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Target Motion Simulator

User Interface
EMA3100A User Interface

EMA3100A Target Motion Simulator mainly consist of a menu bar, a

toolbar and appropriate dialogs and forms for data entry or
showing results, activities and progress in text or graphic format/ In
this slide pack we go through Menu Bar and Toolbar
EMA3100A User Interface

Menu Bar consist of seven menu items

EMA3100A User Interface

Save As

File Menu consist of six items

as above, New item is for new
project creation and Open
item is used for opening a
previously created TTP or
MMP project
EMA3100A User Interface

Close item is used for closing

an existing open project
prompting user for Save the
last project configuration.

Save item is used for saving

an existing open project with
the latest current project
EMA3100A User Interface

Save As item is used for

saving an existing open
project with a different name
and folder defined by the

Exit item is used for closing

down the EMA3100A Target
Motion Simulator, by saving
the current project
configuration and deleting all
temporary files.
EMA3100A User Interface

Configuration Checker

Configure Menu consist of

three items as above,
Parameters item is used to
change default parameters
used during the session,
Configuration Checker item is
used to make configuration
check upon completion of the
configuration in TTP projects.
EMA3100A User Interface

Preferences item is used to

define user preferences for
directories and files created,
used and or deleted
temporary files during
execution of TTP and MMP
projects or during use of
standalone tools,
EMA3100A User Interface

Status Bar
View Menu consist of five
items as above, and all of
them are used for either
enabling or disabling the
respective item view, Toolbar
and Status Bar is checked
and enabled by default.
EMA3100A User Interface

SimPanel item and

GraphPanel item are used to
show SimPanel and
GraphPanel respectively even
if there is no ready
configuration for the project
EMA3100A User Interface

EventsMonitor item is used to

show EventsMonitor even if
there is no ready event to be
monitored for the project yet.
EMA3100A User Interface

Path Modeler
Path Combiner
Trajectory Viewer
SM Modeler
MD Modeler

Tools Menu consist of five

items as above, and all of
them are used to activate
respective tool, Path Modeler
item opens the Path Modeler
dialog and Path Combiner
Item opens the Path loader
EMA3100A User Interface

Trajectory Viewer item is used

to open Trajectory Viewer to
view and analyze paths or
trajectories created by
EMA3100A Target Motion
Simulator or any other format
converted logged recorded
trajectory file.
EMA3100A User Interface

SM Modeler item is used to

open SM Modeler tool which
is used for modeling Sensor
measurements in Target
Tracking projects

MD Modeler item is used to

open MD Modeler tool which
is used for modeling sensor
missing data in Target
Tracking projects
EMA3100A User Interface

Launch SimPanel

Simulator Menu consist of

three items as above, Launch
SimPanel item shows the
SimPanel if configuration is
completed for a new or
opened project, Options item
opens a dialog for option
EMA3100A User Interface

Outputs item is used to

configure outputs to screen,
file and external devices.
EMA3100A User Interface


Help Menu consist of two

items as above, Contents item
opens the chm Help file and
About item shows the
installation, license and
version information of
EMA3100A Target Motion
EMA3100A User Interface

Toolbar consist of 11 items

Path Modeler
Path Combiner
Trajectory Viewer
SM Modeler
MD Modeler
Configuration Checker
EMA3100A User Interface

The first three item in toolbar are New, open and Save, as
described previously for File Menu items, New item is for new
project creation and Open item is used for opening a
previously created TTP or MMP project, Save item is used for
saving an existing open project with the latest current project
EMA3100A User Interface

Next three items are path Modeler, path Combiner and Trajectory
Viewer, Path Modeler item opens the Path Modeler dialog and
Path Combiner Item opens the Path loader dialog. Trajectory
Viewer item is used to open Trajectory Viewer to view and
analyze paths or trajectories created by EMA3100A Target
Motion Simulator or any other format converted logged recorded
trajectory file.
EMA3100A User Interface

Next two items in Toolbar are SM Modeler and MD Modeler, SM

Modeler item is used to open SM Modeler tool which is used for
modeling Sensor measurements in Target Tracking projects. MD
Modeler item is used to open MD Modeler tool which is used for
modeling sensor missing data in Target Tracking projects
EMA3100A User Interface

Last three items in Toolbar are Configuration Checker, SimPanel

and Help. Configuration Checker item is used to make
configuration check upon completion of the configuration in TTP
projects. SimPanel item shows the SimPanel if configuration is
completed for a new or opened project and Help item opens the
chm Help file.

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