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Cicle the correct answer

What are the number of fish in

the picture below?

more then
Less then
same as


63 in writing

thirty six
sixty three

missing number Different between 15 and 8

Round-up to the nearest
Fraction.. tenth..

How many cups in the picture

not equal
to 5

Choose the correct sentence

9 is less then 5

7 is less then 3

8 is more then 9

6 is more then 3

What number comes before 20?

what is the missing number


which number comes

same as
between 50 and 75
Cicle the biggest number

Complete the number sequence

There are 19 boys and 17 girls in a class. 7 boys and 11 girls pass a Mathematic test.
How many pupils fail in the test?

Halim bought 12 new shirts. He wore 4 shirts during the first week and 5 shirts
in the second week. How many shirt that Halim have not wear?

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