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Nama : Amelia Fitriani

No. Absen : 04
Kelas : VIII A

Asking for attention

Sera : Will you hear my story, Rik?
Riko : Yes, I will. Whats about?
Sera : It is about our friend Dina. Listen to me!
Riko : Okay!
Sera : Dina asked me to join her to Bali next Sunday.
Riko : And then?
Sera : I confused because next week I will have my first test in my course.
Riko : I see. Then?
Sera : How to say to Dina if I cant join her?
Riko : Just say the trust.
Sera : Okay I will try.
Riko : Good luck, Sera!
Sumber :

Checking Understanding
Son : Good night, Dad.
Dad : Good night, Boy.
Son : I want to quit school
Dad : Are you serious?
Son : Yeah! Im smart, I dont need to go to university..
Dad : Listen. I dont care how smart you are, if you dont have a good education, you cant get a good
job these days. Do you know what I mean?
Son : Yeah, I guess.
Dad : Education is the most thing for you right now.
Son : Ok, I hear you
Sumber :
Appraciate the work
Kevin : Hai Doni!
Doni : Hai Kevin, where were you?
Kevin : I was from canteen. What do you bring?
Doni : I bring results of English test.
Kevin : Oww..
Doni : Have you known your score for English test?
Kevin : Yes. I only get seven. What about you?
Doni : I got ten.
Kevin : Wow! Congratulations, Doni! You always get ten for English test.
Doni : I am just lucky.
Kevin : Oh, come on. I know you always study hard. I appreciate the good work you've been doing.
Doni : Thanks a lot.
Sumber :

Asking and Giving Opinion

Lisa : Sifa, do you think that English is difficult lesson?
Sifa : I dont think so. I think there is no difficult lesson.
Lisa : Pardon?
Sifa :Yes, I think if we learn seriously, there is no difficult lesson. Its depend on our seriously.
Lisa : I dont think so, in my opinion, its difficult because I hard to do every tasks that are given by our
Sifa : According to me, it is because of you are lack of vocabularies. So, try to enrich your vocabulary
Lisa : Em I think so. Anyway, English in our class is scheduled at the last class, right?
Sifa : Yes. What do you think about it?
Lisa : Its good. There is no problem about it.
Sifa : I dont think so. I think if English is in the first class, it will be easier to do the lesson. I am hard to
follow that schedule.
Lisa : But I think if we learn seriously, there is no hard in it. Its depend on our seriously.
Sifa : Hahaha, Are you kidding me? Thats my words!
Lisa : I think so, hahaha
Sumber :

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