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Classroom Procedures

**Please keep in the resource section of your Class Notebook.

Class members will:

Be in assigned seat, ready to work, when class time begins. Tardiness is

Come to class with all required materials.

o 3-ring binder/unit notebook

o 20 sheet protectors
o 1 blue or black pen/ 1 pencil
o Highlighter
o Paper
Consume all food and drink outside.That includes your Starbucks!

Stay on task, follow directions and work productively on class activities

until the end of the period.

Participate in class discussions by raising your hand, respecting other

students opinions and feelings, using appropriate language and speaking
one at a time.

Failure to abide by these procedures will result in the following


1. A verbal warning
2. Detention
3. Documented parent phone call home
4. Visit to the Deans office

By signing on the line provided, you as a member of the class are making a
commitment to yourself, your classmates, and to your teacher that you will:
Uphold these guidelines
Encourage others to follow classroom procedures
Accept the above consequences for choosing to not follow the classroom
__________________________________ ___________________
Signature Date

By signing on the line provided you as a parent are agreeing to encourage your
child to abide by the classroom procedures.

Parent Signature

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