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Jai Mata DI

"6th House -- The Power House of your Horoscope"

Hello friends !!

For the last few weeks rather I should say last few months I was constantly thinking what I should write
on astrology , what should i present in this group which is never heard about , not even people dreamt
about ...

What can I share with you which not only increase your astrological knowledge but also you will be able
to understand the real concepts/yogas in horoscope of those people who actually did stupendo-
fantabulous job in this world, ""jinhone duniya mein aise aise kaam kiye hai jinki wajah se na unka naam
hua parantu duniya bhi badal gayee ""

Today I am going to share with you people something you have never thought about..

As per common astrologer which house is the best house in the horoscope which can give u all what
other common people only dream about ...

is it 1st,5th,9th houses....the Laxmi Stahanas ...



Is it... 1,4,7,10 ..the Quadrants which give birth to all PanchMahapurush Yog...


then.. 8th house , house of hidden treasures or 12th of bed pleasure.. Yeah may be it can
give you all those things which normally a teenage boy/girl want ;) ... Sorry but not at all ..this house is
not going to give you all which other just dream about...


What common man dream Aam aadmi ...letss say Aam aadmi party ... They wanted Name
fame... yeh they got.. but it was just like Anar bomb which burns in Diwali just for fractions of seconds.....

So I should not waste your energy on reading those things which are just creating hype for you but
nothing concrete is coming..

The House which is called the power house in astrology ..The most power generating house in
horoscope.. every house is just so small in front of this house... even 3rd house ..the house of
courageousness, valor, braveness also draws energy from this house ...

6th House of a horoscope---the Power house of horoscope

Why.... How... How this could be possible..No I don't think so...

Confused ??

Let me explain you why this house and how can be this house... which for general astrologer is the house
of disease , debt ,accidents, ditch from partner etc...

Before that ..just keep aside the astrological knowledge you have ..because glass full of water will not be
able to take fresh water at if you want to understand this concept.. clear everything have in
your mind...

Let me explain you with example..

If you are working in GYM .. and you want to loose weight or you want to build muscle what you will see
in the chart.

Mangal to develop muscles , some will say saturn because you need discipline..Some will say I will
check 3rd house that how much he have courage to take up this challenge..So many things.. but what is
the 1st most imp thing to see...

Yes you have to see how much he is willing from inside ..because if you are not ready from your brain
even going regularly to gym wont help you to stimulate your muscles which inturn helps you in
loosing/gaining weight. Because surprising your muscles everytime is the key to achieve your target.
Monotonous routines shows less results than shocking your muscles.

Then whats the link of GYM with your 6H... Yes there is a strong link..

Your positive attitude towards your Goal and proper planning . Once you will execute your plan with
positive attitude . Then only you will be able to move further. So thats why in astrology .. it is called the
power house. Everything you do , everything you aim for , you need some power some fuel to move
ahead. Which house will give you that power. 6House which is called the fuel the power house of your

6th house -- Mercury is the owner of this House and ketu is the karak of this house

Mercury is the most important planet in today's world, it is the luxury car in this world . It represents
mainly communication, sister,maternal aunt , green colour but the most imp it is the power of
execution of your plans. You may be able to make good plans but when it comes on the execution of
your plansyou need strong mercury in your chart.

Like if jupiter in 3rd house (house of mercury, karak is Mangal) you may be able to make plans but there
will always be problem in execution of it . Since jupiter is the enemy of mercury esp if mercury also
placed together with jupiter or if mercury is debilited, bad , combust ,aspect of bad planets on mercury
or in any way mercury is becoming ashubh by all the laws (which is being used to check the true nature
of Mercury-- so called Taseer of a planet in Lal Kitab)..(explaining those laws is beyond the scope of this

Ketu represents son

ketu hota hai vichaar..

positive thoughts is good ketu ,

bad thoughts is bad ketu

neech ketu as by Neech Vichaar,

Name fame also represented by Ketu

Yes you may say Sun is for fame but not exactly...Some say Saturn as Sasha yoga or any other panch
Mahapurush yoga gives you fame..No Friends , Not exaclty thats why i said ..Keep your knowledge aside
and let me explain the concepts in my way so that you can understand the things in the way I want you
to understand.

So lets move further...

Ketu --> If ketu is positive/shubh/Good/Exalted etc.. you will surely have Name/Fame in this world but
other laws should support ketu as well.. again..wont be explaining it in details--HOW ??..beyond the
scope of this article..

So what y ou understood till now that 6th house is owned by Mercury which has the power of execution
of your plans, and Karak ketu which is the owner of thoughts. Good/positivethoughts and good planning
and execution of your plans will be sufficient to give you name/Fame in this world.

Achi soch se acha idea aata hia.. acha idea execute ho jaye toh duniya badal deta hia..isiliye kehte hai na
" An Idea Can your wife oops sorry -- life

" Obviously bura kaam karne wale log b famous ho jate hai jaise Hitler,Osama Bin laden etc.. but they are
notorious people(Dark side of Name/Fame)..

""Ab agar Vichaar hi khrab hai/planning bhi nhi kar paye aur execute bhi nhi kar paye toh kya Naam hoga
uska/toh kya kaam hongay uske""

""Agar Kundli mein kuch bhi acha nhi hai toh bhai atleast vichaar hi ache rakhlo"" Yahi kaha jata hia na..

Thats why our old generation/Our elders always said.. ki ...."Be Optimistic"

Because HOPE is the only driving force in this world which makes you to work. HOPE is the real power. I
am writing whole this article at 2 AM midnight . Because I am hoping that tomorrow morning you will
read something new and something fresh which will surely help you to achieve your aim in your life.

Yeh sab Guru logon jo duniya mein naam kamate chale ja rahien hai kaise.. bas achi achi baatein
karke/acha gyan dekar ache vichaar karke... apna ketu toh acha kia hi kia..aap logon ka bhi karne ki
koshish kari..


Question is how can I get the power from 6th house..So that I can achieve what I want to...

There are 2 ways by which you can extract the power from 6th house...

1. Astrological Way !!

2.Philosophical way !!

But before I give you formula of this.. let me make very clear to you.. this whole universe and astrological
remedies work on one law given by Newton(rather I should say discovered by Newton)

--" Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed , it can be transformed from one form to another"--

1.Astrological Way :

If your chart is not able to deliver you the power get the power from the animals/relatives who
represent the Mercury and Ketu

A)Mercury Remedies 1. Take one handful of green Moong(Hari Moong Saboot)(represent Mercury) soak
in water with pinch of fitkari powder(mercury).Keep it on tuesday night near to your head and give it to
birds(represent Mercury) on Wednesday Morning. The mercury energy in your aura will be balanced. --
for 1 year do this remedy.

Other remedies as per your astrological chart.

B) Ketu Remedies-- Feed dogs and make them happy while feeding them .. be close to them so that the
energy released when they are happily eating will be absorbed by your aura.

Other remedies as per your astrological chart.

C)Feed Crows to make Mercury and Saturn (represent by Crow)strong..Because Saturn+Mercury will help
you in planning execution.

D)Remedies of 6th house rashi lord.

E) Artifical power--> This concept will be very new to you atleast from some people this concept is very
new. Some rare powers which is called power of artificial planets(I will explain in next article). You can
use that to get the power of Mercury and Ketu.

How the power of Artifical Mercury is created.

Have you ever tried to combine two different colours .. ?

Some different colour is made.. in the same way this is very unique concept given in Lal kitab that two
different planets combine together to create energy of planet which is represented by some different

For eg. if you mix Yellow colour with Blue colour it will make green colour in the same way

Jupiter+Rahu energy will create the same power like of Mercury. So you understood one thing which is if
your Jupiter is weak and Rahu also weak ..your mercury will surely not have its 100% power. SO if your
chart allows to wear Jupiter stone and Rahu stone then you can wear together(which is very risky and
can be worn by taking special consideration and consultation from good astrologer) to get the same
power of mercury (in case if your chart doesn't allows to wear emerald). There are so many other ways
to get the power of planets through artifical way but will be explained scientifically in the some other

Further to be added when -->

Saturn and Venus arev Together in chart it will create power of Exalted Ketu which can give you
name/fame . If both Saturn and Venus are good in your chart (law wise) and are in good houses.

Like in our PM Narendra Modi chart

Saturn+Venus in 10th house creating artifical power of Exalted Ketu which is good and positive thoughts
and are planning to give happiness to whole India ki janta. This combination will give him Name/Fame
success as well.

2) Philosophical way :

The only remedy and the only way to make your 6th house strong and draw the power ---Be positive .

Be optimistic be positive/never says negative word about others if you really feel negative about
them.Yes you can give negative feedback to friends to enlighten them ..but bura karna/bura sochna
means apna Ketu Khrab karna..

" Kuch nhi karna toh sirf acha hi soch lo" will make your ketu positive.

This will help you in overcoming all the problems of your 6th house(I am talking in sense of power not in
sense of diseases)..

So if your 6H is strong , deposition of planet is strong, your mercury and ketu are good and the artifical
power creating planet of the deposited planet are strong then for Sure are going to do something
special in this world.

eg. If your jupiter is in 6th house and is in good rashi and law wise is Shubh and Mercury and ketu also
good(all law wise) then artifical power of jupiter is created by Mercury+Rahu=Jupiter so if they are also

Dude you are going to create history in this world just wait for the right time.
But what about those who have nothing good about 6H. So friends just follow the remedies I suggested
to you. Atleast you will surely be recognized in your near area...

So friends whatever we thought, whatever we are planning to do in our life , the whole energy which is
required to support your aim is created in this house. You just need to use the energy wisely and achieve
your aim. If source is weak , your power house is weak , you cant expect something which you are
expecting to deliver at your end.

Signing off for now.. Just be positive, Never say bad to others and never draw any conclusion which is full
of negative thoughts without actually knowing the person. never hurt Dogs , make cordial relations with
your SON/Sala/Jija else you will make your KETU bad.

Never hurt any birds/feed crows make cordial relations with Sister ,father's sister,Maternal Aunt if you
dont have good relations with will make your Mercury weak and bada and last but not the

power of OPTIMISM will help you to draw the power from 6H.

"Jab Baba Bhole Nath Ki"

Taarrun G Kashyap

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