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Milovan Djilas

An Analysis of the
Counist System

An Atlantic Press book pu!islzed


The Pulishes wish to expess their
gratitude f editorial assistance to
Mr. Moton Puner and Mr. Konrad Kellen.


All this could told in different way: as the history of

contemporary revolution, as the expression of set. of opinions,
or finally, as the confession of revolutionary. little of each
of these may found in this document. t, even if this is an
inadequate syntesis of history, opiions and memoirs, it re-
flects my effort to give as complete d as brief picture as
possile of cotemporay Commuism. Some special or tech-
ical aspects may lost, but. the lager picture, I trust, will
that much simpler d more complete.
I have tried to detach myself fom my persoal prolems
not submittig to tem. circumstaces are, at. best, un-
certai d I am tl1erefore compelled to express my pesonal
obsevatios d expe1ieces astily; more detailed examina-
tio of my persoal situatio migt some day supplemet d
pehaps even chage some of my coclusios.
I canot descrie all the dimesions of the coflict in the
paiful u of our cotemporary world. Nor do I preted

First pulished in Great Britain, 1957 to ko'\v any world outside. the Commuist '\Vorld, in '\Vhich I
All rights reserved _, had either the fortue or isfortue to live. When I speak of
Printed in tlle United States of America world outside my o'\vn, I do so orlly to put my '\V world in
perspective, to make its reality clearer.
Alost everytblng in this book has been expressed soe in this book, although the book's primary purpose is not to
vvhere else, and in different way. Perhaps new fiavor, color, trace this evolution.
and nod, and s \v thougts, found here. That I consider it superfluous to criticize Commuism as an idea.
is soething--i fact, quite enough. Each 's experiences The ideas of equality and brotherood among men, whic
are unique, 1vorthy of couication to bls fello1v n. v exjsred in varying fors sice mn society began-and
The reader sluld not seek in this book some kind of social >vhich contemporary Comnism accepts in wod-are pin
or other pbllosophy, not even 1vhere I make generalized state- ciples to -vvhich fighters for progress and eedom 1vill al1vays
ents. i has been to present pictue of the Counist aspire. It 1vold 1vrong t.o criticize tese basic ideas, as \\rell
1vorld but not to philosophize about it. means of generaliza- as vai and foolis. The struggle to achieve t is part of
tions-even though I v sometimes found geeralization mn society.
avoidale. Nor v I egaged i detailed criticism of Comnist
metod of detaced observatio seeed to t most theory, although such criticism is needed d useful. I have
suitale for pesenting ateial. preises could concetrated descriptio of cotemporary Commism,
v been stregthened and conclusios could v touching upon theor-y l 1vhere necessay.
proved quotatios, statistics, and ecitals of evets. I order It is impossile to express all my observatios d exper-
to as simple and concise as possile, I v istead expressed ieces i 1vork as bief as this . I v stated only the most
observatios througl1 reasoig and logical deduction, keep- essential of tem, usig generalizatios 1v t \Vere un-
ig quotatios and statistics to iniu. avoidale.
I tblk ethod is appopriate for personal story d This account may appear strange t.o tose 1v live in t
for method of 'NOrking d thinking. o-Comrunist 1vold; it. \vould t seem uusual to tose 1v
Ding adult life I v taveled the entire road to live i t Cormuist : I claim no exclusive credit or dis-
Counist: the Iovvest to the blgest rung of the bler- tiction for peseting t picture of tllat 1vorld, nor f t
cicalladde, f local d national to inteational forums, ideas concerning it. They simply the picte d ideas of
d the foratio of t tue Counist Party and t \VOrld i \vblc I live. I am poduct of tat 1vor1d. I v
organizatio of the revolution to the estalishent of the so- contriuted to it. No1v I am one of its cr-itics.
called socialist society. No one copelled to r or to l on t surface is tbls incosistet. I v struggled i
t Counis. I d o1vn decisio according to t past, and am strgglig IlO\V, for better world. t stg
convictions, l, in so far as n can . Even toug gle may t produce the desired reslts. Nevertl1eless, t logic
I 1vas disillusioned, I do not belong to tose whose disillusion- of my action is contaied in t legt d contiity of that
rent 1vas sarp and t. I cut yself off gradually and struggle.
cosciously, building up the picture and conclsions I present
in this book. As I became iceasigly estranged fro the re-
ality of cotepor-ary Cornism, I came closer to the idea
of derocatic socialis. This personal evolution is also refiected

Origins 1
Character of the Revolution 15
The New Class 37
The Party State 70
Dogmatism in the Economy 103
Tyranny over the Mind 124
The Aim and The Means 147
The Essence 164
National Communism 173
The Present-Day World 191


The roots of modern mis1 reach back very far, al-

though they >vere dormant before tl1e development of mode1
industry i -.;vester Europe. Communism's basic ideas are the
Primacy of Matter d t Reality of Change, ideas borrmved
from tblnkers of t period just befoie the inception of Com-
rnunism. As Communism endures and gains strength, these
basic ideas play less d less impotat role. This is uder
standale: once i pmvei, Commuism teds to Iemodel t
rest of the -.;vorld accoding to its o-.;vn ideas and teds less and
less to change itseif.
Dialectics and materialism-te caging of t -.;vorbl inde-
pendently of hurnan -.;vill-formed the basis of the old, classical,
Marxist Commuism. s basic ideas -.;vere not originated
Communist theorists, suc as Marx or Engels. bor-
Io-.;ved them and -.;vove tem into -.;vhole, thus forming,
unintentionally, the basis for r1e1v conception of t -.;vorld.
idea of the Prirnacy of Matter was borrmved from the
French materialists of t eighteenth century. EIier thikers,
icluding Decritus in it Greece, had expressed it in
different way. The idea of t reality of chage, caused the
struggle of opposites, called Dialectics, was take over from
Hegel; the same idea had n expressed in different \vay human society and t individual, and uses methods to estab-
He1-aclitus in ancient Greece. lish its power different from those its theories would suggest.
Without going into t details of t diffeences bet.,veen Beginning '\vit the preise tat t alone know the Iaws
Maxist ideas d precedig similar teories, it is necessary to which govern society, Counists aive at the oversiplified
poit out tat Hegel, in pesetig the idea of t Reality of and unscientific conclusio that this alleged knowledge gives
g, etaied the t of ugig supreme la\v, t t po,ver and the exclusive rigt to cange society and
or t Idea of t Absolute. As he expressed it, i t last aaly to control its activities. This is the r error of teir system.
sis t are ugl la'\vs '\vhic, indepedetly of lm Hegel claied tat t absolute r in Prussia was
will, gover nature, society, d um beigs. t incaration of bls idea of t Absolute. Counists,
Althoug stressig t idea of t Reality of g, :, on t oter d, clai tat t represent t incaration
d especially Engels, stated tat t la\vs of t objective or of t objective aspirations of society. Here is I' tan just
material world were ugl d idepedet of um one difference between t Counists and Hegel; tere is
beigs. '\vas ce1tai tat he '\vould discover t basic Ia,vs also difference bet1veen tl1e Comunists and absolute n
goverig life d society, just as Danvi d discovered t r. nr did not tblnk quite as blgly of itself as
la'\\'S goverig livig creatures. At rate, did clarify t Comunists do of teselves, r \Vas it as absolute as
some social la,vs, particular-Iy t way i '\Vi tese Iaws t are.
opeated i t peiod of early idustrial capitalism.
Tis fact l, v if accepted as accurate, canot in itself 2.
justify t tti of moder Communists tat dis-
coveed all t la1vs of society. Still less it justify their at- Hegel iself '\Vas probaly trouled t possile con-
t~mpt to :nodel society after tose ideas i t same '\vay tat clusions to drawn fro is own discoveries. For inst.ance,
l1vestock 1s d t basis of t discoveries of Lamarck d if everytblng '\Vas constantly being trasfored, wat '\Vould
Darwi. Huma society t compared to species of ai n to is own ideas and to t society '\Vi '\Vanted
mals or to iaimate objects; it is composed of individuals d to preserve? As professor royal appointet could
grou~s \vi are cotiuously d cosciously active i it, not v dared, in any case, to k pulic recoendations
grog d gig. for t iproveent of society on t basis of bls pilosopy.
. I t pret~nsios of contempOI'ary Commuism of beig, Tis '\vas not t case wit . As young n took
1f. not t uque and absolut.e, but in any case t igest active part in t 1848 revolution. "\vent to extrees in
sc1ence, based dialectical materialism, are idde t seeds dra,ving conclusios fro Hegel's ideas. Was not t loody
of its despotism. OI'igin of tese pretesios can foud class stuggle aging all over Europe straining to"\vard soething
i t ideas of , tougl1 blmself did t anticipate ne1v and blger? It. appeared not only tat Hegel '\Vas rigt
tem. tat is, Hegel as intetpreted Marx-but also tat pbllo-
?f course, contempora1y Communism does rt deny t sopical systes longer d eaning and justificatio, since
eXIstence of an objective or unchaging body of laws. However, science '\Vas discovering objective la1vs so rapidly, including
whe i power, it acts in an entirely different maner to'\vard tose applicale to society.
In science, Comte's pos1t1v1sm llad already triumphed as of all of Marx's work, >vhich they considered as beig virtuaHy
method of inquiry; tlle Englisll scllool of political economy coplete. Science gradually yielded to propagada, and as
(Smitll, Ricardo, and otllers) 1vas at its lleight; l laws result, propagada teded r d r to represent itself
1vere being discovered from day to day in t atural sciences; as science.
md idustry 1vas carvig out its t on t basis of scie Beig product of bls tie, Marx deied the need for
tific techology; and t wouds of youg capitalism revealed kid of pilosopy. His closest friend, Engels, declared tat
temselves i t sufferig d the begiig struggle of the pbllosopy had died 1vit t developmet of sciece. Marx's
proletariat. Appently this 1vas t onset of t doiatio tesis >vas t at all origial. so-called scietific philosopy,
of sciece, v over society, and t eliinatio of t.he capital- especially after Cote's positivis d Feuerbac's ater
istic t of o;vership as t final obstacle to u happi- ialism, d t geeral fasblo.
ess d freedom. It is easy to uderstad 1v Marx deied t the d for
time 1yas ripe for one great coclusio. Marx had t and t possiility of estalisblg any kid of pilosophy. It
t darig d t dept to express it, but tere 1vere social is arder to uderstad >v bls successs tried to arrage his
forces availale 1vblch he could rely. ideas ito an all-iclusive syste, ito 1v, exclusive pilos
Marx >vas scietist and ideologist. As scietist, made opy. v toug they deied t d for any kid of
important discoveies, paicularly i sociology. As ideol- pilosopy, i practice t created dogma of teir w 1vi
ogist, furnised t ideological basis for the geatest and tl1ey cosidered to t "ost scietific" or tlle "l scie
ost impotant political moveents of d blstory, 1vhich tific" syste. I peiod of geeral scietific etusias and
took place first in and are mv taking place in Asia. of great canges brougl1t about i eveyday life and industry
But, just because he >vas scietist, ecooist, d sociol- science, t could t l but aterialists and to
ogist, Marx never thougt of constctig all-inclusive consider teselves tl1e "l" represetatives of t "l"
philosopblcal or ideological syste. said: "One tig scietific vie>v and ethod, particularly since t epresented
is certai; I t Marxist." His great scietific talent gave social stratu 1vblc 1vas i confiict 1vit all tlle accepted
t geatest advantage over all bls socialist. pedecessors, ideas of tlle tie.
suc as >v d Fourier. fact t.hat did rt isist on Marx's ideas >vere infiueced t scietific atospere of
ideological all-inclusiveness bls >v pbllosopical syste bls time, bls o>vn leaings to>vard sciece, and his evolu
gave him an even geater advantage over bls disciples. Most of tionary aspir-atio to give to t 1vorking-class oveent
the latter >vere ideologists and only to very liited degree- r or less scientific basis. His disciples 1vere ifiueced
as t exaples of Plekanov, Labriola, Lenin, Kautsky, and diffeent envionent d differet otives 1ven t
Stalin >vill sl>v-scientists. i main desire 1vas to construct conveed bls Yie>vs into dogrna.
syste out of Marx's ideas; tbls 1vas especially t.rue of tose If t political needs of t 1vorking-class oveent in
who kne1v little pbllosophy and d even less talent for it. As t Europe had not deanded ne1v ideology coplete in itself,
tie passed, Marx's successos evealed tendency to present t pbllosopy t.hat calls itself Marxist, t dialectical aterial
his teachings as finite and all-inclusive concept of the >vorld, is, \\rould have been forgotten-disissed as soeting t
and to regad temselves as esponsile for t contiuation particularly profound or even origial, toug Marx's -
noic and social studies are of the ighest scientific and literary indstrial revolution or of the struggle of the indstrial prole-
rank. tariat for better life. It -.;vas no accident that tlle friglltful
strengt of Marxist pbllosophy did not Iie in its scie poverty d brutalizatio of t masses 1vich accompanied i
tific eleets, but i its ti -.;vith ass oveent, d dstrial cllange had po-.;verfl inflence Marx.. His most
ost of all in its ephasis tl1e objective of chagig society. importat -.;vork, Das Kapital contains number of important

It stated agai and agai that. the existig -.;vorld -.;vould chage and stining pages this topic. recurring crises, -.;vhich
siply because it d to cange, tat it bore the seeds of its \vere caracteristic of tlle capitalism of t nineteent tr,
-.;v oppositio d destruction; tat the -.;vokig class -.;vated togeter -.;vit t pover-ty and the apid incease of t popula-

this chage and -.;vould l to effect it. Inevitaly, the influ- tiorl, logically led Marx to t belief tllat revoltio -.;vas the
ence of this philosophy increased d created i the Europea only soltion . .r did not cosider revoltio to ievita
le in all contries, paticlarly not i tlse -.;vere democratic
-.;vorkir1g-class ovement the illusio tl1at it -.;vas omnipotent,
istittios -.;v already tradition of social life. cited as
at least. as method. I countries -.;vere siilar conditios did
t exist, sucl1 as Great Britai and the United States, t
examples of s contries, i one of is talks, tlle Neterlands,
Great Britai d tlle United States. Ho-.;vever, can con-
ifluece d iportace of this pilosophy -.;vas insigificat,
clde from his ideas, take as -.;vole, tat the ievitaility
despite the stegtll of the -.;voking class and the -.;vorkig~class
of revoltion -.;vas one of bls basic beliefs. believed i revo-
ltio d preaced it.; -.;vas revoltioary.
As sciece, Maixist philosophy -.;vas rt iportat, sice it
l\Iarx's revoltioay ideas, -.;vi 1vere coditional and t
-.;vas based mainly Hegelia d materialistic ideas. As tlle
univesally applicale, were cllaged Li ito absolte d
ideology of the -.;v, oppressed classes d especially of political lllliversal piciples. I The lnfantile Disorder of "Left-Wing"
ovements, it marked an epocl1, first in Europe, and later in
Communism peraps bls most dogmatic 1vork, Li devel-
Russia d Asia, povidig the basis for -.;v political move- oped tese piciples still more, differig -.;vit Marx's position
et d -.;v social system.
that revoltion -.;vas avoidale in cer-tai tis. said tat
Great ritai cold no loger regaded as contry i
1vi revoltio 1vas avoidale, s drig t First
. \Vorbl \Var s d become militar-istic po-.;ver, and therefore
tlle Br-itis \Vorkig class d t i t. evoltion.
Marx thought tat the replacemet of capitalist society Li d, t l in is failre to nderstad that "Bitish
1vould brougt t revoltioay stggle bet-.;vee rnilitaism" \vas l temporary, \vartime s of develop-
its t-.;vo basic classes, the bogeoisie and t poletariat. The et, t s failed to foesee t frter development
clas seemed all t mor-e likely to him s in the capital- of democacy d ecoomic pogress i Gr-eat !itai or other
istic system of tat time t poverty d -.;vealth kept increas- \Veste cotr-ies. also did t uderstand t natre of
ing kd, t opposite poles of society tat -.;vas tlle Englis trade-uio rovemet. placed too much em-
sk periodic ecoomic crises. pllasis or1 is \V, or Marxian, detenniistic, scietific ideas
I t last analysis, Marxist teachig 1vas t prodct of t d paid too little attention to the objective social role d
potentialities of the 1vorking class in more highly developed ing-class ovement. In such countries, Marxism grew stronger
countries. Although he disclaimed it, he did in fact proclaim and stroger d, 1vith the victory of t revolutionary party, it
his theories and the Russia evolutionary experience to became the dit ideology.
universally applicale. In coutries suc as Gr, 1vere t degree of political
According to Marx's ypothesis and his coclusions the and ecoornic progress made revolutio unnecessary, t derno-
subject, the revolution >vould r first of all in the higbly cratic and reforrnist aspects of Marxist teacing, rater t
developed capitalist counties. Marx believed that the results t revolutionary ones, domiated. ati-dogrnatic ideologi-
of the revolutio-that is, the ne1v socialist society->vould lead cal d political tendencies geerated empasis reform
to ne1v and higher level of freedom tha tat prevalent in the 1vorkig-class movernent.
t existing society, in so-called lieral capitalism. This is I the first case, t ties 1vit Marx 1v st!'engtened, at
undestandale. In the very act of rejectig various types of Ieast in out1vard r. In the second case, t 1vere
capitalism, Marx 1vas at the same time pi"Oduct of his epoch, 1veakened.
t lieral capitalist epoch. Social developrnet and the developrnent of ideas led to
I developig the Marxist stad that. capitalism must re- severe scism i the European socialist rnovemet. Roghly
placed not only igher economic and social fom-that is, speaking, t canges i political and econornic conditions co-
socialism-but higl1er form of human freedom, the Social incided 1vith chages i t ideas of tl1e socialist teorists,
Democrats justifialy considered themselves to Marx's suc- because they interpreted reality in elative manner, that is,
cessos. They d less ight to tis claim than the Com- i incornplete d one-sided 1vay, m tl1eir 0\V partisan
munists, 1vho cited Marx as the source of their idea that the poit of vie1v.
replacement of capitalism can take place only revolutionary Lein in Rsia and Bernstein i Gernay the t>vo ex-
means. Hmvever, both groups of Marx's follo>vers-the Social tremes through 1vhich t diffeent canges, social and eco-
Demoats d t Commnists->vee only partly rigt i cit.- ornic, d t diffeet "ealities" of t 1voking-class move-
ing him as t basis for tl1ei ideas. In citing Marx's ideas t ments foud expessio.
1vere defending teir o>vn practices, >vhich d oiginated in Alrnost othing ernained of oigial :arxism. In the West
diffeet, and already canged society. d, althog both it had died out or 1vas in t process of dying out; in the East,
cited and depended on Maxist ideas, the Social Deocatic d as esult of t estalisrnent of Cornrnuist rule, only res-
Comunist nveents developed in diffeent diections. idue of foralisrn and dogmatisrn ernained of Marx's dialectics
In cottries >vhere political and econoic pogess 1vas dif- and mateialisrn; tis 1vas used for t pur-pose of cernenting
ficult, and 1v t >vkig class played 1veak role in society, po1ver, justifying tyanny, d violating urnan coscience.
the d s slo1vly to k syste and dogma out of Altougl1 it d in fact also been dd in t East, Marx-
Marxist teaching. Moeover, i countr'ies >v econoic forces ism operated tere as rigid dogrna 1vit increasing po1ver. It
and social relations 1vere t yet ripe for idustrial cange, as i 1vas rnore than an idea tere; it 1vas ne1v government, nevv
Russia and later in Cina, tl1e adoption and dogmatization of econorny, 1v social systern.
the revolutioay aspects of Marxist teacings was rapid Altoug Marx d furnised bls disciples 1vit t impets
and coplete. r >vas empasis on revolution the work- for s developrnent, d Yery little desire f suc develop-
ment nor did he expect it. History betrayed this great master Encels lived to see an entirely different picture of Great
~ .
as it has others 1vho have attempted to interpret its laws. Britai, but he sa>v still r lil and-wat 1s r
What s been the nature of t development since Marx? important-opeless poverty in Russia, the Balka~s, Asia d
In the 1870's, the formation of corporatios d monopolies Africa.
had begu in courries 1vere the idustrial revolution d Technological iproveents brougl1t about vast and con-
already take place, suc as Germany, Eglad, and t Uited crete hs i the vVest, is fro every poit of vie-~v.
States. This developmet 1vas in full swing the beginning led ~ tlle for-matio of oopolies, d to the partiti?
of the Hvetiet century. Scientific analyses were made of it of the 1vorld ito spllees of iterest for tlle developed coutes
Hobson, Hilferding, and others. Leni, in Imperialism, the d for t oopolies. Tlley also led to the Fist World War
Final Stage of Capitalism, made political analysis, based d t October Revolutio.
il on tllese authors, containing predictions whic v I the developed couties the rapid rise in productio and
proved mostl inaccurate. tlle acquisitio of coloial sources of materials d arkets
Marx's teories about tlle increasing impoverisment of t mateially chaged t positio of the 1vorkig class. The strug-
1vorking class 1;vere not. out developents i those gle f fr, for better aterial coditios, together 1vith
coutries from 1vblch bls theories d been derived. However, t adoptio of parliaentary fors of govement,
as Hugh Seton-'\>Vatson states in From Lenin to Malenkov,* mor-e l d valale tl1a11 revolutioary ideals. I s places
they appeared to reasonaly accurate for the most part in revolutio became onsensical and urealistic.
t case of the agrar'ian East European countries. Tus, while The countl'ies 1vhic were t yet idustrialized, paticularly
in the vVest his stature 1vas redced to that of blstorian and Russia, 1vere in an etirely diffeet situatio. They found
scholar, Marx became the pophet of ne1v era in easte temselves i dilerna; they llad either to becorne idustrial
Europe. His teachings d itoxic.atig effect, similar to ized, or to discotiue active participatio the stage of
w religion. stor-y, tig ito captives of t developed coutries and
sitatio i 1vestern Europe tllat contribted to the teir oopolies, ts doomed to degeneracy. Local capital
theories of Egels and Marx is descied Andre Maurois in and t class and paties repr-esentig it 1v too 1veak to solve
the Ygoslav edition of The History -Df England: the proiems of rapid idstrializatio. In tese coutries evo
ltio became inescapaie ecessity, Yital need for t
Wen Engels visited :nst in 1844, found 350,000
>vokers sd and crmvded into darnp, dirty, broken-down ti, and only one class could bing it about-te poletaiat,
houses >vere tlley breathed an atrnospllere reserniing mix- or the revoltioay t r-epr-esenting it.
ture of 1vater and coal. In t rnines, he saw half-naked The eason f tbls is tat tl1ee is immutale la.v-that
wornen, who 1vere teated Iike tlle lowest of draft animals. hurnan society and all idividuals paticipating i it str-ive
Cllildren spet the day in dark tunnels, wllere t were to increase and pefect dti. I doig tbls t come in
employed in opeing and closing t primitive openings for
ventilation, and i oter difficlt tasks. I t industy, coflict \vit oter societies d individuals, so tat t corn-
exploitatio reached suc point tat four-year-old cllildren pete 1vit oter i oder to SUI"\'iYe. This is and
worked for virtually . expansio of podction costatly faces natral and sociai
New York, Frederick . Praeger, 1953. baiers, sucl1 as individual, political, legal, d international
\vere urget d
specific concrete reasons-international, eco-
customs and relationships. Since it rnust overcorne obstacles,
omic, political-for revoltion. The basic reaso-te vi~al
society, that is, those who at give nrnent represet its
d for idustrial cage->vas commo to all t coutes
productiYe forces, rnust eliminate, change, or destroy the ob-
s as Russia, l, and Yugoslavia, \Vl1ere revolutio took
stacles \Vhich arise either inside or outside its boundaries.
Classes, parties, political systerns, political ideas, are expres- place.
It >vas istically ievitale that. most of t European
sio of t.his ceaseless patter of rnovernent and stagnation.
socialist vts after Marx \Vere not l ateialistic and
N society or nation alla...vs production to lag to such an
Marxist, but to cosiderale degee ideologically excl~ive.
extent tlt its existence is threatened. lag rneans to die.
Aaist tem \vere uited all t forces of t old soCiety:
People never die \villingly; they are ready to undergo sacri- d .
l, scool, private owersblp, govermet an , mme Im-
fice to overcorne the difficlties \Vhich stand in the >vay of their
portat, t vast. pO\ver macin~ry '~i t cou
econornic prodctio d thei existece.
tries d developed since early times t face of t constant
The enviromet d the material d intellectual level de-
cotinetal >var.
terrnie the metld, forces, d meas tat will used to
w >vants to cange t >vold fudamentally must
brig about. t developmet d si of productio,
d t social I'esults >vhich follo>v. Ho>vever, t ecessity for
first of all interpi'et it fudametally d "witlut r."
tl1e developmet d expansio of pi'oductio-uder ideo- /Jf::; >v movement must i~eologically exclusive, esp:ciall.y
i! if i is the l 1vay victory 'iVOil. d If t1s
logical r or social fOl'ce-does t deped idividuals;
because t >vis to survive, societies d ations fid the \;\ t is sccessful, its v success must stregten its -
leaders d ideas >vi, at giYe momet, are best suited to , I'e s':lhd ideas. ug successes trg "adveturous" par-
liametay metlds d sti'ikes stregteed t .eformist tr~d
that 'i\'i t must and \vish to attain.
i the Ge!'ma d oter Social Demoatic part1es, t Russn
Revolutioary Marxism >vas ti'ansplated drig t period
of monopolistic capitalism fmm t idusti'ially developed \vorkers, \v could t improve their positio kopeck
\\'itot loody liquidatios, d no i but to use \veapos
\Vest t.o coutries of the idustrially udeveloped East, s as
Russia d i. Tis is about the time >v socialist move- to escape despair d deat starvatio.
othe coutries of easte1 -ld, Czeco
mets \vere developig i t East d \Vest. Tis stage
of t socialist movement began >vit its uificatio and cetral slovakia, gr, Rumaia, d Bulgaria-do not fall dr
tis rule at Ieast t t first t coutries. did t
izatio i t Secod Iteatioal, d eded \vit division
ito t Social Democatic (I'eform) >ving and t Communist experien~e revoltio, sice t Commuist system w~s im-
(revolutionary) >vig, leadig to t I'evolutio i Russia d posed them t pO\ver of tlle Soviet Arrny. d1d n?t
t fomatio of t Tird Iteational. even pess for indstrial chage, at least t t Comust
metod, for some of t had already attaied it. I tese
I coutries >vere tei'e \Vas no otei' 1vay of brigig about
coutries, revolutio >vas imposed from the outside d frorn, there >ve!'e special atioal reasos for t
Commuist revolutio. Revolutioary movemets existed in
above, foreign bayoets d t macblnery of force. The
Commuist movements >vere weak, except i the ost devel-
semi-feudal Rssia over half tr before the r
of t Marxists i the late nieteeth cetury. Moreover, there oped of t coutries, Czechoslovakia, 1vhere the Comuist
:~t had closely resemled leftist d paliametary
~ooalist movemets up to the time of diect Soviet itervetion
th~ 1v~r and the coup d'etat of February 1948. Sice the Com-
must~ these coutries 1vere 1veak, the substace d forl
of the1r Commuism had to idetical 1vith that of the
U.S.S.~. The U.S.S.R. imposed its system them, d the
dom:stic Communists adopted it gladly. The 1veaker Cor
mus~. 1vas, t~e ~ore it to imitate v in form its "ig
brother -totalitaria Russiail Commuism. Character of the Revolution
Coutries such as France and Italy, 1vich had relatively
st:ong Commuist movements, had llard time keepina up
;vh the industrially better-developed coutries, d thu; r 1.
t soci~l diffic~lties. ~ince tlley. llad already passed througll
democratrc and dustal revolutios, their Commuist move~ History sh01vs that in countries where Commuist revolu-
me?ts differed gre~tly m those in Russia, Yugoslavia, and tions have taken place other parties too have been dissatisfied
h. Terefore, France and Italy revolution did not v 1vith existig coditios. The best example is Russia, where the
real chance. Since they 1vere livina and operatina in an evi~ party which accomplished the Cornmunist revolution 1vas t
ronment of political democracy, eve~ t Ieaders of teir Com-
l revolutionary -t.
~unist part~es 1~ere t l to free teselves entirely of par- However, l the Communist paties were both revolu-
llametary Illuss. As far as revolutio 1vas rd, they tioary i their opposition to the status quo d stauch and
teded to rely mote the iteratioal Commuist move cosistent i their support of t.he idustrial transforrnatio. I
met d t~ aid of the U .S.S.~ tl:a teir o>vn revolutioary practice, tbls meant radical destruction of estalished O>mer-
po1~er. Terr follo1ver~, coSideg teir leaders to fighters ship relatios. No other party 1vet so far in t.his respect. None
agat~st poverty d misery, a'ively believed tat t party 1vas
1vas "industrial" to that degree.
fightg for broader d truer deocracy. It is less clear 1vhy these parties had to socialist i their
Moder~ Commuism g as idea 1vit the iceptio of program. Under the back1vard coditions existig i Czarist
moder~ dustry. It is dyig out or beig elimiated i tose Russia, capitalist private 01mership not l sho1ved itself in-
c~utrres 1vhe:re idustrial developent has acbleved its basic capale of rapid idustrial trasformation, but actually ob-
a1ms. It flouriSes i those coutries 1vhere tbls s t yet structed it. The private property class had developed i
happeed. coutry i 1vhich extrernely po1verful feudal telatioships still
. historical role of Commuism i t udeveloped coun- existed, 1vhile monopolies of rnore developed countries retained
t:Ies has. det,:rmied the course and the character of the revolu- their grip this enormous area abouding in ra1v rnaterials
t whh It has d to brig about.
a!ld markets.
Czarist Russia, accordig to its history, had to latecomer
with espect to the industrial revolution. It is the only revoltioary party cold not seriosly contemplate exe-
coutry 1vhich did t pass trough t.he Reformatio and ction of idustrial revoltio nless it concentrated all do-
the Reaissace. It did not have anythig like t.he medieval mestic resoces in its o1vn ds, particlarly tlse of native
Europea city-states. Back1vard, semi-feudal, wit absolutist capitalists against 1\'hom the asses 1vere also emittered because
moarchy d bureaucratic centralism, 1vith rapid i.s of severe exploitatio d t use of inmane ethods.
of t.he proletariat i several centers, Russia found erself in revolutioary party had to take siilar stad against foreig
the wirlpool of modem world capitalism, and in t sares capital.
of the financial interests of t.he gigantic banking centers. Other parties 1vere ul to follo1v similar program.
Lenin states i his work Imperialism, the Final Stage of of tem eitl1er aspired to return to t old system, to preserva-
Capi:alism tat t.hree-fots of the capital of t large baks in tio of vested, static relatioships; or at. best, to gradal and
Rusa was in the hads of foreig capitalists. Trotsky i his peaceful development. Even t paies 1vhich 1vere anti-capital-
history of the Russia revolution emphasizes that foreigners istic, as f example t SRs (Socialist-Revolutionay Party) in
cotrolled forty per cent of the sares of idustrial capital ir1 Russia, aspired to1vard eturnig society to idyllic pimitive
Russia, and that this percentage >vas v geater in some lead- peasant . Even t socialist parties s as t Mensheviks
ig idustries. As for Yugoslavia, foreigers had decisive in Russia did not go farter tan to push for tl1e violet over-
influence in the most impotant brar1ches of Yugoslav economy. tro>v of the barriers to f capitalist development. took
These facts alone do not v anyting. But they smv that t poit of vie1v t.hat it. >vas ecessary to v fully developed
foreigtl capitalists used teir pmver to k progress in these capitalism i der to arrive at socialism later. Ho1vever, the
countries, to develop tem exclusively as teir \\'11 sources of prolem 1vas different; t etrn to t old system d
raw materials and cheap labor, 1vith tlle result that tese na- uampered development of capitalism 1v impossiie for
tions became unprogtessive and even began to decline. tese conties. N eiter solutio 1vas l, dr t given
party >vhic d t historic task of carrying out t intematioal and internal coditions, of resolving t urgerlt
revolution in tese countries d to anti-capitalistic in its im of ftr development of these contries, i.e., teir
internal policy d ati-impeialistic in its foreig policy. industrial revolutios.
Internally, domestic capital 1vas 1veak, and 1vas largely l t 1vhic 1vas i favor of the ati-capitalist
~nst_rument or affiliate of foreig capital. It 1vas rt t cap- revolution d Iapid idustialization d pr-ospects for suc-
Italist. class but aotller class, t proletariat 1vich 1vas arisino- cess. Obviosly tat party d to , i additio, socialist i
from the icreasing v of t peasantry, tat 1vas vitall; its covictions. But sice it 1vas oliged to operate under pre-
interested i t industrial revolutio. Just as t elimination vailig conditios i general, d i t labor or socialist
of outrageous exploitation \\'as atter of Iife d deatll for moveents, s party d to deped ideologically t
t.hose w already were proletaians, so 1vas industrialization t of t inevitaility d sefuless of moden industry
atter of survival for tose 1\' in their t w about to as 1vell as t tenet tat revoltion v\'as avoidale. This
become proletarians. movement 1vi represented bot.h concept aleady existed, it \vas ss only to modify it.
of tese d to ati-capitalistic, tat is, socialistic in its concept was Marxis-its 1evolutioary aspect. Associatio 1vit
ideas, slogans and pledges. revolutio-y Marxis, >9it t n socialist move-
ment, \Vas natural for t party the., wit t develop .:;al system had bec~me the sole obstacle to further development.
met of t revoltio and with the orgaizational changes in None of these revolutions soght tig other t.han the
t deyeJoped coutries, it became just as essential for it to destruction of the old political forms and an ope~ing o.f ~he
separate itself from t reformism of European socialism. 1vay for aleady mate social forces d relationsh1ps e~Ist:ng
The inevitability of revolution and of rapid industrializatio, in t old society. Even in those cases \veie t reYolt~osts
wi exacted enormous sacrifices and involved rutbless vio- desired something else, suc as t bilding of econom1:: a~d
lence, required t only promises but faith in t possibllity of social relationsips means of force, as did the ~
t kingdom of eaven on eart. Advancig, as oters also do, the French revoltion, t d to accept faile and S\Vlftly
alog the lie of least resistace, the supporters of revolution eliminated.
and industrialization often departed from estalised Marxist In all preYious revolutions, force and violence appeared
d socialist doctrie. However, it. was impossile for them to predomiantly as consequence, as an istrmet of _ne'v ~t
shed the doctrine etirely. already prevailing economic and social fces d r.el~tnshi_PS
Capitalism d capitalist relatiosblps were t proper d Even 1v f and violece surpassed proper l1m1ts ~tmng
at the give moment the ievitale forms d tecniques t course of revolutio, in the fial analysis t revolutnary
wich society expressed its needs and aspirations for improving forces d to directed toward positive and attain~le. goal.
d expandig poduction. In Great Britain, in the first alf these cases teor and despotism tnigt v been vl
of t ineteenth tu, capitalism improved and expaded but solely tempoary maifestatios. . .
production. And just as t industrialists in Britain had to de- All so-called bourgeois revolutios, \veter ac1eved
stroy the peasantry in order to attain higer degree of produc- belmv, i.e., \Vit participatio of t masses as i Fr~nce, or
tio, the industrialists, or t bogeoisie, in Russia d to from above, i.e., coup d'etat as in Germay nd B1smarck,
become Yictim of the industrial revolution. participats d to d up i political democracy. t is ude.rstad~~le.
and the forms wei"e different, but t la\v \Vas t same in both Teir task \Vas ciefiy to destioy t old despotlc pollt.Ical
cases. system, and to pemit t estalishment of political elat~
In t instances socialism \vas inevitale-as sloga d sips \Vi would adequate for alieady existing rn
pledge, as fait d lofty ideal, and, in fact, as particular and other needs, particularly those concerning t f produc-
for of goverment d O\vnersblp \vblc \vould facilitate the tio of goods. .
industrial reYolution and make possile improvement d case is etirely diffeieilt \vith cotemporary Commust
pansio of productio. revolutios. These eyolutios did not occur s ne\V, let
us say socialist, relationsips \vere already existig in t econ

omy, or because capallsm \Vas " overd eve1 d ." the con-
2. trary. did occur because capitalism was not fully ~e
veloped and because it \Vas t l to carry out the industal
All the revolutios of t past origiated after \v economic transfoimation of t country.
or social relationsblps d begun to prevail, and the old politi In Ft-ace capitalism had already prevailed in the economy,
in social relationships, and even i the pulic conscience pior This leads to an apparet contradictio. If tlle conditions
t . . .
. ~? of the revolutn. The case is hardly compara!e for w society 1vere not sufficiently prevalent, tllen wllo
With soctallsm in Russia, China, or Yugoslavia. needed the revolution? Moreover, hoiv ;vas the e;rolutio pos-
The leaders of the Russian revolutio themselves were vare sile? Ho1v could it survive in ;rie1v of the fact that the w
of this fa~t. Speaking at the Seventh Congress of the Russia social relatioships 1vere not yet in the formative process in
Commust Party March 7, 1918, while the revolutio 1vas the old society?
still in progress, Lenin said: No revolutio or party had ever before set itself to the task
of building social relatioships or ne;v society. But this 1vas
the primary objective of the Commuist Ievolution.
. One of the fundamental differences bet\vee bourgeois
~ socia!ist revolutions is that in bourgeois revolution, Communist leaders, thougll no better acquaited than others
wh~ch ases from feudalis, new econoic organizations with the la1vs 1vhich gove society, discovered that in the coun-
wlc!1 graduaiiy ~g all aspects of feudai society are pro- ty in 1vhich thei revolution 1vas possile, industrialization 'Nas
gresSively created the midst of the old order. In acco also possile, particularly when it involved tansformation of
plishig. this t~sk, ev~ry _bogeois revolution accoplishes society i keeping 1vith their ideological hypothesis. Experiece
aii that .Is .reqred o_f It:. It. hastes the grmvth of capitalis.
socialist revolut IS etirely differ-et sitatio.
-the success of revolution uder "unfavoale" conditions-
the. extet that coutr-y \vhich had to begi socialist confirmed this for them; the "building of socialism" did like-
revoluti_I,_ because
of the vagaries of history, is back1vard, 1\'ise. This stregthened their illusion that they kne>v the laws
the trasltlo fr-o
old capitalist relatios to socialist rela- of social development. In fact, they 1vere in t position of
tios is icreasigly difficult ....
making lueprint for ne;v society, and the of stting to
The .diffe~ce ~1v socialist revolutios d bourgeois
I"evoluts l1es speCifically i t fact tat. i the Iatter case
build it, making coections here and leaving out sometblng
estalished forms of capitalist Ielatios exi~t, 1vhile the sovie~ tl1ere, all the while adhering closely to their plas.
power-the proletaiiat-does t attai such relatios, if ;ve Industialization, as inevitale, legitimate necessity of
exclude t ost de;reloped forms of capitalis, 1vhich actually society, and the Communist 1vay of accomplishing it, joied
eco~passed smaii nuber of top idustries d l very forces in t couties of Cornunist revolutions.
scatily touclled agriculture,
However, neither of tllese, though tl1ey progressed togetller
I quote Lenin, but I could quote any leader of the Com- and on paallel tracks, could achieve success oveight. After
munist evolution and umerous other authors, as confirmatio the completion of the revolution, someone had to shoulder the
responsiility for industrialization. I the West, tbls l 1vas
of the fact that. settled elationships did not exist for the
Pe;v society, but t~at someoe, in this case the "soviet po 1ver," taken over t economic forces of capitalism lierated from
must terefore bUild them. If the ne1v "socialist" relatioships the despotic political chains, while in the countries of Com-
had ~een devel?ped to the fullest in the country in i\'hich Com- munist revolutions no similar forces existed and, thus, tlleir
must evolut 1vas i to emerge victor-ious, there 1vould
function had to taken over the revolutionary organs
have been need for so many assurances, disseitatios, and themselves, the new authority, that is, the revolutionary party.
efforts embracing the 'uildig of socialism." In earlier revolutions, revolutionary force and violence be-
came hindrance to the m as soor1 as the old order 1vas
ommust revolutio11 f
condition for further d s, orce and vio1ence are for Chia; true, there the revolution began prior to the
Words of earlier revo1ut1. eve ~m and even progress. In the s ivasion, but it cotinued for an entire decade to spread
onaes force and . I
necessary evil and ' v ence were on1y d finally to emege victios with t d of t war. The
. means to an end I h
musts force and . . Il t 1vords of Corn- Spais revolution of 1936, 1vblc could v been an excep-
' 1
v ence are elev t d
f cu1t and an ult" to t lofty position tion, did t have time to transform itself ito purely Com-
. 1t i In the t h I
1vh1ch made up ? pas ' t asses and forces rnunist revolution, d, theiefore, ever emerged victorious.
. ne\v society already xi t d f
tn erupted Th . s ore the revolu- reason 1var 1vas necessary for tlle Commuist. revolutio,
have had to ~reat revo1utions are the fi.r-st 1Vhich or t do1vnfall of t stat.e machinery, nst sougt in the
Even as tl ela ~e\v ~Oc1ety and ne\v social fOIces. immaturity of t m and society. I serios collapse
le revo utns th vV h d .
democracy after aii the " . es:. 1~~v~taly to end in of system, d particulaly i war 1vhic s usuccess
the East, the revolutions had ;:::~:7s d . whdrawa1s," i ful for tlle uling circles and state system, small but
of terror d vio1ece in the W despot1sm. The methods well-organized d disciplined group is ievitaly l to take
lous, d v hidrace i est be~~m~ eedless d ridicu- autlrity in its hads.
the revolutioaries d r 1 a~comp 1Slng the revo1ution for Tus at the time of t Oct.ober Revolution the Communist
' tn part"
case was the opposite. Not on1 d"d d ~es. 1n the East, t Party d about 80,000 members. Yugoslav Commist
East s the tasfo . 1 . espot1sm cotiue in the began the 1941 revolution with about 10,000 members.
natn of dust
t1me, t, as 1ve shaii see 1ater "t 1 . d reqred so mucll grasp po1ver, the support d active paticipation of at 1east
t"Ion h ad taken 1. ' 1 aste lonc ~::>
aft er d ustrializa- part of t people is necessary, but in every case the party
which leads t revolution d assmes power is minority
goup elyig exclusively on exceptionally favorale condi-

. tions. Furtenore, such party canot majority group

ntil it becomes the permanently estalished authority.
TI!ere are other basic d1"ff The accomplishment of suc grandiose task-te destruc-
. erences betw .
vo1utns d ear1ier ones 1" een ommust re- tion of social order and t building of w society when
had reached the point of re d. I~r revolutions, though t conditions for suc undertaking are rt propitios in the
Iess 1n an
Were unale to break out with economy and society,
We now knmv the geneal cond" .t advatageous conditions.
and success of evolutio Itns necessary for the erption
1 n or society-is task l to attact l minority,
and at that, only those 1v believe fanat.ically in its possiilities.
Special conditions d particular party are basic charac-
addition to these geerai .. o;e;er, e~ery revolution has, in
make its planning and c~n It~, Its pecuiiarites whic
w cutn possile
. ar, or more precisely, natioai .
teristics of Comuist revolutios.
The achievemet of v evoltio, as well as of every
victory in 1var, deads cetralization of all forces. Accordig
zt, was unnecessay for ast Iap~e of t state orgai to the Maltlsia theory, the Frech revolutio 1vas the first
Iarger ones. Until no,v w ;.evolutns, at Ieast for the i whic "all t resources of people at. 1var 1vere placed i
for the victory of ~ ~ver, t Is ~s been basic conditio
must revolutns .
. Is Is v valid
1 the hands of the authorities: people, food, clotig." Tis ust
t case to an v greater degree in Commuist "im-

24 ship, which ee;:-ged f: the revolution, sigtified both the
mature" revolution: not only all material means but all in~
end of the ]111 evoltn and tle becrinnicr ~ of the r
1 f

tellectual means must fall into the hands of the party, and the th ouge01s1e. In v case, although one party played d _
party itself IISt become politically, and as an organization, . . l . 1 .
ciSIVe 111 ~ 1~ earl1e revolutions, the other paties did not.
cetralized to the fullest extet. l Commuist parties, surr~de ~h1 111dependence. Although supp1essio and dis-
politically uited, firmly grouped aroud the ceter, d pos- persn e~sted, they could enforced only f brief time.
sessicr idetical ideolocrical vie>vpoits, are to carry out
~ ~ The parties could n_ot destroyed and would always emerge
such evolutio. anew. Even the s Commue, ivhich the Comrnunists take
Cetralizatio of all forces d means as well as some kind as the . foreuer .of their evolution and thei state, was
of political uity of the revolutionary parties are essential co~ mult1-party evolut.
ditios for every successful evolutio. F the Cornmmst . t may have played the chief, and v an exclusive, role
evoltion these coditios v m irnpotat, since ~n pa~tlcu1a phase of evolution. But no pevious party was
fom tle very becriicr tlle Communists exclude every otlle Ideo1oglcally, as. an organization, centalized to tle degree
independent political '" grop
or party fom beig an ally of that _tle Comm_umst Party was. Neithe the Puritas i t
their t. At the same time they demand ifomity of all Engllsh revolut the Jacoins in the French revolution
vie>vpoits, icldig practical political vieiVS as >vell as theo- \vere bound tle same phi1osophical and ideo1ogical vie,
retical, pllilosopllical, and v moral vie>vs. ' fact tlat the althogh tlte first belonged to eligious sect. From the orcran-
left-of-cete SR's (Socialist-Revolutionaries) paticipated in . 1 . . ~ 1
zatna po111t of v1ew the Jacoins were fedeation of clubs;
tle October Revolution, d tlat. idividals d groups from t ~utans i~ere not even that. Only contempoary Com-
tl parties paticipated i tle evolutios i Cllia and Ygo n:st revol~tns ~ushed complsory pties to the foefont,
slavia, does t disprove t tl fis this propositio: iVhlch ivere ldeo1ogcally and organizationally monolithic.
these grops \v l collaboratos of t Comrnist Party, In every case one thig is cetain: i all earlie revolutions
d only to fixed degee in the stuggle. After the revolution th_e ss for ~e:olutionary methods and parties disappea1ed
tl-tese collabo-atig parties \vere dispersed, or tlley dissolved of wlth the d of c1~Il war and of foreign intervention, and these
tllei mm d d erged ivit1:t the Communist t. The meth.ods and p_artles d to done v. ivith. After Com-
Bolsheviks roted the left-of-ceter SR's as s as t latte must evolutns, the Comunists cotinue >vitl both the
ivisled to become idependent, wllile tlle no-Comnnist met~ods and the forms of t evolution, d thei t soon
grops i Ygoslavia and China that had suppoted the revolu- atta~ns the fullest degree of cetalism d ideolocrical ex-
tio had, in the meantirne, enounced every one of thei polit- cluslveness. ~
ical acti\ities. . Lenin exp:essly emphasized tbls during the evolutio itself
The earlier evolutions ivere t caied out sigle polit- 111 enumeatg his conditions f acceptance in the Comin.
ical g. sre, in the course of evolution idividual tern:*
grops pessured d destoyed aother; but, taken as _In the present epoch o_f acute civil '\Var, Communist Party
whole, the 1evoltio \vas not the >vork of only goup. l will to perfon s duty only if it is ogaized in the
the Frecll revoltio tle is succeeded i maitaiig
Selected Works, Vol. ; New York, International Pulishers, 1936.
thei dictatorship f brief period l. Napoleo's dictato-
thousad Polis officers i tlle Katyn Forest was of similar
most centralized manner, only if iron discipline bordering on
caracter. I the case of Communism, long after the evolution
military discipline prevails in it, and if its party center is
powerful and authoritative organ, wieldig "\Vide powers d is over, te01ist and oppessive metlds continue to sed.
ig the uivesal cofidence of the members of the party. Sometimes these perfected and become more extensive than
in the revolutio, as in the case of the liquidation of the Kulaks.
And to this, Stalin appended, in Foundations of Leninism:* Ideological exclusiveness and intolerance are intensified after
This is the positio i regard to disciplie i the party in the revolution. Even whe it is l to reduce physical oppres-
the period of struggle precedig the acievemeilt of the sion, the tendency of the ruling t is to strengthe the
dictatorship. prescried ideology-Maixism-Leinis.
The same, but to v greater degree, must said Earlier revolutios, particularly the so-called bourgeois s,
about disciplie i the party after the dictatorsip has been attached cosiderale sigificace to the estalishment of indi-
achieved. vidual freedoms immediately follo,vig cessation of the revolu-
The revolutionary atmosphere and vigilace, insistence on tionary t.eor. Even the revolutionaries cosidered it importat
ideological unity, political and ideological exclusiveness, polit- to assure the legal stats of the citizey. Idepedent
ical d other centralism do not cease after assuming control. admiistiation of justice '\Vas an ievitale fial result of all
On t.he contt-ary, they become even m01e intensified. these revolutios. The Commuist regime in the U.S.S.R. is
Ruthlessness in met.hods, exclusiveness in ideas, and monopoly still remote from idepedent admiistration of justice after
in authority in the earlier revoltions lasted more or less as forty years of teure. The fial esults of ea1lier 1evolutios
lono- as the revolutions themselves. Since revolution in the

we1e often greater legal security d greater civil ights. This
Commuist revolution 'vas only t.he fiiSt act of the despotic cannot said of the Communist evolutio.
and totalitaria authority of goup, it is difficult to forecast There is aother vast differece bet"\veen the earlier revolu-
the duratio of that authority. tions and contemporary Commuist ones. Ea1lier revolutions,
In earlier revolutions, icludig the Reig of r i especially the greater s, '\vere pl'Oduct of the stuggles of
France, superficial attentio 'vas paid to the elimination of real the 'vorking c1asses, but ti ultimate results fell to anoter
oppositionists. No attetio 'vas paid to the eliminatio of those class uder wose intellectual and often organizational leader-
who might become oppositionists. The eadication d perse- sblp t revolutios 'v accomplished. bourgeoisie, in
cutio of some social or ideological goups in the religious wars wose name the revolution '\Vas caied out, to cosiderale
of the Middle Ages was the only exceptio to this. From theory extent avested the fruits of the struggles of t peasats d
and practice, Communists ko'v that they are in conflict wit.h sans-culottes. masses of ation also pai'ticipated in
all other classes d ideologies, and behave accOI'dingly. Communist revolutio; ho,vever, t uits of revolution do
are fightig against not only actual but also potetial opposi- t fall to tem, but to the uu. For the bureaucracy
tio. In the Baltic count1ies, thousands of people 'vere liqui- is nothing else but the party '\Vhich caied out the revolution.
dated overnight on the basis of documents indicatig previously In Commuist revolutios, the revolutioary ovemets 'vblch
held ideological d political views. massacre of several carried out the revolutios 1 t liquidated. Commuist re-
New York, International Pulishers. 1939. volutions may "eat teir own childrer1," but t all of the.
relationsllips in ne>v 1vay and brings about ne1v fonn of
In fact, on copletion of Comunist revolution, rut~less mmeship. Earlier revolutions, too, inevitaly resulted in r
and nderhanded deals ineYitaly are made between varus or minor changes in property relatioships. But i those revolu-
groups and factions which disagree about the path of the future. tios form of pivate Oivneship superseded t others. In
Mutual accusations a1~vays reYolve around dogmatic proof as the Communist reyolution this is not the case; t change is
to who is "objectively" or "subjectively" . gre~;er :~t~: radical and deep-ooted, and collective o>mership suppresses
revoltionary or agent of internal and fore1gn cap1tallsm.
priYate Oimesip.
Reo-ardless of the manner in 1vhich these disagreemerlts are
resolved, the group that emerges victorious is the one tb~t :s
. The Communist reYolution, >vhile still in process of develop-
ment, destroys capitalist, Iand-llding, priYate O'i\'11ership, i.e.,
the most consistent and determined supporter of industnall- that o>mership \\'hich makes use of foreign labor forces. This
zation alono- Communist priciples, i.e., the basis of total immediately eates the belief tat t reYolutionay promise
party moo~oly, particularly of state organs i control of pro-
of new realm of equality and justice is being fulfilled. The
ductio. The Commuist revolution does t. devour those
party, or the state autOiity uder its cotrol, simultaneously
of its children 1vho are eeded for its future course-for idus
undertakes extensiYe meases for industrialization. This also
trializatio. Revolutioaries who accepted the ideas d slogans
intesifies the belief that the time of freedom from >Vat s
of the revolutio literally, alvely believig i their material-
finally arrived. Despotism and oppression are there, but. they
izatio, are usually Iiquidated. The group wbich understood
are accepted as tempoary manifestatios, to last l utll t
that revolutio 1vould secure authority, on social-political-
opposition of the expopiated authorities d couter-revolu
Communist basis, as instrument of future industrial trans-
tioaies is stifled, d the idustial trasfomatio is corn-
formation, emerges victorious.
The Conunist revolutio is the first in which the revolu-
SeYeral essetial chano-es occur i the very process of
tionaries and their allies, particularly the authority-1vielding "'
idustialization. Idustializatio in back>vard coutry, es-
group, survived t revolution. Similar groups ievitaly failed
pecially if it has assistance d is hideed from. _d,
in earlier ones. The Communist revolution is t first to
demads cocentatio of all mateial esouces. N atnaliza
carried out to t advantage of t revolutionaries. They, and
tio of idustial pr-operty d the land is t first cocetr-ation
the bureaucracy which forms around tem, arYest its fruits.
of property in the hads of the ne>v regime. However, it does
This creates in tbem, and in t broader ecelons of the party,
not, and can not, stop at this. . .
the illusio tat theirs is the first revolution that remained true
ne>vly orio-inated o>mer-ship inevitaly comes conflict
to the slogans its baners.
with other form~ of o;vnership. ne1v o>mel'Ship irnposes
itself force on smaller owners who do t employ someone
else's rnapo>ver, or to >vom such manpo>ver is unessential, i.e.,
4. on craftsmen, >vorkers, small comrnercial merchants, and peas-
ants. This expopriation of small property o'vnes is effected
The illusios wi t Communist revolution creates about
even >vhen it is not done for economic mot.ives, i.e., i OI"der
its real aims are more pennanent and extensive than those of
earlier reYoltions because the Communist revolutio resolves to attai igher degree of productivity.
In the course of industrialization, the property of those ele- ideals arned as its rnotivating force. However, Communist re-
rnents who were not opposed to, or even assisted, the revolution volution has brought about measure of industrial civilization
is taken over. As rnatter of forrn, the state also becornes the t.o vast areas of and Asia. I this way, rnaterial bases
o~ver of this property. The state adrninisters and rnanages the have actally been created for future freer society. Thus 1vhile
property. Private ownership ceases, or decreases to ~ rol~ of bringing about. the rnost complete despotisrn, the Commuist
secondary irnportance, but its cornplete disappearance IS subect revolution has also created the basis for the abolition of des-
to the 1vhirn of the ne1v rnen in authority. potism. As the nineteeth cetury intoduced rnodern industry
This is experienced the Cornrnunists and sorne rnern- to the vVest, the hventieth century will it.roduce rnodern in-
bers of the rnasses as cornplete liquidation of classes and the dustry to the East. The shado~v of Lein extends over the vast
realization of classless society. In fact, the old pre-revolution- expanse of Eurasia i one way or another. I despotic form i
ary classes do disappear ~vith tlle cornpletion of idust.rialization Chia, in dernocratic forrn in Idia d Burma, all of the
and collectivization. There rernains the spontaneous and unor- remaiing Asiatic d other natios are ievitaly eterig an
gaized displeasure of tlle rnass of the people-a displeasure industrial revolutio. Russia revolutio initiated tis
1vhich neither ceases nor abates. Cornrnunist delusions and self- process. process rernais the icalculale and historically
deceit about the "remnants" and "influence" of the "class significat fact of t revolutio.
enemy" still persist. But the illusion that the long-drearned class-
less society arises tllese rneans is cornplete, at least for the
Cornrnunists themselves.
v revolutio, and even every 1var, eates illusions d
is coducted in the n of unrealizale ideals. During the It rnigt. appear tat Cornrnunist revolutions are rnostly his-
the ideals seern real enoug- for tl1e combatants; the
~ torical deceptios d occureces. In sense this is
end they often cease to exist. Not so in the case of Comrnuist true: oter revolutions v required so many exceptional
revolution. Those who r out the Cornmunist revolution as coditios; oter revolutios pornised so muc d accom-
well as those anng the lo1ver echelons persist i their illusions plised so little. Dernagogueiy d rnisrepresetatio are ievi
long after the arned struggle. Despite oppression, despotism, tale arnog tl1e Comrnuist leaders since t are forced to
unconcealed confiscatios, and pivileges of the rulig echelos, promise t rnost ideal society and "abolitio of every exploi-
sorne of tl1e people-ad especially the Comrnunists-retain the tation."
illusions contained in their slogas. Ho1vever, it t said tat the Commuists deceived
Although the Comrnunist revolution may start with the rnost t people, tat is, tat tl1ey purposely and consciously did
idealistic concepts, calling f 1vondeful heroisrn d gigantic somethig differet. frorn -vvat t had pornised. fact
effort, it s01vs the greatest and the rnost permanent illusions. is simply tis: t 1vere ul to accomplis that in -vvhich
Revolutions are ievitale in the lifetime of natios. They t so fanatically believed. canot ackowledge this
rnay result in despotisrn, but. they also launch nations paths v wen forced to execute policy contrary to everyting
previously locked to them. promised before and during t revolutio. Fom their poit
The Communist revolutio canot attain single one of the of view, suc ackowledgment would adrnissio that the
revolution was unecessary. It 1vould also admissio that to po1ver, addressed meeting of Swiss Socialist youths:
they had themselves become superfl.uous. Aythig of the sort "We, t older generation, peraps will not live to see the
is impossile for them. decisive battles of the approaching revolution. But, I , it
The ultiate results of social struggle can ever of the sees to , express 1vit extreme confidece the that the
kid evisacred those 1vho carry it out. S such struggles youth, 1vho work i the 1voderful socialist moveet of
deped ~ ifinite and complex series of circumstaces be- Switzerland d of the wlle w, will v the good fortune
yond the cotrollae rage of huan intellect d action. This not l t.o fight but also to emerge victorious i tl1e appioach-
is most true of revolutions that demand superhuman efforts ig evolutio of the proletariat."
and that effect hasty and radical changes i society. They ievi Ho1v it ten said that Lenin, or else, 1vas l
taly generate absolute cofidence that the ultiate i huan to foresee the social results arisig after the log d complex
prosperity d Iierty 1vill appear after their victories. The struggle of the revolution?
French revolution 1vas carried out in t n of common But v if Connist. aims per se 1vere unreal, the Corn-
sese, in the belief that lierty, equality, and aternity 1vouid munists, as distinct from earlier revolutioaies, were fully
evetually appear. The Russian revolut.ion 1vas carried out in ealistic i creating those tings tat were possile. car-
the of " purely scientific vie1v of the world," for the pur- ried it out in the only 1vay possile-by imposig tlleir absolute
pose of creating classless society. N either revolution could totalitarian autlity. Teirs was t fi.I-st revolution in history
possily have been created if tlle revolutioaries, alog with i 1vhic t revolutionaries not only remain on t political
part of the people, d not believed in their ovm idealistic aims. scene after victy but, in the most practical sense, build social
Counist illusios as to post-revolutioary possiilities relationsblps completely contrary to tose i which t be-
\Vere r prepoderat g the Commuists than among IieYed and which they proised. Comunist reYolution,
those who followed them. The Couists should have kown in t course of its later idustrial duation and tansforma
d, in fact, did kno\V about the inevitaility of industriali- tion, coverts the revolutionaries themselves into creators and
zatio, but they could l guess about its social results and masters of 1v social state.
relationships. Marx's t forecasts proYed iaccurate. even
Official Counist historians in the U.S.S.R. and Yugoslavia greater degree, t sarne can said for Lenin's expectatios
describe the revolution as if it 1vere t fruit of t previously that free or classless society 1vould created 1vith the aid of
planed actios of its leaders. But only t course of t revolu- t dictatoship. But t need tat made t revolution inevi-
tio and t ared struggle 1vas cosciously planned, 1vhile the taie-industial ttansformation 011 t basis of rnodern tech-
fors 1vblch tl1e revolutio took steed fro the iediate nology-is fulfilled.
course of evets and from the direct actio taken. It is revealig
tat Leni, udoubtedly of t greatest revolutionaiies in
history, did not foresee 1ven or in wat fm t revolution
1vould eupt until it was alost u i. I January 1917, Abstract logic 1vould idicate tat t Communist reyolu-
one mt before t February Revolutio, d l ten tion, when it achieYes, under different conditions and state
mots before t October Revolution wi brougt im compulsio, the same things acieYed industrial reYolutions

and capitalism in the West, is nothing but form of state-cap- I order to est.alis the ature of relatiosblps wblc arise
i t course of t Communist revolution and ultimately be-
italist revolution. The relationships \vhich are created its
victory are state-capitalist. This appears to even r true come estalished i the process of industrialization and collectiv-
izatio, it is ecessary to peer further ito the role and manner
because the ne\v regime also regulates all political, labor, and
other relationships and, what is more important, distriutes the of ti of t state under Comunism. At present, it \Vill
sufficient to point out that in Comunis the state ma-
national income and benefits and distriutes material goods
ciney is not t instrument wi really determines social
which actually have been transformed ito state property.
Discussion on \vhether or not the relationships in t U.S.S.R. and poperty relatiosips; it is only t instrument \Vblc
tese relatiosips are protected. In truth, everytig is accom-
d in other Communist countries are state-capitalist, socialist,
or perhaps sometblng else, is dogmatic to cosiderale degree. plished i t n of t state and throug its regulations.
Communist Party, icluding t professional party bureau-
However, such discussion is of fundamental importar1ce.
Even if it is presumed that state capitalism is notlling other cracy, stands above the regulations and behind every sigle one
than the "antechamber of socialism," as Lenin emphasized, or of t st.ate's acts.
that it is the first phase of socialism, it is still t iota easier It is the beaucracy \Vi formally uses, adinisters, and
for the people \Vho live uder Communist despotism to endure. contls t ationalized d socialized poperty as \vell as

lf the character of property d social relationships brought the entie of society. role of t bureaucracy i society,
about t Communist revolution is stregthened and defined, i.e., rnonopolistic administration and control of national in-
t prospects for lieration of the people from suc relation- come and ational goods, consigs it to special privileged
sips become more realistic. If the people are t conscious of positio. Social relatios resernle state capitalism. !'
the nature of the social relationships i which they live, or if so, because t carryig out of industrialization is effected not
t do not see way in which they alter tem, their \Vith t l of capitalists but \Vith the l of t state ma-
struggle cannot v any prospect of success. cblne. In fact, tbls pivileged class pefoms tat functio, using
If the Communist revolution, despite its promises d illu- t state machie as cover d as istrurnet.

sions, is state-capitalist i its undertakings wit state-capitalist 0\vneip is oting oter tan t right of profit and con-
relationships, t only la,vful and positive actios its fuction trol. If defines class benefits tis r-ight, t Comunist
aries take are the s tat improve their \vork d reduce states have seen, in the final analysis, t origin of w form
the pressure d irresposiility of state admiistratio. of O\VIleisblp or of ne'v uling and exploiting class.
Comunists do not admit i teor-y tat they are workig in In reality, tlle Comrnunists \v ul to act differently
system ~ state capitalis, but their leaders behave tis way. fro ruling class that peceded them. Believig that
cotually boast about improvig t \Vork of t ad- they \vere building ne'v and ideal society, t built it for
miistration d about leadig t stuggle "agaist bureau- themselves in t only \vay they could. Theii revolution and
cratism." t.heir society do not appear eiter accidetal or unatural, but
. Moreover, ac~ual ~elationsips are not tose of state capital- appear as matter of course for particular coutry and for
Ism; tese relatnsh1ps do t provide method of improving pescried peiods of its developmet. Because of tbls, no mat-
the system of state admiistration basically. ter \v extensive and inuman Comunist tyrary s been,
36 NEW
society, in the course of certain period-as long as industrial-
ization Iasts-has to and is l to endure this tr. Further-
more, this tyranny no longer appears as something inevitaie,
but exclusively as assurance of the depredations and priv-
ileges of ne"' class.
In contrast to earlier revolutions, the Commuist revolution,
conducted in the n of doig a.vay 1vith classes, has resulted
in the most complete authority of any sigle w class. Every-
thing else is sham and an illusion. The New Class


Everything happeed differently in the U.S.S.R. d other

Communist countries from 1vhat t leaders-even suc promi-
net s as Li, Stali, Trotsky, d Bukari-aticipated.
They expected tat the state 1vould apidly 1vitl1er a1vay, that
democracy 1vould stregtheed. ' everse d. They
expected rapid improvemet i the stadard of Iivig-tere
has scarcely chage i this respect and, i t sub-
jugated East counties, t standar-d s even de-
clied. In v instance, t stadard of living s failed to
rise i i to t rate of idustrialization, wi 1vas
m apid. It 1vas believed tat t differeces bet1veen
cities d villages, betwee itellectual and pysical labor,
1vold slo1vly disappear; instead tese differeces have i
creased. Commuist anticipatios i oter areas-icludig
teir expectatios for developmets in t on-Commuist
world-ave also failed to materialize.
The greatest illusio 1vas tat industrialization d collectiv-
izatio i the U.S.S.R., d destructio of capitalist owneiSblp,
would result in classless society. I 1936, 1vhe t ne1v
Costitutio was promulgated, Stalir1 anouced tat the "ex-
ploiting class" d ceased to exist. The capitalist and other
classes of ancient origi had i fact been destroyed, but new of the new class and so;ved illusions arnong the rnasses. At the
class, previously unkovn t.o history, had been formed. same tirne it. inspired gigantic physical undertakigs.
It is understandale that this class, like those before it, should Because this ne\v class had not been forrned as part of the
believe that the estalishment of its po\ver \vould result in econornic and social life before it carne to pover, it could only
happiness and freedom for all men. The l differece be- created in organization of special type, distinguished
t\veen this and other classes was that it treated the delay in the special discipline based on identical philosophic d ideologi-
realization of its illusions more crudely. It thus affirmed tat cal views of its rnernbers. unity of belief d iron discipline
its power was more complete than the po,ver of any other class 1vas necessar-y to overcorne its ;veaknesses.
before i history, and its class illusions and prejudices vere roots of the w class 1vere irnplated in special party,
proportionally greater. . of the Bolshevik type. Lenin 1vas right in his vie1v that his party
This new class, the bureaucracy, or more accuately the pollt- vas an exception in tlle history of hurnan society, altllough
ical bureaucracy, has all the characteristics of earlier ones as did rt suspect that it. >vould tlle begining of nev class.
well as some w characteristics of its w. Its origi had its rnore precise, the initiat.ors of t ne\v class are not
special characteristics also, even tlugh in essence it was similar found in the party of tlle Bolsl1evik type as \vlle but in that
to the beginings of other classes. straturn of professional evolutioaries 1vho rnade up its
Other classes, too, obtained their strength and pover t even f it attaied po;ver. It 1vas not accidet tat Lein
revolutionary path, destroying the political, social, d other asserted after t.he failure of tl1e 1905 revolutio tat only pro-
orders they met in their vay. Hovever, almost. \vithout excep- fessioal evolutionaries-rne ;vhose sole professio >vas revolu-
tion, these classes attained power after ne\v ecoomic patterns tionary work-could build ne>v party of tl1e Bolshevik type.
had taken shape in the old society. The case was the reverse lt 1vas stillless accidetal that v Stali, t future creator of
with new classes in the Communist systems. It did not come new class, \vas the rnost outstandig exarnple of such
to pover to complete ne\v economic d but to estaish professional evolutioay. The >v ulig class s grad-
its w and, in so doig, to estalish its power over society. ually developig frorn tllis ver-y v straturn of revolution-
In earlier epochs the coming to power of some class, some aies. s revolutio-ies composed its core for log period.
part of class, or of some party, \vas the final everlt esulting Totsky oted tat in pre-revolutioary professional evolu
from its formation and its development. The reverse was true tionaries >vas the origi of t future Staliist bureaucrat.
in tlle U.S.S.R. There the nev class \Vas definitely formed after \Vhat did rt detect. was t beginig of \v class of
it attained pmver. Its consciousness had to develop before its O\Vei's and exploiters.
economic and physical povers, because t class had not taken This is not to say that t v t d t ne>v class
root in the of t nation. This class vie\ved its role i identical. party, o;vever, is tlle of tllat class, and its
relation to the \vorld from an idealistic point of vie;v. Its base. It is very difficult, peraps irnpossile, to defie t lirnits
practical possiilities \vere not diminished tllis. In spite of of t ;v class and to identify its rnernbers. ne>v class rnay
its illusions, it represented an objective tendency to;vard i said to made up of those \v v special privileges d
dustrialization. Its practical bent emanated from this tendency. econornic preferece because of tlle adrniistrative monopoly
The promise of an ideal vrld increased the fait in the raks they old.
Si?c~ ad~inistation is unavoidaie in society, necessary
of iternational reJationships i
1vhicll Rssia fd itself at
a.dmi~Istrative functios may coexistent 1vith parasitic func-
t end of the itt d the begiig of the t>vetiet
tJons 111 the same person. N ot. every member of tlle party is
cetury. Rsia 1vas no longer to live i the roder 1voi1d
member of the ne1v class, tan v atisan or mer
as an absolte ronarchy, d Russia's capitalism 1vas too 1veak
of the city t 1vas bourgeois.
d too depedent the iterests of foreign po1vers to rake
In loose terrs, as the ne1v class becores stronger and attains
it possile to v an idstiial reYolutio. This revoltion
.m?re perceptie pl1ysiognomy, the role of the party di-
could l implereted ne1v class, or chage in
rshes. The core d t basis of the ne>v class is created in
the social order. As yet, tere 1vas suc class.
the party and at its top, as 1vell as in t state political gans.
In blstory, it is not irportant w implerets process, it
The once live, corpact party, full of initiative, is disappeaina
is r important tat. the piocess irplerented. Suc was
to r transforred into the traditional oliaarcy of the ne 1~
l . t case in Russia and oter cour'ies i 1vich Cormist.
~ ~ss, Irresistiiy dra1vig into its ranks those 1vho aspire to
revoltions took place. The revolution created forces, leaders,
t 1v class and repressig those >v v any ideals.
organizatios, d ideas which 1vere ecessary to it. Tlle ne1v
party rakes the class, but t. class go1vs as result. and
class came ito existece for objective reasos, and the 1vis,
uses the party as basis. class gro1vs stroger, wile the
wits, d actio of its leaders.
part~ grvs ~~eaker; this is the iescapaie fate of every Cor
mst t 111 po1ver.

If it 1vere t. raterially interested in production or if it did

t v 1vithi itself the potentialities for the ceation of 2.
1v class, no pa:ty cold act i so nrally d ideologically
foolhardy fs, Iet l stay in po1ver f Iog. Stalin The social origin of the w class lies i the proletariat just
declared, afte t end of t Fit Five-Year l: "If we d as the aristoacy s i peasat society, and the bourgeoisie
rt created the ts, 1ve 1vould v failed!" should i cormercial d atisas' society. h exceptions,
dependig ational coditios, t tl1e proletariat i eco-
have su.bstitted "1v class" for the 1vord "apparatus," and
everythg 1vold v been cleaer. norically underdeveloped contries, being back1vard, consti-

It seers unusual :It political party could t beginning tutes t ra>v mateial fom 1vhic t >v class arises.
of 1v class. Part1es are geerally t prodct of classes and There are oter reasons 1vl1y the ne1v class all\'ays acts as t
strata 1vhich v r itellectually d econorically ri of the >vorking class. ne1v class is anti-capitalistic

str~g.. However, i~ one ~asps the actual conditions i pre- and, consequently, logically depedet n t 1vorking strata.
re\ oltnary Russra and other countries in whic Com- w class is supported the pioletarian stggle and t

munisr pievailed over ational forces, it 1vill l that traditioal faitll of t proletariat. i socialist, Comnist

party of th~s type .is the product of specific opportities d society were tllere is no brutal exploitation. It is Yitally ir
that thee 1s nothg unusual or accidental in this being so. portant for tlle ne1v class to assre ormal flo1v of prodction,
A.lthogh the oot.s of Bolshevism far back ito Russia n it canot ever lose its corection 1vitl1 t proletaiat.

history, the party is partly t product of the unique pattern Most irportant of all, tl1e ne1v class cannot acbleve indstriali
zation d consolidate its pmver 1vitout t l of t 1vork-
ig class. the other d, the 1vorkig class sees in expaded that bureaucracy, organized in special stratu, rules over
industry the salvation from its poverty d despair. Over Iog the people. This is generally true. Ho1vever, more detailed
period of time, the iterests, ideas, faith, d hope of the w analysis 1vill show that l special stratum of bureaucrats,
class, d of parts of the 1vorkig class d of t poor peasants, those "\VhO are I10t administrative officials, k up the core of
coicide d uite. Such mergers have occurred i the past the govering bureaucracy, or, in my termiology, of the 1v
amog other 1videly differet classes. Did t. the bourgeoisie class. This is actually party or political bureaucracy. Other
represent the peasantry i the stuggle agaist the feudal lords? officials ai'e only tlle apparatus uder tlle conrol of the w
The movemet of the w class toward po1ver comes as class; the apparats clumsy and slow but, atter
result of the efforts of t proletariat d the poor. These are >vhat, it ust exist i every socialist society. It is sociologically
t asses upon 1vhich t party or t ne1v class ust lean possile to dra1v t bordelie bet1veen the different types of
and 1vith 1vhic its irlterests are ost closely allied. This is true officials, but in practice they are practically idistinguishale.
util the w class finally establises its po1ver d authority. This is true t only because t Communist system its very
Over and above tis, t ne1v class is interested in the prole- natue is bureaucratic, but because Comuists andle t
tariat d the poor only to the extent necessary for developig various important administrative functions. In addition, t
production d for aitaining in subjugatio t ost ag- stratu of political ts cannot teir privileges
gressive d rebellious social forces. if t do not give CI'umbs fr'o teir tales to other bureau-
Tlle morpoly 1vicll tlle 1v class estalislles in the name cratic categoies.
of the 1vorkig class over the 1vhole of society is, pimarily, It is iportant to note t fudaental differences bet1vee
monopoly over t 1vorking class itself. Tis monopoly is first the political bureaucracies entioned r and those which
intellectual, over t so-called avant-garde pioletai"iat, and the arise 1vith every cetralization in d economy-especially
over the 1vole prolctaiat. This is tl1e iggest deceptio the cetalizations tat lead to collective for-ms of ownersip such
class must accomplish, but it sho1vs that the 1v and interests as monopolies, compaies, and state ownersip. nuber
of the new class lie pr'imarily in idustry. Without industry of 'vite-collar 1vorkers is constatly i:easing in capitalistic
the w class cannot consolidate its positio or autority. monopolies, and also in ationalized industries in t West.
Fomer sons of t >vorking class are the most. steadfast mem- lil Human Relations in Administration/" R. Duin says tllat
bes of the 1v class. lt s al1vays the fate of slaves to state functiona!'ies in t economy are being trasfored into
provide for their asters t most cleve and gifted repese special stratum of society.
tatives. In this case 1v exploitig d govei"ning class is
from the exploited class. . .. Functionar'ies have the sense of common destiny for
all those who >vok together. They share the same interests,
especially since there is relatively little competition isofar
. as pomotion is in terms of seniority. In-group aggression is
thus inimized and this aangement is t.herefore conceived
Wen Comuist systems are being critically aalyzed, it is
considered tat teir fundamental distinctio lies in t fact New York, PrenticeHall, 1951.
to positive1y functional for the bureaucracy. Ho1vever, th~ oter pr-operty. This is t way it appears to t ordiary man
esprit de corps and informal social organization which typi- ;vho considers t Communist functioary as being very rich
cally develops in such situations often leads the pers~nnel t.o d as m 1vl10 does not have to work.
defend their entrenched interests rather than to asSist the1r o;vnersip of private t s, for m reasos,
clientele and elected higher officials. proved to unfavale for t estalisl1met of t 1v
class's autlrity. Besides, t destructio of pivate o;vership
While such fuctioaries have mucll in commo 1vith Com- 1vas ss for t economic tr-asformatio of atios.
muist bureaucrats, especially as regards "esprit de corp~," tlley ne1v class obtais its po1ver, privileges, ideoJogy, d its cstoms
are t identical. Although state and oter bureauats ~n from specific form of o1vesip-collective 0\vnersip
Communist systems form special stratum, tl1ey do not exerCise ;vblc t class admiisters d distriutes i t name of tlle
authority as the Communists do. Bureaucrats i no-Com~ ti d society.
muist state haYe political masters, usually elected, or o1vners Tlle 1v class maitais tat Ol\'lleblp derives from desig-
over tllem, 1vhile Communists have eiter masters nor 0\VIlers nated social relationsip. Tbls is tlle relationsip betlveen t
over them. The breaucrats in on-Commuist state are of- monopolists of administration, 1vllo constitute arro1v and
ficials in modem capitalist m, 1vile tlle Communists closed stratum, and tlle mass of producers (farmers, 1vorkers,
are somethio- 1:1
different d 1v: ne~v class. and intelligentsia) 1vl llave no rigts. Ho;veYer, tbls elation
As i other o1vning classes, the proof tat it is special class sblp is not valid since tlle Communist bureaucacy enjoys
lies in its onership d its special relations to otller classes. moopoly v t distiution of mateial goods.
I the same 1vay, tlle class to 1vicll member belogs is idi fundametal cllange in t social relatiosip bet1veen
cated t material d oter privileges 1vhicl1 ownership tllose 1v moopolize admiistration d tllose 1vl IVOk is
brigs to him. ineYitaly reflected i tlle ownersllip elatiosllip. Social d
As defined Roman lv, property costitutes the use, en- political relatios d 01vnersllip-tlle totalitaiaism of tlle
joyment, and disposition of material goods. Communist govemmet and tlle moopoly of autllity-are being m
poiitical bureaucracy ses, enjoys, and disposes of natioalized fully bougllt ito accor-d i Commuism tan in otller
property. sigle system.
If we assume that membership i this bureaucracy or w divest Commuists of tlleir o1vnersip rigts 1vould to
o1vning class is predicated on tlle use of privileges inl:lerent. in abolish tllem as class. compel tllem t.o reliquis tl:1eir
ownersip-in tis inst.ance natioalized material goods-tl:len other social po1vers, so that 1vorkers may paticipate in sllarig
membersip i tl:le 1v party class, or political bureaucracy, is tlle pofits of their 1vork-1vhich capitalists haYe had to permit
reflected in larger income in material goods and priYileges as result of stikes d parliametary action-would mean
tllan society sl:lold ormally grant for sucl:l functios. In prac- that Commuists were being depiived of their moopoly oYer
tice, the o1vnership privilege of tlle ;v class maifests itself property, ideology, and govemment. This would the be-
as an exclusiYe rigllt, as party moopoly, for tl:le political giig of democracy d freedom in Communism, the d of
bureaucracy t.o distriute the ational income, to set wages, Commuist moopolism d totalitaiaism. Util tis hap-
direct economic deYelopment, and dispose of nationalized and pes, there can idication that important, fudamental
Membership in the Communist Party before the ReYolution
changes are taking place in Communist systems, at least not
meat sacrifice. Beig professioal revolutionary '\vas of
i the eyes of m 1vho think seriously about social progress.
the highest hoors. N O'\V that the party has cosolidated its
The o;vership privileges of the ne1v class and membership
pmver, party membership meas that belogs to privi-
in that class are the privileges of administration. This privilege
leged class. d at the core of t party are the all-powerful
extends from state administration and the administr-ation of
exploiters d masters.
economic eterprises to that of sports and humanitaria orgai
For log time t Commuist revolutio ahd t Com-
zatios. Political, party, or so-called "geeral leadership" is
muist system v been cocealig teir real nature. The
executed the core. This positio of leadersblp caies privi-
emergence of the 'v class has concealed uder socialist
leges 1vith it. I his Stalin au pouvoir, pulished i Paris in
phraseology d, more importat, under t 'v collective
1951, Orlov states that t average of worker i t
~orms. of ?operty o;vnership. The so-called socialist o'vership
U .S.S.R i 1935 1vas 1,800 rules aually, wblle tlle and
1s d1sgse for the real ownership t political bureaucracy.
allowances of t secretay of r committee md
d i the begiing this bureaucracy 'vas i huy to com-
to 45,000 rules anually. situatio s gd sice
plete industializatio, and hid its class composition under
the for t ;vorkers d party fuctioaries, but t essece
that guise.
remains t same. Oter autors v aived at t same
coclusios. Discrepacies bet,vee the of 'vorkers d
party functioaries are extreme; tis could t bldde from
pesons visiting t U.S.S.R. or oter Communist couties i 4.
t past fe;v years.
Other systems, too, '\' teir professiona1 politicians. One The development of modern Communism, d t emer-
tblnk 1vell or ill of them, but they must exist. Society
gence of the ;v class, is evident i the char-acter d roles
canrt live ;vithout state or govemet, d therefOI'e
of tose wl inspired it.
leaders d their methods, from Marx to Khrushchev
it t liYe ;vithout those 'vho figt for it.
Ho1veyer, tl1ere are fudametal differeces bet;vee po have Yaried and changing. It never occurred to Marx t~
fessional politicias in other systems d i the Commuist prevent oters from voicing their ideas. Lein tolerated free
discussio in his party and did not think tat forums,
system. I extreme cases, politicias i other systems use the
gover'Ilmet to secure privileges for themselves and their co-
let alone the party head, should regulate the expression of
horts, or t.o fav the ecoomic iterests of one social statum "proper" or "improper" ideas. Stalin abolished every type of
inta-party discussion, and made the expression of ideology
aother. The situatio is differet with the Commuist syste
;vlrere t po;ver d the goveret are idetical 1vith t solely the right of the central forum-or of himself. Oth~r
use, ejoyment, d dispositio of almost all t nation's goods. Communist movements ;vere different.. For instance, Marx's
Interational Workers' Union (the so-called First Interna-
'\Vho grabs po;ver grabs privileges d idiectly grabs
property. Consequetly, in Commuism, po;ver or politics as tional) was not Marxist in ideology, but union of varied
goups whic adopted only t resolutios on whic its
professio is the ideal of those 'vho have the desire or the
pospect of livig as paasites at the expense of oters. rs agreed. Leni's party was an avant-garde group comblning
an internal evolutionary morality and ideological monolithic coarse urnor, rt very educated nor good speaker. But
stuctue 1vith democracy of kind. Under Stalin tl1e party
1vas relentless dogmatician and great administrator,
became mass of ideologically disinteested men, wl got Georgian 1v knew better than n else witer t new
their ideas from above, but 1vere 1vholeearted and unanimous po1ves of Greater Rssia 1vere takig r. created t ne1v
i the defense of system that assured the uquestionale class the of the most barbaic means, t even sparing
privileges. Marx actually never created party; Lein de- the class it.Self. It 1vas inevitale tat t ne1v class >vich
stroyed all parties except is o1vn, including the Socialist Party. placed him at t top would later submit to is unbridled
Stali relegated even the Bolshevik Party to second ank, d btal nature. was the true leader of tat class as long
tansformio- t>
its core into the of the ne1v class, and as the class 1vas buildig itself up, d attaining po1ver.
transfoming the party into privileged ipersonal and color ne1v class 1vas bon1 in the revolutionay struggle in t
less group. Commuist Party, but 1vas developed in t idstrial revolu-
Marx created system of the roles of classes, and of class 1var tion. Witot t revolution, 1vitout indstJy, the class's
i society, even tlugh he did not discove them, d he saw
position -.;vould not v secure and its po1ver 1vould
that mankind is mostly made of members of disceile lve been limited.
classes, althogh l1e 1vas only restatig Teence's Stoic plliloso- vVile t.he coutry \Vas being industrialized, Stalin began
phy: i nilzil alienum puto." Lenin vie1ved men as to itroduce considerale variations in 1vages, at t same
sharing ideas ather than as beig membes of disceri~le time allo1ving t developmet to1vard various privileges to
classes. Stali sa1v in men only obedient subjects or 1s. proceed. tgt tat indstrialization would come to
died poor emigrat in Ld, t 1v~s valued notino- if t ne1v class >veie not made materially inteest.ed
. . .
learned n d valued i the movemet; Li died as the in t process, acquisition of some property for Itself. Wit-
leader of one of the t>Qeatest. evoltios, but died as dictator out indstrialization t ne1v class would find it difficult to
about. whom cult had already begun to fom; 1vhen Stalin old its position, for it would v eiter historical justifica-
died, had already transformed himself ito god. tio r the material resources for its contiued existece.
s chages in personalities are l t.he eflection of
icrease in t membersip of t paity, or of the
chages 1vhicl1 had aleady take place d were t very soul
breaucracy, 1vas closely conected with tis. I 1927, on t
of the Commuist movement. eve of idustializatio, t Soviet Communist Patty d
o did t realize it, Li started the organiza- 887,233 members. In 1934, at tl1e d of t First Five-Year
tion of t 1v class. estalised t t alog Bolsevik Plan, the membersip d inceased to 1,874,488. Tis 1vas
lines d developed tl1e teories of its uique d leadig role phenomenon obviously connected 1vith indstrializatio: the
in the buildig of 1v society. Tis is but aspect of is prospects for t ne1v class and pivileges for its members w
may-sided d gigatic 1\'0rk; it is t aspect 1vicl1
improving. "\Vat is more, t pivileges d t class 1vere
about from is actios rater tan his 1visl1es. It is also t expandig more rapidly than indstrialization itself. It is diffi-
aspect. 1vi led t ne1v class t.o revere im. cult to cite any statistics on tis point, but the conclsio is
real d direct 01iginator of tl1e ne1v class, o1vever,
self-evident f anyone 1vho s in mind tat the standard
was Stalin. 1vas man of quick eflexes d tendecy to of living has not kept 1vit industrial productio, 1vhile
the new class actually seized the lio's share of tlle economic -he made decisions. too promised sbling future, but
and other progress earned the sacrifices and efforts of t which bureaucracy could visualize as being real because
masses. its life 1vas impi'O\'ing fiom day to day and its position 1vas
estalishment of the ne1v class did not proceed smoothly. being strengthened. spoke witlut ardor and color, but
It encountered itter opposition from existing classes d from the 1v class 1vas better to undestad this kind of ealistic
those revolutionaries 1vho could not reconcile reality 1vith the language. Trotsky 1vished to extend the revolutio to ;
ideals of their struggle. In t.he U.S.S.R. the opposition of Stalin 1vas not opposed to the idea but this azai'dous under-
revolutionaries was most evidet in the Trotsky-Stalin conflict. takig did not prevent him from 1vorrying about Mother
The conflict bet1veen Trotsky and Stalin, or bet1veen opposi- Russia or, specifically, about 1vays of strengtheing the ne1v
tionists in t party d Stalin, as 1vell as t conflict between system and increasig the po1ver and reputatio of the Russian
the regime d the peasantry, became r intense as idus state. Trotsky 1vas man of the revolution of the past; Stalin
trialization advanced d the po1ver and authority of the new was m of today and, thus, of the future.
class icreased. In Stalin's victoiy Trotsky saw the Theidoric reaction
Trotsky, an excellent speaker, brilliat. stylist, and skilled agaist the revolution, actually the bureaucatic corruption
polemicist, n cultured and of excellent intelligece, 1vas of the Soviet governmet d the revolutionary cause. Conse.
deficient in only one quality: sese of eality. 1vated to quetly, he understood d 1vas deeply ht the amorality
revolutionary in period 1vhe life imposed t comon of Stali's methods. TIotsky was the first, although he was not
place. 1vished to revive revolutioary party 1vhich 1vas a1vare of it, who in the attempt to save the Comrnuist move-
being transformed into something copletely different, into ment discovered the essence of coternporary Comuism. But
1v class uconcerned 1vith great ideals d interested l he was t of seeig it tough to the end. supposed
in the everyday pleasures of life. expected action from that this was l mometay croppig up of bureaucracy,
mass alieady tired 1var, hunger, and death, at time 1vhen corruptig the party d the revolution, and concluded that
t ne1v class aleady str'ongly held the reis d had begun t solution 1vas in change at the top, in "palace revol
to experience the s1veetness of privilege. Trotsky's fie~rorks tion." vVhen palace revolution actually took place after
lit up the distant heavens; but could not ekindle fires i Stalin's death, it could seen that the essence had t
weary men. sharply oted the s aspect of the ne1v chaged; something deepe!' and more lastig was ivolved. The
phenomena but did not gasp their meaning. In addition, Soviet Thel'midor of Stali had t only led to the installatio
he d never been Bolsevik. This 1vas his vice and bls of governmet more despotic tha the previous , but also
virtue. Attacking t party bureaucracy i the name of the to the installation of class. This 1vas the contiuatio of that
evolution, he attacked the cult of the paity d, althoug he other violet foreig revolution wich had inevitaly borne
1vas t conscious of it, tl1e w class. d strengthened the new class.
Stalin looked either far ahead nor far behind. had Stali could, with equal if t greater right, refer to Lein
seated himself at the head of the ne1v p01ver 1vhich 1vas being and all t revolution, just. as Trotsky did. For Stali 1vas the
bom-the w class, the political bureaucracy, and bureau- lawful although 1vicked offsprig of Lenin d the revolutio.
cratism-and its leader and oganizer. did not pxeach History has previos record of personality like Lenin
who, his versatility and persistence, developed one of t tur was replaced non-dogmatic Commuism, so-called
greatest revolutions kno1vn to men. It also s no record of collective leadersip or group of oligarchs.
personality like Stalin, 1vho took on t enormous task of These are the tree pases of developmet of t w class
stregteing, in terms of po1ver and property, ne1v class born in the U.S.S.R. or of Russia Communism (or of eve.r'Y oter
out of one of the greatest revolutions in one of the largest of type of Commuism i mr !' tr) .
the world's countries. fate 6f Yugoslav Commuism 1vas to uify tese tree
phases i t sigle persoality of Tito, along 1vit ational
Behind Leni, w 1vas all passion d tlught, stands the d pesonal caacteristics. Tito is great revolutioay, but
dull, gray figure of Joseph Stalin, t symbol of the difficult, 1vithout origial ideas; s attained pe!'Sonal pmver, but
cruel, and unscrupulous ascet of the ne1v class to its final 1vitout Stalin's distrustfuless d dogmatism. Like s
po1ver. hv, Tito is represetative of t people, tat is, of t mid-
After Lenin and Stalin came what had to come; namely, dle-pty strata. d wi Yugoslav Commuism s
mediocrity in the form of collective leadership. And also tere t!'aveled-attaiig revolutio, copyig Stalinism, tl1e re-
came the apparently sincere, kind-hearted, no-intellectual "man oucig Stalinism d seeking its O'\VH form-is s most fully
of the people"-Nikita Khruschev. The ne1v class longer i t persoality of Tito. Yugoslav Commuism s been
needs the revolutionaries or dogmatists it required; it is r consistet t otl1er paties i pieseing t substance
satisfied with simple personalities, such as Khrushchev, Malen- of Comunism, yet ever renouncing for 1vi could
kov, Bulgani, and Shepilov, wlse every 1vord reflects the aver- of value to it.
age man. 1v class itself is tired of dogmatic purges and
tree pases in t developent of the new class-
training sessions. It 1vould like to live quietly. It must ptect
Lenin, Stali, and "collective leadersip"-are not copletely
itself even from its "\\'11 authorized leader IIO'\V that it s been
divorced fro oter, in substace or i ideas.
adequately strengtl1ened. Stalin remained t same as 1vas
Lein too 1vas t-logatist, d Stalin t.oo 1vas evolutioary,
wl1e t class 1vas 1veak, 1v cruel measures 1vere ecessary
jst as collective leade!'Sip 1vill resort to dogmatis d to
against v those in its mvn raks 1vho treatened to deviate.
evolutionary metods 1ven necessary. Wat is r, t non-
Today tis is all unnecessary. Without relinquising anyting
it created under Stalin's leadersip, the ne1v class appears to dogmatis of t collective leadersip is applied only to itself,

reoucing his authoity for the past few . But it is to t eads of t ne1v class. On t oter and, t people
not really renouncing that author-ity-only Stalin's methods ust all t r pesistently "edcated" in t spirit of

\vi, according to Krushchev, urt "good Communists." t doga, or of Marxis-Leiis. relaxing its dogmatic

Lein's revolutioary 1vas replaced Stali's , seveity and exclusiveness, t ne1v class, becoing stregteed

i 1vi authOI'ity d O'\versip, d idustr-ialization, were econoically, s prospects of attainig greater flexiility.
stregteed so tat the much desired peaceful d good life loic of Counis is past. of its
of t 1v class could begi. Lei's revolutionary Commu- great leades s eded. of practical has set
ism was replaced Stali's dogmatic communism, whicll in in. new class s eated. It is at the height of its
power and wealth, but it is 1vithout ne1v ideas. It. has othing 01\'lled everything util it lost its idd in the first
more to tell the people. The only thing that remains is for centry of r era.
lt to justify itself. This elps to explain t deificatio of the Pharaos of
Egypt d of t emperors, >vhic encouters in all t
acient Easter despotisms. Sch o1vr1ership also explains the
dertakig of gigantic tasks, such as the construction of
temples, tombs, and castles of emperors, of caals, roads, and
It 1vould not importat to estalish the fact that in con- fortificatios.
temporary Communism 1v vning and exploiting class is The Roma state treated ne1vly conquered land as state land
involved and not merely temporary dictatorship and an ari and owed considerale umbes of slaves. The medieval
trary bureaucracy, if some anti-Stalinist Communists including Church also had collective property.
Trotsky as 1vell as some Social Democrats had not depicted the Capitalism its very 1vas an n of collective ow
ruling stratum as passing bureaucratic phenomenon because ersblp util the estalisl1met of shareholders' organizatios.
of 1vhich this ne>v ideal, classless society, still i its s1vaddling Capitalism contied to of collective o1mership,
clothes, must suffer, just as bourgeois society had had to suffer even thogh it cold t. do aything against w encroach-
under Crom\vell's and Napoleon's despotism. ets collective o>vership d the lgt of its area
But the ne1v class is really ne1v class, with special com- of operatio.
positio and special >,r. any scietific definition of The Commists did not ivet collective mmership as
class, v the Marxist definition 1vhich some classes are such, t iveted its all-ecompassig character, more 1videly
lower tha others accding t.o their specific position in pro- exteded than i earlier epochs, v r extesive i i
ductio, 1ve coclude that, i the U.S.S.R. and other Com- Pharaoh's Egypt. That is all that the Couists did.
muist coutries, 1v class of o1mers and exploites is i The o1mership of the ne>v class, as well as its chaacter, was
existence. The specific characteristic of this 1v class is its fored over period of time d 1vas subjected to costat
collective o1mership. Communist theoreticias affirm, d some chage ding the process. At first, l small part of the
even believe, that Communism has aived at collective ower ti felt the d for all ecoomic po1veis to placed i
ship. the hads of political party for the purpose of aidig the
Collective mmership in var'ious forms has existed i all idstrial transforation. The party, actig as the avant-garde
earlier societies. All anciet Easter despotisms 1vere based of the proletar-iat d as the "most enlighteed pmver of so-
the pe-eminence of the state's or the king's property. I ancient cialism," piessed for this cetalizatio 1vhich could attaied
Egypt after the fifteent century .., arale land passed to only chage i o>mei"Ship. The chage 1vas d i fact
private o>mersblp. BefOie tat time only homes d suound and i for throgh atioalizatio fist of large enterprises
ing buildings had been privately owed. State land 1vas haded and the of smaller s. The abolitio of private owersblp
over for cultivation wblle state officials administered t land 1vas preeqisite for idustialization, d for the begiing
d collected taxes on it. Caals and istallations, as 1vell as of the new class. Ho1vever, >vithot. their special role as ad-
t most. impoat 1vorks, 1vere also state-owed. The state miistatOIs over society and as distritors of property, the
Communists could not. transform temselves into ne\V class, holdings, ivhic ivas ecoomically njustified, was unavoidale
nor could ne\v class fored d permanently estalised. if t nevv class 1vas to secely installed in its power and
Gradually material goods \vere nationalized, but i fact, tough its OiVership.
its rigl to use, enjoy, and distriute these goods, they became Reliale statistics are not availale, but all evidence confirms

the property of discemile stratum of t party and the t.hat yields per acre in the U.S.S.R. v not. been icreased
gatl1ered arond it.
over t yie1ds in Czaist. Russia, and tat t number of Iive-
In vie\v of the sigificace of O\mership for its po,ver-and stock still does not r t pre-evolutionay figure.
also of the fits of oivnership-the party breaucracy t losses i agricltral yields d in livestock

rn the extesion of its o>mersllip v v small-scale calculated, t the losses i manpo1ver, in the millions of peas-
piodctio facilities. s of its totalitaianism d moopo ants 1v 1vere tl1ro\vn into labor camps, are incalculale.
lism, the neiv class fids itself navoidaly at \V >vith evey Collectivizatio was ightfl and devastatig 1var 1vllich re-

tllig 1vhicl1 it does t admiister or hadle, d must semled isane undertakig-except for the fact that it was
profitale for the ne1v class assig its authority.
delierately aspire to destroy or conque it.
Stalin said, on the eve of collectivization, tat tl1e qestio various methods, such as ationalizatio, complsory co-

of "1vl 1vill do 1vat to vvom" d raised, v tlugh operation, hig taxes, d price ineqalities, pivate Oivnersip
the Soviet goverment \vas not meeting serious opposition 1vas destroyed and trasfored into collective oivnership.
politically and economically disited peasantry. estalismet of t o\mesip of t 1v class ivas evideced

new class felt insecre as long as tere \vere any otl1er O\\rners in t clges in tl1e psycology, t 1vay of life, d t
except itself. It cold not risk sabotage in food spplies in aterial position of its embers, depedig t position
agricltral ra>v aterials. This ivas t direct eason for t t eld on t ieal'Cical ladder. tr homes, t best

attack on t peasantry. Hoivever, tere 1vas second reason, ousig, fit, and similar tings ivere acquied; special

class reason: t peasants cold dangeros to tl1e ne\V qaters and exclsive rest hoes >v estalised for t

class in an nstale sitation. neiv class terefore d higest breaucracy, for tl1e elite of t ;v class. t

to subordinate the peasantry to itself economically and secetary d t cief of tl1e secret police in some places t

administratively; this was done tgh t kolkhozes d l tlle igest atorities but obtained t best ous

maclline-tactor stations, 1vllic reqired an inoease popor ing, automoiles, d siilar evidence of privilege. s
tionate to t size of the neiv class in the villages temselves. beneath tem 1v eligile for l pivileges, deped.
As reslt, r musloomed in t villages too. ig upon their positio i t ierarcy. state budgets,

fact t.hat t seizre of propety oter classes, "gifts," and t costrctio and r-econstruction exected for
especially small Oivers, led to decreases in prodction t eeds of t state and its r-epresentatives t ever-

d to s in t 1vas of conseqece to t ne1v lastig and iexaustile sources of benefit.s to t political

class. Most importat for t ne>v class, as for v Oiver in bureaucacy.

history, ivas t attaimet and consolidatio of Oi\rnersllip. l in cases where the w class was t l of
Tl1e class profited from t.he neiv property it d acqired even maintaining t.he ownersip it d usr-ped, or in cases
toug t.he natio lost t.hereby. The collectivization of peasant where suc ovmerslllp was exoritat1y expensive or politically
dangerous, the o\vnersblp surrendered to other strata ~~ ot?er
forms of O\vnership \v devised. For example, collectiVlzati.on
\Vas abandoned in Yugoslavia because the peasants were res.Ist- No class is estalished its O\Vll action, even though its
ino- it and because the steady decrease in production resultg ascent is organized and accompanied conscious st11ggle.
from collectivizatio held latet dager for the reg1e. ow- This olds true for the ne\v class in Communism.
ever, the w class ever reouced the i.ght i such cases to The ne1v class, because it d \Veak relationship to the
seize o1vnersip agai or to collectivize. The w class canot m and social structure, d of ecessity had its origin i
ru this Ii.ght, for if it did, it would loger total- single party, \Vas forced to estalish tlle higllest possile orga
itaria d moopolistic. . . izational stucture. Finally it. 1vas forced to delierate and
No bureaucracy l could so stubborn Its p~r conscious \vithdra\val fom its earlier tenets. Consequently the
poses d aims. l those egaged i \V forms of o\Vllership, ne\v class is m highly oganized d more blgllly class-co
1vho tread the road to \V fs of productio, are l of scious t any class i recOIded history.
beig so persistet. Tis propositio is true l if it is take relatively; con-
:r foresaw tat after its victory the proletariat would sciousness d organizational stucture beig take in relation
exposed to dager from the deposed classes 1d fro its own to the outside 1vorld and to other classes, powers, and social
bureaucracy. vVhe tl1e Commuists, especially those in Yugo forces. No otl1er class i history llas as cohesive and single-
slavia, criticize Stali's administ-ation d beaucratic meth- minded in defendig itself and in controlling that 1vllicll it
ods, they geerally refer to 1vhat : aticipated. However, llolds-collective and monopolistic mrnership and totalitaria
\Vhat is happenig i Communism today has little conectio authority.
with :r and certainly no conectio \Vith tis anticipation. tlle otller and, t ne\v class is also t most deluded
Marx \Vas tinkig of the danger fom an i.s in parasitic and least conscious of itself. Every private capitalist or feudal
bureaucracy, 'vhich is also present in contemporay Com- lod 1vas conscious of the fact t.hat he belonged to special dis-
munism. It neve occured to him that today's Communist cernile social categoy. usually believed that this category
strong m, who hadle mateial goods bel1alf of their \V 1vas destined to make t huma happy, and that \vithout
arrow caste's iterests rather tha for the bureaucracy as tis category chaos d geneal rui \vould esue. Com-
whole, would the bureaucracy he was thikig of. I this munist member of the ne\v class also believes that, \vithout his
case too, :r serves as good excuse for the Commuists, party, society \vould egess and foundei". But he is not conscious
\Vl1ether t extravagat tastes of various strata of the \V class of the fact that he belongs to \v mvnership class, for he does
or poor admiistration is uder criticism. not consider himself an o>vner and does t take into account
Cotemporay Commuism is t l party of certai the special privileges enjoys. thiks that he belogs to
type, or bureaucracy \vhich has sprug fom moopolistic group \Vith sid ideas, aims, attitudes, and 1oles. That
o\Vllership d excessive state itefeiece i the m. is all he sees. rt see tlt at the same time he belongs
:r tha aything else, the essetial aspect of cotemporary to specia1 social category: the ownerslzip class.
Commuism is t.he e'iv class of O"\Vers d exploiters. Collective Orleiship, \vhicll acts to reduce the class, at the
"\vays of life d of t main etlds for t developmet
same time makes it unconscious of its class substance, and each of Commuism.
one of the collective owners is deluded in that he thinks he I o-Commuist systes, t of careerism
uniqely belongs to movement 1vhic 'ivould abolis classes and nsls iti sign that it is profitale to
in society. . ut, or that "\\'11s v parasites, so tat
compax-ison of other characteristics of the ?-e:v c~a~s wrth t adinistration of poperty is left i t ds of employees.
those of other mvership classes eveals m srmatles ~d I Corrunisr, careerisr d scruplos aritio testify
many differences. "\v class is voracios d insatiale, JHSt t.o t fact tat tere is an irresistile diive tovvad O\vership
as the boaeoisie "\vas. But it does t have the virtes of d t privileges that the adriistratio of ma-
frgality f m that t bog~oisie ~. ~e\V class terial goods and .
is as exclusive as t aristocracy t 'vrtot astocracy s efie Merbership in oter o1vership classes is t idetical "\vith
met and proud cblvalry. tlle versblp of particlar property. This is still less the
Tlle ne\v class also s advantages over otller classes. Because case i t Corrist syste isu as owership is
it is more t it is better prepared for greater sacrifices collective. O"\ver joit O"\Vei i tlle Corrnist
d eroic exploits. individal is copletely d totally syste rs tat eters the raks of the rulig political
sbordinated to the 1vlle; at least, tlle pievailig ideal calls r d otblg else.
for scl1 sbordinatio v "\ven he is t seekig to better I tl1e "\v class, jst as i oter classes, s idividuals
hiself. ne\v class is strong ng to carry t material costantly fall the 1vayside "\Vile oteis go up t ladder.
and oter vetres tat oter class was ever l to do. I private-mvership classes idividal left his poperty to
Since it possesses t nation's goods, t ne\V class is in posi- his descedats. I the '\v class ierits aythig ex-
tion to devote itself religiously to t ais it s set and to cept the aspii-atio to 1-aise iself to blgher rug of the
direct all t forces of t people to t frterance of tese ladder. The "\v class is actally beig created fro the lmvest
ais, d broadest strata of the people, and is i costat rotio.
"\v o'imeblp is not t s as t political gover Althougl1 it is sociologically possile to prescrie '\v belongs
ent, t is created and aided tat governent. The s, to the 1v class, it is difficlt to do so; for the ne"\V class elts
enjoyment, d distrition of pioperty is t pivilege of t ito d spills v ito the people, ito other lower classes,
party and t party's top n. and is costarly gig.
t rs feel tat authority, that contol over property, The d to the top is theoietically to all, just as evei'y
biings "\Vith it t privileges of this "\vorld. C~nseqen~ly, : of Napoleo's soldiers carried arshal's t i is
srls aition, dplicity, toadyis, and Jealosy evlta kapsack. The l thig tat is requiied to get the road
ly must increase. Careeism and v expanding bureauc- is sicere d cornplete loyalty to tlle t or to the w class.
racy are t incurale diseases of Comuis. Because the at. the bottom, the new class becores icreasigly d
Couists v transformed theselves ito mvers, d eletlessly aro"\ver at the top. Not l is t desire ecessary
because the road to po,ver d to mateial privileges is f the clib; also ecessary is the aility to derstad and
l tiouah "devotio" to t paty-to the class, to "social- develop docties, firness in stuggles agaist atagonists, -
o .
is"-scrpulos iti must become of the m
ceptional dexterity and cleverness in intra-party struggles, and meas tat t ne\v class s rt succeeded in completely taking
talent in strengthening the class. present themselves, but over t management of t villages. rg tlle kolkhozes
fe\v are chosen. Although more open ir1 some respects than d the use of t complsory crop-purcase system, the ne1v
other classes, the w class is also more exclusive tha other class s succeeded in making vassals of t peasants and grab-
classes. Sice one of the ne\v class's most importarlt features is ing lion's s of the peasants' icome, but t w class
monopoly of authority, this exclusiveness is stregthened s t become the l po,ver of t land. St.alin \Vas com-
bureaucratic hierarchical prejudices. pletely a\vare of tis. Before his deat, in Econornic Prolerns
N O\vhere, at any time, has the road been as wide open to t of Socialisrn in the U.S.S.R., Stalin foresa1v tat t kolkozes
devoted and the Ioyal as it is i the Commuist system. But t sold become state property, 'tvhic is to say tat. t breau
ascet to t eigts s r1ever at any time been so difficult or cl'acy should become t I'eal a\vner. Criticizing Stalin for is
required so muc sacrifice and so many victims. t one excess use of prges, Khrushchev did rt owever renounce
had, Communism is open and kind to 11; or1 t other and, Stalin's vie1vs on property in kolkhozes. The appoitment
it is exclusive d intolerat even of its its O\Vll aderets. the e'tv regime of 30,000 party \Varkers, rnostly to pi"esidets
of kolkhozes, was l of the measres i lie wit Stali's
Jst as uder Stali, t w regime, i executing its so-called
7. lieralization policy, is extedig the "socialist." O\Vlleiship of
fact tat tere is ne\v o'tvnersip class in Communist the ne\v class. Decetralizatio i the economy does not. m
countries does not explain everythig, but it is t most im- chage i o\vership, but only gives greater rights to t
portat key to uderstadig t canges wi are periodi- lO\\rer strata of the bu!'eauacy or of the \v class. If the so-
cally takig place i tese couties, especially i the U.S.S.R. called liealizatio and decentralization meat anything else,
It goes \Vitout sayig that every such chage i each separate that \Vould manifest in the political rigt of at least part of
t people to execise some ifluence i the managemet of
Commist coutry d i t Commuist system as \Vole
material goods. At least, the people wold have the rigl to
must examined separately, i order to determie t
criticize t aritrariess of tl1e oligarcy. This 'tVald lead to
d sigificace of the g i t specific circurnstaces.
the creatio of e'tv political rnovemet, v thog it 1vere
do this, O\vever, t system sould uderstood as 'tvole
l loyal opposition. H01vever, tis is t v metioed,
to t fullest extet possile.
just as dernocracy i t.he t is not mentioed. Liealization
In corectio \Vit curret gs in the U.S.S.R. it \Vill
and decetr-alizatio in force only for Commuists; first for
profitale to point out i passig \vat is occuig i t kolk-
the oligarchy, tlle leaders of the e'tv class; d secod, f those
ozes. estalishmet of kolkozes d t Soviet govern-
i the lo\ver echelos. Tis is the 1v method, ievitale dr
ment. policy to1vard tem illustrates clearly t exploitig gig coditions, for t fther stregtheing d consoli-
nature of t w class. datio of moopolistic O'tvnership d totalitaria athority of
Stalin did not and Kruscev does not consider kolkozes the ne>v class.
as "logical socialistic" form of owner-ship. In practice tis fact that is ne>v ownig, moopolistic, d total-
itarian class in Cornrnunist. countries calls f the follo>ving \v class is ost sesitiYe to deads on t part of t
conclusion: changes initiated the Cornrnnist ciefs people for special kind of fd, not for freedo in general
dictated first of all the interests and aspirations of tl1e ne>v or political freedo. It is especially sensitive to deads for
class, >vhich, like every social grop, lives and reacts, defends fd of tougllt and criticis, \\'itin t liits of present
itself and advances, >vith tl1e i of increasing its po-vve. This coditions d \\'itbl tlle liits of "socialis"; not for de-
does not rnean, hmvever, that sch canges not ipo ands f01 retun to pevios social d o\vnersblp relations.
tant f the est of tl1e people as 1vell. Altogl1 t inovations Tis sesitivity origiates fro t class's special position.
introduced t ne1v class v not yet aterially alteed t ne'iv class instinctively feels tat atioal goods are, in
Conist syste, t st not ndeestiated. It is fact, its t, d tat even t ters "socialist," "social,"
ss to gain insigl into t sbstance of tese canges in and "state" propety denote get=ral legal fictio. The ne1v
order to deteine teir rage and sigificace. class also tiks tlt any of its totalitaiia tit
The Cornist regirne, i ivit oteis, st take ig! ipeiil its O'ivesip. Coseqetly, tl1e \v class
into t t rnood d vt of t asses. Be- opposes any type of fd, ostensily for t s of
cause of t exclsiveess of t ist Party d t pieserYig "socialist" O'imeip. Ciiticis of t V class's
absence of free pblic ii i its raks, t regie cannot onopolistic adinistr-atio of t geerates t f of
discern t real stats of tl1e asses. Hmveve, tl1eir dissatis- of possile loss of w. \v class is sesitive to tese
factio does peetrate t cosciousess of t top leaders. Ciiticiss d deads depedig t extent. to wblc t
I spite of its totalitaria gt, t eiv class is t expose t nn in >vi it rles and olds power.
iune to every type of oppositio. Tbls is an iportant contradictio. operty is legally con-
i po>ver, t ists v diffilty i settling sideed social and national prope1ty. t, in actality, single
teir accounts >vit t borgeoisie d large-estate OV\rne. g anages it i its o>m inteest. discrepacy bet>veen
istoiical developent is lstile to t and teir prop- legal and actal conditions cotinosly eslts i s and
erty and it is easy to s t asses agaist tl1e. Seizig abnoral social and econoic relatiosllips. It also s tat
property f t bougeoisie d tlle lage-estate ovvners is t 'i\'ods of t leading g do not coespond to its actions;
quite easy; difficulties arise 1v seize of sall properties is d tat all actions eslt i str-egtenig its poperty old
ivolved. Havig acquired po'ive in t corse of earlier ex- ings and its political position.
propriatios, t Couists do v tis. Relatios are Tis cotradiction canot. 1esolved >vitot jeopardizing
rapidly clarified: tere are r old classes d old o>vers, tl1e class's positio. Oter rling, propeity-o>ving classes cold
society is "classless," or t road to beig so, d v not resolve tis contadictio eiter, uless forcefully depived
stated to live i new nr. of onopoly of pO\\~"er d mmeiSip. Weever t s been
Uder s coditios, deads to retu. to t old pre- igl1er degree of freedo for society as >vole, t rling
revolutioary relatios s realistic, if rt ridilous. classes llave been forced, in one \vay or, to renounce
Material d social bases longer exist for t itn l of o>vnersip. Tl1e revese is tre also: 'iverever
of s elatios. Couists meet s demads as if onopoly of owersip s been ipossile, freedo, to some
t were jests. degree, s become inevitable.
In Communism, po1ver and Olv:ership are almost al1vays in between the new class's real mmersblp
the same hands, but. tis fact is concealed under legal guise. position d its legal position can furnish the basic eason for
In classical capitalism, the 1vorker had equality with the cap- criticism. This cotradiction has >vitbln it the ability not only
italist before the la1v, even thougl1 the worker 1vas being to incite oters but also to corrode t class's mm ks, since
exploited d the capitalist 1vas doig the exploiting. In Com- pivileges actually beig d . l fe1v. This cotra
munism, legally, all are equal wit respect to mat.erial goods. diction, when intensified, holds pospects of real canges in
The formal o1mer is the nat.ion. In reality, because of monopo- t Communist system, ;vetei t rulig class is i favor of
listic administration, only the narro1vest st1-atum of administra- the cange or not. The fact tat this cotiadiction is so obvious
tors enjoys the Iights of o;mership. has t eason for the gs made t ne;v class,
Every real demand for freedom in Communism, the kind of especially in so-called lieralization and decetalization.
demand that hits at the substace of Communism, boils dmm Foced to ;vitdralv d sdr to idividual strata, t
to demand for bringing material and property relations ito new class aims at cocealing this contadictio d strengten
accord with 1vhat the law provides. ig its o1m position. Since o;vnersblp and autority contiue
demad for freedom-based on the position that capital itact, all measures taken the ne-.;v class-eve tose demo-
goods produced the ation can managed more efficietly cratically inspired-smv td to-.;vatd stregtenig the
society than private moopoly or private o;ver, d maagement of t political u. system turns
cosequetly should actually in the hads or uder control democatic measues ito positive methods for cosolidatig
of society exercised th1ough its freely elected epiesentat.ives t positio of t rulig classes. Slavery in acient times in
would force the ;v class either to make concessions to other tl1e East inevitaly permeated all of society's activities d
forces, or to take off the mask d admit its ruling d ex- compoents, icluding t family. I t same -.;vay, t monop-
ploitig characteristics. type of o;veiSip and exploita- olism and totalitariaism of the ruling class i t Communist
tion ;vhic the ne>v class creates usig its autority d its system are imposed on all t aspects of social life, even tough
admiistrative privileges is suc tat even the class itself must. t political heads are t aimig at tbls.
d it. Does t t 1v class empasize that it uses its au .. Yugoslavia's so-called 1vorkers' managemet d autonomy,
tority and admiistrative fuctios in t of t at.ion conceived at the time of the stuggle agaist Soviet impeialism
as ;vole to preseve natioal p1operty? as fa-reacblng democatic measue to dept-ive t t of
Tis makes t legal positio of t w class ucertai d t monopoly of admiistratio, s iceasingly relegated
is also t s of the ne1v class's iggest internal difficulties. to of t areas of party 1vok. Thus, it is ardly possile to
cotadictio discloses tl1e disarmoy betwee words and g t present system. aim of creatig ne-.;v demo-
actions: \Vile promisig to abolis social differences, it. must cracy troug tbls type of admiistatio ;vill not acbleved.
al;vays icrease tem acquirig t p1oducts of the ation's Besides, freedom canot exteded to t largest piece of the
woksops d ganting privileges to its aderets. It must pie. \Vokes' maagemet s not brougt t saing i
pioclaim loudly its dogma tat it is fulfillig its historical mis- pofits tose 1v d, eite1 on national level in
sion of "final" lieration of makind from every misery d local etepises. Tbls type of administation s ineasigly
calamity while it acts in exactly the opposite way. turned ito safe type for t egime. rg varios taxes
forced to t to justify its increasing atority, invokig abstact
and other means, the regime has appropriated even t.he shae
and l prposes.
of the pofits 1vhich the 1vorkers believed 1vould give to
Tis is class 1vhose po'ive oyer rnen is t ost cornplet
them. l crumbs from the taies d illusio have left
to the wokers. Withot iversal feedom t v wokers'
k~o1vn t_o blstor!. F tis eason it is class 'iVit v Iirnite~
:Ie'ivs, vle'ivs >vlci1 false d sf. Closely igo 1\rn, and
maagemet become f. Clearly, i uf society
comp:ete atlity, tl1e ne'iv class nst. nrealistically
rbody can feely decide anythig. The gives have someho>v
evalate Its O'i\'11 role and tat of t people arond it.
obtaied the most value fom the gift of feedom t.hey sp
-.,ig i-.,d idustialization, t 1v class can IIO'iv do
posedly haded t.he 1vorkers. noting rnOI'e t stregten its t force d pillage t
This does not. mean that the e'iv class canot make coces
people. It ceases to t. Its spiital e!'itage is oYertake
sios to the people, v though it only coides its O'iVIl
iteests. Wokes' management, or decetalizatio, is co
. \Vile t 11e1v class accomplished one of its geatest successes
cession to t masses. Cicnstaces may drive the new class,
tl1e revoltion, its metod of control is one of the rnost
no matter ho1v moopolistic and totalitaia it may , to re-
sameful pages in In istoy. 1vill rnarel at t
treat before t rnasses. In 1948, 1\'hen the conflict took place
gadiose yentues it accoplised, d 1vill asamed of
bet'iveen Ygoslavia and t U.S.S.R., t Ygoslav leaders
t.he means it used to accoplisl1 tern.
1v fOI'ced to t sorne eforrns. v t- it rnio-ht
vVen tl1e Ile'iV class leaYes tlle llistOI'ical scene-and tis rnust
1:> 1:>

mean back'i\'ad step, t set reforns as soon as they sa1v

happen-tee >Vill less soro>v v its passig t tlle!'e
temselves in d. Someting siilar is happeina- today
1:> was f ~ o~l1er class. f it. Sote!'ing eYeryting except
t eastern Eropean cotr'ies.
1vat sted 1ts ego, It s condemned itself to failue and
In defending its autority, t ruling class ust execute e
sfl ruin
fons -., tie it becomes obvious to t people that the
class is teating national property as its O'ivn. Such eforns are
not poclaimed as being 'ivhat they 11 are, but tr as t
of t "fut de-.,elopment of socialism" and "socialist dernoc-
acy." gound1vok f efoms is lai(:l 1\rhe t discep
acy metioned -., becomes pu lic. Forn t istoical
point of vie1v t ne1v class is fOiced to fotify its autority d
o'ivesip costatly, v tg it is uig a>vay frorn t
tut: It mus~ cotatly demostrate 01v it is sccessfully
c~eatg sooety of happy people, all of 1vorn eqal
1gl1ts d feed of -., type of exploitatio. The
e'iv class cannot aYoid falling continuously into pofond i
teal cotadictios; f in spite of its blstoical orio-in it is
not l to make its mvneisip la>vful, d it cannot r:n
o\\rnersip witlut undemining itself. Conseqently, it is
ko'\vs what can and \vat t:anot done, and what depeds
wom. People adjust to t enviromet d to actal
conditios, t-ning to party forums or to organs uder t
party's contol in all importat matters.
The diectio of social orgaizatios and social organs is
accomplished simply tbls method: tlle Commnists form
unit, >vblc turns to autorized political forums i all matters.
The Party Stafe Tbls is theoetical; actually it opeates i tis way: In cases
'\Vhere t social organ or organization is managed pei-so
1v also has po1ver in t. party, he will not 1efer to n
1. regarding lesser matters. Communists become famili with
teir system and >vith t relationsips created it; they
accustom tllemselves to distiguis bet1vee the important and
The mechanism of Communist po\ver is perhaps the simplest
t unimpotat, and refer to party forums only in especially
which can conceived, although it leads to the most refined
importat matters. unit exists l potentially, importat
tyanny d tlle most brutal exploitation. The simplicity of
decisions beig made the party; t opinior1 of those 1v
this mechanism 01iginates from tl1e fact that one t alone,
have elected t governmet or administi-ation of some organi-
the Communist Party, is the backbone of the entire political,
zation is totally uimportat.
economic, and ideological activity. The entire pulic is at
Communist totalitaiaism and the ne>v class took root when
standstill or moves ahead, falls behind or turns around ac-
t Commuist Party was prepaing for the tevolution; teir
cordig to \vhat happes in tlle patty foms.
metod of administeing d maintaiing authority also goes
Under the Communist systems the people realize quickly
'\vhat they and \vat they are not penitted to do. Laws and back to tat time. "directing role" in organs of government
regulations <.-Io not v an essential importance for them. The and social oganizations is merely the former Communist unit
actual and uvritten ules concening t relationship beteen >vich has since nd out, developed, and perfected itself.

the governmet and its subjects do. Regardless of la'lvs, everyone secod "ditecting role" of t party in the "buildig of

kno1vs tat t government is in tlle hads of the party com- socialism" is otblng but t old teory regarding the avant-
mittees d t secret police. No'lvere is "t directig role" garde role of the t >vit respect to t working class, 'lvith
of t party prescried, but. its autority is estalised in all t difference that t tl1eory ten had different significance
oganizations and sectors. No law provides tat t secret police for society tan it has no1v. Before the Communists usuped
s the rigt to cotrol citizes, but t police is all-powerful. power, this theoty '\vas necessary in order to ecruit revolution-
No la1v pescries that t judiciary d prosecutors shold aries and revolutionary organs; no1v it justifies the totalitaria
cotrolled t secret police and t party committee, but tl of t Ile'\v class. One spings from t other, but
they are. Most people know tat tbls is tlle case. Everyoe is also diffetent from the other. The evolution and its fms
vv-ere unavoidale and vv-ere even needed that part of society
special pr-ivileged grop of breacrats and simplifies the
1v-hich irresistily aspired to technical and economic progress. mechanism of goyement d administration. In this maner
The totalitarian tyranny and control of the 1v- class, 1v-hich the party it expanded and m or less t.ook i all tese serY-
came ito beina duria
the revolution, has become tlle yoke. ices. As eslt, t nit has disappeared >v-hile tese services
from under 1v-hich the lood and s1veat of all members of sooety have become an essential area for party activity.
flo1v-. Particular revolutionary fons vv-ere transfomed into re- There is no fudamental differece in the Commnist system
actioary ones. Tis 1v-as also the case 1vitll the Commuist bet>veen goYermetal serYices d t orgaizatios, as in
uits. t example of the party and the secret police. The party d
There are t1v-o essentia methods through 1vhicll Communist the police mingle yery closely in their daily fnctionig; t
control of the social macble is accomplisl1ed. The fist is the diffeece bet>veen tem is only in the distrition of 1vork.
unit, the main method in principle and in tl1eory. The secod, Tl1e entie goYernmental stt is ogaized in tis
actually more practical one, resticts certain govenment posts maner. Political positions are reseYed exclsiYely for party
to party members. These jobs, 1vhich are essetial in any members. Eve11 i11 11011-political goyermetal bodies Com-
govermet but especially i Commnist , inclde assign- mists hold the strategic positios or oyersee admiistratio.
ments 1vith police, especially the secret police; d the diplo- Callig meetig at t party ceter or plishig article
matic and officers corps, especially positions in the information is sfficiet to s the ti state d social mechaism to
and political services. In the judiciary only top positios have begi fnctioing. If difficlties r ay.vhere, t party d
til 1v- in the hads of Comnnists. The jdiciary, the police v qickly correct t "error."
sbordiated to the party and police estalishmets, is gener-
ally poorly paid, d is attractiYe to Commnists. However,
the tendency 1v- is for jdiciay posts to considered as
priyilege l to party members, d for mebers of the
jdiciary to have icreasing priYileges. Ths, contol over the
particla char-acter of the Commnist Party has already
jdiciary cold relaxed, if not completely abolised, 1\'it
ti.isssed. Tl1ere are otl1er special feates, t.oo, whicll
tl1e assrance that it 1vill ti to r-le according to the
llelp reYeal tl1e essece of Commist state.
itentions of the party or "in the spirit of socialism."
Commist Party does not its iq caracter
Only i Commnist state nmber of both specified
solely s it is reYolutioary d cetra1ized d obseryes
and specified positios reserYed for membes of t t.
military disciplie d otller defiite goals, or s otl1er cllarac-
Commnist govement, lt:g class structre, is
teristics. Tllere otl1er paties >v-it similar features, v
party govement; t Commist army is t army; d
tg tl1ese features may stoger i the Commuist Party.
the state is party state. precisely, Commnists ted to
Hovveve, l i tl1e Commist Party is "ideologicality"
t.reat t army and the state as teir exclsive 1veapos.
or an idetical concept of tlle >v-old d of t deYelopment of
exclusive, if itten, la>v- that only party members
society oligatory for its members. This applies l to persos
can become policemen, officers, diplomats, and hold similar
w fction i the higer forms of t party. Tlle otl1es,
positions, that l they can exercise actal authority, creates
tllose i lovv-er positios, oligated l to giYe lip serYice
to identical ideological views, while they execute orders handed body leadersip over the thoughts of its rs. Althoua-h
do1vn from above. The t.endency, lweYer, is to haYe those in ideo_logical unity 1vas attained in Leni's tie through dis-
lower positions adjust their ideological level to that of the cuss held at the top, Stali hiself - 1:>
to re!mlate 1t

leaders. Today, post-Stalin "collective leadersip" is satisfied to make

Lenin did not consider that party members were all oliged it ipossile for >v social ideas to appear. Thus, Marxism
to hold the same vie1vs. Ho1vever, in practice, he refuted and has become theory to defied exclusively party leader-s.
explained a1vay every vie1v 1vhich did not appear "Marxist" There is no other type of Marxis or uis today, and
or "the party's"; that is, eYery view tat did not strengthen the developmet of aother type is hardly possile.
the party in the marer which he had originally conceiYed. The social cosequeces of ideological uity have
His settling of accounts 1vith Yarious opposition groups in t tragic: Lenin's dictatorship 1vas strict, but Stali's dictatorship
party 1vas different from Stalin's, because Lenin did rt kill became totalitarian. The abolitio of all ideoloo-ical struo-a-le
. h 01:>
his bjects, "merely" quelled them. While he was in power 1~ t party meant tlle ter-miatio of all freedo in society,
both freedom of expressio and voting privileges were in effect. s:nce only though the party did the various strata fid expres-
Total authority over everything had not yet been estalished. sn. Intolerace of other ideas and isistence the presum-
Stali required ideological unity-oligatory philosophic and ably exclusive scientific ature of Marxis >vere the bea-inin()'
other views-in addition to political unity as meeting ground of ideological monopoly party leadership, 1vhich l;ter d:-
for all party rs. This is actually Stalin's contriution veloped ito complete l over society.
to Leni's teaching about the party. Stali formed the concept Party ideological unity akes indepedent movemets im-
of oligatory ideological uity in his eaily youth: in his tie, possile witi the Couist syste d withi society itself.
unaniity the U\rritten requireet of all Co v action depends on t party, 1vi has total control
munist parties, and it remains so to the present day. over society; 1vitin it. t is not t sliglltest eedom.
Yugoslav leaders held and still hold the same vie1vs. They . Id~ological_ unity did t arise sddely t, like everythig
are still uder Soviet "collective leadesip" and t forus us, developed gradually, reacig its greatest
of other Comuist parties. Tis isistece the oligatOiy llei~llt duri~g t struggle for po>ver t various party
ideological uity of the party is sig that essetial cl1anges facts. It IS not. at all accidental tat, during Stali's ascend-
have occurred, and only cofirs the fact that free discussion acy to po>ver i t id-1920's, it >vas openly demanded of
is not. possile, or possile only in very liited 1vay, under Trotsky for the first tie tat reject all ideas other than
today's "collective leadersip." tose fOI'ulated the party.
vVhat does oligatory nity in t party n and 1vhere Party ideological uity is the spirital basis of persoal dic-
does it lead? tatoip. Witllot it personal dictatorship t even
Its political consequences are very serios. The power in imagined. It begets and strengthens t dictatorship, and vice
every party, especially in the Communist Party, resides i it.s ':ersa. Tis is undeistandale; monopoly over ideas, or ob-
leaders d igher forums. Ideological it as an oligatio, llgatory ideological uity, is l coplemet and theo-
especially i t.he cetralized d ilitarily disciplied Co r~tical mask for personal dictatorsblp. Altoug personal
unist Party, ievitaly brings 1vith it. the po>ver of the centra] dictatorship d ideological unity were already evident in t
beginnings of contemporary Communism or Bolshevism, both ess d oility of teir
vie1vs is necessary. Suc task calls
are firmly estalishing themselves "\Vith Communism's full for exceptional brtal measures agaist oter ideologies and
po1ver, so that. they, as trends and oft.en as prevailing forms, will social goups. It also calls for ideological moopoly over
never again abandoned until the fall of Commnism. society d for absolute uity of tl1e ruling class. Communist
The suppressio of ideological differences among the leaders paties eeded special ideological solidaity for tis reason.
has also abolished fractions and ts, and thus has abolished ideological unity is establised, it operates as po1vefully
all democracy in Communist parties. Thus began the period of as di. Commnists are educated in t idea that ideo-
t Fhrer-principle in Communism: ideologists are merely logical tity, or tl1e prescription of ideas from , is t
people "\Vit pver i the t egardless of inadequate intel- holy of holies, and tat factionalism i tl1e t is tl1e geatest
lectual ability. of 11 cimes.
The continuance of ideological unity i t.he party is an un- Complete control of society could not accomplished IVit
mistakale sio-n of the maintenance of personal dictatorsblp, ot coming to terms >Vit oter socialist goups. Icleological
or the dictatorship of small number of ol1gachs 1vho tempo- uity, too, is only possile tlougl1 recociliatio >vitin t
rarily work together or maintai balance of p01ver, as is party's \\' ranks. t t.he one and t oter approxi-
t case in the U.S.S.R. today. We find tendency to1vard mately simultaneously; i t mids of t aderents of
ideological uity in otl1er parties also, especiall i socialist totalitaianism t appear as "objectively" identical, altlug
parties in teir earlier stages. Ho>vever, tbls is l tendency t fist is reconciliatio of t 1v class itlz its Jnents)
in tese parties; i Commuist parties it has become oligatory. d the secod is recociliatio itllin tlze ruling class. I
One is oiiged not l to Marxist, but to adopt the type fact, Stali ke1v that Totsky, kli, Zinoviev, d otl1ers
of Marxism desired and prescied t leadersl1ip. Marxism >v t feign spies and traitos to t "socialist faterland."
s been t.ransformed from free revolutioy ideology ito Ho"\veyer, sice tl1ei disagreement 1vitl1 him obYiously delayed
prescried dogma. As in anciet Eastern despotism, the top t estalismet of totalitaia contol, d to destr'oy
autority iterprets and prescies t dogma, 1vblle the em- tem. His imes 1vitbl t party consist of t fact t.hat
peror is the archpiest. transfomed "objectiYe unfriedliness"-te ideological and
The oligatoy ideological unity of the party, 1vblc s political diffeeces i tl1e party-ito the subjectiYe guilt of
passed trough various pases d forms, s remained the groups d idividals, attriutig to t.hem imes wblc t.hey
most essetial caracteristic of Bolsevik or Commuist parties. did t commit.
If these parties had not at the same time the begiig
of 1v classes, and if t d t had special blstoical role
to play, oligatory ideological uity could not have existed in .
them. Except for the Commuist u, not sigle
class or party i modern history s attaied complete ideo- t t iescapale d of eYery Communist system.
tbls is
logical uity. None d, f, t task of tasforming all of metl:d of establising tota1itaian tl, or ideological
society, mostly t.hrogh political d admiistrative meas. For nity, may less sevee t Stalin's, t t essece is alvvays
suc task, complete, faatical cofidence in t rigt.eous- t same. v 1v indtializatio is t t form or con-
dition for estaishing totalitarian cotrol, as in Czechoslovakia gar~~y i the ~ommunist system is rt t result of momentary
and Hungary, tlle Communist bureaucracy is ievitaly com- polltlcal r~la~ns, but. of long and complex social progress.
cha~ge 1t. 1vould not mean cange in the form of govern-
pelled to estalish the same fom1s of authority in underdevel-
ment one and tlle same system, but change in the system
oped countties as those estalished in the Soviet Union. Tbls
~tself, or the beg.inning of change. Such dictatorship is
does not occur simply because tlle Soviet Unio imposed such
Itself the system, 1ts body d soul, its essence.
forms tllese countries as subordiates, but because it is
The Communist gove1met very apidly becomes small
1vithin the very ature of Commuist parties themselves d
circle of party leaders. The claim that it is dictatorsblp of
of their ideologies to do so. Party control over society, identifi-
the proletariat becomes an empty slogan. The process that
catio of the government d governetal achiery 1vith
the party, and the right to expess ideas dependent t leads to tbls develops 1vit the inevitabllity and uncorltrol-
aount of po1ver and the positio one holds i the ierarchy;
labllity of t elements, d the theory tat the is an
these are the essential and inevitale characteristics of evet-y avant-garde of t proletariat l aids the process.
Thi~ does not mean tat during t battle for pmver t
Communist bureaucracy as s as it attai power.
party is tlle mai f of the Commuist state d
pai"ty 1s not the leader of the 1vorking masses or tat it. is not
governmet. It is the motive force of everythig. It uites 1Vith-
wOI'king i their interests. But the, t pty's role and
in itself t new class, the government, 01vnership, and ideas. struggles are stages and fom1s of its movement. to1vard po1ver.
For this reason, militar-y dictatorships v t been possile Althougl1 its stggle aids t "\Votking class, it also strengtens
under Commuism, altlugh it seems that military cospiracies the party, as 1vell as t future po1ver-holders and the embryonic
have occurred in the U.S.S.R. Military dictatotsblps would not ne\v class. As soon as it attains po1ver, the party controls all
l to encompass all phases of life, nor even convince the
po1ver and takes all goods iro its hands, pi"ofessig to the
natio temporarily of the d for exceptioal efforts d self-
. of t interests of t 1vorkina ~
class and the
sacrifice. Such accomplished l the pai"ty, d then ';rorkg people. Except for sort periods during t evolu-
tnai"y battle, t pi"oletariat does not participate or play
only party 1vith belief i sucl1 vast ideals that its despotism
appears to its members and aderets as ecessary, as the greater role in tis tl1an any oter class.
Tis does not mean tat t proletariat, or some of its stata,
highest form of state and social organization.
Vie\ved from the standpoit of freedom, military dictator- are not. temporarily interested in keeping t par-ry in po1ver.
peasants suppoi"ted tose "' professed t intention to
sip in Communist system \Vould denote great progress. It
"\VOuld signify the terminatio of totalitarian patty control, or rescue tem from opeless miseiy through industrializatio.
~Vhile individual stiata of t 1vorking classes may tempo-
of party oligarchy. Theoetically speakig, ho,vever, milit-y
dictatorsblp 1vould possile only i case of military defeat rarlly support tlle party, t governrnet is not teirs nor is
or an exceptional political crisis. Even in suc case it would theii' part in tlle government impotant for t course of social
pogress and social relations. In tlle Communist system nothia
initially form of party dictatorship or it \\'ould have to
conceal itself in the party. But, tbls 1vould inevitaly lead to is done to aid the \vorkig people, particularly the worki~
change in tlle entie system.
class, t.o attain po>ver d ights. It carot otherwise.
The totalitarian dictatorship of the Communist Party oli- The classes and masses do not exercise authority, but the
party does so in their . In every party, includig the most lutioary bodies ito form sitale for the totalitarian
democratic, leaders play an important role to the extent that dictatoip of tlle >v class, or t party.
the paty's autlrity becomes the autority of t leaders. The Tis 1vas also t case wit Lei's demoatic cetralis,
so-called "dictatosip of the proletariat," 1vhic is t beg~ icldig t tl1at of t party alld of t govermet. As
ing of d under tlle best circustaces s tl1e autor1ty log as ii diffeeces are tolerated in t party, can
of t party, inevitaly evolves ito t dictatoship of t still speak of cent::1lism-eve tlug it is t very democatic
leaders. In totalitarian government of tis type, tlle dictator- f of cetralis. \V totalitaria atlrity is ceated,
ship of the proletariat is teoretical justification, or ideo cetralis disappeas d t aked despotis of t oligarcy
logical mask at best, for t autority of some oligarcs. takes over.
Marx envisioed t dictatohip of t poletiat as democ- \Ve may coclude f tbls tat t is costant tendency
racy 1vithin and for t benefit of t proletariat; tat is, to tansfmm oligachic dictatorsip ito l dictatm-
government in 1vich tere are n socialist streams or parties. sip. Ideological nity, t inevitale struggle at. t top of
only dictatorsip of t proletariat, the Pais Commune of t party, and the needs of the syste as 1vllole tend tmvard
1871, on 1vich Marx based his conclusions, \Vas coposed of persoal dictatoship. leader 1vl s'Ceeds in gettig to
several parties, aong 1vhicl1 t Marxist t 1vas neiter t t top, alog >vit is assistants, is t one 1vllo succeeds in
smallest nor t most significat. But dictatoship of t po most logically expessing and protecting t iterests of the
letariat wi 'i\'Ould diectly opeated t proletaiat is ne>v class at any given time.
pure Utopia, since no goYernent can operate 'i\'itot political is stog tred tmvad personal dictatorsip i oter
organizations. Lenin delegated the dictatoip of t prole- blstoical situations: for instance, all forces rnst sbor
tariat to t atlrity of one party, bls o1vn. Stalin delegated dinated to one idea and one 1vill >ven indstialization is being
t dictatorship of the proletaiiat to is o'ivn personal authority pressed whe ation is at 1var. t tere is specific and
-to bls personal dictatorship in the t and in t state. Since r Comist reason for personal dictatosip: autority is
t deatl1 of t Comnist eperor, bls descendants have the basic i and meas of Cornuism and of tr-ue Co
been fortunate in tllat througll "collective leadersip" t mnist. tllirst f po>ver is insatiale d iesistile aong
cold distrite atlrity aong themselves. In any case, t Communists. \it in t stggle for- pmver is eqal to being
Comist dictatorship of t proletariat is eitller Utopia raised to diYinity; faile meas t deepest ortificatio
ideal or fuctio reseed for elite grop of party leaders. d disgace.
Li tougl that t Rssia soviets, Marx's "ltiate
Comnist lea<Iers must also tend to persoal extr-ava-
discovery," 1vere t dictatorship of t proletariat. I t be- ance-soetinu >vi t carot esist s of mn

girig, because of teir reYolutioary iitiative d because
fr-ailty d because of tl1e it d of tose in power t.o
of tlle participation of t asses, the soviets did s to recognizable pototypes of billiace d rnigt.
sometblg of tis kid. Trotsky also believed tat t soviet.s Car-eeis, extravagance, d love of po1ver are inevitale,
were cotemporary political f just as parliaets, 1 and so is ti. It is not matter of t coruptio of
i tlle struggle agaist absolte moarchs, have . Ho1vever, li seats, f tl1is rnay occur less frequetly than in t
these were illsios. Tlle soviets were transfored from revo- state 1vicl1 peceded it. It is special type of corruption d
are only covened to confin what has previously been
the fact tat the govemment 1s the ands of singie
cooked up i intimate kitcens.
political group and is the source of all privileges. "Care of
The Comrunists v fetisblst relatio toward t stat.e
its men" and their placement in lucrative positions, ?r the
or t governmet, exactly as if it 1vere teir o1vn property.
distriution of all kinds of privileges, becomes unav01dale.
The sare men, t same groups, 1vblch are intirate and fa-
The fact that the govemment and the party are idetical witll
milia inside the party become stiff, formal, and pompous indi-
the state, d practically 1vit the holdig of all pro~erty, viduals 1vhen they act as epresetatives of the state.
causes the Communist state to one 1vhic corrupts Itself, Tbls monarcy is anytblg but enlightened. monarch
in tat it inevitaly creates privileges and paasitic func~ions. blmself, t dictato, does not feel himself to eiter
member of t Yugoslav Comnist Party very pictur-
ronarc or dictator. \!n 1vas called dictator, Stalin
esquely descried t atmospere in 1vhicl1 regular Co ridiculed the idea. felt tat was t representative of
muist Iives: "I am really tom into three parts: I see tose the collective paity 1vill. 1vas right to degree-since
w v better aut.omoblle than I have, yet it seems to l else in blstory ever had as m personal po1ver.
tat t are not more devoted to t party and to socialism , like every oter Communist dictator, 1vas 1v that
tan I am; I Iook down from t eigts on those 1v v retreat. f-om the ideological bases of the party, f-om t mo-
no automoblle, for t haven't really eamed any. So I'm lucky nopolism of the ne1v class, fom o1vnership of the nation's goods,
that I have t one I v." or m the totalitaria po1ver of the oligarcy, 1vould result
Obviously, he 1vas not true Commuist, but was one of in his inevitale downfall. Indeed, no suc retreat was v
those 1vl became Communist because he 1vas an idealist, considered Stalin, as he 1vas t foremost representative
d then being disillusioned, tried to satisfied 1vith 1vat d creator of t system. Ho1vever, even he was dependent
mio-t come to him i normal bureauatic career. true on the system created under bls administration, or on t
Communist is mixture of fanatic and urestiained opinions of t t oligachy. could do notblng against
po1ver-older. Only tis type makes true Communist. them nor could he pass over them.
others are idealists or ceerists. The fact ererges that in tl1e Communist system one is
Since it is based on administratio, the Commuist system idependet, neiter those at the top nor the leader himself.
is unavoidaly bureaucratic 1vith strict hiearchical orgai They are all dependent on one another and must avoid being
zation. In t Commuist system, exclusive groups are estab- separated from their surroudings, prevailing ideas, cotrols,
lished around political leaders d forums. All policy-makig and interests.
is reduced to 1vrangling in tese exclusive groups, in which Is there, the, sense i talking about t dictatoship
familiarity d cliquishess flo1ver. higl1est goup is gener- of t proletariat under Communism?
ally t most intimate. At intimate suppers, hunts, in
conversations bet1veen two or tlee men, matters of state of 4.
t rost vital irportance are decided. Meetigs of party for-
Commuist teory of t state, teory worked out
us, confereces of t government and assemlies, serve no
in detail Lein and supplemented Stali d others,
s but to make declarations and put in an r.
favors tlle totalitarian dictatorsllip of t party bureaucracy. deied. However, experiece shows that state macblery is
Two elements fudamental in t tlleory: t theory of the ecessary to society, or the ti, for still tr reaso
state alone and t theory of tl1e witering v of t state. fOI' tl1e developmet d uitig of its vaious functios. Com-
t of tese elements are mutually related d togetl1er rep- munist tlleory, as 1vell as that of Li, ignores tis aspect.
resent t entire theory. Leni's theory of the state is most Tllere 1v, log ago, commuities witlut d au-
completely presented in his document The State and Revol~ tllorities. vvere t. social commuities, but sometllig
tion, which vvas written vvhile was hiding from tl1e Provi- i tasitio betvvee t semi-aimal and um forms of
sional Government on tlle eve of the October Revolution. Like social life. tese most p1imitive commuities had some
everytinc else of Lenin's, t tlleory leans toward tlle revolu- forms of atlrity. \Vith ieasigly complex forms of social
tionary a:pects of Marxist teaching. I his discussio. ~ tbe life, it 'ould 'i to tr-y to pioYe tat t d for the
st.ate Leni developed this aspect further and cared 1t to state vvould disappear i t fute. Lein, i support of
extremes, utilizing particularly t expeiience of the Russia 1vho ageed 1vitll t aarcllists t tllis, cotemplated d
revolution of 1905. Considered histOI"ically, Lein's document tried to estalisll precisely such stateless society. VVithout
was of much greater significance as an ideological 1veapon of eterig ito disssio the extet to 1-vicll his prem-
t revolution tllan it 1vas as base for deYelopment of ne1v ises 1v jstified, 1ve mst remembe tllat he contemplated
autllority built according to its ideas. this society as is classless society. Accordig to tis teory
Lenin reduced the state to force, or more pecisely, to the tllere 1vill no classes d class struggles; there will
organ of tyranny 1vhicll one class employs f tl1e sake of op- to oppess d to exploit oters; and tbere will
pressig t other classes. Tryig to fomulate tl1e t of no d for tlle state. Util tat time, ten, t "most
tbe state in the most forceful vvay, Lenin oted, " state is democratic" state is tlle "dictatorsllip of t proletariat," for
club." tlle s tat it "abolisl1es" classes, d so doig, ostesily
Leni perceived oter functions of tlle state too. But in tese makes itself gadally unecessy. Tlleefoe, eyerytblng tat
fuctions also ncovered vvat 1vas f llim t most indis- stl"egtes tat dictatoip, or leads to t "abolishig" of
pensale role of t state-tlle use of brute f one class classes, is justified, piogessiYe, d lieal. I tose places
against t others. 1Vl1ee they are t i contol tl1e Commists are pleaders i
Lenin's teory calling for t destructio of tl1e old state ap- bellalf of the most democi'atic ss because this facilitates
paratus 1vas, in fact, far from being scientific one. Tllis docu- their stggles; i tllose places 1vere tlley maage to get co
ment of Lenin's-extremely significant from t istic poit trol, t become ts of eYery democratic fo1m as
of YieiV-1\'0uld make valid all tat is typical of all Communist allegedly ''ourgeois" form. rretly proclaim the
teories. In proceeding from immediate needs, t parties preposte1ous classificatio of demoacy ito ''ourgeois" and
create genealities, ostensily scietific conclusios d tlleories, "socialist," althougll tlle l and fair distictio must
d proclaim alf-truths as truts. Tl1e fact tat f d dr-a'iv solely tlle basis of t qatity of freedom, or t
violece are basic chaacteristics of every state autlrity, or iYesality of freedom.
tbe fact tlt idividual social d political fo:es employ tlle I the ti Leiist Commist tlleory of tbe state,
maclliery of state, particularly i armed claslles, t tere are gaps i tlle scietific as well as t practical poits
of view. Experience has demonstrated that the results are com- d and dra1v an ever increasing nr of cltlzes into
pletely cotrary to those envisaged Lenin. The classes did temselves, is extremely interestig. Perceivig t ever greater
not disappear under the "dictatorship of the proJ.etariat," and d expadig role of the state macble, despite t already
the "dictatorship of the proletariat" did not begin to wither "started" trasition ito "completely classless" Commuist.
a1vay. Actually, the creation of the total authority of the Com- society, Stali thoght that the state wold disappear having
muists, and the liquidation of the classes of the old society, all the cit.iz~ry ise t.o t state's level d take charge of its
1vas meant to look like the liquidation of classses in geneal. affairs. Li, moieover, talked about. the time 1v "v
But the growth of state power or, more precisely, of tlle bureau- ouse1vives 1vill admiister the governmet." Theories resem-

cracy through 1vhich it enforced its tyranny did not stop with lig that of Stali circlate in Yugoslavia, as 1ve have s.
t dictatorship of the proletariat. Instead it increased. Neitl1er these r Stali's are l to bridge the ever increasig
theory had to patcl1ed up someo1v; Stalin had coceived chasm betv.ree t Communist theories of the state, 1vith t
still higer "educational" role of t Soviet state before it "disappearace" of classes d the "1vitherig a1vay" of t
"witered." If Commuist tlleory of t state, d especially state i their "socialism" tl1e had, d the realities
its practice, is reduced to its very essence, i.e., to force and co- of t totalitaia autority of t party bureaucacy the
ercion as tlle pricipal or only function of t state, Stali's otller.
teory migt said to that t police system has this ig
or "educat.ioal" role to play. Understandaly, l malicious
iterpretation could lead to suc conclusio. And in tllis 5.
teory of Stalin's tere is of t Communist half-truts:
Stali did not ko1v 1v to explai the obvious fact tat t most. important prolem for Communism, in theory
po1ver d migt of t state machiey cotiually grew i and practice, is tlle question of t state; the questio is co
t already "estalised socialist society." So took of stat source of difficlties sice it is sucll obvious cotra
t fuctios of t state-te educatioal function-as the dictio inside Communism.
main function. 1vas t l to use tyranny since tere no Commuist regimes foim of latent civil war bet1vee
longer 1vere any opposition classes. t govemment and t people. Tlle state is t merely
The situation is t same 1vit t Yugoslav leaders' teories instrument of tyrany; society as 1vell as t exective bodies
concerning "tm." In t clas 1vit Stalin, t had to of the state machie is in continuous d lively
"ectify" his "deviatios" and do something so tat the state to the oligacy, v.rhic aspires to redce tis oppositio
1vould soon begin to "1vither a1vay." It did t matter t.o St.alin aked force. In practice, t Communists are ul t.o attai
or t.o tem tat tlley 1vere fter promoting d strengtllening tlle goal of state existig solely on naked force, nor are they
tllat function of t state-foce-whic for tem 1vas the most l to subordiate society completely. But t are l to
important function and one which they based their t control the organs of force, tat is, t police and party, wicl1
of the state. in turn control the entie state machine d its functions. The
St.alin's ideas on llo1v the state 1vithers a;vay while growing oppositio of tlle organs d fnctions of t stat.e against the
stroger, i.e., the \\' that the state's fuctions contiually - "iatioalities" of t party d police, or of individual polit-
ical fuctioaries, is really the oppositio of society carried over Legal forrns st protected on the d 1vblle tlle!
into the state machie. It is expressio of dissatisfaction moopoly of atority mst ired at t same time.
because of the oppression d cripplig of society's objective For the rnost part, i tlle Commist system, legislative
aspiratios d needs. authority t separated fr-om executive authority. Lein
I Communist systems, the state and state fuctios are not cosidered this perfect soltio. Yugoslav leaders also ai
reduced to oro-ans of oppressio, r are they idetical witll tain tbls. In one-party system, this is of the sources of
them. As o~o-aizatio of atioal d social life, the. state
despotis d omipotece i governmet.
is subordinated to these orgas of oppressio. msm IS I the same 1vay, it has impossile i pr-actice to separ-ate
ul to solve this icogruity, for the reaso that its o1vn police autority from judicial autlity. Those 1vho aest also
totalitaria despotism it ievitaly com~s i coflict. 1vit ~is jdge d eforce puishment.s, The circle is closed: t ex-
simila d opposite tedecies of soCiety, tedeCies whiC ecutive, the legislative, the investigatig, t cort, and the
are expressed v through the social fuctio of the state. puisblg bodies are one and t same.
Because of tbls cotradictio, d the uavoidale d co Why does t Communist dictatorsblp have to use la1vs to
stat d of the Commuists to treat. the state predomiatJy the great extet that. it does? vVhy does it have to hide behind
as istnet of force, the Commuist state canot become legality?
la1vful sta te, or state i 1vhicl1 the jdiciary 1vould ide Foreign poJitical pr-opagada is of t reasos. An-
pedet of the govemmet d i whic la1vs could actually oter importat is the fact tat the Comrnist regime
eforced. The 1vhole Commist systern is opposed to sch st isure d fix the rigts of those u 1vom it depeds
state. v if the Cornmuist leaders 1vished to t lalv- te ;v class-to maitai itself. La;vs are al1vays >vritte from
ful state, t cold t do so 1vithot irnperilig their totali- the stadpoit of the 1v class's or party's eeds or iterests.
taria auth01ity. Officially the la1vs must 1vritte for all citizes, but citizes
idepedet jdiciary d t ule of la1v 1vould ievita t rigts of these la;vs coditioally, l if t are
l make it possile for oppositio to appear. For istace, t "eemies of socialism." Coseqetly the Comrnuists
Ia1v i t Cornrnuist systern opposes t f expressio of costatly rd tat t rnigt forced to oat
ii or t rigt of orgaizatio. La>vs i the Cornrnuist t la1vs tat they v ac:lopted. rf, t al;vays leave
system garatee all sorts of rigllts to citizes, d are based loophole or exceptio 1vich 1vill enale tem to eYade their
t priciple of idepedet judiciary. I practice, tl1ere la1vs.
is suc tig. For istace, the Yugoslav legislative authorities stand the
FIeedoms are formally recogized i Cornrnist regimes, priciple that covicted except for act. 1vhich
but decisive coditio is peequisite for exercisig them: has exactly forrnlated the la1v. Ho>veYel', most of the
feedoms rnust utilized l i t iterest of the syste political ti'iaJs are eld the gi"ouds of so-called "hostile
of "socialism," IVblc t Comrnist leaders represet, or to propagada," altough tis t is pposely t defied teir rle. Tbls practice, cotrary as it is to legal t, istead, left to the jdges or secret po1ice.
reglatios, ievitaly d to result i t s of exceptioally For these reasos po1itical trials i Comrnuist. regimes are
severe d uscpulous ethods police d party bodies. ostly prearranged. courts haYe the task of demostrating
what the po>ver->vielders need to have dernonstrated; or have legal point of view, v though they oppoents of the
the task of giving legal cloak to the political judgrnent on regime. From t Comrnuist. poit of vie>v, these opponents
the ''hostile activity" of the accused. are pnished "due process of la>v," altogh there may
I trials conducted this method the cofession of t no legal basis for their being convicted.
accused is most irnportat. imself ust ackowledge tat When citizens spontaneosly trn against t regime's meas-
is an enemy. Tus, t tesis is confirmed. Evidece, little ures, the Commnist athorities handle tem >vitlut I'eQ"ard
as tere may of it, must replaced cofessio of guilt. to costitutional and legal reglations. Modern history s"' no
political t.rials i Yugoslavia are only pocket editios record of actios against t opposition of the masses wblcl1
of the Mosco>v t.rials. The so-called Mosco>v trials are t most are as brtal, inman, and nla;vful as those of Communist
grotesque and loody examples of jdicial and legal cornedies regimes. actio taken in Poznan is t best. kno>v, but rt
in tlle Commuist. system. The majority of other t.rials the most brutal. Occupying and colonial po;vers seldom take
similar insofa.r as acts d pishmets are concerned. sch severe measres, even though t conquerors d

How political trials adled? accomplis their actios t use of extraordinary laws d
First, the sggestio of party functioaries, the party ss. Comunist. po>ver-wielders accomplish tl1e in

police estalish that someoe is an "enemy" of existing codi teir very "v" country trapling on teir O\VIl la>vs.

t.ios; tat, if notblg else, bls vie;vs d discssions ;vit close Even in non-political matters, t judiciay and t legis-
frieds .represet troule, at least for the local authOI'ities. lative atorities rt. safe fom the despots. The totali-
next step is t preparation of the legal removal of the enemy. taian class and its members cannot. help but mix into t affai;
Tis is done it trogll provocateur) >vho provokes the of the judiciary and the legislative authorities. Tis is an
'ictim to rnake "embaassing statements," to take part i illegal ever-yday occrrence.
organizing, or to commit similar acts; or it is d trg An article in t l' 23, 1955, isse of t Belgade ne\vs-
"stool pigeon" ;vho simply bears \Vitness agaist t victim paper Politika (Politics) offeiS tbls suitale illustrat.ion of t
accordig to t \vislles of t police. Most of the illegal orgai real l and position of t courts in Yugoslavia (a1tlug
zatios in Commnist regimes are CI"eated tlle secret police there s al\vays been blger deg.ree of legality in Yugoslavia
i order to lre opponents into them d to pat these oppo- tan in oter Counist. countries):
nents in positio \Vere t police can settle ts \Vith
tem. Commnist governmet does t discorage "ob- In discussion of polems connected ;vith ciminals oper-
jectionale" citizes from committig la>v violatios d ating in t economy, at 2-day annal cofe!'ence, piesided
crimes; in fact it pods tem into s violations d imes. over puiic prosecutor n Jevemovic, the public pose
Stalin generally operated >vitot. t corts, sing tortre cutors of tlle republics, of t Vojvodina, and of Belgade
announced tat coopeation bet>veen t judiciary organs and
extesively. Ho\vever, even if tOI'te is t sed and t corts
the autonomous organs in tlle economy and all political or-
are sed instead, t essece is t same: Cornmunists settle ganizations is necess-y for complete success in tlle battle
accounts 1vitl1 ti opponets not because they v committed against criminals operating in tlle economy and all political
crimes, but. s tl1ey oppoents. It can said tat orgaizations ....
most politica1 iminals >vl !' pnised are inocent fro The public prosecutors tink tat. soc:iety has t yet reacted
wit sufficient vigor wit regard to ridding itself of suc crim-
inals.... 6.
prosecutors agreed tat society's reaction must more The Comuist legal syste cannot free itself of foralis,
effective. According t.o t tinking of t prosecutors, more r abolish t.he decisive infl.uece of party uits d the police
severe penalties and more severe metods of executing penal- i trials, electios, and siilar evets. The higher up goes,
ties are only some of the measures that sould taken....
the r legality s r ornaet, and the geater
examples cited in t discussions cofirm tlle opinios
that some ostile elemets wllic have lost t batt.le t t role of governet i tlle judiciaiJ', in electios, d the
political field v 1v entered t ecoomic field. Cose like s.
quently, t proiem of t crimial i the m is t eptiess and poposity of Counist elections is
only Iegal proiem, but also political , wllich requires generally 1vell kno1v; if I rr coectly, Attlee wittily
t cooperatio of all government agecies d social orgai called the " race 1vitll horse." It seems to tl1at some-
thing should said: vVlly is it tat Comuists canot do
Summing up t discussion, federal puiic prosecutor Brana
Jevremovic emphasized the significance of Iegality in co without elections, even tllough tlley llave effect political
ditions resulting from the decentralization tat s take place relatios; and cannot do 1vitllout sucll costly d empty uder
i Yugoslavia, d pointed out t justificatio f t severity takig as paliametary estalisllmet?
1vit 1vhich our highest leades v senteced idividuals Again, propagada d foreig policy are anng tlle reasos.
guilty of cimial actio agaist t economy. h is also tbls: no gover11et, not even Couist one,
exist 1vitllout everythig beig legally costituted. Under
It is obvious that prosecutors decide that the courts shall coteporary coditions this is d eans of elected repre-
judge and that. penalties shall iposed according to the setatives. people ust formally cofirm everythig tlle
intent of tl1e "highest leaders." What then is left of t.he cots Comuists do.
and of legality? Besides this there is deeper and more ipotant reaso
In the Counist syste legal theories change according for t parliametai}' syste i Comuist states. It is neces-
to circustances and the needs of the oligarchy. Vishinsky's sary t.hat the top party beaucracy, or tlle political core of the
principle 1vhich calls for sentence to based on "iu 1v class, approve t easures taken t govenmet, its
reliaility," that is, on political analysis and need, has been sr body. Commuist govement ignore geeral
abandoned. v if 01 huane or r scientific piin- pulic opinio, but every Comunist govemment is boud
ciples are adopted, the substance 1vill not change util the t pulic ii of t party, and Couist pulic
relatioship bet1veen t governent and the judiciaiJ' and the opinio. Cosequetly, v toug elections v scarcely
la1v itself is changed. Periodic capaigns for "legality," d ig for Couists, tl1e selectio of tose 1v 1vill i
Khrushchev's bragging that the t has "now" succeeded in t parliaet is done v caeflly the top party group. I
putting the police and the judiciary under cotrol, only reveal the selection, accout. is take of all circustances, suc as serv-
canges in t.he for of increased needs of the ruling class for ices, role d fuction i t vt d i society, t pro-
legal secuity. do not show changes in the rulig class's fessions represented, etc. F tlle intra-party poit of vk\v,
position tmvard society, the st.ate, t.he courts, or t.he lvs. electios for leadersblp are very iportant: t leaders dis-
triute tose party po'lvers in tlle parliament wi t tink governmet; ideed, the reproacll could made tat any otl1er
are most important. Tus t leadeisblp s the legality it type would superfluous and too costly.
needs t.o operate in t of t party, class, and people.
Attempts t.o allo'lv t'lvo or more Communists to contend for
t same seat i parliament have had constructive results. 7.
r \vere several instances \vhere tis 'lvas attempted i Yugo-
slavia, but the leadership decided tat suc attempts \Vere "dis- Fouded f01ce and violence, i constat conflict with
uptincr." Ne'lvs has recently received of large number its people, the Communist state, v if thee external
of Commuist candidates competing for the same ss
.. . reasons, must militaristic. The cult of force, especially mili-
the eastern Europea countries. The itentio may to have tary force, is no'lvhere so pevalet as in Commuist coutries.
t\vo or more cadidates for every office, but t!' is little possi- Militarism is the iteal basic d of t "\v class; it is one
ility that tllis \Vill d systematically. It \VOuld step of the forces which make possile the "\v class's existence,
fovard, d migh t v t begiig of turning tmvard strengt, and privileges.
democracy the Commuist system. Ho'lvever, it seems to me Uder const.ant pressure to primarily and, 'lv ecessary,
that there is still log 'lvay to go before such measures \Vill exclusively !'g of violence, the Commuist state s
realized d tat developmet in eastern Europe 'lvill first bureauc!'atic state sice t begiig. Maitaied the
t.ur in the direction of tl1e Yugoslav system of '\v01kers' ma despotism of hadful of po'lver-'lvielders, the Communist state
agement," instead of becomig political democracy 'lvith its 'lvields more po,ver than oter state orgaization does 'lvit
attedant changes. The despotic core still holds everytig i t aid of diveiSe la'lvs d regulations. S after its estalish
its hands, conscious of the fact tat reliquisment of its tra- met, t Commnist state s replete 'lvitll so regu-
ditional party unity \vould prove very dagerous. Every fr-ee- lations that even jdges d la'lvyers llave difficlty i findig
dom 'IVithin the party imperils t only the autority of t teir 1vay tg tem. Everyting llas to accurately
leaders, but totalitarianism itself. reglated and cofirmed, even togh little profit is derived
Communist parliamets are t in position to make de- tereby. For ideological reasos Commist legislators ofter1
cisions aything impor-tat. Selected in advace as they are, isse vaios la"\VS 'lvitot taking tlle real situatio d practical
flattered tlt t have been tls selected, represetatives do possiilities into consider-ation. Immersed in legal and abstract
t have t po'lver or the courage to debate v if t "\Vated "socialist" formlas, t sbject to criticism or opposition, t
to do so. Besides, since teir madate does t deped the compress into paagraphs, 'lvich the assemlies mechai
voters, represetatives do t feel that t are ans'lverale to cally ratify.
them. Communist parliaments are justifialy called "mauso- Commist govenmet is non-breacratic, however,
leums" for t. representatives 'lvho compose them. Their rigt '1\'here qestion of the needs of the oligarcy d t 'IVOI"kig
and role consist of uaimously approvig from time to time metods of its leades is ivolved. v i exceptioal cases
tat 1vhic has already been decided for them from the wir1gs. state and t eads do t like to fetter tllemselves with regu
Another type of parliamet is t requir'=d for this system of lations. Policy-makig d tlle right of political determiatio
are in their harids, and these cannot bear procrastinatio or too v of its o1vn represetatives. It aspires to turn the entire
strict formalization. In decisions concerning the economy as state into state of functionaries. It. aspires to regulate and
1vhole and in all otl1er mat.ters except unimportat, represeta cont.rol, eiter directly or indirectly, \vages, housig coditions,
tional, and formal questions, the heads functio without and even intellectual activities. The Cornmuists do not dis-
excessive restrictions. Tl1e creators of the most rigid type of tinguish people as to \Vhether or not they are functionaries-all
bureaucratism d political cetralism are t as idividuals persons are consideed to functionaries-but the amount
bureaucrats r are t boud legal regulatios. For ex- of they receive and the number of privileges they enjoy.
ample, Stalin \v-as t beaucrat i respect. Disorder and meas of collectiyization, even the peasant gradually be-
delay prevail in the offices and estalishments of many Com- comes member of the geeral beaucratic society.
munist leaders. However, this is the exteal vie\V. In the Communist system
This does not prevent them from temporarily taking stand social groups are sharply divided. In spite of such differeces
"against bureaucratism," that is, against. both unsci"u~ulous;-ess and conflicts, thougl1, t Communist society is as \vole
and slo\vness in adrninistration. They are today battlg agast unified tan any oter. The weakness of the \vole lies
the Stalinist form of bureaucratic administration. Ho1vever, in its compulsory attitudes and relatiosblps d t conflicting
tlley have no intention of elirninating the l, fudarn~;-tal elements of its composition. Ho\vever, every part is dependent
bueaucratism rampant i the management of the polcal on eyery oter part, just as in single, uge mecanism.
apparatus iside the m d state. In Commuist gove1ment, or state, just as in absolute
In this "bat.tle against bueaucatism," Communist leaders moarchy, t deYelopment of uman personality is an abstract
usually refer to Lenin. However, very careful study of Le;-in ideal. In the period of t absolute monarcy, \vhen mecan
reveals that he did not foresee that the new system 1vas rnovg tilists imposed the state upon the economy, t cro;vn itself-
to1vard political bureaucracy. In tlle conflict with the bureauc- for example, Cateine t Great-tougt that t goveent
racy inherited partly from tl1e Cza~'s administratio, Lenin 1vas oliged to re-educate tl1e people. Tl1e Comunist leaders
attriuted rnost of the difficulties to the fact that "there are t and tnk in t same >vay. Ho\vever, during the time
apparatuses composed from list of Communists or from of tlle absolute monar-chy, t goverment did this in an at-
list of rnernbel'S of Soviet party schools." The old officials dis- tempt to subodinate existing ideas to its mvn. Today, i
appeared uder Stalin, and Communists from the "list" stepped the Commuist system, t govenment is siultaeously tlle
into their places, d i spite of this, beaucatism grew. owner and t ideologist. This does not mean that the un
Even i places like Yugoslavia 1vhee tere 1vas cosider-ale personality has disappeared or that it s been changed into
1veakeig of beaucratic admiistratio, its essence, the dull, impersoal cog \v rotates i large, meciless state
rnoopoly of political bureaucacy d the relatios resultig mechaism, in accordance \vith tlle \vill of an omipotent
from it, \vas t abolisl1ed. Even 1vhen it is abolished as an scerer. Personalit.y, its O\Vn nature both collective and
adrninstrative rnethod of maagement, ureaucratism cotiues idividual, is idestctile, even under t Commuist system.
to exist as political-social relatio. Of course it is stifled under this syste more t under otller
The Cornmuist state, or governmerlt, is >vorkig to1vard the systes, d its individuality llas to anifested in different
.complete irnpersoalizatio of the idividual, tlle natio, d way.
Its world is 1vorld of petty daily cares. vVhen these cares d most important reaso why there was no organized
wishes collide with the fortress of the system, which holds resistace to Commuism lies deep in tlle all-inclusiveess and
monopoly over the material and intellectuallife of t people, t.otalitariaism of tlle Commuist state. It ltad peetrated into

even tis petty 1vorld is not free or secure. In the Connist all tlle pores of society and of the persoality--into the vision
system, insecurity is the 1vay of for the individual. The of t scietists, tl1e ispiration of poets, and the dreams of
stat.e gives him the opportunity to make living, but on con~ lovers. rise agaist it meat t. l to die t deat of
desperate individual, but to braded d excommuicated
dition tat he submit. The personality is t.orn bet1veen 1vhat it
desires and 1vat it actually have. It is free to recognize the from society. Tlle1e is air or ligllt uder tlle Commuist
govermet's iro fist.
iterests of the collective and to submit to them, just as in
every other system; but also it may rebel against the usurpig Neitller of tlle t1vo mai types of opposition groups-tat
representatives of the collective. Most of t individuals in stemming from the olde1 classes and tat stemming from origi-
al Commuism itself-found 1vays and eans of combatia
the Comnist system are not opposed to socialism, but op-
t 1s encroachment tlleir lierty. first. group 1vas tuggig
. t:>
posed to t way in 1vich it is being achieved-tis confims
the fact tat the Commuists are not developig any sort of back1vard, 1\'ile the secod group carried poitless d
true socialism. individual 1ebels against those limitations tougtless revolutioary activity, and egaged in quiblig

1vich are in t interest of t oligarchy, not against those about dogma 1vith tlle regime. Conditios 1vere t yet ripe
1vich are in t interest of society.
for t finding of 1v roads.
Anyone 1v does not live under these systems has hard Meamvhile, the people 1vere instinctively suspicious of t
time grasping ho1v human beings, particularly such poud and 1v d and esisted every step and small detail. Today, this;

brave peoples, could v given up their freedom of thought resistance is t geatest, tl1e most real threat to Commuist
and work to such an extent. Tl1e most accurat.e, thoug not the 1egimes. Tlle Communist oligarcs loger kr1v \Vllat
most complete, explanation for this situation is t severity t masses thik 1 feel. regimes feel isecure in sea of

and totality of tyranny. But at t root of tis situation, there deep d dark discotent.
are deeper reasons. gl1 istoy s recod of oter system so sucess-
One reason is historical; t people 1v forced to undergo fl in checking its opposition as t Commuist dictatoi"Sip,
t loss of freedom in the irresistile drive toward economic n v s provoked sucll pofoud d fa1-reacig dis-

cange. Anoter reason is of an intellectual and moral nature. content. It seems tat t more t consciece is crused and
Since indust.rialization had become mat.ter of life or death, t less t opportunities for estalishir oraaization exist
~ '
socialism, or Commuism, as its ideal expressio, became the t geater t discontet..

ideal d hope, almost to t poit of religious obsession Commuist totalitariaism leads to total discotet, i wicll

amog some of the populatio at large as 1vell as the Com- all differeces of ii are gradually lost, except despaii
muists. In the mids of those 1v did t belong to t old d hatred. St resistance-te dissatisfactio of mil-
social classes, delierate d organize.d revolt against the par- lions 1vith t everyday details of life-is t form of resistace
ty, or agaist t government, would have been tantamout to that the Communists v t l t.o smoter. Tis was
treason against t homeland and t ighest ideals. confiied duig t Soviet.-Gera war. vV t Germans
first attacked t U.S.S.R., there seemed to lit.tle desire for composed of Hott.entots. The Communist leaders will al\vays
resistance among the Russians. Ho1vever, Hitler soon revealed take recorse to anytig they find useful, sch as t preaching
that his intentions 1ve1e the destruction of the Russian state of eqality of rights among the national breacracies, which
and the caging of t Slavs and oter Soviet peoples into is practically the same to them as the demad for equality of
impersonal slaves of tl1e Herrenvolk. From t depths of t rights among atioalities.
people tere emerged t traditional, uquenchale love for N ational feelings d atioal interest, ho,vever, do t lie
the homeland. During tlle entire war Stalin did not mention at the basis of the coflict bet,veen t Communist ational
either the Soviet govement or its socialism t.o the people; bureacracies. The rnotive is quite different: it is sup1emacy in
mentioned only one ting--the homelad. And it \vas \vort 's mvn zone, in the sphee 'vich is uder one's administra-
dyig for, in spite of Stalin's socialism. tion. The struggle over t reptatio and po,vers of 's o\rn
tepulic does t go m fthe1 than desire to strengtl1e
one's mrn power. The atioal Comrnuist state units have
8. no sigificance other tha tlt t administative divi-
sios, on the basis of lagage. The Commuist beaucrats
Communist regies have succeeded in solvig many are vehernent local patiiots on behalf of tei1 OWil admin-
prolems tat d baffied t systems they replaced. are istrative units, even tg they have t traied for
also succeedig i solving the nationality lm as it existed t part on either lingistic or natioal basis. In sorne
to the time t came to pmver. They v t been l l adrniistrative nits in Ygoslavia (t regional col
t.o resolve t conflict of ational bourgeoisie completely, ow cils), chavinism has been greater than in t nationalepulic
ever. prolem s reappeared i t Communist regimes governments.
in 'v and more serious form. Among the Cornmnists one enconter t short.sighted
National rule is being estalished in the U.S.S.R. trough rti caYinism and decline of ational coscios
higbly developed beaucracy. In Yugoslavia, o1vever, dis- ness, v in the very sarne people, depending n oppor-
putes are arising because of friction betwee natioal bu- tnities and r-eqirernents.
reaucracies. Neiter t first nor t secod case conces langages '\'ich the Commnists speak are ardly t
national disptes in the old sense. Tl1e Commists are not same as tlse of teir o'vn people. The ''ds 1 the sarne, but.
nationalists; for tllem, the insistece on nationalism is only t expessions, the rneaning, t iner sense-all of tese
form, just like any oter form, through which they stiengten teii" very o,vn.
teir po,vers. For tis prpose t may v act like vehemet \Vile tl:ley atarcical 'vit regard to oter systems and
chauvinists from time to time. Stalin \vas Georgian, but i localistic >vitin their o'\'ll system, t Communists can
practice d i propaganda, 'venever ecessary, \vas raid fevent inteationalists 'ven it. is t.o teir interest to so.
Great Russia. Among Stalin's errors, v Khrushcl1ev ad- vaios nations, of \vi once d its o>vn forrn and
mitted, was t terrile trt of the extermiatio of entire color, its o'vn istory and s, stand virtally still no1v,
peoples. Stalin and Company used t national prejdices of g and langid, beneath the all~po,vefl, all-kno>ving, d
t largest nation-the Russian nation-just as if it had been essentially non-atioal oligarchies. The Comrnnists did not
succeed in exciting or a-.;vakening the nations; in this sense they
also failed to solve nationality questions. vVho knows anything
nowadays about Ukl-ainian -.;vriters d political figures? vVhat
has happened to that nation, >vhich is the same size as Fance,
and -.;vas once the most advanced nation in Russia? You >vould
think that only anrphous and foi"less mass of people
could remai under this impersonal machie of oppression.
However, this is not the case.
Just as personality, various social classes, d ideas still live,
so do the nations still live; they function; they stuggle agaist Dogmatism in the Economy
despotism; and they preserve their distictive features u
destroyed. If their coscieces and souls are smothered, they 1.
are t broken. Though tlley are under subjugatio, they
have t yielded. The force activatig them today is more than
the old or bourgeois natioalism; it is impe1ishale desire The deYelopment of the economy in Communism is rt the
to their OWil masters, d, their mv free develop- basis for, but reflection of, the developmet of the egime
met, to attai icreasigly fuller fello>vship -.;vith the rest of itself fiom revolutionay dictatorship to reactionay des-
the human race in its eternal existence. potism. This development, trough struggles and disputes,
demonstrates hmv the interference of government in tl1e econ-
orny, necessary at fist, has gradually turned ito vital, personal
interest on t part of t ruling bueaucats. Iitially, t
state seizes all meas of productio in order to contol all
ivestments for rapid industrialization. Ultimately, fter eco-
nornic development has come to guided rnaily in the
interests of t ruling class.
Other types of mvers do not act in an essentially different
m1; they are avays motiYated sorne sort of personal
interest. Ho>vever, the tig tltat distinguishes t.he \V class
frorn oter types of o>vers is that it has in its hands, m01e or
less, all the ational resources, and tat it is deYeloping its eco-
nornic po>ver in delierat.e and organized manner. delierate
system of unification is also used otl1er classes, suc as polit-
ical and economic orgaizations. Because tere are number of
O\VIlers and many forms of property, all in mutual conflict,
spotaneity and cornpetition have been preserved in all -

omies preceding the Cornunist one, at least under norma1 it s created closed economic system, >vith forms of property
or peaceful coditions. which facilitate t party's domiatio d its moopoly. At
v the Communist m has not succeeded in repress- first, t Commists d t.o tur to this ''collectivistic" fom
ig spontaneity, but i cotast to all others, it. constantly for objective reasons. N o-vv they colltine to stregte tis
insists that spontaneity should achieved. . form->vitot considerig >veter not it. is i the interest
This practice has its theoretic justificatio. The Commust of the natioal economy and of ftr idustrializatio-for
!eaders really believe that they kno'.V ecoomic la>vs and that teir Ov\'11 sake, for an exclsive Commuist class aim. They
they can administer production witll scietific accuracy. The first admiistered d controlled t etire economy for so-
truth is that the l thing they know ho>v to do is to sei~e called ideal goals; 1ater tlrey did it for t prpose of mai
t:otrol of the economy. Their aility to do this, just like the1r taiing teir absolte tl and dominatio. t is the i
victory i the revolution, has created the illusio i their mids reaso for suc far-reacl1ig d inflexile political measures
Jhat they succeeded because of their exceptional scientific i t Commnist m.
aility. I an itervie>v i 1956, Tito admitted tat. there "so-
Covinced of the accuracy of their theories, they administer cialist elements" in \Vester economies, t tat they are t
the economy largely according to these theories. It is standard "delierately" introdced ito t ecoomies as s. Tis
joke that the Commuists first equate ecoomic measure expesses t \vole Communist idea: l s "socia1ism"
>vith Marxist. idea d the proceed t.o carry out the measure. is estalislred "delierately"-by organized complsio-i t
In Yugoslavia, it has officially declared that plaing is ecoomics of teir cotr-ies must t Communists preserve
coducted according to Marx; but Marx >vas either planer the despotic metod of governig and teir o-.;vn moopoly of
r planing expert. I practice, nothing is done accordig o\vnersip.
to Marx. Ho>vever, the claim that planing is conducted ac- Tis iti of great d v decisiYe sigificace to
cording to Marx satisfies people's coscieces and is used to "delierateness" in t deYelopment of t economy d soci-
justify tr and economic domiation for "ideal" aims d ety reYeals t complsy and selfislr clraacter of Commist
according to "scietific" discoveries. economic policy. Otevise, -.;v 1vold suc an insistence on
Dogmatism i t m is an iseparale part of t Com- delieateness necessary?
muist system. Ho>vever, tlre focig of the m into dog- strog oppositio of Commnists to all foms of Oi\'1ler-
maric rc1.0lds is t tlre outstanding feate of t Commist sip except tlse ivlrich t consider to socialist idicates,
economic s~.stem. In tbls m t leader-s are masters i above all, thei uncontrollable desies to ui and maitai
"adapting" theo:v; t depart from they >vlre it is to teir pmve. abandoned alteed tis adical attitde, holv-
intel"est to 5{). eYer, 1vlre it >vas agaist ti iterest to old to it; tls t
I additio to being motivated t blstOIical d for teated ti o-vv teory badly. I YugoslaYia, for instace,
apid idustrializatio, the Commuist bureacracy has been t fist ceated and ten dissolYed t kolklzes i t name
compelled to estalis type of ecoomic system desiged to of "error-fee :arxism" and "socialism." Today t are pur-
isure t perpetuation of its o;vn po>ver. Allegedly for t sing tir-d, and cofsed, middle-of-tlre-oad lie in tlle s
sake of classless society and for the ae.1ition of exploitation, matter. r are similar exarnples i all Cornrnuist 1-
ties. However, the abolition of all fors of private ownership Coplsory labor in the ist syste is the reslt of
except their own is their ur1ehaging purpose. onopoly of owersip over all, or alost all, ational property.
Every political syste gives expression to econoic forces The vvoker finds hiself i the position of llavig rt orlly to
d attepts to adiister t. The Conists t at- sell his l; ust sell it dr conditios 1vhich are d
tai coplete cotrol over productio, but they have succeeded is control, sice he is ul t.o seek another, better eployer.
i controllic it to suc extet tat they cotinuously sub- There is only eployer, the state. The \Vorker s no choice
ordinate it t; teir ideological d political goals. I tis way, t to accept t eployer's ters. \Vorst and ost at"ful
Counis differs fro every oter political syste. eleent in early capitalis the 1vorker's standpoint-the
l arket-as replaced the onopoly over labor
of the o1mer'Ship of the w class. This has t d t \Vorker
2. I the Conist syste the 1vorker is t like t anciet
The Couists interpret t special role of those w type of slave, t v 1vhe he is i copulsoy labor s:
produce in tenns of their total O\vership d, even r i tl1e acient slave 1vas teated both theoretically d practically
portat, often in ters of the overriding role of ideology i as object. v tl1e greatest id of atiquity, Aristotle,
t n.
believed tlt 1vere either fr slaves. Thogh
Iediately after t revolution, d of ernployet he believed i um treatent of slaves d advocated the
\Vas curtailed in the U.S.S.R. t t need of the regie for refor of t slavery syste, he still regarded slaves as tools of
rapid industrialization did not bring about coplete curtail- production. I t moder syste of techology, it. is t pos-
et of such freedo. This took place only after the victory of sile to deal tis >vay 1vith \vorker, s l liter-ate d
the indstrial revoltion and after t ne\V class had been iteested vo1ker do the sort of 1vork required. Copulsory
created. In 1940 la\V \Vas passed foridding d of e labor i t Couist syste is quite differet slavery
ployent d punishig people for quitting their jobs. I this in atiqity in history. It is the reslt of 1si and
period d r \Vorld War , for of slave labor developed, political relationships, not, or l to sligt extet, t result
naely, t labor s. Moreover, the bordelie between of t tecnological level of poduction.
1vork in the labor s d wok in factories was alost co Sice d1 tecrlogy requires "'orker \Vl can dispose
pletely eliiated. of cosideale of d, it is i latet conflict
Labor s d varios kinds of "voluntary" \VOI"k activities wit coplsory for"s of labor, or ;vith the l of o>vne
are only t 1vorst and ost t fors of coplsOI'y labor. ship d t political totalitariais of Cornuis. Uder
Tbls of teporary character i other systes t Cornrnuis t ;vorker is techically free, but is possiilities
nder nis copulsory l has reaied pennaet to use is fd extrernely lirnited. The fOI"al lirnita-
feature. Althogh coplsory labor did not take the s fon tion of d is not irt caact.eistic of Cornu
i oter Conist coutries nor develop there t.o the ext.ent isrn, t it is pl1enoeon ;vhich occurs ud Cornuisrn.
that it has in the U .S.S.R., r of tl1ese contries s co It is especially apparet 1vith egard to 'vok d t labor
pletely free eployerlt. force itself.
Labor cannot f in society 1vhere all material goods are retention of "excess profits" in the hads of the bureaucracy
nopolized one goup. The labor f is indiectly the \vl justify this actio saying that they are clleckig inflation

r of that goup, altlugh not completely so, since the and ivesting t money \visely. All that remais for the worker
worke is an indiYidual hman being 1vho himself ses up t are small, nomial sums and the "right" t.o suggest ho\v they
of his labor. Speaking in t abstr-act, t l f, taken as sould ivested though the t d trade unio organi-

1vhole, is factor in total social poduction. ne;v uling zation-tl1og the bureauacy. v\itout the right to stike

class 1vit it.s material and political monopoly ses this factor and to decide ;vl o;vs \vhat, the \Vk have not had
almost to the same extent tat it does t national goods and u n to obtai real s of t profits. It s become

elements of production and treats it t same \\', diegard clear tat all tl1ese ights are mutally intevoven with various
ing t lman factor. forms of political freedom. They canot attained i isolation
Dealing 1vit.h labor as factor in poduction, 1vorking con- from each other.
ditions in yarios enterpises, or t connection bet;veen 1vages In suc system, free trade unio oganizations are impos-
and profits, are of no concer11 to t uu. \\ages and sile, d stikes can happen very rarely, suc as the explosions
\\'Oking conditions are determined in accordance 1vit an ab- of \Voker dissatisfaction in East Gerrnay in 1954 d in
stract concept of labor, or in accordance 1vith indiYidual quali- z in 1956.
fications, 1vith little no regad for t actual esults of Comrnunists explai the eforced absence of strikes
productio i the respectiYe eterpises or br-ancl1es of indstry. sayig tat t ";vorking class" is i po>ver and mvs t
This is only geneal rule; tl1ere are exceptios, depeclig s of prodctio trogh its state, so that if it did strike,
coditions and requirements. But the system leads ieYitaly it \vold strikig against itself. Tis v explanatio is
to lack of interest t t of tl1e actual poduceis, i.e., t based on t fact tat i t Comuist system the o;ver
1vorkers. It also leads to lo;v quality of output, decline in l of poperty is not pr'ivate individual, but, as 1ve kno\v,
productiYity d teclological pogress, d deter-ioatio of caouftaged t fact tlt is collective and forrnally
plat. The Commuists are costatly strugg1ig f geater tide tifiale.
poductiYity on t part of t idiYidual 1vorkers, payig little Above all, stikes uder t Commuist system are impos-
or attetio to t poductiYity of t labor force as ;vole. sile s there is only mme \Vllo is i carge of all
In suc system, efforts to stimulate t worker are ineYitale goods d of tl1e ti labor fore. It ;vold ard to take
and fequent. The beaucracy offers all kinds of a1vards and effective action against i ;vitlut tl1e paticipation of
allo1vances to coteract lack of iterest. But. as log as tlle
all t ;vorke. stike of or enterprises-spposing
Comnists do not g the system itself, as long as they
tat scl1 tig could at all dr total dictatoiSip
retai teir monopoly of all 1vi and all goyermet, t
-canot eally tleat.e tlt o;vne. His t does not
canrt stimulate t idiYidual woker for log, much less
consist of tose idividal eteprises t of t prodctio
stimulate the labor f as ;vlle.
macine as \vlle. The ;v is not harmed losses in
Elaborate attempts to giYe t \Vorkers sare i the profits
indiYidal enterpises, s the producers, or society as
have made i Yugoslavia and are now beig contemplated
\vole, must rnake f such losses. Because of this, strikes
in t East Europea countries. These quickly result in t
are of political than an econoic rl for the
vVhile inclividua1 st.rikes are alost ipossile, and hope- In spite of t fact tat. tere
free lt or free
less as far as potential esults are concerned, there are no ivokers' orgaizatios, tere is liit. to exploitatio, even
r political conditions for general strikes and they can i t Couist syste. searc for tis liit would
occur only i exceptional situations. Wheever idividual require d d ill01e concete analysis. W will cocern
strikes have taken place, they have usually cl1anged ito gl ourselves l 1vit its ost iportant aspects.
strikes d have taken on distinctly political chaacter. I I additio to political liits-fear of dissatisfaction aonD"

addition, Couist regies constantly divide d disrupt the ivorkers and otl1er cosideratios wich are subject. to
the 1vokig class eans of paid fuctionar-ies, aised fro g-th are also costant liits to exploitatio: the fs
its raks, 1vho "educate" it, "uplift it ideologically," d direct d degrees of exploitation 1vich too costly for the
it in its daily life. syste ust s or later discotiued.
Trade unio organizations and other professioal OIgani- Tus, t decree of April 25, 1956, i t U.S.S.R., t
zations, because of thei purpose d functio, l dti of 1vorkers for tardiess or for quitting t.heir
the appendages of single o1vner and potetate-the political jobs ivas caceled. Also great n \VOI"kers 1vere released
oligarchy. Thus, teir "ain" s is t of "buildig fro l s; these ivere cases in ivhich it ivas ipossile
socialis" or increasig production. Teir oter fuctions to distingish betivee political prisoers d those iv t
to spread illusions and acquiescent d g t gi d tloiv ito labor s because it needed labor
1vorkers. s orgaizations v played only iportant fOI'ce. This decree did t result i copletely freed labor
role-the lifting of the cultal level of the \Vorking classes. f, for cosideale liitatios still reained i force, t
"\Vorkers' ogaizations uder t Couist. syste it did repeset the ost sigificat pogress d after Stalin's
really "" "yello1v" ogaizations of special kid. deat.

expressio "of special kid" is used because t ~oplsory slave l brought political difficlties to the
l is at t s tie t goveent and t exponent reg1e d also too costly as s as advaced tech-
of t predoinant ideology. In other systes tlse t1vo factors ology was itroduced i the U.S.S.R. slave laborer, no
are generally separate fro oter, so tat t 1vokers, matter v little you feed i, costs r tha produce
even tlug ul to rely either one of t, are at least iv t the adinistrative appaatus eeded to assure
l to take advantage of t differences and conflicts betiveen his coercio. His labor s senseless and ust discon-
t. tinue~. Modern production liits exploitatio in otller ivays.
It is not accidetal tat t working class is the ain con- r canot operated efficietly exausted co
cenl of the regie; not for idealistic or uaitarian reasons, pulsory labor, and adequate lt d cultal conditios
but siply because tis is t class 1vi production de- v an indispensale peequisite.
pends and on ivich t rise and t very existence of t new liits to exploitation in the Couist syste are
class depends. paralleled liits to the freedos of the labor force. These
freedoms ate detennined the ature of ownership and gov-
the power but weakness of the economy. Yugoslavia was
emment. Until o-.;vnership d govenment are chaged, the
sor~ of wor~ers util it acieved satisfactory degree of pro-
labor force canot become free d must remai subject to ductn efficiecy. As s as it did, tllere -.;vas uemploymet.
moderate or severe forms of ecoomic d administrative Uemployet 1vould v blgher if Yugoslavia attaied
r. maximum prodctio efficiecy.
Because of its production needs, Commuist regime regu- Coniuist econoies full eployent conceals une
lates labor coditios and the st.atus of the l force. Jt takes ployent. poverty of all coceals t ulr of
maysided and a.encompassing social measures: it regul~tes s, just as the pheoenal progress of s sectors of t
such things as -.;vorking hours, vacations, isurace, dt, n coceals the backwardess of oters.
the labor of wome and childre. Many of these meases are s token, this type of l mvnersblp and
largely nominal; many are also of progressively harmful goveme~t is l t.o pevent. econoic collapse, but il
character. of preventg chroic crises. The selfish interests of the 11ew
Commnist system the tedency t.o regulate labor rela-
class d the ideological caracter of the n k it
tions and to maintai order and in productio is constant. ipossile to aintain healthy and llaronious syste.
single d collective mvner solves labo-force polems
on an all-encompassing scale. Jt canot st "rl" in
anytblng, and certainly rt in t labor f. Jt must eglate
it just as mch as every oter aspect of productio. 4.
The great boast that there is full employment i Commnist.
systems cannot ide t 1vounds 1vi e\'ident as one Marx 1vas t the first. to visualize the of futre
looks more closely. As s as all mateiial goods contolled society ld basis. t -.;vas t first, or g t
one body, these goods, like m1v eeds, mst become first, to recogize tat dr r uavoidaly teds
t subject of planig. Political necessities play importat toward planig because, i additio to social reasos, it is
role i planig d tis uavoidaly eslts i t retetio ~eig estaliseq tlle basis of scietific teclology.
of number of rs of idustry, 1vich srvive at. t s 1vere the fiist to l gigatic atioal d iter
expense of oters. s planning bldes actal nemploymet. atioal scale. Today, planig is geeral and
As soon as sectors of t economy can engage in feer play, or an iportant eleent of the econoic policy of ost govern-
as s as it becomes unnecessay for the regime to sstain and ents, even togh it s differet caracter in indstrially
stregthe at t s of tr, uemploy devel~ped countries fro tat in indstially udeveloped ones.
mellt -.;vill r. More extesive ties with t 1vold market Planng s necessary when podction reaces an ad-
can also cause tis tied. vaced stage d 1ven social, intemational, d other codi
Cosequetly, full employment is t t reslt of Com- tions are subject to siilar teds. Jt does t llave uch con-
muist "socialism" t of an ecoomic policy carried t ection with anyone's teories, let alone tllose of , 1vhic
command; in t final aalysis, fll employmet is t result were costr"Ucted on far lo1ver level of social d econoic
of disharmoy d prodctio inefficiecy. Jt does t eveal relations.
vVhen tlle U.S.S.R. became the first country to embark upon Recently atomic eergy, especially in t U.S.S.R., s begun
natioal planning, its leaders, who 'vere Marxists, conected to take first place in t plan; I sold say tllat tis is llappen-
tbls li- 'vit Marxism. The truth is tbls: altlugh
. .
ig because of military, foreign and political considerations
Marx's teacblo-s "\v the idealistic basis of tlle revolut

rater tan for any otller.
Russia, bls teacblngs also became the cover for later meases Ever]'tlling is subordinated to tese aims. Cosequely,
taken the Soviet leaders. m rs of t are laggig and 'vorking
All of tlle blstorical and specific reasons for Soviet planing inefficietly; dispoportios d diffilties are inevitale; d
>vere attriuted to correspondig teories. Marx's theory was excessive prodctio costs d li iflatio are rampant.
the closest d most acceptale because of t social basis and Accordig to Andre Pilipe (i t New Leader, October 1,
the past of the Commuist movemet. 1956), investments i v idstry i t U.S.S.R. icreased
Altluo-h Ii- heavily on :r in t beginig, m-

from t 53.3 per t of total ivestmets i 1954 to 60 per
muist planing s m profound idealistic and mateial cent of total ivestmets in 1955. ,venty-oe per cent of tlle
background. How can m administeed other tha t atioal icome is beig invested in indstr]', wit co
as planned m vv it s or is going to v sing1e cetratio on v industry, ltg lleavy indsty l
o>mer? Ho'v cold s tlemedos investments made for cotrited 7.4 per t to tlle increase i icome per capita,
t prpose of idustrializing if t >vere not planed? 6.4 per t of vvblch 'vas d to icreased prodctio.
Sometblno- mst eeded f it become ideal. So

It is uderstadale >vhy, under scll conditions, the stadard
it is >vit Commnist planig. It is dedicated t.o t develop- of livig is t last coce!'Il of tl1e ne'v o>mers, v thog,
met of tlse brances of t economy >vi >vill insre t as Marx imself maitais, are the most importat factor
streo-tenino- of tl1e reo-ime. Tis is t g-eneral
.... rule, altog-h
.._, i prodction. Accoding to Ed"rard Cranksa>v, vvllo is close
in every Commnist contry, especially tllose "\vicl1 become to t Britis Labor t, despeate battle for survival must.
indepedent of Moscovv, tllere are exceptios to tis rle. foght i t U.S.S.R. those >v less t 600 rles
Of corse, the developmet of the national m as motbly. r Schvvartz, the New York Times expert on the
'vole is important for t stiegtening of t regime, for it Soviet Uion, llas estimated tllat appoximately eight million
is impossile permanetly to sepaate progress in one branc 'vorkers earn less than 300 is monthly, and tlle Tribune,
of prodction from anoter. Plaring empasis i every Com- repesenting tlle point of vievv of tl1e Bitisll Labor Party's left
mnist system is alvvays directed tmvard brances of t vving, adds tlle comment that tllis, and t tlle eqality of sexes,
ecormy tat are considered to of decisive importance in is tlle reason for the large nmbe!' of women employed at lleavy
maitaiing tl1e political staility of tlle regime. s braches labor. recent 30-per-cet vvage incease in tlle U.S.S.R. llas
are ones tat enance t role, po,ver, and privileges of t applied to tllese lo'N->vage categoi"ies.
rr. also are t s tat strengtlten t regime Tbls is the >vay it is i the U.S.S.R. It is not. different
in its relatios to oter cotries and make it possile for t in other Comnist contr-ies, not. even in cotr-ies like
regime to idustr-ialize t.o greater degree. Up to now, t Czeclloslovakia vvblch are tecllnologically very advanced. Once
v rs of v and w industries. Tis does t an exporter of agricultral piOdcts, Ygoslavia no>v impts
tat t situation cannot. cange i idividal coutries. tem. Accoiding to official statistics, tlle standard of living of
blue- a11d 1vhite-collar \Vorkers is lmver than before World The same is true 1vith regard to agriculture. U11der prese11t-
\Var , whe11 Yugoslavia 1vas 11 u11developed capitalist coutry. day coditio11s, progressive agriculte also means idus
Commu11ist pla1111i11g, devoted t.o political class i11teests, a11d trializatio11. Pogressive agriculture does 110t isure that
totalitaria11 dictatorsllip suppleme11t eacll other. For ideologic Communist regime 1vill indepe11det of the outside. Inter-
reaso11s, Commu11ists ivest i11te11sively i11 certai11 ba11ches of 11ally it makes t regime depe11de11t 011 the peasat, eve11
the eco11omy. All pla1111i11g revolves arou11d tllese braclles. though the peasats are membel'S of ' cooperatives. Cose
This leads to deep displaceme11ts i tlle eco11omy whicll can11ot que11tly steel s give11 priority i t pla11, right beside
paid for i11come from 11atio11alized farms take over from kolkhozes 1vith lo1v productio. The plaing of political
capitalists a11d large lado1v11ers, but. must paid for mai11ly 1v had to allead of ecoomic progress.
tllrough t impositio of lo1v 1vages a11d the pillagig of peas- Soviet, or Commuist, planig is of special kid. It has
ats tl1rougl1 tlle compulsory crop-purcllase system. t eyolved as tlle esult of t tech11ological developmet of
It migllt said tllat if tlle U.S.S.R. d 110t d such pla11- poductio r as the result of the "socialist." cosciousess of
11i11g, or if it d 11ot co11centrated 011 the developme11t of heavy its iitiators. I11stead it s evolved as t result of special
i11dustry, it 1vould -r e11tered \Vorld W u11armed d type of governmet and O\V11ers11.ip. Today, tecical d other
would have 11 tlle easily co11quered slave of tlle Hitler i11- factors are i11flue11ci11g this type of lig, but tese other
vasio11. This :s t, but o11ly to certai11 degree. For gu11s factors have t ceased to v tlleir effect the evolutio11
d ta11ks are 11ot the l stegth of cou11try. If Stali11 had of tis type of plan11ing. It is very important to 11ote tis, for
11ot had imperialistic aims i11 his f01eign policy a11d tyra11ical it. is tlle key to u11dersta11di11g tlle cllaracter of this type of plan-
aims i11 his i11ternal policy, groupig of po1ves 1vould haYe ng, a11d of the capailities of Commu11ist eco11omy.
left his cou11try sta11ding alone before the invader. results acieved such 11 eco11omy a11d such pla11-
This is clear: t ideological h to pla11ing d de- ni11g vaied. tti11 of all mea11s to acieve
velopme11t of tlle economy 1vas 11ot esse11tial for tlle develop- specific s make it possile for t po1ver-1vielders to
met of 1var industry. It 1vas put into actio11 because of t progress 1vith extraordiary speed i11 certai11 s of the
po1ver-holders' 11eed to i11depe11de i11ternally a11d ex- eco11omy. Tlle progress that t U.S.S.R. s achieved i11 some
ternally; defe11se 11eeds 1vere o11ly associate 11eeds, eve11 tllough banclles s eretofore ever 11 acieved a11y1vhere in t
they 1vere i11evitale. Russia could have obtaied tlle same qua11- 1vorld. Hmvever, 1vl1e11 11 cosides the back\vard conditios
tities of arrnaments, poceedig u11der differe11t pla11s, li11ki11g existig in oter branches t progress acieved is 110t. justified
r more closely 1vitl1 foreign markets. Greater dd 011 from t ove-all economic point of vie1v.
foreign markets would have 11ecessitated differet foreig11 . Of couse, onc:-back\vard Rsia s attaied secod place
policy. Under prese11t-day co11dit.io11s, 1vl1ere 1vorld i11teests are \Vold productn as far as its most importa11t branches of
i11terlaced a11d 1vhee 1vars are total, butter is almost as impOI- t eco11omy nd. It s become t mitiest conti

tant as gu11s i11 the 1vagi11g of 1var. This was confimed 11 i11 nental pmver in t 1vorld. strong 1vorkig class, 1vide stra-
the case of the U.S.S.R. Food fom tlle U11ited States 1vas almost tum of teclical intellige11tsia, and t materials f consuer
as importa11t f Yictory as war materiel. goods productio v created. dictatosip s t
118 Because of . this political and ecoomic omnipotence, .vas te-
been essentially weakened because of this, nor are there ~ny
f. u l udertakgs cannot avoided v wit tl1e es t f
reasos to believe that the standard of living cannot n . .
tents. Ver_y l:le attention is paid t.o wat t.he cost of
proved in proportion to the coutry's economic c~pabilities. these undertakgs 1s _to t.he economy as ;vhole. v great
01vnership and political cosiderations for whlCh the plan are the costs to nati~~ of an agiculture which is stagat
is only implemet have made it impossile to \Veake~ .the because of the su~erstitus ~ommunist fear of the peasant
dictatorship to any extent or to raise tlle standard of livg. and unreas~nab!e vestments heavy industry? Wat is the
The exclusive moopoly of sigle group, in the ec_onon1y_ as cost of cap1tal vested i iefficiet. industries? \Vhat is t
1vell as in politics, planing tat is directed toward creasg cost of ~tagnat trasportation system? What is the cost of
its po1ver and its interests in the country and troughout the l pa1d \V~rkers, 1v coilSequently "goldbrick" d 1voik
vorld, continuously postpones tl1e improvement of the standard slowly? V:hat Is the cost of poor-quality productio? r is
of living and harmonious development of the econom~. coutg these costs, r they calculated.
absence of freedom is undoubtedly the final d most Impor- ust as t ~dmi~ister the eccmomy, the Commuist Ieaders
tant reason for the postponemet. In Communist systems free- handle everythg way contry to their O'iVIl teach"
dom has become the main ecoomic and geeral prolem. h . g,
t. at. Is, ~ te1r peisoal VIe>vpot. The economy 1s JUSt
an area \ViCh least toleiates aritrainess. v if they -.vished
~ do so, the leaders could t take ito coilSideratio the
5. t~rests of the m as whole. For political reasos t
:ulg gr~u?, de~;r~r:es ,;v~at is "vitally ecessar-y," "of key
The Commuist planed ecormy conceals within itself an Importance, or deCistve movement. Nothicr stads i
anarchy of special kind. In spite of the fact that it is planned, the 1vay of its ~ig out the matte in questi;n, for the
the Commurlist economy is perhaps the most 1vasteful economy group_ IS ~ot afra1d of losig its 01v or property.
ir1 the history of human society. Such claims may seem stange, Per~odically _the leades idulge i criticism or self-criticism
especially if one has in mind the relatively rapid development d c1te >vhen theie is evidence that sometincr is
of individual branches of the economy, d of t.he m as not progressig or >v~:. treme_dous ;vaste s become
1vhole. However, they have solid basis. ~_rt. -~~rushc~ev ctici~ed Stal for is agr'icultural policy.
\Vastefuless of fantastic proportios was unavoidale even Ito ctiCized h1s __v eg1me for excessive capital ivestmets
if this had t group 1vhich cosideed ever-ytblg, i and t >vaste of bllllos. citicized imself for t 1"s " .
cludincr the m, from its O\Vll narrO\V owership and d. . l"
It~a neglect of t stadad of liYig. But t essence
ideolo~ical poit of vie1v. Ho;v could sigle group of this Iemas t same. same m prolong the same system
kid admiister complex modern m effectively d about the same metld , util s . and "1"rregu 1ar-Ities
thriftily-a economy which, in spite of the most complete become a~paret. Losses incued no loger resto!'ed,
plarig, sho;ved yaried d often contradictory iteral and so t reg1me d tl1e party do t take t responsiility for
external tedecies from day to day? The absence of type t losses have " note d" t h eors d these s '\Vill
of criticism, even of any type of important suggestio, inevitaly "corrected." So let's begin all over againl
leads to ;vast.e d stagnatio.
There is no evidence that single Communist leader has The 1vaste is tremedo because of the isolation of Com-
suffered because of unproductively expended or fantastically uist ecoomies. Every Commist m is essetially
1vasted means. But m have been deposed because of "ideo- autaichic. The reasos for this atarchy lie i the character of
logical deviatios." its govermet d o'\vership.
In Communist systems, thefts d isappopriatios are in- No Commuist t-t v Ygoslavia, which 1vas
evitale. It is not just poverty that motivates people to st.eal oliged to cooperate to greater extet >vith on-Commuist
the "national property"; but the fact that tl1e property does cout1ies of its coflict >vit Mosco>v-as success-
not seem to belong t.o anyone. All valuales are somel1v ful i developig foeig tade d t taditioal g
redered valueless, tls creating favoale atmosphere for of goods. Planed poductio larger scale i cooperation
tl1eft and waste. In 1954, i Yugoslavia l, over 20,000 cases wit otl1er cotries s t attaied.
of theft of "socialist property" were discovered. The Com- Commist planig, amog oter things, takes very little
unist leaders hadle atioal property as their o1rn, but at t of t eeds of >vorld makets or of the dti i
t same time they 1vaste it as if it 1vere somebody else's. Suc oter cot1ies. Partly as reslt of this, and partly as reslt.
is t nature of overship d govenmet of tl1e system. of ideological d oter motives, Commuist govemets take
The Qeatest waste is t v visile. This is t.he 1vaste of

too little accout of tl coditios affectig podction.
mapo1ver. The slo>v, uproductive 1vork of disiterested mil- ofte costct idtial plats 1vitot avig sfficiet
lions toO"ether with the prevetio of all IVOI'k t cosidered ra1v materials availale for tem, d almost ever atte
"socialist," is the calculale, invisile, d gigantic 1vaste 1vhic tio to t 1vorbl level of i d dti. d
no Comunist regime has l to avoid. Even thoug they some prodcts at seveal times t prodctio cost i other
are adherets of Smith's teory that labor creates value, cotries. Simltaeoly, ot11er s of idtry >vblc
theory 1vich Marx adopted, these po1ver-1vielders the least
cold spass t 1vorld avei"age i prodctivity, or vvic
attetio to labor d mapo1ver, regardig tl1em as somethig
cold d at lo1ve prices t t 1vold g, are
of very little value 1vhich readily replaced.
neglected. ti evv ilstries are beig developed, even
fear >vhich Commuists v of "tl1e ree1val of capital-
togh >vorld makets sfeited 1vith tlle items tl1ey 1vill
ism," or of ecoomic cosequeces that 1vould arise fom
d. 1vorkig people v to f all tbls i OI'der
arro1v class "ideological" motives, has cost tl1e ti aeme
to make t oligacs "idepedet."
dous >vealth d t biake its developet. Etire
idties destioyed the state is t in position
This is aspect of tlle prolem commo to Comnist
to maitain or develop them; only that which is the state's is regimes. tr is tl1e seseless of tl1e "leadig Socialist
tr"-t U.S.S.R.-to overtake d pass t most igly
cosidered "socialist."
H01v far d 1v log can nation like this? developed tis. \\t does tis cost? d were does it
The momet is appoachig 1vhen idustiializatio, >vhic first lead?
made Commuism ievitale, 1vill throug further develop- Peraps t U.S.S.R. ovei'take some s of t econ-

et make the Communist fom of governmet d o>versblp omy of t most ighly developed tis. ifiite vvaste
su perfl uos. of mapo1ver, lo1v 1vages, d neglect of t other
branches of idustry, this may possile. It. is quite another socialist" arket, 'vmcll St.alin iaugurated and to wllich Soviet
question 'vhether this is econornically justifiale. leaders still pledge allegiance, represents perhaps tlle r
Such plans are aggressive in themselves. What does the non- reason for 'vorld strai and 'vorld-wide waste.
Cornmunist 'vorld think of the fact that the U.S.S.R. is deter- l of ownersblp, antiquated etlds of production-
mined to hold first place in the production of steel and no atter >vhose or wllat kid-are i conflict with the world
crude oil at the cost of lo>v standard of living? What is left. econoic needs. Freedo vs. ownership has become world
of "coexistece" and "peace-loving cooperation" if they con- rl.
sist of competition i lleavy industry and of very small trade abolishmet. of private, or capitalist, owership in tlle
exchages? Wllat is left of cooperation if the Cornmunist econ- back>vard Communist states has d possile rapid, if t
omies develop autarcblcally, but penetrate the world rnostly smooth, i progress. Tlle states llave become uco
for ideological reasos? nnly great physical powers, new d resistant, with self-
Such plans d relations waste domestic and 'vorld manpower righteous and fanatical class which llas tasted tlle fruits of
d 'vealt and are unjustified from every vie,vpoit except authority and o>versblp. This developet cannot solve
that of the Communist oligarclly. Techical progress and of tlle questios that 'vere of cocern to classic socialis of
chaging vital needs make brancll of tlle econorny irnpor- the ineteenth cetury, nor even those that were of cocern
tat momet d anotl1er tlle t; this is true for nations to Lein; stillless can it insure economic advancement. >vithout
d for the world. What >vill h if, fifty years from no>v, intemal difficulties and convulsios.
steel d petoleum lose tlle significace tlley hold today? The Despite its po,verful concetration of forces in one pair of
Communist leaders take accout of this d m other hads and its apid if unbal1eed successes, tl1e Cornunist
tblgs. economic system has sho>ving deep fissues d weakesses
Efforts at likig the Commuist ecoomies, tlle Soviet first sice the moment of its complete victory. Even tllougll it has
of all, to the rest of tl1e >vo!'ld, d at the peetratio of the not yet reached the heigt of its power it is already nnino
'vorld these ecoomies, aie far behid tlle actual technical into difficulties. Its future is less and less secue; the ~
d other capabllities of tese is. At tlleir preset stage munist economic syste 'vill have to battle furiously, inside
these economies could cooperate >vith tlle rest of the 'vorld to and outside, for its existece.
uch greater degree than they actually do. Tlle failure to
use their capabllities for cooperatio wit the outside world
d tlle rusll to peetrate the outer world for ideological and
t reasos are caused tlle l that tlle Couists
lld over tlle and their need to iti po,ver.
Leni 'vas largely right >vhen he stated that politics is
"concentrated ." Tbls has reversed in the Co
unist syste; n has concentrated politics; tllat
i.s, politics play alost. decisive role in tlle n.
Sep-ation fro the 'vorld kt, or the creation of "'vorld
substace for its ideological intolerace, was that of the isep
arabllity of t political views of cotemporary scietist,
thiker, or artist from is real or scietific vale as tiker
or artist. If 1vas fd i t opposite politically,
is every oter objective or oter 1vork was opposed or dis-
This positio of Marx d Egels l partially ex-
plaied as the reslt of the furios oppositio of the owners
Tyranny over the Mind d po1ver-holders agitated the "specter of Commuis"
from the very begining.
exclsiveess of Marx and Egels 1vas bom d iten
sified soethig else tllat 1vas at the ots of wllat. t had
leamed: coviced tat they d plmbed tlle depts of every
There is only partial justification for seeking, i Comnist pilosoplly, they tgt tllat it 1vas impossile for t.o
philosophy, the sources of tyranny over the mind, tyranny attain aythig sigificant 1vitot takig their \V vie,v of
>vich the Communists exeicise >vith cliical refinement >v t world as t basis. t of t scietific atmospere of t
t come to po>vei. Commuist mateiialism is possily r and out of t eeds of t socialist nvemet, Marx
exclusive than any otl1er cotemporaiy vie\v of t >vorld. It d Egels came to thik that tig tat 1vas t importat
puses its adherets ito the position 1vhich makes it. impossile to the, or to the ovement, 1vas t importat, v objec-
for them to hold other vie>vpoint. If tis vie>v >vere not tively; that is, if it \Vas indepedet of t movemet, it >vas
conected >vitll specific forms of govemment and mvnersblp, t importat.
the onstrous methods of oppression and destctio of the Cosequetly, they proceeded practically uaware of t
human ind could not explaied the vie\V itself. most iportat mids of their time, d disdaied the views
Every ideology, v ii, tr-ies to r-epreset itself as the of ts i their \V ovemet. writigs of Marx
l true d complete . This is it i an's and Engels ti entio of s well-know philos-
thinkig. opller as Shr or of aesteticist like i. There
It was t t idea itself t the etllod >vi t idea is ti of t 1vell-ko'vn 1vriters d artists of teir
'Nas applied tllat distingised Marx d Engels. deied period. There is t. v referece to those \vho were
every scietific and progessive socialist vale i t tikig gt i the ideological and social stream to wllic Marx
of their cotemporaries, sally lig sch ideas into 'or
d Egels beloged. They settled tl1eir ts wit their
geois sciece," ts banig every serios discssio and study
oppositioists i the socialist ovemet i fierce d itoler
i advace.
ant mr. This was peraps not importat for t sociology
The idea tllat >vas especially arro1v d exclsive \Vitll Marx
of Prodho, t it \vas very iportat for the developmet
and Egels, the idea fro 1vich Comism later could drv
bls works are outstadig exarnples of logical and persuasive
of socialism d social struggles, especially i Frace. The
same may said of Bakui. Slaughterig Proudho's ideas,
Believing tat materialism had always been t ideology of
Marx, i his Misery of Philosophy} scornfully 1vet d
revolutioary and subversive social movemets, he dre1v the
his real role. d Engels did the same 1vith the Ger~a
one-sided coclusio tat materialism was geerally progres-
socialist, Lassalle, as 1vell as 1vith other oppositionists inSide
sive-even,i t.he fields of researc and i the development of
their o>m movemet. rna's tlugllt-Yvile idealisrn Yvas reactionary. Li cofused
the other had, t carefully noted t sigificat in-
form and method >vit tt and wit scientific discovery.
tellectual phenomena of teir time. They accepted _?anvin.
The fact tat 1vas idealistic i is thinkig was sufficiet
particularly grasped t cents of the past-anc1et and
for Lenin to disregard his real value d the value of is dis-
Renaissance-from >vi Europea culture had developed. In
coveries. Lenin extended is political itolerance to practically
sociology they borro>ved from Eglis pol.itical ecorm~ (Sith
the etire history of u tougt.
d Ricardo) ; in pilosopy, fro class1c German p?Il?sophy
1920, Bertrand Russell, t Britis pilosoper w wel-
(t, Hegel) ; d i social theory, fro Fr soCialism, or
comed the October Revolution, had accurately rted tl1e es-
frorn the currets tat eerged after the Frech revolution.
sence of Leinist, or Commuist, dogrnatism: *
These 1vere the great scietific, itellectual, d social currents
tat created tlle deocratic d progessive clirnate of Europe
There is, ho1vever, another aspect of Bolsllevism from whicll
d t rest of t 1vorld. I differ more fundamentally. Bolsllevism is not merely po-
There is logic and cosistecy i the developrnet of Corn- litical doctine; it is also religion, 1vitll elaborate dogmas
rnuisrn. Marx 1vas rnore of scietist, rnore objective t and inspied sciptures. When Lenin wislles to prove some
Li, 1v 1vas above all great revolutioary, fored uder poposition, does so, if possile, quoting texts fr'om

t coditions of Czarist absolutisrn, serni-coloial Russian and Engels. full-fledged Communist is not merely

capitalis, d 1vorld coflicts rnoopolists for sphees of

man 1vho believes tllat land and capital sllould held in
common, and tlleir produce distriuted as nearly equally as
possile. is man 1vho entertains number of elaborate
Leaing Marx, Li taught tat
rnaterialisrn >vas pio- and dogmatic beliefs-such as pllilosopllic materialism, for
gressive as l troughout istory, d that idealisrn was example-1vllich may true, but rt, to scientific tem-
reactioary. Tis >vas not l one-sided d icorrect, but it per, l of being kno1vn >vitll any cetainty. This llait,
itesified Marx's exclusiveess. It also ernaated from isuffi of militant certainty about. objectively doubtful mat.ters, is
cient ko>vledge of historical pilosophy. I 1909, 1v Lein one from 1vhicll, since tlle Renaissance, t.lle 1vor'ld llas been
gradually emeging, into tllat temper of const.ructive and frit
>vrote his Materialism and Empiro-Criticism} 1vas t closely
ful skepticism 1vhicll constitutes tlle scientific outlook. I be-
acquaited >vit great pilosoper, classical or modern. lieve the scientific outlook to immeasuraiy important to
Because of t d to overcome oppositionists wose views tlle lman race. If more just economic system 1vere only
idered the developrnet of is party, Lein rejected every- attainale closing men's minds against free inquiry, and
o tat was rt i accord wit Mxist views. im, anv- . plunging them back into the intellectual prison of the middle
thig 1vas eoneous and valueless if it. was t i accord >vith
From Bolsl!evism: Practice and 'l!eory; New York, Harcourt, Brace & Howe.
origial Marxism. It must acko1vledged that, i this respect,
ages, I should cosider the price too high. lt t deied It contained simplicities m t v.tgs of t
tat, over slrt period of time, dogmatic belief is help faters, not so muc t esult of is religious youtll as tlle
i fightig. reslt of t fact tat is >vas tlle >vay of expression under
But tllis vvas Lei's period. primitive conditions, and of dogmatized Communists.
Stalin vvent further; "deYoloped" Lenin, but vvitout Stalin's follo>vei"S do not eYen bls crude iternal co-
hayinc Lenin's knovvledce or deptl1. Careful researc vvould

esiveness cnor is dogmatic po1vers and convictions. Aveiaa-e
lead to t conclusion tat tis man, vvom KrusleY l1imself n. i everytblng, t possess an tcomonly stonc sense ~f

today ackno\vledges to been tl1e ''est Maxist" of bls time, realy. Unale to geneate >v systems or ne>v ideas because of
l1ad t d Marx's Das Kapital, t most impotat teir commitment to vital bueacratic realities, t l
wok on Marxism. Practical sol tat l1e 1vas, and spported only to stifle or make impossile tl1e creation of anytig evv.
bls extreme dogmatism, it vvas not ecessary for blm t.o Tus is t evolution of t dog1natic and exclsiYe aspect of
acqaited wit Marx's economic stdies to bild bls band Comnnist ideology. so-called "furtlle deYelopment of
of "socialism." Stalin vvas t closely acquainted vvitll Maxism" s led to tlle stegtl1ening of t ne>v class d
pbllosoper. d to>vard Hegel as >vold tmvard tlre soYereigty not l of sigle ideology, t the soYeeigty
"dead dog," attiuting to m t "reaction of Prussia ab- of togl1t of sigle m or g of oligacl1s. This s
solut.ism to t Fr reYolution." eslted in the itellectal decline d impoYeishmet of t
t Stali >vas ucommoly >vell acquaited >vit Li. ideology itself. Alog >vit tbls, itl of oter ideas, d
al>vays sougt suppo!'t in blm, to geater extent t Lenin v of mn tgt as scl1, ls ieased. ideoloQ'V's
did i Marx. Stalin d coilSiderale ko>vledge of political . "''
progess, lts elemets of tr'Uth, l declied i propoi'tio to
blstory only, especially Russia, d d uncommoly the icrease of pysical po>ver of its disciples.
good memory. Becoming incieasigly one-sided and exclsiYe, nt
Stalin really did t need more t tis for s role. nis r d ceates llf-trutlls d ties
tig tat did not coincide >vit is eeds and s Yie1vs, to jstify t. At first sigt, it seems as if its vie1vs, individ-
simply proclaimed as 'ostile" and forbade it. ually, \Vel'e tr'Ue. t it is icurably ifected with lies. Its half-
tree men-Marx, Lein, and Stali-are contrasts as truts exaggerated d debased to poit of perversion;
men d are contasts i tlleir metlds of expx-essio. In addi- t i Iigid d t r ispied it is with lies, t 1 to being reYolutioay, Marx some>vat simple it strengtens the moopolis of its leaders oYer society, d
scietist. His style \vas pictuesque, baroque, uniestraied, d ths OYel' Cornist t itself.
witty in Olympian sort of vvay. Lenin seemed to t
icarnation of t revolution itself. His style vvas flamboyat,
incisive, and logical. Stalin tlugllt s po1ver lay in tl1e satis- 2.
faction of all uman desires, and belieYed s tinking to
t supreme expression of uman tougt. His style was color- The proposition Marxis is iversal etld,
less d monotonous, but its oversimplified logic and dogma- >i Commists oliged to stad, mst
tism 1vere convincing t.o t coformists and to common people. in practice lead to tyrany i all areas of itellectal activity.
v\'hat. can the unfortunate pysicists do, if atoms do not from love, tlle basic priciple .of bls dogma. created
v according to t Hegelian-Marxist struggle or according people, earnest d full of vitue, but also full of llatred of
d full of disbelief i llappiess. Tllere is harsher
to the unif01mity of opposites d teir development into
religio or m fearful prophet. Of tlle people of Geeva,
iger forms? Wat of t astroomers, if t cosmos is apa-
Calvi made paralytics forever il of .
tetic to Communist dialectics? Wat of t iologists, if plants are 9 people i the world .to wlm religio llas brougllt as
do not. v according to t Lysenko-Stalinist teory on ar much triulatio d dreaiess. Calvi was emiet re-
mony and cooperation of classes i "socialist" society? Because ligious writer, as importat to the purity of the Frech la
it is t possile for these scietists to lie aturally, t must guage as Luther was importat to the purity of the Gn
suffer t cosequeces of teir 'eresies." v teir dis- laguage, the traslator of the Bile. But he was also the

coveies accepted t must make discoveries "cofirmig" t

creator of theocracy which 1vas less like dictatorsllip
t was t Papal moarclly. Wblle uig that he 1vas
formulas of Marxism-Leiism. Scietists are i costat feeig ma's spir'itual persoality, degraded man's civil
dilemma as t.o weter teir ideas d discoveties ;vill ijure persoality to the lackest slavery. cofused the people
official dogma. are terefore forced ito opportuism d failed to brigllte life i way. chaged m
and compromises ;vit regad to sciece. thigs, but completed othig d cotriuted othig. Al-
same is true of oter itellectuals. In many ;vays con- most 300 years after Calvi, i Geeva, Stedllal observed
tempay Communism is emiiscent of t exclusiveess of ho1v youg m d youg wome carried coversatios
l about "the pastor" d his last sn, d llow they
religios sects of t Middle Ages. obsevations on Cal-
kew s sermos heart.
viism ;vritte t Seria poet, v Ducic, i bls Tuge
i vedrine (Sorrows and Calms), seem to relate to t itellec Cotemporary Commuism also contains some elements of
tual atmospere in Commuist coutry: the dogmatic exclusiveess of t Puitas uder Crom1vell d
of t political intolerance of t Jacoins. But t are esse
... And tllis Calvi, jist d dogmatician, ;vhat lle did tial differences. Pitans rigidly believed in t Bile and
not n t funeal , hardeed i tlle soul of the t Commuists believe in science. Cornunist po>ver is r
people of Geneva. itoduced religious triulatio d cornplete tan that of the Jacoins. Furter, t differences
pious enuciatio i these lmes ;vhich are v today filled emanate m the capailities; religion or dictatorsblp has
'''ith tis cold and dakess; plated hatred of all merrimet been l to aspie to such all-atound d all-iclusive poi\'er
d rapte, d damed poetry d music decree. As
as tat of t Comrnuist systems.
politicia and tyrant at t head of the epulic, he foged,
convictio of t Cornmunist leades that t ;vere on
Iike sackles, his ion la1\'S over life i the state, d v
regulated family feeligs. Of all the figures >vhich the Refor- t t leading to t creatio of absolute appiess and an
atio fostered, Calvin is i the most calloused of the ideal society gre;v in propoition to t gro;vt of their pmver.
revolutioary figures, d llis Bile is the most depressig It has been said in jest tat t Communist leaders eated
textbook for livig. . . . Calvi ;vas t. w Cl1ristia Cornrnuist society-for temselves. In fact, t do identify
apostle ;vho 1vished to restore tlle faitll to its pristie purity,
ternselves wit society and its aspirations. Absolute despotism
siplicity, d s;veetess, as it was 1vhe it sprg forth from
the parabola of N azareth. Tllis Calvi 1vas tlle r ascetic, equates itself ;vit t belief in absolute lman happiness,
who, severig llimself from tlle regime, also severed himself toug it is an all-inclusive and universal tyranny.
Progress itself hGs transfonned the Communist power-wielders The scool systern d all social d itellectual activity
into boostes of t 'um cosciousness." Teir concern for 'lvork to1vad this type of behavio. Forn irth t.o death rnan
human consciousess s increased as teir po>ver s icreased, is suouded t solicitude of the ruling party, solicitude
alog 'it t "bilding of socialism." for his cociousness d conscience. onalists, ideologists,
Yugoslavia s not bypassed tis evolution. Some of t Yugo- paid witers, special scools, approved rulig ideas, d trerne
slav leaders, too, stressed t 'ig level of consciousness of dous rnatefial rneans are all enlisted and egaged in this "uplift-
our people" during t revolutioary period; tat. is, wile ig of socialisrn.'' I t fial analysis, all nvspaper'S

"r people," or some of tl1em, actively suppted tese leaders. official. So are t radio and oter sirnilar rnedia.
No>v, mvever, the "socialist" cosciousness of t same people, results are t great. In case are they proportionate
accordig to tese leaders, is very lo1v and, cosequetly, mst to t rneas and meases ernployed, except for t w class
'ait for democracy i order to raised. Yugoslav leaders >vi iVould, in case, coviced. Ho>vever, considerale
l speak of tlle fact that they 1vill besto>v democracy "1vhe results are attained in rnaking it irnpossile to rnaifest co
tere is grmvtll of socialist consciousess"; kind of cocious scio_usess. ~r tan tlle official one, d in cornbatting op-
posg ns.
ness 1vi t t1st >vill automatically attained troug
industrializatio. Until ten, tese te01eticians of democracy v uder Cornrnuism, m tik, for tlley cannot help
1vblc is doled out in small doses, m 1vho practice sornetblng but tblk. \Vat. is rnoe, t tblk differetly frorn t pre-
etirely contrary to dernocacy, rnaintai tat t v tl1e scried rnaer. Teir thikig s t1vo faces-one for the.
rigt-in tl1e name of future appiess d freedom-to preYent selves, tlleir OiV; t oter for tlle pulic, the official.
t faintest rnanifestations of ideas or of consciousess EYen i Cornrnuist systerns, rne are t so stupefied uni-
wi is like teirs. fonn pl'Opaganda tat it is irnpossile for tllern to arrive at t
s only i t begiig 'lvere Soviet leaders forced t.o trut or at 1v ideas. In tlle intellectual field, owever, t
maever >vit s sallo1v prornises of democracy "in tl1e l of t oligacs esults less i productio t i stacr-
future." r1v sirnply rnaintai tat tis freedom s al- natn, ut, d decay.

Ieady been created i tlle U.S.S.R. Of s, t sense s oligaiclls d soul-saves, tese vigilat protectors 1vl
tat freedom is at iVOik tder tllem. costatly "ele- see to it tat urnan tougt does t. dift into "cirnial
vatig" consciosess; tl1ey urge m to "produce"; t crarn tlugt" or "anti-socialist lies"; tese uscpulous pro-
rnids 1vitll ar-id Marxist folas d t aiid political Yie'lvs curers of t and actually t only availale consumer
of tlle leade. \Vorse still, tlley force rne cotatly to acko>vl goods-tese olders of obsolete, uncangeale, and irnrnutale
edge teir deyotio to socialisrn d teir beliefs i t infalli- ideas-ave retarded and frozen t itellectual irnpulses of
ility d reality of t pmrnises of tlleir leades. thei people. v tougt up t most antilman vvords
citize i tlle Cornrnuist system liYes oppressed the -"pluck frorn t lrnan consciousess" -and act. accoding to
constat pags of is si, and t fear tat he has tras tese >vords, just as if t 1vere dealing >Vit oots and weeds
gressed. is al>vays fearful tat will v to dernostate istead of rna's tlugts. stiflig t consciousness of
tllat he is not eerny of socialisrn, just as in the Middle Ages oters, and ernasculatig uman it.ellect so tat it cannot
rnan cotantly d to smv is deYotion to t Clrch. take courage and soar, t t.ernselves become gray, n of
ideas, and completely lacking in the intellectual enthusiasm Ieaders that indstrialization cannot accomplised "\vithout
that disinterested meditation inspires. "\Vithout an t tecnical intelligentsia, and tat tbls intelligentsia cannot
a1ience: the actors play and go into raptures over themselves. itself dangeros. As in every oter field, Commnists
v simplified and geeally alf-coect theoy >vit relation
Tl1ey tblnk as autoatically as they eat; their brains cook
toghts in response to the most eleentary needs. This _is hmv to tbls intelligentsia: some other class al\vays pays t special-
it is 1vith tese ig priests 1v are sinltaneously pol1ceen ists, wblle t serve it. Conseqently, >v soldn't t "pro-
Ietaiat," or the ne\v class, also do tbls? Acting on this proposi-
and mvners of all the media ,vblc t n intellect can s
tio, t iediately develop system of >vages.
to comnnicate its tlugts-press, movies, radio, television,
In spite of teir tecnical progess, it is fact. that no great
books, and t Iike-as well as of all substance tat keeps
mode!l scientific discovery s been acbleved nder the Soviet
n i()' alive-food and roof over is d.
govement. In tis espect, t U .S.S.R. is probaly beblnd
Are tere not reasos ten for compaig contemporary Com-
Czarist Rssia, were there were epochal scientific discoveries
ism "\vith religios sects?
in spite of tecnical back>vardness.
Even thogl1 tecnical reasons make scientific discovery dif-
ficlt, t main reasons for tbls difficlty are social. ne.v
. class is very iterested in seeing tat its ideological monopolism
is not endangered. Every great scientific discovery is the result
Neverteless, every Commist country achieves tecnical of canged vie>v of t >vorld i t mind of the discoverer.
piogress, even thoug of special kind and in special periods. ne>v vie\v does not fit into t fon of the already adopted
Industrialization, r-apid as it is, ceates laige tecnical in- official pilosopy. I t Commnist system every scientist
telligentsia, "\vi, v if it is not especially igh in quality, rnst stop sort before tbls fact. or risk beig proclairned
attact.s talents d stimulates the ivetive itellect. rea- "heretic" if his tl1eories do not coincide >vit t cofirmed,
sos tat l to acieve idstrialization rapidly in specific prescried, and desiale dogrna.
!'s of t also act. as icetive for ivetive Work discoveries is made difficult to an v greater de-
ess. The U.S.S.R. has not lagged to any extent i "\V-ar tech- gee the irnposition of the official vie>v tat Marxism, or
ology eiter in World War or since. U.S.S.R. is t dialectical materialisrn, is the most effective metod for all
far beblnd t United States in the development of atomic fields of scietific, intellectual, and oter activity. r s
eergy. Tecnology is advaced i spite of t fact. tat b not sigle noted scientist in t U.S.S.R. >v s t
reacratic system makes it difficlt. to adopt iovatios; in- d political tl. r v m reasos for this,
vetions sometimes lie for years i t "\vareouses of state t is due to oppositio to the official lie. r have
estaiisments. disinterest of producing organizations ofte fe>ver s of tis kid i Ygoslavia, t co
deadens iventiveness still more. versely, thee are istances of the favorig of "devoted" t
Being very practical n, t Communist leaders immediately poor scietists.
estaiis cooperation wit tecicias d scientists, not pay- Comrnnist systes stirnulate tecical progress but also
ing m attention t.o teir 'orgeois" views. It is clear to t blder every great research activity "\vhere undisturbed func-
tioing of the mind is necessary. This may soud contradict.ory,
but it is so. 4.
Wile Comnnist systems are only relatively opposed to Siilar tblgs are happening i art. Here favors are ex-
scierific development, t are absolutely opposed to intel- teded, in inceasing easure, to already estalised fs and
lectual progress and discovery. Based the exclusiveness of vie1vs of average quaJity. Tbls is udel'Standale: tere is no
single philosophy, the systems are expressly anti-philosophic. art 1vitout ideas, or -.;vitout some effect t consciousness.
In such systems, there has not been born, nor there Morpoly over ideas, t fOI"matio of t cosciousness, are
born, sigle thiker, especially social thinker-as long as t prerequisites of tl1e rulel'S. Couists are taditioalists
one does not so consider the po-.;ver->vielders themselves, who in art, mostly because of t d to aitain teir l
are generally also the "main philosopers" and masters for over t mids of t people but also because of teir ignOiance
the lman consciousness. In Commuism ne1v d one-sidedness. S of t toleate kid of deocratic
tought, or ne1v philosophy and social teory, must travel freedo in odern art; but this is only acknowledgent tat
very indirect roads, generally the way of literatue or some t do t understand modern art, d teefore believe tat
branch of art. The ne-.;v thought must first hide d conceal t sould it it. Li felt this 1vay about t futuris
itself in order to reacl1 the Iight. d begin to live. of Mayakovsky.
Of all the sciences and all tought, social sciences and t I spite of tbls, back -.;vard peoples i Counist systes ex-
consideration of social proiems fare the worst; they scarcely perience cul tural renaissance alog >vith t teclical .
manage to exist. W it is question of society or of social Clture becomes IOI'e accessile to the, even tough it comes
prolem, everytblg is interpreted according to Marx and Iagely i t for of propagada. The ne-.;v class is ierested
Lenin, or everything is monopolized t leaders. in tl1e sprcad of cltre s indstrializatio bings the
History, especially of its o1-the Communist--period, does d for higl1er-qality >VOI'k d t d for enlarging itel
not exist. lmposition of silence and falsification are not only lectal oppotnities. The et...vOik of schools and professioal
permitted but are general phenoena. branches of art has spead very rapidly, soeties even beyond
The intellectual ineritance of t people is also being con- actal neelis and capailities. Progess in art is udeniale.
fiscated. The oopolists act as if all blstory has d just After evolution, f the rlig class llas estalised
to let t k teir appearance i t -.;vorld. They easure coplete onopoly, significant -.;vorks of art are generally
t past and everythig in it ti o1vn likeess and for, ceated. s 1vas tre i the U.S.S.R. prio to tlle 1930's; it
d apply sigle su, dividing all and n is true today in Yugoslavia. It is as if t evolutio d
ito "progessive" d "reactioary" classifications. I this a;vakeed donant talents, v tlloug despotis, 1vhic is
fasio t raise up onuents. elevate t pygies also born i tlle revolution, iceasigly stifles art.
d destroy t great, especially t great of teir own tie. t"\vo basic ethods of stiflig t arts are oppositio
Their "sigle scietific" etld is ost suitale too in tat to1vard t itellectual-idealistic aspects of it and oppo-
it alone protects d justifies teir exclusive di over sitio t.o innovations in for.
science and society. In Stalin's tie things d tlle point were all forms
of artistic cxpression were foridden except those that Stalin Ygoslav lt, unlike Soviet cltre, has at least scceeded
hirnself liked. Stalin did not have particularly good tast.e; he in cocealing, rater tan destoyig, dissatisfied and tubulet
1vas had of hearing, and liked octosyllaic and Alexandrine opiions regarding t forrns. Tis has never been possile
verse. Deutscher has stated that Stalin's style becarne the na- for Soviet lt. s1vord hags over Ygoslav cultre, t
tional style. The adoption of official vie1vs on art forrns becarne the s1vord s drive ito t heart of Soviet culture.
as oligatory as the adoption of official ideas. Relative freedo of form) -.;vhich the Couists l
It s not avays beer1 like tbls in Cornrnuist systerns, r periodically suppress, t cornpletely free the creative per-
is it inevitale that. it sould so. I 1925, in t U.S.S.R., so. Ait, v thoug indirectly, ust. also express w ideas
resolutio vvas adopted stating that "t par-ty as whole thiog for itself. Even i Conist systerns vvhere art is
i 1vay tie devotio to cause i t field of literary forrn." allovved t greatest fieedorn, t cotradiction between prorn-
this t party did t ru its so-called "ideological ised for and cornplsory control of ideas rernains
aid," that is, its ideological d political cor1trol over artists. unresolved. This cott-adiction crops t from time to time,
This 1vas t rnaxirnurn dernocracy attained Cornrnuis sometimes in attacks on "contraband" ideas, sometimes in the
in the field of art. Yugoslav leaders are in the s position 1vork of artists s they are foiced to use particlar forms.
today. After 1953, -vvhen the abandonent of deocratic forrns It crops t. essetially because of conflict bet\\'een the n
in favor of bureauct-acy g, the ost priitive and reac- curbed moopolistic aspiratios of the regime and the irresist-
tionary eleents vveie encoaged; d hnt for "petit bor ile creative aspiratios of t artists. It is, actally, tl1e sarne
geois" intellectals 1vas initiated, which openly airned at con- coflict 1vhich exists between creativeness in sciece d Com-
trolling t fs. Oveigt, the whole itellectal world mnist dogmatism; it. s meiely been carried over ito the
trned against the regie. Consequently, the regie had to field of ai't.
retract, anocing ttogh one of Kardelj's speeces tat ne-.;v thoght or idea mst first exained in essece,
the party cannot prescie f itself, but that it -vvold not appioved or disapproved, and fitted ito harmless frarne.
allo>v "anti-socialist ideological cotaband," that is, vievvs As 1\'it oter coflicts, the Comrnist. leaders canot. resolve
1vhich the regie coilSideed as being "anti-socialist." The Bol- tllis . t they can, as we have s, peiiodically extr'icate
shevik parties l1ad take this stad in 1925. This constitted themselves, usally at the expense of real fteedom of artistic
the "deocratic" liits of the Ygoslav regie tovvard art. creation. I Commist systems, it has t been possile, be-
Ho1vever, t iteal attitdes of ost. of the Ygoslav leaders cause of tllis contradictio, to develop geine subjects for ait
w far fro canged this. privately coilSider t or to develop art theory.
etire itellectal and att 1vorld as "isecue," "petit bour- ;vok of art, its very nature, is usally criticism of
geois," or, pttig it ildly, "ideologically confused." Cited give sitation d of given relations. In Commnist systems,
in Ygoslavia's greatest newspaper (Politika} 25, 1954) therefore, atistic creation based on actal sbjects is t pos-
are Tito's "llllforgettale" 1vords: " good textbook is r sile. Only praise of given situation or criticism of the
valale than any ovel." Periodic ystetical onslaghts agaist system's opponets is permitted. Under these terrns art
"decadence," "destrctive ideas," and "hostile vie-vvs" in art v vale watever.
have contined. In Yugoslavia officials and some artists coplain about the fact
that there are no vvorks of art vvhich can shovv "our socialist ties, fom party-bureacratic cesorship to ideological iflu.
reality." In t U.S.S.R., on t oter lland, tons of vvorks of ence.
art based on actual subjects are eated; but since tl1ey do not Yugoslavia, for istace, has ever d censorsip. Cotrol
reflect t trut, tl1ey do not have any value and are rapidly is execised idirectly tbls method: i pulisig enter-
rejected the pulic, later even coming under official criticism. prises, artist's associatios, periodicals, e1vspapers, and tlle
metod is varied but t.he final result is the same. like, party 'membel'S sbmit eveytblg t consider "sus-
picios" to t piOper autorities. Censorsblp, or really self-
cesorsblp, s sprouted fom that very atmospere. Even
tg party membes may psh sometblg or other thi'Ough,
t self-cesorsl1ip 1vi t and oter itellectals must. exer-
The theory of so-called "Socialist Realism" reigns in all cise v tllemselves forces them to dissemle eveything and
Communist. st.ates. make uvorthy insiations. But tbls is consideed progess,
In Yugoslavia tbls t.heory has been ushed and is now held it is "socialist <:lemocracy," istead of bureacratic despotism.
l the most reactioy dogntists. I tbls area, as i Neite in tl1e U.S.S.R. n in other Communist couties
others, the regime has been strog enoug to forestall the does t existece of cesosblp absolve creating artists fom
developmet of disagreeale theories but has too weak self-censosl1ip. Intellectuals are forced ito self-censorsblp
to impose its >v vie>vs. It said that. t same goes for ti status and t reality of social elatios. Self-censorship
t.he oter East Eropean countries. is actually the mai form of paity ideological tl i the
theory of "Socialist Realism" is t even complete Commuist system. In tl1e Middle Ages men first d to delve
system. Gorky vvas t fit to use tbls term, l inspied ito the tlloght of the rh on their 1Nk; in the same
bls realist. metod. His vievvs vvere tat i ude cotemporay m, i Commist systems, it is ss fist to imagie
"socialist" coditios, art mst inspired \\'itl1 ne1v socialist 1vhat kid of performance is expected and, often, to ascertai
ideas and must depict eality as faitbllly as possile. Every- t.he taste of tlle leaders.
tl1ig else tllat tbls tlleory advocates-typicalness, empllasis on Cesosblp, self-cesosip, repesets itself as beig
ideology, party solidarity, etc.-as eitl1e take over fom "ideological aid." In tlle same \vay, everytblng in Communism
otller t.heories or tlo1vn i because of tlle political needs of is represeted as being devoted to the implementatio of ab-
the regime. solte appiness. Consequetly, the expressions "the people,"
Not llavig been evolved ito complete teory, "Socialist "the >vokig people," and simila ones-in spite of teir
Realism" actually meas ideological moopolism Com- vagueness-are used freqently i conectio >vitll tlle arts.
muists. It calls f efforts to clothe t.he nao\v, back,vard ideas Pe!'Sectios, poblitios, tlle impositio of forms d
of t leades i art forms d for tlleir 1vorks to depicted ideas, humiliations, and islts; t doctr'iaie autllority of
romatically and paegyrically. This llas led to Plrisaic semi-literate bureaucats over geiuses; all tis is d i the
justificaton of t regime's cotrol over ideas d to bueau of t people and for the people. Commuist "Socialist.
cratic censorsip of the eeds of art. itself. Realism" is not different even in teminology fiom Hitler's
The forms of tbls cotrol v in differet Communist n- National Socialism. Yugoslav autor of Hungaria igin,
142 143
Ervin Sinko, has made an iterestig compatiso of the "art" talist magates d feudalloids used tq artists and scientists
theoreticiatls in the t.wo dictatorships: as they could and -..vished, and thus both aided d coupted
Timofeyev, the Soviet theorist, '\vrote in his Theory of Liter- them. I Cornrnuist systems, couption is itegral part
atue: "Litei"ature is an ideology -..vhich helps ma~ .to ?et of state policy.
acquainted 1vith and to realize tllat he is partiCipatg
The Communist system, as rule, stifles d represses
in it." . . . " . itellectual activity 1Vith '\Vhich it does !lOt agiee; that is, every-
"Fundamentals of Natioal-Sociallst Cultural 11 states.
"An artist t l an artist, he is also always an edu- tblg that is ptofoud d origial. the oter hand, it
cator." re1vards d ecouiages, d actually coupts, all that it tblks
Baldur von Scblrach, leader of the Hitler Youth, stated: 1vill beefit "socialism," that is, t system itself.
"Every true work of art applies to the entire people." . v overlooking such cocealed d drastic means of cor-
Zhdanov member of the Politburo of the Central Commlt-
ruptios as "Stali prizes," the use of persoal ties ;vith t
tee of the 'communist Party of the U.S.S.R., stated: "Every-
po1vexs-that-be, d the capricious demads and purcases of
thing that is creative is ~,ccessile." ." .
In "Fudamentals . . . Wolfgag Schulz stated. Natnal the top beaucrats-all of 1vi represet extremes of t
Socialist policy, even that part of it which is called cultural system-the fact remais tat the system itself corrupts itel
policy, is detenined the Fiihrer and those to whom he lectuals d, especially, art. Diect re-..vards from t regime
has delegated authority." . may abolised, just as cesorsblp may , but t spiiit of
If we ,vish to know 1vhat Natioal-Socialist cultural pollcy
couption d oppessio remains.
is we must look to t.hese men, to \vhat they \vere doig and
t~ the directives they issued i order to educate tesponsile This spblt is estalised d stimulated party-bureau-
associates for themselves. cratic moopolism over materials and mid. The itellectual
At the Eighteeth Congress of the Communist Party of the s wr to tur'Il except to>vard tis po1ver, whether for
U.S.S.R., Yaoslavsky said: "Comrade Stali inspires artists; ideas or for profit. ; tough tbls po1ver may t directly
he gives them guiding ideas.... Tlle esolutios of the Cen- t govermet's, it exteds troug all estalisments d
tial Committee of the Soviet Cornrnunist Party d the report o1gaizations. In the final analysis it. makes the decisions.
of . . Zhdanov give Soviet -..vriters completely prepared It is very irnpoitant to t attist tat estraint d centralism
;voik program." exercised as little as possile, v thoug t essence of
Despotisrns, v \vhen they are opposing ones, justify them-
his social positio is t t1 gd. Because of this, it
selves i t sarne ;vay; they cannot even aYoid the use of the
is muc easie1 for im to 1vk and liYe i Yugoslavia t i
sarne >Voids in doing so. t U.S.S.R.
oppressed huma mid is forced to submit to corruptio.
lf seeks to kno>v >v for quarter of t tl1ee v
6. scarcely sigificant >vorks, especially in literatue,
in t U.S.S.R., he 1vould find tat corruption has played as
enemy to thought i the of sciece, m to gieat or greater t t oppressio in causig this scarcity.
freedorn i the n of dernociacy, tlle Cornrnunist oligarclly Communist. system persecutes, suspects, d prods into
t but accomplish cornplete couptio of the mind. Capi- self-aiticism its really creative people. It offers its sycopants
attractive "1vorking conditions" and lavish lnorarins, re- of the forer regime. This is <:lerstadale: t last naed
"\Vards, villas, vacation centers, discounts, automoiles, abas are less dangeros since they look to past which has little
sadorial andates, agit-prop protections, and "magnanimous Iikelihood of etning an<:l reconquerig.
interventions." Thus, as rule, it favors the untalented, vVenever Comnists come to pover, their assalt. on pri-
depender, and rn-inventive. It is uderstandale that the vate O"\\nersblp creates the illsion that their easres
greatest inds have lost their diection, faith, and power. Sui- pimarily difected against the ownership classes for the benefit
cide, despair, alcoholis, and debauchery, the loss of inteal of the "\Vorking class. Sbseqent events prove that their eas
po1vers and integrity because the artist is foced to lie to himself ures 1v t. taken for this s t in order t.o estalish
and others-these are the most frequer hn in the their \\ o"\vnership. Tis ust anifest itself predoiantly
Counist syste g those 1vho actually 1vish to, and could as ideological rather than class disciiatio. If t.his were t
create. true, if they really stroYe for actal ownership t.he "\vorking
masses, the class discrimiatio actally wol<:l have prevailed.
The fact that ideological disiination prevails leads, at
7. first sight, to tl1e conclsio tllat "\V religios sect has risen,
sect >vhich igi<:lly sticks to its aterialistic and atheistic pre-
It is generally thoght that Comnist dictatorship practices scriptions and focily imposes them oters. Comuists do
brutal class discriiation. This is not completely accrate. behave like religios sect v thogh they are t. I'eally .
Historically, class discriminatio declines as the revoltion This totalitarian i<:leology is t only the I'eslt. of certai
slackens off, t ideological discriinatio increases. The ill forms of gvt d of mvnership. For its part, the i<:le-
sio that tlle proletaiat is in po1ver is inaccrate; so, too, ology aide<:l i their creatio an<:l spports the i every
is t.he proposition that Commists st someoe s way. Ideological discriiatio is conditio for the ti
is borgeois. Their measres do aim ost arshly at tlle n of the Comunist system.
embers of the ruling classes, especially tlle borgeoisie. t It >vold "\vrong to thik tllat otller forms of disimia
those borgeois "\vl capitlate, or reorient themselves, are l tio-ace, caste, natioal-are vose tha ideological discrii
to assre for theselves lucrative posts and favor. vVhat is ation. They may seem I' tl to all td appearances,
r, the secret police ofte find l agents i their raks, but they are t as efie<:l or complete. They aim at the
'Nhile t.he "\v po\ver-wielders fid them l servats. l activities of society, >vhile ideological <:liso'imination aims at
those who do t ideologically approve the Commist eas society as "\Vhole, an<:l at v idiYi<:lal. Other types of dis-
res d vie,vs are pished >Vithot. consideration as to their cimination may csh huma being physically, "\Vhile ideo-
class or tlleir attitde tmvard nationalization of capitalist logical <:lisimiatio stikes at tlle thing i the human
property. beig "\vhich is pehaps most pecliarly his "\V. Tyrany over
Persecution of <:leocratic and socialist thogt 1vhicll is at the mid is the most complete and most btal type of tyrany;
variance witll that of the rulig oligarchy is fiercer <.-1 r eYery other tr begis and ends "\Vitll it.
coplete t persection of tlle ost reactionary followers On the hand t.he i<:leological <:liscr'iinatio in Commu-
ist systems aims at prohiiting other ideas; the other, at
imposing exclusively its O\\'ll ideas. These are t1vo most strik-
ig forms of ubelievale, total tyranny.
Thought is the most creative force. It ucovers 1vhat is w.
Men can either live r produce if they do t think or co
template. v though they may d it, Communists are
forced to accept this fact i practice. Thus they make it. impos-
sile for thought oter tha their w to prevail.
Man may ru much. But he must thik and he s
deep d to express his thoughts. It is profoudly sickeing to The Aim and The Means
compel1ed to remain silent wen thete is need for exp!'es-
sion. It is tyranny at its 1vorst to compel m t to tik as 1.
they do, to compel m to express thoughts that t their
limitatio of freedom of tougt is rt l attack All revolutions d all revolutionaries use oppressive and
specific political d social rights, but an attack on the uscrupulous meas in abudance.
human being as such. 's imperishale aspirations for free- Hmvever, earliel" revolutioaries 1ve1e not as conscious of
dom of thougt al-.;vays emerge in concrete from. If they v their metods as t Communists v been. They 1vere unaie
not yet become t i Commuist systems, this does t to adapt d use teir metods to t degree that the Com-
m that t do not exist. Today they lie i dark d apa- muists v done.
thetic resistace, and in the ushapen hopes of the people. It "You do't need to pick d s the means to use agaist
is as if totality of oppression -.;vere easig differences i atioal eemies of t movement .... You must punis rt only t
strata, unitig all people i t demand for freedom of tought traitors, but also t idifferent; you must punish all 1vl !'
d for freedom i geeral. inactive i tl1e repulic, all -.;v do othig for it."
History will pardon Communists for much, estalishing tllat s -.;vords of Sait-Just migt v uttered some
they 1vere forced into many butal acts because of circumstaces Commuist leader of today. But Sait-Just flug them out i
and t. need to defend their existece. But the stifling of every the heat of t !'evolutio, to presetve its destiy. Commu-
diverget thought, the exclusive monopoly over thinking for ists speak tl1ese 1vords d act accordig to them constantly-
the s of defendig thei!' pet'Sonal interests, will ail t from t begiing of their revolutio util they r com-
Communists to oss of shame i history. plete power, and v i teir declie.
Althoug Comuist. methods spass any of tose of other
revolutioaries i rage, duratio, d severity, d-ing revo-
lutio the Commuists v t as rule used all the meas
tat their antagoists used. Ho-.;vever, v toug t metods
of the Comunists migt v been less loody, t became
increasingly more inhumane the farther a;vay they got from cotrary to ilieir etical views. I this tlley are not much dif-
the revolutio. feret from part~cipats in other political movemets, except
Like every social and political movement, Commuism must that they v d1vorced theselves from humanity i more
use methods primarily suited to the iterests and relations of permaet and monstrous form.
the po;vers-that-be. Other cosiderations, icludig moral ones, Nuerous features >vhich distinguish conteporary Com-
are subordiated. uis from other movemets in ilie use of methods
Here, ;ve are iterested only in the methods used con- found. Tl1ese features pedominatly quantitative or are
temporary Commnism, ;vhich may, accordig t.o coditios, actuated varied historical conditions and the aims of
mild or severe, hman or inhuma, but ;vhich are differet Commuists.
from those used other political d social movemets and H~vvever, there is an integral feate of contemporary Com-
distinguis Communism from oter movemets, revolutioary usm >vhich distinguishes its methods from those of other
or not. political ovements. At first sight tbls feature miot seem
This distinction does not lie in t fact tat Commuist similar to features of some hs in t past. It st;ms from
etods are peraps ost brutal s dd in istory. tlle idealistic aims vvhich the Commists will s any means
It is tue tat brutality is their most. obvious but not teir to further. s means have become inceasingly reckless as
ost itrisic aspect. moveent ;vhic had as its i t the aims became nealizale. s of their meiliods, even
trasformation of the economy d of society eans of for tlle attainment of idealistic aims, canot justified
tyranny d to resort to butal methocls. t all otl1er revol moal principle. Teir s brands those ;vho use them as n
tioary vts had and ;vated to use t s ethods. scrupulous and eciless po;ver->vielders. Tlle former classes,
Yet, the fact that their tyrany \\7as of slt d-atio >vas the parties, d forms of O\v'lesblp no longe exist or have
reason tlt they could not use all tl1ese etlds. In additio, incapacitated, yet methods have t been changed essentially.
teir oppressio could t as total as tat of t Cou Indeed, these ethods are just no\v achieving tlleir fullmeasure
nists, because it t ud circstances \\'llicl1 did not of inhumanity.
perit it to as total. As the ne\v exploiting class climbs to pmver, it tries to
It would v less jstifiale to seek t reasos for Co justify its on-idealistic metlds invokig its idealistic aims.
unist metods in tl1e fact tat Comunists lack etblcal or Tlle inlmanity of Stali's methods d its Q"I"eatest eio-ht
oral priciples. Except for the fact tat tlley Comnists, w he built "socialist society." s the new class must

tlley are men like all otl1ers 1v in relationsblps among te sho\v that its interests are exclusively and ideally the aim of
selves aide tlle l principles cstoary in un society and s it must maintain intellectual and every
societies. Lack of etblcs among tlle is not tlle reaso f teir othe type of monopoly, t ne\v class mst proclaim tat the
etllods but t esult of tlle. In piciples and in \Vords, etods it ses not ipotant. end is ipotant,
Comuists sbscrie to etblcal piecepts and u metods. shot its representatives, eveythig else is tiifling. \Nat is
belive that t are "til" foced to resort to impoitant is that vve no\v "have" socialism. So do tlle Commu-
soetig nt to their ethical vie1vs. Connists too nists jstify tyanny, baseness, d i.
tblnk that it would much if they did t. v to act Of course, the end must assed special istruments-
the party. It becomes something dominant and suprem~ u~to scrupulous, v, '\Vhen t are especially severe in form.
itself like the Church in the Middle Ages. quote D1etr1ch Because it is copletely totalitarian, Corunist rule cannot.
von ieheim, nominal Bishop of V erden, '\\rriting i~ 1411: allow for u i of eans. And Cornnists are incapa-
"Whe its existence is threatened, the church 1s freed of le of reruncig t essential ting-the lack of clice of
mOIal edicts. Unity as an aim lesses all means: perfidy, treach-
ery, tyranny, simony, prisons, d death. For eYeiy. holy order
1i reans-because of the fact that t want to retai absolute
po'\ver d their >v egotistical interests.
exists because of the aims of society, and personal1ty must
sacrificed to the geeral good."
These '\Vords, too, sound as if they had been uttered some
'1, Even if they did not so '\vish, Cornrnunists ust both
o'\vers d despots and rnust utilize reans for tat pur-
pose. In spite of happy teories good inclinatios they
contemporary Communist. ight haYe, the syster itself drives t to t utilization of
There is much of the feudal and faatic in the dogmatism any reans. I case of urgecy, they find thernselves the
of contemporary Commuism. But neither are. we livig in oral and intellectual chapions d the actual users of any
the Middle Aaes nor is contemporary Commusm church. reans availahle.
The empasis ideological and other moopolism l s~ems

to make cotemporary Commuism similar to the medleYal

ur t essece of is tlifferent. Clrch was l
partly ~'\ver and gover'Ilor; i the most extreme cases, it
aspired to perpetuate given social system trough _absolute Cormunists speak of "Comruist morale," "the new So-
contol of t mind. churces persecuted eretlcs, even cialist m," and sirnilar concepts as if t were speaking of
for doQ"ffiatic reasons '\Vich 1vere not al1vays called for some higer etical categories. These hazy concepts v l
direct ;ractical needs. As t Church repesented i_t, it IV~s one practical eaning-the ceeting of Comunist raks and
attemptig to saye siful, heetical souls de~ti_oyg the1r opposition to foreign ifluece. As act.ual ethical categories,
bodies. All earthly meas 1vere consideied per1ss1le for the l1vever-, they do not exist.
purpose of attainig the heavenly kin?dom. . Since no special Communist etblcs nor Socialist Man can
But t Commnists first of all deslie phys1cal or state au- emerge, the cast.e spirit of the Communists, and special moral
thority. Itellectual tl d pesecutio exercised ~or dog- and oter concepts, which they urse arong temselves, are
matic reasos are l auxiliary aids f stegtheng t are all t more strongly developed. These are not absolute
po'\ver of t state. Ulike t Curch, Commuism is t t principles, but changing moral stadards. They are embedded
support of t system t its embodimet. i the Communist hierarchical system in which almost ay
The >v class did t aiise sddely, t 1vas developed from thing is peritted at. the top-the upper circles-'\vile the s
revoltioy to o>versip and reactioary grop. Its things are condeed if they are practiced at lower echelons-
metods too, v tg t seemed the same, gd i the lower circles.
essece fom revolutioary s to tyraical s, from po This caste spirit and t.hese morals, changeahle and incom-
tective to despotic ones. plete, v undergone long d varied development, and
Comruist retods 1vill i essece aroral d u- have even often been the stimulus for the further development
of the ne\v class. The end result of this developrnent has been \vhe leaders iitiate amoral proceedings d aritray tu
the creation of special sets of rnoral standards for variou~ castes, abouts.
always subordinated to the practical needs of t ol1garchy. HistOiy does rt. v rnany movemets that, like Com-
The forrnation of these caste rnorals roughly coesponds t.o the muism, g teir clirnb "\Vith such high moral prinicples
rise of the ne\V class and is identical with its abandonrnent of and \Vith such devoted, etusiastic, d clever fighters, at-
hurnae, really ethical standards. taced t.o each oter not only ideas and suffering, but also
These propositios require detail~d exposition. selfless love, comradesip, solidarity, d tat \Varrn and direct
Like all other aspects of Cornrnusrn, caste rnor-als developed sincerity that produced only battles i \Vhich men !'
frorn revolutioary morals. At first, in spite of the fact that doomed eitel' to \Vin or die. Cooperative efforts, tougts, and
they "rere part of isolated movement, tl1ese morals \vere desires; v the nst irese effort to attain the same method
proclaimed as beig more humane than those ~f sect or of thinking d feelig, t fidig of personal appiness and
caste. But Commuist movement al\vays begs as of the buildig of idividuality trough complete devotio to
hio-hest idealism and most selfless sacrifice, attractig into its t party d workers' collective; enthusiastic sacrificing f
ra~ks the most gifted, t bravest, and even the most nole othes; d potectio for t youg, d teder respect

intellects of t ti. for the old-these are the ideals of true Comrnunists \v t
Tis statement, just as most of t others made here, relates movernet is i its inceptio d still truly Comrnuist.
to countries i \vhic Communism s developed for t most Commuist woma too is rnore tha comade or
part because of national conditios, and :vhere it has attai~ed It ever forgotte tat she, et.erig t movemet,
full pmver (Russia, Yugoslavia, d ~) . Ho\vever, ":1th decided to sacrifice all-te happiness of t love d of
some ndificatios this statement also applles to Commusm moterood. Betwee d -.;v i the movemet,

in other coutries. l, odest d w relatioship is fostered: relationship

EveyY\vhere, Communism begins as an aspiratio towad i which dl s r sexless passio. Loyalty,
beautiful ideal society. As suc, it attracts and ispires rne ntual aid, frakess about v t ost itimate tougts
of i moral standards and of oter ig distinction.
~ . But these gee!'ally the ideals of true, ideal Comrnuists.
since Comnism is also an iteratioal rnovernent, 1t turns, This is t l while t rnoveet is youg, f it has
like sunflo\ver to the sun, to t movement whic is strongest tasted the fruits of power.
-until no\v piimarily in t U.S.S.R. Consequetly, even t road to t attaimet of these ideals is v long d
Communists of oter countries \veie they are not i power difficult. Cornuists d Comrnuist rnovemets fored
rapidly lose t featues t d i t begiing d take f varied social foces d centes. Iternal hornogeeity is
on those of t po\ver-\vielding Commuisrn. As result, t t attaied overnight, but though the fiece battles of vaied
Comrnunist leadeis in the West, and in t places, v ac- groups and fractios. If coditios favorale, the group
custorned ternselves to play as easily wit t tuth and ethical fractio whic wis the battle is the which has
priciples as t Comrnuists in the U.S.S.R. v Comrnuist rnost w of t advace towad Comuisrn d \Vi.
movement at fil'St also l1as high rnoral featuies \Vhich isolated w taking v w, is also the rnost moal. Thougt\
idividuals rnay retain even longer d which provoke cises rnoal crises, trough political itigues d isiuatios, u-
tual calnniation, unreasoning hatred and barbaric ecounters, s it is fused ito one piece, sol, d body. This
through debauchery and intellectal decadence, the movernent is the proof tat ,v, omogeeous moveet s emero-ed
' ~
slo1vly clirnbs, crushing groups d individuals, discarding the movemet facing futre completely differer t fu-
supefluous, forging its core and it.s dogrna, its morals d ture whic t oveent foresa'v at the beginig.
psychology, atnsphere, and maner of 1vork. o,vever, all tis slo,vly fades, disintegrates, d drowns
When it becomes truly revolutioary, the Comrnust move- during t course of the clib to coplete power and to o'vner-
met and its follo1vers achieve, for mornet, the high rnoral sblp t Couists. l t bare fors and observances
standards descried here. This is mornent. in Cornrnunism wi v no real substace reain.
whe it is difficult to separate words fiom deeds, or more ac- internal oolitic coesion wi was created in the
curately, when the leading, most importat, truest, and ideal struggle 1vith t oppositionist.s and 'vit t alf-Comunist
Cornmuists sicerely believe i their ideals d aspire to put groups is transfored into unity of obedient couselors and
the into practice in their rnethods and i their personal . robot-beaucrats inside the v11t. Durig the climb to
This is the moment on the eve of t battle for power, mo- power, itolerance, servility, icoplete thiking, cotrol of
ment which occurs only i movement.s whic arrive at tllis persoallife-wich once 'vas comadely aid but is now for
unique point. of oligarcic maageent-hierachical rigidity and itrover
True, these are the orals of sect, t they are orals on sio, the noinal d neglected l of w, opportuism,
high plane. The movement is isolated, it oft.e does t see self-centeredess, and outrage repress t once-existet igh
the truth, but this does not mean that the vt does not principles. 'vonderful um characteristics of an isolated
terefore i at, or tat it does not love, trth. nvemet are slowly transfored ito the intolerant and
Int.ernal moral and intellectual fusion are the result of Parisaical moals of pivileged caste. Tus, politickig and
Jong battle for ideological and operational unity. Without. this servility replace the former straightfovardness of the revolu-
fusio there t v tlught of tr"lle revoltioary tion. Where the former eroes 1v w ready to saifi.ce
Comunist moveet. "Unity of id and act.ion" is i everything, including life, for otei"S and for an idea, for the
possile 'vithout psycic-oral it. And vice versa. But tbls good of the people, have not been killed or pushed aside, they
very psychic and oral unity-for 'vhich no statutes or la,vs become self-ce11tered co,vards witout ideas or comrades, willig
have ,\l:titten, t wich occts spontaeously, to become to renouce everythig-oor, n, truth, d morals-i
custom d conscious hait-ore than ayting else akes order to keep teir place in t rulig class and t hierachical
Counists that. indestructile faily, incoprehensile and circle. The 'vorld s see11 few eroes as ready to sacrifice and
ipenetrale to othel-s, inflexile in t solidarity and ide11tity suffer as the Communists were t eve of d dig the
of its reactios, thoghts, d feeligs. More tha11 anything revolutio. It has probaiy never seen suc chaacterless
else, tlle existece of this psychic-moral u11ity-wich is rt wretches and stupid defendes of arid forulas as tlley become
attained all at and 1vhich is t. eve11 fi11ally fored ex- after attaining po,ver. Woderful human features were the
cept as soething to aspire to--is t ost reliale sig that coditio for ceating and attctig power for t movemet;
the Commist vt s estalished itself d has become exclusive caste spirit d coplete lack of ethical principles
irresistile to its follo,vers d to n others, po,verful - and virtues have become coditions for the power d main-
tenance of the movement. Honor, sicerity, sacrific, d love criminals and traitors. Long ago tlley had been educated to
of the truth were once things tllat could understood for believe and had proclaimed that they were connected in every
their own sakes; now, delierate lies, sycophancy, slander, de- fiber of their being to t.he party and its ideals. Nmv, uprooted,
ception, and provocatio gradually become the inevitale tlley found t.hemselves completely bereft. either did not
attedats of the dark, intolerant, and all-inclusive might of kno>v or d forgotten or renounced all of tose outside t.he
the new class, and even affect relations between the members Commuist sect and its \v ideas. N ow it \Vas too late to
of the class. get acquaited with aytlling but Communism. were
entirely alone.
Man cannot figt or live outside of society. Tllis is his
immutale characteistic, one \vhich Aristotle noted and ex-
plaied, calling it "political being."
Whoever has not grasped this dialectic of the development What else is left to man from such sect wl finds himself
of Commuism has not been l to understand the so-called morally crushed and uprooted, exposed to refined and
Mosco\v trials. N or can he uderstand why tlle Commuists' torture, except t.o aid the class and his "comrades" \Vith his
periodic moral crises, caused the abadonret of the sacred "confessions"? Such confessions, l1e is convinced, are necessary
and consecrated principles of tlle day before yesterday, cannot to the class to resist the "anti-Socialist" opposition and "im-
have the great significance that such crises have for 01dinary perialists." These confessions are the one "great" and "revolu-
people or other movements. tionary" contiution left that t victim, lost and wrecked,
Khrushchev acknmvledged that truncheons played the main can make.
role i tlle "confessions" and the self-condemnation of Stalin's Every true Communist s educated and s educated
purges. claimed t.hat drugs were rt used, altllough there llimself and otllers in the belief tllat fractions and fractionaJ
is evidece that they were. But tlle most potet drugs for battles are among tlle greatest crimes against t.he party and
forcing "cofessios" \vere in tlle make-up of t criminal him- its aims. It is tue that Commuist t \vblcll was divided
self. actions could neitller >vin i t.he revolution nor estalish
Commo criminals, that is, those who are not Communists, its dominance. Uity at any price and without consideration
do not go into traces and make hysterical confessions and pray for anytblng else becomes mystical oligatio behind \vblch
for deat as reward for tlleir "sins." This \vas done only t aspirations of t oligax"Cs for complete po1ver entrencll
"men of special stamp"-the Communists. They were first t.hemselves. v if he has suspected tbls, or even kno>m it,
morally sllocked the violence d amorality of the beatings t.he demoralized Communist oppositionist llas still not freed
ar1d accusations leveled at them secretly the top party leader- blmself of tlle mystic idea of unity. Besides, he may tink tat
ship, in \vhose coplete amorality tlley could t believe, even leaders come and go, d tllat tese too-te evil, t stupid,
if they had occasionally foud fault \vitll t.hem before. Sud- t egotistical, t inconsequential and the po1ver-loving-will
denly, they found themselves uprooted; their own class in tlle disappear, \Vile t goal \Vill remain. goal is everythig;
perso of Commuist leadersblp had left them; inocent as llas it t. avays been tus i the party?
they were, tlle class itself had v ailed them to the cross as Trotsky himself, who was t most inportat of all the -
sltlonists, did not go muc furter ir1 is reasoning. I reversals; that tis
is its inevitale path; and that rnoral d
moment of self-criticism, souted tat t party is infallile, siilar reasos play l secodary role, if they are t even
for it is t icarnation of istorical necessity, of classless idr. Practice very rapidly teaches tern tbls. Conse-
society. In attemptig to explain, in is exile, t monstrous quently, their rnoal crises, rnatter w profound, end very
amorality of t Mosco-\V trials, leaned ist.orical anal- quickly. Of course, the Cornrnuists t selective i the
ogies: Rome, before t conquest of Cristianity; and t means t use if t desire to acieve the real airn to >vich
Renaissance, at t beginnig of capitalism; in both of which t aspire, and >vi t conceal uder the cover of t
also appeared t inevitale phenomena of perfidious urders, ideal airn.
calunies, lies, and monstrous mass crimes. So it must dur-
ina- the transition to socialism, he concluded; tese were t
remnants of t old class society wich were still evident i 4.
the ne>v. However, he did not succeed in explaining anyting
troug tis; only succeeded ir1 appeasing is consciece, Moral dmvngradig in t eyes of oter men does not. yet
in tat did not "betray" the "dictatorship of t proletariat," mean that Commuisrn is weak. Generally, util w, it has
or the Soviets, as the one fon of t transition into t ne>v meat t reverse. vaious purges d "Mosco\v trials"
and classless society. If d gone into the prolem more stregtened t Commuist system d Stalin. I all events,
deeply, >vould have s tat, i Communism as in the certai stata-te itellectuals 1vitl1 Gide as t most famous
Renaissance d oter periods i istoy, >ven ownersip example-reouced Commuism because of this d doubted
class is breakig trail for itself, m01al cosiderations play tat Commuism as it is today could realize t ideas d ideals
smaller d saller role as the difficulties of the class increase they believed i. Ho>veve, Commuisrn, s as it is, s t
and as its domination needs to becorne m complete. becorne >veaker: t >v class s becorne stroger, rnore secure,
I t same 1vay, those >vho did not uderstad 1vat sort of freeig itself frorn rnOIal cosideratios, wadig i t lood
social transforrnation 1vas actually at. stake after the Cornrnunists of every adheret of t Cornrnuist idea. Althoug it has been
were vict.orious d to re-evaluate t diverse oral crises rnorally downgraded i t eyes of oters, Cornrnuisrn has
arnog the Cornunists. The so-called process of de-Staliniza- actually strengteed i t eyes of its O\V!l class d i its
tion, or t unpricipled, sorne\\'at Staliist.-style, at.tacks on dorniatio over society.
Stalin is former courtiers are also re-evaluated as " rnoral Oter coditio 1vould necessary for coternporary Corn-
crisis." rnism to lo>veed i tl1e estirnatio of t ks of its
Moral ises, great or small, are ievitale i every dictator- mvn class. It is ecessary for t revolution t only to devour
ship, for its followe accustorned to tinkig tat unifonity its >v childre, but-oe rnigt say-devour itself. It is neces-
of political thougt is the greatest patiotic virtue d t ost sary f01 its greatest minds to perceive tat it is t exploiting
l civil oligatio, rnust dist.ured over the inevitale class and tat its reig is ujustified. Concretely speakig, it is
eversals d chages. necessary for t class to perceive tat i t r future tere
But the Comuists feel d kno>v that teir totalitarian cannot any talk of t >\'itering a>vay of t stat.e, or talk
dorniatio11 does not weaken, but rather gets stroger, in such of Cornrnunist society-i >vhic everyoe will >vork acc01ding
to bls capailities and 1vill receive according to his needs. The
t same time expect echo amog t masses-1vho are im-
class must recognize that the possiilit.y of such society can
measraly more deprived of teir rigts. Frenc bor
as well refted as it can demonstrated. Ths the means geoisie finally rebelled against its einperor, Napoleo11, when
that this class sed and is using t.o achieve its aim and domi- his wars and breacratic despotism became intolerale. But
nance 1vold become absrd, inhmane, and contrary to the Fr people eventally got some profit from this. Stal~n's
its great prpose-even to the class itself. This 1vold mean metods, in '1vhic t dogmatic ypotllesis of ftre soCiety
that tere were cleavao-es and vacillations, w cold not
also played an importat role, will not retr. t tbls does
longer cecked, among t ruling class. In oter 1vords, the not m tat the crrent. oligarcl1s 1vill rn tl1e s of
battle for its 01vn existence \vould di'ive t rling class it.self,
all bls meas, even tlg they t s tem, or tat t
or individal fractions of it, to renonce the crrent means
U.S.S.R. will s or overnigt become legal, democratic
it is sing, or renonce t idea tat its goals are \Vitin sigt
d real.
Ho1vever, something s gd. rulig class 1vill no
There is no prospect of suc development he1e as prely
Ionger l to jstify v to itself tat the end jstifies
teoretic proposition-i of the Commnist conties, least
t means. class 1vill stilllectre t final goal-a Com-
of all in t post-Stalin U.S.S.R. 1ling class is still com-
mist society-for if it did oterwise it wold v to rn
pact one tere; the condemnation of Stalin's metods has
absolte dominace. This 1vill force it to resort to any means.
evolved, even in teory, into potectig t U.S.S.R. from the
Every time tat it does resort to tem, it will als? :. to
despotism of sl dictatorship. At t T\vent.ieth t
conden tlleir s. stronger po1ver-fear of pbllc
Congess, Kruschev advocated "necessary terroism" against
i t 1vorld, fear tat it will bing harm to itself and its
the "m," in cotast to Stalin's despotism against "good
absolte domination-1vill s1vay the class and old back its
Commnists." sv did not condemn Stalin's methods
and. Feeling itself sfficietly strong to destroy the clt of
as sch, t only ti s in t ks of the 1ling class. It
its creator, or t creator of t system-Stalin-it simltane
seems that the elatios 1vitin t class, \Vhic has become
osly gave the deat lo1v to its mvn ideal basis. Completely
stog ng to avoid srrender to the absolte dominance
dominant, the lig class s begn to abando and lose the
of its leader and police apparats, v canged since Stalin.
ideology, t dogma which brogt it to power. class s
class itself d its metods v not consideraly canged
g to split up ito &-actions. At t top everythig is peac.e-
in terms of interal cleavages \vit regard to moral coesion.
fl d smooth, but below the top, i the depths, d v
first sigs of cleavage, o1vever, pesent; these are
its ranks, 1v toughts, w ideas, are lig and futre
evidecing temselves i t ideological crisis. t i spite of
storms bre~ving.
this it mst realized that t process of moral disintegation
s it had to renouce Stali's methods, the rulig class
has scarcely begn; t coditions ardly exist for it to happen.
will t l to preserve it.s dogma. methods were
Aogating certain igts to itself, t rling oligacy canot
actally l the expressio of that dogma, and, indeed, of
avoid allo1vig t cmbs of s rigts to fall to t people.
It is impossile for t oligarcy to lecte t lack of tlle practice on 1vblch the dogma 1vas base.d. .
It was not good will, still less mt, whiCh prompted
rigts nder Stali even amog t Commists, and not at
Stali's to perceive t armfulness of Stalin's meth-
ods. It was urget ecessity that prompted the ruling class to Absolute brut.ality, or t use of means, is in accord with
become more "understanding." But, avoiding tlle use of the gradiosity, v wit t ureality, of Communist aims.
very brutal metlds, the oligarchs canrt help but plant the revolutionary meas, cotemporary Communism s suc-
seed of doubt about their goals. The end once served as moral ceeded in demolising one form of society and despotically
cover for the use of any means. Reruncing the use of such settig up anoter. At first it 'vas guided the most beautiful,
means will arouse doubts as to t end itself. As soon as meas primoi'dial uman ideas of equality and broterhood; only
wi ''uld insure end are so"'Il to evil, t end will later did it l beind tese ideas the estalishmet. of its
so'iv itself as being unrealizale. For t essetial ting in domiatio 'vl1atever means.
every policy is first of all t means, assuming tat all ends As Dostoyevski has bls r Sblgaliev say, quoted another
appear good. v "t road to ell is paved wit good in- character, i The Possessed:
"... He's written good thing in tat manuscript," Ver
klvesky went .... "Every member of t society spies on
t oters, d it's is duty to iform against them. Every one
5. belogs to all d all to every one. All are slaves and equal
i their slavery. I exteme cases he advocates slader and
Trougout blstory tere v no ideal ends wblch
murder, but the great ting about it is equality.... Slaves are
were attained wit non-ideal, iumane means, just as tere
boud to equal. There has ever either freedom ot
has been free society wblc was built slaves. Notblg so equality without despotism...."
well reveals the reality d greatess of ends as t metlds
used to attain tem. Thus, justifyig the eans because of t d, the d
If t d must used to condoe t means, ten there is itself becomes icreasigly more distant d urealistic, wblle
sometblng in t end itself, in its eality, wi is not 'vorty. the frightful reality of the meas becomes icreasigly obvious
t wi really lesses the d, 'ivich justifies the efforts
d itolerale.
and sacrifices for it, is the means: teir constant perfection,
humaneness, icreasing freedom.
Contemporary Communism has not even reaced t begin-
ing of such situation. Instead, it s stopped dead, hesitating
over its means, but always assured about its ends.
No egime i story wblch was democrat.ic-or relatively
democratic 'ivhile it lasted-was predominantly estalished
the aspiratio for ideal ends, but rather on t small everyday
means in sight. Along with this, such regime acbleved,
more or less sporltaneously, great ends. t other d,
every despotism tried to justify itself its ideal aims. Not
sigle one acbleved great ends.
some trut in tem. of tem has usually grasped
aspect of Comnunism aspect of its essece.
h are t>vo basic teses the essence of cotemporary
Tl1e fit of them clains tat cotemporary Conmuism is
type of w religion. "\Ve have already s tlt it is neiter
1eligion nor churc, i spite of the fact that it. cotais
The Essence elenents of t.
The secod thesis regards Conmuism as revolutioary so-
cialism, tat is, sonetblg >vhic >vas r of noder idustry,
1. or capitalism, d of the proletariat d its eeds. We have
s that this thesis also is l partially accurate: coten
porary Connuism g in well-developed coutries as
None of the theories on the essence of contemporary socialist ideology d reactio against the sffering of t
munism treats the matter exhaustively. Neither does this theory >voking masses i the idustrial evoltion. t after avig
claim to do so. Contemporary Comnunism is the product of n into po>ver i nderdeveloped aieas, it n sonethig
series of historical, econonic, political, ideological, national, etirely different-an exploiting system opposed to most of t.he
and international causes. categorical theory about its essence inteiests of the pioletariat itself.
cannot entiely accurate. The tesis has also been advaced that contempOiary Com-
The essence of contenporary Communism could not even nnism is only conternpoy forrn of despotisrn, produced
perceived until, in the course of it.s development, it. revealed as s as they seize po>ver. The nt of the moder
itself to its very entails. Tbls noment came, and could only m, >vhic i every case requies centralized admiistra
come, because Communism entered particular phase of its tio, has rnade it possile for tis despotisn to absolute.
development-tat of its maturity. It. then became possile to
This tl1esis also has sone tuth in it: modem Cornrnisn is
reveal the nature of jrs po>ver, o>vnersblp, and ideology. In
modem despotisn >vich cannot l but aspire to>vard to-
t time tat Communisn was developing and was predomi-
talitarianisrn. Hmvever, all types of rnodem despotisrn are t.
nantly an ideology, it >va.s alnost impossile to see trough it
variats of Cornrnisrn, r are they totalitaria to t degree
that Cornrnnisrn is.
Just as other truths are the >vork of many autors, countries,
Tls >vhatever thesis >ve ni, >ve fid tat each tesis
and movements, so it is >Vith contemporary Communism. Co
explais one aspect of Cornrnnisrn, t of the trth, t
muism .s revealed gradually, more or less parallel to
t t entie tth.
its development; it. t looked u as fial, because it
has rt completed its developmet. N either my theory t essece of Cornmuisrn
Most of t teories regardig Commuism, however, v accepted as complete. Tbls is, w, t >veakess of every

defiitio, especially "tvhe such complex and living matters porary oe-'\vith t exception of Communism-has succeeded
as social phenomena are being defined. in incorporating simultaneously all tese factors for controlling
N evertheless, it is possile to speak in the most abstract t people to this degree.
teoretical "tvay about the essence of contemporary Commu- Wen one examies and '\Veigs tese tree factors, power
nism, about what is most essential i it, d wat permeates is t one "tvllic s played and still continues to play t most
all its anifestatios d ispires all of its activity. It is possile iportant role in t development of Counism. One of t
to peetrate deeper into tbls essece, to elucidate its various oter factors eventually peyail over pmver, t. it is irn-
aspects; but t essence itself s already exposed. possile to determie tbls on t basis of present conditions.
Communism, d like"tvise its essece, is cotiuously cang I belieye tat po,ver '\vill reain t basic caracteristic of
ing from one form to aother. vVithout this cange it cannot Commnism.
even exist. Consequently, tese canges require continuous Commnism fist originated as ideology, '\vblc contained
examiation and deeper study of t already obvious trut. in its seed Comnism's totalitaxian and onopolistic nature.
essence of contemporary Communism is t product It certainly said tat ideas longer play t rnain,
of particular conditions, blstorical and others. But. as soon as predominant l in Comrnism's control of the people. Corn-
Communism becomes strong, t essence itself becomes factor munism as an ideology s ainly rn its corse. It does not
and creates t conditions for its mvn continued existence. haYe many ne1v tblngs to reveal to t '\vorld. This could not
Consequently, it is evident tat it. is necessary to examine the said for t other v factoxs, po1ver and o1vnership.
essence sepaately according to the form and t conditios in It can said: po1ver, either pysical, intellectal, or eco-
whic it appears and is operating at given moment. nomic, plays role in eYery strggle, even in every social hman
action. r is sorne trut in this. It can also said: in eyery
policy, po>ver, or the strggle to acqire and keep it, is t basic
rl and aim. is some trut in this also. t con-
2. temporar-y Commnism is rt l s po1ver; it is some-
teory that contemporary Communism is type of thing more. It is po1ver of particlar type, po1ver 1vhich
mode totalitaianism is not only t most "tvidespread, but nites 1vitllin itself the contiol of ideas, atl'ity, and owner

also t most accurat.e. However, an actual understanding of ship, po1ver 1vi s become an end in itself.
the t.erm "modern totalitaianis" "tvere Comuis is being date, SoYiet Comnis, t type 1vhic s existed t

discussed is not so "tvidespread. longest and 1vi is t rnost developed, s passed trogh
Conteporary Communism is tat. type of totalitariaism thee pases. Tbls is also more or less t of oter types of

wi consists of tree basic factOis for cotrolling the people. Comnism "tvblc v succeeded in coming to power (>vit
first. is po"tvex; t second, o>vnership; the third, ideology. t exception of t Cblnese type, "tvllic is still predominantly
are monopolized t one and only political party, or- in t second s) .
accordig t.o previous explanation and termirlogy-by The t pases are: revolutioary, dogatic, d o
ne'\v class; and, at present, t oligarcy of tat party or of dogatic Comunisrn. Rougbly speaking, t principal catch-
that class. No totalitarian system in history, not even contem- >vords, ais, and persoalities corresponding to tese various
phases are: Revolution, or the usurpatio of power-Leni. throg power as eans they would attain the ideal goal,
"Socialism," or the bildig of the system-Stali. "Legality," did not believe it to an end in itself. Precisely because po1ver
or stailization of t system- "collective Ieadersblp." served as meas for t Utopian tansfomatio of society,
It is importat to rte tat tese phases are not. distictly it could not avoid becorning d i itself and t most
separate fro one another, tat elements of all are foud in importat airn of Comrnuisrn. Pmver 1vas l to appear as
. Dogmatis abounded, d tl1e "building of socialis" s in t first d second pases. It can no longer
had already begu, in tl1e Leniist period; Stalin did not. re- concealed that in t tblrd s po1ver is t actual principal
nounce revolution, or reject the dogmas, 1vich itefered witl1 aim d essence of Cornmunis.
tl1e building of the syste. Preset-day, non-dogmatic Com- Because of t fact tat Communism is being extiguished
unism is only non-dogmatic conditionally: it just. will not as an ideology, it must maintai po1ver as t main meas of
ru even t minutest practical advantages for dogrnatic controllig the people.
reasons. Precisely s of s advantages, it 1vill at the s In revolutio, as in every type of >var, it 1vas natural to co
time in positio to persecute uscrupulously tlle miutest centrate pimarily pmver: the war had to 1von. During
doubt concerig t trutl1 or prity of ilie dogma. s, the period of indstrialization, concentrating on po1ver could
Communis, proceedig fro practical eeds d capailities, still considered natural: t constructio of idstry, or
s today even fled tl1e sails of revolution, or of its o;vn "socialist society," f 1vhic so m sacrifices d made,
miJitary expansion. But it s not renounced one or ilie other. was ss. But as all tbls is beig copleted, it becomes
Trus divisio into tl1ree pl1ases is only accurate if it is taken apparent that i Comunis pmver has rt only been meas
ro~ghly and abstractly. Clearly separate pases do not actually but that it s also t mai, if not t sole, end.
eXIst, nor do tl1ey sd t.o specific periods in the various Today po>ver is t t eans d t goal of Comunists,
in order tat t may aintai teir privileges d ownership.
boundaries betlveen t pases, >vblc ovelap, d t But since tese are special forms of po;vet and owneiShip, it
forms in >vhicl1 tlle pases appear are varied in diffeent Com- is only troug po1ver itself tat mvnesblp can exercised.
munist coutries. For example, Yugoslavia s passed throua-IJ Po1ver is an d in itself and t essece of cotemporary
all tllree pases i Ielatively sOI"t time d 1vitl1 tl1e sa~e Communism. Other classes may l to aintain o>versblp
persoalities at t sumit. Tbls is obvios in botl1 precepts witout monopoly over pmver, or po>ver witout nl
and metod of operation. over o;versip. Until no>v, tis s not been possile for t
Po>ver plays major role i all thiee of tese pl1ases. In t w class, ;vblc ;vas formed tug Commuism; it is very
rev~l~tio. it >vas necessay to seize po1ver; in t building of iprobale tat it 1vill possile in t fute.
soclism, It >vas necessar-y to create ne1v system meas of Trougout all tree of tese pases, pmver s concealed
tl1at p~1ver; today pmver must preserve tl1e system. itself as t bldden, ivisile, nspoken, atural and principal
Du?g t development, fro t first to t tblrd s, end. Its role s stroger or 1veaker depeding the
ilie qntessece of Comunism-po1ver-evolved from being degree of control over t people required at t tirne. In the
tl1e means and became an end i itself. Actually power was al- first s, ideas were t inspiratio d the prime mover for
ways rnore or less the d, but Communist leaders, tblnkig tl1at t attainment of power; in t secod s, pmver operated
as the whip of society d for its o;vn maitainance; today, tive tyranny, the n success of teroistic group, and t
"collective o;vnership" is subordinated to the impulses and damnation of t huma race.
needs of power. Sciece must use already estalished categories i order t.o
Po;ver is tl1e alpha and the omega of contemporary Com- make simple expositio. Is tere category in sociology
unis, v ;vhen Comunism strives to pievent this. ito '\vblc '\Ve can cram tm Commuism if 1ve use
Ideas, pbllosophical px-inciples d moral considerations, little force?
the nation and the people, their hist.ory, in t v owner- commo '\vit m authors who started oter posi-
ship-all changed and sacrificed. But not po;ver. Because tions, I v, i ecent yeais, equated Comuism '\Vit state
this '\vould signify Communisrn's renunciat.ion of itself, of it.s capitalism or, more precisely, '\Vit total state capitalis.
vn essence. Individuals can do this. But the class, the party, Tbls interpretation w out amog t leaders of Yugoslav
the oligarchy cannot. This is the purpose and the eanig of its Commuists durig t t.ime of teir clas '\Vit t govern-
existence. ment of t U.S.S.R. But just as Commuists, according to
Every type of power besides being meas is at the same practical eed.s, easily clnge even t.i "scietific" aalysis,
time and end-at Ieast for those '\Vho aspire to it. Po'\ver is Yugoslav party leaders canged this interpretation after t
alost exclusively an end i Communisrn, because it is both "reconciliatio" 'vit t Soviet goveient, d once more
the source and t guaratee of all privileges. rneans of proclaimed t U.S.S.R. Socialist coutry. At t same time,
and troug po,ver t material privileges d O'\vnership of t proclaimed t Soviet imperialistic attack on the inde-
t ruling class over national goods ealized. Power de- pendence of Yugoslavia-in Tito's '\Vords-a "tragic," "incom-
temines t value of ideas, and suppresses or permits thei preesile" event, evoked t "aritrariness of individuals."
expression. Cotemporary Communism for the most part does esemle
It is in this '\vay tat pver in contempoiaxy Cornnnism total state capitalism. Its blstorical origin and t polems
differs orn all oter types of pO'iver, and that Communis 'vhic it had to solve-amely, an industrial transfonation
itself differs fro every other system. sirnilar to the one achieved capitalism but '\Vith the aid of
Comuism has to totalitarian, exclusive, and isolated the state mechanisrn-lead to such conclusion.
precisely because power is t ost essetial mt of If, unde1 Comrnism, t state 'vere the O'\vner in t
Comuism. If Comuism actually could have had other of society and of t nation, the the fms of political po,ver
eds, it '\vould v to k it possile for oter forces to over society \vould ievitaly change accOIding to the vaying
sprig up i opposition and operate idepedetly. eed.s of society and of the natio. The state its nature is
Ho'\v cotemporay Comuis '\Vill defied is secondary. an orga of unity d harrnoy i society, and t only force
Everyone wl udertakes the '\vork of explaiing uis ove1 it. The state cold not t the vner and rler i
fid.s himself faced witl1 t rl of defiig it, even if itself. In Comnis it is reve1sed: The state is an instrent
actual coditios do t compel him to do tbls-coditios and avays sbordiate excliYely to the interests of one and
i which Conists glorify teir system as "socialism," "class- t same exclsive O\vner, or of and the same direction in
less society," and "t realization of me's eternal dreams," the economy, and in the other areas of social life.
while t opposing eleent defines Counism as an insensi- State ownersblp in the W est migt cosidered more as
state capitalism than it is in Communist countries. The claim
that contempory Communism is state capitalism is prompted
the "pangs of conscience" of those who were disillusioned
the Communist system, but who did not succeed in defiing
it; they therefore equate its evils 1vith those of capitalism.
Since there is really no private o1vnersblp i Communism but
rather formal state mvnership, nothig seems more logical
than to attriute all evils to t state. Tbls idea of state capi-
talism is also accepted tose w see 'less evil" in private
National Communism
capitalism. Terefore t like to point out tat Communism
is worse type of capitalis. 1.
claim tat conteporary nis is trasition to
somethig else leads nowere and explais noting. What is
not transition to soeting else? In essece, Couism is only one tblg, but. it is realized
Even if it is accepted tat it s many of the caracteristics in differet degrees and aners i every coutry. Therefore
of an all-encopassing state capitalism, contemporary Com- it is possile to speak of various Counist systes, i.e., of
munism also s so m of its o>vn cacteristics tat it is various fors of t s aifestatio.
more precise to cosider it special type of new social system. differeces >vhic exist bet>vee Couist states-dif-
Contemporary Communism s its o>vn essece wblc does fereces tat Stalin attepted futilely to reove force-are
not permit it to confused >vit any oter. Commuism, the result, above all, of diverse historical backgrounds. Even
while absoring into it.self all kids of other eleets-feudal, t ost cursory obsetvatio reveals ho>v, for l, co
capitalist, d even slave-o1ig-reais idividual and in- teporary So\riet bureaucracy is t >vitout. conectig lik
depedet at t s tie. >vith t Czarist syste in wblc t officials >vere, as Engels
noted, " distict class." Soe>vhat t s tblg can also
said of the nr of govet'Ilet i Yugoslavia. \Vhe ascend-
ig to pmver, the Couists face i the various countries
differet cultal and tecnical levels d varying social rela
tiosblps, d are faced >vith differet ational itellectual
chaacters. s diffeteces develop v farter, i special
\vay. Because the geeral causes \vhich btoght the to pO\ver
are identical, d because t v to >vage stggle agaist
n iternal d foreign opponents, t Couists
in separate couties iediately copelled to fight jointly
d on t. basis of siilar ideology. Iteratioal Com-

munism, '\vhich '\Vas at one time the task of revolutionaries, influece of the Soviet Union; tat is, in 'roterly love" and
eventually tiasfOI-med itself, as did evel]'thig else in Com- in "eterrral friedship" witll it. In . report at closed session
muism, d became the common giOud of Commuist of the T\vetiet Cogress, Khruscev revealed tat clas be-
buieaucracies, fighting another atioalistic co t\veen Stali and t Chinese goverrrmet had barely been
siderations. Of the forrner iter11atioal proletar'iat, l averted. The case of the clash wit Yugoslavia was not an
words d empty dogmas emaied. Behid them stood the isolated case; but only t most drastic d the first to occur.
aked atioal and ieratioal interests, aspirations, d I t oter Comunist countries the Soviet government en-

plas of t various Commuist oligarchies, comfortaly e forced Communism "arrned missionaries"-its arrny. The
diversity of manner and degiee of the development in these
The ature of authority d property, similar iternatioal counties has still rt at.tained the stage reached in Yugoslavia
outlook, d an idetical ideology ievitaly idetify Com- d Chia. Ho\vever, to the extet that rulig bureaucracies
muist states \Vit one arther. N evertheless, it is wrong t.o gather stregt as indepedet bodies i these countries, and
ignore and underestimate the sigificance of the ievitale di- to the extet that. they recogize that obediece to and copyig
fereces in degiee d mr betwe Commuist. sttes. of t Soviet Ui weaken themselves, t endeavor to
degree, mr, d form in which Commuism will "patterrr" themselves Yugoslavia; that is, to develop ide
realized, or its purpose, is just as muc of give coditio pendently. The Communist East European countries did not.
for each of them as is the essece of Commuism itself. No become satellites of the U.S.S.R. because they benefited from
sigle form of Commuism, no ho\v similar it is to other it, but because they were too weak to pevent it. As soon as
forms, exists i way oter t as atioal Commuism. they stronger, or as soon as favorale conditions are
I order to maitai itself, it must become atioal. created, yearning for indepedence and for protection of
The form of govermet d poperty as \Vell as of ideas "their own people" from Soviet hegenny will rise among
differs little or t at all in Communist It canot differ them.
markedly since it llas idetical atue-total autlity. Ho\v- Wit the victory of Communist revolution in country

ever, if they \vish t.o \vi d continue to exist, tlre Commuists ne-.;v class comes into po,ver and into control. It. is uvillig

must adapt the degee and mr of teir authority to to suender its o'\vn hard-gaied privileges, even tlugh it
ational coditions. subodinates its interests to similar class in arter country,

The differences bet\veen Commuist countr'ies \Vill, as rule, solely in t cause of ideological solidarity.
as gieat as the extet to \Vhich the Communists \v inde- Where Commuist revolutio has \Von victory ideped
pedent in comig to po\ver. Concretely speaking, only the etly, separate, distinct path of developmet is ievitale.

Commuists of tlrree countries-the Soviet Ui, Chia, d Fl'ictio \Vith other Commuist coutries, especially \Vith the
Yugoslavia-indepedetly carried out revolutios or, i their Soviet Unio as the most. importat d most imperialistic
O\VIl \vay d at their O\VIl speed, attaied po,ver d g state, follo\vs. ruling national bureaucracy i the coutry
"the buildig of socialism." s three coutries remaied where t victor'ious revolutio took place has already become
idepedet as Commuist states v i the peiod wlle indepedet i the course of the armed struggle and has tasted

Yugoslavia \vas-as Chia is today-uder the most ext.reme t lessings of authority and of "atioalizatio" of property.
Philosopically speaking, it has also grasped and become co t East Europea cour1t.ries; it is shown also the cu.rrent
scious of its o\vn essence, "its \V state," its authority, the concealed emphasis on "'s own path to socialism," wich
basis of >vhich it clatms equality. has recently come to ligt sharply in Poland d Hugary.
This does t mean tat this involves only clash-\ven it cetral Soviet government s foud itself in difficulty
comes to tat-bet\veen t\VO bureaucracies. clas also ivolves because of t nationalism existing even in those governments
t evolutionary elemets of subordinated coutry, because wich it insfalled in the Soviet repulics (Ukraine, Caucasia),
t do not usually tolerate dominatio and tlley consider that d still more so \vith regard to those governments installed in
Ielatiosllips bet\veen Communist states must as ideally per- t East European coutries. Playing important ro]e in all
fect as predicted in dogma. Tlle masses of t nation, \v of this is t fact that the Soviet Union was unale, and will
spontaneously tblrst for independence, canot remain uper rt l in the future, to assimilate t ecormies of t
turbed i sucl1 clas. In every case t nat.ion beefits from East European coutries.
this: it does not v to triute to foreign government; The aspirations to>vard national indepedence must of
d t pressure t domestic goverment, \vhic no loger course have greater impetus. These aspirations can retarded
desires, and is not permitted, to foreign methods, is also and even made dormant external pressure or fear on
diminised. Such clas also brings in external forces, oter the part of tl1e Comists of "imperialism" and the "bour- d movements. Hmvever, t ature of t clash geoisie," t t canot removed. On the contray, teir
and t basic forces i it remain. Neitl1er Soviet r Yugoslav strength will grmv.
Communists stopped beig \\'lt they are-not before, r dur It is impossile to foresee all of the foms that relatios
ing, nor after teir mutual ickerings. Indeed, t diverse
bet>veen Commuist states ,., assume. Even if coopetation
types of degree and anner \Vith whic t insed teir
bet\veen Communist states of different countties sllould in
moopoly led tem mtually to deny t existence of socialism
sort time result i mergers and federations, so can clases
in the opposite . Afte1 t settled teir differeces, they
bet\veen Commuist states result in \var. open, armed clash
again ackno>vledged tlle existence of socialism elsewere, be-
bet\vee t U.S.S.R. and Ygoslavia \Vas averted tt. because
coming coscious tat t must respect mtual differences
if t \vanted to pieserve that \Vich \Vas idetical in essece of t "socialism" in one or the other country, but because it
and most important t.o tem. \Vas not in Stalin's interest to risk clas of unforeseeale pro-
potions. Watever >vill bet\veen Communist states \Vill
The sbdiate Commuist governments i East Europe
, in fact must, declare their indepedence from the Soviet depend on all tose factors >vich ordiarily affect political
governent. No say >v far tis aspiation for inde- events. The interests of t respective Communist beauc
pendece >vill go d what disagreements \Vill reslt. The eslt racies, expressed Yariously as "national" or as "united," alog
depends on nume1os unforeseen interal and external circm \Vit t uncecked tendecy toward ever increasing indeped
staces. Ho\vever, there is doubt tat ational Communist ence on national basis, \Vill, for the time being, play an
bureaucracy aspires to more complete autlity for itself. This iportant .role in t relat.ionships among t Comnist
is deonstiated the anti-Tito processes i Stalin's time in countries.
policy; in place of tlle jovial and, to ti extent, principled
2. Litvinov, t.he unscupulous d reserved lVIolotov appeared.
basic cause of an imperialistic policy is completely
The concept of natioal Communism had no meaning u idde in t exploitative and despotic t of t \v class.
til the d of World War , \vhen Soviet imperialism \vas In order tllat. tat class might manifest. itself as impeialistic,
manifested rt only \Vit.h regard to the capitalist but. the Com- it \Vas necessary for it to attain prescried strength d to
nist states as \Vell. Tis concept developed all from appear i appropriate circumstances. It already d this
the Yugoslav-U.S.S.R. clash. The enunciatio of Stalin's meth- stregtll \vllen ~orld vVar began. The war itself abouded
ods t.he "collect.ive leadeship" of Khushcl1ev-Bulgain may i possilities for imperialistic comiations. small Baltic
pehaps modify relatios between the U.S.S.R. d other Com- states \Vere rt necessary for t security of so large state as
muist countries, but it canot resolve them. In tlle U.S.S.R. t U.S.S.R., particularly i modem war. s states \Vere
operations are not concemed solely witll Communism but are on-aggressive d v allies; ho\vever, tlley \Vere an attractive
simultaneously concerned \Vitll tlle imperialism of the Geat morsel for tlle isatiale appetite of tlle Great Russian Com-
Russian-Soviet-state. Tis imperialism cllange in form munist uu.
d method, but it more disappear tha can tlle aspi- I Wold War Commnist internationalism, up to tat
ratios of Commuists of other coutries f01 idepedence. time itegral part of Soviet foreign policy, came into coflict
similar deYelopment a\vaits the other Commuist. states. with the iterests of tlle rulig Soviet. bueaucracy. vVith tllat,
According to strength d conditios, tlley too will attempt to t.he ecessity for its ogaizatio ceased. idea of dissolution
become imperialistic in one \vay or another. of tlle Commuist Iterational (Comiter) was conceived,
I tlle developmet of the foreign policy of tlle U.S.S.R. accordig to Georgi Dimitrov, after tlle subjgatio of t
tllere llave t\VO imperialistic phases. Earlier policy was Baltic coutries, d i t period of cooperation \Vitll Hitler,
almost exclusively matter of expasion evolutioary prop- altough it. \Vas not effected util the secod phase of tlle war
agada in otller couties. At that time tllere \Ver-e pmverful during the period of alliance wit the W ester states.
imperialistic tedecies (as regards t.he Caucasus) in tl1e pol- Comifon, consistig of the East Europea d t
icies of its higllest leader-s. But, i my ii, tllere is no French and Italian Communist paties, \vas created on Stalin's
satisfactoy reason for t.he revolutionary phase to categOIi- iitiative in order to guarantee Soviet domination in the satel-
cally cosidered imperialistic, sice at tllat time it. \Vas more Jite countries d to intesify its influece in \ Europe.
defesive tan aggressive. Cominfor was worse t the former Communist Iter
If \Ve do not cosider t revolutioary pllase as imperialistic, natioal \vhich, even if it was absolutely domiated Mosco'\v,
t imperialism began, rougbly speaking, \vith tlle victory of at least fomally represented all of the parties. The Cominfor
Stali, or \vit t industrializatio and estalisllmet of t~ evolved in the field of real and apparent Soviet influence.
autol'ity of ne\v class i tlle l 930's. This cllange was clearly clas witll Yugoslavia revealed that it \Vas assigned to sub-
s\v on tlle eve of t war \V Stalin's goven1met was ordinate to t Soviet goverment tlse Commuist states and
l to go ito actio d Ieave behid pacifist d anti-imper- parties whic had begun to weake because of the iternal
ialistic pases. It \vas even exp1essed i the g of foreign growth of natioal Communism. After the death of Stalin t.he
Cominform '\VS finally dissolved. Even t.he Soviet govermetlt, in oder to come to power, no>v suc action d become
hidtace to teit further ascendacy t.o po>ver. In addition,
desiring to avoid major and dangerous quarrels, accepted the
so-called separate path t.o socialism, if t ational Communism it became impossile fot the Soviet gove1rnet to adhere to
t exorbltat and l1azardous Stalinist foreig policy of mili-
These organizatioal changes had profoud economic d tary pressure and isolatio and, simultaneously, during t.he
political causes. As log as the Communist parties in East period of t geet-al coloial rnoveents, to old the Euro-
pea coutries i infamous bondage.
Europe were weak d the Soviet Union was not. sufficiently
Soviet leaders d t.o concede, after log vacillatio d
strong economically, the Soviet government \Vould v d
idecisive atgurentatio, tat the Yugoslav leaders \Vete
to resort to administrative methods to subjugate t.he East
European countries, even if there had no Staliist arbl- falsely idicted as Hitle!'ite d America spies just because
trariess d despotism. Soviet imperialism, political, police they defeded tl1e right to cosolidate d build Comuist
and military metods, had to compensate for its vn economic system in their v \vay. Tito t.he most sigificat
d otl1er weaknesses. lmperialism i t military form, wi pesoality i cotempoary Commuis. The pticiple of
atioal Comuis >vas formally acko,vledged. But wit
was only an advanced stage of the old Czarist military-feudal
irnperialism, also corresponded to t intenal structure of the that Yugoslavia also ceased to the exclusive creator of ino
vatios in Commuism. The Yugoslav revolutio subsided ito
Soviet Uion ix1 wllicl1 t police d admiistrative apparatus,
centralized in one personality, played major l. Stalinism its goove, d peaceful d matter-of-fact rule g. \Vith
tat t love bet>veen yesteday's eemies did t become
was mixture of personal Communist dictatorship d rnili-
geater, nor >vete the disageemets terminated. This was
taristic imperialism.
These foms of imperialism developed: joint stock com- merely the beginnig of ne>v phase.
Nv the Soviet Uion td ito t.he predomiatly eco-
panies, absorption of t exports of t East. Europea countries
meas of political pressure at prices below t world market,
nomic and political s of its iperialistic policy. Or so
artificial formation of "socialist '\Vorld market," control of it s, judgig curret facts.
every political act of subordinate parties and states, trasfor Today ational uis is geneal hn i
Communis. varying degees all Comuist ovemets
mation of t traditional love of Communists to'\vard the
"socialist faterland" into deification of the Soviet stat.e, Stalin, except that of the U.S.S.R. against >vhic it is diected-ae
and Soviet practices. gipped atioal Counis. its time, in the peiod of

But what happened? Stali's ascendancy, Soviet ism also was natioal Com-
uis. At tl1at time Russia nis dd ite
cange witin t ruling class was quiet1y completed in
the Soviet Union itself. Similar canges, i another sense, also atioalism, except as an istrument of its foeig policy.

occurred in the East European countries; new national bureauc- Today Soviet Comunis is copelled, v if idefiitely,
racies lon? for ever increasing cosolidation of po,ver d prop- to ackowledge >v eality i uis.
erty relatns, but at t.he same time t fall into difficulties Canging itemally, Soviet impeialis >vas also copelled

becaus: of t hegemonic pressure of the Soviet governrnent. to alter its vie>vs to>vard t exteral w01ld. Fro di
tl adiisttative cotols, it advanced t.oward gadual
If earller t d d to renounce national caracteristics
econoic integration 1vith tlle East European coutries. This Moscow itself is no loger tat wblch it was. It single-
is being accoplished eans of utual planning i ipor andedly lost t moopoly of the 1v ideas and the rnoral
tant branches of r, in which the local Comunist rigt to prescrie tl1e only permissile "lie." Renocig
governments today maily voluntarily concur, still sensig Stalin, it ceased to t ideological center. I Moscow itself
thernselves weaker externally and iternally. t of great Cornrnnist rnonarcs and of great ideas
Such situatio canrt remai for long, because it conceals carne to an end, d tl1e reign of mediocre Comrnnist brea
fundaental contradiction. On the hand national forrns crats began.
of Cornrnuisrn becorne stronger, but. on the other, Soviet i "Collective leadership" did not anticipate that difficlties
perialisrn does not dirninsh. Both t Soviet governet d and failres were a1vaiting it in Cornrnunis itself-eiter ex-
the governents of the East r contries, inclding teally or inten1ally. But wat could it do? Stalin's imperial-
Ygoslavia, rneas of accords and cooperatio, are seeking ism was and overly dangerous, d wat 1vas v
solt.ions t.o rntal prolerns 1vhich influece teir very natre 1vorse, ineffective. Uder him t orlly the people geerally,
-preservat.ion of given form of athity and of property but. v t Cornrnunists, grnled, and t did so at the
01vnership. Ho1vever, v if it is possile to effect cooperation tirne of very staied intemational situation.
wit.h respect t.o property mvneiship, it. is not. possile with 1vor-Id ceter of Cornunist ideology no longer exists;
respect to authority. Althogh conditions for further itegra it is in the process of cornplete disintegratio. The unity of
tio 1vit.h the Soviet Union are being realized, those coditios t 1vorld Comrnuist rnovernet is incuraly injured. r
which lead t.o tlle independence of the East. European Corn- are no visile possiilities watsoever tat it can restored.
rrnist governrnents are being realized even rnore rapidly. However, just as t shift from Stalin to "collective leadership"
Soviet Union has t d athority in these counties, did rt alter t nature of t systern itself in the U.S.S.R., so
nor have the governrnents of these contries renounced their too national Comrnuis s been unale, despite ever increas-
craving to attain sornething sirnilar t.o Ygoslav indepedence. ing possiilities for lieration fro Moscow, to alter its i
The degree of independence that will attained will depend tenlal ature, 1vblc consists of total cotrol and rnoopoly
the state of inteational and inteal forces. of ideas, and o1VI1ersblp the party bureaucracy. Indeed, it
Recognitio of natioal forns of Cornrnnisrn, which the significantly alleviated t pessure and slowed down the rate
Soviet governrnet did 1vith clenched teeth, has irnrnense sig- of estalisment of its rnonopoly over property, particularly
ificance and conceals witin itself very considerale dano-ers in t rural areas. But natioal Cornunisrn either desires
for Soviet irnperialisrn. 1:)
nor is l to transforrn itself ito somethig oter t Co
lt involves freedorn of discssion to certain extent; this rnuisrn, d sorneting always spotaeously draws it towad
rneans ideological idependence too. No1v the fate of ceitai its source-toward the Soviet Uion. It 1vill ul to sepa-
heresies in Cornnis 1vill depend t only t tolerance rate its fate from that wblcl1 liks it. 1vit t rernainig Com-
of Mosco1v, t on teir atioal potetialities. Deviatio frorn rnuist coutries and movernents.
Mosco1v tat. strives to rnaintai its ifl.uence i t Cornrnuist National ndifications i Cornnnisrn jeopardize Soviet
wor-Id "volutary" and "ideologic" basis canot possily irnperialisrn, particularly t irnper-ialisrn of t Stali ,
cecked. but not Cornunisrn eiter as wole or in essence. On t
contrary, -.;vhere Communism is in control these changes are that t t Cominform d t Socialist Iterational -.;vere
l to influence its direction and even to strengthen it and unecessary, despite t fact tat t Socialist Internatioal
make it acceptale externally. National Communism is i ar uselfisly defeded Yugoslavia -.;vile t Comiform labOI-
mony witl1 on-dogmaticism, that is, with the anti-Stalinist iously attacked Yugoslavia. Preoccupied with policy of so-
phase in the development of Communism. I fact, it is basic called active coexistece, which for t ost part correspods
form of this phase. to teir iterests of t t, the Yugoslav leaders declared
tat t organizatios-the Comifol'm d t Socialist
Itel'atioal-we!'e "immoderate" solely because t were
. allegedly t product of t-.;vo locs.
N at.ioal Communism is unale to the nat.ure of current Yugoslav leaders cofused their desires -.;vit reality and
international relationsips bet 1Neen states or withi -.;vorkers' cofused teir mometar-y iterests wit profoudly istoric
nvements. But its role in tl1ese relationships may of great and socialistic differeces.
significance. At rate, t Coifor-m -.;vas t product of Staliist.
Thus, for example, Yugoslav Communism, as form of na- efforts for t creation of an Eastei-n ilitary l. It is impos-
tional Communism, played extremely important role i t sile to d t fact that t Socialist lnternatioal is liked
weakeing of Soviet imperialism d in t dmvngrading of -.;vit t Western l, or \vit t Atlantic Pact, sice it oper-
Stalinism inside tl1e Commuist movement. motives for ates -.;vithi the fame-.;vork of t West Europea counties.
changes \vhicl1 occurring in t Soviet Ui and in the But it -.;vould exist -.;vitout that l. It is, all,
East European counti'ies to found, above all, in the ogaizatio of Socialists of t deyeloped coutries

coutries tl1emselves. d fist i Yugoslavia-in t in 'Nich political democracy d similar elatioships exist.
Yugoslav -.;vay. And tere, too, t \Vere fist completed. Thus Milita-y alliaces d locs are temporary aifestatios,

Yugoslav Communis as national Couism, in t clas but t \Veste Socialism d Easter Comuism reflect
"'it Stalin, actually origiated ne\v, post-Stali s i t mucl1 more edurig d basic tedecies.
developmet of Communis. Yugoslav Commuis signifi- Cotasts bet\vee Commuism d Social Demoacy

cantly iflueced chages in Communis itself, but did not t the result of diffeet piciples oly-tese least of all--
fudaetally influece eiter inter-national relationships or but of t opposing directios of ecoomic d itellectual
o-Comuist \vorkers' moYemets. fces. Tl1e clas bet-.;vee Mar-tov d Li at the Secod

expectatio tat Yugoslav Comunism would l Cogess of Russia Social Democrats i Ld i 1903
to evolve to-.;vard democatic socialis or tat it would ig the questio of t membel'sip, d ig t
l to s as bridge bet-.;veen Social Democracy and Com- questio of lesse or geater cetralism d disciplie i the

muism s poved baseless. Yugoslav leaders teselves paty-,vhic Deutscher correctly calls the begiig of t

-.;vere i coflict over tis question. Durig t time of Soviet greatest schis i histor-y-\vas of far gl'eater significace tha
pressure Yugoslavia t demostrated fervent desire for its iitiatOI's -.;v l to anticipate. Wit that g not

rapprochement -.;vit t Social Deocrats. However, in l the formation of t-.;vo moYements but of t\vo social systems.

1956, during t period of wit Moscow, Tito anounced schism bet.wee Comunists and Social Democrats is
impossile to bridge until tlle very natures of these movements, cance there than i Commuist parties 1vhich are actually
or the conditions themselves 1vhich resulted in differences be- i po1ver. This is relevant above all to the Commuist parties
veen them, are changed. I the course of half cetury, in France and Italy, 1vich ecompass significat majority
despite periodic and separate rapprochements, the differeces of t workig class and whicl1 are, along witll several parties
v on t whole increased, d teir natures v become in Asia, the. l s of major sigificace in the onCom
still r idividualized. Today Social Democracy d Com- nnist world.
muism are not l two movements but t1vo 1vorlds. Until w, the maifestations of ational Communism in
Natioal Commuism, separating itself from Moscow, has these parties v been 1vitout major signifi.cance d impetus.
unale to bridge t.his casm althoug it circumvent Ho1vever, t v beer1 inevitale. They could, in t final
it. This 1vas demonstrated t cooperatio of the Yugoslav analysis, lead to profoud d essential chages in tese parties.
Communists 1vith the Social Democrats, whic was more seem- s parties have to cotend 1vith the Social Democrats-
ino- than actual and more courteous t sincere, and which who are l to nl the dissatisfied masses tmvard them-
w:s 1vithout tangile important results for eiter side. selves means of their o1vn socialist slogans and activity.
For completely different reasons, unity has not even been Tis is not. tlle only reaso for t evetual deviatio of these
realized bet.wee W estel d Asian Social Democrats. The paties from Moscow. Lesser reasons may seen in the periodic
differences bet1veen tem 1vere t as great in essence, or in and unanticipated revesals of Mosco1v and of the other ruling
priciple, as they 1vere i practice. For ational reasos of their Communist parties. Such revesals lead these and oter no
o>vn, Asia Socialists had to remai separated from West ruling Communist parties ito "crisis of conscience"-to spit
European Socialists. Even wlle t are opponents of colonial- 1vat util yesterday t extolled, t suddenly to g
ism, W estern Socialists-toug they play no leading role-are teir line. N it oppositionist propaganda nor administa.
represetatives of cottries wi, solely because t are more
tiYe pressure 1vill play fudametal role i the trasfonation
developed, exploit t udeveloped coutries. The cotrast of tllese paties.
bet\veen Asia and W estern Social Democrats is maifestation Tlle basic causes f deYiatio of tese parties from Moscow
of contiasts beveen underdeveloped and developed cout.ries, may foud i t ature of t social system of t countries
carried over int.o tlle ranks of t Socialist movement. Despite i \vi: t opeiate. If it becomes eYident-and it appears
tlle fact tat concrete fons of tis cotrast llave to shaiply Jikely-tlt t 1vokig class of tese counties is l trough
defined, proximity in essence-as far as can deduced today- paliamentay forms to i at some improvemet in its posi-
is obvious and ievit.ale. tion, and also to cange t social system itself, t working
class 'ill abadon t Communists regardless of its revolu-
tioary and oter traditions. Only small groups of Communist
4. dogmaticists look dispassionately at t disassociatio of
the 1vokeis; serious political leaders in given ti will
National Communism similar to that in Yugoslavia could edeavor t.o avoid it. v at t cost of weakening ties witl1
of immense sigificance in Communist parties Mosco1v.
of no-Commuist states. It could : of v greater signifi- Paliamentary electios wblc give huge number of votes
Togliatti is cofused, d the robust Torez is wavering. Ex-
to Communists in these countries do not accurately express ternal d internal par-ty life is begining to bypass t.hem.
the actual strencth
of Communist parties. significat . de- Emphasizing that today pai'liament can serve as "form
gree they are expressio of dissatisfaction d delus~1. of trasition to socialism," Kl1rushchev inteded at t.he Twen-
Stbbornly follo1ving the Commuist leaders, the mass~s \Vlll
tieth Congress to facilitate manipulatio of the Commuist
just as easily abadon them t.he moment it becomes obvus to parties in '~capitalist countries," and to stimulate the c~oper
t.hem that the leaders are sacrificig atioal istitutios, or atio of Cornrnunists and Social Dernoats d t format of
the .t prospects of the 1vork~g class, to tl1eir. b~reau "People's Fronts." Something like this appeared realistic to
cratic ature, or to t.he "dictatorslp of the proletariat d him, according to bls 1vords, because of the gs which d
ties 1vith :osco1v. resulted in the stregtheig of Commnism and because of
Of course, all of this is ypothesis. But even today these i the -.;vorld. With tat tacitly ackrwledged to every-
parties are finding temselvs i ~ difficu~t s~tuatio: If t oe t obvious impossility of Commuist revolut.ios in
really 1vish to adherets of par'llamentaasm, the1r leaders t.he developed counties, as -.;vell as the impossiility of fter
1vill have to renounce tlleir anti-paliamentay nature, or expasion of Commuism dr ut coditions witout
chance over to their o>vrl atioal Commuism >vhich 1vould,
t dager of -.;v 1vorld war. policy of t Soviet. stat.e
since tlley are t in cotrol, lead to disintegratio of their s educed to status quo, while Commuism s de-
parties. sceded to gradual acquisition of -.;v positios in new 1vay.
The leaders of Commuist parties i t.hese coutries are CI'isis s actually begu i t Communist parties of t.he
drive to expeiment with the idea of national Communism
no-Commnist states. If they change over to natioal Com-
d atioal forms all of these factors: the strengthenig
munism, t risk forsaking their v nate; and if t do
of tlle possiility that the trasformation of society d tl1e not change v, t face loss of follo>vers. Teir leaders,
improvemet of positio of t 1vorkers >vill attained
tose 1v repesent t spiit of Cornuism i tese parties,
democratic meas; Mosco-.;v's eversals, whicll the dow
will fol'ced ito t most cuing manipulatios and un-
gading of the clt of Stalin ultimately esulted in destruction
scupulous measues if they are to extricate temselves fom
of the ideologic center; un of the Social Demoats;
tis cotadictio. It is improbale tat. they will l to
tedencies to>vad nification of the \Vest profound
k disoientatio d disitegratio. v reached
and eduring social basis as >vell as militay ; militay
state of conflict >vit t real tendencies of development in
stenctheic of the vVestem l which offes iceasigly
~ ~
tlle world d in tl1eir cour1tries tat. obviously lead to-.;vad
fe>ver prospects for 'rothely aid" for the Soviet army; and
>v relatioships.
the impossiility of -.;v Commuist evoltions >vithout.
N atioal Commuism outside of the Commuist states i
>vorld 1var. At t same time fear of the ievitale result of
evitaiy leads toward enunciatio of Communism itself, or
tansition to parliametaiaism, d of breaking off with
to>vard t.he disintegratio of t Commuist paties. Its possi-
Mosco-.;v, prevents t.hese leaders from doig anythig of real
ilities are greater today in t on-Communist st.ates, but
sigificance. Icreasingly deepei' social diffel'eces bet>vee the
obviously, only along t.he lies of sepai'atio frorn Commism
East and the West 1vork with reletless force. The clever
itself. Therefore, natioal Cornrnuisrn in these parties will
ernerge victorious only witl1 difficulty and slowly, in successive
In the Cornrnunist parties that are not in power it is evidet
that national Cornrnunisrn-despite its intent to stirnulate
Cornrnunisrn d strengthe its ature-is sirnultaneously the
heresy that niles at Cornrnunisrn as such. National Corn-
rnunisrn per se is contradictory. Its nature is the sarne as that
of Soviet Cornrnunism, but it aspires to detach itself into some-
thing of its own, nationally. In reality, national Commnism The Present-Day World
is Communism in decline.

In order to det.errnine more clearly the intemational position

of contemporary Communisrn, it is necessary briefly to draw
picture of the preset-day world.
The results of the First World War led to the transforrnation
of Czarist Russia ito new type of state, or into country
wit.h w types of social relatioblps. Internatioally the dif-
ferece between tl1e t.echical level and tempo of t Uited d the coutries of westem Europe deepeed; t
Secod World War was to trasform tis ito ubridgeale
gulf, so that l the Uited States did t udergo major
gs in the structure of its m.
Wars were t t l cause of this gulf betwee the Uited
States and t rest of the world; t l accelerated its com-
ing. The reasos for t rapid advancernent of the Uited States
found, udoubtedly, in its int.ernal potetialities-in
the atural d social coditios d t caracter of t
economy. American capitalism developed i differet circum-
stances frorn Europea capitalism and it was in full s1ving at
time wen its European couterpart d already begu to
Today t gulf is this wide: 6 per cent of the world popula-
tion, that. of the United States, produces 40 per t. of the for oter reasos. lt was the codition for its industrial tras
goods and services in the 1vorld. Bet1veen the First d Second formatio.
Wold \Vars the United States contrited 33 per cent of world Ho1vever, there 1vas aother, pehaps rt very obvious, ele-
production; after the Secod Wm'ld War it contriuted 50 :nent 1vhich was really evolut.ioary for t md 1vold.
per cent. The opposite 1vas true of Europe (excludig the his elemet was modern wars. They lead to substatial
U.S.S.R.), whose contriution to 1vold production dropped changes even 1ven t do not lead to actual evolutios.
from 68 per cent in 1870, to 42 per t in the 1925-29 peiod, Leaving igtful devastation behid tem, t g both
the to 34 per t in 1937, d to 25 per t i 1948 (ac- wold relations and elatios witin individual counties.
cordig to Uited Natios data). revolutionay character of modern 1vars is maifested
The developmet of moder industry i colonial economies not only in t fact tat t give impetus to tecical dis-
'>vas also of special importace, d it 1vas to make it. possile coveies, but, most of all, i the fact that they g t
for most of them, ultimately, to gai teir freedom after t ecoomic d social st1ucture. I Geat Bitai, tl1e Secod
Second World \Var. vVorJd War exposed d affected relatiosllips to the extet
I t period betwee t First. d Secod World 'Vars that cosiderale atioalizatio became ievitale. Idia, Bur-
capitalism 1vet troug economic crisis so pofound d ma, d Idoesia eme1ged m t 1var as idepedet
1vit cosequeces so geat that l dogma-idde Commuist couties. uificatio of 1veste1 u g as eslt
~rais, particularly tlse i the U.S.S.R., failed to ackmvledge of the 1var. It urled t Uited States d the U.S.S.R. to t
.. I. cotrast to the cises of the ieteenth cetury, t.he great summit as the two major ecoomic d political po1ves.
cs1s of 1929 revea!ed tat such cataclysms today sigify dager Modem warfare affects the Iife of atios d humaity
to t social order itself, v to the life of the ti as m more deeply tl did was of ealier epochs. h are
\vhole. The developed coutries-fist of all t United States- tiYO ss for this: Fist, md '''ar st ievitaly total
had to find ways to emege m this cisis gradually. various ;var. Not ecoomic, huma, other souce 1emai
met~ds tlle Uited States esorted to planed m utapped, because tl1e techical lcvel of poductio is ]d
tl scale. chages i ti wit this w of so high that it makes it. impossile for parts of ti or
epochal importa:e for t developed coutries and for the r of t m to stad to side. Secod, for
rest of t 1vorld, althoug t 1v t recogized sufficietly t same tecical, ecoomic, d t1 ss, t 1vold, to
fom teoretical poit of vie1v. iml lg extet, ls become 1vl!e; so t
I this period vaious foms of totalitariaism developed in smallest clges i t brig ft reactios i other
t U.S.S.R. ~nd i capitalist countries suc as Nazi Germay. pats as well. v modem ;var teds to g ito ;vor1d
Ge~any, contrast to t Uited States, was not l 1v.

of solvg t p1o~lem of its iteral and exteral si s ivisile military d economic revolutios are of
normal econom1c meas. \Var d totalitariaism (Nazism) eorous extet d sigificace. m spotaeous
\vere t~e only outlets for t German monopolists, and t t revolutios acbleved f; tat
is, t are t br
su bOIdmated temselves to t acist w t. deed to as geat extet 1vitl1 ideological d gaizatioai
As >'.' v s, t U.S.S.R. wet over to totalitariaism elemets. Terefore, such evolutios make it possile to
register in more de!'ly 1vay the tendencies of movemets i did t earlier llave td toward urlity, i different
the modern 1vorld. 1vay. The td tmvard iding the world togeter means
1vorld as it is today d as it emerged from the Second of the wo!"ld market 1vas already dominant in t mid-nie
World War is obviously rt tl1e same as it was before. tee cetury. It, too, was an epoch of capitalist ecoomies
Atomic energy, 1vhich m has t.orn out of the eart of matter d national 1vars. World uity of kid was beig acbleved
d 1vrested from the cosmos, is t most spectacular but t t, troug ational economies and national 1vars.
the l sign of new . The furtller unificatio of t world 1vas effected the
Official Commuist prognostications on t future of t sattering of pre-capitalist forms of productio in t.he un-
uman race declare tat atomic enei'gy is t symbol of Com- developed regions and teir divisio among the developed
urlist society, just as stea was t sybol and tlle power countries d teir moopolies. This 1vas t period of mo-
prerequisit.e of idustrial capitalism. However we iterpret nopolistic capitalis, colonial coquests, d 1vars i wblc
tbls na'ive and iased reasonig, another poit is true: atomic iternal conections d interests of t monopolies often
energy is already Ieadig to canges in individual counties d played role more decisive tar1 natioal defese itself. The
i the world as whole. Certainly tese gs do t poit tendencies at that time toward world unity were acieved
tvard tllat mis and socialism 1vblc t Communist mainly through conflicts and associations of moopolistic capi-
"teoreticias" desire. tal. Tis 1vas igher level of unity tan unity of the arket.
Atoic energy, as discovery, is t t fruit of ti, Capital poured out of ational sources, penetrated, took hold,
but of centy of work undreds of t most. brilliant and doinated t entire world.
minds of many natios. Its applicatio is also t result of s tendencies toward unit.y are apparent i other
t efforts-not only scietific but economic-of number of areas. may found in very ig level of production,
coutries. If t world llad t already uified, r1eiter
in conterporary s6ence, d in scientific d other thought.
t discovery nor t of atoic energy would llave Further advancemet of uity is r longer possile on exclu-
been possile. sively national foudations or throug the division of t >vorld
effect of atoic eergy, i t fist place, will ted
into individual, monopolistic spheres of influence.
toward t furtller uificatio of t world. t 1vay, it trends to'ivard this w unity-unity of prodction
will satter iexoraiy all ierited obstacles-o1vnersblp rela- aie being built on tl1e foundations already attained in ealier
tios d social relations, but above all exclusive d isolated
stages-that is, on t unity of the arket and tlle unity of
systes and ideologies, suc as Comuis t before d
capital. They conflict, llo>vever, 1vitl1 already strained and in-
after Stali's deat. adeqate ational, governetal, d, above all, social rela-
tions. vVile tlle fomer unities >vere acbleved means of
national struggles or trougll conflicts and 'iVai over spheres
2. of intel'est, contepoary uity is being formed, and can only
fored, the destruction of the social relationships of
The tendecy toward t ificatio of t world is tlle basic pevious periods.
caracteristic of our time. Tbls does rt tllat t world No one say coclusively i wat rnanner the coordina-
tion and unificatio of 1vorld production 1vill effected, The earlier unities 1vere ever attained as sornethina final this
. . '
uty too IS beig estalisl1ed only as tedency, as sornetllina
wheter >var or peaceful means. But the!'e can no
toward. 1vllich. prodctio, at least t.hat of the most developed
doubt that its tendency canot checked.
countries, asp1res.
fiist method of unification-war-1vould hasten unifica-
tion force, tlt is, the domination of one or another
group. But it 1vould inevitaly leave behind it the sparks of
ne1v conflagrations, discord, and injustice. Uification means .
of war would take place at. the expense of the weak d de-
endig of t Secod World War llad already confirmed
feated. Even if 1var should brig order ito given relationships
it would leave behid it uresolved coflicts and deeper mis- t.he tedency t.o divisio of systerns 1vorld scale. All tlle
countries vhic fell nder Soviet influence, even parts of cou
Because the preset world conflict is unfoldig mainly t!'ies (Gerrnany, Kor-ea), acllieved rnore or less t sarne syste.
the basis of opposition between systems, it has more of the It 1vas the sarne on t \Vester side.
character of class coflict tan of oppositio bet1vee ations The Soviet leade 1vere flly a1vare of this piocess. I re-
and states. That is t reason for its unusual severity and rnernber that at an intimate party in 1945 Stalin said: "In
sharpness. futre 1var 1vould of world and civil rnodern war, tlle victor- vill impose his systern, 1vllich 1vas t
war bet>vee gove!'mets d nations. N ot only would the the case i past v." said tllis before the 1var 1vas over, at
tirne 1vhen love, hope, and trst 1vere at their peak arnona
s of t 1var itself friglltful; its effects further free
development 1vould terrile too. t Allies. In February 1948 he said to us, the Yugoslavs, and
uificatio of the 1vorld peaceful meas, although
to t Blgaians: "Tl1ey, t Weste po1vers, 1vi11 make
slower way, is the l steady, wllesome, and just 1vay.
country of their mvn t of \Vest Germany and 1ve 1vill rnake
of our om out of East Ger-rnany-tis is ievitale."
It appears that the uification of the cotemporary world
\vill effected th!'ougl1 t opposition of systems, in cotrast Today it is fashionaie, and to sorne extent justifiale, to
to the types of opposition (natioal) trogll 1vhich unificatio evaluate Soviet policy as it 1vas before d after Stali's deatll.
1vas acllieved in earlier periotls. Ho1vever, Stalin did t invent the systems, nor do tlse 1vho
This does t mean that all contempoa!'y coflicts are succeeded irn believe in the less than did. \i\Iat. has
merely due to conflicts bet\veen systems. Ther-e are otller gd since bls deatl1 is t rnethod 1vllich Soviet leades

conflicts, icluding those from former epoclls. Throgh the dl elatios bc:t1vee systerns, not. the systes temselves.

conflict of systerns the tendecy to1vard >vorld uity of pr-oduc- Did t Khrushchev, at the T1vetieth Cogress, mention
tion is r-evealing itself rnost clearly d actively. is "1vld of socialisrn," is "1vorld socialist systern," as some-

It 1vould unealistic to expect the nity of world prodc thing separate and special? I practice tllis rneans notblna r
tio to achieved in the near fture. The process will t.ake t insistece upon divisio into systems, into t.he futher
long tirne, sice it 1vi11 the fr-uit of the ogaized efforts of exclusiveness of Cornrnuis's o1m systern and l1egemoistic
the econornic and other Ieading po1vers of hmanity, d be-
cause cornplete nity of prodctio actually cannot achieved. Because t conflict bet1vee t West d East is essentially
conflict of systems, it must take on the appearance of an ideo- also appears as tlle champio of political d intellectual
logical struggle. Ideological war does not wane, even when freedom.
temporary compromises are effected, d it drugs into uncon- One or another caracteristic system of owership in tese
sciousness the minds in the opposing camps. The more the coutries may check or stimulate this tendency, dependig u
coflict in the material, economic, political, and other spheres circumstaces. However, the aspiration toward unity is wide-
sharpens, the more it seems as if pure ideas themselves were spread. definite obstacle to this unification is the monopolies.
in conflict. They wat unity, in their w interest.s, but t 'vant to ac-
In addition to the exponents of Communism d capitalism complisll it an already obsolete metod-in t forr of
there is third type of country, that 'vhich s wrested itself speres of ifluece. However, teir opponents-for example,
from colonial dependence (Idia, Idonesia, Burrna, the Arab the English also aderents of unity, but i dif-
coutries, etc.) . s countries are straining to construct in- feret way. tedency toward unity is also strog in Great
dependet economies in order to tear themselves loose from Britai, which s caied out natioalization. Moreover, t
economic dependence. In them overlap several s and United States is carrying out ationalization as well, an even
number of systems, and particularly the two contemporary vaster scale, rt changing t form of owership, but put-
systems. ting considerale portion of the national income into the
s emerging natior1s are, pricipally for tlleir own a ands of the goverr1ment. If t.he United States should achieve
tional reasons, t most sincere supporters of the slogans of completely nationalized economy, tendecies tmvard the uni-
ational sovereignty, , mutual understar1ding, and sim- fication of the contemporary world would receive still greater
ilar ideas. However, they cannot eliminate t.he coflict between impetus.
the two systems. They can l alleviate it. In addition they
are the very fields of battle between the two systems. Teir
role can significant and l one but, for the present, 4.
not decisive one.
It is important to observe that both systems claim that the ~ law of society and man is to expand and perfect pr~
uification of the 'vorld will modeled on one or the otller. ductio. This law evidences itself in t cotemporary level
Both take tlle stand, t, that there is need for world unity. of science, tecrlogy, tougt, etc., as tendency toward the
However, these stands are diametrically opposed. modern uification of world production. This is tendency whic, as
world's tendency toward unity is being demonstrated and re- rule, is so muc more iesistile if it involves people on
alized through struggle between opposing forces, struggle higer cultural and material level.
of unheard-of severity i times of . W estem tendecies toward world unification are t expres-
The ideological d political expressions of this struggle sion of economic, teclical, d other needs and, behind these,
are, as we know, Westem democracy d Eastem Communism. of political mvnersip and otller forces. The picture in the
Since tlle unorganized tendencies toward unification are Soviet is different. v if there d not been otller
bursting fort.h more strogly in t West, because of political reasons, the Counist East, because it was r backward,
democracy and higher tecnical and cult.ural level, t West would v been compelled to isolat.e itseJf economically and
ideologically d to compensate for its economic and other
deeper, soetig >vi is i t ature of the conteporary
1.veaknesses political measures.
\VOrld, of conteporaiJ' systes, d especially of nis.
It may sound strange, but. this is true: Communism's so-
cold \V, today t cause of increasing tesio, \vas itself
called socialist mvnership is t main obstacle to 1.vorld uifi
t poduct of oter, deeper, d earlier coflicting facts.
cation. Tl1e collective d total domiance of t new class
Tlle wor'ld i vvic live is 1.vorld of ncertaity. It is
creates isolated political and economic system 1.vich impedes
wold of stupefying and uftl llorizos wicll sciece
the unification of t 1.vorld. This system d does chage,
is revealig to lit; it is also 1.vorld of teile fear of
but very slo>vly, and almost t at all in regard to mixing d
cosic catastmpe, tllreateed odern s of 1.var.
ite\reaving >vith otl1er systes in the directio of cosolida
Tbls vvorld 1.vill cllaged, i 1.vay tr. It t.
tio. Its chages are d solely for the s of icreasing
remain as it is, diYided and vvit iesistile aspiratio to-
its o\\rn stregth. Leadig to type of oweship, goveret,
ward nity. \Vorld relatiosips >vi fially r fro
d ideas, tl1is syste ievitaly isolates itself. It ievitaly ~ <:>
tis entagleet V\7ill eiter ideal r \Vitllout fiction.
oves to>vard exclusiveness.
-\\r, t 1.vill better t t preset-day s.
united >vorld \\'hic even t Soviet leaders desire only
Tlle present conflict. of systes, o\vever, does t idicate
iagined the as r or less identical wit their own
tl1at it is goig in t directio of single syste. Tis
and as beig teirs. peaceful coexistence of systes of
type of conflict deostates only tllat t fter ificatio
>vi t speak does t to t t iteveavig of
of t \Vorld or, r tl expressed, t nificatio of
varios systes, but tl1e static continuation of syste l--
. ~ >vold prodctio, will acieYed trougl1 t coflict bet1.vee
Side anoter, util t poit >vhen tl1e otller system-te cap-
italist syste-is eiter defeated conodes f witi.
(endency to'lvard uity of world prodctio t. lead
Tlle existece of tl1e coflict bet>veen t t>vo systes
everyvvllere to tl1e s type of prodctio, tat is, to tl: same
does t n tat atioal and coloial coflicts llave ceased.
foms of >vsi, governent, etc. Tis it of prodctio
t tr, it is tllroug clases of ational d colonial
expresses tlle aspiration tovvard eliinatio of inerited d
ature tat t basic coflict of systes is revealed struccle
artificial obstacl~s to t floisig and geater efficiency of
over t Sez Canal cold ardly kept fro ti ito
strife bet>ve tlle t>vo systes, istead of reaiing \Vl1at it
d prodctn. It eans fuller adjstet of prodction
to local, ~tura~, at.ioal, d oter coditios. td
\Vas: dispte bet1.vee Egyptia ationalis d \Vorld t.rade
to\vard t1s fit eally leads to geater coordination
wi, coicidece, l1appened to represeted t
d s of t >vold prodctio potetial.
old coloial po>vers of Britain d Frace.
It is fotuate tat sigle syste does t prevail i tlle
Extree strai i all aspects of itenatioal llas been
\Vorld. tlle cotrary, tl1e uftt ti is tat tere
t inevitale result of s relations. Cold \Var llas
t noral peacetie state of tlle d \Vorld. Its fors
~re too fe;v. diffeer:t systes. Most of all, >v:t is eally bad
IS tl1e exclus1ve d Isolated tr of systems, of vatever kind
llave cllaged d are caging; it s ilder or r
t may .
severe, t it is no longer possile to eliinate it uder a-ive
coditios. It is necessay first to eliiate sti-<:> ~uch Icreasigly greater differeces bet>veen social nits, stat.e
a!ld political systes, in addit.ion to icreasigly ~eater effi-
ciency of production, is one of the la\vs of society. Peoples unite, economic and social progress of t countries concerned. It
man conforms morc and more to the world around him, but is possile to haYe, i armony with progiessive economic and
at the same time he also becomes mor-e and more individualized. democratic aspirations i t world, more bread and lierty
The future \vorld \Vill 11 mor-e varied, d, as for people generally, more just dist.riution of goods, and
such, more uified. Its imminent unification will made normal tempo of econoic deYelopen:t. Tl1e conditio for
possile variety, not sameess of type d personality. At tis is t canging of existing property and political relation-
least that is the \vay it has up to this time. Sameness of ships, particulaly tose i Counis since they are, because
type d personality would mean slavery d stagnation; not of t onopoly of t ruling class, t most serious-altough
higer degree of freedom for production than today's. not t only-obstacle to natioal and world progress.
nation which does not become aware of actual world
processes and tendecies will have to for it dearly. It will
inevitaly lag behid d i the end will ltave to adjust to 5.
t unificatio of the \Vold, no matter what its uerical d
military stregt may . N one will escape this, just as in the tendency to\vard unification, for ot.her reasons, has also
past t one nation could resist t penetration of capital d ifluenced canges in property relationships.
the connectio \Vit other natios thug t world market. The iceased, and v decisiYe, tole of governmet orgas
t is also t reason why today every autarchical, or in t economy, and to large extet in ownership as \vell,
exclusive, national economy-\vatever its form of O\VIlership is also expression of the tedency toward \Vorld uification.
or political order, or eyen its techical level-must fall into Certaily it is manifested in differet \vays in various systems
unresolvale cotradictions d stagnatio. Tis olds true also d countries, and eYen as an obstacle in tlse places where-
for social systems, ideas, et.c. The isolated system can offer l as i t Couist countries-formal state owership itself
very modest livig; it \vould unale to moye forward d conceals the monopoly and t total doination of new class.
solye t proles brougl about dr tecliques and I Great Britain private or, r accurately expressed, mon-
odern ideas.
opolist O\Vllership has already legally lost its sanctity and purity
Incidentally, \Vorld deYelopment s already demolised the troug Labourite nationalization. Over twenty per cent of
Comunist-Staliist teory of the possiility of cost.ruction
Biitish productiYe po\ver has ationalized. In t Scandi-
of socialist, or Cumuist, society i one country, and s
navian countries, in addition to state ownership, cooperative
brougt about the strengthening of the totalitarian despotism,
type of collective O\vnership is deYelopig.
or t absolute dominance of new exploiting class.
The inceasing role of governent in t is espe-
I tese circustances t construction of socialist, or Com-
cially caracteristic of the countries whic until recently \Vere
muist, or any oter kind of society in one couti-y, or in
coloies and sei-dependent co1tries, witout regard to
large number of countries cut off fro t \Vorld as wole, in-
wether they v socialist goYernmet (Bura), parlia-
eYitaly results in autarcy and t consolidation of despotism.
etary deocracy (India), or military dictatorsblp (Egypt).
It also causes the weakening of t national potentialities for
government makes most of the investments; it controls Expenditures of tlze Federal Pulic Debts
exports, seizes large portion of t export funds, etc. Government (Federal)
government appeais evei)''Nl1ee as an initiator of econo~ic Year (in millions of dollars) (in thousands of dollars)
cancre and ationalization is more equently occurng
' 1870 309.6 2,436,453
form of O\vnersip.
1940 8,998.1 42,967,531
The situation is no differet in t United States, t cou
1950 40,166.8 256,708,000
ti)' \vere capitalism is most ighly developed. N ot on:y can
evebody see t icreasing role of the governmen~ lll t
economy from t great isis (1929) to tl1e present tlme, but In this "\Vork Clough speaks of t "anagerial revolution,"
fe\v people deny the inevitaility of tbls role. wi uderstads to t rise of professional adinis
s laine vValker epasizes, in The Epic of American tratos, \vitout \v mvners longer operate. Teir
Industry:* " growing intiacy bet,veen govenent and ur, role, and solidarity cotirally growing in the
the econoic life s been one of t stiking caacteistics Uited States, and n of great business geius, like D.
of t twentiet century." Rockefeller, Jolm Wanaaker, ls Sc\vab and oters, do
\Valker cites that in 1938 about 20 per cent of t national not eerge any loger in tl1e Uited States.
incoe \vas socialized, \vhile in 1940 tllis per-centage \Vent up Fainsod and Gd, i Government and the American
to at Ieast 25 per cent. Systeatic goYernent planing of t Economy, * rk tat t goYernet s already played
national n began \vith RooseYelt. At tl1e s tie, the role in t economy d tat various social groups v tied
nuber of governent \voker-s d goYer-net functios, to k use of tbls role in economic life. Ho"\vever, tere are
particularly tose of the federal govenent, is gowing. now essential diffeeces in this. The reglatiYe role of goYern-
Jolson and Kross, in Tlze Oigins ancl D('velopment of the ent, t \vite, has d not only i t sphere of labor
Ameican Economy,t to the s conclusions. af- t in productio-in branches of the economy as impoitant
firm tat adiistration l1as been separated f owersip to t ation as tasportatio, natal gas, coal, and petolem.
d that t role of t goYer-nent as credito s gro\vn "Novel d far-reacl1ig changes \vere also eYident in the for
cosider-aly. "One of tl1e cief caacter-istics of the 20t cen- of an expansion of li enterprise and ineased concem
tury," t say, "is t constant augetation of t govern- \vit t conservation of natral and un esources. Pulic
ent's, especially tlle fedeal govenent's, influence over enterpr'ise became paiticularly irnpotant in the banking and
econoic affairs." ctedit field, in electicity, and in the pioYision of lo\v-cost
In is \VOik The Ameican TYay,t Separd . Clough cites housing." They cornrnent that the goYernrnent has begun to
figes tat illustr-ate tese stateets. expenditures and play far more irnportant l than it played alf century
pulic debt.s of t federal governet, according to , look ago, even ten s ago. "The eslt of tese developrnents
like tbls: has been to prodce 'mixed econorny,' n i \vhich
li eterprise, patially governrnent-contiOlled private en-
"New Yo1k, Harper, 1949.
t New York, Prentice-Hall, 1953.
:: New York, . . Crowell, 1953. "New York, W. W. Norton, 1941.
rated since t role of private ownersblp in tlle West is
terprise, and relatively uncontrolled private ent.erpise all exist gradually decliig, t role of t state growio-.
side side." However, this is t t case. Aside from t; other differ-
These and other authors cit.e various aspects of this process ences betwee systems, tere is an essetial differece i state
d t growth of t eeds of society for social welfare, edu-
ownersblp ~ i~ the rol~ of t state in the economy. Though
catio, d similar beefits, whic are beig provided gov- state mvers1p 1s teccally preset to s extent i both
ernment agecies, as well as t continual icrease-both systems, . they ~re tw? differet, even contradictory types of
relative and absolute-i the umber of persos employed owersh1p. Th1s appl1es to t role of the state in the ,
t goven1ment. too.
It is uderstandale tat this process received immese im- Not single Western government acts like an owner with
petus and intensity during t Second World War because of rel~tion to the n. In fact, W estern governmet is
military needs. Ho,vever, after the war the process did not ne1ther the Ol;Ver of natioalized property nor the owner of
subside but contintted at faster tempo tan during t prewar funds wblch it has collected trough t.axes. It canot an
period. It ras not just the fact that the Democratic Party was owner because it is subject to chage. It must administer and
i power. Even the Repulica government of Eiseower, distriute t.his property under t control of parliament. In
which was elected to po1;ver in 1952 the slogan of return t course of distriutio of property, the governmet is sb
to private initiative, could 110t cange anythig essentially. ject to vario inflences, but it is not t owner. All it does
The same thing happened 1;vith the Conservative governent is admiister and distriute, well or badly, property which does
in Great Britai; it did t succeed i bringig about de- t belong to it.
natioalization except i the steel idstry. Its role in the This is t t~e. case i Commuist contries. The govern-
economy, compariso 'vit tat of the Labour government, ment both adr~1sters ar~d distriutes ational property. The
has t essentially decreased, altoug it has t increased w class, or Its executive organ-the party oligarcy-botll
eiter. acts as the mvner d is the owner. The most reactioary and
interferece of t governet in the economy is ob-
~ourgeois govermet can hardly dream of such monopoly
viously t result of objective tendecies 'vhich d already the ecormy.
penetated the people's consciousness log time ago. All
S~rface similarities in ownership i the West d t East
serio economists, beginning wit Keynes, have advocated t
are fact real d deep differeces, even coflictig elemets.
intervention of t stat.e in t m. No1;v this is more or
less an actuality trougout t 'vorld. State intervention and
state o'vnership are today essential and i some places
detetmining factor i the economy. 6.
could almost conclude fom t.his tat there is no distinc-
Even after the ~irst World War, forms of ownersip were
tion or source of coflict in the fact tat in the East.ern system
probaly an essetlal reaso for the coflicts between the West
the state plays the major role, while in t Western system
and t U.S.S.R. Monopolies then played much more im-
private ownership, or owne1-ship moopolies d compaies,
portant role and they could not accept t idea that one part
plays major role. Such coclusion seems all the more war-
of the 1vorld-specifically the U.S.S.R.--was escaping fro their
aQeernent that the rnaterial d other differences bet;vee de-
doain. TI1 e Counist rr had just recently
v~loped and undeYeloped courltries do not diinish; on the
the ling class. . tr, they increase.
Ov.'Ilersblp relationships have alway~ been v1tal to _the
The inequality bet\veen the Western developed countries
U.S.S.R. in its deaHngs 1vith other countries. '\Vherever p~sSIle
and the tdeYeloped counties reYea1s itself as beig rnainly
its pecliar type of mvnership and polit~cal relations~1p w~s
ecoomic. Traditional political dorniatio goyers d
iposed force. No how uch 1t de~eloped 1ts bsi
locallords is already on its 1vay out. No,v, as rule, the ecoorny
ness connections 1vith the rest of the 1vorld, It cold not go
of an developed t politically idependent, ational gov-
beyond the r exchange of goods, 1vhich ~ad been developed
er"rnent is subodiate to sorne oter contry.
during the period of national st.ates. _This was also tre ~f
Today no single people can willingly accept such subordinate
Ygoslavia in the period of its break 1v1th Mosco_w. Yugosla_via
relationships, jst as single people can 1villigly reounce
could not. develop any kind of significant econoic rt
the advantaaes rnade possile geater productivity.
except for the exchange of goods, although she had and con- u
ask Arnerican or West European \Vorkers-not t.o nt
tines to have hopes of achieving this. Her n has re-
mvners-villingly to rn the benefits offered tern
ained isolat.ed too.
hig level of tecnology and rnore productive \Vork is as un-
There are other eleents >vhich coplicate this picture d
thinkale as it \vould to pesuade poor Asiatic tl1at he
tl1ese relationships. If the stengthening of '\Vestern. tendencies
shold happy that he receiYes so little for his wk.
to\vard \VOrld unity of podction ight not n d to unde-
Mutual aid bet\veen govenrnents d the gr-adual elimia
veloped contries, in practice it \vould lead to the ascend~ncy
tion of ecoornic and oter inequalities bet\veen peoples rnust
of one nation-the United States-or, at best, grop of natns.
born of need in order to becorne t child of good >vill.
the very eleent of exchange, tl_1e n _and the
In t rnain, econornic aid has tus far been extended only
ational life of the undeveloped contes exploed and
in tose cases "'r udeveloped countries, ;vit low purchas-
'iorced to subordinated to the developed contries. This
ing po\ver and lo\v poduction, haYe becorne brden to the
eans that the undeveloped conties can only defend the
developed contries. The curet conflict bet\veen t t1vo sys-
selves political rneans, and shuttig thernselv~s i if ~
tes is the ain obstacle to t extensio of real econornic
,vish to surviYe. Tbls is one \vay. The other way 1s to rece1ve
aid. This is not only s uge surns being spent for
aid forn the otside, fom the deyeloped cotr'ies. There is
rnilitary and sirnilar eeds; conternporary relationships also
no tllid ;vay. Up to no\v thee has been l the beginning
blnder t flouisig of production, d its tendency tmvard
alona the second >vay-aid in insignificant arnonts.
nification, thus locking aid to underdeYeloped coutries and
T~day the difference bet\veen the American and the I~Ido t progress of t deYeloped coutries thernselYes.
nesian 1voker is greate tha that bet\veen the mr
Material d oter differeces bet\veen the developed d
\voker and the \Vealthy Arneica stockholder. In 1949 v
the ndeYeloped coutries v a1so been registered i their
ihaitant of tlle United States earned average of at least
itenal life. It \vold comp1etely iaccurate to interpret
$1,440.00; the Indonesian \vker eared l/53rd as rncl1, on1y
dernocacy i the \Vest only as an expression of solidarity of
$27.00, according to United Natios data. d there is j?;eneral
rich atios in looting the poor ones; the W esten coutries
gove1met subordiates its aid to others, v i the case of
were democratic l- before the time of coloial extra-profits,
loas, to its political requiremets.
tluo-h lmver level tha that of today. l coection
Soviet has rt yet reached the point \Vhich
betw~e preset-day democracy i tlle Western coutries d would drive it to 1vorld uification of prodction. Its contra-
that of t peiiod \\h Marx d Li were alive lies in dictios d diffi.culties ste maily fro intenal soces. The
the fact of cotiuous developmet betweer1 the t periods. system itself can st survive despite its isolatio fr'o the
The similarity bet1vee past d preset democracy is not outside world. This is eonously expesive, t it is acbleved
gr-eater than that bet\vee lieral or moopolistic capitalism the widespread use of force. t tbls sitation t last
and odern statism. log; the liit st reached. d this will t begirig
I his \vork, Place Fear, the British socialist Aneurin
of the d of limited domiation the political bureauc-
v observed: racy, or the 1v class.
Contepoary Commuism cold help achieve the goal of
It is necessary to distinguish between the intetio of Li
world unification most of all political meas-by internal
eralis and its achievemets. Its intentio was to 1vin power
democratizatio d becoing r accessile to the outside
f the w fonns of property t.hrown up the Idust.rial
Revolutio. Its achievement was to wi political power for
world. Ho1vever, it is st remote from tbls. Is it actually
l of such thing?
the people irrespective of property.
. . The fuctio of parliamentary democracy, uder uni- What kid of picture does Commnism have of itself d
versal franchise, historically cosidered, is to expose \vealth- of the otside world?
privilege to the attack of the people. It is sword pointed at , ding the period of monopolies, the Marxism which
the heart of property-power. The 1vhere the issues are Leni ndified conceived the internal d extemal relatio
joined is Parliamet.t sltips ito 1vhic Czarist Rssia d siilar countries had fallen
wit degree of accuracy. With this picture to spur it , the
Beva's observatio applies to Great Britai. It could moveet headed Lenin fought d w. I Stalin's tie
expanded to apply to oter Wester countries, but only to the this s ideology, again modified, was realistic to the extent
\Vestern ones. that it. defined, almost accurately, the positio d role of t
I t W est, ecoomic meas which operate to\vard \vorld r1ew state i iternatioal relatios. The Soviet state, or the
unificatio have become domiat. I the East, the Com- w class, 1vas i good positio exteally d itemally,
muist side, political meas for such uificatio have always subordiatig to itself all that it could acquire.
predomiat. The U.S.S.R. is l of "uitig" l Now the Soviet leades have hard time orietig t.hem-
that 1vhich it coqers. From this poit of vie1v t v the selves. They are loger i of seeig conteporary
w regie could chage aything essetially. According to reality. The world which they see is t the that really
its ideas, oppressed peoples are l those wl some other exists. It is either the that used to exist or t that
governmet, t the Soviet one, is inflictig its rule. The Soviet they would \Vish to have exist.
Holdig to obsolete dogmas, the Comnst leaders
From page 9, Ne'v York edition, Simon & Schuster, 1952. thoght that all t rest of the world would stagnate and de-
t From page 6, ibld.
stroy itself in conflicts and struggles. This did not happen. yiew of the world, t believe tat t preset coflicts wold
The West advanced both ecormically and intellectually. It have been avoided if such relatioships had t predomi-
proved to united 1vhenever danger &:om aother system ant i the W est.
threatened. The coJoies were freed, but dtd t become Com- That is \Vhere the difficlty lies.
muist, r did this lead to rupture with the mother coun- if relat.ionships i the West were t way t Com-
tries involved. muists would like them to be-the coflict wold still cotire.
The breakdow of Wester capitalism through crises and Per-aps the coflict \Vould v more severe in this case.
wars did not take place. In 1949 Vishinsky, at the Uited Na- For not. l forms of o\vnership \vould differ; it wold
tios i the n of the Soviet leadership, predicted t matter of different, opposig aspirations, behind whic stand
begi~ning of geat ne\V crisis in th~ Uited States and i~ modem techology d the vital iterests of \vole ations, i
capitalism. The opposite happeed. Tts was. .t because ca?t- 'Nhich yario grops, parties, d classes endeavor to haYe the
talism is good or bad, but because t capttaltsm t Sovtet same prolem solYed accodig to their eeds.
Ieaders rant about no longer exists. The Soviet leaders could W t SoYiet leaders rate the modern \Vestem cotries
rt see that Idia, t Arab states, and similar countries had as lid istments of the moopolies, t are just as \\rg
become indepedent, util they began to appove-for teir as they are i iter-pretig their own system as classless
o\vn reasons-Soviet poits of vie\v in foreign policy. Soviet society 1vhere O\ver-ship is i t hads of society. Certainly
Jeaders did not. and do not. \V unde-stand social democracy. the moopolies play importat l in t politics of the
Instead, t measure it the yadstick \vit \vhich t \Vestei"Il coutries, but i no case is t role as great or the
measure t fate of the Social Demoo-ats in their o\vn area. same as before the First \Vorld \Var, r as before the
Basina- teir thinkia- t fact tat thei coutry did not Second World \V. h is, in the backgrod, something
"' "'
r t development \vhic the Social Democats foresa\v, \v d more essential; an iresistile aspiration toward t
SoYiet. leaders ld that social democracy in the \Vest, as uification of t \Vorld. This is >v expressed more strogly
well, is nreal and "tr." trouglr statism and nationalizatio-or thg t l of
This is also tue \Vith regad to teir evaluation of the basic the goYemmet in tl1e economy-ta it is trogh the iflu
conflict--te coflict betwee systems, or t basic tendecy ence d action of the monopolies.
to\vard t unification of poduction. Here too teir evaluatio t extent tlrat. one class, party, or leader stifles criticism
is out of focs. completely, or olds absolute po\ver, it or inevitaly falls
declare tat this coflict is stggle bet,veen two dif- into an unrealistic, egotistical, and pretentious judgment of
feet social systems. I of tem-teirs, of course-tey reality.
state tlt there are classes, or tat t classes i t This is appening today to t Commnist leaders.
pocess of liquidatio, and that. teirs is state mvership. In do not control teir deeds, but are forced into t eality.
t other system-te foreign one--tey isist tat tlrere are
There advantages in this; t are IIO\V m practical m
ragia- class stra-a-les d crises \Vile all material goods are
"' "'"' . than t used to . Hmvever, tere are also disadvatages,
i the hands of private indiYidals, d that the goYermet 1s
because tese leaders basically lack ealistic, or eYen approxi-
l the tool of andful of greedy monopolists. Wit tis mately realistic, vie\vs. They spend more time defeding
themselves from world reality and attacking it tan they do
in getting accustomed to it. Their adherence to obsolete dogma
incites them to senseless actions, from 'vhich, on more ature
thoughts, tlley constantly retreat, but with loody heads. Let us
l tat t latter will prevail 'vith the. Certaily, if the
Communists interpreted t world realistically, they might ]ose,
but they 'vould gain as human beings, as part of t huma race.
I any case, the world will cange and will go in t direc-
tion i which it llas been movig and must go Oil-to,vard
greater unity, progress, and freedom. po'ver of reality d
the power of life v always been stroger than kind of
brutal force and more real than any theory.

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