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Metro RESA K-5 Science Instructional Unit Plan

Candidate: Topic and Grade Level:

Kelly Barrere 5th grade - Matter
Resources/Websites: Misconceptions: tech book That matter changing states is a chemical change
That mass and weight are the same
That a light can operate with just wires

Performance Expectation:
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the differences between a physical change and a chemical change.
Obtain and combine information from multiple sources to explain the difference between naturally occurring electricity (static) and human-harnessed
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about magnetism and its relationship to electricity.

Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas (Content) Crosscutting Concept(s)

1. Asking questions S5P1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate 1. Cause and effect: temperature change
2. Analyzing and interpreting data information to explain the differences between a causing matter to change
3. Using mathematics, information and physical change and a chemical change. 2. Scale, proportion, and quantity mass,
computer technology, and computational a. Plan and carry out investigations by volume, density
thinking (mass, volume) manipulating, separating and mixing dry and 3. Compare and contrast: physical and
4. Construct an argument liquid materials and communicate collected chemical changes, static electricity and
data to demonstrate examples of physical electric current, magnets and
change. electromagnets
b. Construct an argument based on 4.
observations that her physical changes in the
state of water are due to temperature
differences, which cause small particles that
cannot be seen to move differently.
c. Plan and carry out an investigation to
determine if a chemical change occurred
based on observable evidence (color, gas,
temperature, change, odor, new substance
S5P2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate
information to investigate electricity.
a. Obtain and combine information from
multiple sources to explain the difference
between naturally occurring electricity
(static) and human-harnessed electricity.
b. Design and explain all necessary
components required to complete a simple
electric circuit.
c. Investigate and test common materials to
determine if they are insulators or
S5P3. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate
information about magnetism and its relationship
to electricity.
a. Construct an argument based on
experimental evidence to communicate the
differences in function and purpose of an
electromagnet and magnet. (temporary and
permanent magnetism)
b. Plan and carry out an investigation to
observe the interaction between a magnet
and a magnetic object on the opposite sides
of various materials such as wood, paper,
glass, metal, and rocks.

General Sequence of the Unit - Building for Conceptual Understanding - Interdisciplinary Connections

Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about matter, magnetism, electricity and relationship with one another.

EVALUATE (Culminating Task):

Students use the tech book board making tool to construct an argument and include their evidence and reasoning to justify their

Weekly Lesson Plans

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Question: Is matter created or destroyed in a Why does it shock you sometimes Why can some electricity be Why are some magnets permanent
chemical reaction/change? after you walk across the floor then harnessed or controlled and and some are not?
touch a door knob or someone some cannot?
(Opening/Hook) Teacher will show students a piece of Rub balloon on students hair (make Turn lights off, then back on ask *The students will see container with
How will you paper and ask the students what could stand up) and ask students what is students what is causing this to steel shavings shavings stick when
ENGAGE students be done to change it, students will happening?? happen?? magnet put through middle. Ask student
and/or connect to make suggestions. Teacher will ask is What do you think could be causing to tap with my pointer. I will take
it still paper?. The teacher will roll it, this? Do you think any part of the atom magnet out of the middle, shavings will
prior knowledge?
put in glass jar, and light it on fire and might be moving?? (Elliott Electron). drop to bottom of container. what just
allow students to watch it burn then ask **Run hand over static tube to make happened??
Is it still paper? How do you know? It Styrofoam balls jump.
is different matter now with different
EXPLORE/EXPLAIN *Students will move to 7
(Work Period) stations and explore and *Explain even solid matter has *Discovery Ed. Tech book Electric
How will students observe changes in matter in electrons that move. Students will circuits Life without electricity video *Let the students investigate with
each station and record develop a moving model to clip, discussion. Intro to electric magnet and iron shavings in containers
observations on data sheet demonstrate static electricity by dividing circuits. Partner read section in tech (TRC).
and/or EXTEND a
provided by teacher. into groups that create a situation with book. *The students will be given a bar
unbalanced charges (What other * Students will do conductor/insulator magnet and a tray with different items
Station 1 pieces of bubble groups would they attract to and what pre-assessment. (rubber band, brads, marbles, nuts,
wrap groups would repel from?) The students *The students will read and watch slide bolts, toy soldiers, etc) and see what
Station 2 cup of vinegar, will have a card with their charge on it. show on (Energy, Light, items can be picked up with magnet.
cup of baking soda, wax *The students will usestatictubesto & Sound Current Electricity and *The students will make a claim: what
paper, spoon, pipette investigatestaticelectricity(TRC) Electric Circuits (do Test Yourself as a do the items that can be picked up by
runtheirhandovertheplastictube class). magnet have in common? Why can the
Station 3- cup of fresh milk andbuildupastaticchargeand *students will be given battery (in magnet pick them up or why will stick to
covered with foil & cup of watchthestaticbeadsinsidejump holder), wire, lightbulbs. Can you make magnet? Will the magnetic field go
sour milk covered with foil fromsidetosidetostayawayfrom the light work? Give students guidance. through glass, wood, water, paper, a
(both l labeled). finger. Explain. What objects if added to circuit rock? Explain your observation and
cause light to come on? What objects evidence.
Station 4 lump of play *Thestudentswillreadthetextin
cause light NOT to come on? Is it *Show bill nye magnetism part 1
dough techbookaboutElectricityand
possible to light a bulb with just a (technology youtube)
Station 5 new steel wool & highlightinformationthatcanuse
battery and two wires? Is it possible to *The students will read and look
rusted steel wool as
light the bulb with just one wire? Why or through Magnetism and Electricity
Station 6 sandwich bags, 2
why not section of discoveryecucation techbook
spoons, 25 ml graduated cylinder, cup
). Electric Circuits activity sheet glue (table partner)
of cream of tartar, cup of baking
into journal. the students will observe what
soda, room temperature water, 3
. happens when they stroke a nail 60
thermometers labeled 1,2,3.
times on end of magnet and observe
what happens to objects when get
close to the nail and record data. Claim,
evidence, Reasoning record in
journal. (turn electrons facing same
*The students will construct an
electromagnet with wire, nail, battery.
What happens if you open the circuit?
(Loose magnetic field drop paper clip)

* The students will see a picture of a

large electromagnet picking up a car.
How is it able to do that?? What will
happen when electricity is turned off?
*Discovery Tech book Magnetic
Fields and Electromagnets Students
will discuss and explain how magnetism
is used to solve problems.

Closing: evidencetosupporttheiranswerfor
How will you On data record sheet, students will theCYEquestion(Whatis The students will glue diagram of an *The students will construct a double-
summarize the record: electricityandwhatjobdo electric circuit into journal, label it, and bubble map comparing and contrasting
lesson? How will * What type of change and how do we electronsplayinelectricity?)and answer these questions: What parts of magnets/electromagnets and glue into
you EVALUATE? know a chemical change is happening recordanswerandevidencein your circuit are conductors? What part Science Journal. (To assess if the
and new matter is being formed? What journal. of your circuit are insulators? What part students understand that the difference
is the EVIDENCE *completeactivitysheetwhatis of your circuit stores chemical energy? is one is temporary and one is
staticelectricityforjournal. What is happening when the switch is permanent and one can be controlled,
off?, what is happening when the switch one cannot.
is on? Must use words electric current, Tier 2 differentiation:
open circuit, closed circuit * The students will complete a tree
map classifying
magnets/electromagnets with
information partially provided (for some

Assessment (What is the evidence of learning?)

Formative (On-going) Summative (End)
Four corners, white boards, Kahoot, journal checks CER Rubric to assess student performance task.
Quiz on Schoology after lessons
Test on Quia after unit
Differentiated Instruction
Small Groups (Based on Assessment Data) Independent Learning Centers
Scafolded supports for writing the CER statements Computer stations with preselected websites like Brainpop and studyjams and
Blendspaces created by teacher
Pre-assign double bubble maps and diagrams Matter and electricity board games
Computer stations with headphones for students who need text read to them
Supporting Documents

Claim-Evidence-Reasoning Rubric
4 3 2 1
Advanced Proficient Progressing Beginning
Claim Makes a claim that is Makes a claim that is Makes a relevant and Does not make a claim, or
A statement or conclusion relevant, accurate, and Relevant (Directly & clearly accurate but incomplete makes an inaccurate or
that answers the original complete. responds to question) claim. irrelevant claim.
question or problem. Contrasts the claim to an Accurate (Consistent with
evidence and scientific principles)
alternative claim.
Complete (Complete sentence
that stands alone)
Evidence Provides appropriate and Provides evidence to Provides appropriate, but Does not provide
Scientific data that sufficient evidence to support the claim that is insufficient evidence to evidence, or only
supports the claim. The support claim. Appropriate (Scientific data or support claim. May provides inappropriate
data need to be Discusses evidence that information from observations, include some evidence (Evidence that
investigations, data analysis, or
appropriate and sufficient would support alternative valid scientific sources) inappropriate evidence. does not support claim).
to support the claim. claim. Sufficient (Enough evidence to
support the claim)
Reasoning Provides reasoning that Explanation provides Provides reasoning that Does not provide
A justification that connects clearly connects the reasoning that is connects the evidence to reasoning, or only
the evidence to the claim. It evidence to the claim. Clear (Clearly communicated and the claim. May include provides inappropriate
shows why the data counts Includes appropriate and goes beyond repeating claim and some scientific principles reasoning.
as evidence by using sufficient scientific or justification for why
Connected (Explains why the
appropriate and sufficient principles to explain why evidence is important or why it is the evidence supports the
scientific principles. the evidence supports the relevant) claim, but not sufficient.
claim. Integrated (Links the evidence
to an important disciplinary idea
Explains why the and crosscutting concept)
alternative claim is

Source: Evidenced Based Writing, J. Peacock


Claim: Evidence:

Make logical statement that compares chemical and physical changes
Describe and label an electric circuit
Make a logical statement that compares a magnet with an electromagnet

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