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Sub Plans

Periods 2-7: Science

P2 Sub, please write the following on the white boards:

You may erase anything left on the boards from Friday.

Back of the Room White Board:

Learning Target: I will create my Creative Output for the Ecology Reading and Vocabulary
Warm-Up: Turn in Scaled Diagram Homework
Agenda: 1) Complete the Ecology Interactions In the Environment Reading/Vocabulary
Worksheets (Due at the end of the period).
2) Create a Creative Output based on this Reading/Vocabulary (on a separate sheet of
paper). This Creative Output should be a full page, in color drawing of a concept from
Ecology. (Due at the end of the period)
3) Work toward getting ready for ISN Check 03 Due 10/25/17
Homework: Incomplete Classwork

Front of the Room White Boards:

1) A Negative Sub Report will result in Lunch Detention tomorrow!
2) Ecology Reading/Vocabulary due at the end of the period.
3) Ecology Creative Output is due at the end of the period.
4) ISN Check 03:
Page 12 - Scientific Method Flow-Chart
Page 13 - Scientific Method Theres a Method to the Madness Flip-up
Page 14 - EXTRA CREDIT: Make a Foldable of the terms Mathematical
Model, Conceptual Model, Physical Model, Scale, Scientific
Theory, and Scientific Law.

Sub Instructions:

1) They should turn-in their Scaled Diagrams at the beginning of the period. They can turn them into the
black turn-in near the back whiteboard. Please collect these at the beginning of the period.
Students SHOULD NOT be working on their Scaled Diagrams during class time today.
2) Have them take out their Ecology Reading/Vocabulary Interactions In the Environment. They
began these on wednesday after their Quiz. Today is their class time to finish them (two worksheets,
four pages total). They should complete these sheets and t urn them in at the end of the period. If
students have lost their copies, or claim not to have a copy, they may check out a textbook and peruse
the Ecology section to create their Creative Output and I will deal with them tomorrow.
3) Students will need to create a Creative Output for the Ecology Reading/Vocab and turn it in by the
end of the period. This should be a full-color, full-page, drawing of a concept from Ecology.
4) If they have completed this work, students may work on getting ready for I SN Check 03.

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