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Geometry - Quarter 2

Present a Mathematician
During Quarter 1, you researched a particular mathematician who contributed to the field of
Geometry. In Quarter 2, you will give a 5 - 8 minute presentation on that mathematician.

Your presentation should address the following, and more:

Where the mathematician lived. You must be able to show it on a map.
The important moments in the mathematicians life.
The historical context of the mathematician and region (i.e. what it was like when and
where he lived and how that affected his life).
The mathematicians main contribution to geometry, including the specific theorems,
proofs, solutions, etc. that he is known for.
The mathematicians legacy. (In your own words, why he is still important today.)
The personal life (family, etc.) of the mathematician is not important for this presentation.
Focus on the mathematics.

Presentation Requirements
Between 5 - 8 minutes
One Visual Aid (Powerpoint, Poster, Video, etc.)
Use white board to demonstrate one of the mathematicians ideas
Should NOT be read directly from any source

Your presentation date:

Being unprepared or absent (unexcused) on the assigned presentation date will result in an
automatic letter grade reduction.
Grading Rubric
Each category below is worth 10 points. Target = 4 points, Satisfactory = 3 points, Unsatisfactory = 1 point.


Visual aid is visible, clear, and easy to interpret.

Visual aid includes relevant information that appropriately supports


Basic life information is discussed, but not overemphasized.

Region / location where the mathematician lived is indicated on a map.

Regional and historical circumstances are discussed.

Regional and historical circumstances are related to the mathematicians life and

The whiteboard is used to demonstrate a mathematical idea important to the


The mathematical concept is explained clearly and related to the importance of

the mathematician.

Legacy of the mathematician is emphasized. (x2)

Uses notes and cues from visual aid, not read directly from paper or other source.

Presenter speaks loudly and clearly for everyone to hear.

Presentation is between 5 and 8 minutes.

Total ________ / 48


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