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Chapter I


This chapter presents background of the study, objectives of the study as well as

the scope and limitation.

Background of the Study

Today people are so much blessed because God created everything we need in our

daily life. There are so many natural resources we can use to provide our daily needs such

as electricity coming from different types of inventions that produces power to lighten up

our house and basically, to make our work easier. We are also thankful that we have

those inventors who created different kind of innovations that can help to facilitate our


Being an enthusiastic students we conduct a research to find some ways on how

we can help to improve our life such as on how to generate electricity using the natural

resources given by God. There are so many energy sources, such as generator set for rich

people. Other uses solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydrogen energy, tidal

energy, wave energy, hydroelectric energy, biomass energy, nuclear energy, fossil fuels.

Among these energy sources wind and solar are the best yet the cheapest because it can

be install simply at home. In our study we choose to combine the windmill and solar

panel to produce electricity for house lighting purposes and to save electricity. While
moving on in our research, we found that a lot of windmills have similar design and built

on the same places. Thats why we are trying to find another design and another place

where we can put the windmill. As a power plant engineering students we also study air-

conditioning and we found that the condenser side of the air-conditioning unit blows

warm air capable of rotating a small windmill. This project can be done effectively on a

split type air-conditioning unit because it blows a higher pressure than the window type

air-conditioning unit. While the solar panels will be placed on the roof because its direct

from the sunlight.

The main reason why we choose to combine windmill and solar panel is because

(1) The earths temperature nowadays is slowly getting high and getting warmer and

warmer as the day goes by. (2) To help those people who has a split type air conditioning

unit to lessen their expenses in electricity bill.

Significant of the Study

This project Development of a Solar and Split Type Air-Conditioning Unit Wind

Turbine for Lighting System is significant especially to the People that have air-

conditioning unit in their houses/offices because it will help them to save electricity. This

project is beneficial to the ecosystem because it does not produce heat or smoke like

generator sets. It also does not consume much money because it is cheap and dont need

other stuff like for example diesel fuelled generator sets.

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to develop the Solar and Split Type Air-

Conditioning Unit Wind Turbine for Lighting System

Specifically, the study aims:

To promote renewable energy

To help reduce the global warming

To help the people with the a new source of energy

To provide uninterrupted power supply

To produce electricity for house/offices lighting system

To save electricity

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The project Development of a Solar and Split Type Air-conditioning Unit Wind

Turbine for Lighting System is limited to conceptualize, designing, fabrication and

evaluation of solar and split type air-conditioning unit wind turbine to produce electricity

for lighting system and to save electricity.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies underlying the

framework of the study. It includes the conceptual model of the study and operational

definition of terms.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Renewable Energy Sources

1. Solar Energy

Solar energy is something that we have really been looking into in recent years, if

for no other reason than to try and find a better way to deal with getting energy without

hurting the environment. If you dont know a lot about solar energy, it is basically energy

that we get from the sun that we convert into energy that we can use, whether that energy

is used for electricity or for heating/cooling.

Solar energy simply means energy that comes from the sun. Sun is a powerful

source of energy. Without it, there would have been no life on the Earth. It is renewable,

free, widely available and clean form of energy that is currently in use by many home and

business owners for variety of purposes. (

How Does Solar Energy Work?

Solar energy is all about converting the energy from the sun into energy

that we can use. There are three major ways that we can do this.

1. Photovoltaic Processes (PV)

Photovoltaic processes happen with PV devices, which take the sunlight and

make it into electricity.

PV processes use materials that are known for naturally changing sunlight

into electricity, which are known in the science world as semiconductors.

When the sunlight hits these semiconductors, they produce electrons, which

are pushed through the device and make a current.

PV devices are still in development at this point in time; some rays of light,

including UV and infrared, cannot be utilized by PV devices. This can be

problematic when the sun is not shining brightly and these are the main rays

that are being produced.

2. Solar Heating and Cooling (SHC)

Solar heating and cooling (SHC) is all about thermal energy.

The energy that is created from the sun is switched into energy that can be

used to either heat or cool the devices that are being powered.
At this point, there are processes that can help in almost any context that you

can imagine, from commercial buildings to homes.

The main reason that solar heating and cooling devices are necessary is

because we need to reduce our dependence on natural gases and other fossil


Technology in the SHC sector is always changing and adapting, and advances

are being made in this area of science every single day.

3. Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)

Concentrating solar power, usually referred to as CSP, are some of the newest

technologies that are out there, even though the concept is not as new as many

think it is. People have used the concept behind it for a very long time, which

is why its shocking that its taken so long for us to actually harness it on a

larger scale.

Mirrors are the main focus of CSP plants; they concentrate the energy from the

sun to cause everything to work effectively. Without the mirrors, CSP systems

would not work as effectively as some of the other systems that are currently

out on the market today.

The suns energy then makes steam engines and turbines go so that the

electricity can be produced and stored. This makes it different than the other
types because the storage system is a lot more advanced than what you see

from the other types of solar energy that are currently being used.

Currently, there are just over 1500 different CSP plants located throughout the

entire United States; there are over 400 more to be planned within the next 5

years. By the 2020s, the plan is to have over 3000 CSPs working throughout

the country, with over 5000 throughout the entire world.

What are Solar Panels?

Now that weve looked at all of the different types of solar power that is

out there and how it works, now were going to look at one of the most common

devices that are utilized to get solar energy from the sun solar panels. Lets take

a closer look.

Solar panels are a type of photovoltaic (PV) solar energy, which we explored

in more detail above. In short, the energy from the sun goes through

semiconductors, which in turn create the electricity and develop it so that it

can be utilized effectively.

Solar panels take all kinds of light, not just the sun, and turns it into energy

over time. The sun is just where the majority of the light comes from.

On the solar panels, they have a mass amount of solar cells. A cell by itself

cannot do much, but a group of cells can help to create enough energy to

power whatever it is that they are trying to power.

Solar cells are tiny disks, usually made of something like silicon. The solar

cells will only produce power as long as they are being hit by light once the

light is taken away from the cell, then you will not get any more power.

o This is why many solar panels are equipped with the ability to turn

the cells toward the place where the light source is coming from at a

specific point in time.

Solar panels are the main way that the space station, along with various other

astronomical technologies, get the electricity that they need in order to take

care of all of the energy needs that they utilize in the space station.

Solar panels are incredibly efficient, and they will be even more so depending

on the type of concentrators that you put in there. Technology for solar panels

is always changing, so its important to keep an eye on the technology and

update as you deem necessary.

If you use solar panels as part of your solar energy plan, you will be able to

save a lot of money with your monthly power bills, which is a huge reason that

many people have decided to try these out for themselves.

The most well built solar panels are very hardy and can last for a long time if

they are well taken care of.

The weather around the area in which you are utilizing the solar panels will

have a large effect on how long your solar panels are going to last. Wear and
tear can cause some major issues if you dont keep track of how well that they

are doing in a period of time.

o Fun fact: Sometimes, solar panels in space get damaged by comets,

meteorites, and other space junk; this requires the astronauts to go

out and make the proper repairs when necessary.

Advantages of Solar Energy

1. Renewable and Sustainable: Solar power is renewable and sustainable. Sun is

going to shine till the end of this planet. It all depend on us how can we make best

use of resources and use this free source of energy to power our homes and


2. Power Remote Areas: This clean and renewable source of power has proved

boon for people living in remote areas and not necessarily connected to national


3. No Pollution: Solar energy is silent and produces no pollution at all. This is one

of the big reason why it is favored by many people all around the world.

4. Surplus Electricity: The surplus electricity that is generated can be send back to

the power grid and you can get rebate in your monthly electricity bill.
5. Reduce Electricity Bills: The electricity that is generated can be used to power

fans, lights, charge mobiles and much more. It is free, renewable, can be produced

on demand and also helps you to bring down your monthly electricity bill.

6. Low Maintenance: Solar panels when installed, require little or no

maintenance. They require cleaning only few times a year.

7. Job Creation: The solar energy sector has open tremendous opportunities for

people. Without doubt, it has slightly reduced the unemployment rate in a


Disadvantages of Solar Energy

1. Initial Investment: An initial investment is what is required if you need to

harness energy from the sun. This cost can however pay itself in 10-15 years

time frame depending on the amount of energy harnessed and the money saved in

buying electricity from local grid.

2. Available During Daytime: Solar energy can only be harnessed during

daytime. This simply means you can use this source of energy for half a day only.

3. Not Effective During Cloudy or Rainy Seasons: Cloudy and rainy seasons

reduce the effectiveness of solar panels. This is the reason why solar energy is not

successful in areas where it remains cloudy for most of the time of the year.
4. Large Setup Required: For a large business owner, a huge setup may be

required to harness solar energy as its demand for energy may be more which may

not get fulfilled by installing solar panels just at the rooftops.

5. Expensive Storage: The energy harnessed from the sun needs to be stored in the

batteries to make it available for use later at home or office. The cost of these

batteries may influence a buyers decision to go for solar power.


2. Wind Energy

Wind energy is a form of solar energy. Wind energy (or wind power) describes

the process by which wind is used to generate electricity. Wind turbines convert the

kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power. A generator can convert mechanical

power into electricity. (

Formation of Winds

Wind is formed by large convectional currents in the earths atmosphere,

powered by the suns heat energy. This basically implies that as long as the sun is

shining, wind will be available.

The earths surface contains both water and land. When the sun shines, the

air occurring over the surface of the land heats up pretty quick than that occurring

over water. The heated air is relatively lighter, and so it begins to rise. On the
other hand, the cooler air is denser, and so it falls and takes the place of the air

occurring over the land. When night falls, the exact opposite happens. Air

occurring over the water is warmer, and so it rises, and its place is taken over by

the cooler air coming from land. This series of moving air is known as wind and

harbours vast amounts of kinetic energy.

So, wind energy is energy derived from the motion of the wind.

Essentially, the speed of the wind, which is full of kinetic energy, is harvested and

converted into mechanical energy to be used to turn windmills. The energy can

also be converted into electricity. How? By installing turbines in their paths. The

speeding winds will turn the turbine, which is tethered to a generator. The turning

Advantages of Wind Energy

The potential of wind energy is enormous. In fact, scientists say that wind

power is capable of supplying over 20% of world electricity if the necessary

technologies are in place. The advantages and disadvantages of wind energy are

in depth. However, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, which is why

its rapidly being developed to provide clean source of energy. That said, here are

the advantages accrued from embracing wind energy.

1. Its a renewable energy source

By definition, renewable energy is energy generated from natural

resources and is naturally replenished. Wind is a natural resource because its

constantly replenished by the sun. This means that as long as the sun is available,

winds will always blow. Scientists project that the sun will continue to shine for

the next 6-7 billion years, which is a bright prospect for wind energy investors.

Renewable energy is sometimes known as clean energy or green energy because it

doesnt emit greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere and doesnt pollute water


Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural), on the other hand, are non-renewable

sources of energy because they are projected to deplete in the next 50 years or so.

On top of that, they cause a whole lot of pollution by emitting a wide array of

greenhouse gasses.

2. Eco-friendly

Wind energy is classified as a green source of energy since its production

does not involve emission of dangerous fumes like fossil fuels. Although the

manufacturing, transportation, and installation of wind turbines contribute to

global warming gradually, the generation of electricity itself doesnt contribute to

the emission of greenhouse gasses in any way. This makes it a perfect energy

source for the environment and humans.

3. Low operational costs

Its perfectly true that initial installation of wind power technologies

requires high capital outlay, more so installing a commercial wind turbine. It all
boils down to the number of turbines to be installed, the date the turbine purchase

agreement was activated, cost of financing, location of the turbine installation

project, construction contracts and much more. However, once these systems are

up and running, the operational costs will significantly come down. Only routine

maintenance will be required to ensure the turbines are operating seamlessly.

4. Minimizes overdependence on traditional sources of electricity

Over the years, households have entirely depended on traditional forms of

electricity powered by fossil fuels. Investments in wind energy have helped bridge

the power gap and helped dialled back on use of fossil fuels, which emit

dangerous greenhouse gasses and cause global warming.

It could be an answer to the ever increasing demand for petroleum and gas

products and would help us to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels from other

countries. Apart from this, it can also help to curb harmful greenhouse gas

emissions which are the major source of global warming.

5. Doesnt take up much land

Generally, wind energy is space efficient. The largest wind turbines

capable of catering to the electricity needs of about 600 homes can be situated

close together and the land in-between utilized for agricultural purposes. This is

the real reason numerous farms stand to benefit a great deal from installation of

wind turbines rather than solar panels.

Land owners can look for additional cash by installing wind turbines on

land that can even be used for agricultural purposes. The electricity generated by

wind power can be used for your own purpose which will reduce your monthly

electricity bill and the surplus power can be sent back to the local grid which will

result in more savings. Moreover, you can check if your state government offers

interest free loans or incentives on installation of wind turbines that will reduce

the extra burden of initial investment on you.

6. Exponential growth

Although wind energy attributes to 2.5% of entire global electricity

production, the capacity is developing at a remarkable rate of 25% each year since

2010. Apart from this exponential growth rate lowering the potential of global

warming, it helps bring down the cost of electricity. Since the 1980s, the prices

of electricity have significantly gone down, thanks to the development of wind

energy systems.

7. Incredible domestic potential

Individuals are able to generate their own electricity by harnessing the

wind power the same way people use solar panels to generate their own energy.

Most countries even allow their citizens to sell their own electricity to electricity

companies. Residential wind turbines can also help bring down your household

energy bills. Perhaps the most attractive benefit of wind energy is protecting you

from blackouts and fluctuating energy costs.

8. Massive potential

The potential of wind energy is totally incredible. Multiple research studies

have converged to this conclusion. The global potential of wind energy is more

than 400 TW (terawatts). This is because wind is almost everywhere and can be

harvested anywhere. The only stumbling block will be your financial capability to

harness it.

9. Revitalizes rural economies

Since wind turbines are mostly installed in rural areas, the nearby towns

get electricity, and economic activities spring up including small and large

businesses. Small industries may also come up, thereby diversifying rural

economies, and increasing the governments tax base.

10. Creation of green jobs

Wind energy development projects bring about new short-term and long-

term green jobs. Related jobs include meteorologists, structural engineers,

surveyors, technicians, bankers, and assembly workers. Statistically, wind energy

brings about more jobs than coal plants and 66% more employment

opportunities than nuclear power plants per unit of energy produced.

11. Modern wind turbines

Todays wind turbines are classy, attractive and modern looking. They

dont look like old plain clunky windmills that become an eyesore on your land.

Wind turbines are available in various sizes and vast range of people can use it for

their own use or sell power to local grid to reap some profits.

Development of wind energy has greatly reduced over-exploitation of

minerals such as oil and coal. Destructive mining has since gone down. Also,

some fuels like oil need to be transported to the refinery, and this is very

dangerous since they are highly flammable. Wind energy development has

reduced the rate of oil transportation over long distances.

For the sake of our planet, resource preservation, rural economic uplift,

and national security, everyone must get on board to boost a sustainable renewable

energy economy. Wind energy offers the greatest possibilities for sustainable

energy future since its relatively cheap, creates green jobs, offers substantial and

fairly distributed revenue and its easy on Mother Nature since it doesnt cause any

pollution, doesnt produce any waste and doesnt exhaust natural resources. Using

wind energy to the full today will lay the cornerstone for a healthy future.


Disadvantages of Wind Energy

Disadvantages of wind energy are good in number. Due to the limitations

of wind energy, it is not a favorite choice of energy source. Some of the major

disadvantages of wind energy are that; no electricity is produced if there is no

wind, it is expensive to install, big acreages of land have to be used, and the

turbines kill birds. (

1) It is Dependent on the Availability of Wind

Disadvantages of wind energy include the fact that it relies entirely on the

availability of wind. As long as there is no wind no electricity will be produced.

As such, this form of energy cannot be relied on in totality as it is bound to fail

every now and then. Due to the fact that this form of energy is not reliable,

electricity generators do not invest on it and as such, its technology is not

improving. There is therefore a high likelihood that this form of energy will be

done away with eventually as the technology of other forms of energy is

improving with leaps and bounds.

2) Wind Turbines Kill Birds

Wind turbines are usually made of blades that rotate continuously and

fiercely. Due to the fact that the blades are usually placed high up in the air, they

are known to kill birds that fly over it. A research was done that showed that

about 45,000 birds that flew over wind turbines have been killed over the past 20

years. The birds that are affected the most are the ones that usually migrate

annually, these birds include; kestrels, golden eagles and tailed hawks. Attempts

have been made to prevent more birds from dying as they paint the blades with

conspicuous colors so that the birds can see and avoid them.

3) The Speed of the Blowing Wind Has to Be Right

So as to produce the right amounts of electric power, the wind turbines

need to rotate at the right pace. The rotation should neither be too slow nor too

fast. When the speed of the wind is extremely slow, it is not economical for the

turbines to run. This is because the turbines are quite expensive to run. When

there is too much wind that is blowing at a fast rate, it is mandatory that the

turbines are shut down owing to concerns of safety as if the wind is so strong the

turbines might get destroyed or might get detached and hurt people.

4) The Energy Density of Wind Is Low

Due to the fact that wind is diffuse and it is also spread over a wide area,

so as to be able to produce large quantities of electricity it is mandatory that the

number of turbines used cover a large area. Since many turbines have to be used,

the costs of setting up a wind farm are so high. However, the production of other

sources of energy faces the same problems.

5) This Form of Energy is Not Efficient

The system that is usually set up so as to turn wind energy into electric

energy is not efficient. This happens to be one of the major disadvantages of this

form of energy. The turbines do not have the ability to extract a hundred percent

of the energy that is found in the blowing wind. Research shows that turbines

extract only fifty nine percent of the wind energy that passes through them. This

makes them very insufficient. The fact that experts in this field are not investing
on making this system of power generation better means that the insufficiency is

bound to continue.

6) The Energy that is Produced Cant Be Stored in Large Scale

The energy that is produced cannot be stored in large scale. Considering

the fact that it is impossible to have wind blowing daily, it is important that the

energy storage of this system be sufficient. Seeing as it is not, this shortcoming

contributes greatly to the insufficiency of wind energy. Needless to say, this

problem is likely to be there for a very long time.

7) The Turbines are Noisy

One of the reason as to why most people avoid using this form is energy is

that the machinery that is used for the production of electricity is very noisy.

Although this form of energy is preferred as it does not pollute the environment,

the noise that is usually produced in the process of producing electricity is too

much: it can be a nuisance. As such, the system setups for this form of power

cannot be placed in places that need to be quiet such as residential areas and

places of works. This limits the number of places where the setups can be put up.

8) The Amount of Wind that Blows Is Unpredictable

The amount of wind that is likely to blow in a particular place at a

particular time is impossible to predict. This is one of the major disadvantages of

wind energy as one has to invest on other alternatives forms of energy. As such
one has to incur double costs so as to ensure that they have enough electricity.

The best alternatives of energy are geothermal and solar energy. As a result of this

shortcoming, before setting up a wind farm, thorough research has to be done so

as to make sure that the location is appropriate.

9) This Form of Energy is Suited to Be Set Up in Specific Places

Wind farms can only be set up on specific places. This limits the use of

this form of energy to specific places. The best place to set up a wind farm is in

the coastal regions. The reason as to why turbines are placed in the coastal region

is due to the fact that coastal regions are always windy. This means that regions

which are located hilly areas may not be able to benefit from this form of energy.

The place where the turbines are placed ought to have a lot of wind blowing if any

electricity is to be produced.

10) The Visual Impact that Turbines Have on the People

Many people are of the ideas that turbines are not appealing to the eye.

There is however people who tend to think that they beautify the areas as they are

appealing to the eyes. The different views have resulted into people filing

petitions to bar the setting up of wind farms in areas that surround them. The fact

that there are people who find turbines undesirable is a shortcoming of this form

of energy as its use is limited to places where they are accepted.

11) Land Use

One of the main disadvantages of wind energy is that large tracks of land

are needed to so that the appropriate number of turbines can be installed. One of

the major reason as to why the installation of turbines is considered to be a waste

of time is because the electrical energy that is usually produced is too little to

warrant the wastage of huge tracks of land. The fact that a safe area has to be

around each farm contributes to wastage of land. A survey was done that showed

that the installation of one turbine requires the use of 5 acres of land. However, I

am not certain how true this is.

12) Poor Electricity Production

Many people wonder whether the little electricity produced is worth the

costs that come with the buying of the turbines and towers. The amount of

electricity that is produced is very little and not worth the cost of installing the

wind farms. Also the fact that one may need to replace the turbines and towers

after a while makes more expensive and therefore many people think it is not

worth it. Although this form of energy is clean, the amount of electric energy

produced ought to be enough to warrant the high costs. The amount of electricity

produced should be of usable quantities to warrant the costs that are incurred.

13) Turbines Interfere With the Reception of Televisions

Many of the people who live near wind farms complain that the wind

turbines interfere with their television signals. This explains why most people
protest against the putting of wind farms in residential places. Turbines are also

known to interfere with radio signals.

The disadvantages of wind energy cannot be ignored. Some of these

limitations are so great that they cannot be ignored. Limitations such as the fact

that the amount of electricity that is produced is not worth the costs that

were incurred to make the wind farms is a major limitation that has to be

considered before setting up a wind farm. Wind energy is not a reliable source of

power as there are days when the wind will not blow and this result into a

situation where electricity will not be available until the wind begins to blow

again. It is important to have a reliable source of power as lack power interferes

with almost all activities that take place in daily living. The fact that this form of

energy is not likely to improve makes it more undesirable.



Air-conditioning (often referred to as AC, A.C., or A/C) is the process of

removing or adding heat from/to a space, thus cooling or heating the space's

average temperature.

Air conditioning can be used in both domestic and commercial environments.

This process is most commonly used to achieve a more comfortable interior environment,

typically for humans or animals; however, air conditioning is also used to

cool/dehumidify rooms filled with heat-producing electronic devices, such as computer

servers, power amplifiers, and even to display and store artwork.

Air conditioners often use a fan to distribute the conditioned air to an occupied

space such as a building or a car to improve thermal comfort and indoor air quality.

Electric refrigerant-based AC units range from small units that can cool a small bedroom,

which can be carried by a single adult, to massive units installed on the roof of office

towers that can cool an entire building. The cooling is typically achieved through

a refrigeration cycle, but sometimes evaporation or free cooling is used. Air conditioning

systems can also be made based on desiccants (chemicals which remove moisture from

the air) and subterraneous pipes that can distribute the heated refrigerant to the ground for


In the most general sense, air conditioning can refer to any form of technology

that modifies the condition of air (heating, cooling, (de-)humidification, cleaning,

ventilation, or air movement). In common usage, though, "air conditioning" refers to

systems which cool air. In construction, a complete system of heating, ventilation, and air

conditioning is referred to as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC as

opposed to AC). (

Refrigeration cycle

In the refrigeration cycle, heat is transported from a colder location to a

hotter area. As heat would naturally flow in the opposite direction, work is

required to achieve this. A refrigerator is an example of such a system, as it

transports the heat out of the interior and into its environment. The refrigerant is

used as the medium which absorbs and removes heat from the space to be cooled

and subsequently ejects that heat elsewhere.

Circulating refrigerant vapor enters the compressor, where its pressure and

temperature are increased. The hot, compressed refrigerant vapor is now at a

temperature and pressure at which it can be condensed and is routed through

a condenser. Here it is cooled by air flowing across the condenser coils and

condensed into a liquid. Thus, the circulating refrigerant removes heat from the

system and the heat is carried away by the air. The removal of this heat can be

greatly augmented by pouring water over the condenser coils, making it much

cooler when it hits the expansion valve.

The condensed, pressurized, and still usually somewhat hot liquid

refrigerant is next routed through an expansion valve (often nothing more than a

pinhole in the system's copper tubing) where it undergoes an abrupt reduction in

pressure. That pressure reduction results in flash evaporation of a part of the

liquid refrigerant, greatly lowering its temperature. Aircraft air conditioners use

turbines for cooling, more efficient but more complex. The cold refrigerant is then

routed through the evaporator. A fan blows the interior warm air (which is to be

cooled) across the evaporator, causing the liquid part of the cold refrigerant

mixture to evaporate as well, further lowering the temperature. The warm air is

therefore cooled and is pumped by an exhaust fan/ blower into the room. To

complete the refrigeration cycle, the refrigerant vapor is routed back into the

compressor. In order for the process to have any efficiency, the

cooling/evaporative portion of the system must be separated by some kind of

physical barrier from the heating/condensing portion, and each portion must have

its own fan to circulate its own "kind" of air (either the hot air or the cool air).

Modern air conditioning systems are not designed to draw air into the

room from the outside, they only recirculate the increasingly cool air on the

inside. Because this inside air always has some amount of moisture suspended in

it, the cooling portion of the process always causes ambient warm water vapor to

condense on the cooling coils and to drip from them down onto a catch tray at the

bottom of the unit from which it must then be routed outside, usually through a

drain hole. As this moisture has no dissolved minerals in it, it will not cause

mineral build-up on the coils. This will happen even if the ambient humidity level

is low. If ice begins to form on the evaporative fins, it will reduce circulation

efficiency and cause the development of more ice, etc. A clean and strong

circulatory fan can help prevent this, as will raising the target cool temperature of

the unit's thermostat to a point that the compressor is allowed to turn off

occasionally. A failing thermistor may also cause this problem. Refrigerators

without a defrost cycle may have this same issue. Dust can also cause the fins to

begin blocking air flow with the same undesirable result: ice.

By running an air conditioner's compressor in the opposite direction, the

overall effect can be completely reversed and the indoor compartment will

become heated instead of cooled. The engineering of physical and thermodynamic

properties of gasvapor mixtures is called psychrometrics.

Conceptual Model of the Study

On the basis of the foregoing concepts, theories and finding related literature,

studies and insights taken from them, a conceptual model was developed as shown



Requirements Analysis Solar and Split
Type Air-
Renewable Design
Conditioning Unit
Energy Sources
Creation/Fabrication Wind Turbine for
Lighting System
Hardware Requirements
Testing and
Solar Panel
Small Windmill
Hybrid Charge

Figure 1. The Conceptual Model of the Study

The input is consists of knowledge requirements and hardware requirements.

Studying all about the different types of energy sources and also, air- conditioning that

needed to do the process like analysis, design, creation/fabrication, and testing and

implementation will result to complete the output/project solar and split type air-

conditioning unit wind turbine for lighting system.

Operational Definition of Terms

Solar and Split Type Air-conditioning Unit Wind Turbine A hybrid of solar

panel and split type air-conditioning unit wind turbine that is use to save

electricity and for lighting system.

Hybrid Charge Controller A regulator or battery regulator that receive wind

and solar energy and limits the rate at which electric current is added to or drawn

from electric batteries. It prevents overcharging and may protect against

overvoltage, which can reduce battery performance or lifespan, and may pose a

safety risk.

Battery is a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells with

external connections. When a battery is supplying electric power, its positive

terminal is the cathode and its negative terminal is the anode. This is where the

solar panel and split type air-conditioning wind turbine charge.

Inverter - converts the variable direct current (DC) output of

a photovoltaic (PV) solar panel and split type air-conditioning wind turbine into

a utility frequency alternating current (AC) that can be used for lighting purposes.
Chapter 3


This chapter presents the project design, project development, operation and

testing procedure and the evaluation procedure.

Project Design

The Solar and Split Type Air-Conditioning Unit Wind Turbine is a combination

of solar panel and split type air-conditioning unit wind turbine designed to the people

who has split type air-conditioning unit at home/offices to save electricity and for lighting


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