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Jordan in Spain

Jordan Smith
Office of Learning Abroad
May 4th May 18th, 2017

Project Summary
For my EDGE project, I traveled to Spain with the
SUU Psychology Department. I got an opportunity to
look at the Spanish culture and environment from a
psychological standpoint. I was able to visit multiple
cities and numerous important architectural sites,
including remnants of the ancient civilizations that
shaped Spain: some of the places we visited dated
back as far as 1 B.C.

I felt as if I was walking through a living history that

shaped the cultural dynamics of modern Spain.

Project Highlights
On one of my morning jogs, I ran through a pro-
democracy demonstration. The activists were One of the many wonderful dishes I had in Spainfresh
just getting stirred up and police with machine- caught fish from the Mediterranean and green salad. The
guns were just starting to converge. I remember culture of food in Spain is amazing: they turn everything
thinking clearly, Im witnessing Spains into art.
political movements firsthand.
Many times, while asking for directions or
advice from locals, I learned that people are
generally very kind and seemed to have good
will towards me as a guest in their country. I was
truly impressed by this.
I plan to travel abroad more in the future, and
this trip has made me much more comfortable
and confident with the idea of future endeavors

From My Journal
May 9th, 2017 The Roman aqueducts, located in the city of Segovia,
date back to 1 B.C. This amazing structure was built
Waking up at the Hotel Sauce in the beautiful city of entirely without mortar. I was able to walk from one end
Zaragoza. Im looking out the small balcony in my of this architectural wonder to the other.
room. This gives me an amazing view of the tree-
lined streets. Great care was taken in the design of the
city. What a great place to think and contemplate

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