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Streptococcus suis a hemoglobin level of 14.1 g/dL, and ed moving swine from a farm on which
a platelet count of 157,000/mL. Strep- the farmer reported pneumonia, a rare
Meningitis in tococcus suis was isolated from CSF yet reported manifestation of S. suis in-
Swine Worker, and 2 of 4 blood cultures. Identifica- fection in swine.
Minnesota, USA tion of S. suis was confirmed by us- The patient reported always wear-
ing 16S rRNA gene sequencing at the ing coveralls, boots, and gloves while
To the Editor: Streptococcus Minnesota Department of Health. loading and unloading swine, but he
suis is a major bacterial pathogen in The patient was given decadron, wore a dust mask only occasionally.
swine worldwide. Historically, cases ceftriaxone, ampicillin, vancomycin, He had no recent foreign travel and
in humans have occurred sporadical- and acyclovir. During hospitalization, no skin breaks. However, absence of
ly, mostly in Asia (1,2). However, an antimicrobial drugs were tapered until open wounds has been noted in previ-
outbreak in China involved 215 hu- he received only ceftriaxone. Major ous case-patients (10).
man cases and 39 deaths (3). Only 3 symptoms were severe headache and The reported incubation period
human cases of S. suis disease were nausea. He was discharged in good for S. suis infection in humans rang-
documented in the United States be- condition on day 10 of hospitalization es from hours to weeks, and open
fore 2011: 2 domestically acquired and then completed a 14-day course of wounds are associated with shorter
cases in New York and Hawaii, and ceftriaxone. incubation periods (2). Case-patients
1 case in a person in California who There are 35 known serotypes in the United States reported known
was probably exposed in the Phil- of S. suis (1). Of these serotypes, se- risk factors, including handling ill
ippines (4). We describe a case of rotype 2 is most commonly identified swine or slaughtering and processing
S. suis disease in a swine worker in in infected swine and humans (2). The swine for meat (4). In this instance,
Minnesota, USA. S. suis isolate from this patient was the patient only loaded and unload-
The case-patient was a previously identified as serotype 2 by coaggluti- ed slaughter-weight swine from his
healthy 60-year-old man (truck driv- nation test at the International Refer- truck. He reported transporting swine
er). On December 14, 2011, severe ence Laboratory at the Universit de that had pneumonia, which is com-
headache and chills developed, which Montral (5). The sequence type was mon in finishing stages of swine pro-
he attributed to the onset of influenza. identified by PCR as type 25, a com- duction. However, although S. suis
He had a history of migraine head- mon type in North America (6,7). The can cause pneumonia, this disease in
aches, and used prescription medica- isolate was positive by PCR for the finishing swine is probably caused
tions to treat his headache. However, gene encoding virulence-associated by other common pathogens such as
on December 15, he awoke with a se- factor muraminidase-released pro- Pasteurella multocida, Mycoplasma
vere headache that was unresponsive tein and negative for genes encoding hyopneumoniae, influenza virus, and
to treatment. Despite having to stop virulence-associated extracellular fac- porcine reproductive and respiratory
his truck several times because of the tor and suilysin (8). The isolate was syndrome virus. A definitive source
severe headache, he successfully com- genotyped by enterobacterial repeti- of infection for this patient was not
pleted his delivery route. tive intergenic consensus PCR and identified. This case demonstrates a
Early on December 16, his wife compared with 750 swine isolates in rare but potentially under-recognized
drove him to a nearby emergency de- the University of Minnesota Veteri- occupational hazard for workers
partment after he did not respond to nary Diagnostic Laboratory database in the swine industry in the United
ordinary commands. The patient had (9). The obtained fingerprint matched States.
reduced coordination and behaved that of 15 S. suis isolates from swine
aggressively. His blood pressure was meningitis cases in Minnesota and In- Acknowledgments
92/52 mm Hg. He underwent intuba- diana during 20062010. We thank the hospital and laboratory
tion for 24 hours for airway protection, The patient worked for a truck- staff at Ridgeview Medical Center, the
and a lumbar puncture was performed. ing company that transports swine laboratory staff at the Minnesota Depart-
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) had a throughout the Midwest. His daily ment of Health Public Health Laboratory,
leukocyte count of 10,501 cells/mL work required traveling to swine farms and Jason Daniels for assistance.
(99% neutrophils), a protein level of in Minnesota and making occasional
H.N.F. is an Applied Epidemiology
509 mg/dL, and a glucose level of 38 trips to South Dakota and Iowa. His
Fellow supported by a fellowship from the
mg/dL. A few gram-positive diplococ- job was to load slaughter-weight swine
Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
ci were observed in CSF. Complete into the truck and deliver them to re-
tion and the Council of State and Territo-
blood count showed a leukocyte count gional slaughterhouses. Approximately
rial Epidemiologists.
of 14,800 cells/mL (92% neutrophils), 1 month before illness onset, he report-

330 Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol. 19, No. 2, February 2013

Heather N. Fowler, Paul Brown, 10. Gottschalk M, Segura M, Xu J. Strep- breaks for human S. suis disease, we
tococcus suis infections in humans: the investigated co-infections of S. suis
Albert Rovira, Beth Shade,
Chinese experience and the situation in
Kathryn Klammer, Kirk Smith, North America. Anim Health Res Rev. and PRRS virus (PRRSV) in sick pigs
and Joni Scheftel 2007;8:2945. in 3 provinces of Vietnam during the
Author affiliations: Minnesota Department S1466252307001247 PRRS outbreaks in 2010 (online Tech-
of Health, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA (H.N. nical Appendix Figure).
Fowler, B. Shade, K. Klammer, K. Smith, J. Address for correspondence: Heather N. We sampled 108 farms reporting
Scheftel); Lakeview Medical Clinic, Waco- Fowler, Minnesota Department of Health, 625 pigs that had a clinical syndrome con-
nia, Minnesota, USA (P. Brown); and Uni- North Robert St, St. Paul, MN 55155-2538, sistent with PRRSV infections in the
versity of Minnesota, St. Paul (A. Rovira) USA; email: provinces of Thai Binh (May), Tien
Giang (July), and Soc Trang (July).
Samples were blood from sick febrile
pigs and postmortem tissue from fresh-
ly culled pigs. To confirm swine PRRS
1. Segura M. Streptococcus suis: an emerging
Streptococcus suis outbreaks, we performed reverse tran-
human threat. J Infect Dis. 2009;199:46. and Porcine scription real-time PCR on 1 randomly
2. Wertheim HF, Nghia H, Taylor W, Schultsz Reproductive selected plasma sample from each farm
(7). A total of 103 (95%) plasma sam-
C. Streptococcus suis: an emerging human
pathogen. Clin Infect Dis. 2009;48:617
and Respiratory ples from 103 farms tested positive for
25. Syndrome, Vietnam PRRSV (Chinese genotype). We ad-
3. Yu H, Jing H, Chen Z, Zheng H, Zhu X,
Wang H, et al. Human Streptococcus
ditionally selected 3 PRRSV-positive
To the Editor: Streptococ- farms per province for comprehensive
suis outbreak, Sichuan, China. Emerg In-
fect Dis. 2006;12:91420. http://dx.doi.
cus suis, an opportunistic pathogen PRRSV screening of all 42 sampled
org/10.3201/eid1206.051194 of swine, is an emerging zoonotic pigs; 100% of samples from the 9 farms
4. Fittipaldi N, Collis T, Prothero B, Gott- pathogen among humans (1). In Viet- were PRRSV positive. After swine out-
schalk M. Streptococcus suis meningi- nam, S. suis is the leading cause of
tis, Hawaii. Emerg Infect Dis. 2009;15: breaks ended, blood samples from 52
human acute bacterial meningitis healthy pigs from 10 farms that had no
1512.090825 (2). Infection in humans is associ- recent history of PRRS were collected
5. Gottschalk M, Higgins R, Boudreau M. ated with direct exposure to infected from Tien Giang Province (March
Use of polyvalent coagglutination re- pigs or infected raw or undercooked
agents for serotyping of Streptococcus 2011). None of the 52 plasma samples
suis. J Clin Microbiol. 1993;31:21924.
pork products (3). Of the 35 S. suis from the 10 control farms tested posi-
6. King SJ, Leigh JA, Heath PJ, Luque I, Tar- serotypes, only a limited number are tive for PRRSV.
radas C, Dowson CG, et al. Development pathogenic for pigs, and clinical cas- We investigated the presence of
of a multilocus sequence typing scheme es in humans have most frequently
for the pig pathogen Streptococcus suis: SS2 in blood and tissue samples from
identification of virulent clones and po-
been attributed to serotype 2 (SS2) pigs on PRRS- and non-PRRSaffect-
tential capsular serotype exchange. J (1). In Vietnam during September ed farms by bacterial culture (online
Clin Microbiol. 2002;40:367180. http:// 2006November 2007, the carrier Technical Appendix Table). A total of rate of S. suis among slaughterhouse
3680.2002 534 specimens from sick pigs yielded
7. Fittipaldi N, Xu J, Lacouture S, Thara-
pigs was 41% (222/542); SS2 was the 9 (1.7%) SS2 isolates. One (2%) of 52
vichitkul P, Osaki M, Sekizaki T, et al. most frequently identified serotype in specimens from the healthy control
Lineage and virulence of Streptococcus 14% (45/317) of S. suis isolations (4). pigs yielded a non-SS2 S. suis isolate.
suis serotype 2 isolates from North Amer- Porcine respiratory and reproduc-
ica. Emerg Infect Dis. 2011;17:223944. S. suis has been proposed to contribute
tive syndrome (PRRS) is a major dis- to the spread of antimicrobial resis-
8. Silva LM, Baums C, Rehm T, Wisselink ease affecting the swine industry glob- tance genes to other human pathogen-
H, Goethe R, Valentin-Weigand P. Viru- ally; the severity of PRRS in pigs can ic streptococci (8). The antimicrobial
lence- associated gene profiling of Strep- be increased by co-infection with S.
tococcus suis isolates by PCR. Vet Mi- susceptibility results of 9 SS2 isolates
crobiol. 2006;115:11727. http://dx.doi.
suis (5). In 2010, PRRS outbreaks in by disk diffusion (9) revealed a high
org/10.1016/j.vetmic.2005.12.013 swine were reported in 49 of 63 Viet- prevalence (6/9, 66%) of resistance to
9. Versalovic J, Koeuth T, Lupski JR. namese provinces (online Technical tetracycline, tobramycin, enrofloxa-
Distribution of repetitive DNA sequences Appendix Figure,
in eubacteria and application to finger- cin, and either marbofloxacin or chlor-
printing of bacterial genomes. Nucleic Ac-
EID/article/19/2/12-0470-Techapp1. amphenicol.
ids Res. 1991;19:682331. http://dx.doi. pdf) (6). To understand the poten- PCR amplification of the 16SrD-
org/10.1093/nar/19.24.6823 tial implications of swine PRRS out- NA gene (10) and the cps2J gene (2)

Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol. 19, No. 2, February 2013 331

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