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PARAGRAPH : Is it a good idea to require all students to wear a school uniform?

Use the
brainstorming you did to write your paragraph. You need to write between 10 to 15 lines.
You need to have a TOPIC SENTENCE, 2 SUPPORTING POINTS, and a conclusion.

I do think that it's a good idea to wear uniforms in the school, because of two reasons. The first one
is, using uniforms keeps the integrity of the insitution that you're registered , it also gives a sense of
respect for the school and a recognition from you're studying. When you use the uniform you have to
be proud of them, because it gives you a sense of belonging there. The second reason I agree of
wearing uniforms at school it's because it's a way to equalize social status, in that way children won't
be menospreciated for what they're wearing and if it's and special brand or not.
To conclude I support the idea of wearing uniforms because they gives you an special recognition, and
equalize social status.


Use the brainstorming from the forum to write your paragraph: WHAT ARE THE STEPS FOR
REGISTERING IN A SCHOOL? Dont forget to use time order signals (first, second, then)
and a concluding sentence.

What are the steps for registering in a school?
First, you have to choose the school you want to register.
Then, you have to ask all the requirements needed to register at school
After that the person who is going to be registered has to take an exam and wait for the grades. If the
kid approved, he is going to be interviewed by the psychologist and the principal.
Finally, If the kid is admitted you will receive a call telling you that your kid is in.


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