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Chapter 2


The researcher will review some related literature and studies which will provide the

basic framework, background and insights to the problems and sub-problems of this


Related Literature

Puffed cereal grains are common food ingredients and rice cakes are increasingly

popular. Relatively little has been published regarding the optimal conditions for the

processing of the cakes, the mechanism of puffing or the adhesion of rice grains during

processing. Accordingly the objectives of this study have been to examine the quality of

rice cakes, the effect of processing variables and to investigate the mechanism of puffing

and adhesion involved. A series of trials were run in which rice cakes were made with

different levels of tempering moisture (16, 18 and 20%), heating temperature (248, 258

and 268C), processing time (2, 4 and 6 sec) and the cycle time (5.8, 6.0 and 7.0

seconds). In addition, selected types of rice (brown and white, waxy, low and high

protein samples) have been evaluated along with the incorporation of either oil or sugar

in the formulation. (Sharma,J 2012)

A new manufacturing method for producing a puffed ginseng-rice snack (PGRS)

was developed using ginseng powder and map rice flour through a steam and

compression process (SCP). The physical and sensory properties of the PGRS were

characterized. The pellets for puffing were prepared from ginseng powder and map rice

flour. The pellets were subjected to 16, 18, and 20% moisture contents and were puffed at
225, 235, and 245C. The specific volumes of the PGRSs increased with heating

temperature and moisture content. However, the breaking strength of the PGRSs

decreased. In addition, the SCP imposed special features in the PGRSs that made them

more acceptable. The Hunter L-value increased with heating temperature and moisture

content. These results indicate that a PGRS with functional additives could be effectively

developed into a functional food with the use of a puffing machine, and that the PGRS

shows potential as a new snack product. (Mohammad Alamgir Hossain, April 2013)

Related Studies

Foreign studies

Puffed rice is a popular low cost breakfast cereal and snack used

worldwide because of its ready to eat (RTE), lighter and crispness characteristics. India

produces annually 89 million tonnes of rice (second largest producer of rice in the world),

but, only 10 percent of it is converted to different value added products such as puffed

rice, popped rice or flaked rice (Chattopadhyay, 2004). Puffed rice has got a highest

demand both in national and international market. Quality factors such as uniform

puffing, contamination free, good colour, crispness etc are the major concern for export

of puffed rice. However, the production of puffed rice in India is only limited to village

levels. The puffing method traditionally followed in India is sand-roasting. The whole

process of puffing is very tedious, time consuming and involves a large amount of skilled

labour working in hot conditions.

There is a need to mechanize the puffing process of rice for commercial

production. Puffing of rice is done in different methods such as conduction puffing on hot
sand bed (Chinnaswamy and Bhattacharya, 1983b, Srinivas and Desikachar, 1973); hot

oil (Villareal and Juliano, 1987); convection heating in hot air (Chandrasekhar and

Chattopadhyay, 1991); explosion puffing, employing pressure differential in a closed

chamber (Villareal and Designing And Development Of A Portable Rice Puffing

Machine .

Juliano, 1987, Mariotti et al., 2006, Hoke et al., 2007) or more recently by

microwave puffing (Singh and Singh, 1999, Maisont and Narkrugsa, 2010). This

laborious and tedious process of conditioning necessitates replacement with a developed

mechanical system to produce uniformly conditioned rice for improving puffing quality.

This study was undertaken to develop a small portable rice puffing machine for

puffing and then evaluation of its puffing quality (by hot sand bed and using puffing

machine).Gunpuffed whole grains are formed by cooking the grains and then subjecting

them to a sudden large pressure drop. As steam under pressure in the interior of the grain

seeks to equilibrate with the surrounding lower-pressure atmosphere, it forces the grains

to expand quickly or "puff."

Local studies
Conceptual Framework

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