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ALUNO: .................................


1. Use the comparative of Equality of the adjectives in parentheses. (Use o comparativo de igualdade dos
adjetivos entre parnteses)
a) Molly is________________________________________Susy. ( sensitive )
b) This magazine is________________________________that newspaper. ( good)
c) Joes car is_________________________________Pamelas. ( bad)
d) Helen is___________________________________Joyce. (fat )
e) My school is__________________________________your school. ( big)
f) My father is___________________________________my grandfather. ( happy)

2. Complete the sentences with the comparative Inferiority of the adjectives. (Complete as frases com o
comparative de inferioridade dos adjetivos)

hot - expensive - intelligent - good - pretty - tall

a) Summer is_____________________________________spring.
b) That house is______________________________________my house.
c) Albert Einstein was _________________________________than that man.
d) O Alquimista is ____________________________________ of O Cdigo DaVinci.
e) Gisele Buinchen is _________________________________Naomi Campbell.
f) The skyscrapers in New York are__________________________________in my city.

3. Write the comparative of the adjectives. (Escreva os comparativos dos adjevtivos)

a) Nice ___________________________________
b) Big ___________________________________
c) Fat ___________________________________
d) Heavy ___________________________________
e) Hungry ___________________________________
f) Difficult ___________________________________
g) Good ___________________________________
h) Bad ___________________________________

3) Leia o texto e responda:

There was an important historic event in 1492: Christopher Columbus and his ships were in the
New World. It was the discovery of America. But that was a tragedy for the real first Americans: the Indians.

a) O texto est :

( ) no presente ( ) no passado

b) A frase grifada est em que forma?

( ) afirmativa ( ) negativa ( ) interrogativa

4) Considerando a frase grifada, passe-a para a forma negativa e interrogativa:

a) Negativa


b) Interrogativa
5) Veja as frases e suas tradues:
Eu nasci em 1975: I was born in 1975
2.Eu no nasci em 1969:I wasnt born in 1969.

Com base nas explicaes acima, passe as frases a seguir para o ingls:
1.Ele nasceu em 1970:............................................................................

2.Ela no nasceu em 1967:..............................................................

6) Passe as frases abaixo para a forma interrogativa:

a) She was reading.
b) I was playing.
c) He was studying.
d) They were swimming.
e) Mary was dancing.
7) Passe as frases abaixo para a forma negativa:
a) They were singing. __________________________________________________________
b) We were studying. __________________________________________________________
c) Bob was playing. __________________________________________________________
d) They were drinking. __________________________________________________________
e) I was running. __________________________________________________________

8-Preencha a tabela com verbo to be no passado, forma negativa:

Present tense Traduo Past tense Traduo
I Am not Eu no sou / eu no estou

You Are not Voc no / voc no est

He is not Ele no / ele no est

She is not Ela no / ela no est

It is not Ele ela no / no est

We Are not Ns no somos / no


You Are not Vocs no so / no esto

They are not Eles-elas no so / no esto

9) Use a forma correta do verbo to be no passado:

1) I (be) ________ tired yesterday. 2) You (be) ________ happy

D. was
E. were A. was

3) We (be) ________ sad yesterday. 4) They (be) ________ busy

A. was
B. were A. was
B. were

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