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Quiz 11

NAME: ...................................................... CLASS: ............

DATE: ....................................................... MARK: ............

A Complete the text with the words below. (5 x 2 = 10)
journalism contributors events polish way

The Tattoo, an online newspaper written for teens by teens, was started by a small group of
teenagers in Connecticut, USA. The newspaper has come a long (1)
since it began in 1994. Today, the online paper has (2) from all around
the world and is a widely respected publication. While many papers designed for teens focus on
celebrities, fashion and relationships, The Tattoo has serious articles. The paper reports on current
(3) and includes articles on various subjects of interest. The Tattoo has
received many awards over the years for the quality of its (4) . Few
online teen publications have the professional (5) that has made The
Tattoo such a success.

B Complete the sentences with the phrases below. (5 x 2 = 10)

in the old days on the contrary on the spot with regard to by chance
1. The police wanted to speak to Rita the accident she had witnessed.
2. According to my grandfather, life was less stressful than it is now.
3. Firefighters were within 10 minutes of the fire breaking out.
4. The two friends met in the street and decided to have coffee together.
5. The tickets for the concert hadnt all been sold; we had a range of seats
to choose from.

C Circle the correct answers. (5 x 2 = 10)

1. Luckily, a doctor to be nearby when the man fell and broke his ankle.
a. happened b. thought c. seemed d. occurred
2. Videos which are online can be seen by millions of people.
a. televised b. submitted c. displayed d. posted
3. Several newspapers the plane crash on their front page.
a. featured b. broadcast c. contributed d. captured
4. Jeremy denied having any in the crime.
a. responsibility b. contribution c. involvement d. cooperation
5. Professional photographers are always trying to catch events on camera.
a. valuable b. newsworthy c. eye-witness d. precise

Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 1

Quiz 1

A Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the words given. (4 x 2 = 8)
1. Ian invited (Wendy / go) to the theatre with him.
2. The little boy apologised for (drop) his fathers watch.
3. We wondered whether (the tour / already / start).
4. Rob suggested (have) a party.

B Rewrite the sentences below using reported speech. (6 x 2 = 12)

1. Dont talk during the exam! the teacher said to the students.
The teacher told ....................................................................................................................................
2. Im going shopping with Debbie tomorrow, Stella said.
Stella said ..............................................................................................................................................
3. You should get your hair cut, Mary said to her brother.
Mary told ...............................................................................................................................................
4. Who does the green suitcase belong to? asked the customs officer.
The customs officer asked ....................................................................................................................
5. I wont help you with your essay, Mike said to Melanie.
Mike refused ..........................................................................................................................................
6. There hasnt been any rain for a long time, the farmer said.
The farmer complained .........................................................................................................................

C Circle the correct answers. (5 x 2 = 10)

1. The reporter said he had met with the Prime Minister .
a. day before b. previous day c. the previous day d. before one day
2. The officer ordered the soldiers .
a. to not shoot b. not shoot c. to shoot not d. not to shoot
3. The first thing that comes mind when I think of California is sunshine.
a. in b. to c. for d. into
4. The customer asked try on the dress.
a. if could she b. she could c. where could she d. whether she could
5. The Internet is a great way of keeping to date with the news.
a. up b. out c. in d. on

QUIZ 11 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 2

Quiz 1

Key Word Transformations

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given.
Use between two and five words, including the word given. (10 x 4 = 40)
1. Sally unexpectedly found the missing ring yesterday. CHANCE
The ring .................................................................................................................. yesterday by Sally.
2. You must keep away from the bull, the farmer said to us. NOT
The farmer warned .......................................................................................................... near the bull.
3. It was difficult for the children to accept moving to a new town. TERMS
The children had difficulty ............................................................................ their move to a new town.
4. My parents are trying to make me give up football, said Tom. PRESSURE
Tom said that his parents ........................................................................................ to give up football.
5. Kims sports coach told her she should get more rest. ADVISED
Kims sports coach ............................................................................................................... more rest.
6. Few people want to rent cars in this town. DEMAND
There ............................................................................................................... rental cars in this town.
7. Who is the head of the sales department? Simon said. CHARGE
Simon asked ...................................................................................................... the sales department.
8. Joe believes that the man who rescued him should get an award. BE
Joe believes that an ................................................................................... the man who rescued him.
9. When can I go out? the little boy asked. KNOW
The little boy wanted ................................................................................................................. go out.
10. Fortunately, the doctor says Im fine. MATTER
Fortunately, the doctor says .................................................................................................... with me.

QUIZ 11 Connections B2 Photocopiable Burlington Books 3

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