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History Chapter 2 Study Guide

Define the following terms:
Charter colony River Colonies/River Towns
Proprietary colony Antinomianism
Royal colony Middle Colonies
Headrights New Netherlands
Indenture Patroon system
New England Southern Colonies
Mayflower compact House of Burgesses
Great Migration Penal colony
Harvard College

Identify the following people, where theyre from, and what they contributed
to history:
William Bradford Henry Hudson
Puritans Peter Minuit
Separatists Peter Stuyvesant
Pilgrims William Penn
John Winthrop Cecilius Calvart, Lord Baltimore
Thomas Hooke Sir Anthony Ashley-Cooper
Roger Williams James Ogelthorpe
Anne Hutchinson
Mayflower Compact
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Frames of Government
Law, Concessions, and Agreements
Toleration Act of 1649

1. Understand the different colonies, how they were started and by whom, as
well as important contributions.
2. Know the types of administration for each colony (charter, proprietary, royal)
and the differences in how they were governed.
3. Know the difference between the Separatists, the Puritans and the Pilgrims
and how, why and when they came to North America.


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