ERT - Dreamworld Trip: Abstract

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ERT Dreamworld Trip


The task of this assessment is to have a better understanding of the rides, at Dreamworld in terms of
the physics behind the rides. This was to be accomplished by collecting data about the rides using a
device called a data logger. This device is used to measure the velocity and acceleration on the x, y
and z axis. The device also measures the altitude of your current position. To do this me and a few of
my peers wore a data logger and rode several rides to gather enough data for analysis. A summary
of my findings includes statistics of the Giant Drop, the Buzzsaw and the Tower of Terror II. The Giant
Drop has a total height of 120m, the free fall time being 3.75 seconds. The Buzzsaw is 46.2m high
and is 150m in length. The Tower of Terror II is 115m high and has a drop of 99.9m, also having a
length of 376.4m.

Applicable physics:

The physics that applies to three rides includes gravity which plays a role in G-force, another aspect
in the physics behind this ride. Velocity also plays a key role in determining the physics of roller
coasters. Velocity is a combination of speed and the direction in which an object travels. Speed and
acceleration are important to the construction and use of roller coasters. Speed is how fast an object
moves, and acceleration is how quickly an object speeds up, slows down or changes direction.
Friction plays a large role in determining the power required to do several tasks. The force caused by
a rubbing motion between two, or more, objects is friction. Potential energy and kinetic energy are
two energies that are essential to the physics of the three rides. Potential energy is the energy
stored by an object ready to be used, such as gravitational potential energy. Gravitational potential
energy is directly related to the height of an object as well as its mass. Kinetic energy is the energy of
an object in motion, which in turn is directly related to its mass and velocity.

Statistics of the Giant Drop includes a total height of 120m, a freefall distance of 100m, breaking
distance of 20m, 5 of moves at an extremely slow speed. It has a freefall time of 3.75 seconds and a
breaking time of 1.2 seconds. The mass of the gondola is 1800kg, and seats 8 people, assuming
thatch person weighs 75 kg. Assuming that the gondola is full that gives a total weight of 2400 kg.
The velocity of the gondola is equal to displacement divided by time, which is 100/3.75. This equals
26.667m1, or 96 km/h, the direction of the velocity is down.


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