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Dear team of the US, were very excited to share with you what is happening right now
in our family, our ministry and our country. And we hope this letter will summarize a
little bit our lives. So here we go!

1. Family
2. 2nd Phase
3. Lives and testimonies
4. Summer of 2017
5. Last and next month.
6. Thanksgiving and prayer request
7. We need your help!

1. Family
At this moment we want to inform you a little bit about the situation that is happening
right now in our country.
The land where the Lord has called us, and the land we love is revolt.
Were very calm, resting in His promises.

Philippians 3:20 - But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there,
the Lord Jesus Christ.

Although we ask for prayer for our governors, and to find divine opportunities that help us
share our hope.
Meanwhile, we keep fighting. Our kids are at school. Sara is specially enjoying college and Sami
is looking forward to finish this year and waiting what next year will hold.
Pau is looking for his place and also looking for a job.
2. 2nd Phase
We are very excited and looking forward on finishing the bungalows, so we can serve
the Spanish church more and better!
This year we already had and will have some teams to help us specifically with this, but
we need more. We encourage you to come and help with this project.

3. Lives and Testimonies

We need a lot of prayer this time. We had a formal complaint of a father that doesnt
want her daughter to come to Camp again because of the testimony she gave at home.
His words were: When she saw us, she came and talked to us about knowing God.
We almost couldnt recognize her.

4. Autumn of 2017
We keep in the ministry, specially planning and promoting LArcada.
We would love to visit 6 churches where we could recruit volunteers for 2018. Were also
working on the promotion. Its key if we want to have a great number of campers.
There is a lot and very good competition with other camps that dont share the Gospel.

5. Last and next month

9th - 14th Moody Institute. Pere is going to the Missionary Conference as a

November & December

4th Evangelical Olympics. Concentration of many churches in the area to

compete in sporting events.
Most of us are travelling, to promote LArcada or to raise personal support.
Well be squaring numbers from last year and from next year.
Well be programming new events, and promoting camp.

6. Thanksgiving and prayer request


Special thanks for family and health.

Thank for the good start of the 2nd phase.
Thank God for the Full-time Staff and their commitment to the ministry.
Thank for the new believers.

Prayer petitions

Pray so we can share the Gospel through whats happening in Catalonia.

Sami and Sara and the next school year, and for finances for them.
Ask for wisdom to help the ministry go forward.
Pau, for his future after graduating.
Ask for encouragement for the Full-Time Staff
For finances to finish 2017, and to start 2018.

7. We need your help!

We are very thankful and happy that you support us through prayer, but we also need
help economically.

Your prayers are very important, but at the same time we need economic help to be
able to live. God has called us to serve, and we can keep doing His mission thanks
to people like you that want to give to the mission field. If you think that the Lord is
calling you to help us with financial support, theres two different ways to do it:

Through internet:
Through check:
1.- Make a check payable to: GREATER EUROPE MISSION

2. write # 58755 on the memo line.


18950 Base Camp Road

Monument, CO 80132

We greatly appreciate your involvement with us in the ministry.

Thank you very much for your commitment with the Lord and us. God Bless You.

Pere & Celia Gonzlez.

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