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Descriptive paragraph

Gathering information:

I have been to many different cities in the US

I have never been to Melbourne city
It is a small city with a population of a little over eighty thousand
It is a very peaceful city with lots of greenery
Not many people can be seen walking around past eight in the evening
It is home to Florida Institute of Technology
FIT is one of the most distinguished schools of engineering and technology in the country
It is located almost at the center of the city
FIT is equidistant from all of the necessary places such and the shopping malls and the grocery
I enjoy the peacefulness of the place
It rains quite often and tends to catch me offguard sometimes
I personal do not enjoy the rain and would rather it be hot
The people in the city are usually very nice and welcoming
It is a very nice little city and I enjoy being here.
WRI 0100
Sumeet Kumar
Prof. A. Caza

Melbourne, A Quaint City

I have been to many different cities in different countries with my family over the years, but I had never
visited the city of Melbourne before. With a population of a little over eighty thousand, it is a small city
with lots of nature and not too much pollution. The people of this tiny city are very welcoming, open
minded and kind. The city usually dies down later during the day and becomes very quiet and quaint
with only a very few places open. It is home to Florida Institute of Technology, one of the most
distinguished schools of engineering and technology in the country. The university sits right in the center
of the city so that all necessary facilities are nearby making it very convenient for the people who live in
or close to the campus. Being in the coastal region, it tends to rain quite a lot and also the occasional
heavy winds and even hurricanes during its season. In my personal opinion, Id rather it be really hot and
dry than the climate we experience here in Melbourne although I really seem to enjoy the peace and
calm that seems to be spread everywhere. I say this since I come from a place that really is hot and dry
and seem to be very used to that sort of a climate. It really is a quaint little city and also is considerably
safe compared to other cities in this country. I have enjoyed my stay here in Melbourne and am looking
forward to many more days in this quiet little place.

Word count: 264

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