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Outline Part 1

Mini Analysis
Author's appeal: used a mixture of ethos (cited credible sources) & logos(logic/reason/proof)
Authors tone: serious casual
Purpose of Authors writing strategies: the authors intended audience was for her classmates
and the teacher who assigned the prompt
- Point out how the events of society in the book are seen in the reality world. Although,
during the conservative times such crimes were not allowed by conservative people.
The world has become so accepting that everything is viewed as normal and no one will
get accused or scorned for their free choice of actions.
I. It is significant that credible sources, including the book Brave New World, is utilized
throughout the writing to convey ow the real world is just like the world depicted in Aldous
Huxleys book

1. Speaker, Occasion, and Subject
High school Student, Ayra Nunez, in her essay, Braver than a Brave New World, discusses how
the world once viewed what the characters in, Brave New World, committed as sin. But, as
societal views has evolved from perspective, some parts of what occurred in the book are seen in
present days.
2. Purpose
Nunezs purpose demonstrates how todays world is similar to that presented in Aldous Huxleys
book. Also, highlight the irony of his events as foreshadowing the evolution of humanity.
3. Audience
She immediately introduces examples (what would have been controversial to conservative
people) to give the audience a grip of what the challenges the essay will conduct.

Why did I need to write?
All my high school educators found it necessary for me to write because it is a
requirement that will show up in the workforce field and my academic career. The
writing level difficulty increased annually.
This research piece was required from my AP english teacher, Mrs. Aufforth.
- I chose the distinction between past and contemporary viewpoints
- In the world state kids played sex; in the real world kids are exposed to take a sex ed
- Bernard and Huxley were two characters who existing males could relate too, and that is
the competition of getting as many girls as they want without feeling any emotional
Constraints: retrieving sources and connecting them to my point of view, as well as linking it
with the book, being able to notice what rhetorical strategies the author used as his strength, there
was no peer review workshops
- I controlled my writing by finding pieces which satisfy the prompt and help the flow of
my writing
- If I could not find anything I would eventually just get ideas from the resources and
abandon the idea I originally had
Who was meant to read and use your writing and what did you want them to do with it? What
was my writing supposed to create for my audience?
My teacher was the only intended audience. I wanted to prove to her that I could answer
the prompt and utilize other sources properly throughout the assignment. I wanted to
prove that Huxleys foreshadowing was valid and seen in world events.

Conclusions: I learned that the writing pieces had their slight differences from being able to
backup my statement fully. Therefore, I used others. I began to learn how different authors
portray similar ideas as their own work. It is up to me (the rhetor) to establish my points and
correlate them with other writings. I have to properly quote them give my reasoning to why I
utilized that specific quote.

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