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32. alcoholic neuropathy
33. Ulner nerve exam,
34.fibula fracture with syndesmosis,
35.hemorrhage stroke in warfarin pt,
36.unconscious patient exam with neck stiffness.
37.pancreatitis due to alcohol ,
38.fever dd travel to Bali,
39. Hand exam - carpel tunnel syndrome (Dx and causes
40. Lumbar vertebral fracture (X-ray given,PE findings given as tenderness in the lumbar
region but no neurological s/s) - explain Xray and possible causes, further invest, osteoporosis 72 yrs old female
41. PICA syndrome - PE findings from examiner, explain Dx and d/d
42. Hoarseness of voice for 6 weeks - history, PE (reduced breath sounds of left
lower lung base, and dullness on percussion),
43. Sore throat with rash in a 22 year old female (rash started following taking
amoxicillin) - history, PE (enlarged tonsils and cervical lymphadenopathy), d/d (infectious mononucleosis, ITP, HIV,
leukaemia, lymphoma etc)
44. Cellulitis (picture given) - Hx, Dx, Mx
45. Benign tremors(Tremor exam Fhx of parkinson and taking alcohol to help)
46.Viral encephalopathy
47.Tennis elbow
48. Shingle
49. Atrial fibrillation
SVT was 3 epi previously of palpitations and dizziness, SOB after it. 2hrs dur. Strts suddenly. Ends all of a sudden. 2 epi after
dinner and one while driving. This time its not stopped yet.
Take: hx:Examination findings ECG,Explain dx to patient and bedside investigation.
How to prevent future attacks
Bph or ca prostate
Cough - gerd
IBS (My advice is if there is DDx- first clearly state all the possibility , after that explain
later.Mention the most probable one and most dangerous one first and explain more
about those.)
53. Bleeding per rectum. Task - History/ PE / DDx to the patient(haemorrhoid)
54. Fluid chart,post op oliguria Task- PERFORM PE ,Management , Fill the fluid chart.Examination
55. .Anke examination - Patient come with heel pain (plantar facitis)
56. Shoulder examination - The patient has pain in shoulder after lifting something heavy.
P.E and Management.Restriction of all movement due to pain . Pain worsen on ABDUCTION.Tell X-ray shoulder the
examiner happy. Rotator cuff injury
57. The middle aged lady on ACEI AND STATIN, History of dialysis , you are in a hospital with no dialysis facility.History
for 3mins. INVx . and management.GIVE the ECG of VT.

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