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Dictionary Skills

Worksheet 1

Little Red Riding Hood and Wolfie Hood

Once upon a time there was a big bad wolf. This wolf lived in Sherwood
Forest near Nottingham which is the same forest where Robin Hood and his
Merry Men used to hide. People from the nearest village called him Wolfie
5 One day, Wolfie Hood was very hungry. So, he decided to look for some
food. He went towards an old womans house. She was Little Red Riding
Hoods grandmother. When the old lady opened the door she saw the horrible
wolf with its sharp white teeth... Wolfie ate her up in one big bite! But he was
still very hungry... He decided to dress the old womans clothes and wait for
10 Little Red Riding Hood. Thus, he put on the clothes and he sat in Grandmas
Suddenly, Little Red Riding Hood came in. She felt that her Grandma was
looking different so she said:
What great big ears you have, Grandma!
All the better to hear you with, Wolfie
What great big eyes you have, Grandma!,
15 said the girl.
All the better to see you with, the wolf
replied thinking that compared to her Grandma
Little Red Riding Hood would taste like caviar!
Then Little Red Riding Hood said:
20 But Grandma, what a beautiful great big
furry coat you have on!
Thats wrong!, cried the wolf, Have you
forgotten to tell me what big teeth I have got?
Well, Im going to eat you anyway!
The girl in red smiled and pointed a gun to the wolf.
She killed him with one shot!
Two weeks later, people saw Little Red Riding Hood
and they said she looked different. She didnt have her
25 red cloak on or her red hood upon her head. She told
Hello, and please note... My lovely furry

(An adaptation from Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf by Roald Dahl)

1. L o ttulo e diz de que trata o texto.

2. Traduz as palavras sublinhadas no texto para o portugus.
3. Indica a categoria gramatical das palavras bite (l. 6) e shot (l. 22).
3.1. Estas palavras podem ter outros significados. Indica-os.
4. Traduz para o portugus as seguintes frases do texto:
4.1. Once upon a time there was a big bad wolf.
4.2. All the better to see you with, the wolf replied thinking that compared to her
Grandma Little Red Riding Hood would taste like caviar!

Good Work

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