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It was a dark and rainy night. Joe was walking home from his friend
Jim’s place when he heard a creaking sound and as he turned around,
he felt that someone was following him. He was little tensed and
afraid because he was alone that night and it was extremely dark. He
was walking through the forest which was very dense and
surrounded by the trees and there was a saying about the place that
it is dangerous to cross the forest after 10: 00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. in
the morning.

Joe was new in the town named, Kokang. He was young and outgoing
person who loved to go out and do late night parties with the friends.
He was working in the Information technology industry as a Business
Analyst. He was very adventurous and like to take risk in life.
One Saturday night he decided to go to Jim’s house after dinner to
have a drink as he was getting bored in the house. Jim was the first
friend in the town he made, who also helped him in shifting and
settling down in the new house. He had a great time that night, they
both watched the horror movie named, Amityville at late night and
had drink with popcorns.
It was around 3: 00 a.m. in the late night, he said goodbye to his
friend Jim and was wearing his shoes. Suddenly Jim came and asked
him to stay back for a night and leave in the morning as it was raining
heavily. But Joe thought that it is better to go home and sleep as he
likes to wake up late on Sundays. As Joe was leaving, Jim said to take
the road and suggested him not to take the short route from the
It was around 3. 30 a.m. at the night and Joe was in a little hurry to
reach home and sleep, so he ignored what Jim said to him and took
the shortcut route from the forest, but he was unaware of the fact
that it was prohibited to cross the forest at late night until morning.
His house was just 800 metres away from the Jim’s place. As he
reached in the middle of the forest he suddenly heard the creaking
sound from the back. He decided not to look back and walk straight
away. He started walking faster and was shivering with the fear that
there was someone who was following him. He did not notice the
stone laying in front of him and his foot struck on it and he fell down.
He tried to get up but he was not able to come up by his own, he
experienced there was something who was pulling him and not
allowing him to stand. He put the full force and get up again. This
time he decided to be extra careful and walk without fear in his mind.
He was now about to cross the forest and take the main road to his
house and he saw the yellow band put by the Police authorities on
which it was written that “DO NOT CROSS CRIME SCENE”.
He now remembers about Jim, who said to him to take the main road
at the night. He thought as soon as he will reach home he will call Jim
and let him know about the incident he faced at night.
He was back home and took the cold bottle of water out from the
refrigerator and tried to relax and sit on the sofa and have it. He was
still sweating and remembering his dreadful experience of last night.
He felt the goose bumps on his hand and decided to call to Jim. He
told Jim about his strange experience that he felt some negative
energy while crossing the forest, who pulled him down and did not
allow him to go back home.
Joe decided never to take the forest route at night and not to put the
life in danger and take the shortcuts in life.

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