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LAB TEST 1 (IN A GROUP OF 2 people)

You are required to create a flash application using Actionscript code to solve the following

Problem : The application allows the user to ENTER the price of an item he or she wishes to
purchase, along with the payment amount. After the user clicks a button, the application computes
the correct change and displays it in 5 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents and RM1, RM2, RM5,
RM10, RM20, RM50 and RM100 notes.

Solutions: You can refer to Case Study 2 : Make Change Calculator on page 130 135.

The solution for the Case Study on page 130 will be like Fig. 1 below. However, you have to modify
them according to the problem explained above as we are making payment in RINGGIT MALAYSIA.

Fig. 1 Application for calculating change

Please upload your application in compressed format (either .zip or .rar) using iFolio Task.

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