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Herbal Treatment of Celery Leaf Stew for Uric Acid

Understanding About Uric Acid Disease

According to Kertia (2009) uric acid is an acid that is formed due to purine metabolism
derived from foods containing high protein and will accumulate in body tissues and uric
acid is also a disease complication of hyperuricemia if this is not treated immediately it will
result in infection. If this happens around the tofi (embossed monosodium crystal
monohydrate around the joints) that will have an infection that will release a lot of pus,
causing severe pain, increased swelling, stiffness and even fever. So, this infection will
exacerbate the symptoms of gout disease. Uric acid in chronic conditions will cause
complications to the kidneys, heart, infections and others that cause death. In addition, it
can cause unbalanced defects in the joints, gout disease can also cause disability in organs.

Causes of Uric Acid Disease

According to Yusri (2011) and Kurnia (2009) the cause of increased uric acid levels
arise due to increased production and decrease in disposal. The trigger of high levels of uric
acid that is the production of uric acid in the body increased by foods that contain excessive
purine height resulting in increased production of purine in the body. Then through
metabolism turned into uric acid resulting in increased levels of uric acid in the body. This
causes the kidneys are unable to remove excess uric acid resulting in the formation of
excessive uric acid crystals stacked dipersendian resulting in joints pain, swelling, chronic,
hot and stiff.
Signs and Symptoms of Uric Acid Disease

According to Kurnia (2009) the symptoms that accompany elevated uric acid levels are
painful joints especially in the base of the toes, small joints in the legs, ankle joints, knees,
elbows, hands and shoulders, joint swelling, red joints , Skin feels hot, joints difficult to
move (stiff), fever, headache, decreased appetite, and palpitations. Pain felt in Gout
sufferers in the morning and evening at bedtime. Signs of gout attack are severe pain (pain)
and local inflammation. Patients usually also suffer from high fever and the number of
white blood cells increases.

Herbal Treatment of Celery Leaf Stew for Uric Acid Sickness

Herbal medicines derived from plants have far less harmful side effects than dangerous
chemicals. This is because the effects of medicinal plants are natural, not as hard as the
effects of chemical drugs. The human body is relatively more receptive to drugs than plant
chemicals (Muhlisah, 2007). In the world of herbal medicine Indonesia one plant that is
allegedly capable of lowering uric acid levels is celery (Apium Graveolens). According to
the botanist history historian, the celery plant (Apium Graveolens) has been used as a
vegetable since 1640, and is recognized as a new scientifically useful medicinal plant in
1942 (Agoes, 2010).

According to Ekasari (2011) herbal residents in North America and immigrants in

Europe used to consume either raw or cooked from celery seeds or whole celery to
overcome gout. Even herbalists in North America have used this medicinal plant
consistently in treating all kinds of rheumatism including gout. In celery plants contain
Flavonoid, saponin, tannin 1%, essential oil, apiin, apigenin, grave obioside A, graveobiside
B, choline, asparagines, pait substances, and vitamin A Compounds that can inhibit the
formation of uric acid in the blood include flavonoids and apigenin , As well as fire
compounds are diuretic to increase the amount of urine so that the purine can come out
through the urine. Celery leaves also contain a lot of apiin, a diuretic substance that is
beneficial to increase the amount of urine so that purines can come out through the urine.
Flavonoida compounds are antioxidants that can inhibit the action of enzyme ksantin
oxidase and superoksida reaction so that the formation of uric acid become inhibited or
decreased. (Kurnia, 2009). In accordance with the Kurnia theory (2009) that 60grams of
celery (leaves and stems) are cut into small pieces and then boiled using 200cc water made
100cc water can reduce levels of uric acid.

Food and Purine Levels

Height: herring, sardine, anchovies, liver (of all animal species), broth, offal meat, Tuna,
trout, lobster and his family, shrimp, shellfish, alcoholic beverages.

Medium: fish (except those already mentioned in high category), legumes Including beans
(beans, pea beans), beef, lamb, meat Pork, chicken, turkey, mushroom, spinach, asparagus,

Low: eggs (as well as egg whites), fruits (including berries) milk, butter, Cheese, yogurt,
cream, ice cream, potatoes, grain products (bread, krakers, pasta, noodles, Spaghetti, rice),
nuts and seeds, cakes, biscuits, cereals, olives, vinegar, Vegetable oil, brown sugar, pickled
vegetables, kimchi. (Rabea et al., 2009)

Good thing to do Uric Acid Disease sufferers

According to Doherty, Michael, 2009 about some things that must be done by people
with uric acid is :

Wear warm clothes when the weather is cold

Ensure blood pressure in normal level

Avoiding dehydration

Avoid empty stomach for long time

Exercise but avoid strenuous exercise

How to Make Celery Leaf Stew

To use celery leaves as an herbal remedy to treat gout the following is how to cultivate

A. Decoction of celery leaves

The steps - steps to make a stew of celery leaves are:

Take some celery leaves and wash them with clean running water.

Cut into small pieces of celery leaves.

Provide a pot that has filled the water up onto the stove for heating. Then put
the chopped celery leaves into the pan.

Preheat and wait until it boils. After boiling do not forget to turn off the fire.

Wait until the stew can already be drunk and drink twice a day to overcome uric acid.

(Kertia., N., 2009)


Doherty, Michael; 2009, New insights into the epidemiology of gout, Available from:

Kurnia., D., 2009. The Right Solution Fights Uric Acid, Brilliant Publishing,

Kertia., N., 2009. Uric Acid, B First, Yogyakarta

Orphans, F., 2006. Bone and Joint Disease (Arhtritis or Arthralgia), Obor's Popular
Library, Jakarta.

Rabea et al., 2009. Factors Associated with Joint Illness, Health Research Bulletin
Supplement 2009: 32-33

Sugiyono, 2007. Statistics For research, CV. Alfabeta, Bandung

Sugiyono, 2010. Statistics For Research, Alfa Beta, Bandung.

Utami., F., 2010. Healthy Life Free of Diabetes and Uric Acid, Genius Publisher,
Yogyakarta. 9

Wibowo., S., 2009. 100 Question & Answers Uric Acid, Gramedia, Jakarta.

Yusri, 2011. The Cause Of Uric Acid That We Need To Know.

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English Nursing
Herbal Treatment of Celery Leaf Stew for Uric Acid


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