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By Derek Marcoux ( for the Ferrymen.


This rare Arcanoi is reserved for the Ferrymen (there have been instances where ordinary
wraiths were taught it though). It allows the wraith to utilize the essence of corpora. There is a
rumor floating (hehe) around the Shadowlands, that some wraiths are trying to create a guild of
their own, called the Scions. If this is true, the hierarchy hasn't done anything... yet.

Basic Abilities

Feel Corpora: Roll Rerception + Essenscion diff: 6 (Psychometry) 1 success. = vague impressions,
3 successes = normal impressions, 5 successes = perfect clarity,

* Sense Corpora

Roll Perception + Corpora, diff: 6. The wraith can sense anything made of corpus and can tell
how healthy it is.

** Anchor

Roll Stamina + Corpora, diff: 8 Cost: 2 Pathos, 1 Angst. After spending pathos, the number of
successes is added on to the difficulty to physically or psychically move him.

*** Heal Corpus

Roll Stamina + Essenscion, diff: 7. Cost: 1 Pathos Successes equal Corpus levels healed.

**** Energize Corpus

Spend two Pathos and add +3 to all physical attributes.

***** Wither

Roll Strength + Essenscion, diff: target's willpower. Cost: 2 Pathos, 2 Angst. Successes = damage
to corpus.

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