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Plant and Soil 131: 59-66, 1991.

1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. PLSO 8546

Penetrometer resistance, root penetration resistance and root elongation

rate in two sandy loam soils


Plant and Soil Science Department, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB9 2 UE, UK. IPresent address:
Soil-Plant Dynamics Group, Cellular and Environmental Physiology Department, Scottish Crop
Research Institute, Dundee DD2 5DA, UK

Received 2 January 1990. Revised August 1990

Key words: maize, mechanical stress, penetrometer, root growth, sandy loam


Root penetration resistance and elongation of maize seedling roots were measured directly in
undisturbed cores of two sandy loam soils. Root elongation rate was negatively correlated with root
penetration resistance, and was reduced to about 50 to 60% of that of unimpeded controls by a
resistance of between 0.26 and 0.47 MPa. Resistance to a 30 semiangle, 1 mm diameter penetrometer
was between about 4.5 and 7.5 times greater than the measured root penetration resistance. However,
resistance to a 5 semiangle, 1 mm diameter probe was approximately the same as the resistnace to root
penetration after subtracting the frictional component of resistance. The diameter of roots grown in the
undisturbed cores was greater than that of roots grown in loose soil, probably as a direct result of the
larger mechanical impedance in the cores.

Introduction We have found only two studies in which both

the root penetration resistance and the root elon-
Experiments on the effect of mechanical impe- gation rate were measured directly in the same
dance on rate of root growth have generally soil (Eavis, 1967; Stolzy and Barley, 1968). Stol-
fallen into one of two categories. Firstly, those zy and Barley (1968) used a proving ring to
which use an empirical measure of soil strength measure the force exerted by two individual pea
such as penetrometer resistance (e.g. Taylor and radicles growing into remoulded cores of sandy
Ratliff, 1969) and those which attempt to apply a loam soil. The roots grew at 0.44 mm h -1 in soil
'known' resistance to root growth by growing with root penetration resistance of 0.46 MPa as
plant roots in a pressurised artificial medium, compared with 1 mm h -1 in loose soil crumbs.
such as ballotini (Abdalla et al., 1969; Gill and Eavis (1967) used a dead-load technique in
Miller, 1956; Goss, 1977). However, both ex- which a weight was attached to a pea seedling
perimental approaches are subject to consider- such that if the root exerted more force on the
able uncertainty. Penetrometer resistance is a soil than the attached weight, the weight was
factor of between 2 and 8 times greater than the lifted due to the growth of the root. By using a
root penetration resistance (Whiteley et al., series of increasing weights the approximate
1981) and in externally pressurised media, root force exerted by the root was determined. Final
penetration resistance does not have an easily root length and root force was measured for a
predictable relation to the externally applied range of soil bulk densities and matric potentials.
pressure (Bengough and Mullins, 1990a; Rich- The relation obtained (leaving out points where
ards and Greacen, 1986). aeration was limiting) is shown in Figure 1.
60 Bengough and Mullins

1.0 the soil resistance to root penetration is the same

as that experienced by a sharp penetrometer,
0.8 0
once the component of frictional resistance on
0 0 the penetrometer has been subtracted off.

Materials and methods
o %
0.4 0
Preparation of soil cores
0.2 Undisturbed soil cores were collected from two
fields (Big Ground and Plum Orchard) at the
0.0 i i t i i !
Institute of Horticultural Research, Welles-
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 bourne.
Two shallow pits several metres apart were dug
Root resistance (MPa)
at each site to provide replicate samples, and soil
Fig. I. Axial root force/root cross sectional area versus cores (56 mm diameter x 40 mm) were extracted
elongation rate of pea seedling roots in remoulded cores of
from 0.12 to 0.20 m depth. The cores were sea-
sandy loam soil (calculated from Eavis, 1967).
led at field moisture content and stored at 10C
until required for use. Details of the physical and
The results reported by Eavis are of sufficient chemical properties of the soils are given in
importance to merit an independent study using Young (1987), and some of the soil properties
an improved technique for measuring root force are summarised in Table 1.
on a different species. The first aim of this paper The soil cores were saturated overnight with
is, therefore, to quantify the effect of mechanical distilled water (containing 'Phorate' systemic in-
impedance on maize root elongation rate in un- secticide to kill small numbers of springtail in-
disturbed soil cores by measuring root penetra- sects which had been observed on the cores) and
tion resistance directly and recording the average then equilibrated at - 1 0 kPa matric potential on
elongation rate of these roots. a tension table for 5 to 7 days. After equilibra-
Root penetration resistance and penetrometer tion, cores were wrapped in a layer of plastic film
resistance are defined as the force exerted by the containing a small (10 mm diameter) hole for the
root or probe divided by its cross sectional area root. The rate of water loss from the polythene
(Bengough and Mullins, 1990b). Greacen et al. covered core was less than about 0.3 g day -1. To
(1968) suggested that both roots and 'sharp' test whether the insecticide affected maize root
penetrometers (i.e. penetrometers with a small elongation rates, root elongation rates were mea-
cone angle) deform the soil cylindrically, which sured for 56 seedlings grown in moist horticultur-
requires less pressure than the spherical de- al vermiculite which was watered with either
formation caused by 'blunt' penetrometers. They distilled water or with insecticide solution. The
also suggested that roots experience virtually no average root elongation rate of the insecticide
frictional resistance, in contrast to penetrometers treated seedlings (averaged over 3 days) was
which often have a high component of frictional within 3% of that of the controls, and this differ-
resistance. Greacen and Oh (1972) used the ence was not statistically significant.
resistance to a 5 semi-angle probe minus the
frictional resistance as an estimate of the root Seed germination and pre-selection
penetration resistance, while Voorhees et al.
(1975) found better correlations between root To reduce variability between replicate seed-
elongation rate and penetrometer resistance (to lings, maize seeds (cv. Artus) were graded by
a 5 semi-angle probe) after the frictional compo- weight, and only seeds with masses within one
nent of resistance was subtracted off. Our second standard deviation of the mean were used. Seven
aim was, therefore, to test the hypothesis that seeds per core were sown on moist vermiculite,
and left in the dark to germinate (at about 20C).
Root resistance and elongation rate 61

Table 1. Details of soils used

Soil property Soil
Big Ground Plum Orchard
% mineral matter a
by mass of
2-0.2 mm 46 49
200-60 ttm 22 20
60-20 p.m 7 6
20-2 # m 10 9
<2/xm 15 16
% by mass organic matter ~ 1.67 2.29
% air filled porosity 10 10
(at - 10 kPa matric potential)
Dry bulk density (Mg m -3) 1.77 1.67
% moisture content 13.3 16.3
(at - 10 kPa matric potential)
a From Young (1987).

Root lengths were measured 2.0 and 2.5 days (")
after planting, and root growth rates during this I

interval calculated. One seedling with a straight

lm4< " -_-
I I ~, p
main root and having an elongation rate near the T
mean for the seven was selected for each experi-
ment. Root diameter was measured 2, 3, and
4 mm behind the tip, using a Vernier microscope.
The average of these three readings was taken as
the initial root diameter.

V- s 1
P i

Technique for measuring root resistance i I

The method for measuring root force was similar
to that of Whiteley et al. (1981) in which roots
were grown into a soil core placed on a top pan
balance (Fig. 2). The experiment was designed I '1
such that each root was held vertically and an- Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of apparatus used to measure root
chored rigidly behind the zone of elongation. force. A maize seedling (S) root was inserted through a short
The air gap between the root holder and the soil plastic tube (T) so that the root tip pushed down into a small
hole in the soil core (SC), registering a reading on the
core surface was made as small as possible to
electronic balance (E). The root was anchored in position
reduce the likelihood of the root buckling. with plaster of Paris (P) and the seedling covered with moist
The seedling root was slid gently through a expanded vermiculite (V). (a) Root in tube. (b) Final ar-
short length of plastic tubing into a narrowly rangement.
tapered performed hole (1.5 to 2 mm deep) in
the surface of a prepared soil core (Fig. 2). The 0.01 g). The whole apparatus was then covered
root was then fixed in position with a small with a double thickness of black polythene to
quantity of plaster of Paris, and the whole seed- exclude light.
ling covered with moist horticultural vermiculite, Seedlings were only briefly exposed to ordi-
previously equilibrated at - 0 . 8 kPa matric nary levels of room lighting during the anchoring
potential, using a Haines apparatus. of the roots with plaster of Paris.
The soil core itself was on the balance pan of a Balance readings were taken automatically
tared electronic balance (accurate to within every 5.3 minutes during the first 12 hours by a
62 Bengough and Mullins

microcomputer interfaced to the balance output trations were performed at a penetration rate of
and stored on cassette tape. There was negligible 4 m m min -1. In a separate experiment, soil re-
drift in the balance readings during each ex- sistance to a 5 1 mm diameter penetrometer was
perimental run. The root was allowed to elon- measured on a replicate set of equilibrated cores,
gate for a further 8 hours and then was exca- and the angle of soil-metal friction estimated
vated out of the soil core. Final root diameter using an inclined plane (Bengough, 1988).
was measured 2 to 5 mm behind the apex by
hand sectioning the root using pith and a fine
razor blade. Because the root circumference was
often quite distorted and irregular, several sec- Results
tions were cut and two perpendicular diameters
were measured for each section using a mi- Root force, diameter and elongation rate
croscope with graticule scale. The average of
these readings was taken as the final root diam- Seven out of eight maize roots penetrated cores
eter, and root length was also recorded. of both soils. Average root force was calculated
Because it was not possible to maintain accur- over the growth period when the root was be-
ate temperature control, temperature was con- tween 2 and 5 mm long (assuming a constant rate
tinuously monitored using a thermograph. After of elongation). The mean root penetration resist-
completing each experiment, part of the soil was ance was calculated by dividing the root force by
passed through a 2-mm sieve and repacked ve T either the initial or the final root cross sectional
loosely to a bulk density of about 0.7g c m - . area averaged between 2 and 5 mm behind the
Maize root elongation rates were measured for tip. Average values of root resistance, diameter
eight seedlings in sieved Big G r o u n d soil and and elongation rate for both soils are given in
seven seedlings in the sieved Plum Orchard soil Table 2.
to obtain a reference rate of elongation in soil Root elongation rates and diameters did not
with negligible root penetration resistance. differ significantly between the two soils, and
neither did the root resistances based on the
Penetrometer resistance initial root cross sectional area. The root resist-
ance based on the final root cross sectional area
Penetration resistance to 0.5 and 1 mm diameter was significantly greater for Plum Orchard than
30 semi-angle penetrometer probes was meas- for Big G r o u n d soil. Final root diameter was
ured in each intact soil core, both before and significantly greater than the initial diameter in
after each root resistance experiment. All pene- each soil.

Table 2. Mean maize root penetration resistances, elongation rates and diameters in undisturbed soil cores (standard errors of the
mean are shown in brackets)
Big Ground Plum Orchard
Root penetration resistance
Force/initial area (MPa) 0.38 (0.08) 0.47 (0.06)
Force/final area (MPa) 0.26 (0.03) 0.38 (0.04)
Root diameter: Initial (mm) 1.14 (0.02) 1.12 (0.02)
Final (mm) 1.35 (0.07) 1.36 (0.08)

Root elongation rates

In undisturbed cores a (mm/hour) 1.06 (0.09) 0.88 (0.11)
sieved soilsb (mm/hour) 1.32 (0.07) 1.32 (0.07)
a Temperature = 22-24.5C.
b Temperature = 20-21C.
Root resistance and elongation rate 63

Table 3. Penetrometer resistance in Big Ground and Plum Orchard soils, for different probes before and after the root resistance
experiment (standard errors of the mean are shown in brackets)
Penetrometer probe Penetration Penetrometer resistance (MPa)
Diameter (ram) Semiangle () performed Big Ground Plum Orchard
1 30 before 1.72 (0.24) 2.53 (0.34)
1 30 after 2.43 (0.22) 3.23 (0.28)
0.5 30 before 2.61 (0.43) 4.09 (0.64)
0.5 30 after 3.11 (0.37) 4.73 (0.99)
l 5 n.a. 2.60 (0.44) 2.88 (0.33)
n.a. = not applicable: root resistance not measured in these soil cores.

Penetrometer resistance (although the sieved soil temperature was about

3C lower than that of the undisturbed cores).
Mean values of penetrometer resistance are Assuming that the relative rate of increase in
shown in Table 3. Penetrometer resistance was root elongation rate with temperature in the
significantly greater ( P < 0 . 0 1 ) after (than be- sieved soils is the same as that measured in
fore) the root growth experiment, and the vermiculite between 21 and 24C (Bengough,
0.5 mm diameter probe encountered significantly 1988), the maize roots would grow at about
greater resistance (although less total force) than 1.77 mm h -1 in the sieved soil at 23C. Thus, the
the 1 mm diameter probe. Resistance to the 5 maize roots grew through the undisturbed soil
probe was slightly (but not significantly) greater cores at about 50 to 60% of their estimated
than to the 30 probe of the same diameter. The growth rate through the sieved soil.
angle of soil-metal friction was measured to be The reduction in root elongation rate caused
31 for remoulded cores of Big G r o u n d soil and by the soil resistance measured in these experi-
35 for remoulded cores of Plum Orchard soil. ments differs considerably from the results of
experiments performed in pressurised cells of
ballotini (Abdalla et al., 1969; Goss, 1977). Goss
Discussion (1977) found that an external confining pressure
of only 0.025 MPa was sufficient to reduce maize
Root elongation rate and soil resistance root elongation rates to about 70% of controls.
This contrasts with the maize root resistances
Maize root growth rates in the undisturbed soil measured in these experiments of about 0.26 to
cores were considerably lower than in the sieved 0.47 MPa. Thus, there is an order of magnitude
soils, because of higher mechanical resistance to difference in the pressure required to cause a 50
root elongation a n d / o r poorer aeration in the to 70% reduction in root growth rate between
undisturbed cores. The cores equilibrated at these results and those of Goss (1977). If aera-
- 1 0 kPa had air-filled porosites of 10% for both tion was also limiting root growth in these ex-
soils (Table 1). Although we cannot be certain, periments, then the discrepancy would be even
these values suggest that it is unlikely that re- greater. The explanation for this discrepancy is
stricted aeration was a major limitation to root that, in experiments carried out in pressurised
growth. cells of ballotini, the resistance to root growth
The significant increase in root tip diameter within the cells considerably exceeded the exter-
during growth into the undisturbed cores of both nally applied pressure (Bengough and Mullins,
soils (Table 1) is an effect that has been ob- 1990a; Richards and Greacen, 1986).
served in response both to mechanical impe- The resistance to root growth varied spatially
dance and to restricted oxygen supply to the throughout the undisturbed field cores used for
roots (Eavis and Payne, 1969). these experiments. This variability is illustrated
Maize roots grew in undisturbed cores at by the plot of penetrometer resistance versus
about 65 to 80% of their rate in the sieved soil depth shown in Fig. 3, and is probably due to the
64 Bengough and Mullins


5 10 15 20
Depth (mm)
Fig. 3. Typical plot of depth versus penetration force for a 1 mm probe in undisturbed Plum Orchard soil.

soil being heterogenous on the size scale of the There was a significant linear correlation be-
fluctuations. The resistance to root growth may tween the elongation rate and the resistance
also increase during the experiment due to the experienced by individual roots ( r = - 0 . 7 7 6 ;
soil around the root drying out. This drying area P < 0.01, Fig. 4), when root resistance was based
gave rise to significantly higher penetrometer on the initial cross-sectional area of the root.
resistances (P < 0.01) at the end of the experi- The relation (not shown) between maize root
ment (Table 3). Thus, the resistance to root elongation rate and root resistance based on the
growth measured during the initial penetration final cross-sectional area was much more scat-
was not necessarily the same as the resistance tered (r = -0.343) showing no significant corre-
deeper in the core, although the initial root lation (P>0.05). It is not clear which of the
penetration resistance should provide some indi- initial or the final root cross sectional area mea-
cation of the root penetration resistance deeper surements is the more appropriate from which to
in the core. calculate the root penetration resistance. To re-
solve this question simultaneous measurements
of root force and diameter must be made, so that
1.8 I the root penetration resistance can be continu-
"%% ously monitored.
1.4 %
%%0 Penetrometer resistance and root penetration
%,A Root and probe penetration resistances varied
C %
_0 considerably between different cores, and differ-
._, 0.7 A~%%
ent regions within each core, but there was a
O %%
LU general trend for cores with higher penetrometer
,.,% resistances to offer higher resistance to root
penetration so that the two were significantly
0.0 i i ! i %1 correlated (r=0.741, P < 0 . 0 1 ; Fig. 5). Soil re-
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 O.S 1.0 sistance to the 1 mm diameter probe was be-
Root resistance (MPa)
tween about 4.5 and 7.5 times greater than the
measured penetration resistance to maize roots.
Fig. 4. Root force/initial cross-sectional area versus elonga-
tion rate of maize seedling roots, in Big Ground (O) and These ratios are similar to those found by direct
Plum Orchard (&) soil cores. (l'q) represents the estimated comparisons in other studies (Whiteley et al.,
value for the unimpeded root growth rate in loose soil. 1981).
Root resistance and elongation rate 65

/ little frictional resistance and deform the soil
/i cylindrically. A further implication is that a reli-
/ able quantitative indication of the penetration
resistance experienced by roots in structureless
/ soils may be obtained from the resistance ex-
A / perienced by penetrometers with a small cone
angle and of diameter comparable to the roots
0.4 O1~/
once a correction has been made for the soil-
metal friction on the penetrometer. More work
cf J is needed to test this suggestion in a wider range
0.2 / J of soil types and soil conditions. Such work must
/ also take into account the effects of penetration
0.0 ~ ~ ~ '
i i i i i rate which are probably most important in im-
O0 05 1.0 15 2.0 2.5 3.0 35 40 45 permeable soils at high moisture content.
Penetrometer resistance (MPa)

Fig. 5. Initial soil resistance to a 1 mm diameter 30 probe

versus root force/initial cross sectional area in Big Ground Acknowledgements
( 0 ) and Plum Orchard soils (A). (A) represents a root which
was observed growing in a crack in the soil core. We are grateful to staff at the Institute of Hor-
ticultural Research, Wellesbourne (particularly
Dr P Costigan), for the use of their field site, and
Because soil resistance to a blunt (e.g. 30
we thank Mr George Wilson and Mr Jim Wallace
semi-angle) penetrometer is related to spherical
for their excellent technical help in constructing
and not to cylindrical cavity expansion and may
the penetrometer. Glyn Bengough thanks the
also involve the formation of soil bodies, a calcu-
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for
lation of soil resistance to roots was based on the
Scotland, for funding his studentship, and we are
sharp (5 semi-angle) penetrometer results ob-
grateful to J D Campbell and Sons Ltd for
tained on the replicate set of cores. By compar-
supplying a free sample of insecticide.
ing the normal stress on a 5 probe with root
penetration resistance, it is implicitly assumed
that a uniform normal stress is exerted over the
surface of the root tip. Although such an as- References
sumption has been used elsewhere (Misra et al.,
1986) it has not yet been properly tested. The AbdaUa A M, Hettiaratchi D R P and Reece A R 1969 The
normal stress (N) acting on the surface of the 5 mechanics of root growth in granular media. J. Agric. Eng.
probe was calculated using the equation (from Res. 14, 263-248.
Greacen et al., 1968), Bengough A G 1988 The Use of Penetrometers for Estimat-
ing Mechanical Impedance to Root Growth. Ph.D. thesis,
University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen.
N = Q / ( l + c o t a tan&) Bengough A G and Mullins C E 1990a The resistance
experienced by roots growing in a pressurised cell. A
where a is the probe semiangle, Q is the point reappraisal. Plant and Soil 123, 73-82.
resistance and 4) is the angle of soil-metal fric- Bengough A G and Mullins C E 1990b Mechanical impe-
dance to root growth: A review of experimental techniques
tion. The calculated average values of normal and root growth responses. J. Soil Sci. 41,341-358.
stress are 0.29 and 0.36 MPa for Big Ground and Eavis B W 1967 Mechanical impedance to root growth.
Plum Orchard soils respectively, and are there- Agricultural Engineering Symposium, Silsoe, Paper 4/F/
fore very similar to the measured values of root 39, 1-11.
resistance (Table 2). These results imply that Eavis B W and Payne D 1969 Soil physical conditions and
root growth. In Root Growth. Ed. W J Whittington. pp
much, or even all, of the observed difference in 315-336. Butterworths, London.
resistance between roots and penetrometers may Gill W R and Miller R D 1956 A method for study of the
be accounted for if roots experience relatively influence of mechanical impedance and aeration on the
66 Root resistance and elongation rate

growth of seedling roots. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 20, Stolzy L H and Barley K P 1968 Mechanical resistance
154-157. encountered by roots entering compact soils. Soil Sci. 105,
Goss M J 1977 Effects of mechanical impedance on root 297-301.
growth in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). I. Effects on Taylor H M and Ratliff L F 1969 Root elongation rates of
elongation and branching of seminal roots. J. Exp. Bot. 28, cotton and peanuts as a function of soil strength and water
96-111. content. Soil Sci. 108, 113-119.
Greacen E L and Oh J S 1972 Physics of root growth. Nature Voorhees W B, Farrell D A and Larson W E 1975 Soil
(New Biol.) 235, 24-25. strength and aeration effects on root elongation. Soil Sci.
Greacen E L, Farrell D A and Cockroft B 1968 Soil resist- Soc. Am. Proc. 39, 948-953.
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Int. Soil Sci. Soc. 1,769-779. comparison of penetrometer pressures and the pressures
Misra R K, Dexter A R and Alston A M 1986 Penetration of exerted by roots. Plant and Soil 61, 351-364.
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94, 59-85. Some Structurally Unstable British Soils. Ph.D. thesis,
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