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Flipkart WiRED 2017 | Campus Case Challenge


This year for WiRED, we are launching a real-world challenge from inside Flipkarts vault. Solving this,
the right way, can revolutionize this space of business. Question is; do you have it in you to crack it?
The challenge will consist of two rounds:

Round 1: Campus round

Top 3 teams from each campus will be evaluated by Flipkart panelists at respective
Campus winners will be announced the same day.
PPIs to be conducted for campus winners as well as individual PPI winners from other

Round 2: National round

Additional dimensions will be given to the case study for campus winners.
Finalists will fly down to Flipkarts HQ and get an opportunity to interact with the Flipkart
leadership and present their solution to them.
National winners and PPI results will be announced on the same day.


The Challenge is only open for Final year students of the flagship programs within
participating colleges.
One student cant be part of two different teams. If such cases are found, then both teams
will be disqualified.
Students from any specialization can participate.
Only full-time students can participate in the challenge.
All teams should contain 3 members, of which maximum one can be on foreign exchange.
Each team will need to register on the Google form as per the deadline.
Submissions should only be done through the submission link on the WiRED website.


Registration opens 11th October
Closing of Registrations 15th October
Campus Round
Case Study Launch 12th October
Submission Deadline 19th October
On-Campus round for top 3 teams 1-10th November
Final Round
National Round presentation 17th November


Each team must submit a presentation with maximum number of 5 content slides
excluding Introduction and Thank you slide.
Supporting information/graphs/data sheets/other aids can be clubbed as annexures.
Any assumptions made in the analysis should be stated along with the analysis.
In the Campus rounds, each team will have exactly 20 minutes to present, followed by a
10 minutes questionnaire round.


Depth of analysis
Originality/Innovation in Ideas
Viability/ Feasibility of Implementation
Presentation Skills

*For further clarifications please reach out to-

Strafford Joe Fernandes


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