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Insects and Pests

Plant Plant Near

Basil Flies and mosquitoes Tomato
Calendula (Gaindah) beetles, tomato All vegetables and herbs
hornworms, most insects
Chrysanthemum (Gul e Most insects, nematodes Tomato
Dead Nettle (Bichhu booti) Potato bugs Potato
Eggplant potato beetle Green bean, lettuce (salad)
Garlic beetle, aphids, other Tomato, eggplant, cabbage
insects and blight family plants; avoid
planting near peas, beans,
and other legumes
Geranium Cabbage worms, corn Interplant with vegetables,
earworms, beetles, most especially cabbage
Marigold Nearly all insects including Potato, tomato, pepper,
bean beetles and nematodes eggplant, roses
Mint (podina) Cabbage moth and ants Cabbage, tomato
Onion family Most pests, potato beetles, Most vegetables except
carrot rust flies peas, beans
Petunia Bean pests, potato bugs, Beans, squash, potato
squash bugs
Marigold tomato worms, general tomato, most vegetables
garden pests
Peppermint White cabbage butterfly Cabbage
Radish Cucumber beetles, squash Beans, carrot, cucumber,
borers onion, squash
Rosemary Cabbage moth, bean beetle, Beans, cabbage family
carrot fly plants, carrot
Thyme Cabbage worm Eggplant, cabbage, potato,
tomato, almost all
vegetables and herbs

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