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Lab title:

A full wave rectifier using controlled and uncontrolled diodes:

Explanation =In first half cycle ,through the two diodes haif wave is
passed and in the 2nd haif cycle the other two diodes is used to give us
the full wave .this circuit is very simple..
Controll rectifier use r and rl ckt
In this circuit we have four diodes for rectification across the
resistor and inductor , the graph of voltage across resistor and
inductor as shown shows that in 2nd cycle due to inductor effect
it shows some energy ,through fly wheel we have remove it..
Pulse width 10%

IN the circuit we use four thyristor , a pulse signal is given to it ,as from
the figure the pulse is on for 10% of the time and the remaining 90% it
is off.when the pulse is on and input voltage is given ,the voltage
across RL appears for the haif cycle and for the remaining half cycle it is

In this figure we have change the pulse width to ,and the

input voltage is applied to it.the current and voltage across
resistor appear for both the cycles as shwn in the figure.

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