaines St., Little
Campbell, J. M., 1321 S. White Ave., Rock, Ark.
Pomona, Calif. Carey, A. (1). Stanborough Park, Wat-
Campbell, J. R., Box 327, Elisabethville, ford, Herts., England.
Congo Belge, Africa. Carey, E. W., Route 1, Toms Brook,
Campbell, M. N., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Va.
Campbell, M. V., 4547 Calvert St., Carey, R. A. (in), P.O. Box 1352, Nai-
Lincoln 6, Nebr. robi, Kenya, East Africa.
Campbell, Paul 0., Drawer R, Angwin, 'Carle, Gordon H., Box 243, Sault Ste.
Calif. Marie, Mich.

Carlill, R. (1), 7340 Jasper Ave., Ed- Cassell, Mabel (m), Washington Mis-
monton, Alberta, Canada. sionary College, Takoma Park 12,
Carlson, Don (1), 216 First St., Lodi, D. C.
Calif. Castanon, Juan R. (m), Box M, Cris-
Carlson, Werner E. (m), Arlington, tobal, Canal Zone.
Calif. Castelbuono, A., Jr. (1), 2419 West Polk
Carlsson, David, Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- St., Chicago 12, Ill.
holm, Sweden. Castellani, Oscar, Caixa Postal 2898,
Carlstjerna, C. 0., Tunnelgatan 25, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Stockholm, Sweden. Castilho, Elias M., Caixa Postal 810, Cu-
Carman, E. E., 726 N. Beatty St., ritiba, Parana, Brazil, South Amer-
Pittsburgh 6, Pa. ica.
Carner, J. R. (1) 3134 S. 6th St., Abi- Castillo, Alfonso (1), Avenida Obregon
lene, Texas. No. 1004, Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mex-
Carnes, 0. G., 21 S. Wayne St., Lewis- ico.
town, Pa. Castillo, Jose, Iturbide 204 Oriente,
Carpintero, Jose, Alvarez No. 36, Igu- Torreon Coahuila, Mexico.
ala, Guerrero, Mexico. Castillo, Juan M. (1), Apartado 218,
Carr, S. W., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Central
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, America.
Australia. Castillo, Samuel, 1157 Santa Fe Drive,
Carreon, Maria Isabel (b), Vallerta Sur Denver, Colo.
644, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Castle, C. H., Box 40, Sanitarium, Calif.
Carrington, J. T., Box 66, Port-of- Castrejon, Jose, Apartado 3005, San-
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. turce, Puerto Rico.
Carscallen, A. A., 11950 Raley Drive, Castro, Gabriel (1), Apartado 986, Ca-
Arlington, Calif. racas, Venezuela, South America.
Carter, C. A., South China Training Castro, Herculano, Caixa Postal 3,
Institute, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese,
Hong Kong. West Africa.
Carter, E. F., Riverside Sanitarium, Castro, M. S. (1), Caixa Postal 118,
800 Young's Lane, NashVille, Tenn. Benguela, Angola, Portuguese West
Carter, G. R., 509 S. 41st St., Omaha Africa.
2, Nebr. Catalano, Anthony, 3936 W. Gladys
Carter, G. W. (1), Box 584, Arling- Ave., Chicago 24, Ill.
ton, Calif. Catalano, G. (1), Via Tommaso Cam-
Carter, George E. (I), Box 78, George- panella 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy.
town, British Guiana, South Amer- Cavalcante, G., Via Tommaso Campa-
ica. nella 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy.
Carter, H. W., Arlington, Calif. Caveda, David (1), Apartado 30, Cama-
Carter, J. B., 2560 S. Marion St., Den- guey, Cuba.
. ver 10, Colo. Caviness, George L. (1), Pacific Union
Carter, Lee, 301 E. King Ave., Or- College, Angwin, Calif.
lando, Fla. Caviness, L. C., 431 H, S.W., Ardmore,
Carton, A. W. (1), 148 Fox Valley Road, Okla.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Caviness, L. L., Angwin, Napa Co.,
tralia. Calif.
Carubba, Henry J. (1), 316 West 9th Caviness, W. R., 923 E. 5th St., Spen-
St., Sarasota, Fla. . cer, Iowa.
Carvalho, A., Caixa Postal 378, Recife, Cazan, G., Calea Bucuresti 57, Craiova,
Pernambuco, Brazil, South America. Rumania.
Carvalho, J. F., Caixa Postal 378, Recife, Cazeaux, J. (1), 5 Boulevard Long-
Pernambuco, Brazil, South America. champ, Marseille, France.
Carvalho, Jose D. (I), Caixa Postal Ceausu, D.,Strada Golesti No. 11,
810, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Braila, umania.
America. Cemer, Roland IC., 601 S. 4th St., Terre
Casaca, A. J. S. (I), Bongo Mission, Haute, Ind.
Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West Af- Cepl, J., Londyriska 30, Praha-Vinoh-
rica. rady, Czechoslovakia.
Casebeer, George W., 1069 Beverly Cerna, Miguel A. (m), Mision Adven-
Road, Corona, Calif. tista, La Ceiba, Honduras, Central
Casey, C. H. (m), Oshawa, Ontario, Cernik, J. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box
Canada. 15, Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly Is-
Cash, R. E., Apartado 1059, San Jose, lands, Pacific Ocean.
Costa Rica, Central America. Cesario, G., Pizza Mirabello 2-bis, Mi-
Cash, Vesta (b), 3443 W. Adams St., lano, Italy.
Chicago 24, Ill. Chace, Earl S., Jr. (1), 226 Massasoit
Caslow, D. E., Route 2, Seymour, Ind: Road, Worcester, Mass.
Cass, Mrs. Mary Ellen (b), 1776 Coun- Chai Guok Uong, S.D.A. Mission, Foo-
try Club, Stockton, Calif. chow, China.
Chaij, F. (1), Calle V. Vergara 3227, Charpiot, F., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires, zerland.
Argentina, South America. Chase, James E., 2027 S. Logan, Den-
Chaij, Nicholas, Apartado 60, General ver, Colo.
Peraza, Havana, Cuba. Chaskelis, R. (1), Calle V. Vergara
Chalker, Byron IC (1), Box 245, Rock 3227, Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos
Springs, Wyo. Aires, Argentina, "South America.
Chalker, George, Jr., 1017 W. Park, Chastain, C. L., 1544 S.E. Hawthorne
Wenatchee, Wash. Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg.
Chalmers, Elden M., Box 550, Wahi- Chuquimia, Feliciano (1), Casilla 771,
awa, Oahu, Territory Hawaii. Cochabamba, Bolivia, South America.
Chamberlain, R. L. (1), Box 4929, At- Chavez, Bernabe, Casilla 134, Huacho,
lanta 2, Ga. Peru, South America.
Chambers, G. W., 1544 S. E. Haw- Chavez, Raul, Jose Galvez, Celendin,
thorne Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. Via Cajamarca, Peru, South America.
Chambi, Ruben (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Cheatham, W. L., 1037 Harlem Ave.,
Peru, South America. Baltimore, Md.
Chambilla, Felipe, Casilla 85, Puno, Chelcea, M. (1), Strada Golesti No. 11,
Peru, South America. Braila, Rumania.
Champion, M. G., Robinson Memorial Chelliah, Y. (1), 17 D Street, Cleveland
High School, Karmatar, E.I. Rly., Town, Bangalore, India.
India. Chemla, R. (1), Mission Adventiste,
Chan, L. S. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Tung- Oasis Superieure, Casablanca, Mor-
shan, Canton, China. occo.
Chan Woo Shang (1), S.D.A. Mission, Chen Bei Seng (1), Court 1207 Yu-Yuen
Tungshan, Canton, China. Road, Shanghai, China.
Chander Sen, S.D.A. Mission, Mushtaq, Chen Ching Nei (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Manzil, Moradabad, U.P., India. Hsuchow, Kiangsu, China.
Chaney, Frank L., Box 252 Star Route, Chen Fei (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wenchow,
Arcata, Calif. Chekiang, China.
Chaney, J. A., Route 1, Box 321, Vista, Chen Feng Ling (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Calif. Chien Ling Road, Kweiyang, Kwei-
Chang Chao Lin (1), P.O. Box 341, chow, China.
Mukden, Manchuria. Chen Gwoh Chun (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Chang Dz Chien, Kanching Mission of 86 North Gate Street, Kunming, Yun-
S.D.A., 337 Chung Cheng Road, Lan- nan, China.
chow, Kansu, China. Chen Ih Noh (I), Court 1207 Yu-Yuen
Chang Lan Ching (1), S.D.A. Mission, Road, Shanghai 27, China.
20 Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China. Chen Ming, 626 Ningkuo Road, Shang-
Chang Po Ching, S.D.A. Mission, 36 Fu hai, China.
Hsi Chieh, Tai-Yuan, Shansi, China. Chen, P. S. (m), South Lancaster, Mass.
Chang Wen Hsuan (1), S.D.A. Mission, Chen Pei Dao, Ninghsia Mission of
36 Fu Hsi Chieh, Tai-Yuan, Shansi, S.D.A., 1 Ho Ping Jieh, Ninghsia,
China. China.
Chanyegera, Andrea (I), Majita Mis- Chen Wen Sze (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wen-
sion, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika chow, Chekiang, China.
Territory, East Africa. Chen Wen Yu (I), 526 Ningkuo Road,
Chao Chi Shien (1), S.D.A. Mission, Shanghai 19, China.
20 Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China. Chen Y. Fu (1), 526 Ningkuo Road,
Chapin, J. P. (m), Walker Memorial Shanghai 19, China.
Sanitarium, Avon Park, Fla. Chen, Y. S., S.D.A. Mission, Wenchow,
Chapman, A. (1), 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Chekiang, China.
Lawley, West Australia, Aus- Chen Yu Tseng (1), S.D.A. Mission,
tralia Hsuchow, Kiangsu, China.
Chapman, E. M., Oswego, Oreg. Cheng Hsi Tien (I), Shensi Mission of
Chapman, G. W., Avenida Colonia del S.D.A., Outside West Gate, Sian,
Valle 312, Mexico, Distrito Federal, Shensi, China.
Mexico. Cherenfant, Maxi (I), Casier S, Port-
Chapman, George T. (1), Loma Linda au-Prince, Haiti, French West In-
Food Co., Arlington, Calif. dies.
Chapman, W. K., 409 Fourth St., Cherry, Gene F., 1516 Monroe Ave.,
Northeast, Jamestown, N. Dak. S.W., Apt. C, Birmingham, Ala.
Chapman, William (1), 62 Clotilde St., Cheung, D. H. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wai-
Mt. Lawley, West Australia, Aus- chow, Kwangtung, China.
tralia. Cheung Fa Min, S.D.A. Mission, Wai-
Charles, L. C., S.D.A. Mission, Kotta- chow, Kwangtung, China.
rakara, Travancore, South India. Cheung Kwok Yan, S.D.A. Mission,
Charlton, J. A., 84 The Boulevarde, Waichow, Kwangtung, China.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Cheung Man Shan (m), 17 Ventris
tralia. Road, Hong Kong.

Cheung, S. T. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wai- Christensen, Herbert, 4631 Munger St.,
chow, Kwangtung, China. Dallas, Texas.
Cheung, Y. C. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wai- Christensen, J. E., S.D.A. Mission, 86
chow, Kwangtung, China. North Gate Street, Kunming, Yunnan,
Chia Tai Hsiang, Northwest China China.
Union Mission of S.D.A., 337 Chung Christiensen, 0. H., Route 1, Berrien
Cheng Road, Lanchow, Kansu, China. Springs, Mich.
Chiao, H. S. (1), S.D.A. Mission, 17 Li Christensen, W. J. (1), 704 S. Washing-
Hwang Pei Road, Hankow, Hupeh, ton, Wellington, Kan.
China. Christensen, W. W., Box 65, Angwin,
Chico, Colino J. (1), Caixa Postal 3, Calif.
Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese Christenson, J. C., 2632 N. W. Park,
West Africa. Oklahoma City, Okla.
Chicondo, Leonardo (1), Bongo Mission, Christian, H. B., S.D.A. Mission, Box 6,
Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
Africa. Christian, H. R., 361 Argyle St., North
Childs, H. G. (m), Mountain View, Hobart, Tasmania.
'Calif. Christian, H. W., 312 N. 17th St., St.
Chilson, A. D. (1), 955 Tamarack St., Joseph, Mo.
Salem, Oreg. Christian, J. W., 924 8th Ave., S.E.,
Chilson, V. A., (1), 1210 Coles Blvd., Rochester, Minn.
Portsmouth, Ohio. Christian, L. H., 3956 "N" St., Sacra-
Chin Cho Ming, S.D.A. Mission, mento, Calif.
Chengtu, Szechwan, China. Christian, P. W., Angwin, Napa Co.,
Chin, K. T. (1), 140 Bukit Bintang Calif.
Road, Kuala Lumpur, Union of Ma- Christian, R. J., Review and Herald,
laya. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Chin, T. C., 17 Ventris Road, Hong Christiansen, A. G., San Francisco,
Kong. Calif.
Chiodo, Philip, 1079 Franquette St., Christiansen, A. P. (1), Apartado 30,
San Jose, Calif. Camaguey, Cuba.
Chipopa, Venancio, Bongo Mission, Lepi, Christiansen, I. W., Norre Alle 30,
Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Aarhus, Denmark.
Chiquete, Chiperica (I), Caixa Postal 3, Christiansen, L. N. (b), Box 449, De-
Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese catur, Ga.
West Africa. Christiansen, P. A. (1), Holmenkollveien
Chit Maung, S.D.A. Mission, Paan P.O., 31, Oslo, Norway.
Thaton District, Burma. Christianson, C. M., Apartado Nacional
Chitambe, Petro (1), P.O. Box 1352, 436, Bogota, Colombia, South Amer-
Nairobi, Kenya Colony, East Africa. ica.
Chiu Chi Shu, S.D.A. Mission, Da Chi Christie, E. C. (m), Takoma Park,
Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Washington 12, D.C.
Chiwanga, Matthew (1), P. 0. Chisekesi Christman, Donald R., 3922 Maunaloa
Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Ave., Honolulu 14, Territory Hawaii.
Cho Kyung Chul (1), S.D.A. Mission, Christman, H. K., Pacific Press Pub-
Outside East Gate, Seoul, Korea. lishing Assn., Mountain View, Calif.
Cho Wen Bing (1), Kanching Mission of Christman, Rachel (m), College Sta-
S.D.A., 337 Chung Cheng Road, Lan- tion, Berrien Springs, Mich.
chow, Kansu, China. Christoffers, E. (I), Kurfurstenstrasse
Chodura, J., Stredni 10, Brno, Moravia. 91, (21a) Bielefeld, Germany.
Chona, Ben, P. 0. Tekerani, Nyasaland, Christoffers, S., Grindelberg 15A, Ham-
Africa. burg 13, Germany.
Chong, Y. F. (1), 140 Bukit Bintang Christoforides, Chr. A., P. 0. Box 71,
Road, Kuala Lumpur, Union of Ma- Athens, Greece.
laya. Christoforides, Demetrius A. (1), Post
Choo, Y. F. (1), P.O. Box 41, Kuching, Box 71, Athens, Greece.
Sarawak, Borneo. Chu, Caleb (1), Northwest China Union
Chou Chi Hsun (1), S.D.A. Mission, Mission of S.D.A., Lanchow, Kansu,
Wenchow, Chekiang, China. China.
Chow Kang Ling (1), Court 1207, Yu- Chu Chien P'an (1), S.D.A. Mission, 20
Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China. Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China.
Chrisman, C. I., Box 584, Arlington, Chu, S. F. (m), 140 Bukit Bintang
Calif. Road, Kuala Lumpur, Union of Ma-
Chrispens, J. Branson, 858 Mill Plain laya.
Road, Fairfield, Conn.
Christensen, A. L. (1), Casier A-115, Chu Teh Ming (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Wenehow, Chekiang, China.
Christensen, Carl D., College Place, Chue Tin Ming (I), S.D.A. Mission,
Wash. Tungshan, Canton, China.
Christensen, Hans J. (1), Norre Alle 30, Chung Dong Shim, S.D.A. Mission,
Aarhus, Denmark. Taichun, Korea.

Chung Sung Chul (I), S.D.A. Mission, Clayburn, Josephine (m), New Western
99 Hoi Ki Bong, Seoul, Korea. Native Township, Johannesburg,
Chung Wai Po (1), S.D.A. Mission, Transvaal, South Africa.
Tungshan, Canton, China. Cleary, Otis (m), 4823 S. Oakes, Ta-
Church, T. A. (1), 113-B, Fair Oaks, coma 9, Wash.
Tenn. Cleek, Earl M., 205 McConnell St., Jop-
Cimera, Roman, P. 0. Tekerani, Nyasa- lin, Mo.
land, Africa. Clemenson, W. A..65 Byron Ave., Lon-
Cinzio, A. (1), Via Tommaso Campan- don, Ontario, anada.
ella, 8, (Mergellina). Napoli, Italy. Clement, Alexis, 1977 Eden Ave., Glen-
Cionca, Filip, Strada Rosenfeld No. 4, dale 6, Calif.
Sibiu, Rumania. Clement, Lora E. (m), Review and
Cipao, H. (1), P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Herald, Takoma Park 12, D. C.
Nyasaland, Africa. Clements, William V. (1), 2223 W.
Clack, L. H. (ern), P. 0. Box 7768, Jo- Olympic, Spokane, Wash.
hannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Clemons, J. Melvyn, 525 Slocum Road,
Clapham, N. P. (1), Australian Mis- North Dartmouth, Mass.
sionary College, Cooranbong, New Cleveland, C. C. (m), 399 Upper Seran-
South Wales, Australia. goon Road, Singapore, Colony of Sing-
Clapp, R. B., Box 4365, Takoma Park apore.
12, D. C. Cleveland, E. E., 1403 E. 18th St.,
Clarambeau, D. LuVerne (1), Route 2, Winston-Salem, N.C.
c/o Edna Shy, Rupert, Idaho. Cleveland, W. J., 1617 28th Ave.,
Clark, A. J., Skyland, N.C. Seattle 22, Wash.
Clark, B. C., Box 216, Armona, Calif. Clifford, E. D., Uriarte 2429, Buenos
Clark, E. H., P.O. Box 578, South Aires, Argentina, South America.
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. Clifford, F. G., Grove Ave., Claremont,
Clark, G. H., Wildwood Sanitarium, Cape Province, South Africa.
Wildwood, Ga. Clifford, J., S.D.A. Mission, Box No.
Clark, Harold F. (1), 4567 First St., 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa.
San Bernardino, Calif. Closser, Virginia (b), 612 E. Powell
Clark, H. W. (1), Angwin, Calif. Ave., Apt. No. 3, Evansville 13, Ind.
Clark, J. L. (I), Theological Seminary, Clouzet, Gaston (I), Calle V. Vergara
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. 3227, Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos
Clark, Mary E. (b), 3172-B 21st, San Aires, Argentina, South America.
Francisco, Calif. Coates, W. A. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace,
Clark, Mrs. Rena Mae (b), 318 12th St., Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
S. W.,Birmingham, Ala. Australia.
Clark, . L. (1), South Lancaster, Mass. Coats, H. R., 2926 Davenport Ave.,
Clark, Sally (b), 138 Hensley, San Davenport, Iowa.
Diego, Calif. Cobb, L. W. (1), Washington Mission-
Clark, W. H. Route 10, Box 551A, ary College, Takoma Park 12,
Oklahoma City, Okla. D.C.
Clark, W. B., Loma Linda, Calif. Cobban, H. H. (I), Takoma Park, Wash-
Clark, Winston (1), 1521 Hazel St., ington 12, D. C.
Gridley, Calif. Coberly, Z. H., China Training Insti-
Clarke, A. W., 3945 S. Lake Park Ave., tute, Chiaotoutseng, Kiangsu, China.
Chicago, Ill. Coconcea, T., Strada Golesti No. 11,
Clarke, C. F. (1), Helderberg College, Braila, Rumania.
Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Pro- Coe, Wallace (1), 520 Charlton St., Apr.
vince, South Africa. 2, Valdosta, Ga.
Clarke, D. J. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box Coetzee, G. J. E. (I), Bugema Training
1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa. School, P.O. Box 22, Kampala,
Clarke, Grace A. (m), P.O. Box 221, Uganda, East Africa.
Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa. Coetzee, J. D. (1), Box 7768, Johannes-
Clarke, Jack W. (I), 8601 Euclid Ave., burg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Cleveland, Ohio. Coetzee, M., P. 0. Box 1133, Pert
Clarke, Samuel F., Box M, Cristobal, Elizabeth, Cape Province, South
Canal Zone. Africa.
Clarke W. A. (1), Kakoro Mission, Box Coetzee, P. H., P. 0. Box 468, Bloem-
49, P. 0. Mbale, Uganda, East Af- fontein, O.F.S., South Africa.
rica. Coffin, F. A. (1), Southern Publishing
Claus, H., Kurfurstenstrasse 91, Biele- Association, Box 59, Nashville, Tenn.
Coffin, R. (1), Box 1011 J, Adelaide,
feld, Germany.
South Australia Australia.
Claus, W. P., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. Coffman, W. H., 70 Jackson St., Rad-
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. ford, Va.
Clausen, R. H., 2 Duke Road, Kowloon, Colburn, H. D., Box 22, Mandeville,
Hong Kong. Jamaica, British West Indies.
Claveria, M. M. (m), Jaro, Iloilo City, Colcord, I. C., Route 1, Box 49, Scap-
Philippines. poose, Oreg.

Cole, C. F., Route 4, Box 149, Turlock, Conroy, D. A., '780 St. Albans Road,
Calif. Watford, Herts.,England:
Cole, J. W. (1), 355 W. 52nd St., New Constant, J. J. ), Paramaribostraat
York City 19, N.Y. 87 I, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Cole, Roland (m), Bethel Academy, Constantinescu, L., Strada Regina
Arpin, Wis. Maria No. 12, Bacau, Rumania.
Cole, T. M., Box 778, Ketchikan, Alaska. Conway, F. H. Cathay, Calif.
Cole, V. 0., Cumberland Rest Home, Cook, A. E. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., Christ-
Coalmont, Tenn. church, New Zealand.
Coleman, Paul M. (m), 399 Upper Ser- Cook, A. W., Stanborough Park, Wat-
angoon, Road, Singapore, Colony of ford, Herts.,England.
Singapore. Cook, L. L. (1, 1227 Windsor St., Read-
Collett, J. C. H., 91 Depot Lines, Ka- ing, Pa.
rachi 3, Pakistan. Cook, Vivian (b), 1022 Pemberton Road,
Collins, D. E., 655 Capital N. E., Battle Victoria, B. C., Canada.
Creek, Mich. Cooke, A. P., 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Law-
Collin, J. (1), 5 Boulevard Longchamp, ley, West Australia, Australia.
Marseille, France. Cooke, Mrs. Olivia M. (b), 737 Lafay-
Collins, V. W., 705 S. Gallatin, Jackson, ette St., Bridgeport, Conn.
Miss. Cooks, J. B., P. 0. Box 468, Bloem-
Colomar, J. (1), Institut "Vie et Sante" fontein, Orange Free State, South
Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis, Alger Africa.
(Algeria). Cooks, W. M. (1), Box 468, Bloem-
Colson, Ellis R., 1759 Iglehart Ave., St. fontein, Orange Free State, South
Paul, Minn. Africa.
Coltheart, J. F. (1), 27 Esplanade Rd., Coombe, L. C., P.O. Box 578, South
Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
Colthurst, R. T. E., Box 221, Port-of- Coon, C. J., 1455 Seventh St., Parkers-
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. burg, W. Va.
Combes, Ralph, Casier Postal 200, Fort- Coon, G. A., Madison College, Tenn.
de-France, Martinique, French West Coon, L. 0., 1403 Azalea Drive, Jackson-
Indies. ville. Fla.
Combridge, S. (1), 780 St. Albans Road, Coon, Roger W. (I), 1616 Trenton Ave.,
Watford, Herts., England. Glendale 6, Calif.
Combrinek, J. J. B., 187 Kerk Street, Cooper, C. S., S.D.A. Mission, Tung-
Potchefstroom, Transvaal, South Af- shan, Canton, China.
rica. Cooper, Giles L. (m), Box 584, Arling-
Comiot, C. H., 5 Boulevard Longchamp, ton, Calif.
Marseille, France. Cooper, Julia (b), 2017 McCulloh St.,
Conard, Claude (m), Takoma Park, Baltimore, Md.
Washington 12, D. C. Cooper, Lester, (1), Platte Valley Acad-
Cone, A. A., Box 82, Marionville, emy, Shelton, Nebr.
Mo. Cooper, V. H., 22 Zulla Road, Mapper-
Cone, D. A. (1), Apartado 1059, San ley Park, Nottingham, England.
Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Coopwood, T. H., 2625 Massachusetts
Cone, P. R. (1), C/o Harding Sani- Ave., Gary, Ind.
tarium, Worthington, Ohio. Copeland, T. L., Box 645, Elsinore, Calif.
Cone, R. L. (m), 310 Vallejo Drive, Copeland, T. S., Box 26, College View
Glendale 6, Calif. Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Cong, G. C. (I), 17 Ventris Road, Hong Cordas, F. (1), Rua Joaquim Bonifacio
Kong. 17, Lisbon, Portugal.
Cong, H. T. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Foo- Cormack, A. W., Takoma Park, Wash-
chow, China. ington 12, D. C.
Conger, M. G., Washington Missionary Cormack, J. E., S.D.A. Mission, Box
College, Takoma Park, Washington 31, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific
12, D.C. Ocean.
Conklin, Mrs. Dorothy, (b), 3457 Gor- Cornaz, Ch., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise
don Ave., Ft. Worth, Texas. Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Conley, J. B., 148 Fox Valley Road, Cornelius, L. G., P.O. Box 5092, Pitts-
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- burgh 6, Pa.
tralia. Cornforth, George (m), 146 Summer
Conley, W. R. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Ave., Reading, Mass.
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Corner, Myrta M. (M), Washington
Connally, L. A., Escalon, Calif. Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Washing-
Connell, Milton C. (1), Box 320, Albany, ton 12, D.C.
Ga. Corona, Gilberto (1), Abundis No. 377,
Conrad, Waldemar (m), Caixa Postal Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Corral, Jose, Gral. Corona 1026 Nte.,
ica. Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Conradi, L. E. (1), Niklasstr. 19, (1) Correia, R. F. (1), Box 195, Covington,
Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany. Va.

Corsini, A., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise An- Crandall, H. H., 609 8th Ave., Alpena,
glaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Mich.
Cortesi, S., Via Tommaso Campanella, Crane, E. A. P.O. Box No. 905, Co-
8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy. lombo, Ceylon.
Cortes, Francisco Y. (1), 9 Poniente No. Crane, I. A., Route 4, Cleburne, Texas.
1718, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Crane, Wesley (1), 3144 Eastlake Ave.,
Cosby, Margaret, (b), 1911 45th St., Seattle 2, Wash.
Pennsauken, N.J. Craven, E. E., 22 Zulla Road, Mapper-
Cosendai, Aime (1), Mission Adventiste, ley Park, Nottingham, England.
Nanga-Eboko, Via Douala, French Craven, J. C. (1), 148 Fox Valley Road,
Cameroons, West Africa. Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Cosendai, P. (m), Hoheweg 17, Berne, tralia.
Switzerland. Crawford, C. M. (1), Rest Haven Sani-
Cossentine, E. E., Takoma Park, tarium and Hospital, Sidney, British
Washington 12, D. C. Columbia, Canada.
Cossentine, R. M., 34 Sycamore Ave., Crawford, H. A., 100 W. 2d St., Fort
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Meyers, Fla.
Costa, James (1), 312 Wilmot Ave., Crawford, J. I., Canadian Union Col-
Bridgeport, Conn. lege, College Heights, Alberta, Can-
Cothren, Beulah (b), Box 4929, Atlanta ada.
2, Ga. Crawford, R. E., Southern Pub. Assn.,
Cott, A. M., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton. Box 59, Nashville, Tenn.
New South Wales, Australia. Cree, A. A. (m), Loma Linda Food Co.,
Cottrell, Raymond F., Angwin, Napa Arlington, Calif.
Co., Calif. Creighton, J. H. (1), 307 Greenfield
Cottrell, Roy F., 140 Harvey Drive, Ave., E. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Glendale 6, Calif. Cremer, W. ' (1), Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9,
Counsell, I. V., Takoma Park, Wash- Chemnitz, Germany.
ington 12, D. C. Cress, Charles, 130 Monroe St., Jack-
Courville, C. B. (m), 312 North Boyle son, Tenn.
St., Los Angeles, Calif. Crestakos, P. G., 15% Bridge St., Mar-
Courville, D. A. (m), Angwin, Calif. tinsville, Va.
Covarrubias, Melchor (m), Uxmal No. Crews, Joseph A. (1), 126 S. "J" St.,
365, Colonia Narvarte, Mexico, Dis- Lake Worth, Fla.
trito Federal, Mexico. Crichlow, J. F., 911 E. Clinch St.,
Cowan, L. M. (m), College Heights, Knoxville, Tenn.
Alberta, Canada. Crider, Charles C., Avenue Pahlevi
Cowin, D. V., 1402 W. Hillsdale, Lans- 2075, Teheran, Iran.
ing 15, Mich. Crisan, P., Calea Bucuresti 67, Craiova,
Cowles, Hugh L. (1), General Delivery, Rumania.
Nyssa, Oreg. Cristobal, J. D., Legaspi, Albay, Philip-
Cowley, A. H. (1), Stanborough Park, pines.
Watford. Herts. England. Crofoot, K. S., 176 Orange Street,
Cox, E. (1), 780 St. Albans Road, Wat- Kingston, Jamaica, British West In-
ford, Herts., England.
Cox, J. (1), Box 1011J, Adelaide, South Crofton, W. L. (1), Resha Lane, Bor-
Australia, Australia. deaux, Nashville, Tenn.
Cox, J. E., 2712 California St., San Cronk, Ramon R., Caixa Postal 656,
Francisco, Calif. Belem, Para, Brazil, South America.
Cox, J. E., Jr., 1173 Fenwood St., S. W., Crosbie, L. G. (1), Box 1011J, Adelaide,
Atlanta, Ga. South Australia, Australia.
Cox, J. M., Box 449, Decatur, Ga. CroSby, E., 124 Wrentham St., King-
Cox, J. M. (ml. Riverside Sanitarium, ston, N.Y.
800 Young's Lane, Nashville, Tenn. Cross, Albert H. (I), Defiance, Ohio.
Cox, L. G. (1), 2110 E. 16th St., Austin, Cross, C. G., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
Texas. zerland.
Cox, Lawrence H. (I), 223 Broadway, Cross, Mrs. Edith (b), 310 East 23rd
Fort Edwards, N. Y. St., Indianapolis 5, Ind.
Coy, E. F., 414 S. E. 39th Ave., Port- Crowder, Donald (1), 51 Adams St.,
land 15, Oreg. Asheville, N. C.
Coyne, A. E., Washington Sanitarium, Crowder, Ivan T. (1), Malamulo Mis-
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. sion, P. 0. Malamulo, Nyasaland,
Cozens, M. P. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Box Africa.
Crowe, F. N., 621 Woodland Park,
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Chicao 16, III.
Craan, Julien, Casier A-115, Port-au- Crump,'Maud (b), Box 797, Danville,
Prince, Haiti, French West Indies. Va.
Craig, E. H. (m), 818 Buffalo St., Lan- Cruz, A. M. (m), General Delivery,
sing, Mich. Manila, Philippines.
Crandall, Walter T. (1), La Sierra Sta- Cruz, F. B. de la, Artacho, Sison, Pan.
tion, Arlington, Calif. gasinan, Philippines.

Cruz, Pedro, Patrocinio No. 20, Vibora, Curtis, Paul, 819 Culbertson Ave.,
Havana, Cuba. 'Worland, Wyo.
Csedula, St., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12, Cushman, E. C.. Dulzura, Calif.
Cluj, Rumania. Czembor, W., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9,
Csongvay, C., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12, Chemnitz, Germany.
Cluj, Rumania.
Csongvay, D., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12,
Cluj, Rumania.
Cubley, E. S., P.O. Box 1011, Beirut,
Cucurezeanu, P., Strada Eduard Grand Dabritz, 0., Linienstrasse 1011/2,
25, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Munich-Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Ger-
Cudanin, M. R. (1), Legaspi, Albay, many.
Philippines. Dabson, D. J. (I), Stanborough Park,
Cuizon, R. C. (1), P.O. Box 119, City Watford, Herts., England.
of Cebu, Philippines. Dabu, F. G., P. 0. Box 39, Lucena,
Culbert, Abbie (m), College Station, Quezon, Philippines.
Berrien Springs, Mich. Daggett, Eva (m), 21 Home St., Wor-
Cullen, H. R., 1022 Court St., Lynch- cester 2, Mass.
burg, Va. Dahl, 0. J., 2337 W. 9th St., Greeley,
Culpepper, J. C., Box 228, Coconut Colo.
Grove, Miami, Fla. Dahlsten, N. 0., S.D.A. Mission, Tung-
Culver, M. S., Union College, Lincoln shan, Canton, China.
6, Nebr. Dake, S. W. (m), Collegedale, Tenn.
Comings, P. 0., 780 St. Albins Road, Dal Chand (1), S.D.A. Mission, Mush-
Watford, Herts., England. taq Manzi], Moradabad, U.P., India.
Cummings, F. W., Fuller Memorial Dale, Charles L., (1), 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
Sanitarium, South Attleboro, Mass. Los Angeles, Calif.
Cummins, J. F. (1), Takoma Park, Dalisay, F., General Delivery, Manila,
Washington 12, D. C. Philippines.
Cundasamy, V. (1), 10 Salisbury Road, Dallenbach, R. (1), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise,
Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Cunha, C. P. (1), Caixa Postal 60, Dalumpines, Mrs. L. (b), Cagayan,
Goiania, Goiaz, Brazil, South America. Oriental Misamis, Philippines.
Cunningham, C. C. (I), 3522 Havana Dam, Gunner (1), Norre Alle 30, Aar-
St., Dallas, Texas. hus, Denmark.
Cunningham, L. F. (1), Route 1, Blythe- Damanman, Joel, S.D.A. Mission, Aore,
dale Road, Perryville, Md. Santo, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Cupertino, D., Via Tommaso Campa- Damazo, Joseph (1), 3 Huntington
nella, 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy. Place, Norwich, Conn.
Cupertino, G., Via Trieste 23, Florence, D'Andrade, L. L. (m), West Indian
Italy. Training College, Mandeville, Ja-
Cureteu, D., Strada Regina Maria No. maica, British West Indies.
12, Bacau, Rumania. Danforth, Mrs. Dorothy (b), 5441/-, E.
Curmatureanu, S., Mission Adventiste, 21st St., Oakland 6, Calif.
Nanga-Eboko, via Douala, French Dangschat, R., Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Cameroons, West Africa. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Curp, Abner (1), Chisekesi Siding, Daniel, Gitwe Mission, Via Usumbura,-
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Ruanda-Urundi, Congo Beige, Africa.
Curran, Howard A., 362 Hill Drive, Daniel, J. (1), Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz.,
Glendale 6, Calif. Szekesfehervar. Hungary.
Currie, H. C., S.D.A. Mission, Taiwan, Daniel, M. P., S.D.A. Mission, Rayapet,
Formosa, China. Narsapur, West Godavari District,
Currie, Z. R. (I), Box 349, Lawrence- India.
burg, Ky. Daniels, Lucius E. (1), 812 E. 8th St.,
Currow, Arthur, 65 Broadway St., Los Charlotte. N.C.
Gatos, Calif. Danila, I., Strada Golesti No. 11, Braila, '
Currow, G. A. (I), Australasian Mis- Rumania.
sionary College, Cooranbong, New Danke, K., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
South Wales, Australia. Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Darbyshire, R. A., (I), 22 Zulla Road,
Curry, D. W. (1), Campion Academy,
Loveland, Colo. Mapperley. Park, Nottingham, Eng-
Curtis, E. H., Route 14, Box 754, Port- Dare, S., S.D.A. Mission, Box 19, Iba-
land 16, Oreg. dan, Nigeria, West Africa.
Curtis, G. H. (m), 312 N. Boyle Ave., Darnell, Robert (1), General Delivery,
Los Angeles, Calif. Kingston, N.C.
Curtis, Mrs. Jessie W. (1), Dallas Road, Darst, Donald E., Chowchilla, Calif.
Lehman, Pa. Dart, A. 0., 411 Cedar St.. Takoma
Curtis, Lewis W. (1), 117 Ontario St., Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Providence 7, R, Dart, C, J,, BoX 553, Vinita, Okla.

Dart, L. E. (m), Loma Linda Food Co., Davis, Vashni (I), 714 Arroya St.,
Arlington, Calif. Pueblo, Colo.
Dart, W. B. (1), 11081 Locust St., Lyn- Davison, Mrs. B. (b), 135 Travis St.,
wood, Calif. N. E., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Dasent, J. Gersham, 619 Woodland Davy, A. L., Gitwe Mission, P.O. Usum-
Park, Chicago 16, Ill. bura, Ruanda-Urundi Congo Beige,
Dason, J. S. (m). Box 35, Poona, India. Africa.
Dasoveanu, G., Strada Golesti No. 11, Davy, E. (1), 5 Boulevard Longchamp,
Braila, Rumania. Marseille, France.
Dass, R. N., Kellogg-Mookerjee School, Davy, W. L., Luwazi Mission, P. 0.
Jalipar P.O.. Fardipur District, East Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa.
Pakistan. Dawes, Harold (1), Box 278, Creston,
Daumichen, R., Koblenzer Strasse 3, British Columbia, Canada.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Dawkins, Margaret Beryl (m), P. 0.
Dauphinee, Minnie E. (m), Washington Box 88, Cape Town, South Africa.
Sanitarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C. Dawson, A. W. (1), 148 Fox Valley
Davenport, Glenn G., Oak Park Acad- Road, Wahroonga, New South Wales,
emy, Nevada, Iowa. Australia.
David, Deacon, P.O. Box 977, Rangoon, Dawson, M. E. (m), Rosemead Ave.,
Burma. Kenilworth, Cape Province, South
David, J. C. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Raya- Africa.
pet, Narsapur. West Godavari Dis- Day, Kenneth (1), Box 38, Berrien
trict, South India. Springs, Mich.
David, P. K., S.D.A. Mission Palaniap- Day, W. C. (I), Box 1475, Des Moines
napuram, Asirvathapuram P.O., Thi- 6, Iowa.
runelvali District, India. Dea, Simeon (1), Ikizu Mission, P. 0.
David, S. N., S.D.A. Mission, Kottara- Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East
kara, Travancore, India. Africa.
Davidson, Fred C. (m), Loma Linda Dealy, D. M. (1), Box 26, College View
Food Co., Arlington, Calif. Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Davidson, John E. (1), 1328 Smead, Dealy, M. G. (1), Box 26, College View
Logansport, Ind. Station, Lincoln, Nebr.
Davidson, Lawrence E. (I), General Dean, J. C., 1000 Carroll Ave., Takoma
Delivery, Kingman, Ariz. Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Davidson, R. M. (m), Southern Publish. Dean, Mrs. Olivia (rn), Collegedale,
ing Assn., Box 59, Nashville, Tenn. Tenn.
Davidson, Ray, Route 6, Bowling Green, de Asis, R. (m), Jaro, Iloilo City, Phil-
Ky. ippines.
Davies, L. H., 10344 150th St., Edmon. De'Ath, H. F., Stanborough Park, Wat-
ton, Alberta, Canada. ford, Herts., England.
Davies, Olive C. (b), Box 1133, Port deBeer, D. A. (1), 16 Turner Street,
Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Bethlehem, Orange Free State, South
Africa. Africa.
Davies, Valentine, Box 327, Elizabeth- deBeer, J. N., 19 Union House, 24
ville, Congo Beige, Africa. Union St., East London, Cape Pro-
Davis, Alwyn K., 2 Duke Road, Kow- vince, South Africa.
loon, Hong Kong. de Caenel, J. A., 5 Boulevard d'Anvers,
Davis, C. H., P. 0. Box 310, Hong Kong. Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France.
Davis, D. E., 519 W. 41st St., Savan- Dedederen, R. (I), 11-13 rue Ernest
nah, Ga. Allard, Brussels, Belgium.
Davis, E. M.. 390 E. Alvarado St., Po- Dedeker, Louise (m), College Heights,
mona, Calif. Alberta, Canada.
Davis, Edith C. (m), P.O. Box 1170, Deer, Verda (m), College Heights, Al-
Beirut, Lebanon. berta, Canada.
Davis, Evelyn (in), c/o W. K. Smith, de Fluiter, Henry (I), P. 0. Box 61,
Bourbon, Mo. Gardena, Calif.
Davis, F. M., 708 Holt St., Montgom- Degering, C. W., Box 699, Casper, Wyo.
ery, Ala. de Guzman, Gil, General Delivery, Ma-
Davis, H. B., Box 905, Cedar Rapids, nila, Philippines.
Iowa. de la Cruz, F. B., Artacho, Sison, Pan-
Davis, Herman E., P. 0. Box 145, Addis gasinan, Philippines.
Ababa, Ethiopia. Delafield, D. A., Review and Herald,
Davis, Kenneth (1), Forest Lake Acad- Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
emy, Maitland, Fla. Delafield, R. E., Box M, Cristobal,
Davis, Leon H. (1), 418% South 14th Canal Zone.
St., Springfield, Ill. de Leon, J. Marcos (rn), Frente al
Davis, Lloyd (1), Sunnydale Academy, Monumento a la Cardenas, Tabasco,
Centralia, Mo. Mexico.
Davis, T. L. (1), 95 Monroe St Rox., Delhove, D. E., Muhola Km. 366, Via
bury 19, N.Y, Goma, Congo Beige, Africa,

de Ligne, Alfred, 11-13 rue Ernest DeYoung, Jennie (b), 461 Front St.,
Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Boyne City, Mich.
De. Luca, T. (1), South Lancaster, Mass. Diaz, Cayetano (1), Casilla 1002, Lima,
Demchuk, S. J., 972 Moscow St., San Peru, South America.
Francisco, Calif. Diaz, P. R., P.O. Box 401, Philippines.
Demetrescu, St., Strada Eduard Grand Dick, A. V., S.D.A. Mission, Kulangsu,
25, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Amoy, China. -
Deming, M. W., 916 North Denver St., Dick, E. D., Takoma Park, Washing-
Tulsa, Okla. ton 12, D. C.
Denehy, J. E. (I), Lom i Linda Food Co., Dick, E. N. (1), Union College, Lincoln
Arlington, Calif. 6, Nebr.
Denkert, E., Peiner S rasse 19 A, Han- Dick, W. G. (m), 2 Duke Road, Kow-
over-Dohren, Germany. loon, Hong Kong.
Dennis, W. K. (1), Mission Adventiste, Dickay, A. J., S.D.A. Mission, Aba,
Nanga-Eboko, Via Douala, French Nigeria, West Africa.
Cameroons, West Africa. Dickens, H. A. (I), S.D.A. Mission,
Dennis, Winston R. (1), 2201 Colfax Port Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
Avenue, South. Minneapolis, Minn. Dickins, K. R. (1), 27 Esplanade Road,
Denslow, 0. L., Route 1, Avalon Road, Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Dickerson, A. L., Graysville, Tenn.
Dent, J. F. (I), 759 E. 52d Place, Los Dickinson, G. T., 204 S.E. 53rd Ave.,
Angeles 11, Calif. Portland 15, Oreg.
Dens, G. F. (1), Caixa Postal 2898, Sao Dickson, L. K., Takoma Park, Wash-
Paulo, Brazil, South America. ington 12, D. C.
Derby, Melvin (1), Box 91, Coeur Dietel, Mrs. Mary (m), Collegedale,
d'Alene, Idaho. Tenn.
de Ruiter, C. P. (1), Lange Beesten- Dietrich, Frank (I), 805 E. Broadway,
markt 102, The Hague, Netherlands. Glendale, Calif.
de Ruiter, J. A., van Lumeystraat 64, Dietrich, R., Ernst Thalmann-Platz 46,
The Hague, Netherlands. Cottbus, Germany.
Derlath, W., Robert Blum Strasse 6, Diffenbacher, B. L., Brown St., St.
Dresden-N6, Germany. Helena, Calif.
Dessain, Elton (1), 3266 N. Meridian Dill, Jerry (1), 805 E. Broadway, Glen-
St., Indianapolis 7, Ind. dale, Calif.
Dessain, W. A., Box 1475, Des Moines Dillett, E. S., 4436 Falls Terrace, S. E.,
6, Iowa. Washington, D. C.
Desvarieux, Carpel (1), Casier 5, Port- Dillon, I. P., St. Helena, Calif.
au-Prince, Haiti, French West Indies. Dilts, Clark (I), 828 Lancaster Ave.,
Detamore, F. W., 2 Duke Road, Kow- Syracuse, N.Y.
loon, Hong Kong. Ding Ngie Yung (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Detlefsen, E., Kurferstenstrasse 91, Foochow, China.
Bielefeld, Germany. Diong Chiong Mi, S.D.A. Mission, Foo-
Detlefsen, Hugo, Diepensiepen 16, Mett- chow, China.
mann/Rheinland, Germany. Dinsbier, R. H., S.D.A. Mission, Wen-
Dettmar, R., Kurfurstenstrasse 91, Bid- chow, Chekiang, China.
efeld, Germany. Dinwiddie, Howard (1), 17 West 10th
Detwiler, H. J., 331 Flower Ave., Ta- St., Jacksonville, Fla.
koma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Dinwiddie, L. L. (1), 1504 141st Ave.,
Devasahayam, Ch. (1), S.D.A. Mission, San Leandro, Calif.
Rayapet, Narsapur, West Godavari Dirgoonanan, Charles (1), Box 78,
District, India. Georgetown, British Guiana, South
Dever, J. C., Box 578, South Wagga, America.
New South Wales, Australia. Dirksen, A. A., 319 W. 13th St., Grand
Dever, J. J. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Ra- Island, Nebr.
baul, New Britain, Territory New Dirksen, D. E., 3689 4th St., San Diego
Guinea, Pacific Ocean. 3, Calif.
De Ville, K. (I), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Distor, A. C. (1), Artacho, Sison, Pan-
Bowen Hills, Queensland, Australia. gasinan, Philippines.
Devins, R., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital, Dittberner, J. L., 1420 Allston St., Hous-
Paris 13e, France. ton 8, Texas.
de Vos, M. (m), 11-13 rue Ernest Al- Dittmar, F. J. J., 711 Lincoln Way,
lard, Brussels, Belgium. San Francisco 22, Calif.
Dewald, J. A.,3071 Washington Pike, Dixon, D. J., 123 S. Louisiana Ave.,
Knoxville, enn. Lake Charles, La.
Dexter, H. H., Route 1, Box 980, Dixon, H. R. (m), Takoma Park, Wash-
Orange, Calif. ington 12, D.C.
Dexter, R. S. (1). 717 W. Nora Ave., Dizon, M P. (1). General Delivery, Ma-
Spokane 12, Wash. nila, Philippines.
Deyo, A. E., 126 E. Orlando Ave Or- Djan Tieh Nung, 526 Ningkuo Road,
lando, Fla, Shanghai 19, China,

Djang Ching An (1), S.D.A. Mission, Donga, Moses, Box 573, Bulawayo,
Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Djang Djen Gwoh, S.D.A. Mission, Doolittle, H. J., Box 413, East Flat
Chien Ling Road, Kweiyang, Kwei- Rock, N.C.
chow, China. Doom, C. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box 52,
Djang Dji Dzan (1), 1365 Chung Shan Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands,
Dah Dao, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Pacific Ocean.
Djang Djou (1), S.D.A. Mission, 36 Fu Dopp, W. E. (0,41003 24th N.E., Seat-
Hsi Chieh. Tai-Yuan, Shansi, China. tle 55, Wash.
Djang Hsiu Deh (1), S.D.A. Mission, Doran, M. V. (1), 1574 Brunswick Ave.,
44 Fu Tzen Street, Changsha, Hunan, Trenton 8, N.J.
China. Dorland, 0. M., 22 Zulla Road, Map-
Djang Hsuen ,(1), S.D.A. Mission, Lo- perley Park, Nottingham, England.
wanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Dornburg, C. A. (1), Route 1, Gettys-
Djang Huo Djen (I), S.D.A. Mission, burg, Pa.
Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Dornburg, C. J., 180 Hollywood Ave.,
Djang Yen Dzai (1). S.D.A. Mission, 36 Youngstown, Ohio.
Fu Hsi Chieh, Tai-Yuan, Shansi, Dorner, F. A., Koblenzer Strasse 3,
China. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Djen Ru Bing (1), Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Dortch, C. W. (m), Walla Walla Col-
Road, Shanghai 27, China. lege, College Place, Wash.
Djeng Djao Yung (I), S.D.A. Mission, Doss, Daniel (1), 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Da Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, Heliopolis, Egypt.
China. Doses, Hilal, 444/1 Rashid Street,
Doan, Mary L. (m), 1003% S. Wichita Baghdad, Iraq.
St., Wichita, Kan. Doty, Mrs. Lee (m), 900 Carroll Ave.,
Dobbins, H. D., 707 Walnut St., Cam- Takoma Park. Washington 12, D.C.
den, N.J. Douay, P., 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Stras-
Dobbs, J. D., 457 3rd St., West, Lon- bourg, -Bas-Rhin, France.
don, Ky. Doubraysky, J.,Londynska 30, Praha-
Dobias, Joseph, 4302 S. Maple Ave., Vinohrady. zechoslovakia.
Brookfield, Ill. Dougherty, C. H. (m), P. 0. Box 310,
Dobinski, K.. Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber- Hong Kong.
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Dougherty, R. W. (1), 780 St. Albans
Dobinsky, F., Thalmann-Platz 46, Cott- Road, Watford, Herts., England.
bus, Germany. Douglas, A. A., 704 Peck St., Muske-
Doble, L. G. (I), Box 578, South Wagga, gon Heights, Mich.
New South Wales, Australia. Douglass, H. E. (I), 211 Frye Ave.,
Dobre, T., Calea Bucuresti 57, Craiova, Peoria 4, Ill.
Rumania. Dower, N. R., 3008 Van Buren St.,
Dobrota, A. (1), Bratislava, Tr. Mar- Amarillo, Texas.
sala Malinovskeho 24a, Slovakia. Dowling, W. G. (1), 84 The Boulevarde,
Dobson, J. R. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
6, Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. tralia.
Doehnert, Emilio (1), Caixa Postal Down, D. K. (1), 27 Esplanade Rd., Mt.
2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
ica. Downing. L. (I). S.D.A. Mission, Box
Doehnert, Roberto (1), Caixa Postal No. 1016 Accra, Gold Coast, West
1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Africa.
America. Downs, L. E. (1), La Sierra Station,
Doleman, D. D. (1), Box 1173, Glad- Arlington, Calif.
stone, Oreg. Drachenberg, F. G. (1), Apartado 329,
Dolling, A., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, Santa Clara, Cuba.
Chemnitz, Germany. Drain, W. G., 361 Argyle St., Hobart,
Dollinger, J. J., 215 S.E. 86th Ave., Tasmania.
Portland 16, Oreg. Drapal, 0., Londynska 30, Praha-Vi-
Dombrosky, Stanley (1), 3801 Everett nohrady, Czechoslovakia.
Ave., Oakland 7, Calif. Drayson, R. D., College Place, Wash.
Dombrowsky, F., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Drechsler, M. (1), Kuhberg 141, Salz-
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. burg, Austria.
Dominski, J. A., 3036 N. Linder Ave., Drinhaus, P., 85-31 90th St., Wood-
Chicago 41, III. haven 21, L.I., N.Y.
Dompas, B. C., Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Driscoll, W. J. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Java, Indonesia. thorne, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Dompas, D. A., Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Drouault, Henri, 3506 Laval Ave.,
Java, Indonesia. Montreal 18, Quebec, Canada.
Donaldson, P. A. (1), Australasian Mis- Druge, K., Peiner Strasse 19 A, Han-
sionary College, Cooranbong, New nover-Dohren, Germany.
South Wales, Australia. Druitt, A. W. N. (m), 27 Hope Road,
Donaldson, Scott, 524 East St. James Half-Way-Tree, Jamaica, British
St., San Jose 12, Calif, West Indies,

Dryer, L. D. (I), 29 Bates St., Portland, Duriquez, L. (m), Jaro, Iloilo City,
Maine. Philippines.
Dube, S. B., P. 0. Lower Gwelo, South- Durning, Mary Lou (b), 528 Oak St.,
ern Rhodesia, Africa. Syracuse 3, N.Y.
DuBois, Alma L. (b), 821 Hays Park, Durolf, G., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
Kalamazoo, Mich. Wilmersdorf, Germany.
DuBose, Robert L. (1), Box 162 Placer- Durr, F., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, Stutt-
ville, Calif. gart-S, Germany.
Dudley, Charles E. (1), 481 S. Liberty Durrant, A. N., 1607 S. San Diego Blvd.,
St., Jackson, Tenn. Escondido, Calif.
Duffie, David (m), Casilla 85, Puno, Du Shu Ren, 105 Chang Shu Road,
Peru, South America. Shanghai, China.
Duffield, C. L., 915 W. Broad St., Beth- Dutro, R. G. (I), Caixa Postal 656,
lehem, Pa. Belem, Para, Brazil, South America.
Duffield, D. C. (m), 3726 S. 47th St., Dwan Yung Chien, 526 Ningkuo Road,
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Shanghai 19, China.
Duke, F. T. (1), Ranen Mission, P.O. Dyason, A. J., 37 O'Connell Terrace,
Kisii, Kenya, East Africa. Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
Dukes, H. M., Clay Apartments, Black- Australia.
stone, Va. Dyason, A. P., 37 O'Connell Terrace,
Dull, Dallas (1), 1806 Jefferson Lane, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
Yakima, Wash. Australia.
Dumitrascu, F. (I), Strada Golesti No. Dyason, L. A., 148 Fox Valley Road,
11, Braila, Rumania. Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Dunbar, Eldine W., Takoma Park, tralia.
Washington 12, D. C. Dye, Clarence H. (m), South Lancaster,
Duncan, Don E., 347 Pasadena Ave., Mass.
South Pasadena, Calif. Dyer, Christine F. (b), 31 Vesper St.,
Duncan, E. E., 1259 N. Chester, Pasa- Portland 2, Maine.
dena 6, Calif. Dyer, H. L. (m), P.O. Box 401, Manila,
Duncan, R. H. (1), 312 N. Boyle Ave., Philippines.
Los Angeles 33, Calif. Dykes, James (1), 1614 Fay St., Flint,
Dunham, G. 0. (1), Box 223, Bridge- Mich.
town, Barbados, British West Indies. Dymock, S. (1), 84 The Boulevarde,
Dunlop, R. F. (m), Box 221, Port-of- Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. tralia.
Dunn, Abbie (b), S.D.A. Mission, 17 Li Dyresen, Arvid (1), Parkgaten 35,
Hwang Pei Road, Hankow 7, Hupeh, Tromso, Norway.
China. Dyreson, Dyre, Maplewood Academy,
Dunn, A. Orville, Route 2, Berrien Hutchinson, Minn.
Springs, Mich. Dzik, F., Kurfurstenstrasse 91, Biele-
Dunn, L. L., 835 Hubbard St., Green feld, ermany.
Bay, Wis.
Dunn, N. W., Takoma Park, Washing-
ton 12, D.C.
Dunn, Oscar (1), 2837 Dathe St., Dal- E
las, Texas.
Dunn, Robert H. (m), West China Earle, George, 128 Winthrop Ave., New
Union, S.D.A. Mission, Chungking, Rochelle, N.Y.
Szechwan, China. Eastman, W. W., 1383 Olivine Ave.,
Dunn, Vernon S. (m), Union College, Mentone, Calif.
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Eberhardt, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Dunn, W. A., 76 Greenlands Road, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Havelock Town, Colombo, Ceylon: Ebinger, E. (1), Caixa Postal 233,
Dunne, A. T. (I), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South
thorn, E. 2, Victoria Australia. America.
Dunnett, D. J. (1), Stanborough Park, Ebinger, G. F., Caixa Postal, 233, Vi-
Watford, Herts., England. toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South
Dunstan, S. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, America.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Ebling, Carlos (1), Caixa Postal 177,
tralia. Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Brazil, South America.
Dunton, R. E., P.O. Box 226, Singa- Eckenroth, M. K., Takoma Park, Wash-
pore, Colony of Singapore. ington 12, D. C.
Duplouy, Maxime (1), S.D.A. Mission, Eckerman, Roy E., 807 First St., Coun-
P. 0. Box 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, cil Bluffs, Iowa.
West Africa. Edeburn, Arthur L. (m), Apartado Na-
Dupper, Paul (1), 302 N. Broadway, cional 39, Medellin, Colombia, South
Watertown, S.D. America.
Durichek, M. G. (m), 2525 S. Downing Edener, W., Linienstrasse 1011/2, Mun-
St., Denver 10, Colo, ich-Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Germany.

Edgerton, Mrs. Hattie (m), New Eng- Elias, K. A., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley
land Sanitarium, Melrose 76, Mass. Park, Nottingham, England.
Edmed, Ethel, (m), Helderberg College, Elisenber, Johan (1), Akersgaten 74,
Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Pro- Oslo, Norway.
vince, South Africa. Elizabeth, Enrique (I), Piscaderaweg
Edstrom, E. I., Seminaire Adventiste, 22, Mundo Nobo, Curacao, Nether-
Gitwe Mission, Via Usumbura, Urundi, lands West Indies.
Congo Beige, Africa. Elkins, Bert (1). Yegros 429, Asuncion,
Edwards, A. V., "Mariposa," Bishoplea Paraguay, South America.
Road, Claremont, Cape Province, Elliott, H. T., Takoma Park, Washing-
South Africa. ton 12, D. C.
Edwards, C. A., Bergstigen 25, Stock- Elliott, W. P., General Conference, Ta-
sund, Sweden. koma Park, Washington, D. C.
Edwards, C. F., 176 Orange Street, Ellis, C. C., 6063 Drexel Road, Philadel-
Kingston, Jamaica, British West In- phia 31, Pa.
dies. Ellison, R. M. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Port
Edwards, Charles G. (1), 115 W. 15th Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
St., Marion, Ind. Elliston, M. B. (1), 1409 N. Pollock,
Edwards, F., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Kinston, N.C.
Park, Nottingham, England. Ellstrom, G. M., S.D.A. Mission, Box
Edwards, H. E., Route 1, Berrien No. 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West
Springs, Mich. Africa.
Edwards, J. E., Takoma Park, Wash- Ellstrom, George R., 650 State St., Ad-
ington 12, D.C. rian, Mich.
Edwards, L. A., Malamulo Mission, P. Elssmann, 0., Kopernikusstrasse 24 I,
0. Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa. Nurnberg, Germany.
Edwards, 0. B., Oakwood College, Elvedahl, A. K. (m), Rest Haven San-
Huntsville, Ala. itarium, Sidney, British Colombia,
Edwards, Robert (1), 805 E. Broadway, Canada.
Glendale, Calif. Emerson, B. M. (1), 441 Salem St., Glen-
Edwards, S. P. S. (1), Box 22, Loma - dale 3, Calif.
Linda, Calif. Emerson, Vernon W. (1), Hackensack,
Effenberg, J. H., 526 Ningkuo Road, Minn.
Shanghai, China. Emery, R. T. (1), 414 S. E. 39th Ave.,
Eglit, A., Hoheweide 51, Hamburg 30, Portland 15, Oreg.
Germany. Emery, S. H., Route 4, Bozeman, Mont.
Eggins, S. J. (I), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Emery, W. D., 1433 S. Third St., Walla
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Walla, Wash.
Ehlers, Emanuel, Loma Linda, Calif. Emm, G., Stanborough Park, Wat-
Ehlers, Waldemar, Caixa Postal 1830, ford, Herts., England.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Emmenegger, Guillermo E. (m), Casilla
Ehrhardt, L. J., 2822 12th St., Great 2830, Santiago, Chile, South Amer-
Bend, Kan. ica.
Ehrhart, Marceil (b), 503 West 6th St., Emmer, A. G., South Lancaster, Mass.
Read Apts., Bloomington, Ind.. Emmerson, E. H., Route 2, Box 64A,
Eicher, D., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruhe/ Forest Grove, Oreg.
Baden, Germany. Emmerson, H. R. (m), P. 0. Box 226,
Eichman, Harold (m), 2525 S. Down- Singapore, Colony of Singapore.
ing, Denver 10, Colo.
Eichwald, Rudolf, Diepensiepen 16, Emmerson, J. 0. (1), P. 0. Box 221,
Mettmann/Rheinland, Germany. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, British West
Eisenbraun, R. (I), Kriegsstrasse 84, Indies.
Karlsruhe/Baden, Germany. Emmerson, K. H. (1), Yacatas 286,
Ekitike, A. (1), Mission Adventiste, Colonia Narvarte, Mexico, Distrito
Nanga-Eboko, Via Douala, French Federal, Mexico.
Cameroons, West Africa. Emmerson, Vernon W. (I), Hacken-
Ekka, K. S. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Sa- sack, Minn.
thalli Village, Hamiltongani P.O., Emmerson, W. L., Stanborough Park,
Jalpaiguri, India. Watford, Herts., England.
Elder, W. H., Jr. (1), 917 Richmond Endaenda, Lawson, Chisekesi Siding,
Rd., P.O. Box 211, Texarkana, Texas. Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Eldridge, Claude E., 2526 N. 14th St., Engel, B., Diepensiepen 16, Mettmann/
Phoenix, Ariz.
Eldridge, P. H., 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Rheinland, Germany.
Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Engelbrecht, G. H., P.O. Box 266,
Eldridge, Robert (m), Southern Pub- Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
lishing Assn., Box 59, Nashville, Engelbrecht, W. J. J. (I), Box 7768,
Tenn. Johannesburg, Transvaal, South
Eleazar, Gitwe Mission, Via Usum- Africa.
bura, Ruanda-Urundi, Congo Beige, Engen, B. 0., Route 1, Granite Falls,
Africa, Minn,

England, W. H., Apartado Nacional Esteves, J. A. (1), Rua Sa da Bandeira

224, Medellin, Colombia, South Amer- 61, Praia, Cape Verde Islands.
ica. Estey, J. A., Box 442 Newcastle, Wyo.
England, W. O. (m), P. O. Box 22, Estilo, Mrs. T. M. (b), Jaro, Iloilo City,
Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. Philippines.
Englert, P., Kamienica na Slasku 272, Eswar Rao, E. S., S.D.A. Mission, Nuz-
pow. Bielsko, Poland. vid, Kistna District, India.
Engles, S. P. (1), P.O. Box 4565, Bom- Eubanks, A. E. (1), 1323 Rock St., Lit-
bay, India. tle Rock, Ark.
Engstrom, R. W., 1149 S. E. 62nd Ave., Eva, W. D., Theological Seminary, Ta-
Portland 15, Oreg. koma Park 12, D.C.
Enright, Merrill (1), 801 Ventura, Evans, Dorothy (m), Box 449, Decatur,
Santa Paula, Calif. Ga.
Enriques, Isaac, General Delivery, Ma- Evans, I. M., Box 4929, Atlanta 2, Ga.
nila, Philippines. Evans, James (1). Box 223, London, Ky.
Erbes, Th., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vienna Evans, L. C., 108-11 69th Road, Forest
IX, Austria. Hills, N.Y.
Erdman, Charlotte (m), Box 48, Bar- Evans, M. Eugene (m), Takoma Park,
ons, Alberta, Canada. Washington 12, D. C.
Erdmann, R. (rn), 130 Boulevard de Evard, H., 10 Salisbury Road, Rose
l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean.
Erdody, M. (m), Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz., Evens, H. P., Box 398, Oshawa, On-
Szekesfehervar, Hungary. tario, Canada.
Erenius, E., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Everest, E. W. (1), Mountain View,
holm, Sweden. Calif.
Erich, O. G. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Tung- Everett, J. L. (1), 2524 S. Front St.,
shan, Canton, China. Wilmington, N.C.
Erickson, E. W. (1), 3779 Lakeshore Everist, W. (m), Virrey del Pino 3801,
Ave., Oakland, Calif. Suc. 27, R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Erickson, Melvin (1), 1186 Forest Brook tina, South America.
Drive, Penticton, British Columbia, Everson, C. T., Elmshaven, St. Helena,
Canada. Calif.
Eriman (1), Rabaul, New Britain, Ter- Evert, J. G. (1), Songa Mission, B. P.
ritory New Guinea, Pacific Ocean. Kamina, Congo Beige, Africa.
Erlecke, F. K., 108-11 69th Road, For-
est Hills, N.Y.
Ernst, F., Diepensiepen 16, Mett-
mann/Rheinland, Germany.
Ernst, G. R. (m), Calle V. Vergara Faass, G. C., Box 262, Angwin, Calif.
3227, Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Faber, G. L. A. (1), Lange Beesten-
Aires, Argentina, South America. markt 102, The Hague, Netherlands.
Ernst, Luis, Calle V. Vergara 3227, Faetting, A. 0., Ernst Thalmann-Platz
Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires, 46, Cottbus, Germany.
Argentina, South America. Fagal, Harold E., 54 Hillcrest Ave.,
Erntson, N. C.. 7603 S.E. Taylor St., Hamden, Conn.
Portland 16, Oreg. Fagal, W. A., 5831 217th St., Bayside,
Erzberger, H., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich N.Y.
50, Switzerland. Fairchild, P. B. (1), P.B.T. 189, Bula-
Escandon, Jorge, Apartado 1059, San wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Fan Chih-Hsiang, 1365 Chung Shan
Escandon, Tirso, Apartado 986, Cara- Dah Dao, Hankow, Hupeh, China.
cas, Venezuela, South America. Fan Feng Tien (1), S.D.A. Mission, 11
Escobar, Arthur J., 2075 W. 54th St., Pei Yueh Ya Hutung, Peiping, China.
Los Angeles 37, Calif. Fan Kuo Dung (1), S.D.A. Mission, 185
Espinosa, Julio E., Casilla 44, Quito, Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China.
Ecuador, South America. Fang Kwei Ching (1), Court 1207, Yu-
Esposito, Roland (m), 2 Rue de l'Eglise, Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China.
Tunis (Tunisia). Fang Yung Fu (m), S.D.A. Mission,
Esquilla, V. W., Box 4929, Atlanta 2, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China.
Ga. Faqir Chand, 66 The Mall, Jullundur
Essery-, E. G., Stanborough Park, Wat- Cantt., East Punjab, India.
ford, Herts., England. Farag, Samuel (1), 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Essien, S. B., S.D.A. Mission, Box 45, Heliopolis, Egypt.
Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa. Farag, Shafic (1), Emmanuel Mission-
ary College, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Esteb, Adlai A., 2570 Sleepy Hollow Fargo, Adeeb (1), P.O. Box 595, Beirut,
Drive, Glendale 6, Calif. Lebanon.
Esteb, L. E., 32-07 69th St., Jackson Farkas, D., Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz.,
Heights, N. Y. Szekesfehervar, Hungary.
Estes, Lowell (I), Box 1475, Des Moines Farley, R. F 757 W. Hight $t., Lima,
6, Iowa. Ohio,

Farnstrom, Bror (m), 444/1 Rachid Fernstad, B. (I), Vasagatan 12, Gote-
St., Baghdad, Iraq. borg. Sweden.
Farnsworth, 0. 0., Angwin, Calif. Ferraris, G., Via Tommaso Campanella,
Farrar, R. (1), Lord Howe Island, 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy.
Australia. Ferraren, Bias (1), P.O. Box 119, City
Farrow, A. (1), 9914 105th St., Edmon- of Cebu. Philippines.
ton, Alberta, Canada. Ferraro, Giuseppe, Via Trieste 23, Flor-
Farrow, A. E., S.D.A. Mission, Box ence, Italy.
No. 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West Ferraz, Itanel (1), Caixa Postal 1830,
Africa. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Farthing, A. H. (1), 780 St. Albans Ferree, Martha (b), 21 W. 17th St.,
Road, Watford, Herts., England. Apt. 10, Jacksonville, Fla.
Fasnacht, 0. (ml. Gubelstrasse 23, Zu- Ferree, Nellie (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma-
rich 60, Switzerland. nila, Philippines.
Fasnacht, R. (m), Hoheweg 17, Berne, Ferreira, E., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio
Switzerland. 17, Lisbon, Portugal.
Fattic, G.R., 4547 Calvert St., Lin- Ferreira, Lourival (1), Caixa Postal
coln 6, Nebr. 177, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
Faurescu, David, Strada Golesti No. 11, Sul, Brazil, South America.
Braila, Rumania. Ferren, J. R. (1), Takoma Park, Wash-
Fawer, Emile, 130 Blvd. de l'Hopital, ington 12, D. C.
Paris 13e, France. Ferri, Juan, Virrey del Pino 3801, Suc.
Fayard, E., Mission Adventiste, Am- 27, R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
bohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar. South America.
Fayard, M. I., Calle V. Vergara 3227, Ferris, David A., S.D.A. Mission, Aore,
Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires, Santo, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Argentina, South America. Ferris, E. F., Route 1, Box 145, Ber-
Fayard, Samuel, Casilla 2830, Santi- rien Springs, Mich.
ago, Chile, South America. Ferris, N. A., Australasian Missionary
Fearing, Andrew C., 1985 E. Glenoaks College, Cooranbong, New South
Ave., Glendale 6, Calif. Wales, Australia.
Feddersen, E., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ferris, 0. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
Feder, Daniel, Cervantes 144, Parana, Australia.
Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer- Ferris, W. G., S.D.A. Mission, Box 15,
ica. Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific
Fehr, J., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50, Ocean.
Switzerland. Fetter, Philip (1), Shenandoah Valley
Fekete, V., Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz., Academy, New Market, Va.
Szekesfehervar, Hungary. Fickas, E. T. (m), Loma Linda Food
Felt, Paul (1), 1401 Bryan Ave., Lex- Co., Arlington, Calif.
ington, Ky. Fickes, Mrs. Elizabeth (m), 900 Carroll
Feltman, Elvin, Jr. (1), 2907 Auburn Ave., Takoma Park, Washington 12,
Ave., Toledo, Ohio. D.C.
Felton, C. (lb, Gitwe Mission, Via Fickling, R. H., Box 930, Charlotte,
Usumbura, Urundi, Congo Beige, N.C.
Africa. Field, A. H., Route 2, Box 238-D, Santa
Fen, G. (m), Via. Trieste 23, Florence, Maria, Calif.
Italy. Field, C. S. (m), College Station, Ber-
Feng, C. Y. (I). S.D.A. Mission, 17 rien Springs, Mich.
Li Hwang Pei Road, Hankow, Hu- Fielding, T. H., 22 Zulla Road, Map-
peh, China. perley Park, Nottingham, England.
Feng Deh Sen, S.D.A. Mission, 86 North Fields, Grace (m), Takoma Park,
Gate St., Kunming, Yunnan, China. Washington 12, D.C.
Fenner, J., Museumstr. 5, Brunswick, Fields, 0. I., Box 51, Matandani Mission,
Germany. Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa.
Fenner, W. (I), Lange Laube 29, (20a) Figuhr, R. A. (1), Boite Postale 453,
Hanover, Germany. Saigon, French Indo-China.
Ference, I., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12, Figuhr, R. R., Virrey del Pino 3801,
Cluj, Rumania. Suc. 27, R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Ferguson, Mrs. Ena (b), 116-14 141st tina, South America.
St., South Ozone Park 20, N. Y. Fillman, C. E., Sandoval, New Mex-
Ferguson, W. R. (I), - S.D.A. Mission, Fillman, Glenn, Route 3, Box 1932,
Malaita, Solomon Island, Pacific Oc- LaFayette, Calif.
ean. Fillman, Orvin (1), General Delivery,
Fernandez, Josue (1), Conocido, Pueblo Crookston, Minn.
Nuevo, Solistahuacan, Chiapas, Mex- Finck, E. F., 3706 Lipscomb St., Fort
ico. Worth 3, Texas.
Fernando, R. S. (m) P.O. Box No. Findley, W. B. (1), Box 247, Panama
905, Colombo, Ceylon. City, Fla.


Finkhaus, H. (1), Gubelstrasse 23, Zu- Fletcher, Frank, "Hazelrigg," Mande-

rich 50, Switzerland. ville (Anchovy), Jamaica, British
Finney, C. L., 11162 Locust St., Lyn- West Indies.
wood, Calif. Fletcher, J. K. L. (I), S.D.A. Mission,
Finney, R. E., Jr., 195 West 20th Ave., Honiara, Solomon Islands, Pacific
Vancouver, British Columbia, Can- Ocean.
ada. Flores, D., Strada Mitropolitul Ghena-
Finster, L. V., 203 Garland Ave., Tak- die, Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV, Ru-
oma Park 12, D. C. mania.
Fischbacher, K., Kuhberg 141, Salz- Florea, Jeremia, 15348 Wildemere St.,
burg, Austria. Detroit 21, Mich.
Fischdick, E. (1), Peiner Strasse 19A, Flores, E. R. (I), Casilla 4, Juliaca,
Hanover-Dohren, Germany. Peru, South America.
Fischdick, G., Museumstr. 5, Bruns- Flores, Jesus (m), Apartado 92, Mana-
wick, Germany. gua, Nicaragua, Central America.
Fischer, Daniel (m), Uriarte 2429, Flores, Miguel Lara (1), Apartado No.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South 37, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
America. Flores, Serofin (1), Cagayan, Oriental
Fischer, H. (1), Bohmerstr. 13, (16) Misam is, Philippines.
Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Flory, Harold (1), 220 F. St. S.E.,
Fischer, R. (1), Bohmerstr. 13, (16) Miami, Okla.
Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Flory, Vernon, Box 66, Port-of-Spain,
Fischer, Theophil (1), 1121 6th St. S., Trinidad, British West Indies.
Fargo, N. Dak. Fodor, I., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12,
Fish, H. A., 522 West Eighth St., Port Cluj, Rumania.
Angeles, Wash. Folkenberg, L. E., 801 Leslie Drive, San
Fish, J. K., 1544 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Gabriel, Calif.
Portland 14, Oreg. Folkenberg, S. L., Apartado 3005, San-
Fishell, E. M. 231 Sinclair Ave., Glen- turce, Puerto Rico.
dale 6, Calif. Foll, L. G., Box 244, Augusta, Ga.
Fisher, C. G. (1), Keene, Texas. Follett, A. R. (1), Box 161, Montrose,
Fisher, G. (1). P.O. Box 578, South Colo.
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. 'Follett, Ira D., Box 2, Saint John, N.B.,
Fisher, Kenneth (m), Uxmal No. 365, Canada.
Colonia Narvarte, Mexico, Distrito Follett, Orno, Route 1, Box 822, Scotts-
Federal, Mexico. dale, Ariz.
Fisher, R. E. (m), Angwin, Calif. Follette, L. S., 886 Simpson St., At-
Flaiz, T. R., Takoma Park, Washing- lanta, Ga.
ton 12, D. C. Fong Ping (1), Court 1207 Yu-Yuen
Flammer E., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, Road, Shanghai 27, China.
(14a) Stuttgart-S, Germany. Fonseca, Claudomiro (1), Caixa Postal
Flanagan, Thelma (m), South Lancas- 341, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, South
ter, Mass. America.
Flattum, Thelma (b), 3132 Carlson St., Fonseca, Orion (1), Caixa Postal 1830,
Oakland 2, Calif. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Fleagle, David G., Route 1, Hagers- Forbes, A. H. (1), Sydney Sanitarium,
town, Md. Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, New
Fleck, K., Kuhberg 141, Salzburg, Aus- South Wales, Australia.
tria. Forbes, Ernest (m), 753 S. 23rd St.,
Richmond, Calif.
Fleck, K., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, Stutt- Ford, Elden (1), Mision Adventists,
gart-S, Germany. La Ceiba, Honduras, Central America.
Fleck, Kenneth (1), Cheyelah, Wash. Ford, L. E. (m), Oakwood College,
Fleischer, B. (m), Kun Jozsef u. 29, Huntsville, Ala.
Miskolcz, Hungary. Ford, Mrs. Mildred (b), 1317 N.E. 51st
Fleisher, Stella (m), Takoma Park, Ave., Portland 13, Oreg.
Washington 12, D. C. Ford, Orley, 8a Avenida Norte No. 57,
Fleitas, Rafael, Apartado Nacional 39, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central
Medellin, Colombia, South America. America.
Fleming, Aileen G. (m), Box 468, Ford, Paul (m), South Lancaster, Mass.
Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, Forde, W. D., 1944 West Grand Blvd.,
South Africa. Detroit 8, Mich.
Fleming, Charles, Jr., (I), Collegedale, Fordham, H. J. (1), 713 Flood St.,
Tenn. Wichita Falls, Texas.
Fleming, W. IL, 132 Richards Ave., Fordham, W. NI., 1205 Home Avenue,
Long Beach, Miss. Dayton, Ohio.
Flemming, F. C. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., Fordham, W. W., 3525 Havana St.,
Christchurch, New Zealand. Dallas, Texas.
Fletcher, Eugene (1), 1818 6th Ave. W., Forquer, Hugh J. (1), 2535 Forest Ave.,
Seattle, Wash. Lansing, Mich.


Forsblom, G., Vasagatan 12, Goteborg, Freeman J. (I), Stanborough Park,

Sweden. Watford, Herts., England.
Forshaw, W. G., Route 2, Walla Walla, Frei, J., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50,
Wash. Switzerland.
Fortune, A. A., Box 111, Roseau, Do- Freiwirth, Paul (I), c/o Mrs. Lena
minica, British West Indies. Koch, 759 Courtland Ave., New York
Foss, Kermit I. (m), 1857 Carrol Ave., 61, N.Y.
St. Paul, Minn. French, C. R., 3434 Oak Ave., Brook-
Fossey, Alfred, S.D.A. Mission, Da Chi field; Ill.
Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, China. French, C. W. (1), 411 Cedar St., Ta-
Foster, E. H. (1), Stanborough Park, koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Watford, Herts., England. French, H. T., 316 71st St., Newport
Foster, J. C., Route 2, Newberg, Oreg. News, Va.
Foster, J. G. (1), Loma Linda, Calif. French, J. C., 780 St. Albans Road,
Foster, P. G., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Watford, Herts., England.
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. French, J. W. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Ma-
Foster, F. Wayne (1), Box 1311, Merid- dang, Territory of New Guinea, Pa-
ian, Miss. cific Ocean.
Foulston, W. R., 916 Valle Vista, Val- French, R. E., Old River 'toad, Route
lejo, Calif. 5, Trenton, N. J.
Fountain, T. M., 1202 West 109th French, T. M., Route 2, Luray, Va.
Place, Chicago 43, Ill. French, W. R., Washington Missionary
Fourie, S. J., Box 1133, Port Elizabeth, College, Takoma Park, Washington
Cape Province, South Africa. 12, D.C.
Fowler, F. 0., Box 452, Lakeport, Frenning, Olav, Holmenkollveien 31,
Calif. Oslo, Norway.
Fowler, F. S., 186 Anderson St., Hack- Fresk, E. G., 1110 4th St. W., Billings,
ensack, N.J. Mont.
Fowler, Mark W. (I), Malamulo Mis- Frey, R. F. (1), Box 124, Culpeper, Va.
sion, P.O. Malamulo, Nyasaland, Af- Frick, J. E., 212 E. 2nd St., Cheyenne,
rica. Wyo.
Fowler, 0. Wylie (1), 521 Southover Fridlin, Marius, Hoheweg 17, Berne,
St., Toledo, Ohio. Switzerland.
Fowler, R. W. (1), Union College, Lin- Friedrich, Gerald (1), 945 5th St., Los
coln 6, Nebr. Banos, Calif.
Fox, L. E. A., P. 0. Box 41, Kuching, Frivold, Paul, Parkgaten 35, Tromso,
Sarawak, Borneo. Norway.
Fox, R. (1), 27 Esplanade Rd., Mt. Froom, F. E., 1115 W. Yale St., Orlando,
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Fla.
Frame, R. R. (1), 148 Fox Valley Road, Froom, L. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- ington 12, D. C.
tralia. Frost, S. L., 105 Chang Shu Road,
Francis, R. E., Union Springs, N.Y. Shanghai, China.
Frank, J. B. (1), 3514 Park Ave., Brook- Fu Yu Ying, Court 1207, Yu-Yuen Road,
field, Ill. Shanghai 27, China.
Franklin, Clell (m), Gitwe, Via Usum- Fuchs, 0. (1), Kopernikusstrasse 24-I,
bura, Congo Beige, Africa. Nurnberg, Germany.
Franklin, E. E., Takoma Park, Wash- Fuchs, W., Mission Adventiste, Oasis
ington 12, D. C. Superieure, Casablanca, Morocco.
Franklin, J. W., Route 2, Martinsburg,
W. Va. Fue, Isaya, Mwagala Mission, 0.
Franz, Charles 0. (1), Madison College, Maswa, Via Mwanza, Tanganyika
Tenn. Territory, East Africa.
Franz, Clyde 0., P. 0. Box 22, Mande- Fuhrmann, M. (rn), Rua Lopes Trovao
ville, Jamaica, British West Indies. 84, Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil,
Fraser, A. M., 148 Fox Valley Road, South America.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Fukazawa, Ai (1), 171 Amanuma 1-
tralia. chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Fraser, A. R. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Fukazawa, M., 171 Amanuma 1-chome,
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
tralia. Fuller, G. N. (m), Collegedale, Tenn.
Frazier, Ruth (m), Oakwood College, Funk, Ervin (1), Route 1, Mason City,
Huntsville, Ala. Iowa.
Frazier, T. T. (m), Oakwood College,
Huntsville, Ala. Furst, B. J. (1), 620 First St., Raw-
Frederick, G. W. (1), Milroy, Pa. lins, Wyo.
Freeman, G. R., 4313 64th Street, Wood- Fuss, Max, Jaime Nuno No. 407, Guad-
side, New York. alajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Freeman, H. A. L., 37 O'Connell Ter- Futcher, C. F. (1), 148 Fox Valley Road,
race, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queens- Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
land, Australia. tralia.

Gao Chieh (1), Shensi Mission of S.D.A.,

G Outside West Gate, Sian, Shensi,
Gabriel, Henry (I), Box 66, Port-of- Garber, R. L. (1), Katikamu Mission,
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. P.O. Box 22, Kampala, Uganda, East
Gabriel, J. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Nan- Africa.
thencode, Trivandrum, Travancore, Garbrah, J. K., S.D.A. Mission, Box
India. 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Gabriel, J. S. (m), Avenue Pahlevi Garbrah, J. K., Jr. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
2075, Teheran, Iran. Box 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West
Gackenheimer, E. T., Box 223, Bridge- Africa.
town, Barbados, British West Indies. Garbutt, L. L. (m), Apartado 1325,
Gade, Semiti, Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pa- San Jose, Costa Rica, Central Am-
cific Ocean. erica.
Gadsby, Samuel L., Box 66, Port-of- Garcia, D. (1), Caixa Postal 258-A, Sao
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Gadzikwa, Joseph (1), Inyazura Mission, Garcia, David, 8a Avenida Norte, No.
P.O. Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, 57, San Salvador, El Salvador, Cen-
Africa. tral America.
Gaede, D. P., Loma Linda, Calif. Garcia, Fernando, Caixa Postal 656,
Gaede, G. P., 553 Walnut St., Marion, Belem, Para, Brazil, South America.
Kan. Garcia, Jeronimo G., Caixa Postal 1830,
Gaede, J. P., 123 Orchard Lane, Co- Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
lumbus 2, Ohio. Gardiner, L. H., 15434 2nd St., St. Pet-
Gaede, P. J., Route 1, Box 125, Yu- ersburg, Fla.
caipa, Calif. Gardner, A., 76 Queensway, New. Delhi
Gage, Mrs. Etta (b), 646 S.E. 60th Ave., 1, India.
Portland 15, Oreg. Gardner, E. L. (m), West Indian
Gaitens, J. C., Collegedale, Tenn. Training College, Mandeville, Jam-
Gaitens, Mrs. J. C. (m), Box 449, De- aica, British West Indies.
catur, Ga. Gardner, Edward (I) S.D.A. Mission,
Gajan, J., Tr. Marsala Malinovskeho Mushtaq Manzil, Moradabad, United
24a, Bratislava, Slovakia. Provinces, India.
Gaje, L. P. (m), Cagayan, Oriental Mi- Gardner, J. E. (m), 399 Upper Seran-
samis, Philippines. goon Road, Singapore, Colony of
Gajdusek, P. (I), Londynska 30, Praha- Singapore.
Vinohrady, Czechoslovakia. Gardner, R. M., 9914 115th St., Edmon-
Gajzler, L. (1), Lipowa 9, Bydgoszc, ton, Alberta, Canada.
Poland. Gardner, T. R., South Lancaster, Mass.
Galbreth, William (1), 2789 10th St., Garland, J. A. (m), 12 Mullock St., St.
Riverside, Calif. John's, Newfoundland.
Galeno, R. N. (b), Jaro, Iloilo City, Garner, 0. T., Box 743, Bozeman,
Philippines. Mont.
Gallagher, A., S. D. A. Mission, Aore, Garner, R. A., 1511 Linden St., Cald-
New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. well, Idaho.
Galley, Charles E. (m), Oakwood Col- Garrarde, H. E. (1), 1455 7th St., Park-
lege, Huntsville, Ala. ersburg, W. Va.
Gama, Alfred N., P. B. 29 K. Bulawayo, Garrett, M. R., 1714 Kathleen St.,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Tampa, Fla.
Gaines, J. F., Route 1, Box 216, Loma Garrett, R. U., 508 N. Main St., Ber-
Linda, Calif. rien Springs,, Mich.
Gander, S. H., S.D.A. Mission, Madang, Garton, B. M., 445 North St., Boul-
Territory New Guinea, Australia. der, Colo.
Gando, Eduardo (1), Caixa Postal 3, Gasparian, M. (I), Avenue Pahlevi
Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese 2075, Teheran, Iran.
West Africa. Gast, W., Linienstrasse 1013/z, Munich-
Gane, E. R., 148 Fox Valley Road, Wah- Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Germany.
roonga, New South Wales, Australia. Gathercole, A. J., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Ganeff, M., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
garia. Gauger, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber-
Gangasa, Mark, Box 573, Bulawayo, lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Gauker, H. G., 645 Henry St., Marion,
Gant, K. L., Route 1, Box 541, La Mesa, Ohio.
Calif. Gay, H. R., 414 S. E. 39th Ave., Port-
Ganty, 0. (m), Hoheweg 17, Berne, land 15, Oreg.
Switzerland. Gayed, William (1), 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Gantz, George Ira (1), 91134 N. Ellison, Heliopolis, Egypt.
Guymon, Okla. Gayen, P. C., S.D.A. Mission, Gopal-
Ganzleben, M., Linienstrasse 1013/2, Mu- ganj P.O., Faridpur District, East
nich-Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Germany. Pakistan.

Gehl, Wilhelm, Kopernikusstrasse 24-I, Giblett, E. F., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.

Nurnberg, Germany. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Gemeinhardt, W., Bohmerstr. 13, Frank- Gibson, F. E., 1460 E. California Ave.,
furt/Main, Germany. Glendale, Calif.
Genske, S. (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Sao Gibson, G. H. (1), 43-11 64th St., Wood-
Paulo, Brazil, South America. side, N. Y.
George, W. A., Loma Linda, Calif. Gibson, J. 0., S.D.A. Mission, Box
Georgescu, V., Strada Eduard Grand 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West Af-
25, Bucuresti II, Rumania. rica.
Georgieff, A., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- Gibson, L. A., Box 145, Loma Linda,
garia. Calif.
Gepford, John (m), College View Sta- Gibson, R. E., 27 Hope Road, Half-
tion, Lincoln 6, Nebr. Way-Tree, Jamaica, British West In-
Gerald, C. H. (m), 1805 West 13th St., dies.
Little Rock, Ark. Gibson, T. J. (I), 214 Edmonton Ave.,
Geraty, T. S., 2 Duke Road, Kowloon, Pinticton, British Columbia, Canada.
Hong Kong. Gibson, W. G., 839 Harrison Ave., Ak-
Gerber, Ch., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital, ron 14, Ohio.
Paris 13e, France. Giddings, 0. U., Missao Adventista do
Gerber, Robert, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Cuale, Duque de Braganca, Angola,
Switzerland. Portuguese West Africa.
Gerhart, 0. B., Box 301, Paris Junction, Giddings, P. E. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Ontario, Canada. Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa.
Gericke, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber- Gideoni, Ngoma Mission, Gitwe, Usum-
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. bura, Ruanda-Urundi, Congo Beige,
Gerling, Frederico (m), Caixa Postal Africa.
177, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Gidlund, C., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Sul, Brazil, South America. holm, Sweden.
Gernet, B. P., 2563 Glenmawr Ave., Co- Gihamangabo, Nikodemu (1), Rwankeri
lumbus 5, Ohio. Mission, B. P. Ruhengeri, Via Goma,
Gernet, S. K. (m), Pacific Union Col- Congo Beige, Africa.
lege, Angwin, Calif. Gil, Camilo, Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Gerrard, P. D., 4547 Calvert St., Lin- Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires,
coln 6, Nebr. Argentina, South America.
Gerst, Albert (1), 1804 Kienlen Ave., Gil, Jose (1), Apartado 3005, Santurce,
St. Louis 20, Mo. Puerto Rico.
Geserick, A. (1), Robert Blum Strasse Gilbert, A. C., 292 Bailey Ave., Moun-
6, Dresden-N6, Germany. tain View, Calif.
Getzlaff, E. E. (m), 171 Amanuma 1- Gilbert, F. P. (1), Maplewood Academy,
chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Hutchinson, Minn.
Gherase, G., Strada Regina Maria No. Gillam, Jennie M. (b), 1243 Lincoln
12, Bacau, Rumania. Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Ghiorghisor, I., Strada Eduard Grand Gillett, T. L., P. 0. Box 1133, Port
25, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Af-
Ghulam Masih (1), S.D.A. Mission, Chu- rica.
harkana Mandi, Sheikhpura District, Gilliland, F. L. (m), Wisconsin Acad-
Pakistan. emy Farm, Ford River, Wis.
Gia, Benjamin (m;, 526 Ningkuo Road, Gillis, I. E. (1), Box 1511, Glendale,
Shanghai 19, China. Calif.
Gia Wen Deh (m), S.D.A. Mission, Lo- Gillis, S. K. (1), 84 The Boulevards,
wanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Gianini, Luiz, Caixa Postal 177, Porto tralia.
Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Gillis, W., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton,
South America. New South Wales, Australia.
Gianini, Silas, Caixa Postal 177, Porto Gillis, W. E., Mikkalo, Oreg.
Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Gilmore, L. A. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
South America. Madang, Territory of New Guinea.
Giang Tsung Gwang, 526 Ningkuo Gilson, F. (1), 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi-
Road. Shanghai 19, China. tal, Paris 13e, France.
Giannelli, Atilio (1), 25 de Mayo 1323, Gilson, G. B. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Mendoza, Argentina, South America. thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Gibbons, Virgil (1), 619 Woodland Park, Gilson, W. J. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Chicago 16, Ill. thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Gibbs, A. E., P.O. Box 401, Manila, Ging Ko-Bing, S.D.A. Mission, Foo-
Philippines. chow, China.
Gibbs, C. R., 327 Fairlamb Ave., West- Ging Su Tan, S.D.A. Mission, Kulangsu,
gate Hills, Upper Darby, Pa. Amoy, China.
Gibbs, P. T. (1), Route 1, Berrien Ginther, Rosamond (m), Box 427,
Springs, Mich. Gladstone, Oreg.
Giblett, A. J. (1), P. 0. Box 27, Ham- Girado, E. A. Jr., (1), Apartado 3005,
ilton, New South Wales, Australia. Santurce, Puerto Rico.

Girado, Emilio, Sr., Patrocinio No. 20, Gonzalez, Pedro R. (1), Apartado Na-
Vibora, Havana, Cuba. cional 313, Cali, Colombia, South
Girard, Paul, Institut "Vie et Sante" America.
Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis, Alger Gooding, Nathaniel C., Box 186, Ply-
(Algeria). mouth, Montserrat, British West In-
Girou, A. J., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi- dies.
tal, Paris 13e, France. Goodner, Vinnie (b), 800 Jackson Ave.,
Gjording, J. G., 3607 W. Providence, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Spokane, Wash. Goose, Sophia (m), Barryville, N. Y.
Gladden, Ralph (I), Box 373, Falla Goransson, William, 1564 Bridge St.,
City, Oreg. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Glanzer, B. (1), 805 E. Broadway, Glen- Gordon, A. J., 325 S. 17th St., Salem,
dale, Calif. Oreg.
Glass, G. S. (1), Box 468, Bloemfontein, Gordon, C. G., Union College, Lincoln,
Orange Free State, Africa. 6, Nebr.
Glockler, P., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. Gordon, Warren (1), 1290 20th Ave.,
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Apt. 503, Montrose, Calif.
Glockner, C., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber- Gosling, J. C. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Honi-
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. ara, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Glockner, M. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, Gosmer, W. A., College Place, Wash.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Gottfert, J., Kopernikusstrasse 24-I,
Gmehling; Otto, Lange Laube 29, (20a) Nurnberg, Germany,
Hanover, Germany. Gotting, F., Hoheweide 61, Hamburg 30,
Gmelin, Emilio, Avda. Espana 851, Cor- Germany.
rientes, Argentina, South America. Gotzinger, K., Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Gnadjin, Miguel, Calle V. Vergara 3227, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires, Gouldbourne, Lee, "Hazelrigg," Mande-
Argentina, South America. ville, (Lucea) Jamaica, British West
Gnanasundaram, D. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Indies.
Foicotta, Curzon Maidan, Palamcot- Grabner, R. (m), Nussdorferstrasse 5,
tah, Thirunelvali District, India. Vienna IX, Austria.
Gnutzmann, Joao, Caixa Postal 656, Graf, 0. J. (1), Loma Linda, Calif.
Belem, Para, Brazil, South America. Graham, Charles R. (1), 446 Cleveland
Gobel, Heinrich, Kriegsstrase 84, Karls- St., Greenville, Miss.
ruhe/Baden, Germany. Graham, Corrine (b), 651 Waldo St.,
Goeltom, P. R., Naripan 63, Bandoeng, S.E., Atlanta, Ga.
Java, Indonesia. Graham, L. W. (1), Review and Her-
Goertzen, Clarence H. (1), Box 236, ald, Takoma Park, Washington 12,
Botwood, Newfoundland. D. C.
Goffar, Glenn L., 1316 Perris Hill Rd., Grajdinoiu, C., Strada Golesti No. 11,
San Bernardino, Calif. Braila, Rumania.
Goffar, Wilford (1), 427 W. Huron, Gram, H. P., 210 Wendell Ave., Pitts-
Sandpoint, Idaho. field, Mass.
Goh Chao Liang, S.D.A. Mission, Da Grand Pre', L. L., 8 Crestmont Road,
Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, Binghamton, N. Y.
China. Granlund, 0. C. (1), Coalmont, Tenn.
Goh Giao Oh, S.D.A. Mission, Da Chi Grandy, B. M., Vista, Calif.
Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Grant, C. E., Route 2, Box 230-M,
Golola, Simioni, Box 22, Kampala, Mountain View, Calif.
Uganda, East Africa. Grant, N. J. Box 832, New Bern, N. C.
Golzer, K., Linienstrasse 101%, Mu- Gratz, A. (1), Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vi-
nich-Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Germany. enna IX, Austria.
Gomes, A. D., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio Grail, M. F.. 3033 N. Comfort St., Lans-
17, Lisbon, Portugal. ing 15, Mich.
Gomes, N. (1), Caixa Postal 1919, Rio Graves, C. F., 741 Tuscaloosa Ave., Bir-
de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. mingham, Ala.
Gomez, Pablo R. (1), 25 de Mayo 1323, Graves, Edward (1), Box 138, Pendle-
Mendoza, Argentina, South America. ton, Oreg.
Gomola, J., Kamienica na Slasku 272, Graves, Otis (1), Gen. Delivery, Brook-
pow. Bielsko, Poland. haven, Miss.
Gomola, 0. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, Gray, Charles (1), Box 449, Decatur,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Ga.
Gomola, R., Stredni 10, Brno, Moravia. Gray, D. H., (1), P. 0. Box 27, Hamil-
Gonzales, I. (1), Apartado 4078, Ma- ton, New South Wales, Australia.
drid, Spain. Gray, Don (1), 204 W. 5th St., McMinn-
Gonzales, P. B., P.O. Box 39, Lucena, ville, Ore.
Quezon, Philippines. Gray, Harry, 2021 Moser, Dallas 4,
Gonzalez, Gonzalo (1), Apartado 1325, Texas.
San Jose, Costa Rica, Central Am- Gray, H. L., 732 S. Main St., Bryan,
erica. Ohio.

Gray, James B. (1), 1069 Grand Ave., Griffith, Jack- (I), 1507 Young St., Hen-
Beaumont, Texas. derson, Ky.
Gray, K. J. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Ra- Griggs, Frederick, 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
baul, New Britain, Territory of New Los Angeles, Calif.
Guinea, Pacific Ocean. Grigorescu, I. (I), Calea Bucuresti 57,
Greaves, E. S., Box 78, Georgetown, Craiova, Rumania.
British Guiana, South America. Grin, M. C., 16 Av. de Koubbeh, Heli-
Greaves, R. S., Box 43, Kyrenia, Cyprus. oplis, Egypt.
Green, Cleon B., 744 N. Negley Ave., Griott, Luis A., Av. Espana 851, Cor-
Pittsburgh 6, Penna. rientes, Argentina, South America.
Green, E. L. (1), Route 1, Berrien Grisier, E., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital,
Springs, Mich. Paris 13e, France.
Green, J. A. P., Route 2, Box 470, Vista, Grizzle, A. A., Box M, Cristobal, Ca-
Calif. nal Zone.
Green, Matthew, 213 Magnolia St., Groeschel, 0. M. (m), Caixa Postal
Thomasville, Ga. 198, Cidade do Salvador, Bahia, Bra-
Green, Perry (1), 1404 N. Lewis, Vic- zil, South America.
toria, Texas. Grolimund, M., 84 The Boulevarde,
Greene, C. S., "Hazelrigg," Mandeville, Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
(Darliston) Jamaica, British West tralia.
Indies. Groom, Carl E. (I), Spoffard, N.H.
Greene, Gerald H. (1), Route 1, 73 Tap- Groomer, Clyde C. (1), 213 Redwood
pan St., Baldwinsville, N.Y. Ave., Santa Cruz, Calif.
Greene, H. E., 89 Ridge Ave., Athol, Grosser, B. C. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Ma-
Mass. dang, Territory of New Guinea, Pa-
Greene, Mrs. Jeanette (b), 3525 Adams cific Ocean.
St., Gary, Ind. Grosball, J. N. (m) P.O. Box No. 977,
Greene, John, Jr. (1), 147-24 109th Ave., Rangoon, Burma.
Jamaica, Long Island, N.Y. Grotheer, W. H., 1253 Broadview Ave.,
Greene, Joseph (1), 10610 Norvic St., Toronto, Ont., Canada.
Houston, Texas. Grove, J. Paul, Jr., 882 Lisbon St.,
Greenidge, L. E., Mision Adventista, Lewiston, Maine.
La Ceiba, Honduras, Central America. Gruesbeck, C. M., 572 N. Braddock St.,
Greenwall, Justine (b), 1108 Forest, Winchester, Va.
Apt. 204, Kansas City, Mo. Grundset, Anol, Loma Linda, Calif.
Greer, G. W. (1), Australasian Mis- Grundset, B. L. (1), 3215 Maple Ave.,
sionary College, Cooranbong, New Brookfield, Ill.
South Wales, Australia. Grundset, Henry R., Route 3, Clear
Greer, Herbert E., Casilla 2830, Santi- Cake, Wis.
ago, Chile, South America. Grunke, L. V., P.O. Box 186, Watson-
Gregg, Earl J. (m), Box 267, Topeka, ville, Calif.
Kan. Grunzeug, Max (1), Apartado 986, Ca-
Gregg, Lizzie M. (m), 1920 Pennsyl- racas, Venezuela, South America.
vania Ave., Los Angeles 33, Calif. Gruver, Harold T. (1), Apartado 1325,
Gregoroff, Paul (1), Box 449, Turlock, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central Amer-
Calif. ica.
Gregory, B. F., 17 Li Hwang Pei Road, Gsiki, S., Szekely Bartalan-utca 13,
Hankow, Hupeh, China. Budapest VI, Hungary.
Greiner, Robert (1), 600 North Kauff- Guadiz, A. E. (1), Artacho, Sison, Pan-
man St., Temple City, Calif. gasinan, Philippines.
Greive, L. T. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Ma- Gudmunds, G. (1), Tunnelgatan 25,
dang, Territory of New Guinea, Pa- Stockholm, Sweden.
cific Ocean. Gudmundsen, G., Akersgaten 74, Oslo,
Greive, R. A., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Norway.
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Gudmundsson, Julius (1), Box 262, Rey-
Australia. kjavik, Iceland.
Grieg, Enosa (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box Guenin, J. C., 130 Boulevard de l'Ho-
31, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific pital, Paris 13e, France.
Ocean. Guenin, R., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
Grieser, F. C., Kriegstrasse 84, Karls- zerland.
ruhe/Baden, Germany. Guenther, C. E., 2018 Berkeley, St.
Griffee, Mrs. Leah M. (m), Washing- Paul 5, Minn.
ton Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Wash- Guenther, Carl W., 2229 North Terrace
ington 12, D.C. Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.
Griffin, A. C., Box 13, Keene, Texas.
Griffin, C. J., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Gugel, E., Niklasstr. 19, (1) Berlin-
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Zehlendorf, Germany.
Griffith, Herbert (1), 129 Sinclair St., Guild, C. B., 2 Duke Road, Kowloon,
Glendale 6, Calif. Hong Kong.
Griffin, John W. (1), Box 2841, Juneau, Guild, Daniel (1), P.O. Box 841, Lan-
Alaska. caster, Calif.

Guild, M. C., 2512 Sanitarium Ave., Habenicht, Judson P., 8011 Willard,
Orlando, Fla. Detroit 13, Mich.
Guilliard, E. H., 148 Fox Valley Road, Habenzu, Aaron, P.O. Lower Gwelo,
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
tralia. Haberey, G., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
Guimaraes, Jose (m), Caixa Postal zerland.
2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Hackett, W. J., South Lancaster, Mass.
ica. Hackman, E. F., Box 228, Coconut
Gulbrandson, David, 72-14 7th Ave., Grove, Miami, Fla.
Brooklyn 9, N. Y. Hadel, W. F. (1), Box 599, Casper, Wyo.
Guldenpfennig, W., Linienstrasse 1011/2, Hadfield, B. E., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Munich-Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Ger- thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
many. Hagberg, Elsa (b), 20-39 57th St.,
Guldhammer, A., Svanevej 10, Copen- Brooklyn 4, N. Y.
hagen, N.V., Denmark. Hagele, Emil (1), Oak Park Academy,
Guldhammer, David (1), Norre Alle 30, Nevada, Iowa.
Aarhus, Denmark. Hagen, A. E., Bax 283, Casper, Wyo.
Guleng, Roland (I), Akersgaten 74, Hagen, A. R.,3041A N. 4th St., Mar-
Oslo, Norway. shalltown, owa.
Gulfan, Teofisto (1), P.O. Box 119, Hagen, Elmer E., Box 26, College View
City of Cebu, Philippines. Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Gully, Mrs. Jessie (b), 2943 Filbert St., Hagen, M. E., Box 2238, Boise, Ida.
Oakland 8, Calif. Hagstotz, G. D., 1811 32d Ave., S.W.,
Gunter, H. W. (I), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Hahn, W. F. (1), Box 144, College
Gunther, F. (1), Bohmerstr. 13, (16) Place, Wash.
Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Haig, A. R., Box 22, Mandeville, Ja-
Gunther, H., Robert-Blum-Strasse 6, maica, British West Indies.
Dresden-N6, Germany. Haignere, P. (1), 130 Boulevard de
Gurubatham, G., S.D.A. Mission, Mu- l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France.
kuperi P.O., Thirunelvali District, Haining, George B., 1616 Trenton Ave.,
India. Glendale 6, Calif.
Guthrie, W. E. (m), W1025 Indiana Hakim Din, 65 The Mall, Jullundur
Ave., Spokane, Wash. Cantt., East Punjab, India.
Guthrie, William, 972 Brown St., St. Halasz, L., Szekely, Bertalan-utca 13,
Helena, Calif. Budapest VI, Hungary.
Gutwald, 0. (1), Linienstr. 101/, Haldar, B K. (I). S.D.A. Mission. Sua-
(13b) Munich-Deisenhof en, Bavaria, gram Village, Unashia P.O., Farid-
Germany pur District, India.
Guwedeko, Henry, Box 22, Kampala, Haldar, S. K., P.O. Box No. 4, Ranchi,
Uganda, East Africa. B.N. Rly., India.
Guy, M. (m), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Haldar, U. N., S.D.A. Mission, Nowda
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Village, Rohanpur P.O., Malda Dis-
Guyot, A., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit- trict, East Pakistan.
zerland. Hale, D. U., Route 4, Box 14-A, Cor-
Guzman, Leopoldo (1), Apartado 30, pus Christi, Texas.
Camaguey, Cuba. Hale, M. L., 303 W. Franklin Ave.,
Gwedeza, Custom (1), P. 0. Box 51, Wilmington Manor, New Castle Co.,
Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Del.
Gyarmati, B., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13, Halenz, H. F. (1), Route 1, Berrien
Budapest VI, Hungary. Springs, Mich.
Hall, A. E. (1), Southwestern Junior
H College, Keene, Texas.
Hall, Charles R. (1), 2081 W. 248th St.,
Ha, S. C., S.D.A. Mission, Tungshan, Lomita, Calif.
Canton, China. Hall, Claude, Star Route 2, Arcata,
Haag, A., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, Stutt- Calif.
gart-S, Germany. Hall, Frank, "Hazelrigg," Mandeville,
Haarhoff, J. W. (1), Lake View Mis- Jamaica, British West Indies.
sion, P.O. Mlangeni, Nyasaland, Hall, L. T. (m), Box 449, Decatur, Ga.
Africa. Hall, 0. A., Route 1, Box 564-B, St.
Haas, G. A., Box 265, Scottsbluff, Nebr. Helena, Calif.
Haas, Harry L. (I), 2928 Campbell St., Hall, Ora B., 3224 S. Boots St., Mar-
Kansas City, Mo. ion, Ind.
Haase, 0., Ernst Thalmann-Platz 46,
Cottbus, Germany. Hall, William R. (I), Box 531, Cocoa,
Haase, W. E., 1701 Nottingham Way, Fla.
Trenton, N.J. Halladay, H. K., Route 1, Berrien
Habenicht, H. A. (m), Uxmal No. 365, Springs, Mich.
Colonia Narvarte, Mexico, Distrito Halliday, D. (1), 40 Healey Ave.,
Federal, Mexico. Christchurch, New Zealand.

Halliday, H. J., P.O. Box 266, Towns- Han Pao Lo (I), S.D.A. Mission,
ville, Queensland, Australia. Da Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan,
Halliwell, L. B., Caixa Postal 656, Be- China.
lem, Para, Brazil, South America. Han Yu Wen (m), S.D.A. Mission,
Hallock, N. R. (m), Broadview Acad- Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China.
emy, La Grange, Ill. Hanbury, M. (1), Box 578, South
Hallowanger, J. H. (1), S.D.A. Mis- Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
sion, Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. Hancock, John H., Box 684, Arling-
Hallsted, E. B., 303 Hearne, San An- ton, Calif.
tonio, Texas. Hancock, 0. D. (I), 841 W. Belmont,
Halisted, L. W., 1611 N. Ellison St., Fresno 1, Calif.
Oklahoma City, Okla. Handysides, D. J., 22 Zulla Road, Map-
Halminen, 0. (1), Lapintie 3 C 46, perley Park, Nottingham, England.
Tampere, Finland. Handysides, J. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Map-
Halminen, S. (1), Lapintie 3 C 46, Tam- parley Park, Nottingham, England.
pere, Finland. Hanhardt, J. G., 4911 Calvert St., Lin-
Halswick, L., Takoma Park, Wash- coln 6, Nebr.
ington 12, D. C. Hanhardt, W. H., 19 N. Washington
Halvarsen, Margit (m), P.O. Box 145, St., Battle Creek, Mich.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Hankins, W. C., 1933 East Willeta St.,
Ham, A. L., Box 15, Poona, India. Phoenix, Ariz.
Hambrock, F. Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, Hankinson, J. F., P.O. Box 27, Hamil-
Chemnitz, Ger many. ton, New South Wales, Australia.
Hamel, C. H., 269 Dalhousie Road, Hanko, M., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Budapest VI, Hungary.
Hamel, F. (I), Tondano, Celebes, Indo- Hanna, J. G., 218 Park Ave., akoma
nesia. Park, Washington 12, D. d.
Hamel, J. F., P.O. Box No. 977, Ran- Hannah, W. C. (1), Shenandoah Val-
goon, Burma. ley Academy, New Market, Va.
Hamilton, B. R. (1), 176 Orange Street, Hannum, H. B. (I), La Sierra Station,
Kingston, Jamaica, British West In- Arlington, Calif.
dies. Hansen, C. Avery, Route 4, Box 204,
Hamilton, G. A., Box 16, Hickman, Mt. Vernon, Wash.
Calif. Hansen, C. W. P., 65 Lockhart St.,
Hamilton, H. H. Keene, Texas. Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Hamilton, J. T. (1)
, La Sierra College, Hansen, Genevieve (m), Boulder-Colo-
Arlington, Calif. rado Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo.
Hamilton, L. M. (1), Pacific Union Hansen, H. A., 1036 Vine St., El Cen-
College, Angwin, Calif. tro, Calif.
Hamilton, R. S. J., Hickman, Calif. Hansen, J. C., Box 102, Mt. Vernon,
Hamlin, Eugene (1), 110 W. 10th St., Wash.
Tillamook, Oreg. Hansen, Jens Arne (I), Svanevej 10,
Hamm, R. A. (1), Route 1, Box 826-H, Copenhagen N.V. Denmark.
Hialeah, Fla. Hansen, L. A., 127 ' E. Winter Park
Hammerly, Daniel, Calle V. Vergara Ave., Orlando, Fla.
3227, Florida. F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Hansen, Mrs. Sine C. (b), 615 Garden
Aires, Argentina, South America. St., Bellingham, Wash.
Hammerly, M. (m), Calle V. Vergara Hansen, W. R., Box 203, Sebastopol,
3227, Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Calif.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Hansen, W. Wilstrup (1), Svanevej 10,
Hammill, R. L., Collegedale, Tenn. Copenhagen N.V., Denmark.
Hammond, H. W., 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Hansen, V. M., 800 Paige Drive, Po-
Lawley, West Australia, Australia. mona, Calif.
Hammond, Richard J. (1), 415 New- Hanson, E. D., P. 0. Box 468, Bloem-
berry St., Boston, Mass. fontein, O.F.S., South Africa.
Hammond, T. W., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Hanson, E. L., 13 Westmoreland Ave.,
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Takoma Park, 12, D. C.
Hampel, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Hanson, Frederick R. (1), College Place,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Wash.
Hampton, Harold L., 312 E. 4th St., Hanson, H. S., Box 449, Decatur, Ga.
Delta, Colo. Hanson, Herbert A., P.O. Box 145,
Hampton, J. B., Box 2014, Harlinger, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Texas. Hanson, J. 0. (1), 2511 E. Cherry
Hamrick, J. L., Jr. (1), Route 7, Lynn, Phoenix, Ariz.
Box 340, Richmond, Va. Hanson, Otto B. (m). Klipfontein Road,
Han Hsin Deh (1), S.D.A. Mission, Athlone, Cape, South Africa.
86 North Gate St., Kunming, Yun- Hanson, Russell H. (m), Boulder-Colo-
nan, China. rado Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo.
Dan Liang Seng (1), Court 1207, Yu- Hansson, Erik, Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China. holm, Sweden,

Hara, T. (1), 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Harris, G. M. (m), 251 Bay Ridge
Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Parkway, Brooklyn 9, N. Y.
Harboff, D. P. (1), Solunska 10, Sofia, Harris, R. E. (1), 411 Cedar St., Ta-
Bulgaria. koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Harbour, William (1), c/o V. H. Yost, Harris, Stanley C., Box 59, Nashville
Route 2, Berrien Springs, Mich. 1, Tenn.
Harcombe, J. D., Cancele Mission of Harris, William J., 3813 Kaimuki Ave.,
S.D.A., Private Bag, Mount Frere, Honolulu 26, Territory Hawaii.
East Griqualand, Cape Province, Harrison, C. W. (1), Sydney Sanitar-
South Africa. ium, Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga,
Harder, A. C., Shafter, Calif. New South Wales, Australia.
Harder, David P., Enterprise Acad- Harrison, F. L. (1), Loma Linda Food
emy, Enterprise, Kan. Co., Arlington, Calif.
Harder, F. E. J., Box 1070, Beirut, Harrison, I. H. (I), 119 Carroll Ave.,
Lebanon. Takoma Park. Washington 12, D.C.
Harder, J. C., 1240 Lake Ave., Detroit Harrison, R. A. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Lakes, Minn. Port Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
Harder, J. F., Route 1, Box 147, Shaf- Harrison, R. M. (1), 200 Waubascon
ter, Calif. Road, Battle Creek, Mich.
Hardin, L. F., "Kepplestone," Augusta Hart, C. A. (m), 148 Fox Valley Road,
Road, Peradeniya, Kandy, Ceylon. Wahroonga, Nev South Wales, Aus-
Hardin, Fred, P. 0. Box 20, Bangalore, tralia.
India. Harter, Mrs. H. J. (m), Box 449, De-
Harding, Leon M. (m), 2526 E. Earll catur, Ga.
Drive, Ariz. Hartin, L. H.. Pacific Union College,
Harding, G. T. (I), 312 N. Boyle Ave., Angwin, Calif.
Los Angeles, Calif. Hartman, B. F., .607 W. Henley St.,
Hardinge, Leslie, Union College, Lin- Olean, N. Y.
coln 6, Nebr. Hartman, D. N. (m), Broadview Acad-
Hardt, J. D., 5953 Buena Vista, Oak- emy, La Grange, Ill.
land 11, Calif. Hartman, H. C., College Place, Wash.
Hare, Erie B., Takoma Park, Wash- Hartman, Mrs. H. C. rn), College
ington 12, D. C. Place, Wash.
Hare, Harold H., 2701 S. Lemon St., Hartman, J. I. (m), Casilla 1003,
Sioux City, Iowa. Lima, Peru, South America.
Hare, L. N. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Ka- Hartmann, W., Linienstr. 1011/2, (13b)
mamaung, Shwegon P.O., Thaton Munich-Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Ger-
District, Burma. many.
Hare, M. M., 2383 Colorado Blvd., Hartwell, Donald C. (m), Box 3673,
Eagle Rock, Los Angeles, Calif. Orlando, Fla.
Hare, Milton D. (m), Union College, Hartwell, H. C., 220 E. Rollins Ave.,
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Orlando, Fla.
Hare, Robert, 84 The Boulevarde, Hartwell, Mary (b), 3055 Adeline,
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Berkley 3, Calif.
tralia. Hartwell, R. H., 2180 Jefferson St.,
Hare, R. A., Washington Sanitarium, Memphis, Tenn.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Hartwick, C. W., 940 Seymour St.,
Hare, R. E., 148 Fox Valley Road, Napa, Calif.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Harvey, F. W., 44 S. Alexander St.,
tralia. Danville, Ill.
Hargreaves, H. E., Avenue Pahlevi Harvey, H. L. (m), Box 449, Decatur,
2075, Teheran, Iran. Ga.
Hariuc, M. (I), Strada Rosenfeld No. Harvey, I. R. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
4, Sibiu, Rumania. thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Harker, H. C., 84 The Boulevards, Harvey, J. W., P.O. Box 578, South
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
tralia. Harvey, L. R., 361 Argyle St., North
Harker, J., Stanborough Park, Wat- Hobart, Tasmania.
ford, Herts., England. Harvey, M. J. (1), Box 1311, Meridian,
Harkins, Edwin C. (1), 72 Amherst Miss.
Road, Pinecrest Acres, Stoughton, Hasegawa, T.,171 Amanuma 1-chome,
Mass. Suginami u, Tokyo, Japan.
Harlan, N. M., 9161/s Park Ave., Beloit, Hasiboean, A., Naripan 63, Bandoeng,
Wis. Java, Indonesia.
Harnam Dass (1), S.D.A. Mission, Chu- Hass, Herbert (1), 601 Goshen Ave.,
harkana Mandi, Sheikhupura Dis- Elkhart, Ind.
trict, Pakistan. Hasse, W. E., 1701 Nottingham Way,
Haro (I), S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Trenton, N.J.
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Hassenpflug, B. L., P. 0. Box 7768,
Harris, D. S., Velloz Lodge, Clarke Johannesburg, Transvaal, South 'g-
Town, Nagpur, C.P., India. rim.

Hasso, Robert K. (1), 444/1 Rashid Heim, Esther (b), Rt. 1 Box 684, Han-
Street, Baghdad, Iraq. ford, Calif.
Hatada, K., 13 Nakajimadori 2-chome, Heinrich, F., Robert Blum Strasse 6,
Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan. Dresden-N6, Germany.
Hastings, L. R., Box 4027, Atlanta, Heinrich, Melvin E. (I), P. 0. Box
Ga. 604, Coolidge, Ariz.
Hatch, William C., 226 Kingston Ave., Heinrich, Oscar L. Enterprise, Kan.
Daytona Beach, Fla. Heise, V. J. (1), 361 Argyle St.,
Haufe, P., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, Chem- North Hobart, Tasmania.
nitz, Germany. Heitman, Claude E., Box 276, Armona,
Haughey, A. G., 101 Ida St., Hot Calif.
Springs, Ark. Helm, R., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
Haughey, S. G., Route 1, Crestwood, Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Ky. Helvie, Matilda (m), 5 Broadway,
Haun, Gerald (I), Box 613, Rosewood, Fitchburg, Mass.
Calif. Hembrom, Joseph (1), 36 Park St., Cal-
Haupt, W. H., Box 468, Bloemfontein, cutta, India.
Orange Free State, South Africa. Hemmrich, Louis G. (1), 103 Washing-
Haussler, J. C., La Sierra Station, Ar- ton St., Reno, Nev.
lington, Calif. Hempel, A. E.. 1607 N. 20th, Boise,
Hawkes, L. N. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Ma- Idaho.
dang, Territory of New Guinea, Pa- Hempel, H. W., Box 945, Redmond,
cific Ocean. Oreg.
Hawken, W. J., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Hempel, M. N. (m), 2 Duke Road, Kow-
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. loon, Hong Kong.
Hay, L. H., 361 Argyle St., North Ho- Hemphill, D. V. (m), Pacific Union
bart, Tasmania. College, Angwin, Calif.
Hayden, R. A., Casilla 2102, Lima, Hendershot, H. V., 309 13th Ave., Hat-
Peru, South America. tiesburg, Miss.
Hayes, A. E. (m), 806 Birmingham St., Hendershot, V. E., College Place,
Amarillo, Texas. Wash.
Hayes, E. G., 11130 Pine St., Lynwood, Henderson, John S. (1), 325 E. Tipton
Calif. St.,Seymour, Ind.
Haynal, A. D., 1423 Grandview Ave., Henerson, 0. R. (1), Route 1, Celina,
Braddock, Pa. Tenn.
Haynal, John M. (1), 813 Galena Blvd., Henderson, Perlie deF. (m), Wash-
Aurora, Ill. ington Missionary College, Takoma
Haynes, C. B., Takoma Park, Wash- Park, Washington 12, D.C.
ington 12, D. C. Henderson, Warren P., Jr. (m), Moun-
Haynes, D. F. 6902 Sycamore Ave., tain View, Calif.
Washington 1:2, D.C. Hendriksen, Glen (1), 2518 Cascadilla
Haynes, J. D., Box 464, Victorville, St., Durham, N.C.
Calif. Heng Seng Teck (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Haynes, S. R., 1425 Thumb Bute Road, Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwang-
Prescott, Ariz. tung, China.
Haysmer, A. J., New England Sani- Henneberg, A. (1), Diepensiepen 16,
tarium, Melrose 76, Mass. (22a) Mettmann /Rheinland, Germany.
Haysmer, C. A., (m), New England Hennecke, E., Peiner Strasse 19 A,
Sanitarium, Melrose 76, Mass. Hanover-Dohren, Germany.
Head, C., 148 Fox Valley Road, Wah- Henri, Antony (1), Casier S, Port-au-
roonga, New South Wales, Australia. Prince, Haiti, French West Indies.
Heald, Bertram M., 87 Division St., Henri, C. D., S.D.A. Mission, Box No.
Schenectady, N.Y. 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Heaton, L. T., Box 83, Loma Linda, Henriksen, Glenn, Route 2, Florence,
Calif. S.C.
Hefren, A. L. (I), 84 The Boulevarde, Henriksen, H. D., 480 King St. E.,
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.
tralia. Henriksen, H. L., Mission Adventiste,
Reggie, R. N., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagas-
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. car.
Heglund, Vernon (1), 2084 Plymouth Henneberg, A. (1), Diepensiepen 16,
St., Waterloo, Iowa. Paris 13e, France.
Heiderstadt, A., Koblenzer Strasse Henriquez, Clayton (m), Box 3412, Sec-
3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. tion 7a, Panama City, Republic of
Heifner, L. M. Box 243, Loyall, Ky. Panama.
Heijkoop. N. (I), Lange Beestenmarkt Henry, C. D., Box 66, Port-of-Spain,
102, The Hague, Netherlands. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Heikkinen, I. (1), Tunnelgaten 25, Henry, W. A. (1), 415 W. 4th St., Guy-
Stockholm, Sweden. mon, Okla.
Heim, E. F., Lodi Academy, Lodi, Henry, Mrs. W. A. (b), 134 Adams
Calif. St., Vallejo, Calif.

Heppenstall, Edward, La Sierra Sta- Higgins, I. D. (1), No. 71, Kalaw,

tion, Arlington, Calif. S.S.S., Burma.
Herbert, A. S., 40 Bealey Avenue, Higgins, W. A., Grove Ave., Claremont,
Christchurch, New Zealand. ' Cape Province, South Africa.
Herbert, D. P., 1731 W. Michigan Ave., '
Higgins, W. B., South Lancaster, Mass.
Winter Park, Fla. Higgs, Charles A., Jr. (I), P.O. Box 211,
Herbert, V. B. (1), 27 Esplanade Road, Champaign, Ill.
Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Hilgert, W. Earle (m), P. 0. Box 401,
Herbert, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber- Manila, Philippines.
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Hill, C. (1), Box 1011 J, Adelaide,
Herbet, A., 5 Boulevard Longchamp, South Australia, Australia.
Marseille, France. Hill, F. W. (1), P. 0. Box 20, Banga-
Hermann, P. H., 1158 West 38th St., lore. India.
Los Angeles 37, Calif. Hill, Franklin S. (I), 816% 9th St.,
Hermanson, E. V., Bongo Mission, Lepi, West Palm Beach, Fla.
Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Hill, G. W. (1), Box 27, Hamilton,
Hermansson, G., Vasagatan 12, Gote- New South Wales, Australia.
borg, Sweden. Hill, R. C. (m), 2 Duke Road, Kowloon,
Hernandez, Bernardo (1), Apartado 30, Hong Kong.
Camaguey, Cuba. Hill, Ralph B., 227 S. Atlantic Ave.,
Hernandez, Eustano, Avenida Madero Pittsburgh 24, Pa.
148-14, Guautla, Morelos, Mexico. Hill, T. S., 15735 Tracey St., Detroit 27,
Hernandez, Ramon, Apartado 3005, Mich.
Santurce, Puerto Rico. Hill, W. B. 766 Pear St., Trenton, N.J.
Herr, E. E. (1), Box 602, Las Cruces, Hilliard, Floyd. 12 Alton St., Portland,
New Mexico. Me.
Herr, E. L. (m), 725 Oceanview Drive, Hilliard, W. I. (m), S.D.A. Mission,
Honolulu 26, Territory Hawaii. Taiwan, Formosa, South China.
Herr, John 0. (1), Spearfish, S. Dak. Hilliard, W. Ira (1), 2 Duke Road, Kow-
Herr, Rose E. (b), Route 5, Box 411, loon, Hong Kong.
Watsonville, Calif. Hilliard, William A., S.D.A. Mission,
Herr, T. G., 718 N. Dunham St., De- Chungking, Szechwan, China.
catur 19, III. Hillier, R. M. (1), Highland Academy,
Herrera, J. M. (1), Jaro, Iloilo City, Fountain Head, Tenn.
Philippines. Hillock, R. J. E. (1), 175 Lewis St.,
Hershberger, 0. S., 900 Carroll Ave., Waterloo, Quebec, Canada.
Takoma Park 12, D. C. Hills, F. E. (I), Box 175, Port-of-Spain,
Hervig, Robert (m), Hinsdale Sani- Trinidad, British West Indies.
tarium, Hinsdale, Ill. Hilmer, F., Bohmerstr. 13, (16) Frank-
Herwick, 0. W., Box 1067, Ketchikan, furt/Main, Germany.
Alaska. Hilts, D. G. (m), South Lancaster, Mass.
Herwick, P. G., Main St., Salisbury, Hilweg, K., Hoheweide 51, Hamburg 30,
Mass. Germany.
Herzel, E. F., 3319 Arbor Road, S.W., Hioara, M., Strada Eduard Grand 25,
Canton 6, Ohio. Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Hesse, D. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1) Hira, Lall (11, S.D.A. Mission, Mushtaq
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Manzi], Moradabad, U.P., India.
Hesseltine, Leland, 909 Spokane Ave., Hirsch, A. J., Route 5, Johnson City,
Ellensburg, Wash. Tenn.
Hesseltine, Waldo L.,1832 South 8th Hirschy, R. (1), Mission Adventiste,
East, Salt Lake City 5, Utah. Nanga-Eboko, Via Douala, French
Heubach, P. C., 312 North Boyle Ave., Cameroons, Africa.
Los Angeles 33, Calif. Hiscox, A. R. (I). S.D.A. Mission, Aore,
Heuser, H. (I), Peiner Strasse 19 A, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Hanover-Dohren, Germany. Hiscox, Elizabeth J. (m), Giffard Mis-
Hewlett, Gordon (1), Box 48, Sardis, sion Hospital, Nuzvid, Kistna District,
British Columbia, Canada. India.
Hewitt, F. H., 606 S. Patterson St., Hot Hiten, S. S., Box 7768, Johannesburg,
Springs, Ark. Transvaal, South Africa.
Hiatt, IL M., 615 S. Ferry St., Anoka, Hiten, Stanley H., General Delivery,
Minn. Merced, Calif.
Hickman, John, 3309 Maple St., Omaha, Hivale, B. J. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Nebr. Gan gapur, Aurangabad District,
Hickman, Melvin G. (1), Box 512, Madi- India.
son, Wis. Hizon, D., L. (I), Legaspi, Albay, Phil-
Hickman, N. R., Box 637, National City, ippines.
Calif. Hlubi, J. M. 410 Lamont Village, P.O.
Hicks, H. H. Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Lamontville , Natal, South Africa.
Higgins, C. W. (1), 3208 West End Ave., Hmelevsky, G. G., 1922 Academy Place,
Nashville 7, Tenn, Glendale 6, Calif.

Hnatyshyn, J. M., Grove Avenue, Clare- Holgate, W. A., 12 Osborne Road, Half-
mont, Cape Province, South Africa. Way-Tree, Jamaica, British West
Ho Ai Dun, S.D.A. Mission. Da Chi Gou, Indies.
Chungking, Szechwan, China. Holland, J. C., 900 Carroll Ave., Ta-
Ho, P. T., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, koma Park 12, D. C.
China. Holley, Leighton R., 1147 63rd St.,
Ho Hsu Hsuen, 1365 Chung Shan Dah Des Moines, Iowa.
Dao, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Holley, W. Roger, 1100Y2 Bartlett St.,
Ho Wei Ye, S.D.A. Mission, Tungshan, Burlington, Ia.
Canton, China. Hollingsworth, C. F., 8 Yarra St.,
Ho Wen Chieh (1), S.D.A. Mission, Da Hawthorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, Hollings-worth, H. W., 361 Argyle St.,
China. North Hobart, Tasmania.
Hoag, G. B., 76 Queensway, New Delhi Hollister, M. A., La Sierra Sta., Arling-
1, India. ton, Calif.
Hochmuth, M., Robert Blum Strasse 6, Holm, L. N., South Lancaster, Mass.
Dresden-N6, Germany. Holman, George W., 301 Main St., Mill-
Hochschorner, Ernestine (b), 822 S. ville, N.J.
Spring St., Bucyrus, Ohio. Holman, Keith C., 1961 Los Encinos St.,
Hochsetter, Gideon E., Box 276, Ellen- Glendale, Calif.
dale, N. Dak. Holmes, P. H. (1), P.O. Box 27, Hamil-
Hodde, E. F. (1), 1491 Washington Ave., ton, New South Wales, Australia.
Fredericksburg, Va. Holness, Owen (1), "Hazelrigg," Mande-
Hoen, R. E. (I), Angwin, Napa Co., ville, Jamaica, British West Indies.
Calif. Holquist, Beatrice (m), College Station,
Hoffman, B. E., LaCygne, Kansas. - Berrien Springs, Mich.
Hoffman, B. P., 201 Garland Ave., Ta- Hoist, L. R., 3355 Hiawatha Drive,
koma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Dayton 5, Ohio.
Hoffman, Herbert, Caixa Postal 177, Holt, A. R., 11 North 11th Ave., Ya-
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, kima, Wash.
Brazil, South America. Holt, C. A., Box 1335, Midland, Texas.
Hoffman, John E., (I), 50 Pine St., Hon, E. W. (1), 84 The Boulevarde,
Bloomsburg, Pa. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Hoffman, Jay M., 8115 Utopia Parkway, tralia.
Jamaica, N.Y. Hooper, W. T., 148 Fox Valley Rd.,
Hoffman, J. R., 3832 Victory Drive, Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Shreveport, La. tralia.
Hoffman, Siegfried, Caixa Postal 177, Hooper, Wayne H. (1), Union College,
Porto Alegre, Rio GrAde do Sul, Bra- Lincoln 6, Nebraska.
zil, South America. Hogue, Mrs. Troymae (b), 2178 E. 43rd
Hoffman, Vern C. (1), 347 Trenton St., St., Cleveland, Ohio.
Indianapolis 5, Ind. Horn, M. C., 605 S. St. Paul St., Aus-
Hogendorp, L. (1), Naripan 63, Ban- tin, Minn.
doeng, Java, Indonesia. Horn. S. H., Hinsdale, Ill.
Hogganvik, Bjarne (1), Akersgaten 74, Hornfeldt, P. (1), Tunnelgatan 25,
Oslo, Norway. Stockholm, Sweden.
Hogo, T. (1), C/o Stanhope, Fort Vic- Horning, J. Hal (m), 1430 Makiki St.,
toria, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Honolulu 4, Hawaii.
Hoke (1), S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul, New Horning, L. A. (m), West Indian Train-
Britain, Territory of New Guinea, ing College, Mandeville, Jamaica,
Pacific Ocean. British West Indies.
Hornyak, Stephen J.. Route 2, Traverse
Hokin, D. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn City, Mich.
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Horton, F. D., 247 N. High St., Har-
Holbert, Mrs. Lloyd (m), Washington risonburg, Va.
Missionary College, Takoma Park, Hosford, Grant D., Route 3, Stanton,
Washington 12, D.C. Mich.
Holbrook, Delmer, Casilla 771, Cocha- Hosford, Herbert (1), 1212 Wall St.,
bamba, Bolivia. South America. Port Huron, Mich.
Holbrook, J. A., Sedro-Wooley, Wash. Hoskins, S. H., Box 640, Lodi, Calif.
Holbrook, Wilbur, 841 W. Belmont Ave., Hotetapea, M. (1), P. Siantar, Sumatra,
Fresno 1, Calif. Indonesia.
Hold, James (I), Hancock Ave. Ext., Houck, Glenn A. (1), Apartado 329,
Apollo, Pa. Santa Clara, Cuba.
Holden, C. R. (1), 804 Chestnut St., Houghton, Alexander, 1113 36th St.,
Pine Bluff, Ark. Galveston, Texas.
Holden, W. B. (1), 6347 S.E. Yamhill Houriet, A. (I), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise
St., Portland 16, Oreg. Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Holden, W. H. 11344 Westwood Dr., House, E. C., P. 0. Box 578, South
Arlington, Calif, Wagga, New South Wales, Australia,

House, H. F., Luz Savinon No. 1415, Huang, C. C., 140 Bukit Bintang
Colonia Narvarte, Mexico, Distrito Kuala Lumpur, Union of Malaya.
Federal, Mexico. Huayllara, Mariano, Casilla 85, Puno,
House, T. L., P.O. Box 266, Towns- Peru, South America.
ville, Queensland, Australia. Hubbs, R. L., 1325 North 14th St.,
Houser, L. E., Route 2, Box 267, Coeur Phoenix, Ariz.
d' Alene, Idaho. Hubley, R. A., 911 6th St., South Leth-
Howard, A. W. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Map- bridge, Alberta, Canada.
parley Park, Nottingham, England. Hudson, Metta I. (m), Washington
Howard, B. A., 21 Thornhill Road, Alla- Sanitarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C.
habad, United Provinces, India. Hudson, Otis A. (m), Box 584, Arling-
Howard, Edgar (1), 1102 W. Sitka St., ton, Calif.
Tampa, Fla. Hudson, R. T., 2520 Hallet St., Pitts-
Howard, Ethel R. (m), Box 396, burgh, Pa.
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Huenergardt, A. B., Route 1, Box 281,
Howard, Ellis P., Arlington, Calif. Blythe, Calif.
Howard, Mrs. Grace (m), Takoma Park, Huenergardt, J. F., 4936 Genevieve
Washington 12, D.C. Ave., Los Angeles 41, Calif.
Howard, Henry H. (1), 1710 Michigan Hughes, A. E., Box 26, Collegedale,
Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Tenn.
Howard, J. M., Stanborough Park, Wat- Hughes, David (1), 1739 Ohio St.,
ford, Herts., England. Vallejo, Calif.
Howard, M. D., 3672 Washington St., Hughes, Emma (m), Washington San-
Gary, Ind. itarium, Takoma Park 12, Md.
Howard, P. E. (1), S.D.A. Mission, The Hughes, Eugene (m), Campion
Retreat, Roorkee, U.P., India. Academy, Loveland, Colo.
Howard, Walter R. (1), 609 E. Bu- Hui Hiong Wing (1), S.D.A. Mission,
chanan St., Winterset, Iowa. 36 Nanking Road West, Taipeh, For-
Howarth, James (1), 1707 Orchard Ave., mosa, China.
Glendale 6, Calif. Hulbert, E. E. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box
Howe, B. L. Route 5, Box 1309, Mo- 1016, Accra. Gold Coast West Africa.
desto, Calif. Hull, E. Marie (b), 1212 Duncan Ave.,
Howe, Muriel (m), S.D.A. Mission, Da Chattanooga, Tenn.
Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, Humann, E. S., 1544 S. E. Hawthorne
China. Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg.
Howe, W. A., 3028 Waits St., Fort Humann, H. H., 2726 Southwest Drive,
Worth, Texas. Los Angeles, Calif.
Howell, C E. (1), 2411 E. Avenue H, Hummel, G., Thalmann-Platz 46, Cott-
Lubbock, Texas. bus, Germany.
Howell, J. M., 900 Carroll Ave., Ta- Humphrey, A. B., 1324 N. Palace Ave.,
koma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Tyler, Texas.
Howell, L. I. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Bena Humphrey, Edward J. (1), 1025 E. 5th
Bena, Via Lae, New Guinea, Pacific St., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Ocean. Humphries, H. (1), Stanborough Park,
Howes, R. W., 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Law- Watford, Herts., England.
ley, West Australia. Australia. Hung, C. Y., S.D.A. Mission, Kulangsu,
Howlett, R. H. (1), Box 19, La Sierra Amoy, China.
Station, Arlington, Calif. Hung, K. H. (1), P. 0. Box 310, Hong
Howse, E. W. (I), Central Pacific Union Kong.
Mission, P.O. Suva, Fiji, Pacific Hung, Paul (1), Boite Postale 453, Sai-
Ocean. gon, French Indo-China.
Howse, H. T., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Hunter, D. W., Route 1, Berrien
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Springs, Mich.
Howse, J. T., S.D.A. Mission, Aba- Huntington, L. L., 616 24th Ave.,
mama, via Ocean Island, Central Pa- Longview, Wash.
cific. Huntley, E. H., 426 Euclid Ave., Beau-
Hoyler, Jorge, Caixa Postal 1830, Sao mont, Calif.
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Hurdon, W. J., Box 134, Oshawa, On-
Hsien, Miss Chu (1), Court 1207 Yu- tario, Canada.
Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China. Hurlow, H. J., Box 468, Bloemfontein,
Hsu Hsing Tang, 1365 Chung Shan Dah O.F.S., South Africa.
Dao, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Hurlow, W. A. (1), Chisekesi
Hsu, L. G. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Kiangsi, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
China. Hurlow, W. H., Box 1133, Port Eliza-
Hsu, T. C., Ta-Tung Lu, Dao-Li, Har- beth, Cape Province, South Africa.
bin, Manchuria. Hurst, B. E., "Hazelrigg," Mandeville,
Hsu, Y. C. (1), 526 Ningkuo Road, Jamaica, British West Indies,
Shanghai, China. Hurta, K. (1). Londynska 30, Praha-
Hu Ben Djen, S.D.A. Mission, 86 Vinohrady, Czechoslovakia.
North Gate St., Kunming, Yunnan, Huse, G. A. (1), Takoma Park, Wash,
China. ingtgn 12? D,

Hutapea, W. U. (1), Naripan 63, Ban- Ingle, A. N., Box 468, Bloemfontein,
doeng, Java, Indonesia. Orange Free State, South Africa.
Hutches, G. E. 310 W. St. Joseph St., Innocent, G. G. (m), 399 Upper Se-
Lansing, Mich. rangoon Road, Singapore, Colony of
Hwang Dzi Chiang, S.D.A. Mission, Singapore.
Da Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, Inoue, K., 456 24th St., North, Seattle
China. 2, Wash.
Hwang, Paul, S.D.A. Mission, Tung-
shan, Canton, China. Inu, Tini, S.D.A. Mission, Box 6, Apia,
Hwang, Y. S., S.D.A. Mission, 44 Fu Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
Tzen Street, Changsha, Hunan, Iordanescu, G., Strada Golesti No. 11,
China. Braila, Rumania.
Hyatt, Helen (m), Union College, Lin- Iorga, Ig. Strada Eduard Grand 25,
coln 6, Nebr. Bucuresti' II, Rumania.
Hyatt, W. L., 101 Hamilton Place, Ipes, Thomas P. (1), 355 Union Ave.,
Oakland 12, Calif. Paterson, N.J.
Hyde, C. J., Nchwanga Mission, P.O. Ireland, J. J. (m), Takoma Park,
Mubende, Uganda, East Africa. Washington 12, D. C.
Hyde, G. M., 780 St. Albans Road, Wat- Irmer, R. (1), Robert Blum Strasse,
ford, Herts., England. (10a) Dresden-N6, Germany.
Hyde, J. A. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box
No. 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West Irod, Dumitru, Calea Bucuresti 57,
Africa. Craiova, Rumania.
Hyde, J. J., S.D.A. Mission, Box No. Irons, L. 0. (1), 560 West 150th St.,
1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa. New York City, N. Y.
Hyde, S. G., 780 St. Albans Road, Wat- Irvine, Bessie (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma-
ford, Herts.. England. nila, Philippines.
Hyde, S. W., 1602 Corunna Ave., Irvine H. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace,
Owosso, Mich. Bowen Hills, Queensland, Australia.
Hyde, William T. B. Pacific Union Col-
lege, Angwin, Irvine, J. H. (m), 832 S.E. 6th Ave.,
Portland 15, Oreg.
Isaac, Daniel, 261 Academy Way, Di-
nuba, Calif.
I Isaac, F. R., 723 Pennsylvania St.,
Denver 10, Colo.
Isaac, John, Route 1, Box 146 A,
Ibbott, E. B., 27 Esplanade Rd., Mt. Shafter, Calif.
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Isaac, M. N., Casier S, Port-au-Prince,
Iek Sing Hu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Foo- Haiti, French West Indies.
chow, China.
Ieremia, R., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Isaac, Nahum, Casier S, Port-au-Prince,
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Haiti, French West Indies.
Ih Ping (1), 1365 Chung Shan Dah Dao, Isaiah (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Santo,
Hankow, Hupeh, China. New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Ihrig, I. H., Route 1, Berrien Springs, Isaiah, G., Spicer Missionary College,
Mich. Aundh Road, Kirkee, Poona 3, India.
Ilcuk, Nicholas, 301 N. Vickers St., Iserte, S., Apartado 4078, Madrid,
Fort William, Ont., Canada. Spain.
Iles, H. A. (1), 2808 N. Military St., Ising, W. K., Takoma Park, Washing-
Oklahoma City, Okla. ton 12, D. C.
Im Sung Won, S.D.A. Mission, Sang Ismond, Wolf (1), 2 Duke Road, Kow-
Soori, Pyengyang, Seishin, Korea. loon, Hong Kong.
Imai, Seikichi, 2512 Myrtle St., Oak- Israel, C. B. (1), Assam Training
land 7, Calif. School, Jowai. Assam, India.
Immergut, Mrs. Henriette (b), 3657 Israel, 0., S.D.A. Mission, Rayapet,
Belle Plaine Ave., Chicago 18, Ill. Narsapur, West Godavari District,
Imperio, J. M., Legaspi, Albay, Philip- India.
pines. Isuga, Mrs. C. B. (b), Jaro, Iloilo City,
Imperio, R. C. (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma- Philippines.
nila, Philippines. Itulu, S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Solo-
Imrie, L. J., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, mon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Itumeling, K. (1), P. 0. Taungs, Cape
Province, South Africa.
Imura, Hiroshi (1), 171 Amanuma 1- Iuorno, Daniel E. (1), Uriarte 2429,
chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Buenos Aires. Argentina, South
Inayat Chand (I), S.D.A. Mission, The America.
Retreat, Roorkee, United Provinces, Ivanoff, W., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul-
India. garia.
Ingersoll, D. M. (I), Casilla 44, Quito, Iverson, J. 0., Box 1475, Des Moines 6,
Ecuador, South America, Iowa,

Jeffreys, Joseph F., 203 Hutton St.,

J Jersey City, N.J.
Jeffries, F. E. Roy, 523 West 143rd St.,
Jabola, F. L., General Delivery, Ma- New York 31. N.Y.
nila, Philippines. Jeffries, H. D., Box 97, Keene, Texas.
Jackson, F. S., Stanborough Park, Wat- Jemison, T. H., Angwin, Calif.
ford, Herts., England. Jenkins, D. (1), 84 The Boulevarde,
Jackson, J. M., 501 Forest Ave., Minne- Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
apolis 4, Minn. tralia.
Jackson, J. S., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Jenkins, F. H., 390 Edwards St., N. W.,
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Atlanta, Ga. '
Jackson, M. J., Forest Lake Academy, Jenkins, M. Pearl (m), Washington
Route 2, Maitland, Fla. Sanitarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C.
Jackson, P. T.. 317 S. 3rd St., Rich- Jenkins, Mrs. Nora P. (b), 542 Port-
mond, Ind. land Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Jackson, Richard (1), Brookside Acad- Jenkins, R. A., 116 E. Lincoln, Tyler,
emy, East Taunton, Mass. Texas.
Jacob, A. C., S.D.A. Mission, Nanthen- Jenkins, Reese, 11 Ferris Lane, Pough-
code, Trivandrum, Travancore, India. keepsie, N.Y.
Jacob, J. V., S.D.A. Mission, Nanthen- Jenkins, T. J., 2611 Springwood Drive,
code, Trivandrum, Travancore, India. Greensboro, N.C.
Jacobs, C. L (1), Box 1311, Merid- Jenks, H. A. (1), Route 2, Gaston,
ian, Miss. Oreg.
Jacobs, Donald E., 1410 E. Otis St., Jensen, C. C., Box 716, Loma Linda,
Hazel Park, Michigan. Calif.
Jacobs, R. L., Casilla 2102, Lima, Peru, Jensen, C. J., S.D.A. Mission, Nomg-
South America. thymmai, Shillong, Assam, India.
Jacobson, A. G., 27 Esplanade Road, Jensen, Carl J., Svanevej 10, Copen-
Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. hagen, N.V., Denmark.
Jacobson, M. V., 444/1 Rachid Street, Jensen, E. E., 171 Amanuma 1-chome,
Baghdad, Iraq. Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Jacques, 0. L., Mbeya Mission, P.O. Jensen, Edward E., Mision Adventista,
Mbeya, Tanganyika Territory, East La Ceiba, Honduras, Central Amer-
Africa. ica.
Jager, E., Diepensiepen 16, Mettmann/ Jensen, F. B., 3673 Linwood, Riverside,
Rheinland, Germany. Calif.
James, E. H., 2 Duke Road, Kowloon, Jensen, Hagen, Norre Alle 30, Aarhus,
Hong Kong. Denmark.
James, J. R., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton, Jensen, J. P. U., Holmenkollveien 31,
New South Wales, Australia. Oslo, Norway.
James, J. S., Collegedale, Tenn. Jensen, Johannes, Box 262, Reykjavik,
James, S. (m), P. 0. Box 15, Poona, Iceland.
India. Jensen, M. H., Box 512, Weslaco, Texas.
James, Mrs. Wilbur (b), 1720 Simkin Jensen, Marinus, Norre Alle 30, Aar-
St., Nashville, Tenn. hus, Denmark.
Jameson, J. S., Rusk, Wis. Jensen, R. F. (1), Holmenkollveien 31,
Janda, Edward, Mukarahale Store, c/o Oslo, Norway.
Nhowhe Mission, P.O. Macheke, Jensen, W. C., 615 N. 17th St., Harris-
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. burg, Pa.
Jansen, J. M. (1), 2125 25th Ave., N., Jensen, W. Gordon (1), Box 15, Poona
Nashville, Tenn. 1, India.
Japas, Salim (1), Uriarte 2429, Buenos Jensen W. S. (I), P. 0. Box 145,
Aires, Argentina, South America. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Jaquenod, H., Institut "Vie et Sante" Jenson, George (I), 807 W. Forbes St.,
Pare d'Hydra, Birmandreis, Alger, Yuba City, Calif.
(Algeria). Jepson, Evelyn (b), 920 E. 19th St., Min-
Jaynes, H. I., Route 2, Poplar Bluff, Mo. neapolis, Minn.
James, P. C., 4731 Knoll Ave., Minne- Jere, Nemen, P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasa-
apolis 22, Minn. land, Africa.
.Larry, J. A. (1), Route 1, Media, Pa. Jere, Richard (1), Chisekesi Siding,
Jayne, Stuart R., 3417 Peach St., Erie, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Pa. Jereos, F. (1), Jaro, Iloilo City, Philip-
Jean-Baptiste, A. J., Casier S, Port- pines.
au-Prince, Haiti, French West Indies. Jereos, M. G. (m), Legaspi, Albay,
Jean Elie, S. B., Casier Postal 200, Philippines.
Fort-de-France, Martinique, French Jespersen, James C. (1), 153 S. Jaunite,
West Indies. Hemet, Calif.
Jefferson, S. M., Box 584, Arlington, Jessen, A. F., S.D.A. Mission, Kottara-
_ Calif. kara, Travancore. India.
Jefferson, W. R., 13752 Burbank Blvd., Jesske, W. S., 3963 Chippewg St., St.
Van Nuys, Calif. Louis, Mo,

Jesudass, K. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Raya- Johnson, D. S. (1), S.D.A. Mission,

pet, Narsapur, West Godavari Dis- Chuharkana Mandi, Sheikhupura Dis-
trict, India. trict, Pakistan.
Jesudawson, A. M., Door No. 15/4 4th Johnson, E. R., 841 W. Belmont, Fresno,
St., Konganagar, Tirupur, Coimba- Calif.
tore District, India. Johnson, Mrs. Ella M. (b), 514 19th
Jewell, E. B., P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Ave. N., Nashville, Tenn.
Nyasaland, Africa. Johnson, Edith (m), S.D.A. Mission,
Jewell, E. Lt (I), Caixa Postal 33, Vila Tungshan, China.
Luso, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Johnson, Fred, 1130 Lincoln Way, Au-
Jewell, F. B. (1). P.B.T. 189, Bulawayo, burn, Calif.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Johnson, Fred E., Wanham, Alberta,
Jewett, V. It. (1), 3144 Eastlake Ave., Canada.
Seattle 2, Wash. Johnson, G. E., 1544 S.E. Hawthorne
Jewkes, H. W., 3613 5th Ave., Fort Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg.
Worth 3, Texas. Johnson, G. E., 41 Drake St., Charles-
Jeys, George (m), Pacific Union College, ton, S.C.
Angwin, Calif. Johnson, H. D. (m), Naripan 63, Ban-
Jimenes, Antonio, Caixa Postal 810, doeng, Java, Indonesia.
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Johnson, H. M., Union College, Lincoln
America. 6, Nebr.
Jimenez, Aurelio, Sexta Seccion, Ixtal- Johnson, H. T. (1). Washington Mis-
tepee, Mexico. sionary College. Takoma Park, Wash-
Jimenez, Francisco (1), Casilla 2830, ington 12, D.C.
Santiago, Chile, South America. Johnson, H. T. 780 St. Albans Road,
Jimeno, P. (1), Artacho, Sison, Pan- Watford, Herts., England.
gasinan, Philippines. Johnson, J. D., Box 147, Blair, Nebr.
Joas, Oto S. S. (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Johnson, J. E., Route 5, Box 291, West
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Riverside, Calif.
Job, A. M. (m), P.O. Box No. 15, Johnson, J. R., 1534V2 E. Washington
Poona 1, India. St., Charleston, W. Va.
Jochmans, F., 11-13, rue Ernest Allard, Johnson, K. D., 1951 Lipscomb St., Fort
Brussels, Belgium. Worth 3, Texas.
Johannes, J.C. (m), P.O. Box 977, Johnson, Mrs. L. (b), 3022 West 62nd
Rangoon, Burma. St., Seattle 7, Wash.
Johnson, Mary Della (b), 118 W. Fern,
Johanson, A. J., P. 0. Box No. 15, Redlands, Calif.
Poona 1, India. Johnson, Melvin G., 203 Cooper St.,
Johanson, 0. B. (I) 148 Fox Valley Agawam, Mass.
Rd., Wahroonga, New South Wales, Johnson, N. R., 589 Eckhardt Ave.,
Australia. Penticton, British Columbia. Canada.
Johanson, E. J., Takoma Park, Wash- Johnson, Norman J. (I), 718 First Ave.
ington 12, D. C. East, Williston, N. Dak.
John, C., S.D.A. Mission, Kirshnankoil, Johnson, P. S. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Ambasamudram, Thirunelvali Dis- Kottarakara, Travancore, India.
trict, India. Johnson, R. R. (I), Box 26, College
John, C. K., Kamarekai P.O., Kollegal, View Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Coimbatore District, India. Johnson, Reuben (m), Boulder-Colorado
John, S. (m), 36 Park Street, Calcutta, Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo.
India. Johnson, S. W., P.O. Box 1070, Beirut,
John, W., Hoheweide 51, Hamburg 80, Johnson, Sigridur (b), Lundar, Mani-
Germany. toba, Canada.
Johns, Alger F., 1721 Glencoe Drive, Johnson, Mrs. Verna (m), Boulder-Col-
Lemon Grove, Calif. orado Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo.
Johns, Alger H., 6410 Lemon Ave., Johnson, W. B., 305 Dale St., Waltham,
Long Beach, Calif. Mass.
Johns, Varner J., Route 3, Box 1129, Johnson, W. H. (1), Gitwe Mission,
Yucaipa, Calif. Via Usumbura, Urundi, Congo Beige,
Johnson, Adolph, Route 1, Box 43 D, Africa.
Ukiah, Calif. Johnson, W. S., 3640 Bellevue Road,
Johnson, Alvin W. (I), Route 1, Ber- Toledo 12, Ohio.
rien Springs, Mich.
Johnson, Mrs. Audrey (b), 2604 E. Johnson, Werber (m), P.O. Box 401,
145th St, Seattle 55, Wash. Manila, Philippines.
Johnson, Charles W. (1), -.Loma Linda, Johnson, F. W., Box 349, Loma Linda,
Calif. Calif.
Johnson, Clarence E. (1), 1808 Virgin Johnston, C. G. (1), 8 Yarra. St., Haw-
St., Ashland, Ky. thorn, E2, Victoria, Australia.
Johnson, Clarence S., 226 N. 34th St., Johnston, Oliver L. (1), 217 Houston,
San Jose, Calif. Sulphur Springs, Texas.

Jonas, Rwankeri Mission, B. P. Ruhen- Joyce, S., Stanborough Park, Watford,

geri, Via Goma, Congo Beige, Africa. Herts., England.
Jonahs, C. P. (1) 12/3 2d Cross Street, Joyce, S. G., 780 St. Albans Road, Wat-
Jaffna, Ceylon. ford, Herts., England.
Jonasson, S., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Jublin, R. (1), Mission Adventiste,
holm, Sweden. Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagas-
Jones, C. L., Box 66, Port-of-Spain, car.
Trinidad, British West Indies. Judd, C., 84 The Boulevarde, Strath-
Jones, C. T. (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma- field, New South Wales, Australia.
nila, Philippines. Judd, T. F., S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul,
Jones, Charles R. (m), Mision Adven- New Britain, Territory New Guinea,
tists, La Ceiba, Honduras, Central Pacific Ocean.
America. Judge, A. G., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.
Jones, G. Eric, Box 396, Oshawa, On- Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
tario, Canada. Jugha, S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Solo-
Jones, H. B., P.O. Box 27, Hamilton, mon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
New Smith Wales, Australia. Juhl, Kenneth (1), Box 487, Salmon,
Jones, Horace L. (1), 118 N. F St., Idaho.
Pensacola, Fla. Julian, M. J. (m), Loma Linda Food
Jones, J. H. (1), 2519 Warren Ave., Co., Arlington, Calif.
Dallas, Texas. Juriansz, B. D. (1), 33 Church Street,
Jones, J. W., 2153 9th Ave. S., St. Jaffna, Ceylon.
Petersburg, Fla. Jurke, F. Robert Blum Strasse 6,
Jones, L. L., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Dresden-N6, Germany.
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Just, J. A. (1), 306 Hobart St., Day-
Jones, Maude I. (m), Box 449, Decatur, tona Beach, Fla.
Jones, Merwin A. R. (1), 2435 Hollister,
Apt. F, Santa Barbara, Calif.
Jones, R. G., Mision Adventists, La K
Ceiba, Honduras, Central America.
Jones, W. H. (1), 801 Greenwood Ave., Kaba, J., Tr. Marsala Malinovskeho
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. 24a, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Jonker, P. A. (1), Shiloh Mission, P. 0. Kabala, Mesaki (1), P. 0. Box 22,
Lunsklip Siding, Northern Transvaal, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa.
South Africa. Kabambe, Jonathan, P.O. Tekerani,
Jonuleit, K., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, Nyasaland, Africa.
Chemnitz, Germany. Kabashi, Simoni, Kirundu Mission, B. P.
Jordahl, Odd (1), Bergjelandsgaten 45, Stanleyville, Congo Beige, Africa.
Stavanger, Norway. Kachel, H. (1), Diepensiepen 16, Mett-
Jordahl, Ole, Kjopmannsgata 28, Trond- mann/Rheinland, Germany.
heim, Norway. Kaelin, A. D. (1), c/o E. C. Bruntzel,
Jorgensen, G. C. (m), Union College, Wakeeney, Kan.
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Kagels, Lawrence F. (1), 317 May St.,
Jorgensen, L. G., 2524 8th Ave., Pue- Cadillac, Mich.
blo, Colo. Kajiyama, T. (1), 171 Amanuma
Jornada, F. H., Jaro, Iloilo City, 1-chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Philippines. Kalabugin, M., 9 Tsitsihar St., Nan
Joseph, G. C. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Raya- Kang, Harbin, Manchuria.
pet, Narsapur, West Godavary Dis- Kalar, Addie Mae (b), Box 363, Med-
trict, India. ford, Oreg.
Joseph, K. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Foicotta, Kalbermatter, I., Calle V. Vergara
Curzon Maidan, Palamcottah, Thir- 3227, Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos
unelvali District, India. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Josephs, H. G. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Kalbermatter, J. P. (1), Uriarte 2429,
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
tralia. America.
Joseph, Victor A., 830 "P" St., Bakers- Kalbermatter, Romualdo (m), Avda.
field, Calif. Espana 851, Corrientes, Argentina,
Josling, N. (1), Box 1133, Port Eliza- South America.
beth, Cape Province, South Africa. Kalbermatter, Santiago, Cervantes 144,
Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South
Joses (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Santo,
New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. America.
Kalee Paw, S.D.A. Mission, Paan P.O.,
Joshua, J., S.D.A. Mission, Nanthen- Thaton District, Burma.
code, Trivandrum, Travencore, South Kalustian, K. (1), 14 Saray Arkasi,
India. Ayazpasa, Istanbul, Turkey.
Joyce, C. S., 1544 S. E. Hawthorne Kambuwa, Albert, Box 61, Blantyre,
Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. Nyasaland, Africa.
Joyce, R. S. 4619 Bancroft Ave., Lin- Kamea, John, Box 15, Nukualofa, Tonga,
coln 6, Nebr. Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.

Kamba, Filipo (1), Suji Mission, P.O. Kaytor, A. W., Box 337, Oshawa, On-
Makanya, Via Moshi, Tanganyika Ter- tario, Canada.
- ritory, East Africa. Kearbey, C. F.. Box 93, Loveland, Colo.
Kamwendo, Yolam, P. 0. Malamulo, Keene, H. L. (m), Union College, Lin-
Nyasaland, Africa. coln 6, Nebr.
Kamwenje, Moses, Box 51, Blantyre, Kegley, R. J., General Delivery,
Nyasaland, Africa. Crookston, Minn.
Kanada, T., Rua Lopes Trovao 84, Ni- Kegley, Ronald J., Jr., (1), Route 2,
teroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South Box 38, Sandy, Oreg.
America. Keh, K. S., S.D.A. Mission, Kulangsu,
Kanachky, Branes, 43-01 57th St., Amoy, China.
Woodside, N. Y. Keh, T. K. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Kul-
Kaneko, S., 171 Amanuma 1-chome, angsu, Amoy, China.
Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Kehrein, Elizabeth (ml, Lydia Conva-
Kang Won Ho (1), S.D.A. Mission 99 lescent Home, 190 Wethersfield Ave.,
Hoi Ki Dong, Seoul, Korea. Hartford, Conn.
Kanjanga, Soldier, P.O. Fort Jameson, Keikei, Joe, S.D.A. Mission, Aore,
N.E. Rhodesia, Africa. Santo, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Kanjira, Hamilton (1), P.O. Fort Keiser, C. V., 712 Terrace Ave., Mari-
Jameson, N.E. Rhodesia, Africa. nette, Wis.
Kanna, Eduardo, Yegros 429, Asun- Keith, J. B., Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pa-
cion, Paraguay, South America. cific Ocean.
Kannenberg, Stanley (1), Box 590, Tor- Keith, W. J., 738 Berne St., S.E.,
rington, Wyo. Atlanta, Ga.
Kantor, J., Stredni 10, Brno, Moravia. Keitts, F. S. 1464 W. State St., Jack-
Kanu, J. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Aba, sonville, Fla.
Nigeria, West Africa. Kelemen, St., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12,
Kanymihigo, Jafeti (1), Rwankeri Mis- Cluj, Rumania.
sion, B. P. Ruhengeri, Via Goma, Kellar, C. C., -Box 836, Shafter, Calif.
Congo Beige, Africa. Kelle, 0., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
Kanzok, J., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber- W ilmersdorf , Germany.
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Keller, K., Kurfurstenstrasse 91, Biele-
Kapitz, 0. (1), Linienstr. 1011/2 , (13b) feld, Germany.
Munich-Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Ger- Keller, R. E. (1), 1730 N. Riverside St.,
many. Medford, Oreg.
Kaplan, S. A., 24 Fusting Ave., Ca- Kellogg, C. E., South Lancaster, Mass.
tonsville 28, Md. Kellogg, E. C. (m), Cove, Oreg.
Karallashvilly, K. D., 62 Ta Fang Chia Kelly, C. H. (1), 900 Carroll Ave., Ta-
Hutung, Peiping, China. koma Park 12, D.C.
Karekeze, Samuel, Rwesse Mission, Boite Kelly, P. J., S.D.A. Mission, Nuzvid,
Postal Cubero. Congo Beige, Africa. Kistna District, South India.
Karl, A., Via Trieste 23, Florence, Kelsey, Verne (m), College Station,
Italy. Berrien Springs, Mich.
Karlman, Alf (m), Bergstigen 25, Kelstrom, V. E., 13 Nakajimadori
Stocksund, Sweden. 2-chome, Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan.
Karmy, S. D. (m), 444/1 Rachid St., Kemmerer, M. E. (1), Box 20, Banga-
Baghdad, Iraq. lore, India.
Karolyi, A. M. (1). 1105 Walnut St., Kemper, Paul W., Box M, Cristobal,
Owensboro, Ky. Canal Zone.
Karppi, T. (1), Lapintie 3 C 46, Tam- Keng Fu Kwang, S.D.A. Mission, 11Pei
pere, Finland. Yueh Ya Hutung, Peiping, China.
Karwartzke, E. (1), Peiner Strasse 19A, Keng Kun Lin, S.D.A. Mission, 20 Goh
Hanover-Dohren, Germany. Low Meng, Nanking, China.
Kasa, J. W., Chelsea, Iowa. Kennedy, K. M., 528 S. 14th St., Rich-
Kastl, K., Kuhberg 141, Salzburg, Aus- mond, Ind.
tria. Kent, II M., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Kastner, M., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Stuttgart-S, Germany. Kent, J. F., 900 Carroll Ave., Takoma
Kattwinkel, Joao (I), Caixa Postal 233, Park 12, D. C.
Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South Kent, J. R. (I), P. 0. Box 27, Hamil-
America. ton, New South Wales, Australia.
Kaufmann, E., Hoheweide 51, Ham- Kent, J. W., Box 1011J, Adelaide,
burg 30, Germany. South Australia, Australia.
Kaufmann, Richard, Peiner Strasse 19A, Kent, L. J., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton,
Hanover-Dohren, Germany. New South Wales, Australia.
Kaunda, Zebedee L., B. P. 327, Eliza- Kent, T. R., 84 The Boulevarde, Strath-
bethville, Congo Beige, Africa. field, New South Wales, Australia.
Kauntul, M., Buttewegstraat 3, Soera- Kenyon, D. E., Box 167, McMinnville,
baja, Java, Indonesia. Tenn.
Kausu, Lotson (1), Chisekesi Siding, Keough, G. Arthur, Box 1011, Beirut,
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Lebanon.

Keough, George, Box 595, Beirut, Leb- Kilonzo, Elisa, Suji Mission, P. 0.
anon. Makanya, via Moshi, Tanganyika,
Kephart, H. C., Box 59, Southern Pub- East Africa.
lishing Assn., Nashville, Tenn. Kilonzo, Paulo, Utimbaru Mission, P. 0.
Kepke, Emilio (m), Caixa Postal 2898, Tarime, Via Musome, Tanganyika
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Territory, East Africa.
Kepke, Otto (m), Caixa Postal 2898, Kilory, W. L. (1), 148 Fox Valley Rd.,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Kepkey, R. E., Casilla 771, Cocha- tralia.
bamba, Bolivia, South America. Kim Kyu Hyuk, S.D.A. Mission, Out-
Keplinger, John (I), Route 3, Marion, side East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
N.C. Kim Myung Kil, S. D. A. Mission, 99
Kern, M. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Hai Ki Dong, Seoul, Korea.
ton 12, D. C. Kim Sang Chil (1), S.D.A. Mission, Out-
Kerr, Robert, 189-11 44th Ave., Flush- side East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
ing, N.Y. Kim Wan Sik (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Keshishzade, 0. (1), Avenue Pahlavi Taichun, Korea.
2076, Teheran, Iran. Kimble, J. N. (m), Washington Sani-
Keslake, Edgar, S.D.A. Mission, Box tarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C.
No. 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West Kimble, R. L., 76 Queensway, New
Africa. Delhi 1, India.
Kessel, F., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin- Kime, Dallas S., Naripan 63, Bandoeng,
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Java, Indonesia.
Kestner, R., Strada Rosenfeld No. 4, Kime, Stewart, Box 96, Angwin, Calif.
Sibiu, Rumania. Kimler, 0., Londynska 30, Praha-Vi-
Ketala T., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, nohrady, Czechoslovakia.
Sweden. Kinder, C. 0., Box 368, Tazwell, Va.
Ketterman, Jody (b), 1859 Mobile Ave., King, A. B. (m), P. 0. Box 1011, Bei-
Chicago 39, Ill. rut, Lebanon.
Keymer, Charles I., 2928 Campbell St., King, A. L. (I), 62 Clotilde St.,Mt.
Kansas City 3, Mo. Lawley, West Australia, Austrai a.
Kezer, R. H., 848 N. Pine St., Ana- King, Mrs. Elsie B. (m), 2525 S. Down-
heim, Calif. ing St., Denver 10, Colo.
Kgasa, Philemon (1), Box 573, Bula- King, G. D., Sanstead, Stanborough
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Park, Watford, Herts., England.
Kgetse, Molosiwa (1), c/o L. R. Tarr, King, L. H., 3909 Gwyns Falls Park-
P.O. Tsessebe, Bechuanaland Protec- way, Baltimore, Md.
torate, Africa. King, Mrs. Sybil M. (m), 5022 Stenton
Khan, Jhande M. (1), 48 Lawrence Ave., Philadelphia 44, Pa.
Road, Lahore, Pakistan. King, W. L. (I), South Lancaster, Mass.
Khandagle, S. L. (I), Pargaon Kodoli, Kingston, H. W., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Peta Panhala, Kolhapur State, India. thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Khng, K. T., 526 Ningkuo Road, Kinman, B. F., 22 Zulla Road, Map-
Shanghai 19, China. perly Park, Nottingham, England.
Khonje, Harry, P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Kinney, C. M., Riverside Sanitarium,
Nyasaland, Africa. 800 Youngs Lane, Nashville, Tenn.
Kiambe, Jonathan, Bikobo Hill Mis- Kinney, C. Ray, 4942 N. Kilpatrick Ave.,
sion, B. P. 3, Kongolo, Congo Beige, Chicago 30, Ill.
Africa. Kinsey, Fred J. (1), Route 2, Knox, Ind.
Kiambe, Tito (1), Bikobo Hill Mission, Kintanar, I. (m), P.O. Box 401, Manila,
B.P.3, Kongolo, Congo Beige, Africa. Philippines.
Kiana, Titus, Box 327, Elisabethville, Kinyogote, N. (1), Gitwe Mission, Via
Congo Beige, Africa. Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Congo
Kibble, H. W., 57 Lefferts Place, Brook- Beige, Africa.
lyn, N.Y. Kirby, Estol (b), Route 1, Box 770,
Kiehl, F. (1), 5 Boulevard cltknvers, Santa Clara, Calif.
Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France. Kiriloff, B. (1), Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul-
Kiehnast, 0., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber- garia.
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Kirk, A. L., 4125 4th Ave. S., Minne-
Kiel, Ana P. (m), Caixa Postal 810, apolis, Minn.
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Kirk, H. F., South Lancaster, Mass.
America. Kirkelokke, L. J., Svanevej 10, Copen-
Kiepe, E., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vienna hagen N.V., Denmark.
IX, Austria. Kiroff, Chr. (I), Solunska 10, Sofia,
Kieser W. D., 213 West 15th St., Mis- Bulgaria.
sion, Tex. Kisack, W. J. (1), 621 Woodland Park,
Kiesz, Arthur, 310 East 23rd St., In- Chicago 16, Ill.
dianapolis 6, Ind. Kisku, Barko, S.D.A. Mission, Chota
Kilgore, Mrs. Rochelle P. (m), South Solbandha, Sahebganj P.O., E.I. Ry,
Lancaster, Mass. Loop Line, India.

Kiss, J. (I), Kun Jozsef u. 29, Miskolcz, Knitter, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Hungary. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Kistler, Robert (I), Sylva Hotel, Sylva, Knittle, Walter (1), Route 1, Box 131,
N.C. Chowchilla, Calif.
Kittle, Otis, M., National City, Calif. Knobloch, H., Londynska 30, Praha-Vi-
Kitto, Robert, 630 Kimlin Drive, Glen- nohrady, Czechoslovakia.
dale 6, Calif. Knoche, Philip (1), General Delivery,
Kiyabu, George (I), Aiea, Oahu, Terri- Costa Mesa, Calif.
tory Hawaii. Knoner, H., Museumstr, 5, Brunswick,
Klam, D. E., 56 Hoffman St., Elmira, Germany.
N. Y. Knowlson, C. W. (1), Stanborough
Klatt, G. D., Calle V. Vergara 3227, Park, Watford, Herts., England.
Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires, Knox, Phillip L., 685 Atkins Drive,
Argentina, South America. Glendale 6, Calif.
Klein, Naor (m), Caixa Postal 1830, Knox, Veva (b), 2732 Dohr St., Berke-
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- ley, Calif.
ica. Knudsen, Glenn R. (I), 2632 N.W.
Klein, Obed, 14 James St., Pontiac, Park St., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Mich. Ko, C. Y. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Kiangsi,
Kleinert, Johanna Bertha (m), P. 0. China.
Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., Kobele, Fr., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karls-
South Africa. ruhe/Baden, Germany.
Kleinert, Louise M. (m), 10 Paradise Kobs, H., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1)
Mansions, Foyle Road, Claremont, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Cape Province, South Africa. Koch, Alfred, 1324 Vermont Ave.,
Klement, H. C., Box 528, Oklahoma N.W., Washington, D.C.
City, Okla. Koch, E., Kopernikusstrasse 24 I, Nurn-
Kleuser, Louise C. (b), Takoma Park berg, Germany.
12, D. C. Koch, E. F., 4628 Kensington Ave..
Klingbeil, R. L., Piscaderaweg 22, Mun- Richmond, Va.
do Nobo, Curacao, Netherlands West Kodan, M. D. (1), P.O. Box 20, Banga-
Indies. lore, India.
Klinger, R., Hoheweide 51, Hamburg 30, Koehler, J. S. (1), 61 N. E. 41st Ave.,
Germany. Portland 15, Oreg.
Klingstrand, A. (1), Vasagatan 12, Koelling, W. J., c/o A. H. Zimmerman,
Goteborg, Sweden. Angwin, Calif.
Klop, P., Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Java, Koenig, E. W. (1), 715 N. Hobart St.,
Indonesia. Pampa, Texas.
Klopfenstein, Lloyd D. (1), Sheyenne Koenig, Vernon (1), Platte Valley Acad-
River Academy, Harvey, N. Dak. emy, Shelton, Nebr.
Klose, J. C., 1727 Charlton Ave., Ann Kohler, C. N., 2120 H Street, Eureka,
Arbor, Mich. Calif.
Klut, E., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruhe/ Kohler, Karl, Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1)
Baden, Germany. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Kluttig, R. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, Kohler, Kurt, Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Chemnitz, Germany.
Knauft, E. H., Kuhberg 141, Salzburg, Kohtanen, V., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Austria. holm, Sweden.
Knecht, E. S. (m), 411 Cedar St., Koilpillai, V. D., Foicotta, Curzon
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Maiden, Palamcottah, Thirunelvali
Knecht, L. P., Route 1, Flat Rock, N.C. District, India.
Kolmodin, Walter (1), 1071 E. Court
Kneeland, B. F., Box 683, Morganton, St., Kankakee, Ill.
N. C. Kon, V. L., 1325 Rama IV Road,
Knight, A. W., Sydney Sanitarium, Fox Bangkok, Siam.
Valley Road, Wahroonga, New South Kong, K. T. (m), 399 Upper Saran-
Wales, Australia. goon Road, Singapore, Colony of
Knight, Anna (m), 1025 E. Fifth St., Singapore.
Chattanooga, Tenn. Konigmacher, S. M., 1120 Keeaumoku
Knight, C. E., Route 2, Box 141-C, St., Honolulu, Territory Hawaii.
Paradise, Calif. Kononyei, F. (1), Kun Jozsef utca 29,
Knight, Frank B. (m), Takoma Park, Miskolcz, Hungary.
Washinton 12, D. C. Konstantinoff, St., Solunska 10, Sofia,
Knight, N. H. (1), Stanborough Park, Bulgaria.
Watford, Herts.. England.
Knight, 0. W., 37 O'Connel Terrace, Konzack, W. W., 171 Amanuma 1-
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Australia. Kopp, F. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Knipschild, J. F., Jr., 919 O'Sheridan Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
St., Madison, Wis. Kopping, P., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber-
Knipschild, J. F., Sr., Cataumet, Mass. lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.

Korhonen, L. (1), Lapintie 3 C 46, Krieghoff, Guillermo (1), Uriarte 2429,

Tampere, Finland. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Korinth, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber- America.
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Krietzky, M. S., Butte; N. Dak.
Koro, Eroni, S.D.A. Mission, P. 0. Box Kristensen, Thy., Norre Alle 30, Aar-
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. hus, Denmark.
Koronknai, J. (1), Szekely Bertalan- Kroeger, T. J., 406 State St., Ottawa,
utea 13, Budapest VI, Hungary. Ill.
Korsch, H., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin- Krogstad, Adrian (1), Parkgaten 35,
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Tromso, Norway.
Kortenhorn, G., Hoheweide 61, Ham- Krohn, C. G. (m), Angwin, Calif.
burg 30, Germany. Kroulik, V., Londynska 30, Praha-Vi-
Kostoff, P. (1), Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- nohrady, Czechoslovakia.
garia. Krug, L., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
Kot, M., Mlodziezy Jugoslowianskiej 8, Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Warszawa, Poland. Kruger, Albert, Box 482, Beverton,
Kote, T. M., 3 "D" Location, Kroon- Oreg.
stad, 0. F. S., South Africa. Kruk, A., Mlodziezy Jugoslowianskiej 8,
Kott, Clarence C., Box 2238, Boise, Warszawa, Poland.
Idaho. Krum, J. H., Route 1, Box 41, New
Kotz, H. E., P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Smyrna Beach, Fla.
Territory, East Africa. Kruse, W. H. (1), 3023 Monroe St.,
Kotz, S. A. (1), Malamulo Mission, Kansas City 8, Mo.
Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa. Krynsky, D., Stredni 10, Brno, Moravia.
Kovats, A. (1), Szekely Bertalan-utca Ku, Mariko (1), Ngoma Medical Mission,
13, Budapest VI, Hungary. Gitwe Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi,
Kovacs I, K., Kun Jozsef utca 29, Congo Beige, Africa.
Miskolcz, Hungary. Ku Chao Chiao (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Kovacs II, K., Kegl Gyorgy utea 5 sz., 20 Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China.
Szekesfehervar, Hungary. Ku Kang Wei Ho (I), Court 1207
Kozel, J. C., 2608 6th Ave., Fort Worth, Yu-Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China.
Texas. Kubecka, A., Londynska 30, Praha-Vi-
Kraner, L. A. (1), 411 N.W. 37th St., nohrady, Czechoslovakia.
Miami, Fla. Kubo, Sakae (l), 1432 Makiki St.,
Kranz, A. F. J., 148 Fox Valley Road, Honolulu 4, Hawaii.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Kuboni, E. ka J., P.O. Box 68, Ermelo,
tralia. Transvaal, South Africa.
Kranz, R. M. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Kubrock, D. V., Avenue Pahlevi 2075,
thorn E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Teheran, Iran.
Krastiloff, D., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- Kuehl, A. W., 3419 S. 48th St., Lincoln
garia. 6, Nebr.
Krause, E. (1), 84 The Boulevarde Kuehne, H. R., 302 N. Broadway,
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Watertown, S. Dak.
tralia. Kuempel, Frederico R., Caixa Postal
Krause, Oswald, Peru Mission of S.D.A., 2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South ica.
America. Kuempel, Manoel, Caixa Postal 2898,
Krause, V., Ernst Thalmann-Platz 46, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Cottbus, Germany. Kuempel, S., Caixa Postal 2898, Sao
Krautschick, A. I. (m), 1325 Rama IV Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Road, Bangkok. Siam. Kuester, W. E., Apartado 986, Caracas,
Krautschick, Andreas, Berlin-Wilmers- Venezuela, South America.
dorf, Koblenzer Strasse 3, Germany. Kuhn, B. J. (1), 543 Greenwood Place,
Krautschick, August, Koblenzer Strasse Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Kuhn 0. B., Box 391, Loma Linda,
Krautschick, G., Adventhaus, Hans- Calif.
Sachs-Strasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Kujur, P. D., S.D.A. Mission, Gumla
Kress, D. H., 405 Niblick Ave., Orlando, P.O., Ranchi District, India.
Fla. Kulak, J., Lubelska 25, Krakow, Poland.
Kum, Charles (m), Box 221, Port-of-
Kretschmar, G. G. (m), College Place, Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies.
Wash. Kung Ping Shan, S.D.A. Mission,
Kretz, R. L. (1), 1215 Marshall St., Kangting (Tatsienlu), Sikang, China.
Little Rock, Ark. Kungel, E. E., 623 Eleventh St., North,
Krick, G. M., Post Office Box 1070, Bismarck, N. Dak.
Beirut, Lebanon. Kunihira S. (1), 171 Amanuma 1-chome,
Krick, R. K., 606 W. Washtenaw, Lan- Suginami Ku. Tokyo, Japan.
sing, Mich. Kuniya, Hide, 171 Amanuma 1-chome,
Krieghoff, C. E. Calle V. Vergara 3227, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires, Kuniya, Hiroshi, 171 Amanuma 1-
Argentina, South America. chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Kunkel, C. J., Azusa Valley Sanitarium, Landers, K., 55a van Beek St., Doorn-
Azusa, Calif. fontein, Johannesburg, Transvaal,
Kunsman, Herbert (I), 3013 S.W. 25th South Africa.
St., Miami, Fla. Landis, C. C., Chico Clinic, Box 501,
Kunze, M., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, Stutt- Chico, Calif.
gart-S, Germany. Landis, F. A. (m), 2 Duke Road, Kow-
Kuo, S. W. (1), 47 Huang Shih Ta loon, Hong Kong.
Chieh, Mukden 4, Manchuria. Landrum, Rachel (in), 2 Duke Road,
Kurtz, Arnold, Box 153, Gooding, Idaho. Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Kurtz, B. M. (I), Route 2, Battle Lane, D. (1), 84 The Boulevard, Strath-
Ground, Wash. field, New South Wales, Australia.
Kurz, Kurt, Box 73, Goodrich, N. Dak. Lane, F. G., 12838 Milbank, N. Holly-
Kuty, J., Londynska 30, Praha-Vi- wood, Calif.
nohrady, Czechoslovakia. Lane, L. A. D. (1), Stanborough Park,
Kvalen, Leif (1), Kjopmannsgata 28, Watford, Herts., England.
Trondheim, Norway. Lane, L. E. A., 780 St. Albans Road,
Kwang Sung Yao (1), P.O. Box 341, Watford, Herts., England.
Mukden, Manchuria. Lang, R. W. (1), 62 Clotilde St., Mt.
Lawley, West Australia, Australia.
Langberg, T. M., Route 1, Box 110, Ar-
lington, Calif.
L Lange, 0. W., S.D.A., Mission Nong-
thymmai, Shillong, Assam, India.
Laban, M. B. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Nuz- Lange, R., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruhe/
vid, Kistna District, South India. Baden, Germany.
Laban, M. J. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Langenstrassen E. (m), Caixa Postal
Nanthencode, Trivandrum, Travan- 2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
core, India. ica.
Lacey, H. Camden, 2854 Piedmont Ave., Langner, H. (1), Adventhaus, Hans-
La Crescenta, Calif. Sachs-Strasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany.
Lacey, K., Stanborough Park, Watford, Langsford, E. A. R. (1), New Zealand
Herts., England. Missionary College, Box 1, Longburn,
Lackner, J. (m), Nussdorferstrasse 5, New Zealand.
Vienna IX, Austria. Langworthy, Lewis R., 130 Lincoln
LaGrone, G. A., Route 2, Box 298, Ave., Gardiner, Maine.
Amarillo, Texas. Lankhorst J., van Lumeystraat 64,
LaGrone, V. A., 151 Clifton Place, The Hague, Netherlands.
Syracuse, N.Y. Lanoix, Bossuet, Casier S, Port-au-
Laguna, Gregorio (I), Apartado Na- Prince, Haiti, French West Indies.
cional 436, Bogota, Colombia, South Lansdown, H. M. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
America. thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Laing, A. D., Port Antonio, Jamaica, Lantry, Jay (1), 606 Third St., S.,
British West Indies. Grand Forks, N. Dak.
LaKay, D. (1), 22 Meade Street, George, Laranguia, J. J. (m), Rua Joaquim
Cape Province, South Africa. Bonifacio, 17, Lisbon, Portugal.
Lake, W. W. R., Box 101, Yarnell, Layman, Louise (m), Bethel Academy,
Ariz. Arpin, Wis.
Laloan, H. F. (1), Tondano, Celebes, Larravide, Danton (1), Avda. Espana
Indonesia. 851, Corrientes, Argentina, South
Laloan, M. G. (1), Naripan 63, Ban- America.
doeng, Java, Indonesia. Larsen, Miss (b). Box 449, Decatur, Ga.
Lalonga. Jeremiah (I), Mwami Mission, Larsen, B. A., Casilla 560, Lima, Peru,
P.O. Forth Jameson, N. E. Rhodesia, South America.
Africa. Larsen, Borge (1), Svanevej 10, Copen-
Lamas, J. A. (1), Apartado 986, Cara- hagen N.V., Denmark.
cas, Venezuela, South America. Larsen, C. A., Holmenkollveien 31,
Lamb, H. M. (1), 17 Pt. Govind Pant Oslo, Norway.
Road, Lucknow, India. Larsen, C. F., c/o General Conference,
Lamb, Ruth S. (b), 1125 River St., Takoma Park 12, D.C.
Canon City, Colo. Larsen, C. J. (m), Walker Memorial
Lambeth, C. E., Route 3, Naples, Texas. Sanitarium, Avon Park, Fla.
Lampson, C. P. (m), South Lancaster, Larsen, F. M., Route 3, Box, 274a,
Mass. Rhinelander, Wis.
Lams, A. (m), Mispion Adventiste, Am- Larson, A. C. (m), Florida Sanitarium
bohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar. and Hospital, Orlando, Fla.
Lanares, Pierre, 5 Boulevard Long- Larson, A. V., Box 5007, Cristobal,
champ, Marseille, France. Canal Zone.
Landa, E., 6 Boulevard Longchamp, Larson, Alf rida (b), 4645 N. Main St.,
Marseille. France. Dayton 5, Ohio.
Landeros, Daniel, Zaragoza 18 C, Coat- Larson, Clarence (1), Route 1, Box 88,
zacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico. Tulare, Calif.

Larson, L. J. (1), Spicer Missionary Leach, C. V., 3016 Columbus Ave.,

College, Aundh Road, Kirkee, near Minneapolis, Minn.
Poona, India. Leach, R. W., 4911 Lowell, Lincoln
Larson, R. J. (1), Route 1, Box 536, 6, Nebr.
Escondido, Calif. Leal, M., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio 17,
Larson, Ralph S. (1), P. 0. Box 297, Lisbon, Portugal.
Kapaa, Kauai, Territory Hawaii. Lease, H. F. (m), Bethel Academy,
Larson, Woodrow, 404 Cedar Ave., Arpin, Wis.
Rome, Ga. Lebedoff, Mary (b), 443 Furby St.,
Larsson, John, Vasagatan 12, Goteborg, Winnipeg, Man., Canada.
Sweden. Lebedoff, V. R. (1), Casier S, Port-au-
Lashier, F. A. (1), Loma Linda, Calif. Prince, Haiti.
Lashier, G. C. (m), 1308 Carlton Drive, Le Butt, A. C., "St. Hilary," Evre-
Glendale, Calif. monde Road, Plumstead, Cape Prov-
Lashier, Gayland K., 222 West '7th St., ince, South Africa.
Hutchinson, Kan. Lecoultre, Andre, Oshawa, Ontario,
Latham, W. L.. 2812 Buckle St., In- Canada.
dianapolis 5, Ind. Lecoultre, D., Hoheweg 17, Berne,
La Tourette, D. P. (m), 56 Maitrichitr Switzerland.
Road, Bangkok, Siam. Lee, C. W., Route 1, Berrien Springs,
Lauda, C. H., 1401 Pinecrest Ave., Char- Mich.
lotte, N.C. Lee, D. S. (m), 171 Amanuma 1-
Lauda, E. R., Route 2, Box 167, Love- chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
land, Colo. Lee, Earl (I), Box 247, Ashton, Idaho.
Lauder, W. D., 84 The Boulevarde. Lee, Frederick, Review and Herald,
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
tralia. Lee, H. B. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Da Chi
Laudicina, Mary (b), 1818 Paulding Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, China.
Ave., Bronx, N. Y. Lee, H. M., Leaburg, Oreg.
Laue, H., Robert Blum Strasse 6, Lee Hai Sung (1), S.D.A. Mission, 99
Dresden-N6, Germany. Hoi Ki Dong, Seoul, Korea.
Laurence, J. H. 7017 Cedar Ave., Lee Hung-Sung (I), S.D.A. Mission,
Cleveland 3, Ohio. Nanning, Kwangsi, China.
Laurence, J. Parker, 1637 Carolina, Lee, James (1), S.D.A. Mission, Outside
Gary, Ind. East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
Laurence, J. Paul (1), Takoma Acad- Lee Keh Ying (I), S.D.A. Mission,
emy, Takoma Park 12, D.C. Hsuchow, Kiangsu, China.
Laursen, D. S. (1), Assam Training Lee Kwang Chen (1), 105 Chang Shu
School, Jowai, Assam, India. Road, Shanghai, China.
Lautaret, Enrique, Avda. Espana 851, Lee L. C., 2809 Palmer St., New
Corrientes, Argentina, South Amer- Orleans, La.
ica. Lee, Mrs. Lucia H. (b), 1718 West End
Lavanchy, F., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Lee, 111. H. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wai-
Laweloa, Jope, S.D.A. Mission, Box chow, Kwangtung, China.
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Lee, Milton, 2 Duke Road, Kowloon,
Lawhead, J. H., 399 Upper Serangoon Hong Kong.
Road, Singapore, Colony of Singapore. Lee Ming Do (1), 17 Ventris Road,
Lawrence, G. W., 600 N. Port St., Hong Kong.
Baltimore 5, Md. Lee, Myrna C. (m), 312 North Boyle
Lawrence, N. W., 1850 West 81st St., St., Los Angeles, Calif.
Los Angeles, Calif. Lee, Paul (1), S.D.A. Mission, 17 Li
Lawrence, W. S., 611, S. First St., Hwang Pei Road, Hankow, Hupeh,
Sioux Falls, S. Dak. China.
Lawrence, Warren P. (1), Box 445, Lee Ryu Sik (I), S.D.A. Mission, Out-
Lemmon, S. Dak. side East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
Lawson, A. R. (1), 214 Linden Ave., Lee, S. J., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang-
Middletown, N.Y. hai, China.
Lawson, T. C., 148 Fox Valley Road, Lee, Solomon (1), 17 Ventris Road,
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Hong Kong.
tralia. Lee Su-Liang, 526 Ningkuo Road,
Lay, William, Route 2, Gaston, Oreg. Shanghai 19, China.
Layman, Adam F. (m), 4524 Parker Lee Tien-Chie, S.D.A. Mission, Ku-
Ave., Sacramento, Calif. langsu, Amoy, China.
Layon, T. A. (1), P.O. Box 119, City Lee, W. S., 4518 Magnolia St., Ngw
of Cebu, Philippines. Orleans, La.
Lea, Ruby E. (m), Box 449, Decatur, Leeder, S. T., 27 Esplanade Road; Mt.
Ga. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Leach, Benjamin E. (I), 232 River St., Leaner, J. S., 306 S. Lake St., Miles
Madison, Ohio. City, Mont.

Lefebvre, F. (1), 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Leskien, Fr., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber-

Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France. lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Lefevre, R. (1), 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Leslie, J. D., Uxmal No. 365, Colonia
Marseille, France. Narvarte, Mexico, Distrito Federal,
Lehman, E. Irvin (1), 927 E. 28th St., Mexico.
National City, Calif. Lesovsky, W., Kuhberg 141, Salzburg,
Lehmann, G., Robert Blum Strasse 6, Austria.
Dresden-N6, Germany. Lessner, N. Arthur (1), 416 N. Detroit
Lehnhoff, Erwin H., 14222 Viola Ave., St., Bellefontaine, Ohio.
Cleveland 11, Ohio. Lester,, J. H., 303 S. Wheatland Ave.,
Hehnhoff, Siegfried K., Box 291, Mans- Columbus, Ohio.
field, Ohio. , Lester, W. E. (I), P.O. Box 936,
Lei Hsien-Kwang, S.D.A. Mission, 20 . Nashville, Tenn.
Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China. Leung, H. S., P. 0. Box 310, Hong
Lei, S. K. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Tung- Kong.
shan, Canton, China. Leung Man Chiu (m), 17 Ventris Rd.,
Lei, T. M., S.D.A. Mission, Tunghsan, Hong Kong.
Canton, China. Leung Naito, S.D.A. Mission, Huei
Leigh, J. B., S.D.A. Mission, P.O. Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwantung, China.
Box 26, Bo, Sierra Leone, West Leung Shun Yat (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Africa. Tungshan, Canton, China.
Leiske, A. A., 2525 S. Downing St., Le-van-Ngo, Boite Postale 453, Saigon,
Denver 10, Colo. French Indo-China.
Leiske, LeRoy J., 3732 Churchill Rd., Le-van-Ut (1), Boite Postale 453, Sai-
Topeka, Kan. gon, French Indo-China.
Leitzke, Waldemar (1), Caixa Postal Levy, Emilie (b), 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Heliopolis, Egypt.
ica. Lewa, Laitia, (1), S.D.A. Mission; Box
Lejnieks, A., Peiner Strasse 19 A, 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Hanover-Dohren, Germany. Lewis, Mrs. C. C., (m), 200 Flower Ave.,
Leland, J. A., Box 496, Clearlake High- Takoma Park 12, D.C.
lands, Calif. Lewis, G. A., 11-12 Allbret Building,
Leland, J. A. (rn), P.O. Box 401, Ma- 9 Fraser Street, Johannesburg, Trans-
nila, Philippines. vaal, South Africa.
Lemke, E. C. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Port Lewis. George W..(11, 4908 E. 37th
Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. St., Kansas City, Mo.
LemOn, E. A., Theological Seminary, Lewis, J. R., Stanborough Park,
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Watford, Herts., England.
Lemon. Philip F. (11, Boite Postale 3, Lewis, M. D., 1110 4th St., W., Bill-
Kongolo, Belgian Congo, Africa. ings, Mont.
Lemon, Rachel May (b), 2838 Hemp- Lewis, P. M., 141 Cadillac Ave., Osha-
hill, Fort Worth, Texas. wa, Ontario, Canada.
Leng, Y. S. (1), Kiangsi Mission, Lewis, R. (m), Riverside Sanitarium,
Kiangsi, China. 800 Young's Lane, Nashville, Tenn.
Lengalenga, Peter, Box 573, Bulawayo,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Lewis, R. B. (1), Angwin, Calif.
Lenheim, L. E., Route 1, Berrien Lewis, R. G. (1), 1320% Stanley St.,
Springs, Mich. Glendale 6, Calif.
Lennox, W. M., 22 Zulla Road, Map- Lewis, W. H., Box 223, Bridgetown,
perley Park, Nottingham, England. Barbados, British West Indies.
Lenoir II., 11-13 rue Ernest Allard, Leytes, Mateo. Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Brussels, Belgium. Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires,
Lenz, 0. F. (m), Plainview Academy, Argentina, South America.
Redfield, S. Dak. Leyva, Miguel (1), Patrocinio No. 20,
Lenz, W. 0., 510 Belmont, La Junta, Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
Colo. Li Chang Hwa (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Lenzi, 0. (1), Kuhberg 141, Salzburg, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China.
Austria. Li Chuen-An (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Leon, Esteban, Zarco No. 31-6, Cuer- Chengtu, Szechwan, China.
navaca, Morelos, Mexico. Li Deng Ren (1), S.D.A. Mission, 44
Leon. Merardo, Casilla 2830, Santiago, Fu Tzen St., Changsha, Hunan,
Chile, South America. China.
Leon, Miguel (1), Apartado 30, Cama- Li Gwang-Ren, S.D.A. Mission, 44
guey, Cuba. Fu Tzen St., Changsha, Hunan,
Leon, P. P. (1), Casilla 1003, Lima, China.
Peru, South America. Li, H. T., 47 Huang Shih Ta Chieh,
Leopold, Peter (1), P.O. Box 34, Jessel- Mukden 4, Manchuria.
ton, Colony of North Borneo. Li Gwang Hsin (m), Northwest China
Lesher, W. Richard (1), Box 324, Union Mission of S.D.A., Lanchow,
Morrisville, Vt. Kansu, China.

Li Teng Fong (I). S.D.A. Mission, Huei Lilly, L. J. (m), Boulder-Colorado

Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung, Sanitarium, Boulder, Colorado.
China. Lilpski, J. (1), Kamienica na Slasku
Li Tien Chieh, S.D.A. Mission, 36 Nan- 272, pow. Bielsko, Poland.
king Road, West, Taipeh, Formosa, Lima, Dermival Stockier (m), Caixa
China. Postal 810, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil,
Li Tien-Fu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Chengtu, South America.
Szechwan, China. Lima, Dourival de Souza (1), Caixa
Li Tien Hsi (1), Shensi Mission of Postal 341, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil,
S.D.A., Outside West Gate, Sian, South America.
Shensi, China. Lima, Durval S., Caixa Postal 1830,
Li Wan Chuen, S.D.A. Mission, Da Chi Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, China. . Lima, S. (1), Caixa Postal 1919, Rio de
Li Yu Ting (1), Kanching Mission of Janeiro, Brazil. South America.
S.D.A., 337 Chung Cheng Road, Lan- Lima, Timoteo (1), Suji Mission, P.O.
chow, Kansu, China. Makanya, Via Moshi, Tanganyika
Liang Kwei San (1), Ninghsia Mission Territory, East Africa.
of S.D.A., 1 Ho Ping Jieh, Ninghsia, Lima, Walkyrio S. (1), Caixa Postal
China. 243, Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil,
Liang Rei Ho (I), P.O. Box 341, Muk- South America.
den, Manchuria. Limerick, Paul E., Loma Linda, Calif.
Liang Shui Sen (1), S.D.A. Mission, 44 Lin, David, 2 Duke Road, Kowloon,
Fu Tzen St., Changsha, Hunan, Hong Kong.
China. Lin Han Ching (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Lianga (1), S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Chengtu, Szechwan, China.
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Lin Li Dzai (I), S.D.A. Mission, Cheng-
Libby, R. H., 2707 Cylburn Ave., Bal- tu, Szechwan, China.
timore 15, Md. Lind, M. E., P.O. Box 22, Fort Portal,
Lichy, J., Tr. Marsala Malinovskeho Uganda, East Africa.
24a, Bratislava, Slovakia. Lind, Walter, 6341 Ascot Drive, Oak-
Lickey, Arthur R. (I), 1119 _St. Louis, land 11, Calif.
West Plains, Mo. Lindbeck, L. H., Box 228, Coconut
Lickey, C. F., 456 Ruthven Ave., Palo Grove, Miami, Florida.
Alto, Calif. Lindberg, C. (1), Vasagatan 12, Gote-
Lickey, A. E.. Lynwood, Calif. borg, Sweden.
Lickey, Charles R., 1205 E. 53rd St., Lindberg, H., Annankatu 7, Helsinki,
Savannah, Ga. Finland.
Lidner, V. A., 242 Fulton Ave., Jersey Linde, G. (I), Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
City 5, N. J. holm, Sweden.
Lie, Alfred (1), Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Lindo, S. G., "Hazelrigg," Mandeville,
Norway. (May Pen) Jamaica, British West
Lie, 0. S., Bergjelandsgaten 45, Stav- Indies.
anger, Norway. Lindquist, C. A., 304 Prospect Pierre,
Liebelt, A. H. (1), 621 2d Ave., N.W., S. Dak.
Jamestown, N. Dak. Lindquist. G. E., Box 528 Oklahoma
Liebelt. B. J., 507 Cline Road, Cof- City, Okla.
feyville, Kan. Lindqvist, Oscar, Caixa Postal 810,
Liebhardt, L. (1), Kegl Gyorgy utca Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Amer-
5 sz., Szekesfehervar, Hungary. ica.
Liem, Daniel, 140 Bukit Bintang Road, Lindsay, G. A., Bergstigen 25, Stock-
Kuala Lumpur, Union of Malaya. sund, Sweden.
Lien, A. C., 34 Maro Drive, San Jose Lindsay, V., 514 19 Ave., N., Nashville,
12, Calif. Tenn.
Lien, G. M., 3016 Columbus Ave., Min- Lindsey, Harold, 610 Del Monte St.,
neapolis, Minn. Pasadena 3, Calif.
Lighthall, B. W.. Box 162, Harriman, Lindsey, Mrs. Rose (b), 1564 Tremont
Tenn. St., Cincinnatti 14, Ohio.
Lighthall, W. J. (1), Route 1, Box 99-B, Lindsjo, Holger (1)," Theological Sem-
John's Island, S.C. inary, Takoma Park, Washington 12,
Lightner, Charles, 2625 Charles St., D. C.
Omaha, Nebr. Lindt, S. H., 2 Duke Road, Kowloon,
Hong Kong.
Likaveke, S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Ling Bu Hi (1), S.D.A. Mission, Foo-
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. chow, China.
Lilegelo, S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Solo- Ling Boong Suong, S.D.A.. Mission, 36
mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Nanking Road West, Taipeh, For-
Lillas, B. (1), Annankatu 7, Helsinki, mosa, China.
Finland. Ling Ging Djong (I), S.D.A Mission,
Lilley, H. C. (I), 24 Busting Ave., Foochow, China.
Baltimore 28, Md. Lingenfelter, C. L., General Delivery,
Lillie, C. P., Altamont, Tenn. Oakdale, Calif.

Linhares, Joao S., Caixa Postal 258-A, Lo, Mrs. B. W. (m), S.D.A. Mission,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Nanning, Kwangsi, China.
Link, R. W. (1), 1111 Windemere Ave., Lo, C. C. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Kiangsi,
Winnipeg, Man., Canada. China.
Linker, R. (I), Diepensiepen 16, Mett- Lo, C. Y. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Kiangsi,
mann/Rheinland, Germany. China.
Linthwaite, R. F. (m), New England Lo Hing So (1), 17 Ventris Road, Hong
Sanitarium, Melrose 76, Mass. Kong.
Linton, J. F. R. (1), Grove Ave., Lo Kwei lh, S.D.A. Mission, 86 North
Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Gate Street, Kunming, Yunnan, China.
Linzau, A. H., Casier Postal 65, Cay- Lo Lai Ming (I), 17 Ventris Road,
enne, French Guiana, South America. Hong Kong.
Lipke, Berta (m), Caixa Postal 1830, Lo, T. N., S.D.A. Mission, Huei Chia
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Tau, Swatow, Kwantung, China.
Lippart, J. E. (1), Oak Park Academy, Lo Tet Ts-un, S.D.A. Mission, Wai-
Nevada, Iowa. chow, Kwangtung. China.
Lippolis, G. L., Trieste 23, Florence, Lo, T. T., (1), 17 Ventris Road, Hong
Italy. Kong.
Liscombe, G. W., Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Lo Wai On (1), S.D.A. Mission, Tung-
Ohio. shan, Canton, China.
Litke, Richard (I), 1544 S. E. Haw- Lo Yun Chiao (1), S.D.A. Mission, Da
thorne Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan,
Litster, G. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn China.
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Loasby, Mrs. A. Bernice (rn), Wash-
Litster, W. G. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw- ington Sanitarium, Takoma Park,
thorn, E. 2, Victoria. Australia. Washington 12, D.C.
Litster, W. R. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Loasby, R. E., 913 Madden Drive, Ta-
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. koma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Little, T. A. (1), College Place, Wash. Lobo, J. P. (m), Caixa Postal 1919,
Litwinenco, J. A., Max, N. Dak. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Amer-
Liu, C. L. (1), 47 Huang Shih Ta Chieh, ica.
Mukden 4, Manchuria. Lock, L. N., S.D.A. Mission, Hon-
Liu, D. G., S.D.A. Mission, 17 Li Hwang iara, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Pei Road, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Lock, W. N., Box 1011 J, Adelaide,
Liu Dz Shih (1). S.D.A. Mission, Da South Australia, Australia.
Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Locke, 0. F., 408 Darwin Drive, Buf-
Liu Djen-Bang, S.D.A. Mission, Lo- falo 21. N.Y.
wanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Locken, J. B., Route 2, Lakeland, Fla.
Liu Fu An, S.D.A. Mission, Hsuchow, Lockert, A. J., 825 16th St. N., Fort
Kiangsu, China. Dodge, Iowa.
Liu, Herbert, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang- Lockett, Edgar A., 277 Tarrytown Road,
hai, China. White Plains, N. Y.
Liu, H. M. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Lo- Lockwood, Marion (1), 1002 E. 8th St.,
wancho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Goodlmnd, Kan.
Liu Hsiao Tien, Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Lockwood, W. P., 3634 Eastway Drive,
Road, Shanghai, China. Charlotte, N.C.
Liu, 0. W. (m), 17 Ventris Road, Lodahl, Robert (1), Route 1-A, Kali-
Hong Kong. spell, Mont.
Liu, R. D. (1), 108 San Ma Cu, Chang- Lodge, H. M., Box 274, Maitland, Fla.
chun, Manchuria.
Liu Tsung Ho (1), Kanching Mission Loe, Ivar K. (1), Holmenkollveien 31,
of S.D.A., 337 Chung Cheng Road, Oslo, Norway.
Lanchow, Kansu, China. Loeppke, Irwin A. (1), Box 216, Fair-
Liu Wei An (1), Shensi Mission of banks, Alaska.
S.D.A., Outside West Gate, Sian, Loewen, George II., 207 Olive St.,
Shensi, China. Santa Rosa, Calif.
Liukkonen, V. (1), Annankatu 7, Hel- Loewen, M. E., P.O. Box 310, Hong
sinki, Finland. Kong.
Livengood, A. D., 502A Allenhurst Logan, Ralph E., Route 1, Frostburg,
Road, Buffalo, N.Y. Md.
Livingston, J. D., 810 Houston Ave., Logue, E. M. (1). Box 1011J, Adelaide,
Takoma Park 12, D.C. South Australia, Australia.
Liwag, Diosdado L. (1), General Deliv- Lohne, Alf, Bergstigen 25, Stocksund,
ery, Manila, Philippines. Sweden.
Llaguno, R. S., P.O. Box 119, City of Lohner, R., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vienna
Cebu, Philippines. IX, Austria.
Lohr, Herbert (1), 305 Pasadena, Apt.
Lloyd, Ernest, Pacific Press Publishing 16, Highland Park 3, Mich.
Association, Mountain View, Calif. Lombard, Samuel (1), South Lancaster,
Lo, B. W. (1). S.D.A, Mission, Nanning, Mass.
Kwangsi, China. Londa, A., Tondano, Celebes, Indonesia,

Long, A., Via Trieste 23, Florence, Lubschina, F., Kuhberg 141, Salzburg,
Italy. Austria.
Long, A. C., 2525 S. Downing St., Den- Lucas, H. G., 1930 Academy Place,
ver 10, Colo. Glendale 6, Calif.
Long, Clarence, 7 Cedar Street, Box Lucas, ,M. (m), 399 Upper Serangoon
29, Woodroffe, Ontario, Canada. Road, Singapore, Colony of Singa-
Long, M. L.. Alliance, Alberta, Canada. pore.
Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park, Wash- Lucas, Mrs. M. M. (b), 483 Lucas
ington 12, D. C. Court, Spartanburg, S. C.
Longway, E. L., 2 Duke Road, Kow- Lucas, T. E., Takoma Park, Washing-
loon, Hong Kong. ton 12, D. C.
Lonser, E. R. (m), 2 Duke Road, Kow- Luce, Ransom H. (m), 27 Hope Road,
loon, Hong Kong. Half-Way-Tree, Jamaica, British
Loo, Annie (m), S.D.A. Mission, Wai- West Indies.
chow, Kwangtung, China. Ludden, H. B. (m), 171 Amanuma
Loomer, L. E., 1833 Medford St., To- 1-chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
peka, Kan. Ludgate, T. K., Helderberg College, Box
Loosen, C. H. Linienstrasse 1011 , 22, Somerset West, Cape Province;
Munich-Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Ger- South Africa.
many. Ludington, D. C. (m), Collegedale,
Loots, J. L., Box 764, Loma Linda, Tenn.
Calif. Ludwig, G., Diepensiepen 16, (22a)
Lopez, Esteban (1), Casilla 240, Iquitos, Mettmann/Rheinland, Germany.
Peru, South America. Ludwig, G. (1), Caixa Postal 233, Vi-
Lopez, Francisco (1), Apartado 1320, toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South
San Jose, Costa Rica, Central Amer- America.
ica. Ludwig, W., Ernst Thalmann-Platz 46,
Lorenz, J. D., Box 584, Arlington, Cottbus, Germany.
Calif. Ludwig, W. H., General Delivery, Fort
Lorenz, W., Kopernikusstrasse 24 I, Pierce, Fla.
Nurnberg, Germany. Lugenbeal, E. N., Casilla 1003, Lima,
Lores, Antonio R. (m), Apartado 30, Peru, South America.
Camaguey, Cuba. Lugoi, Tito (1), Suji Mission, P.O. Mak-
Lorntz, E. J., Takoma Park, Washing- anya, Via Moshi, Tanganyika Terri-
ton 12, D. C. tory, East Africa.
Loser, E. (I). Adventhaus, Hans-Sachs- Luk Yau Hing (1), 17 Ventris Road,
Strasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Hong Kong.
Losey, L. B., College Place, Wash. Luke, H. H. (1), P. 0. Box 310, Hong
Lotudonu, Pereniki, S.D.A. Mission, Kong.
Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Lukens, Melvin, 1436-A Makiki St.,
Louis, S. 0. J. (I), 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Honolulu 4, Territory Hawaii.
Lawley, West Australia, Australia. Lukens, T. Ray (I), College Wood Pro-
Lourinho, M., Apartado 12, Angra do ducts, La Grange, Ill.
Heroismo, Azores Islands. Lumentut, J. W. (1), Tondano, Celebes,
Loutsenhiser, D. R., Box 316, Susan- Indonesia.
ville, Calif. Lund, A. 0. 5500 W. Kammerling Ave.,
Lovas, G., Tr. Marsala Malinovskeho Chicago el, Ill.
24a, Bratislava, Slovakia. Lundquist, Eric (m), Angwin,
Loveless, W. C., 2535 S. Marion St., Lundquist, H. B., Apartado 50, General
Denver, Colo. Peraza, Havana, Cuba.
Lovell, V. P., Route 1, Berrien Springs, Lundstrom, S., Vasagatan 12, Gote-
Mich. borg, Sweden.
Low, K. (I), 84 The Boulevarde, Strath- Lung Ping Hang (I), S.D.A. Mission,
field, New South Wales, Australia. Tungshan, Canton, China.
Lowe, C. H. (1), 127 W. 23rd, Spokane, Lunt, R. E. (1), Route 3, Elkhart,
Wash. Texas.
Lowe, H. W., Takoma Park, Washing- Lupahla, John. P.O. Lower Gwelo,
ton 12, D. C. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Lowe, William P. (1), Box 104, Tum- Lupande, Solomon (1), Bikobo Hill
water, Wash. Mission, B. P. 3, Kongolo, Congo
Lowry, Mrs. Bertha (m), Spicer Mis- Beige, Africa.
sionary College, Aundh Road, Kirkee, Lunke, G., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
Wilmersdorf, Germany.
India. Lupke, S., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
Lowry, Morris (1), Southwestern Junior Wilmersdorf, Germany.
College, Keene, Tex. Lushino, Jeremiah (1), Suji Mission,
Lowry, R. S., P.O. Box No. 4565, Bom- P. 0. Makanya, Via Moshi, Tan-
bay 8, India. ganyika Territory, East Africa.
Lu Shou Dao (I), S.D.A. Mission, 86 Lusk, W. A., College Place, Wash.
North Gate Street, Kunming, Yunnan, Lusky, R., Robert Blum Strasse 6, Dres-
china. den-N6, Germany.

Lutz, A. E., Apartado 1320, San Jose, MacMorland, Mrs. Wanda (m), Route
Costa Rica, Central America. 1, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Lutz, Alfred E., Apartado 1320, San MacNeil, J. W., 812 Greenwood Circle,
Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Lutz, E. L. (1), Loma Linda, Calif. Macpherson, W. E., 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
Lutz, Ernest F., 3359 W. 135th St., Los Angeles 33, Calif.
Hawthorne, Calif. Maddox, Harold (m), South Lancaster,
Lutz, 0. (1), Hoheweide 51, Hamburg Mass.
30, Germany. Madikalo, Amosi (1), Songs Mission,
Luukko, E., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Boite Postale Kamina, Congo Beige,
Sweden. Africa.
Luz, Fernando (m), Caixa Postal 1830, Madgwick, G. A. S. (m), 70 Tyrone
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Avenue, Parkview, Johannesburg,
Lyman, L. E., 515 W. Indiana St., Transvaal, South Africa.
Enid, Okla. Madgwick, W. R. A., Stanborough
Lynch, H. E. A., S.D.A. Mission, P. 0. Park, Watford, Herts., England.
Box 26, Bo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Madhu, S. G. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Lal-
Lynes, C. A., Box 1651, Louisville, Ky. dighi East, Jessore District, East
Lysinger, H. E., 654 Ormewood Ave., Pakistan.
S.E., Atlanta, Ga. Madison, Donald (1), Box 26, College
Lysinger, M. C. (m), Coulterville, Calif. View Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr..
Lysinger, M. E. (1), Apartado 60, Gen- Madsen, Albert C., La Sierra Station,
eral Peraza, Havana, Cuba. Arlington, Calif.
Maes, J. (I), 11-13, rue Ernest Allard,
Brussels, Belgium.
M Mafuru, Ezekiel, Ikizu Training School,
P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory,
Ma Hsiu Chuen (1), Shensi Mission of East Africa.
S.D.A., Outside West Gate, Sian, Magi, Edward, 175-18 93rd Ave., Jam-
Shensi, China. aica 3, N. Y.
Maas, E. R., Union College, Lincoln 6, Magobola, J., c/o Stanhope, Fort Vic-
Nebr. toria, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Maattanen, 0., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Magnusson, A. E., Box 27, Hamilton,
holm, Sweden. New South Wales, Australia.
Maberly, F. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Kain- Magutsha, C. (1), c/o Stanhope, Fort
antu, Via Lae, New Guinea, Pacific Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Ocean. Magsalin, P. S., P. 0. Box 39, Lucena,
Mabuti, Job, Chisekesi Siding, Northern Quezon, Philippines.
Rhodesia, Africa. Magunda, Petro, (1), Majita Mission, -
Macasiano, A. G. (11, P.O. Box 39, Lu- P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory,
cena, Quezon, Philippines. East Africa.
Macaulay, A. W., Box 1011-J, Adelaide, Mahlatini, Jack, Chisekesi Sidis g,
South Australia, Australia. Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Macdougal, F. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box Mahurin, Angie I. (m), 4547 Calvert
52, Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands, St., Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Pacific Ocean. Mai, G., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
Mace, Mrs. Grace D. (m), Takoma Park, Wilmersdorf, Germany.
12, D. C. Maier, E., Bohmerstr. 13, Frankfurt/
MacGuire, Meade, Route 2, Sonora, Main, Germany.
Calif. Maier, K.,Bohmerstr. 13, Frankfurt/
Machai, Eduardo (I), Caixa Postal 83, Main, ermany.
Vila Luso, Angola, Portuguese West Makanta, Yohana, Suji Mission, P. 0.
Africa. Makanya, Via Moshi, Tanganyika
Maclntyre, A. (m), Box 398, Oshawa, Territory, East Africa.
Ontario, Canada. Makawa, Bennet (I), P.O. Tekerani,
MacKenzie, Mrs. Nan (b), 4361 Howe Nyasaland, Africa.
St., Oakland 11, Calif. Malachi (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, New
Mackett, C. H., P. 0. Box 468, Bloem- Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
fontein, Orange Free State, South Maldonado, T. (m), Apartado 3005,
Africa. Santurce, Puerto Rico.
Mackett, W. C. (m), Vincent Hill Col- Malinki, James, Chisekesi Siding,
lege, Mussoorie, United Provinces, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Mackintosh, D., Box 442, Lawton, Okla. Malinki, Joseph, Box 573, Bulawayo,
MacLafferty, G. M., 234 Mookua St., Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Lanikai, Oahu, Territory Hawaii. Maliro, Ered, P. 0. Tekerani, Nyasa-
McLean, George M., 80 Abercrombie land, Africa.
Road, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, Mallernee, Vern (1), Box 402, Roseville,
Canada. Calif.
MacMorland, R. B. (m), Route 1, Ber- Mallory, J. B., Route 1, Box 84, Gor-
rien Springs, Mich. donsville, Va.

Maloney, M. A., 164 Clinton St., Brook- Manullang, U. H., P. Siantar, Sumatra,
lyn 2, N. Y. Indonesia.
Maloney, V. J., Route 6, Box 49, Vis- Mao Yung Hsing (I), S.D.A. Mission,
alia, Calif. 17 Li Hwang Pei Road, Hankow 7,
Malqued, B. G. Artacho, Sison, Pan- Hupeh, China.
gasinan, Philippines. Maposa, (1), P.O. Lower Gwelo, South-
Maltsev, M. (I), S.D.A. Mission, 62 Ta ern Rhodesia, Africa.
Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, China. Maquera, Anselmo, Casilla 85, Puno,
Malty, Miguel (1), Caixa Postal 2898, Peru, South America.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Maracle, C. G., Review and Herald, Ta-
Mamani, Ignacio (1), Casilla 771, Co- koma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
chabamba, Bolivia, South America. Marais, C. C. (1), Hillcrest Secondary
Mamora, A. (1), P. Siantar, Sumatra, School, Bollihope Crescent, Mowbray,
Indonesia. Cape Province, South Africa.
Manalaysay, R. G. (m), P.O. Box 401, Marais, W., Cancele Mission of S.D.A.,
Manila, Philippines. Private Bag, Mount Frere, East Gri-
Mannasarian, G. (1), Avenue Pahlevi qualand, Cape Province, South Africa.
2075, Teheran, Iran. Marchus, D. C., 417 S. Girard St., Al-
Mandias, K., Lorongvoetbal 118, Pa- buquerque, New Mexico.
lembang, Sumatra, Indonesia. MarcoIla, J., Stredni 10, Brno, Mo-
Mandolang, F. (1), Tamarindeweg 28, ravia.
Makassar, S. Celebes, Indonesia. Margarido, Manoel, Caixa Postal 2898,
Manea, M., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Mariko, Rwankeri Mission, P. B. Ru-
Manful, W. L. (m), 403 4th Ave., hengeri, Via Goma, Congo Beige,
S.E., Puyallup, Wash. Africa.
Mang'ich, Nikolao, P.O. Box 1352, Marinescu, N., Strada Regina Maria
Nairobi, Kenya Colony, East Africa. No. 12, Bacau, Rumania.
Mangold, Santiago, Calle V. Vergara Marley, E. L., Jr., 10 Byrd Blvd.,
3227, Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Greenville, S.C.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Marley, E. L., Sr., 700 Richton Ave.,
Mangwendi, Silas (1), c/o Maranke Sheffield, Ala.
Clinic, P.O. Odzi, Southern Rhodesia, Marple, A. C., 2815 Third Ave., Hunt-
Africa. ington, W. Va.
Mankayi, D. D., S.D.A. Mission, Um- Marrero, Antonio, Apartado 3005, San-
tata, Transkei. South Africa. turce, Puerto Rico.
Manley, M. 0., P.O. Box 977, Rangoon, Marriott, G. E., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Burma. E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Mannesmann, A., Peiner Strasse 19-A, Marsa, L. J., Route 2, Rochester, Ill.
Hanover-Dohren, Germany. Marsh, F. L. (m), Union College, Lin-
Manoram, Charles, Box 66, Port-of- coln 6, Nebr.
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Marsh, Mrs. Marjorie W. (m), Takoma
Manovaki, S.D.A. Mission, Palm Beach, Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Rabaul, Territory New Guinea, Pa- Marsh, Veda Sue (m), 1544 S.E. Haw-
cific Ocean. thorne Blvd.. Portland 14, Oreg.
Manrique, A. A. (m), Casilla 240, Iqui- Marshall, B. C. (I), Paradise Valley
tos, Peru, South America. Sanitarium. National City, Calif.
Manry, E. A., Route 1, Box 188, Avon Marshall, J. D., 3329-C Woodlawn Ave.,
Park, Fla. Honolulu 15, Territory Hawaii.
Mansell, E. P., Munguluni Mission, Marshall, J. S. Sunnydale Academy,
P.O. Mocuba, Dist. de Quilemane, Centralia, Mo.
Portuguese East Africa. Marshall, R. F., 1021 Hope St., Jones-
Mansell, L. R., 1137 Howbert Ave., borg, Ark.
Roanoke, Va. Marski, Geraldo, Caixa Postal 810, Cu-
Mansker, W. K.. P.O. Box 273, Mom- ritiba, Parana, Brazil, South Amer-
basa. Kenya, East Africa. ica.
Manuel, B. E., Philmont, Va. Marter, E. W., Stanborough Park,
Manuel, P. W., Box 221, Port-of-Spain, Watford, Herts., England.
Trinidad, British West Indies. Martin, A. W., 62 Clotilde St., Mt.
Manuel, R. G. (m), New England San- Lawley, West Australia, Australia.
itarium, Melrose 76, Mass. Martin, Charles D. (1), 620Y2 Acacia,
Mansfield, L. (1), Annegatan 7, Helsing- Corona del Mar, Calif.
fors, Finland. Martin, F. D., General Delivery, Manila,
Manuel, A. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Foi- Martin, H. K., 72 Coloma St., Placer-
cotta, Curzon Maidan, Palamcottah, ville, Calif.
Thirunelvali District, India. Martin, J. E., S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul,
Manuel, S. V. (I), P. 0. Box 39, Lu- New Britain, Territory New Guinea,
cena, Quezon, Philippines. Pacific Ocean.
Manullang, T. D. (I), P. Siantar, Su- Martin, S. 0., 427 Scholl Drive, Glen-
matra, Tndmiesia, dale 6, Calif.

Martin, W. (m), P.O. Box No. 977, Matthews, R. A. (1), Box 327, Middle-
Rangoon, Burma. ton, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Martin, Wayne A., 1325 Rama IV Mattingly, Charles (1), c/o A. J.
Road, Bangkok, Siam. Graves, Wolf Lake, Ind.
Martins, Altino, Caixa Postal 1830, Mattison, B. W., 3365 Mountain Blvd.,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Oakland 2, Calif.
Martz, Sam J. (1), Box 449, Decatur, Mattison, C. C. (1), 550 Sierra Ave.,
Ga. Arlington, Calif.
Marzocchini, N., Piazza Mirabello 2-bis, Mattison, H. H., Spicer Missionary
Milano, Italy. College, Aundh Road, Kirkee, India.
Masengbu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Mattison, 0. 0., P. 0. Box 20, Banga-
Santo, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. lore, India.
Masih, Akbar, S.D.A. Mission, 269 Mattison, R. R., 250 West Malone, San
Dalhousie Road, Rawalpindi, Paki- Antonio, Texas.
stan. Mattison, W. H. (1), 17 Pt. Govind
Masih, Dayl (1), S.D.A. Mission, Mush- Road, Lucknow, India.
taq Manzi], Moradabad, U. P., India. Matton, A. (1), 5 Boulevard Long-
Masina, D., P.O. Box 34, Dundee, champ, Marseille, France.
Natal, South Africa. Mattsson, Ernst, Vasagatan 12, Gote-
Masokomya, Fares (1), Majita Mission, borg, Sweden.
P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, Matus, De la Paz, Apartado No. 37,
East Africa. Tuxtla, Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
Mason, J. T., Jr. (1), 1156 Selma St., Maudsley, W., 22 Zulla Road, Mapper!
Mobile, Ala. ley Park, Nottingham, England.
Mason, W., P. 0. Shabani, Southern Mauldin, L. W. (1), Naripan 63, Ban-
Rhodesia, Africa. doeng, Java, Indonesia.
Massengill, Wayne L., 913 S. Garvin St., Maxson, B. O. (1), Box 5007, Cristobal,
Evansville 13, Ind. Canal Zone.
Massey, Mrs. Helen (m), Bethel Acad- Maxson, Glen E. (1), Apartado 986,
emy, Arpin, Wis. Caracas, Venezuela, South America.
Massumba, Francisco (I), Caixa Postal Maxson, Howard F., Jr. (1), South
33, Vila Luso, Angola, Portuguese Lancaster, Mass.
West Africa. Maxson, Robert (m), Apartado 568,
Masters, G. M., 148 FOx Valley Rd., Ciudad Trujillo, Republica Domini-
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- cana.
tralia. Maxwell, A. Graham (1), Angwin,
Maszczak A., Lubelska 25, Krakow, Napa Co., Calif.
Poland. Maxwell, A. S., Pacific Press Pub.
Maszczak, Antoni (I), Kamienica na Assn., Mountain View, Calif.
Slasku 272, pow. Bielsko, Poland. Maxwell, L. G., 84 The Boulevarde,
Matacio, Paul (1), 803 School St., Wau- Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
paca, Wis. tralia.
Matar, Alfredo (1), 806 Austin Ave., Maxwell, Marvyn (I), 105 S. A St., Mt.
Brownwood, Texas. Shasta, Calif.
Mate, Paul (1), Box 573, Bulawayo, Maxwell, S. G., Box 51, Blantyre,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Nyasaland, Africa.
Mateteri, Zakariya (I), Gitwe Mission, May, A. L., 409-B N. Kentucky St.,
Via Usumbura, Urundi, Congo Beige, Roswell, N. Mex.
Africa. May, W. R. (1), Box 1331, Lubbock,
Mathews, Doris (b), 1906 52nd St. S., Texas.
St. Petersburg, Fla. Mayaba, G. S., c/o Mr. A. Whitfield,
Mathews, G. M., Takoma Park, Wash- Lusizi Store, Butterworth, Transkei,
ington 12, D.C. South Africa.
Mathy, L. A., 130 Boulevard de l'Ho- `Maycock, Mrs. Lula (b), 181 E. 5th
pital, Paris 13e, France. St., Chico, Calif.
Mattausch, Edna (b), 300 Ellis Ave., Mayinza, Jam (I), Northern Rhodesia
Peoria, III. Mission Field, P. 0. Chisekesi Sid-
ing, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Matter, A., Sr., B. P. 327, Elisabeth- Mayer, Adan, Uriarte 2429, Buenos
villa, Congo Beige, Africa. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Matter, A. A.. Jr. (I), Kirundu Mis- Mayer, Edward, Fangelsbachstrasse 11,
sion, B. P. Stanleyville, Congo Beige, Stuttgart-S, Germany.
Africa. Maynard, J. A. (m), Box M, Cristobal,
Matthew, Gabriel (1), 275 Madras Road, Canal Zone.
Pondicherry, South Arcot District, Mayr, Carlos, Casilla 2830, Santiago,
India. Chile, South America.
Matthews, Bennie H. (I), P. 0. Box Mazart, W. L., 107 W. Tally Court, Mo-
612, Wailuku, Maui, Territory Ha- bile, Ala.
waii. Mazat, A. R., Box 310, Hong Kong.
Matthews, J. H. (1), Box 661, Rifle, Mazlum, Abraham (I), La Sierra Sta-
Colo. tion, Arlington, Calif.

Mberabagabo, Hezikiya (1), Rwankeri McFeeters, Paul (1), Route 2, Box 911,
Mission, B. P. Ruhengeri, Via Goma, El Cajon, Calif.
Congo Beige, Africa. McFeters, D. C. (m), Box 574, St.
Mbono, Paul, Inyazura Mission, P.O. John's, Newfoundland.
Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. McGann, Ralph D., Sr. (1), 2622 Cyl-
McAdams, D. A., Takoma Park, Wash- burn Ave., Baltimore 15, Md.
ington 12, D.C. McGann, R. D., Jr. (1), 160 Bucknam
McAllister, R. K. (m), Porter Sani- St., Everett, Mass..
tarium, 2525 Downing St., Denver, McGhee, W. H., Box 803, Astoria, Oreg.
Colo. McGougan, I., 780 St. Albans Road,
McClamb, Silas (1), 2320 Sanders St., Watford, Herts., England.
Charlotte, N. C. McHenry, Milton M. (m), Vincent Hill
McClements, William, Box 1016, Ac- College, Mussoorie, United Provinces,
cra, Gold Coast, West Africa. India.
McClintock, W. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., McHenry. Winston (1), S.D.A. Mission
Christchurch, New Zealand. Bungalow, Hatkanagle P.O., Kolha-
McClure, A. V., Box 1475 Des Moines pur State, India.
6. Iowa. McHenry, W. H., P.O. Box No. 17,
McClure, H. E., 2327 N. Alabama St., Poona, India.
Indianapolis 5. Ind. McHenry, W. J., S.D.A. Mission, Las-
McClure, W. E., Helderberg College, algaon, Nasik District, India.
P. 0. Box 22, Somerset West, Cape McIntyre, J. G. (1), Loma Linda, Calif.
Province, South Africa. McKeague, R. J., 1425 Kinau St.,
McClurg. Clark (1), 160 Bellaire, Day- Honolulu 4, Hawaii.
ton, Ohio. McKee, A. C. (I), 2720 Whiting Ave.,
McComas, J. W., 93614 N. Inglewood Charlotte, N. C.
Ave., Inglewood, Calif. McKee, A. D., 13 Mindora Circle, War-
McComas, Kenneth M. (1), Route 2, rington, Fla.
Plainfield. N.J. McKendry, Emily (b), Stock Exchange
McComb, W. J. (m), Washington Mis- Hotel, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
sionary College, Takoma Park 12,
D. C. McKeown, C. G., Route 2, Box 205-A,
McConaughey, J. L.. Pacific Press Pub. Battle Ground, Wash.
Assn., Mountain View. Calif. McKinley, L.' L., 1816 S. Jennings,
McCormick, S. M., 2332 Kensington Fort Worth, Texas.
Road, Lansing 4, Mich. McKoy, Lyle (ml, 172 Kapiolani St.,
McCoy, A. A., 1922 Oak Park Ave., Hilo, Hawaii, T.H.
Dayton, Ohio. McLennan, W. P., 38 E. Monte Vista
McCready, W. G. (1), 622 W. 8th St., Road, Phoenix, Ariz.
Plainfield, N. J. McLeod, J. 0. (1), 732 Cherry Tree
McCrillis, Gordon (1), 2203 92d Ave., Lane, Trenton, N. J.
Oakland 5. Calif. McMahon, B. H., 148 Fox Valley Road,
McCrow, H. W., 22 ZUlla Road, Mapper- Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
ley Park, Nottingham, England. tralia.
McCully, W. S., 11169 Elm St., Lyn- McMillan, George (1), Box 223, Bridge-
wood, Calif. town, Barbados, British West Indies.
McCutcheon, 0. D. F., S.D.A. Mission,
Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. McMillan, J. A., Stanborough Park,
McDanieis, P. W., 71 N. E. Thompion Watford, Herts., England.
St., Portland 12, Oreg. McMillan, J. L. (1). 302 N. Broadway,
McDonald, Mrs. Geneva (b), 610 Irv- Watertown, S. Dak.
ing St.. N.E., Washington, D.C. McMullen, J. S. (m), Box 105, Loma
McDonald, Lucy (b), 416 9th Ave., Linda, Calif.
N.W., Birmingham, Ala. McMullen, R. W. (m). S.D.A. Mission,
McDougall, Mabel (m), Limoges, On- 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping,
tario, Canada. China.
McDow, A. P. (1), 191 Vidal Blvd., McNeil. D. E. (1), Elkhart, Texas.
Decatur. Ga. McNeill, S. E. (m), Takoma Park,
McEachern, J. H.. 2323 S. Marion, Den- Washington 12, D. C.
ver, Colo McNichols, A, P. (1), M2 Frank Berry
Courts, Meridian, Miss.
McEachrane, V. H., Box 78, George- McPherson, Robert C., Route 4, Box
town, British Guiana, South Amer- 623, Chico, Calif.
ica. McReynolds, Mary C. (m), Angwin,
McElhany, J. L., Takoma Park, Wash- Calif.
ington 12, D. C. McWhinny, H. E.. Box 583, Ft. Bragg,
McFarlane, R. A. (1), 84 The Boule- Calif.
varde, Strathfield, New South Wales, McWilliam, J. R., 730 Margrave St.,
Australia. Fort Scott, Kan.
McFarland, J. Wayne (1). Takoma Meade, J. D. (1), 1455 7th St., Parkers-
Park, Washipgpp 12, D. C. burg, W. Va.

Meade, K . (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Mendez, Manuel, Apartado 3005, San-

Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- turce, Puerto Rico.
tralia. Meng Ching Chih (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Meager, N. L. (I), 525 4th Ave., Ports- 20 Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China.
mouth, Va. Meng Chu Ih (1), S.D.A. Mission, 20
Meckling, Frank E. (m), College Place, Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China.
Wash. Meng, C. I., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang-
Medairy, Glendour, Box 414, Wauchula, hai, China.
Fla. Meng Wan-Shu (1), S.D.A. Mission, 11
Medard, J., 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Pei Yueh Ya Hutung, Peiping, China.
Marseille, France. Mengha, Mall (I), S.D.A. Mission, Foi-
Medina. V. C., Santiago, Isabela Philip- cbtta, Curzon Maida.n, Palamcottah,
pines. Thirunelvali District, India.
Meeker, B. A., 1008 E. Pine St., Clear- Menkel, H. C., 3733 Sheridan Blvd.,
water, Fla. Denver 12, Colo.
Megrant, Francisco, Apartado 3005, Mensah, C. B.,S.D.A. Mission, Box
Santurce, Puerto Rico. 45, Bekwai, old Coast, West Africa.
Mehling, J. G., Jr., (m), Walla Walla Mentzel, Dean (1), Route 4, Bozeman,
College, College Place, Wash. Mont.
Mei Chieh Chung (1), S.D.A. Mission, Merchant, Robert W. (1), Ozark, Acad-
Wenchow, Chekiang, China. emy, ,Gentry, Ark.
Meidinger, L. J. (1), 3002 W. Main St., Meredith, W. H., Stanborough Park,
P.O. Box 506, Russellville, Ark. Watford, Herts., Bngland.
Mershon, J. M. (1), 826 West Mark St.,
Meier, A. L., Caixa Postal 233, Vitoria,
Winona, Minn.
Espirito Santo, Brazil, South Amer- Mershon, L. B., Box 147, John Day,
ica. Oreg.
Meier, Juan, Uriarte 2429, Buenos Messer, C. B., 210 West Harvey,
Aires, Argentina, South America. Gainesville, Texas.
Meier, J. H., 2833 South Ave., La Metcalf, H. E., Bridgeport, West Va.
Crosse, Wis. Metcalfe, L. C. (1), 805 E. Broadway,
Meierhofer, Mrs. M. (b), 124 Hague St., Glendale, Calif.
Jersey City, N.J. Metcalfe, R. E., 735 Garwood Ave.,
Meinhardt, Mrs. Mabel (m), 900 Carroll Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Ave., Takoma Park 12, D.C. Meyer, Albert, Hoheweg 17, Berne,
Meissner, Henry, 2 Duke Road, Kow- Switzerland.
loon, Hong Kong. Meyer, Augusta (b), 1835 Stephen St.,
Meister, Rose (m), Spicer Missionary Brooklyn 27, N. Y.
College, Aundh Road, Kirkee, Poona Meyer, E. (1), Niklasstr. 19, (1) Berlin-
3, India. Zehlendorf, Germany.
Melani, E. (1), Via Trieste 23, Florence, Meyer, Earl (I), 500 2d St., Calexico,
Italy. Calif.
Melashenko, George (1), 324 2nd St. Meyer, E. (1), Koblenzer Strasse. 3,
N. W., Minot, N. Dak. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Melashenko, Joseph (1), 805 E. Broad- Meyer, F., Robert Blum Strasse 6,
way, Glendale, Calif. Dresden-N6, Geimany.
Meleen, C. A., 11141 Elm Ave., Lyn- Meyer, H. F. (m), Loma Linda Food
wood, Calif. Co., Arlington, Calif.
Meleen, E. M., P.O. Box 35, Poona, Meyer, H. J., 3645 Blanche St., Pasa-
India. dena 8, Calif.
Meleen, S., c/o So. Calif. Conf., 3131 Meyer, Louise (m), Takoma Park,
Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles 31, Calif. Washington 12, D. C.
Melendy, L. S., 150 Chorro St., San Meyer, 0., 5 Boulevard Longchamp,
Luis Obispo, Calif. Marseille, France.
Melendy, L. W. (m), New England Meyer, R., 2 Rue de l'Eglise, Tunis
Sanitarium, Melrose 76, Mass. (Tunisia).
Mellor, C. M., 10812 Langton Ave., Meyer, S., Rue Nationale, Saint Pierre,
Cleveland 5, Ohio. Reunion.
Melo, Araceli S., Caixa Postal 177, Meyers, A. A., 435 Poplar St., Lodi,
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Calif.
Brazil, South America. Meyers, E. H., 637 High St., Topeka,
Menal, Yves (m), Casier Postal 200, Kan.
Fort-de-France, Martinique, French Meyers, H. J., Box 27, Hamilton, New
West Indies. South Wales, Australia.
Mendes, Alfredo P. (m), Caixa Postal Meyers, S. D. (1), 1541 Caldwell Ave.,
2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Am- Dallas, Texas.
erica. Mgqamqo, S. S., 412 Harlem Ave., P.O.
Mendes, F. (m), Rua Joaquim Boni- Langa, Cape Province, South Africa.
facio 17, Lisbon, Portugal. Mhuli, Zakaria (1), Mbeya ' Mission,
Mendez, H. S. (1), Apartado 329, Santa P.O. Mbeya, Tanganyika Territory,
Clara, Cuba. East Africa.

Mi Teh Fen, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang- Miller, Henry I. (I), 431% Pine St.,
hai 19, China. Sandpoint, Idaho.
Michael, D. L. (1), Box 229 Kingston, Miller, J. H. D., Port Resolution,
Ontario, Canada. Tanna, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Michaelson, Ralph (m), Fort Jones, Miller Job (1), S.D.A. Mission, "Foi-
Calif. cotta," Curzon, Maidan, Palamcottnh,
Michailoff, J., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- Tinnevelly District, India.
garia. Miller, 0. W., 2112 242nd St., Lomita,
Michel, R. S., 1120 E. 4th Ave., Olym- Calif.
pia, Wash. Miller, R. (1), Apt. 4, City Point Inn,
Michnay, L., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13, Hopewell, Va.
Budapest VI, Hungary. Miller, W. F., 1541 Diamond St., Phoe-
Miguel, C. P., Santiago, Isabela, Philip- nix, Ariz.
pines. Miller, W. F. (1), 1309 Dubsdred, Or-
Miguel, M. (1), Apartado 12, Angra lando, Fla.
do Heroismo, Azores Islands. Millner, A. E., Box 337, Oshawa, On-
Miklos, J. C., 917 Holton St., Lansing, tario, Canada..
Mich. Mills, B. K., Box 36, Charmian, Pa.
Miles, M. L., Box 2065, Anchorage, Mills, Merle L., 169 Oaklawn Ave.,
Alaska. Battle Creek, Mich.
Miles, Percy C. (m), Loma Linda Food Mills, Orris J. (1), State Street Road,
Co., Arlington, Calif. Route 1, Hillsdale, Mich.
Milford, J. L. (1'), Sentinel Publishing Mills, Robert C. (m), S.D.A. Mission,
Co., Rosemead Ave., Claremont, Cape Outside East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
Province, South Africa. Mills, W. G., 906 E. Monroe, Phoenix,
Milhorat, W., 130 Boulevard de l'Hop- Ariz.
ital, Paris 13e, France. Millsom, R. A., 361 Argyle St., North
Millard, Alban W., 742 18th Ave., Hon- Hobart, Tasmania.
olulu 14, Territory Hawaii. Milne, R. M., 399 Upper Serangoon
Millard, F. R., 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Road, Singapore, Colony of Singapore.
Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Mimbiang, Joseph (1), Mission Adven-
Millard, Glenn, 176 Orange St., King- tiste, Nanga-Eboko, via Douala,
ston, Jamaica, British West Indies. French Cameroons, West Africa.
Miller, A. H. E. (I), 84 The Boulevarde, Mimms, E. T. (1), 553 Cedar Ave., Mo-
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- bile 16, Ala.
tralia. Minan, J. A., Rua Lopes Trovao 84,
Miller, A. L., 1024 1st St., Nevada, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South Am-
Iowa. erica.
Miller, B. E., 369 20th Ave., Paterson Minchin, E. L., Stanborough Park,
3, N.J. Watford, Herts., England.
Miller, C. B., 1207 Yu-Yuen Road, Minchin, G. H., South Lancaster, Mass.
Shanghai, China. Minck, Adolph, Niklasstr. 19, (1) Ber-
Miller, C. H., 2540 S. Fillmore Ave., lin-Zehlendorf, Germany
Denver 10, Colo. Minck, G. (1), Lange Laube 29, Han-
Miller, C. W., 1318 Lomita Blvd., over, Germany.
Lomita, Calif. Mines, Leonardo (I), Bongo Mission,
Miller, Clarence (m), 2 Duke Road, Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West Af-
Kowloon, Hong Kong. rica.
Miller, David, Apartado 30, Camaguey, Minesinger, R. T., Mt. Vernon Acad-
Cuba. emy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Miller, D. H. (1), 703 First St., De Rid- Minganjo, Jeremias, Caixa Postal 33,
der, La. Vila Luso, Angola, Portuguese West
Miller, D. P., 3502 S. 51st St., Lincoln Africa.
6, Nebr. Mingua, Teodulo H. (1), General De-
Miller, Duane (1), 64 W. 9th St., Hol- livery, Manila, Philippines.
land, Mich. Minifie, Kingsley, 716 18th St., Santa
Miller, F. W., 426 Huntington St., Monica, Calif.
San Fernando, Calif. Minner, Fred (1), 4408 Queensbury
Miller, G. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Road, Riverdale, Md.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Minner, L. D., Box M, Cristobal, Ca-
tralia. nal Zone, Central America.
Miller, H. A. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. Miramon, Rosendo (m), Casa Pardo,
Miller, H. J., 2539 Bellefontaine Ave., Matias Romero, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Kansas City 1, Mo. Miramontes, W. B., Mountain View,
Miller, H. N. (1), Apartado 3930, San- Calif.
turce, Puerto Rico. Miranda, A. (1), Rua Sa da Bandeira
Miller, H. S., 727 S.E. 45th St., Port- 61, Praia, Cape Verde Islands.
land 15, Oreg. Miranda, A. (1), Caixa Postal 2898,
Miller, H. W. (m), Apartado 1320, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
San Jose, Costa Rica, Central Amer- Miranda, E., Caixa Postal No. 349, St.
ica. Thomas Island, West Africa.

Misati, N. (1), Gendia Mission, Private Molimbayan, Paciencia (b), Box 39,
Bag, P.O. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, Lucena, Quezon, Philippines.
East Africa. Molgobola, William (1), Chisekesi Sid-
Mitchell, A. I., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, ing, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Moline, Florence (m), College Heights,
Mitchell, A. R., 40 Bealey Ave., Christ- Alberta, Canada.
church, New Zealand. Molnar, J. (1), Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz.,
Mitchell, C. E., S.D.A. Mission, Port Szekesfehervar, Hungary.
Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. Moncada, Daniel, Mision Ad ventista,
Mitchell, D. (1), 62 Clotilde St., Mt. La Ceiba, Honduras, Central Amer-
Lawley, West Australia, Australia. ica.
Mitchell, H., P.O. Box 578, South Mondics, B. J., 14 Saray Arkasi, Ayaz-
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. pasa, Turkey.
Mitchell, J. A., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. Monks, C. M., 437 6th St., Brandon,
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Man., Canada.
Mitchell, J. G., 937 W. 4th St., Wil- Monnier, Ch. 10 Salisbury Road, Rose
liamsport, Pa. Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean.
Mitchell, R. B., S.D.A. Mission, Box Monnier, J., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital,
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Paris 13e, France.
Mitchell, Richard A., Box 870, Presque Monroe, Faith (b), South Lancaster,
Isle, Me. Mass.
Mitchell, Ruth (m), 27 Hope Road, Montalban, V. M., Jaro, Iloilo City,
Half-Way-Tree, Kingston, Jamaica, Philippines.
British West Indies. Monteith, A. R. (m), Uxmal No. 365,
Mitchell, T. A., 37 O'Connell Ter'iace, Colonia Narvarte, Mexico, Distrito
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Federal, Mexico.
Australia. Monteith, E. (m), Box 308, Oshawa,
Mitchell, V. (1), 62 Clotilde St.,Mt. Ontario, Canada.
Lawley, West Australia, Austrai a. Montgomery, C. F., Washington Mis-
Miyake, Shohei, 567-C Kawailoa Ave., sionary College, Takoma Park, Wash-
Lanikai Post Office, Oahu, Territory ington 12, D.C.
Hawaii. Montgomery, R. P., 2714 Windsor,
Mizher, Nassry (1), 151 Woodstock Waco, Texas.
Ave., Ruthland, Vt. Monzalvo, Roberto (1), Langlois No.
Mlalazi, E. D., P. B. T. 189, Solusi, 219, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Moody, Rodolfo Diaz (I), Apartado 52,
Moala, Semesi, S.D.A. Mission, Box 15, Villahermosa. Tabasco, Mexico.
Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly Islands, Mooers, Earl K. (1), Box 41, Sitka,
Pacific Ocean. Alaska.
Mobley, A. E. (1), Route 1, Berrien Mookerjee, L. G., Box 17, Poona, India.
Springs, Mich. Mookerjee, N. G., Robinson Memorial
Mocanu, V., Strada Eduard Grand 25, High School, Karmatar P.O., E. I.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Rly., India.
Mock, C. A., 814 E. 3d St., North Platte, Moon, A. L. (1), 2525 So. Downing St.,
Nebr. Denver 10, Colo.
Moeletsi, M. R., P. 0. Box 108, Vry- Moon, C. E., Paradise Valley Sanita-
burg, Cape Province, South Africa. rium, National City, Calif.
Moffett, W. C., 1537 Riverside Heights, Moon, E. A., Grove Ave., Claremont,
Verona, Pa. Cape Province, South Africa.
Moffitt, L. L., Takoma Park, Wash- Moon, H. E. (m), 74 Bowen, Battle
ington 12; D. C. Creek, Mich.
Mohr, Alonzo R. (1), 612 Carpenter Moon, R. D., 2240 Avon St., S. W.,
Ave., Iron Mountain, Mich. Grand Rapids 9, Mich.
Mohr, E. I. (m), Southwestern Junior Moore, Mrs. Arabella (m), Takoma
College, Keene, Texas. Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Mohr, F. I., Arlington, Calif. Moore, Charles H. (m), 619 Woodland
Mohr, Floyd L. (1), 10602 McKeen St., . Park, Chicago 16, Ill.
...Garden Grove, Calif. Moore, E. L. (m), Virrey del Pino 3801,
Mohr, M. M., 112 N. Kelsey, Monroe, Suc. 27, It. 4, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Wash. tina, South America.
Mohr, Teddric A., 319 8th Ave., North, Moore, F. B., Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Fargo, N. Dak. Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires,
Mohr, W. B. (m), 4547 Calvert St., Argentina, South America.
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Moore, Kenneth, Dana and Mt. View
Ave., Mountain View, Calif.
Moir, A. (1), Box 266, Townsville, Moore, M. E., Highland Academy, Foun-
Queensland, Australia. tain Head, Tenn.
Moldrik, E. H., 9 Welland Ave., Irving- Moore, Roscoe W., 81 Highland Road,
ton 11, N.J. South Portland, Me.
Mole, Robert L. (1), P. 0. Box 595, Moores, Philip, 79 Cameron Ave.
Beirut, Lebanon. North, Hamilton, Ontario.

Mopera, Alicia (b), Box 39, Lucena, Mote, F. A., 148 Fox Valley Road, Wah-
Quezon, Philippines. roonga, New South Wales, Australia.
Mopia, Agrifina B. (b), Jaro, Iloilo Mote, R. G., 1409 Pinecrest Ave., Char-
City, Philippines. lotte, N.C.
Moran, Frank, Loma Linda, Calif. Mote, R. M., Platte Valley Academy,
Moran, J. L., Pine Forge Institute, Shelton, Nebr.
Pine Forge, Pa. Motzer, C. A., Diepensiepen 16, Mett-
Moran, Jenaro (I), Casilla 85, Puno, mann/Rhineland, Germany.
Peru, South America. Mouad, Nelson (1), Caixa Postal 1830,
Morati, Lilla (b), 2314 Moore St., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Philadelphia 45, Pa. Moulds, H. G., 148 Fox Valley Road,
Morenings, H. (1), Kopernikusstrasse Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
24-I, Nurnberg, Germany. tralia.
Morey, Keith (1), 1304 Detroit St., Flint Moulds, L. G. (1), 40 Bealey Ave.,
5, Mich. Christchurch, New Zealand.
Morgado, Julio (m), Matamoros 823 Mount, Bessie (m), 2 Duke Road, Kow-
Pte., Monterrey, N. L., Mexico. loon, Hong Kong.
Morgan, Mildred (b), Box 7768, Johan- Mountain, Arthur, 399 Upper Seran-
nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. goon Road, Singapore, Colony of
Morgan, P. H., 2412 Kilgore Ave., Singapore.
Raleigh, N.C. Mountain, V. S. (m), 2 Duke Road,
Morgan, U. E., Apartado 92, Man- Kowloon, Hong Kong.
agua, Nicaragua, Central America. Moura, J. F. (I), Caixa Postal 233,
Morlan, C. C., 1112 Frandsen, San Ga- Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil,. South
briel, Calif. America.
Moroisa, J. (1), Tondano, Celebes, In- Mouvo (1), S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul,
donesia. New Britain, Territory New Guinea,
Morosan, P., Strada Regina Maria No. Pacific Ocean.
12, Bacau, Rumania. Mowry, Benjamin F. (1), 103 Apple St.,
Morris, C. C., Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Tiffin, Ohio.
Ohio. Mowry, George (1), Box 481, Princeton,
Morris, R. P., S.D.A. Mission, Hapur, W. Va.
U. P., India. Moya, J. S., P. 0. Box 20, Nongoma,
Morris, W., 84 The Boulevarde, Strath- Zululand, South Africa.
field, New South Wales, Australia. Moyer, A. M. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box
Morrison. D., Stanborough Park, Wat- 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa.
ford, Herts., England. Moyo, C. S., Box 573, Bulawayo, South-
Morrison, H. A. Takoma Park, Wash- ern Rhodesia, Africa.
ington 12, D. C., Moyo, J. M., P.O. Gwaai Siding, South-
Morrison, L. A. (m), West Indian ern Rhodesia, Africa.
Training School, Mandeville, Jam- Moyo, J. S., c/o African Bus Service,
aica, British West Indies. Location, Bulawayo, Southern Rho-
Morrison, Mary L. (m), 1801 Seventh desia, Africa.
Ave., New York 26, N. Y. Moyo, W. M., c/o Mr. L. R. Tarr, P.O.
Morse, H. H. (1), 17 Ventris Road, Tsessebe, Bechuanaland Protectorate,
Hong Kong. Africa.
Morton, H. C., Casilla 1002, Lima Mozar, D. A., 340 East 184th St., New
Peru, South America. York 57, N. Y.
Mosby, Fannie (b), 411 N.W. 37th St., Mozar, Mrs. D. A. (b), 340 East 184th
Miami, Fla. St., New York 57, N. Y.
Moschinger, H., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich Mpheza, Victor, Box 61, Blantyre, Ny-
50, Switzerland. asaland, Africa.
Mosedi K. (1), 245 Ninth Street, Loca- Msuseni, Simon, P.O. Nkata Bay,
tion, Brakpan, Transvaal, South Af- Nyasaland, Africa.
rica. Mu Wen Chih (1), Shensi Mission of
Moseley, C. E., Oakwood Colley, S.D.A., Outside West Gate, Sian,
Huntsville, Ala. Shensi, China.
Moser, Verna (m), College Place, Al- Mubanda, Daniel (1), Songa. Mission,
berta, Canada. B. P. Kamina, Congo Beige, Africa.
Moses, B. S. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Nuz- Mu, W. H. (1), 108 East San Ma Lu,
vid, Kistna District, South India. Changchun, Manchuria.
Moses, C., S.D.A. Mission, Cadel's Road, Muderspach, F. H., Suomisvej 5, Copen-
Tanjore, India. hagen V., Denmark.
Moses, R. John. S.D.A. Mission, Nuzvid, Muderspach, H., Holmenkollveien 31,
Kistna District, India. Oslo, Norway.
Moses, M. D., S.D.A. Mission, Belapur Muderspach, L., Holmenkollveien 31,
Road, Ahmednagar District, India. Oslo, Norway.
Mosley, James (1), 1312 Eliza St., Fort Mueller, A. W., Kopernikusstrasse 24-I,
Wayne, Ind. Nurnberg, Germany.
Mossad, Nageeb (1), 16 Av. de Koubbeh, Mueller, W., Niklasstr. 19, (1) Berlin-
Heliopolis, Egypt. Zehlendorf, Germany.

Mugobi, Yohana, Majita Mission, P.O. Murdock, T. C. (1), College Heights,

Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Alberta, Canada.
Africa. Murphy: H. R., 1914 Charlotte Ave.,
Muhwanga, Wilfred (I), c/o Northern Nashville, Tenn.
Rhodesia Mission, P.O. Chisekesi Sid- Murphy, L. L., Indiana Academy, Cic-
ing, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. ero, Ind.
Muir, Wellesley (1), Route 1, Box 222, Murray, W. E., Box 228, Coconut
Dinuba, Calif. Grove, Miami, Florida.
Mukasa, Daudi, Box 22, Kampala, Musgrave, A. R. (1), Stanborough Park,
Uganda, East Africa. Watford, Herts., England.
Mulholland, W. It., Review and Herald, Musgrave, H. (1), 780 St. Albans Road,
Takoma Park, D.C. Watford, Herts., England.
Muller, E. (1), Niklasstr. 19, (1) Berlin- Musgrave, M. B. (1), 22 Zulla Road,
Zehlendorf, Germany. Mapperley Park, Nottingham, Eng-
Muller, H. (m), Hoheweg 17, Berne, land.
Switzerland. Musil, J. (1), 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi-
Muller, 0. P. (1), Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, tal, Paris 13e, France.
Chemnitz, Germany. Musoke, Ashe, Box 22, Kampala, Ug-
Muller, W., Koblenzer Str. 3, Berlin- anda, East Africa.
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Musoke, Eria (1), P.O. Box 22, Kam-
Mulkey, Thomas W. (1), 2811 Mussle- pala, Uganda, East Africa.
white St.. Orlando, Fla. Mustafa, A., Strada Rosenfeld No. 4,
Mulomba, Stephen, Northern Rhodesia Sibiu, Rumania.
Mission Field, P. 0. Chisekesi Sid- Mustard, A. J., Stanborough Park,
ing, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Watford, Herts., England.
Mumbuna, Paul (1), Box 573, Bulawayo, Muston, D. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Mapper-
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. ley Park. Nottingham, England.
Munger, M. E., Box 65, Lapeer, Mich. Muthiah, V. P. (I), "Ebenezer Cot-
Munkasu, Joshua (1), Chisekesi Siding, tage," Shahupuri, Kolhapur, India.
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Muyeba, James, Chisekesi Siding, North-
Munroe, Ruth (m), 56 Maitrichitr ern Rhodesia, Africa.
Road, Bangkok, Siam. Mwanakapini, J., Chisekesi Siding,
Munroop, D. (I), 10 Salisbury Road, Northern Rhodesia. Africa.
Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Mwanje, Eriasafu, Box 22, Kampala,
Munsey, Frank (1), Box 566, Toppenish, Uganda, East Africa.
Wash. Mwasi, Petro (1), Busegwe Mission,
Munshi Ram, S.D.A. Mission, Chuhark- P.O. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory,
ana Mandi, Sheikhupura District, East Africa.
Pakistan. Mwenda, Simon (1), Chisekesi Siding,
Munson, Albert, Box 911, Bishop, Calif. Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Munson, Alvin G. (in), 642 Glenmore Mwesa, Jonathan (I), c/o Northern
Boulevard, Glendale 6, Calif. Rhodesia Mission Field, P. 0. Chise-
Munson, G. (m), S.D.A. Mission Out- kesi Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Af-
side East Gate, Seoul, Korea. rica.
Munson, H. A. (m), P.O. Box 401, Mwimo, Joseph (1), c/o Northern Rho-
Manila. Philippines. desia Mission Field, P. 0. Chisekesi
Munson, H. K., 22 Zulla Road, Mapper- Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
ley Park, Nottingham, England. Myat Pe (m), S.D.A. Mission, Mya-
Munteanu, C., Strada Regina Maria No. ungmya, Burma.
12, Bacau, Rumania. Myat Po, S.D.A. Mission, Htugyi, Hen-
Munyambuga, Ezekiel (1), Rwankeri zada District. Burma.
Mission, B. P. Ruhengeri, Via Goma, Myers, D. B. 2208 Eoff St., Wheeling,
Congo Beige, Africa. W. Va.
Munyampanzi, Manase (1), Rwankeri Myers, Mrs. E. Olive (b), 18 First Ave.,
Mission, B. P. Ruhengeri, Via Goma, Franklin Square, N.Y.
Congo Beige, Africa. Myers, Laurence F. (1), Box 293, Can-
Munyerari, Jonas (I), Ndora Mission, ton, N.Y.
Via Usumbura, Urundi, Congo Beige, Myles, C. Sampson, Box 936, Nashville,
Africa. Tenn.
Murch, H. C., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Murchison, C. R. (1), 27 Esplanade Road,
Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Nachreiner, Edward, Rosthern, Sask.,
Murdoch, L., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Canada.
Park, Nottingham, England. Naden, L. C., 148 Fox Valley Road,
Murdoch, M. C., 8 Sixth Street, Orange Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Grove, Johannesburg, Transvaal, tralia.
South Africa. Naenny, E. (I), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise,
Murdoch, W. G. C., Australasian Mis- Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
sionary College, Cooranbong, New Nagaha (1), S.D.A. Mission, Honiara,
South Wales, Australia. Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.

Nagel, S. A. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box Ndhlovu, Luck, P. 0. Box 573, Bula-
No. 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Africa. Ndholovu, Register, Gunde School, c/o
Nagele, Charles J. 1544 5:E. Haw- St. Patrick's Mission, P. B. Gwelo,
thorne Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Nagy, A. D., 75 E. 78th St., Apt. 1, Ndongo, Gilbert (1), Mission Adven-
Chicago, 19, Ill. tiste, Nanga-Eboko, via Douala,
Nailescu, St., Strada Eduard Grand 25, French Cameroons, West Africa.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Neal, Pauline (m), 2 Duke Road, Kow-
Nakauchi, S. (1), 171 Amanuma 1- loon, Hong Kong.
chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Nebblett, C. C. (m), Box 7, Grand
Nalewadonu, Sairusi (1), S.D.A. Mis- Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands,
sion, Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific British West Indies.
Ocean. Necker, Richard (1), 424 8th Ave. S.E.,
Nalkraman, Skake (m), P.O. Box 145, Jamestown, N. Dak.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Neece, S. W. (1), Box 1311, Meridian,
Nallathamby, S. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Miss.
Nanthencode. Trivandrum, Travan- Needham, A. C., P.O. Box 266, Towns-
core, South India. ville, Queensland, Australia:
Namaswala, Cranmer, Box 22, Kam- Neergaard, T. N.. 5940 S. Second Ave.,
pala, Uganda, East Africa. Minneapolis, Minn.
Namulo, Jemesa (1), S.D.A. Mission, Neff, J. P. (1), General Delivery,
Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Waynesboro, Va.
Napangani, Spurgeon, P. 0. Box 51, Neff, Merlin L., Mountain View, Calif.
Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Neff, W. C. (1), 1320 2nd Ave. N.,
Nash, F. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Grand Forks, N. Dak.
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Negyesy, J., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
Nash, G. R., South Lancaster, Mass. Budapest VI, Hungary.
Nash, M. C. (m). Bethel Academy, Ar- Nehemiya, Gitwe Mission, P.O. Usum-
pin, Wis. bura, Ruanda-Urundi, Congo Beige,
Nasou, Alipate, S.D.A. Mission, Box Africa.
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Nehls, W. (1), Hoheweide 51, Ham-
Natanayeli, Gitwe Mission, P.O. Usum- burg 30, Germany.
bura, Ruanda-Urundi, Congo BeIge, Neil, Albert (1), 1000 First St., Brown-
Africa. wood, Texas.
Nathaniel, S., S.D.A. Mission, Nanthen- Neil, J. Lee, Wytheville Hospital,
code, Travandrum, Travancore, In- Wytheville, Va.
dia. Neilsen, I. R. (m), Angwin, Calif.
Nation, W. S., "Hazelrigg," Mande- Neilsen, J. A., 3017-23rd Ave., Oak-
ville (Knockpatrick), Jamaica, Brit- land 6, Calif.
ish West Indies. Neira, Pedro (I), Casilla 85, Puno,
Naude, Phillis (m), P.O. Box 401, Peru, South America.
Manila, Philippines. Neithercut, J. C. (1), 2087 East King
Naufal, Carmo (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Edward, Vancouver, British Colum-
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. bia, Canada.
Nawara, Nafitalai, S.D.A. Mission, Box Nell, Mrs. Ethel (b), 1027 Florida Ave.,
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean: N. E., Washington, D. C.
Nawara, Timoci, S.D.A. Mission, Box Nell, 0. (1), Bongo Mission, Lepi, An-
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. gola, Portuguese West Africa.
Naves, J. (1), Caixa Postal 1919, Rio Nelson, A. C., 2661 Hollister Terrace,
de Janeiro, Brazil, South America, Glendale 6, Calif.
Nazarian, Manoug (m), P.O. Box 1011, Nelson, A. E., Box 188, Loma Linda,
Beirut, Lebanon. Calif.
Ncube, James, Lower Gwelo Mission, Nelson, A. Edwin, 652 S. 22nd., Rich-
P.O. Lower Gwelo, Southern Rho- mond, Calif.
desia, Africa. Nelson, A. G., 1721 National Ave., San
Ncube, John (1), Box 573, Bulawayo, Diego, Calif.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Nelson, A. N., P.O. Box 401, Manila,
Ncube, Philemon (1), c/o Native Com- Philippine Islands.
missioner, Mt. Darwin, Southern Rho- Nelson, Andrew, Sanitarium, Napa
desia, Africa. Co., Calif.
Ndabambi, Joshua, Kolo Mission, P.O. Nelson, Carlyle A., Maynard Drive,
Mohlalefis, via Morija, Basutoland, Marcy, N.Y.
South Africa. Nelson, C. E. (m), So. Lancaster, Mass.
Ndaiseka, Laban (I), Chisekesi Siding, Nelson, E. D. (I), Box 146, Mineral
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Wells, Texas.
Ndaro, Thomas (1), Majita Mission, Nelson, G. J. (m), Collegedale, Tenn.
P.O. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, Nelson, George B. (I), 1509 E. Wilson
East Africa. Blvd., Glendale 6, Calif.
Ndebele, James, Hanke Mission, P.O. Nelson, H. R., Box 831, Mt. Ver
Selukwe, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. non, Ohio.

Nelson, J. R., 2428 Hollister Terrace, Newhall, R. T. (1), Box M, Cristobal,

Glendale 6, Calif. Canal Zone.
Nelson, Mrs. Kathryn J. (m), Boulder- Newbold, D. C., 312 N. Boyle St., Los
Colorado Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. Angeles, Calif.
Nelson, L. M., 412 Hampton Road, Newfeld, D. F., College Heights, Al-
West Palm Beach, Fla. berta, Canada.
Nelson, N. C. (m), Southern Publishing Newman, Garfield, Corozal, British
Assn., Box 59, Nashville, Tenn. Honduras, Central America.
Nelson, N. R., 643 Mapleton Ave., Newman, J. H. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Boulder, Colo. Malaita, Solomon Islands, Pacific
Nelson, Olena (m), Box 29, Brookfield, Ocean.
Ill. Newman, R. R., Box 599, Casper, Wyo.
Nelson, P. G., Holmenkollveien 31, Newman, W. J., S.D.A. Mission, P. 0.
Oslo, Norway. Box 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West
Nelson, Paul W. (1), 1826 Broderick St., Africa.
Apt. 17, San Francisco 15, Calif. Newmyer, C. B., 152 S. Lexington
Nelson. R. W., 1714 Stuart St., Berke- Parkway, St. Paul, Minn.
ley, Calif. Ney, Edward, South Lancaster, Mass.
Nelson, R. W. (in), 932 S.E. 60th Ave., Ng, Y. B. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wai-
Portland 15, Oreg. chow, Kwangtung, China.
Nelson, R. W., 1714 Stuart St., Berke- Ngaiyayi, James, P. 0. Malamulo, Ny-
ley, Calif. asaland, Africa.
Nelson, Mrs. Thyrza (b), 335 Delno St., Ngaiyayi, Simon, P. 0. Nkata Bay,
Fresno, Calif. Nyasaland, Africa.
Nelson, W. A., Route 1, Berrien Springs, Ngao, S. (1), P. 0. Box 1352, Nairobi,
Mich. Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Nelson, Walter A., 4207 Mt. View Ave., Ngao, Timotheo (1), Gendia Mission,
Oakland 2, Calif. Private Bag, P.O. Kisumu, Kenya
Nelson, W. E. (m), Caixa Postal 2898, Colony, East Africa.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Ngava, S.D.A. Mission, Port Moresby,
Nelson, W. E., Takoma Park, Wash- Papua, Pacific Ocean.
ington 12, D. C. Ng'homano, Hosea (I). Ntusu Mission,
Nelson, Mrs. W. E. (m), Caixa Postal P.O. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory,
2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- East Africa.
ica. Ngono, P. J., Lower Gwelo Mission,
Nembhard, H. E., Spanish Town, Ja- P.O. Lower Gwelo, Southern Rhode-
maica, British West Indies. sia, Africa.
Nembhard, M. G., 176 Orange Street, Nguru, Efraim (1), Majita Mission,
Kingston, Jamaica, British West In- P.O. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory,
dies. East Africa.
Nemes, A., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12, Nguyen-huu-Nha (I), Boite Postale 43,
Cluj, Rumania. Saigon, French Indo-China.
Nerlund, 0. J., 64 Progress Ave., Nguyen-phat-Minh (1), Boite Postale
Providence 9, R. I. 453, Saigon, French Indo-China.
Nerness, J. M., 399 Upper Serangoon Ngwenya, Bennie (1), Chisekesi Siding,
Road, Singapore, Colony of Singa- Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Neru, Siaosi, S.D.A. Mission, Box 6, Ngwenya, N. M., Private Bag, Them-
Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. balami, P.O. Mahlabatini, Zululand,
Nesmith, R. A., South Lancaster, Mass. South Africa.
Nethery, Jay J., Takoma Park, Wash- Ngwenya, Stephen, P. 0. Box 573,
ington 12, D. C. Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Neto, Alfrisio A. (1), Caixa Postal 810, Ngwuije, Eliakimu, Rwesse Mission, B.
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Amer- P. Lubero, Congo Beige, Africa.
ica. Nichol, F. D., Review and Herald, Ta-
Netto, Jose Abreu (1), Caixa Postal koma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Am- Nichols, J. D., 2112 N. "I" St., Fort
erica. Smith, Ark.
Neubauer, 0., Diemershaldenstrasse 23, Nicholson. W. G., Stanborough Park,
Stuttgart-O, Wurtemberg, Germany. Watford, Herts., England.
Neufeld, D. A., 1432 South 57th St., Nickle, George C., Apartado Nacional
Tacoma, Wash. 39, Medellin, Colombia, South Amer-
Neufeld, D. D., 2240 Herman Ave., ica.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Nickless, Arva, Route 1, Mitchell, Ind.
Neufeld, J. D., 3676 Highland Road, Nickoloff, B., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul-
Cleveland 11, Ohio. garia.
Neumann, H., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Nicol, S. C., S.D.A. Mission, P. 0.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Box 26, Bo, Sierra Leone, West Af-
Neumann, H. F., 116 Echandia St., rica.
Los Angeles 33, Calif. Nicolas, C. S., 1265 Safford Ave.,
Neumann, H. J., Daly City, Calif. Fresno 4, Calif.
436 .

Niculescu, E., Strada Regina Maria Noack, W., Linienstrasse 1OP/2, Mu-
No. 12, Bacau, Rumania. nich-Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Germany.
Nidi, Daniel (1), Mission Adventiste, Nogueira, Antonio, Jr. (I), Caixa Postal
Nanga-Eboko, via Douala, French 656, Belem, Para, Brazil, South Amer-
Cameroons, West Africa. ica.
Niedoba, E., Lipowa 9, Bydgoszcz, Po- Nolan, H. W. Ward (I), S.D.A. Mis-
land. sion, Madang, Territory of New Gui-
Niedoba, 0., Lipowa 9, Bydgoszcz, Po- nea, Pacific Ocean.
land. Nolda, 0. W., Nether Spring, Ootaca-
Nielsen, Andreas (1), Svanevej 10, Co- mund, India.
penhagen, N.V., Denmark. Noltze, H., Bohmerstr. 13, Frankfurt/
Nielsen C. Z. (1), Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Main, Germany.
Denmark. Noltze, IC, Fangelsbachstrasse 11,
Nielsen, Dorothea (m), Nyanchwa Mis- Stuttgart-S, Germany.
sion, P.O. Kisii, Kenya, East Africa. Nomanue, M. (1), P.O. Box 1352,
Nielsen, Frede, Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Nairobi, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Nielsen, Karen (m), Kendu Hospital, Nomi, Robert. P.O. Box 225, Kaun-
akakai, Molokai, Territory Hawaii.
Private Bag, Kisumu, Kenya, East
Africa. Nomvete, W. J., Cancele Mission of
Nielsen, N. B., P. 0. Box 145, Addis S.D.A. Private Bag, Mount Frere,
Ababa, Ethiopia. East Griqualand, Cape Province,
Nielsen, H. L. (m), Washington Sani- South Africa.
tarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C. ' Nondi, S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Solo-
Nielsen, Roland (m), P.O. Box 145, mon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Norcliffe, A. Ray, 657 Cypress Ave.,
Niemann, E., Box 151, Abilene, Kan. Johnstown, Pa.
Niermeyer, L. E., Box 763, Loma Linda, Norcott, W. V., P. 0. Box 7768,
Calif. Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af-
Nies, J. H. (m), Washington Sani- rica.
tarium, Takoma Park, Washington Nord, G. E., 40-11 Avenue D, Brook-
12, D.C. lyn 3, N. Y.
Nightingale, P. E., (m), Angwin, Calif. Nordstrom, J. A., 3236 Pillsbury Ave.,
Nightingale, R. H., 1601 Berkshire Ave., Minneapolis 8, Minn.
Winter Park, Fla. Norheim, Georg, Box 262, Reykjavik,
Nigri, Moises S., Caixa Postal 1830, Iceland.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Norman, C. M. 1544 S.E. Hawthorne
Nihal Singh (1), S.D.A. Mission, Mush- Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg.
taq Manzil, Moradabad, U.P., India. Norman, Clinton (1), Apartado 92, Ma-
Nilsen, Georg (1), Bergjelandsgaten 45, nagua, Nicaragua, Central America.
Stavanger, Norway. Norman, E. R. (1), 22 Zulla Road,
Nilsen, Leif (I), Akersgaten 74, Olso, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, Eng-
Norway. land.
Ninaj, Bess (b), Washington Sanitar- Normington, Louis (1), 1709 Alcatraz,
ium, Takoma Park 12, D. C. Berkeley 3, Calif.
Ninow, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber- Norris, L. J., Tondano, Celebes, Indo-
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. nesia.
Nion, A (1), Mission Adventiste, Mar- North, James J., 1185 Union Ave.,
oua, French Cameroons, West Africa. Bronx 69, N.Y.
Nixon, J. W. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, North, W. S., 1726 N. 9th St., Fort
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Smith, Ark.
Australia. Norton, Henry (m), Box 584, Arling-
Nixon, Joseph H. (1), Box 103, Green- ton, Calif.
ville, Calif. Nosworthy, P. I. (I), 75 Hillside Ave.,
Nkiwane, H. T., P.B. 205 T, Bulawayo, So. Portland, Me.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Nosworthy, W. M. (m), 1455 Seventh
St., Parkersburg, W. Va.
Nkolokosa. Desert, P.O. Box 51, Blan- Nouan, P. (1), 130 Boulevard de l'Hos-
tyre, Nyasaland, Africa. pital, Piris 13e, France.
Nkomazana, P., c/o St. Patrick's Mis- Noujeime, Selim (m), P.O. Box 595,
sion, P.O. Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Beirut, Lebanon.
Africa. Noval, Doroteo (I), P. 0. Box 119,
Nkomo, Elmer, P. 0. Box 573, Bula- City of Cebu, Philippines.
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Novelly, V., Box 1011J, Adelaide,
Nkosi, A. M. (I), c/o No. 97-3rd Ave., South Australia, Australia.
Location, Johannesburg, South Africa. Nowfel, Shukri, P. 0. Box, 595, Beirut,
Nkosi, B. S. (1), Lower Gwelo Mission. Lebanon.
P.O. Lower Gwelo, Southern Rhode- Nowrangi, B. S.D.A. Mission, Khunti
sia, Africa. P.O., Ranchi ' District, India.
Noble, Joel N. (1), 302 N. Broadway, Nozaki, K..2334 Post St., San Fran-
Watertown, S. Dak. cisco, lif.

Nozaki, Mrs. K. (m), 2334 Post St., Oestreich, H., Thalmann-Platz 46, Cott-
San Francisco, Calif. bus, Germany.
Ntini, Joshua (1), c/o African Bus Offerman, K. A., Route 1, Downers
Service, 52 Second Street, Location, Grove, Ill.
Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. O'ffill, D. W., 537 Laurel Ave., Ludlow,
Ntsikeni, D. D., S.D.A. Mission, But- Ky.
terworth, Transkei, South Africa.
Ntwana, S. K., S.D.A. Mission, Native Ogbazghi, M., Post Office Box 145, Ad-
Post Office, Kingwilliamstown, Cape dis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Province, South Africa. Ogbonna, S., S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Ni-
Numbers, R. W., Box 125, Moncton, geria, West Africa.
New Brunswick, Canada. Ogden E. B., (m), Union College, Lin-
Nussbaum, .1. (1), Hoheweg 17, Berne, coln 6, Nebr.
Switzerland. Ogila, Erasto (I), Ranen Mission, P.O.
Nyabwa, Thadayo (1), Nyanchwa Mis- Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
sion, P.O. Kisii. Kenya, East Africa. Ogura, S., 13 Nakajimadori 2-chome,
Nyakeriza, Y. (1), Nyanchwa Mis- Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan.
sion, P.O. Kisii, Kenya, East Africa. Oh Sung Ryong (1), S.D.A. _Mission,
Nyakundi. Abel, Nyanchwa Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
P.O. Kisii, Kenya, East Africa.
Nyamweya, Paulo, Nyanchwa Mis- Oh Suk Young (I), S.D.A. Mission,
sion, P.O. Kisii, Kenya. East Africa. Outside East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
Nygaard, Peter, Apartado 1325, San Ohn, Bwint (1), S.D.A. Mission, Paan
Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. P.O., Thaton District, Burma.
Nyholm, H. (1), Annankatu 7, Hcl- Oigo, Jeremiah, Ranen Mission, PO.
sinki, Finland. Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Nylander, J. H., 734 Mercer St., S.E., Oirere, Abraham, Gendia Mission, Pri-
Atlanta, Ga. vate Bag, P.O. Kisumu, Kenya Col-
Nyman, Leon, 8692 San Luis Ave., ony, East Africa.
South Gate, Calif. Okohira, Alfred T., 1963 Pennsylvania
Nza, Aroni (11, Ngoma Mission, c/o Ave., Los Angeles 33, Calif.
Gitwe, Via Usumbura, Urundi, Congo Okoth, Israel (I), P.O. Box 1352,
Beige, Africa. Nairobi, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Nzeotta, A., S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Ni- Oldham, Helen (b), 7341 Euclid Ave.,
geria, West Africa. Cleveland 3, Ohio.
Olero, Elisha, Gendia Mission, Private
Bag, P.O. Kisumu, Kenya Colony,
0 East Africa.
Olinga, Solomon (I), Mission Adven-
Oakes, F. T. (1), 22 Pala Ave., Pied- tiste, Nanga-Eboko, via Douala,
mont, Calif. French Cameroons, West Africa.
Oakes, Mrs. Mildred (m), Box 449, De- Oliphant, W. W. (1), Mwagala Mission,
catur, Ga. P.O. Maswa, Via Mwalampaka, Lake
Oberg, E. M., 620 First St., Hoquiam, Province, Tanganyika, East Africa.
Wash. Oliva, U. M., Artacho, Sison, Pangasi-
Oberg, Renato Emir, Caixa Postal 177, nan, Philippines.
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Oliveira, Enoch (I), Caixa Postal 810,
Brazil, South America. Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South
Oborny, J., Stredni 10, Brno, Moravia. America.
O'Brien, G. D., 1810 5th Ave. N., Grand Oliveira, J. J. (1), Rua Lopes Trovao,
Forks, N. Dak. 84, Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil,
Ochieng'. Nathaniel (1), P.O. Box 1352, South America.
Nairobi, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Oliveira, S. M. (1), Caixa Postal 146,
Ochs, D. A. 900 Carroll Ave., Takoma Campo Grande, Mato Grosso, Brazil,
Park 12, D. C. South America.
Ochs, P. W. (I), 2838 Hemphill St., Oliver, C. G. (m), 171 Amanuma 1-
Fort Worth, Texas. chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Ochs, W. B., Takoma Park, Washing- Oliver, F. M., 212 18th St., Lewiston,
ton 12. D.C. Idaho.
Odegaard, M. H., Box 163, Rice Lake, Olmstead, C. R. (1), Apartado 3930,
Wis. Santurce, Puerto Rico.
Odero, James, Gendia Mission, Private Olmstead, H. C., Route 1, Box 49-E,
Bag, P.O. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, Placerville, Calif.
East Africa. Olney, Stephen B., 3 Prospect St., Port-
Ododa, Silvano (1), Nyanchwa Mis- land, Maine.
sion, P.O. Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Olsen, Borge (1), Norre Alla 30, Aar-
Africa. hus, Denmark.
Odom. R. L., P.O. Box 401, Manila, Olsen, D. L., 3144 Eastlake Ave., Seat-
Philippines. tle 2, Wash.
Oestreich, E. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, Olsen, E. E. (m), South Lancaster,
Bgiltn-Wiimersdorf, Germany. Mass.

Olsen, Carentze (m), Kendu Hospital, Osborne, Joseph (1), S.D.A. Mission, P.
Private Bag, Kisumu, Kenya Colony, 0. Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
East Africa. Osborne, Ray R. (1), Caixa Postal 341,
Olsen, M. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, South
ton 12, D.C. America.
Olsen, Monrad E., General Delivery, Osborne, Robert L. (1), 312 N. Brand,
National City. Calif. San Fernando, Calif.
Olsen. 0. J., Bergstigen 25, Stock- Osbourne, W. A. (1), West Indian
sund, Sweden. Training College, Mandeville, Jam-
Olsen, P. J., Holmenkollveien 31, Oslo, aica, British West Indies.
Norway. Osgood, DeWitt S., 8031 South Lafay-
Olsen-Ryen, Fritz, Kjopmannsgata 28, ette Ave., Chicago 20, Ill.
Trondheim, Norway. Osgood, G. C. (I), 1709 S. 3rd St.,
Olsen, V. Norskow, Svanevej 10, Copen- Monroe. La.
hagen N.V., Denmark. Oshita, Hideo, 1432 Makiki St., Hono-
Olson, A. J., Auburn Academy, Auburn, lulu 4, Territory Hawaii.
Wash. Osmunson, E. R., 226 Illinois Ave.,
Olson, A. V., Takoma Park, Washing- Wichita, Kan.
ton 12, D. C. Osmunson, R. L., Union College, Lin-
Olson, Boyd E., 810 Brown St., Little coln 6, Nebr.
Rock, Ark. Osola, K. V., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Olson, D. K., 703 Minnesota Ave., Glen-, holm, Sweden.
wood, Minn. Osoo, Malaki, Chebwai Mission, P.O.
Olson, H. 0., Route 1, Box 86A, Ber- Kakamega, Kenya Colony, East Af-
rien Springs, Mich. rica.
Olson, Junius (1), Box 85, Holdrege, Oss, James (m), Angwin, Calif.
Nebr. Oss, John, 2 Duke Road, Kowloon,
Olson, L. H., 2014 Ekin Ave., New Al- Hong Kong.
bany, Ind. Oss, Melvin, 2407 8th Ave., Lewiston,
Olson, 0. (1), Tunnelgatan 26, Stock- Idaho.
holm, Sweden. Ost, M., Caixa Postal 198, Cidade do
Olson, R. W., Loma Linda, Calif. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, South Amer-
Olson, Wayne E. (1), P. 0. Box ica.
596, Beirut, Lebanon. Oster, F. F., 4505 Voltaire St., San
Olsson, Harry (1), Annegatan 7, Hel- Diego 7, Calif.
singfors, Finland. Oster, Kenneth S. (1), Avenue Pahlevi
Omland, Mangor (1), Akersgaten 74, 2075. Teheran, Iran.
Oslo, Norway. Osterblom. J. E. (11, 108-25 63d Drive,
Ong'era, J. (I), P.O. Box 1352, Nairobi, Forest Hills, N.Y.
Kenya Colony. East Africa. Osterburg, H., Diepensiepen 16, Mett-
Onwere, P., S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Ni- mann/Rheinland, Germany.
geria, West Africa. Osterman, F. A. (m), 977 Palmetto St.,
Onyeodo, D., S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Ni- S.W., Atlanta, Ga.
geria, West Africa. Ostoich, M., 1147 South Rowen Ave.,
Oosthuizen, J. J. (1), "Pensanze," Los Angeles, Calif.
Chudleigh Road, Plumstead, Cape Oswald, M. D.. 1409 Freemont St., St.
Province, South Africa. Petersburg, Fla.
Oprisan, A., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Oswald, E. H., 11817-97th St., Edmon-
Bucuresti II, Rumania. ton, Alberta, Canada.
Orang'o, N. (1), Ranen Mission, P.O. Oswald, H., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber-
Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Oriola, John B., S.D.A. Mission, P. 0.
Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. Oswald, J. C., Route 1, Box 86, Perth
Orozco, Gregorio (1), Apartado 218, Amboy, N. J.
Guatemala City, Guatemala, Central Oswald, T. L., Takoma Park, Washing-
America. ton 12, D. C.
Ortner, A. W., 6039 Columbia Ave., Oti (1), S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul, New
Philadelphia 31, Pa. Britain, Territory New Guinea, Pa-
Ortner, C. G. (m), 642 Woodland Ave., cific Ocean.
S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Otter, Gordon A. (1), Malamulo Mis-
Ortner, I. G. (1), La Sierra Station, sion, P.O. Malamulo, Nyasaland,
Box 94, Arlington, Calif. Africa.
Otto, Roberto, Uriarte 2429, Buenos
Ortner, W. P.. 207 E. Ewing Ave., Aires. Argentina, South America.
South Bend 14, Ind. Ottschoffsky. G. (I), Hoheweide 51,
Osborn, Calvin, 1077 Alder Ave., Louis- Hamburg 30, Germany.
ville, Ky. Ouatu, St., Strada Golesti No. 11,
Osborn, J. W., 2719 2nd North, Seattle Braila, Rumania.
9, Wash. Overstreet, C. E., 312 Charlotte Ave.,
Osborne, A. J.. Sanitarium, Napa Co., Petersburg, Va.
Calif. Owen, F. M., Camino, Calif.

Owen, W. P., P.O. Lower Gwelo, Pandit, Joseph (1), P.O. Box No. 4,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Ranchi, B.N. Rly., India.
Oxley, R. E. (m), Route 1, Berrien Pankoke, H.,Hotel Harvard, 685 Ellis
Springs, Mich. St., San rancisco, Calif.
Pansegrau, K., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9,
Chemnitz, Germany.
P Panzig, 0., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Paap, F. W., 3940 Somerset Drive Los Nipastamoulis, N. S., P. 0. Box 71,
Angeles 33. Calif. Athens, Greece.
Pacheco, Carlos (1), Caixa Postal 33, Paprotny, P., Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Vila Luso, Angola, Portuguese West Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Africa. Paraschiv, D.. Strada Eduard Grand 26,
Paco, Marcelino (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Peru, South America. Parchment, E. E., Box 22, Mandeville,
Paddock, C. L., Jr. (1), 3574 Frazier, Jamaica, British West Indies.
Fort Worth, Texas. Parchment, Earl, "Hazelrigg," Mande-
Paddock, C. L., Sr., Southern Publish- ville, Jamaica, British West Indies.
ing Assn., Box 59, Nashville, Tenn. Parchment, Edna C. (m), 27 Hope Road,
Paden, Cecil A. (1), 3133 Hackberry St,. Half-Way-Tree, Jamaica, British West
Cincinnati 7, Ohio. Indies.
Paden, M. A. (1), Box 5092, Pittsburgh Parchment, E. Winnif red (m), .176
6, Pa. Orange. St., Kingston, Jamaica,
Padgett, Nora (b), 308 E. 3d St., Sey- British West Indies.
mour, Ind. Parfitt, A. G., Bethel Academy, Arpin,
Page, Donald (m), Boulder-Colorado Wis.
Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. Parhankangas, V. (1), Annankatu 7,
Page, F. A. (1), Route 2, Box 156, Helsinki, Finland.
Loveland, Colo. Park, Bernice (b), 123 Pine St., Mo-
Pai Tze-Heng, 11 Pei Yueh Ya Hutung, desto, Calif.
Peiping, China. Parkasam, M., S.D.A. Mission, Mogal-
Pak Chang Uk (1), S.D.A. Mission, Out- tur, Narsapur Taluk, West Godavari
side East Gate, Seoul, Korea. District, India.
Pak Won Sib, S.D.A. Mission, Sang Parke, C. C. (m), 2525 S. Downing St..
Soori, Pyenegyang. Seishin, Korea. Denver 10, Colo.
Palau, Juan (m), Patrocinio No. 20, Parker, A., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.
Vibora, Havana, Ctiba. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Palm, Erik, P.O. Box 145, Addis Ababa, Parker, A. F., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Ethiopia. E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Palm, H. (I), Vasagatan 12, Goteborg, Parker, G. J., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton,
Sweden. New South Wales, Australia.
Palmateer, G. V., P. 0. Box 1011J, Parker, Grace M. (m), Washington-
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. Sanitarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C.
Palmer, C. E. (1), Review and Herald, Parker, H. B., Route 1, Box 4-C, San-
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. ger, Calif.
Palmer, C. S., 148 Fox Valley Road, Parker, N. L. (1), 626 Kimlin Drive,
Wahroonga, N.S.W., Australia. Glendale 6, Calif.
Palmer, Dan W., College Place, Wash. Parker, P. A., S.D.A. Mission, Circular
Palmer, Louis C. (1), La Sierra Station, Road, Maymyo, Burma.
Arlington, Calif. Parkin, J. H. (1), 780 St. Albans Road,
Palmer, Mrs. Olive (m), La Sierra Sta- Watford, Herts., England.
tion, Arlington, Calif. Parkin, S. H. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Map-
Palmer, S. W., 2112 Willow St., Route perley Park, Nottingham, England.
3, Caldwell, Idaho. Paroi, P. N. (1). 6 Beniapukur Lane,
Palmieri, J. P. (1), 1004 Kerlerec St., Entally P.O., Calcutta, India.
New Orleans, La. Parr, R. H. (1), P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton,
Palvie, Stephen (1), Rusangu Mission, New South Wales, Australia.
P.O. Chisekesi Siding, Northern Rho- Parrish, F. H., 915 S. Pearl St., Cen-
desia, Africa. tralia, Wash.
Pan Nai Hyun (1), S.D.A. Mission, 99 Parsons, D. A., Box 252, Vista, Calif.
Hoi Ki Dong, Seoul Korea. Parsons, E. H., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton,
Pan Shui Ru, S.D.A. Mission, 20 Goh New South Wales, Australia.
Low Meng, Nanking, China. Parsons, R. B., Bongo Mission Hos-
Panaga, A. A., General Delivery, Bag- pital, Lepi Angola, Portuguese West
uio, Mt. Province, Philippines. Africa.
Pandahite, S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Parusel, J., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Bgrlin-
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Pandjaitan, Chr. (1), P. Siantar, Su- Paschal, Lee A. (1), 481 S. Liberty St.,
matra, Indonesia. Jackson, Tenn.
Pandjaitan, S. H., Buttewegstraat 3, Pascoe, A. L., Box 27, Hamilton, New
Soerahaja, Java, Indonesia. South Wales, Australia.

Pascoe, C., S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul, Pearce, H. S. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box
New Britain, Territory New Guinea, No. 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West
Pacific Ocean. Africa.
Pascoe, H. M., S.D.A. Mission, Vailala, Pearse, F. C. J. (1), 22 Zulla Road,
via Port Romilly, Papua, Pacific Mapperley Park, Nottingham, Eng-
Ocean. land.
Pascoe, W. H., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton. Pearson, Gordon, Busegwe Mission,
New South Wales. Australia. P.O. Mumma, Tanganyika, East
Pascoe, W. L., 148 Fox Valley Road, Africa.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Pearson, H. L. (m), South Lancaster,
tralia. Mass.
Pascu, I., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Bu- Pearson, R. W., S.D.A. Mission, Out-
curesti II, Rumania. side East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
Pascuel, M. C., General Delivery, Ma-
nila, Philippines. Pease, N. F., Loma Linda, Calif.
Passos, J. B. R. (I), Caixa Postal 233, Peaua, Iskeli (1), S.D:A. Mission, Box
Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South 15, Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly Is-
America. lands, Pacific Ocean.
Passos, Jose R., Caixa Postal 810, Curi- Pechtol, J., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
tiba" Parana, Brazil, South America. Budapest VI, Hungary.
Pasuhuk, A. Tamarindeweg 28, Ma- Peck, Sarah (m), Angwin, Calif.
kassar, Celebes, Indonesia. Peckham, H. A., Auburn Academy,
Pasztor, St. Olah J., Kun Jozsef utca Auburn, Wash.
29, Miskolcz, Hungary. Pedersen, E. W., P. 0. Box 1352, Nair-
Paterson, J. R., Route 1, Grass Valley, obi, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Calif. Pedersen, Egil (1), Bergjelandsgaten, 45,
Patt, A. J. (m), 2 Duke Road, Kow- Stavanger, Norway.
loon, Hong Kong. Pedersen, Stanley (1), 1503 E. 2d St.,
Patterson, G. E., 1511 8th St., Bremer- Fremont, Nebr.
ton, Wash. Peeke, W. E., Box 771, Marion. Va.
Patterson, Lester D., 635 West Rose- Pein-Gyi (m), P.O. Box No. 977, Ran-
crans, Gardena. Calif. goon, Burma.
Pattikawa, D. (1), Buttewegstraat 3, Peixoto de Oliveira, Isaura (m), Caixa
Soerabaja, Java, Indonesia. Postal 1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
Patton, Earl E. (I), Box 93, Loveland, America.
Colo. Peixoto da Silva, Domingos, Caixa
Pattyranie, H., Tondano, Celebes, In- Postal 177, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande
donesia. do Sul, Brazil, South America.
Patzer, Arthur, 4012 N. 12th St., Phil- Peltonen, 0., Lapintie 3 C 46, Tam- .
adelphia 40, Pa. pere, Finland.
- Patzer, Reinhold, Box 404, Shattuck, Pander, A. E. (m), Box 333, Mattoon, Dl.
Okla. Peng Hsi-Hsien, Northwest China
Patzig, R., Ernst Thalmann-Platz 46, IJnion Mission of S.D.A.. 337 Chung
Cottbus, Germany. Cheng Road, Lanchow, Kansu. China.
Patzowski, J. E., 87 Union Ave., Ir- Peng Hsien-Djung, S.D.A. Mission,
vington, N. J. Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China.
Paula, Jonas A., Caixa Postal 1830, Peng, L. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Kiangsi,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South 'America. China.
Paulini, P. P., Strada Mitropolitul Ghe- Penick, W. E., 2564 S. Holyoke Lane,
nadie Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Kansas City, Mo.
Rumania. Penner, J. B., 3604 Forest Ave., Brook-
Paully, Stephen, 30 Lillian Ave., Tren- field, Ill.
ton 8, N.J. Penner, J. G., Box 493, Bloomington,
Paulo, Rwankeri Mission, B. P. Ruhen- Ind.
geri, Via Goma, Gongo Beige, Africa. Perales, Pedro, Apartado 3005, Santur-
Paun, C., Strada Eduard Grand 25, ce, Puerto Rico.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Pereira, Belarmino (1), Caixa Postal
Paunescu, P., Strada Mitropolitul Ghe- 810, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South
nadie Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, America.
Rumania. Pereira, Luiz (m), Caixa. Postal 177,
Payne, N., Box 221, Port-of-Spain, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Trinidad, British West Indies. Brazil, South America.
Payne, Marcus (1), Box 345, Valentine, Perepelitza, M. J., 3507 West Walton,
Nebr. Spokane, Wash. (See M. J. Perry,
Payne, W. B. (1), 8728 Magnolia Ave., new legal name.)
Riverside, Calif. Perez, Andres (1), Apartado 92, Mana-
Peacock, G.. Monamona Mission, Oak gua, Nicaragua, Central America.
Forest, via Cairns, North Queens- Perez, B. F., Box 1511, Glendale, Calif.
land, Australia. Perez, Juan E., 9506 Fairfield Ave.,
Peak, H. M., 329 Flora St., Lodi, Calif. Los Angeles 22, Calif.

Perez, M. F., Calle V. Vergara 3227, Petrie, W. W., 37 O'Connell Terrace,

Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
Argentina, South America. Australia.
Perez, Pedro (1), General Delivery, Ma- Petrovic, Elma (b), 1125 S. 16th St.,
nila, Philippines. Harrisburg, Pa.
Perkins, H. J. (1), 2208 W. Buckeye, Pettey, J. G. i ll). 4981 Sierra St., Ar-
Spokane, Wash. lington, Calif.
Perkins, J. R., Hinsdale- Sanitarium, Pettis, J. L., 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los
Hinsdale, Ill. Angeles, Calif.
Perrin, W. E. (1), 2702 Garden Ave., Pettis, L. W., 1836 Mecklenburg St.,
Concord, Calif. Charlotte, N.C.
Perrine, Aiwin W., 20 Pearl St., Ro- Pettit, G. W.. Route 1, Box 168B,
chester, N.H. Vancouver, Wash.
Perry, Carrol E., Route 3, Barre, Vt. Petty, F. C. (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Peru,
Perry, E. E., Box 449, Turlock, Calif. South America.
Perry, F. L., Route 1, Box 416, Para- Petzold, G., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber-
dise, Calif. lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Perry, J. C. H., 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Peugh, V. E., Route 1, Box 663, Cres-
Lawley, West Australia, Australia. cent City, Calif.
Perry, K. B. (1), S.D.A. Mission, 62 Ta Peverini, A. N. (1), Casilla 44, Quito,
Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, China. Ecuador, South America.
Perry, M. G., W 1025 Indiana Ave., Peverini, Hector J., Uriarte 2429,
Spokane, Wash. Buenos Aires, - Argentina, South
Perry, M. J., 3507 West Walton, Spo- America.
kane, Wash. Pferschy, G., Piazza Mirabello 2-bis,
Perry, W. L. (1), Box 175. Port-of- Milano, Italy.
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Pfingstl, F., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vi-
Peter (I), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Santo, enna IX, Austria.
New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Pflaumer, P. E., S.D.A. Mission, 185
Peter, B., S.D.A. Mission, Chuharkana Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China.
Mandi, Sheikupura District, India. Pham-Thanh (1), Boite Postale 453,
Peter, K. S., S.D.A. Mission, Nanthen- Saigon, French Indo-China.
code, Trivandrum, Travancore, India. Phan-van-Du (1), Boite Postale 453,
Peters, Andrew (1), 436 Adelaide Drive, Saigon, French Indo-China.
Santa Monica, Calif. Phang, N. T., 1325 Rama IV Road,
Peters, Benjamin, S.D.A. Mission, Kar- Bangkok, Siam.
matar, P.O., E.I. Rly., India. Phang, Y. H., 140 Bukit Bintang Road,
Peters, G. E., 1839 California St., N. Kuala Lumpur, Union of Malaya.
W., Washington, D. C. Phasge, P. R. (1) S.D.A. Mission Hos-
Peters, J. V., Keene, Tex. pital, Athwa Lines, Surat, India.
Peters, W., Diepensiepen 16, Mettmann/ Phelps, Charles A. (1), P.O. Box 353,
Rheinland, Germany. Honakaa, Hawaii, Territory Hawaii.
Petersen, B., 1304 E. Lexington Drive,
Glendale, Calif. Phelps, Mrs. Maxine (b), 507 E. Put-
Petersen, N. C., 2640 S. Clarkson, Den- nam. Porterville, Calif.
ver 10, Colo. Philbrick, M. H., 473 Palmerston Ave.,
Petersen, Preben (1), Svanevej 10, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Copenhagen N.V., Denmark. Philip (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Santo,
Petersen, Stella (b), 5229 9th Ave., New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Sacramento, Calif. Philippi, Mrs. G. C. (b), 218 Furst
Petersen, W. A. (I), 2325 N. Alabama Ave., Albany, Ga.
St., Indianapolis 5, Ind. Phillips, A. K., 135 W. Mansion St.,
Peterson, A. W., 148 Fox Valley Road, Jackson, Mich.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Phillips, Albert K., Luwazi Mission,
tralia. P.O. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa.
Peterson, E. F., 1643 Scott Ave., St. Phillips, Carol F. 2029 Country Club,
Helena, Calif. Stockton, Calif.
Peterson, Edmund M.. 502 Maine St., Phillips, E. B., Stanborough Park,
Cumberland Mills, Me. Watford, Herts., England.
Peterson, F. L., Oakwood College, Phillips, F. B. (1), 1311 High St., Bel-
Huntsville, Ala. lingham, Wash.
Peterson, F. W. (1), Route 2, Walla Phillips, Joseph. 1401 4th St., Box 342,
Walla, Wash. Alturas, Calif.
Peterson, H. W., 399 Upper Serangoon Phillips, W. E. (1), Takoma Park,
Road, Singapore, Colony of Singapore. Washington 12, D. C.
Peterson, Joseph M. (1), Box 326, Clair- Philpott, L. L., Box 5092, Pittsburgh 6,
lake Highlands. Calif. Pa.
Peterson, John, 2848 Florida St., Long- Phipps, B. H. (m), Route 1, Berrien
view, Wash. Springs, Mich.
Peterson, Stanley R., College Place, Phipps, F. C., 1054 Wesley Ave., Cin-
Wash. cinnati 3, Ohio.

Phipps, J. A., Apartado 3005, Santurce, Piperanu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul,
Puerto Rico. New Britain, Territory New Guinea,
Phipps, N. 0. (m), 560 West 150th St., Pacific Ocean.
New York, N.Y. Pires, J. J. (1), Rua Joaquim Bonifacio
Pichot, Henri, Mission Adventiste, Am- 17, Lisbon, Portugal.
bohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar. Pitrone, Anthony (I), 35-15 62nd St.,
Pickard, U. D., Yucaipa, Calif. Woodside, N.Y.
Pidoux, E. (m), Avda. Italia 2360, Mon- Pitt, A. A. (1), Box 468, Bloemfontein,
tevideo, Uruguay, South America. Orange Free State, South Africa.
Pidoux, Marcelo, Casilla 2830, Santiago, Pitton, L. H., 1425 Chestnut St., Gads-
Chile, South America. den, Ala.
Pierce, Esther L. (m), Washington Place, A. E., 524 W. Thomas St., Rome,
Sanitarium, Takoma Park 12, D.C. N. Y.
Paipo, Kossam, Kirundu Mission, B. P. Place, E. L. (1), St. Helena Sanitarium,
Stanleyville, Congo Beige, Africa. Sanitarium, Calif.
Pierce, W. D., P. 0. Box 51, Blan- Plata, Eugenio, Apartado 261, Barran-
tyre, Nyasaland, Africa. quilla, Colombia, South America.
Pieringer, F., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vi- Pleasants, M. R. (m), 27 Hope Road,
enna. IX, Austria. Half-Way-Tree, Jamaica, British
Pieris, A. R., 562 B., Pallimulla, Ma- West Indies.
tara, Ceylon. Plenc, Juan, Privada Gutierrez 3, Mon-
Pierson, Merlin (1), 1622 Nemaha St., terrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Falls City, Nebr. Po Han (I), S.D.A. Mission, Kokkogon
Pierson, Robert H., 221 Port-of-Spain, Village, Sathwa P.O., Magwe Dis-
Trinidad, British West Indies. trict, Burma.
Pietrasz, Alexander, 17834 Hull St., Poblete, A. (m), Cagayan, Oriental
Detroit 3, Mich. Misamis, Philippines.
Pietz, A. D., 148 Fox Valley Road, Pogue, J. L., 140 Bukit Bintang Road,
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Kuala Lumpur, Union of Malaya.
tralia. Pohan, J. T., P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton,
Pike, C. M., 31 Glenwood Ave., Paw- Colony of North Borneo.
tucket, R.I. Pohan, R. A. (1), 399 Upper Seran-
Pike, C. S. (m), P. 0. Box 1133, Port goon Road, Singaoore, Colony of
Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Af- Singapore.
rica. Pohland, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Pike, V. R., 419 West 10th St., Ander- Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
son, Ind. Pohle, H. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Pikoli, S. T., B.D. 12, Location, Queens- Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
town, Cane Province, South Africa. Pohlman, A. B., 1701 Capouse Ave.,
Pilar, R. A., Artacho, Sison, Panga- Scranton 9, Pa.
sinan, Philippines. Pohlman, E. W., 1021 Bulen Ave.,
Pilar, T. A., P.O. Box 401, Manila, Columbus, Ohio.
Philippines. Polednik, K., Stredni 10, Brno, Mo-
Pine, Carl (1), Box 26, College View ravia.
Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr. Polishuk, Wasily, Avda. Espana 851,
Pingenot, E. L., 2020 McGavock Pike, Corrientes, Argentina, South Amer-
Nashville, Tenn. ica.
Pinho, Joao de Deus (1), Caixa Postal Pomeroy, L. A. (1), 802 Pennington
146, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso, Ave., Trenton, N. J.
Brazil, South America. Ponce, Emiliano, 11 Poniente 1902,
Pinho, Orlando G., Caixa Postal 378, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico.
Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Ponce, Ignacio (m), Doctor Vertiz
Pinkney, A. V. (1), 1453 N. Redfield 801-15, Colonia Narvarte, Mexico,
St., Philadelphia, Pa. Distrito Federal, Mexico.
Pinontoan, F. (I), Tamarindeweg 28, Ponce, Xavier, Apartado 37, Tuxtla
Makassar, S. Celebes, Indonesia. Gutierrez. Chiapas, Mexico.
Pinson, Thelma (b), 651 Waldo St., Pond, D. V., Box 1511, Glendale 5,
S.E., Atlanta, Ga. Calif.
Pioch, A., Diepensiepen 16, (22a) Mett- Ponig, M., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruhe/
mann/Rheinland, Germany. Baden, Germany.
Piorr, A., Peiner Strasse 19 A, Han- Pontynen, W. B., 104 E. Houghton
over-Dohren. Germany. Ave.. Houghton. Mich.
Piper, A. H., 84 The Boulevarde, Popa, S., Strada Eduard Grand 26, Bu-
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- curesti II, Rumania.
tralia. Popescu. C., Calea Bucuresti 57, Crai-
Piper, H. E., 148 Fox Valley Road, ova, Rumania.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Popescu, G., Calea Bucuresti 57, Crai-
tralia. ova, Rumania.
Piper, R. C., 148 Fox Valley Road, Ponelka, J., Stredni 10, Brno, Moravia.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Popov, A., Strada Regina Maria No. 12,
tralia. Bacau, Rumania.

Porsch, A. B., Bohmerstr. 13, (16) Priebe, W. E., 28 Paine Ave., Cranston
Frankfurt/Main, Germany. 10, R. I.
Porter, J. T., 1544 S. E. Hawthorne Prince, R. W., 779 Forest Ave., Bronx
Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. 56, N. Y.
Porter, Mabel (m), 355 W. 52nd St., Prins, P. L. (1), van Lumeystraat 4,
New York, N.Y. The Hague, Netherlands.
Porto, F. M. (1), Caixa Postal 2898, Pritchard, F. C., Caixa Postal 341,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, South Amer-
Posel, M. Robert Blum Strasse 6, ica.
Dresden-N6, Germany. Pritchard, Stephen C., Casilla 240,
Potter, C. T. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Iquitos, Peru. South America.
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Prout, C. S., 1420 '7th Ave., San Fran-
Australia. cisco, Calif.
Potter, E. R., 749 Massachusetts Ave., Prout, Milton, 1503 East Sheridan St.,
Alma, Mich. Phoenix, Ariz.
Pottlin, Abraham M. (1), 8115 Utopia Pruitt, C. W., 1505 E. Rudisill Blvd.,.
Parkway, Jamaica, N.Y. Fort Wayne 5, Ind.
Potts, C. R. (1), Casilla 1003, Lima, Pryor, L. J., 4556 Aldine Ave., Apt. 9,
Peru, South America. St. Louis 13, Mo.
Potwana, G. F., P.O. Box 12, Lusikisiki, Purcell, A. Frank, Box 1511, Glendale
Pondoland, Gape Province, South 5, Calif.
Africa. Purdey, Arthur J., Box 35, West Leb-
Pound, I. C., Box 1116, St. Augustine, anon, N.H.
Fla. Purdom, C. A., Box 893 Kirkland,
Pound, Ira C., Jr. (1), 2838 Hemphill Wash.
St., Fort Worth 3, Texas. Purdon, Rowena (m), South Lancaster,
Powers, C. L., Sunnydale Academy, Mass.
Centralia, Mo.
Powers,.J. C., 1215 Marshall St., Little
Rock, Ark.
Powrie, R. H., 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Q
Lawley, West Australia, Australia.
Prakasam, Y. G. (1), P.O. Box 905, Quackenbush, Curtis. Joppa, Md.
Colombo, Ceylon. Quackenbush, Russell, 4006 Kenedy St.,
Prasada Rao, M. S. (rn), P. 0. Box 15, Hyattsville, Md.
Poona, India. Quigley, W. B. (I), 1002 Warren St.,
Pratt, F. A., P. 0. Box 226, Singapore, Beverly, N.J.
Colony of Singapore. Quijote, J. (m), Jaro, Iloilo City, Philip-
Pratt, L. D., Box 1311, Meridian, Miss. pines.
Pratt, 0. B. (m), 312 N. Boyle Ave., Quimby, P. E., 2 Duke Road, Kowloon,
Los Angeles 33, Calif. Hong Kong.
Pratt, Roger W., "Green Gables," Cav- Quines, S. R. (1), Legaspi, Albay,
endish Heights, Penbroke, Bermuda. Philippines.
Prazen, A., Stredni 10, Brno, Moravia. Quinones, Marcus (1), Apartado Na-
Pram Masih (1), S.D.A. Mission, Chu- cional 436, Bogota, Colombia, South
harkana Mandi, Sheikhupura Dis- America.
trict. Pakistan. Quintero, Jose (1), Civilization 92-17,
Premdas, N. A. (1), Box 78, George- Tacubaya, Distrito Federal, Mexico.
town, British Guiana, South America. Quirante, L. L. (m), P.O. Box 119,
Prenier, Douglas C., Apartado Na- City of Cebu, Philippines.
cional 313, Gali, Colombia, South Quiroz, Norberto (1), Apartado Na-
America. cional 313, Cali, Colombia, South
Prenier, Gordon (I), Blue Hills, Turks America.
and Caicos Islands, British West In- Quittmeyer, Wilbur R. (I), Solusi Mis-
dies. sion, P.B.T. 189, Bulawayo, Southern
Prenier, H. S., Skyland, N.C. Rhodesia, Africa.
Preston, B. M., W 1025 Indiana Ave.,
Spokane, Wash.
Preston, L. R. (1), 3313 Hamilton St., R
Philadelphia, Pa.
Pretyman, C. H. (1), 84 The Boule- Rabailotu, Wiliami, S.D.A. Mission,
varde, Strathfield, New South Wales, P. 0. Box 297, Suva; Fiji, Pacific
Australia. Ocean.
Prevlitz, I., Strada Rosenfeld No. 4, Rabello, R. M., Rua Lopes Trovao 84,
Sibiu, Rumania. Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South
Price, G. McCready, Loma Linda, Calif. America.
Price, R. N., 148 Fox Valley Road, Wah- Racker, F., Kurfurstenstrasse 91, Biele-
roonga, New South Wales, Australia. feld, Germany.
Prickett, R. A. (m), Maryville, Wash. Racker, W. Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
Priebe, E. R., 2065 Madison Ave., Mad- Wilmersdorf, Germany. "
ison Ave., Ogden, Utah. Radke, F, (1), Trinidad, Calif.

Radoi, C. (1), Strada Rosenfeld No. 4, Rapp, G. S., 917 Flower Ave., Takoma
Sibiu, Rumania. Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Radu, M., Calea Bucuresti 57, Craiova, Rasi, Mario, Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Rumania. Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires,
Radulescu, I. D., Calea Bucuresti 57, Argentina.
Craiova, Rumania. Kaska, P., Londynska 30, Praha-Vi-
Raethal, E. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw- nohrady, Czechoslovakia.
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Rasmussen, Elmer (I), Route 2, Lang-
Rafferty, L. E., Route 2, Carlisle, Pa. ley Prairie, British Columbia, Canada.
Raffo, Ari (1), Caixa Postal 177, Porto Rasmussen, George, 315 8th Ave., Du-
Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, rango, Colo.
South America. Rasmussen, Hans L. (1), Helderberg
Ragopitu, S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul, New College, Box 22, Somerset West, Cape
Britain, Territory New Guinea, Pacific Province, South Africa.
Ocean. Rasmussen, L. (1). Box 273, North Bat-
Ragoso, Kata, S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, tleford, Sask., Canada.
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Rasmussen, L. R., Takoma Park,
Ragsdale, A. M., P.O. Box 401, Manila, Washington 12, D. C.
Philippines. Ratcliffe, A. G. (1), 27 Esplanade Road,
Rahm, F. H., Box 507, Fallon, Nev. Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Rahn, Lawrence H. (I), 321 Walders Rathbun, F. 0. (1), 218 Highland Ave.,
St., Minot, N. Dak. S.W., Roanoke, Va.
Rai, Samuel (m), S.D.A. Mission, Chu- Rathnaswamy, N. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
harkana Mandi, Sheikhupura Dis- Cadel's Road, Tanjore, India.
trict, Pakistan. Raubenheimer, John H., 17 Viljoen St.,
Raith, Boston L. (1), Box 126, Route 2, Rouxville, Johannesburg, Transvaal,
Farmingdale, N.J. South Africa.
Raitt, A. J. (1), Helderberg College, Raunio, L. (1), Lapintie 3 C 46, Tam-
Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Prov- pere, Finland.
ince, South Africa. Rausch, 0. H. (1), 112 W. Lakeside,
Raitt, W. C. S., Box 1835, Nairobi, Madison. Wis.
Kenya Colony, East Africa. Ravetau, Sepeci (I), .S.D.A. Mission,
Rajee, R. E. (1). S.D.A. Mission. Soh- Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
rymgkham, Shillong, Assam, India. Rawson, A. E., P.O. Box 17, Poona,
Raley, W. C., 703 Market St., San Fran- India.
cisco 3, Calif. Ray, Phyllis (b), 4106 N. 28th St,
Ram. Munshi, 76 Queensway, New Omaha 11, Nebr.
Delhi 1, India. Rea, Walter (1), Box 333, Madera,
Ram, Swaroop (1), S.D.A. Mission. Calif.
Mushtaq Manzil, Moradabad, U.P., Read, W. E., Takoma Park, Washing-
India. ton 12, D. C.
.Ramos, Isaias, Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru, Reading, H. C. (1), Paradise Court,
South America. Mainesburg, Pa.
Ramos, Juan P., Casilla 1002, Lima, Reavis, J. D., 2810 Musselwhite, S.,
Peru, South America. Orlando, Fla.
Rampton, H. F. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Rebensburg, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3,
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Ramsey, Harry B. (1), 723 Winslow Rebok, D. E., Theological Seminary,
Ave., Winslow, Ariz. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Ramsey, LeRoy (m), Bethel Academy, Redfield, C. T., Route 2, 849 Clark
Arpin, Wis. Ave., Puente, Calif.
Ramsuarup, P. R. (1), P.O. Box 297, Redmond, Mrs. Bernice S. (b), 6 Spring
Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. St., Amesbury. Mass.
Randall, Alva E. (1), 31 Bates St., Reed, H. V., 6438 Woodcrest Ave..
Portland, Me. Philadelphia 31, Pa.
Randle, W. H., "Hazelrigg," Mande- Reed, Justine (b), 4407 N.E. 6th Ave.,
ville, Jamaica, British West Indies. Portland 11, Oreg.
Ranea, I., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Reed, L. E., P.- 0. Box 310, Hong Kong.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Reed, Lucile (b), 106 N. Church St.,
Ranes, Ole (1) . Kjopmannsgata 28, Sumpter, S.C.
Trondheim, Norway. Reed, Truman (m), 1415 Makiki St.,
Rao, R. S. P: (1), S.D.A. Mission, Nuz- Honolulu 4, Hawaii.
vid, Kistna District, India. Reeder, M. H. (1), 1455 7th St.,
Rankin, R. T., Apartado 1325, San Jose, Parkersburg, W. Va.
Costa Rica, Central America. Rees, C. N. (1), Washington Mission-
Rantoeng, R. S. (1), Tondano, Celebes. ary College, Takoma Park, Washing-
Indonesia. ton 12, D. C.
Raphael. C. H.. P.O. Box 27, Hamil- Rees, D. D., 3705 S. 48th St., Lincoln
ton, New South Wales, Australia. 6, Nebr.
Raposo, A. F., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio Rees, Don R.. 1419 Topeka Blvd.,
17, Lisbon, Portugal. Topeka, Kansas.

Rees, Ordell R., 111 N. Cragmont Ave., Remsen, Emanuel, 766 Holly Drive, San
San Jose 12, Calif. Bernardino, Calif.
Rees, Pearl L. (m), Union College, Renck, Boni, Caixa Postal 810, Cur-
Lincoln 6, Nebr. itiba, Parana, Brazil, South America.
Rees, V. D., 1175 South State St., Rendon, Jorge, Apartado 261, Baran-
Dover, Del. quilla, Colombia, South America.
Reeves, C. A., 148 Fox Valley Road, Renschler, C. A. Plainview Academy,
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Atm- Redfield, S. Dal.
tralia. Rentfro, C. A. (1), Takoma Park,
Reiber, M. T., 312 Mitchell St., Salis- Washington 12, D. C.
bury, Md. Rentfro, C. E. 165 Stichman St., Bald-
Reichelt, Jacob, Kjopmannsgata 28, win Park, Calif.
Trondheim, Norway. Rentfro, H. A., No. 4 Brookside, San
Reichenbaugh, C. E. (1), 125 Baltimore Anselmo, Calif.
Ave., Takoma Park, Washington 12, Rentfro, Richard A., 110 Winter St.,
D.C. Reno, Nev.
Reid, D. B., 512 Graymont Ave., Bir- Replogle, J. D., Casilla 240, Iquitos,
mingham, Ala. Peru, South America.
Reid, E. C. H., "Hazelrigg," Mande- Replogle, Leon, Box 264, Union Grove,
ville (Claremont), Jamaica, British Wis.
West Indies. Requenez, Thomas, 1913 Mestena, Cor-
Reid, F. G., Utimbaru Mission, P.O. pus Christi, Texas.
Tarime, Via Musoma, Tanganyika Resseguie, Mrs. Gertrude (b), 6022
Territory, East Africa. Stenton Ave., Philadelphia 44, Pa.
Reid, J. A., "Hazelrigg," Mandeville, Retzer, Fernon, Box 95, Auburn, Calif.
Jamaica, British West Indies. Retzer, Harvey (1), 1121/, Spruce St.,
Reid, 0. P., Box 78, Georgetown, Brit- Needles, Calif.
ish Guiana, South America. Retzer, Helmuth, 3208 56th St., Sacra-
Reid, Royal, 606 Corwin Ave., Glen- mento, Calif.
dale 6, Calif. Rewe, Ezekiel, Chebwai Mission, P.O.
Reider, R., Kurfurstenstrasse 91, Biele- Kakamega, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
feld, Germany. Revelo, E. N.,Apartado 218, Guate-
Reihlen, C., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, mala City, uatemala, Central Amer-
Stuttgart-S, Germany. ica.
Reile, B. A., P. 0. Box 1105, Shafter, Revert, Jeanne (m), Box 398, Oshawa,
Calif. Ontario, Canada.
Reile, L. L., Apartado 50, General Rey, Jules, 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Ang-
Peraza, Havana, Cuba. laise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Reile, S. A., Box 506, Benkelman, Nebr. Reye, E. A., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bo-
Reimche, Harold (1), 9848-106th St., wen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Australia.
Reiner, D. E., 4547 Calvert St., Lin- Reye, R., 40 Bealey Ave., Christchurch,
coln 6, Nebr. New Zealand.
Reiner, D. N., 414 S. E. 39th Ave., Reyes, Fausto 0. (I), General Delivery,
Portland 16 Oreg. Manila, Philippines.
Reinheimer, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Reyes, Francisco, 27 de Febrero 34,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Colonia Atlanta de Serra, Villaher-
Reinmuth, H. G. (m), Union College, mosa, Tabasco, Mexico.
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Reyes, Tiburcio (m), Apartado 134,
Reis, Oscar dos, Caixa Postal 60, Goi- Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico.
ania, Goiaz, Brazil, South America. Reynaud, J., Institut "Vie et Sante,"
Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis, Alger,
Reis, Romeu Ritter, Caixa Postal 810, (Algeria).
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Reynolds, A. F. (1), Box 61, Netcong,
America. N.J.-
Reis, S. (I), Rua Joaquim Bonifacio 17, Reynolds, Robert, Jr. (I), 422-C N. 2d
Lisbon, Portugal. St., King City, Calif.
Reisig, A. J., 414 S. E., 39th Ave., Reynolds, K. J., Takoma Park, Wash-
Portland 15, Oreg. ington 12, D. C.
Reissner, W. (1), Caixa Postal 233, Vi- Reynolds, L. A., Box 99, Newport, Wash.
toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South Reynolds, L. B., 1410 Hawkins St. S.,
America. Nashville, Tenn.
Reiswig, Arthur R. (I), 169 N. 26th Reynolds, Robert L. (1), Pacific Union
St., San Jose 12, Calif. College, Angwin, Calif. -
Reiswig, Jacob J., 182 Harding Place, Reynolds, W. 0., 2020 N.W. 26th St.,
Syracuse 5. N. Y. Miami, Fla.
Reit, loan, Strada Mitropolitul Ghena- Rhoades. Bert (1), 12100 Raley Drive,
die Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Arlington, Calif.
Rumania. Rhoads, A. V., Route 2, Sedro Woolley,
Remick, G. S. (1), Box 554, Frederic- Wash.
ton, New Brunswick, Canada. Rhoads, J. H., Route 4, Cleburne, Texas.

Rhodes, J. Wesley (1), Pacific Union Riley, Mrs. Margaret (b), 2745 Elm-
College, Angwin, Calif. wood St., Kansas City 3, Mo.
Rhodes, John D., 139 Big Dalton Ave., Rinder, F., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
Baldwin Park, Calif. Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Rhys, D. H. (m), Calle V. Vergara Ring, William W. (1), 119 N.E. 47th
3227, Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Ave., Portland 15, Oreg.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Rini, S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Solo-
Ribeiro, Pedro B.. Rua Joao de Deus 7, mon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Funchal, Madeira Islands. Rintala, A. Y., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Rice, Frank E., Box 77, Newbury Park, holm, Sweden.
Calif. Rippey, J. A., Route 3, Box 88, Sher-
Rice, H. E. (m), New England Sani- wood, Oreg.
tarium, Melrose 76, Mass. Risase, Petro, Suji Mission, P.O. Ma-
Rice, M. L., South Lancaster, Mass. kanya, Via Moshi, Tanganyika Ter-
Rice, R. E. (m), Vincent Hill College, ritory, East Africa.
Mussoorie, United Provinces, India. Rischmuller, F., Kurfurstenstrasse 91,
Rice, W. W., South Lubec, Maine. Bielefeld, Germany.
Rich, J. W., 5362 Hillen Drive, Oak- Risley, William C., Route 2, Box 758,
land 2, Calif. Vista, Calif.
Richards, C., Box 449, Decatur, Ga. Ristau, Eric, P.O. Box 401, Manila,
Richards, H. E. (1), Oakwood College, Philippines.
Huntsville, Ala. Riston, W. R., 928 O'Sheridan St.,
Richards, H. M. J., Box 1511, Glen- Madison, Wis.
dale, Calif. Ritch, Ben, Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasa-
Richards, H. M. S., Box 1511, Glen- land, Africa.
dale, Calif. Ritche, Violet (b), 111 Maple St., Lon-
Richards, W. J., 62 Clothilde St., Mt. don, Ky
Lawley, West Australia, Australia. Ritchie, C. A. W., P.O. Box No. 17,
Richardson, G. W. (1), Australasian Poona, India.
Missionary College, Cooranbong, New Ritchie, C. J., c/o General Conference,
South Wales, Australia. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Richardson, J. N., General Delivery, Ritchie, Max L. (1), 1502 Salisbury
Danville, Tenn. Ave., Charlotte, N.C.
Richli, A.- (I), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Ritchie, R. J. P.O. Box No. 4565,
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Bombay 8. Indi a.
Richli, W. C. (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma- Ritonga, S., P. Siantar, Sumatra,
nila, Philippines. Indonesia.
Richter, J., Stredni 10, Brno, Moravia. Rittau, R., Diepensiepen 16, Mettmann/
Richter, R. W. (1), Honiara, Solomon Rhineland, Germany.
Islands, Pacific Ocean. Rittenhouse, C. H., Box 202, Loma
Rick, P. A., 4006 29th St., Vernon, Linda, Calif.
British Columbia, Canada. Rittenhouse, F. 0. (I), Southern Mis-
Rick, W. C., 1202 3d Ave. N., Saska- sionary College, Collegedale, Tenn.
toon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Rittenhouse, L. K. (1), Ngoma Mission,
Ricks, Ralph (1), Box 122, Elizabeth- c/o Gitwe, Via Usumbura, Urundi,
town, Ky. Congo Beige, Africa.
Rieckmann, C., Hoheweide 51, Ham- Rittenhouse, S. N., 27 Cole St., New
burg 30, Germany. London, Conn.
Rieger, R. E., 3720 Fountain Terrace, Rittenhouse, Sidney, Jr. (I), Greater
Amarillo, Texas. New York Academy, 4132 58th St.,
Riffel, Andres (1), Apartado 329, Santa Woodside, N.Y.
Clara, Cuba. Ritter, Germano G., Caixa Postal 1830,
Riffel, Benjamin, Casilla 1003, Lima, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Peru, South America. Ritz, A. P., 1325 Rama IV Road, Bang-
Riffel, J. E. (m), College Station, Ber- kok, Siam.
rien Springs, Mich. Ritz, B. R. (1), Route 1, Rogue River
Riffel, Jacob, College Place, Wash. Academy, Medford, Oreg.
Riffel, Jose, Avda. Italia 2360, Monte- Ritz, 0. J. (1), 4250 Western Avenue,
video, Uruguay, South America. Westmount, Quebec, Canada.
Riffel, Juan, Avda. Italia 2360, Monte- Rivera, Jose I., Box 8112, Chicago 80,
video, Uruguay, South America. Ill.
Rivera, Juan E., Apartado 568, Ciu-
Riffel, W. B., Box 184 College Place, dad Trujillo, Republica Dominicana.
Wash. Rizea, A., Strada Eduard Grand 25,
Rihs, Ch. (I), Hoheweg 17, Berne, Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Switzerland. Roach, Robert (1), Lafayette Apts.,
Riley, A. E., Box 66, Port-of-Spain, No. 3, Shelby, N.C.
Trinidad, British West Indies. Roache, Jonathan E. (1), 760 Home
Riley, George W. (1), Box 66, Port-of- St., Bronx 56, N.Y.
Spain, Trinidad, British West In- Robb, M. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn
dies. E. 2, Victoria, Australia.

Robbins, A. J. Washington Missionary Robison, J. I., Takoma Park, Wash-

College, Takoma Park 12, D. C. ington 12, D. C.
Robbins, C. W. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Robison, Milton, Grove Ave., Clare-
Chuharkana Mandi, Sheikhupura Dis- mont, Cape Province, South Africa.
trict, Pakistan. Robson, H., P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika
Robbins, D. S. (1),684 S. 18th St., New- Territory, East Africa.
ark, N.J. Roca, Carlos de la, 8a Avenida Norte,
Robbins, Earl 11., 169 Oaklawn, Battle No. 57, San Salvador, El Salvador,
Creek, Mich. Central America.
Robbins, F. H., 908 Jackson Ave., Ta- Rocco, R. (1), Caixa Postal 1919, Rio
koma Park 2, D. C. de Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
Robbins, Leon, 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Roda, A. Z., Artacho, Sison, Pangasi-
Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan. nan, Philippines.
Robbins, Nita (b), 2 Munster Terrace, Rodd, A. S., Stanborough Park, Wat-
Waltham, Mass. ford, Herts., England.
Robbins, W. M., Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Rodgers, A. G. (1), Box 337, Oshawa,
Ohio. Ontario, Canada.
Roberts, G. A., White Memorial Hos- Rodgers, P. G., 10511 S. Hoover St.,
pital, Los Angeles, Calif. Los Angeles 44, Calif.
Roberts, Giles N., 2979 Shelter Road, Rodrigues, A. J. (1), Bongo Mission,
Riverdale Manor, Norfolk, Va: Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West
Roberts, Mrs. Giles N. (b), 2979 Shelter Africa.
Road, Riverdale Manor, Norfolk, Va. Rodriquez, Mertie (m), "Hazelrigg,"
Roberts, James A. (m), South Lancas- Mandeville, Jamaica, British West
ter, Mass. Indies.
Roberts, John, Box 66, Port-of-Spain, Rodriquez, Rudolph (1), 4412 S., Cen-
Trinidad, British West Indies. tral Ave., Los Angeles 11, Calif.
Roberts, V. L., 3810 Wilder St., Dallas, Roedel, Andrew (m), Box 743, Boze-
Texas. man, Mont.
Roberts, W. H. (m), Rest Haven San- Roeland, A. 11-13 rue Ernest Allard,
itarium, Sidney, British Columbia, Brussels, Belgium.
Canada. Roenfelt, E. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
Robertson, E. A., 501 Forest Ave., ington 12, D. C.
Minneapolis 4, Minn. Rogers, A. H., 361 Argyle St., North
Robertson, J. J., 950 Hamilton St., Hobart, Tasmania.
Roseburg, Oreg. Rogers, E. F. (1), Box 449, Decatur,
Robertson, R. H., 2361 W. 30th St., Ga.
Los Angeles 7, Calif. Rogers, E. W., 232 N.E. 73rd Ave.,
Robinson, A. G.. (m), Apartado 218, Portland, Oreg.
Guatemala City, Guatemala, Central Rogers, Elizabeth (m), 399 Upper Se-
America. rangoon Road, Singapore, Colony of
Robinson, A. W. (m), S.D.A. Mission, Singapore.
62 To Fang Chia Htung, Peiping, Rogers, J. C., Box 468, Bloemfontein,
China. Orange Free State, South Africa.
Robinson, Asa T. 4037 Mt. Veeder Rogers, L. E., 2105 Van Buren St.,
Road, Napa, Calif. Amarillo, Texas.
Robinson, IL E., Takoma Park, Wash- Rogers, W. W. (1), 4514 8th Ave.,
ington 12, D. C. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Robinson, G., P.O. Box 578, South Rohde, Max (1), Caixa Postal 2898,
Wagga, New South Wales, Australig. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Robinson, IL A B., Avenida Coyaocan Rhode, W., Kurfurstenstrasse 91, Biele-
715, Mexico, Districto Federal, Mexico. feld, Germany.
Robinson, R. E. (m), 1166 Tolmie Ave., Roibescu, D., Strada Regina Maria No.
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 12, Bacau, Rumania.
Robinson, R. P., Chimpempe Mission, Rojas (A.), Luis A., Casilla 2830, San-
P. B. Kasama, Northern Rhodesia, tiago, Chile, South America.
Africa. Rojas (S.), Luis, Casilla 2830, Santi-
Robinson, Richard P. (1), 150 Rosser ago, Chile, South America.
St., S. W., Atlanta, Ga. Rojas, R. N. (m), Casilla 1002, Lima,
Robinson, V. E., Kamagambo Training Peru, South America.
School, P.O. Kisii, Kenya Colony, Rolfe, H. R., 223-02 133d Ave., Spring-
East Africa. field Gardens, N. Y.
Robinson, W. M. (m), 3144 Eastlake Roll, Harold F. (1), 6021 Park St.,
St., Seattle 2, Wash. Kansas City 3, Mo.
Robinson, W. R., Box 720, Pottstown, Rollo, G. Box 1011-J Adelaide, South
Pa. Australia, Australia.
Robinson, William R., 425 N. Imperial, Romulo, P. H. (1), P.O. Box 401, Ma-
Brawley, Calif. nila, Philippines.
Robinson, Wilfred B. (1), Calle 9 Po- Ronisch, G., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber-
niente 1702, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.

Ronning, S. C. (1), 5619 N. Park Ave., Rowland, J. W., P.O. Box 401, Manila,
Philadelphia 41, Pa. Philippines.
Rood, I. J. (1), Route 3, Box 170, Hood Rowse, J. M. (I), Box 548, Mountain
River, Oreg. View, Calif.
Roocks, E., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruhe/ Roy, R. J., Patrocinio No. 20, Vibora,
Baden, Germany. Havana, Cuba.
Rooz, A. (m), Szekely Bertalan-utca 13, Royer, R. W. (1) Kanye Medical Mis-
Budapest VI, Hungary. sion, P.O. Kenya, Via Lobatsi, Bech-
Roper, F. G., Route 1, Box 111-C, Cen- uanaland, Africa.
tralia, Wash. Royer, Edward J. (1), Box 184, Bar-
Roper, G., 780 St. Albans Road, Wat- stow, Calif.
ford, Herts., England. Ruble, W. A.,c/o Glendale Sanitarium,
Roque, Celestino (1), Patrocinio 20, Vi- Glendale, alif.
bora, Havana, Cuba. Ruble, W. W., 3616 Field St., Oakland
Rore, S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Solo- 6, Calif.
mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Ruckle, H. E. (1), Casilla 11, Chiclayo,
Rosario, Rosa (m), Apartado 3005, San- Peru, South America.
turce, Puerto Rico. Ruddle, F. W., 12068 S.E. 141st St.,
Rosca, D. (1), Strada Cuza Voda No. Renton, Wash.
12, Cluj, Rumania. Rudge, E. B., Stanborough Park, Wat-
Rose, David G., Hoheweg 17, Berne, ford, Herts., England.
Switzerland. ' Rudge, W. E., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Rpse, L. S.. 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, E. E.2, Victoria, Australia.
2, Victoria, Australia. Rudy. Adam, P.O. Box 67, Bowdle,
Rosen, Magne (1), Parkgaten 35, S. Dak.
Tromso, Norway. Rudy, H. L., Box 396, Oshawa, On-
Rosendahl, E. C. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., tario, Canada.
Christchurch, New Zealand. Rue, H. George (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Rosendahl, E., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
New South Wales, Australia. Ruf, A. F., 1300 West Hunting Park
Rosenhain, G. A. (1), Australasian Mis- Ave.. Philadelphia 40, Pa.
sionary College, Cooranbong, New Ruf, W., Institut "Vie et Sante" Parc
South Wales, Australitt. d'Hydra, Birmandreis, Alger (Al-
Roseto, Lucila (m), Caixa Postal 2898, geria).
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Ruf, G. F., 922 Lawrence St., Madison,
Rosiecki, J., Lubelska 25, Krakow, Po- Wis.
land. Ruf, R. M. (1), Route 4, Newburgh,
Rosier, K. H. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Map- N.Y.
perley Park, Nottingham, England. Ruhe, Henrique (m), Caixa Postal 177,
Roslind, E. (1), Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
holm, Sweden. Brazil, South America.
Ross, J. B., 2602 Hughes St., Amarillo, Ruhe, Kurt (1), Caixa Postal 177,
Texas. Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Ross, J. M. A. (1), 62 Clotilde St., Brazil, South America.
Mt. Lawley, West Australia, Aus- Ruhling, R., Takoma Park, Washing-
tralia. ton 12, D. C.
Roth, A. G., Casier Postal 200, Fort-de- Ruiloba, Eduardo (1), Box M, Cristobal,
France, Martinique, French West In- Canal Zone.
Roth, A. H., Box 228, Coconut Grove, .Ruiz, Francisco (I), Anartado 3005,
Miami, Fla. Santurce, Puerto Rico.
Roth, D. F., 6525 Vista Ave., Wauwau- Ruiz, Jose Leor y (m), Agricultura
tosa, Wis. 79, Colonia Escandon, Tacubaya, Dis-
Roth, E., Caixa Postal 233, Victoria trito Federal, Mexico.
Espirito Santo, Brazil, South Amer- Ruiz, Ruben, 8a Avenida Norte No. 57,
ica. San Salvador, El Salvador, Central
Roth, Fr., Fangelbachstrasse 11, Stutt- America.
gart-S, Germany. Rulkoetter, A. H., Route 1, Berrien
Roth, J. H., 1018 E. Wilson, Glendale Springs, Mich.
6, Calif. Ruminson, William M., 326 Alta Ave.,
Rouhe, 0., Songa Mission, P.O. Ka- Dinuba, Calif.
mina, Congo Beige, Africa. Runk, Mrs. Roxette L. (m), 301 Lin-
Rountree, Mrs. Bessie (b), 403 E. 31st coln Ave., Takoma Park 12. D.C.
St., Austin, Texas. Running, A. M. (1), 1751 N.E. 59th
Rouse, Clifford C., Box 242, Safford, Ave., Portland 16, Oreg.
Ariz. Runolf, W., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Rowe, R. P. (m), Mountain View, Calif. holm, Sweden.
Rowe, Robert L. (1), 16 Av. de Koub- Ruppert, Harold (1), Box 513, Yreka,
beh, Heliopolis, Egypt. Calif.
Rowe, T. M., P.O. Box 720, Pottstown, Rusche, Frank D. (1), 824 10th Ave S.,
Pa. Nampa, Idaho.

Rush, T. Irvine, Route 2, St. Louis, Salazar, J. A. Comercio 70-11, Mexico,

Mich. Distrito Federal, Mexico.
Ruskjer, J. C. (m), Casilla 240, Iquitos, Sales, J. B., Apartado 30, Camaguey;
Peru, South America. Cuba.
Russell, A. B., 1902 Jewell Ave., Win- Sallee, A. M. (1), 130 Boulevard de
ter Park, Fla. l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France.
Russell, C. A., 20 Elm Ave., Takoma Salton, R. A., 84 The Boulevarde,
Park 12, D. C. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Russell, J. S., Box 1070, Beirut, Leba- tralia.
non. Salzmann, H., Victoria, Mahe, Sey-
Rustad, G. H., 302 N. Broadway, Wa- chelles Islands.
tertown, S. Dak. Samograd, C. G., Box 242, Buchanan,
Rustig, H., Thalmann-Platz 46, (2) Saskatchewan, Canada.
Cottbus, Germany. Sample, Melvin (1), 1009 E. Houston,
Rutherford, H. G., 521 W. 7th St., Marshall, Texas.
Flint 3, Mich. Sanchez, Raul M. (m), Calle 72, 406 A,
Rutter, T. W. (1), West Australian Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
Missionary College, Carmel, West Sandberg, Thyra E. (m), 76 Queens-
Australia, Australia. way, New Delhi, India.
Rutz, Arnoldo, Caixa Postal 60, Goiania, Sandefur, Cree, 3144 Eastlake Ave.,
Goiaz, Brazil, South America. Seattle 2, Wash.
Rwanduranya. Jafeti (1), Rwankeri Sanders, F. O., 2916 West Capitol Ave.,
Mission, B. P. Ruhengeri, Via Goma, Little Rock, Ark.
Congo Beige. Africa. Sanders, R. E. (1), P.O. Box 189, Grass
Ryals, Mrs. Sadie (rn), 2525 S. Down- Valley, Calif.
ing St., Denver 10, Colo. Sanders, W S., Plainview Academy,
Ryang Shong II, S.D.A. Mission, Out- Redfield, S. Dak.
side East Gate, Seoul, Korea. Sanderson, A. E., Prospect Hill, Ware-
house Point, Conn.
Sandness, J. E. (m), 399 Upper Seran-
S goon Road, Singapore, Colony of
Saaty, Joseph I. (m), 444/1 Rachid St., Sandstrom, Donald (1), c/o J. M. Clem-
Baghdad, Iraq. ons, 525 Slocum Road, N. Dartmouth,
Sabatino, F., Via Trieste 23, Florence, Mass.
Italy. Sanford. M. L. (1), P. B. 22, Gwelo,
Sabeff, George (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Sangarloo, Yoash (1), Avenue Pahlevi
Sablier, Guiseard (1), Casier S, Port-au- 2075, Teheran, Iran.
Prince, Haiti. Santa, G. (1), Kun Jozsef u. 29, Mis-
Sabrine, D.C., Jaro, Iloilo City, Philip- kolcz, Hungary.
pines. Santo, 0. E. (I), Caixa Postal 2898,
Sachsenmeyer, A., Bohmerstr. 13, (16) Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Santos, Dionisio (1), Mision Adventista,
Sackett, F. Allen, 115 Central West La Ceiba, Honduras, Central America.
Union Ave., Wausau, Wis. Santos, R. T. (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma-
Sackett, Lee (m), 413 Waupaca St., nila, Philippines.
Waupaca, Wis. Sanz, Daniel, Apartado 4078, Madrid,
Saeboe-Larsen, L., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Spain.
Norway. Sanz, Pedro, Apartado 4078, Madrid,
Sage, A. 0., 1138 Fairfax, Stockton, Spain.
Calif. Sargeant, E. N., 6432. Beverly Blvd.,
Sage, C. M., 157 Ventura, Willows, Everett, Wash.
Calif. Sargeant, Stanley, 2 Duke Road, Kow-
Sage, Royal (1), 8 Court H, Canter- loon, Hong Kong.
bury, Camden, N.J. Sargent, A. J. S.D.A. Mission, Myetto,
Saisi, A. (1), P.O. Box 1352, Nairobi, Kozu Road, 'Bassein, Burma.
Kenya Colony, East Africa. Sarides, Basile N. (I), Post Box 71,
Sail, L. Zuala (1), S.D.A. Mission, Athens, Greece.
Nongthyrnmai. Shillong, Assam, India. Sarli, Herminio (m), Caixa Postal 1830,
Sajid, F. M., 48 Lawrence "Road, La- Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
hore, Pakistan. Satchell, K. E. (I), New Zealand Mis-
Sakul, A. (1), Tondano, Celebes, Indo- sionary College, Box 1, Longburn,
nesia. New Zealand.
Salakian, Haik, Avenue Pahlevi 2075, Sather, Donald, Box 56, Vallecito, Calif.
Teheran, Iran. Sather, G. L. (1), 302 N. Broadway,
Salau, S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul, New Watertown, S. Dak.
Britain, Territory New Guinea, Pacific Saterlee, Roy E. (m), Bethel Academy,
Ocean. Arpin, Wis.
Salazar, Eutiquio M. (1), Jaro, Iloilo Saulter, H. T. (1), P.O. Box 720, Potts-
City, Philippines. town, Pa.


Saunders, J. E., 604 Carroll Ave., Ta- Schilt, C. H. (m), P.O. Box 1011,
koma Park 12, D. C. Baghdad, Iraq.
Saunders, N. H. Route 3, Box 3368, Schimke, Albert (1), 2 Duke Road,
Paradise, Calif. Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Saur, 0., Bohmerstr. 13, (16) Frank- Schiopoaia, V. (1), Strada Regina Ma-
furt/Main, Germany. ria No. 12, Bacau, Rumania.
Sauvagnat, E. (1), 5 Boulevard Long- Schlehuber F. E. (1), Ikizu Training
champ, Marseille, France. School, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika
Sauza, V. A., Patroeinio 20, Vibora, Territory, East Africa.
Havana, Cuba. Schleicher, A. (I), Nussdorferstrasse 5,
Savage, Ben J., 950 West Loucks St., Vienna IX, Austria.
Sheridan, Wyo. Schlotthauer, B. (1), 2590 S. Hum-
Savinae (I), S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, boldt St., Denver 10, Colo.
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Schluter, F., Peiner Strasse 19 A, Han-
Saw, U. (m), S.D.A. Mission, "Garden over-Dohren, Germany.
Home," Thonze, Burma. Schluttig, H. (1), Robert Blum Strasse
Sawyer, C. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Box Dresden-N6, Germany.
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Schmalkoke, G., Linienstrasse 10114,
Saxton, Mary (b), 109 Anne St., Ta- Munich-Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Ger-
koma Park 12, D. C. many.
Saytos, I. (1), Strada Rosenfeld No. 4, Schmehl, D. H. (1), Ndora Mission,
Sibiu, Rumania. Via Usumbura, Urundi, Congo Beige,
Scalliet, A., 11-13, rue Ernest Al- Africa.
lard, Brussels, Belgium. Schmehl, F. W. (1), 403 West Benton
Scales, Lawrence (1), 201 Eastanallee St., Wapakoneta, Ohio.
Ave., Athens, Tenn. Schmid, A., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50,
Scales, W. C. (1), 4450 Case Court, Switzerland.
Apt. 1123, Cleveland, Ohio. Schmidt, Anna (m), 41 Hazel Gardens,
Scarr, R. W. (I), Stanborough Park, Edgware, Middlesex, England.
Watford, Herts., England. Schmidt, C. E. (m), Casilla 2102, Lima,
Schacht, W. H., 5332 Sumner Ave., Peru, South America.
Los Angeles 41, Calif. Schmidt, E. A. (1), Box 584, Arling-
Schaeffer, R. H. (1), 1701 Gambrinus ton. Calif.
Road, S.W., Route 8, Canton, Ohio. Schmidt, H., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karls-
Schaeffler, William, 2033 Belmont Ave., ruhe/Baden, Germany.
Chicago 18, Ill. Schmidt, H. H., 906 E. Republic St.,
Schaepper, H. (I), Gubelstrasse 23, Zu- Peoria 4, III.
rich 50, Switzerland. Schmidt, I. C., Naripan 63, Bandoeng,
Schafer, H. Robert Blum Strasse 6, Java, Indonesia.
Dresden-N6, Germany. Schmidt, J., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karls-
Schaffner, R. G.. Apt. D-4, 305 N.E. ruhe/Baden, Germany.
61st Ave. Portland 15, Oreg. Schmidt, P. (I), Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Schaller, H., Adventhaus, Hans-Sachs- Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Strasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Schmidt, Santiago, Virrey del Pino
Schander, Harley (1), Route 3, Aitkin, 3801, Suc. 27, R. 4, Buenos Aires,
Minn. Argentina, South America.
Schenk, E., Fangelbachstrasse 11, Schmidt, William F., 220 Columbia
Stuttgart-S, Germany. Ave., Dover, Del.
Scharffenberg, J. A. (m), 2 Duke Road, Schmitz, H., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber-
Kowloon, Hong Kong. lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Scharffenberg, W. A., Takoma Park,
Washington 12, D. C. Schmutzler, A. C., Paramaribostraat
Scheibitz, R., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber- 87 I, Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vienna IX,
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Austria.
Schell, H. E. R., Naripan 63, Ban- Schneider, C. C., Ladeira dos Guara-
doeng,- Java, Indonesia. rapes 263, Silvestre, Rio de Janeiro,
Scherf, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin- D.F., Brazil, South America.
Wilmersdorf, Germany, Schneider, E. H., 1418 Weigold Ave.,
Scherr, B. A., 827 Congress, Emporia, Cincinnati 23, Ohio.
Kan. Schneider, H. E.. (1), 133 Michigan
Ave., Decatur, Ga.
Schick, L. B., 8177 Evergreen St.,
South Gate, Calif. Schneider, Isaac, Route 1, Box 567,
Bakersfield, Calif.
Schieber, K., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber- Schneider, 0. V. George Town, Grand
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Cayman, British West Indies.
Schierman, D. R., 6632 Pollard Ave., Schneider, Reuben (1), Box 45, Okeen,
Los Angeles 42, Calif. Okla.
Sehiffbauer, Daniel W. (I), Box 254, Schneider, Wilbert (1), College Place,
Baraboo, Wis. Wash.
Schildhauer, Otto, Niklasstr. 19, (1) Schnepper, F. W., 613 Emerson St.,
Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany. Box 612, Madison, Wis.

Schnepper, 0. E., Box 42-A, Jackson- Schuster, M. H., 1965 S. Emerson St.,
ville Star Route, Medford, Oreg. Denver 10, Colo.
Schnetzler, Joseph, 45 Jackson Ave., Schutt, C. A., P.O. Box 15, Poona 1,
South Glens Falls, N. Y. India.
Schoepflin, W. L., Spangle, Wash. Schutter, Louis P., 727 S. "D" St.,
Schnotzinger, H., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Oxnard, Calif.
Vienna IX, Austria. Schwab, M., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vi-
Schomburg, William (1), Box 208, enna IX, Austria.
Buckhannan, W. Va. Schwantes, A. (m), Caixa Postal 258-A,
Schon, V., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin- Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Schwantes, N., Caixa Postal 1919, Rio
Schon, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin- de Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
Wilmersdorf,, Germany. Schwartz, H. D. (m), Box 691, Cald-
Schonach, F. (1), Bohmerstr. 13, (16) well, Idaho.
Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Schwarz, G. (1), 9848 106th St., Ed-
Schor, H., Diepensiepen 16, Mettmann/ monton, Alberta, Canada.
Rheinland, Germany. Schwarz, H., Linienstrasse 1011/2, Mun-
Schor, J., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin- ich-Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Germany.
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Schwedrat, 0. F., 812 W. Oklahoma
Schornstein, P., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ave., Enid, Okla.
Berl in -Wilmersdorf , Germany. Schwenecke, W., Robert Blum Strasse 6,
Schowe, C. H. (I), Australasian Mis- Dresden-N6, Germany.
sionary College, Cooranbong, New Schwerin, G. A., 349 W. Bluff St.,
South Wales, Australia. Marquette, Mich.
Schram, G. M., 814 Texas St., Stam- Schwindt, F. F., General Delivery, Yu-
ford, Texas. caipa, Calif.
Schram, W. A., (m). Broadview Acad- Schwital, J., Lange Laube 29, (20a)
emy, La Grange, Ill. Hanover, Germany.
Schrattenholzer, F., Kopernikusstrasse Scott, B. T., 19 Union House, 24 Union
24 I, Nurnberg, Germany. St., East London, Cape Province,
Schreyak, Th., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise An- South Africa.
glaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Scott, F. R., P.O. Box No. 977, Ran-
Schroader, W. F. H., 600 Dora St., goon, Burma.
New Smyrna, Fla. Scott, L. R., 813 N. Taylor, Oak Park, El.
Schroder, Rudolf, Hoheweide 51, Ham- Scott, Vesta (m), 2621 Farnam St.,
burg 30, Germany. Omaha 2, Nebr.
Schroeder, R. 0. (1), 133 S. Pierce St., Scott, W. W., Box 453, Morganton,
Lima, Ohio. N.C.
Schrodl, M. (I), Bohmerstr. 13, (16) Scragg, W. M. R., Box 578, South
Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
Schubert, E., Kurfurstenstrasse 91, Scriven, C. A., 1544 S.E. Hawthorne
Bielefeld, Germany. Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg.
Schubert, Walter, Virrey del Pino 3801, Scriven, Ward A., Box 4929, Atlanta 2,
Suc. 27, R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argen- Ga.
tina, South America. Scriven, Wayne A., Box 324, Grants
Schuberth, H. F., Hunibach-Thun, Pass, Oreg.
Switzerland. Scrivner, J. E. (1), 361 Argyle St. N.,
Schuberth, Otto, Hoheweg 17, Berne Hobart, Tasmania:
Switzerland. Scully, James V (1), Box 67, Escon-
dido, Calif.
Schuenemann, B. E. (1), Caixa Postal Scully, Orval R., Casilla 2830, Santi-
34, Santo Andre, E.F.S.J., Sao ago, Chile, South America.
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Searle, B. (1), P. 0. Chisekesi Siding,
Schuil, Catherine J. (m), Kamagambo Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Training School, P.O. Kisii, Kenya Searle, Berniece E. (m), College Place,
Colony, East Africa. Wash.
Schuil, Philip, Lange Beestenmarkt Seat, E. Toral, 709 Glenmore Blvd.,
102, The Hague. Netherlands. Glendale 6, Calif.
Schull, J. V. (1), Route 1, Box 353, Sebastian, W. H., 315 Wasp St., Mari-
Grass Valley, Calif. etta, Pa.
Schulte, H., Diepensiepen 16, Mettmann/ Sebro, F. A., Box 223, Bridgetown,
Rheinland, Germany. Barbados, British West Indies.
Schultz, Fred, 1306 W. 2d St., Ottumwa, Sedgman, T. E. A., 8 Yarra St.,
Iowa. Hawthorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Schultz, Mrs. Grace (b), 2928 Camp- Seefried, J., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber-
bell St., Kansas City 3, Mo. lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Schultz, H. A., Route 1, Pasco, Wash. Seel, R. (1), Lange Laube 29, (20a)
Schultz, I. E., 11-12 Allbret Building, Hanover, Germany.
9 Fraser St., Johannesburg, Trans- Seenyen, N. (1), 10 Salisbury Road,
vaal, South Africa. Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean.

Seidl, P. S., Rua Lopes Trovao 84, Shankel, C. W., College Place, Wash.
Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South Shankel, G. E., South Lancaster, Mass.
America. Shanko, M. J., 2000 County St., Ports-
Seino, E., 13 Nakajimadori 2-chome, mouth, Va.
Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan. Shannon, J. L. (m), P.O. Box No. 16,
Seino Y. (1), 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Poona 1, India.
Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Shapa, Samuel (1), Box 573, Bulawayo,
Sitz, Charles H. (1), Route 1, College- Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
ville, Pa. Sharman, Glenn, 528 4th St., Ports-
Selatiel (1), Ngoma Mission, c/o Gitwe, mouth, Va.
Via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Congo Sharman, R. C., 11210 84th St., Ed-
Beige, Africa. monton, Alberta, Canada.
Seljavaara, T., Annankatu 7, Helsinki, Sharp, F. L., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.
Finland. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Selvanayagam, A., 2 South Kandy St., Sharp, 0. W. (1), 27 Esplanade Road,
Trichinopoly, India. Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Senecal, Beaman 132 Evergreen Ave., Shaw, B. H., 1806 Shaffer Drive, Kala-
Hartford 5, Conn. mazoo, Mich.
Seng, G., Diemershaldenstrasse 23, Shaw, David I., Route 1, West Paris, Me.
Stuttgart-O, Wurtemberg, Germany. Shaw, Horace J., 128 Carroll Ave.,
Seng, Njoo Liang (I), Buttewegstraat Takoma Park 12, D. C.
3, Soerabaja, Java, Indonesia. Shaw, J. L., Loma Linda, Calif.
Sengabo. Setefano (1), Rwankeri Mis- Shaw, L. (1), 780 St. Albans Road,
sion, B. P. Ruhengeri, Via Goma, Watford, Herts., England.
Congo Beige, Africa. Shaw, Lyman W., Box 131, Moscow,
Senkoto, J. N., Emmanuel Mission of Idaho.
S.D.A., P.O. Leribe, Basutoland, Sheffield, B. A. (1), Stearns, Ky.
South Africa. Sheldon, E. L., Box B, Azusa, Calif.
Serra, A. V., 1030 "I" St., Brawler, Sheldon, H. J., 220 S. California St.,
Calif. Santa Paula, Calif.
Senty, Roger (I), 2 Rue de l'Eglise, Shen, H. C., 626 Ningkuo Road, Shang-
Tunis (Tunisia). hai, China.
Senzala, Tuvako, Suji Mission, P.O. Shen, H. H. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Siao
Makanya, Via Moshi, Tanganyika Chiao Chang, Kiukiang, Kiangsi,
Territory, East Africa. China.
Sequeseque, Carlos (1), Caixa Postal 3, Shen Keh Chang (1), Kanching Mis-
Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese sion of S.D.A., 337 Chung Cheng
West Africa. Road, Lanchow, Kansu, China.
Seralde, C. G. (m), Santiago, Isabela, Shen, T. R., S.D.A. Mission, 17 Li
Philippines. Hwang Pei Road, Hankow, Hupeh,
Seresere, Isimeli, S.D.A. Mission, Box China.
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Shen Dzi Ming (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Seth (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Santo, 185 Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung,
New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. China.
Sevrens, Hazel B. (m), 2 Duke Road, Shepard, Edith (m), Route 1, Box 443,
Kowloon, Hong Kong. Yucaipa, Calif.
Sevrens, L. G. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. Shepard, H. A. (I), Box 396, Oshawa,
Shad, B. M., S.D.A. Mission, The Re- Ontario, Canada.
treat, Roorkee, U.P., India. Shepard, J. A., Jr. (1), General Deliv-
Shafer, Edwin E. (1), Lander, Wyo. ery, Okeechobee, Fla.
Shafer, H. V. (I), c/o L. E. Lyman, Shepard, L. C., Box 35, Poona, India.
515 W. Indiana St., Enid, Okla. Shepard, Lyle, 232 Avenue H, Yucaipa,
Shafer, J. W., La Sierra Station, Ar- Calif.
lington, Calif. Shepard, R. H. (1), 3071 Yadavgiri Ex-
Shafer, W. J., 4 Geneva Ave., Takoma tension Road, Vanvilla, Mysore City,
Park 12, D. C. India.
Shai, Hans (D. 19 Union House, 24 Shephard, W. H., Washington Mis-
Union Street. East London, Cape sionary College, Takoma Park, Wash-
Province, South Africa. ington 12, D.C.
Shain, M. C. (1), 102 Randolph Ave., Shepherd, Clarence A., 933 S. 7th St.,
El Dorado, Ark. Coos Bay, Oreg.
Shakespeare, P. E., 312 N. Boyle Ave., Sherbondy. George (1), 1412 E. 3d St.,
Los Angeles, Calif. Joplin, Mo.
Shamalambo, Paul, Chisekesi Siding, Sherman, A. R., Box 1064, College
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Place, Wash.
Shamilimo, Andrew, P.O. Chisekesi Sherrard, Amelia (m), 1544 S.E. Haw-
Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. thorne Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg.
Shan Lo Tien, S.D.A. Mission, 62 Ta Sherrard, Elwood (1), 1544 S.E. Haw-
Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, China. thorne Blvd.. Portland 14, Oreg.
Shan Ying Ming (m), 526 Ningkuo Sherrill, Frank (1), 108 E. Highland,
Road, Shanghai, China. Longview, Texas.

Sherwin, T. A.. 148 Fox Valley Road, Siebenlist, J. R., Solusi Mission, P.B.T.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- 189, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia,
tralia. Africa.
Shewmake, John (1), General Delivery, Siegenthaler, Wesley J. (1), 2101 N.E.
Huntington Beach, Calif. Flanders, Portland 15, Oreg.
Shibata, E. (1), 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Siernienowicz, W., Lubelska 25, Kra-
Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan. kow, Poland.
Shields, L. V. (1), Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Siepman, J. G., Ntusu Mission, P.O.
Pacific Ocean. Maswa, Via Mwalampaka, Tangan-
Shigley, P. H. (m), Northwest China yika, East Africa.
Union Mission, of S.D.A., Lanchow, Sikongo, George (1), Box 573, Bulawayo,
Kansu, China. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Shipley. C. P. (ml, 759 St. Marys Ave., Silud, G. B. (1), P.O. Box 119, City of
San Leandro. Calif. Cebu, Philippines.
Shirley, J. C. H. (1), Signs Publishing Silva, S. (I), Caixa Postal 1919, Rio de
Co., Warburton, Victoria, Australia. Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
Shiu, P. 0. (I), P. 0. Box 310, Hong Silva, Waldemar R., Caixa Postal 1830,
Kong. Sao Paulo. Brazil, South America.
Short, D. K., Gendia Mission, Private Simandjoentak, B. P., Naripan 63, Ban-
Bag, Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East doeng, Java. Indonesia.
Africa. Simi, S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Solomon
Shorter, Andrew D. (1), P.O. Box 64, Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Sylacuga, Ala. Simoes, F., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio 17,
Shorter, Roland W. (1), S.D.A. Mission Lisbon, Portugal.
Hospital, Athwa Lines, Surat, India. Simon, Albertina R. (ml. Caixa Postal
Shoup, H. L., 213 S. Catherine St., Bay 258-A, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
City 9, Mich. ica.
Shrewsbury, 0. H., Sanitarium, Napa Simon, E., Ernst Thalmann-Platz 46,
Co., Calif. Cottbus, Germany.
Shuler, J. L., Theological Seminary, Simon, H. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1)
Takoma Park 12, D. C. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Shull, Elsie B. (in), 2625 S. Downing Simons, D. B., S.D.A. Mission, Box
St.. Denver 10, Colo. 1016, Accra. Gold Coast, West Africa.
Shull, E. H. (1), 4102 Silver Hill Road, Simons, N. G., 254 Whitaker Circle
S. E., Washington, D. C. N.W., Atlanta, Ga.
Shull, H. L. (1), Pacific Union College, Simonson, J. A., 1952 Eden Ave., Glen-
Angwin, Calif. dale 6, Calif.
Shull, Helen M. (m), Washington Sani- Simpson, H. H. (1), P.O. Box 266,
tarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C. Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
Shull, J. C. (1), 312 N. Boyle Ave., Simpson, P. K., 76 Queensway, New
Los Angeles 33, Calif. Delhi 1. India.
Shull, J. R. (1), Mt. Vernon Academy, Sinaga, Elam, P.O. Box 41, Kuching,
Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Sarawak, Borneo.
Shull, Virginia (m), Union College, Lin- Sinclair, B. (ml, 37 O'Connell Terrace,
coln 6, Nebr. Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
Shultz, J. Harold, 2 Duke Road, Kow- Australia.
loon, Hong Kong. Singh, Narain (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box
Shultz, J. E., 7308 Flower Ave., Takoma 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Park, Washington 12, D.C. Singleton, H. D., 1306 Booker St. S.W.,
Shultz, J. W., Route 4, Bucyrus, Ohio. Atlanta, Ga.
Sia Chung Ong, S.D.A! Mission, Foo- Singo, Stefano (1), Majita Mission,
chow, China. P.O. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory,
East Africa.
Siagian, D. P., P.O. Box 34, Jesselton,
Colony of North Borneo. Sinz, K., Kopernikusstrasse 24 I. Nurn-
Sialo, S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Solo- berg, Germany.
mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Siqueira, Jose N., Caixa Postal 1830,
Sibadogil, M. T., P. 0. Box 41, Kuching, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Sarawak, Borneo. Sircar, J. N. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Sibagobe, Harry, P. 0. Box 573. Bula- Bhawnipur Village, Hatshibganj P.O..
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Mymensingh District, East Pakistan.
Sibarani, L. S., P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton, Siregar, S. N. (m), 399 Upper Seran-
Colony of North Borneo. goon Road, Singapore, Colony of
Sibianu, G., Calea Bucuresti 57, Craiova, Sisson, G. W. (1), 2910 N. Orange Ave.,
Rumania. Orlando, Fla.
Sibley, David, P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton, Siti, Andrea, Majita Mission, P.O. Mus-
New South Wales, Australia. oma, Tanganyika Territory, East Af-
Sickler, Melvin W., Apartado 218, rica.
Guatemala City, Guatemala, Central Sittner, Felipe, 25 de Mayo 1323, Men-
America, (.14za, Argentina, South America,

Sittner, Jorge F., Cervantes 144, Pa- Smith, G. B. (1), Theological Seminary,
rana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South Takoma Park 12, D.C.
America. Smith, George (1), 1325 North 14th
Siu Sing Ng (1), 17 Ventris Road, St., Phoenix, Ariz.
Hong Kong. Smith, Esther (m), Route 2, Box 173,
Sivonen, E., Annankatu 7, Helsinki, Boulder, Colo.
Finland. Smith, Floyd, 1407 Maryland Ave.,
Siziba, Joseph (I), C/o Tomb's Store, Steubenville, Ohio.
P.O. Belingwe, Southern Rhodesia, Smith. Glenn (1), Box 5092, Pittsburgh
Africa. 6, Pa.
Sjoren, G. (I), Vasagatan 12, Goteborg, Smith, Mrs. H. W. (b), 3521 Hamilton
Sweden. Road, Columbus, Ga.
Skadsheim, M. N., 2826 Third Ave., Smith, J. A., Box 7, Angwin, Calif.
South, Great Falls, Mont. Smith, J. H., Saint Bride's, Va.
Skau, 0. A., 36 Park Street, Calcutta, Smith, Jere D., 601 Forest Ave.,
India. Minneapolis 4, Minn.
Skilton, Warren T. (1), 391 Florida St., Smith, Leon A., 1334 Lischey Ave.,
Buffalo 8, N. Y. Nashville 7, Tenn.
Skinner, L. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Smith, Leslie (m), Route 1, Berrien
ington 12, D. C. Springs, Mich.
Skinner, Robert C. (I), 524 E. Main Smith, Llewallyn L. (1), Box 1096, Buf-
St., Hillsboro, Oreg. falo, Wyo.
Skrla, J., Stredni 10, Brno, Moravia. Smith, M. E., Oak Park Academy,
Skrzypaczek, J. (1), Lubelska 25, Kra- Nevada, Iowa.
kow, Poland. Smith, Merle, 463 E. Court St., Weiser,
Skyers, M. N. (1), Apartado 30, Cama- Idaho.
guey, Cuba. Smith, N. B., 1403 E. Washington St.,
Skyllstad, R. J., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Greensboro, N. C.
Norway. Smith, Preston (1), P.O. Box 884, Coos
Slade, E. K. 431 El Vino Drive, Glen- Bay, Oreg.
dale 6, Calif. Smith, R. D. (1), 3102 State St.-, East
Slade, F. M., 37 O'Connell Terrace, St. Louis, Ill.
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Smith, R. H., 780 St. Albans Road,
Australia. Watford, Herts., England.
Slate, J. G. (m), Sentinel Publishing Smith, Rothacker (1), 210 Walnut St.,
Co., Rosmead Ave., Claremont, Cape Benton Harbor, Michigan.
Province, South Africa. Smith, Mrs. Thelma (b), Box 310,
Slater, F. B., 1400 Hawkins St., Nash- Hong Kong.
ville, Tenn. Smith, W. D., 84 The Boulevarde,
Slond, B., van Lumeystraat 64, The Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Hague, Netherlands. tralia.
Sloop, J. R. (m), Southwestern Junior Smith, W. I., College Place, Wash.
College, Keene, Texas. Smith, W. K., Route 1, Bourbon, Mo.
Smart, Lawrence E. (1), 10 Alton St., Smith, W. R., College Place, Wash.
Portland, Me. Smith, W. T., 902 Garland Ave., Ta-
Smith, A. R. (I), 1813 Orchard Ave., koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Glendale 6, Calif. Smith, Walton W.. 79 Preston Road,
Smith, Asa (m), 3819 S. 48th St., Buffalo, N.Y.
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Smith, Wilmot (1), 1415 Makiki St.,
Smith, C. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Mapper- Honolulu 4, Hawaii.
ley Park, Nottingham, England. Smithwick, R. Allen, 1006 Manor Drive,
Smith, C. E., 3142 11th St., Boulder, Reno, Nevada.
Colo. Smouse, A. R. (1), 501 Forest Ave.,
Smith, C. H., 906 Flower Ave., Takoma Minneapolis 4, Minn.
Park, Washington 12, D.C. Smyk, A. (1). Mlodziezy Jugoslowian-
Smith, C. L., Box 308, Oshawa, Ont.. skiej 8, Warszawa, Poland.
Canada. Snider, J. D. (1), Review and Herald,
Smith, C. 0., South Lancaster, Mass. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Smith, C. Roy (m), Broadview Acad- Snyman, Alexander (I), 1113 Wood-
emy, La Grange, Ill. land Ave., Centralia, Wash.
Smith, Calvin D., Union, Oreg. So, K. T. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Ku-
Smith, Clark, 1410 E. Otis, Hazel Park, langsu, Amoy, China.
Mich. So, W. C. (1), P. O. Box 310, Hong
Smith, David F. (1), 128 S. 10th St., Kong.
Las Vegas, Nev.
Smith, Dunbar W., Loma Linda, Calif. So, Mrs. W. C. (m), 17 Ventris Road,
Hong Kong.
Smith, Elden B. (1), 1325 Rama IV
Road, Bangkok, Siam. Soares, Manoel (1), Caixa Postal 2898,
Smith, G. A. E., 176 Orange Street, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West In- Soaries, Baynes Leo (1), 442 Jefferson
dies, Ave, Brooklyn, N.Y,

Sobotka, J. (1), Stredni 10, Brno, Mo- Soto, Ner (m), Calle V. Vergara 3227,
ravia. Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires,
Soetber, A., Peiner Strasse 19A, Han- Argentina, South America.
over-Dohren, Germany. Sousa, A. R., 305 Roberts St., Alex-
Sogovare, S.D.A. Mission, Port Moresby, andria, La.
Papua, Pacific Ocean. Southwell, C. P., 62 Clotilde St., Mt.
Sohlmann, Charles, Wolfhalden, Appen- Lawley, West Australia, Australia.
. zell, Switzerland. Southwell, G. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Sohlmann, K., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
50, Switzerland. Souza, Pedro L. (1), Caixa Postal 198,
Sokai, Meli, S.D.A. Mission, Box 297, Cidade do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil,
Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. South America.
Sol, R. E. del, Apartado 3005, Santurce, Souza, S. C. (1), Rua Lopes Trovao 84,
Puerto Rico. Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South
Sollano, Andres (1), Casilla 85, Puno, America.
Peru, South America. Sowers, W. A. (I), College Heights,
Solano, Serapio (1), Cagayan, Orien- Alberta, Canada.
tal Misamis, Philippines. Spalding, A. W., Madison College, Tenn.
Solea, 1., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Spanghagen, 0. A., Tunnelgatan 25,
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Stockholm, Sweden.
Soles, C. I. (1), Damascus, Md. Spangle, R. E. (1), 1006 Van Kirk St.,
Solomon, G. N. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Philadelphia, Pa.
Rayapet, Narsapur, West Godavari Spangler, C. R., Box 33, Springfield,
District, India. Ohio.
Solomon, S.D.A. Mission, Aore, New Spangler, J. R., P.O. Box 1846, Sara-
Hebrides. Pacific Ocean. sota, Fla.
Soloniuk, George, 7537 112th St., Ed- Spangler, R. (m), 1202 3rd Ave. North,
monton, Alberta, Canada. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Soloniuk, William (1). Lamming Mills, Speranza, Vicenzo, Via Carlo de Marco
British Columbia, Canada. ' 17, Napoli, Italy.
Sommerfeld, C. E., New Zealand Mis- Sparrow, B. E., Caixa Postal 3, Nova
sionary College, Box 1, Longburn, Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese West
New Zealand. Africa.
Somoso, A. N., Legaspi, Albay, Philip- Sparrow, H. M., Box 221, Kisumu,
pines. Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Sondakh, Ch. L. (1), Tondano, Celebes, Spaulding, .Donald (1), Box 149,
Indonesia. Grangeville, Idaho.
Sonestan, E. (1), Tunnelgatan 25, Spear, B. R., 11100 Elm St., Lynwood,
Stockholm 25, Sweden. Calif.
Sonnenberg, Henry (1), Walla Walla Spears, Byron R.,' 1037 New Jersey
College, College Place, Wash. Ave., Kansas City, Kan.
Soper, Arthur (1), Box 313, Grand Spearing, F. A., Stanborough Park,
Prairie, Texas. Watford, Herts., England.
Soper, Francis (I), Pacific Press Pub. Specht, Carl (m), Campion Academy,
Assn., Mountain View, Calif. Loveland, Colo.
Sorensen, C. P., P. 0. Box 226, Singa- Specht, Walter F., La Sierra College,
pore, Colony of Singapore. Arlington, Calif.
Sorensen, 0. S. (1), Holmenkollveien Speck, D. A., 37 O'Connell Terrace,
31, Oslo, Norway. Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
Sorenson, Agnes (m), College Place, Australia.
Wash. Speck, 0. L. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Sorenson, C. M., Route 3, Box 681-A, Omaura, Via Lae, Territory of New
Watsonville, Calif. Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
Sorenson, E. D. (1), Box 1475, Des Speck, N. H. (1), West Australian Mis-
Moines 6, Iowa. sionary College, Carmel, West Aus-
Sorenson, E. L., Box 15, Poona 1, tralia, Australia.
India. Spencer, R. M., Dewart, Pa.
Sorenson, M. J., 3721 S. 48th St., Lin- Spencer, R. M., Jr. (1), 365 E. 2nd St.,
coln 6, Nebr. Coudersport, Pa.
Sormin, M. S. (1), P. Siantar, Sumatra, Speranza, Vicenzo, Via Tommaso Cam-
Indonesia. panella 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy.
Sormin, M. P. (m). 399 Upper Seran- Spenst, Arthur (1), 62 Ravina Crescent,
goon Road, Singapore, Colony of Toronto, Ont., Canada.
Singapore. Spicer, Joseph, Station Road, Route 1,
Columbia Station, Ohio.
SO2a, A. E., Casilla 85, Puno, Peru,
Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
South America. ington 12, D. C.
Sosa, Lot (I), Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, Spiess, F. E., P.O. Box No. 4565, Bom-
South America. bay 8, India.
Sosola, Yokoniah, P. 0. Box 51, Blan- Spillman, Don H., 3144 Eastlake Ave,,
tyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Seattle 2, Wash.

Spindola, Mrs. Olinda B. (m), Caixa Steinman, D. V., Route 2, Wake-

Postal 2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South man, Ohio.
America. Steinmeier, W., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karls-
Sprengel, A. A. (m), Loma Linda Food ruhe/Baden, Germany.
Co., Arlington, Calif. Steiner, P., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
Srour, Chafic, P.O. Box 595, Beirut, zerland.
Lebanon. Steinweg, B. W., Casilla 85, Puno,
Stabellos, A. N. (m), Post Box 71, Peru, South America.
Athens, Greece. Stekla, F., Kamienica na Slasku 272,
Staben, C. F., Box 4, Keene, Texas. pow. Bielsko, Poland.
Stacey, G. E., Enterprise Academy, Stenberg, C. E. (m), Campion Acad-
Enterprise, Kan. emy, Loveland, Colo.
Stacey, H., 84 The Boulevarde, Strath- Stene, L. J., Holmenkollveien 31, Oslo,
field, New South Wales, Australia. Norway.
Stafford, C. R. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Ma- Stephens, Ray W. (1), 116 Jackson St.,
dang, Territory of New Guinea, Pa- Sulphur Springs, Texas.
cific Ocean. Sterling, Calvin (1), 1065 Adams Ave.,
Stafford, Pearl (b), 4006 Monroe St., El Centro, Calif.
Milwaukie, Oreg. Sterling, G. L., P. 0. Box 27, Hamil-
Stahl, F. A., Route 1, Box 38, Para- ton, New South Wales, Australia.
dise, Calif. Sterling, H. H. (1), Box 406, Dalhart.
Staines, 0. R., 203 W. Prospect St., Texas.
Loma Linda, Calif. Steudel, C., Koblenzer Strasse 8, Ber-
Stammberger, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3, lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Steunenberg, F. W., Angwin, Calif.
Stanley, C. R. (1), 62 Clotilde Street, Stevens, F. H., 450 W. Carolina St.,
Mt. Lawley, West Australia, Aus- Tallahassee, Fla.
tralia. Stevens, George A., 625 N. Adams St.,
Staples, A. W., Grove Ave., Claremont, Glendale 6, Calif.
Cape Province, South Africa. Stevens, George (1), Route 1, Morning-
Staples, J. M., Box 468, Bloemfontein, side Drive, Columbus, Ga.
Orange Free State, South Africa. Stevens, J. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
Staples, R. L. (1), Box 1133, Port Eliza- ington 12, D. C.
beth, Cape Province, South Africa. Stevens, Lloyd (1), 106 Crescent Drive,
Grandview, Wash.
Staples, T. W., Kirundu Mission, B. P. Stevens, W. H., 27 Esplanade Road,
Stanleyville, Congo Beige, Africa. Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Stark, V. (1), Kopernikusstrasse 24 1, Stevenson, E. J., Private Bag 22, Gwelo,
Nurnberg, Germany. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Starks, W. M., 3301 39th Ave., Tampa, Stevenson. G. S., Sentinel Publishing
Fla. Co., Rosmead Ave., Claremont, Cape
Starr, Paul V. (1), Washington Sani- Province, South Africa.
tarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C. Stevenson, H. W., Tekerani Mission,
Staton, J. R., 816 Fourth St., Rapid P.O. Tekerani, Nyasaland, Africa.
City, S. Dak. Stevenson, P., Caixa Postal 3, Nova
Stauffer, G. Lester, 716 N. Main St., Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese West Af-
Henderson, Ky. rica.
Stauffer, J. Paul (1), Angwin, Stewart, A. G., 148 Fox Valley Road,
Stauffer, R. B.. 4320 Pierce St., Ar- Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
lington, Calif. tralia.
Stearman, P. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box Stewart, Alvin J., Apartado 3005, San-
1016, Accra, Gold Coast. West Africa.. turce, Puerto Rico.
Stebbeds, Fred, Box 28, Clearwater Stewart, Arlyn (I), 4514 Long Branch
Lake, Wis. Ave., San Diego 7, Calif.
Steed, E. H. J. (1), 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Stewart, Mrs. Grace (m), General De-
Lawley. West Australia, Australia. livery, Huron, S. Dak.
Steele, William, 513 Sligo Parkway, Stewart, G. G., 8 Yarra St., Howthorn,
Takoma Park 12, D.C. E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Steen, Claude (m), P.O. Box 145, Addis Stewart, M. M. (1), Box 1011J, Adelaide,
Ababa, Ethiopia. South Australia, Australia.
Steen, T. W., Collegedale, Tenn. Stewart, R. E., Box 1812, Madison
Steeves, F. W., 2838 Hemphill St., Fort College, Tenn.
Worth 3, Texas. Stewart, W. A., 84 The Boulevarde,
Steger, Ernesto (m), Uriarte 2429, Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South tralia.
America. Stickle, B. H. (m), 1202 3rd Ave.
Stein, R., Diepensiepen 16, Mettmann/ North, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
Rheinland, Germany. Canada.
Steinert, A. G., College Place, Wash. Stickle, Ruth (m), Canadian Union
Steinke, R. D., 6520 Columbia College, College Heights, Alberta,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Canada.

Stilson, Donald L. (m), Kendu Hos- Street, J. F., 5095 N.W. 25th Ave.,
pital, Private Bag, Kisumu Kenya Miami, Fla.
Colony. East Africa. Streeter, E. R., The Retreat, Roorkee,
Stimson, 0. L., 112 High St., Chester- United Province, India.
town, Md. Streeter, H. S., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Stinessen, E., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
holm, Sweden. Streeter, Ronald (m), Campion Acad-
Stocken, S. A. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Vili- emy, Loveland, Colo.
rupu, Via Port Moresby, Papua, Pa- Streifling, A. G., 852 Glenn Ave., Ke-
cific Ocean. lowna, Canada.
Stockhausen, A. C., Highgate P.O., Streifling, Gus (m), Box 308, Oshawa,
Jamaica, British West Indies. Ontario, Canada.
Stoekil, F. R., P.O. Fort Victoria, Streifling, W. B., 622 St. Johns Ave.,
Southern Rhodesia. Africa. Winnipeg, Man.. Canada.
Stockton, T. H. (1), 24 Fusting Ave., Streithorst, G., Caixa Postal. 177, Porto
Baltimore 28, Md. Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,
Stoehr, II. G., Walla Walla College, South America.
College Place, Wash. Streithorst, Jaco G. (1), Caixa Postal
Stoehr, W. W., 279 Acushnet Avenue, 177, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
New Bedford, Mass. Brazil, South America.
Stoics, St., Kegl Gyorgy utea 5 sz., Streithorst, Walter J., Caixa Postal
Szekesfehervar, Hungary. 243, Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil, South
Stokes, F. L., 780 St. Albans Road, Wat- America.
ford, Herts., England.
Stoltenberg, H., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Strever, H. D., 220 E. 7th St., Albany,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Oreg.
Stone, George P. (1), Maplewood Acad- Strickland, Lloyd (1), 322 Church Ave.,
emy, Hutchinson. Minn. Dyersburg, Tenn.
Stone, R. 0., Cedar Lake Academy, Strickland, R. A. (m), 1428 Makiki St.,
Cedar Lake, Mich. Hoholulu 4, Hawaii.
Stonebrook, I. V., 2908 Tyler St., Ama- Strickland, R. G., Mountain Sanitarium,
Fletcher, N. C.
rillo, Texas. Strickland, W. E., 718 Oakdale Ave.,
Stoner, C. C. (1), 1332 Roosevelt St., Madison, Tenn.
Fresno, Calif. Striplin, C. D., La Sierra Station, Ar-
Storch, G. S., Caixa Postal 341, Forta- lington, Calif.
leza, Ceara, Brazil, South America. Striplin, E. W., 2509 34th St., San
Storey, Mrs. E. D. (b), 114 Otis St., Diego, Calif.
Jackson, Tenn. Strohl, W., Adventhaus, Hans-Sachs-
Storing, E. W., 3101 N. 2Gth St., Strasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany.
Phoenix, Ariz. Strunk, F. J., 44 B East Canal Road,
Storz, Arnold F., 1 Trexler Drive, San Dehra Dun, U.P., India.
Anselmo, Calif. Struve, H., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzer-
Storz, L. G. (1), Boite Postale 453, land.
Saigon, French Indo-China. Stuart, N. C., 19 Union House, 24
Storz, W. F., S.D.A. Mission, Kottara- Union St., East London, Cape Prov-
kara, Travancore, India. ince, South Africa.
Stotesbury, V. M., 84 The Boulevarde, Stuart, P. M. (I), Route 10, Box 708,
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Milwaukie, Oreg.
tralia. Stump, L. M., Virrey del Pino 3801,
Strachan, M. C., 540 W. Carolina St., Suc. 27, R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Tallahassee, Fla. tina, South America.
Strahle, J. J., 312 North Boyle Ave., Sturzenegger, K., Gubelstrasse 23, Zur-
Los Angeles 33, Calif. ich 50, Switzerland.
Straight, G. H. (m), Union College, Stuyvesant, J. B., Alpine, Calif.
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Styk, P., Tr. Marsala Malinovskeho 24a,
Stratford, I. R. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Port Bratislava, Slovakia.
Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. Suckert, G., Hoheweide 51, Hamburg 30,
Stratford, S. V., 148 Fox Valley Road, Germany.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Su Hsing, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai,
tralia. China.
Su Kwan Chi, S.D.A. Mission, Ku-
Stratton, Ann (m), 932 S. E. 60th Ave., langsu, Amoy, China.
Portland 15, Oreg. Suhrie, Ambrose L. (m), Box 449, De-
Stratton, Eldon (1), Box 1173, Glad- catur, Ga.
stone, Oreg. Sultan Ahmed (1), 91 Depot Lines,
Stratton, F. E., Route 2, Walla Walla, Karachi 3, Pakistan.
Wash. Sulzle, C., Box 1011, College Place,
Straw, W. E., Madison College, Tenn. Wash.
Strba, J. Bratislava, Tr. Marsala Mal- Sumbera, F., Londyneka 30, Praha-
inovskeho 24a, Slovakia, Vinohrady, Czechoslovakia.

Sumicad, Alfonso (1), Cagayan, Orien- Szigethy, J., Kun Jozsef u. 29, Miskolcz,
tal Misamis, Philippines. Hungary.
Summerton, Mildred (m), Bethel Acad- Szworak, E. (1), Mlodziezv Jugoslowi-
emy, Arpin, Wis. anskiej 8, Warszawa, Poland.
Sumner, C. J. (1), 2561 S. Williams St.,
Denver 10, Colo.
Sunder Dass (1), S.D.A. Mission, Mush-
taq Manzil, Moradabad, U.P. India.
Sundin, Carl, 5011 E. 40th St., Kansas
City 3, Mo. Tabaru. Ezra, Ndora Mission, Via
Sundquist. Paul, Boite Postale 327, Usumbura, Urundi, Congo Beige, Af-
Elisabethville, Congo Beige, Africa. rica.
Sung Siang Ming (1), Court 1207 Yu- Tabuenca, Juan (1), Uriarte 2429, Bue-
Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China. nos Aires, Argentina, South Amer-
Surel, J. (1). 5 Boulevard LongchUmp, ica.
Marseille, France. Tachici, Ilie, Calea Bucuresti 57, Crai-
Surman, P., Londynska 30, Praha- ova, Rumania.
Vinohrady, Czechoslovakia. Taft, M. C. (m), Takoma Park, Wash-
Sussmann, E., 5 Boulevard Longchamp, ington 12, D. C.
Marseille, France. Tai, A. F. (1), S.D.A. Mission, 17 Li
Sutherland, E. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Hwang Pei Road, Hankow, Hupeh,
ington 12, D. C. China.
Sutor, F.. Kurfurstenstrasse 91, Biele- Tamara, Toulu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box
feld, Germany. 6, Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
Sutter, L. M. (m), Box 449, Decatur, Tamboenan, K., P. Siantar, Sumatra,
Ga. Indonesia.
Sutton, A. G., 1705 Orchard Drive, Tan, Mrs. Amy (b), 140 Bukit Bintang
Glendale 6, Calif. Road, Kuala Lumpur, Union of Ma-
Sutton, C. B., Box 78, Georgetown, laya.
British Guiana, South America. Tan, C. T., S.D.A. Mission, Kulangsu,
Svenson, 0. (1), Vasagatan 12, Gote- Amoy, China.
borg, Sweden. Tan, Daniel (1), 399 Upper Serangoon
Svenson, Ragnar, Annankatu 7, Hel- Road, Singapore, Colony of Singa-
sinki, Finland. pore.
Swaine, D. M.. Ranen Mission, P.O. Tan Hsin-Hsu, 526 Ningkuo Road*,
Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Shanghai 19, China.
Swanson, E. II., 4750 Jessie Ave., La Tan, K. B. (m), 140 Bukit Bintang
Mesa, Calif. Road, Kuala Lumpur, Union of Ma-
Swartzkonf, B. H., 84 The Boulevarde, laya.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Tan, K. 0., 399 Upper Serangoon Road,
tralia. Singapore, Colony of Singapore.
Swen Ching Fu (I), Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Tang Hsin Loh, S.D.A. Mission, Low-
Road, Shanghai 27, China. anho, Yencheng, Honan, China.
Swen Deh Ren, S.D.A. Mission, 337 Tangunan, E. J. (1), General Delivery,
Chung Cheng Road, Lanchow, Kansu, Manila, Philippines.
China. Tanielu, Sione (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box
Swen Tsung Kwang, S.D.A. Mission, 20 6, Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China. Tantia, E., Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines.
Swenson, Carl P., 1400 S. Downing St., Tapping, A. G. (1), 780 St. Albans Road,
Denver 10, Colo. Watford, Herts., England.
Swofford, Robert (1), Forest Lake Tarita, Benjamin (1), Ikizu Mission,
Academy, Route 2, Maitland, Fla. P.O. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory,
East Africa.
Syme, E. (1), 780 St. Albans Road, Tarr, A. F., Box 15, Poona 1, India.
Watford, Herts., England. Tarr, A. P., 19 Union House, 24 Union
Symonds, D. R. (m), P.O. Box 7768, Street, East London, Cape Province,
Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af- South Africa.
rica. Tarr, E. L., Helderberg College, Box
Symons, J. E., P. 0. Box 1133, Port 22, Somerset West, Cape Province,
Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Af- South Africa.
rica. Tarr, E. W., Grove Ave., Claremont,
Sype, Ross, 408 9th Ave. N.E., Puyal- Cape Province, South Africa.
lup, Wash. Tarr, G. Fletcher (m), Washington Mis-
Szabo, J., Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz., sionary College, Takoma Park 12, D.C.
Szekesfehervar, Hungary. Tarr, W. C., P.O. Amanzimtoti, South
Szabo, 0., Kun Jozsef utca 29, Mis- Coast, Natal, South Africa.
kolcz, Hungary. Tatar, T., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12,
Szamecz, P., Kun Jozsef u. 29, Miskolcz, Cluj, Rumania.
Hungary. Tati, S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul, New
Sze Hsien Ting (1), S.D.A. Mission, Britain, Territory New Guinea, Pacific
Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Ocean.

Tauku, S.D.A. Mission, Port Moresby, Tharawoli, S. F. (1), S.D.A. Mission,

Papua, Pacific Ocean. P.O. Box 26, Bo, Sierra Leone, West
Tauro, Enriqueta T. (b), Jam, Iloilo Africa.
City, Philippines. Thein Ngwe (1), S.D.A. Mission, My-
Tauro, J. (m), P.O. Box 401, Manila, etto, Kozu Road, Bassein, Burma.
Philippines. Theiss, G. F., 2854 Stevens St., Phila-
Tausere, Nemani (1), S.D.A. Mission, delphia 24, Pa.
Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Theumler. T. L., 711 J St., Crescent
Taylor, C. L., South Lancaster, Mass. City. Calif.
Taylor, C. R. (I), Apartado 329, Santa Theunissen, D. C., "Kentucky," Kent
Clara, Cuba. Road, Wynberg, Cape Province, South
Taylor, C. U., 304 Main St., Orlando, Africa.
Fla. Theunissen, G. (1), "Kentucky," Kent
Taylor, Christy M. (1), 2312 W. 3rd St., Road, Wynberg, Gape Province,
Duluth, Minn. South Africa.
Taylor, F. L., 40 Bealey Ave., Christ- Thiel, Leo F. (I), Box 59, Nashville,
church, New Zealand. Tenn.
Taylor, George B., Pacific Union Col- Thiele, E. R.. College Station, Berrien
lege, Angwin, Calif. Springs, Mich.
Taylor, G. E., 2550 S. Franklin, Denver Thirlwell, T. W., Box 207, Mt. Vernon,
10, Colo. Ohio.
Taylor, G. H. (1), 2539 High St., Den- Thomann, D. J., Apartado 1320, San
ver 5, Colo. Jose, Costa Rica, Central America.
Taylor, H. B., 825 Wilson Road N. W.. Thomann, E. W., Calle V. Vergara
Atlanta, Ga. 3227, Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos
Taylor, H. C. C. (1), P.O. Box 27, Aires, Argentina, South America.
Hamilton, New South Wales, Aus- Thomann, V. E. Calle V. Vergara 3227,
tralia. Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires, '
Taylor, H. F., 2308 Mentone Building, Argentina, South America.
Mentone, Calif. Thomas, D. B. (I), S.D.A. Mission, P.
Taylor, Harry W. (1), South Lancaster, 0. Box 26, Bo, Sierra Leone, West
Mass. Africa.
Taylor, J. I., Route 5, Sherman, Texas. Thomas, Donn H. (m), 1336 San Luis
Taylor, L. W., 1336 London St. W., Rey, Glendale. Calif.
Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Thomas, E. D., Box 15, Poona 1, India.
Taylor, Lee H. (m), Broadview Acad- Thomas, F. H., Helderberg College, Box
emy, La Grange, Ill. 22, Somerset West, Cape Province,
Taylor, N. C. (m), Box 308, Oshawa, South Africa.
Ontario, Canada. Thomas, H. B. (1), 3997 North Temes-
Taylor, R. W. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box cal, Corona, Calif.
6, Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. Thomas, J. G., 1025 E. 5th St., Chat-
Teel, C. W., Snencerville, Md. . tanooga, Tenn.
Teesdale, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash- Thomas, John, Box 51, Blantyre, Ny-
ington 12, D. C. asaland, Africa.
Teitei (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Santo, Thomas, Milton (1), 41 Montgomery
New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Place, Trenton, New Jersey.
Teichmann, Hans, Hoheweide 51, Ham- Thomas, R. J., 101 N. E. 63rd Ave.,
burg 30, Germany. Portland 15, Oreg.
Tenkon (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, New Thomas, S., S.D.A. Mission, Nanthen-
Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. code, Trivandrum, Travancore, India.
Tenorio, Moises (I), Casilla 1002, Lima, Thomas. V. T. (1). Salisbury Park,
Peru, South America. P.O. Box No. 15, Poona 1, India.
Teply, B., Stredni 10, Brno, Moravia. Thomas, Y. G. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Terry, H. T., Takoma Park, Washing. Mukuperi P.O., Thirunevali District,
ton 12, D.C. India.
Terry, J. B. (I), S.D.A. Mission, P. 0. Thomsen, Kaj (1), Norm Able 30, Aar-
Box 26, Bo, Sierra Leone, West hus, Denmark.
Africa. Thomsen. Thora (m), Pei-Ling, M111,
Terry, Mrs. R. 0. (b), 258 Mercer St., den, . Manchuria.
Trenton, N.J. Thomson, A. C. (1), S.D A. Mission,
Terzo, James A., 805 New York Ave., Aore, Santo, New Hebrides, Pacific
Union City, N.J. Ocean.
Teters, D. S. (I), 118 W. High St., Thompson, B. L.. Box 4929, Atlanta 2,
Bryan, Ohio. Ga.
Tetz, William (m), College Heights, Al- Thompson, F. E., 3629 Park Ave.
berta, Canada. South, Minneapolis 7, Minn.
Tha Myaing, P.O. Box No. 977, Ran- Thompson, F. S. (1), Apartado 50, Gen-
goon, Burma. eral Peraza, Havana, Cuba.
Thalmann, W., Robert Blum Strasse 6, Thompson, G. A., 1544 S.E. Hawthorne
Dresden-N6, Germany. Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg.

Thompson, Mrs. G. B. (m), Takoma Tillotson, Merle (1), 54 Mountain Ave-

Park, Washington 12, D. C. nue, Apt. 4, Malden, Mass.
Thompson, Garth D. (1), 20161/2 N. Tilstra, K., Naripan 63, Bandoeng,
1314 St, Terre Haute, Ind. Java, Indonesia.
Thompson. J., 84 The Boulevarde, Timothy, A. J. (1), Stanborough Park,
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Watford, Herts., England.
tralia. Timothy (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore,
Thompson, J. T., Route 1, Box 49, Santo, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Placerville, Calif. Tindall, J. H. N., Route 1, Box 68, Para-
Thompson, Julian L. (m), College Sta- dise, Calif.
tion, Berrien Springs, Mich. Ting Ick-Sing (I), S.D.A. Mission, Foo-
Thompson, Robert, 2480 C St., Oro- chow, China.
vill. Calif. Tinkler, D. E. (1), Box 555, Prince
Thompson, W. A., 4403 E Street, S.E., George, British Columbia, Canada.
Washington, D.C. Tinkler, Mrs. D. E. (b), Box 555,
Thomsen, H. J., 2914 W. North Ave., Prince George, British Columbia,
Chicago 47, Ill. Canada.
Thomson, F. (1), 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. Tippett, H. M. (1), Review and Herald,
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Takoma Park. Washington 12. D. C
Thorp, F. W., 1042 Prospect Ave., Tiru, J. P. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Khunti
New York, 59, N. Y. P.O., Ranchi District, India.
Thra, Peter, S.D.A. Mission, Myetto, Tissot, P. (m), Hoheweg 17, Berne,
Kozu Road, Bassein, Burma. Switzerland.
Thrift, L. R. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Tobiassen, Chr., Holmenkollveien 31,
Madang, Territory of New Guinea, Oslo, Norway.
Pacific Ocean. Tobiassen, Leif, Collegedale, Tenn.
Thrift, R. A. R., P.O. Box 27, Hamil- Tobiassen, T., Norre Alle 30, Aarhus,
ton, New South Wales, Australia. Denmark.
Thumwood, F. E., Box 831, Mt. Ver- Tofua'a, Johnnie (1), S.D.A. Mission,
non, Ohio. Box 16, Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly
Thurber, Mrs. Cora F. (m), Takoma Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Park, Washington 12, D. C. Tolan. V., Calea Bucuresti 57, Crai-
Thurber, E. W., Williamstown, Vt. ova, Rumania.
Thurber, Herbert R., 238 W. Haywood ToIf,, Charles J. (I), Route 1, Box 35,
St., Asheville, N.C. Redlands, Calif.
Thurber, L. T. (m), South Lancaster, Tolici, C., Strada Eduard Grand 26.
Mass. Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Thurber, M. R. (I), Review and Her- Tolhurst, H. L., 27 Esplanade Road,
ald, Takoma Park 12, D.C. Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Thurber, Wayne (1), 508 Quarterman Toms, H. A. (1), Box 111, Cressona, Pa.
St., Waycross, Ga. Tong. Archie, 810 14th St., Modesto,
Thurmon, R. B. (1), 1104 S. Success Calif.
Ave., Lakeland, Fla. Tonkin, E. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul,
Thurston, C. E. (1), College Place, New Britain, Territory New Guinea,
Wash. Pacific Ocean.
Thurston, D. S., 107 Lincoln St., Tonkin, L. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Honi-
Youngstown, Ohio. ara, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Thurston, H. G., 751 W. 'Cambridge, Tonkin, M. (1), P.O. Box 27, Hamil-
Fresno, Calif. ton, New South Wales, Australia.
Tibbetts, B. V. (m), 2525 S. Downing Toop, J. A., Box 370, Hamilton, Ber-
St., Denver 10, Colo. muda.
Tibbets, Mrs. Lucile (b), Box 165, Toppenberg, David (m), New England
Beaumont, Texas. Sanitarium, Melrose 76, Mass.
Tieche, Maurice (1), 130 Boulevard Toppenberg, V. E., P. 0. Box 145, Ad-
de l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. dis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Tieche, P. (I), 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Torkelsen, T., Bergjelandsgaten 45,
Marseille, France. Stavanger, Norway.
Tiesnes, E., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber- Torkelson, 0. E. (1), Indiana Acad-
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. emy, Cicero, Ind.
Tilgner, E. (1), Hoheweide 51, (24a) Torkelson, T. R., 17 Pt. Govind Pant
Hamburg 30, Germany. Road, Lucknow, India.
Tilgner, H. (1), Museumstr. 5, Bruns- Torre, Angel de la (1), Apartado 568.
wick, Germany. Ciudad Trujillo, Republica Domini-
Till, W. G., S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Ni- cana.
geria, West Africa. Torreblanca, Eduardo, Casilla 2830,
Tillgren, J., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Nor- Santiago, Chile.
way. Torres, Antonio, Sevilla y Olmedo No.
Tillman, A. M., Virrey del Pino 3801, 33, San Luis Potosi, S.L.P., Mexico.
Suc. 27, R. 4, Buenos Aires, Argen- Torrey, C. L., 149 Harvey Drive, Glen-
tina, South Alnerica, dale, Calif,

Tortal, T. B. (1), Jaro, Iloilo City, Tschurtschenthaler, Idilio (1), Caixa

Philippines. Postal 810, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil,
Totenhofer, Edwin (1), 84 The Boule- South America.
varde, Strathfield, New South Wales, Tsei Kuo Hsiang (I), S.D.A. Mission,
Australia. 44 Fu Tzen Street, Changsha, Hunan,
Totenhofer, H. E. (I), Australasian China.
Missionary College, Cooranbong, New Tshi, T. P., S.D.A. Mission, Hoihow,
South Wales, Australia. Hainan Island, China.
Toth, St., Kun Jozsef utca 29, Mis- Tsik Tai Keung, S.D.A. Mission, Nan-
kolcz, Hungary. ning, Kwangsi, China.
Toth, J., Szekely, Bertalan-utca 13, Bu. Tsio, S. M. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Tung-
dapest VI, Hungary. shan, Canton, China.
Tottress, R. E. (1), 421 E. Marshall Tso, W. K. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Hoi-
Place. Tulsa, Okla. how, Hainan Island, China.
Toureille, D. (m), Hoheweg 17, Berne, Tsotetsi, A. A., P. 0. Box 573, Bula-
Switzerland. wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Towery, Mrs. Mabel (rn), Takoma Park, Tsotetsi, E. A., 11-12 Allbret Building,
Washington 12, D. C. 9 Fraser St., Johannesburg, South
Townend, W. A., 40 Bealey Ave., Africa.
Christchurch, New Zealand. Tsuei Dzen Fang (1), 1365 Chung Shan
Townsend, C. E. (1), General Delivery, Dah Dao, Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Mt. Shasta, Calif. Tsui, Y. C. (1), 108 East San Ma Lu,
Townsend, V. C., Oxford, Me. Changchun, Manchuria.
Tran-ngoc-Te (1), Boite Postale 453, Tsukudu, H. R. S., 288 Lovedale Road,
Saigon, French Indo-China. Mahlomola Location, Bloemfontein,
Trasca, C., Strada Eduard Grand 25. Orange Free State, South Africa.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Tuan Deh Djuin (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Travis, Marion (1), 113 36th St., Gal- 36 Fu Hsi Chieh, Tai-Yuan, Shansi,
veston, Texas. China.
Trefz, Frieda (m), Caixa Postal 1830, Tuasuun, L., Ambon Mission of S.D.A.,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Ambonia, Moluccas, Indonesia.
Treiyer, Benjamin (I), Yegros 429, Tucker, A. L. (m), Apartado 1059, San
Asuncion, Paraguay, South America. Jose, Costa Rica, Central America.
Treptow, C. (1), 25 de Mayo 1323, Men- Tucker, A. R., Box 175, Port-of-Spain,
doza, Argentina, South America. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Trevena, I. E. (I). 40 Bealey Ave., Tucker, C. A. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Aore,
Christchurch, New Zealand. Santo, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Trezza, Carlos (in), Caixa Postal 60, Tucker, E. H. (1), 3144 Eastlake Ave.,
Goiania, Goiaz, Brazil, South Amer- Seattle 2, Wash.
ica. Tucker, E. R., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Trinidad, Paciente, Domicilio Conocido, Tucker, J. A., Southern Missionary Col-
Tecpatan, Chiapas, Mexico. lege, Collegedale, Tenn.
Trivelato, Herminio (1), Caixa Postal Tucker, J. L., 3779 Lakeshore Ave.,
1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Am- Oakland, Calif.
erica. Tucker, L. E., 421 N. Third Ave., Pay-
Troy, Owen A., 735 Winona Ave., Pasa- ette, Idaho.
dena 3, Calif. Tucker, M. V., 1544 S. E. Hawthorne
Trubey, C. 0. (rn), 1544 S.E. Haw- Blvd.. Portland 14, Oreg.
thorne Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. Tudor, R., 84 The Boulevarde, Strath-
Trude, John D., 2501 E. Seneca, Tuc- field, New South Wales, Australia.
son, Ariz. Tudu, Ratan (1), S.D.A. Mission, Te-
Truman, A. W., The Ardmore Hospital, tulia, Benjhi Bengla, Sahibganj P.O.,
Ardmore, Okla. E.I. Rly., Loop Line, India.
Trummer, E. M., 1044 Paradise Drive, Tulaszewski, E. (1), Thalmann-Platz
National City, Calif. 46, Cottbus, Germany.
Trumper, Edward A., P.B.T. 189, Bula- Tulaszewski, K. H. F., Cervantes 144.
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina,
Truesdell, George A., Route 1, Box 202 South America.
A, Hemet, Calif. Tulio, Juanito L. (1), General Deliv-
Tsai, C. C. (I), P. 0. Box 341, Mukden, ery, Manila, Philippines.
Manchuria. Tun Maung S.D.A. Mission, Paan
Tsai, Luke (m), 526 Ningkuo Road, P.O., Thaton District, Burma.
Shanghai 19, China.
Tsao Chun Kai (1), 626 Ningkuo Road, Tun Sein (m), S.D.A. Mission, Kama-
Shanghai, China. maung, Shwegon P.O., Thaton Dis-
Tsao, S. Y. (m), S.D.A. Mission. 17 Li trict, Burma.
Hwang Pei Road, Hankow, Hupeh, Turk, D. G., 24 Dennison Ave., Bing-
China. hampton, N. Y.
Tsao, T. T. (1), 47 Huang Shih Ta Turner, C. L., 146 Duffield Ave., Gales-
Chieh, Mukden 4, Manchuria. burg, Ill.

Turner, E. A., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Utt, Richard (1), Box M, Cristobal,
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Canal Zone.
Turner, H. R., 1237 Ethel St., Glen- Uttley, S. M., 37 O'Connell Terrace,
dale 7, Calif. Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
Turner, Hershel G. (I), Sunnydale Australia.
Academy, Centralia, Mo.
Turner, J. C. (1), Union College, Lin-
coln 6, Nebr. V
Turner, J. W., 2625 Greene St., Fort
Worth, Texas. Vaceloa, Peni, S.D.A. Mission, Box
Turner, R. M. (1), Box 685, Colfax, 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Wash. Vacquer, I. M., Casilla 44, Quito, Ecua-
Turner, W. G., 148 Fox Valley Road, dor, South America.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Vail, W. R., P. 0. Box 573, Bulawayo,
tralia. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Turner, W. H. (1), P.O. Box 27, Ham- Valcourt, Alexis (1), Casier S, Port-
ilton, New South Wales, Australia. au-Prince, Haiti, French West Indies.
Turturica, Fl., Strada Eduard Grand Valen, T. S., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Nor-
25, Bucuresti II, Rumania. way.
Tutty, R. H., S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul, Valentine, George, 180 Clement St.,
New Britain, Territory New Guinea, Paducah, Ky.
Pacific Ocean. Valenzuela, Cleofas R., Avenida Liber-
Tymeson, S. W. (1), Washington Mis- tad 747, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
sionary College, Takoma Park, Wash- Valerio, Raffele, 1327 S. 49th St., Phil-
ington 12, D. C. adelphia 43, Pa.
Tyson, R. A., 45 Oakwood Ave., Liv- Valtuena, F. (m), Apartado 4078, Ma-
ingston, N.J. drid, Spain.
van Alphen, E. (1), Naripan 63, Ban-
doeng, Java, Indonesia.
Van Arsdell, Roger A. (I), South Lan-
U caster, Mass.
Van Atta, W. F. (1), 60 N. White
Udbjorg, 0., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Road, San Jose, Calif.
Norway. Vandeman, G. E., Takoma Park; Wash-
Ueberbacher, R. (m), Nussdorfer- ington 12, D. C.
strasse 5, Vienna IX, Austria. Vandermark, Maybelle E. (m), Wash-
Uebersax, 0. (I), Gubelstrasse 23, Zu- ington Missionary College, Takoma
rich 50, Switzerland. Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Uhlig, W., Robert Blum Strasse 6, van de Merwe, J., Box 7768, Johannes-
Dresden-N6, Germany. burg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Ulfstrom, K., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- van de Merwe, P. J., 85 Hoy Avenue,
holm, Sweden. Brakpan, Transvaal, South Africa.
Ulland, Alf (I), Parkgaten 35, Tromso, van den Bergh A., 33 Niekerk Street,
Norway. Carolina, Transvaal, South Africa.
Ulrich, C. F. L. (1), 62 Clotilde St., Vandenvelde, G. (1), 11-13, rue Ernest
Mt. Lawley, West Australia, Aus- Allard, Brussels, Belgium.
tralia. Vandevere, E. K. (1), Emmanuel Mis-
Underhill, Raymond A. (m), College sionary College, Berrien Springs,
Place, Wash. Mich.
Unger, Frank, 3649 N. Kenwood, In- Van De Wyngard, R. (1), Cervantes
dianapolis 8, Ind. 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina,
Unger, W., Hoheweide 51, Hamburg South America.
30, Germany. Van Dolson, Leo (1), Box 581, Brook-
Uniat, Peter (1), 166 Owen St., Sim- ings, Oreg.
coe, Ontario, Canada. Vandromme, J., 11-13 rue Ernest Al-
Unruh, T. E., 1300 W. Hunting Park lard, Brussels, Belgium.
Ave., Philadelphia 40, Pa. van Eck, P. .1. (1), Helderberg Col-
Unterseher, W. I., 6020 McKinley lege, Box 22, Somerset West, Cape
Place, Seattle, Wash. Province, South Africa.
Uong Ong Po (1), S.D.A. Mission, van Eck, P. 0. (1), Box 1133, Port
Foochow, China. Elizabeth, Cape Province, South
Updyke, Edward (m), 2525 S. Downing Africa.
St., Denver 10, Colo. van Heerden, C. S., Box 1133, Port
Urbanoso, J. (1), Jaro, Iloilo City, Elizabeth, Cape Province, South
Philippines. Africa.
Urquhart, E. J., Angwin, Calif. Van Horn, N. C. (1), Wytheville Hos-
Usher, Ivy (m), Box 170, Belize, Brit- pital, Wytheville, Va.
ish Honduras, Central America. Van Horne, Mrs. Mae (b), 1250 Sunset
Utterback, K., Vasagatan 12, Gote- Ave., Hayward, Calif.
burg, Sweden. van Iterson, J. (m), Lange Beesten-
Utt, C. D. (m), Angwin, Calif. markt 102, The Hague, Netherlands.

Vanko, M., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13, Vetter, J. C. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box
Budapest VI, Hungary. No. 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West
van Oossanen, P., Paramaribostraat Africa.
87 I, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Veuthey, C., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital,
van Putten, C. G., Box 445, Para- Paris 13e, France.
maribo, Dutch Guiana, South Amer- Veuthey, Ernest, Casier Postal S, Port-
ica. au-Prince, Haiti.
Van Sanford, E. L. (m), 528 Oak St., Vez, Daniel (m), 5 Boulevarde Long-
Syracuse 3, N.Y. champ, Marseille, France.
Vansickle, F. E. (1), Washington San- Videto, W. E., Box 413, 347 Broad St.,
itarium, Takoma Park 12, D.C. Michigan Center, Mich.
van Waardenburg, D. (1), Naripan 63, Viegas, M., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio 17,
Bandoeng, Java, Indonesia. Lisbon, Portugal.
Vaciewa, Eroni (1), S.D.A. Mission, Vieira, Galdino N. (I), Caixa Postal
Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. 1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Am-
Varga, Gabriel, 341 Eagle Ave., Perth erica.
Amboy, N.J. Vigilia, E. G., Santiago, Isabela, Philip-
Varmer, Axel, Bergstigen 25, Stock- pines.
sund, Sweden. Villanueva, L. L. (m), P. 0. Box 119,
Vati, Joseph S.D.A. Mission, Box City of Cebu, Philippines.
31, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Villanueva, Raul (1), Apartado 30,
Ocean. Camaguey, Cuba.
Vaucher, A., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit- Villarreal, B. (1), Box M, Cristobal,
zerland. Canal Zone.
Vaughn, J. A., (m), Lorna Linda Food Villeneuve, E., Mission Adventiste, Am-
Co., Arlington, Calif. bohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar.
Vaughn, R. L., Box 324, Strasburg, Va. Vinayagam, N., 51 Subramaniapuram,
Vaz, Kenneth, "Hazelrigg," Mandeville, Madura, India.
(Balaclava) Jamaica, British West Vince, L. D., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.
Indies. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Vazquez, Ignacio, Apartado 30, Cama- Vince, R. A. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Map-
guey, Cuba. parley Park, Nottingham, England.
Vazquez, Miguel, Apartado 30, Cama- Vincentelli, M. (1), Via Trieste 23,
guey, Cuba. Florence, Italy.
Vazquez, Rufino (1), Apartado 30, Vine, A. C. 780 St. Albans Road, Wat-
Camaguey, Cuba. ford, Herts.,England.
Veach, H. R., Box 203, Jackson, Tenn. Vine, K. L. 1), 780 St. Albans Road,
Vedamoney, G. (m), P. 0. Box No. 35, Watford, Herts., England.
Poona, India. Vine, R. D., Stanborough Park, Wat-
Vedelso-Nielsen, E., Svanevej 10, Copen- ford, Herts.. England.
hagen N.V., Denmark. Vinglas, R. V., Casilla 771, Cocha-
Vegele, F. (1), Rua Lopes Trovao 84, bamba, Bolivia, South America.
Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South Vink, D. (1), Paramaribostraat 87 I,
America. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Vehorn, W. M. (m), R.F.D., Lancas- Viru Mall, S.D.A. Mission, Chuhar-
ter, Mass. kana Mandl, Sheikhupura District,
Velasco, F. A. (1), General Delivery, Pakistan.
Manila, Philippines. Visinica, M., Calea Bucuresti 57, Crai-
Velasco, V. A. (m), General Delivery, ova, Rumania.
Manila, Philippines. Visser, Anne (m), Helderberg College,
Venden, D. E., Box 26, College View Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Prov-
Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr. ince, South Africa.
Venden, Leonard (1), Summit, Calif. Visser, R., P. 0. Box 1133, Port Eliza-
Venden, M. L., "0" and Mariposa Sts., beth, C. P., South Africa.
Fresno, Calif. Vitiamyalaksana, Pleng (m), 399 Up-
Venen, W. J., 222 Sinclair Ave., Glen- per Serangoon Road, Singapore, Col-
dale 6, Calif. ony of Singapore.
Venter, P. A., Box 1133, Port Eliza- Vitrano, Justice. 2036 W. Belmont
beth, Cane Province, South Africa. Ave., Fresno, Calif.
Vergara, Consolacion 0. (m), General Vitrano, Steven P. (1), 431 S. Poplar
Delivery, Manila, Philippines. St., Centralia, Ill.
Verona, D., Piazza Mirabello 2-bis, Viva. One (1), S.D.A. Mission, Honiara,
Milano, Italy. Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Vertallier, R., Rue Nationale, Saint
Vixie, L. A., Coalmont, Tenn.
Pierre, Reunion.
Vervoort. E. (1). Mission Adventiste, Vogel, H. (I), Adventhaus, Hans-Sachs-
Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagas- Strasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany.
car. Vogel, 0. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Vetter, H. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Vogel, R., Linienstr. 101%, (13b) Mu-
tralia. nich-Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Germany.

Voget, K., Peiner Strasse 19 A, Han- Wagner, B. E., 530 Ansley Road, De-
over-Dohren, Germany. catur, Ga.
Vogt, Felix, Niklasstr. 19, (1) Berlin- Wagner, E. A. (1), 2 Duke Road, Kow-
Zehlendorf, Germany. loon, Hong Kong.
Vogt, K. (1), Robert Blum Strasse 6, Wagner, Fred H., Box 313, Nome,
Dresden-N6, Germany. Alaska.
Voigt, Max, Niklasstr. 19, (1) Berlin- Wagner, J. H., P. 0. Box 720, Potts-
Zehlendorf, Germany. town, Pa.
Vollmer, A. (1), Niklasstr. 19, (I) Ber- Wagner, J., Rua Lopes Trovao 84, Ni-
lin-Zehlendorf, Germany. teroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South
Vollmer, H. W., 2215 E. Glenoaks, America.
Glendale 6, Calif. Wagner, Lewis H. (1), Route 1, Wap-
Vollrath, H., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber- wallopen, Pa.
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Wagner, K., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9,
Volzke, R., Robert Blum Strasse 6, Chemnitz, Germany.
Dresden-N6, Germany. Wahl, Melvin K., 820 10th St., Alva,
von Pohle, C. L. (m), Box 228, Coconut Okla.
Grove, Miami, Fla. Wahungan a, Enoch, c/o Maranke
von Pohle, E. A., 325 N. 16th, Canon Clinic, P.O. Odze, Southern Rhode-
City, Colo. sia, Africa.
von Pohle, D. J., Casilla 1003, Lima, Wakeman, Irene (m), P.O. Box 401,
Peru, South America. Manila, Philippines.
Voorhees, H. E., 24 Fusting Ave., Bal- Walandouw, K. (1), Tondano, Celebes,
timore 28, Md. Indonesia.
Voorthuis, F. J., Lange Beestenmarkt Walde, E. R., Box 1511, Glendale, Calif.
102, The Hague, Netherlands. Waldeck, H. (I), Kurfurstenstrasse 91,
Voorthuis, P., Paramaribostraat 87 I, Bielefeld, Germany.
Amsterdam, Netherlands. Waldo, H. P., 411 Cedar St., Takoma
Vore, George T., Route 1, Box 175, Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Ventura, Calif. Waldvogel, Luiz, Caixa Postal 34,
Vories, C. L., Box 235, College Place, Santo Andre, E.F.S.J., Sao Paulo,
Wash. Brazil, South America.
Votaw, H. H., Takoma Park, Wash- Walean, R. 0., Ambon Mission of
ington 12, D. C. S.D.A., Amboina, Moluccas, Indo-
Votaw, W. B., S.D.A. Mission, Khunti nesia.
P.O., Ranchi District. India. Walean, W. F., Tondano, Celebes, In-
Voth, Bernard, Box 5013, Farley Sta- donesia.
tion, Oklahoma City, Okla. Walgren, C. A., Box 1083, Sweetwater,
Voth, C. C., Box 43, Wetaskiwin, Al- Texas.
berta, Canada. Walker, Allen, 1116 Melton Ave., Lake-
Voth, David, 1801 Orchard Ave., Glen- land, Fla.
dale 6, Calif. Walker, E. (1), Caixa Postal 1919, Rio
Voyles, Ernest W. (1), Box 6, Spring- de Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
field, Minn.
Vreeland, Mabel (b), 528 Oak St., Syr- Walker, H. W., 224 N. Howell St.,
acuse 3, N.Y. Chattanooga, Tenn.
Vuilleumier, J., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Walker, J. G., General Delivery, Pen-
Switzerland. dleton, Oreg.
Vuloaloa, Semi, S.D.A. Mission, Box Walker, J. Z., Northern Calif. Conf.,
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Box 149, Oakland 4, Calif.
Vysma, E. H. (1), Buttewegstraat 3, Walker, 0. C., Box 223, Bridgetown,
,Soerabaja, Java, Indonesia. Barbados, British West Indies.
Walker, Stanley (I), College Place,
w Walker, W. W., Box 759, Macon, Ga.
Wall, D. N., Route 1, Box 199-F, Shaf-
ter, Calif.
Waddell, R. F., 56 Maitrichitr Road, Wall, F. E. (m), Washington Missionary
Bangkok, Siam. College, Takoma Park, Washington
Wade, A. E., 105 E. Orchard St., 12, D.C.
Athens, Pa. Wallace, Clarence H. (1), W1025 In-
Wade, J. H., 40 Bealey Avenue, Christ- diana Ave., Spokane, Wash.
church, New Zealand. Wallace, E. H., Boite Postale 453,
Wagar, N. J. (m), Box 308, Oshawa, Saigon, French Indo-China.
Ontario, Canada. Wallace, H. L., 11033 Pine St., Lyn-
Wagenknecht, 0. (m), Londynska 30, wood, Calif.
Praha-Vinohrady, Czechoslovakia. Wallace, Ralph E., Jr., 4205 Audrey
Wagner, Aaron, A., Box Z, Moses Ave., Baltimore 25, Md.
Lake, Wash. Wallace, S. (1), 84 The Boulevarde,
Wagner, Alonzo S. (1), 210 Stewart Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
St., Danville, Va. tralia.

Wallace, W. G. (m), 6129 Winthrop, Wang Sien Tung (m), 526 Ningkuo
Indianapolis 20, Ind. Road, Shanghai 19, China.
Wallack, Dwight S. (1), 15 Ridgemoor Wang Sung-Tao (m), 626 Ningkuo
St., Battle Creek, Mich. Road, Shanghai, China.
Wallenkamp, J., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Wang Tsia-Ching (1), Court 1207 Yu-
holm, Sweden. Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China.
Wallenkampf, A. V., Union College, Wang, W. H., S.D.A. Mission, Siao
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Chiao, Chang, Kiukiang, Kiangsi,
Wallenstern, A. v., Kurfurstenstrasse China.
19, Bielefeld, Germany. Wang Wei Djoh (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Waller, W. H. Box 356, Nassau, Ba- 11 Pei Yueh Ya Hutung, Peiping,
hamas, British West Indies. China.
Walls, Herbert A., Jr. (1), Lowry Me- Wang Wen Tien (I), S.D.A. Mission,
morial High School, Duravani P.O., Da Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan,
Bangalore District, India. China.
Walsh, Mary (1), 902 Houston Ave., Wang Ya-Ju (1), S.D.A. Mission, 11
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Pei Yueh Ya Hutung, Peiping, China.
Walter, E. C. (in), Angwin, Calif. Wang, Y. K. (1), 1365 Chung Shan
Walter, E. D. (1), Sanitarium, Calif. Dah Dao, Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Walter, Marvin (1), Box 663, Holbrook, Wang' Yung Yeh (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Ariz. Hsuchow, Kiangsu, China.
Walters, H. S., 176 Orange Street, King- Wangerin, R. L. (m), Advent Press,
ston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Gendia Mission, Private Bag, Ki-
Walters, T. W. Route 2, Gaston, Oreg. sumu, Kenya, East Africa.
Walther, Daniel (1), Theological Semi- Wangerin, Mrs. Theodora (m), S.D.A.
nary, Takoma Park, Washington 12, Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul,
D. C. Korea.
Walton, B. A., S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Ward, Arthur A., Box 223, Bridge-
Nigeria, West Africa. town, Barbados, British West Indies.
Walton, E. C., Morant Bay P.O., Ja- Ward, Eric C. 1206 Queen St.,
maica, British West Indies. Wilson, N.C.
Walton, H. M., Corner Boyle and Mich- Ward, F. P. (1), Pitcairn Island, Pa-
igan Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. cific Ocean.
Walton, W. D. (1), Highland Academy, Ward, James A., 176 W. Maple, Col-
Fountain Head, Tenn. lege Place, Wash.
Wang An Hsi, S.D.A. Mission, Chengtu, Warden, V., 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Law-
Szechwan, China. ley, West Australia, Australia.
Wang Deh Djuin. S.D.A. Mission, Kal- Wardrop. J. H. (I), 1411 Grigsby, Dal-
gan, Chahar, China. las, Texas.
Wang Deh-Dzi, S.D.A. Mission, 44 Fu Wargo, George (I), 1008 Flower Ave.,
Tzen St., Changsha, Hunan, China. Takoma Park 12, D. C.
Wang Dju Chiao (1), S.D.A. Mission, Warland, E. R., 22 Zulla Road, Map-
Kangting, (Tatsienlu), Sikang, China. parley Park, Nottingham, England.
Wang Dzi Yuan, S.D.A. Mission, 185 Warnar, A. H. (1), W1025 Indiana
Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China. Ave., Spokane, Wash.
Wang Fu Yuen, Northwest China Warner, H. D., 1088 Shephard Lane,
Union Mission of S.D.A.. 337 Chung Lockland, Ohio.
Cheng Road, Lanchow, Kansu, China. Warner, T. J., Box 66, Port-of-Spain,
Wang Feng )(Mg (I), S.D.A. Mission, Trinidad, British West Indies.
20 Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China. Warnick, R. F., 2160 North Capitol
Wang Ging Yang, P.O. Box 341, Muk- Indianapolis 2, Ind.
Hwang Pei Road, Hankow 7, Hupeh, Warren, M. C., 2 Duke Road, Kow-
China. loon, Hong Kong.
Wang, Ging Yang, P.O. Box 341, Muk- Warren, Merritt C. (1), Route 1, Box
den, Manchuria. 92, Delano, Calif.
Wang Hang Yang (1), S.D.A. Mission, Warrington, Marion (b), 2712 Califor-
Da Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, nia St., San Francisco, Calif.
China. Wartzok, L. G. (1), 4238 Doncaster
Wang Hsi Wu (1), Kanching Mission Drive, Madison, Wisc.
of S.D.A., 337 Chung Cheng Road, Wasenmiller, J. A., 355 E. 163rd St.,
Lanchow, Kansu, China. New York 56, N. Y.
Wang Hsing Bang (1), S.D.A. Mission, Washburn, H. A., Route 1, St. Helena,
86 North Gate Street, Kunming, Calif.
Yunnan, China. Washburn, J. S., 4041/2 W. Washington
St., Hagerstown, Md.
Wang, James, 526 Ningkuo Road, WasH, A., Holmenkollveien 31, Oslo,
Shanghai, China. Norway.
Wang Kwang-Hwei (1), S.D.A. Mis- Wassidlow, M., Kopernikusstrasse 24 1,
sion, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Nurnberg, Germany.
Wang Lu-San, Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Watanabe, K. (1), 171 Amanuma
Road, Shanghai 27, China. 1-chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Waterhouse, T. R. (I), Box 67, Ca- Weber, L. D., 875 E. "D" Ave., Glen-
mino, Calif. dale, Ariz.
Waters, N. H., Route 4, Jefferson, Texas. Weber, Samuel C., Cervantes 144, Pa-
Watson, A., Stanborough Park, Wat- rana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South
ford, Herts., England. America.
Watson, A. H. (1), Stanborough Park, Webster, C. R., Route 2, Box 618 A,
Watford, Herts., England. Ventura, Calif.
Watson, C. D. (1), Stanborough Park, Webster, D. A. (1), Grove Avenue,
Watford, Herts., England. Claremont, Cape Province, South
Watson, C. H., 148 Fox Valley Road, Africa.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Webster, F. C., 1921 19th St., Parkers-
tralia. burg, W. Va.
Watson, D. H., S.D.A. Mission, Box Webster, F. C., Jr., Caixa Postal 2898,
31, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America,
Ocean. Webster, K. G., Nyanchwa Mission,
Watson, E. I. (1), Route 4, N. Dupont P.O. Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Blvd., Dover, Del. Webster, M. M., P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre,
Watson, G. F., 616 S. E. 60th St., Port- Nyasaland, Africa.
land 15, Oreg. Webster, W. M. (m), Caixa Postal 3,
Watson, Luther A., Mision Adventist Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese
La Ceiba, Honduras, Central America. West Africa.
Watt, A. L. (1), Helderberg College, Weeks, Frank, Box 231, Dickson, Tenn.
Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Prov- Weeks, Howard (I), Box 634, Clinton,
ince, South Africa. Okla.
Watt, W. J. (1), 2310 13th Ave., W., Wegener, A., Kuhberg 141, Salzburg,
Bradenton, Fla. Austria.
Watts, A. E., 84 The Boulevarde, Strath- Wehrmann, H., Kurfurstenstrasse 91,
field, New South Wales, Australia. (21a) Bielefeld, Germany.
Watts, Burl (1), Lodi Academy, Lodi, Weidle, Eugenio, Caixa Postal 810. Cu-
Calif. ritiba, Parana, Brazil, South Amer-
Watts, Carl B. (1), Union College, Lin- ica.
coln 6, Nebr. Weigel, Fr., Linienstrasse 101y, Mu-
Watts, R. B. (1), 148 Fox Valley Road, nich-Deisenhofen, Bavaria, Germany.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Weikum, A. A. (1), 703 W. 6th St.,
tralia. Boone, Iowa.
Watts, R. S., P.O. Box 226, Singapore, Wei Su An (I), S.D.A. Mission, Da
Colony of Singapore. Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan,
Watts, V. B., Calistoga, Calif. China.
Weaks, C. E., Coalmont, Tenn. Wei Yung Tseng (1), Court 1207, Yu-
Wearner, A. J., Union College, Lin- Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China.
coln 6, Nebr. Weinert, A., Museumstr. 5, Brunswick,
Wearner, R. G.. 2608 Bagby St., Hous- Germany.
ton, Texas. Weinberg, D. S. (1), Box 130, Appo-
Weaver, Horace S., College Place, mattox, Va.
Wash. Weir, Margaret (m), Takoma Park 12,
Weaver, J. E., 2729 W. Olympic, Spo- D. C.
kane, Wash. Weis, C. C., Box 574, St. Johns, New-
Weaver, E. P. (m), Adelphian Acad- foundland.
emy, Holly, Mich. Weiss, A. J. (1), Uriarte 2429, Buenos
Weaver, Robert J. (1), 729 S. Law- Aires, Argentina, South America.
rence, Montgomery, Ala. Weiss, Samuel, Apartado 668, Ciudad
Weaver, W. T., Shenandoah Valley Trujillo, Republica Dominicana.
Academy, New Market, Va. Weithers, W. W., Box 117, Castries,
Webb, A. E., 269 Lenox Ave., New St. Lucie, British West Indies.
York City, N. Y. Welborn, Wayne W. (1), Box 1311,
Webb, F. T. (1), 27 Esplanade Road, Meridian, Miss.
Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Welch, C. E. (1), Newark Road, Mt.
Webb, L. F., 1313 32d St., Lubbock, Vernon, Ohio.
Texas. Welch, H. J., Madison College, Tenn.
Webb, Walter (1), 717 First St., Will- Welch, J. T. (1), 1216 Morgan, Fort
mar, Minn. Worth, Texas.
Webb, W. C., 2257 E. 121st St., Wil- Welch, L. W., Union College, Lincoln
lowbrook, Calif. 6, Nebr.
Webber, Bernice (m), Berrien Springs, Welklin, H. A. (1), 202 E. 7th St.,
Mich. Muncie, Ind.
Webber, P. A., Madison College, Tenn. Wellder, 0. C. (I), 703 Pennsylvania
Weber, G. (m), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Ave., York, Pa.
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Wellman, A. F., 9515 Lawlor Ave.,
Weber, Herbert (1), Caixa Postal 810, Oakland 6, Calif.
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Wellman, C. D. (1), Takoma Ave. and
America. Moore St., Greeneville, Tenn.

Wellman, L. E., Box 233, Mountain Westbrook, T. B., 2003 Ellerslie Drive,
City, Tenn. Baton Rouge, La.
Wellman, S. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Westcott, H. B., 119 Washington Drive,
ington 12, D. C. Salinas, Calif.
Wellman, W. L., Box 233, Cape May Westcott, W. E. (m), Box 449, Deca-
Court House, N.J. tur, Ga.
Wells, C. (I), 40 Bealey Ave., Christ- Westcott, W. E. (1), Box 3673, Orlando,
church, New Zealand. Fla.
Wells, Emma (m), Route 2, Quassaick Westerhout, W. A., Box 297, Walnut
Ave., M.D. 25, Newburgh, N.Y. Creek, Calif.
Wells, F. B., Suji Mission, P.O. Mak- Westermann, 0., Diepensiepen 16, Mett-
anya, Via Moshi, Tanganyika, East mann/Rheinland, Germany.
Africa. Westermeyer, H. E., College Place,
Wells, F. D., Drawer 152,. Cunningham Wash.
St., St. Augustine, Fla. Westermeyer, W. H., 1002 Washington
Wenberg, Kenneth (1), Box 655, Pali- St., Little Rock, Ark.
sade, Cob. Westhofer, B., Robert Blum Strasse 6,
Wendell, B. P. (1), Gitwe Mission, Via Dresden-N6, Germany.
Usumbura, Urundi, Congo Belge, Westlake, G., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.
Africa. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Weniger, Charles E., Theological Sem- Westman, E. J. Sheridan, Oreg.
inary, Takoma Park, Washington Westman, G. E., Svanevej 10, Copen-
12, D.C. hagen N.V., Denmark.
Wennerberg, A. W., Route 3, Box 36, Weston, Helen (b), 208 Highland St.,
Tahlequah, Okla. Worcester, Mass.
Wensell, E. H. (1), Uriarte 2429, Bue- Westphal, A. L., 804 East 7th St.,
nos Aires, Argentina, South America. Tucson, Ariz.
Wensell, Niels, Calle V. Vergara 3227, Westphal, C. E., 10900 Colesville Road,
Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires, Silver Spring, Md.
Argentina, South America. Westphal, C. E. (m), Calle V. Vergara
Wentland, M. H., College Place, Wash. 3227, Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos
Wentland, Rankin, Jr., Red Boiling Aires, Argentina, South America.
Springs, Tenn. Westphal, Henry J., Avenida Narvarte
Wentland, R. W., Broadview Academy, 287, Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico.
La Grange, Ill. Wheeler, C. E., 407 Avenue "A", Ope-
Wenzel, E., Diepensiepen 16, Mettmann/ lika, Ala.
Rheinland, Germany. Wheeler, G. A., 617-A Myrtle Ave., In-
Were, C. R. (I), 37 O'Connell Terrace, glewood, Calif.
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Wheeler, H. A. (1), P. 0. Box 27,
Australia. Hamilton, New South Wales; Aus-
Werline, A. W. (1), South Lancaster, tralia.
Mass. Wheeler, J. H., Marsland, Nebr.
Werner, A. J. 2243 East Earl Driye, Wheeler, L. A. (1), Apartado 218, Guate-
Phoenix, Ariz. mala City, Guatemala, Central Amer-
Werner, R., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, ice.
Stuttgart-S, Germany. Wheeler, Mrs. Theone (m), Caixa Postal
Wernick, F. W., 602 N. Pine Street, 2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
Lancaster, Pa. ica.
Wernick, H. L., 613 Wall St., Man- Wheeler, W. R. (1), Caixa Postal 2898,
kato, Minn. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Wertz, R. G. (1), Box 21, DuQuoin, Whelpley, J. Elmer, 750 West 19th Ave.,
Wessels, J. M. (1), 40 Magazyn St., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Pietersburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Whisker, W. R. (1), New Zealand Mis-
Wessman, Carl (m), Box 125, Monc- sionary College, Box 1, Longburn,
ton, N. B., Canada. New Zealand.
West, G. L., Route 1, Mt. Vernon, White, A., 84 The Boulevarde, Strath-
Ohio. field, New South Wales, Australia.
West, G. R. 401 Poplar Ave., Bakers- White, A. H., 84 The Boulevarde,
field, Calif. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
West, Mrs. G. R. (b), 401 Poplar Ave., tralia.
Bakersfield, Calif. White, Arthur L., Takoma Park, Wash-
West, H. J. (I), 780 St. Albans Road, ington 12, D. C.
Watford, Herts., England. White, B. J., Loma Linda, Calif.
West, J. B., Stanborough Park, Wat-
ford, Herts., England. White, C. L., (1), 21141/2 Glenway, Cov-
West, J. B., 14 Avon Close, Yeading, ington, Ky.
Hayes, Middlesex, England. White, D. R. La Sierra Station, Ar-
West, Roger (1), 1220 S. Church St., lington, Calif.
Lodi, Calif. White, E. E., 148 Fox Valley Road,
West, W. W. (1), 125 Beau Forest Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Drive, Oakland 11, Calif. tralia.

White, H., S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul, New Wiik, 0. (1), Holmenkollveien 31 Oslo,
Britain, Territory of New Guinea, Norway.
Pacific Ocean. Wilber, C. L., 3670 Dubsdread Circle,
White, Hampton H., Box 101, Atlantic, Orlando, Fla.
Iowa. Wilbur, Fred J. (1), 253 Richland Ave.,
White, I. W., 84 The Boulevarde, Glendale, Calif.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Wilcox, E. H., 415 Kittitas St., Wenat-
tralia. chee, Wash.
White, Ina (m), P. 0. Box 35, Poona 1, Wilcox, F. M., 1929 E. Glenoaks Blvd.,
India. Glendale, Calif.
White, Major (1), 818 N. Perry, Tucson, Wilcox, L. A., 310 Chiquita Ave.,
Ariz. Mountain View, Calif.
White, 0. S., 664 Hall St. E., Macon, Wilcox, L. C., 399 Upper Serangoon
Ga. Road, Singapore, Colony of Singa-
White, Robert E. (1), 2528 Benton pore.
Blvd., Kansas City 1, Mo. Wilcox, Lorena (m), Southwestern Jun-
White, S. E. (1), Box 66, Port-of-Spain, ior College, Keene, Texas.
Trinidad, British West Indies. Wilcox, Mrs. Lulu P. (m), 345 N. 3rd
White, S. G., 1202 3rd Ave. N., Saska- St., San Jose, Calif.
toon, Sask., Canada. Wilcox, R. A., Rua Lopes Trovao 84,
White, S. K. (1), P. 0. Box 578, South. Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. America.
White, W. R. (m), 3006 Cliff Drive, Wild, W. A., Apartado 50, General
Nashville 7, Tenn. Peraza, Havana, Cuba.
White, W. W., 1414 S. Olive St., Santa Wiley, P. K. (I), Rwesse Mission, Lu-
Ana, Calif. bero, Congo Beige, Central Africa.
Whitehead, E. R., 84 The Boulevarde, Wilhelm, C. A., 131 Fairview Blvd.,
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Hempstead, N. Y.
tralia. Wilhelm, Mrs. J. W. (b), 506 Southern
Whiteside, R., Stanborough Park, Wat- Heights, Louisville, Ky.
ford, Herts., England. Wilkinson, B. G., 7120 Piney Branch
Whitlow, Paul, 629 Acres St., Burling- Road, Takoma Park; Washington 12,
ton, Iowa. D.C.
Whitney, Marjorie (m), 27 Hope Road, Wilkinson, L. V., 148 Fox Valley Road,
Half-Way-Tree, Jamaica, British West Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Indies. tralia.
Whitsett, R. M., 6314 S. Rosebury St., Wilkinson, W. (I), Lodi Academy, Lodi,
St. Louis 6, Mo. Calif.
Whittaker, D., 27 Esplanade Rd., Mt. Will, S. S., 1320 Clay St., Orlando, Fla.
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Will, Th., Kopernikusstrasse 24 I,
Whittaker, E. G., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Nurnberg, Germany.
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Will, W. T. (m), Southwestern Junior
Whittaker, M. H., 84 The Boulevarde, College, Keene, Texas.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Wille, H., Kurfurstenstrasse 91, Biele-
tralia. feld, Germany.
Whitten, Louie G. (1), Box 1475, Des Willett, E. F. (I), 524 S. Janison Ave.,
Moines 6, Iowa. Lansing 15, Mich.
Whitten, W. C. (1), Box 26, College Willey, T. 0., 1528 N.W. 41st St., Okla-
View Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr. homa City, Okla.
Wibbens, Jacob, 130 Boulevard de l'Ho- Willi, H., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise,
pital, Paris 13e, France. Lausanne, Switzerland.
Wickman, Paul, Takoma Park, Wash- William, E. N. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
ington 12, D. C. Rayapet, Narsapur, West Godavari
Wicks, H. B. P., P. 0. Box 27, Hamil- District, India.
ton, New South Wales, Australia. Williams, A. G. (1), 86 Bantu St., Ali-
Wickwire, Bruce M. (m), 1425 W. Ter- wal North, Cape Province, South
rell St., Ft. Worth, Texas. Africa.
Widmer, R. R. (1), 216 E. 7th St., Williams, A. H., Stanborough Park,
Mitchell, S. Dak. Watford, Herts., England.
Wiedemann, M. F., 539 South 8th St., Williams, B. F., 1320 E. Wilson Ave.,
Burlington, Iowa. Glendale 6, Calif.
Wiedmer, F. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, Williams, B. J. (m), Box 15, Poona 1,
(1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. India.
Wieland, R. J., Box 22, Kampala, Williams, C. D. M., 227 West B Ave.,
Uganda, East Africa. Glendale, Ariz.
Wierts, J. H., St. Georges Apts., Mill Williams, C. L. (1), 637 San Jose Ave.,
Cr. Rd., Ardmore, Pa. San Francisco, Calif.
Wiest, C. S., 755 Ouray Ave., Grand Williams, Clarence (1), 140 Jewell Ave.,
Junction, Colo. Sebastopool, Calif.
Wight, S. E., Route 1, Box 107, Ber- Williams, Garnet (1), Route 1, Box
rien Springs, Mich. 161, Sellersburg, Ind.

Williams, H. M., P.O. Box 205, Shaw- Wilson, R. (m), Box 176, Port-of-Spain,
nee, Okla. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Williams, Harold N., Box 372, Lafay- Wilson, R. (1), 780 St. Albans Road,
ette, Ind. Watford, Herts., England.
Williams, Hugh W., La Sierra Station, Wilson, R. L. (1), 84 The Boulevarde,
Box 3, Arlington, Calif. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Williams, J. B. E. {I), 607 N. Jefferson tralia.
St., Florence, S.C. Wilson, Russel T. (1), 153 Goffe St., New
Williams, J. H., 1018 Dakota St., San Haven, Conn.
Antonio, Texas. Wilson, Thaddeus W., 1311 Northlapd
Williams, J. N., Box 170, Belize, British Ave., Buffalo 8, N.Y.
Honduras, Central America. Wimer, C. E., 545 Fairmount St., Med-
Williams, Lafayette (I), 1408 N.E. 9th ford, Oreg.
St., Apt. 4, Oklahoma City, Okla. Wimer, Gaylord F. (m), Box 2238, Boise,
Williams. Max (m), Keene, Texas. Idaho.
Williams, P. L., P. 0. Box 226, Singa- Winandy, C., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi-
pore, Colony of Singapore. tal, Paris 13e, France.
Williams, Roy (m), Box 3412, Section Winders, R. J., 1007 Liberty St., Bell-
A, Panama City, Republic of Panama, ingham, Wash.
Central America. Winders, R. L., Box 649, Beaumont,
Williams, Ruby (b), P.O. Box 1011, Texas.
Beirut, Lebanon. Windeyer, H. J. (1), 40 Bealey Ave.,
Williams, William C., 2 Duke Road, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Kowloon, Hong Kong. Wineland, W. H., Theological Seminary,
Williams, W. H. (I), Takoma Park, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Washington 12, D. C. Wines, E. C. (1), 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Williamson, Guy C., 4500 Paseo, Kan- Heliopolis, Egypt.
sas City, Mo. Wing, R. B., Box 265, Marceline, Mo.
Williamson, J. J., 762 Clinton St., Flint Winkler, L. R. (m), Naripan 63, Ban-
3, Mich. doeng, Java, Indonesia.
Williamson, Mrs. Margaret (m), Loma Winley, P. C. (1), 1400 Hawkins St.,
Linda, Calif. Nashville, Tenn.
Willis, C. M. (1), 57 Lefferts Place, Winn, Vernon (m), Auburn Academy,
Brooklyn, N.Y. Auburn, Wash.
Willis, U. S., 147 E. Lorain St., Ober- Winning, Evabelle (m), Angwin, Calif.
line, Ohio. Winslow, G. C. (1), P.O. Box 1170,
Willison, C. M. (m), Indiana Academy, Beirut, Lebanon.
Cicero, Ind. Winston, W. H., 26 Lincoln Court, Pa-
Willmore, Priscilla E. (m), P. 0. Box ducah, Ky.
1133, Port Elizabeth, Cape Province, Winter. C. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., Christ-
South Africa. church, New Zealand.
Willmore, P. W., P. 0. Box 573, Bula- Winter, C. E. (I), 2 Duke Road, Kow-
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. loon, Hong Kong.
Willmott, E. D., P. 0. Box 20, Banga- Winter, Eugene (I), College Place,
lore, India. Wash.
Willoughby, H. E., 5914 S.E. Yamhill Winter, S. G. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
St., Portland 15, Oreg. thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Wilmoth, I. (I), New Zealand Mission- Winters, F. G. (m), Forest Lake Acad-
ary College, Box 1, Longburn, New emy, Maitland, Fla.
Zealand. Wintzen, J., Lange Beestenmarkt 192,
Wilmshurst, F. J., 780 St. Albans Road, The Hague, Netherlands.
Watford, Herts., England. Wirth, W. G., 5447 El Verano Ave., Los
Wilson, G. I., 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Law- Angeles 41, Calif.
ley, West Australia, Australia. Wissner, U. (1), 805 E. Broadway, Glen-
Wilson, H., S.D.A. Mission, P. 0. Box dale, Calif.
26, Bo. Sierra Leone, West Africa. Wittenberg, W. N., 411 Cedar St.,
Wilson, J. 0., P.O. Box No. 977, Ran- Takoma Park 12, D.C.
goon, India. Wittig, H., Kopernikusstrasse 24 I,
Wilson, J. V., Helderberg College, P. Nurnberg, Germany.
0. Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Prov- Wittschiebe, Charles, Collegedale, Tenn.
ince, South Africa. Wloka, K. (1), Peiner Strasse 19 A,
Wilson, James Jr. (I), Box 308, Oshawa, Hanover-Dohren, Germany.
Ont., Canada. Wolcott, B. A., Route 2, Mt. Vernon,
Wilson, IC L., Route 2, Gentry, Ark. Ohio.
Wilson, N. C., 148 Fox Valley Roid, Wolcott, Hollis W., Route 1, Ruffsdale,
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Pa.
Wilson, Neal C., 16 Av. de Koubbeh, Wolfe, E. W., Ooltewah, Tenn.
Heliopolis, Egypt. Wolf kill, G. F., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif.
Wilson, P. L. (m), Southwestern Junior Wollan, J. H., Post Office Box 145,
college, Keene, Texas.. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Wong Hung Gi (I), S.D.A. Mission, Wright, Orville D., 445 Hurstbourne
Foochow, China. Road, Rochester 9, N.Y.
Wong Kiat Sam (1), P.O. Box 34, Jes- Wrigley, C. A., P.O. Box 578, South
selton, Colony of North Borneo. Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
Woo, M. Y. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Hoi- Wrigley, E. G. (1), Highland Academy,
how, Hainan Island, China. Fountain Head, Tenn.
Woo, Helen (m), Court 1207, Yu-Yuen Wu. E. H., 140 Bukit Bintang Road,
Road, Shanghai 27, China. Kuala Lumpur, Union of Malaya.
Woo, T. S., S.D.A. Mission, Nanning, Wu Fang Pei (1), S.D.A. Mission, 20
Kwangsi, China. Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China.
Wood, D. If., 211 E. King Ave., Or- Wu Hsiao Djen (m), 526 Ningkuo Road,
lando, Fla. Shanghai 19, China.
Wood, E. C. (1), 807 Houston. Ave., Wu Hsiao-Tung (I), S.D.A. Mission,
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
Wood, J. D., Box 66, Port-of-Spain, Wu Kao-Fu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wen.
Trinidad, British West Indies. chow, Chekiang, China.
Wood, J. Wyland, 44 Wing St., Ban- Wu Ming-Seng, Court 1207, Yu-Yuen
gor, Maine. Road, Shanghai 27, China.
Wood, K. H., 1264 Bird Ave., San Jose, Wu Shan (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wenchow,
Calif. Chekiang, China.
Wood, K. H., Jr., 63 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wu Tien En, Court 1207, Yu-Yuen Road,
Trenton 8, N.J. Shanghai 27, China.
Wood, L. H., Theological Seminary, Wuttke, P. (1), Hoheweide 51, Ham-
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D,C. burg 30, Germany.
Wood, R. A., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn Wyatt, C. R. (I), 2925 Logan Blvd.,
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Chicago 47, Ill.
Wood, Robert (1), 3700 7th St., Merid- Wyborn, L. H., Box 27, Hamilton, New
ian, Miss. South Wales, Australia.
Wood, S. H., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. Wyman, F. A., 1437 Third St., Chehalis,
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Wash.
Wood, Wilton H. (1), 2 Duke Rbad, Wyman, F. C. (I), Box 143, E. Stan-
Kowloon, Hong Kong. wood, Wash.
Woodard, Blooma (m), New England Wyman, M. A., 4105 Ave. F., Austin,
Sanitarium, Melrose 76, Mass. Texas.
Woodburn, B. A. (1), Stann Creek, Wyrick, Mrs. Esta (b), 5435 Claremont,
British Honduras, Central Ameriga. Berkeley, Calif.
Woodfield, A. J. (1), Stanborough Park,
Watford, Herts., England.
Woodfork, R. L., 2203 Sylvania St., St.
Joseph 22, Mo.
Woodland, C. A., 303 .Forrest St., Ama-
rillo, Texas.
Woodman, I. J., Pacific Press Publish- Yacoub, Antar (1), 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
ing Assn., Mountain View, Calif. Heliopolis, Egypt.
Woodruff, G. M. (1), 310 N. 8th St., Yacoub, Nashid, 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Vineland, N.J. Heliopolis, Egypt.
Woods, A. C. (1), 304 3rd Ave., S., Vir- Yakovenko, Mrs. Alexander (m), Col-
ginia, Minn. lege Heights, -Alberta, Canada.
Woods, C. L. (1), Pacific Union College, Yakovenko, P. G., 9517 - 118th Ave.,
Angwin, Calif. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Woods, R. F., Route 1, Churchville, Va. Yakush, Andrew, 158-09 45th Ave.,
Woods, R. W., Union College, Lin- Flushing, N. Y.
coln 6, Nebr. Yakush, Samuel A. (1), 164', Bridge
Woodward, H. G., 1124 Adoline Ave., St., Chillicothe, Ohio.
Fresno, Calif. Yamamoto, S. (1), 171 Amanuma 1-
Woodward, I. C. (m), Vincent Hill Col- chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
lege, Mussoorie, United Province, Yamagata, T., 171 Amanuma 1-
India. chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Woody, Edgar F. (m) 1112 Keeaumoku, Yan, Y. C. (1), 140 Bukit Bintang Road,
Honolulu 46, Territory Hawaii. Kuala Lumpur, Union of Malaya.
Yang Chung Ii, S.D.A. Mission, Tai-
Wooller, K. J., Box 27, Hamilton, New chun, Korea.
South Wales, Australia. Yang I Fu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wen-
Wosu, R. 0., S.D.A. Mission, Jengre, chow, Chekiang, China.
Railway Station, via Jos. N. Nigeria, Yang Fu Shih (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wen-
West Africa. chow, Chekiang, China.
Wray, Francis (1), S.D.A. Mission, Yang Kai Hsuen (I), S.D.A. Mission,
Mushtaq Manzil, Moradabad, U.P., Chengtu, Szechwan, China.
India. Yang Ming Ding (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Wright, K. A., Southern Missionary Col- 86 North Gate Street, Kunming, Yun-
lege, Collegedale, Tenn. nan, China,

Yang Sin Sheng, S.D.A. Mission, Da Yutuc, L. A., General Delivery, Manila,
Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, Philippines.
Yang Tak Hing (1), S.D.A. Mission, 36
Nanking Road, West, Taipeh, For-
Yang .Tsung Pei (m), 526 Ningkuo
Road, Shanghai 19, China. Zachariah, T. V. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Yanson, A. (b), Jaro, Iloilo City, Phil- Kottarakara, Travancore, India.
ippines. Zacharias, H., Tondano, Celebes, Indo-
Yao, Charles (m), 399 Upper Serangoon nesia.
Road, Singapore, Colony of Singa- Zaharis, T. D., 3801 Everett St., Oak-
pore. land 7, Calif.
Yarnell, C. A. (1), New Market, Va. Zaldivar, Virgilio (1), Patrocinio 20,
Yasui, K. (1), 13 Nakajimadori 2-chome, Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan. Zamfir, V., Strada Golesti No. 11,
Yates, H. L., Route 3, Bradford, Pa. Braila, Rumania.
Yeaton, Austin M., 623 13th St., Gar- Zamora, M. M. (m), Artacho Sison,
den City, Kansas. Pangasinan, Philippines.
Yeh Tung-Hsin (1), 1207 Court, Yu- Zamorano, Luis (1), 25 de Mayo 1323,
Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China. Mendoza, Argentina, South Amer-
Yen Shih Ming, 105 Chang Shu Road, ica.
Shanghai, China. Zanotti, W. E. (1), Monamona Mission,
Yeo Peng Yee (m), 399 Upper Seran- Oak Forest, via Cairns, Queensland,
goon Road, Singapore, Colony of Australia.
Singapore. Zaragoza, J. A., Patrocinio No. 20, Vi-
Yeretzian, S., 5 Boulevard Longchamp, bora, Havana, Cuba.
Marseille, France. Zarka, D., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
Yesudian, G. A. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Budapest VI, Hungary.
Foicotta, Curzon Maidan, Palamcot- Zebedeus, M. (1), Lorongvoetbal 118,
tah, Thirunelvali District, India. Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia.
Yeung, D. Y. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wai- Zeidler, Elizabeth (m), Takoma Park,
chow, Kwangtung, China. Washington 12, D. C.
Yeung Kin Shek (1), S.D.A. Mission, Zerne, Nils, Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Tungshan, Canton, China. holm, Sweden.
Yin, Y. S. (1), 47 Huang Shih Ta Zertuche, Daniel (1), 4a Ave. Sur. No.
Chieh, Mukden 4, Manchuria. 53, Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico.
Yohanna, Rwankeri Mission, B.P. Ruh- Zettwoch, H., Fangelsbachstrasse 11,
engeri, Via Goma, Congo Beige, Af- Stuttgart-S, Germany.
rica. Zevallos, Juan (m), Avda. Italia 2360,
Yonami, M. (1), 13 Nakajimadori 2- Montevideo, Uruguay, South America.
chome, Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan. Ziegler, J. G. (1), 1610 N. 185th, Se-
Yorac, M. G., Cagayan, Oriental Igis- attle 33, Wash.
amis, Philippines. Zielinski, J., Lipowa 9, Bydgoszcz, Po-
Yost, F. H., Theological Seminary, Ta- land.
koma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Zimmermann, A. H., Angwin, Calif.
Young, F. G., College View Station, Zimmermann, H., Bohmerstrasse 13,
Lincoln 6, Nebr. (16) Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Young, H. A. (1), 2525 Fourth St., Zinove, R., Strada Rosenfeld No. 4,
Boulder, Colo. Sibiu, Rumania.
Young, I. W. (1), Box 1311, Meridian, Zins, Eric, 162 Murray St., Brantford,
Miss. Ont., Canada.
Young, J. E., 317 Rosita Ave., Modesto, Ziprick, 0. J., 1242 30th Ave., Oakland,
Calif. Calif.
Young, J. R., Walker Memorial Sani- Ziyaiya, Samuel (1), Luwazi Mission,
tarium, Avon Park, Fla. P.O. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa.
Young, J. T. (1), P. 0. Box 27, Ham- Zollbrecht, J. C., 4337 Haverhill, De-
ilton, New South Wales, Australia. troit 24, Mich.
Youngberg, A. G., La Sierra Heights, Zorub, Alice (m), Caixa Postal 2898,
Arlington, Calif. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
Youngberg, Robert (I), P. 0. Box 34, ica.
-Jesselton, Colony of North Borneo. Zorub, Emanuel, Rua Lopes Trovao 84,
Youngs, Dallas, Box 398, Oshawa, On- Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South
tario, Canada. America.
Yovan, J. Y., Artacho, Sison, Pangasi- Zukowski, Ricardo (1), Caixa Postal
nan, Philippines. 177, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Yu Hsien-Sheng, Kanching Mission of Brazil, South America.
S.D.A., 337 Chung Cheng Road, Lan- Zumwalt, A. L., Box 2841, Juneau,
chow, Kansu, China. Alaska.
Yujra, Gregorio (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Zungu, P., Wilberforce Institute, P.O.
Peru, South America. Evaton, Transvaal, South Africa.

Zurcher, A. (1). 5 Boulevard Long- Zurek, J., Tr. Marsala Malinovskeho

champ, Marseille, France. 24a, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Zurcher, J. (n), Mission Adventiste, Zytkoskee, A. G., 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagas- Heliopolis, Egypt.
car. Zytkoskee, A. S., 5003 Linwood Blvd.,
Zurek, A., Stredni 10, Brno, Moravia. Kansas City 3, Mo.

"They rest from their labors, and their works do follow them."

Ackerman, Mrs. James M., February Dietrich, Hugo, April 7, Gorlitz, Ger-
21, Atlanta, Ga. many.
Allum, F. A., October 8, Warrawee, Dunham, Charles, November 12, 1947,
New South Wales, Australia. Port Allegany, Penn.
Anderson, Mrs. Ethel B. Edwards, Sep- Evans, Mrs. Jay J., July 14, Cedar
tember 17, Shanghai, China. Lake, Mich.
Andreasen, Mrs. M. L., November 14, Fenner, Hans, May 10, Hanover, Ger-
Saint Helena, Calif. many.
Badaut, P., September 13, France. Fletcher, W. W., December 10, 1947,
Bahr, Ewald, January 27, 1947, Hagen, Katoomba, New South Wales, Aus-
Germany. tralia.
Berthelsen, P. E., January 19, Hins- Gardner, Mrs. E. E., May 26, Loma
dale, Ill. Linda, Calif.
Bobst, Walter R., February 17, Lodi, George, Mrs. Winnifred, September 29,
Calif. Inglewood, Calif.
Bose, Mrs. Kheroda, February 22, Cal- Gillatt, J. J., May 16, Toronto, Ontario,
cutta, India. Canada.
Boynton, C. E., November 17, 1947, Gjording. Mrs. H. G., November 4,
Collegedale, Tenn. Glendale, Calif.
Brown, R. J., March 1, Glendale, Calif. Green, Celia Adell, February 22, Calif.
Burgess, Mrs. L. J., September 25, San- Griffin, Roy E., July 29, New Market,
itarium, Calif. Va.
Cady, M. E., July 6, San Marino, Calif. Gulbrandson, Mrs. David, Melrose, Mass.
Casebeer, H. D., July 1, Los Angeles, Hafermayer, Peter, March 21, Wash-
Calif. ington, D.C.
Chen Wen Hsioh, May 23, Lanchow, Haffner, Mrs. G. F., June 23, Kansas.
Kansu, China. Halladay, Fred W., March 15, Frank-
Christiansen, Mrs. C. M., June 29, fort, Ind.
Loma Linda, Calif. Hansen, C. F., August 14, Saint Helena,
Clark, J. J., July 20, Meadow Glade, Calif.
Wash. Hardt, Mrs. William F. (Lena May
Cobb, Mrs. S. M., March 16, Takoma Hunt), December 26, 1947, Fresno,
Park, Md. Calif.
Coggin, Charles B., January 10, San Hendrie, Mrs. P. W. (Gertrude Lee
Francisco, Calif. Dunscombe), October 1, 1947, Bula-
Comstock, D. D., July 29, Los Angeles, wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Calif. Henger, August, March 28, 'Ulm, Ger-
Courter, Mrs. H. F., September 18, San many.
Francisco, Calif. Kaltenhauser, K., July 5, Petropolis,
Crawford, Mrs. George, July 16, Cres- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
cent City, Calif. Keate, R. I., October 2, MadiSon Col-
Davis, Cyrus L., April 10, Sanitarium, lege, Tenn.
Calif. Keh Ni Kjong, October, 1947, Kulangsu,
De Silva, S. A., September 2, Katua- Amoy, China.
yaka, Ceylon, Ring, N, B., March 11, Yazoo, Miss,
NECROLOGY-1948 473

Kirkham, Walter, February 6, Deer Rice, Mrs. J. D., July 30, Paradise,
Lodge, Tenn. Calif.
Kovalina, F., July 22, Czechoslovakia. Ritchie, Mrs. Anna L., September 26,
Larson, Peter L., March 12, Madison, Loma Linda, Calif.
Wis. Rogers, Mrs. J. C. (Jessie Edna
Lawry, Clarence, August 14, Takoma Rocker), September 26, Durban,
' Park, Md. South Africa.
Lee, Mrs. S. J., April 28, Shanghai, Royer, D. K., March 15, Yucaipa, Calif.
China. Schilling, J. H., November 7, Allen-
Lenker, Mrs. Mettie, April 25, Sulphur, town, Pa.
La. Schillinger, R., October, Jugoslavia.
Light, L. W., August 8, Mich. Schubert, Mrs. G. W., August 15, Chi-
Lower, D. A.,. July 20, Battle Ground, cago, Ill.
Wash. Shannan, Mrs. G. T., May 2, Australia.
Lukens, Mrs. Morris, March 8, Moun- Sheppler, P. E., April 28, Rockland,
tain View, Calif. Wis.
Manny, Martin P., May 16, Boulder, Shively, J. D., Sept. 9, Clinton, Mo.
Colo. Shrewsbury, Mrs. 0. H., December 25,
Manous, Norris L., April 21, Chillan, Sanitarium, Calif.
Chile. Stockil, Mrs. F. E., March 19, Southern
Martin, Mrs. C. N., March 16, Bon Rhodesia, Africa.
Aqua, Tenn. Stringer, Mrs. R. G., April 12, Lapeer.
Masters, Mrs. G. M.. November 22, Mich.
1947, Wahroonga, New South Wales, Sturdevant, Mrs. M. C., January 9,
Australia. Sheridan, Ill.
Mather, Mrs. Harriet Buchheim, March Sundarao, P., August 3, Madras, India.
I, Fresno, Calif. Sutter, Mrs. L. M., August 16, Los
Mawfland, S. K., September 3, 1947, Angeles, Calif.
Shillong, Assam, India. Tarr, D. F., May 2, Durban, South
McAlexander, Mrs. Henrietta Knowl- Africa.
ton, February 1, Enterprise, Oregon. Taylor, A. E., August 14, Mountain
Meyer-Baertschy, H., January 16, Swit- View, Calif.
zerland. Taylor, Artie, February 8, Lemoore,
Moore, J. M., July 31, Salem, Oreg. Calif.
Murphy, Thomas, January 27, Vicks- Thompson, Vern E., January 4, Calfax,
burg, Miss. Calif.
Nethery, R. J., November 23, Monrovia, Vandeman, H. A., March 6, Takoma
Calif. Park, Md.
Oberg, H. A., June 30. Portland, Oreg. Walters, Ida M.. March 25, Mt. Vernon,
Ogden, A. R., December 26, Panama, Ohio.
Canal Zone. Walters, Mrs. W. B., January 26, Ta-
Oliver, Henry W., February 23, Milton, koma Park, Md.
Oreg. Weber, Mrs. C. W., January 7, Takoma
Osborne, E. E., March 31, South Lan- Park, Md.
caster, Mass. Weaver, H. S., December 30, Takoma
Parchment, Edward, January 8, Si- Park, Md.
quirres, Costa Rica. Wells, G. W., June 16, Loma Linda,
Passebois, L. F., February 14, Orlando, Calif.
Fla. White, W. B., November 22, Terre
Pogue, Mrs. J. F., Apri1.10, Sanitar- Haute, Ind.
ium, Calif. Whitford, Mrs. Blanche Markham,
Provin, Henri, February 15, Switzer- April 19, Orlando, Fla.
land. Wilbur. Edna Lorraine, November 2,
Redding, J. P.. March 11, Fla. Hinsdale, Ill.
Reinke, Mrs. 0. E., August 25, Cclo, Wilbur, J. M., January 19, Battle
N.C. Creek, Mich.
In the following index are given the names of workers listed in the Educa-
tional, Food Companies, Publishing, and Medical sections of the Yearbook, such
as college and secondary school teachers, managers and other institutional adminis-
trators, editors, physicians, and nurses. In addition to the page on which the name
appears, a designation is given to indicate the class of institution in which the
worker is employed: as E for Educational, F for Food Companies, P for Publishing,
and M for Medical; also the general nature of the work is shown: as t for teacher,
p for physician, n for nurse, e for editor, b for business. Thus a teacher is
designated Et; an editor, Pe; a physician, Mp; a sanitarium business manager or
treasurer, Mb, etc. A few names that do not fall into these particular groups are
shown simply by the class of institution. For workers in North America, the name
or initials of the institution employing them is given, but outside of North
America, the name of the country only is usually shown.
EducationalE MedicalM PublishingP
College and Academy Physician--Mp EditorPe
TeacherEt NurseMn Manager or Treasurer
Manager or Treasurer Manager or Treasurer Pb
Eb Mb Food CompanyF

A. Alexander, Mrs. G. L., Et, Jamaica, 293

Alexander, H. C., Et, India, 281
Aab, Alex, E, Canadian, 246 Alexander, Mrs. H. C., Et, India, 281
Abbott, D. H., Mp, East Africa, 302 Alexander, J. D., E, Oak Park, 274
Abbott, Mrs. F., Mn, Australia, 311 Alf aro, Rodolfo, Et, Peru, 263
Abbott, J. L., Et, Australia, 292 Alfke, George, Et, La Sierra, 266
Abeba, Tersite, Et, Ethiopia, 257 Ali, Adam, Mn, Ethiopia, 313
Abel, Mrs. Florence, Et, Union, 288 Alice, S., Et, South India, 264
Abel, Harlyn, Et, Union, 288 Allaway, Robert, Et, Mount Ellis, 271
Abel, M., Et, Africa, 243 Allen, C. G., Mp, Loma Linda, 303
Abenia, E., Pb, Spain, 327 Allen, Ralph W., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Abot, Jean, E, France, 258 Alsaybar, B., Et, Philippines, 274
Abraham, Y., Et, South India, 268 Alsaybar, Mrs. B., E, Philippines, 274
Abrahamsen, Karl, Pe, Norway, 322 Altman, Peter, Et, Takoma, 287
Abrahamsen, Miss M., Et, France, 258 Alva, Alcides J., Et, Peru, 262
Abray, Minnie E., Et, WMC, 292 Alva, Edmundo, E, Bolivia, 243
Acevedo, Soledad, Et, Mexico, 270 Alva, Mrs. Edmundo, Et, Bolivia, 243
Achata, Victor, Et, Peru, 263 Alva, J., Et, Peru, 263
Achata, Mrs. Victor, E, Peru, 262 Alvarez, Mrs. A., Et, Greater N. Y., 260
Achenwall, Dr., Mp, Germany, 302 Alves, Benedita C., Et, Brazil, 244
Ackerman, Geneva, Et, Lodi, 267 Alykutty, Mrs. P. I., Et, India, 265
Adair, G. E., Fb, England, 294 Ambiah, S., Et, South India, 264
Adams, Bonnie, M, Fountain H, 300 Ambs, Emma, Et, La Sierra, 266
Adams, Gordon F., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Ambs, Esther, Et, PUC, 277
Adams, V. E., Pb, Japan, 320 Ambs, K. F., Eb, La Sierra, 266
Adler, Dennis C., Et, CME, 253 Ambs, Louise, Et, EMC, 256
Adolfo, Daniel, Et, Africa, 243 Ambs, Margarete, Et, La Sierra, 266
Aeschlimann, J. P., Et, France, 258 Ames, Mrs. Rosetta, E, Loma Linda, 268
Aeschlimann, Victor, Et, Argentina, 281 Anandam, G., Et, India, 272
Aeschlinmann, W. E., Et, Colombia, 254 Anders, J. A., E, Broadview, 244
Aeschlimann, Mrs. W. E., Et, Col., 254 Andersen, A., Mp, Denmark, 310
Africa, C., Et, South Africa, 259 Andersen, Ruth, E, Norway, 275
Aguilar, I., Et, Spain, 285 Andersen, A., Pe, Denmark, 318
Aguilar, Mateo, Et, Peru, 263 Anderson, Albert, E, EMC, 256
Airey, Wilfred J., Et, La Sierra, 266 Anderson, C. R., Mp, Jamaica, 296
Akers, George H., Et, Ozark, 276 Anderson, Carl, Et, Armona, 240
Akers, Mrs. George H., Et, Ozark, 276 Anderson, D. W., Et, Bethel, 241
Alarcon, Antonio, Et, Mexico, 270 Anderson, Ed., E, WWC, 291
Albee, W. V., Et, Hawaii, 261 Anderson, Ellen, Mn, Et, CME, 252
Alberro, Mrs. Esther, Et, Uruguay, 289 Anderson, Fred, E, PUC, 277
Alberro, Samuel, Et, Uruguay, 289 Anderson, G. T., Et, La Sierra, 266
Albiner, Ingrid, Et, Pe, Sweden, 287, 327 Anderson, Harold E.. Mp, Et, CME, 250
Alcock, H. J., Et, WWC, 291 Anderson, Headley, E, Jamaica, 293
Alcorn, Mrs. Geneva, Et, Lynwood, 268 Anderson, Helen, Mn, Washington,
Alcorn, Vivian, Et, Mount Vernon, 271 Anderson, J. D., Pb, Solomon Is., 327
Alexander, G. L., E, Jamaica, 293 Anderson, J, N., Et, Union, 288


Anderson, James D., E, Union, 288 I3afus, Muriel, Mn, Et., CME, 252
Anderson, John, E, China, 248 Bager, C., Et, Denmark, 254
Anderson, M. G., Mp, Ethiopia, 313 Bahr, Ida, Mn, Germany, 302
Anderson, Marie, E, Union, 288 Bailey, A. Jeane, Et, Oshawa, 276
Anderson, P. P., E, Adelphian, 239 Bailey, D. A., Pb, R&H, 325
Anderson, W. E., Eb, La Sierra, 266 Bailey, Mrs. L. E., Et, Australia, 292
Andersson, Clara, E, Sweden, 287 Baird, Kathleen M., Et, WMC, 292
Anderton, Rachel, Mn, Africa, 303 Baird, Lelia A., Et, India, 290
Andre, Mabel, Et, La Sierra, 266 Baker, C. H., Et, Mountain View, 271
Andrean, Mrs. 0. D., E, Costa Rica, 247 Baker, Mrs. C. H., Et, Mt. View, 271
Andren, Henry, Mp, New England, 304 Baker, Charlene, Et, Greater N. Y., 260
Andrews, Betty, Et, Modesto, 271 Baker, Clifton, E, Mount Vernon, 271
Andrews, Kathryn, Et, Lodi, 267 Baker, Mrs. Mabel, Et, Mt. Vernon, 271
Andross, E. M., Et, Takoma, 287 Bakke, Mogens, Pe, Denmark, 318
Anees, Sidham, Et, Egypt, 239 Baldwin, H. M., Mb, Walker, 311 ,
Ang Him Hi, Et, China, 284 Baldwin, Melva L., Et, Lodi, 267
Ang Siok Tiam, Miss, Et, China, 284 Baldwin, P. W., E, Upper Colum, 289
Angervo, 0., Pe, Sweden, 327 Baldwin, Mrs. P. W., E, Upper Col., 289
Angulo, Anita, Mn, Peru, 300 Balharrie, Gordon, Et, Canadian, 245
Anniss, L. G., Mb, England, 310 Balinao, A., Eb, Philippines, 274
Anveria, Aparecida, E, Brazil, 243 Bangloy, J. A., Et, Philippines, 273
Aplington, K. A., Et, WWC, 291 Banks, E. C., Et, SMC, 284
Aplington, Mrs. M., Eb, WWC, 290 Banks, G. N., Et, West Africa, 267
Apolinario, Pedro, Et, Brazil, 244 Banks, Nathan, Et, Oakwood, 275
Araujo, Iracema, Et, Brazil, 273 Bannerjee, N. N., Et, E. Pakistan, 265
Arauzo, Arturo, Et, Peru, 263 Barber, Essie, E, Plainview, 279
Argueta, Marta, Et, Guatemala, 260 Barboza, Pedro, Mn, Brazil, 309
Arias, Carlos, Mn, Mexico, 314 Barker, L. G., Et, Sheyenne River, 283
Arinda, S. N., M, India, 301 Barnes, Roger W., Mp, Et, CME, 249
Arit, B., Et, Philippines, 255 Baroya, G. C., Et, India, 281
Arit, Mrs. E. E., E, Philippines, 255 Barron, A. R., Et, Lodi, 267
Armstrong, Myra, Mn, Washington, 312 Barron, Loleta, Et, Lodi, 267
Arndal, Otto, Mp, Et, CME, 250, 251 Bartel, Elva, Et, Union, 288
Arnet, Frances, Mn, Glendale, 300 Bartlett, Alice, Et, Upper Colum, 289
Artenian, R., Et, Rumania, 281 Bartlett, Dorothy, E, AUC, 240
Ashbaugh, G. H., E, Laurelwood, 267 Bartlett, Mabel R., Et, AUC, 240, 284
Asheim, T., Et, Norway, 275 Bartlett, V. L., Et, Union Springs, 289
Ashley, L. M., Et, WMC, 292 Basanta, Raquel, Et, Argentina, 280
Ashley, N. E., Et, Washington, 292 Bascom, V. E., Et, Platte Valley, 279
Ashlock, J. F., Et, SMC, 284 Batchelder, Floyd, Et, Highland, 261
Ashton, Grace, Et, Union, 288 Batchelder, Mrs. F., Et, Highland, 261
Asirvadam, P. D., M, India, 300 Bates, Mrs. A. 0., E, La Sierra, 266
Atcheson, Roy L., Eb, CME, 248 Batiuk, Justina, Et, EMC, 256
Atkins, Vernon, Et, Gem State, 259 Batten, Charles T., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Atteberry, Maxine, Mn, White, 252, 313 Battye, A. H., Fb, Australia, 295
Augsburger, Daniel, Et, EMC, 256 Bauer, John, E, PUC, 277
Augsburger, F., M, Switzerland, 303 Baum, Lorenzo, Pe, Argentina, 317
Austin, E. T., Et, India, 290 Bautista, B. 0., Et, Philippines, 278
Austin, Mrs. Helen, Mn, White, 252 Baxliel, I. R., Mp, India, 300
Austin, Linda, Et, West Indies, 246 Baxter, W. E., Et, Mexico, 270
Avery, Francis W., M, Florida, 299 Baxter, Mrs. W. E., Et, Mexico, 270
Avila, L., Et, Brazil, 244 Beach, Perry W., Et, EMC, 256
Avila, Wilson, Eb, Brazil, 243 Bean, Mrs. Marjorie, Et, PUC, 277
Axelson, A. E., Et, EMC, 256 Beane, G. L.. E, WWC, 291
Azer, Ayoub, M, Iraq, 298 Beardsell, S. W.. Et, So. Africa, 242
Azevedo, Onelia, E, Brazil, 287 Beardsell, Mrs. S. W., Et, Africa, 242
Beardsley, 0. B., Mp, Africa, 304
B Beatty, Lilian, Et, La Sierra, 266
Beaty, Earl, Eb, EMC, 256
Baart, Marie, Et, China, 248 Beaven, W. H., Et, Union, 288
Baasch, H. E., Et, Cuba, 239 Becker, C. Warren, Et, PUC, 277
Baasch, Mrs. H. E., Et, Cuba, 239 Becker, E. 0., E, WWC, 291
Babcock, Alice, Et, PUC, 277 Beckner, Mrs. Mavis, Et, Union, 288
Babcock, Claude E., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Becker, V. W., Et, Campion, 245
Bacigalupi, Augusto, Et, Chile, 247 Becker, Mrs. V. W., Et, Campion, 245
Backman, Asta. E, Finland, 257 Bedwell, H. W., Et, Oshawa, 276
Baden, P. G., Et, San Diego, 282 Beeman, Velma, Et, Pine Forge, 278
Baer, Eleanor, Mn, Portland, 306 Behner, Mrs. Edna, Mn, Florida, 299
Baer, Frank L., Pb, Argentine, 317 Beitzakhar, Luba, Et, Iran, 263
Baerg, Mrs. Edith, E, West Indies, 246 Belknap, Donald J., Et, PUC, 277
Baerg, I, W., Et, West Indies, 246 Bellido. Alfredo, Mb? Argentina, 30$

Belton, B., Pb, England, 316 Boekenkamp, Geraldo, Mn, Brazil, 309
Beltz, 0. S., Et, WMC, 292 Bohmer, P., Eb, Norway, 275
Belz, Lydia, Mn, Portland, 307 Bolinger, Walter M, Mp, Et, CME, 249
Belz, Rudolpho, P, Brazil, 316 Bond, V. D., Pb, Singapore, 321
Benedict, Margaret, Et, EMC, 256 Boonlua, Mrs. Sangwalya, M, Siam, 297
Benedict, T. W., Et, PUC, 277 Booth, Ernest, Et, WWC, 291
Benito, Mary, Et, Philippines, 270 Booth, Inez, Et, Oakwood, 275
Bennett, F. M., Fb, Australia, 295 Booth, Mary, Et, Campion, 245
Bennett, H. J., Mn, Africa, 314 Bornhauser, Mrs. Helen, Et, PUC, 277
Bennett, Olive, Mn, Washington, 312 Borras, Francisco, Et, Mexico, 284
Benson, L. L., M, Riverside, 308 Botimer, L. W., Et, WMC, 287, 292
Benson, Wilmoth, Et, Mt. Vernon, 271 Bouland, Thomas G., Mp, Florida, 299
Bentley, Roger, Et, Cedar Lake, 246 Bourdeau, Maynard S., Mp, CME, 250
Bentlin, W., Pb, Germany, 319 Boureau, J. Pe, France, 319
Benton, Beryl, Et, England, 286 Bowen, Ethel, Et, Cedar Lake, 246
Benwell, H., Fb, England, 294 Bowen, Lois, Mn, Paradise Valley, 306
Berdan, R. William, Mp, Et, CME, 253 Bowen, R. G., Eb, SMC, 284
Bergman, R. Theodore, Mp, CME, 250 Bowen, R. N., Pb, Pacific Press, 323
Bergold, A. H., Et, Brazil, 244 Bower, D. G., Et, India, 286
Bergold, Adolfo, E, Brazil, 244 Bower, Mrs. D. G., Et, India, 286
Bergold, Mrs. Alma M., Et, Brazil, 243 Bowers, G. W., Et, WWC, 290
Bergold, Ernesto, E, Brazil, 244 Bowers, Mrs. Marian, Mn, Loma L., 262
Berhanie, Akelele, Et, Ethiopia, 257 Bowett, R. J., Et, Canadian, 245
Berisso, Blanca, Et, Argentina, 245 Bowles, R. E., Pb, Pacific Press, 323
Bermeilly, R., Et, France, 258 Bowman, Norman, Et, N. Zealand, 272
Bernal, Guillermo, Et, Peru, 263 Boyd, Mrs. Maurine, E, Mt. View, 271
Bernard, E., E, France, 258 Boyd, R. K., Et, PUC, 277
Bernhardt, Jose, Et, Argentina, 245 Boyd, V. A.. M, Jamaica, 296
Bernhardt, Marta, M, Argentina, 308 Boykin, C. A., Et, India, 245
Bernhardt, Rosa, E, Uruguay, 289 Boynton, A. R., Mb, China, 309
Berry, Mrs. K., Et, India, 290 Boynton, G. W., Et, SMC, 284
Bertalot, E., Et, France, 258 Boynton, P. C., Et, Iran, 263
Bertalot, Mrs. E., Et, France, 258 Boynton, Mrs. P. C., Et, Iran, 263
Berthelsen, Walter, E, Platte Valley, 279 Braaten, Vernon, Et, Golden Gate, 259
Berthelsen, Mrs. W., Et, Platte Val., 279 Bracy, Ruth, Et, Oakwood, 275
Besra, S. K., Et, India, 281 Bradbury, William C., Mp, CME, 250
Bey, Anwar, Et, Singapore, 269 Bradley, Mildred, Mn, India, 300
Beyers, Mary PhilmonDt, AUC, 240 Brailsford, J. D., Et, England, 272
Biaggi, Carlos, Et, Chile, 247 Braithwaite, D. R., E, Plainview, 279
Biaggi, Mrs. C., Et, Chile, 247 Brandon, Alfred N., Et, AUC, 240
Biaggi, Oreste E., Mn, Argentina, 308 Brandt, A. H., Et, Africa, 268
Biaragi, J. C., M, Burma, 307 Brandt, Mrs. A. H., Et, Africa, 269
Bieber, D. J., Et, Hawaii, 261 Brandt, Elsa, Mn, East Africa, 302
Bieber, Mrs. D. J., Et, Hawaii, 261 Brant, Frances, Et, Indiana, 263
Biesenthal, Mrs. K., E, Oshawa, 276 Brantley, Mrs. M., Et, Oakwood, 274
Bietz, Arthur L., Et, CME, 250 Brantley, Stewart A., E, Oakwood, 274
Bietz, E. E., Et. Canadian, 245 Braun, Luiz, M. Brazil, 309
Biggins, Cloice H., Mp, Et, CME, 249 Brawshaw, Floyd M., Mp, Hinsdale, 301
Billig, Harvey E., Mp, Et, CME, 253 Bredenkamp, F. W., E, So. Africa, 242
Binder, Emma, Mn, India, 300 Brendel, Albert E., Et, S. Lancaster, 284
Bindoo, J., E, West Indies, 246 Brendel, A. E., E, AUC, 240
Birckel, Robert, Pb, Africa, 316 Brenner, Laura A., Mn, Portland, 306
Bird, Martin C., Et, SMC, 285 Bresette, Wilbert, E, Oshawa, 276
Birkenstock, Alta, Mn, Africa, 297, 310 Brewer, Mrs. N. F., Et, China, 257
Birsgal, A., Et, Germany, 258 Brickman, Theresa, Et, SMC, 284
Bischoff, J. H., Et, Ozark, 276 Bringle, A. B., Et, Auburn, 241
Bischoff, Mrs. J. H., E, Ozark, 276 Brinker, Orason L., Et, WWC, 291
Biswas, Mrs. M. M., Et, E. Pakistan, 265 Brion, G. D., Eb, Philippines, 278
Bjaanas, E., Pb, Norway, 322 Bristal, Ansel, Et, Battle Creek, 241
Blur, S., Pe, Sweden, 327 Britt, E. Evelyn, Et, CME, 253
Black, Mrs. Irene Smith, E, WWC, 290 Britton, Anita, Et, WMC, 292
Blackburn, C. C., Et, SWJC, 285 Broderson, Mabel V., Et, India, 240
Blacker, W. J., Eb, Philippines, 278 Brodie, Gladys, E, Jamaica, 293
Blackney, Anna L., Et, WWC, 290 Bronsert, Mrs. Mary L., E, Fresno, 258
Blair, Van 0, Et, Columbia, 254 Brooks, Mrs. D. W., Et, Argentina, 245
Blais, Elvira, Mn, Et, CME, 252 Brooks, E. A., Et, PUC, 277
Blank, William, Et, Union, 288 Brooks, Milo B., Mp, Et, CME, 251
Blincoe, Thomas H., Et, La Sierra, 266 Brost, Ben, E, Enterprise, 256
Blomdahl, R., Et, Sweden, 287 Brost, Mrs. Ben, E, Enterprise, 256
Blomquist, Olov A., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Brown, Albert F., Mp, Et, CME, 249
Blue, I. F., Et, Union, 288 Brown, C. Doreen, Et, Argentina, 281

Brown, D. M., Et, WMC, 292 Campbell, Alba, Mn, St. Helena, 308
Brown, Douglas, Et, Union, 288 Campbell, Mrs. Alma, Et, EMC, 256
Brown, Francis, Et, S. Africa, 261 Campbell, M. V., P, Christian R., 318
Brown, G. W., Mp, EMC, 256 Campbell, 0. N., E, Jamaica, 293
Brown, Henry S., Mp, Hinsdale, 301 Campbell, V. H., Et, EMC, 266
Brown, J. Bruce, Mp, Et, CME, 250 Campana, F., M, Brazil, 309
Brown, K. S., Et, India, 290 Cannon, Guy, E, SMC, 285
Brown, Mrs. L. D., Mn, Africa, 314 Carey, A., Eb, Mb, England, 286, 310
Brown, Mabel, Mn, Boulder, 297, 288 Carey, E. W., Et, Home Study, 262
Brown, R. P., Pe, Australia, 326 Carlsen, Doris H., Et, La Sierra, 266
Brown, Robert H., Et, WWC, 291 Carlsen, Willeta, E, La Sierra, 266
Brown, Mrs. Ruth, Et, Union Sps., 289 Carleton, Viola, Mn, Hinsdale, 301
Brown, Walton J., Et, Argentina, 280 Carnahan, Ruth, Et, Mn, Africa, 259
Brown, S. D., Et, SMC, 284 Carr, R. L., E, SWJC, 285
Brownsberger, J., Mp, Washington, 312 Carreno, Edma, E, Bolivia, 243
Brownsberger, Sidney B., Mp, CME, 250 Carrington, Mrs. M., Mn, Jamaica, 296
Bruck, Esther, Et, Takoma, 287 Carroll, Rebecca, Mn, Jamaica, 296
Brunie, Leonard J., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Carter, E. F., M, Riverside, 308
Brutus, Joses, Et, Haiti, 260 Carter, Mrs. Pam, Et, PUC, 277
Bryan, Maudie, Et, La Sierra, 266 Carter, R. T., Et, Adelphian, 238
Budd, Rose, Et, Gem State, 258 Carton, A. H., Fb, Australia, 294
Budde, Kathleen, Mn, East Africa, 302 Carvalho, J. F., Et, Brazil, 273
Bull, Stanley, Et, Jamaica, 293 Carvalho, Orcina, Mn, Brazil, 309
Bull, Mrs. Stanley, Et, Jamiaca, 293 Casaca, A. J. S., Et, Africa, 243
Bullard, Byrd, Et, Ozark, 276 Casaca, Mrs. A. J. S., Et, Africa, 243
Buller, Mrs. Dora, Et, PUC, 277 Case, Flossie, Mn, Loma Linda, 252
Buller, Wilmer, Mp, Bolivia, 298 Casebeer, George, Et, Golden Gate, 259
Bunch, Mrs. A. M., Mn, Australia, 311 Casey, C. H., E, Oshawa, 276
Bunch, Claude, Mp, Et, CME, 250 Casey, Mrs. C. H., Et, Oshawa, 276
Bunch, F. L., Et, Gem State, 259 Casey, Mrs. Ethel, Et, San Diego, 282
Bunston, H. Ruth, Et, Union, 288 Casey, Raymond, Et, Union, 288
Burch, Mrs. T., Mn, Fountain H, 299 Cassell, Mabel, Et, WMC, 292
Burdick, Mrs. Marye, E, Colombia, 253 Cates, Marjorie, Et, Plainview, 279
Burg, Mrs. Dorothy, Et, Union, 288 Caviness, George L., Et, PUC, 276
Burgeson, Irene, Mn, White, 252 Caviness, H. L., Et, SWJC, 285
Burgeson, Ruth, Et, Shenandoah, 282 Caviness, L. L., Et, PUC, 276
Burgeson, V. K., Et, Sheyenne R., 283 Cepl, J., Et, Pe, Czechoslovakia, 254, 318
Burke, Mrs. D. T., Mn, Africa, 315 Cerfontyne, Mrs. E. K., Et, Africa, 259
Burman, Mrs. Leona S., Et, PUC, 277 Cernik, John, Et, Australia, 241
Burns, N. C., Et, Australia, 241 Chaij, F., Pe, Argentina, 317
Burnside, Mary, Mn, Australia, 311 Chakawa, Enoch, Et, Africa, 283
Burrell, Natelkka E., Et, Oakwood, 275 Chalermpong, Nai, M, Siam, 297
Burri, Aline, Mn, Africa, 315 Chaliau, Mrs. M, Siam, 297
Burrows, Clinton A., Mp, Et, CME, 251 Chambers, Alma, Et, Plainfield, 279
Bush, Bruce, Et, WMC, 292 Chambers, Annie, Et, Plainfield, 279
Bushnell, C. G., Et, Colombia, 253 Chambers, J. R., Et, AUC, 240
Bushnell, Mrs. C., Et, Colombia, 254 Chambi, Ruben, Et, Peru, 266
Butherus, B. G., Et, Jamaica, 293 Champion, M. G., Et, India, 281
Butherus, Mrs. B. G., Et, Jamaica, 293 Champion, Mrs. Mary, E, La Sierra, 266
Butka, H. E., Mp, Et, Mexico, 270, 304 Chand, Daulat, Et, Pakistan, 248
Butka, L. H., Mp, China, 309 Chand, Diwan, Et, Pakistan, 248
Butterfield, A. D., Mp, Et, CME, 249 Chand, I. M., Et, India, 281
Buxton, Elmira, M., Mp, India, 310 Chaney, Albert L., Mp, Et, CME, 249
Buxton, N. A., Mp, India, 310 Chaney, M. 0., Et, Gem State, 259
Byler, Doris, Mn, Glendale, 300 Chang Ching, Et, China, 265
Buzenet, J. R., Et, England, 272 Chang Chung Chieh, Eb, China, 293
Chang Hwei An, E, China, 293
Chang Tsui Yu, Et, China, 248
C Chao Gwei Fen, Mn, China, 305
Chao, Ting Shiu, Et, China, 274
Cabardo, Villanueva, Et, Philippines, 255 Chapman, G. T., Fb, Loma Linda, 294
Cadwallader, Mrs. D., Et, Union, 288 Coapham, N., Et, Australia, 241
Cadwallader, E. M., Et, Union, 288 Charles, L. C., Et, South India, 265
Cafferky, A. B., Mp, Jamaica, 296 Charpiot, Mrs. F., Et, France, 268
Cafferky, Grace Burke, Et, Loma L., 268 Chaskelis, Rene, Et, Argentina, 280
Calderone, R., Pe, Pacific Press, 323 Chelliah, I., Et, South India, 264
Calkins, Clifton, E, Forest Lake, 257 Chen, David, Mn, China, 305
Calkins, Mrs. G., Mn, Fountain H, 300 Chen I. Fu, Et, China, 248
Calkins, Mrs. Urmal, Et, Forest L., 257 Chen, Joyce, Mn, China, 305
Callender, J. H., Et, BWI, 280 Chen, P. S., Et, AUC, 240
Calvin, Dallas, E, Spanish-Am., 285 Chen Tsung Tao, Et, China, 248

Chen, Y. S., Et, China, 283 Cobb, L. W., Et, WMC, 292
Chen Yo Han, Et, China, 283 Cobban, Franke, Mn, Glendale, 300
Chen Yo Se, Et, China, 283 Coberly, Z. H., E, China, 248
Chen Wen Liang, Et, China, 292 Coberly, Mrs. Z. H., E, China, 247
Cheney, Glen, E, Gem State, 259 Coble, Wendell, Et, Valley Grande, 290
Cheney, Mrs. M. 0., E, Gem State, 258 Coetzee, G. J. E., Et, Africa, 255
Cheng, G., Mp, Malaya, 306 Coffin, H. G., Et, Canadian, 245
Chew, Sally, Mn, Singapore, 313 Coffin, N. A., E, Campion, 245
Chi, Chester, Mp, China, 298 Cojea, C., Et, Rumania, 281
Chi Chiu Ying, E, China, 273 Cole, Glenn, Et, Glendale, 259
Chi Nai Ping, Mp, E, China, 247 Cole, Harold, Et, China, 248 '
Chia Bing, Et, China, 274 Cole, Mrs. J., Et, India, 272
Chia Ming Hsien, Et, China, 248 Cole, Mrs. Lydia, Et, Glendale, 259
Chicondo, L., Et, Africa, 243 Cole, Roland, Et, Bethel, 241
Childs, Eldine, Mn, Loma Linda, 252 Cole, Roy, Et, Ozark, 276
Childs, H. G., Pb, Pacific Press, 323 Coleman, P. C., Et, Singapore, 269
Childs, H. G., Jr., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Coleman, P. M., Et, Singapore, 269
Chilson, Cathleen, Et, Mount Ellis, 271 Coleman, Mrs. P. M., Et, Singapore, 269
Chin, Phin, M, Siam, 297 Collett, Arthur, Pe, Norway, 322
Chingolo, Raimundo, Et, Africa, 243 Collins, Helen, Et, Adelphian, 238
Chinnock, Robert F., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Collins, R. L., E, WWC, 291
Choi Ok Wha, Et, Korea, 265 Collins, W. T., Et, Columbia, 253
Choo, Y. F., Pb, Singapore, 321 Colver, B. N., Mp, Et, CME, 250, 300
Chovanec, F., Pb, Argentina, 317 Comstock, Delos, Mp, Et, CME, 250
Chow Hsin Chiu, Et, China, 248 Comstock, Belle W., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Christensen, A. L., Et, Haiti, 260 Conard, Ruth, Et, Costa Rica, 246
Christensen, Betty, Et, SWJC, 285 Conaughey, J. L., Pb, Pacific Press, 323
Christensen, C. D., Et, WWC, 291 Conger, M. G., Et, WMC, 292
Christensen, E. C., Mp, Et, CME, 249 Connell, M. E., E, SMC, 285
Christensen, Mrs. Fern, E, PUC, 276 Conquest, Cecil, Et, Maplewood, 269
Christensen, J. M., Et, Denmark, 251 Conradi, L. E., Mp, Germany, 302
Christensen, John, Et, EMC, 256 Conrado, Waldemar, E, Brazil, 244
Christensen, L. C., E, PUC, 277 Cook, Wilma, Mn, White, 252
Christensen, L. N., Mp, Florida, 299 Cooks, Mrs. W. M., Mn, Africa, 314
Christensen, 0. H., Et, EMC, 256 Cooper, Emerson A., Et, Oakwood, 275
Christensen, P. A., Et. Denmark, 254 Cooper, L. G., Et, Platte Valley, 279
Christian, Percy W., Et, PUC, 276 Cormack, J. E., Pb, Cook Islands, 318
Christian, R. J., Pb, R&H, 325 Cornell, Mrs. E., E, Maplewood, 269
Christman, Rachel, E, EMC, 256 Corona, Gilberto, Eb, Mexico, 276
Christman, H. K., Pb, Pacific Press, 323 Corpus, S. G., Et, Philippines, 273
Christo, G. J., Et, India, 286 Cossentine, Francis, Et, Enterprise, 256
Christoffers, S., Pe, Germany, 319 Cossentine, Mrs. F., Et, Enterprise, 256
Chu Bei Feng, Et, China, 274 Cottrell, Mrs. E. Y.. Et, Auburn, 241
Chu, Caleb, Mp, China, 305 Cottrell, Raymond F., Et, PUC, 276
Chu, Edward, Mb, China, 305 Counter, Clement E., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Chu, Hannah, Et, China, 274 Couperus, Molleurus, Mp, Et, CME, 250
Chu, Ida, Mn, China, 305 Courville, Cyril B., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Chu, Rebeca, Mn, China, 305 Courville, D. A., Et, PUC, 277
Chu Wen, Et, China, 283 Covarrubias, Melchor, P, Mexico, 316
Chuan, Hsi Tien, Et, China, 273 Cowdrick, Elizabeth, Et, Union, 288
Chundramma, G., Mn, India, 300 Cowin, Darrell, E, WWC, 291
Chung Chin Sil, Mn, Korea, 309 Cowin, L. M., Et, Canadian, 245
Chung Sa Young, Mp, Korea, 309 Cowper, W. V., Et, Lynwood, 268
Chung Tai Hyuk, Pb, Korea, 326 Cox, J. M., Mp, Riverside, 308
Chung Tai Young, Mn, Korea, 309 Coy, H. M., Et, Platte Valley, 279
Church, Blossom, Et, Union, 288 Coyne, A. E., Mp, Washington, 312
Clapp, Delight T., Et, Arizona, 239 Cozens, M. P., Et, Fiji, 290
Clapp, Mrs. D., Mn, Paradise Valley, 306 Craan, Julien, Et, Haiti, 260
Clapp, J. N., M, Paradise Valley, 306 Crabtree, James, E, Union Springs, 289
Clark, Carl, Eb, SWJC, 285 Craig, Amelia, E, Platte Valley, 279
Clark, H. W., Et, PUC, 277 Craig, Carl, Et, Takoma, 287
Clark, Walter B., E, CME, 248 Craig, Mrs. Clara, Et, Lynwood, 268
Clark, Willard, Mp, Loma Linda, 303 Craig, J. W., E, Lynwood, 268
Clarke, C. F., Et, S. Africa, 261 Crandall, Walter T., Et, La Sierra, 266
Clarke, Roy Manning, Mp, CME, 249 Crarey, Olga, Et, West Indies, 265
Clasing, Horst E., E, AUC, 241 Craven, J. C., Pb, Australia, 326
Claveria, M. M., Eb, Philippines, 293 Craver, J. E., E, PUC, 277
Clement, J. A., Fb, England, 294 Craw, Allen, Et, SWJC, 285
Clement, Lora E., Pe, R&H, 325 Crawford, C. M., Mb, Canada, 307
Cleveland, Robert, Et, Union, 288 Crawford, Erwin A., Mp, Et, CME, 251
Clifford, R. E., Et, So. Africa, 242 Crawford, J. Ivan, Et, Canadian, 245

Crawford, R. E., Pb, Southern Pub., 327 Davis, Mrs. 0. W., Et, Portland, 280
Crawford, Walter B., Et, La Sierra, 266 Davy, Mrs. W. L., Mn, Africa, 314
Crays, H. F., Et, Gem State, 268 Dawson, F. R., M, Australia, 311
Crocker, Phyllis, Mn, West Africa, 302 Dawson, M. E., Pb, South Africa, 326
Crooks, R. B., M, Jamaica, 296 de Alva, Marina, Et, Peru, 263
Crooks, Samuel A., Mp, Et, CME, 253 Dealy, D. M., Et, Platte Valley, 279
Cross, Edward, Et, WWC, 291 Dean, G. B., Et, SMC, 284, 253
Crowder, I. D., Pb, Africa, 321 Dean, Mrs. Olivia B., Et, SMC, 284
Crowder, I. T., Et, Africa, 269 de Beer, J. N. Jr., Mn, Africa, 314
Crowder, Mrs. I. T., Et, Africa, 269 DeBenedetto, Rose, Et, Philadelphia, 278
Cruz, Celdonio, E, Philippines, 278 De Bernabe, M. B. G., Et, Brazil, 244
Culbert, Abbie, Et, EMC, 256 de Brouchy, Celo H., M, Argentina, 308
Culver, Clara Belle, Et, Lodi, 267 de Cerna, Jilma, Et, Honduras, 262
Culver, M. S., E, Union, 288 de Chambi, Maria H., E, Peru, 266
Culver, Mary, Et, CME, 252 Dedeker,- Louise, Et, Canadian, 245
Cunningham, Mrs. E. I., E, Oakw'd, 275 Deeb, Paul H., Mp, Et, CME, 250, 263
Cupertino, G., Et, Italy, 264 Deer, Verda, Et, Canadian, 245
Curiel, I., Mn, Peru, 301 De Haan, M., E, Shenandoah, 282
Currow, G., Et, Australia, 241 Deitel, Mrs. Mary Holder, Et, SMC, 284
Curry, Delbert W., Et, Campion, 246 Deiter,- Mrs. Pearl, E, Shenandoah, 282
Curry, Mrs. D. W., Et, Campion, 245 de Jong, J. R., Pb, Netherland, 321
Curtis, Burdette, Et, Atlanta, 240 Delafield, D. A., Pe, R&H, 325
Curtis, Gilbert D., Mp, Et, CME, 249 de Leers, Miss A., Et, Netherlands, 272
Curtis, N., Mn, Solomon Islands, 295 de Leon, Mrs. E., M, Philippines, 304
Cushman, L. H., Et, La Sierra, 266 Delhove, Lydia, Mn, Africa, 315
Cushman, Mrs. P., Et, La Sierra, 266 De Luca, T., Et, AUC, 240
Cushman, W. E., E, WWC, 291 DeMerice, Blanche, Et, EMC, 256
Custard, M. C., E, Oakwood, 275 Demetrescu, St., M, Rumania, 311
Cybura, R., Et, Poland, 279 Denman, M. J., E, SWJC, 285
Cybura, Z., Et, Poland, 279 Dennis, Dean, E, Gem State, 259
Dent, J. F., Et, Los Angeles, 268
Denz, C., Et, Brazil, 244
Denz, G. F.,Et, Brazil, 243
Dail, Clarence W., Mp, Et, CME, 249 de Ochoa, usebio, E, Mexico, 270
Da Jong, Prima, E, West Indies, 246 deOchoa, Soledad, Et, Hawaii, 261
Dake, S. W., Et, SMC, 284 de Preciado, Elizabeth, E, Mexico, 284
Dale, Alberta, Et, WWC, 291 de Ruiter, C. P., Et, Netherland, 272
Dale, Arthur, Et, San Diego, 282 de Sa, J., Et, Africa, 243
Dale, Charles L., Mp, Et, CME, 250 de Sa, Mrs. J., Et, Africa, 243
D'Andrade, L. L., E, Jamaica, 293 de Silva, S. A., Et, Ceylon, 265
Dangschat, R., Et, Germany, 269 Devade, S. B., Et, Portland, 279
Dart, W. B., Et, Lynwood, 268 Devanandam, G., Mn, India, 300
da Silva, D. Peixoto, P, Brazil, 316 Devanandam, Mrs. G., Mn, India, 300
Dason, J. S., Pe, India, 322 Devins, Rene, Pe, France, 319
Dason, P. M., Et, Ceylon, 265 DeWolf, Miss J., Pb, France, 319
Dason, Mrs. P. M.,Et, Ceylon, 265 Diaconescu, V., Et, Rumania, 281
Dass, Daisy, Et, akistan, 248 Diagan, R. 0., Et, Philippines, 274
Dass, J. N., Et, -East Pakistan, 265 Dias, P. P., Et, Ceylon, 265
Dass, Miss N., Et, India, 281 Dias, Paulino, Et, Africa, 243
Dass, R. N., Et, East Pakistan, 265 Diaz, C., Et., Philippines, 255
Dauphinee, M. E., M, Washington, 312 Diaz, Gracia, Et, Philippines, 293
Davenport, Glenn G., Et, Oak Park, 274 Dick, E. N., Et, Union, 288
David, Esther, E, Broadview, 244 Dick, W. G., Mp, China, 309
David, S. G., Et, South India, 268 Dickerson, Charles, Et, Oakwood, 275
Davidson, Annabelle, Et, Broadview, 244 Dickerson, Mrs. E., Et, Oakwood, 276
Davidson, Helen, Et, Union, 288 Dickerson, Genevieve, E, Enterprise, 256
Davidson, Mrs. H. G., Mn, Boulder, 297 Dickinson, J. V., E, Oak Park, 274
Davidson, R. M., Pb, Southern Pub., 327 Dickinson, L. R., Et, Peru, 263
Davidson, Rodney, M, Boulder, 297 Dietrich, Franz, E, Auburn, 241
Davis, Alice, Et, EMC, 266 Digneo, Elmer, Et, La Sierra, 266
Davis, C. E., Et, Upper Colum, 289 Di Leo, Lutecia, M, Argentina, 308
Davis, D. E., E, Cedar Lake, 246 Dillon, Joyce, Mn, Loma Linda, 252
Davis, Dorothy, Mn, White, 252 Din, Shariff, Et, Pakistan, 248
Davis, Edith C., Et, Lebanon, 270 Ding. Bing Ching, Et, China, 273
Davis, Enola, Mn, Glendale, 300 Ding, Daniel, Mn, China, 305
Davis, Mrs. Gladys, Et, Arizona, 239 Ding Sing Giong, Et, China, 273
Davis, Kenneth R., Et, Forest Lake, 257 Dinsbier, Mrs. R. H., Et, China, -283
Davis, Mrs. K. R., E, Forest Lake, 257 Diredja, M. E., Pe, Indonesia; 320
Davis, L. S., Et, Sunnydale, 286 Ditta, Abid A., Et, Pakistan, 248
Davis, Martha, Mn, Glendale, 300 Dittes, A. G., Mp, Fountain H, 299
Davis, Melvin, Et, Lodi, 267 Dixson, Avis, M, St. Helena, 308

Djan, C. Y., Et, China, 247 Edstrom, E. I., Et, Africa, 259
Djan, Y. K., Et, China, 247 Edwards, A. V., Et, S. Africa, 259
Djang Bao Dju, Mn, China, 311 Edwards, Earl S., E, PUC, 277
Djan, C. Y Mb, China, 313 Edwards, H. E., Et, EMC, 256
Djang Chi Shan, Mn, China, 311 Edwards, L. A., Et, Africa, 269
Djang Chwen Hsiang, Et, China, 273 Edwards, Mrs. L. A., Et, Africa, 269
Djang Hsien Djen, Mn, China, 311 Edwards, Otis B., Et, Oakwood, 274
Djang, Y. S., Et, China, 247 Edwards, Mrs. R. C., E, Oakwood, 275
Djao, K. S., Et, China, 247 Edwards, W. E., Fb, Australia, 295
Djeng Djao Yung, Et, China, 292 Edwards, Mrs. W., Et, EMC, 256
Doaga, G., Et, Rumania, 281 Edwards, Shelagh, Et, S. Africa, 242
Dobanton, R. F., Fb, Buenos Aires, 294 Edwardson, Mrs. A., Et, La Sierra, 266
Dobson, J. R., Et, Samoa, 289 Edwardy, F. W., Pe, R&H, 325
Doehnert, E., Pb, Brazil, 316 Egan, W., Et, India, 241
Doering, Harold, Et, WMC, 292 Eggert, Charles W., E, Glendale, 259
Dolan, Betty, Et, Indiana, 263 Ehlers, C., Mp, Loma Linda, 303
Dollinger, Althea M., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Ehlers, Emanuel C., Mp, Et, CME, 253
Donaldson, P. A., Et, Australia, 241 Ehlers, Hertha, Mp, Et, CME, 250
Dorland, Adele, Et, Plainfield, 279 Eiszele, C. H., Fb, Australia, 295
Dorland, Dorothy, Et, SWJC, 285 Eitel, Elizabeth, E, Broadview, 244
Dorland, Myrtle, Et, England, 272 Ekeke, Richard, Mn, West Africa, 302
Dortch, C. W., Et, WWC, 291 Ekka, M. M., Et, India, 281
Dorval, Nahum, E, Haiti, 260 Ekroth, Richard D., Mp, Et, CME, 251
dos Santos, Romeu X., E, Brazil, 287 Ekstrom, Rose, Et, Platte Valley, 279
Doubrayska, Miss E., Et, Czech., 254 Eldridge, Lois Ruth, Et, Arizona, 239
Dougherty, C. H., Mp, China, 298 Eldridge, R. M., P, Southern Pub., 327
Douglas, P. S., Pb, R&H, 325 Elkins, M. D., Mb, St. Helena, 308
Dowling, T. J., Fb, Australia, 294 Ellingworth, Mrs. B., Mn, Africa, 314
Downing, Laurence, Et, Nigeria, 272 Ellis, C. C., Et, Philadelphia, 278
Downs, Howard S., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Ellis, La Verna L., Et, CME, 252
Downs, L. E., Et, La Sierra, 266 Ellquist, George, Et, Loma Linda, 268
Downs, Malcomb B., Mp, Et, CME, 260 Ells, V. V., Mn, Walla Walla, 312
Dozier, Imogene, Et, Washington, 292 Elmore, Langdon, Eb, SMC, 284
Drachenberg, F. G., Et, Cuba, 239 Elwin, Watson, Eb, Costa Rica, 246
Drachenberg, Mrs. F. G., Et, Cuba, 239 Emery, Beatrice T., Et, WWC, 291
Drake, Howard H., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Emery, S. H., Et, Mount Ellis, 271
Drayson, R. D., Et, WWC, 290 Emery, Wilfred H., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Druitt, A. W. N., Mp, Jamaica, 296 Emmer, A. G., Et, S. Lancaster, 284
Druitt, Mrs. A. W. N., Mn, Jamaica, 296 Emmerson, J. 0., Mb, West Indies, 306
Duff, Mrs. Harry C., Et, Atlanta, 240 Emmerson, Vernon W., Et, WWC, 291
Duffle, D. P., Mp, Peru, 302 Emmerson, W. L., Pe, England, 316
Duffie, Mrs. D., Mn, Peru, 302 Emmerson, Mrs. W. R., E, Auburn, 241
Duffield, D. C., Pb, Christian Rec., 318 Enano, Maria, Et, Philippines, 270
Dunkel, Joan, Et, Campion, 245 Engeberg, N. D., Et, Laurelwood,. 267
Dunlop, R. F., Mp, West Indies, 306 Engel, C. C., Et, Union, 288
Dunn, A. Orville, E, EMC, 256 Engelbrecht, L. H., Fb, Australia, 294
Dunn, Mrs. A. Devnich, Et, Union, 288 England, W. H., Et, Columbia, 253
Dunn, R. H., Mp, China, 298 Enriquez, Elvira, Et, Peru, 263
Dunn, Vernon S., Et, Union, 288 Enwerin, J. U., Et, Nigeria, 272
Dunnett, A. J., Et, England, 272 Ephraim, Edith, Et, BWI, 280
du Preez, I., Et, South Africa, 259 Erdmann, R., Pb, France, 319
Durham, Geneva E., Et, PUC, 276 Eriksen, Mary, Et, Norway, 275
Dybdahl, Ruby, Et, CME, 252 Ermshar, H., Mb, Et, CME, 253, 313
Dye, Clarence H., Et, AUC, 240 Ermshar, H. F., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Dyer, H. L., Et, Philippines, 278 Ermshar, Raymond, 81, Brazil, 309
Dyer, Mrs. H. L., E, Philippines, 278 Ernst, Edith R., E, Argentina, 281
Dykes, Eva B., Et, Oakwood, 275 Ernst, Guillermo R., Eb, Argentina, 280
Dyreson, Dyre, Et, Maplewood, 269 Eroh, Agnes, E, WMC, 287, 292
Esiaba, E. C., Et, Nigeria, 272
E Essery, E. G., Mp, England, 310
Estheramma, K., M, India, 300
Earles, M. C., Fb, Australia, 295 Estis, Ernestine, Et, CME, 253
Easthope, Jean, Et, N. Zealand, 272 Estrada, Angela, Et, Cuba, 239
Eastwood, Vivian Slater, E, WWC, 290 Evans, A. H., Fb, Australia, 295
Eberhardt, W., Et, Germany, 258 Evans, C., Mp, Solomon Islands, 295
Eckerman, Elvers, Et, So. Africa, 242 Evans, Cordell, Et, Pine Forge, 278
Edener, W., Pe, Germany, 321 Evans, C. E., Mp, Sol. Is., 303
Edfors, E., Et, Sweden, 287 Evans, Dorothy V., Et, SMC, 284
Edgerton, Ida, Et, Plainview, 279 Evans, M. E., Eb, Home Study, 262
Edgerton, Mrs. Mattie, M, New E, 305 Evans, William D., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Edmed, Ethel M., E, S. Africa, 261 Evens, H. P., Pb, Canada, 317

Evens, Mrs. John, Mn, Hinsdale, 301 Fletcher, John D., Mp, Et, CME, 249
Everest, E. W., Pb, Pacific Press, 323 Flores, E. R., Eb, Peru, 266
Evers, Paul, Et, Battle Creek, 241 Florian, Jacoba, Et, Peru, 263
Ewert, John 0., Mp, Et, CME, 250, 303 Fogelgren, Georg, Mp, Sweden, 299
Fol, Linden E., Et, Shenandoah, 282
F Follett, Alden W., Et, Lodi, 267
Fonseca, Orion, Mb, Brazil, 308
Faber, G. L. A., Et, Netherland, 272 .Foote, B. P., Et, Home Study, 262
Fahrbach, Maude, E, EMC, 256 Foote, Ruth, Et, Africa, 269
Fairchild, P. B., Et, Africa, 283 Foppiano, I. A., Et, Peru, 266
Fallon, J. G., Et, PUC, 277 Forbes, A. H., Mb, Australia, 311
Fargo, Zakaia, Mn, Iraq, 298, 313 Force, Margaret, Eb, Laurelwood, 267
Farley, Evelyn, Et, Battle Creek, 241 Ford, Elden, Et, Honduras, 262
Farley, R. William, Et, Lodi, 267 Ford, Mrs. Elden, E, Honduras, 262
Farley, Stanley E., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Ford, Lewis E., Eb, Oakwood, 274
Farnstrom, Bror, M, Iraq, 298 Ford, Paul G., Et, S. Lancaster, 284
Farnstrom, Mrs. Bror, M, Iraq, 298 Forehand, Mrs. H., M, Porter, 288, 306
Farnsworth, Adeline, Mn, White, 252 Foreman, Miriam, Et, Adelphian, 238
Farnsworth, Edna S., Et, La Sierra, 266 Forshee, C. D., Pb, R&H, 325
Farnsworth, 0., Et, Mn, Union, 288, 297 Fossett, Russell, Et, Shiloh, 283
Farver, Mrs. Robert, E, Indiana, 263 Foster, E. H., E, England, 272
Fathalla, Ismet, M, Iraq, 298 Fouts, N. R., Et, Upper Colum, 289
Fayard, Delicia, Et, Argentina, 281 Fowler, Mrs. Alice, Et, Union, 288
Fayard, Gaston, Et, Argentina, 281 Fowler, R. W., Et, Union, 288
Fayard, M. I., Pe, Argentina, 317 Fox, Isabella, Mn, Singapore, 313
Fehr, Miss H., M, Switzerland, 303 Fox, L. E. A., Et, Borneo, 287
Felton, C. E., Et, Africa, 259 Fox, Mrs. L. E. A., Et, Borneo, 287
Feng Chao Ying, Et, China, 248 Franks, Mrs. A., Mn, Australia, 311
Feng Shuh Fan, Et, China, 265 Frank, Mrs. J., Et, Union Springs, 289
Feng Wang Yi Hui, Et, China, 292 Frank, W. W., Mp, Hinsdale, 301
Fenner, Mrs. M., E, Germany, 272 Francis, Carl E., Mp, Et, CME, 251
Fenner, W., Et, Germany, 272 Francis, Robert, Et, Union Springs, 289
Fenz, G., Eb, Italy, 264 Frazier, Thornton T., Eb, Oakwood, 274
Ferguson, Gerald, Et, WWC, 291 Frederick, Lila Rae, Et, PUC, 277
Fernando, J., Et, Africa, 243 Frederiksen, K. A., Et, Denmark, 2-54
Fernando, Mary, Et, Ceylon, 265 Freire, J., Et, Brazil, 273
Fernando, R. S., Pb, India, 322 Freitas, Tongue, Et, Africa, 243
Ferree, Nellie, Et, Philippines, 278 French, W. R., Et, WMC, 292
Ferreira, E., Et, Portugal. 280 French, C. Arba, Et, Shenandoah, 282
Ferreira, Rubens S., Et, Brazil, 244 Frey, Mrs. Lucille, Mn, Florida, 299
Ferren, Dorothy, E, EMC, 256 Frost, Emma A., Et, Glendale, 259
Ferrer, R. C., Et, Philippines, 293 Fry, Mrs. Francis, M, Fountain H, 390
Ferrer, Mrs. R. C., Et, Philippines, 293 Fukazawa, M., Pe, Japan, 320
Ferris, Mrs. 0. J., E, Broadview, 244 Fullerton, Mrs. H., Et, Rogue River, 281
Ferris, N. A., Et, Australia, 241 Fullerton, Victor, Et, Rogue River, 281
Fesler, Everett, E, Campion, 245 Furber, Helen, Mn, Africa, 303
Fetter, Phillip, Et, Shenandoah, 282 Fuhrmann, M., Mb, Brazil, 307
Field, C. S., Et, EMC, 256 Furman, Paul, Mn, Florida, 299
Fillman, C. E., Et, Spanish-Am., 285 Furnival, Iva S., Et, S. Lancaster, 284
Fink, Chester C., E, CME, 248, 252 Futcher, C. F., Et, Australia, 292
Firth, Robert, Et, Union, 288 Futcher, W., Et, England, 286
Fisher, Edson D., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Fisher, F. D., Et, Glendale, 259 G
Fisher, Franklin, Et, Glendale, 259
Fisher, G. C., Et, SWJC, 285 Gaikwad, S. B., Et, India, 286
Fisher, H., Et, New Zealand, 272 Gaje, L. P., Eb, Philippines, 270
Fisher, Katherine C., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Gaitens, J. C., Et, Collegedale, 253
Fisher, Kenneth B., Mp, Mexico, 304 Gaitens, Mrs. Pearl, Et, SMC, 284
Fisher, Louis J., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Galley, Charles E., Et, Oakwood, 275
Fisher, Mrs. M., Et, Canadian, 246 Galusha, J. G., Et, Battle Creek, 241
Fisher, Richard E., Et, PUC, 277 Gambetta, Leon, Et, Argentina, 281
Fisher, Ruth, Et, SWJC, 285 . Gammon, Edward, E, EMC, 256
Fisher, Vera M., Et, EMC, 256 Gann, Orpha, Mn, White, 252
Fisher, W. C., Mp, Loma Linda, 303 Gant, Ola K., Et, CME, 249
Fisher, Willard C., Mp, Et, CME, 253 Gao Wen Chun, Mn, China, 305
Fiske, Doran E., E, Glendale, 259 Garai, Miss I., Et, Rumania, 281
Fitzgerald, Dorothea, Et, Lodi, 267 Garber, V. E., Et, Adelphian, 238
Fleck, Wendell, Et, Columbia, 254 Garcia, Dario, Et, Brazil, 243
Fleming, Charles, Jr., Eb, SMC, 284 Gardner, E. F., Et, India, 260
Fleming, Iva, Et, Valley Grande, 290 Gardner, E. L., Et, Jamaica, 293
Fleming, M., Et, Mn, Union, 288, 297 Gardner, Mrs. E. L., Et, Jamaica, 293

Gardner, Elsie, Et, India, 281 Gish, Mrs. Tola Hobbs, Et, Auburn, 241
Gardner, Esther L., Mn, Et, CME, 252 Glass, G. S., Et, S. Africa, 242
Gardner, Floyd W., Mp, Et, CME, 249 Glanz, S., Et, S. Africa, 261
Gardner, F. W., Mp, Loma Linda, 303 Gleason, Robert, E, Forest Lake, 257
Gardner, J. E., Mp, Malaya, 306 Gleason, Mrs. R., Et, Forest Lake, 257
Gardner, Maxine, Mn, Portland, 306 Goddard, Mrs. G., Et, La Sierra, 266
Garner, Erma Lee, Et, Sunnydale, 286 Godfrey, Margaret H., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Garner, R. A., Et, Gem State, 259 Godfrey, Merle F., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Garner, Mrs. R. A., Et, Gem State, 259 Godley, Jessie Mary, Et, Northeast., 274
Garrett, C. D., Et, Valley Grande, 290 Goffar, Harold E., Et, Rogue River, 281
Garrison, William, Et, Oak Park, 274 Goh Boon Chay, Mb, Singapore, 313
Garza, Raymundo, Mp, Mexico, 304, 313 Gob Shu Chen, Et, China, 293
Gaspar, V., Et, Philippines, 274 Gomes, A. D., Pe, Portugal, 324
Gaspie, Leonard, Et, Brookside, 244 Gomes, Walter, Mp, E, Brazil, 243
Gayen, P. K., Pb, India, 322 Gooch, C. C., E, Broadview, 244
Geier, Mrs. Marie, E, Glendale, 259 Goranson, Wm. R., Et, Spanish-Am., 285
Geier, R. J., Et, Glendale, 259 Gordon, Calvin, Et, Union, 288
'Gemmel], C. L., Et, Adelphian, 238 Gore, Beatrice, Mn, White, 252
Gentry, Conklin B., Et, Oakwood, 275 Gorle, Mrs. Ruth, Et, S. Africa, 261
George, Arthur K., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Gorski, Nevil, Et, Brazil, 244
George, L. C., Et, South India, 265 Gosendai, P., Eb, France, 258
George, Lewis C., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Gott, G. T., Eb, SMC, 284
Georgio, Miss, Et, India, 245 Gould, Madge, Et, Fresno, 258
,Gepford, John, E, Union, 288 Gouveia, 13., Et, Portugal, 280
Geraty, T. S., Et, China, 247 Gowan, Naomi, Mn, St. Helena, 308
Gerber, Ch., Pe, France, 319 Grace, A., Mn, India, 300
Gerber, Miss M., Mn, Switzerland, 303 Graf, Mrs. C., Mn, Loma Linda, 252
Gerber, R., Pe, Switzerland, 327 Graham, L. W., Pb, R&H, 325
Gerling, Frederico, Et, Brazil, 244, 287 Grandmaison, Antoniette, Et, Brazil, 243
Gerling, F., Jr., Et, Brazil, 243 Granlund, Olaf, Pe, Pacific Press, 323
Gernet, Sterling K., Et, PUC, 277 Grant, Ben E., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Gerometta, Isidoro, Et, Argentina, 281 Graudo, A., Et, Portugal, 280
Gerona, E. A., Et, Philippines, 255 Graur, G., Pe, Rumania, 325
Geslani, Francisco, E, Philippines, 278 Graves, Mrs. Jean Myers, Et, AUC, 241
Getzlaff, E. E., Mp, Japan, 311 Gray, Arthur S., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Geymet, Edith, Et, WMC, 292 Gray, Charles, Et, Oakwood, 275
Ghali, Habib, Et, Egypt, 239 Gray, Mrs. K., Et, Laurelwood, 267
Gia, Benjamin, Pb, China, 326 Gray, R. W., Fb, Australia, 295
Gia, Tai Shiang, Et, China, 274 Green. Gertrude, Mn, China, 313
Giang, Chi En, Et, China, 292 Greene, Mrs. Margaret, M, Hinsdale, 301
Giang, D. W., Et, China, 247 Green, 011ie, E, Indiana, 263
Giang, Pauline, Mn, China, 305 Greenhill, Mamie, E, SWJC, 285
Giang Tsung Kwang, Et, China, 248 Greenidge, L. E., Et, Honduras, 262
Giang Wen Chuen, Pe, China, 326 Greer, G. W., Et, Australia, 241
Gianini, Meryan, Mn, Brazil, 309 Greer, Herbert E., Et, Chile, 247
Gibbon, F. C., Eb, Gem State, 258 Greer, Mrs. H. E., Et, Chile, 247
Gibbons, Joel M., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Gregg, Alice, Et, Upper Colum, 289
Gibbs, P. T., Et, EMC, 256 Gregory, B. F., Et, Mp, China, 247, 299
Gibson, Ellen, Mn, Glendale, 300 Gregory, Mrs. B. F., Et, China, 247
Gibson, G. H., Et, Gr. New York, 260 Gregory, LUla V. C., Et, Honduras, 262
Gibson, H. J., Fb, New Zealand, 295 Greive, Marjorie, Et, Australia, 241
Gibson, Leota, Et, Lodi, 267 Greive, S. C., Mb, Australia, 312
Gibson, R. E., Mb, Jamaica, 296 Gresham, Marian, E, Pine Forge, 278
Gibson, Walter, E, Columbia, 254 Griffee, Mrs. L. M., Mn, Washington, 312
Gibson, Mrs. Walter, Et, Columbia, 254 Griffin, Kent, Mb, Glendale, 300
Giddings, Elaine, Et, SMC, 284 Griffin, Lyle, Et, Auburn, 241
Giddings, Mrs. 0. U., Mn, Africa, 314 Griggs, Donald E., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Gidlund, C., Et, Mb, Sweden, 287, 299 Groeshel, W., Et., E. Brazil, 255
Gidlund, Hanna, Et, Sweden, 287 Groom, R. W., Fb, Australia, 295
Gil, Mrs. Ignacia, E, Mexico, 276 Grosball, J. N., Mb, Burma, 307
Gil, Juan, E, Mexico, 270, 276 Grosball, Mrs. J. N., Mn, Burma, 307
Gilbert, Alfred E., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Grosskopf, S., Et, Forest Lake, 257
Gilbert, Mrs. C., E, Oak Park, 274 Groves, Kenneth, Et, Portland, 279
Gilbert, Elmer W., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Grundset, B. L., Pb, Pacific Press, 323
Gilbert, F. P., Et, Maplewood, 269 Grundset, Edgar, Et, Auburn, 241
Gill, Ernestine, Mn, Japan, 311 Grundset, Henry, Pe, Pacific Press, 323
Gill, Florence, Et, Mount Ellis, 271 Grundset, Lloyd, Mp, Hinsdale, 301
Gill, Mrs. Helen, Et, Mount Ellis, 271 Gudmundsson, Julius, Pe, Iceland, 320
Gill, Leonard, Et, Mount Ellis, 271 Guenin, R., Et, France, 258
Gillis, G. L., Fb, Australia, 295 Guild, Mrs. Edith, Et, Golden Gate, 259
Gim, Mrs. Goh Siew, M, Siam, 297 Guild, Mrs. Pearl, E, La Sierra, 267

Guimaraes, Jose M., E, Brazil, 243 Hansen, Isobel J., Et, CME, 253
Guimaraes, R. 0., Et, Brazil, 243 Hansen, Marie, Et, WWC, 291
Guimaraes, Rute, Et, Brazil, 243 Hansen, Martha C., Mn, S. Africa, 305
Guindi, Shehata, Et, Egypt, 239 Hansen, Nis, Et, WMC, 292
Guinez, Reinaldo, Et, Chile, 247 Hansen, Mrs. Pearl, Et, Takoma, 287
Gulbrandson, Esther, M, Paradise V, 306 Hansen, Thomas, Et, Collegedale, 253
Gunnersen, J. W., Et, Laurelwood, 267 Hanson, Frederick, Et, WWC, 290
Gunnerson, Mrs. J., Et, Laurelw'd., 267 Hanson, Harriette, Et, WMC,- 292
Gurabatham, G., Et, South India, 264 Hanson, Herbert, Et, Ethiopia, 257
Gurure, I., Et, Africa, 283 Hanson, Mrs. Herbert, Et, Ethiopia, 257
Gustafson, E. A., E, Broadview, 244 Hanson, 0. B., Et, S. Africa, 259
Guth, Grant E., Et, Indiana, 263 Hanson, R. H., Mp, Boulder, 297
Guthrie, W. E., Mb, Walla Walla, 312 Hanson, S. C., Et, Laurelwood, 267
Guy, R., Et, France, 258 Hantch, Olga, Et, Argentina, 281
Gyarrnati, B., Pe, Hungary, 319 Hara, H., Et, Japan, 264
Hara, H. James, Mp, Et, CME, 250
H Harder, A. C., E, Kern, 265
Harder, D. P., Et, Enterprise, 256
Habenicht, H. A., Et, Mexico, 270 Harder, F. E. J., Et, Lebanon, 270
Habenicht, Mercedes, Et, Argentina, 280 Harder, M. Harris, Et, Lebanon, 270
Hadley, H. G., Mp, Washington, 315 Harder, Olivia, Et, Union, 288
Haenel, A., Pe, Switzerland, 327 Harder, P., Eb, Brazil, 273
Hafner, John J., Et, PUC, 277 Harding, George T., Mp, Et, CME, 251
Hagele, Arthur; Et, Sheyenne River, 283 Hardinge, Leslie, Et, Union, 288
Hagele, E. M.. Et, Oak Park, 274 Hardinge, Mervyn G., Mp, CME, 249
Hagele, John E., E, Auburn, 241 Hardt, J. D., Et, Golden Gate, 259
Haik, Fahma, Mn, Iraq, 298 Hare, Milton D., Et, Union, 288
Haik, Margarite, Mn, Iraq, 298 Hare, R. A.,' Mp, Washington, 312
Haldar, P. N., Pb, India, 320 Hargreaves, H. E., Mp, Iran, 310
Hale, Thelma E., Et, S. Lancaster, 284 Harkins, B., Et, Greater Boston, 260
Halenz, H. F., Et, EMC, 256 Harkins, E. C., Et, Greater Boston, 260
Halifax, Jeffery, E, WMC, 292 Harlet, Mrs. L., Et, France, 258
Hall, A. E., E, SWJC, 285 Harper, Lela, Mn, Hinsdale, 301
Hall, L. T., Mb, Florida, 299 Harper, Therlow, Et, Cuba, 239
Hall, Pearl, Et, Union, 288 Harrelson, Margie, Mn, Florida, 299
Hallett, Jack G., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Harris, S. C., Pe, Southern Pub., 327
HaBeck, N. R., Et, Broadview, 244 Harrison, C. R., Et, Modesto, 271
Halstead, Bruce W., Mp, CME, 249 Harrison, C. W., M, Australia, 311
Halvarson, Margit, Mn, Ethiopia, 313 Harry, Grace, Et, Portland, 279
Halverson, Wilton L., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Harter, Mrs. Betty K., Et, SMC, 284
Hamel, Paul, Et, EMC, 266 Hartle, Mrs. Hallie, E, Pine Forge, 278
Hamer, R. T., Mp, St. Helena, 308 Hartin, L. H., Et, PUC, 276
Hamilton, Edward, Et, CME, 253 Hartlein, Mrs. E. M., Et, Takoma, 287
Hamilton, Mrs. G. A. Et, Modesto, 271 Hartley, Mary Ellen, Et, SMC, 284
Hamilton, Irene F., E, Mount Ellis, 271 Hartley, S. J., Fb, New Zealand, 295
Hamilton, John T., Et, La Sierra, 266 Hartman, H. C., Eb, WWC, 290
Hamilton, L. M., Et, PUC, 277 Hartman, Mrs. M. Carr, Et, WWC, 291
Hamilton, M. L., Et, Home Study, 262 Hartman, N., Eb, Broadview, 244
Hamm, Kathryn, Et, Philadelphia, 278 Hartwell, Donald C., Mp, Florida. 299
Hammer, Francis, Et, Hawaii, 261 Hartzell, Ethel, Et, Maplewood, 269
Hammerly. Marcelo, Mp, Argentina, 308 Harvey, M. J., Et, Oakwood, 275
Hammill, R. L., Et, SMC, 284 Hasso, Robert K., Et, Iraq, 264
Hammond, R., Et, Greater Boston, 260 Hasso, Mrs. Robert K., Et, Iraq, 264
Hampton, Roy K., Et, Lynwood, 268 Hatt, R. B., Et, Takoma, 287
Hamstra, Clifford, Eb, AUC, 240 Haughey, D. D., Mp, Et, CME, 250, 300
Han Hsin Deh, Et, China, 293 Haughey, P. S., E, Maplewood, 269
Han Jui Chang, E. China, 273 Hausler, J. C., Et, La Sierra, 266
Han Ki Cho, Et, Korea, 265 Hawkins, Bernice, Mn, White, 252
Han Rei Chang, Et, China, 273 Hawman, Jessie, Et, East Africa, 262
Handy, R. L., E, Pine Forge, 278 Hay, Marian M., Pe, Australia, 326
Hange. Marie, Mn, Ethiopia, 301 Hayden, R. A., Et, Peru, 263
Hannah, Bonnie Jeanne, Et, AUC, 241 Haynes, Aaron, W., Et, BWI, 280
Hannah, M. D., Et, Battle Creek, 241 Haynes, Mrs. W., Mn, West Indies, 306
Hannah, Mrs. S., Et, Battle Creek, 241 Haysrner, C. A., Mp, New England, 304
Hannah, W. C.. Et, Shenandoah, 282 Hayton, Hope, Et, La Sierra, 266
Hannah, Mrs. W. C., E. Shenandoah, 282 Hebble, Mrs. G., Mn, Glendale, 300
Hancock, 0. D., Et, Fresno, 258 Hedger, Paul, E, Sheyenne River, 283
Hannum, H. B., Et, La Sierra, 266 Heijkoop, N., Pe, Netherlands, 321
Hansen, C. C.. Et. Indiana, 263 Heim, E. F., Et, Lodi, 267
Hansen, E., Mp, Denmark, 310 Hein, H. E., Et, EMC, 256
Hansen, G. E., Mn, Et, Union, 288, 297 Heinrich, Oscar L.. Et, Enterprise, 256

Heiser, Lois L., Et, SMC, 284 Holbrook, Mrs. R., Et, S. Africa, 261
Helenius, Helga, Et, Sweden, 287 Holbrook, Wilbur, Et, Fresno, 258
Helgason, M., Pb, Iceland, 319 Holgate, W. A., Et, West Indies, 265
Hellestrand, A. L., M, Australia, 311 Holm, L. N., Et, AUC, 240
Helm, Robert, E, Laurelwood, 267 Holman, Ada, Et, Union, 288
Helppi, S., Et, Finland, 257 Holman, Mrs. Ada P., Mn, Boulder, 297
Hembrom, J., Et, India, 281 Holmes, A. D., Et, EMC, 256
Hemme, Thelma, Et, San Diego, 282 Holroyd, E. W., Et, S. India, 240
Hemphill, Donald V., Et, PUC, 277 Holroyd, Mrs. E. W., Et, S. India, 240
Hendershot, Mrs. Ethel, Et, WWC, 291 Holroyd, Norma, Et, India, 241
Hendershot, Vernon E., Et, WWC, 290 Hoist, Alice L., Et, PUC, 277
Henderson, Dolores, Et, Oakwood, 275 Holtz, D. D., Et, Brazil, 255
Henderson, Howard, Et, Columbia, 254 Holquist, Beatrice, Et, EMC, 256
Henderson, Mrs. H., Et, Columbia, 254 Honey, Mrs. 0., Sr., Mn, S. Africa, 305
Henderson, P. de F., Et, WMC, 292 Hood, L. S., Et, Fiji, 258
Hendryx, Truman, E, SWJC, 285 Hooper, Wayne, Et, Union, 288
Henise, Erma P., Mn, St. Helena, 308 Hopkins, C. B., Fb, Australia, 295
Henkens, H. W., Mp, Loma Linda, 303 Hopkins, G. R., Fb, Australia, 295
Henriksen, Mrs. E. K., Et, Oshawa, 276 Hopkins, Caroline, Et, La Sierra, 266
Henriksen, J. D.. Mp, Denmark, 310 Horning, J. Hal, Et, Hawaii, 261
Henriquez, Clayton, Et, Panama, 277 Horning, L. A., Et, Jamaica, 293
Henriquez, Mrs. C., Et, Panama, 277 Horsley, Jacqueline, Mn, Paradise, 306
Heppenstall, Edward, Et, La Sierra, 266 Hoskins, S. H., Et, Lodi, 267
Herin, Mazie, Et, Union, 288, 297 Houck, Glenn A., Eb, Cuba, 239
Hermanson, E. V., Et, Africa, 243 Houck, Mrs. G. A., Et, Cuba, 239
Hermanson, Mrs. E. V., Et, Africa, 243 House, Gladys, Mn, Portland, 307
Hernandez, Horacio, Et, Mexico, 270 House, L. R., Mp, Et, CME, 250, 300
Herr, Elmer, Et, Hawaii, 261 Hovig, Petra, Mn, Africa, 314
Herrera, J. M., Et, Philippines, 293 Howard, P. E., Et, India, 281
Herrick, Mrs. Violet, Mn, PV, 306 Howard, Mrs. Y., Et, Australia, 241
Hertlein, Frederico, Et, Argentina, 281 Howe, Muriel, Mn, China, 298
Hervig, Robert, Mb, Hinsdale, 301 Howe, Parshall L., Et, PUC, 277
Heubach, Paul C., Et, CME, 250 Howell, C. J., Fb, Australia, 294
Hibbard, Mrs. G. E., Et, Portland, 279 Howes, H. F., E, AUC, 241
Hicks, G. Arthur, Et, PUC, 277 Howington, Pearl, Mn, Florida, 299
Higgins, Ruth G., Et, AUC, 240 Hoxie, Elwin G., Mp, Et, CME, 251
Higgins, W. B., Et, AUC, 240, 284 Hoxie, H. J., Mp, Et, CME, 250, 300
High, Earl, Et, EMC, 256 Hoyt, Ralph M., Et, Lodi, 267
Hilgert, Earle, Et, Philippines, 278 Hoyt, Robert E., Mp, Et, CME, 249
Hill, Luther H., Mn, Portland, 307 Hsiao, Y., Et, China, 248
Hill, Malcomb R., Mp, Et, CME, 251 Hsu Deh, Pe, China, 326
Hill, Mrs. Milo, Et, Maplewood, 269 Hsu Hwa, Pe, China, 326
Hill, R. C., Pb, China, 326 Hsu San Ching, Et, China, 273
Hill, R. M., Mp, Et, CME, 250, 300 Huang Hock Ong, Et, China, 273
Hillie R. M., Et, Highland, 261 Hubbs, Mrs. E., Mb, Walla Walla, 312
Hillier, Mrs. R. M., E, Highland, 261. Hubbs, R. L., Et, Arizona, 239
Hills, Floyd E., Et, West Indies, 246 Hudak, Helen, Mn, Florida, 299
Hills, Mrs. F. E., Et, West Indies, 246 Hudson, Metta, Mn, Washington, 312
Hilts, D. Glenn, Et, La Sierra, 266 Huested, Mrs. R., Mn, New England, 305
Hirst, Albert E., Jr., Mp, Et, CME, 249 Huey, Audrienne, E, CME, 252
Hiscox, A. R., Et, N. Hebrides, 239 Huggins, H., Et, Los Angeles, 268
Hiscox, Elizabeth J. Mp, India, 300 Hughes, Emma, Mp, Washington, 312
Hise, Alexandre, Eb, Brazil, 278 Hughes, Eugene M., Et, Campion, 245
Hixson, Ray, Pb, Pacific Press, 323 Hughes, John E., Mp, Et, CME, 251
Ho Ching Lung, Et, China, 283 Hugo, Adolfo Lista, Et, Uruguay, 289
Ho Ping Tuan, Et, China, 247 Hung Hsin Teng, Et, China, 248
Ho Tsun Hsien, Et, China, 248 Hunt, Guy M., Mp, Et, CME, 249
Hoag, Mrs. G. B., E, India, 290 Hunter, D. C., Et, Pakistan, 248
Hoar, P. J., Et, Cedar Lake, 246 Hunter, H. G., Et, Oakwood, 275
Hoar, Mrs. P. J., Et, Cedar Lake, 246 Hurlow, Mrs. W. A., Mn, Africa, 315
Hodde, Alberta A., M, Brazil, 307 Hutabarat, M. J., Et, Borneo, 287
Hoehn, David, Mp, Et. SMC, 284 Huygens, Gertrude, E, Union, 288
Hoehn, Edward, Mp, St. Helena, 308 Hwang, ,Mrs. C. H., E, Singapore, 269
Hoel, Julia, Mn, Africa, 305 Hwang, Paul, Mn, China, 315
Hoen, R. E., Et, PUC, 277 Hwang Ru Yu. Mrs., E, China, 247
Hoffman, B. P., Et, Theo Seminary, 282 Hwang Ya Ying, Mn, China, 311
Hoffman, Herbert, Et, Brazil, 287 Hyatt, Helen, Et, Union, 288
Hoffman, Siegfried, Mp, Brazil, 301
Hofgaarden, L. V., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Hyde, C. J., Et, East Africa, 255
Hohensee, Herbert G., Et, Union, 288 Hyde, J. Ashford, Mp, Nigeria, 314
Hohensee, Mrs. Marjorie, Et, Union, 288 Hyde, W. T., Et, PUC, 276

Johanson, Hilfred, Mn, Burma, 307

John, C. K., Et, Ceylon, 265
Iles, Mrs. W. A., Mn, Hinsdale, 301 John, C. N., Et, India, 286
Iles, W. L., Et, Battle Creek, 241 John, Mrs. C. N., Et, India, 286
Ilsgaard, C. L., Mb, Denmark, 314 John, D., Et, India, 272
Im Chung Hyuk, Et, Korea, 265 John, Donald Lee, Mp, Et, CME, 250
Imperio, R. C., Et, Philippines, 278 Johns, Alger F., Et, San Diego, 282
Imperio, Mrs. R. C., Et, Philippines, 278 Johns, Varner J., Et, CME, 250
Ingayam, S., Et, India, 241 Johnsen, C., Et, Norway, 275
Ingle, Heather, Mp, Et, CME, 250 Johnson, A. N., E, Maplewood, 269
Ingle, M. Daisy, E, S. Africa, 242 Johnson, Alfaretta, Mp, Et, CME, 251
Ingram, Ruth, Et, Costa .Rica, 246
Johnson, Alvin W., Et, EMC, 256
Innocent, G. C., Mp, Singapore, 313 Johnson, D. S., Et, Pakistan, 248
lonescu, M., Et, Rumania, 281 Johnson, Mrs. D. S., Et, Pakistan, 248
Iov, Miss Zoe, Mn, Rumania, 311 Johnson, Edith, Mn, China, 299
Irvine, Bessie, Mn, Philippines, 304 Johnson, Mrs. Elsie 0., Et, EMC, 256
Irvine, Jay H., Mb, Portland, 306 Johnson, Ernest R., Et, Fresno, 258
Isaac, Frank R., Et, Union, 288
Isaac, Nageeba, Et, Iraq, 264 Johnson, G. C., Et, Lynwood, 268
Isaiah, G., Et, India, 286 Johnson, H. M., Eb, Union, 288
Johnson, H. T., Eb, WMC, 291
Israel, C. B., Et, S. India, 240 Johnson, H. W., Et, Africa, 259
Israel, Mrs. C. B., Et, S. India, 240
Israel, K., Et, India, 272 Johnson, Mrs. H. W., Et, Africa, 259
Johnson, I. T., Pb, Pacific Press, 323
Isuga, C. B., E, Philippines, 293 Johnson, Ingrid, Et, SMC, 284
Itagaki, Tomino, Mn, Japan, 311
Johnson, Jeanne, E, Loma Linda, 268
Ito, Paul K., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Johnson, M., Et, Mn, Africa, 269, 303
Iu Su Chi, Et, China, 284 Johnson, Mary E., Et, Laurelwood, 267
Iwamoto, David, Et, Hawaii, 261 Johnson, R. A., Et, EMC, 256
Johnson, R. L., Mp, Fountain H, 299
J Johnson, - Reuben, Et, Union, 288
Jabola, Loreto, Et, Philippines, 270 Johnson, Roy W., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Jackson, A. D., Et, S. India, 265 Johnson, R., Et, Mn, Africa, 243, 297
Jackson, Evelyn, Et, Oakwood, 275 Johnson, S. W., Et, Lebanon, 270
Jackson, Ira, E, Columbia, 254 Johnson; Verna, Et, Union, 288
Jackson, M. J., Et, Forest Lake, 257 Johnson, Mrs. V. B., Mn, Boulder, 297
Jackson, Mrs. M. J., Et, Forest L, 257 Johnson, Victor, Et, San Diego, 282
Jackson, R. E., Et, Brookside, 244 Johnson, Mrs. Vivian, E, Union, 288
Jacobs, R. L., Et, Peru, 262 Johnson, Wallace, Et, Laurelwood, 267
Jacobs, Mrs. R. L., Et, Peru, 263 Johnston, Anna, Et, La Sierra, 266
Jacobson, Mrs. E. K., Et, La Sierra, 266 Johnstone, G. A., Mp, Et, CME,' 250
Jacobson, M. V., Mb, Iraq, 298 Johnstone, Mrs. I. M., Et, WWC, 291
James, E. S., Et, Portland, 279 Jolliffe, E. L., M, Walla Walla, 312
James, Mrs. Edith T., Et, WMC, 292 Jonathan, A. D., Et, South India, 268
James, H. E., Mp, St. Helena, 308 Jonathan, C., Et, South India, 268
Janes, Mrs. L. C., Pb, India, 322 Jonathan, 0. B., Et, South India, 268
Janzen, Jacob, Mp, Et, CME, 250 Jones, Mrs. Blanche E., E, Union, 288
Jarrett, C. C., E, Union, 288 Jones, Carl T., Et, Philippines, 278
Jeevaratnam, J. P., Et, India, 272 Jones, Mrs. C. T., Et, Philippines, 278
Jeleyannavin, Chalow, M, Siam, 297 Jones, D. Lorne, Et, Cedar Lake,' 246
Jemison, T. House], Et, PUC, 276 Jones, Mrs. D. L., Et, Cedar Lake, 246
Jemson, W. D., E, AUC, 241 Jones, F. Harriman, Mp, Et, CME, 250
Jenkins, Pearl, M, Washington, 312 Jones, Francis, E, Campion, 245
Jenks, H. A., Et, Laurelwood, 267 Jones, J. L., Pb, Pacific Press, 323
Jensen, Alice, Mn. Africa, 314 Jones, Jesse, Et, Campion, 245
Jensen, Ella, Et, Platte Valley, 279 Jones, Marjorie, Et, Broadview, 244
Jensen, Louis J., E, Shenandoah, 282 Jones, Maude I., Et, SMC, 284
Jensen, Mrs. M. H., E, Valley G, 290 Jonsson, Hildur, Mn, Sweden, 299
Jensen, Maybel, Et, La Sierra, 266 Jordahl, Wily, Mp, Norway, 310
Jensen, R. F., Fb, Denmark, 294 Jordan, Jeanne Wagner, Et, AUC, 241
Jessen, A. F.. Et. South India, 265 Jordan. Mrs. Robert, Mn, Hinsdale, 301
Jesudas, S., Et, South India, 265 Jorgensen, G. C., Et, Union, 288
Jeurink, Mrs. Gladys. Et, Union, 288 Jornada, Mrs. F.. E, Philippines, 293
Jewell, Mrs. E. L., Mn, Africa, 314 Joseph, S., Mn, India, 300
Jewell, F. B., Mn, Africa, 315 Joseph, Mrs. S., Mn, India, 300
Jewell, Mrs. F. B., Et, Africa, 283 Joyce, Mrs. Phyllis. Et, Union, 288
Jeys, G. H., Et, PUC, 277 Judefind, Thomas F., Mp, Et, CME, 249
Job, A. M., Et, Portland, 279 Judson, Frank, Et, La Sierra, 266
Joergenson, E. J., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Juriansz, E. L., Et. Ceylon, 265
Johannes, J., Mp, Burma, 307 Juriansz, R. F., Et, India, 286
Johannes, Mrs. J.. Mn. Burma, 307 Juriansz, R. L.. Pb, India, 322
Johanson, B. 0., Fb, Australia, 294 Justiss, Jacob, Et, Oakwood, 275

K Kiyuko Ota, Et, Union, 288

Klaschwitz, R., E, France, 258
Kaarima, K., Et, Finland, 257 Kleiman, F. R., E, Union, 288
Kachchap, A. K., Et, India, 281 Klingbeil, Mrs. M., Et, Glendale, 259
Kaerst, Rodolfo, Et, Argentina, 281 Klingsbeil, Lewis K., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Kahl, Elena M., Mn, Argentina, 308 Klopfenstein, L. D., Et, Sheyenne It, 283
Kahn, Sardaran, Et, India, 260 Klosko, J., Mn, Brazil, 307
Kalbermatter, 0., Mn, Argentina, 308 Klug, A. R., E, WMC, 292
Kamwendo, Yolam, Et, Africa, 269 Knight, A. W., M, Australia, 311
Kanada, T., Et, Brazil, 255 Knight, Hollis, E, Oakwood, 275
Kapitz, Otto, Mp, Germany, 296 Knight, Mrs. L., E, Forest Lake, 257
Karmy, S. D., Mp, Iraq, 298 Knittel, Francis, Et, Enterprise, 256
Karstrom, H., Et, Mb, Finland, 257, 311 Knoll, Marvin D., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Karstrom, Kitty, Et, Finland, 257 Knox, Stuart C., Mp, Et, CME, 249
Kassner, Eli, Et, Brazil, 287 Ko, Choy Meng, M, Siam, 297
Katcher, George, Et, Plainfield, 279 Kobs, H., Et, Germany, 258
Kato, Fusako, Et, Japan, 264 Koenig, Vernon, Et, Platte Valley, 279
Kaufman, G. R., Mn, Glendale, 300 Koilpillai, Robinson, Et, S. India, 268
Ke Soy Sie, Et, China, 265 Kona, William, Et, Africa, 283
Keasberry, Blanche, Pb, Singapore, 321 Kona, Mrs. William, Et, Africa, 283
Kee, Sylvia, Et, Northeastern, 274 Konzack, W. W., Et, Japan, 264
Keene, H. L., Eb, Union, 288 Koorenny, Ralph W., Et, La Sierra. 266
Keene, Marjorie, E, Lynwood, 268 Kosky, Alfred A., Mp, Et, CME, 249
Keeney, Ray, E. Laurelwood, 267 Kotz, Mrs. H. E., Mn, Africa, 313
Keh Hong Mo, Et, China, 284 Kotz, S. A., Mp, Africa, 303
Keith, Beatrice, Et, Union Springs, 289 Kovacs, G., Et, Rumania, 281
Keith, J. B., Pb, Fiji, 318 Koval, Daniel, Et, AUC, 241
Keith, Linnie L., Et, WMC, 292 Kozel, Rosa, Mn, St. Helena, 308
Kelley, Horace A., M, Mexico, 304 Kraft, R. C., E, Mount Vernon, 271
Kellogg, C. E., Eb, AUC, 240 Krampe, Louis, Et, Broadview, 244
Kellogg, Kenneth E., Mp, Et, CME, 249 Kranz, A. F. J., Et, Australia, 241
Kellogg, Karen C., Et, S. Lancaster, 284 Krater, Paul, Et, CME, 252
Kelsey, Verne, Et, EMC, 256 Krauss, J. B., Et, Glendale, 259
Kennedy. W. W., Et, La Sierra, 266 Krautschick, A. I., Mb, Siam, 296
Kenny, E. F., Et, Collegedale, 253 Krebs, June, Et, Adelphian, 238
Keough, G. Arthur, Et, Lebanon, 270 Kress, D. H., Mp, Florida, 299
Kephart, H. C., Pb, Southern Pub., 327 Kretschmar, G. G., Et, WWC, 291
Kerr, Miriam, Mn, Paradise Valley, 306 Kretschmar, Mrs. L. L., Et, WWC, 291
Kerr, R., Et, Greater New York, 260 Krick, G. M., Et, Lebanon, 270
Ketola, Lahja, Et, Finland, 257 Krick, Helen M., Et, Iebanon, 270
Kewley, Joan, E, Lynwood, 268 Krieghoff, Gmo., Et, Argentina, 245
Khan, Hidayat B., Et, India, 281 Kriigel, Mrs. L., Mn, Washington, 312
Khang Keh Tien, E, China, 247 Krohn, C. C., Et, PUC, 276
Kidder, Florence, Et, Brookside, 244 Ku, Miss C. L.. Et, China, 247
Kiehnhoff, Estelle, Et, EMC, 256 Ku Shih, Et, China, 248
Kiel, Ana P., E, Brazil, 278 Kubrock, Mrs. D. V., Et, Iran, 263
Kiel, Zita, Et, Brazil, 278 Kudzielicz, Maria, Mn, Brazil, 309
Kilcher, Edna L., Et, Lynwood, 268 Kuempel, S., Et, Brazil, 243
Kilgore, Mrs. Rochelle P., Et, AUC, 240 Kugel, Arthur I., Mp, Et. CME, 250
Kilroy. W. L.. Fb, Australia, 294 Kuhlman, H. H., Et, SMC, 284
Kim Chang Soo, Et, Korea, 265 Kuhn, Alice, Mn, Loma Linda, 252
Kim Ki Pang, Et, Korea, 265 Kuhn, Mrs. M. C., Et, Loma Linda, 268
Kim Kyu Hyuk, Mn, Korea, 309 Kujur, r. C., Et, India, 265
Kim Sang Chil, Mb, Korea, 309 Kunau, Esther, Et, La Sierra, 267
Kimball, Theodore S., Mp, Et, CME, 249 Kung Pin San, Mp. China, 311
Kimble, J. N.. Mn. Washington, 312 Kunihira. S., Et, Japan, 264
King, Astrid W., Et, S. Lancaster. 284 Kuniya, K., Pe, Japan, 320
King, Mrs. Astrid W., Et, AUC, 241 Kurt, J. L. Hampl, Et, Mexico, 276
King, Elsie, Et, Mn, Union, 288, 297 Kurtz, B. M., Et, Columbia Acad.. 254
King, Loretta, Et, Mount Ellis, 271 Kusuhara, Miyoko, Et, Hawaii, 261
King, Mrs. Mary R., Et, Lebanon, 271 Kwapinski, Anna, Et. Africa, 283
King, W. L., Et, AUC, 240 Kyle, E. S., Eb, EMC, 256
Kingsbury, Mrs. S., M, St. Helena, 308
Kinzer, E. Earll, Mp, Et, CME, 250 L
Kirk, Arthur H., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Kirk, Everett, Et, Indiana, 263 Ladron, C., Et, Philippines, 270
Kirstein, Mrs. Celeste, Et, Forest L, 257 Laloo, Clarabelle, Et, India, 283
Kiroff, D., Pb, Bulgaria, 317 Landis, F. A., Et, China, 247
Kisku, C., Et, India, 281 Landon, Mrs. Archie, M, Boulder, 297
Kisz, Mary, Et, Mn, Union, 288, 297 Landon, Emma Snyder, Et, Union, 288
Kitto, Robert, Et, Glendale, 259 Lane, C. G., Fb, Australia, 295

Lang, G. J., Eb, Rogue River, 281 Leiske, A. A., Mb, Porter, 298
Lange, Mrs. Erwin, Et, Oshawa, 276 Leiske, Mrs. A. A., M, Porter, 306
Lange, L., Et, Norway, 276 Leitzke, Artur, Et, Brazil, 273
Langer, Waldtraut, Et, Germany,- 258 Leitzke, Frida, Et, Brazil, 273
Langsford, E. A. R., Et, New Zeal., 272 Lekhavat, Trakool, Mp, Siam, 297
Lao, L. M., Mb, China, 311 Leland, J. A., Pb, Philippines, 324
Largent, Pauline, Et, Kern, 265 Leno, Lloyd, Et, Portland, 280
Larkin, Doris E., Mn, Et, CME, 253 Lenz, 0. F., Et, Plainview, 279
Larimore, T. R., Et, WMC, 292 Leon, Merardo, Et, Chile, 247
Larimore, Mrs. Edda, Et, WMC, 292 Leon, Mrs. M., Et, Chile, 247
Larmon, Louise, Et, Bethel, 241 Leon, P. P., Mb, Peru, 301
Larsen, C. A., Et, Denmark, 251 Lesiasel, L., Et, Indonesia, 263
Larsen, C. J., Mp, Walker, 311 Lester, Vera, Et, Armona, 240
Larsen, Doris, Et, Arizona. 239 Leung, H. S., Et, China, 283
Larsen, G. E., Mp, Florida, 299 Leung, P. H., Mn, China, 314
Larsen, H. T., Et, Portland, 279 Levine, Milton G., Mp, Et, CME, 252
Larsen, Kamilla, Et, Denmark, 254 Lewis, Celeste V., E, Oakwood, 274
Larsen, Victoria, Et, Maplewood, 269 Lewis, L., Mn, Paradise Valley, 306
Larson, A. C., Mb, Florida, 299, 311 Lewis, M. D., Et, SWJC, 285
Larson, A. V., Pb, Pacific Press, 323 Lewis, R., Mp, Riverside, 308
Larson, August H., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Lewis, Richard B., Et, PUC, 277
Larson, Elsworth, Mp, Glendale, 300 Li Bing Ting, Et, China, 273
Larson, Mrs. Janice, Et, Union, 288 Li Wei Cheng, Eb, China, 292
Larson, L. J., Et, India, 286 Li Yi Ming, Et, China, 292
Larsson, Carl G., Et, Golden Gate, 259 Li Su Ching, E, China, 247
Larsson, E. H., Pb, Sweden, 327 Liao Chu Sheng, Et, China, 247
Larsson, Elizabeth, Mp, Et, CME, 250 Liers, Phyllis Johnson, E, Takoma, 287
Larsson, John, M, Sweden, 302 Lilley, L. J., Mp, Boulder, 297
Larsson, Valborg, Mn, Africa, 310 Lim, Ada, M, Siam, 297
Lashier, H. M., Et, EMC, 256 Lima, Moraes, M, Brazil, 309
LaTourette, D. P., Mp, Siam, 296 Limerick, Paul E., Et, Loma Linda, 268
Lau, Julietta K., E, Hawaii, 261 Limon, Vicente, E, Mexico, 270
Laurence, J. P., Et, Takoma, 287 Lin Chang Wan Shing, Mn, China, 305
Laurence, Mrs. L., Mn, West Indies, 306 Lin Chih Yung, Mp, China, 305
Laursen, D. S., Et. South India, 240 Lin Wan Shing, Mn, China, 305
Lawhead, J. H., Et, Singapore, 269 Linares, Napoleon, Et, Peru, 263
Lawhead, Mrs. J. H., E. Singapore, 269 Lind, Alice, Mn, Ethiopia, 300
Lawrence, Lionel, Et, B.W.I., 280 Lindberg, Evlyn, Et, SWJC, 285
Lawrence, Lucy K., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Lindberg, J. P., Nb, Sweden, 315
Lawrence, N. B., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Linde, G.. Et, Sweden, 287
Lawson, W. H., Pb, Pacific Press, 323 Lindsjo, Holger. Et, Theo Seminary, 282
Lay, Mrs. William, Et, Laurelwood, 267 Lindt, S. H., Et, China, '248
Lea, Ruby E., E, SMC, 284 Ling Seng Yung, Et, China, 265
Leary, John H.. Mn, Et, CME, 250 Linhares, J. S., Et, Brazil, 243
Lease, H. F., Et, Bethel, 241 Link, Mrs. C., Et, Maplewood, 269
Leatherdale, J. L., Pb, Canada, 317 Linthwaite, R., Mp, New England, 304
Leazer, Wilma, Mn, Singapore, 313 Lipke, Berta, Mn, Brazil, 309
Lecklider, Mrs. J., Et, Span.-Am., 285 Lippart, J. E., E, Oak Park, 274
Ledington, Stanley, Et, Lynwood, 268 Lippolis, Miss A., Et, Italy, 264
Lee, Clinton W., Et, EMC, 256 Litke, Richard, Et, WWC, 290
Lee, D. S., Et, Japan, 264 Little, T. A., Et, WWC, 291
Lee, Donald, Et, Mount Vernon, 271 Litvin, Helen, Et, Upper Colum, 289
Lee, Faith, Mn, Singapore, 313 Liu Fu Ning, Eb, China, 273
Lee, Frederick, Pe, R&H, 325 Liu Han Hwa, Et, China, 247
Lee Gwang Shin. Et, China, 274 Liu, Herbert. Mp, China. 309
Lee, J. M., Et, Korea, 265 Liu Hsueh Min, Mrs., Mn, China, 313
Lee, Oscar, Et, WWC, 291 Liu Lo Ren, Et, China, 292
Lee, Paul, Mp, China, 299 Liu, W. C., Mp. Manchuria, 309
Lee Pyung Hoon, Mp, Korea, 309 Livingood, M., Et, Mn, Union, 299, 297
Lee, Solomon, Mp, China, 298 Llusco, Julian, Et, Bolivia, 243
Lee, Stanley, Mp, China, 305 Lo, B. W., Mb, China, 304
Lee, T. C., Et, China, 284 Lo Yi Hui, Et, China, 292
Lee, T. S., Pb, China, 326 Lo Yun Chiao, Eb, China, 292
Lee Tien Ming, Et, China, 274 Loasby, R. E., Et, Theo Seminary, 282
Leech, Geraldine J., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Lobsien, Julian, Et. WWC, 291
Leeper, Louise, Et, East Africa, 264 Lodge, Harry M., Et, Forest Lake, 257
Leffingwell, F. E., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Lodge, Mrs. H. M., Et, Forest Lake, 257
Legare, M. 0., Et, Forest Lake, 257 Loewen, M. E., Et, Sheyenne River, 283
Lehmann, Emma E., Et, India, 290 Loewen, Mrs. M. E., Et, Shey. R., 283
Lehti, Lina, E, Finland, 257 Logan, J. B., Et, Mountain View, 271
Leichner, D., Et, Argentina, 272 Logan, Virgil, Et, Union, 288

Loh, Dorothy, Mn, Singapore, 313 Madsen, A. C., Et, La Sierra, 266
Lombard, Elizabeth, E, WMC, 292 Majolagbe, S. A., M, West Africa, 302
Lonergan, L. H., Mp, Et, CME, 249, 251 Makinde, J., Mn, West Africa, 302
Long, Gwen, Mn, Solomon Islands, 295 Malkranian, Shake', Mn, Ethiopia, 313
Long, Mrs. Pauline, Et, Sunnydale, 286 Mallari, Mrs. N. S., Et, Philippines, 278
Longware, T., Et, Oakwood, 276 Maluf, E. W., Et, Brazil, 244
Lonser, E. R., Mp, China, 309 Mamani, Noemi, Et, Bolivia, 243
Lopez, Francisco, Et, Costa Rica, 246 Manalaysay, R. G., Et, Philippines, 278
Lorren, T. M., E, Auburn, 241 Mananirina, Et, Madagascar, 263
Lorenz, Felix A., Jr., Et, Auburn, 241 Mandoh, Lal V., M, India, 301
Lorenz, Mrs. F. A., Jr.', Et, Auburn, 241 Mangkei, H., Et, Indonesia, 273
Lorenz, Martha, Et, Fresno, 258 Mangold, Noel, Mb, Peru, 302
Losey, L. B., Et, WWC, 290. Mangold, Mrs. Noel, Mn, Peru, 302
Lothian, Elizabeth, Et, Oak Park, 274 Mann, Eliada, Mn, Washington, 312
Lovell, C. R., Mp, Loma Linda, 303 Manning, John G., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Lovell, V. P., Eb, EMC, 256 Mansell, Mrs. E. P., Mn, Africa, 314
Lovell, H. C., Et, SWJC, 285 Mansker, Susie L., Mn, Boulder, 297
Low, Walter, Et, West Indies, 246 Manson, Christine, M, St. Helena, 308
Lowry, Mrs. Bertha, Et, India, 286 Manuel, Mrs. Et, India, 245
Lowry, Morris, Et, SWJC, 285 Manuel, F., Mn, New England, 305
Loy, Monroe F., Mp, Et, CME, 260 Manuel, Juana, E, Philippines, 274
Lu Shou Dao, Et, China, 293 Manwell, Ethel, Mn, White, 262
Lu Tat Cheng, Et, China, 284 Maquera, Vicente, E, Peru, 266
Lucas, M., M, Singapore, 313 Maracle, C. G., Pb, R&H, 325
Lucas, M., Et, South India, 265 Marais, C. C., Et, South Africa, 261
Lucas, Marie, Et, Loma Linda, 268 Marais, Elza, Et, South Africa, 261
Lucca, Antonio, E, Brazil, 244 Mariam, Kassech H., Et, Ethiopia, 257
Luchessa, Pansy, Mn, Loma Linda, 262 Marks, Arlene, E., EMC, 256
Luckett, J. M., Et, Washington, 292 Marnoel, A., Et, Madagascar, 263
Ludden, H. B., Eb, Japan, 264 Marrero, Iris, Et, Cuba, 239
Ludgate, T. K., Et, S. Africa, 261 Marsh, Mrs. Alice G., Et, Union, 288
Ludington, D. C., Et, SMC, 284 Marsh, Mrs. Clara, E, EMC, 256
Lugenbeal, Paul, E, Broadview, 244 Marsh, Clemson, Mp, Et, CME, 251
Lugenbeal, Mrs. P., E, Broadview, 244 Marsh, Eunice, Et, CME, 253
Luke, H. H., Eb, China, 283 Marsh, F. L., Et, Union, 288
Lukens, T. R., Eb, EMC, 256 Marsh, H. 0., E, Mexico, 270
Lund, Herdis, E., Denmark, 254 Marsh, Veda Sue, Et, WWC, 291
Lundquist, Dorothy, Et, Highland, 261 Marshall, B. C., Mb, Paradise V, 306
Lundquist, Eric, Eb, PUC, 276 Marshall, Clinton, E, AUC, 240
Lupke, G., Et, Germany, 258 Marshall, Mrs. Glenda, Et, Hawaii, 261
Lupke, S., Et, Germany, 258 Marshall, J. S., Eb, Sunnydale, 286
Lust, D. E., Et, Lynwood, 268 Marshall, Mrs. J. S., Et, Sunnydale, 286
Lutz, A. E., Et, Costa Rica, 247 Marshall, Joe D., Et, Hawaii, 261
Lutz, Frieda, Mn, Loma Linda, 252 Marshall, Minna, Mn, Washington, 312
Luz, Fernando, Mb, Brazil, 308 Marshall, Shelley, E, PUC, 276
Lyko, Z., Et, Poland, 279 Marter, E. W., Et, England, 272
Lyman, R. C., Et, Laurelwood, 267 Martin, C. L., E, La Sierra, 267
Lynn, R. E., Et, SMC, 253, 284 Martin, Mrs. Edith, Et, Uruguay, 289
Martin, Gladys, Et, Ethiopia, 257
M Martin, Ivan E., Mp, Et, CME, 259
Martin, Mildred, E, EMC, 256
Ma Hwa Yin, M, China, 313 Martin, S. 0., M, Glendale, 300
Ma Tung Li, Mn, China, 313 Martin, T. K., P, Et, R&H, 325, 292
Maas, E. R., Et, Union, 288 Martin, W., Pb, India, 322
Maas, Mrs. Evelyn, Et, Union, 288 Martinson, Arthur J., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Maattanen, 0., Et, Finland, 267 Martinez, Atanasio, Et, Bolivia, 243
Mabley, Elwood, Et, Auburn, 241 Martinez, Mrs. M., E, Spanish-Am., 285
Mabley, Mrs. Elwood, Et, Auburn, 241 Martinez, Ruth, Et, Puerto Rico, 280
Mabley, Warren, E, Canadian, 246 Martinez, Salvador, Et, Mexico, 284
Macarewa, Z. H., Et, Indonesia, 273 Marty, Jeanne, E, France, 258
MacGlashan, Lester, Eb, Lodi, 267 Maschmeyer, J. E., Mp, Et, CME, 249
Maclntyre, J. G., Et, Loma Linda, 268 Mason, C. A., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Maclvor, C. R., Pb, R&H, 325 Massey, Mrs. Helen, E. Bethel, 241
Maclvor, Mrs. Eva, Et, WMC, 292 Masters, Mrs. M. E., Et, Los A, 268
Mackett, W. C., Et, India, 290 Maszczak, A., Et, Poland, 279
MacManaman, R. L., Et, Sunnydale, 286 Matahari, Et, Indonesia, 273
MacManaman, Mrs. R., Et, Sunnyd, 286 Matheson, E. B., E, La Sierra, 266
MacMorland, Robert, Et, EMC, 256 Mathey, Odette, E, France, 258
Macpherson, W. E., Mp, Et, CME, 249 Mathison, M. E., Et, PUC, 277
Madgwick, G. A. S., Mp, S. Africa, 305 Mathy, L. A., Pe, France, 319
Madgwick, W. R. A., Et, England, 272 Matter, A. A., Mn, Africa, 314

Matter, Tabea, Mn, Africa, 305 Mendoza, Bertha, Mb, Mexico, 304
Mattheis, Emma, E, Sheyenne R., 283 Mendoza, Delia, Eb, Mexico, 270
Matthews, Mrs. I., E, India, 290 Meng Hsien Ming, Et, China, 248
Matthews, K. Mary, Mn, India, 300 Mentzel, Dean, Et, Mount Ellis, 271
Matthews, Mae, Et, Ethiopia, 257 Merchant, Robert W., Et, Ozark, 276
Matthews, Mrs. N. 0., Et, India, 286 Merkel, Emil E., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Matthews, N., Mp, Loma Linda, 303 Meyer, Miss D., Mn, Switzerland, 303
Matthews, N. E. W., Mp, Et, CME, 249 Meyer, E., Mp, Germany, 302
Matthews, O. S., Et, India, 286 Meyer, H. F., E, Cuba, 239
Matthews, Mrs. 0. S., Mn, India, 315 Meyers, Willett V., Et, Glendale, 259
Mattison, H. H., Et, India, 286 Mi Teh Fen, Mrs., E, China, 247
Mauldin, L. W., Et, Indonesia, 263 Michalenko, J. C., Et, Kern, 265
Mauldin, Loraine, Et, Atlanta, 240 Middleton, Jean, Mn, Loma Linda, 252
Mauro, C. W., E, Cedar Lake, 246 Miettinen, Y., Pb, Finland, 318
Maxson, B. 0., Pe, Pacific Press, 323 Miguel, Mrs. A., E, Philippines, .274
Maxson, Howard, M, New England, 304 Mihordea, I., Et, Rumania, 281
Maxson, Robert, Et, Dominican, 255 Miles, Mrs. Ella Mary, Mn, White,' 252
Maxwell, A. Graham, Et, PUC, 276 Miles, Marian, E, WMC, 292
Maxwell, A. S., Pe. Pacific Press, 323 Milholt, A., Mp, Denmark, 310
Maxwell, Mrs. G. H., Et, WWC, 291 Miller, Byron W., Mp, Et, CME, 250 '
Maxwell, Maureen, Mn, White, 252 Miller, D. H., Et, Mount Vernon, 271
Maxwell, S., Et, S. Africa, 261 Miller, Esther, Et, Laurelwood, 267
May, E., Et, South Africa, 259 Miller, H. A., Et, SMC, 284
May, Stanton B., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Miller, H. N., Et, Puerto Rico, 280
Mayer, J. A., E, Union, 288 Miller, H. W., Et, Costa Rica, 247
Mayor, C. W., Et, Adelphian, 238 Miller, Mrs. H. W., Et, Costa Rica, 247
Mayor, Mrs. C. W., E, Adelphian, 238 Miller, Janet, Et, WWC, 291
Mays, Ruby, Mn, West Africa, 302 Miller, Mrs. Leonie H., E, Oshawa, 276
Mbenenge, Mrs. I., Et, S. Africa, 242 Miller, Mrs. Lulu Hill, Et, WWC, 290
McCartney, Ellen, Et, SWJC, 285 Miller, M., M, Brazil, 307
McClellan, Dorothy, Et, Shiloh, 283 Miller, Opal, Et, Union, 288
McClenaghan, J. A., Et, San Diego, 282 Miller, P. G., Et, Canadian, 246
McClure, W. E., Et, S. Africa, 261 Miller, Philip, Et, Canadian, 245
McComb, W. J., Et, WMC, 292 Miller, Ruth, Mp, St. Helena, 308
McConaughey, Mary, Et, AUC, 240 Millet, G. J., Et, Los Angeles, 268
McCoy, Mrs. Thelma J., Et, WWC, 291 Millner, M. M., Eb, Glendale, 259
McCready, W. G., Et, Plainfield, 279 Mills, Anabelle, Mn, White, 252
McCready, Mrs. W. G., E, Plainfield, 279 - Mills, Robert C., Mb, Korea, 309
McDonald, W. H., M, Riverside, 308 Mills, Mrs. Violet D., Mn, Hinsdale, 301
McDowell, E. G., Et, La Sierra, 266 Milne, Mrs. R. M., Et, Singapore, 269
McDowell, Patricia, Mn, St. Helena, 308 Min, Ku Hyuk, M, Siam, 296
McElheny, S. Ruth, M, Hinsdale, 301 Minchin, E. L., Pe, England, 317
McGuffin, DeV. W.. Mp, Et, CME, 250 Minchin, Gerald H., Et, AUC, 240
McHenry, M. M., E, India, 290 Minear, J., E, Platte Valley, 279
McHenry, Mrs. Milton, Et, India, 290 Minesinger, Georgene, Et, Mt. Ellis, 271
McIllwain, Mrs. B. A., E, Plainview, 279 Minesinger, J. E., Et, Forest Lake, 257
McIntyre, A., Pb, Canada, 317 Minesinger, R. T., Et, Mt. Vernon, 271
McKee, 0. D., Et, SMC, 285 Minisee, Wilma, Et, Shiloh, 283
McLaren, G. H. A., M, Australia, 311 Minium, L. W., -Et, Plainview, 279
McLuhan, Evelyn, Et, Canadian, 246 Miracle. Floyd Albert, Mp, Et, CME, 250
McMillan, J. A., Pe, England, 317 Miramontes, P. R., P, Pacific Press, 323
MacMorland, Mrs. Wanda, Et, EMC, 256 Miranda, G., Et, Philippines, 270
McMullen, R. W., Mp, China. 311 Miranda, Mrs. L. H., Et, Philippines, 278
McMurphy, Elmore, Et, WMC, 292 Mishima, Florence, Et, Hawaii, 261
McNaughton, James R., Et, CME, 253 Mitchell, C. E., Fb, Papua, 324
McNeal, Cecil, E, Cedar Lake, 246 Mitchell. F. Ruth, Mn, Jamaica, 296
McReynolds, C. C., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Mitzelfelt, H. E., Et, AUC, 241
Meade, DeVoe K., Mp. Washington, 312 Modglin, F. Rene, Mp, Et, CME, 249
Meekling, Frank E., Et, WWC, 291 Modovan, I., Mp, Rumania, 311
Mehling, J. G., Jr., Et. WWC, 291 Mohr, E. I., Et, SWJC, 285
Mehling, Robert, Et. Oshawa, 276 Mohr, Marjorie 0., Et, SWJC, 285
Meier, F. A., Et, Mount Vernon, 271 Mole, R. L., Et, Lebanon, 270
Meier, Juan, Et, Argentina, 245 Moline, Florence, Et, Canadian, 245
Meier, Willard H., Et, PUC, 276 Moncada, Daniel, Et. Honduras, 262
Meisler, Mrs. Ann, Et, Philadelphia, 278 Monroe, Ruth, Mn. Siam, 297
Meister, Rose, Et, India, 286 Monteith, A. R., Eb, Mexico, 270
Meldrum. George W., Et, PUC, 277 Monteith, E., Et, Oshawa, 276
Meleen, E. M., Pe, India, 322 Mookerjee, N. G., Et, India, 281
Melendy, Mrs. C. R., Et, Highland, 261 Moon, A. L., Mp, Porter. 298
Melo, M., Et, Brazil, 273 Moor, Fred B., Mp, Et, CME, 249
Mendes, A. P., P, Brazil, 316 Moore, Kenneth, Et, Mountain View, 271

Moore, M. E., Et, Highland; 261 Nash, M., Et,: Australia, 292
Moore, Raymond S., Et, PUC, 276 Nash, Maurice C., Et, Bethel, 241
Moore, Roberta; Et, Campion, 245 Nath, Miss Et, India, 260. ..
Moore, Shirley, M, New England,. 304 ' Naude, Mrs. J. B., Et, SouthAfrica;.261
Moore, W. F., E, Panama, 277 Naude, Phyllis, Et, Philippines, 278 ..
Montgomery; Carl F., E, WMC, 287, 292 Ndhlovu, Enoch, E, Africa, 283 . .
Monzon, Carmen, E, Cuba, 239 Ndhlovu, Mrs. Enoch, E, Africa, 288, ..J:
Moran, F. A., M, Loma Linda, 252 Neal, Pauline, Mn, China, ,309
Moran, Hortense I., Et, Pine Forge, 278 Neff, Merlin L., Pe.; Pacific Press. 8238,,
Moran, J. M., Et, Pine Forge, 278 Negate, Ababech, Mn, Ethiopia, 313. ,.;
Morel, Elton L.; Mp, Et, CME, 260, 300 Nehls, Germany, 272
Morel, Grace, Et, Lynwood, .268 Neidigh, Rodger, Et, Union, 288
Morgan, Jean, Et, Arizona, 239 Neill, N. K., Fb, Australia,,295
Morgan, Violet, Et, EMC, 256 Neilsen, Alice. M. Et, PUC, 277
Morita, Matsumi, Mn, Japan, 311 Neilsen, I. R., Et,' PUC, 277
Morley, Archie R., Et, Columbia, 254 Nelsen, N. C., Pb, Southern Pub., 327
Moller, W. A., E, Denmark, 254 Nelson, A. N., Et, Philippines, 278
Moron, Salome, Pb, Mexico, 316 NelSon, B. E., Et, Sunnydale, 286
Morrill, Mrs. Madge, Pe, P. Press, 323 Nelson, Mrs. B. E., E, Sunnydale, 286
Morris, Helen, Et, Armona, 240 Nelson, Mrs. Claire, Mn, White, 252
Morris, Orlie, E, Sunnydale, 287 Nelson,, C. E., Mp, Et, CME, 250.
Morris, Mrs. R. P., Et, India, 260 Nelson, Elma, Et, Australia, 292
Morris, Robert, Et, CME, 252 Nelson, Elmer A., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Morrison, C. C., Et, WMC, 292 Nelson, Erma, Et, Sheyenne River, 283
Morrison, H. A., Pb, R&H, 324 Nelson, Franklin C., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Morrison, L. A., Eb, Jamaica, 293 Nelson, G. B., Mb, Glendale, 300
Morrison, R. T., Et, Sunnydale, 286 Nelson, G. J., Et, SMC, 284.
Mortensen, R. A.. Mp, Et, CME, 249 Nelson, Gayle, Et, WWC; 291
Morton, Gladys, Et, SWJC, 285 Nelson, Mrs. Grace Maas, Et, AUC, 240
Mosby, Ruth, Et. Pine Forge, 278 Nelson, H. S., Mb, Loma Linda, 252, 303
Moseley, Calvin E., Et, Oakwood, 275 Nelson, Mrs. Jessie, E, Laurelwood, 267
Moser, Verna, Et. Canadian, 245 Nelson. Kathryn, Et, Union, 288
Moses, M., Et, Nigeria, 272 Nelson, L. L., Et, Union, 288
Moses, Solomon M. Pb, India, 322 Nelson, Marion, Mn, White, 252
Mosher. Carl B., Et, Richmond, 280 Nelson, Norman, Et, Kern, 265
Mote, R. M., E, Platte Valley, 279 Nelson, R. K., Et, Union, 288
Mountain, Arthur, Mb, Malaya. 306 Nelson, R. W., Mb, Portland, 306
Moyers. Ella, Mp, Et, CME, 250 Nelson, Ruth, Et, Broadview, 244
Moyo, Peni, Et. Africa, 283 Nelson, W. E., Et, Brazil, 243
Mozar, Harold N., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Nelson, Walter,.-E, EMC, 256
Mpofu, Frazer. Et. Africa, 283 Nembhard, Myrtle, Et, Jamaica, 293
Msimang, P. V., E, S. Africa, 242 Nemoto, N., Et, Japan, 264
Muchmore. Madge. Et, Columbia, 254 Neo, Olive, Mn, Singapore, 313
Mueller, W., Pe, Germany, 319 Nerness, Mrs. J. M., Et, Singapore, 269
Muench, Mrs. Gertrude, Mn, Florida, 299 Nestares, Daniel, Eb, Uruguay, 289
Muhunga, Aurelio, Et, Africa. 243 Nestares, Mrs. Esther, Et, Uruguay, 289
Muir, Mrs. Dorothy j., Et, PUC, 277 Netnarinti, Nai Sanit, M, Siam, 297
Mulinari. Mrs. H., Et, Argentina, 245 Neufeld, Alonzo J., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Muller, Ernst. Mb, Germany. 302 Neufeld, D. F., Et, Canadian, 245
Muller, H.. Mp, Switzerland, 303 Neufeld, Otto J., Mp, Et, CME, 250, 300
Mullings, Jean, Et, West Indies, 265 Neufeld, Viola, Mn, Portland, 307
,Munson, G. W., Pb, Korea, 326 Newberg, R. C., Mn, Ethiopia, 313
Munson, H. A., Mb, Philippines. 304 ' Newberg, Mrs. R. C.. Mn, Ethiopia, 313
Murdoch, T. C., Et, Canadian, 245 Newbold, D. C., Et, CME, 250, 313
'Murdoch. W. G. C., Et, Australia, 241 Newbold. R., Mp, Africa, 305
-Murrnu, N., Et, India, 265 Newell, Leon, E, Auburn, 241
-Murphy, C. E., Eb, WMC, 291 Newkirk, Lura, E, Maplewood, 269
Murphy, L. L.. Et, Indiana, 263 New Young Soon, Pe, Korea, 326
Murray. Janobi. Mn. India. 300 Ney. Edward, Et, AUC, 241
Myers, Elaine. Et. WWC, 291 Ngaiyayi, James, Et, Africa, 269
Myers; Inez, Et, Oak Park. 274 Ngo. B. L., Et. Singapore, 269
Myers, Kenneth, Et, Modesto, 271 Ng Si Cheng, Et, China, 284
Nichol, F. D., Pe. R&H, 325
N Nielsen; H. L., Mb, Washington, 312
Nielsen. Karen, Mn, East Africa, 302
Nagel, S. A., Jr., Mn, West Africa, 302 Nielsen, Roland, Mp, Ethiopia, 301.
Nagel, Mrs. S. A'.. Jr., Mn, Africa, 302 Nielson, Elbert. E, Canadian, 246
Naiarro, Maria, Et. Guatemala. 260 Niemann. H., Fb, Germany, 294
Nam Young Cha. Mn, Korea. 309 Nies, J. H.,. Mb, Washington, 312
Nash, J. I., 5, Upper Columbia, 289 Nilsson, Karl Otto, Et, Sweden, 287
Nash; Mrs, J.. Et, /Ipper Columbia, 289 Nilsson, V. N., Fb, New Zealand, 294

Ninaj, Bess, M, Washington, 312 P

Nippress, Pearl, Et, Australia, 292
Nishikawa, K., Mn, Porter, 297 Paddock, C. L., Pb, Southern Pub., 327
Niwa, Ai, E, Japan, 264 Pagaduan, B., E, Philippines, 274
Nixon, Esther, Et, Lorna Linda, 268 Page, Donald, Mp, Boulder, 297 .
Nixon, Zella, Et, CME, 252 Page, Mabel, Mp, Boulder, 297
Noble, Althea, Et, Fresno, 258 Page, Walter, Et, Union, 288
Noblitt, Clarence, Et, EMC, 256 Painson, Albert, Et, Haiti, 260
Nobrega, Ralph, Et, Mount Vernon, 271 Painson, Mrs. Albert, E, Haiti, 260
Noland, Audrey E., Et, England, 286 Palmer, Mrs. Blanche, Et, Modesto, 271
Noradajamote, Sujinta, M, Siam, 297 Palmer, C. E., Pb, R&H, 324
Nordrum, Wm., Et, Sheyenne River, 283 Palmer, C. S., Et, Australia, 292
Norwood, George E., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Palmer, Charlotte, Et, Golden Gate, 259
Norwood, William F., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Palmer, Dan W., Et, WWC, 290
Nowfel, Camille, Et, Lebanon, 270 Palmer, L. C., Et, La Sierra, 266
Nowrangi, Mrs. B., Et, India, 265 Palmer, Revo, Et, Armona, 240
Nowrangi, S., Et, India, 265 Pan, Stephen, Et, Singapore, 269
Ntsikeni, C. P. D., Et, S. Africa, 242 Pandit, S. S., Jr., Et, India, 266
Nunes, M., Et, Africa, 243 Pandit, Mrs. S. S., Et, India, 266
Nutter, R. L., Et, PUC, 277 Pangburn, Eileen, Mn, Et, CME, 252
Nylander, J. H., Et, Atlanta, 240 Parago, J. M., E, Philippines, 278
Nylander, Mrs. J. H., Et, Atlanta, 240 Parchment, Edna C., Mb, Jamaica, 296
Parfitt, A. G., Et, Bethel, 241
Parfitt, Mrs. A. G., Et, Bethel, 241
O Parfitt, Eliza, Et, Indiana, 263
Parker, A. H., Et, La Sierra, 267
Oakes, Mrs. Mildred Eadie, Et, SMC, 284 Parker, Bertha, Mn, Florida, 299
Oberg, Odete, Et, Brazil, 243 Parker, Ena, Et, West Indies, 265
Oberg, R. E., Et, Brazil, 287 Parker, Harriett, Mn, Glendale, 300
O'Brien, George 0., Et. WMC, 292 Parker, Leland, E, WWC, 291
Odell, Mrs. Mytho], M, Walla Walla, 312 Parker, Marguerite, E, Union, 288
Odom, R. L., Pe, Philippines, 324 Parker, N. L., Et, Glendale, 259
Ogden, E. B., Et, Union, 288 Parker, Vera, Et, New Zealand, 272
Oh Sung Ryung, Pe, Korea, 326 Parker, Del, Et, Union, 288
Ohal, Harnabai, Et, India, 266 Parnham, T. Lee, Mn, Paradise V, 306
Oliva, U. M., Et, Philippines, 274 Parrett, Virgil 0. Mp, Et, CME, 250
Oliver, C. G., Mb, Japan, 311 Parrish, G. C.. E, Highland,
' 261
Oliver, J. B., Mp, India, 300 Parsons, R. B., Mn, Africa, 243
Olmstead, C. R., Et, Puerto Rico, 280 Parsons, Mrs. R. B., Mn, Africa, 243
Olmstead, Ray, E, SMC, 285 Partain, Sibyl, Et, Battle Creek, 241
Olsen, Clarence W., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Parvan, M. Et, Rumania, 281
Olson, A. J., Et, Auburn, 241 Pascariu, C., Et, Rumania, 281
Olson, Mrs. A. J., Et, Auburn, 241 Pascual, Mrs. J., Et, Philippines, 278
Olson, Anna J., E, PUC, 277 Pascui, A., Et, Brazil, 243
Olson, Carentze, Mn, East Africa, 302 Pate, Mrs. Vera, E, Lodi, 267
Olson, H. 0., Et, EMC, 256 Pathak, P., Et, India, 286
Olson, M. E., Et, WMC, 292 Patrick, J. Byron, Et, WWC, 291
Olson, Robert W., Et, CME, 252 Patrick, Mrs. Lillian, Et, WWC, 291
O'Neil. Maud E., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Patt, A. J., Mp, China, 309
O'Neill. Belle, Mn, Portland, 307 Patt, Albert J., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Ong, Hyacinth, Mn, Singapore, 313 Patterson, J. R., Et, Broadview, 244
Opsahl, Trygve, Pb, Norway, 322 Paul, Ch., Et, India, 272
Ora, Arvid, Et, CME, 252 Paul, M., Et, South India. 264
Orchard, Florence, Et. South Africa, 261 Paulin, N. E., Et, PUC, 277
Ordanez, Mrs. G., E, Philippines, 278 Paxton, Mrs. J. L., Et, Laurelwood, 267
Ortner, Irene, Et, La Sierra, 266 Payne, LaVeta M., Et, Platte Valley, 279
Osborne, Roland H., Mp, Et, CME, 249 Pearce, H. S., Pb, Africa, 316
Osbourne, W. A., Et, Jamaica, 293 Pearman, George, Et, SMC, 285
Osmunson, Robert L., Et, Union, 288 Pearson, E. L., E, Plainview, 279
Osola, K. V., Pe, Finland, 319 Pearson, H. L., Et, AUC, 241
Pearson, R. B., Mn, St. Helena, 308
Oss, John, Pe, China, 326 Pearson, R. G., Et, East Africa, 264
Ostendroph, John E., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Pearson, Mrs. R. G., Et, E. Africa, 264
Otoni, Dante Sales, Mn, Brazil, 309 Pearson, R. W., Mp, Korea, 309
Otter, G., Et, Africa, 269 Pease, Normal F., Et, CME, 252
Otter, Mrs. G., Et, Africa, 269 Pechtol, J., Pe, Hungary, 319
Ouzounian, Shahin, Et, Lebanon, 270 Peck, Bessie, Mn, New England, 305
Peckham, H. A., Et, Auburn, 241
Owen, W. P., Mp, Africa, 303 Pedersen, H. W., Mb, Denmark, 310
Owens, John T., E, Highland, 261 Pedersen, Rhoda, E, Platte Valley, 279
Owens, Mrs. Marie, Et, Africa, 283 Pederson, Margaret, Et, Union, 288

Peeke, Jewell, E, WMC, 292 Posse, Raul L., Et, Argentina, 245
Penner, Bernard, Eb, WMC, 292 Potter, Fern, Mn, Glendale, 300
Penner, J. B., Pe, Pacific Press, 323 Potts, C. R., Mp, Peru, 300
Peter, B., Et, Pakistan, 248 Potts, J. E., Mp, E, WWC, 290
Peters, Miss F., Et, India, 260 Pourhadi, I., Et, Iran, 263
Peters, J. V., Et, SWJC, 285 Powell, Joseph T., Et, Pine Forge, 278
Peterson, Arnold L., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Prakasam, James, Et, Ceylon, 265
Peterson, Bessie E., Et, Oakwood, 275 Pratt, Orlyn B., Mp, Et, CME, 252
Peterson, D., Mn, Paradise Valley, 306 Preciado, Hipoliti, Et, Mexico, 283
Peterson, Eric, E, Broadview, 244 Prentice, Grace, E, WWC, 290
Peterson, Frank L., Et, Oakwood, 274 Prince, Victoria, Et, Oakwood, 275
Peterson, H., Eb, Union Springs, 289 Prisecaru, Mrs. E. I., Mp, Rumania, 311
Peterson, John E., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Proksch, G., Et, Rumania, 281
Peterson, L. E., Mn, Hinsdale, 301 Prout, Harry C., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Peterson, Merton S., Et, EMC, 256 Prung, Nai, M, Siam, 297
Peterson, Stanley R., Et, WWC, 291 Pulver, C. C., E, WMC, 292
Peterson, Stella C., Mn, Hinsdale, 301 Punnibajaka, Mrs. Arb, M, Siam, 297
Petry, Merrill, E, Indiana, 263 Purdon, Rowena E., E, S. Lancaster, 284
Pettey, M. T., E, Ozark, 276 Pursley, Mrs. Esther, E, La Sierra, 266
Pettis, Jerry L., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Putnam, Ben, E, SWJC, 285
Pettit, Clark C., Et, Lodi, 267
Percy, V. H., Et, West Indies, 265 Q
Pereira, Luiz R., Et, Brazil, 287
Perez, J. N., Mb, Bolivia, 298 Quade, Mrs. Elna, Et, Takoma, 287
Perkins, J. R., M, Hinsdale, 301 Quimby, Mrs. P. E., Et, China, 257
Perrine, G. A., Pb, Pacific Press, 323 Quirante, L. L., Et, Philippines, 255
Perry, Mrs. Hazel, Et, West Indies, 246 Quispe, Pedro, Et, Peru, 266
Perry, P. D. E, India, 290 Quispe, Victor, Et, Peru, 266
Perry, W. L., Et, West Indies, 246 Quittmeyer, Wilbur, Et, Africa, 283
Peugh, Marguerite, Mn, Mexico, 304
Pfeifle, Marie, Et, EMC, 256
Pham Thien, Pb, Indo-China, 320
Phang, Samuel H., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Rabelo, Waldemar M., Et, Brazil, 287
Phang, Mrs. Wen, M, Siam, 297 Rabuka, Mike, Et, Haiti, 260
Phillips, Mrs. A. M., E, Campion, 245 Radcliffe, Robert J., Et, Oshawa, 276
Phillips, E. B., Et, England, 272 Rader, Mrs. John, Et, Gem State, 259
Phillips, Nellie, Et, La Sierra, 266 Radoi, G., Pb, Rumania, 325
Phillips, Richard J.; Mp, Et, CME, 250 Ragon, Fedelma, Et, La Sierra, 266
Phipps, B. H., Et, EMC, 256 Rahn, Alpha, Et, W. Africa, 238
Phipps, Barbara, E, EMC, 256 Rai, A. F., Et, Mb, China, 247, 299
Phipps, Malita, Et, Los Angeles, 268 Raitt, A. J., Et, S. Africa. 261
Phipps, N. 0., Et, Northeastern, 274 - Rajandram, L., Et, S. India, 268
Picha, L., Pb, Czechoslovakia, 318 Rails, Walter, Et, WMC, 292
Pidoux, E., Et, Uruguay, 289 Fame!, S. A., Et, Philippines, 274
P ierce, Charles, Et, Forest Lake, 257 Ramey, Dell, E, SWJC, 285
P ierce, Mrs. C., Et, Forest Lake, 257 Ramos, Encarnacion, E, Argentina, 280
Pierce, John W., Et, Portland, 279 Ramos, Isaias, E, Peru, 262
Pierce, Mrs. L. F., Et, Forest Lake, 257 Rampson, Alice, Mn, Loma Linda, 252
Tierce, Ralph, Et, La Sierra, 266 Ramsay, Burt, Et, Arizona, 240
Pierre-Louis, Sem, Et, Haiti, 260 Ramsey, LeRoy, Eb, Bethel, 241
Pierson, J. B., E, SMC, 285 Rankin, William I., Et, Maplewood, 269
Pilar, T. A., Et, Philippines, 278 Rao, J. P., Et, Singapore, 269
Pilar, Mrs. T. A., E, Philippines, 278 Rao, K. Gopala, M, India, 300
Piper, L. A., Fb, Australia, 294 Rao, U. Ananda, Et, India, 266
Pitchen, Olive, E, Mount Vernon, 271 Raoseta, J., Et, Madagascar, 263
Pitt, A. A., Mb, South Africa, 305 Raposo, R., Et, Portugal, 280
Place, E. L., Mb, St. Helena, 308 " Rashford, Mrs. D., M, Jamaica, 296
Pleasants, Reginald, Mn, Jamaica, 296 Rassmussen, Hans L., Et, S. Africa, 261
nue, 0. S., Et, SMC, 284 Rasmussen, S., E, Denmark, 254
Plue, Mrs. Violetta M., Et, SMC, 284 Rau, John P., M, Singapore, 313
Plumb, Minor D., Et, Glendale, 259 Ray, Mrs. Corrine, Mn, Glendale, 300
Plymire, Mrs. M. G., Et, Takoma, 287 Ray, Earl B., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Poblete, Mrs. P. M., Et, Philippines, 278 Ray, W. F., E, Highland, 261
Poblete, Mrs. R. C., Et, Philippines, 270 Razafimahafaly, Et, Madagascar, 263
Poblette, A. A., Et, Philippines, 270 Razanamalala, Et, Madagascar, 263
Poerba, Alfonse, M, Singapore, 313 ReBell, F. George, Mp, Et, CME, 250
Pohan, J. T., Et, North Borneo, 282 Rebok, D. E., Et, Theo Seminary, 282
Ponniah, Y., Et, South India, 264 Rebok, Jean, Mn, Washington, 312
Poole, G. A., E, India, 290 Rechsteiner, Miss B., Mn, Switzer., 303
Poole, Fenn E., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Reed, Denver C., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Poole, Patrick, Et, India, 240 Reed, Ronald, Et, WWC, 291

Reed, Thelma, E, Hawaii, 261 Robinson, E. M., Et, Northeastern, 274

Reeder, Mrs. C. W., E, Forest Lake, 257 Robinson, Emily, Et, Loma Linda, 268
Rees, C. N., Et, WMC, 292 Robinson, L. B., Et, China, 273
Rees, D. D., Pb, Christian Record, 318 Robinson, Mrs. R. P., Mn, Africa, 313
Reeves, Nile B., Mp, Et, CME, 249 Robinson, R. R., Et, Los Angeles, 268
Reid, Mrs. F. G., Mn, Africa, 315 Robinson, V. E., Et, East Africa, 264
Reimer, Myrtle I., Mn, S. Africa, 302 Robinson, Mrs. William, E, Auburn, 241
Reinmuth, H. G., Et, Union, 288 Robson, Irene, Mn, Korea, 309
Reis, Mrs. George, Et, Columbia, 254 Robson, Verna L., Mp, St. Helena, 308
Reisiegel, Eunice, Et, Portland, 279 Rocero, Pelagio, Et, Philippines, 270
Reiswig, R. V., Mp, St. Helena, 308 Rodrigues, E. B., Mp, Et, Brazil, 243
Remley, Hilda Fern, Et, Sunnydale, 286 Rodrigues, Maria, Et, Brazil, 244
Remsen, Emanuel, Pb, R&H, 325 Rodriguez, Mrs. C., Et, Mexico, 270
Renschler, C. A., Et, Plainview, 279 Rodrigues, A. J., Et, Africa, 243
Renteria, A., M, Peru, 301 Rodrigues, Mrs. A. J., Et, Africa, 243
Ressalam, K. S., Et, Portland, 279 Roelke, Margaret E., Mn, India, 310
Retif, Ana, E, Dominican, 255 Rogers, E. L., Mp, Loma Linda, 303
Revert, J., Pe, Canada, 317 Rogers, E. W., Et, Portland, 279
Reyes, Francisco, E, Mexico, 284 Rogers, Elizabeth, Mn, Malaya, 306
Reyes, Neri Y., Et, Philippines, 274 Rogers, Ernest, Et, Oakwood, 275
Reyes, Ruth, Et, Philippines, 255 Rogers, Erving L., Mp, Et, CME, 249
Reynolds, B., Mp, Australia, 312 Rogers, John D., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Reynolds, Mrs. E., Mn, Hinsdale, 301 Rogers, Mary J., Eb, Los Angeles, 268
Reynolds, T. Gordon, Mp, Et, CME, 250 Rogers, Paul, E, Union Springs, 289
Reynolds, L. P., Pe, Southern Pub., 327 Rogers, Mrs. R., Mn, Paradise Val., 306
Reynolds, Robert L., E, PUC, 276 Rogers, Thelma, Et, Panama, 277
Rhodes, J. W., Et, PUC, 277 Rohleder, Carl, Mn, Germany, 302
Rhodes, Norma Lou, Et, S. Africa, 261 Rolfe, Glenda, Mn, New England, 305
Rhys, Adela Chaij, Et, Argentina, 281 Romant, Mrs. M. C., Et, La Sierra, 266
Rhys, David H., Et, Argentina, 280 Romero, Elina N.,Et, Argentina, 245
Rice, Elburton N., Mn, White, 253 Romoso, Mrs. R.,E, Philippines, 270
Rice, H. E., Mb, New England, 304 Romulo, Mrs. P. H., E, Philippines, 278
Rice, R. E., Et, India, 290 Roos, Alfred R., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Rice, Mrs. R. E., E, India, 290 Roos, John C., Mp, Et, CME, 251
Richards, Clarence T., Et, Oakwood, 275 Roque, Mario, Et, Brazil, 243
Richards, H. Edward, Et, Oakwood, 275 Rosa, Elisa, Et, Africa, 243
Richardson, G. W., Et, Australia, 241 Rosendahl, E., Et, Australia, 239
Richardson, P. F., Mp, Venezuela, 298 Rosenhain, G., Et, Australia, 241
Richardson, Mrs. P. F., Mb, Venez., 298 Rosenvold, Lloyd K., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Richardson, Ruth, E, England, 272 Rosiecki, Josef, Pe, Poland, 324
Richli, W. C., Mp, Philippines, 304 Roslind, Eric, Pe, Sweden, 327
Richter, R. W., Et, Tonga Island, 243 Ross, Charlotte, Mn, St. Helena, 308
Riechel, Leslie, Mp, Et, CME, 250 Roth, L. W. Et, Kern, 265
Riffel, Andres, Et, Cuba, 239 Roth, Mrs. I:. W., Et, Kern, 265
Riffel, Mrs. Andres, Et, Cuba, 239 Rothgeb, James, Et, PUC, 277
Riffel, J. E., E, EMC, 256 Rouhe, 0., Mp, Africa, 310
Rigby, J., Fb, Australia, 295 Rowe, A. W., Et, Lynwood, 268
Riggs, James, Et, La Sierra, 266 Rowe, R. L., Et, "Egypt, 239
Rihs, Ch., Et, France, 258 Rowe, R. P., Pb, Pacific Press, 323
Rine, Zella, Et, Mountain View, 271 Rowe, Mrs. Willie, E, Oakwood, 275
Ripoll, M., Et, Spain, 285 Rowland, J. W., Et, Philippines, 278
Ritchie, Sybil, Mn, South Africa, 305 Rowland, N. W., Et, Enterprise, 256
'Ritland, Richard, Et, AUC, 240 Rowk, J. M., Pb, Pacific Press, 323
Rittenhouse, Evelyn, Et, Lodi, 267 Rowse, Mrs. M., Et, Gem State, 259
Rittenhouse, F. G., Et, SMC, 284 Roxas, Elisa, Et, Philippines, 274
Rittenhouse, L. K., Mp, Africa, 305 Roy, Norman J., Et, Sheyenne R., 283
Rittenhouse, S., Et, Greater N. Y., 260 Roy, Mrs. N. J., E, Sheyenne R., 283
Ritter, Orlando R., Et, Brazil, 243 Royer, R. W., Mp, South Africa, 302
Ritter-Reis, Romeu, Et, Brazil, 277 Rozema, Eunice J., E, WMC, 292
Ritz, Mrs. A. P., Mn, Siam, 297 Rudd, I., Et, Norway, 275
Ritz, B. R., Et, Rogue River, 281 Rudge, Valerie, M, England, 310
Robbins, A. J., Et, WMC, 292 Rudisaile, Harvey, Mb, Hinsdale, 301
Robbins, Mrs. C. W., Mp, Pakistan, 313 Rue, Eleanor, Et, WWC, 291
Roberts, Grant E., E, CME, 248 Rue, G. H., Mp, Korea, 309
Roberts, J. A., E, AUC, 241 Rulkoetter, A. H., Et, EMC, 256
Roberts, W. H., Mp, Canada, 307 Busch, C. M., Et, Upper Colum, 289
Robertson, Dorothy, E, PUC, 276 Russell, Carolyn H., Et, Lebanon, 270
Robinson, A. G., Eb, Guatemala, 260 Russell, Evelyn, Et, Greater N. Y., 260
Robinson, A. W., Eb, China, 273 Russell, J. S., Et, Lebanon, 270
Robinson, Mrs. A., Et, Rogue River, 281 Rutter. T. W., Et, Australia, 292
Robinson, D. E., Et, Home Study, 262 Ruybalid, Mrs. M., E, Spanish-Am., 285

Ruybalid, Malissa, Et, Spanish-Am., 285 Schroeder, Mrs. Et, Netherland, 272
Ryberg, Edith, M, CME, 252, 313 Schuberth, Otto, Pe, France, 319
Ryden, E. D., Et, EMC, 256 Schuenemann, B. E., Pb, Brazil, 316
Ryder, Evelyn, E, Mount Vernon, 271 Schuil, Catherine, Et, East Africa, 264
Rynjah, Annabellyne, Et, India, 283 Schuil, Ph., Et, Netherlands, 272
Rynjah, Ivorine, Et, S. India, 240 Schult, Olga, E, Panama, 277
Schutt, C. A., Et, India, 286
S Schwantes, A., E, Brazil, 244
Schwartz, H. D., Et, Gem State, 258
Saaty, Joseph, Mp, Iraq, 298 Schwartz, Mrs. H., E, Gem State, 258
Saaty, Philip, Et, Iraq, 264 Schweder, Marjorie, Mn, White, 252
Sabatino, F., Pe, Italy, 320 Schwital, J., Et, Germany, 272
Sabeff, George, M, Brazil, 309 Scott, Fred L., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Sage, Beatrice, E, Fresno, 258 Scott, Mrs. Harryette, M, Portland, 306
Sahajatimanob, Udom Nai, M, Siam, 297 Scott, Ronald R., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Sakslin, Aira, Et, Finland, 257 Scott, Violet, Et, Lodi, 267
Sales, Silvio, Eb, Cuba, 239 Scully, Orvald, Et, Chile, 247
Sales, Mrs. Silvio, E, Cuba, 239 Sealey, Edric, Et, BWI, 280
Salik, J. M., Et, India, 281 Searle, Bernice, Et, WWC, 291
Salim, Abdalahad, M, Iraq, 298 Segres, Ruben, Et, Brazil, 243
Salimu, Justin, Et, East Africa, 262 Seino, S., E, Japan, 264
Salisbury, G. E., Fb, Australia, 295 Seino, Y., Pe, Japan, 320
Salisbury, Mrs. W., Et, India, 241 Seitz, Edward, Et, Glendale, 259
Salvesen, Ivar, Et, Norway, 275 Selso, A., Et, Norway, 275
Sampson, D., Mn, Et, Washington, 262 Semmens, Roland S., Et, Forest L., 257
Samson, Mrs., 34, Burma, 307 Seniwongse, Mrs. Vien, M, Siam, 297
Samuel, E. V., Et, South India, 264 Senseman, Ronald, Et, WMC, 292
Samuel, L. C., Et, South India, 265 Sepalanga, Vasco, Et, Africa, 243
Samuel, Oljera, E, Ethiopia, 257 Sevrens, Hazel B., Mb, China, 309
Samuel, Rebecca, Et, South India, 264 Sevrens, L. G., Et, SMC, 284
San Che, M, Burma, 307 Shad, B. M., Et, India, 281
Sanchez, Mrs. H., E, France, 258 Shan Ying Ming, Pe, China, 326
Sandborn, Neva, E, Arizona, 239, 247 Shankel, Cecil W., Et, WWC, 291
Sanders, E. R., Mb, Glendale, 300 Shankel, G. E., Et, AUC, 240
Sanders, W. S., Et, Plainview, 279 Shankel, Virginia Gene, Et, AUC, 241
Sanidad, B., E, Philippines, 274 Shankel, Mrs. Win, Et, AUC, 241
Santillana, T., Mn, Peru, 301 Shao Gung Shan, Et, China, 293
Santini, R., Mb, West Africa, 302 Shavers, W. D., E, Oakwood, 275
Santini, Mrs. R., Mn, West Africa, 302 Shaw, Hulda, Eb, - West Indies, 265
Santos, Iara, E, Brazil, 273 Shelburg, Edna; Mn, Hinsdale, 301
Santos, Mrs. Onelia, Et, Cuba, 239 Sheldon, Dorothea, Et, CME, 252
Sargent, L. W., Et, PUC, 277 Shelden, H. R., Et, La Sierra, 266
Sarkar, S. K., M, India, 301 Shelton, F. E., Et, Cedar Lake, 246
Satchel], K. E., Et, New Zealand, 272 Shelton, Mrs. Vesta, E, Ozark, 276
Sather, Myrtle, Mn, South Africa, 302 Shen Chen Tung, Et, China, 248
Satterlee, Roy, Et, Bethel, 241 Shen, H. C., Et, China, 247
Sauza, Sara, Et, Mexico, 270 Shen, Mrs. H. C., Et, China, 248
Saya Saw U, Pe, India, 322 Shephard, W. H., Et, WMC, 291
Scarr, R. W., Et, England, 272 Shepherd, Allen E., Mp, Et, CME, 251
Schillinger, R. J., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Sherman, J. C., E, PUC, 277
Schilt, C. H., Mp, Iraq, 298 Sherrard, Mrs. Amelia, E, WWC, 290
Schimke, Albert, Et, China, 257 Sherrard, Elwood, Et, WWC, 291
Schimke, Mrs. Albert, Et, China, 257 Shollenberg, Bertha, Mn, CME, 252
Schlehuber, F. E., Et, East Africa, 262 Shone, F. Bacon, Et, Canadian, 246
Schlehuber, Mrs. F. E., Et, Africa, 262 Shook, Aletha, Et, SMC, 284
Schlotthauer, Mrs. Lila, Et, WWC, 291 Short, Ellen, Et, La Sierra, 266
Schluntz, Daisy, Et, WWC, 291 Short, James J., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Schmidt, C. E., Eb, Peru, 262 Shorter, R. W., Mb, India, 310
Schmidt, Mrs. E., Et, Argentina, 273 Shorter, Mrs. R. W., Mn, India, 310
Schmidt, C., Et, Indonesia, 263 Showe, C. H., Et, Australia, 241
Schmidt, Mrs. I. C., Et, Indonesia, 263 Shrewsbury, 0. H., M, St. Helena, 308
Schmidt, 0. R., Et, Union Springs, 289 Shryock, Alfred, Mp, Et, CME, 249
Schmidt, Reynold, Eb, Argentina, 272 Shryock, Harold, Mp, Et, CME, 248
Schmidt, Mrs. R., Et, Argentina, 273 Shibata, Fumiko, Et, Japan, 264
Schneider, C. C., Mp, E, Brazil, 255, 307 Shieh Che Shill, Et, China, 274
Schneider, Wilbert, Et, WWC, 291 Shigley, Mrs. P. H., Mn, China, 305
Schnepper, Mrs. 0. E., Et, Rogue R, 281 Shin, B. T., Et, Borneo, 287
Schoepflin, W. L., Et, Upper Col., 289 Shinge, R., Et, India, 266
Schoepflin, Mrs. W. L., Et, U. Col., 289 Shirvanian, Mrs., Et, Iran, 263
Schram, W. A., Et, Broadview, 244 Shuler, J. L., Et, Theo Seminary, 282
Schroeder, Milo C., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Shull, H. L., Eb, PUC, 276

Shull, J. C., Mb, Loma Linda, 303 Smith, Leslie, Et, EMC, 256
Shull, J. R., Et, Mt. Vernon, 271 Smith, H. Millard, Mp, Et, CME, 249
Shull, John C., Mb, CME, 248 Smith, M. E., Et, Oak Park, 274
Shull, Virginia, Et, Union, 288 Smith, Mrs. M. E., Et, Oak Park, 274
Shultz, Ellwood L., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Smith, Mrs. Mary L.. Et, WWC, 291
Si Iau Tend, Et, China, 284 Smith, Millard, Mp, Et, CME, 252
Si Phoe Eng, Miss, Et, China, 284 Smith, Mrs. Millicent, Et, Mt. Ver., 271
Sibanda, Maggie, Et, Africa, 283 Smith, Muriel, Et, England, 286
Sibanda, S. D., Et, Africa, 283 Smith, Olga, Et, West Indies, 265
Sicalo, Juan, Mn, Bolivia, 298 Smith, Mrs. Opal, E, PUC, 277
Siebenlist, J. It., Et, Africa, 283 Smith, R. T., Mp, Et, Union, 288
Siegenthaler, W., Pb, Pacific Press, 323 Smith, Rothacker, Et, Oakwood, 275
Siepman, Mrs. J. G., Mn, Africa, 314 Smith, Mrs. Vivian, Et, Lynwood, 268
Sihvola, He1mi, Et, Finland, 257 Smith, W. I., Et, WWC, 291
Silichodirat, Mrs. Pien, M, Siam, 297 Smith, Wallace V., Et, Shenandoah, 282
Silva, Hilda, Et, Brazil, 255 Smith, Wilmot, Et, Hawaii, 261
Silverstein, Mrs. M., E, Atlanta, 240 Smuts, Mrs. C. H., E, S. Africa, 261
Simmonds, W., M, Australia, 311 Snider, J. D., Pb, R&H, 325
Simoes, Loide, Et, Brazil, 243 Snud, Nai, M, Siam, 297
Simon, Albertina R., Et, Brazil, 243 So, W. C., Mp, China, 311
Simon, E. N., Et, India, 272 Socol, 0., M, Peru, 301
Simon, J., Et, Czechoslovakia, 254 Soderberg, E., Pe, Sweden, 327
Simon, Sylvia, E, Lynwood, 268 Sofina, Et, Africa, 243
Simpson, J. L., M, Australia, 311 Sofsky, Mrs. Chloe, Et, La Sierra, 266
Simpson, Chester, Et, CME, 253 Solivio, A., Et, Philippines, 293
Simpson, L. E., Mp, Loma Linda, 303 Solivio, Mrs. A., Et, Philippines, 293
Simpson, George T., Et, La Sierra, 266 Solomon, B., Mn, India, 300
Simpson, Loleta E., Mp, Et, CME, 249 Somdahl, Norma J., Mn, Et, CME, 253
Sinage, E., Et, Sarawak, 241 Sommerton, Mildred, Et, Bethel, 241
Singh, Nihal, Et, India, 260 Sondakh, A. G., Eb, Indonesia, 263
Singh, Nirmal, Et, India, 260 Sonnenberg, Esther, Et, WWC, 291
Singh, Sunder, Et, India, 260 Sonnenberg, Henry L., Et, WWC, 291
Siregar, S. N., Et, Singapore, 269 Sonnenberg, Lydia E., Et, CME, 252
Sitompoel, S. F., Pb, Indonesia, 320 Soper, F. A., Pe, Pacific Press, 323
Sitter, Mary, Mn, Florida, 299 Sordo, Violeta, Et, Mexico, 270
Siu Sing Ng, Mb, China, 304 Sorenson, Agnes L. Et, WWC, 291
Skahen, James K., Mp, Et, CME, 249 Sorenson, E. L., Et, India, 241
Skrzypaczek, J., Pb, Poland, 324 Sorensen, Elsa, Mn, Africa, 304
Skyllstad, R. J., Pe, Norway, 322 Sormin, M. P., Eb, Singapore, 269
Slate, Myrtle, Et, CME, 252 Soto, Mario, Eb, Argentina, 280
Slate, Sarah J., Et, Glendale, 259 Souza, S. C., Et, Brazil, 255
Sloane, Amanda I., Mn, New Eng., 304 Sowers, W. A., Et, Canadian, 245
Sloop, J. R., Eb, SWJC, 285 Sowers, Mrs. W. A., E, Canadian, 246
Slough, H. H., Mp, China, 309 Sowler, G. C., E, Mount Vernon, 271
Small, C. S., Mp, Loma Linda, 303 Sparrow, E. M., Mp, S. Africa, 305
Small, Carroll S., Mp, Et, CME, 249 Spaulding, G. A., E. SWJC, 285
Small, L. G., Et, WMC, 292 Spalding, Kenneth, Et, Greater B, 260
Smith, Alice, Mn, Boulder, 297, 288 Spaulding, Maxine, Et, Greater B, 260
Smith, Mrs. Alma B., Et, Auburn, 241 Spear, Muriel, Mn, Loma Linda, 252
Smith, C. B., Et, WMC, 292 Specht, Mrs. C. W., Et, Campion, 245
Smith, C. E., M, Boulder, 297 Specht, Carl, Et, Campion, 245
Smith, C. J., E, Cuba, 239 Specht, E. J., Et, EMC, 256
Smith, Mrs. C. J., Et, Cuba. 239 Specht, Norman W., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Smith, C. L., Et, Oshawa, 276 Specht, Victoria, Mn, White, 252
Smith, C. 0., Et, AUC, 240 Specht, W. F., Et, La Sierra, 266
Smith, Chiles J., Jr., Et, PUC, 277 Speck, 0. L., Et, New Guinea, 275
Smith, C. Roy, Et, Broadview, 244 Speh, Kathryn, Et, Glendale, 259
Smith, Mrs. C. Roy, Et, Broadview, 244 Spencer, Henrietta M., Et, Oshawa, 276
Smith, C. Roy, Jr., Et, AUC, 241, 284 Spinar, B., Et, Czechoslovakia, 254
Smith, Mrs. C. Roy, Jr., Et, AUC, 241 Spinar, K., Et, Czechoslovakia, 254
Smith, Clyde W., Eb, Columbia, 254 Squire, Almira, Et, CME, 252
Smith, E. H., Mb, Boulder, 297 Stabellos, A. N.. Pb, Greece, 319
Smith, Floda, E, Union, 288 Stacey, G. E., Et, Enterprise, 256
Smith, G. E., Et, Arizona, 239 Stacey, Mrs. G. E.. Et, Enterprise, 256
Smith, George, Et, EMC, 256 Stafford, Clarence E., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Smith, Gwendoline, Et, S. Africa, 261 Stafford, Ottilie, Et, SMC, 284
Smith, Harriet, Mn. White 252 Stafford, Pearl, M, Portland, 307
Smith, Inez, Mn, White, 252 Stafford, Mrs. Ruth, Mn, Riverside, 308
Smith, J. G., E, Los Angeles, 268 Stagg, Jennie L., Et, CME, 252, 303
Smith, John, E, Valley Grande, 290 Stamper, Ethel, Et. Adelphian, 238
Smith, L. J., E, Mount Vernon, 271 Starr, Harvey E., Mp, Et, CME, 250

Starratt, Mrs. Helen, E, Union Sps., 289 Suren, Johi, Et, India, 265
Starr, P. V., Mp, Washington, 312 Sutherland, Georgia, Et, CME, 252
Stauffer, J. P., Et, PUC, 277 Sutter, L. M., Mp, Florida, 299
Stavdal, 0., M, Norway, 315 Suwon, Sieng, M, Siam, 297
Stavnem, M. K., M, Norway, 310 Suzuki, K., Mb, Japan, 311
Stearns, Erman, Et, Fresno, 258 Svensson, Asta, Mn, Sweden, 302
Stearns, G. E., E, La Sierra, 267 Svennevig, Mrs. Josephine, E, AUC, 240
Stearns, Mrs. Marian, E, PUC, 277 Swaidan, I. N., Et, Lebanon, 270
Steen, Claude, Mp, Ethiopia, 300 Swaroop, Ram, Et, India, 260
Steen, Thomas U., Et, SMC, 284 Swearingen, Frank, E, EMC, 256
Steen, Mrs. Thos., Et, Collegedale, 253 Swedberg, Alyse, Et, Adelphian, 238
Steinel, Mrs. Helen, Et, Hawaii, 261
Steiner, P., Et, France, 258 T
Steinman, Wilma, M, Florida, 299
Stenberg, C. E., Et, Campion, 245 Taala, F., E, Philippines, 270
Stenborn, Ruth, Et, La Sierra, 266 Tabuchi, I., Et, Japan, 264
Stephenson, Charles, Et, WMC, 292 Tabuenca, Andres, E, Argentina, 281
Stephenson, Dorothy, Et, WMC, 292 Taft, L. W., E, Adelphian, 239
Steunenberg, F. W., Et, PUC, 277 Tahay, R. Moises, Et, Guatemala, 260
Stevens, J. B., E, Glendale, 259 Takadoi, S., Et, Brazil, 273
Stevens, Jean, Et, Modesto, 271 Talmage, Carl H., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Stevenson, G. S., Pe, South Africa, 326 Talmage, Lucile, Mn, Loma Linda, 252
Stevenson, Mrs. H., Mn, Africa, 315 Talukdar, B. B., Et, East Pakistan, 265
Stevenson, Mrs. P., Mn, Africa, 314 Talvik, M., E, Brazil, 244
Stewart, A. G., Pe, Australia, 326 Tamboenan, P. L., Et, Borneo, 287
Stewart, Charles, Jr., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Tamura, S., Eb, Japan, 264
Stewart, Edith, Et, Australia, 292 Tan, C. K., Et, Singapore, 269
Stickle, Adele, Mn, Canada, 307 Tan, Daniel, Et, Singapore, 269
Stilson, Homer 0., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Tan Giok Chia, Et, China, 284
Stilson, Walter L., Mp, Et, CME; 250 Tan, Gloria, Et, Singapore, 269
Stockil, Mrs. M., Et, S. Africa, 261 Tan, Mrs. S. M., M, Singapore, 313
Stockton, Audry, E, EMC, 256 Tancara, Raimundo, Et, Bolivia, 243
Stoehr., H. G., Et, WWC, 291 Tang, Soh Sek, M, Siam, 297
Stokes, C. J., Et, AUC, 240 Tanley, Mrs. S., Et, Ceylon, 265
Stone, David J., Mn, New England, 305 Tappen, A. G., Et, Laurelwood, 267
Stone, Edith, Et, EMC, 256 Tappen, Mrs. M., Et, Laurelwood, 267
Stone, George P., Et, Maplewood, 269 Tarr, E. L., Et, S. Africa, 261
Stone, R. 0., Et, Cedar Lake, 246 Tarr, W. Fletcher, Et, WMC, 292
Stone, Mrs. R. 0., Et, Cedar Lake, 246 Tasker, Elnora, Mn, Glendale, 300
Stoneburner, E., Mn, Washington, 312 Tauro, Enriqueta, Et, Philippines, 293
Storey, Thelma, M, Portland, 307 Tavares, C., Et, Brazil, 273
Storz, L. G., Et, Indo-China, 263 Tawatao, J. M., Et, Philippines, 278
Storz, W. F., Et, South India, 265 Taylor, C. R., Et, Cuba, 239
Stout, Evelyn, Mn, New England, 305 Taylor, Mrs. C. R., Et, Cuba, 239
Straight, G. H., Et, Union, 288 Taylor, Mrs. Edmonia, E, Los A., 268
Strand, Mrs. Edith, Mn, St. Helena, 308 Taylor, G. B., Et, PUC, 277
Stratton, Anna M., Mn, Portland, 306 Taylor, G. Mosser, Mp, Et, CME, 250
Strawn, Dallas, Et, CME, 253 Taylor, Mrs. Gladys King, Et, PUC, 277
Streeter, E. R., Et, India, 281 Taylor, H. W., Et, AUC, 240
Streifling, Gustav W., Et, Oshawa, 276 Taylor, Isabella Z., Et, S. Lancaster, 284
Streithorst, Ary, E, Brazil, 244 Taylor, Lee, Et, Broadview, 244
Streithorst, Jacob G., Et, Brazil, 287 Taylor, Mable, Et, Hawaii, 261
Stretter, R. L., Eb, Campion, 245 Taylor, N. C., Eb, Oshawa, 276
Strickland, Mrs. Doris, Et, Hawaii, 261 Taylor, Mrs. W. B., Et, Modesto, 271
Strickland, R. A., Et, Hawaii, 261 Taylor, W. H., M, Africa, 301
Stringer, Beulah, Mn, Glendale, 300 Te, Tran ngoc, Et, Indo-China, 263
Striplin, C. D., Et, La Sierra, 266 Teesdale, W. H., Et, Home Study, 262
Stuart, P. M., Et, Portland, 279 Teichmann, H., Et, Germany, 269
Stucky, Mrs. Lois B., M, Glendale, 300 Terry, H. T., Et, Takoma, 287
Stuivenga, Dan, Et, Laurelwood, 267 Teske, J. M., Mp, Paradise Valley, 306
Sturdevant, R. M., Et, Columbia, 254 Tetz, W. A., E, Canadian, 246
Su Hsing, Et, China, 248 Thangatura, Ranee, Mn, Singapore, 313
Su Hsing, Mrs., Et, China, 248 Thiele, E. R., Et, EMC, 256
Sucksdorff, V., Mp, Finland, 301 Thiel, Leo F., Pe, Southern Pub., 327
Suhrie, A. L., Et, SMC, 284 Thibeau, Leo, E, Maplewood, 269
Suhrie, Daniel, Et, Forest Lake, 257 Thomann, D. J., Et, Costa Rica, 246
Sukasep, Mai Pravet, M, Siam, 297 Thomann, Mrs. D. J., Et, Costa R, 247
Summerour, Jane, Et, Takoma, 287 Thomas, Mrs. Coramae, Mn, White, 253
Summerton, Ellenor, E, WWC, 290 Thomas, F. H., Eb, S. Africa, 261
Sumner, Mary F., Mn, Portland, 307 Thomas, I. R., Et, South India, 268
Sun Ren Hwa, M, China, 311 Thomas, M., Et, India, 290

Thomas, Mrs. P. M., Et, India, 266 Tucker, Mrs. A. R., Et, West Indies, 246
Thomas, Mrs. V. T., Et, Portland, 279 Tucker, J. A., Et, SMC, 284
Thomas, W. G., Mp, India, 304 Tucker, Lena Mae, Mn, Florida, 299
Thompson, A. H., Et, England, 272 Tulloch, A. K., M, Australia, 311
Thompson, Julian L., Et, La Sierra, 266 Tupper, Mrs. Helen, Et, Glendale, 259
Thompson, Ralph J., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Tupper, Jessie S., Mn, Hinsdale, 301
Thompson, Verne Waldo, Et, EMC, 256 Turner, C. LeRoy, Mp, Et, CME, 250
Thomsen, Viggo, Pb, Denmark, 318 Turner, Charles, Et, Sunnydale, 286
Thorpe, Elva, Et, Australia, 241 Turner, Harry C., Mp, Et, CME, 249
Thrift, C. F., Et, Fb, Australia, 292, 295 Turner, Herschel G., E, Sunnydale, 287
Thrift, L. R., Et, Solomon Islands, 242 Turner, J. C., E, Union, 288
Thrasher, Neil, Et, CME, 253 Turner, L. H., Et, Australia, 241
Thurber, M. R., Pe, R&H, 325 Turner, W. A., Et, South Africa, 259
Thurston, C. E., Et, WWC, 291 Tymeson, S. W., Et, WMC, 292
Tibbs, Alma, E, Oakwood, 274
Tidmore, Gladys, Mn, Ethiopia, 313 U
Tilley, A. W., Mp, Solomon Islands, 303
Timothy, Mrs. M, India, 300 Ubbink, Joyce Joy, Mp, China, 299
Timothy, Et, China, 248 Ubbink, Richard, Mb, China, 299
Tinworth, C. W., Fb, Australia, 295 Uggedal, H., Mp, Norway, 315
Tippett, H. M., Et, Pe, WMC, 292, 325 Underhill, Raymond A.,Et, WWC, 291
Tiru, J. P., Et, India, 265 Undritz, Margarethe, t, Germany, 269
Tobiassen, L. Kr., Et, SMC, 284 Unhall, I., Mp, Sweden, 301, 327
Tobiassen, Ruth, Mn, Iraq, 298 Unhola, A., Pe, Finland, 318
Tobler, G., Pb, Switzerland, 327 Unnersten, R., Mb, Sweden, 301
Toews, A. L., Et, La Sierra, 26 6 - Unsell, Harold, Mp, PUC, 276
Toews, Walter, E, Canadian, 246 Unwin, L. G., Fb, Australia, 294
Toma, Said, Et, Iraq, 264 Uong Hung Gi, Et, China, 273
Tomblinson, Dudley, Eb, PUC, 276 Uria, Jose A., Et, Argentina, 281
Tompkins, J. E., E, Forest Lake, 257 Utt, C. D., Et, PUC, 277
Tompkins, 0. D., E, Forest Lake, 257 Utz, Daniel, E, Argentina, 281
Tong Hung Chia, Et, China, 265
Tonkin, E., Et, New Guinea, 264 V
Tonkin, L. R., Et, Solomon Islands, 241
Toppenberg, David, Mp, New Eng., 304 Vacareanu, A., Pb. 'Rumania, 325
Torkelsen, Dean, E, SWJC, 285 Vadamuthu, Mrs. P., Et, S. India, 265
Torkelson, Erlee, Et, Plainview, 279 Valcarenghi, G., Et, ItalyZ-264
Torkelson, Leland, E, Maplewood, 269 Valdez, Mrs. E. R.,E. Philippines, 255
Torkelson, Oscar E., Et. Indiana, 263 Valdez, Juan E. t, Philippines, 255
Torkelson, Mrs. T. R., Mn, India, 314 Valens, A. J., E, India, 286
Torres, S., Et, Mexico, 270 van Alphen, F., Pb, Indonesia, 320
Totenhofer, H.. Et. Australia, 241 vanAswegan, I. G., Et, East Africa, 262
Toureille, D.; Et, France, 258 Van Ausdle, Mrs. A., E, La Sierra, 266
Toureille, P. Mn, Switzerland, 303 Vandeman, Mrs. A. W., M, Hinsdale, 301
Toussaint, Michel, Et, Haiti, 260 Vandermark, Maybelle, Et, WMC, 292
Trace, E. J., Pb, England, 316 VandeVere, E. K., Et, EMC, 256
Tracy, Alma L., Mn, Paradise Val., 306 van Eck, P. J.. Et. S. Africa, 261
Tranborg, Th., E, Denmark, 254 Van Horn, B. H., Et, AUC. 241
Trefz, Esther, E, WWC, 290 Van Tilborg, Sue, Et, CME, 252
Trefz, Frieda. Mn, Brazil, 309 Varghese, P., Et, South India, 265
Trentin, A., Et. Italy, 264 Varney, Alpha, Et, Richmond, 280
Trevino, Max, Et, Spanish-Am., 285 Vaucher, Alfred, Et, France, 258
Trevino. Mrs. Max, Et, Spanish-Am., 285 Vaughan., Anna, Mn, Africa, 303
Trimmie. Lenora, E, WMC, 292 Vaughn, Olive, Mn, White, 252
Trott, Leslie D.. Mn, Et. CME, 250 Vedamoney, G., Et, South India, 268
Trubey. C. 0., Et, WWC, 291 Vedamuthu, Kezia, Et, South India, 264
Trujillo, Lauro, E, Mexico, 270 Velasco, Milagros, Et, Philippines, 270
Trumper, E. A., Et, Africa, 283 Velloopillai, J., Et, South India, 265
Trumper, Mrs. E. A., Et, Africa; 283 Verde, F. T., Eb, Philippines, 255
Tsai, Luke, Mp, China, 309 Verde, Mrs. F. T., E, Philippines, 255
Tsai, Mrs. Samuel, Et, China, 273 Vetter, J. C., Et, Africa, 241
Tsang, Y. S., Et. China, 247 Vetter, Luise. Et, Australia, 241
Tsao Chun Kai, Et. China, 247 Vez, Louis. E, France, 258
Tsao, S. Y., Mn, China, 313 Vickers, Alexander, E. Oshawa, 276
Tseng, C. C., Mp, Et, China, 247. 299 Vickers, Mrs. Alexander, E, Oshawa, 276
Tshuma, Philemon, E, Africa, 283 Vieira, Camila. E, Brazil, 255
Tso, Lily, Mb, China, 298 Vieira, G. N., Mp, E, Brazil, 243, 308
Tsui, H. D.. Mb, Manchuria, 309 Villarreal, Ninfa, Mn, Mexico, 314
Tuan Yun Chien. Et. China, 248 Vincentelli, M., Et, Italy, 264
Tucker, A. R., Et, West Indies, 246 Vine, R. D., Pe, England, 317
Tsui, D. C., Mb, Manchuria, 309 Vinglas, R. V., Et, Bolivia, 243

Visser, Anne, E, S. Africa, 261 Walton, W. D., Mb, Et, Ftn. H., 261, 299
Visser, Mrs. G. F., Jr., Pe, S. Africa, 326 Wandersleben, Daniel, Et, Bolivia, 243
Visser, Ruby, Et, Africa, 243 Wandersleben, Mrs. D., Et, Bolivia, 243
Vitiamyalaksana, Nai P., Mb, Siam, 296 Wang, G. B., Et, China, 247
Vivancos, Barbara, Et, Cuba, 239 Wang, James D., Et, EMC, 256
Vogel, Philip J., Mp, Et, CME, 250, 251 Wang Kuei Teh, Et, China, 248
Vollmer, A., Pb, Germany, 319 Wang Li Hwa Ying, Et, China, 292
von Goldammer, Rebeca, Mn, Boliv, 298 Wang, S. T., Mb, China, 309
vofl Pohle, C. L., Pb, Pacific Press, 323 Wang Su Ching, Mn, China, 305
von Pohle, Vernon L., Et, WWC, 291 Wang Wen Hsing, Miss, Mn, China, 299
von Schuphoven, Felice, Et, Mexico, 270 Wang Wen Tien, Et, China, 292
Voorthuis, F. J., Pe, Netherland. 321 Wang Wu Fei, Et, China, 273
Vorac, V., Et, Czechoslovakia, 254. Wangerin, Theodora, Pe, Korea, 326
Voss, Dorothy, Mn, White, 252 Ward, Mrs. Edna, Mn, White, 252
Voss, Howard, Et, Oak Park, 274 Wareham, Bethel, Mn, Peru, 302
Votaw, Mrs. W. B., Et, India, 265 ' Wargo, George, Et, WMC, 292
Voth, Florence C., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Warner, A. H., Et, Upper Colum, 289
Vyhmeister, Otto, Et, Chile, 247 Warner, Mrs. A. H., E, U. Colum, 289
Vyhmeister, Mrs. 0., Et, Chile, 247 Warner, Robert, Et, Enterprise, 256
Warren, A., Mb, Riverside, 308
w Warren, J. W., Mp, Paradise Valley, 306
Warren, Mrs. J., Mp, Paradise Val, 306
Wade, T. E., Mp, Paradise Valley, 306 Warren, Vivian, Mn, White, 252
Wade, Trula, E, Oakwood, 274 Warwick, Clarence, Et, Fresno, 258
Waddell, R. F., Mp, Siam, 296 Watrous, E. T., Et, SMC, 253, 284
Waddell, Mrs. R. F., Mn, Siam, 297 Watrous, Mrs. E. T., Et, Collegedale, 253
Wagar, N. J., E, Oshawa, 276 Watson, A. H., Et, England, 286
Wagner, E. A., Mp, China, 309 Watson, Charles J., Et, Union, 288
Wagner, Edward, Et, EMC, 256 Watson, D. IT., Et, Cook Islands, 254
Wagner, Ruth, Et, Cedar Lake, 246 Watson, Hanna, Et, Egypt, 239
Wagner, William, Mp, West Africa, 302 Watson, Mrs. Narguis, Et, Egypt, 239
Wagner, Mrs. Wm., Mn, W. Africa, 302 Watt, A. L., Et, S. Africa, 261
Wangerin, R. L., Pb, East Africa, 316 Watt, Irma V., Et, Union, 288
Waidande, M., Et, India, 266 Watts, Carl, Et, Union, 288
Wakabashi, Sakuyo, Et, Japan, 264 Watts, D. Robert, Et, Lodi, 267
Wakeham, Irene, Et, Philippines, 278 Watts, R. B., Et, Australia, 241
Walder, Ethel M., Et, PUC, 277 Watts, Mrs. Vera Hoopes, Et. Lodi, 267
Waldvogel, Eloisa, Mn, Brazil, 309 Way, Claris F., Et, Mount Ellis, 271
Waldvogel, L., Pe, Brazil, 316 Wearner, A. J., Et, Union, 288
Waldin, R. L., Eb, Auburn, 241 Weaver, E. P., E, Adelphian, 239
Walker, Catherine, Et, Australia, 241 Weaver, H. A., Et, Cedar Lake, 246
Walker, Celia, Et, Indiana, 263 Weaver, Horace E. Et, WWC, 291
Walker, Jake, Et, WWC, 291 Weaver, Julianne, Mn,
' White, 252
Walker, Lois J., Et, PUC, 276 Weaver, W. T., Et, Shenandoah, 282
Walker, Mrs. Milton, Et, Mtn. View, 271 Weaver, Mrs. W. T., Et, Shenand., 282
Walker, Myrtle, Et, WWC, 291 Webber, Bernice, Et, EMC, 256
Walker, Ralph H., Mp, Et, CME, 250 Weber, C. J., Et, Uruguay, 289
Walker, Stanley, Et, WWC, 291 Weber, Mrs. Hazel, Et, Uruguay, 289
Walker, W. H., Et, Philadelphia, 278 Weber, Herbert, Et, Brazil, 278
Wall, F. E., Et, WMC, 292 Webster, L., Et, S. Africa, 261
Wallace, C. S., Et, Upper Colum, 289 Wehrli, Ch., Fb, Switzerland, 294
Wallace, Mrs. C. S., E, U. Colum, 289 Wehrli, Miss R., Et, France, 258
Wallace, E. H., Et, Indo-China, 263 Wei Chin, Mn, China, 305
Wallace, H. L., Et, Lynwood, 268 Wei Su An, Et, China, 292
Wallace, R. M., Pe, Australia, 326 Weinlandt, Erna, Mp, Germany, 302
Wallace, Velma, Mn, Loma Linda, 252 Weis, T. G., Et, WMC, 292
Wallenkampf, A. V., Et, Union, 288 Weis, Ted, E, Enterprise, 256
Waller, Lorrain, Et, Oak Park, 274 Weiss, Jose, E, Argentina, 281
Walls, Ethel C., Et, Ozark, 276 Weitz, Mrs. Audrey, Et, PUC, 276
Walls, Herbert A., Jr., Et, S. India, 268 Welch, Don, M, Fountain H, 300
Walter, Mrs. A. A., E, Columbia, 254 Welch, Donald, Et, Spanish-Am., 285
Walter, Dorothy, Mn, Africa, 303 Welch, Evelyn, Mn, Iraq, 298
Walter, Edwin C., E, PUC, 276 Welch, L. W. Et, Union, 288
Walter, Ralph, Et, Takoma, 287 Wells, Mrs. F. B., Mn, Africa, 315
Walters, Alfred, Et, La Sierra, 266 Wells, Raymond, E, Indiana, 263
Walters, E. E., M, Jamaica, 296 Wendell, B. P., Et, Africa, 259
Walters, T. W., Et, Laurelwood, 267 Wendth, Elsie, Mn, Hinsdale, 301
Walther, D., Et, Theo. Seminary, 282 Weniger, C. E., Et, Theo. Seminary, 282
Waiting, J. F., Et, Brazil, 255 Wensell, Niels, Et. Argentina, 281
Waiting, Mrs. J. F., Et, Brazil, 255 Wantland, R. W., Et, Broadview, 244
Walton, H, M., Mp, Et, CME, 250, 313 Wentworth, Alice, Et, PUC, 277

Wentz, Lillian, M, Brazil, 309 Wilson, Enid, Et, Oak Park, 274
Werline, A. W., Et, AUC, 240 Wilson, Eva Maud, Mn, Hinsdale, 301
Werner. H., Et, Germany, 269 Wilson, J. A., Fb, Australia, 295
West, Carla, Mn, Denmark, 310 Wilson, James, E, Oshawa, 276
West, Ruth, Et, Broadview, 244 Wilson, Paul L., Et, SWJC, 285
Westcott, W. E., Mp, Florida, 299 Wilson, Reuben, Et, West Indies, 246
Westerman, R. W., Fb, Australia, 294 Wilson, W. R., Et, Australia, 241, 295
Westermeyer, C. L., Et, Campion, 245 Wiltse, Myrna, Et, Valley Grande, 290
Westermeyer, H. E., Et, WWC, 291 Wimer, Florence, Mn, Portland, 306
Westermeyer, Mrs. L., Et, S. Diego, 282 Wines, E. C., Et, Egypt, 239
Westermeyer, R., E., Et, Lynwood, 268 Winkler, L. W., Et, Indonesia, 273
Westphal, C. E., Mp, Et, Argentina, 281 Winn, A. V., E, Auburn, 241
Westphal, Carlos E., Mp, Argentina, 308 Winn, Mrs. A. V., E, Auburn, 241
Westphal, C. E., M, Washington, 312 Winning, Evabelle, E, PUC, 276
Westphal, Olive, Et, Spanish-Am., 285 Winslow, G. C., Et, Lebanon, 270
Wheeler, H. D., E, PUC, 276 Winslow, Mrs. Dorothy, E, Lebanon, 270
Wheeler, May, Mn, Florida, 299 Winter, C. E., Et, China, 248
Wheeler, Walter R., Et, Brazil, 243 Winter, Eugene, Et, WWC, 291
Whisker, Freda, Et, New Zealand, 272 Winters, Floyd G., Eb, Forest Lake, 257
Whisker, W. R., Et, New Zealand, 272 Wipperman, P. G., Et, Golden Gate, 259
White, Eulalia, Mn, St. Helena, 308 Wipperman, Mrs. R., Mp, L. Linda, 252
White, Lloyd B., Eb, Auburn, 241 Wirak, Theodora, E, Theo. Seminary, 282
White, Mrs. M. V., Et, Australia, 241 Wirth, Wm. G., Et, CME, 250
White, R. A., Et, Laurelwood, 267 Wisbey, M. L., Et, Laurelwood, 267
White, Ruth, Mn, Washington, 312 Wisbey, Mrs. M. L., E, Laurelwood, 267
White, Wava, Et, Bethel, 241 Wittschiebe, C. E., Et, SMC, 284
Whitehead, Eva, Mn, Bolivia, 298 Witzel, C. L., Et, Auburn, 241
Whitehouse, Mrs. Elmer, E, WWC, 291 Witzel, Mrs. C. L., Et, Auburn, 241
Whitfield, Ruth M., E, Union, 288 Wohlers, H. A., Et, Adelphian, 238
Whitman, Mrs. Alice M., E, WMC, 292 Wolfe, Laurence, Et, Mt. Vernon, 271
Whitney, J. H., Et, Loma Linda, 268 Wolfe, Mrs. Maude, Et, Mt. Vernon, 271
Whittaker, I. E., Fb, Australia, 295 Wolfkill, G. F., Et, PUC, 277
Whyte, Mrs. Amy, E, Panama, 277 Wolfkill, G. F., Et, Home Study, 262
Wideman. Albert E., E, EMC, 256 Wollard, W. R., Pb, Pacific Press, 323
Widener, Mrs. M., Et, Union, 288 Wolohon, C. H., Mp, WMC, 292
Wiese, Mary Fonda, Et, CME, 252 Won, Mrs. Stella, Mn, Singapore, 313
Wiess, Stanley, Et, CME, 252 Wong, Kennetht Et, CME, 252
Wiessman, Jeannie, Et, CME, 252 Wood, Audra, Et, Hawaii, 261
Wiik, Evelyn, Mn, Hinsdale, 301 Wood, Floyd, E, La Sierra, 266
Wiik, 0., Et, Norway, 275 Wood, Mrs. Floyd, Et, La Sierra, 266
Wiinkoop, Miss M., Pe, Netherland, 321 ' Wood, Leland, Mn, Florida, 299
Wilcox, F. M., Pe, R&H, 325 Wood, Lynn H.. Et, Theo. Seminary, 282
Wilcox, Mrs. L. C., Et, Singapore, 269 Wood, Mabel, Et, Union, 288
Wilcox, Lorena, Et, SWJC, 285 Wood, Peter, E, Honduras, 262
Wiley, Mrs. P. K., Mn, Congo Beige, 315 Wood, Wilton H., Et, China, 257
Wilkinson, L. V., Et, New Zealand, 272 Wood, Mrs. Wilton H., Et, China, 257
Wilkinson, William, Et, Lodi, 267 Woodfield, A. J., Et, England, 286
Will, Alma, Et, Canadian, 245 Woodman, I. J., Pb, Pacific Press, 323
Will, Ann. Et, Canadian, 246 Woods, C. L., Et, PUC, 276
Will. W. T., Et, SWJC. 285 Woods, Robert W., Et, Union, 288
Williams, B. H., Et, India, 286 Woodward, Blooma, Mn, New Eng., 304
Williams, Ch. B., Pe, India, 322 Woodward, I. C., Et, India, 290
Williams, Edgar, E, Dominican, 255 Woodward, Mrs. I. C., Et, India, 290
Williams. Elaine, Mn. Et, CME, 252 Wooley, Mrs. Nora, E., CME, 252
Williams, Eva, Et. West Indies, 265 Work, H. -A., Et, Gem State, 259
Williams, M. M., Et, SWJC, 285 Work. Mrs. H. A., Et, Gem State, 259
Williams, Reva, Et, Maplewood. 269 Workman, Arthur, E, Mt. Vernon, 271
Williams, Roy. Eb, Panama, 277 Wortman, Mrs. L. M., E, Indonesia, 263
Williams, W. C.. Et, China. 248, 257 Wosu, Rebecca N., Mn, Nigeria, 314
Williams, Mrs. W. C., Et, China, 248 Wrigley, E. G., Et, Highland, 261
Williamson, Bruce, Mp, Et, CME. 251 Wrate, Erma, Mn, Hinsdale, 301
Williamson, Mrs. E. L., Et, NE, 274 Wright, Evelynne, Et, WWC, 291
Williamson, Mrs. E., Et, Northeast, 274 Wright, Herman L.. E, Oakwood, 275
Willis, Eunice, Et, Northeastern, 274 Wright, K. A., Et, SMC, 284
Willison, C. M., Et, Indiana. 263 Wright, M. E., E, Union Springs, 289
Willmore, Colin K., Eb, Africa, 283 Wright, Thomas F., Mp, Et, CME, 250
Wilmoth, I., Et, New Zealand, 272 Wu Chih Chow, Et, China, 247
Willoughby, H. E., M, Portland, 307 Wu Chih Chow, Mrs., E, China, 247
Wilson, Earl, Et, Union, 288 Wu Kuo Ching, E, China, 248
Wilson, Ellen, Mn, Paradise Valley, 306 Wynne, Lillian, Et, Lynwood, 268

Y Young, F. G., Et, Union, 288

Young, H. A., Mb, Boulder, 297
YaKevenko, Mrs. M. M., Et, Canad., 246 Young, J. R., M, Walker, 311
Yamagata, T., E, Japan, 264 Youngberg, R. R., Et, N. Borneo, 282
Yang Mao Chih, Et, China, 292 Youngs, Dallas, Pe, Canada, 317
Yang Mao Hsun, Et, China, 292 Yu Tien Hung, Et, China, 292
Yao, Charles, M, Siam, 297
Yen, C. B., Mn, China, 309
Yen, Frank, Mn, China, 305 Zanotti, W. E., Et, Australia, 271
Yen Pao Liang, E, China, 247 Zegarra, Alberto, Mb, Bolivia, 298
Yen, S. L., Et, China, 247 Zerne, Nils, Mb, Sweden, 305
Yen, T. L., Et, China, 247 Zeunert, E., Et, Australia, 292
Yeo Peng Yee, Mb, Malaya, 306 Zigmund, T., Et, Czechoslovakia, 254
Yesurantnam, Florence, Et, S. India, 264 Ziprick, H. F., Mp, Et, CME; 250, 300
Yin Chang Lan, E, China, 273 Zirkle, T. I., Mp, Et, CME, 249, 303
Yip, Mrs. E., M, West Indies, 306 Zolber, Mrs. Kathleen K., Et, WWC, 291
Yoke, Ko Kar, M, Siam, 297 Zummach, Marian, Eb, Maplewood, 269
Yong, T. F., Et, Borneo, 287 Zumwalt, Isabel, Et, PUC, 277
York, Edna, Mn, India, 300 Zurcher, J., Et, Madagascar, 263
York, Mervin, Et, Union Springs, 289 Zurigian, Sarkis, E, Uruguay, 289
Yoshimura, M., Et, Japan, 264 Zweig, Mary, Et, Union, 288
Aba Girls' Sch1(301 238 Bad Aibling Sanitarium 296
Aba Station 234 Baden Conference 89
Adelphian Academy 238 Bahamas Mission 130
Advent Correspondence School 239 Bahia and Sergipe Mission 159
Advent Mission Society 85 Baltic Union Conference 237
Advent Press, East Africa 316 Bangalore Middle Day School 241
Advent Press, Nigeria 316 Bangkok Mission Clinic 296
Advent Welfare Work Associa- Bangkok Mission Sanitarium 296
tion 85 Bangkok S.D.A. Mission School 242
Adventist Training School 239 Barotseland Mission Field 187
Afrikaans language, periodical in 331 Bassein Mission Station 195
Agenda de Publicaciones "Mexico Batouri Dispensary 313
Central" 316 Battle Creek Academy 242
Agona Dispensary 313 Bettina Intermediate School 242
Agona Mission Station 235 Bee Hwa Training Institute (see
Alabama-Mississippi Conference 64 South Fukien Junior Academy) 284
Alaska Mission 49 Begemder Mission 147
Alberta Conference 28 Bekwai Mission Station 235
Algerian Mission 219 Bekwai Training School 242
Algerian Publishing House 316 Belgian Conference 213
Allahabad Mission Station 202 Beliefs, Fundamental 367-369
Allegheny Conference 36 Bengali language, periodicals in .. 331
Alpine Conference 211 Berlin Conference 86
Alto Huallaga Mission Station 164 Bermuda Mission 24
Alto Ucayali Mission Station 164 Bethel Academy 242
Ambon Mission 112 Bethel Training College 242
American Temperance Society 14 Betikama Missionary School 242
Amyes Memorial Hospital 296 Beulah Training School 243
Andrews Memorial Clinic 296 Bhuket Mission Clinic 297
Andrews Memorial Hospital 296 Bicol language, periodical in 331
Angola Union Mission 170 Bihar Mission Field 197
Anhwei Mission 97 Bikobo Hill Mission Station 313
Annamese language, periodical in 331 Binjipalli Mission Station 199
Antillian Junior College 239 Bismarck Archipelago Mission 76
Antillian Union Mission 126 Blantyre District 183
Aore Training School 239 Bohemian Conference 212
Appropriations to Missions 347 Bohemian language, periodical in 331
Arabic language, periodicals in 331 Bolivia Mission 161
Arizona Academy 239 Bolivia Training School 243
Arizona Conference 56 Bongo Mission Hospital 297
Arkansas-Louisiana Conference 69 Bongo Mission Station 171
Armenian language, periodical in 331 Bongo Mission Training School 243
Armona Union Academy 240 Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium 297
Arussi Mission 147 Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium Food
Assam Mission Field 197 Company 294
Assam Training School 240 Brazil College 243
Association of S.D.A. Self-Support- Brazil Publishing House 316
ing Institutions 17 Brightlands Nursing Home 313
Atlanta Union Academy 240 British Borneo Mission (see North
Atlantic Colombia Mission 138 Borneo Mission) 118
Atlantic Union College 240 British Columbia Conference 28
Atlantic Union Conference 23 British Guiana Mission 132
Institutions in 27 British Honduras Mission 130
Auburn Academy 241 British Publishing House 316
Austral Union Conference 155 British Union Conference 228
Australasian Division 73 Institutions in 230
Institutions in 83 British West Indies Union Mission 129
Australasian Missionary College 241 Broadview Academy 244
Australasian Inter-Union Confer- Brookside Academy 244
ence 73 Buenos Aires Academy 244
Austrian Publishing House 316 Buenos Aires Conference 155
Austrian Union Conference 210 Buenos Aires Health Food Com-
Awtun Station 237 pany 294
Ayer Manis School 241 Buenos Aires Publishing Station 317
Azores Islands Mission 220 Buganda Mission Station 172

Bulawayo Mission District 190 Chebwai Mission Station 175

Bulgarian Book and Bible House 317 Chesapeake Conference 37
Bulgarian Mission 224 Chiaotou Sanitarium and Hospital 298
Bureau of Press Relations 15 Chiduku-Makoni Mission District 190
Burma Union Mission 194 Children's Home 181
Burmese language, periodical in 331 Chile College 247
Busegwe Mission Dispensary 813 Chile Conference 156
Busegwe Mission Station 177 Chileka Mission Station 183
Butterworth Mission District 183 Chimpempe Mission Dispensary 313
Bwengwa Mission District 187 Chimpempe Mission Station 188
By-Laws of the General Conference China Division 94
361-366 Institutions in 109
China Training Institute 247
C Chinese language, periodicals in .. 331
Cholon Maternity Home 313
Cafes 295 Christian Record Benevolent Asso-
Calcutta Elementary Day School 245 ciation 318
Calcutta Mission Station 200 Chaudanga Dispensary 313
Calendar of Offerings 353 Chuharkana Dispensary 313
Campaigns, dates of 353 Chuharkana Elementary School 248
Campion Academy 245 Chuharkana Mission Station 202
Canadian Temperance Society 14 Chulumani Sanitarium and Hospital 298
Canadian Union College 245 Chungking Wuhan Sanitarium and
Canadian Union Conference 27 Hospital 298
Institutions in 31 Church Membership, Statistics of 346
Canadian Watchman Press 317 Cinyama Outstation 185
Gancele Mission Dispensary 183 Clinica Adventista de Monterrey 313
Cancele Mission Station 313 Clinica Buena Esperanza 314
Canton Sanitarium and Hospital 298 Clinica de Torreon 314
Cantonese Mission 104 Clinica Tacotalpa 314
Cape Conference 179 Cochabamba Mission Station 161
Cape Field of S.D.A. 180 Colegio Adventista de las Antillas 239
Cape Verde Islands Mission 220 Colegio Adventista de Bolivia 243
Caribbean Training College 246 Colegio Adventista Brasileiro 243
Caribbean Union Mission 132 Colegio Adventista de Chile 247
Carolina Conference 64 Colegio Adventists Dominicano 255
Cayman Island Mission 130 Colegio Adventists del Plata 280
Cebu Public Health Dispensary 313 Colegio Adventista de Puerto Rico 280
Cebuan language, periodicals in 331 Colegio Adventista del Titicaca 266
Cedar Lake Academy 246 Colegio "El Progreso" 260
Central Amazon Mission 165 Colegio Industrial Hondureno 262
Central American Union Mission 134' Colegio Vocacional de America Cen-
Central American Vocational Col- tral 246
lege 246 Colegio Union 262
Central and Upper Burma Mission Collana Mission Station 161
Field 196 College of Medical Evangelists 248-253
Central Argentina Conference 196 School of Dietetics 252
Central California Conference 56 School of Laboratory Technique 252
Central China Union Academy .. 247 School of Medicine, Graduate 251
Central China Union Mission 95 School of Medicine, Undergradu-
Central District (N.E. Rhodesia) 184 ate 248
Central European Division 85 School of Nursing 252
Institutions in 93 School of Physical Therapy 253
Central German Conference 91 School of X-ray Technique 253
Central Hungarian Conference 215 Collegedale Academy 253
Central Italian Mission 217 Colleges, directory of 238-293
Central Korean Mission 115 Periodicals by 340-342
Central Luzon Mission 119 Colombia-Venezuela Union Mission 137
Central Marathi Mission Field 206 Colombia-Venezuela Union Training
Central Mexican Mission 140 School 253
Central Norway Conference 150 Colombo Mission Station 208
Central Pacific Union Mission 74 Colorado Conference 32
Central Province Mission 206 Colored Department 11
Central Punjab Mission Field 200 Columbia Academy 254
Central Rhenish Conference 89 Columbia Union Conference 35
Central States Mission 32 Institutions in 41
Central Union Conference 31 Congo Union Mission 172
Institutions in 35 Constitution of the General Confer-
Ceram Dispensary 313 ence 361-366
Ceylon Mission Field 207 Cook Islands Mission 74
Changamwe Mission Station 175 Cook Islands Mission Press 318

Cook Islands Training School 254 Ecuador Mission 162

Copenhagen Clinic 314 Education, Department of 8
Copenhagen Food Company 294 Board of Regents 9
Copenhagen Publishing House 318 Statistics of 350
Coral Sea Union Mission 76 Educational Institutions 238-293
Costa Rica Mission 135 Outline of courses in 238
Council on Industrial Relations 15 Egypt Mission Field 231
Countries in which work is being Egypt Literature Society 231
done 354-360 Eire Mission 228
Croatian language, periodicals in .. 331 Ekebyholm Summer Sanitarium 299
Cuale Mission Dispensary 314 Elele Station 234
Cuale Mission Station 171 Ellen G. White Publications 16
Curacao Mission 138 Emmanuel Mission Station and Dis-
Cuyo Mission 157 trict 182
Czechian (Bohemian) language, pe- Emmanuel Missionary College 255
riodicals in 311 English Periodicals 828-331
Czechoslovakian Bible School 254 Enterprise Academy 256
Czechoslovakian Publishing House 318 Eritrean Mission 14"
Czechoslovakian Union Conference 211 Escuela Agricola Industrial Mex-
Ethiopian Schools 257
D Ethiopian Union Mission 146
Evangelistic Workers Statistics 352
Danish Mission School 254
Danish language, periodicals in 332
Danube Conference 211 F
Dar el Salaam Hospital 298
Delhi Mission Station 201
Demu Mission District Far Eastern Academy 257
188 Far Eastern Division 111
Denominational investment 845, 346 Institutions in 124
Denominational periodicals 328 Far Eastern Island Mission 124
Detached Unions 228 Fayoum Training School (see Ad-
Dimbwe Mission District 188 ventist Training School) 239
Directory of Ministers 370 Fiji Mission 74
Dispensaries, directory of 313 Fin Mission Press 318
Dispensario Adventista 298 Fijian language, periodical in 332
Divulapitiya Mission Station 208 Filabusi Mission Station 190
Dominican Junior Academy 255 Finland S.D.A. Mission School 257
Dominican Mission 127 Finland Publishing House 318
Dunarea Conference 221 Finland Swedish Conference 145
Dutch language, periodicals in 332 Finnish language, periodicals in 332
Florida Conference 65
E Florida Sanitarium and Hospital 299
East African Union Mission 174 Foochow Junior Training Institute
East African Union Training School 255 (see North Fukien Junior Acad-
East Brazil Academy 255 emy) 270
East Brazil Union Mission 158 Food Companies 294
East China Union Mission 97 Foreign Languages, periodicals in
East Cuba Conference 127 331-338
East Denmark Conference 150 Forest Lake Academy 257
East Finland Conference 144 Formosan Mission 105
East France Conference 213 Forsyth Memorial Sanitarium and
East German Union Conference 86 Hospital 299
East Hungarian Mission 215 Fort Victoria Mission District 190
East Jamaica Mission 131 Fountain Head Sanitarium 299
East Java Mission 112 Franco-Belgian Union Conference 212
East Lake General Hospital 298 Franconian Conference (see North
East Nigerian Mission Field 234 Bavarian Conference) 90
East Nordic Union Conference 144 French Adventist Seminary 258
East Norway Conference 151 French Cameroons Bible Training
East Pakistan Mission Field 198 School 258
East Pennsylvania Conference 37 French Cameroons Mission Deposi-
East Polish Conference 149 tory 319
East Punjab Mission 201 French Equatorial African Mission 225
East Szechwan Mission 107 French Guiana Mission 133
East Visayan Academy 255 French language, periodicals in 333
East Visayan Mission 120 French West Indian Mission 133
Eastern District (Nyasaland) 184
Eastern Pondoland District 183 Fresno Union Academy 258
Eastern Province Mission District . 183 Friedensau Missionary Seminary 258
Eastern Transvaal-Swaziland Mis- Fulton Missionary School 258
sion District 181 Fundamental Beliefs 367-369

G Hapur Elementary Boarding School 260

Hapur Mission Station 201
Gem State Academy 258 Hawaiian Mission 57
Gendia Mission Station 175 Hawaiian Mission Academy 260
General Conference 5 Health Food Stores 294
Appropriations 347 Heile Selassie No. 1 Hospital 301
Association 16 Helderberg College 261
Constitution and By-Laws .... 861-366 Helsingfors Hydro-Electric Institute 314
Corporation 16 Hen Mission Hospital 301
Departments 8 Hessia-Westphalian Conference 92
Directory 5 Highland Academy 261
Executive Committee 6 Hillcrest Secondary School 261
Insurance Service 17 Hindi language, periodicals in ...... 333
Presidents 344 Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital 301
Purchase and Supply 16 Home Foreign Bureau 9
Secretaries 344 Home Missionary Department 9
Sessions 343 Home Study Institute 261
Treasurers 344 Honan Junior Academy Institute 262
Workers 18 Honan Mission 95
Georgia-Cumberland Conference 66 Honduras Industrial Academy 262
German Health Food Factory 294 Honduras Mission 136
German language, periodicals in 333 Hopeaniemi Sanitarium 301
German-Swiss Conference 223 Hopei Mission 99
Germany Inter-Union Association 85 Hospitals 296-315
Giffard Mission Hospital 300 Htugyi Mission Station 195
Gilbert and Ellice Islands Mission 75 Huallaga Mission Station 164
Gimbie Hospital 300 Hultafors Sanitarium 301
Ginasio Adventista 287 Hunan Mission 96
Gitwe Mission Dispensary 314 Hungarian language, periodicals in 333
Gitwe Mission District 173 Hungarian Publishing House 319
Gitwe Training School 259 Hungarian Union Conference .. 214
Gland Hygienic Food Factory 294 Hupeh Mission 96
Glen Grey Mission District 183
Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital 300 I
Glendale Union Academy 259
Goiano-Mineira Mission 166 Ibadan Station 237
Gold Coast Advent Press 319 Ibibio Station 234
Gold Coast Mission Field 234 Ibo language, periodical in 334
Golden Gate Academy 259 Iceland Mission 152
Good Hope Clinic 300 Iceland S.D.A. Publishing House 320
Good Hope Training School 259 Icelandic language, periodicals in 334
Good Samaritan Clinic 301 Idaho Conference 60
Gopalganj Mission Hospital 301 Ikizu Mission Dispensary 314
Gopalganj Mission Station 198 Ikizu Mission Station 177
Granose Foods, Ltd. 294 Ikizu Training School 262
Greater Boston Academy 260 Ilave Mission Station 161
Greater New York Academy 260 Ile-Ife Mission Hospital 302
Greater New York Conference 24 Illinois Conference 42
Greater Sydney Conference 80 Ilocano language, periodicals in 334
Grecian Mission 225 Inca Union College 262
Greek Depository 319 Inca Union Mission 160'
Guatemala Mission 135 Indian Mission 180
Guatemala Junior Academy 260 Indian Ocean Union Mission 216
Gujranwala Mission Station 202 Indian Ocean Union Training School 263
Guierat Mission 206 Indiana Academy 263
Gulf Mission (see North Mexican Indiana Conference 43
Mission) 141 Indo-China Mission 117
Gwaai Mission Station 190 Indo-China Press 320
Indo-China Training School 263
H Indonesia Publishing House 320
Indonesia Training School 263
Hainan Mission 105 Indonesia Union Mission 111
Haitian Mission 128 Industrial Relations, Council of 15
Haitian Seminary 260 Ingathering, statistics of 348
Hakka Mission 105 Ingavi Mission Station 161
Hamburg Publishing House 319 Inquisive Mission Station 161
Hamburg S.D.A. Association 86 Institutional Workers Index 474
Hanke Mission Station 190 Institutional Workers Statistics 352
Hanover Conference 91 Institutions, statistics of 348
Hansa Conference 92 Insurance Service, General Confer-
Hapur Dispensary 314 ence 17

Instituto Adventista Juan Bautista Katikamu Mission Station 178

Alberdi 272 Kellogg-Mookeriee High School 264
Instituto Rural Adventists do Nor- Kempsey Mission 82
deste 273 Kendu Hospital 302
Instituto Teologico Adventista 255 Kenutcky-Tennessee Conference 66
Inter-American Division 126 Kenya Mission Field 175
Institutions in 142 Kern Academy 265
Inter-Oceanic Mission 140 Khunti Elementary Boarding
International Insurance Company 17 School ' 265
International Temperance Associa- Khunti Mission Station 198
tion 13 Kiangsu Mission 98
Investment, Denominational .... 345, 346 Kiangsu Junior Academy 265
Inyazura Mission Dispensary 314 Kiangsi Mission 96
Inyazura Mission Station 190 Kingsway High School 265
Iowa Conference 46 Kireka Mission Station 178
Iquitos Mission Station 164 Kirundu Mission Dispensary 314
Iran Literature Society 232 Kirundu Mission Station 172
Iran Mission Field 231 Koforidua Mission Station 235
Iran Training School 263 Kolo Mission Dispensary 314
Iraq Mission Field 232 Kolo Mission Station 182
Iraq Literature Society 232 Konola Station 236
Iraq Training School 264 Korean language, periodicals in 334
Irish Mission (see Eire Mission) 228 Korean Union Mission 115
Irrawaddy Delta Mission Field 195 Korean Union Training School 265
Istituto Avventista de Cultura Bib- Kottarakara Dispensary 314
lica 264 Kottarakara Secondary Boarding
Italian language, periodicals in 334 School 265
Italian Publishing House 320 Kottawa Mission Station 208
Italian Union Mission 217 Kottawa Secondary Boarding
Italian Training School 264 School 265
Ivory Coast Mission Field 235 Krankenhaus Waldf riede 302
Kwailibisi Hospital 303
J Kwangsi Mission 105
Kweichow Mission 108
Jaffna Mission Station 208
Jalirpar Mission Dispensary 314 L
Jalirpar Mission Station 199
James Secondary Boarding School 264 Lahore Mission Station 201
Japan Junior College 264 Laio Chi Mission 101
Japan Publishing House 320 Lake Geneva Sanitarium 303
Japan Union Mission 114 Lake Region Conference 43
Japanese language, periodicals in 334 Lakeside Clinic 314
Jehol Mission 101 Lake Titicaca Mission 162
Jengre Medical Unit 314 Lake Titicaca Training School 266
Jengre Station 236 Lake Union Conference , 41
Jerusalem Institute for Massage - 314 Institutions in 46
Jowai Mission Dispensary 314 Lake View Outstation 185
Jowai Mission Station 197 Languages in which denominational
Jugoslavian language, periodical in 334 literature is issued 359, 360
Jugoslavian Union Conference 218 Laro Mission Station 163
Juliaca Clinic 302 Lasalgaon Elementary Boarding
Juliaca Mission Station 161 School 266
Jullicunca Mission Station 161 La Sierra College 266
Laurelwood Academy 267
K Lebanon-Syria Literature Society 232
Lebanon-Syria Mission Field 233
Kakoro Mission Station 178 Leeward Islands Mission 133
Kalungwishi Mission District 188 Legal Corporation of the General
Kamagambo Mission Station 175 Conference 16
Kamagambo Training School 264 Leman Conference 224
Kambubu Training School 264 Liao An Mission 101
Kanarese Mission Field 203 Liberian Mission Field 235
Kanchingshin Mission 103 Liberian Mission School 267
Kandi Mission Station 208 Liiwa Station 236
Kansas Conference 33 Little Eden Hospital-Dispensary 314
Kanye Hospital 302 Liumba Hill Dispensary 314
Kanye Medical Mission Station 186 Liumba Hill Mission District 187
Karachi Mission Station 202 Lodi Academy 267
Karmatar Mission Press 320 Loma Linda Food Company 294
Karmatar Mission Station 198 Loma Linda Sanitarium and Hos-
Karura Mission Station 176 pital 303


Loma Linda Union Academy 267 Membership, statistics of 346

Lord Howe Island Mission 81 Mexican Agricultural and Indus-
Los Angeles Academy 268 trial School 269
Lower Amazon Mission 165 Mexican Union Mission 140
Lower Buchanan Station 236 Michigan Conference 44
Lower Gwelo Mission Hospital 303 Middle East College 270
Lower Gwelo Mission Station 191 Middle East Press 321
Lower Shangani Mission Middle East Union Mission 230
District 191 Institutions in 233
Lowry Memorial Secondary Board- Midlands Mission District 191
ing School 268 Mindanao Mission 120
Luapula Mission District 188 Mindanao Mission Academy 270
Lucusse Mission Dispensary 314 Ministerial Association 10
Lucusse Mission Station 171 Ministerial Directory 370-471
Lucknow Mission Station 202 Ministers under the General Con-
Luganda language, periodical in .. 334 ference 18
Lumbwa Mission Station 176 Minnesota Conference 47
Luo language, periodical in 334 Missionary Volunteer Department 14
Lusikisiki Mission District (see ' Statistics of 349
Eastern Pondoland District) ..... . 183 Missouri Conference 34
Luwazi Mission Dispensary 314 Modesto Union Academy 270
Luwazi Mission Station 185 Mombera Outstation 185
Luz Mission Dispensary 314 Monamona Mission 81
Luz Mission Station 171 Monamona Mission School 271
Lynwood Academy 268 Mondora Mission District 191
Monrovia Station 236
M Montana Conference 50
Montemorelos Hospital and- Sani-
Madagascar Mission 216 tarium ' 304
Madeira Islands Mission 220 Moradabad Mission Station 201
Mafeking-Taungs Mission District 181 'Moratuwa Mission Station 208
Majita Mission Dispensary 314 Moravia-Silesian Conference 212
Majita Mission Station 177 Moroccan Mission 219
Malagasy language, periodical' in 334 Mountain View Union Academy 271
Malagasy Publishing House 320 Moyobamba Mission Station 164
Malamulo District 184 Mrewa Mission District 191
Malamulo Mission Hospital 303 Mt. Ellis Academy 271
Malamulo Mission Station 184 Mt. Province Mission 121
Malamulo Mission Training Insti- Mt. Vernon Academy 271
tute 268 Muchenje Mission District 188
Malamulo Press 320 Mujika Mission District 188
Malay language, periodicals in 334 Munenga Mission District 188
Malay States Mission 117 Munich Publishing House 321
Malayalam language, periodical in 335 Munguluni Mission 185
Malayan Seminary 269 Munguluni Mission Dispensary 314
Malayan Signs Press 321 Muntenian Conference 222
Malayan Union Mission 116 Musofu Mission Dispensary 314
Manila Sanitarium and Hospital 303 Mwagala Mission Station 177
Clinic No. 1 314 Mwami Mission Hospital 304
Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference 29 Mwami Mission Station 184
Map of North America 22 Mweru Mission District 188
Mapani Mission Station 191 Myaungmya Dispensary 314
Maplewood Academy 269 Myaungmya Elementary Boarding
Maranke Mission District 191 School 271
Marathi language, periodicals in 335 Myaungmya Mission Station 195
March Lusatian Conference 87
Marienhohe Missionary Seminary . 269 N
Maritime Conference 29
Maroua Dispensary 314 Nadezwe Mission District 189
Matandani Mission Station 185 Nalwazhi Clinic 304
Matara Mission Station 208 Mamba Mission Station 171
Mato Grosso Mission 166 Nanning S.D.A. Hospital 304
Maun Mission Station 187 Narsapur Secondary Boarding
Mauritius Mission 216 School 272
Mauritius Mission Depository 321 Nata Mission District 191
Mauritius Mission School 269 Natal-Transvaal Conference 180
Mbeya Mission Station 177 Nchwanga Training School (see
Mecklenburg Conference 87 East African Union Training
Medical Department 10 School) 255
Medical Institutions 296-315 Ndola Mission District 189
Statistics of 351 Ndora Mission Dispensary ' 314

Ndora Mission* Station 173 North Netherland Conference 148

Ndoumbi Dispensary 314 North New South Wales Conference 81
Neandertal Missionary Seminary 272 North New Zealand Conference 82
Nebraska Conference 34 North Nigerian Mission Field 236
Necrology, 1948 472 North Norway Conference 151
Negro Dept. (see Colored) 11 North Orange Free State Mission
Netherland Missionary School 272 District 182
Netherland Publishing House 321 North Pacific Union Conference 49
Netherland Union Conference 147 Institutions in 54
Netherlands East Indies Training North Queensland Mission 82
School (see Indonesia Training North Sumatra Mission 113
School) 263 North Swedish Conference 145
Nevada-Utah Conference 58 North Tamil Mission Field 204
New England San. and Hospital 304 North Telugu Mission Field 204
Newbold Missionary College 272 North Transylvanian Conference 222
Newfoundland Mission Field 30 North United Provinces Mission
New Guinea Training School (see Field 201
Kambubu Training School) 264 Northeast Brazil Rural Institute 273
New Hebrides Mission 75 Northeast China Union Mission 101
New Jersey Conference 38 Northeast China Union Academy 273
New South Wales, North, Conf. 82 Northeast India Union Mission 196
New South Wales, South, Conf. 78 Northeast Luzon Junior Academy 273
New York Conference 25 Northeast Luzon Mission 121
New Zealand Missionary College 272 Northeast Mission 159
New Zealand, North, Conference 82 Northeast New Guinea Mission 76
New Zealand, South, Conference .. 83 Northeast Saxonian Conference 87
Ngoma Mission Hospital 305 Northeastern Academy 274
Ngoma Medical Mission Station 173 Northeastern Conference 25
Nicaragua Mission 136 Northern Barotseland Mission Dis-
Nigerian Training College 272 trict 187
Ninghsia Mission 103 Northern California Conference 59
Niue Island Mission 76 Northern District (Nyasaland) 185
Nokuphila Hospital 305 Northern European Division 144
Nordic Philanthropic Society 150 Detached Mission 152
Norfolk Island Mission 81 Institutions in 152
North African Union Mission 218 Northern French Cameroons Mission 225
,North America 23 Northern Ireland Mission 229
North American Conference Corpo- Northern Luzon Academy 274
ration of Seventh-day Adventists 16 Northern Luzon Mission 122
North American Colored Dept. 11 Northern New England Conference 26
North American Commission on Northern Rhodesia Mission Field 187
Rural Living 17 Northern Union Conference 46
Self-Supporting Institutions 17 Institutions in 48
North Argentine Academy 272 Northwest China Sanitarium and
North Bantu Mission Field 181 Hospital 305
North Bavarian Conference 90 Northwest China Union Mission 102
North Bengal Mission 199 Northwest China Union Academy 274
North Borneo Mission 118 Northwest India Union Mission 200
North Brazil Union Mission 164 Northwest Frontier Mission 201
North Celebes Mission 112 Norway S.D.A. Mission School (see
North Celebes Training School 273 Onsrud Mission School) 2 75
North China Sanitarium and Hos- Norwegian language, periodicals in 335.
pital 305 Norwegian Publishing House 321
North China Union Academy 273 Nova Lisboa Dispensary 314
North China Union Mission 99 Ntusu Mission Dispensary 314
North Coast Mission 165 Ntsusu Mission Station 177
North Dakota Conference 48 Number of Languages in which de-
North 'England Conference 229 nominational literature is pub-
North France Conference 213 lished 359
North Fukien Junior Academy 273 Nyanchwa Mission Station 176
North Fukien Mission 106 Nyanja language, periodicals in 335
North Italian Mission 218 Nyhyttan Sanitarium 305
North Japan Mission 114
North Kiangsu Mission 98 0
North Korean Mission 116
North Malayalam Mission Field 204 Oak Park Academy 274
North Marathi Mission 207 Oakwood College 274
North Mexican Mission 141 Obituary Record for 1948 472
North Mission 157 Occopampa Mission Station 163
North Moldavian Conference 222 Offerings, Special 353
North Natal Mission District 182 Offerings, Statistics of 346

Ohio Conference 38 Platte Valley Academy 279

Ohn Daw Elementary Boarding Polish language, periodicals in 335
School 275 Polish Mission Training School 279
Oklahoma Conference 70 Polish Publishing House 324
Oltenia-Banat Conference 223 Polish Union Conference 148
Omaura Central School 275 Polyclinic of Advent Mission 315
Onsrud Mission School 275 Pomata Mission Station 163
Ontario-Quebec Conference 30 Pomeranian Conference 87
Oraon Mission Station 198 Poona Elementary Day School 279
Oregon Conference 51 Porter Sanitarium and Hospital 306
Organizations, Statistics of 345 Portland Sanitarium and Hospital 306
Oriental Watchman, Pub. House 322 Portland Union Academy 279
Orissa Mission Field 199 Port-of-Spain S.D.A. Clinic 30'7
Oshawa Missionary College 275 Port-of-Spain S.D.A. High School 280
Oslo Health Home 315 Portuguese Conference 220
Ovimbundu Outschools 172 Portuguese East Africa 185
Ozark Academy 276 Portuguese language, periodicals in 336
Portuguese Publishing House 324
P Portuguese Training School 280
Portuguese Union Mission 220
Pacajes Mission Station 161 Potomac Conference 39
Pacastiti Mission Station 163 Prakasapuram Elementary Board-
Pacific Agricultural and Industrial ing School (see James Secondary
School 276 Boarding School) '264
Pacific Colombia Mission 138 Press Relations, Bureau of 15
Pacific Mexican Mission 141 Province Saxony-Anhalt Conference 88
Pacific Press Publishing Association 322 Publishing Department 11
Central Branch 323 Statistics of 352
Inter-American Branch Factory 323 Publishing Houses 116-327
International Branch 323 Pucallpa Mission Station 164
Northwest Branch 323 Pur-Aliment Food Factory 294
Pacific Branch 323 Purchase and Supply of the General
Pacific Union College 276 Conference, Department of 16
Pacific Union Conference 54 Puerto Acosta Mission Station 161
Institutions in 62 Puerto Rico Academy 280
Palestine-Transjordan Literature Puerto Rico Conference 128
Society 233
Palestine-Transjordan Mission Field 233 Q
Palmberg Station 236
Panama Conference 136 Queensland Conference 82
Panama Industrial Academy 277 Que Que Mission District 192
Panayan language, periodicals in 335
Papuan Mission Press - 324 R
Papuan Mission
Papuan District School 277 Rabat Dispensary 315
Paradise Valley Sanitarium 305 Radio Department 12
Paraguay Mission 167 Rand-Pretoria Mission District 182
Parana-Santa Catarina Academy 277 Ranen Mission Station 176
Parana-Santa Catarina Conference 167 Rangoon Mission Hospital 307
Penang Mission Clinic 306 - Rangoon Elementary Day School 280
Penang Mission Hospital 306 Rangoon Mission Station 196
Periodicals Issued 328 Rawalpindi Mission Station 202
Division 338 Religious Liberty Department 12
General, English 328 Rest Haven Sanitarium and Hos-
General, Foreign 331 pital 307
Local 340 Reunion Dispensary 315
School and Sanitarium 340 Reunion Mission 217
Union 339 Review and Herald Publishing As-
Peru Mission 163 sociation 324
Pharsee language, periodical in 335 Rhenish Conference 92
Philadelphia Academy 278 Rhodesia-Bechuanaland Conference 189
Philippine Publishing House 324 Richmond Academy 280
Philippine Union College 278 Rio de Janeiro Sanitarium and
Philippine Union College Clinic 315 Hospital 207
Philippine Union Mission 119 Rio-Espirito Santo Mission 159
Piata Mission Station 163 Rio Grande do Sul' Conference 167
Pine Forge Academy 278 Rio-Minas Gerais Mission 160
Pitcairn Island Mission 76 River Plate College 280
Plainfield Academy 279 River Plate Sanitarium 307
Plainview Academy 279 Riverside Sanitarium and Hospital 308
Plateria Mission Station 163 Robinson Memorial High School 281
IN tX 50

Rogue River Academy 281 Shensi Mission 103

Roorkee Secondary Boarding School 281 Shenyang Clinic-Hospital 309
Ruanda-Urundi Mission Field 173 Shenyang Sanitarium-Hospital 309
Ruia Mission District 192 Sheyenne River Academy 283
Rumanian language, periodicals in 336 Shillong Elementary Day School 283
Rumanian Publishing House 325 Shillong Mission Station 197
Rumanian Union Conference 221 Shiloh Academy 283
Rumanian Union Training Institute 281 Shiloh Mission Station and District 182
Runyurwanda language, periodical Shoa Mission 147
in 336 Siam Mission 118
Rural Living, North American Com- Siamese language, periodical in 336
mission on 17 Sierra Leone Mission Field 236
Rusangu Mission Dispensary 315 Signs of the Times (China) 326
Rusangu Mission Station 189 Signs of the Times (Korea) 326
Russia (see Union of Soicalist So- Signs Publishing Co. (Australia) 326
viet Republics) 237 Sind Local Mission Field 202
Russian language, periodicals in 336 Sinhalese language, periodicals in 336
Ruwenzori Mission Station 178 Sitoti Mission Dispensary 315
Rwankeri Mission Dispensary 315 Skodsburg Sanitarium 309
Rwankeri Mission Station 174 Skogli Sanitarium 310
Bwesse Mission Dispensary 315 Slovakian Conference 212
Rwesse Mission Station 173 Slovakian language, periodicals in 337
Slovenian language, periodical in 337
S Society Islands Mission 75
Society Islands Mission Press 327
Sabah Training School 281 Solomon Islands Mission 77
Sabbath School Department 13 Solomon Islands Mission Press .... 327
Statistics of 350 Solusi Mission Dispensary 315
Saharanpur District Mission Sta- Solusi Mission Station 192
tion 201 Solusi Training School 283
St. Helena Island Mission 183 Songs Mission Hospital 310
St. Helena Sanitarium 308 Songa Mission Station 174
St. Lawrence Mission 31 South African Union Conference 178
St. Thomas Island Mission 221 South American Division 154
Sai-Pei Mission 100 Institutions in 168
Sala Mission District 189 Medical Missionary Launches in 168
Salisbury Mission District 191 South Atlantic Conference 67
Salt Cays Mission 131 South Australian Conference 78
Salvador Mission 137 South Bantu Mission Field 182
Samabula Indian School 282 South Bavarian Conference 90
Samoan language, periodical in 336 South Brazil Union Conference 165
Samoan Mission 75 South Caribbean Mission 134
Sandia Mission Station 163 South Celebes Mission 113
San Diego Union Academy 282 South Central Conference 68
Sanitarium Health Food Company South Central Luzon Mission 122
Sanitariums 296-315 South Chekiang Junior Academy 283
Journals of 340-342 South Chekiang Mission 98
Statistics of 351 South China Union Academy 283
Santal Mission Station 198 South China Union Mission 104
Sao Paulo Clinic - 308 South Congo Mission District 174
Sao Paulo Conference 168 South Dakota Conference 48
Sarawak Mission 118 South England Conference 229
Savage Island Mission 75 South Faridpur Mission Station 199
Schools 238-293 South France Conference 214
Scottish Mission 229 South Fukien Junior Academy 284
Self-Supporting Institutions, The South Fukien Mission 106
Association of S.D.A. 17 South German Union Conference 89
Seminaire Adventiste D'Haiti 260 South India Union Mission 203
Seminaire Adventiste, Gitwe 173 South Italian Mission 218
Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve 258 South Japan Mission 115
Sentinel Publishing Company 325 South Korean Mission 116
Seoul Junior Training Institute (see South Lancaster Academy 284
Korean Union Training School) 265 South Malayalam Mission Field 205
Seoul Sanitarium and Hospital 309 South Marathi Mission 207
Serbian language, periodicals in 336 South Mexican Mission 141
S.D.A. Theological Seminary 282 South Natal Mission District 182
Seychelles Islands Mission 217 South Netherland Conference 148
Shanghai Medical Center 309 South New South Wales Conference 78
Shansi Mission 1.00 South New Zealand Conference 83
Shantung Miision 100 South Orange Free State Mission
Shenandoah Valley Academy 282 District 182

South Polish Conference 149 T

South Sumatra Mission 113
South Swedish Conference 146 Tagalog language, periodicals in 338
South Tamil Mission Field ........ ... 205 Tahitian language, periodical in 338
South Telugu Mission Field 205 Takoma Academy 287
South Transylvanian Conference .. 223 Tamil language, periodicals in ... 338
South United Provinces Mission Tanganyika Mission Field 176
Field 202 Taquara Academy 287
South-West Africa 183 Tasmanian Conference 79
Southeast African Union Mission 184 Tati Mission District 192
Southeast Mexican Agricultural and Tekerani Mission Dispensary 315
Industrial School 284 Tekerani Mission Station 185
Southeast Mexican Mission 142 Telugu language, periodical in 338
Southeastern California Conference 60 Temperance 13
Southern African Division 170 Tenasserim Mission Field 195
Institutions in 192 Texas Conference 71
Southern Asia Division 194 Texico Conference 72
Institutions in 208 Thambani Outstation 186
Southern Barotseland Mission Dis- Theological Seminary 282
trict 187 Thuringia Conference 88
Southern California Conference 61 Tibetan Mission 108
Southern District (Nyasaland) 185 Tibetan Mission Hospital 311
Southern European Division 210 Tibetan Mission Press 327
. 224 346
_'Detached Missions Tithe, statistics of
' Institutions in 226 Toishan Hospital Dispensary 315
Southern Luzon Mission 123 Toivonlinna Summer Sanitarium . 311
Southern Missionary College 284 Tokyo Sanitarium and Hospital 311
Southern New England Conference 26 Tongan language, periodical in 338
Southern Publishing Association 327 Tongan Mission 76
Southern Rhodesia Mission Field 189 Trans-Commonwealth Union Mission 77
Southern Union Conference 63 Transportation Department 17
Institutions in 68 Trans-Tasman Union Conference 80
Southwest China Mission 109 Treatment Rooms 313-315
Southwestern Junior College 285 Tsingtao Sanitarium and Hospital .. 311
Southwestern Mission 70 Tunis Dispensary 315
Southwestern Union Conference 69 Tunis Mission 219
Institutions in 72 Turkish Depository - 233
Soviet Republics 237 Turkey Mission Field, 233
Spanish-American Seminary 285
Spanish language, periodicals in 337
Spanish Mission 226 U
Spanish Mission Training School 285
Spanish Publishing House 327 Uganda Mission Field 177
Spicer Missionary College 286 Ukranian language, periodicals in 338
Dispensary of 315 Umtata Mission District 183
Stanborough Park Sanitarium 310 Umuchi Mission Station 163
Stanborough Press (see British Pub- Unattached Union Territories ..... 228
lishing House) 316 Union College 288
Stanboroughs Secondary and Church Union College Academy 288
School 286 Union Conferences Not Attached to
343 Divisions 228
Statistical Tables Union Missions Not Attached to
Stockholm Hydro-Electric Institute 315 Divisions 228
Stockholm Publishing House 327
315 Union of Socialist Soviet Republics 237
Suji Mission Dispensary Union Springs Academy 289
Suji Primary School and Mission 177 Upper Amazon Mission of Peru 164
Sultanabad Hospital 310
Upper Columbia Academy 289
Sungari Mission Field 102 Upper Columbia Conference 52
Sunny Hill School 287 139
286 Upper Magdalena Mission
Sunnydale Academy Urdu language, periodical in 338
Sunny Hill School 287 289
310 Uruguay Academy
Surat Mission Hospital Uruguay Mission 158
Surinam Mission 134 315
163 Utimbaru Mission Dispensary
Sutziqui Mission Station Utimbaru Mission Station 177
Swahili language, periodical in 337
Swatow Mission 106
Swedish language, periodicals in .. 337 V
Swedish Missionary School 287
Swiss Union Conference 223 Vailoa Training School 289
Sydney Sanitarium and Hospital 310 Valley Grande Academy 290
Sydney Treatment Rooms 315 Vatuvonu Central School- 290
Szu Kiang Mission 102 Venezuela Mission 139

"Victoria" School of Nursing and West Nordic Union Conference 149

Dispensary 311 West Norway Conference 152
Victorian Conference 79 West Pennsylvania Conference 40
"Vie et Sante" Institute 315 West Polish Conference 149
Vincent Hill College 290 West Punjab Mission 202
Voice of Prophecy Corporation 18 West Saxonian Conference 88
Voice of Prophecy, The 18 West Szechwan Mission 108
West Virginia Conference 40
W West Visayan Academy 293
West Visayan Mission . 123
Wai On Hospital-Dispensary 311 Western District (Nyasaland) 185
Waldfriede Sanitarium and Clinic Western India Union Mission 206
(see Krankenhaus Waldfriede) 302 Western Province Mission District 183
Walker Memorial Sanitarium and White, Ellen G.; Publications 16
Hospital 311 White Memorial Hospital 312
Walla Walla College 290 Wholesale Food Branches 294
Walla Walla General Hospital 312 Wisconsin Conference 45
Wallega Mission 147 Workers Directory 370-472
War Service Commission 17 Workers Directory, General Confer-
Warburton Sanitarium and Hospital 312 ence 18
Washington Conference 53 Workers Sent to Foreign Fields 347
Washington Missionary College 291 Wuhan Sanitarium- and Hospital
Washington Sanitarium 312 (see East Lake General Hospital) 298
Washington San. Mission Hospital 315 Wurtemberg Conference 90
Washington Union Academy 292 Wyoming Conference 35
Welsh Mission 230
West African Union Mission 233 Y
Institutions in 237
West African Union Training Centre Yanaoco Mission Station * 163
(see Nigerian Training College) 272 Yencheng Sanitarium-Hospital 313
West AuStralian Conference 79 - Yoruba language, periodical in 338
West Australian Missionary College 292 Y.P.M.V. Department 14
West Bengal Mission Field 199 Statistics of ' 349
West China Union Mission .107 Youngberg _Memorial Hospital .... 313
West China Union Training Insti- Young People (see Y.P.M.V. De-
tute (see West China Union partment) 14
Academy 292 Youngas Mission Station 161
West Cuba Conference 129 Yunnan Junior Academy 293
West Denmark Conference 151
West Finland Conference 146
West German Union Conference 91
West Hungarian Mission 215 Zambesi Union Mission 186
West Indian Training College 293 Zauditu Memorial Hospital 313
West Jamaica Mission 131 Zomba Outstation 184
West Java Mission 113 Zululand Mission District 182
West Nigerian Mission Field 236 Zurich Book and Bible House 327
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