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Module 1

1) Which of the following should be considered as a transgenic organism?

C. A rat with a rabbit hemoglobin genes
2) A scientist found out that a bacteria infected by a bacteriophage had
developed an ability to make an amino acid that could not make before. The
new ability was probably a result of?
D. Transduction
3) The transfer of bacterial gene by a phage
B. Transduction
4) A circlular DNA molecule smaller than and separate from the bacterial
A. Plasmids
5) It refers to the union of cells and the DNA transfers between the two
bacterial cells
C. Conjugation
6) Plasmid is a circular molecule smaller than and separate from the bacterial
A. True
7) Transduction is the transfer of bacterial gene by a phage
A. True
8) Conjugation is the union of cells and the DNA transfers between the two
bacterial cells
A. True
9) A bacterium that has received genes via conjugation is an example of a
transgenic organism
B. False
10) Cloning is the process that involves cutting DNA sequences and pasting
them on a new sequence too create an organism with a specific set of hand-
picked traits
B. False
11) Insulin extracted from the animals are chemically similar but not identical
to human insulin.
A. True
12) Yeast have plasmid that can be used as a gene vectors that can take up
foreign DNA and integrate it into their genome
A. True
13) A vaccine is a harmful variant of pathogen that is used to inoculate an
infectious disease
B. False
14) Recombinant DNA of the hepatitis B infection surface antigen is created in
yeast cells to be remembered for the antibody
A. True
15) Golden rice is a transgenic variety with bacterial genes produces grains
that contains beta-carotine, which our body uses to make vitamin A
A. True
16) Which of the following should be considered as a transgenic organism?
D. A rat with a rabbit hemoglobin genes
17) Which is not an application of recombinant DNA technology in medicine
C. Golden Rice
18) It is a microbial organism that has a gene that makes plants resistant to
A. Bacillus Thuringiensis
19) It is a bacteria that contains plasmid use to produce desirable proteins for
human consumption
B. E Coli
20) It is eukaryotic cells that contains also plasmids and used to produce
desirable proteins
C. Saccharomycetes Cerevisiae
21) The main purpose of conventional agriculture is to increase the production
of yielded crops
A. True
22) The use of synthetic chemicals is one of the practice of farmers that
utilizes GM crops
B. False
23) The rampant usage of synthetic chemicals increases the soil, water, and
even air pollution
A. True
24) Hybridization highlights the positive trait of plants like high yield tolerance
to drought etc.
A. True
25) Conventional agriculture maintains the rich biodiversity of the environment
B. False
26) It is the product of recombinant DNA technology that are grown in
agricultural fields
27) It is the field of study that includes genetic manipulation of different
species of organism
C. Genetic engineering
28) It include pesticides and fertilizers that are widely used in conventional
C. Synthetic Chemicals
29) It is a combination of genes inherited from two parents and highlights all
the good characteristics of the organism
A. hybridization
30) Its main purpose is to optimize the production of yielded crops
B. Conventional Agriculture
Module 2

1) Which of the following is not a characteristic of the early earth right after it’s
C. Prokaryotes inhabit the planet
2) When did the massive bombardment on Earth ended?
C. 4 Billion years ago
3) Who are the two people who hypothesized that all life arose gradually from
inorganic molecules?
B. Oparin and Haldane
4) When organic molecules coming from inorganic molecules were
hypothesized, what were the source of energy scientists thought of?
C. Lightning and UV Radiation
5) What is the correct order of the eons on Earth’s history?
D. Archean, Proterozoic, Phanerozoic
6) It is a 4.5 Billion years old rock that fell to Australia in 1969
A. Murchison Meteorite
7) In the theory that life arise from self-replicating RNA, what do you call the
RNA catalysts?
C. Ribozymes
8) ________ are a soft mineral clay produced by the weathering of the
volcanic ash that might’ve increased self-assembly of the vesicles
C. Montmorillonite
9) The early ________ were Earth’s sole inhabitants from approximately 3.5
billion years to about 2.1 BYA
C. Prokaryotes
10) Earth is thought to have had a reducing atmosphere, what does it mean?
C. an oxygen-poor atmosphere in which molecules then to donate
11) What is the difference between microevolution and macroevolution
C. Microevolution describes the evolution of organisms in populations,
while macroevolution describes the evolution of species over a long period of
12) Population Genetics deals with
A. How selective forces change the allele frequencies in population
over time
13) One of the original Amish colonies rose from a ship of colonists that came
from Europe. The ship’s captain, who had polydactyly, a rare dominant trait,
was one of the original colonists. Today, we see a much higher frequency of
polydactyly in Amish population. This is an example of?
A. Natural selection
14) Which of the following evolutionary forces can intoduce new genetic
variation into population?
B. Mutation and gene flow
15) This mechanism of evolution is affected by chance
B. Genetic drift
16) When a male rabbit happens to be in the presence of three female rabbits
that are in-heat, the male rabbit will father more children
A. Genetic Drift
17) The Philippine archipelago were inhabited by a group of people who
travelled through land bridges 30,000 years ago during the glacial period
A. Genetic Drift
18) Human intervention of plant’s traits
B. Artificial selection
19) Organisms with favorable traits for survival and reproduction tend to pass
on these alleles to their offspring
D. Natural Selection
20) A male lion who left the pride where his mother is to form a new pride
B. Gene Pool (not sure pa)
21) Which of the following statements about biological species is (are)
I. Biological species is a group of individuals whose members interbreed with
one another
II. Biological species are the model used for grouping extinct forms of life
III. Members of biological species produce viable, fertile offspring
C. I and III
22) The following isolating mechanisms prevent fertilization and formation of
zygote except

23) Occurrence of abrupt genetic change cause reproductive isolation

between groups of individuals.
B. Sympatric speciation
24) It occurs when populations are separated by geographic barrier
A. Allopatric speciation
25) Abrupt change in the environment over geographic border and strong
disruptive selection affects gene flo between neighboring populations
C. Parapatric speciation
26) It occurs when the groups evolved to be separate species are geographic
D. Parapatric Isolation
27) The difference in reproductive organs prevent successful interbreeding
B. Gametic Isolation
28) The different groups may not be reproductively mature at the same
season, or month or year
A. Temporal Isolation
29.) It occurs when some members of a population become geographically
separated from the other members thereby preventing gene flow
D. Allopatric speciation
30) It is incompatibilities between egg and sperm prevent fertilization
C. Gametic Isolation
Module 3

1) Who argued that human populations grow faster than the resourcs they
depend on?
A. Thomas Malthus
2) One of the first scientist to propose that species change over time was
D. Alfred Russel Wallace
3) Where did Darwin make some of his most important observations that
helped him develop his Theory?
B. The Galapagos Islands
4) Natural Selection states that ______
D. All of the above
5) Marine Iguanas are found only in the Galapagos Islands, which are located
off the coast of Ecuador. These lizards are unique that they forage for food in
the ocean. Compared to land iguanas, marine iguanas have certain
adaptations that allow them to survive in coastal habitat. These adaptations
include a long, flattened tail used for swimming and dense leg bones that give
the iguanas stability underwater. Scientists believed the land-dwelling
ancestors of the marine iguana floated on vegetative debris from Central
America to the Galapagos Islands about 4.5 Million years ago. Based on the
information given above, which of the following is most likely true about the
ancestry of marine Iguanas?
B. The ancestral iguana population had many more individuals with
adaptations for swimming than individuals without these adaptation
6) Which of the following best explains how an individual’s evolutionary fitness
is measured?
C. By its abilities to reproduce
7) Horses have been bred by humans in captivity have more variation of coat
colors than wild horses. What process most likely led to the greater coat color
variation in domestic horses?
C. Artificial Selection
8) Which of the following is true regarding Darwin’s Theory of evolution?
C. Individuals pass on adaptations to their offspring due to natural
9) Which of the following is NOT part of Darwin's theory of natural selection?
B. Individuals with variations suitable to their environment have shorter
lifespans and produce fewer offspring.
10) Individuals in a population that have a variation which gives them an
advantage in their environment are more likely to _______?
A. Survive and reproduce
11) What best describes the hind leg bones seen in the whale?
B. Vestigial structures that had a function in an ancestor
12) How do fossils support evolution?
A. The fossil record provides evidence that organisms have changed
over time.
13) Structures with the same parts have different functions; suggests that
organisms share a common ancestry?
C. Homologous structures
14) If an organism has a vestigial structure, that structure likely once had a

function in a(n).
C Early ancestor
15) A characteristic that can be passed from parent to offspring through
genes is called a
D. Trait
16. Scientists compare organisms' DNA to support the theory that all species
share a common?
C. Ancestor
17. Some organisms that share a have different functions, but similar
structures. These are known as?
B. Homologous structures
18. Two organisms that are closely related would have _?
A. Very similar DNA sequence.
19. Scientists think that dolphins and whales may have evolved from and
whales may have evolved from a common ancestor. What evidence supports
this hypothesis?
D. They have similar anatomy
20. If scientist were to find 4 fossils that appear to be of the same ancestor,
what can be concluded?
D. fossils have similar characteristics
21. Which of the following statements regarding analogies is correct?
C. Analogies are derived by response/s to similar environmental
22. These structures can be observed in various organisms that indicate their
relation to a common ancestor by virtue of their resemblance.
B. Homologous structures
23. What is true for species that are a member of the same clade?
B. Species evolved from a shared ancestor.
24. Which of the following statements correctly describes gene conservation?
D. Genes are said to be conserved when they are maintained by
organisms that are not closely related.
25. This refers to the hypothetical relationship between groups of organisms
especially in reference to lines of descent.
C. phylogeny
26. Variations in a protein's amino-acid sequence, differences in a gene's
individual nucleotide sequence,or differences in gene arrangements.
C. Molecular Comparisons
27. The use of diagrams to differentiate between biological taxa and trace the
evolutionary history of a given species.
A. Genome Phylogeny
28. Identical structures that do not share an evolutionary history such as
structures demonstrated by the bee and bird or bat wing styles.
D. Analogous Structures/Traits
29. The prevalence of genes in numerous organisms such as the gene for
encoding cytochrome proteins during ATP production.
C. Gene Conservation
30) The structure of bones in the flippers of dolphins, wings of bats, and
foreleg of a horse and cat, and the arms of humans
D. Homologous Structure/Traits
Module 4

1) The science of identifying, classifying, and naming living things is called?

C. Taxonomy
2) Grouping objects based on what they have in common is _______?
A. Classification
3) An organism’s scientific name is based on how it is classified. Which of the
following levels of classification determine the name?
D. Genus and Species
4) Largest and most general group into which organisms are classified is
C. Kingdom and Phylum
5) You are exploring a rain forest. You spot a flying animal. You notice it
spends the daylight hours hanging from a cave. You examine the animal, and
it has a thin layer of hair. What order would this animal be placed?
B. Mammal
6) A precise measure of biodiversity is?
D. The genetics variation within species
7) Which of the following best explains the morphological species concept?
C. A clear difference in appearance makes one a separate species
8) If you are classifying a group of individuals as a species mainly based on a
recent shared common ancestor, you’re likely using the ______?
D. Phylogenetic species concept
9) If you see two species of poison ivy that have adapted to two different
climates and classify them as separate species even though they can
theoretically interbreed, you’re probably using _____?
A. Ecological species concept
10) Approximately how many different species are found on Earth?
B. 30 Million
11) The science of cladistics produces a system for naming and classifying
B. False
12) A clade is labeled as _____ because each one only consists of certain
B. Monophyletic
13) A cladogram is a chart that shows?
B. Many clades combined
14) What is shared derived trait?
C. A physical trait shared by all organisms of that particular taxon
15) According to the phylogenetic tree (illustration), which organisms are the
least related to each other evolutionarily?
A. Trilobita and Insecta
16) Cladistics help to organize organisms based on shared homologous
characteristics. Which of the following is considered FALSE when looking at a
C. A clade can share both derived and ancestral characteristics
17) When using a cladistic approach to systematics, which of the following is
considered most important for classification?
C. Shared derived characters
18) Which of the following term is related to cladistics?
A. Synaphomorphic characters
19) A branching diagram that represents the proposed phylogeny or
evolutionary history of a species or group
B. Cladogram
20) Based on the cladogram below (illustration), which of the following specie
has hair?
D. Species I
21) A Branching diagram that discusses the evolutionary history of a group of
C. Phylogenetic Tree
22) What does OTUs in Phylogeny stands for?
B. Operational Taxonomic Units
23) Which of the following would be the best outgroup in building phylogenetic
tree of cats?
D. Wolf
24) The simplest method to describe the Phylogenetic Tree using outgroups
C. Phylogram
25) Which group of organisms form a clade, that consists of an ancestor and
all its descendants?
A. Monophyletic Group
26) The living species X, Y, and Z share the common ancestor T, as do
extinct species U and V. A grouping that consists of species T, X, Y, and Z
(but not U or V) makes up?
B. A Monophyletic clade
27) To apply parsimony to constructing a Phylogenetic tree
C. Choose the tree that represents the fewest evolutionary changes, in either
DNA as possible
28) Based on this tree (illustration), which statement is not correct?
D. Salamanders are a sister group to the group containing lizards, goats, and
29) In comparison of birds and mammals, having four limbs is a?
C. An example of homology rather than analogy
30) The pictures below (illustration) that poses similar image and function are
example of?
B. A Homologous structure

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