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Learn English For Early Childhood

Agree if Learning English For Early Childhood

I agree if the early childhood has been given an English language education because the brain and
the ability of children like a bottle that is still empty, not filled by anything. If we fill with English
lessons then their absorption is very high. With that kind of thinking, kids tend to learn English
more easily. Moreover, if the child loved the language lesson that we give, surely the children
more quickly master the English language. The age of ordinary kindergarten children is easier to
digest the lessons in school, including English. Children at that age tend to follow the things they
love. For example, at this time have many tv shows that teach English. Moreover, many cartoon
programs use two languages, namely Indonesian and English. With many opinions from experts
on language learning in children, proving that teaching English to children is easier than teaching
them to adults. Although, in learning children prefer to play rather than learn. However, we can
teach English in a way that they like. For example, by watching tv, now there are many tv shows
that use English language. It can be one way for children's learning. Because, children tend to
follow what they see and hear.

That way, it appears that mastering English is very important and very useful for us. At this time,
if we do not speak English we will find it hard to get a job. Because the conditions proposed by
companies now are able to speak English. It appears that teaching English to children is easier to
master than to teach it to the dead. It is not wrong for us to teach English to children from now on.
Because at the age of the children they tend to be more in control and want to always do the things
they like. Make the English into something fun for them.

Not agree if Learning English For Early Childhood

I do not agree if early childhood must learn english, because although multilingual ability, is
believed will bring some positive impact to child, but feared also can give negative impact. One
such negative impact is semi-lingualism. Children are taught English but can not master each
language as a whole. As a result, the ability berbahasanya also become paced and mixed-up.
According to Gabriel, when children start school and new language is introduced in school, the
exposure of mother tongue gradually decreases. "It is possible that this will have an impact, such
as the limitations of children to master both languages. This can lead to difficulties in the academic
field and social abilities of children, "said Gabriel. Therefore, according to Gabriel, a child should
first master his mother tongue, before being introduced to additional languages.

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