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1. PPT (Person, Place, Time)


1. Drug Users 1. Large cities 1. Last Summer
2. Homosexual /Bisexual 2. New York & Los Angeles
young men

2. Hypothesis

a) A new germ has emerged

b) Something in the environment has changed
c) Use of sexual stimulants
d) Something that only men have
e) Mutation because of radiation
f) Injection needles
g) Chemicals that inhale
h) Immune systems have been deliberately suppressed

3. Reason

a) New germ has emerged because of large cities. Large cities usually have big
amount of rubbish/garbage and moreover the wastes from factories that
usually build in large cities. And the new germ can appear from the garbage
and wastes.
b) Due to the large cities, something in the environment has changed.
c) Some people often use sexual stimulants. Maybe those stimulants possibly
impair the immune system and let the germs infect their body.
d) Something that only men have, for example sperm. And this only happen in
men, usually homosexual. Maybe women have ovum that reject the germs to
e) Mutation because of radiation is also because of large cities that provide lots
of radiation.
f) Injection needles usually because of drugs user. The germs will pass trough
the needle.
g) Factories usually build in large cities like New York and Los Angeles. And lots
of chemical substances are polluting the air. And people often inhale those
wastes from the chemical substances.
h) The immune systems have been deliberately suppressed. The immune
systems are not working toward the mysterious ailment germs or viruses.

Celline Tantono 07120120065

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