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Imray come back

Narrador: This story begin in a small town in India.

A young man was meeting with his friends as usual, but something bad was about to happen.

here the actors are talking and


Imray was his name, he was friendly, and he liked to drink and talk with his friends, but any day he

here the actors shout imray, imray

where is imray

Imray's house remained alone for four months, until Mr. Strickland went to live in it with his dog.

Time later a friend of Strickland arrived in town and stayed at the house of Strickland.

On a rainy night he was alone and heard noises, he heard footsteps and the doors opened and
closed and the dog was outside the house crying, the dog did not enter the house at night.

That night when Mr. Strickland arrived, they talked about this.

Friend: i am going to the hotel tomorrow, they have got a romm there now. I am very sorry but i
cant stay here. It is the noises in the house, you see. I am not getting any sleep at night and i cant
work well in the day because i am too tired.

Strickland: Stay with me another day or two, my friend, please dont go. Wait and see what
Friend: What is it.

Strickland:Is a snake

Friend: I dont like snake i am afraid of them, let is get it down an break its back

Here Strickland try catch the snake

Strickland: I cant see the snake, but . What is this? It is coming down! Be careful down there

here falls the body of Imray

Strickland: Our friend Imray is back (here he killer the snake)

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